#smthn new but that's not rly true.
megkuna · 10 months
it is very hard for me to come to terms with the idea that like. actually people can't just be whatever they want to be. like as fantastic as the idea of shedding whatever habits u have and ur way of thinking and replacing it with something new is like i have found that to be like. literally. impossible for me. like sometimes i wake up like maybe i can become the sort of person who actually believes in these self-help books or like is very passionate about science. or whatever. i'll be the person who makes small talk with others at the grocery store line. and i've tried. sometimes i've tried rly hard and those things always felt like a particularly difficult performance as opposed to things i'm more "naturally" drawn to. idk. tbh. maybe i'm just overthinking a lot of things atm.
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tarotwithavi · 1 year
Hey, avi! I love ur works so much and they always turn out rly accurate for me.
I wanted to ask u this, and I hope u don't mind.
I keep seeing 1111 and 111 a lot this past month. Do u know what it means? And do I have to do anything? I'm asking you bcuz I think u might know smthn abt angel numbers. And I trust you so yea
Thanks in advance!
Heyy!! @theactresstarringinurbadreams how have you been doing? I hope you're doing great!
Well it can mean different things for different people. For example if you're manifesting something, it can mean your manifestations are coming true. It can also mean alignment with the universe or a blessing coming into your life. But generally 1111 means angel protection, angles helping you out and 111 is sort of a green light for a new start or just a big green light to move ahead. It also means that your on the right path.
I hope this helps!
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junipeach · 5 years
applying to uni this time around is going 10x faster only bc im not a lil bitch abt emailing ppl to get what i want
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junkyarddook · 2 years
How has this news not ruined your enjoyment with CEC? (/gq)
Animatronics are a big SI for me and I regularly go to CEC, but after hearing this it makes me feel sick. It's completely ruined my enjoyment immediately and I've taken all the CEC stuff off my blog because I can't even bear to look at it.
This is just personal experience, if you don't want to I understand I just want to know how you can manage it because I really hate losing this part of me I've held since childhood...
tbh, working at chuck e, being severely mistreated by them, nd learning how horrible of a corporation they are rly has made me build up a lot of resentment toward them. but tht just makes me wanna speak up, cuz they r not gonna stop till they go bankrupt.
after i quit i had to take a long break. i quit with 0 notice bc they literally broke me. quitting with no notice is something i have never done before, i dont like 2 do that. i had to take 2 weeks off from work after tht because they put me in such a bad mental state
after they mistreated me, i also could barely look at cec stuff because it made me so upset remembering what they did 2 me.,.. and tht something that made me so insanely happy, was ruined by horrible management, ableism and corporate greed. i went from absolutely loving my job and having it b the best part of my day, to throwing up due 2 anxiety before/ during every shift cuz i waz so scared of my manager screaming in my face orr threatening my promotion again, (which i never got btw!! they held a promotion over me for months, had me doing all the responsibilities for it but refused to give me the pay raise they promised me for it.) as well as having multiple anxiety attacks/ having to step outside bc i was bawling cuz of the way they treated us. every. single. shift. the worst part about it was they just took advantage of us, the ones who actually cared about working there. they went easier on us if we didnt like the job, but if they see u will put in the effort, time, commitment, and they wwill use that passion u have to run u into the ground. thatz so wrong to me.
at the samee time, this iz smthn I was already kind of prepared for, i am aware of, having a large corporation as my special interest. all corporations are evil, they just try 2 hide it. this was sadly going on the whole time. small stuff, or big. the way they advertise things is purposely confusing to try and get more money out of u. stuff like tht is super fucked up 2 me. for example at my location they charge a $2 fee to activate playpasses, which i was encouraged to hide from the customer. i was literally only allowed to tell them if they asked why they are being charged $2 extra. chuck e has been supporting autism speaks for 2 years now. they just deleted our comments last year becausee they dont fucking care about us. all they care about is money.
what makez me happy about chuck e cheese is not going there, or supporting them,, for me itz the characters, music, videos, merch, animatronics and art. all of these things u can access without supprting CEC entertainment..,. theres so many ways to still engage in this interest without supporting chuck e cheese as a corporation. draw art of the characters. watch content through other YT channels, not the official cec one. theres so much fan-created content at this point, that we dont need corporate. the new stuff theyre putting out is mostly garbage in my opinion anyways. im not gonna miss seeing them use the same 2 renders of rockstar chuck over and over lol. i luvv rockstar, but evrrything coming out now just has this vibe of "we slapped this together to trick u and get ur money". theres no effort put into anything. its just whatever is quickest, cheapest and will make them the most money. barbara the barnyard barber? just a song they bought the rights 2 and slapped cec adlibs on top of.
i love chuck e cheese so much that i can never give it up, its my special interest, its one of the only things tht brings me true happiness. u dont have to give it up either. u can still love chuck e and not support the company. i even still go sometimes to film the bots, i just dont buy any games, merch or food. u can go to a chuck e cheese completely 4 free, which is definitely a huge "fuck u" to corporate imo, since all they want is ur money.
tl;dr : u can still lovr chuck e cheese without giving them money/ supporting them. imo its not morally wrong if u r speaking up about the bad they r doing, or at the least, not ignoring it and not pretending they did nothing wrong. u just gotta find alternative ways to engage with the content.
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rubidusmagnet · 4 years
Teal, Scarlet, Maroon, Periwinkle, Mauve, Fuchsia, Vermillion, Saffron, Burgundy
TEAL: We have a lot in common.
SCARLET: You have influenced my decision/thoughts on something.
MAROON: You taught me something new.
PERIWINKLE: You make me laugh
MAUVE: You are really talented
FUCHSIA: Your blog content is gold
VERMILION: You make me feel passionate
SAFFRON: I love your ideas
BURGUNDY: I get excited when I see posts from you
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// Rly Anubis is this true? That is a lot of stuff to send in you know... I def didn’t really know that some if not most of these were true! I kinda thought we were just vibing or smthn but this is great!
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So I need to entrust some emotions on the internet for a minute here Bc I don’t rly have many personal friends that like talking about religion/spirituality stuff, and/or some i just don’t know their stance on, but like
I’ve been really distressed and sad for months and months now whenever it comes to what my heart wants to believe, what the majority of others believe, and what appears to be the truth of things.
I want, very much, in my heart, to believe in the existence of all deities. And to believe that they all love us, and are looking out for us, and want the best for us. No matter what our culture/s, where we live in the world, or anything like that. Even if I never actually have any interactions, sought out or otherwise, with, say, Japanese gods, I don’t like the idea of them turning me, or anyone else away, just because you’re not Japanese and/or living in Japan. I love and respect them because I consider them family, and I want them to see me in the same way. And all of us.
I want, in my heart, to not believe that Satan is this Horrible Person That Wants Your Souls and blah blah blah
Nor do I want to believe demons are here to try and make that happen, or always only want to scare you and terrorize you and ruin your life.
I want to believe basically the Lucifer (show, lol) version of things. Where he had to learn and grow (and I’m sure still does so) just as much as any of us. Where he’s not bad, or maybe struggles with that all the time, but still isn’t technically Evil or whatever. And demons are, or at least have the potential to be, just the same.
But, at the same time, when you constantly see and hear things about people’s experiences with things they shouldn’t mess with like Ouija boards, or sometimes even just paranormal investigating as safely as possible, hearing about bad experiences with things that sure don’t sound like only ghosts or spirits, it can feel hard to think maybe the truth isn’t as dark and scary as these stories are.
I want there to be something after we die. The thought that you just end, depresses me, and it always has and probably always will.
I don’t really care what awaits us, wether we reincarnate (the idea definitely sounds cool and sure seems to have a lot of cases that proves it’s happened before), still atone for whatever bad things we’ve done in one way or another in life, but genuinely want to become better as a race, and reincarnate to try and do just that, wether, eventually, some deity or deities come to make us immortal and we just live in legit peace and happiness for forever or smthn, like some kind of Bible Revelations shit, which I can’t say doesn’t sound unappealing to me or not make me happy at the thought of, I don’t know and I don’t care. I just want something, and I don’t want it to be sad. It would be great if we didn’t have to go through a sad period that separated the “Good” people, or “good people that believe this specific thing” from the “Bad” people, or if we at least didn’t have to have something sad and horrible happen to get to that happy ending, whatever it is. But I do understand sometimes sad and awful things have to happen before you can get to the happier ending. But I definitely hate, with a fiery passion, the idea that only people that accept one religion the way the majority of people WANT them to accept it, won’t get that happy ending, just because.
But then you’ve got so many people shoving in your face proof of the End Times and shit like that.
I don’t want this to be the end times. I’m 22. I’m young. There’s so much I want to do while I’m alive. There’s so many wonderful new generations coming. I want to see them blossom and grow, and make this sometimes awful world a better place. We’ve barely started to get our shit together, and it doesn’t even seem like we’ve been here for all that long when you think about it.
And it sucks, too, because I feel like I’m not really gonna be able to ever get any kind of irl interaction that gives support to that at all.
On one hand I’m certainly not a typical Christian. I don’t even call myself one anymore, but it’s not like I don’t wanna like certain things about it. And the truth, not what the majority of the believers tend to try and push. (I know not all of them are horrible, that’s why I say the majority Bc I was once in it and unfortunately know first hand just how true that is.)
On the other hand I’m not really a typical Heathen or Pagan either.
And on the third hand, I’m not straight, nor am I cis.
So, yeah, maybe I could eventually go to a church that’s LGBT friendly once I get my own way of being able to get to one separate from the phobic, sexist, racist churches my parents want to go to all the time. But will they shun me for wanting (and actively being) open to other beliefs too?
My parents, already being phobic, sexist, and racist as they are, are also the type of supposed Christians that I can’t stand, abusive, and try to be controlling. If I don’t want to go to church for perfectly understandable reasons, pray in the typical way they deem acceptable, or read my Bible all the time, they flip their shit and just assume I don’t believe anymore. That I’m being “rebellious against god”. And yeah, I am being rebellious lol. But against them, not god. 😒 I’m 22, and last year my mom threatened to kick me out of the house (that’s not hers), just because I don’t, and never really liked, expressing my belief in those ways. (It was an empty threat to try and scare me into doing them btw, don’t worry. They’re emotionally and verbally manipulative and abusive like that, but I’ll get out when I can, for now I just sadly have to deal with it for now and try to avoid the topic as much as possible.)
I know I know myself, that my parent’s voice don’t matter more than anyone else’s, and that what other’s say doesn’t matter. But I’m still human. I still don’t like hearing that I’m rejecting god just because of X Y Z. Because someone doesn’t approve of, or like, what I’m doing or how I’m doing it. I hate that kind of entitlement.
I don’t hate any religion. I don’t disbelieve any religion. Regardless of what I like the sound of, personally, or not. The only thing I hate are intollerant and cruel people, narrow minded or not.
But sometimes it just feels really dizzying, I guess. I know perfectly well that I can think and believe whatever my heart desires, it’s just been saddening me a lot for months now, that I have no idea of or when I’ll ever be able to have the chance to get support for when I’m having a hard time, like I am now, with someone I can actually interact with face to face. The internet’s amazing and great, but sometimes you’re just so surrounded by the opposite in your actual life that it would feel a lot better to have it around.
You’re welcome to relate, or comment, or reblog, or just leave something nice~. It would certainly help a lot right now ♥️
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wannasoftimagine · 7 years
park jihoon as your older friend
(( AS REQUESTED! // jihoon scenario where you're 2 years younger than him so you think he only sees you as a little sister but he confesses to you when he thinks you're gonna date someone else bc he's scared of losing you??? this is lowkey rly specific but THANK YOU!!! ))
ure used to hearing ppl talk abt how young jihoon is, and how hes so so so cute
of course, u agree with him
everyone does tbh
still, it makes u feel a little upset bc it seems like everyone who says those things are older than him, with jobs and life experience and history and Fancy Stuff like tht
so compared to them, u feel like a toddler
even tho ure only 2 yrs younger than jihoon, it feels like theres 100 yrs between u
it doesnt help tht jihoon is always going on radio shows and reality programs, acting cute whenever someone older so much as looks his way
u know u should prob just feel grateful tht ure close friends, since most ppl dont even get tht far
but sometimes u wonder if itd be better if u werent close, bc now he only sees u as a little sibling to take care of
u wish u could say it wasnt true, but everything he does is exactly like an older brother
he dotes on u and watches over u, but instead of acting like a caring boyfriend, he just seems like someone babysitting his little sibling and u haTE IT
ure not even sure how long uve liked him romantically, but its like whenever u remember how he used to treat u even when u first met, ure stuck thinking abt how he mustve seen u
after all, who can look at a kid tht used to cry whenever their parents went to work and go “oh yeah theyre cute i like them a lot” ???
not jihoon
esp when hes already way out of ur league to begin with
as u get older, ur feelings for jihoon dont completely fade
there r times when theyre easier to ignore, sure, but its impossible to think tht theyre actually gone
whenever u guys make eye contact over dinner at a fast food restaurant, he beams at u in a way tht cant possibly be taken as platonic
ur heart is beating way too fast for u to lie to urself
u try and move on by befriending other ppl and even trying to date some other ppl
of course tht rlly doesnt work out
u turn down almost anyone tht u could possibly go out with, and even when ur friends try and set u up with other ppl, u can never make it past the first blind date
(ure too busy comparing the strangers to jihoon and watching them all fall short)
u mention some of the blind dates to jihoon
at first its bc ure hoping he’ll get jealous and confess
but as more time goes on, hes still just as supportive in his answers, and u realize tht theres no use in hoping when he clearly doesnt feel the same way
then a new guy transfers to ur school, and hes vaguely attractive and smart and funny and u get along well enough
he asks u out after school one day, and ure like why not? so u accept a first date bc u might as well give it a shot
its the first date tht ure on where u try not to think so much abt jihoon
it works for the most part, but u still find ur mind drifting off and wondering what jihoons up to
when the guy excuses himself to take a phone call from one of his friends, u manage to text jihoon to check up on him
u banter back and forth, and u cant help the way ure grinning down at ur phone with every text he sends u
at some point he asks where u are, and u realize wHOOPS guess who didnt tell jihoon tht u were having a date tonight
cmon dude whats up w that
anyways so u explain to him tht ure on a date w the new guy in ur class
and jihoons response is surprisingly short and clipped
its just a quick “oh” and ure like “???” bc hes never responded quite like tht before
so u ask him if smthns up
u see the typing bubble appear and disappear, appear and disappear, and so on
eventually it just disappears completely and he doesnt start typing again and ure even more confused than u were before
after what seems like forever, he texts u to ask if ure having a good time
u tell him tht u think u are
honestly tho, ure not too sure bc now its impossible for u to think of anything other than him
the guy comes back with an apology and a smile, and ure forced to tuck ur phone away and try not to be too obviously distracted for the rest of the evening
tht proves to be WAY TOO HARD
the entire night ure picking apart the way the guy cuts his food (jihoon looks cute doing literally anything), how he gives u a smile when u meet eyes (it doesnt look as genuine and bright as jihoons), how jihoon wouldnt even take u to a restaurant like this (u both feel more comfortable somewhere lowkey and relaxed)
if the guy notices, he doesnt say anything
at the end, he just drops u off back at ur home and tells u he had a nice time, and “maybe we could do this again?”
all u can do is choke out a “maybe” in response before ure hurrying inside and scrambling to check ur phone
jihoon hasnt rlly texted u since u last checked, and u can feel ur heart drop a little in its chest
u send him a quick msg, asking what hes up to and if he wants to facetime or smthn bc ure done with the date, and hes quick to agree
right before u call him, u see his text saying tht “i need to talk to u abt smtn too so its good timing”
ure freaking out a little bc maybe hes going to tell u abt his own s/o now tht uve told him abt ur date and u can feel ur hands shaking as the connection loads
once ure in ur room, u manage to make out his tired (but still glowing) features on ur phone screen
u greet each other with half-stilted questions, and u cant help but wonder why ure both so awkward w each other
i mean. obv u know why u are
but ure like ? why is HE acting so weird
and after a few more moments of tense silence, u finally ask him what he wanted to talk abt
somehow even thru the phone screen u can see his face turn bright red
and u would think abt how cute it was if u werent also thinking tht u mustve been right, hes dating someone else, and u can feel ur eyes start to well up w tears bc uve always known tht he didnt like u back, but this time its so painfully obvious
thts when he clears his throat like “um,, y/n,,,, we’ve known each other for awhile and i kno ure kinda young but,,,,,,”
and somehow he hasnt noticed tht ure having a mental breakdown as he gets closer and closer to saying what he wanted to tell u
“anyways y/n,,, i rlly like u so please dont go out w that guy again and mb go out w me instead??”
which. WHAT
ure literally shellshocked and hes trying to explain on the other end like “i mean u dont have to if u dont want to i just wanted to tell u and-”
its honestly precious tbh
u barely manage to cut him off but ure still a mess of emotions so u cant rlly talk properly
ure pretty sure tht u end up saying the equivalent of a keyboard smash,,,
he quiets down tho, and as ure trying to figure out want u want to say, he just looks at u w this rlly cute earnest expression and ur heart MELTS
eventually u manage to choke out tht u like him and now its his turn to get surprised
he whisper-screams the whole thing, bc he doesnt want to actually scream and hurt ur ears but hes still freaking out and cant contain everything hes feeling
all u can do is nod and grin into ur hands and hes like “uGH now i wish i could tell u in person” but hes acting all soft and shy and tbh u dont think either of u could handle it if u were in the same room right now
ure both blushing and giggling and u feel so so relieved its kinda embarrassing
but he manages to cough out tht he’s rlly rlly happy tht u like him too, and “lets meet up soon? please?”
and who are u to deny him smthn like tht
(esp when uve been dreaming abt going on a date w him since forever ago)
eventually u have to end the call
but u both go to sleep that night with ur phones nearby, smiling even as u drift off to sleep
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gabedormer · 7 years
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hey it’s me , rat baby ( it’s z ) and here is my new child . LEMME RAMBLE TO YOU ABT HIM
abuse tw , illness tw , alcoholism tw , death tw 
&&. DYLAN O’BRIEN | HE/HIS | CISMALE —— that is GABRIEL DORMER. the TWENTY FOUR year old who is a GUNNER on board poseidon’s curse. it is rumored that gabriel is ADAPTABLE  && RECKLESS. while on board, gabriel is watching JOSEFINE FRIDA PETTERSON until the ransom comes through.
gabe was born in england to william and margaret dormer . he has 2 siblings -- an older sister ( 3 yrs older ) and a younger brother ( 2 yrs younger ) . they were a happy family up until he was 13 , ofc with the normal struggles for a lower class family , but they were surviving -- until they weren’t . gabe and his dad weren’t getting as much work as blacksmiths , they were hungry , and they were sick . ultimately , gabe’s mom and little brother died bc of their illness . they started doing better for a lil afterward bc  ... less mouths to feed .... but emotionally they were all devastated . some families could become closer after an event like that , but .... not these folks 
after they died , nothing was the same . gabe’s sister basically started filling in the parent role as their dad started wasting money on w.e alcohol he could find and he became a Trash Parent . he couldn’t deal with his grief and he would come home to his kids angry and upset 
when gabe was 16 & his sister was 19 , she decided she wanted to leave . she wanted to take gabe with her , they were v close and relied on each other a lot , but despite their dad’s abuse , gabe didn’t want to leave him . she tried her hardest to get him to come with , but he wouldn’t budge , and said he would be fine on his own . with LOTS of convincing , she left , and then it was just him and his dad . 
it took 3 more years before gabe left on his own . he still didn’t want to leave , but he knew he’d probably die if he stayed . he’d hid some money away from his dad , he grabbed what he had , and took off
for about a year and a half he was travelling around the country , finding work where he could , and got damn did he love it . he didn’t always have food to eat , nor a place to sleep , but that didn’t scare him . it excited him ! 
the idea of becoming a pirate didn’t appear until he was staying at a bar and he met one of the crew members of the poseidon’s curse and they were happy drunk nd just sharing stories and they told him about their life and he was like ‘ so ... can i join lmao ’ and then however u join a band of pirates , he did that ! and he’s been with them ever since . best decision of his life . he tried out a few things while working on board , but he loves being a gunner and that’s what he does best 
and it’s like it was meant to BE bc gabe doesn’t drink v often for  ...... obvious reasons ..... but this one time he managed to stumble upon the person who would set him up for the best adventure of his life 
adaptable: able to adjust to new conditions. simple as that ! it’s easy for him to adjust to situations that he’s thrown in , which is why he loves the spontaneity of being a pirate . he’s able to hand anything that’s thrown his way .
reckless: without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action. he’s vvvvvv impulsive . if something seems like a good idea , he will do it . once he thinks about something he wants to do , that’s all there is to it . he likes having the freedom to do whatever he likes , within ( some ) reason , like if cap gives orders then his impulse control can kick in , but other than that ...... EH ..... he was restricted for too long in his home so being away from that situation has just upped his need to be able to do w.e he wants . 
he went by gabriel at home , in his childhood ( the whole family was really religious up until The Deaths ) . after he left , tho , he started going by gabe . 
he’s pansexual and grey-romantic . he likes to have fun ! he’s met lots of ppl and one night stands are 👌👌 he’ll love u for a night and then that’s it . he v ... v rarely ... feels a romantic attraction for anybody . it’s definitely possible ! but rare . he’s felt romantic feels toward ppl but it’s like ‘ i wanna hold hands and adventure w. u and kiss but also if u try to initiate a relationship i’ll panic immediately ’ ( relatable ) . when it does happen , he’s mostly feels romantic attraction toward men , but there have been a few women . i’d say he’s only been in like .. 2 short relationships tho 
he doesn’t rly care for the royals . he doesn’t like them , but he doesn’t despise them either . it’s a job , he wants cash . and he’s honestly pretty laid back for the most part so they can complain as much as they wANT and he’ll just nod like ‘ yeah , no , i totally get that , yep ’
but he is a fighter tho  ..... he likes to fight ...... he’s got a lot of pent up aggression and if someone manages to piss him off ! yikes ! 
he’s got heterochromia ! or however u spell that word ! his left eye is brown , right eye is green
he loves nature a lot and clouds and stars and the moon he’s aLL about it
he tells most ppl that he’s an orphan even tho his dad was still alive n kickin when he left . after all these yrs , it could be true and it feels true , so that’s the story he goes with . 
the person who got him to come on the PC in the first place ! i imagine they’d be kinda close like that’s the first connection he made with a pirate and stuff ( open )
childhood friends . so  .... anyone from england and they prob strayed apart , maybe after his mom and brother died or smthn ( open & open )
one night stand . ( openx100 )
best friend ( open ) they’re rly close FAM be one of the two ppl who can get gabe to not act on impulse all the time lmao 
close friends ( open & open & open ) or give the boy a squad PLS 
a royal that can actually piss him off ( open ) 
a pirate that can actually piss him off -- maybe they’ve gotten into a fight before ? ( open & maybe 1 more open )
unlikely friends . presumably one of the royals . he’s chill w. most ppl but like maybe they’re actually on the road to developing a True Friendship 
one sided feels . someone that has feelings for gabe and maybe they had a one night thing or maybe they like him for his personality for some reason and they want more but he can’t give it to them : / 
i’m open to everything else on planet earth thank u !
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santafe1899-blog · 7 years
all of em idgaf
1. Last kiss
2. Last phone call
3. Last text message
4. Last song you listened to
uhh idk smthn on the radio that i didnt recognise
5. Last time you cried
6. Dated someone twice
7. Been cheated on
8. Kissed someone & regretted it
ehh yeah
9. Lost someone special
10. Been depressed
11. Been drunk and threw up
oh yeah
12. had sex
13. How many people have you had sex with this year?
uh… numbers aint whats important
15. Made a new friend
17. Laughed until you cried
like 100 times
18. Met someone who changed you
yeah. i love em a lot
19. Found out who your true friends were
i already knew i reckon
20. Found out someone was talking about you
26. What did you do for your last Birthday
party hard
27. What time did you wake up today
aint slept yet
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for
bein back in manhattan. w crutchie.
30. Last time you saw your all of your siblings at the same time
i. uh. when i was 14?
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life
32. What are you listening to right now
33. When is the last time you had sex?
like lst week
34. Who’s getting on your nerves right now
whoever left their fkn wings tv on all night
35. Most visited webpage
prolly tumblr?
36. Favorite colour
37. Nicknames
jacky sometimes?
38. Relationship Status
happy n poly
39. Zodiac sign
40. Male or female
41. Primary school
42. Secondary School
43. High school/college
44. Eye color
46. Height
5′11? i think?
47. Do you have a crush on someone
my bfs. n. listen u kno who u r
48. What do you like about yourself
uhhh im funny
49. Piercings
i got 1 on 1 lobe n 3 on the other
50. Tattoos
none… yet
51. Righty or lefty
53. First piercing
lobes as a kid
54. First best friend
55. First hookup
lol uhh. does it count if he bcame my bf after
56. First Bestfriend
i just. i just answered this
59. Eating
mac n cheese
60. Drinking
61. I’m about to
sit in the same chair for like 10 more hours
62. Listening to
that fuckin tv
63. Waiting for
crutch to be better :(
64. Want kids?
uhh. dont think thtd work
65. Get married?
66. Career
67. Lips or eyes
68. Hugs or kisses
69. Shorter or taller
70. Older or Younger
71. Romantic or spontaneous
uhh romantic? ig? 
72. Nice stomach or nice arms
i mean evry1 i love has both sooo
73. Sensitive or loud
cant u b both
74. Hook-up or relationship
76. Kissed a stranger
77. Drank hard liquor
78. Lost glasses/contacts
79. Had sex
whats that
80. Broken someone’s heart
uhhh…yeah i think. woops
82. Been arrested
83. Turned someone down
84. Cried when someone died
85. Fallen for a friend
86. Yourself
ew no
87. Miracles
88. Love at first sight
89. Heaven
90. Santa Clause
91. Kiss on the first date
‘do you believe in’ if i say no will ppl stop kissin on the first date
92. Angels
not rly?
93. How would you label yourself?
94. Someone You Pray Everyday For
albert cuz lord knos he needs it. jk i dont pray
95. Did you sing today
96. Who From All Your Ex’s have You Cared The Most About
kathy duh
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?
honestly. likin it right here.
98. Out Of Everything In The World What Do You Wish For
rn crutchies health
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?
nah ive done it enough recently
100. Do you like the way you look?
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dreamsanddreams88 · 5 years
I was at camp like ecos but different place, mostly diff people. Charlotte told me no one liked me & that they thought i was gross cuz i never washed my hands after the bathroom, woke up feeling so upset and stabbed in the back
Stuff was moving in my room, like by a poltergeist. Dodge one of the bookcases falling over. Run to bathroom, the lights wont come on properly, i scream for whoever to come at me, my reflection looks all evil then opens mouth to scream and wake up
At beach w sarah & tanner, smthn bout the porters dog archie. Was gonna watch him for them but he ran away and died. Then me & sarah ran out to beach at night but sand was already freezing. I was in the work truck near BC, on fire road and find huuuge bleeding heart flowers but its fruit like a giant apple. Take a half home for crafts, accidentally get some in my mouth, google it to find its an arsenic and poison
Something where the Wyntheins moved into our old church to live, and some mean dad or stepdad was making me and my mom sweep up this home destroyed by tornado? I asked why the wyntheins couldnt help, or johnny milano from cvcc. Then me & mom had to wear costumes so i was tryna put together a belle costume with the blue apron and books. Then i was in a weird anime, had to do a bunch of stuff to get to underworld without dying. Drive thru this land with huge pyramids facing away from me, they only faced towards the dead. Then go thru a tunnel blindly, then some other scary stuff. A tempting bike path was there, watched a couple bike over a bump and disappear, basically get sucked into underworld.
Got on this old timey ship for 3 month voyage, futuristic robot lady experimenting if old ships really still work. Whole crew was human, except captain lady and engineer and 1st mate were robots. Get to maelstrom and whole front of ship, with humans, gets sucked down. Robot lady did it on purpose, chases after me. Smthn bout my brain being taken out, and a nice Rick from rick & morty helping me
Being attacked by both cowboys n indians, was in wagon train with mom and Aragorn, i had a gun and hid under a wagon. Then i was in cali mountains with mom, at bouldering spot found tanner n new ecos ppl. Shelsey was with me. Then in shirtless group? Then at doctors but tons of ppl there, had to take off shirt
Alexs house was huge and many stories, mikey had girl over who took bae, then drove me thru the house in his car? Then at a school but on big ship that went down a river to seattle. Then in a car with that old man from crocker lake, he took us to a graveyard with cubbies for dead persons belongings to see his war buddy. Next to it was dog grave, with blankets and sad poem, i cried rly hard. Smthn with izzy, i was talking about jenn and some guy and he was upset. Or said they say weird shit to ppl on purpose to find out their "true feelings" or something? Felt bad i hadnt talked to him in forever, was hugging all on him at a bbq
At a cool thrift store, which turned into cispus and each crew had to do this team building race with inflatable canoes and james n brian left me behind at the end cuz i didn't have waders, i was so upset and james was just like *shrug* and then tinder girl keala was there?
In cabins/ at convention with these asian people i just met, was dating one of the guys. Hailey was there too and jazz, then brian eachus, then everrybdoy from hs. Scott renz, janelle,noah henze, trying to catch up with older people who didnt really remember me
At cispus but it was weirdly religious, couldnt go outside into forest without 'disaster book'? At lunch table with lots of friends n katie martins husband, asking what shes like now. Making fun of some fat guy with him, but stop cuz hes also fat. Feel bad that our table is so loud and unprofessional. Also in a van with young john travolta and he said the N word so i yelled at him
Was friends or old coworkers with cardi b, we all went to her opening of clothing store 2 support her. Clothes were like $5000, mostly female office clothes. Commented on her big butt, she implied she was bisexual? Sarah lived out on my balcony/deck
Living at parents old house, were gonna rent out the living room to ppl and wall it off. Matthew still there, tara n peeps wanted me to go to bar at noon on a weekday but i refused. Had no friends, tara surprised i still hadnt met anyone.
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