#sniper wah
noxexistant · 1 year
OKAY SOOOO /mention of threat of violence and anxiety
one of the newsies goes to David's but accidentally tracks mud in and then frantically tries to mop it up with his shirt getting more and more upset apologizing hoping Mr jacobs doesn't hurt him too much.
[screams] ouhhh i love this
all of the newsies are so incredibly anxious in ways that davey just cannot understand, despite all of his own anxiety. at his core, he’s always known that his parents - his home - are beacons of safety, even with all of the stress and the conversations he’s not really supposed to overhear and the watered-down soup and the piles of letters on the sideboard by the front door. his aba can be short-tempered sometimes, especially after his injury left him so frustrated and helpless, often unable to even find peace in sleep, but he’s never made anyone in the family his target. even on his worst days, when he’ll leave halfway through dinner to go to bed because he just can’t take les’ chattering and sarah’s problem-solving and ima’s worrying, he’ll kiss each of them on the head before he goes, muttering his goodnights and blessings in his familiar yiddish.
the idea of being afraid of his father is so foreign to davey that he forgets it’s second nature to most of his friends. that, to them, his aba is just a man, tall and scary and rough as any other. a father - a concept which couldn’t possibly hold more negative connotations to most of the boys.
jack is charming and polite and talkative with davey’s aba, acting as the perfect young man to cover up all his fear, but davey can always see it in how he watches meyer’s every move and tenses when he moves too fast or talks too sharp. race doesn’t trust meyer one bit, won’t speak to him unless meyer speaks to him first, mostly just eyes him suspiciously and ducks his head. crutchie has no idea how to interact with meyer, and is largely just his usual bright awkward self like when he’s meeting new people, but he won’t let meyer anywhere near touching him.
it’s sniper who tracks the mud in.
it’s pouring down with rain, and david’s house had been closer, so even though he doesn’t exactly know sniper the best out of all the manhattan newsies, it’d seemed the obvious thing to do to when he passed sniper on his way home to invite him to come home with david. wait out the rain, maybe have some dinner with them - “my ima’ll be done with cooking ‘round this time, and she loves the company.” but apparently sniper’d missed the memo, and david has failed to clarify, that he’s got a father too.
sniper freezes completely the moment he steps through the door and sees meyer sat at the table, thumbing through post.
david fails to notice. he heads further inside, pulling his hat off and beginning to strip off some of his soaked outer layers, introducing sniper to his parents as he goes. meyer glances up and lets his gaze travel down the thin, bedraggled boy in the doorway - an all-too familiar sight, by now - and his gaze sticks to sniper’s worn boots, full of holes and clearly soaked through. he’s concerned, but sniper misreads the attention, immediately dropping his own gaze to his shoes and turning back to the few wet, muddy footprints leading from the front door to his spot in the hallway, and panic grips him.
“sorry—“ he chokes out immediately, and has to swallow the instinct to add, “fù qin.”
he knows better. he knows better. but he’d let his attention wander, overwhelmed by the new place - so much larger than his father’s room above the deli - and the smells, rich food and the scent of a home, not just laundry.
he knows he’ll be in worse trouble for it with his father later, but he strips his shirt immediately from his shoulders. there’s nothing else he can use, and the filthy rainwater and mud are settling on the old wooden floors, and, frankly, sniper’s shirt’s already filthy and soaked and his father will kill him regardless - it’s only the practical thing to do to try and keep davey’s father from killing him too.
“i’m sorry,” he repeats, as he crouches quickly to the floor and starts mopping at his mess. it shouldn’t be a difficult job, it’s the same as work he does every day at the laundromat, but—but his shirt’s filthy and soaked through, so rather than mopping the mess up he’s just making it worse, pushing the muddy water around the floor. the mess is just bigger now, and looks ten times worse. he can feel his heartbeat racing in his chest.
“i’ll clean it, i’m cleanin’ it, i’m really sorry,” he assures uselessly, trying fruitlessly to do exactly that. his hands are all wrinkly from being wet in the rain all day, so cold that the joints are stiff, and he keeps losing his grip on the heavy, worn fabric of his shirt, knocking his knuckles against the floor instead. it hurts, but he reminds himself it doesn’t hurt near as much as what’s gonna happen if he keeps fumbling like this. he doesn’t even know what kind of man davey’s ba is, whether he’ll be angry enough with this display that sniper‘ll have to run, but he figures he’s about to find out as he hears footsteps approaching.
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m sorry, if—if you could bring me a towel, please, i’ll do it myself, my-my shirt’s too—i just—it looks like i’m making it worse, i swear i’ll clean it all up, and i’ll wash the-the—“
the blood rushing in sniper’s ears like roaring wind crashes suddenly into silence as he’s…wrapped in something warm. he doesn’t dare look up, knows better than to make eye contact, but he looks confusedly down at himself and the soft, worn towel draped around his shoulders, covering him where his damp undershirt leaves him bare.
“it’s—it’s alright,” davey’s voice says from somewhere above him, shaking slightly but fighting to be something like soothing. “you’re not…you’re not in trouble. my little brother - oh, you—you’ve met him, les - he tracks in mud all the time. so much of it. and he never cleans up after himself, ima has to tell him, it drives her crazy. —but she never really gets mad. and neither does aba. they’re not…they’re not like that.”
very, very slowly, sniper forces his gaze up from the floor and dares to meet davey’s. davey offers him a smile, looking half terrified and maybe a quarter guilty. behind him, meyer’s smiling softly too, his face all…open and gentle, his whole body unmoving from where he’s settled in his chair like he’s real comfy. davey’s ama’s mostly gone back to fussing at the food she’s making, humming a tune sniper doesn’t know that doesn’t sound like anything he’s ever heard before.
he flinches when there’s more footsteps suddenly approaching, but it’s only a girl - maybe older than davey - with another towel in her arms. she drops it unceremoniously to the floor and then follows it, crouching to begin mopping at the mess.
“i—“ sniper tries to say, but the girl looks up and smiles at him.
“dinner’s ready. you and david go sit down.”
sniper wants to argue that it’s his mess and her house, her dinner, but she jerks to head to encourage him off again, still smiling. “go! i’ve been picking at the food the whole time ima’s been cooking.” she drops her voice to a playful whisper. “i’m not even hungry anymore.”
“i told you!” david’s - and his sister’s? - ama cries, but her tone is just as playful. she’s smiling as she dishes up the food, and david’s stood sort of hovering between the table and sniper - knowing better than to try and touch sniper to pull him up - so sniper forces himself to his feet. he sits down at the table where davey directs him to, the seat as far from meyer as possible, and pulls his towel blanket a little tighter around himself.
by his second helping of dinner, and more bright chattering and well-loved funny stories than sniper’s ever heard, meyer is so far from his fù qin in his head that sniper can hardly recall his own fear. and he feels a little better going back to the laundromat that night, knowing that maybe there are some fathers that aren’t like his own.
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newsies-furry-au · 2 months
(fullbody refs are nude but censored for the purpose of showing body patterns and markings!)
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jack kelly voice finch
modern au info: would you guys get mad at me if i said he was transphobic. HE GETS BETTER he stops. him and sniper are childhood friends. things are going bad for him at home. to put it mildly.
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tontalunar · 1 year
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Trying to get the hang of drawing them again/experimenting, can you tell I like bushmedicine 💀
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plushpyromoved · 1 year
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i can finally post about her omg ive been struggling to draw her for so long >.<
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nonsense-writing · 7 months
give it here snipes. (mspaint shitpost cuz i can, i go sleep now-)
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alexa-fika · 6 months
Stolen Help (Whitebeard pirates x gn!child!reader)
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A/N This is kind of a request? It was from a comment by @being-worthy on the His One-Piece story, this what Dokucha would be up to the following day; I love how I said little yet it’s the same length as my other fics 😂 let me tell you I was having second thoughts at first but I COOKED HERE
Reader here is replaced by dokucha which stands for reader in japanese
Dividers by @/Saradika
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Dokucha grins, running out of the clinic with the stethoscope in hand
Vista turns to see the little child running towards him
“Dokucha? What are you doing with the stethoscope?” he asks with a chuckle
“I have to listen to your heart!”
“My heart?” he asks, tilting his head as he kneels downn to their height; he lets the little child run up to him and place the stethoscope over him
“Mmhm, mmhm, you have a pretty heart, Vista!”
He smiles, handing them a flower and tucking it in their stethoscope
“Thank you.”
“Take good care of it, Vista-nii! Umm, eat lots of vegetables so you grow strong!
“I don’t think… I will, don’t worry.”
The child gives them a thumbs up and runs off, leaving an amused Vista behind until a thought comes to mind
“Since when did they have a stethoscope?”
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“Ace-nii, Ace-nii!” The small child yells, running towards said commander
Ace looks up at the child and grins brightly
“Dokucha? Whatcha need?”
They tried to put the stethoscope over his chest, standing on their toes to make themselves taller, but even with their added height and stretching, they were unable to reach higher than his stomach
They put their heels back on the ground with a pout
“You’re too tall.”
Ace bursts out in laughter before lifting them up
They smile in response, putting the stethoscope over his chest and listening to the familiar drumming of his heart
The child nods approvingly
“Good heart!” They exclaim, putting one of their thumbs up towards the flame man and jumping off him, running off to find their next patient
Ace blinks, confused as to what just happened, turning around and scratching his head, trying to make sense of it
“Huh, must have decided to help Marco out,” he mutters
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Izou sat at one of the tables in the training room, meticulously cleaning his guns and making sure they were up to standard, turning his head at the sound of his name
The sniper looked up to see the little child racing towards him, the look of pure excitement on his face making him smile
“Dokucha? What are you up to now?”
“I need to check your heart Izou-nii!” The exclaims, climbing up in the seat next to him to put the stethoscope on his chest
“Okay,” he replied calmly; he tilted his head, letting the child place the stethoscope over him and listening to his heart
“Mmhm! Your heart sounds like your guns, Izou-nii.”
“Pardon?” he asked confused
“It’s going boom boom like brother’s guns!”
He smiles at the child, associating his heartbeat with his weapon of choice; he glances at the stethoscope
“Say, Dokucha, did Marco give you the stethoscope?”
They jump, startled at the question
“have to go!” They hurried out, quick to get themselves down from the chair and out of sight
He stares in the direction the child had disappeared to, letting out a chuckle and turning his attention back to the task at hand
“Someone is going to get an earful soon.”
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“Papaw, papaw!”
The Captain glances down and spots the small child making gestures to get his attention from down below
He grins easily, taking hold of them and raising them in his hand so he can see them better
“Come to tell me more about that checkup?”
They shake their head exited,
“I need to hear Papaw’s heartbeat,” they said, carefully slipping between his fingers and wrapping their legs around them in order to be able to put the stethoscope near his heart
“Wah, Papaw, your heart is slower, but it’s so loud!”
Whitebeard lets out a thundering laugh at their words, gently maneuvering them to the palm of his hand.
“My heart is not what it used to be, but it is still fighting!” he howled
“Pawpaw has the loudest heartbeat!”
Whitebeard laughs again
“I think that is to be expected,” he says with a grin
“Ah! I still need to listen to Thatch-nii’s Heartbeat!”
“Alright, he should be in the Kitchen getting ready for dinner; let me know if he has a louder heartbeat than mine.” He comments as he lowers the child to the floor
“Go ahead”
“Thank you, Pawpaw”
“Marco did lend you that, right?”
“Ha... Bye Papaw!” They said, quickly disappearing
He lets a snicker at their response, knowing what it meant.
“They are in for it now.”
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The only warning Thatch received before someone burst into his kitchen was the tiny steps in the wooden floors of the Moby dick
Thatch looked up, startled by the interruption to his cooking, setting aside the chopping board
“Geez, kid, you scared me!”
They ignore his statement, pulling a stool next to the chef and slowly making their way up to come eye-to-eye with him, placing the stethoscope over his chest and gasping
Thatch raises an eyebrow, confused, as he hears them gasp
“Uh, dokucha?”
“Thatch-nii! You don’t have a heartbeat!” The cry fiddling with the chest piece and moving it around in hopes of finding a heartbeat
“Thats bec- his explanation is promptly cut off as another voice joins in
“It’s because you can’t hear the heartbeat through multiple layers of clothing; the others had no obstructions, so you could hear them clearly.”
They still at the voice, slowly turning around with a nervous smile
“Umm, Hi Marco-nii…”
Marco stares down at the small child
Thatch glances between the two and the stethoscope that the small child held between their hand and quixkly understood the situation, letting out a snort
“Again, Dokucha? You know he’s always going to find out.”
“Shhh, Thatch-nii, I just thought I could use it before he noticed.”
“You were wrong,” Marco muttered, quickly throwing the child over his shoulder and walking off
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Dokucha sat once again at the examination table, trying to avoid the stare of their brother
“The longer you decide to ignore me, the longer you will be here.” he shrugged
They glance up at him
he narrows his eyes at the child
“That’s not gonna get you out of this one”
“I just wanted to play with it a little and help you, I was going to give it back…
He pinches the bridge of their nose
“That’s just it; it’s not something to play around, Dokucha; it is a medical tool for me to use in medical settings.”
“I just like the sound and wanted to hear everyone’s heartbeat, and I thought it would help you.”
He sighed
“I know you do, but you can’t just take my tools as you please; if you had asked, I could have lent it to you to use in the clinic under my supervision, where I can explain to you what you are looking for when you use it.”
“So, should we be taking stuff from my office?”
“Should you be taking stuff from anybody’s office?”
“Should you be taking stuff that is not yours?”
“What should you do next time you want to use something that is not yours?”
“Ask first…”
“Good,” he said, ruffling their hair
“So, can I go now?”
“Absolutely not”
“Since you seem so keen on helping, how about you help clean the clinic for the rest of the week?”
They whine at his words
“But Marco-nii~”
“Two weeks”
Their mouth drops at that
“That's too long!”
“Three weeks then.”
“Do I hear a month?”
They shake their head with a pout on their young face
“Glad we came to an understanding.”
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Okay so originally Thatcher was going to be one of the first one’s but the. I came up with the no-heartbeat and I look up at the other one’s and realize the whitebeard pirates just like showing off their chest and Thatch is the only one among them that has ir covered up in his layers of chef clothing
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girlsies-week-2023 · 10 months
Information on some of my favorite Girlsies !!! For sillies !!!
(working title was me infodumping about girlsies under the excuse that it is relevent to the event)
I don't have the energy to go through & update this post at the moment, but @thegroundsofbrooklyn has a post here that has more info on the UK Brooklyn Girls !!!
Starting out with our number one, the original girlsie: Charlie (Hard Promises) !!!
Charlie was the original love interest for Jack in Hard Promises, and she was a newsie !! Her story was that she was living in a house of prostitution with her aunt (with her aunt trying to shield her from as much as possible to stop her from going into that life / being exposed to it) and she was planning to (and did!) go with Jack to Santa Fe at the end.
Next up: Smalls (Papermill - Broadway) (Manhattan / Possibly The Bronx) !!!:
I know that whether or not Smalls is a girl is up to interpretation but I am interpreting her as a girl & including her in this list (same with Sniper).
Smalls is a Bronx newsie (as implied by her yelling so's da Bronx during Brooklyn's Here), but she's still allowed in Manhattan (hence being there for KoNY in some versions), so she's probably allowed to wander around on her own.
According to Liana Hunt, she lives in a family with at least one parent and a ton of brothers who all work to support them, so she's sort've eager to be one of the boys in that sense — she's also super tough.
Talls !!! (Broadway) (Manhattan / Possibly The Bronx):
Talls was Caitlyn Caughell's newsie whenever she was on for that track. I have no information on her besides the fact that she was played by Caitlyn Caughell & is probably a play on her height of some kind — + also being a play on Smalls. Smalls & Talls <3
Sniper !!! (Tour) (Manhattan / Possibly The Bronx):
I'm going to be mixing in other backstories for this because as far as I'm aware Sniper's the only newsie on that list with a backstory that isn't from their actress ? + she has more involvement in the show when she isn't a girl so I'm going off that
But according to Alex Wong — Sniper's last name is Wah, and she's the daughter (son in this backstory but it's okay) of Sam Wah, who owns the laundromat above Jacobi's (the sign of which can be seen in the pre-uksies Jacobi scenes). She's named after her 'incredible aim' with a slingshot.
In certain versions, she's one of the scabs, the last one to throw down her papers, and the one to go 'Ah, what the hell? My father's gonna kill me anyway!' in the proshot. In the tour, she was also the one to yell so's da bronx.
Puddles !!! (Tour) (Manhattan / Possibly The Bronx):
Puddles is in the same group as Talls in the sense that there is like no canon lore about her & there isn't even any information besides her name and the fact that she was played by Melissa Steadman Hart during the tour. However she has the cutest nickname and deserved to be included in this list.
Marriott! Buttons !!! (Marriott) (Manhattan):
According to Adrienne Storrs, the actress for Buttons, she's been a newsie for three years. Her parents are poor Italian immigrants that don't speak English, so she works to support them. She was convinced to start selling Newspapers by JoJo after being caught pickpocketing on the street.
Buttons & JoJo are best gal pals, she sees Specs as a younger brother figure (she's always looking out for him), and Race and Albert are her favorite people to joke around with!
She has (had?) a rich boyfriend that went to jail for forgery a bit before the strike, so she's a little heartbroken during it, but she's 'continuing to live her life and she has the best newsie friends'.
She has a really positive mindset in general.
She also (along with JoJo) checked Katherine out when she walked into Jacobi's and later taught her how to Irish dance during KoNY with JoJo !!!
Marriott! JoJo !!! (Marriott) (Manhattan):
According, once again, to Adrienne Storrs, JoJo (who's real name is Josephine) is 'one tough cookie'. She was originally a pickpocket, but Jack found her and took her under her wing for ten percent of her earnings when she was almost twelve. She was one of the original newsies in the Manhattan group, and after three years she started seeking out other girl newsies (& that's when Buttons came along !!). She's been a newsie for about five years, 'not too far behind how long Jack had been selling'.
She has an Irish father and a Romanian mother and they were circus artists that came to America with P.T Barnum in the 1870s. She was born in 1882 (making her seventeen at the time of the strike) and she was raised around a circus.
Rafaela (Marriott) (Brooklyn):
Once again, according to Adrienne Storrs, Rafaela's parents moved from Spain to Puerto Rico in the 1880s and she was born there in 1885. They moved to New York City when she was five and she's very close with her brothers, who were six and eight at the time. All three children became newsies at the same time, being expected to work as much as their parents did.
She didn't go to school, she taught herself how to read and speak English, using her time as a newsie as a teaching device. She's super tough, and she had to grow up really fast. She 'has a strong sense of community with her family and fellow Brooklyn Newsies'.
Joey (Marriott) (Brooklyn):
You guessed it, information yet again from Adrienne Storrs!
Joey is Racetrack Higgins' cousin, and she's super positive. She's also secretly a really good fighter.
Hildy (Marriott) (Brooklyn):
You'll never guess where this info is from.
Hildy is German, and her parents own a sausage shop, and she likes to get into trouble.
Honorable mention to Nancy, Hazel, and Muriel from Newsies Jr.
I don't have the energy to read through all of newsies jr rn to find out which lines they have, however I can tell you off the top of my head that they are very supportive of Katherine and probably also on the younger side (because. Newsies Jr. Obviously).
If anyone who's played them would like to mention their backstory in the rbs or in this accs ask box, that would be lovely !!!
Spot Conlon (UK) (Brooklyn):
Using Lillie-Pearl's backstory for Spot here, because Clarice never got the opportunity to share hers if she had one :(
Lillie-Pearl's backstory for Spot is that her parents were Irish and African American immigrants living in Seneca Village.
Spot in Uksies is very close with Davey !!! According to Lillie-Pearl, she doesn't call him Davey, she calls him David, and in her cameo description she added 'making rhymes with Davey' into her list of things she enjoyed. She is also very close with her girls (obviously), specifically Lucky & Stray, who she did the handshake with depending on what point in the show it was. She also liked Race, depending on the day.
(She also probably isn't on awful terms with most of the Manhattan newsies, especially if they're girls.)
Lucky (Newsies UK) (Brooklyn):
Lucky doesn't have a lot of canon lore too her HOWEVER I can tell you that she used to do the handshake with Spot back when she existed, was called Tops for some performances, AND her real name is Eliza !!! She also interacted with Scope a lot during The Rally.
Mack (Newsies UK) (Brooklyn):
Mack's real name is Jeanie MacDonald, but she shortened it down to Mack because she didn't like her name.
She's a Scottish immigrant whose family moved to the U.S (just North of New York) to start a farm, but a plague of locusts destroyed the farm, so they had to move into the city for work.
She couldn't stand being stuck in their one bedroom cramped apartment, so her father suggested that she take up work as a Newsie.
Splint (Newsies UK) (Brooklyn):
Splint's arm is in a Splint !!! For some mystery reason that definitely isn't because Bobbie's hand was injured at the time of the first preview. Definitely not.
She doesn't appear after The Rally, which is because — according to Bobbie — she falled down & died :( (Bobbie needed 2 be there as Hannah)
Also her real name is Splinty McSplint.
(Bobbie also said that if she were to have a love interest it would be Buttons.)
Scope (Newsies UK) (Brooklyn):
I have no canon info about Scope besides the fact that she has the world's cutest pigtails and hung around Lucky at The Rally a lot :(
Ritz (Newsies UK) (Brooklyn):
Ritz' real name is Rita, and her nickname comes from ritz crackers and also Lucy's last characters name !! That's all the canon info we have on her as far as ik :(
Stray (Newsies UK) (Brooklyn):
Stray's nickname comes from her feeding all of the stray animals of New York !!!
She is related to Specs in some way (probably siblings, considering the fact that Sam & Immie are).
She becomes a Bowery Beauty when she's older, and her real name is from a newsgirl turned dancer but Immie doesn't remember who that is — the closest I got in my research is Lillian Russell, who wasn't a newsgirl but yk close enough.
(Her love interest would've been Mike !!)
Pips (Newsies UK) (Brooklyn):
Again, no canon information on Pips as far as I'm aware, besides the fact that she is literally adorable
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bigmack2go · 4 months
Newbie Newsies
A guide for new Newsie fans
Chapter two: Characters
Previous chapter: the basics->•
Chapter index ->•
Imma just start lf with a basic list of Characters. Only names. Nothing else. Then i‘ll give you the looks (and versions of that) and actors that played them and how to reckognise them (also split in versions) bc theres A L O T so like whos who‘sies
Then i‘ll tell you about some oc‘s and then i‘ll go into some lore for each of the characters that have one. That includes fannon
Imma try not to go TOO much into detail bc this is gonna be long enough as it is and there already are posts about them
This isn’t gonna have any specific order i literally not even sure if i didnt miss any.
Jack “Cowboy“ Kelly/ Francis Sullivan
Davey (“a walkin mouth”) Jacobs
Sarah Jacobs
Les Jacobs
Ed “Racetrack” Higgins
?“Spot” Conlon
Romeo ?
Katherine Plumber (but actually Pullitzer)
?“Mush” Meyers
Louis “Kid Blink” Balletti
Albert DaSilva
Isaac “Ike” ?
Michael “Mike”
Patrick ? ?
Hotshot “Hotshot” Hotshot
? Smalls ?
Jeany “Mack” MacDonald
Archie “Sniper” Wah
Niklas “York” ?
Samuel “Specs”?
Gabe “Boots” Argus
Patrick “Finch” Cortes
Elmer Kasprzak (pls tell me i spelled this right)
(Benjamin) “buttons” Davenport
Josephino Jorgelino “JoJo” De laGuerra (this is not a joke. That is his name.)
(Charlie) “Crutchie” Morris
? “Skittery”?
Gabriel “snaps” ?
?”pie eater”
Thomas “Tommy boy”?
Imma have to handle this w repost cuz u can only add ten photos and all that ykyk
His main four appearances are christian bale (92‘sies), jeremy jordan (obc and livesies), corey cott (broadway and toursies (i think)) michael ahomka (uk‘sies) and pierre marias (TUTS)
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Imma be honest i wanted to list everyone that plyed the characters but i don’t think i can even find that all so im just gonna go woth the most famous ones each
Basically the only thing thats always the same about him is the vest
Davey has been played by David Moscow(92‘sies) Ben Fankhauser (obc& live‘sies) ryan kopel (uk‘sies) and Ben Diamond (TUTS)
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He usually has a rather small face and a prominent nose. His hair has always been dark so far. He always has something blue about him sticking out/ is generally held in a blue vibe.
Sarah was played by ela keats. She was only in 92‘sies. She was originally planned to be in the theatre versions but her character was cut completely.
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She has lightbrown/darkblonde long hair and- well theres only one actress so u can see for urself
The most famous Race‘s have been Max Castella (92‘sies), Ryan breslin (obc), ben cook (livesies) and josh barnet (uk‘sies) and Cole Zieser (TUTS)
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jackmkelly · 1 year
ive gotta know why ur so drawn to sniper what is it in particular :O
short answer: jacob guzman LMAO
long answer:
just a little guy :’)) i think its So interesting how alex wong made sure its known in his trading card hes the son of sam wah whos never seen and just has a sign that comes down whenever theyre in jacobis deli & then for the proshot they made SNIPER say his fathers gonna kill him anyway 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 theres just a lot to build off of there that i think is interesting ! especially since “wish i could catch a breeze” was originally his line too !
also i could literally talk about how sweet jack is with him for Years bc look at them :’) (them in question are literally 3 pixels)
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ALSO! for some reason on tour they made smalls a boy and sniper a girl . ( the logic there will never make sense to me and i will just continue to call those snipers smalls instead) BUT ive always loved a good ole fashioned women in newsies <33
(heres morgan keene as a treat <3)
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but yeah sniper wah the little light of my life <33 gone but never forgotten🫶
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jmdbjk · 2 years
The air is different...
All my thoughts and ramblings have been piling up. I have had to resort to just jotting down notes. Some stuff is already outdated because: already resolved or already happened. Time is moving swiftly yet at a snail’s pace. 2025 is still an eternity away. Yet...
I was talking to my friend the other day and I remarked “it’s like there's been this paradigm shift since (Jin enlisted)... Jin is handling weapons on the daily, Jimin is blonde again, JK is too skinny, Tae eating Mexican food, we're speculating about Yoongi driving military generals around like some sort of movie plot (because we were)... it's like an alternate universe or something.
In this au fic, Jin becomes a sniper on special ops teams. Except during a mission he gives away his position when he starts laughing his windshield wiper laugh. Or better yet, he uses his windshield wiper laugh as an audible secret signal to his fellow green berets...the enemy never suspects... 
Once Jimin enlists, he becomes South Korea’s own version of Mata Hari, exotic dancer turned spy and infiltrates North Korea and returns with the news that their ramyeon sucks. My god, they don’t even put eggs in it. And as I said, Yoongi ends up driving military generals around. Strangely, he’s the chauffeur that won’t shut up and gives them a more simplified and rational viewpoint of how ridiculous this all is. They actually listen. He is also in high demand making individual regiment OSTs. You know, the things they chant while they are doing marching drills...there she was just a walkin’ down the street singing do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do... 
Anyway. Humor is a coping mechanism and last couple days have been very emotional. Someone please write that fanfic asap.
Let’s talk about Slender Jungkook... He’s turned into some sort of mysterious Slenderman of BTS. This gluten-free-meat-restaurant-protein-heavy diet has made him a lean mean bunny. It’s sort of startling to see slim JK juxtaposed next to the others. Especially Jimin who appears to be getting bulkier. Kookie is not filling out his puffer jackets and baggy pants...or even slim pants, as much as he used to. 
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Okay, here’s the deal, I understand there is content in the bank supposedly to last us until 2025... we’ll see... but I already know I am not buying Legos, special coins or Korean postage stamps. Those don’t count as content or merch. Just sayin’. I know they tried to tempt us with Cookie Kingdom nonsense but that was a washout for me.
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What we did get: Indigo merch... we got Jack in the Box merch, we got Wootteo and The Astronaut merch... you know what that means? We will be getting merch for Jimin’s album... and everyone else’s as well. Jimin, if you’re reading this, I will pay money for a nice flowy robe-like garment that screams “Jimin would wear this while lounging on his couch wearing nothing else.” And jewelry, hell yes. Give me some dangly earrings that Jimin designed please. If he comes out with some sort of leather merch, the implications...(closes the door on my imagination before things get out of hand, so to speak.) 
Jimin... I beg of you, please design a robe like this:
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The thought of stuffed animals and pillow cases as his merch... I hope not. 
I know this was days/weeks ago but WTF Yoongi? He is channeling 19th century rakish scoundrel here.
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And Tae’s fo-fo and how he’s definitely catering to the wimmins. Swooning could be heard across the planet when his fo-fo hit the internet. I saw someone say Tae was not channeling Darcy, he was more of a Willoughby. If you know, you know I guess. What got me was the horse... the ultimate phallic symbol.
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Now Taeyang having Jimin feature on a song for his upcoming album. I don’t know BigBang except for some negative things I’ve read. I do know who G-Dragon is. He supposedly has an apartment in the same complex with Joon and Jimin? I might be wrong about that. So we supposedly get to hear Jimin on Taeyang’s song in January. I’ll take anything. We’re desperate here. 
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I know this post was all over the place but that’s how I’ve been this last week or two. This time of the year also does not offer any calm respite either. 
We have even more changes coming. The air is already different with our Jinnie’s military service started. The past was honestly the best, but we need to look to the future, to their future when they return to us in 2025. They will be different. We will be different. Hobi, Jin and Joon have shown us artistically how much they’ve grown this year. We supposedly still have four more artistic efforts coming before the end of 2023. And we have six more enlistment days coming.
My feelings are still raw. I know they were all emotional but my heart is still aching. I have no better words to say about being able to see all of this unfold in front of my eyes than I’m grateful to be part of it, even with how intensely emotional it is. 
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noxexistant · 1 year
some more sniper because i cannot sleep and i cannot stop thinking about him:
he’s chinese. his last name is hua, developed/transliterated to ‘wah’. ‘sam’ is also not his father’s real name, but an english name for easier understanding. sniper’s got a real name and an english name too, but rarely tells anyone his real name for fear of ridicule.
his parents both immigrated to america together to start a family, when they were about eighteen. they had him as soon as they got the laundromat, and his mother got sick and died not long after. suddenly, sniper’s dad’s dreams of a family and better life in new york were impossible, he was just left with his laundromat - that wasn’t doing too well and was hard work to run - and a son - who could now never live up to his father’s expectations of what it would take to make it all worth it. so, he steadily grew to resent sniper.
sniper’s been working in the laundromat his whole life. usually just cleaning, mopping, etc, because his dad doesn’t trust him to touch the clothes. many are expensive and have to be washed and ironed and starched to a high standard, and sniper’s a rough newsboy. still, he actually is good at laundry - he’ll offer to do it at the lodging house, if only for the familiarity of it, the ability to totally zone out as he goes through the motions.
sniper gets hand-me-downs from the laundromat, so is ultimately one of the better-dressed of the newsboys. also considering his clothes are always clean and pressed. if clothes aren’t picked up for a certain amount of time, or appear with no apparent customer attached to them, they get passed on to sniper, and he takes good care of them under careful watch from his father. it’s part of the reason the other newsies find him scary, because he seems so cold and is dressed so ‘nicely’. even if he gets in a fight, he’s careful not to even damage his clothes.
he and finch have a…complicated relationship. the kind that can only be found in understanding so deep that you have to hate the other party, lest you have to face every bit of yourself that’s reflected in them.
he scabbed out of pure terror for what his dad might do if he came home empty-handed and had to confess he was refusing to work. when he threw down his papes for jack’s rallying speech, he asked jack hoarsely if he could stay at the lodging house for a couple nights. jack swore to him that sniper had a home with them whenever he needed it.
sniper vastly prefers the lodging house to the single studio room he and his dad have in the laundromat, divided by hanging sheets. still, he goes back occasionally, and he likes to think his dad’s quietly glad to have him.
he loves hanging out in jacobi’s, but also hates it for the constant pressing fear that his father is so close. he can never fully relax, and always keeps an eye on the stairs. he’s the type to, even when he’s doing something totally innocuous, immediately try to drop and hide it whenever somebody comes.
he can read, write, and do maths - though he’s not particularly good at maths. his father’s a whiz, and writes in his own complex shorthand han zi at blinding speeds while he’s working out customer orders and calculating prices and taking notes. sniper can’t help but be jealous.
he always counts in chinese, and only knows a lot of words in solely chinese since his dad doesn’t speak english. this leads to the occasional bit of frantic miming to try and get the other newsies to understand what he means.
curses a lot in english but would sooner die than curse in chinese.
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newsies-furry-au · 2 months
(fullbody refs are nude but censored for the purpose of showing body patterns and markings!)
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modern au info: joy and whimsy level unparalleled and unshakable. truly sees the best in everyone. still wears those gay socks. works at a drug store and the delanceys keeping stealing from him cuz he flirts with oscar while morris leaves the store with armfuls of stolen goods.
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lilyblackdrawside · 10 months
Most of the Module abbreviations make sense. MAR = Marksman MER = Merchant SIE = Besieger and so on. But some aren't so 1-to-1 and a few leave me really stumped. The graphics for the module icons are probably the same on CN, so it's most likely just a translation difference.
SOL = Pioneer Maybe something with "Solitary?" They tend to be designed to stand on their own, the subclass name we have also reflects this.
HES = Duelist My immediate thought her was "Heavy Shielder". This sounds pretty clunky in English, but I wouldn't say it's impossible. There's no use trying to compare it to the Heavyshooter module to draw a parallel.
ARC = Heavyshooter Now the easy out here would be "Archer", but none of the Heavyshooters use a bow and it wouldn't make sense. I could imagine something like "Arc Shooter" in a similar way that "Heavy Shielder" could make "sense", but this type of Sniper is probably the furthest from arcing their shots out of all of them. Not counting the hitscan ones.
BOM = Flinger I think this is just "Bombardier" or "Bomber". Flinger sounds kinda weird to me anyway.
PHY = Medic This is clearly "Physician". But then we wouldn't have "Medic Medic".
RIN = Multi-target Medic I got no clue for this one. Range-INcreased medic? Not really what they're about.
WAH = Therapist Could be "Water Healer". They're all quite watery. Could also just be a cry for help. Wah!
UMD = Hexer Again, no clue here. Unilateral Magic Definer? Undefined Module Designation?
PUM = Dollkeeper Probably something like "Puppetmaster". If it is that, then Dollkeeper is definitely the stronger translation.
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lunaede · 1 year
toa munday!!
Name: arden
Pronouns: he/she/they
Birthday (no year): Aug 9th
Where are you from? What is your time zone?: I was originally an east coast, USA girlie but I moved out to Colorado a while ago. MST timezone currently!
Roleplay experience: I started roleplaying on gaiaonline and also neopets and people used to yell at me because i was eight and did not know what i was doing. my avatar looked so cool on gaia though, for the record.
Got any pets?: Gabe, Gabe and Hancock, them again, creature
Favorite time of year: fall
Some interests and things you like: art, sewing (both cosplay and day to day wear as well as plushies), writing, playing ttrpgs, old movies, making ocs
Some funfacts & trivia about you: i am such a huge fan of ttrpgs. i really love dming but i also really love playing. i'm weak for vampires & silly little elves. also i am terrified of tornados and all of you are talking about them so casually.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play?: Final Fantasy (XV, VII mainly), Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls, Animal Crossing
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: grass type / i don't have just one, but from the new game i was partial to houndstone.
How did you get into Fire Emblem?: I saw nico play 3H and became obsessed with Hubert immediately
What Fire Emblem games have you played?: Three Houses, Awakening, Fates, Engage, Genealogy of the Holy War, Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
First Fire Emblem game: Three Houses!
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Honestly it depends on the day. But most days, its Awakening.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳: Hubert von Vestra. Arvis Ve-- (a sniper takes me out before I can finish)
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: it was Chrom with the gay awakening patch. If I play m!Robin, it's Chrom, and f!Robin is Libra's wife most of the time. - Fates: I played f!Corrin and romanced Kaze first, m!Corrin was Niles. I really mix it up each time, though. - Three Houses: it. it was Hubert. In every life I will Find Him. - Engage: Ivy on f!Alear and Kagetsu on m!Alear
Favorite Fire Emblem class: sniper/bow knight, or warlock.
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class?: mmmm maybe wyvern rider?
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation?: i think you can guess.
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with?: :oldplead: ah... miss camilla... don't mind if i do
How did you find TOA?: nico said hey look at this and i did
Current TOA muses: frederick, arvis, naesala
Who was your first TOA muse?: frederick <3
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards?: wah probably, knights & men who are a little silly
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most?: morally gray dudes
Favorite TOA-related memory: I am still but a young boy in TOA's history but every day is a nice new memory... I hope for many more to come !
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔: Toe-uh!
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day that you’d like to share? 😉: Actually it was a toss up between Naesala and BK for a moment there, and then of course there always was the looming threat of Hub-- (I am mercifully silenced)
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disabled newsies is like a bat signal for me specifically
okay, my own personal headcanons: mike is autistic, ike is audhd. race and jack have adhd. davey is autistic. tommy boy has a stammer. jojo has tics. blink experiences hallucinations and delusions. morris is autistic and hypermobile. oscar has adhd and chronic pain. crutchie has cerebral palsy and a tbi.
also, an idea that i haven’t ascribed to anyone specific yet: one or a couple of the newsies missing fingers from factory accidents that forced them to leave the factories and get jobs as newsies.
I don't have any additions to yours but let it be known I do love them and you are more than welcome to expand upon them to me if you like👀
HOWEVER I do have an addition regarding the factory accidents because I hc I couple newsies to be missing fingers: Hotshot and Sniper.
Hotshot's missing half his index finger on his left hand. Not ideal when that's (secretly) your dominant hand 1800s and all that, god forbid you be a leftie, but he was getting too big to do most of the more delicate machinery work so at least it made the decision to quit easier. He didn't become a newsie until he was fifteen, but he likes being out of the factory.
Sniper's missing his third and fourth fingers on his right hand, but he won't say what happened. Some of the newsies think he was a factory worker, others who are a bit more clued in to what Sam Wah's like behind closed doors think it was him. Sniper either can't or won't say, but he's extremely well-adapted despite it.
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lithuanianking · 10 months
On me and @the-genderfluid-kony 's shared account I mentioned I'd explain why in my headcanon there's 2 Snipers,2 mikes,2 Splashers,and like 3 smalls so here we go
(Its 1 am rn and I have a bio test tomorrow)
Ok so this goes for all of them, I offten like multiple completely different versions of the characters so I just male them happen to have the same nickname (or in the Mike's case name) so those different versions exist.
Sniper 1 is "Nikola Alekseev", I wanted a bureau to just have a really angsty leader for comedic effect so he's the leader of queens. (I know Sniper isn't from queens I just kinda move the newsies around so that there's actually people I'm the otther bureaus instead of it just being focused on Brooklyn and Manhattan) so he's over there doing that while the otther Sniper is "Elaine wah" and she's like the complete opposite,very reserved. She's over in Brooklyn.
Ok so this allways confuses me,sometimes there will be Mike mentioned in a post or something but he's not Mike as in Mike and Ike so I allways just assumed there two running around. So the twins are over in Brooklyn while the otther Mike is over in Manhattan.
One day I was looking up newsies and Splasher was described on this wiki I found as older,while the uk one is a lot younger . So I just made there be two the older one being from Brooklyn and I don't know what I did with the other.
Like the otther names smalls seems like a pretty common nickname for someone to go by in this context so there's 3 because I think the idea of there being a lot of smalls really funny. Also because in some interpretations I've seen people have smalls from Brooklyn and smalls from Manhattan . So I kinda latched on to that. (Also there's girl smalls and boy smalls ) so girl smalls runs bronx,boy smalls is in Manhattan, and there's like a little kid smalls running around somewhere. So there's a smalls for almost every bureau.
Technically there's 2 spots but that's only because I have Brooklyn just be this "every man for himself" type of deal where there's no real leader and its kind of 2 groups who are banned together (the ukewsies's girls and the Livesies boys) with some netrual people in there aswell.
God my punctuation is awful and I'm kicking ass in English,wtf?
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