#snake marinette
bigfatbreak · 7 months
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here's the concept art for marinette's snake miraculous form! it was up on patreon last month, but I figured I'd post it for the update crowd too~
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lavendoodles · 6 months
a fanart i've been wanting to finish for a literal month.
she is complete. it really has been a full month. I started this on the night of November 30th and finished it like 10 minutes ago on December 30th.
(The marvelous design belongs to @bigfatbreak !!!! Thank you for dropping this masterpiece omg)
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I'm not gonna lie, this is the first reason I wanted to open a blog in the first place.
(if you want to read my rambles and see a closeup of the drawing, i'll put everything under the cut!)
A few months ago, a friend introduced me to the absolute jewel that is Bigfatbreak's Miraculous Ladybug AU, and I was hooked from the very beginning. I mean, you have all the stakes, all the drama, all the edginess that the original show could only dream of having, and the art is so pretty!!! The color palettes used for each chapter are always so pleasing to the eye, and the "halos" are a beautiful addition to the characters and the visuals when important moments happen.
I knew that I would make some study doodles for myself at some point, but as soon as that chapter dropped and we got to see Marinette as the snake Miraculous holder... I dropped everything and RAN to my tablet. Her design is STUNNING and I couldn't express my admiration in any other way, I HAD to draw her.
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For some reason, I wanted to go for something big with needles and a tarot card as an inspiration. So I spent maybe the next three days working on it, but uuuuh that wasn't it. I also wanted to include snakes and some tulle fabric for the background, without realising how hard these two elements were to draw, especially the fabric (it's torture. I'm very open to tips or resources if you've got something). Then I felt like I couldn't get the tarot format to work. Then the rendering sucked. And I still couldn't make the background work. I gave up for a month. <3
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And I suppose that it's in those moments of creative emptiness and lack of motivation, that everything suddenly clicks as if it was obvious from the get go.
Let's just go for a simple, eye-catching background with very soft rendering and a mysterious glow emanating from twelve sewing needles turning counter-clockwise. I know this piece is still full of potential, but I wanted to finish it before 2024 and before my mind had a chance to make me give up.
I find my mind to be incredibly insulting when it happens. But uh, considering that I haven't done anything solid in a month, I still take it as a small victory. Small victory is classy snake speedrunner seamstress. You go, Marinette.
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pencil-for-a-dog · 7 months
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I love it btw <3
I REALLY hope I could get the vibe right because, dude (gender neutral) you don't understand how your way to draw second chance has changed me, it's beautifully chaotic, I love it
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maddascanbe-blog · 23 days
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Decided to do some Kwami swaps, and Cani-girl for good measure. Marinette's Cross-fox design was partially inspired by the Cheshire Au- by RozonRozark. Champion's name was inspired by @zoe-oneesama, who is probably my biggest inspiration for miraculous designs. Cani-girl I based on my little bunnix redesign, only thing of note was a put the ball on the hood and a dog tag on the choker. And Collette, Snake-Lila who I did in a warmup set of kwami swaps ages ago and never quite forgot. She was my favorite out of those and the golden scales inspired Life-swap Luka's design
That original Collette Sketch:
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eldritch-ace · 10 months
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I’m sorry
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sfigatino · 6 months
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merry Christmas @quickspinner! Here’s some roller derby Marinette for you, im your Secret Santa for the @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers Secret Santa event!
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sweetmeatdale · 1 year
Black on yellow kill a fellow
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Red on black, venom lack
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I keep thinking about it...
(Adrien is a few months older than he's supposed to be because he tried to save Ladybug 25,913 times with the Snake Miraculous in Desperada)
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kari-go · 1 year
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Lady Scales and Rat King~
Adrigami, Julerose
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a-flaming-idiot · 2 months
So remembered an animatic that said every Ladybug holder was destined to abandon their Black Cat and they'd never see each other again. So I quickly threw together a set of curses for all the Chinese Box.
Ladybug - They are destined to always die alone with their goals unaccomplished
Black Cat - They are fated to always be abandoned by the person they hold closest
Fox - They are fated to always destroy the person they love most
Turtle - When it counts most they won’t be able to protect those they hold most dear
Bee - They are fated to drive others away at their most vulnerable
Butterfly - They are fated to have their good intentions twisted sour
Peacock - They are fated to put their faith and love into the wrong person and destroy themselves
Snake - At the end of things, they will always end up alone
Dragon - They are fated to never have the strength they most need
Bunny - They are destined to see the worst fates of their friends repeat over and over again with no chance to save them
Tiger - They are destined to always squeeze too tight and break those they love
Pig - Their kindness and desire to help will be their downfall
Mouse - They are fated to feel the weight of every task and eventually be crushed by it
Ox - They are cursed to be destroyed by their own growing doubt
Horse - They are fated to always be a moment too slow and be ruined by it
Monkey - Their happiness will come at the cost of the misery of others
Goat - They will be consumed by their passion and desires
Dog - They will devote their lives to a goal and only in their last moments realize they were wrong
Rooster - The people they hold closest will be unreachable
My rough idea is that the Miraculous of the Chinese Miracle Box are so powerful that their magic naturally backlashes onto the user in the form of a curse. So if someone wears a Miraculous for too long, they will be doomed to the curse even if they take it off.
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redtippedfox · 11 months
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I was going through all my old art and I found these! These were the first designs I ever did for Kwami Swap! I love all of these designs! I drew these designs to test out what I could do with my Ipad (which is what I draw on). I almost forgot about these! I might bring some of these back! I know I drew the snake!Gabriel on my phone but the others I did with my Ipad.
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i-like-anything-water · 10 months
Chloe Addams AU:
- First and foremost, she's still a brat lmao. But like, the brat from season 2 and season 3-ish. After the Miracle Queen incident, the Bourgeois family decided to pack up for a bit and visit family. For this to work I need to make Andre a... decent human. Not father, idk I'm still thinking about it lol.
- Addams, far relatives but relatives still. They're invited to an event and Andre immediately accepts to lessen the media's heat on their family for a while. Chloe wasn't all that enthusiastic but she didn't have a choice. She was never good around relatives but she was good around parties so..
- Wednesday is annoyed at her immediately. Chloe feels strongly the same.
-Their first meeting is during the gathering (original, I know) and Chloe complains how the decorations and aesthetic were so last season and Wednesday is offended.
- "I don't think someone decked in glitter and yellow, of all monstrosities, should comment on the Addams decorations if you want to return home whole."
- Chloe blinks, "Geez, goth chic much?"
- They're escorted to a room after almost knocking down the blood cake on the center table. Chloe is whining and telling her father 'she tried to kill me' and Wednesday is sighing in relief. Glad one of her favorite knives weren't used on her...cousin...of all people. She'd have to find a new knife.
- "Ehem." A blank stare. "Apologize." A blink, "I suppose my talent for scaring people off includes making them an idiot with merely a point of a knife." "Excuse me?! I'm not an idiot and you should apologize for calling yellow a monstrosity!"
- "Monstrosity is being too kind. It's a fucking piece of shit."
- "Why you little bitch, you're more annoying than Dupain-Cheng! And she's a little goody two shoes."
- Wednesday pauses in her retort. Huh. "You also have someone who is the definition of good and kind?"
- Chloe blushes, "I don't have her! I-I mean, it's not like that! She's just too good and a suck up that she doesn't event return- she's just fucking annoying, alright?"
- Just like Enid, if this blonde brat was describing this mystery person in true Addams fashion. Wednesday was having some troubles regarding her planned courtship of the werewolf but...it wouldn't hurt to know another perspective of another Addams member. For now, she wouldn't kill her.
This will be mostly crack lol.
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imthepunchlord · 8 months
Marinette's Elemental and Miraculous Matches (Zodaic)
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Wu Xing, Bagua
Being of Wood and Metal, of the Zodiac, Marinette is set to thrive with Leopard, Rabbit, Monkey, and Rooster.
Leopard can play into Marinette's meddling nature, her elusiveness, precision, and her interest in working with thread. Like any cat, Leopard thrives as being a stealthy ambusher, catching targets off guard and throwing a monkey wrench in their agenda as the user can puppeteer them. Marinette would swiftly use this to restrain her opponents, and be a means to string people along and get them out of safety. She may not like the implications of fully physically controlling anyone, but she would use it well to secure it's used well and efficiently.
Roaar would be delighted in Marinette's confidence and cunning, she'd be the ideal leopard, knowing when her presence needs to be known and when it's time to be hidden. She would though work on Marinette's tolerance level with others, especially when wronged. When someone strikes with the intent to hurt/upset, it means war, it's not to be tolerated and let go, and if Marinette's to be discouraged from fighting back upfront, there are stealthy ways around that.
Rabbit plays off Marinette's energy, her swiftness, elusiveness, and even her multitasking capability. With super speed, Marientte will be delighted and thriving to get all done that she wants to get done, it also works off her flexibility in the field, evading her opponents and working off any opportunities she sees. Rabbit also works off her observation skills, for an eye for detail is required to take in everything around her before she zips past it.
Fluff would work well with Marinette, being gentle and bubbly, if a little flighty. Fluff does encourage productivity, and would have an appreciation for the arts and encourage Marinette's artisan interests. She would work with Marinette's preference to be busy, and help her learn to focus her energy for most productivity. Fluff herself is also a trickster, and if Marinette is ever dealing with anyone she can't be upfront with, she'll be quick to help Marinette learn how to outsmart and outrace her enemies.
Monkey is a Miraculous Marinette can pull off well as she is someone who rolls with and rides the chaos, and for a sporadic power of shapeshifting into animals or altering the size of her or the staff, this delivers Marinette the diversity in capability that she would thrive with. The extra nice thing is this power is incredibly flexible in it's use, allowing Marinette to act as she desires, whether she goes stealthy or toes the line of being a little more direct.
Xuppu has a lot of the same appeal as Plagg when paired with Marinette, for he also would eagerly roll with the chaos of her thought process and relish the shenanigans. Unlike Plagg, Xuppu would be much blunter and direct with his thoughts, keeping Marinette on her toes with his temper, impishness, and energy. He would work with Marinette to learn that fun matters too, and she shouldn't be stressing over others or duties all the time. Also, if dealing with something unfair, he'll be furious, and stress to her that this is not ok nor should it be something she tolerates/let's go. He'd readily scheme with her in doing petty pranks back to her enemies.
Rooster works off her creativity, ingenuity, quick and elaborate thinking. It works off her liking things to go a certain way, but able to be flexible and adjust. It also works off her eye for detail, thinking outside of the box, and figuring out what to write out for each singular rule.
Orikko is bold and cocky, he has a charisma and eagerness that Marinette can work off of, though his head may be a tad too big at times, but he does insist upon her own value and self-pride and worth. To not be afraid to state her opinion and to stick to her guns. He would engage her her creativity, relish to to see her thought process and how she structures things, working with chaos.
Of the Zodiac, Marinette is viable for Mouse, Ox, Carp, Snake, Horse, Goat, Dog, and Pig. Some of the Earth based Zodiac she may even be better paired with, as the Earth acts as the in between the other four elements and echoing some of those elements. The Earth Zodiac are set up to be best-viable for her. She'll pull them off well but there may be some struggle or something not clicking right away between power or kwami.
Mouse works off Marinette as a team player and her multitasking. Largely, biggest appeal is that it works off her strengths of working on the fly, working with others, and able to cover a various of tasks. And when you have a team of Marinette on the same page, all able to work off the same complex idea, you have a very scary force to face.
Mullo being mischievous and liking to startle and prank her humans for fun would keep Marinette on her toes (much like Xuppu), and luckily Marinette can roll with this chaotic little imp. Mullo would also encourage Marinette to keep working off her intellect, and also to push for her to prioritize herself, as Rats aim for success, any means necessary. Only big issue between these two is that Mullo would recommend sabotages against her competition that would go too far, much farther than Marinette would like (which Marinette isn't one for sabotaging, but she may be up for pranks and underhanded tactics to slight against those who go too far and deserve it). Mullo also does think Marinette is a little too soft.
Ox works off Marinette's strong resolve, determination, and ambition. With how determined and motivated she can be, she'll be one of the strongest Oxes and solid invulnerability. Only slight is that this is meant to be a powerhouse Miraculous to be tanking hits and hitting hard back. As Marinette isn't one for confrontation in fights, not entirely up her alley, but would make it work.
Stompp would be delighted with Marinette's strong sense of responsibility, her big heart for others, and how determined and ambitious she is. These are all traits Stompp likes his humans to have. Only thing to bother him is that Marinette's not one to let her anger out and openly challenge her opponents, that is something he would push for her to do.
Carp is a Miraculous that doesn't quite click with how Marinette likes to function, with it being designed to be a powerhouse and overwhelm opponents. Marinette though prefers to toe the line, which her draconic form will consider, designed more for speed and evasiveness, so there is something there for her to work off of. And her element, air, will be well used as air isn't as quickly harming as the others, and she would use it to blow back opponents or means of deflection. Not the best fit right away, but she would make it work.
Longg being patient, formal, and calm, he's a kwami Marinette can work off well, and would have the perks to be the calm and source of logic against any of Marinette's spirals. And if Longg starts to ramble away, Marinette would have the patience to let the kwami get him words out. Longg is a kwami who likes to urge his humans to discover and let loose their hidden potential, and Marinette would be a human Longg would be excited for, seeing the inner strength that Marinette's easing out. She just needs help to fully let it loose and to thrive.
Snake works off Marinette's subtlety, creativity, her tendency to prefer to control the outcome of things, and her elusiveness and tendency to dabble in trickery/underhanded tactics. As hypnosis can be more than having full control over someone, it can be it's own unique illusion, her means of warping how people perceive reality through music, and can allow her to move about unseen. This power is meant to be used for means of full control (playing off Fire's tendency to overwhelm and seeking positions of command), so Marinette's not one to fully use the power as meant to, it'd be rare and saved for extremes where she must have full control over someone.
Sass is set up to be a kwami to work well off Marinette, being calm, wise, and flexible. He'd be similar to Plagg in being vague in his advise, preferring humans to figure things out and come to their own conclusions, though he would be manipulative like Trixx, good with his words to influence their thought process and actions. While benevolent, he can be morally gray, and does adjust his guidance depending on what sort of human he's dealing with. A human that's eager to control others he's going to advise against, though one reluctant to take control is someone he's going to sway to be more open to it, and Marinette would be one he'd bring up the perks of having full control over others (like hypnotizing Lila to make a fool of herself, or getting Chloe to actually be a good person). Sass would wind up Marinette's little shoulder devil, who can sound tempting and is reasonable in his suggestions, but also toes the line of what's morally right for Marinette.
Horse similar to Rabbit, Horse works off Marinette's mobility, evasiveness, eye for detail, awareness of her surroundings, and liking to hop around her opponents, keeping them on their toes while she maneuvers around them. This can work off her multitasking, making use of portals to hurry to where she needs to or grabbing what she needs. It's one of those powers where it's Marinette's dream boat. One of her favorite powers.
Kaalki would be an interesting pair with Marinette as she has a personality similar to Chloe, being an open elitist and the snobbiest of the kwamis. Chances are good the two do clash here and there, between Kaalki being picky about who Marinette lets into her herd, to Marinette's background or living situation not being up to her standards. On the more positives, Kaalki would acknowledge Marinette's strong potential for stardom, and do what she can to guide Marinette to the greatness they both deserve, Kaalki would also be pleased with Marinette's noble heart, integrity, and natural instincts as a hero. Biggest thing Kaalki would do is to try and help raise Marinette's standards and help achieve her full potential, even if it means butting heads in disagreements.
Goat expertly plays off Marinette's creativity and quick thinking, and her having high ambitious for herself to achieve. It is flexible in use and can allow her to be elusive and out of sight, make her plans, and make use of her essentially making physical illusions. They may not wind up as real as Fox's, but there are perks to the physicality of them that Marinette will use well.
Ziggy is eager and creative and friendly, so she'll work off Marinette very well, engage in her creative thinking and artistic skills. She can be brash and thoughtless though, which sensitive Marinette and take to heart, and has a tendency of (affectionately) ramming her head against her humans. Being more for independence and self-reliance, Ziggy doesn't fully understand Marinette's needs to be considerate and helpful to others, and sees it as needlessly busying herself. She'll support however she can if it really matters to Marinette, but will try to urge Marinette to focus more on herself.
Dog works off Marinette's thieving habit, but also her desire to provide and help. She would be very active as the Dog, using it help all who's lost or had lost items they want back, probably to the point she may over help. She would also be quick to use this power to help bring back anyone who passes very recently, and may frequent hospitals. Honestly, this power feeds a lot into her nature, and could turn these strengths into flaws and risk developing an Atlas complex. Side note, if this power is what Marinette used against HM, he'd probably be a broken man between Fetch and Marinette's eye for detail, getting that item within minutes of her joining the field.
Barkk is a kwami who knows how to toe the line between hard work and duty, but also times of play and fun. Barkk is a kwami who will adjust herself and what she advises depending on the human, so with Marinette, she's not going to discourage that strong sense of responsibility Marinette has, but will try to urge Marinette to take breaks, have fun, and let loose. Potentially it's a hard concept for Marinette to grasp (as her fun involves being productive and delving into her interests), so the mindless fun Barkk insists on may not click with her right away.
Pig is an interesting match up as the power to alter who someone is I don't see being up Marinette's moral alley. But I can see her using it as a means to give boosts to others to help get past what they're struggling with, having her act as a small Guardian Angel giving that little boost/push in the right direction. And even if temporary, the effects may stick and help someone grow past those issues. Juleka's struggling with confidence and not being heard? A slight adjustment to her color to make her more red, and she's a lot more confident and outspoken. She would also use it as a means to disrupt akumas, altering who someone is so what's upset them doesn't upset them as much, throwing off HM's game. And if she's petty or fed up enough, she may use it as the extremes on Chloe and Lila (get them to stop bullying/lying), though that can toe some dangerous territory. Pig can also work off Marinette's preference to be more a background user who doesn't have the primary attention on her, and allow her to be clever in how she uses this power, and will make it work to be the most beneficial to majority. Though I can see her toeing taking things too far or getting too involved.
Daizzi would immediately click with Marinette, finding her cute, loving that her color is pink, that she loves pink, and she's so clever and observant, what a promising Pig. He is very empathetic and always has a good sense on what to advise when dealing with emotional problems. Similar appeal to Plagg and Valrr, as bubbly and optimistic as Daizzi is, he is also incredibly lazy, and if given the chance, will spend his days napping and snacking, and would do what he can to help Marinette slow down, enjoy her time, and not work herself so hard.
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huli-jinx · 7 months
Marinette's Codenames for Each Miraculous:
Ladybug Miraculous: Ladybug
Black Cat Miraculous: Lady Noire
Bee Miraculous: Honeycomb
Fox Miraculous: Huli Jing
Turtle Miraculous: Emerald Gaurd
Peacock Miraculous: Mystique
Butterfly Miraculous: Nymphadora
Snake Miraculous: Medusia
Rabbit Miraculous: Cottontail
Mouse Miraculous: Multimouse
Ox Miraculous: Terracotta
Tiger Miraculous: Tigerlily
Dragon Miraculous: Dragonfly
Horse Miraculous: Étoile Èquine
Goat Miraculous: Lady Alpine
Rooster Miraculous: Sunrise
Monkey Miraculous: Capuchin
Pig Miraculous: Sowbelline
Dog Miraculous: Canineva
Eagle Miraculous: Tempest
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maddascanbe-blog · 7 months
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I'll get into the story changes at a later date for these two's episodes (looking at you Desperada) but for now I wanna talk design.
These designs are pretty obvious in their changes, Marinette's collar is changed, and I might move the miraculous later since I don't love the placement. I let her pull details from her fellow heroes, since I thought it would be cute. Rena Rouges heart shaped bodice piece, Carapaces 'under suit' that shows on her shoulders. Queen Bee's opera gloves. And of course the lines of accent colors to match her wonderful partner. And throw in some freckles on the mask to be cute.
I don't know if anyone else cares but I do appreciate that while Chat Blanc is a pallet swapped Chat Noir, Ephemeral looks like Aspik. I don't know if they planned that from the beginning, it might explain why he's bald, but I do like it. Needless to say, Ephemeral will probably look different too...
Anyways, I gave the boy hair. Very similar to his civilian hair, because he's not really worried about hiding his identity. Change the eyes to be just yellow, him having one spot of green in the entire design seemed weird, even if it was just the eyes. Plus distances him from Chat a little more. Also all the Snake and Dragon miraculous users get a scale pattern to their suit instead of the regular hexagon pattern.
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verfound · 3 months
FIC: Sit a Spell (MLB; Lukanette; Winters)
Characters/Pairings: Naga!Luka Couffaine, Witch!Marinette Dupain-Cheng; Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Rating: General Audiences
Summary: Marinette comes home to find her new housemate sitting outside.  Luka’s just glad to see his mate safely home.
Author’s Notes/Warnings: Set during their first autumn, shortly after Luka’s moved in.  Early in his brumation, before he’s sleeping all the time.  Winters is kind of my comfort series?  I have actual stories and plot planned out for this ‘verse, but every now and then I just need to come back and do something short and fluffy for my own sanity.
“Sit a Spell”
“What are you doing out here?”
Luka looked up and smiled when he saw his little witch – his mate – walking up the path to her…their little cottage.  The tip of his tail flicked almost subconsciously, a sign of his pleasure at seeing her safely home, and she grinned when she noticed it.
“Aren’t you cold?” she asked once she was closer, her eyes glancing down at his bare chest.  He noticed the way they lingered – her gazes had been lingering more and more lately – and his tail swished again.  Her cheeks were pink when her eyes lifted back to his own.
The pinking wasn’t new, not for a while now, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy it.  There was a little thrill that raced through him every time he saw that lovely color fill her cheeks.  He’d found himself wondering lately how far he could make that blush go, and how lovely it might look…
…but those were thoughts for later, when the cold wasn’t creeping in and his body wasn’t so damnably slow.
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