secret-engima · 2 years
Random thought, which of the four Chocobros would hide a cat/dog in their room and how long would they be succesful?
Gladio, Prompto, and Noct would all do that, Ignis technically would but he wouldn't bother with the hiding part so he doesn't count.
Gladio doesn't last a day because he has a nosy baby sister who wants to pet the Puppy/Kitty.
Prompto would last- honestly the longest. Weeks at least. Because his parents are never around that we know of in canon and he's already hidden a puppy in his house once *canonically* (when he was taking care of Pryna/Chibi). It would definitely be a puppy.
Noctis would *attempt*, around the time he was living in an apartment and not the Citadel, and it would be a cat. He would make it maybe 2 days at most before Ignis was onto him. *However*, Noctis would likely be able to bribe Ignis into keeping the secret because Ignis is a sucker for making Noctis happy and he would see it as a good chance for Noctis to exercise responsibility. Thus, no one else in the citadel knows about the cat for *months*, until like- Noctis got caught taking his pet to the vet and it was all over social media in the span of 10 minutes.
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painedprince · 2 years
((What if I told you the entire reason I wanted to get back into art was to draw gladio in kitty underwear
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stonecoldmeme · 1 year
"You're gonna be beautiful," Noctis corrected him. "...Been playing kitty with Ignis too much like it wasn't our thing. Not with the collar, though. Only you get to put on the collar." He sighed. Why was talking about such a weird thing so oddly comforting? "Because I'm yours. Ignis and Gladio can borrow me, but I'm still yours. Forever. Always. Since the day we met-" He laughed a little bit. "Since the day you pretended we met. Even before, I... I think I knew you'd be important to me. Somehow."
Prompto blushed every time he thought about that not-really-first meeting, but the color of his cheeks was a lot more obvious with Noctis actually mentioning it. "Ha, well, I-- I thought we both deserved a re-do, you know?" More or less the truth, anyway.
Clearing his throat softly, fingers still lightly petting his fiance's head like a cat, even with the brilliant blush he was smiling. Thinking, reflecting for a few seconds before he even tried speaking again. "I mean, if you ever wanted other collars..." But that wasn't the point, really.
Shifting a bit so it was easier to lean in and kiss Noct, soft and casual but still in absolutely no rush, he was completely honest. "I'm... kinda glad, really. A little selfish, maybe: I wanna keep some parts of you to myself." Grinning, he gave a little one-shouldered shrug. "I fell... totally, completely in love with you before I even knew it. And it was scary." He paused to laugh. "Well, when I thought maybe you wouldn't feel the same, but... obviously we're past that. And I'm yours. I know I-- I messed up, running away, thinking that would be better for you, but I... won't do that again. Ever. I want you to be happy. And I want to be happy with you."
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mandakatt · 7 years
FFXV Kitty!AU - Giving them Extra lovin’s ♥
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A/N: Sarah, Can I just say when you put this into my inbox you gave me the absolute biggest smile? 
Since you mentioned Valentine’s day, I figured why the heck not, let me get this done for you super quick cause I thought it was kinda cute. =3 
So here’s how your kitters react to extra lovin’s!
Tagging: @momokitty27 @blossattic @major-artery @kayterschmater @suzunesays @ravenvelith @itshaejinju @kairakara101 @neontonberry @its-like-i-never-made-a-sound @vaporwraithing
[If you want to be removed/added to the tag list for Kitty!AU things, let me know ♥]
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Kitty!Noctis - He gives off a sleepy grunt as you scoop him up and smooch over him repeatedly, but he purrs softly. He eventually pushes his paws against your lips and shoots you a sleepy glare, before falling asleep again in your arms.
Kitty!Prompto - Over. The. Moon. Give to him more smooches and cuddles please! He will burble and chirp after each smooch, causing you to giggle.
Kitty!Ignis - His reaction is no different if he has is sight or not -- He will burble at you curiously as you repeatedly smooch and cuddle him, soft bubbling purrs rumbling from his chest as he lets you cuddle him.
Kitty!Gladiolus - After each smooch, he headbutts you, even causing your nose to hurt a bit cause he does it so hard. He purrs so hard that his entire body seems to vibrate.
Kitty!Cor - He’s a little confused to the extra affection, but tolerates it, to a point before he gently wiggles himself free and wanders off.
Kitty!Iris - She dips her head at every smooch, letting you kiss her between her ears. She just soaks up all the affection she can get from you.
Kitty!Aranea - You coo to her, and pet her a bit, since she’s in a mood to let you be affectionate with her, she even allows you to smooch her head, and you continue to do so repeatedly. Eventually when she’s had enough she pushes her paw against your lips.
Kitty!Cindy - Closes her eyes in absolute delight as you continue to smooch her and shower her with affection. She’ll even get in the habit of kneading so hard that she mostly keeps only one paw curled.
Kitty!Luna - Pushes her head into each and every smooch you give her, her ears splaying out sideways, and when your done, she mews and purrs up at you, her eyes partly closed in bliss.
Kitty!Ravus - He’s a little indifferent. Why are you doing this? What is the purpose of all this? He doesn’t move away right away but eventually he’s had enough and will gently slink away from you.
Kitty!Cid - He’s kinda lazy in his old codger way, so when you smooch him once, he expects you to be done. But when you do it again he looks up at you, then a third time, and as you continue, he pushes his head up into each smooch.
Kitty!Regis - He wraps his paws about your neck and keeps his head pushed into your lips for consistent smooches.
Kitty!Clarus - He smushes and nuzzles his face against you when you do repeated kisses, purring loudly as he leans against you.
Kitten!Talcott - Squirms after the first couple kisses, and mews softly, when you put him down he looks up at you, ears turning, like ‘why did you stop?’
Kitty!Gentiana - She stands on your lap, paws on your chest and nuzzles her face into your kisses.
Kitty!Ardyn - You either have one of two things happen. You burst into tears because he shreds you open, or you burst into tears because he lets you, his head nuzzling a little into your kisses. [The fickle bastard!]
Kitty!Nyx - Headbutts, face smushes, nuzzles, kneading cuddles, you name it. The more you smooch him, the more affection you get back.
Kitty!Libertus - He’s a bit confused at the extra affection at first. But as you repeatedly smooch him he dips his head a little and seems to fluff up, but doesn’t push away from your extra affections
Kitty!Crowe - She’s confused by the extra affection, and she looks at you with a look of ‘did something happen? You ok?’ when you chuckle and continue, she only tolerates it so long before she pushes her paws against your chest and leans back away from you.
Kitty!Pelna - Your smooches seem to kinda ‘knock him out’. He gets goofy as you kiss him, flopping over and burbling up at you, but the more you do it the more he purrs.
Kitty!Titus - He lets you coddle him for five minutes. That’s it. Stop now please. And he’ll push and pull away from you, wandering off. Ten minutes later, he gets back up on your lap, and purrs up at you, asking for more.
Kitty!Dino - When you give him extra affection he soaks it up, meowing up at you till you pick him up. When you do he curls in on himself a bit to snuggle into your chest. [Your boobs if you’re a lady.] and he falls asleep, purring happily.
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thedarkcoven · 3 years
May start streaming some FFXV <3 I havent streamed in a while and I finally have the Episode Ardyn Complete Edition with EVERYTHING on it :3 So you get to see me cry on camera during the sad parts lol
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thwippersnapple · 5 years
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Hello Kitty Bro Icons!
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all-of-your-mercy · 5 years
what are these losers even doing
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elphabun · 5 years
how should kitty Ardyn meet Clarus and Cor??? I want them to meet disastrously but I'm stuck on how
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drac-champione · 7 years
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Yes, I would like to adopt them all please
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faierius · 7 years
Cat-lateral Damage (Chapter 1)
So, seeing @izuumii ‘s amazing KittyProm artwork inspired me greatly. As you can see, because I’ve started a new fic. Not entirely sure where this’ll take us, but it’ll be fun finding out! :D
               Gurgle. Gurgle, gurgle, moan. Drawn out grumble. Another series of gurgles. More moans. Noctis could still hear it through the pillow over his head. Sighing heavily, he rolled over and pushed himself up onto his elbow.
               Prompto moaned again, curling tighter in on himself. The moonlight filtering through the tent wall illuminated the sweat drenching the man’s skin. Damp patches darkened his red tank top and his normally perky hair melted, limp, and oily. Tension strained his lean muscles and he shivered violently.
               Another low rumble emanated from Prompto’s gut.
               Two days of this, and it didn’t seem to be improving. Stomach cramps, vomiting, fever…All because of a handful of berries. Berries they only ate because they had no other choice. They were starving, separated from Ignis and Gladio for four days. A landslide closed them off in a tiny cavern mid-battle. All they had was a tiny trickle of water from a crack I the ceiling, and a scraggly grey plant bearing nocturnal fruit. They held off eating the berries, not knowing if they were poisonous. But days with only a little water and no food took its toll. They split the twenty-seven berries on the bush between them, thirteen for Noctis, fourteen for Prompto. Somehow, Noctis never got sick.
               Pushing his hair back with one hand, Noctis sat up. Finding the rag where it had fallen next to Prompto’s shoulder, Noctis dabbed sweat from the man’s brow. Yawning widely, he put the back of his hand to Prompto’s cheek, then his forehead.
               “How are you still so warm?” Noct mumbled, frowning. They tried every variety of curative in their arsenal once they got back to camp, but nothing worked. He couldn’t keep the meager sips of broth and water down, either. If this kept up any longer, they’d have to make the drive to Lestallum in search of a doctor. He couldn’t handle watching this suffering anymore. He wanted to help, but none of the things he tried doing amounted to much of anything.
               Prompto let out another pained whine, squeezing his stomach.
               Short of brief moments of unconsciousness, Noctis doubted Prompto slept since they got back.
               With a soft rustle, the tent flap opened and Ignis poked his head inside. “Any improvement?”
               Noctis shook his head, gently stroking Prompto’s hair.
               Sighing through his nose, Ignis knelt just inside the tent. “Has he thrown up much more?”
               “Not since he tried that soup earlier. What time is it?”
               “Five AM, Highness. Shall Gladio and I pack up the car? He really ought to see a physician,” Ignis said, pursing his lips as he stared at Prompto.
               Groaning, Noctis lowered his chin to his chest. “I know, but I didn’t want to put him in more pain by moving him. If he could sleep and relax…”
               “That would probably help, yes,” Ignis agreed. “I’m not sure he’s capable of doing so without medical intervention, however.”
               Rubbing Prompto’s flexed bicep in hopes it would somehow ease his shivering though it hadn’t before, Noctis warred with himself. He knew Ignis watched him, but he couldn’t take his eyes off Prompto. Swallowing hard, Noctis leaned over and kissed the man’s temple.
               “Okay. We better move fast, ‘cause we’ll probably need frequent stops.”
               Without a word, Ignis ducked back out of the tent, leaving Noctis alone with his sick boyfriend.
               “Prom, I’m sorry I can’t do anything for you.” Worry and heartache did not mix well with sleep deprivation. Tears burned Noctis’ eyes, but he refused to let them fall. Swiping his hands angrily over his eyes, Noctis decided to lay back down. He pressed his forehead between Prompto’s shoulders, sliding his hand in soft circles. He could feel the rumble of the man’s gut even on this side. It was low, gentle, and almost constant now. He hoped Prompto wasn’t getting worse.
               It wasn’t long before Gladio came to carry Prompto to the Regalia. Noctis grabbed a pillow and blanket before following them. He got into his usual place, trying to help Gladio position Prompto comfortably across the back seat and his lap. Once the man left to help Ignis take down the tent, Noctis spread the blanket over Prompto. He resumed petting his limp hair and stared down at his profile. The flush of fever still sat high in his cheeks, his brow was heavily furrowed, and that quiet rumble still drifted from him. Noctis had head all manner of noises come from Prompto’s stomach, but this was unlike any he heard before. Though it was somehow familiar. Oddly soothing, despite the circumstances.
               Squeezing in on himself again, Prompto grimaced, baring his teeth. He whined, digging his fingers into Noctis’ leg.
               “What the hell?” Frowning, Noctis leaned over and gently pulled Prompto’s top lip back. “What the hell‽”
               “What’s wrong, Highness? Has Prompto gotten worse?” Ignis asked, rushing to the side of the car, arms full of camping gear.
               “You tell me, Specs!” Despite Prompto’s scowling, Noctis held back the man’s lip for Ignis to see the bizarre new symptom.
               Setting his armful of gear down, Ignis looked at Noctis’ concern. “Oh…dear.”
               Noctis’ eyes shot up to his Advisor’s face. “Oh dear? That’s all you have to say? My boyfriend has fangs, Ignis! Fangs!”
               Prompto moaned, wincing away from Noctis’ hands.
               Noctis apologized, putting his hand back on Prompto’s head.
               Ignis sighed. “I’m not sure what you want me to say, Noctis. It appears his eye teeth have elongated into fangs. I’m not sure why or how.”
               “What do we do?”
               “I’m not sure there is anything we can do, Highness.”
               With a huff, Noctis turned his attention back to the man in his lap, effectively ignoring Ignis. “What’s going on with you?” he mumbled, rubbing his thumb across Prompto’s ear. The rumble seemed to get a little louder as he did, and Prompto’s fingers relaxed briefly, only to clench again. Then again. And again. And were his fingernails longer? And sharp! No, couldn’t be. He had to be hallucinating. Fangs and claws. No freakin’ way.
               “Let’s head off, shall we?” Ignis asked, getting into the driver’s seat.
               “How long’s the drive?” Noctis asked, raising his head and quirking a brow at Gladio, who was struggling to fold himself into the passenger seat.
               “A few hours. We ought to be there by supper time. Is Prompto comfortable?” Ignis asked, pulling the car out onto the highway.
               “As comfortable as he can be with stomach cramps and a fever,” Noct grumbled, looking back down. He combed his nails through Prompto’s hair, pulling the blond strands back from his face. He was careful not to scrape his ear, hidden beneath. Only he never felt the protrusion of the appendage. Brows furrowed deeply, Noctis pulled back the thick, fluffy strands, somehow less oily than they were earlier this morning. No ear.
               “What’s up, Noct?” Gladio twisted around in his seat to check on the prince.
               “Uh…” Noctis groaned again, moving more of Prompto’s hair out of the way. On top of his head, protruding from the strands, were two small, furry bumps. “Uh!!”
               “Noctis?” Ignis glanced in the mirror, eyes wide behind his glasses.
               “What the hell is going on‽”
               “Iggy, pull over.”
               “What? But we’ve only—”
               “Iggy, c’mon. Noct, calm down.”
               Noctis’ eyes briefly flicked toward Gladio. “Calm down? Prompto has no ears!” he shouted, quickly returning his attention to the fuzzy bumps, now triangles. They had grown in the minute since he first noticed them, now pushing through Prompto’s hair.
               “Excuse me?” Ignis’ voice was almost a squeak.
               “Just pull over, Ignis!” Gladio ordered, trying to sound like he had any idea what was happening.
               By the time the car was safely off the road and stopped, the small triangles had formed into full-blown ears. Firm, covered in blond fur, about five inches tall, and cat-like in every way.
               “Holy shit,” Gladio whispered with wide eyes.
               Ignis couldn’t manage more than a tiny gasp when he was finally able to take in the situation.
               A string of broke syllables poured from Noctis, his hand hovering over one twitching cat ear.
               “It sounds like…he’s purring,” Gladio pointed out, eyes darting between Noctis and Prompto. “And are those claws?”
               “No. No way. This…there’s no way! Ignis?” Brows drawn, Noctis pinned Ignis with a pleading gaze.
               Adjusting his glasses, Ignis blinked, hoping what he was seeing was somehow a trick of the morning sunlight. “I’m sorry, Highness, but I’m at a loss.”
               “This…I…this can’t,” –Noctis huffed—“This can’t be real! Those berries are making me hallucinate. Or something…”
               “And us, too?” asked Gladio, raising one thick brow.
               “What you ate would most likely have left your system by now. The symptoms began in Prompto no more than a handful of hours after he consumed them, correct?”
               Noctis nodded.
               “I think its safe to say they had no effect on you. Though why…this is happening, I’ve no clue.”
               The three men stared at Prompto where he lay, curled up against Noctis’ thigh. His hands continued to clench and relax, and the tension seemed to have gone out of his body. He no longer clutched his belly, and the rumbling tapered off to a gentle vibration from his chest. His ears swiveled, listening to any small sounds, and his nose twitched, picking up a smell on the light breeze.
               “D…does he…does he have a tail?” Gladio was torn between a smirk and a horrified grimace as he pointed to something moving in Prompto’s pant leg.
               More sputtering came from Noctis as he shifted to check his boyfriend’s backside. Biting his lip to stop the flow of incoherent noises, he tugged Prompto’s tank top from his waistband, then pulled his waistband away from his body.
               “Oh, no.”
               “Well?” Gladio prodded.
               Keeping his mouth firmly shut to avoid swearing, Noctis undid Prompto’s belt and awkwardly pushed his pants down. With one hand, he freed the blond, short-haired tail from the man’s pants. The appendage flicked in Noctis’ hand, the sunlight catching the light brown spots spattered through the blond.
               “Looks like you traded your chocobo for a kitten, Noct,” teased Gladio.
               “Gladio, this is serious,” Ignis said, shooting a glare at the man.
               “But also hilarious.”
               Noctis let out a groan, head flopping back against the seat. “My boyfriend is a cat! How is this even possible?”
               Ignis’ brow twitched. “We’ll figure this out somehow. But you must admit, he’s rather cute with his new…features.”
               Pouting, Noctis found himself rubbing one silky cat ear. “He’s always cute.”
               Ignis took a deep breath and struggled to take his eyes off this strange development. Turning around, he settled back in his seat. “Gladio, do you happen to have Professor Yeager’s number?”
               “Yeah, but she’s a biologist. What good’ll that do?”
               “It’s the best I can come up with right now. Perhaps I’ll come up with something better on the way to Lestallum. For now, call Yeager and see if she can help in any way.”
               “We’re still going to Lestallum?” Noctis asked, a hint of fear in his voice.
               “I still think it best we find a physician. He hasn’t woken up yet, after all.”
               “Sure you don’t mean a vet?”
               “Gladio, be nice.”
               “You’re laughing, too, Specs!”
               “You’re imagining things, Highness.”
               “You guys are the worst!”
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sagefiredaggers · 6 years
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The sensation in his chest is something like pain and overwhelming joy. As if his heart is whole at last, but breaking into thousands of pieces at the same moment. Hope mingled with despair.
A voice that he could never mistake, in spite of his blindness, but unable to believe that they were actually there. They they were standing in front of him, alive and well. A hot tingle that he couldn’t only describe as longing, painful yearning, spread over his chest and made his hands sweat and tears burn his blind eyes.
“I do not know whether to believe my ears—but my heart tells me it is so—you’re alive— beyond all hope.”
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ugo-the-nerd · 7 years
Hi! I really like your work! I have an FFXV Chocobro x reader request, if you have the time of course. Can you do a comfort imagine? I just lost one of my cats this morning and I'm really struggling with it.
I hope you like it! (I actually started sobbing writing the Noct one, as i imagined my own kitty… ;-; I hope you get better soon and that your kitty arrived safely in cat heaven, playing with laser pointers and rolling around in catnip all day!)
(Also since you told me Noct is your fav, i focused on him first and threw in a Gladdy as my own choice, i hope that was allright!)
Your eyes were red and swollen and eventhe few hours of sleep you managed to get the last night, couldn’thide the evidence of thoose tears you shed yesterday. 
Your mostprecious companion had past away, after a long fight against age andthe diseases that came with it. Knowing that his time on this earthcame to an end, you fought hard with yourself and the decision tohave him euthanized. Yes, he have had a long and happy life with you.Pampering him with toys, fur brushing everyday and his favouritemeals, but you were far from ready to let him go. Your best friend,confidant, consoler and side-kick. Your cat wasn’t just any feline,but someone who knew you better than any friend or family member. Butthis wasn’t the time to be selfish anymore. 
Standing at the table inone of the lab rooms, you gave a meek nod towards the vet, as he sentyour furry soulmate off to his eternal sleep. You stroked his pawsuntil his last breath, leaning over to give him a last kiss on histiny head.
„You did so well, thank you foreverything…we will meet again someday…“
Your boyfriend who was silentlywatching behind you, stepped forward and took your hand, squeezing itgently. while using his other to brush away some stray tears youcouldn’t manage to swallow down.
„Don’t worry Y/N, this kitty livedbetter than any king and i know what I’m talking about, being theprince and all. You spoiled him rotten. And cats got nine lives,right? Maybe his second one is only waiting for you to pick him upagain.“, Noct gave a reassuring smile to underline his hopefulpremonition. You couldn’t help but be swept along by his positivity.Letting out a last noisy sniffle, you straightened your back andsqueezed your boyfriends hand tightly.
„ I’m glad i still have this giantblack cat to keep me on my toes. Allthough he sleeps even more thannormal kitties and don’t get me started about how spoiled HE is. Healso loves to have his head caressed and devours WAY too much meat!
Raising your arm and ruffling throughNoct’s hair, you had to giggle at his surprised expression.Scrambling back together his composure, he raised his eyebrows indisbelief, grabbing your palm from his head and giving your fingers aquick peck.
„I hope you don’t expect me to startpurring for you from now on?“
The day started out grey and rainy,underlining the emptiness that was now residing in your sharedapartment with your boyfriend. Gladio was busy until late in theevening with his duties in the citadel, so you dreaded coming home tothis empty space even more now, ever since your furry companion hadpassed away. The weekends were usually something you looked forwardto. Spending them on the couch, having your precious furball rolledup on your stomach purring contently, while you wait for Gladio tocome home and join you two. He loved your cat just as much andspoiled her non stop, coming home every week with new toys or someexpensive gourmet cat food. Her favourite toy was a laser pointer.She always went nuts as soon as the red dot appeared on the floor,leaving you and Gladio in a joyful, giggling mess.
Taking up her favourite toy from thecouch table, you turned it on, drawing circles on the carpet. Justthis time, noone will chase anymore after it…Trying to swallow the hot tears wellingup in your eyes, you let out a stiffled moan, not hearing the frontdoor being opened silently, as your sadness was taking over you.
A sudden tiny flash of black shottowards the red dot on the floor and pulled you out of your thoughts,making you jerk up and letting out a high pitched squeak in surprise.The small bunch of fluff was wearing ared ribbon around it’s neck and stared intently back and forthbetween you and the stilled dot on the ground.
„W…what? Where did you come fromsweetie?“, you couldn’t quite grasp the situation yet, as yourboyfriend stepped through the livingroom door, giving you amischievous smirk as he made his way over to the couch.
„Hey babe, seems my fluffy surprisewas a full blown success?“ he happily said, seating himself besideyou and giving you a gentle kiss on the forehead.
„You never fail to impress me…idon’t know what to say…thank you so much Gladdy..she is absolutelyadorable!“,you replied and nuzzled your face on his broad shoulder.
„As i went to pick her up, it waslove on first sight i tell ya! She pouts just as cute as you when shedoesn’t get what she wants!“, he laughed and you pinched himplayfully in his cheek.
„And on the way back here, I alreadythought of a good name for her! How about we call her-“
„NO! We are NOT gonna call herBlacky…“ you interrupted him with a stern look.
„How did you know babe?“
„We’ve been together for over 3 yearsnow Your mind works surprisingly easy sometimes , big guy!“
Letting out a giggle snort, Gladiowrapped you in his arms tightly, placing his stubbly chin on yourhead.
„I can’t win against you, can I?“
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mandakatt · 7 years
Kitty!AU - Nursing while kneading
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A/N: Oh, so she was weaned a bit too soon? Aww, I’ve had kitters like that too, where they latch onto something with you because that need to nurse is still sort of ingrained in their cute fuzzy brains.
I apologize also for this one taking forever, there’s only a few of these guys that would do that really, so I apologize for this one being a bit short Anon-san! ♥
Tagging: @momokitty27 @major-artery @blossattic @kayterschmater @kairakara101 @suzunesays @ravenvelith @itshaejinju @its-like-i-never-made-a-sound @indigochocobo @fromunseeliecourt @vaporwraithing @stopmopingstarthoping @mysukisilentdeath @whimsyofthewind
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Kitty!Noctis - He does this, but only if you have a certain blanket, and if you’re sitting/laying a certain way. He’ll latch on and nurse a bit while he kneads on you before falling asleep.
Kitty!Prompto - When you hold him and flip him onto his back and give him the end of his tail, he immediately begins to nurse and knead the air or your arm. You figure that it’s more of a nervous habit than anything else.
Kitty!Ignis - He does not do this, but he does push his face into the blanket you’re using and knead on you quite a bit.
Kitty!Gladiolus - He doesn’t nurse but he is a kneader. Prepare to be prickled!
Kitty!Cor - On the rare occasions that you get him to cuddle with you he kneads on you. You’ve never seen him nurse.
Kitty!Iris - She kinda nurses now and then but it usually only happens if she picks up on the fact that you’re upset. It’s almost like she uses it to distract you.
Kitty!Aranea - Expect prickles when and if she does snuggle with you.
Kitty!Cindy - She just flops. Limp noodle all over you.
Kitty!Luna - She pushes her face against your blanket and kneads.
Kitty!Ravus - The first time he did this it surprised you, you watching him in silence and he seemed to slowly shy away from what he was doing when he noticed you watching him. You cooed to him softly, petting his ears and he went back to nursing and kneading on your blanket. You make sure that you’re alone with him so he can do this.
Kitty!Cid - Prickles against your belly, as he keeps himself cuddled close. No nursing though.
Kitty!Regis - Kinda - if given the opportunity he will wrap his paws about your neck and suck on your earlobe.
Kitty!Clarus - He kneads on you whenever he gets the chance to cuddle with you. No nursing though.
Kitten!Talcott - He still does this. He’ll nurse on your shirt collar, your blanket, your arm, anything he can latch his little mouth onto while he kneads.
Kitty!Gentiana - When she kneads on you, her paws are gentle, and feather light almost. No prickles.
Kitty!Ardyn - Nope. Just...No.
Kitty!Nyx - He likes to prickle you sure, but there’s no nursing involved anywhere.
Kitty!Libertus - He’ll do both, mostly when he’s a bit nervous it seems. He pushes his face against your belly and will nurse against your shirt or your blanket.
Kitty!Crowe - She’s much like Kitty!Aranea, she’ll prickle you if she cuddles with you, but no nursing in which to speak of.
Kitty!Pelna - He doesn’t nurse on you, but he might start washing any part of you he gets ahold of. [Wrist, arm, fingers, forehead, etc…]
Kitty!Titus - He prickles and kneads against you now and then when he cuddles, but does not nurse.
Kitty!Dino - He facemushes into anything shiny you wear, and will knead against you, he doesn’t nurse, but it’s like he has to push his mouth against the shiny thing for just a moment.
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biananas · 7 years
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Long time no post ! As usual I have a bunch of unfinished and quick drawings...of these guys...
 And well, there’s definitely something coming soon too..! 
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fuzzy-melonlord · 3 years
You know what, I like you, have some more Redacted Headcanons with no context
One year for Halloween, the D.A.M.N gang dressed up as Final Fantasy XV characters. Damian was Ignis, Huxley was Gladio, Freelancer was Noctis, Lasko was Prompto, and Gavin was Ardyn.
Ollie’s favorite superhero is Hawkeye, both the Clint Barton and Kate Bishop Hawkeyes.
Sweetheart’s nickname for Milo is ‘Firefly’ 
Damien was Angel’s first boyfriend, they drifted apart though and haven't spoken in years.
Despite being Milo’s cat, Aggro seems to like Sweetheart more. Anytime they are around the kitty is constantly begging for their attention
Because of how much Asher repeats certain dances where David can see them, there are a few songs that David either knows the whole dance or can do the chorus. (EX. The Feels by Twice, Asap by StayC, Hero by Monsta X, etc.), he does not enjoy having this knowledge.
Besides Halo, the wolf pack will sometimes play Tekken or Mortal Kombat together.
Lasko is the person who buys books but never reads them. He has so many stacks of unread books in his apartment.
Sam had two younger siblings, he obviously can't contact them anymore but he uses the internet to kind of check in on them without the chance of them spotting him.
Lasko goes to Ren faire's at least once a year. He and his d&d friends will sometimes dress up as the character in their campaign. (He has also cosplayed as Pike from Critical Role. Which he does watch)
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renohasbigtits · 3 years
Could you do the bros trying to woo their comically oblivious crush? Like the boys are trying to drop hints but SO just does not pick up on it unless the boys straight up say something like “I want to kiss you. On the mouth. Romantically.” (I just get a kick out of the “oblivious love interest” because I also don’t understand subtle hints lol)
This is sooo me. I’m Autistic so I miss when people are flirting with me 😅
Also you’d be surprised how many people how already done a Chocobros with a oblivious crush.
I almost denied this request because so many have done it already but why the hell not?
Here we goooo!
He doesn’t know how much patience he has left. Your a lot more clueless than he thought...
He’s tried to flirt with you, but you just don’t pick up on them! He’s getting a bit frustrated.
“Is she/he/they doing this on purpose?!” he thinks.
Eventually, He turns to Ignis for help.
Ignis suggests that he should just straight up tell you how he feels.
It takes awhile but he finally builds up the courage to confess to you.
He invites you to his place and you curiously walk inside, unaware of what’s gonna happen.
“Noct... you said that you wanted to talk to me about something, is everything ok?”
Noct thought for a second before starting.
“Y/n...I really like you.”
“Aww! I like you to Noct!”
He annoyingly sighed.
“Seriously?” He said annoyed.
That caught your attention. Why was he annoyed?
“What’s wrong Noct?”
He turned to you and sighed one more.
“I have feelings for you.”
“I’m IN love with you Y/n.”
You were so shocked. You literally had no idea!
“Noct I-
“It’s fine. I know it’s sudden and probably weird and-
You stopped him mid-sentence and held his arm, tightly and lovely.
“I love you too, Noct.”
Poor baby. Frozen up like a scared kitty.
But it worked, so it was worth it.
“Me too Y/n.”
He’s always had a thing for you but you didn’t seem to noticed.
Not like it was completely your fault.
Prompto has a very bad habit of self sabotaging himself, before he can tell you how he feels.
Until today!
He invited you to a photo shoot at the river and you were the model!
You were so excited to be his model but obviously, he planned to confess his feelings to you.
Once you both reached to the river, Prompto awkwardly turned to you and tried to make conversation.
“So uh... pretty weather today eh?”
“Yeah! Perfect day for pictures!” You smiled.
That smile. That smile he fell in love with.
He started blushing hard and you noticed it.
“What’s wrong? Are you feeling ok?”
“Oh uh..y-yeah! I’m just uh damn.” He swerved away. Ashamed that he failed again.
You didn’t understand what was wrong with him but you wanted to help him.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Uhhh..” Oh my god, his face was red as a tomato.
“Listen, I don’t know what’s going on but I want you to know that it’s ok if you want to talk to me to about it. I’m all ears.”
“C’mon Prompto. Silence isn’t going to make me underst-
“WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?” He yelled out.
The sudden confession caught you off guard.
“Uh sorry! F-forget I said anything!” He awkwardly tried to playing it cool. Oh Prompto.
You gave him a small peck on his freckled cheek.
“I’d would love to go out with you.”
He said he would never fall in love. He dedicated his whole life to Noct. He didn’t need anyone else.
Well that was... until he met you.
You were so delicate. Did everything at ease. Calm and sweet, you were a beam of light.
A beam of light that went into Ignis’s heart. He fell in love.
He tried for so long to keep his feelings under wrap. He didn’t wanna come off as “unprofessional”.
But he couldn’t keep it to himself anymore. True love was a rare thing you see, and it shouldn’t be wasted.
He didn’t wanna lose you.
He made a plan. Make a fancy dinner with your favorite food, drink, and most importantly,
Confess his feelings towards you.
Since he was very aware of your nativity, he thought that a direct approach would help.
You entered his small but nice little apartment, smelling the delicious food cooking.
“Ah! That smells so good!”
Ignis giggled. Your positivity was something he deeply admired about you.
“Why, thank you darling. It’ll taste good as it smells.” He smiled back at you.
20 minutes passed, it was done and your both sat done to eat this wonderful meal.
It was delicious! Every taste was like heaven! You loved it so much.
But one thing was confusing you; what was this for?
Ignis didn’t speak to you much. And when he did, it was professional and monotone.
Tonight was different. He was smiling and seem beaming with happiness.
It was a different side of Ignis. A side that was rare but you were lucky enough to see it.
“Yes Y/n?”
“This was such a great meal.” You started “I’ve never had such a great meal until now.”
Ignis nodded contently.
“..But...” That ‘but’ got Ignis’s attention. “But what is this for?”
Although you his face didn’t show much emotion, his eyes does all the talking.
His eyes basically said “There on to me.”
Ignis coughed before saying,
“I made to show my feelings towards.”
“Oh.” You said. Thinking he was just being kind and wanted to share his feelings about you in a ‘friendly’ way.
“Well, thank you for for meal. I’ll be going.”
Ignis’s eyes deepen. “They didn’t get it, did they?!”
Ignis realizing his plan was failing and not waiting to wait anymore, he got in front of the door.
“Y/n. Perhaps I should be more direct.”
“What do you mean? I thought it was-
“I have feelings for you, darling. For awhile, I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“I wanted to show my feelings through food but that didn’t work.” He chuckled a bit. Laughing at his own “failure”.
The realization hit you. The Ignis Scientia was in love with you?
“Ignis I-
“You don’t need to say anything darling. I was-
You interrupted him by giving him a big hug.
Any affection was foreign to Iggy and usually, unwanted. But this was the few exception.
You snuggled to his clothing. It was warm and comfortable.
“I love you Iggy.” You whispered to his chest.
Oh his heart was on fire tonight. His plan was a success.
“I love you too, Y/n.”
This man was a known womanizer.
Every woman loved him and every man wanted to be him.
Who could blame them? He was strong, had a cool hawk tattoo, beautiful eyes and hair.
But he was also feared.
He looked intimidating. He could fight anyone if he wanted to.
But that’s a front.
Deep down, he’s a gentle giant underneath.
He wanted to love anyone just as anyone else wanted.
You saw the true Gladiolus.
A kind, smart, book reader, strong of course but more than his strength.
That’s what Gladio loved about you. You knew the Real Gladio.
He couldn’t help but fall for you.
But he was frustrated with his lack of progress with you, due to your lack of awareness to his feelings towards you.
He was sure he was so obvious but you mistook as “friendliness”.
He finally had enough and was going to tell you straight up, that he was in love with you.
“Y/n!” He called to you.
“Oh hi Gladly! What can I do for you today?”
“I love you.”
“Aww.” You touched. Gladio was never known to say ‘I love you’ especially to the people that were closest to him. “I love you to!”
“Really?!” He said suprised even that didn’t work!
“You don’t get it do you?”
“What? What’s up?”
“I’m in love with you!” He looked at you with a little smirk seeing your shocked and embarrassed face.
“I didn’t know.” You whispered.
“I thought I was being kinda obvious!”
You stood there awkwardly and having a hard time looking into his eyes.
You felt embarrassed for not knowing sooner.
Gladiolus smugly said “it’s ok, just say you’ll go on a date with me.”
You giggled. His blunt humor seemed to calm your nerves.
“I would like to go on a date with you, Gladio.”
A/N: This is different eh? I want to try something new.
Hopefully you like it!
Also sorry this took so long! Depression is a real bitch :/

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