parasiteking · 1 year
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Doc Scratch does Mr Beast Squidgame 5 days a week
Terezi does legal videos. She's dating Vriska and drama came out of that but people liked Terezi so much they just let it slide
Aranea [blank] explained, Tumblr drama
Vriska does callout posts, starts shit, lies about other people. People hate Vriska. Doxxes people in her videos.
Gamzee does Slime ASMR.
Rose does fic reviews & witch discourse
Calliope and Caliborn share a channel (Yuri Review, Yaoi Review.) They keep unlisting eachother's videos. Popular because viewers think its a ARG (its not)
Aradia ask a mortician, collabs with Dave (arcade craniacs) on halloween and everyone is confused
Feferi is fishtuber with rantsona sprites who makes a video on Seaworld twice a year
Jane baking reviews, bad book reviews, gets into discourse for having billionare mom
Tavros makes videos on like. Peta n shit. Pokemon nuzlockes.
Jake does shitty movie reviews. Makes videos on selfshipping discourse. Turns into eboy thrist tiktoker after breaking up with Dirk. Sometimes Minecraft Youtuber.
Karkat twitter discourse explained for tumblr users, book rants, movie rants, makes apology video once every 3 months
Roxy makes the stock image animation videos. Made go kitty go. Doesn't use her rantsona anymore after she went to rehab.
Kankri defends SJWs but like in the worst way possible. has beef with Dirk.
Hal makes shitty unfinished ARGs, shits on Dirk, subscribers are bots, probably rants about a movie twice a year
Dirk makes videos about Brony drama and anime reviews. MLP Hypnosis
Porrim makes videos about feminism. Alot of people found her after Kankri made avideo on her and people were like "actually Porrim was right"
Kanaya makes videos on closed species, fashion blogging, celebrity fashion analysis
Dave makes like. newground animation review, shitty webcomic reviews, gets a genshin sponsership once but the videodoes so fucking bad he never gets it again.
Jade is a furry with a gun.
Nepeta does ship war videos and ship analysis videos. Does like, opposite of cringe comps where she shows the "cringy" video then is positive about it.
Eridan defends Harry Potter, make cringe comp reaction videos. Calls out "forced diversity"
John makes movie reviews. Point & Click games. Magic tricks. Danny Gonzalez collab
Sollux does coding tutorials, gets subscribers aafter he collabs with Roxy on a video about Yandere Simulator's code and people dig and find his channel
Equius makes videos about like. Body builder drama. Collabs with Nepeta to talk about Wrestling RPF.
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Neela is oblivous to any and all romantic interest someone may show them.
Neela wears Hello Kitty socks.
Neela is a horrible liar.
Neela has an incredible long-term memory but an awful short-term memory.
Neela has an incredible spice tolorance.
Neela is not good with social cues.
Neela killed Princess Diana. (NO WHAT LMAO)
If Neela likes someone, they will give them a pretty rock.
Neela is great with kids.
Neela fucked your mom. No but what was that last one? 8/10 of these are pretty spot on but WHAT? Here is the HC generator
tagged by: @cmdrace
tagging: (I'm only tagging 4) @naviculariis, @totalacehole, @aranea-princeps , @per-oceanum
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yuiiona · 3 months
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. character hc generator .
Yua wears Hello Kitty socks.
Yua is very good at using chopsticks.
Yua is awful with technology and doesn't know how to use a smart phone.
Yua cries while watching disney movies
If someone they knew commited a crime, Yua would cover for them.
Yua is smart but also very stupid.
Yua is not allowed to drink energy drinks.
Yua has an incredible long-term memory but an awful short-term memory.
tagged by: @cherrygardn ( heelo !! ) tagging: @aranea-princeps , @astrummorte , @svrt-r , @cursedlane ! ( You can stole it hehe! )
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purpletyrant · 2 years
Anyone else kinda got the sense that the psychopomp Ramona? is actually Aranea or is it just me
youre not going to like this answer, but the identity of the psychopomp is up to interpretation, and at times i was unsure myself who they were. thoughts below
first you have to determine whether kitty is actually in a dream bubble or not. if it makes you happier to believe that this is her "idea" of a dream bubble, i will not stop you. personally, it was intended to be a real dream bubble. in the future, we will get some more concrete ideas on why kitty is able to access the dream bubbles despite not being destined to play sburb
youre the second person to ask if the psychopomp is a character from hs proper. another idea was that they might be alt!calliope. this is an interesting theory and holds up in some spots, but falls apart around page 950. ramona? is cowed to be the subject of kittys grief-induced tantrum, and i dont believe that her dialogue here would be in character for an emotionless cherub. also, i dont think alt!calliope would still be out here in the bubbles... pretty sure she got sucked into the black hole with her brother. its a decent theory though
theres at least a few people who dont want to believe the psychopomp is ramona at all. i read a comment saying that ramona seems ooc, and that the information presented to kitty isnt anything kitty doesnt already know or could guess if she tried hard enough. well, first of all, its my ramona and i get to decide if shes in character (KIDDING). second, im developing a tendency to beat readers over the head with info because i get deeply frustrated by the idea of not being understood. this is not helped by the fact that kqs readership skews younger than myself. i remember all too well being a teen scratching my head in confusion at the concepts presented later on in hs. while of course i want things to be open to interpretation sometimes, i hate the idea of being confusing or hard to follow. so forgive me, but we will have information repeated a few times in different ways just to make sure you really absorb it
the fact that kitty isnt being told information thats actually new.... this leads to an idea that the psychopomp teases a couple times. this is the idea that the psychopomp isnt real, and is an illusion conjured by kittys mind. im a dolt when it comes to classpects, so im not convinced that a mage of rage could accomplish this, but it would be a neat reflection of jakes ability to make brain ghost clones. hope and rage are opposites after all... but i dont believe a mages power is comparable to a page. it occurred to me while i was writing these pages that kitty might very well be talking to herself. im not sure if thats satisfying or interesting, though
in my mind, i think the psychopomp really is a ramona from another timeline. one where the recruiter (as we will call her for now) was a better planner, and thoroughly fucked up the timeline by introducing sburb to these six teens. one can only be thankful that she is too prideful in this timeline to be of serious harm. like kitty, it is upsetting to me to consider versions of earth c where kitty does not meet a happy ending. in my perfect world, there would only be one earth c... but as the psychopomp says themself: "what makes you so special."
so, did you hate that answer or what? lol
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Page 1 of Homestuck: a young boy stands in his bedroom on his thirteenth birthday, what will his name be?
Page 500 of Homestuck: Scaring some imps with a bottle of shaving cream
Page 1000 of Homestuck: It's Jade's birthday!
Page 1,500 of Homestuck: The mayor has built yet another town
Page 2000 of Homestuck: Karkat tries to take his card vault, but because it is heavy it just falls through the floor
Page 2500 of Homestuck: Spades slick presses a button on the keyboard to go to the next page
Page 3000 of Homestuck: Jade turns around, whatever was behind her in the snow seems to have disappeared
Page 3500 of Homestuck: Two parents on a romantic date
Page 4000 of Homestuck: Aradia and Sollux are just hanging out and looking at the green sun
Page 4500 of Homestuck: Oh no, that poor kitty
Page 5000 of Homestuck: Meena is covering Aranea's mouth
Page 5500 of homestuck: Calliborn is making a face
Page 6000 of Homestuck: Aranea is in the middle of telling a long story
Page 6500 of Homestuck: John is just so frustrated with calliborn's drawings
Page 7000 of Homestuck: oh hey it's terezi
Page 7500 of Homestuck: Vriska and Terezi talking to each other while sitting in front of a chained up fridge
Page 8000 of Homestuck: Calliope is flying away
Page 8127 of Homestuck: Some cool stuff happens
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thatonegaybastard · 1 year
my sibling guesses homestuck troll names
karkat - karkalicous definiton/carcass 💀
aradia - molly
sollux- dracula the second electric boogalo
nepeta - fucking KITTY
kanaya - draculara from monster high
terezi (i gave them a hint) - terrance. they also said she looks like a hippiw
vriska -hortensia, from the book matilda
equius - dexter
gamzee - "there are no names that fit this man, he does not deserve a name, thats how fucking ugky he is. he is not worthy of the capricorn sign"
eridan - "he looks like a dnd character i made when i was 5" edward
feferi - heather.
kankri - ripoff of carcass aka not very karkalcious
mituna - bornanna
meulin - tiny little furry fucker
latula - GAYmer girl aka 90s rock stsr
aranea -DA from the magic schoolbus
cronus - justin (apparently he looks like their friemds dad ??? ???)
meenah - the pink genie from shimmer and shime
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doctorcorby · 1 year
Send me a kiss prompt from this linked list and any ship on the list below the cut and I'll write something for it!
ETA: I turned on anon for this
note: these are all pairings I can write without calling on my writing partner XD
Ken x Daisuke
TK x Ken
TK x Daisuke
Matt x TK
Koushiro x Mimi
Koushiro x Ken
Trevor x Tracey
Lester x Trevor
Franklin x Trevor
Ace Attorney
Kavier x Apollo
Phoenix x Miles
Phoenix x Apollo
Phoenix x Mia
Peter Pan
Hook x Smee
Jane x Tinkerbell
Tinkerbell x Hook
Zelgadis x Xelloss
Rezo x Kappii
Zelgadis x Kappii
Lina x Zelgadis
Metal Gear Solid
Ocelot x Otacon
Acid Snake x Ocelot
Ocelot x Mantis
Mantis x Otacon
Eric Raymond x Raya
Eric Raymond x Pizzazz
Eric Raymond x Kimber
Techrat x Riot
Kimber x Riot
Pizzaz x Riot
Rapture x Riot
Kimber x Pizzazz
Craig x Pizzazz
Craig x Jetta
Craig x Riot
Kazuma x Ryuunosuke
Yuujin x Kazuma
Yuujin x Ryuunosuke
Barok x Ryuunosuke
Barok x Kazuma
hosonaga x mikotoba
hosonaga x ryuunosuke
barok x hosonaga
drebber x tuspells
drebber x yuujin
drebber x barok
Courtney x drebber
Urusei Yatsura
Mendo x Megane
mendo x ryoko
mendo x shingo
rei x mendo
ataru x mendo
ataru x megane
ataru x rei
Resident Evil
Chris x Wesker
Chris x Tyler
Leon x Tyler
karl x ethan
nikolai x george hamilton
chris x ethan
annette x wesker
heisenberg x chris
heisenberg x wesker
Fire Emblem
Manuela x Hanneman
linhardt x caspar
manuela x dorothea
claude x lorenz
jeritza x mercedes
jeritza x ingrid
jeritza x seteth
jeritza x hanneman
jeritza x yuri
balthus x yuri
bathus x jeritza
seteth x mByleth
byleth x anyone
Claude x Linhardt
Toko x Nagito
Toko x Syo
Toko x Kirigiri
toko x Hifumi
nekomaru x gundam
nekomaru x teruteru
teruteru x kotoko
kaziuchi x hiyoko
hiyoko x kotoko
asahina x sakura
Sabretooth x Otto
Sabretooth x Forge
Sabretooth x Cypher
Sabretooth x Kitty Pryde
Kitty Pryde x Cypher
Kitty Pryde x Otto
Cypher x Otto
Sabretooth x Tabitha
Sabretooth x Banshee
Sabretooth x Toad
Banshee x Northstar
Banshee x Doug
Sabretooth x Logan
Kitty Pryde x Logan
Peter x Harry
Peter x Otto
Peter x Adrian
Adrian x Otto
Harry x Otto
Harry x Adrian
sabretooth x daken
daken x logan
steve x logan
steve x sabretooth
peter x Ben
Ben x Otto
Ben x Harry
magneto x northstar
northstar x sabretooth
Vriska x Aranea
Vriska x Dave
Vriska x Eridan
Vriska x Sollux
Vriska x Equius
Vriska x Cronus
Cronus x Aranea
Aranea x Eridan
Dave x Karkat
bro x dave
dirk x dave
hal x dirk 
hal x dave
dirk x vriska
dave x sollux
dave x eridan
sollux x eridan
cronus x equius
Kurlox x equius
Persona series
Naoya x Kei
Katsuya x Baofu
Baofu x Dojima
Dojima x Naoto
Yukari x Junpei
Kei x Reiji
kandori x reiji
kandori x kei
chie x yukiko
yu x dojima
yu x chie
yu x yukiko
akira x akechi
akira x ryuji
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sorrysupper · 2 years
Who I Imagine TBEs' (and Hazmat) Voices Would Be In This Tumblr:
List is pretty weird so uh, prepare for some unexpected shit.
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Hazmat (specifically the Hazmat you always see aka Felix): FSRiko Hazmat, obviously
Bacteria: Buddy from Kick the Buddy but less dorkier
Ulteria: Any CSGO russian
Smiler: Slow TXT Trollge with glitches
Frowner: Fast TXT Trollge without glitches
Rattler: A rattlesnake
Laughter: Kureijl Ollie, yeah...
Screamer: Femur Breaker scream
XD Face: Micheal P, duh
Clump: Steve from SMG4
Insanity: Frisky (kyeaintdead) but younger
The Thing On Level 7: Any monstrous voice
Hound: A barking dog
Wretch: TWD Walker
Skin Stealer: A low pitched british teenager
Aranea Membri: Eric from naturalreaders.com
Partygoer: Kevin from Cougar Macdowall va
Partypooper: Dante Dotson but calm
The Game Master: Gawr Gura?
Bone Thief: cooper2723
Pinhead: Broogli but miserable
Kitty: Idk, a VA of Yuri from DDLC? She doesn't talk a lot.
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st4rguy · 7 months
1, 4, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 23, 29, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 48, 68, 88, 89, 92, 93, 98 for the homestuck thing ^^ feel free to skip anything if u want lol
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@sleepy-kitty-boy lets gooooo sorry this took so long answers under the cut
original post -> st4rguy.tumblr.com/post/743052789002977280
1: When did you first get into Homestuck? around mid-October last year, I think I had started reading previously but got like. 20 pages in.
4: Ever made your own chumhandle? yeah, I have, it's cosmopoieticQuestant. idk if it's a good one and I don't use it for anything but l like big fancy words and its abbreviation would be CQ and because I'm a fucking nerd that makes me happy. uhh cosmopoietic is a word I really like it means universe-creating so yeahg 👍
10: Ever drank Faygo? No, I have not ever :P
11: Favorite Alpha kid? mmm that's a tough choice but probably Jane?? I find her fascinating like I could write an essay about her.
12: Favorite Alpha troll? Meenah. she's funny, spunky and fun to draw. I like to give her an anglerfish antenna just because why not. Her and (Vriska)'s relationship is. fascinating. Her Aranea are adorable tho.
17: Favorite Beta kid? Egbert probably? I love them equallyyyy
18: Favorite Beta troll? uahgh. thats difficult. honestly, I don't know.
19: Favorite Beta character overall? I simply could not pick.
23: Favorite guardian? MOM. ROXY. ok like. y'ever think about like. how she likely knew she was going to die. And she basically raised Joey and Jude from when she was a teenager. and we don't know how their story ends yet. I think about her quite a bit.
29: Favorite Friendsim character? HAVE MY LIST: CIRAVA, BRONYA, SKYLA, POLYPA, KONYYL, TYZIAS, AZDAJA, TIRONA, MARSTI, CHARUN, WANSHI, DARAYA AAAAND LANQUE. <- troll call order btw. I loooove them
33: Favorite pale ship? I'll have to go with the classic and say meowrails. you can't beat them.
34: Favorite pitch ship? JANEVRIS. rarepair blast attack!
35: Favorite flushed ship? scratch n sniff perhaps. idk sure I like em.
36: Favorite ashen ship? good question i love the Ashen quadrant I do not know
37: Favourite vacillating ship? KONYYL AND AZDAJA. I know no one cares but I love them. idk if they "vacillate" per se if you ask me they have like. whatever the signless and the disciple had going on. KONYYL LITERALLY SHARES HER THEME WITH THE DISCIPLE.
48: Zodiac troll? Are you happy with them?: I'm born on the cancer-leo cusp so Karkat or Nepeta I love those guys
68: Classpect you identify with currently? uhhh page of space probably. I'm bad at classpects but it fascinates me nonetheless.
88: Favorite Homestuck fics? Early June by RoseGardenofEden, Detective Pony by sonnetstuck and Pilot Light, Pale Rapture by purplebard (series) to name a few
89: Favorite Homestuck fanartists? missbehaviourOuO, conceptofjoy, tgcg, dammarchy211, teethcritter, serfuzzypushover, and like a bunch more
92: Favorite typing quirk? MEENAH FEFERI OR NEPETA. I LOVE PUNS. THEY INFECTED ME WITH THEIR STUPID PUNS. and they are also just cool 👍
93: Favorite MSPFA? burning down the house! idk if it counts really it's not hosted on mspfa but that's probably the most apt description and I think it's really cool and would highly recommend it
98: What characters do you relate most to? Aradia maybe? I tend to go through spells where I feel really detached and apathetic. yk. depression. but uh that's kinda heavy! I also am fascinated by dead things, as well as diseases and fungus and bugs and shit like that but they kinda scare me.
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cuddlefishcreature · 10 months
For the sake of completion: How about the Alpha Troll Girls then?
hmm, this ohe is a little harder...
Mega Micro | Micro | Tiny |Short | Normal |Tall |Giant | Macro |Mega Macro
Damara is also pretty divisive. she's great as Macro because I imagine her toying around which is fun. But also, I like the idea of her bitchin about her size.
Mega Micro | Micro | Tiny |Short | Normal |Tall |Giant | Macro |Mega Macro
Meulin is the opposite of nep. the bigger the better. small meulin can be fun too, but big kitty is absolutely wonderful and I fully support it.
Mega Micro | Micro | Tiny |Short | Normal |Tall |Giant | Macro |Mega Macro
Honestly... I dont like Porrim's design much. If remedied, I'd put her in the normal-tall category to just act as a sort of straightwoman in other size scenarios.
Mega Micro | Micro | Tiny |Short | Normal |Tall |Giant | Macro |Mega Macro
G4m3g1rls like her deserve to be absolutely massive and play Tony hawk projected over a continent, absolutely rad.
Mega Micro | Micro | Tiny |Short | Normal |Tall |Giant | Macro |Mega Macro
where Vriska fell in kinda both categories, Aranea falls squarely into the Micro scale for me. I imagine she takes it in stride though despite everything (publicly, at least) which is fun!
Mega Micro | Micro | Tiny |Short | Normal |Tall |Giant | Macro |Mega Macro
I have a weakness to fish women, what can I say. I think I like the idea of meenah being really jealous of Fef's size but not nearly as big, despite being really big herself. Will she ever beat fef? who knows :p
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the-bar-sinister · 1 year
Member tags
Emoji pairs are for tagging and used as signatures.
Harry🌺😈 || AKA: Alfred Ashford, Harry Osborn, Jade Harley, Pizzazz, Yukari Takenba, Lorenz Hellman, Gloucester, Hiyoko Saionji, Iris Watson
Toko/Jack 😼🔪 || AKA: Karl Heisenberg, Akira Kurusu, Toko Fukawa & Genocide Jack, Jeritza Von Hrym, Captain Spinneret Mindfang, Vriksa Serket, Ocelot, Sabretooth, Yuujin Mikotoba
Hal 💻🔪|| aka: Karl Heisenberg, Toko Fukawa & Genocide Jack, Jeritza Von Hrym, Otacon, Otacon. Doug Ramsey, Aranea Serket, Ryunosuke Naruhodo
Akechi 🌀😎|| AKA: Goro Akechi, Xelloss, Nagito Komaeda, Albert Wesker, Cronus Ampora, Kazuma Asogi
Otto 🐙🧪|| AKA: Otto Octavius, Eridan Ampora, Kei Nanjo, Hifumi Yamada, Hanneman von Essar, Enoch Drebber
Chris 💪🔫|| AKA: Chris Redfield, Equius Zahhak, Jean-Paul Beaubier, Balthus von Albrecht, Nekomaru Nidai, Reiji Kido
Hubert 🦇👁|| AKA: Hubert Von Vestra, Bela Dimitrescu, Irene Adler (Marvel), Katsuya Sudou, Nagisa Shingetsu, Inspector Hosonaga
Dirk 🕷😎|| AKA: Ben Reilly, Dirk Strider, Leon Kuwata, Eikichi Mishina, Eric Raymond, mByleth, Phoenix Wright
Kazuichi 🕷🛠️|| AKA: Kazuichi Soda, Leon Kennedy, Robo Dirk Strider, Peter Parker, Junpei Iori, Claude von Riegan, Phoenix Wright
Kotoko 🎀💖|| AKA: Jasmine Harley (Homestuck), Kotoko Utsugi, Chie Satonaka, Pearl Fey
Trevor 🔫🍳|| AKA: Trevor Phillis, Dedue Molinaro, Teruteru Hanamura, Billy Coen, Kurloz Makara, Ryotaro Dojima
Madge 👑🍸|| AKA: The Black Queen (Homestuck), Selene (Marvel), Yukiko Amagi, Manuela Casagranda
Artemy ❄💪|| AKA: Byleth Eisner, Sakura Oogami, Artemy Burahk, Parcel Mistress, General Norst, Yu Narukami, Steve Rogers, The Boss/The Joy (MGS)
Nine 🐸☠️|| AKA: Carlos Oliviera, Ryuji Sakamoto, Daisuke Motomiya, Mortimer Toyenbee, Greg Universe, Aoi Asahina, Carlos Oliveira, Caspar von Bergliez, Sollux Captor
Jake ❤️💪|| AKA: Mondo Owada, Sam Guthrie, Hearts Boxcars, Raphael Kirsten, Akihiko Sanada, Arthur Morgan, Jake Muller Wesker
Nikolai 🧭👑|| AKA: Nikolai Zenoviev, Miles Edgeworth, Seteth, Magneto, Kryuger (Girls Frontline), Kyosuke Munakata
Kirigiri 🔍⚔️|| AKA: Kyoko Kirigiri, Dave Strider, Kitty Pryde, Zelgadis Graywords, Connie Maheswaran, Gentianne, Naoya Toudou, Linhardt von Hevring, Kimber Benton, Takeru Ishida, Tyler Howard
Annette 🔬🐝|| AKA: Annette Birkin, Anna Yoshizaka, Seiko Kimura, Pallas Captor
Akihiro 😼👿|| AKA: Akihiro/Daken, Gundham Tanaka, Naoto Shirogane, James Egbert, Moira Burton, Dorothea Arnault
M16 🔫🦢|| AKA: M16A1 (Girls Frontline), Solid Snake (sort of), Aegis (Persona), Latula Pyrope, Ingrid Galatea, David King
Kaoru ♦🌺|| AKA: Kaoru Saga (Baofu), Diamonds Droog, Peko Pekoyama, Yellow Pearl, Adrien Toomes, Yuri Leclerc, Raymond Vester, Sebastian Moran.
Felix 🐺🦀|| AKA: Felix Fraldarius, Tatsuya Sudou, Ethan Winters, Karkat Vantas, Logan Howlett, Demon Dragon King Gaav, Yamato Ishida, Angelia (Girls Frontline), Franklin Clinton
Rapture ✨🎀|| AKA: Rapture (Jem), Rose Winters, Kanaya Maryam, Rogue (Marvel) Gatomon, Dreamer (Girls Frontline), Eriko Karishima, Celestia Ludenberg, Mercedes von Martritz, Clara (Pathologic), Lapis Lazuli, Tinkerbell
Jane 💀🎂 || AKA: Jane Crocker, Wendy Darling, Fuuka Yamagishi, Betsy Braddock, Springfield (Girls Frontline)
Kurt 👿🎭 || AKA: Kurt Wagner, Ignatz Victor, Jataro Kemuri
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mandakatt · 7 years
FFXV Kitty!AU - Giving them Extra lovin’s ♥
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A/N: Sarah, Can I just say when you put this into my inbox you gave me the absolute biggest smile? 
Since you mentioned Valentine’s day, I figured why the heck not, let me get this done for you super quick cause I thought it was kinda cute. =3 
So here’s how your kitters react to extra lovin’s!
Tagging: @momokitty27 @blossattic @major-artery @kayterschmater @suzunesays @ravenvelith @itshaejinju @kairakara101 @neontonberry @its-like-i-never-made-a-sound @vaporwraithing
[If you want to be removed/added to the tag list for Kitty!AU things, let me know ♥]
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Kitty!Noctis - He gives off a sleepy grunt as you scoop him up and smooch over him repeatedly, but he purrs softly. He eventually pushes his paws against your lips and shoots you a sleepy glare, before falling asleep again in your arms.
Kitty!Prompto - Over. The. Moon. Give to him more smooches and cuddles please! He will burble and chirp after each smooch, causing you to giggle.
Kitty!Ignis - His reaction is no different if he has is sight or not -- He will burble at you curiously as you repeatedly smooch and cuddle him, soft bubbling purrs rumbling from his chest as he lets you cuddle him.
Kitty!Gladiolus - After each smooch, he headbutts you, even causing your nose to hurt a bit cause he does it so hard. He purrs so hard that his entire body seems to vibrate.
Kitty!Cor - He’s a little confused to the extra affection, but tolerates it, to a point before he gently wiggles himself free and wanders off.
Kitty!Iris - She dips her head at every smooch, letting you kiss her between her ears. She just soaks up all the affection she can get from you.
Kitty!Aranea - You coo to her, and pet her a bit, since she’s in a mood to let you be affectionate with her, she even allows you to smooch her head, and you continue to do so repeatedly. Eventually when she’s had enough she pushes her paw against your lips.
Kitty!Cindy - Closes her eyes in absolute delight as you continue to smooch her and shower her with affection. She’ll even get in the habit of kneading so hard that she mostly keeps only one paw curled.
Kitty!Luna - Pushes her head into each and every smooch you give her, her ears splaying out sideways, and when your done, she mews and purrs up at you, her eyes partly closed in bliss.
Kitty!Ravus - He’s a little indifferent. Why are you doing this? What is the purpose of all this? He doesn’t move away right away but eventually he’s had enough and will gently slink away from you.
Kitty!Cid - He’s kinda lazy in his old codger way, so when you smooch him once, he expects you to be done. But when you do it again he looks up at you, then a third time, and as you continue, he pushes his head up into each smooch.
Kitty!Regis - He wraps his paws about your neck and keeps his head pushed into your lips for consistent smooches.
Kitty!Clarus - He smushes and nuzzles his face against you when you do repeated kisses, purring loudly as he leans against you.
Kitten!Talcott - Squirms after the first couple kisses, and mews softly, when you put him down he looks up at you, ears turning, like ‘why did you stop?’
Kitty!Gentiana - She stands on your lap, paws on your chest and nuzzles her face into your kisses.
Kitty!Ardyn - You either have one of two things happen. You burst into tears because he shreds you open, or you burst into tears because he lets you, his head nuzzling a little into your kisses. [The fickle bastard!]
Kitty!Nyx - Headbutts, face smushes, nuzzles, kneading cuddles, you name it. The more you smooch him, the more affection you get back.
Kitty!Libertus - He’s a bit confused at the extra affection at first. But as you repeatedly smooch him he dips his head a little and seems to fluff up, but doesn’t push away from your extra affections
Kitty!Crowe - She’s confused by the extra affection, and she looks at you with a look of ‘did something happen? You ok?’ when you chuckle and continue, she only tolerates it so long before she pushes her paws against your chest and leans back away from you.
Kitty!Pelna - Your smooches seem to kinda ‘knock him out’. He gets goofy as you kiss him, flopping over and burbling up at you, but the more you do it the more he purrs.
Kitty!Titus - He lets you coddle him for five minutes. That’s it. Stop now please. And he’ll push and pull away from you, wandering off. Ten minutes later, he gets back up on your lap, and purrs up at you, asking for more.
Kitty!Dino - When you give him extra affection he soaks it up, meowing up at you till you pick him up. When you do he curls in on himself a bit to snuggle into your chest. [Your boobs if you’re a lady.] and he falls asleep, purring happily.
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mikiri · 5 years
Kitten says no work
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im-ej-arts · 5 years
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Guess who got miitopia
Bonus damnea cuz I'm trash
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purpletyrant · 2 years
Same anon from before. I frickin LOVED that answer, actually! It does make the most sense that the psychopomp, whomever it may be, is just a figment of Kitty's imagination. In the grand scheme of things, their identity doesn't matter so much as what they relay to Kitty and how they relay it does. I just frickin love Aranea, that's really all there is to it :3
and if it makes you happier to think aranea is kickin it and givin unsolicited advice to the next generation, like hell am i gonna stop ya!!! lol
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sagefiredaggers · 6 years
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The sensation in his chest is something like pain and overwhelming joy. As if his heart is whole at last, but breaking into thousands of pieces at the same moment. Hope mingled with despair.
A voice that he could never mistake, in spite of his blindness, but unable to believe that they were actually there. They they were standing in front of him, alive and well. A hot tingle that he couldn’t only describe as longing, painful yearning, spread over his chest and made his hands sweat and tears burn his blind eyes.
“I do not know whether to believe my ears—but my heart tells me it is so—you’re alive— beyond all hope.”
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