#smushed his head into my arm and was purring super loud. i love my sweet boy so mch. dont know how
arcadequeerz · 2 years
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Tempted to make a sona based off of this lil Guy,
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mandakatt · 7 years
can i get something cute w the ffxv kitty au? i went to my moms work today {she's a vet} and i got to see the kitties that were there but I didn't get to play with them like i wanted to bc her coworker was feeding them so we left, so i'm kinda sad about that bc kitties ;-;
A/N: Hello there love! ♥
And say what? Denied petting, playing, and cuddling kitties because they were getting fed? How rude is that?! Don’t vet techs know that you’d be more than willing to help feed, cause that means you get to cuddle? *huff*
Hehee, though I know they were doing their job too. So I get it.
Something cute huh? I dunno how cute this is, but .. I figured I’d do something with introducing you to the owner of the clowder, and how the cats suddenly adopted you…. hopefully this is kinda cute? 
Word Count: 2322
Tagging: @itshaejinju @major-artery @momokitty27 @blossattic @lulie-chan @sweetchocobae @princess-of-lucis @ultimate-flavor-experience @ravenvelith @suzunesays @beatus-flos-imagines @neko-otaku13
Kitty!AU Masterlist
Kitters and a new Friend [Reader x OC x Kitty!AU]
You gently wiped the sweat from your brow, huffing upwards at the sun. You knew that Lestallum was known for it’s warmer climate, you just had not been prepared for exactly how warm.  With a soft groan, you rounded the corner, only to gently bump into someone. You started to stumble backwards, your eyes wide in surprise till you felt someone grip your arm, and pull to steady you, a hand gripping your shoulder to completely right your stance.
“Ah, I’m sorry! Are you alright?!”
You blinked at the woman that had grabbed your arm, and pulled you upright, her brown eyes wide with surprise. You blinked again then cleared your throat a little.
“A-ah yes, I’m fine, sorry, that was my fault, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.”
The woman giggled, and gently patted your shoulder as she released your arm. “I think we were both at fault for that one. I had my mind elsewhere.” she smiled brightly to you, her head tilting a little causing that beaded braid at her shoulder to catch your eye. 
“So again, I apologize,” she offered her hand. “The name’s Mao, and you are?”
“Y/N.” you smiled back, gently taking her hand to shake it, slightly surprised by her strong grip. You stepped back a little to take her in. She wasn’t very tall, her brown hair was tied up in a ponytail that was rather high on the back of her head. She gently adjusted the pack on her back, as you wondered how she could stand the heat in that dark red coat that she wore. She laughed softly.
“You get used to it.”
Your brows rose high, and she laughed again.
“You looked at me as if you were surprised I’m wearing a long coat in this heat.” she tilted her head and giggled. “I know you’re not from around here, considering how much you’re sweating.”
You blushed, and brought your hand back up to your forehead again, wiping away the sweat quickly out of embarrassment. She giggled at you again, and reached up, gently patting your arm.
“As I said, you’ll get used to it.”
With a huff you gently put your hands into your front pockets, trying to ignore the trickle of sweat that was rolling down your neck at this point, which caused you to roll your shoulders a little.
“Well, no, I’m not. I just recently moved to here from Insomnia. Was out wandering around, to get my bearings a little.”
Mao smiled, her eyes dancing a little as she once more adjusted that pack on her back. You could have sworn you heard her mumble a soft ‘hold still’ before she chuckled a bit.
“Ah, well I can see why the weather here would be much different than what you’re used to,” she gently reached up, and rubbed a finger under her nose. “Why don’t you follow me for a bit, I can show you around? Though you’ll have to forgive my companions if they get a bit noisy.”
You blinked at her slowly, a brow slightly raising. You looked around her, leaning to look behind her but saw no one with her. When you shot her a questioning look she laughed softly, and gently pointed at her pack with her thumb. When you took the few steps to move around her, you found that the pack was really a open meshed carrier, and within it was an orange tabby cat. And once they noticed you, they meowed at you loudly in greeting.
You couldn’t help but coo softly as the cat mushed their face against the mesh, and rubbed gently against it.
Mao laughed softly. “Ah, yes, Prompto says Hello.” she looked back at you over her shoulder and smiled brightly, then giggled at you when you brought your hand up to point at the cat that was now constantly meowing, and rubbing against the mesh of the carrier. “Yes yes, love, I see you wish to make a new friend.” Mao cooed, then grinned at you. “Go ahead and push against the carrier, he won’t bite, probably just rub super hard against your hand.”
You brought your hand up, pushing your fingers against the mesh only to have Prompto, as she called him, smush his face so hard against your fingers that his purr became a snort, causing you to laugh. You gently wiggled your fingers, sort of semi-petting him through the mesh of the carrier.
“Gods, he’s adorable.”
Mao smiled. “You should meet the others.”
You blinked up, raising a brow. “The others?”
Mao hummed then smiled, giving a nod. “Yes, if you like.” she turned a bit, to face you a little better, her hand had now risen, and she was petting a small tabby kitten’s head in her breast pocket of her coat, causing you to gasp. She giggled at your reaction, then looked down at the kitten. “What do you think Talcott? Think the others might like them?”
The small mew that greeted your ears was enough to make your heart melt. Mao then dipped her head, kissing the kitten’s head. “You happened to catch me,” she paused, then chuckled. “Well, ok you happened to literally run into me as I was heading home from running a small errand with these two. Don’t worry, you didn’t hurt Talcott at all when we collided.” she giggled as relief seemed to wash over your face.
“C’mon, follow me, my home isn’t far, you can meet the others, cool off, and I can explain where things are in town. Sound fair?”
When you nodded, Mao smiled, gesturing for you to follow as she started back down the sidewalk, taking a turn here and there, leading you to almost the edge of the city. She approached a small, quaint house, with a fenced in backyard.
“Here we are.” she smiled, as she unlocked the front door and stepped in, gesturing once more for you to follow.
“S-Sorry for intruding…” you spoke softly as you closed the door behind you.
Mao laughed softly, gently scooping Talcott out of her front pocket, and setting him down on the floor, he toddled about a little before he bounded off into the hallway. “You’re not intruding at all, besides, you’ll be a welcome distraction for–”
She was cut off by a loud burbling meow as she gently took the carrier off her back, and set it down, releasing Prompto from its confines. He jumped out, and shook himself, only to turn back to you, then pad up quickly, rubbing himself against your leg. You chuckled, and gently bent down, rubbing your fingers against his head.
“–for these guys. Come in, when he lets you.” she chuckled. “Would you like something to drink?”
“Water, if you don’t mind? And what do you mean by lets me?”
She chuckled as she rounded the corner, and you blinked down at the orange tabby that was still making figure eights about your legs. “Oh,” you laughed softly and stroked your fingers along his back, watching him arch up into you before he finally had seemed to have enough of rubbing against you, and headed into the house. But he paused at the doorway, looked back at you, and burble meowed at you.
“Alright, I’m coming.” you chuckled as you followed Prompto into Mao’s home.
The quaint exterior blended into its interior, it felt cozy, and comfortable. Taking a deep breath, you sighed out softly, for her home smelled like baked treats, sandalwood, and earth.  It was an odd comforting combo, that just reminded you of home. You smiled softly as you headed toward the couch, though you had to deal with Prompto still circling about your legs, and you feared you’d kick him or trip.
“I guess you like me a little bit, huh Prompto?”
Prompto burbled and meowed up at you, his ears turning as you took a seat on the couch. You patted the spot next to you, and smiled as he jumped up, and nuzzled almost rather hard into your hand.
“Six, you’re way too sweet for your own good.”
“He’s been like that since I brought him home from the shelter to be honest.”
You blinked upwards, slightly surprised at Mao’s voice before you smiled softly, then let your eyes widen in surprise as she not only had two other cats follow her into the room, but she had another on her shoulders.
“J-Just how many are there?”
She hummed, gently holding out a glass to you, before she reached up with her free hand, to gently scratch at the chin of the spotted cat on her shoulders.
“Hmmm… twenty-two.”
“T-twenty-what?” You went wided eyed, gently taking the glass from her fingers. She giggled and gently sat down next to you, the cat on her shoulders purring and nuzzling into her fingers.
“Twenty-two.” She smiled again, then looked down to the two black cats at her feet, and gently gestured with her head towards you. The two of them burbled a bit, before one sat at your feet, the other hopped up on your lap, purring softly. Your hand rose to gently stroke his long dark fur, as he placed his paws to your chest.
“Regis here, is almost the oldest,” she gestured to the longhaired cat on your lap. “He’d like you to pick him up a little, if you don’t mind.”
You did as she asked you to, getting rewarded with a much louder purr, and his front paws wrapping their way about your neck. You blinked in surprise before you laughed softly, as Regis pushed his muzzle against your ear, and purred into it.
Mao laughed, working the cat on her shoulders down, onto her lap. “That means he likes you.”
You tilted your head to the side a little, to glance her way, a brow raising slightly. “And he trusts me this much already?”
Mao smiled more, and nodded. “Cats can detect good people. Regis, Prompto, Clarus, and Nyx, wouldn’t be this calm around you, if you were a bad person.” as she spoke, she pointed to each cat in turn for you to identify. Nyx was the spotted cat on her lap, Clarus was the large cat at your feet, who then tilted his head back a little, ears turning as he seemed to regard you.
“Clarus, stop judging Regis. You know already how he is.” Mao spoke softly.
Clarus let his ears turn just a little before he seemed to huff, and started to wash his paws. You laughed softly before a deep rumbling meow caught your attention over your shoulder. Another long haired cat slowly padded into the room, and this one was bigger than Clarus. You went slightly wide eyed.
“Ah, Hello Gladio.”
“Astrals, He’s huge!”
Mao laughed. “If I got a gil for every time I heard that,” she smiled. “His sister, Iris, is hiding in his shadow there.”
Sure enough, a smaller long haired cat, that was colored the same, worked out from behind him, burbling curiously up at you as she sat down on her haunches near Clarus. You tilted your head gently.
“Nice to meet you Clarus, Iris, and Gladio.”
You couldn’t help but smile a the loud purrs that greeted your ears. You glanced around a moment, your eyes starting to pick out the other cat’s in Mao’s home.
 There was one that looked hairless, curled up in her plush chair across the room. Two pairs of eyes met your own when you looked on top of the bookcase, causing your brow to raise. You glanced down as you heard another soft burbling meow and were greeted by a pair of bright golden eyes, and a silvery cat that had what looked to be a silver chain hanging from their mouth.
“Good gods, they’re everywhere.”
Mao laughed. “Mn, you get used to it.” she threw you a wink and pointed to each cat you had found in turn in the order you had spotted them. “Cid is on the chair, Aranea and Crowe are up on the bookshelf, and this is Pelna, and Dino.”
“There are a few that aren’t much for meeting new people, so I have a feeling the more you visit, the more they’ll all grow on you.”
“Grow on me? Visit?”
Mao grinned a little. “Well yes, of course. Once you’re adopted by these guys, you have to come and visit them at least once a week,” she giggled at your surprised expression. “And maybe you can join me for tea and baked treats, as I explain the layout of Lestallum to you.”
When you raised your brow to her, still surprised you noticed she blushed a little.
“Ah! Sorry!” she reached up, gently rubbing the back of her head. “I sometimes forget how forward I am. You don’t have to visit, if you don’t want to, but as seeing that Regis and Prompto are both clinging to you, I figured you wouldn’t mind…”
Regis had finally let go of your neck, and was now curled up gently upon your lap, his paws kneading lightly against your thigh. Prompto was gently curled up next to you, purring away as he seemed to doze, and there was another new kitty on your opposite side, and you had no idea when they had gotten there.
“Ah, Gentiana.” Mao spoke softly.
The black and white cat lifts her head, and purrs up at you sweetly, causing you to smile and rub her ears. You chuckled as she gently leaned her head back into your hand, before you once more glanced about at the kitties that had gathered around you.
“Well, I suppose visiting these guys at least once a week wouldn’t be a bad thing. Plus, you promised baked goods, how could I say no…?”
Mao chuckled, and gave you a bright smile.
“Welcome to the Clowder, Y/N.”
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