Frank, do you dream?
Just this morning I dreamt that the New York Times had published a piece, "Inside My Dreams: Why I Wake Up As the Same Person I Go To Sleep As," about how all of us experience a constant metacontamination of our personalities and values from our dreams and the content of what we see, feel, and dream about. (I don't remember the specifics, but it was something along those lines.) It was very strange and well-written, if I do say so myself.
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skajador · 2 years
so how about that geats episode?
ok i made the joke about "among us yuri" but how could i know. how could i know the sheer level of among us yuri
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rosasappho · 5 months
I have not played dramatical murder and I feel like I know less about it every time I see one ofnyour posts. what on EARTH happens in that game
ohhhhhh im so glad you asked. basic plot: you play as aoba (the blue haired guy) in a futuristic japan that is becoming more corrupt everyday by the company toue who aim to make people just kind of numb and eventually to be controlled. it’s a capitalist society with a massive problem with police as well.
aoba has special abilities where he can make or break people’s mind and is basically forced to take down toue before they kill him or him grandma. in the first section of the game, your choices basically dictates WHO you are going into platinum jail with (platinum jail is an exclusive place on the island where you need an invite to get in. it’s a basically a city with a dome on it and that’s where toue tower is) , these characters are also the romance options bcus this is a yaoi game .
the romance options are Clear (my favorite) who is sweet and a revealed to be a robot who wants to protect aoba. There is Koujaku, a hairdresser and aoba’s childhood friend, Noiz is a hacker who leads in the game Rhyme (a dangerous street game in the story), Mink who is an ex-con and wants to take down the government (unfortunately his story suffers very badly with a case of “people who want to write about racism but end up being racist themselves to the character”), and two unlockable routes. One being with Ren, which i regret to inform is someone who has a broken off piece of aoba’s consciousness in a robot dog. And virus and tripp, who are yakuza friends of aoba but also considered a “bad ending”.
anyways moral of the story is that clear is the objectively best route and has the best music in the game to play during his route. he’s cool and also wears a gas mask to cover is cool pink eyes and also has this as a scene in the game:
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pleuvoire · 1 year
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>mfw got a new ask notif but nothing was there and i didn't even see the actual ask until i opened the email notif i got for it @snapple-man
42. character starts falling for their masked, voiceless rival before even knowing their gender
666. no ghosts at the weddings
(idk what that one means)
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weaver-z · 2 years
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Oh yeah baby
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goldensunset · 1 year
Void (the curse of liking volo)
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rosemirmir · 1 year
congratulations on finishing ryuki
Thank you! I feel countless shrimp emotions. Kobayashi truly knows how rearrange my brain with her own two hands
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lunar-gl1tch · 2 years
1, 2, 5, and 7
already did 1 and 7
2. What was the first show you watched?
OOO! I still think it's a strong start but i am biased lol
5. Favorite main hero?
Eiji.....I have many special sons but Eiji makes me feel Things nobody else can
thank u!
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backupmiyuko · 2 years
questions 1, 2, 5, and 8
Wow didn’t think i’d get this far. *clears throat*
1: how did i get into Toku. Well, it was a mixture of watching “history of power rangers” and searching tv tropes. My first attempts at watching stuff were Gaim and Liveman.
But for how Properly: i’d tried for years to watch a show in full and really sink my teeth in and pretty much failed to finish anything but Liveman which even then took years, or in Rider’s case failed utterly to finish, and then my ex ghosted me as a friend, and i was stuck at work feeling bored, and lonely one day waiting for my ride, i was thinking about how i enjoyed reading about people’s reactions to ex aid. -along with it being in my thoughts for various reasons <like it’s insert songs > as it had recently ended, and i’d enjoyed ex aid 1-8. It had also seemed like a good way to try and make friends. So I Went and Binged Ex-Aid 8-45 <and Dr Pacman > over the course of that labour day weekend. Worth it.
And then a year later while streaming and being out of stuff in english To Stream i pulled another friend in with OOO and we binged through it, and Fourze. Finished Gaim too that way.
2: what was the first show i watched:
Well since i partially answered above: Gaim and Liveman were my first attempts at their respective franchises, Liveman took me about 3? Years on my own, plus i’d both skipped a few eps and had to speed up the last few eps due to having work the next day (it is still one of my fav sentai and i have watched it multiple times since, please watch it). Gaim i don’t know how many eps i got through but put off due to wanting to use it for exercise. Yeah that didn’t work.
Now for Ultra: Ultraman Orb. Fun fact i hadn’t realized it was only 25 episodes because usually the toku i’d encountered or looked into -and Doctor who, were all Much longer. until literally ep 18. So: “man how are they going to top this we’re only half way”. *checks* “huh where’s the rest” “oh shit”
i like Orb. It’s a fun little show.
Other Toku:
Garo: season 1. Tried to do a halloween watch and didn’t finish. Tried again later and couldn’t get into it-and then when in a situ where i could’ve. Had to miss most of the season.
I have however finished the first season of the Ryuga timeline. Started slow but really did pick up, thanks @flaim-ita looking forward to more goldstorm.
Other toku in geneal: Kaiketsu Zubat.
I’d seen clips and photosets because of how insane Zubat was and had been curious, and then Toei’s youtube put the first two episodes up. And: the first episode of Kaiketsu Zubat is Insane. You do not understand if you have not seen it.
5: favorite main hero:
For Rider: Tendou. Ultra: Riku. Other: Ken Hayakawa, and Taisei High School Heroes. <and i haven’t finished it but Mako Dogengers high school
Sentai: the Liveman Trio but for Red’s in general. -yeah probably Yusuke from Liveman if i’m being honest when i think about it, but Momoi Taro has been up there. i just am waiting to see if it’s recency bias talking or not.
8: favourite series:
Kabuto for Rider. Donbrothers right now if it sticks the landing for Sentai, Gokaiger or Jetman if not.
Geed for Ultra. and for Other Toku: Kaiketsu Zubat.
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biomic · 3 months
@snapple-man replied to your post:
i hope it's takahashi because he always delivers a guaranteed crowdpleaser that sparks fun discussion and brings kamen rider fans together ^_^
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entropyre · 15 days
every day they remove the groundwork of my childhood board by board. wtf is up with capri sun in bottles
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Have you watched kamen rider? I feel like it is something you would enjoy
Yes, it was one of my favorite anime series from the mid to late 2000s
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skajador · 2 years
let's go with 1, 2, 7, and 9
How did you get into toku?
I followed/ was friends with people who were into various Kamen Riders for a while and eventually @hyenatron convinced me to check out OOO by telling me the soundtrack and theme were Ska. and I was very intrigued by Ankh bc like my god i need to cut my hair like that (AND I DID)
2. What was the first show you watched?
OOO Was the first i watched fully! I think in between i watched some Den-O and like?? a few of Kiva. i remember nothing about kiva except for Castle Dragon and like 3 other things
7. Favorite villain?
i was like "this one's diffiicult" and then I remembered that the PS5 Inside my (and Emu's) brain, Parad, was a villain for longer than kuroto was
honorable mention to Uva OOO (pathetic bug yanki, what else could you want) and shoutout to Blood Stalk Build (not what happens later, he was A Perfect Villain when he was Blood Stalk before the rest of the plot happened. I didn't like that anywhere near as much).
9. Favorite theme song?
Answered this in an earlier one but! Anything Goes, with a strong honorable mention to Climax Jump.
Anything Goes was actually really important to me getting into toku as you can see
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pleuvoire · 1 year
so I finished ryuki...
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well sorry gavv but you have been hidden, for none of the actors that i requested be in you for me to watch you while you were airing were in it
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goldensunset · 2 years
Are we having feelings about volo?
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