starjunco · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pelna Khara & Nyx Ulric, Cor Leonis/Nyx Ulric Characters: Nyx Ulric, Cor Leonis, Pelna Khara, Monica Elshett, Clarus Amicitia, Regis Lucis Caelum Additional Tags: kitty!Nyx, Shapeshifter!Nyx, AU-gust | August Writing Challenge 2023, Pet Sitters, Humor Series: Part 4 of Kitty!Nyx, Part 4 of AU August 2023 Summary:
Nyx and Pelna are up to something in the halls of the Citadel. It's going mostly to plan until the Marshal shows up. Hyjinks ensue.
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andywinter16 · 6 months
- Axis reminds me of that werewolf family from Hotel Transylvania .... Yeah, that tired he is with his wife (they deserve a holidays!!)
- For some reason (he is a sunshine boy) Pelna is giving me vibes of Perito the doggie. Crowe is obviously miss Kitty.
- Nyx is Puss in Boots ... That rizz is real!
- Lib is Fiona .....
- Luche is either Pinocchio or Gingerbread ...... Donkey, him and Titus are iconic duo
- i apologise to everyone but Titus .... is Shrek, no I can´t elaborate
- Ardyn is Rumpelstiltskin ......... It´s the ENERGY!
- If i look at Axis, Sonitus and Tredd together then I can´t chose between Three pigs or three blind mice .... They would wreck havoc anyway ....
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mandakatt · 7 years
can i get something cute w the ffxv kitty au? i went to my moms work today {she's a vet} and i got to see the kitties that were there but I didn't get to play with them like i wanted to bc her coworker was feeding them so we left, so i'm kinda sad about that bc kitties ;-;
A/N: Hello there love! ♥
And say what? Denied petting, playing, and cuddling kitties because they were getting fed? How rude is that?! Don’t vet techs know that you’d be more than willing to help feed, cause that means you get to cuddle? *huff*
Hehee, though I know they were doing their job too. So I get it.
Something cute huh? I dunno how cute this is, but .. I figured I’d do something with introducing you to the owner of the clowder, and how the cats suddenly adopted you…. hopefully this is kinda cute? 
Word Count: 2322
Tagging: @itshaejinju @major-artery @momokitty27 @blossattic @lulie-chan @sweetchocobae @princess-of-lucis @ultimate-flavor-experience @ravenvelith @suzunesays @beatus-flos-imagines @neko-otaku13
Kitty!AU Masterlist
Kitters and a new Friend [Reader x OC x Kitty!AU]
You gently wiped the sweat from your brow, huffing upwards at the sun. You knew that Lestallum was known for it’s warmer climate, you just had not been prepared for exactly how warm.  With a soft groan, you rounded the corner, only to gently bump into someone. You started to stumble backwards, your eyes wide in surprise till you felt someone grip your arm, and pull to steady you, a hand gripping your shoulder to completely right your stance.
“Ah, I’m sorry! Are you alright?!”
You blinked at the woman that had grabbed your arm, and pulled you upright, her brown eyes wide with surprise. You blinked again then cleared your throat a little.
“A-ah yes, I’m fine, sorry, that was my fault, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.”
The woman giggled, and gently patted your shoulder as she released your arm. “I think we were both at fault for that one. I had my mind elsewhere.” she smiled brightly to you, her head tilting a little causing that beaded braid at her shoulder to catch your eye. 
“So again, I apologize,” she offered her hand. “The name’s Mao, and you are?”
“Y/N.” you smiled back, gently taking her hand to shake it, slightly surprised by her strong grip. You stepped back a little to take her in. She wasn’t very tall, her brown hair was tied up in a ponytail that was rather high on the back of her head. She gently adjusted the pack on her back, as you wondered how she could stand the heat in that dark red coat that she wore. She laughed softly.
“You get used to it.”
Your brows rose high, and she laughed again.
“You looked at me as if you were surprised I’m wearing a long coat in this heat.” she tilted her head and giggled. “I know you’re not from around here, considering how much you’re sweating.”
You blushed, and brought your hand back up to your forehead again, wiping away the sweat quickly out of embarrassment. She giggled at you again, and reached up, gently patting your arm.
“As I said, you’ll get used to it.”
With a huff you gently put your hands into your front pockets, trying to ignore the trickle of sweat that was rolling down your neck at this point, which caused you to roll your shoulders a little.
“Well, no, I’m not. I just recently moved to here from Insomnia. Was out wandering around, to get my bearings a little.”
Mao smiled, her eyes dancing a little as she once more adjusted that pack on her back. You could have sworn you heard her mumble a soft ‘hold still’ before she chuckled a bit.
“Ah, well I can see why the weather here would be much different than what you’re used to,” she gently reached up, and rubbed a finger under her nose. “Why don’t you follow me for a bit, I can show you around? Though you’ll have to forgive my companions if they get a bit noisy.”
You blinked at her slowly, a brow slightly raising. You looked around her, leaning to look behind her but saw no one with her. When you shot her a questioning look she laughed softly, and gently pointed at her pack with her thumb. When you took the few steps to move around her, you found that the pack was really a open meshed carrier, and within it was an orange tabby cat. And once they noticed you, they meowed at you loudly in greeting.
You couldn’t help but coo softly as the cat mushed their face against the mesh, and rubbed gently against it.
Mao laughed softly. “Ah, yes, Prompto says Hello.” she looked back at you over her shoulder and smiled brightly, then giggled at you when you brought your hand up to point at the cat that was now constantly meowing, and rubbing against the mesh of the carrier. “Yes yes, love, I see you wish to make a new friend.” Mao cooed, then grinned at you. “Go ahead and push against the carrier, he won’t bite, probably just rub super hard against your hand.”
You brought your hand up, pushing your fingers against the mesh only to have Prompto, as she called him, smush his face so hard against your fingers that his purr became a snort, causing you to laugh. You gently wiggled your fingers, sort of semi-petting him through the mesh of the carrier.
“Gods, he’s adorable.”
Mao smiled. “You should meet the others.”
You blinked up, raising a brow. “The others?”
Mao hummed then smiled, giving a nod. “Yes, if you like.” she turned a bit, to face you a little better, her hand had now risen, and she was petting a small tabby kitten’s head in her breast pocket of her coat, causing you to gasp. She giggled at your reaction, then looked down at the kitten. “What do you think Talcott? Think the others might like them?”
The small mew that greeted your ears was enough to make your heart melt. Mao then dipped her head, kissing the kitten’s head. “You happened to catch me,” she paused, then chuckled. “Well, ok you happened to literally run into me as I was heading home from running a small errand with these two. Don’t worry, you didn’t hurt Talcott at all when we collided.” she giggled as relief seemed to wash over your face.
“C’mon, follow me, my home isn’t far, you can meet the others, cool off, and I can explain where things are in town. Sound fair?”
When you nodded, Mao smiled, gesturing for you to follow as she started back down the sidewalk, taking a turn here and there, leading you to almost the edge of the city. She approached a small, quaint house, with a fenced in backyard.
“Here we are.” she smiled, as she unlocked the front door and stepped in, gesturing once more for you to follow.
“S-Sorry for intruding…” you spoke softly as you closed the door behind you.
Mao laughed softly, gently scooping Talcott out of her front pocket, and setting him down on the floor, he toddled about a little before he bounded off into the hallway. “You’re not intruding at all, besides, you’ll be a welcome distraction for–”
She was cut off by a loud burbling meow as she gently took the carrier off her back, and set it down, releasing Prompto from its confines. He jumped out, and shook himself, only to turn back to you, then pad up quickly, rubbing himself against your leg. You chuckled, and gently bent down, rubbing your fingers against his head.
“–for these guys. Come in, when he lets you.” she chuckled. “Would you like something to drink?”
“Water, if you don’t mind? And what do you mean by lets me?”
She chuckled as she rounded the corner, and you blinked down at the orange tabby that was still making figure eights about your legs. “Oh,” you laughed softly and stroked your fingers along his back, watching him arch up into you before he finally had seemed to have enough of rubbing against you, and headed into the house. But he paused at the doorway, looked back at you, and burble meowed at you.
“Alright, I’m coming.” you chuckled as you followed Prompto into Mao’s home.
The quaint exterior blended into its interior, it felt cozy, and comfortable. Taking a deep breath, you sighed out softly, for her home smelled like baked treats, sandalwood, and earth.  It was an odd comforting combo, that just reminded you of home. You smiled softly as you headed toward the couch, though you had to deal with Prompto still circling about your legs, and you feared you’d kick him or trip.
“I guess you like me a little bit, huh Prompto?”
Prompto burbled and meowed up at you, his ears turning as you took a seat on the couch. You patted the spot next to you, and smiled as he jumped up, and nuzzled almost rather hard into your hand.
“Six, you’re way too sweet for your own good.”
“He’s been like that since I brought him home from the shelter to be honest.”
You blinked upwards, slightly surprised at Mao’s voice before you smiled softly, then let your eyes widen in surprise as she not only had two other cats follow her into the room, but she had another on her shoulders.
“J-Just how many are there?”
She hummed, gently holding out a glass to you, before she reached up with her free hand, to gently scratch at the chin of the spotted cat on her shoulders.
“Hmmm… twenty-two.”
“T-twenty-what?” You went wided eyed, gently taking the glass from her fingers. She giggled and gently sat down next to you, the cat on her shoulders purring and nuzzling into her fingers.
“Twenty-two.” She smiled again, then looked down to the two black cats at her feet, and gently gestured with her head towards you. The two of them burbled a bit, before one sat at your feet, the other hopped up on your lap, purring softly. Your hand rose to gently stroke his long dark fur, as he placed his paws to your chest.
“Regis here, is almost the oldest,” she gestured to the longhaired cat on your lap. “He’d like you to pick him up a little, if you don’t mind.”
You did as she asked you to, getting rewarded with a much louder purr, and his front paws wrapping their way about your neck. You blinked in surprise before you laughed softly, as Regis pushed his muzzle against your ear, and purred into it.
Mao laughed, working the cat on her shoulders down, onto her lap. “That means he likes you.”
You tilted your head to the side a little, to glance her way, a brow raising slightly. “And he trusts me this much already?”
Mao smiled more, and nodded. “Cats can detect good people. Regis, Prompto, Clarus, and Nyx, wouldn’t be this calm around you, if you were a bad person.” as she spoke, she pointed to each cat in turn for you to identify. Nyx was the spotted cat on her lap, Clarus was the large cat at your feet, who then tilted his head back a little, ears turning as he seemed to regard you.
“Clarus, stop judging Regis. You know already how he is.” Mao spoke softly.
Clarus let his ears turn just a little before he seemed to huff, and started to wash his paws. You laughed softly before a deep rumbling meow caught your attention over your shoulder. Another long haired cat slowly padded into the room, and this one was bigger than Clarus. You went slightly wide eyed.
“Ah, Hello Gladio.”
“Astrals, He’s huge!”
Mao laughed. “If I got a gil for every time I heard that,” she smiled. “His sister, Iris, is hiding in his shadow there.”
Sure enough, a smaller long haired cat, that was colored the same, worked out from behind him, burbling curiously up at you as she sat down on her haunches near Clarus. You tilted your head gently.
“Nice to meet you Clarus, Iris, and Gladio.”
You couldn’t help but smile a the loud purrs that greeted your ears. You glanced around a moment, your eyes starting to pick out the other cat’s in Mao’s home.
 There was one that looked hairless, curled up in her plush chair across the room. Two pairs of eyes met your own when you looked on top of the bookcase, causing your brow to raise. You glanced down as you heard another soft burbling meow and were greeted by a pair of bright golden eyes, and a silvery cat that had what looked to be a silver chain hanging from their mouth.
“Good gods, they’re everywhere.”
Mao laughed. “Mn, you get used to it.” she threw you a wink and pointed to each cat you had found in turn in the order you had spotted them. “Cid is on the chair, Aranea and Crowe are up on the bookshelf, and this is Pelna, and Dino.”
“There are a few that aren’t much for meeting new people, so I have a feeling the more you visit, the more they’ll all grow on you.”
“Grow on me? Visit?”
Mao grinned a little. “Well yes, of course. Once you’re adopted by these guys, you have to come and visit them at least once a week,” she giggled at your surprised expression. “And maybe you can join me for tea and baked treats, as I explain the layout of Lestallum to you.”
When you raised your brow to her, still surprised you noticed she blushed a little.
“Ah! Sorry!” she reached up, gently rubbing the back of her head. “I sometimes forget how forward I am. You don’t have to visit, if you don’t want to, but as seeing that Regis and Prompto are both clinging to you, I figured you wouldn’t mind…”
Regis had finally let go of your neck, and was now curled up gently upon your lap, his paws kneading lightly against your thigh. Prompto was gently curled up next to you, purring away as he seemed to doze, and there was another new kitty on your opposite side, and you had no idea when they had gotten there.
“Ah, Gentiana.” Mao spoke softly.
The black and white cat lifts her head, and purrs up at you sweetly, causing you to smile and rub her ears. You chuckled as she gently leaned her head back into your hand, before you once more glanced about at the kitties that had gathered around you.
“Well, I suppose visiting these guys at least once a week wouldn’t be a bad thing. Plus, you promised baked goods, how could I say no…?”
Mao chuckled, and gave you a bright smile.
“Welcome to the Clowder, Y/N.”
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
Words: 5.205
Warnings: none;
A/N: I'm sorry that this request took me so long. Mostly, because I really loved the idea. Therefore, I really hope you will like it. I had much fun to write it.
Summary: Because of a mysterious accident you land in Eos. Finding yourself in an unknown world, you're happy that you got help by someone. Nyx saves your life and quickly, he sees more in you than just a person who was in danger.
You were bored. Like, really bored. Your life was barely special before Corona had overtaken the world and now, with all the quarantines, restrictions and rules, the excitement was ... zero.
So, out of boredom, you started to clean your apartment. Every single corner. All of it. From your loudspeakers, random music was playing to cheer you up. Mostly soundtracks of everything you liked: Supernatural, Marvel, Dr Who, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings ... whatever there was in the gaming, movie or TV orbit drifting around, you probably liked it.
So, while you were humming with the latest tune of some triple A video game, you put the vacuum cleaner away to get a black cloth for a last task on your list before everything would be shiny again in your small apartment: the mirrors.
With slow, circling moves, you wiped over the reflecting surface. Your face was staring back at you. Mocking you. You and your boring life even without a pandemic. Sometimes, you even got the feeling of not being in the right place. That you should be somewhere else. That you belonged somewhere else. Where you would have friends and maybe even a partner…
Your eyes were taunting you. They reminded you of all the dreams you had in your youth. All the adventures you wanted to go on. All the exotic countries you wanted to visit. All the food you wanted to discover and yet, you were captured in a boring life, cleaning your apartment at 6 pm because you got nothing else better to do.
You looked into your own eyes, the cloth still touching the mirror as you whispered to yourself, "You know, it would be so great to be somewhere else. Just to be ... Away! Away! Away!"
"I hate these trips!", Libertus complained for the third time since they had passed the wall.
Nyx rolled with his eyes but stayed silent. He was still slowly polishing his blades. As he looked up, his eyes met the smirking expression of Pelna who thought the same as Nyx: 'cry-baby'
"Could you please shut up? Would you rather clean the training court instead?", Crowe asked, annoyed about Libertus' non stop whining.
"At least, it wouldn't be less dangerous.", Libertus argued, crossing his arms over his chest.
Crowe leant forward, supporting herself on her knees, "Oh, really? You remember the last time where we got charged with the cleaning task? Three barracks were burning, one was smoldering and the smell of smoke lingered in the Kingsglaive headquarters for three weeks.", she pointed out.
Libertus stretched out his arms as a question, "What? I just wanted to help and to dry everything faster!"
"Yes! With fire magic, god dammit! You're not the best with magic. At all. Just ... don't do that. This mission will be a bit ... easier, I hope."
Nyx' scoffed, "Please... What shall happen on a routine mission to kill some animals which are terrorizing the outskirts?"
Little did he know...
"Here kitty, kitty!", Pelna called out and tried to gain the attention of some Sabertusks that had been running into small woods.
"Seriously?", Crowe asked, crossing her arms with a frown on her face.
"What? Somehow we have to get their attention back or do you wanna run after them into the woods where the space is crap to fight against them?", Pelna argued.
Libertus stepped next to Crowe while Nyx was a bit closer to the woods and watched the scene closely. Somehow, it had become silent. Too silent for Nyx’ liking. Not one single sound was to be heard except the soft rustling of the leaves of some trees.
Then, he heard something in the distance but the bikerings of his friends were too loud, so Nyx couldn't locate the source of the sound or what it was at all. After another moment had passed, Nyx turned around with a stern expression, "Guys! Could you shut up, please? I heard something!"
"What did you hear?", Libertus asked and earned a rolling of Nyx' eyes.
"I don't know because you're still talk-", but Nyx stopped as he heard this voice again. This time it was louder and came from the nearby woods.
"Help! Anyone help me!"
"Have you guys heard it?", Nyx asked and stepped forward, closer to the voice. He still couldn't see the source so his eyes darted around to find it.
Pelna stepped to Nyx' side, "It came from the woods."
"Yes, but I can't see from where.", Nyx answered serious, drawing his brows together in concern. Running blind was a bad idea. Nyx still searched the area until a figure emerged from a bunch of bushes, running and stumbling forward.
Shocked, Nyx watched you. You were dressed in some casual, short clothes. It could be just something comfortable to chill or something to sleep with. But whatever it was, it wasn't suitable for someone who was out in the wild. So, the first impressions Nyx had about you were: reckless and … cute
"Help! Please, someone help!", you cried out once again while you stumbled forward, flailing with your arms to keep your balance. Four mean and vicious lonking beasts were chasing you. The animals were jumping out of the woods and caught up on you quickly.
This was enough for Nyx to react, "Guys! Take care of the Sabertusks! I will hurry to help them!", he commanded as he saw you falling to the ground, lying there in shock while waiting for the beasts to attack you. Without a second thought, Nyx threw his Kukri to your position.
Screaming and wheezing you crawled back over the ground, cutting deep into the palms of your hands with sharp stones. Backwards, you tried to create as much space as possible for the monsters with the ugly head, the sharp teeth and deadly claws.
Once again, you cried out for help as something appeared in front of you with a soft sizzling and a sound like fire cracking. You blinked for a moment and then, a man was emerging in front of you. He was surrounded by sparks and glitter. He knelt in front of you on one knee with burning scars in his face.
You cried out in surprise and fear, trying to crawl away from him but Nyx raised his hands to soothe you, "It's okay. You're safe now.", he said, trying to calm you but he still saw the panic in your eyes.
You crawled further till your back hit a huge rock, so your way was blocked. The guy looked back at something before he turned back to you. Obviously, he was pleased with what he saw because his expression was more relaxed than before. You noticed his incredible blue eyes and his handsome face. He looked strange with the hairstyle and the tattoos on his face. Strange but not scary, quite the opposite, which made it easier for you to calm down.
While putting away the Kukri, Nyx noticed that you became calmer even if your breath was still erratic. The pure panic became less and left were two beautiful eyes staring right back at him. Your whole appearance was eye-catching as he looked past all the dirt. Slowly, he crawled closer to you, "I won't hurt you. My name is Nyx. What's your name?", he said soothingly, stretching out his hand to you to show you that he was unarmed.
You calmed down by the sound of his warm voice and the sight of the smile on his full lips, "My... My name is YN.”
Nyx smiled softly as he heard your nice voice. As you shot him a weak smile, he felt his heart making a little jump because it was so beautiful. There was something on you he liked immediately. Quickly, he checked your skin but except for a few scratches and bruises, he couldn’t see any serious wounds, “Nice to meet you, YN. Are you hurt?”
You shook your head while moving your arms and legs a little bit to check on them, “I- I'm fine- ahhh!", you cried out in shock about the view of one of the mean beasts that had chased you as its head appeared next to Nyx'. You panicked and luckily, you passed out finally so you wouldn't notice how Nyx with the nice eyes would die before you would get killed as well.
As Nyx saw you passing out, he reached out for you, catching your shoulders before your head could hit the ground and placed your upper body on his lap. As you were secure, Nyx looked up and watched Libertus stepping closer with a dead Sabertusk body as a trophy raised in the air. He was covered in blood and had a big grin on his lips. Annoyed, Nyx sighed, "Great job, idiot.", Nyx said with you unconscious lying in his arms.
As you awoke, you found yourself in a room. It was grey, plain, simple and you were alone. Slowly, you sat up, your head was slightly spinning and a dull pain throbbed behind your temple but your vision became slowly clearer. As you looked around, your eyes landed on a neat folded pile of clothes. Your own were torn and dirty and so, you were thankful to change them.
While you dressed in plain black pants and shirt, you heard sounds coming from behind the door. You considered staying in the safeness of the room but your curiosity won. So, you sneaked out, looking left and right the hallway before you followed the undefined sounds.
After a few metres, you found yourself faced with the view of a courtyard. You were on the second floor and looked into a wide open area. There were men flying and jumping around, all dressed in black, uniform-like clothes. They were appearing and disappearing quickly. Someone started in one corner and landed immediately in another across the field accompanied with sparks and glitter. That you had seen this effect once before calmed you.
Like a circus show, the people were making flic-flac or somersaults. A thought struck you: maybe you got rescued by a bunch of acrobatics and the strange animals had been part of their show? You leant against the handrail to watch them excited.
Suddenly, a man, who stopped right in front of you, keeping himself steady with his hands on the handrail, brought you out of these deliberations and out of your fascination, "Oh, hey, sleeping beauty! Are you good?", the tall guy asked. But unfortunately, it wasn't the one with the incredible blue eyes.
"Libertus! Back to training!", someone called out in a harsh tone, commanding the man away from you.
"Sorry, I have to go.", and with that said, the man called 'Libertus', threw his blade and disappeared in a fog of sparkling stuff.
Still amazed, you watched the others and their 'training', leaning against the handrail with your arms again. As you got used to their tricks, you liked to watch them and how easy it seemed to move so quickly around.
So, as someone appeared next to you, you were startled about the sudden sound of an unknown voice. The owner was tall, with broad shoulders and dressed in a heavy outfit with leather and decorations, "Hi, good to see you awake. My name is Titus Drautos. I’m the Captain of the Kingsglaive.", he introduced himself seriously but calmly.
You frowned, "Kingsglaive?", you asked. You never had heard such a name.
"Yeah... They are the Kingsglaive.", Drautos said and pointed at the jumping figures, "How do you feel?", he asked, checking you quickly but your eyes were clear and there was no other sign of sickness.
"Oh, I'm feeling good again. Thank you.", you said politely, unsure if he wanted to know more but you also felt uncomfortable around him even if you couldn't say why.
"Is there anything I can do for you?", Drautos said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.
"Yeah, actually, I would like to speak with the man who saved me. I would like to thank him. I think 'Nyx' was his name?", you said carefully, watching the Captain’s reaction.
Drautos looked at you for a split second before he shrugged with his shoulders, stepping forward to the handrail, "Ulric!", he called out.
A few seconds later, you watched how a man appeared in front of you, emerging from sparks and glitter like on the field. This time, you were calmer and so, you were impressed how he did this. You never had seen something like this before. And once again, you noticed the glowing, fiery scars carved into his face and down his neck as he stepped in front of the Captain, taking position like a soldier.
"Yes, Sir?", Nyx said serious but already had caught sight of you staring at him. He was glad to see you awake and noticed you approaching with a curious glance. Your eyes were already distracting but Nyx tried to focus on his Captain.
"Since you were the one who had saved YN's life, I thought it would be just right if you would talk with them.", Drautos said serious, "Take care of them.", he said as if you wouldn't stay right next to him before he turned over to march away.
You stared after the tall man, "Actually, it wasn't his idea...", you said resentfully.
Nyx chuckled and closed up on you, "He seeks advantage from whatever he gets. Forget it. But I'm glad that you're awake again. You frightened me a lot as you passed out.", he said with a warm smile.
You chuckled shyly, rubbing the back of your neck, "Yeah...sorry for that. I never fainted before but on the other hand, I never was in such a scary situation."
"I know. Libertus can be frightening-"
"No! I meant this monster! I never saw something like this in my entire life.", you explained, shaking about the mere memory.
“You mean the Sabertusk?", Nyx asked, confused. Sure, not every Insomnian citizen knew all Lucis' animals or had seen them in real life but Sabertusks were so common that even the smallest kids knew about them.
"Saber- what? Nevermind. I just don't want to see any of this again."
Nyx chuckled, "Don't worry. Here in Insomnia, you're safe."
You tilted your head, "Insomnia?"
Nyx frowned and was concerned if you might have hit your head after all, "Yeah... Insomnia? The capital city of Lucis?"
You blinked several times because you had no idea what he was talking about, "Lucis? Is that a nickname for... Louisiana?"
Nyx stepped in front of you, looking in your eyes and checking your head but you seemed alright, "Amnesia, huh? Well, I guess this will be over soon. I'm sure it's coming from the shock. You're hungry?", he asked hopefully to be able to spend more time with you and watched how a broad smile spread on your lips.
"I'm starving!", you answered.
"Oh, no! Don't do that! Drautos will yell at me if I won't take good care of you.", he joked and showed you the way out of the headquarters.
As you stepped out of the building, you had no idea that the time for questions and wonders had just begun.
Nyx passed the entrance mindlessly and walked down the few stairs but as he couldn't hear you following him, he turned around just to see you staring at the skyline with big eyes. It was this moment where Nyx noticed two things:
First, the astonishment you showed as you looked at all the buildings and at the sky with the magical wall wasn't just an act and second, Nyx realized that he was attracted to you.
It was the second point that surprised Nyx the most. He barely knew you. He had just met you and still, there was something on you. He had felt it back on the field. Something he couldn't put a finger on. Were it your eyes? Or the way you looked at the surroundings as if you had never seen any of all this before? Or was it the way you looked at him?
Nyx thought about it like a magical aura that surrounded you. There was something on you he couldn't quite understand but he was eager to find out what it was. Amused but at the same time attentive, he watched you stumbling down the few stairs because your eyes were still directed at the sky. Nyx caught you at the last moment and shook his head with a grin, "Watch out, YN. Don't walk around so mindlessly or you will hurt yourself.", he whispered.
You noticed your cheeks redden, mostly as you felt Nyx’ strong hands on your body and how close he was, but as your eyes met his you saw the grin on his lips, "Usually, I'm more cautious but- have you seen the sky? It… Is it sparkling? It looks as if sparkling waves are spreading over the city…", you breathed, looking up once again.
Nyx looked from you at the sky and back at you before he placed you back on the ground, "Y-yeah… it's kinda sparkling. That's the magic of the crystal. The crystal which secures this city through the King's power?", he added as he saw your puzzled expression.
"Y-you… this city has a King? And a magical- what? A wall?"
"Very funny!", Nyx called out and laughed. He thought you would make fun of him but as you still stared at him with no amusement, he frowned, "Where do you actually come from?"
"Oh, I'm from New Jersey.”
“Never heard about it before. Come on, let us get something to eat and then we talk a bit.”
"What the hell is this building? Is this a church?", you asked, pointing at a building with two tall towers where something shot into the sky from the middle of the building, "This smoke looks … strange.", you pointed out.
This was the tenth question of that kind you had asked during the last five minutes. Nyx stopped in his tracks and looked at you, "It's the Citadel. The castle?", he tried to trigger your memories as you showed no reaction, "The 'smoke' you see there is actually the energy from the crystal that creates the wall. I told you about it before."
You nodded slowly, "Yeah… the crystal… You have some crazy stuff here.", you said, impressed, chewing on some spicy meat you had picked from a stick.
Before Nyx could react, he got a call and asked you to wait, "Ulric. Yes, Sir. Yes, we're still in the city. No, Sir.", he answered the questions asked by Drautos while he watched you wandering around. Nyx kept you in sight but was also fascinated by the way you looked at all the different things around you. He wouldn't call it naive but it seemed as if you were easily impressed. You found something interesting in the smallest things while Nyx caught himself by thinking about you as cute and … lovely.
Another question of Drautos brought Nyx back to reality and he realized that he stopped listening to his Captain a while ago, "Yes, Sir. I'm listening. Of course. Yes, I will take care of YN. Yes. Bye-", but the Captain already had hung up, "Good day to you, too, Sir."
As you noticed that Nyx was done with his call, you joined him again, "What was the matter? Are you in trouble?", you asked, concerned because you had hogged Nyx for quite a while.
"No, everything's good. It was just Drautos. Obviously, you're stuck with me a bit longer. I got the orders to look after you.", Nyx answered with a soft smile as he saw your worried expression which changed into a huge, charming, heart-stopping smile.
"Great. I still have a bunch of questions.", you said excitedly, linking your arm with Nyx' to wander further through the Crown's City.
But not just you had a lot of questions. Nyx too. In the beginning, he thought you would make fun of him as you asked so many things about the best known facts of Eos everyone actually knows.
But quickly, after Nyx had asked you a bunch of questions on his own, he realized that you weren't joking. Sure, as you told him that you came through a mirror, because you had been fallen through it, sounded more like a bedtime story for kids but you spoke about everything with so much conviction that Nyx believed you.
The Captain, slightly concerned about your state because Nyx had told him about his suspicion that you could suffer from amnesia, asked on a regular basis if Nyx had any new information about you. And not for one second, Nyx thought about telling him the truth.
He said neither something about your journey through the mirror nor about your life in New Jersey. That you knew nothing about Eos at all because this was simply not your world. He kept it all a secret.
Because Nyx felt the urge to protect you. Whenever he was with you in the past week he felt good. As if just your presence was able to lift his spirit. You were funny, curious and interested in him and in this, for you, new world. Nyx already liked you. A lot. It wasn't just attraction anymore, rather he really started to like you on a more emotional level even after this short of time. But he had no idea how you were thinking about him.
So, by the end of the week, Nyx collected as much courage as he could find, "Hey, uhm… Libertus and the others are meeting at Yamachang's. You… Do you wanna come with me? I- I mean us?", he asked and felt nervous. The whole week, he had been with you with no problem and now, he felt nervous because this question didn't belong to the Captain's order anymore to take care of you. For him, it was far more.
You saw the hope in Nyx’ eyes and the insecurity in his expression about what your answer would be. The past week, you had spent a lot of time with Nyx. You got to know him. His life as a Glaive. As a refugee. You had learned about his deceased family and his life in Galahd. And, not very surprisingly, you started to like the soldier with the greyish hair and the incredible blue eyes. For you, it was extremely hard to resist his charm and his handsomeness. And in the end, you didn’t want to resist him. You just had no idea how he thought about you.
You tried to get closer to Nyx so many times. You wanted to show him in a subtle way how you felt. Maybe, this invitation would give you the opportunity to make a move on him, "I would love to come with you.", the slowly growing smile on Nyx' lips gave you the sense to have done things right.
"YN, it's good to see that you're alright again.", Pelna said and gave you a drink.
"Yeah… Nyx did everything to bring me back on track.", you said and winked at Nyx who smiled shyly.
"The Captain already complained you two were just sightseeing all the time.", Crowe said jokingly.
You chuckled, scratching the back of your neck, "Yeah… I guess, the amnesia had hit me harder than I thought."
Nyx looked at you with a frown. After you had told him your story, he was sure you were okay. No amnesia or something like this. So, why were you sticking to this story instead of telling the truth?
"Oh, so, you remember where you come from and stuff?", Libertus asked.
You smiled at him, "Yes, of course.", you answered. Quickly, you checked on Nyx who still watched you. Were you seeing cautiousness in his eyes? Was he afraid of what you would say? You looked back at Libertus, "I come from Altissia. I was moving to Insomnia for a new job. As you found me, I was on my way but unfortunately, I had an accident with my car and then, the horrors with all these creatures started. You have to know, Altissia is built on water. We don't have such wildlife as Lucis has."
Nyx stared at you speechless. You were lying. Lying about everything. Effortlessly. But everything you said were things you knew from him. Nyx showed you a map of Eos. He told you as much as he knew about Lucis and Accordo. About all the differences he could remember. You turned your head and smiled softly at him. You even winked at Nyx and he saw in your eyes that you would explain it to him later.
You and Nyx walked side by side as you left Yamachang's a few hours later. The Crown's City was still buzzing. People were walking to bars, clubs and restaurants. You turned your head over to Nyx and because he was unusually quiet, you nudged his shoulder with yours, "You think they bought my story?"
Nyx looked at you with an unreadable expression, "You were lying."
"Yes and I hated it. Trust me. But what else should I say? The truth? That I fell through a mirror and landed here? Instead that I woke up in my bed in New Jersey, I awoke in an old hunters hut in the middle of nowhere?", you pointed out softly.
Nyx nodded. He understood your point. He was barely able to understand all this but he had accepted it. You had spoken so detailed about your home that there was no way that everything was just made up. But to explain everything to his friends would be maybe too much.
Suddenly, a thought struck his mind and he was surprised that he didn't have thought about this earlier. Carefully, he looked at you, "Do you miss it? Your … home, I mean."
Your brows shot up because you realized that you were barely thinking about your former life, "Actually, I uhm…", you whispered, searching for the right words, before you looked at Nyx and stopped. You had reached the plaza of the Citadel. You looked at the stream of magical power and at the beautiful sparkling light. The moon was already up and together it was a captivating view. You looked back at Nyx who waited patiently, "To be honest, I have barely thought about it since I've been here."
Nyx stepped closer to you. It was a moment that could change things and he felt it. Maybe it was silly to think about a future with someone he knew for just one week but here he was, looking into your enchanting, sparkling eyes and watching how your teeth were digging into your lower lip, "If it would be possible, if there would be a way, would you… go back?"
You also stepped forward with a pounding heart in your chest. For one week, you asked yourself how Nyx' lips would taste, how his hands would feel on your skin when he would want you and how soft his hair really felt between your fingers, "You know, as I was in this hut, before you found me? I tried to find a way to get back. Now, I think things might have changed.", you whispered.
Nyx' pulse quickened as he saw your breathtaking smile, "What has changed? I mean, this is not your world.", he said softly, stroking with the back of his hand over your cheek before he cupped your face carefully, "There's nothing that would keep you here.", he whispered.
You leant against his warm hand, even inhaling his scent, "For me, there would be a reason … rather… someone… to stay here.", you said, looking at Nyx in a certain way to tell him that you meant him. As you let your hands slid underneath his jacket, stroking over Nyx' chest, feeling him tensing, you saw that he understood, "But I- I'm not sure what this someone might think of it if I would want to stay.", you said meaningfully.
Nyx was nervous, excited and jittery at the same time. It had increased since you had started to touch him softly. Your affection gave him the courage to snake his other arm slowly around your waist to pull you closer, "You know, you have nothing to fear about this someone’s reaction. He would be more than happy to keep you here.", he breathed, nudging playfully your nose with his with a shy smile on his lips.
You mimicked his smile. The moonlight was sparkling in Nyx’ mysteriously glowing eyes which kept you in their spell, "Y- you're so sure about it?", you whispered.
Nyx nodded slowly, still looking into your eyes, "Yes, I am sure. YN, I… I'm falling for you. There's no doubt how I'm feeling about you. It's crazy because we just met one week ago but … you're so beautiful. And so amazing. The way you're interested in all these new things. How you look at everything … how you look at me… I wouldn't stop you if you really want to go back home but I… I would love to be the reason for you to stay here. With me."
You snaked your arms around Nyx' neck, pulling him closer, "You're the best reason I could ask for.", you breathed against his lips before you closed the gap finally.
Nyx responded to your move and kissed you deeply. His fingers found their way into your hair while he caressed your lips with his. The grip of his arm around you got even stronger to have you close while you played with his hair in a teasing way. He was overwhelmed by all the things he felt by just kissing you. No matter where you had come from, that you were there, with him, that you even existed was everything for him.
Under the magical, white moon of Lucis, Nyx gave you an unspoken promise. He wouldn't let you go. Never. From the beginning, you were more than just someone whose life he had rescued. You were what he had missed in his life all the time. He had been searching for something that had been out of reach. But obviously destiny meant it well and you had been falling into his life like a miracle. Literally. And Nyx would treat you like this. With his lips, he sealed this promise to you.
For the first time in your life, you felt as if you were in the right spot. You weren't misplaced anymore. You even had found people that already cared for you. You had found someone who wanted to keep you in his life. Maybe you should feel sad for leaving your former life just like that. Maybe you should feel lost because this wasn't your world. But in fact, you felt home. As Nyx kissed you, he showed you a future you never thought you would have.
For the first time, you felt excited for all the unknown things that were lying in front of you. You would discover all of these things. With Nyx by your side.
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Magic and Miracles and Beyond Chapter 12
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I did not give up on this and I didn’t abandon it, I just...got a much busier life. I’m going back to school, full time. Am I stalling doing my homework? Yes. Do I have an exam on Tuesday that I should be preparing for? Yes. Did this writers block that’s been in my way FOR MONTHS Magically go away and I found my spark for this story again? YES. But you know what? This little chapter was what I needed. What my soul needed. @the-immortal-marshal. Girl, you’ve been SO PATIENT and so good to me. This is for you. That good good. 
Chapter 12
Ada was in the middle of getting a massage, her and the girls had gone to their favorite spa for a spa day and Ada had just gotten her new bank cards in from getting added as a signer to Luche’s accounts and Luche told her to get anything and everything she wanted and not worry about the cost and she was going all out, getting a mani pedi, a hair cut and some highlights and lowlights and a facial and her makeup redone, her bruises had faded and her body had healed and thanks to a lot of ongoing therapy, her mind was healing too. 
Meanwhile Luche, Ravus, Nyx, Libertus, Gladio, Tredd, Pelna and Craig were all going from each other’s apartments to make sure they would have dinner ready and waiting for their girls when they got done having a spa day. They were going all out, making sure the dinners were several courses long, the apartments were perfectly clean and had gotten rose petals by the case and made sure each place was picture perfect for a huge romantic gesture while each guy made his partner’s favorite meal.
Ada came home and gasped when she saw the way the rose petals had been strewn across the floor leading upstairs, there were candles everywhere and the scent of her favorite foods filled her nose and made her stomach growl. 
“Oh Luche,” Ada cooed as she looked at everything and just couldn’t stop smiling as a few tears came to her eyes. This was beautiful and romantic and so thoughtful before Luche greeted her properly by kissing her after he put the prime rib roast on the table. 
“Hey,” Luche grinned proudly as he put it down and went up and kissed her as his arms wrapped around her and held her tight. He was dressed in a dressy casual fashion and Ada felt like she had stepped into a magazine. Everything was picture perfect. 
“How was Twilla? You look amazing. I love what you did with your hair.” Luche asked as they broke for air and he took the bags that had dropped from her hands that she had been carrying since they had done some shopping before the spa and she had let them go to embrace Luche and she was so happy that only his face pulled away but he otherwise kept his arms comfortably around her while she did the same to him before they both seemed to sway to soft music that was playing on the stereo in the apartment. 
“Thank you, yeah it was amazing. You need to come with me next time, they have couples massage, that’s what Noct and Iggy had and they had nothing but high praise about it.” Ada grinned. 
“Sounds great, we could do that...well not next weekend but the weekend after that.” Luche mentally calculated. 
“Really?” Ada smiled brighter. 
“Yeah, go ahead and schedule it and let me know what time so I’ll put it in my schedule.” Luche confirmed. 
“I will, but first, food.” Ada said as she nodded over to the beautifully set table with real china and silverware and a steaming pot of tea waiting for her before Luche let her go and pulled her chair out for her before he got her bags and stowed those away so she could focus on the meal which they happily dug into. 
“Have I told you how much I love it that you cook?” Ada moaned around her food as she devoured everything and was so touched that Luche had done all this work and made a gourmet meal for her to her liking and even noticed that he had done some housekeeping because everything was immaculate and smelled fresh and clean. 
“I tried, Rae, Nyx and Craig helped a lot.” Luche admitted. 
“Yeah but the fact that you even try and put forth so much effort means a lot to me.” Ada fawned as she poured herself a cup of tea and took a tentative sip. She had made a dent in Luche’s tea cabinet and together they had weeded out which ones were going to be repeat buys and which ones were not and this was one of her favorites, it was a good evening tea since it was decaf but had an amazing flavor that went with everything. 
“I know. That’s why I do it.” Luche grinned proudly, happy that she noticed and recognized his hard work before he reached over and took her hand to kiss the back of it sweetly which melted her in her chair before she mirrored his actions then used her hold on him to pull him over to kiss her again since they were sitting kitty corner from each other. 
“I got you something.” Ada giggled. 
“Yeah?” Luche grinned wider. Tickled that she did. She always had great taste whenever she bought gifts and he had yet to not love whatever she got. 
“It’s for later.” Ada giggled as her cheeks stained cherry which got him to smile wider as a giggle escaped him. It was that kind of something. 
“Can’t wait.’ Luche smiled even brighter. “So I wanted to ask you about something.” Luche changed the subject. 
“What?” Ada returned as she tilted her head curiously. 
“So Sylva is a helicopter pilot and a small aircraft pilot too and she’s offered to help Rae and I and her other “kids” to get our pilot licenses.” Luche began as Ada’s eyes lit up. 
“Really?” Ada beamed happily. 
“Yeah, so what do you think about that?” Luche asked. 
“That would be amazing!” Ada fawned. 
“Good, cause it’s your dad is coming back to teach us.” Luche revealed. 
“Really? Wait what? Us? Like you and Rae us or you and me us?” Ada posed. 
“Both,Sylva apparently made him an offer he couldn’t refuse so your parents are moving back but your brother is staying in London, if you want to learn it too that is and if you’re ok with me going into that as well.” Luche clarified. 
“Hell yes!” Ada immediately agreed before she kissed him excitedly. “Why wouldn’t I be ok with that?” Ada asked after she kissed him. 
“Well because flying, as you know, has it’s dangers and I didn’t want to agree or jump into anything without talking about it with you first and making sure you’re ok with it.” Luche explained. 
“Aww, thank you, no that doesn’t bother me at all, it’s a lot of fun.” Ada grinned happily, touched that he would be so mindful and thoughtful about that and obviously concerned to take her thoughts and feelings into account. 
After dinner Luche led her upstairs and Ada nearly burst into tears when she found the bed covered in rose petals and the room was glowing in candlelight and she was excited yet nervous to see what he would think about her “gift”. 
“So what did you get me?” Luche asked as Ada damn near was bouncing in place and biting her bottom lip in half to keep her face from splitting in half from the smile that threatened to take over her face as she gave him one of the bags and in it was more cologne, some new ties and shirts and sweaters, some moisturizers, hair products and then inside the larger bag was a smaller bag...from a sex toy shop and Luche damn near had a giggle fit as he reached in and got the bag before he eagerly opened it and nearly dropped it when he found a box and in that box...was a cock ring set. A C ring, a regular cock ring and a vibrating one and Luche’s soul nearly left his body because...that’s how he could please Bethany, Caitlin, Andrea and Olivia in Cancun for a week during spring break and Luche had flashbacks. Shit that had only been six months ago but it felt like a lifetime ago. 
“Too adventurous?” Ada worried. 
“No, no, not at all.” Luche quickly reassured her. 
“What?” Ada asked as she looked at him and studied his face trying to figure out if he was weirded out or anything. 
“Um…” Luche stammered as he frowned in concentration while his face burned. 
“Cor never wore one, if that’s what you’re wondering, I wanted to try something new and spice things up a little.” Ada offered, mentally berating herself for not realizing that that is what it looked like. 
“Oh, uh, no that- that wasn’t...um...going through my head at all.” Luche assured her. 
“You can say you’re uncomfortable with it, it won’t hurt my feelings.” Ada concluded. 
“It’s not that I’m uncomfortable with this or these or anything like that-um, it’s just that I...I know exactly what these are and how they work because I’ve..used them before.” Luche confessed before Ada’s eyebrows shot up into her hairline. 
“With...Vivian?” Ada frowned in confusion, trying to remember who he dated before her. 
“No...with Bethany... in Cancun.” Luche revealed. 
“Ooh!” Ada answered before she started laughing which broke the tension as Luche laughed too. 
“Ok, so...do you never want to use them again? Will they make you think of her while we, if we were to use them?” Ada winced. 
“Well, no, because it’ll be with you.” Luche grinned before he simply put them down to wrap her up in his embrace to kiss her and get them both back in the mood. 
"Don't ever compare yourself to anyone else ok?" Luche insisted as he sensually undressed her before he gently pushed her back into the bed before he put the vibrating one on. 
Ada hissed in pleasure as he entered her and because of the placement it hit her clit just right and Luche grinded himself into her so that the vibrating bit wouldn’t leave her clit and smiled happily when Ada writhed under him as he did his best to commit this to memory so he could please her in the future before he gave her more hickeys on her neck and chest while her newly manicured nails raked down his back, mindful of the few moles on his back and his itchy spots before she prompted him to roll over so she could ride him as Luche laid down and pushed up into her as his hands gripped her hips and pulled her down as Ada rode him and put her hands on his chest to hold herself up as her eyes screwed shut in concentrated bliss as her mouth hung wide open to moan, pant and keen.  
“Lu!” Ada whined as she found the perfect spot and pushed herself down onto it as hard as she could before she came and spasmed on top of him, her legs shaking and her arms buckling while she rode out her orgasm before Luche sat up and gathered her in his arms again and continued to hike his hips up into hers as he kissed her senseless, absolutely determined to get her to a second orgasm because this cock ring was tight and keeping him hard enough that he could last at least two to three intense rounds and by the time they both wore the other out did they collapse in a heap of sweaty limbs and satisfied smiles before Luche took the ring off and set it aside. 
“Yeah I think that worked out well.” Luche panted as he fought to catch his breath. 
“Oh yeah, total win.” Ada giggled as she curled herself into him, her clit still buzzing as her senses were drowning in endorphins.  
“I love you.” Luche grinned proudly as he kissed the crown of her head. 
“Love you too Lu.” Ada cooed back before they fell asleep. 
The next weekend they were all at Craig’s farm since his parents had a better set up to handle a wedding as they were going through dress rehearsals as Craig Sr. grilled some steaks, chicken and pork chops as Chelsea and her team finished setting up all the tents, decorations, chairs and tables. 
“Hey Lu,” Sylva said as she managed to catch him by the punch bowl. 
“Yeah Sly?” Luche answered. 
“I just wanted to let you know that if you happen to get swept up in wedding fever tomorrow and perhaps you were to be moved to propose to Ada, could you just give me a heads up so I’m next to your mother when you do it because I’ve been talking to her for the last hour or so and when I hinted at it she was, understandably, apprehensive to the notion and it’s going to take a lot for her to make peace with that.” Sylva warned him. 
“Yeah…” Luche grimaced. “What do you think it’ll take for mom to come around to the idea?” Luche asked cautiously. 
“A prenup, otherwise she will be the biggest bitch any of us has ever seen.” Sylva answered. 
“Yeah, I figured.” Luche nodded in understanding. 
“Good you’ve made peace with that idea, it’s already drawn up.” Sylva grinned triumphantly. 
“For how long?” Luche frowned. 
“Since May.” Sylva beamed. 
“Really?” Luche deadpanned. 
“Yes really, and once you do I have gifts, they’re already wrapped and the dresses she showed interest in at Kleinfelds are already on hold for her as are a few others.” Sylva revealed. 
“And that’s why you paid her dad extra to come ASAP.” Luche realized as his gaze traveled over to Ada sitting and catching up with her parents who had come just a few days before. 
“Yup, they wouldn’t want to miss it.” Sylva smiled proudly. 
“Do you ever just...take a day off?” Luche teased with a chuckle. 
“No, when you have your kids, you’ll see and understand and you won’t either.” Sylva reminded him with a fond smile. 
“Thank you.” Luche thanked her gratefully before he hugged her as she hugged him back.  
“You’re welcome, now I gotta go tell Chelsea to make the “inlaws” table extra big to include them and I’ll have your mother right next to me so I can keep her from making a scene.” Sylva explained after she pulled away and clued Chelsea in on what would happen as she made the adjustments.
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finalfucketry · 6 years
Comrades - Ch. 3 (End)
Nyx Ulric/Reader (No Pronouns)
TW: Suicide Attempt, Angst with a happy ending
     In his state, Nyx decided target practice was probably the best idea. He knew better by now not to practice warping when he was distracted. Besides, he really needed to throw something sharp at something else. He must have been throwing harder than he realized because his blade stuck halfway into the dummy viciously.
“Six, what'd he do to you? Steal your parking space?” Crowe quipped from behind him. He turned on his way to retrieve his blade. She met him at the throwing line, standing back just enough to watch him throw.
“Seriously, what's got you so pissed off?” she asked, arms crossed over her chest. He hesitated then shook his head and threw again.
“Nothing,” he mumbled. He missed by a mile this time. Her eyebrows shot up as she followed the course of his blade. That was not nothing.
“Fine, whatever. You know where ____ is? Haven't seen 'em all day,” she mused. He shrugged.
“Must be sick then,” he half-lied. If Crowe knew you were at his apartment neither of you would ever live it down. He missed again.
“Is that why you're so grumpy? _____ isn't here?” she asked slyly.
“Fuck off,” he said, a little more lightheartedly, before stalking off to grab his blades.
     When he got home, he was almost relieved to see you weren't waiting for him. He didn't know how he would approach the awkward question of getting you home. He was at least pleased to see the coffee he left you gone. The cab fare, however, was still on the table. Stupid. He shook his head and slipped it back into his pocket.
     You weren't there the next day either. It set an uncomfortable feeling in the back of his mind, but it didn't worry him. You were probably still recovering, mentally and physically. Still, the strangeness of it was affecting him more than he would like. He couldn't do target practice forever, and he kept making small mistakes. Dodging the wrong way when he should have known better, warping a little off the mark, stumbling when he landed. Enough to make other Glaives look at him funny, even whisper occasionally. He didn't even want to know what they were saying. He was just having an off day, that's all. He hit the showers early.
     When you didn't show up all the next day either, the discomfort turned into something worse. A suspicion that something was off. It only turned to worry when Crowe asked again if he'd heard from you. You wouldn't answer your phone or your radio.
“Tell me where they live, I'll go check in,” he offered. Mostly to sate his own concern.
“If they wont answer me, you really think they want to see you?” she asked, writing down your address.
“If they're being stubborn, who knows better how to get under their skin?” he said with flourish and headed for the gates.
     Every second that ticked by on his way to your apartment reverberated in his chest. The wait was impossible, and while he didn't want to unpack why he was so worried, the fact was that he couldn't get there soon enough. He practically hammered on your apartment door the second he got there.
“______?” he called out. No answer. He hammered again.
“______ it's me, it's Nyx. Open the door!” he called again, a note of panic now etching his voice.
“______ I will seriously let you punch me right now if you just open the door. Free shot,” he offered. He leaned in and listened through the door, there was absolutely no noise inside.
“Shit...” he growled as he kicked the door. He'd have to break in. If you came home and demanded he get out of your house then at least you were back to normal. He wasn't exactly experienced at breaking in, though. He summoned a flame and held it under the deadbolt, hoping maybe the warping metal might help. The flame heated up the lock, and licked at the wooden door, making scorch marks and slowly eating away at the wood. He heard a click and immediately threw his body weight into pushing the door open. After a couple tries it slammed open. He scanned the apartment, it was dark. He called out your name again, knowing it was probably pointless. He glanced inside rooms as he passed them, then opened a closed door. A bedroom. He paused briefly when he saw your form on the bed, sleeping it looked like. Until he said your name again and you didn't wake. He flew across the room and turned on the bedside lamp, examining the scene. Nothing looked off at first, until your arm fell onto the bed and an empty prescription bottle tumbled out of your hand.
He checked for a pulse, it was faint, but still there. He dialed emergency services.
     It was 1 in the morning and he was wide awake, pacing, fidgeting. The only time he stopped moving was when a nurse came out to address him.
“Are you the relative or spouse?” she asked. He shifted awkwardly on his feet.
“No just... Co-worker..” he replied uncertainly.
“Your friend is okay. Recovering from the stomach pump right now,” she reassured. He let out a breath.
“Visiting hours start at 9AM tomorrow, if you'd like. Though I can't promise they'll be awake much tomorrow,” she warned. He nodded, suddenly feeling tired in the crash of adrenaline.
“Yeah. Thanks I'll...” what would he do?
“I'll see how it goes.”
     The next day was spent telling most people a censored version of what happened. It felt a little wrong, telling so many people. They'd never let him just keep it to himself, and word probably would have gotten around anyways. The strangest part was when people gave him a pitying look. His friends stopped by more than usual, trying to be casual but clearly checking in on him. Sweet but unnecessary and... A little strange. You were the one in the hospital. It felt like everyone knew something he didn't. Maybe he was dying. He almost protested when they gave him a stationary guard that day, but he was pretty tired. He probably wouldn't be any use in practice anyways.
     The second day, a group of them had decided to visit you. They urged him to come along, but it would have felt weird. He wasn't used to so much contact with you and frankly it was starting to mess with his head in strange ways. He wanted things to go back to normal. At least he thought he did. He wanted to disconnect, nothing good could come from forming an attachment. Besides, he had a few guesses as to what happened, and he didn't want other people to be around when that conversation happened. If it happened. He had a feeling you wouldn't want other people there either.
     Still, his worry increased exponentially and by the third day, Nyx was spacing out so often he'd completely forgotten to eat all day.
“--Nyx? Hey!”
He blinked out of his trance and looked up to see Pelna looking at him skeptically.
“Sorry, uh... What?” he asked. Pelna shook his head.
“Man.... You know it's pretty obvious you're worried. Just go visit,” he nudged. Nyx opened his mouth to protest but Pelna spoke over him.
“You know they've got no family here.”
Nyx narrowed his eyes at the ground.
“I didn't, actually...” he mused. Maybe he'd have to make a plan after all.
     The first thing you saw when you started to wake was a form leaning up against the far wall. As you blinked your eyes clear you were surprised to see Nyx looking up from his phone and walking over to your bedside. He placed a cup of water into your hands as you sat up, groaning, and took a seat in the chair next to you.
“Better?” he asked as he helped you put the glass on the beside table. You nodded, taking a breath.
“They said you're the one who... Called the ambulence,” you said finally. He nodded awkwardly.
“How.. Did you get into my apartment?” you probed. He looked a little guiltily to the side.
“Uh, yeah, you might need a new lock...”
You fought against a smile.
“You broke into my house?” you asked, more playful than angry.
“I mean if you wanna be technical about it...”
He seemed taken off guard by the quesiton.
“What? When a Glaive goes off the radar for 3 days people get worried,” he said, you could hear some annoyance in his voice. You stared down at your hands for a while.
“Well?” You couldn't handle the silence, and you knew you were both avoiding the inevitable.
“Well what?” he threw the ball back in your court.
“Are you going to ask me a thousand questions about why I did it?”
“Well not when you say it like that,” he answered, and this time you couldn't help smiling just a little. You could see him relax. He stood and stretched.
“Well, I probably shouldn't keep you awake too long. Just figured I'd stop by and see how you were,” he said tiredly.
“I'm... Glad you did,” you admitted. It was hard being in the hospital alone.
“Yeah? Is that fondness I hear? The kitty finally ready to put away its claws?” he teased. You sighed and closed your eyes.
“You're an ass Ulric,” you said with much less venom than you normally would.
“Yeah, heard that one before,” he said and slipped out of the room.
     When you woke around noon the next day, you were almost disappointed not to find someone there. You reached for your water and did a double take when you saw a vase of flowers and a malboro plush sitting on the table. You grabbed it and looked over it in amusement. What a strange gift. A nurse knocked and bustled in.
“Good to see you're awake. Your friend left those earlier,” she said, nodding at the presents, “are you hungry?”
You shook your head, but she placed a cup of fruit and yogurt on your side table anyways.
“My friend?” you asked. She smiled.
“The cute one, who brought you in,” she clarified. Oh. You felt yourself grow a little warm despite your best efforts to not care. That explained the strangeness of the gift. Still... It was soft and kinda cute.
     The next time Nyx visited, a couple days later, he was more pleased than he would admit to see you sleeping curled up with the plush in your arms. He had turned to leave when he heard your voice quietly behind him.
He looked at you again and went to sit on the chair.
“Did I wake you up?”
You shook your head and stretched.
“These meds have got my sleeping schedule all fucked up,” you groaned. He laughed. You reached over and touched the flowers delicately.
“They're really beautiful,” you admired. He nodded.
“Back home we give them to people in recovery. Legend says it speeds up the process. Now, though, it's mostly tradition,” he shrugged. You leaned forward curiously. He never really talked about home, least of all to you. You gave your plush a squeeze.
“What about him? Are malboros sacred?” you asked with a grin. He smiled good naturedly.
“Just popular, and actually kinda tastey,” his smile widened at the horrified look on your face.
“When I broke my arm once my sister gave me one just like that.”
“I guess it is kinda cute...” you said fondly.
“See? He grows on you.”
It was strange, sitting there with Nyx Ulric of all people, in a relatively comfortable silence. Something you never would have thought even a week ago.
“Any idea when you're getting out?” he asked.
“They wanna keep me until they're sure I'm not a danger to myself anymore,” you said with a heavy sigh. He shifted in his seat.
“Are you?” he asked seriously. You rubbed your head.
“I... I don't know...” you confessed. He leaned forward and looked at you, there was an intensity you'd never seen before.
“Would you do it again?” he asked again. You felt yourself a little captivated, suddenly realizing how pretty his eyes were... Your chest hurt, suddenly and ferociously, and you looked up at the glaring lights to keep from crying.
“I don't fucking know...” you repeated. It really depended on how your life started to look, and right now it didn't look like anything would change. He only nodded. When he stood you felt his hand brush the top of your head quickly.
“Take a nap, Princess,” he said softly as he went to leave.
“Come back tomorrow,” you said without thinking. He wouldn't admit that he had already planned to, but he locked eyes with you and nodded.
     When Nyx walked in the next day you could tell he was up to something. Carrying his jacket hung around his arm, skirting past the nurse who was on her way out. He watched her leave before closing the door, alarming you a little.
“Uh....” you looked him over nervously. He sat in the chair.
“So I asked if we were allowed to bring in outside food and they said no....” he said, casting another look at the door before sliding a takeout box onto your table.
“So be quick.”
You looked between him and the box incredulously.
“Nyx!” you scolded, but your tone betrayed your amusement as you opened the box. You caught him suddenly grinning like a cat.
“Hey, that's the first time you've said my name,” he said, resting on his arms. You flushed a little when you realized he was right.
“I've said your name before,” you mumbled, looking down at the food. Something about your demeanor only encouraged him more.
“Not that name.”
You studied the food.
“What is it?” you asked.
“Try it first,” he demanded. He sounded like a parent. Instead, you looked closer.
“Wait, is that a tentacle?” you asked in alarm. Instead of replying he quickly speared a piece and pushed it past your open lips before you could protest and watched you curiously. You took the fork and removed it from your mouth. You chewed and hummed thoughtfully.
“This is... Really good,” you announced. You could've sworn he sat a little prouder.
“Told you they were tastey,” he said with a grin. You blinked and tried to piece it together when your eyes landed on the plush. Your eyes widened.
“Wait, seriously?” you asked.
“Can't take it back now,” he taunted.
“No, I mean... It's still really good... I don't think I can eat all this though,” you said. He snagged the fork out of your hand and stabbed another bite.
“Like I was gonna let you finish it all,” he huffed, putting the bite in his mouth. You stole the fork back.
“Besides, I've seen you in the food court, you eat slow. If I left it all to you they'd find us before we finished it.”
You took another bite.
“Why were you looking at me in the food court, Ulric?” you teased. You didn't expect him to get caught by it, but it did make him stumble a little.
“Because you're the weirdest, pickiest, slowest eater on the star,” he said with exasperation.
“Did you know there's a surprising number of ways to kill a man with a fork?” you asked innocently.
     The next time Nyx brought replacement flowers you were awake. He refilled the vase and switched the flowers as you watched.
“You know it's kind of boring at work without you to fight with,” he said. You laughed, picking out a flower and smelling it.
“Wow, you actually laughed at my joke,” he said, sounding actually a little surprised.
“Yeah, don't get used to it. I'm still on a few drugs,” you taunted, but you were smiling.
“So... Seriously, how are you doing?” he asked. He looked so genuine you were taken aback for a minute.
“Well.. The doctor says I'm showing improvement so I probably won't be sent to the Psych Ward...”
He shook his head.
“I don't mean what they think. What do you think?”
You took a steady breath as you thought about it. Then you looked up at him.
“I'm starting to think.... Maybe I'm not the friendless loser I thought I was,” you said. He looked startled.
“You seriously thought...?” he sounded kind of appalled.
“Someone I thought was my friend tried to rape me,” you said plainly, feeling a little dizzy.
“Believe it or not, that's not the worst betrayal I've ever felt. But it just keeps happening, and I never seem to make any friends and...” you had to stop when your voice cracked and you looked at the bright lights again.
“What about us?” he asked.
“We're friends,” he said simply. This startled you. What startled you more was that you didn't immediately want to deny it.
“I mean that's what that nurse keeps saying...” he said with a shrug. It made you giggle and the threat to cry passed.
“If I asked what could be worse than a friend trying to rape you, would you answer?” he asked. You thought hard for a moment, then nodded.
“An ex-lover, turning your family in to the Niffs for being part of a resistance. Getting them all... All killed.”
“Six...” he breathed.
“No wonder you act like everyone's out to get you,” he said with a small smile that you returned. A thread of understanding passed between you.
“Do yourself a favor, alright? Don't blame yourself,” he said suddenly. Your heart constricted as you looked up at him.
“Look I've been down that road, my story isn't a whole lot different from yours actually. It wasn't... None of it was your fault,” he said with confidence. The threat to cry was no longer a threat as you suddenly felt tear tracks down your face. You were overwhelmed, bringing your knees up and burying your face in the blanket to muffle your crying. You didn't want a nurse barging in here. You expected Nyx to leave, to slip out awkwardly. Instead he scooted closer and made long strokes with his hand from the top of your head down your back. He stayed that way through the whole half hour it took to calm you. When you finally sniffled to a stop and lifted your head, he helped dry your face.
“You good?” he asked, and the cavalier attitude made you laugh through your sniffles. You nodded. He stood.
“Alright, they're probably about to come kick me out, so I'd better go. I'll see you tomorrow.”
You caught him as he was about to open the door.
He turned to look back at you expectantly.
“Thanks. I mean for like.. Everything the past week,” you said as genuinely as you could. He looked surprised, but pleased. Then he went back to his smarmy self.
“What are heroes for?” he said with a nod before leaving. Strangely, you were finding his ridiculous charm more endearing than annoying.
     “Guess what!” you exclaimed practically the second he walked in. He raised his eyebrows and smiled.
“Okay I'll bite. What?” he asked.
“They're releasing me soon.”
“What, really?” he hurried to go sit in the chair. You nodded.
“What changed so suddenly?”
“Someone convinced me to like myself a little more. Made me feel less alone. Made me think maybe they're worth pursuing. And I'd have to be alive to do that...” you tested. He moved closer.
“Pursuing, huh? Pursuing how?” he challenged. You took the chance, and leaned in to press a quick kiss to his lips. You didn't want to pull away, but you didn't want to pressure him.
“Hmm.... Something tells me you're not gonna have to try very hard,” he responded, then closed the distance again, holding the kiss longer this time. When you broke, you were trying to collect your thoughts.
“You know Crowe's never gonna let us live this down...” he warned.
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teruelfxonsuvar · 7 years
FFXV rare pairs week day 1: Arguing
It’s still day 1 on my timezone. Anyways, in my heart Cor and Drautos are basically married
Cool cat looking for a kitten
Pairings: Cor Leonis/ Titus Drautos Rating: Anyone Warnings: Mobile gaming addiction
To say Cor Leonis and Titus Drautos were inseparable would be a gross exaggeration. To say they were oddly attached to each other would be an understatement.
So when the marshal walked into the Kingsglaive headquarters, puzzled about his partner’s whereabouts and all the calls and messages hr wasn’t returning, Luche did not question his presence, or his query about whether Titus was in his office or not.
After the brief exchange with the young glaive, Cor marched onwards towards Titus’s office, expecting to find him buried in paperwork or some other important task that would explain why even Clarus’s calls went unanswered, what he found instead shocked him.
Desk completely devoid of documents, computer shut down, and eyes not leaving the screen of his phone while obnoxious music and squeaky meows came from the device. Titus Drautos, captain of the Kingsglaive, has spent the last 6 hours completely engrossed in Cat Evolution.
Cor took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose before speaking
“What on earth are you doing, Titus?” His voice was full of indignation, Drautos seemed to be startled by his presence, and gave him a wide eyed stare.
“I… I am taking a break.” Was all he said. It’s only been about 15 minutes after all, right? …..right?
“I’ve been trying to reach you all morning, Clarus has been trying to reach you all morning”
“My phone was dead until a few minutes ago” Lies, and he’s sure Cor won’t buy it…
“Did you spend the whole morning playing that stupid cat game AGAIN?” Definitely not buying it
“I just love cats so much” Might as well be honest, Titus thought
“Then buy one, damn it, don’t spend working hours playing with your cellphone” by now Cor was technically yelling
“I thought you were my pretty little kitty” he smirked smugly as Cor just turned beet red and stuttered incoherences, he has been defeated.
With a frown, Cor turned on his heel and walked put of the room.
“You win this time TITTY” he called out, before shutting the door and stomping out, a win indeed.
“Did… Did the marshal just call the captain ‘titty’?” Pelna mumbled, a weirded out look and a nod was all he got from Axis.
To say Cor Leonis still had issues with his temper was an understatement.
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starjunco · 6 months
Writing Meme: First Line Patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
Giving it a try after seeing @garbria's.
The three of them had opened the bookstore only six months prior. (The Magic in Chaos, Nyx POV, FFXV, Gen)
“There’s a new prospect, my lady.” (Luminous Core, Luna & Nyx POV, FFXV, Gen)
“This is why materia are illegal.” (Quod Solus Familia Novit, Tredd POV, FFXV, Gen)
Selena opened the window to let the light and sea breeze in. (Diplomacy through Education, Selena POV, FFXV, Gen)
And then everyone died. (Dies in Vita, Luna POV, FFXV, Lunyx)
Nyx shimmied up the exceptionally dirty vent and grumbled, letting Pelna know in no uncertain terms just how much he owed him. (Run, Kitty, Run!, Nyx POV, FFXV, Cor/Nyx)
“Welcome to Cavaugh. You are Nyx Ulric?” (Immortal Sins, Nyx POV, FFXV, Gen)
Cor didn’t stare. (Everyone Has Their Heroes, Cor POV, FFXV, Gen)
Thrash -- Sprint -- Clamor -- Thump (Late Night Romp, Cor & Nyx POV, FFXV, Cor/Nyx)
“You hesitated again.” (What Was Lost, Nyx POV, FFXV, Gen)
When you go back through your fic and find a typo in a title. OMG. Well fixed now.
Also...I forgot several of these existed. I mean completely forgot. Really need to get writing again. And rereading.
Anyway, I like to start with some kind of hook that tries to make people want to know what's going on. Often that's dialog.
The only ones here that were exceptions to that were the latest one...and the one that had the typo -- DipLomacy through Education. Both had more explanation up front.
I'd tag people but Garbria already beat me to everyone I can think of XD So uh...ditto?
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starjunco · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cor Leonis/Nyx Ulric, Libertus Ostium & Nyx Ulric Characters: Nyx Ulric, Cor Leonis, Libertus Ostium, Pelna Khara Additional Tags: Shifter AU, Warzone, but mostly light-hearted and funny, Happy Ending, nyx is a good kitty, kitty!Nyx Summary:
Nyx has the ability to turn into a cat, and he does this best to use this to his advantage.
Or in which kitty!Nyx goes scouting, makes a delivery, and cheers up a couple kids.
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mandakatt · 7 years
FFXV Kingsglaive - Kitty!Au - Pelna
Dear, sweet Pelna. I am in love with this dude, so much. It’s not even funny! 
Tagging the Kitter Crew: @itshaejinju @major-artery @momokitty27 @blossattic @wrathwritesthings @rubyphilomela @suzunesays @ravenvelith
You were sitting on the edge of the back deck, watching the kitters play in the semi-long grass in the back yard. You smiled softly, as your head tilted, watching Nyx, Libertus and Crowe - some of the newest members of your Clowder, sit near your fence, looking out into the area beyond.
You lifted your head from your hand when  you heard their soft curious mows and burbles. 
“Hm. They acted like that when Crowe arrived...” you muttered to yourself before you stood up, and slowly made your way over, calling to your cats. “Hey, Lovelies. What’s going on over here, hmn?”
Your eyes locked on to a pair of bright golden ones, wide, and scared. 
“Ooh.. Hello there Love.” you cooed to them softly, watching them sit up, and regard you. Their ears turning gently as you approached the fence slowly. 
“Aren’t you a beauty, Hm?” You watched them a moment, and smiled, moving your way over to the side gate. You felt someone rub against your leg before you looked down and chuckled at Regis. “Yes yes. I’m going to try, you’re heart is too big old man.”
He meowed loudly at you, causing  you to laugh as you slipped out the gate, locking it behind you. You made your way over to the newcomer slowly, your head tilting as you cooed and talked to him. 
“Would you like something to eat? You’re welcome here, I promise.”
You watched him slowly stand, his thin lanky form moving up to gently rub against your knee as you had knelt down, and a loud sweet purr rose to your ears. 
“Well, I’m happy to meet you too.” 
And you gently scooped him up, laughing as he pressed his nose gently against your chin and relaxed. 
You couldn’t help but smile how Pelna had wormed his way into your heart, and you were all too happy to introduce him to your Clowder.
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Kitty!Pelna - The sweet little bombay stray that showed up on the other side of your fence. You only noticed him thanks to Nyx, Libertus and Crowe, and the fact that those gold eyes almost glowed in the dark.
He’s super sweet and affectionate, he rivals Nyx and Gladio as far as headbutts and your chin his face smooshes. He loves to wrap his paws about your neck, and tuck his head under your chin.
He’ll greet you when you come home, his mows long and loud. And when you ask him what he wants, he crouches and leaps up into your arms, giving you no choice but to hold him. [You know he does this on purpose.]
His purrs are soft, sweet, and almost kitten sounding. You can’t help but smile when he does so.
Energetic! Astrals save you some days! He will be seen rushing around the house like a black streak, even Talcott can’t keep up with him sometimes.
He bonded with Crowe, Libertus, and Nyx. And even though he’s energetic, he’s never far from his group. [Yes, they are his. This is how this works.]
He has also bonded with Regis, rubbing on him and flopping over onto his back to gently play bap his paws up into his face. Regis’ tail will sway playfully before he then pounces on Pelna, the two rolling around as they play fight. Cor and Clarus let him do this. Nyx doesn’t even get away with play fighting Regis most of the time.
Prompto and Pelna love to watch the birds out your picture window, and you’re not sure who chirps louder.
He constantly chitters at Blind Kitty!Ignis, and rubs on him. Ignis looks a bit indignant when it happens, but you watch him turn and wash Pelna’s ears gently.
Pelna will curl about Luna and Noctis when they sleep. Ever wanting to be the ever protective older brother. Ravus will sometimes hiss and paw bap him when he gets close to Luna but Pelna ignores him, still curling up near her.
You swear to the astrals that he can heal you. When you hurt, Pelna will lay on you where it hurts, or around you. And you swear, after just a few moments, your pain ebbs slightly. You tell yourself that it’s just his warmth, and soft purrs that soothe you, but you have this feeling there’s more to it than that.
He’s not picky with his food, and much like Nyx, will try to find all the treats even when you hide them.
He cowers a little from Titus now and then, and you have to tell Titus to knock it off when Titus gets a bit too into his ‘domineering’ act. You’ve seen Nyx, and Regis and even Cor come to his aid.
When he sleeps with you, he must sleep on you. Doesn’t matter where. Your leg, your arm, your chest, your face…
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mandakatt · 7 years
FFXV Kitty!AU - Giving them Extra lovin’s ♥
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A/N: Sarah, Can I just say when you put this into my inbox you gave me the absolute biggest smile? 
Since you mentioned Valentine’s day, I figured why the heck not, let me get this done for you super quick cause I thought it was kinda cute. =3 
So here’s how your kitters react to extra lovin’s!
Tagging: @momokitty27 @blossattic @major-artery @kayterschmater @suzunesays @ravenvelith @itshaejinju @kairakara101 @neontonberry @its-like-i-never-made-a-sound @vaporwraithing
[If you want to be removed/added to the tag list for Kitty!AU things, let me know ♥]
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Kitty!Noctis - He gives off a sleepy grunt as you scoop him up and smooch over him repeatedly, but he purrs softly. He eventually pushes his paws against your lips and shoots you a sleepy glare, before falling asleep again in your arms.
Kitty!Prompto - Over. The. Moon. Give to him more smooches and cuddles please! He will burble and chirp after each smooch, causing you to giggle.
Kitty!Ignis - His reaction is no different if he has is sight or not -- He will burble at you curiously as you repeatedly smooch and cuddle him, soft bubbling purrs rumbling from his chest as he lets you cuddle him.
Kitty!Gladiolus - After each smooch, he headbutts you, even causing your nose to hurt a bit cause he does it so hard. He purrs so hard that his entire body seems to vibrate.
Kitty!Cor - He’s a little confused to the extra affection, but tolerates it, to a point before he gently wiggles himself free and wanders off.
Kitty!Iris - She dips her head at every smooch, letting you kiss her between her ears. She just soaks up all the affection she can get from you.
Kitty!Aranea - You coo to her, and pet her a bit, since she’s in a mood to let you be affectionate with her, she even allows you to smooch her head, and you continue to do so repeatedly. Eventually when she’s had enough she pushes her paw against your lips.
Kitty!Cindy - Closes her eyes in absolute delight as you continue to smooch her and shower her with affection. She’ll even get in the habit of kneading so hard that she mostly keeps only one paw curled.
Kitty!Luna - Pushes her head into each and every smooch you give her, her ears splaying out sideways, and when your done, she mews and purrs up at you, her eyes partly closed in bliss.
Kitty!Ravus - He’s a little indifferent. Why are you doing this? What is the purpose of all this? He doesn’t move away right away but eventually he’s had enough and will gently slink away from you.
Kitty!Cid - He’s kinda lazy in his old codger way, so when you smooch him once, he expects you to be done. But when you do it again he looks up at you, then a third time, and as you continue, he pushes his head up into each smooch.
Kitty!Regis - He wraps his paws about your neck and keeps his head pushed into your lips for consistent smooches.
Kitty!Clarus - He smushes and nuzzles his face against you when you do repeated kisses, purring loudly as he leans against you.
Kitten!Talcott - Squirms after the first couple kisses, and mews softly, when you put him down he looks up at you, ears turning, like ‘why did you stop?’
Kitty!Gentiana - She stands on your lap, paws on your chest and nuzzles her face into your kisses.
Kitty!Ardyn - You either have one of two things happen. You burst into tears because he shreds you open, or you burst into tears because he lets you, his head nuzzling a little into your kisses. [The fickle bastard!]
Kitty!Nyx - Headbutts, face smushes, nuzzles, kneading cuddles, you name it. The more you smooch him, the more affection you get back.
Kitty!Libertus - He’s a bit confused at the extra affection at first. But as you repeatedly smooch him he dips his head a little and seems to fluff up, but doesn’t push away from your extra affections
Kitty!Crowe - She’s confused by the extra affection, and she looks at you with a look of ‘did something happen? You ok?’ when you chuckle and continue, she only tolerates it so long before she pushes her paws against your chest and leans back away from you.
Kitty!Pelna - Your smooches seem to kinda ‘knock him out’. He gets goofy as you kiss him, flopping over and burbling up at you, but the more you do it the more he purrs.
Kitty!Titus - He lets you coddle him for five minutes. That’s it. Stop now please. And he’ll push and pull away from you, wandering off. Ten minutes later, he gets back up on your lap, and purrs up at you, asking for more.
Kitty!Dino - When you give him extra affection he soaks it up, meowing up at you till you pick him up. When you do he curls in on himself a bit to snuggle into your chest. [Your boobs if you’re a lady.] and he falls asleep, purring happily.
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mandakatt · 7 years
Kitty!AU - Nursing while kneading
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A/N: Oh, so she was weaned a bit too soon? Aww, I’ve had kitters like that too, where they latch onto something with you because that need to nurse is still sort of ingrained in their cute fuzzy brains.
I apologize also for this one taking forever, there’s only a few of these guys that would do that really, so I apologize for this one being a bit short Anon-san! ♥
Tagging: @momokitty27 @major-artery @blossattic @kayterschmater @kairakara101 @suzunesays @ravenvelith @itshaejinju @its-like-i-never-made-a-sound @indigochocobo @fromunseeliecourt @vaporwraithing @stopmopingstarthoping @mysukisilentdeath @whimsyofthewind
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Kitty!Noctis - He does this, but only if you have a certain blanket, and if you’re sitting/laying a certain way. He’ll latch on and nurse a bit while he kneads on you before falling asleep.
Kitty!Prompto - When you hold him and flip him onto his back and give him the end of his tail, he immediately begins to nurse and knead the air or your arm. You figure that it’s more of a nervous habit than anything else.
Kitty!Ignis - He does not do this, but he does push his face into the blanket you’re using and knead on you quite a bit.
Kitty!Gladiolus - He doesn’t nurse but he is a kneader. Prepare to be prickled!
Kitty!Cor - On the rare occasions that you get him to cuddle with you he kneads on you. You’ve never seen him nurse.
Kitty!Iris - She kinda nurses now and then but it usually only happens if she picks up on the fact that you’re upset. It’s almost like she uses it to distract you.
Kitty!Aranea - Expect prickles when and if she does snuggle with you.
Kitty!Cindy - She just flops. Limp noodle all over you.
Kitty!Luna - She pushes her face against your blanket and kneads.
Kitty!Ravus - The first time he did this it surprised you, you watching him in silence and he seemed to slowly shy away from what he was doing when he noticed you watching him. You cooed to him softly, petting his ears and he went back to nursing and kneading on your blanket. You make sure that you’re alone with him so he can do this.
Kitty!Cid - Prickles against your belly, as he keeps himself cuddled close. No nursing though.
Kitty!Regis - Kinda - if given the opportunity he will wrap his paws about your neck and suck on your earlobe.
Kitty!Clarus - He kneads on you whenever he gets the chance to cuddle with you. No nursing though.
Kitten!Talcott - He still does this. He’ll nurse on your shirt collar, your blanket, your arm, anything he can latch his little mouth onto while he kneads.
Kitty!Gentiana - When she kneads on you, her paws are gentle, and feather light almost. No prickles.
Kitty!Ardyn - Nope. Just...No.
Kitty!Nyx - He likes to prickle you sure, but there’s no nursing involved anywhere.
Kitty!Libertus - He’ll do both, mostly when he’s a bit nervous it seems. He pushes his face against your belly and will nurse against your shirt or your blanket.
Kitty!Crowe - She’s much like Kitty!Aranea, she’ll prickle you if she cuddles with you, but no nursing in which to speak of.
Kitty!Pelna - He doesn’t nurse on you, but he might start washing any part of you he gets ahold of. [Wrist, arm, fingers, forehead, etc…]
Kitty!Titus - He prickles and kneads against you now and then when he cuddles, but does not nurse.
Kitty!Dino - He facemushes into anything shiny you wear, and will knead against you, he doesn’t nurse, but it’s like he has to push his mouth against the shiny thing for just a moment.
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mandakatt · 7 years
Kitty!AU - Shoulder Perch
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A/N: Kitters perchin on your shoulders huh? *grin* Well I know of three that do it without being prompted. The others. Let’s see what happens hm?
[ Also, Anon-san I am terribly sorry this took me so long. ♥ ]
Tagging: @momokitty27 @major-artery @blossattic @kairakara101 @itshaejinju @kayterschmater @lulie-chan @suzunesays @margherine @ravenvelith @stopmopingstarthoping @mysukisilentdeath @its-like-i-never-made-a-sound @indigochocobo @fromunseeliecourt @vaporwraithing 
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Kitty!Noctis - He’s a little confused the first couple times you put him on your shoulders. He’ll wobble a bit on your shoulder till he gets used to it. When you happen to be nibbling on something, he’ll gently reach out to it with his paw trying to get you to give it to him.
Kitty!Prompto - When you put him on your shoulders he mews and meows and burbles and tries to walk from one shoulder to the other, only to give off a surprised meow as he falls off. He’ll meow up at you till you pick him up and he can try again. He’ll eventually get the hang of it, but he’ll never stay just on one shoulder.
Kitty!Ignis - When you’re cooking in the kitchen, he’s instantly up on your shoulder, tail curled about his paws as he watches you work. It’s like he’s supervising you with what you’re doing.  When he loses his sight he’s never quite comfortable with sitting on your shoulders unless you’re sitting in a chair, and not moving around.
Kitty!Gladiolus - He’s almost too big for him to sit on your shoulder, so he drapes himself across the back of your neck. Purring softly from his new perch.
Kitty!Cor - If you’re sitting in the picture window he’ll be ok with being placed on your shoulder, mostly because he’s now able to see the birds better as they fly and flutter about the bird feeder. You chuckle, knowing you’ll have a present or two from him later.
Kitty!Iris - She burbles and grunts a little as you place her on your shoulder, her back feet slipping a bit as she tries to gain her footing. Once settled and you aren’t moving around and she puffs up her chest, purring softly as she sees the world from a new spot. She likes this, however when you move, and she slips again, she mewls loudly, having slight second thoughts.
Kitty!Aranea - She surprisingly does this to you on her own, and will often take up the opposite shoulder that Kitty!Ignis is sitting on. Her eyes are wide and she usually has to sniff at whatever your doing - however if you’re tasting any of your cooking, expect her paw in your face cause she wants to make sure it’s ‘ok’ for you to have.
Kitty!Cindy - She doesn’t sit on your shoulders but lets you drape her across yours. She goes a bit limp, and almost falls off of you a time or two, but eventually she figures out that if she extends her body around your neck that she’s not going anywhere. And will often sleep there while you’re out working in the garden or in the shed.
Kitty!Luna - Surprised by you putting her on your shoulder. She’ll burble curiously, a little confused by it before she realizes that you are making it so she can see what you’re doing. She then finds her voice, meowing at every little thing you do, wondering more or less “What’s this?!”
Kitty!Ravus - He’s very unsteady and will struggle to remain on your shoulder before he huffs softly and hops down. He’ll meow loudly in annoyance but then look up at you expectantly. You figure it’s because he has trouble with his front leg that he just can’t get the hang of it, but he wants to. You scoop him up and coo to him, kissing his face a bit - and this is one of the times where he lets you.
Kitty!Cid - He sits there for about three seconds before he rowls and grumps at you. Down. Now. But the moment you take him off your shoulder, he immediately curls into your chest, purring softly. He just wanted cuddles apparently.
Kitty!Regis - He tries to balance on your shoulder when you put him there, and he kinda gets it, but when you move he loses his balance, and it doesn’t get any better. So, he much like Kitty!Gladio he drapes himself across the back of your neck, purring and kneading on your shoulder.
Kitty!Clarus - Another one that’s almost too big to sit on your shoulders, but he’s not comfortable with sitting there either. He’ll jump down, and instead sit right next to you, or follow you around purring up at you. He doesn’t mind one bit to keep you company.
Kitten!Talcott - Wobble wobble but doesn’t fall down! He puffs up his chest with pride when he finally is able to sit on your shoulder steady, without falling off. Though, when you go to pet him, he loses his balance and clings to your shirt before climbing back up into place.
Kitty!Gentiana - She’s not around much for you to do this with, but when you do get the chance to put her on your shoulder she has no trouble sitting there, gently draping her tail across the back of your neck as you work.
Kitty!Ardyn - Sometimes you can get close to him to pick him up, usually when he’s in a good mood. When you put him on your shoulder, and after awhile, something snaps, and he bites down on your neck causing you to cry out. When you do, he darts off and hides. You never understand what gets into him sometimes.
Kitty!Nyx - Mr. Perches on your shoulders a lot does this for you. Usually the moment you come home he’ll run up and jump up on your shoulders, gently wrapping his tail about your neck like a necklace. You chuckle and reach up, rubbing his ears as you go about your chores, almost forgetting he’s there.
Kitty!Libertus - He wiggles and wobbles on your shoulder, never quite getting it down till he figures out that draping himself across your shoulders is the way to go. He purrs the entire time he’s there, and you actually have trouble getting him OFF your shoulders later.
Kitty!Crowe - When jumping down from her high place, she’ll use your shoulder to get down lower. Sometimes she’ll stop, and burble at you, while looking you into your eyes before purring, giving you a gentle headbutt then hops down to go about and do her thing.
Kitty!Pelna - He becomes a hat. Instead of balancing on your shoulders, he moves to the back of your neck, places his belly and chest against the top of your head, and drapes his paws almost on either side of your head. Sometimes he rests with his chin against your head, sometimes not.
Kitty!Titus - He sometimes will let you pick him up and place him there, but he doesn’t stay long. His little stubby tail wiggling in slight annoyance before he huffs and hops down.
Kitty!Dino - He’ll sit there for a moment before he notices your earring, or your necklace, and will do nothing but gently paw at them while he sits there. When you pause with what you’re doing he’ll gently curl his paw around it and smush his face against the shiny thing, cause it’s ...well shiny.
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mandakatt · 7 years
Which kitties are the ones that will play with the house’s insect invaders, and which are the ones that’ll just stare at it? Is there a kitty that drags spiders into the house in the first place?
A/N: *squints at your question* IF one of the kitters happens to drag in a spider, I’d be running away from said confused kitter. *giggle*  But, bugs in the house huh? Well, you’ve got your ‘avid’ hunters, then you got ones that make you wonder just….what the heck?
[Also, I apologize for this taking forever Anon-san. With the loss of my IRL kitter yesterday, I looked to your question for something to pull me out of my down and dark mood. So, thank you for asking this. ♥ ]
Tagging:  @momokitty27​ @major-artery​ @itshaejinju​ @kayterschmater​ @lulie-chan​ @margherine​ @kairakara101​ @ravenvelith​ @suzunesays​ @princess-of-lucis​ @blossattic
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Kitty!Noctis - He watches the most annoying fly in the world buzz around your room. He’ll bat at it if it zooms by, and if he manages to knock it to the floor, he’ll sniff at it a bit, only to watch it buzz around the room again.
Kitty!Prompto - He’ll pounce the annoying asian beetle that somehow found its way in. He will bat it around a bit before he suddenly makes a face, then pushes both paws down on it, before turning and skittering about to bat it all around the room, cause it’s stinky!
Kitty!Ignis - When he can see, he’ll watch the fly as it buzzes about with a keen eye, the moment it flies into the kitchen however, you swear his eyes glint, and he’ll make sure to pounce, and remove it from the room, depositing his ‘kill’ on the hall floor. When he can’t see - his ears will constantly turn, and he’ll be all on alert, burbling and meowing softly, constantly alerting you as to where the bug is, and you’ll have to remove it to calm his nerves.
Kitty!Gladiolus - He’ll move to where the middle of the room is and watch said bug intently. When it lands, he’ll crouch down, wiggle his backside and pounce, catching his prey easily. He’ll partly nibble on it though, then spit it out.
Kitty!Cor - A slow and methodical hunter. He will follow, not chase, the bug into every room of your home till he has it where he wants it and it is sufficiently cornered. He will kill it, and bring it to you, dropping it at your feet.
Kitty!Iris - She pounces everything that moves as it is. Spider crawling across the floor? *Pounce* Dust moving from behind the fridge? *pounce* Grasshopper accidentally making its way inside? *pounce*
Kitty!Aranea - She does “death from above” on everything. You’ve never seen a cat that will leap into the air to pounce on the centipede that happens to be crawling along your carpet. The fly that happened to land in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or the asian beetle that just happens to be buzzing and bouncing off the living room window.
Kitty!Cindy - She brings the bugs to you that she catches from outside and in the shed, and if it’s a flying bug, she’ll chase it about the house cause she didn’t kill it in the first place.
Kitty!Luna - She watches said bug flitter about, her ears turning slowly, her eyes wide. She doesn’t do anything about it however till it gets close to her, then she pounces on it, smushing it into the carpet. When she pulls back her paws, she’ll stare at her handy work, then meow sort of distraught. “Mom! Help! I hurt the thing!”
Kitty!Ravus - He’ll watch said bug for awhile, but if it gets anywhere near his sister, he’s quick to pounce on it, killing it instantly, and leaving it’s corpse for you to find easily.
Kitty!Cid - He ignores them, less they land on him, or crawl right by him. He’ll bat at them a little with his paws, but he doesn’t do much more than that.
Kitty!Regis - He plays with it, batting it around, watching it fly [if it can still] about then pouncing on it. He’ll play with it most of the day, getting a bit wild eyed here and there, and even going so far as to throw his head back, flail a bit then smush his face down on said bug.
Kitty!Clarus - He watches the bug, his ears turning a bit, but he doesn’t make a move, till one of his kids tries to go after it, then he’s on top of it before they even get the second butt wiggle out.
Kitten!Talcott - WIGGLE MODE ENGAGED - Many butt wiggles, many attempts at pouncing, and trying to get said bug, you’ll even hear a soft mewl in frustration then a crash. Rushing into where the noise was heard, he toddles to you slowly, chest puffed up with said bug in his mouth.
Kitty!Gentiana - Doesn’t really do anything about them, other than watch. If it lands near her though, her paw moves fast enough to smush said bug under it, then she tucks her paw under her chest like she hadn’t moved in the first place.
Kitty!Ardyn - He watches, quietly. Waiting, before he pounces it at the last second. You then find its corpse later in your bed, or your favorite chair. You’ve watched him even put the dead cockroaches right next to Noctis as he sleeps.
Kitty!Nyx - The moment you shriek in surprise [ because we all know that bugs seem to do that. ] He’s on top of it. Doesn’t matter if it’s a small asian beetle, or a spider, or a cockroach – Just expect to hear him crunching on it after he catches it.
Kitty!Libertus - He’s kinda slow to act, more curious on anything. He’ll approach the bug, his ears turning back and forth as he sniffs it. If it makes a stink, he’ll huff, then bap it with his paws.
Kitty!Crowe - Death from above. The moment it crawls across the floor anywhere near that she can leap to from her normal high perch, she does. Landing on the unsuspecting victim with all four paws.
Kitty!Pelna - He sits on his rump and watches it, curiously. His ears turn back and forth, and if it comes close to him, he’ll gently prod it with a paw.
Kitty!Titus - Whatever it was, it’s dead and mashed into the carpet. And no, he is never sorry.
Kitty!Dino - He freaks out with the 8 legged bugs [ aka Spiders! ], fluffing up a little and running away from it to watch from a distance. He’ll smack flies and other bugs out of the air though, and play with said bug till it dies.
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mandakatt · 7 years
how would the kitties react to someone flopping onto their stomach to just lay in the middle of the room on the floor? - Cutie-Anon
A/N: Cutie-Anon! Hey I – *blinks, watching you flop down face first on the floor, her head tilting a little. She smirks, then flops down on her back next to you, humming softly* First of all, I’m so sorry this one took me so long. 
And, well, you flopping down on the floor is a moment of concern for all the kitters, because they’re all like ‘Wait, that’s not normal.’ but they all react to their concern in a different way.
So here you go Doll. ♥
Tagging: @momokitty27 @itshaejinju @blossattic @ultimate-flavor-experience @lulie-chan @kairakara101 @princess-of-lucis @ravenvelith @suzunesays @kayterschmater @major-artery @beatus-flos-imagines 
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Kitty!Noctis - He perks up from whatever he’s doing [Sleeping, eating, etc.] and trots up to you, sniffing your hair first. He’ll give off a soft burble of sorts then flop against your head and slide down to the floor, purring softly.
Kitty!Prompto - The moment you lay on the floor, he thinks it’s a game, and trots up, trilling and burbling softly. He’ll meow at you an absolute bunch, even going so far as to meow so long he runs out of breath. When you lift your hand to pet him, he instantly moves close to cuddle under your arm.
Kitty!Ignis - When he can see, he’ll walk up and sit above your head, tail curled gently about his paws as his ears turn as he studies you. When you groan softly, he’ll get to his feet then move closer, giving a gentle headbutt to the side of your head.  When he can’t see, he’ll search for you because he’ll have heard you lay on the floor. He’ll pad up when he finds you, sniffing your hair, your hands, your fingers. When you gently pet him back, he seems to relax, knowing you’re fine, you’re just laying there, and he’ll kitty loaf next to you.
Kitty!Gladiolus - He’ll come trotting up to you shortly after you lay down. His ears turning a bit, tail held high. He’ll push his face into your hair, then headbutt you. Then headbutt you again, and a third time before he flops next to your chest, his head pressed against you.
Kitty!Cor - He watches you for awhile, before he slowly pads up, and sniffs a bit at your hands and your face. His ears will turn a little before you reach up to pet him, and he just simply sits nearby to watch you.
Kitty!Iris - She rushes up a moment, and immediately flops across your hands, purring loudly. When you attempt to pull your hands out from under her she’ll latch onto your wrist, and start washing your hand. When you try to get up, realize that she will not let go, and you’ll have to stay there till she decides you’re done laying on the floor.  
Kitty!Aranea - She’ll wander up, and sniff you a bit, even accept a little bit of petting, but she does nothing more than that, and will wander off after watching you for a bit.
Kitty!Cindy - You flopped! She likes to flop too! And she’ll prove it by wandering up when you’re laying down, in one of her random visits into the house, and will flop next to you, her eyes watching you as she purrs softly.
Kitty!Luna - She’ll be one that immediately climbs up onto your back. Kitty-loafing between your shoulders. She’ll start to purr softly and let herself fall asleep but will only get up when you start to move.
Kitty!Ravus - He’ll slowly wander over, watching his sister a moment before he checks on you, sniffing softly here and there, before he’ll curl up next to you, tail gently wrapped about his paws.
Kitty!Cid - He’s the one that lays on the small of your back and refuses to get up, no matter what way you turn. Only when you promise to cuddle him under a blanket and swear to not put his sweater on him, does he get up, meowing at you softly.
Kitty!Regis -  He burbles, and meows at you curiously, but when you sort of mumble, he works his way under your arm, purring as he nuzzles his face against yours.
Kitty!Clarus - He sits at your side, ears perked forward, eyes looking down at you curiously. He doesn’t do a thing till you move, then he’ll seek out your hands, and nuzzle against them.
Kitten!Talcott - He’ll mew at you constantly, cause he’s worried. You don’t normally do that! So.. he has to make his voice known! When you talk to him however, and he realizes that you’re alright, he’ll bound up and play with your fingers, pouncing on them, and rolling over to rabbit kick them.
Kitty!Gentiana -  She just appears laying on your legs, and you’re not exactly sure how and or when she got there.
Kitty!Ardyn - He glares at you from across the room. And you swear if he could roll his eyes at you, he would have.
Kitty!Nyx - Your shoulders are fair game as he perches on them when you’re standing upright anyway, so he’ll meow at you softly a few times before he climbs up, and drapes himself across the back of your shoulders, purring softly.
Kitty!Libertus - His initial reaction is one of worry, trotting over to burble and nuzzle at you. Once you talk to him, tell him you’re fine, he seems to relax, and gently flops against you, purring quietly.
Kitty!Crowe - She watches you from on top of the bookshelf, her ears turning back and forth gently before she burbles once or twice at you. When you respond to her, she seems to quiet down, kitty loafing on top of the bookshelf.
Kitty!Pelna - He’ll come up and headbutt you gently, rubbing the entire length of his body along your head before he flops over with a soft grunt, and just watches you quietly.
Kitty!Titus - He perches himself on the middle of your back, his stubby tail flicking back and forth rapidly. When you’ve used your phone to take a picture of him, he sits there with his chest puffed out, as if he’s conquered you. But then you remind him of who’s in charge when you go to stand up.
Kitty!Dino - He puts things on you from his hoard, all over your back, and you’ve learned that if you lay there long enough, you will eventually get back the item you’ve been looking for, for over a week.
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mandakatt · 7 years
Cats bring their owners dead animals because they think they’re bad hunters and don’t want them to starve. Do the kitties do this? (I expect Kitty!Ardyn doesn’t.)
A/N: Ahh “Presents!” as most Kitter-owners call them, not realizing that yes, your kitter believes that you’re a bad hunter and you need help. So they must save you! Right? =3
Yes, they all do this, even Ardyn. *surprised gasp!* But some of these guys don’t bring you the typical “kill’ either. =3 I hope this makes you smile if nothing else Anon-San!
Tagging: @momokitty27 @major-artery @itshaejinju @lulie-chan @princess-of-lucis @ultimate-flavor-experience @kayterschmater @suzunesays @ravenvelith @kairakara101 @blossattic @beatus-flos-imagines 
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Kitty!Noctis - Socks. Doesn’t matter if they are dirty or clean, he brings you socks. You swear it’s because he wants to nest, but he wants to nest near you. You watched him once, bring up 10 pairs of socks from your washing in the laundry room.
Kitty!Prompto - Birds. He watches them out the picture window most of the time, so he’s perfected the way of hunting them. He puffs up his chest in pride when you wrap his kill up in a paper towel, though he’s never sure what you do with it, but that’s good right?
Kitty!Ignis - Mice and Voles. He goes through the painstaking process of lining them up for you on the back deck, so when you walk out the door, your kill is ready and waiting for you.
Kitty!Gladiolus - Snakes and Geckos. He puffs his chest out proudly as the snake or lizard hangs from his jaws, purr-rumbling even louder when you gingerly take it from him, thanking him of course, before you “Wrap it up for later.”
Kitty!Cor - Squirrels and chipmunks. He doesn’t do this often, but he’ll bring them to you, and rest them just outside the backdoor for you, sitting there till you notice him and them. He purrs loudly when you rub his ears in thanks, and waits for you to take his kill from him in what you always wrap them up in.
Kitty!Iris - Beetles. You don’t know where in the astrals name’s she finds them, but she does, and she puts them right at your feet, meowing softly up at you. You rub her ears in thanks, and wrap the gift up in paper towels, to dispose of later.
Kitty!Aranea - Birds and Mice. She usually deposits the half eaten kill on the deck near your feet. You’ll voice your thanks, and if you move away to go grab a towel, she’ll run off with it.
Kitty!Cindy - Beetles and Mice. She’ll bring them to you when you’re lounging out on the back deck, hopping up on your lap and putting it there. You no longer freak out, and gently rub her ears in thanks. You move your gift to the deck and come back to get it after she wanders back to the shed.
Kitty!Luna - Catnip toys. Usually, she’ll drop the catnip mouse on your lap, and if you move to set it on the floor, she gets frustrated, meows loudly, grabs it again and puts it back on your lap. When you accept her ‘kill’ she purrs loudly, chest puffing up a bit.
Kitty!Ravus - Candies in wrappers. He sees you eating them all the time, so they’re what ‘feeds’ you right? He’ll bring them up [ and he seems to prefer only bringing you the fun size snicker bars ] and plops them down on your lap, purring softly. He melts and almost flops over on you when you rub his ears in thanks.
Kitty!Cid - Mice. You’re surprised the first time he does it, gingerly laying his kill for you at your feet to rowl up at you loudly. When you hesitate, he’ll pick up the kill then put it on your foot, raspy purring loudly. You have to bend down, take it off your foot, and rub his ears as you thank him, as you wander off to grab a paper towel to wrap it up and dispose of it when he’s asleep.
Kitty!Regis - Grasshoppers and Snakes. He will always rest the kill on the end of the deck, panting softly eyes wide as he looks up at you before he meows long and loud. When you coo, and thank him with a gentle rub to his ears, he’ll rub against you as you pick up his kill in a paper towel, purring as you take it into the house to “Put it to good use.”
Kitty!Clarus - Geckos and Mice. Much like his son, he presents them to you, his kill hanging from his jaws as he gives off a muffled mow around it. When you notice he has something for you, you instantly grab the paper towel to have him drop it into it. You wrap it up, and praise him softly, causing him to purr rumble loudly.
Kitten!Talcott - Toy balls with bells in them. He mimic’s Prompto, but with toys. After he pounces, and shakes his kill [ you always giggle when the bell inside the toy rings rapidly ] he’ll toddle over to you and plop it on your lap. When you coo and rub his little ears, he meows loudly, and proudly - because he killed the thing!
Kitty!Gentiana - Leaves. She will bring you 5 of them, lining them up on your deck, and she lays them there, from one end of the color spectrum to the other. She burbles softly up at you proudly, tail flicking as you gather them up, and rub her ears in thanks.
Kitty!Ardyn - Underpants, specifically men’s underpants. Boxers. Boy shorts. You name it, he brings it. ALWAYS putting them down by your feet to show you his prize, and he stares at you intently until you pick them up. Once you’ve ‘accepted his gift’ he’ll wander off, leaving you to wonder if he’s somehow judging your wardrobe choices.
Kitty!Nyx - Cockroaches. He leaves them for you by the back door, and even caught one that happened to fly up at you. When you shrieked he lept from the floor and caught it mid-air, you hearing the loud crunch as he killed it, and dropped it at your feet. [ He is now officially your Hero. ]
Kitty!Libertus - Birds, Mice and Voles. He will hold them in his mouth until you let him in, and he can put them down at your feet, pushing at them lightly with his paw, till you wrap it up in a paper towel and take it off somewhere.
Kitty!Crowe - Odds and ends. She’s brought you everything from old used fireworks, to sticks, to corn husks, to the shells of some really big seeds. And she leaves them in a pile for you to find… at the side of your bed. She purrs contentedly when you rub her ears in thanks.
Kitty!Pelna - Plastic bags. The bags from your shopping always end up in a neat pile near the end of your bed. He purrs at you loudly when you thank him with a gentle rub to his ears, as you scoop up his gifts.
Kitty!Titus - Mice, Voles, Squirrels. [ And one unfortunate Rabbit. ] He will place them just inside the door of the mud room for you to find. And he will sit and wait, chest puffed out as he sees you take his kill. You’ll gently pat his head [ as that’s all he’ll allow ] before he wanders off.
Kitty!Dino - Shiny things. You can’t help but laugh at him as he brings you everything that happens to catch his eye. Your necklace you thought you ‘lost’ weeks ago. That tinfoil ball you tried to throw away from last night’s dinner. The sparkle pompom toys he loves to bat around. You are always thankful and appreciative of his gifts and rub his chin gently.
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