#snove talks:)
snove101 · 10 days
i need to talk abt lab rats to someone but every time i find an active person in the fandom i get scared and hide in my little hole and never come out ever</3
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why are there so many k!nk blogs for puppies and shit no it's not sexual i am just puppy in the head
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drugsforaddicts · 11 months
Did we already talk about this one???
Sorry for the late reply but no, I don't think we did!! Not only is Nema kraja a BOP and one of my faves but
Znam da nama nikad nema kraja Jer ti u moje snove dođeš Vratiš me sebi opet Niko ne zna kao ti da sludi me skroz Da ne znam kuda idem Ti dobro znaš da uvek
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but i make these high heels work
summary: roman has something new that he wants to try out, but he’s nervous about his family’s reactions. he needn’t be; they’ve always got his back. 
(OR: a birthday fic for roman sanders, set in my moxiety dad au)
a/n: i’m jumping on @notveryglittery‘s “giving the gay everything he wants” agenda. happy birthday roman sanders!!! 
cw: anxiety, mild angst, fear of homophobia
wordcount: ~1.8k
read it on ao3!! 
Roman carefully smooths his hands over the fabric spread out across his bed. He knows that no one else is awake yet. Not even Logan, who routinely wakes up early because apparently he can run on crumbs of sleep and nothing else. Not even Dad, the earliest riser out of all of them, since he doesn’t have any pressing appointments. No one is awake but Roman. 
He’d tossed and turned all night, barely snatching a few hours. He knows he’s going to regret that later, but he also knows that there’s nothing particularly important happening today, so Papa and Dad will be more lenient if he decides to nap. So, rather than waiting until later to roll out of bed, Roman gets up a good hour before anyone else. He makes his bed - properly, this time, pulling off the excess of blankets and pillows and stuffed animals and tucking his thick quilt in. He never has the time or the willpower to make it in the mornings, but today. 
Today, he has anticipation thrumming in his chest like caught lightning, and he needs something to do with his hands. 
Roman showers, quietly. The bathroom is between his room and Logan’s, and there’s always the off chance that the water running will wake up his lightweight-sleeper brother. He holds his breath, keeping in all the melodies that usually bubble from his mouth in the shower, and is rewarded with no signs of wakefulness from his brother. 
He doesn’t bother to wash his hair, so he doesn’t have to worry about blow-drying his fluffy curls. Instead, he spritzes them with dry shampoo he stole from his Papa and combs through them with his fingers. It takes him about fifteen minutes to get them to just the right state of artfully tousled, but it still doesn’t waste nearly enough time. 
Which brings him to here, sitting cross-legged on his perfectly-made bed, staring at the fabric spread across his quilt. It’s plain, compared to what he usually wears, but he supposes that’s the trouble with borrowed clothing. Adding to all that, it’s not real clothing; it’s an old prop he’d salvaged from a box of costumes destined to be torn apart and repurposed. He kind of wishes he had the courage to ask Dad or Papa to take him to the mall to buy a proper one, but he’s never been that kind of brave. 
Roman fiddles with the hem of the skirt between his fingers. 
It’s red, at the very least, but not the proper shade of red. It’s garish and bright, like a firetruck, like a cartoon bloodstain. It comes down to about Roman’s knees, hanging in loose folds, and it’s not the most comfortable thing he’s ever worn, but he loves it. He loves the way the fabric feels when it swishes around his knees, he loves the way it flares out when he spins in circles, he loves the way it feels to smooth the fabric beneath him in a single fluid motion when he sits down. 
He’s terrified to wear it out of the comfort of his bedroom, but he figures that today, June first, the first day of pride month, is as good a day as any to come out of the closet. Roman sighs, curling his hands into loose fists on his thighs. 
His phone pings with a notification, and Roman almost falls off his bed as he scrambles forward to snatch his cell phone off his desk. He takes a moment to smile at his home screen photo before answering the message: it’s a picture of himself and Janus from last year’s pride festival. They’re wrapped in a rainbow flag like a cape, leaning their heads together and laughing. Janus has a genderqueer flag painted across his cheek, and Roman has rainbow star stickers across his nose and a rainbow bandanna tying back his hair. 
Roman thumbprints his phone open and checks his messages. It’s from Janus himself. 
[7:41 am] snoyfriend (snake boyfriend): you’re going to do wonderfully, dearest. your family loves you, and they’ll support you no matter what. and even if they don’t, i support you no matter what. i love you <3 
Roman wiggles his feet back and forth eagerly in a gleeful stim as he taps out a response. 
[7:43 am] me: thank you, snove (snake love). ily2 <3 
[7:44 am] snoyfriend (snake boyfriend): are you ever going to stop calling me snake-themed nicknames, beloved?
[7:44 am] me: sno (snake no) 
[7:46 am] snoyfriend (snake boyfriend): i hate you <3 
[7:47 am] me: i snove (snake love) you too <3 <3 
Someone knocks on his door around 8:45. “Ro? Are you coming down to breakfast? I’m making pridecakes!” Dad calls. Roman’s stomach growls at the thought; every year, Dad makes multiple colors of homemade pancake batter and draws pride-flag pancakes on the griddle.
“I’ll be down in a minute!” Roman says. 
“Okay, kiddo!” 
Roman takes a deep breath. He slides off his bed and shimmies out of his pajama pants. Rummaging around in his drawers, he pulls out a white t-shirt with a swooping golden outline of the Disney castle on the front. Carefully, he steps into the puddle of skirt and tugs the red fabric up over his hips. It’s not a perfect fit, but it comes down to his knees. Roman studies himself in the full-length mirror on the inside of his closet. 
“It’s going to be okay,” he sighs, reaching for the rainbow bandana on his desk. He folds it and ties it to form a headband which he uses to push his bangs off his forehead. “It’s going to be okay. Dad and Papa aren’t going to hate you. Thomas and Logan aren’t going to hate you. It’s going to be okay.” 
Roman waits until he hears Logan and Thomas go downstairs before he leaves. He picks up his phone, glances at the photo of himself and Janus one more time, and then steps into the hallway. 
He lurks on the stairs for a moment, glancing into the kitchen. Logan is sleepily gnawing on a bagel slathered with jam. Papa is pouring coffee into a row of mugs while Thomas helps Dad with the pridecakes. Roman grips his skirt tightly in his hands, watching his family, and then he steps into the kitchen. 
“Good morn - oh!” Dad whirls around, holding a spatula which he quickly foists off onto Thomas. He hurries forward, taking Roman’s shoulders, eyes scanning up and down his outfit. “That’s new! Where’d you get it?” 
“It’s an old costume skirt,” Roman says. “Is that - am I - do you -”
Dad smiles, eyes crinkling up as he leans in to kiss Roman’s forehead. “I think you look wonderful, Roman. No matter what you choose to wear.” Roman smiles, hugging his dad tightly. He feels Dad reach up and press a hand into the back of his hair, rocking them back and forth a little as they hug. 
When Dad pulls away, Roman’s eyes jump up to Thomas. He grins, flashing a thumbs up, and Roman shakily offers one back. “Nice skirt,” Papa says, wrapping an arm around Roman’s shoulders and pulling him in. Roman feels Papa press a kiss to the top of his head, and he fights to keep himself from crying. 
Roman turns, looking at the only family member who hasn’t said anything yet. Logan is still placidly chewing his bagel, watching Roman with his typical calmness. “Logan?” Roman hates the way his voice shakes a little. “Do you like it?” 
Logan swallows and sets his bagel down. He scans over Roman’s outfit with a strange critical expression and says, “No. It looks completely wrong on you.” 
Roman’s heart sinks to the bottom of his chest. Logan stands up, scanning over Roman repeatedly, frowning as he stares at the skirt. “Logan,” Dad says warningly. 
Logan keeps talking. “That is the wrong color for your skin tone. It does not compliment the tan you always achieve in the summer months. The shape is unflattering on your body type, and the material is -” Logan reaches out and rubs the material between two fingers, shuddering. “- is entirely unpleasant. This skirt is completely wrong for you.” 
Roman recognizes the glint in his brother’s eye as he examines the skirt with a critical eye. It’s the way he looks at pieces of clothing that the theater department asks him to help tailor. “You would look much nicer in a circle or handkerchief style skirt. That red is hideous, you need a darker shade. I think that dark green would also look nice on you.” 
“You . . . aren’t mad about me wearing a skirt?” 
Logan blinks at him. “To quote that Avatar show you like so much, ‘Pants are an illusion and so is death.’ Gender is a social construct and clothing should not be dependent on the genitalia you were born with. I do not care if you wish to wear a skirt or not, Roman. Why would I care?” 
“I was nervous about wearing a skirt because I thought you would judge me.” Logan takes a few steps closer, offering a small smile, and Roman feels his heart start to swell and rise like a balloon.
“I was not judging you for wearing a skirt, Roman. If you would prefer to wear a skirt, I will support you, always. I did not mean to imply otherwise. I merely meant to offer my assistance because that skirt looks uncomfortable.” 
“It really is,” Roman sighs. “I stole it from a box of outgoing props.” 
“Go put comfortable clothes on,” Logan tells him. “I am going to the fabric store with Dad later today. I will take your measurements and you can come with us to find a fabric you like. I will make you a skirt that actually fits you.” 
“You’d do that for me?!” 
“Skirts are relatively simple garments to sew, provided you get the measurements correct. I cannot promise that it will be perfect, but I will work to make sure that it is comfortable and flattering on your form.” Roman bounces eagerly. “Can I hug you?” 
Logan tilts his head, considering. “Ten seconds,” he decides, which is more than enough time. Roman pulls his brother into a hug, feeling Logan’s hand flap back and forth against his bag as he happily stims. 
“I love you, Logan,” Roman says, squeezing him tightly. Logan hums at the pressure, pushing closer to his brother before leaning backwards to signal that he’s done being hugged. Roman lets him go, settling down at the table. He can change after breakfast. 
(Two weeks later, Roman comes downstairs in a dark red circle skirt embroidered with golden stars and detailing. Logan hums, flapping and rocking happily when he sees Roman twirl around and show off the way the skirt flares around his thighs. 
“It’s perfect, it’s perfect, I love it so much!” Roman squeals. “Thank you, Logan!” 
Logan flaps even more in response.) 
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utopia-concept · 5 years
Pillow talking
Pričaš sa njim dok ne usneš
Dok u snu, pričam sa tobom.
Mjesečarenje i paranormalne aktivnosti?
Mogu li možda ovo ludilo izvagati,
Kada napinjem nit života preko nerealnosti
Od čega mi smirene misli postaju klimave
Jer bezvrijedni su dodiri u drugim dimenzijama
Koji nemaju cijenu, a nude mač sa dvije oštrice.
Labavu vagu dihotomije osjećaja,
Prvotnog užitka i post-traumatske patnje.
Postajem tvorac ovog univerzuma u glavi,
Taman promjenio sam ulogu u radnji.
Nisam više kap vina na vrhu boce već rub čaše
Koji mekano dodiruju usne njene,
I Bože ja tonem sve dublje u svoju iluziju gdje nema dramatičnog zapleta, samo naglog prekida.
Ne znam gdje sam, niti što sam, niti zašto sam tu,
A ostaci adrenalina traže nastavak priče.
Budiš se u tišini mračne noći,
Tragaš realnost u okolini sobe.
Prolaskom vremena u stvarnoj dimenziji
Jenjava uzbuđenost i javlja se melankolija.
I kažeš jebiga; život ide dalje i zapisuješ svoje snove.
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licdu · 2 years
Wonder Egg Priority
English: I love things that mess with dreams. I think dreams are really something fascinating, especially in my case. I remember almost every dream since I was 3 years old. My dreams are very different from the dreams of other people I talked to, mine are exotic. A lot of inexplicable things happen, but that's why I love them. A couple of years ago, I started to realize that I was dreaming, and that's why I can come out of the dream whenever I want. People would say it's a lucid dream, but it's not. I can wake up whenever I want, I'm aware that I'm dreaming all the time, I remember my dreams very well, but I have absolutely no control over them. Of course, my decisions affect how the dream will unfold, but I can't create whatever I want or do some things that are unrealistic in real life. The other day, a friend asked me if you can dream one dream more than once. My answer was "yes". I know this very well from personal experience, because I actually had some dreams more than once. I also came up with a theory a long time ago (which may already exist, but I haven't researched it) about how much real-world things affect an upcoming dream. My answer now would be that they affect a lot, at least for me. So when I'm thinking during the day about different things and happenings or whatever, everything that I've been thinking about somehow comes together, and comes into my dream. Sometimes it is not only the current day, but also the previous days. But let me not talk more about this, since the topic is the anime called "Wonder Egg Priority." The anime is about Ai (the main character) losing her first friend from school, so she stops going to the said school. Her life before that was very depressing, as she had no one to talk to. Her friend remains trapped in the dream world, petrified, while Ai tries to save her by fighting Seeno Evil. Over time, Ai learns that she is not the only one, and in her dream she meets the other girls who are also trying to save someone important to them. I don't know if they can be called the masters of the dream world, but they are about the main ones there, it's Acca and Ura-Acca. I don't know how accurately I understood this, since the anime itself is quite confusing, but, they put the souls of girls who committed suicide in the real world into eggs. Ai and her friends have to break those eggs in order for the soul to come out of them, and they have to protect that soul from the already mentioned Seeno Evils and the trauma that soul had during its life. From what has been written so far, it can be understood that Ai and her friends are in the same dream the whole time, which I also wondered for a while if it was possible. Admittedly, I think that much is not real and that it is fiction, but I would like to find out the truth once. During the anime, the topic of parallel universes comes up, which really makes sense, I also believe that there are parallel universes, but who knows how long it will take the world to find out what is exactly true. The anime has a wonderful atmosphere, music, and the art and animation are also unique, these are some of the other things why I love this anime so much. Favorite Character: Ooto, Ai Serbian: Obožavam stvari koje se petljaju sa snovima. Mislim da su snovi zaista nešto fascinantno, pogotovo u mom slučaju. Sećam se skoro svakog sna otkad sam napunio 3 godine. Moji snovi su mnogo drugačiji od snova ljudi sa kojima sam pričao, moji su bizarni. Mnogo se neobjašnjivih stvari događa, ali zato ih i volim. Pre par godina sam počeo da shvatam da sanjam, i zato mogu da izađem iz sna kad god hoću. Ljudi bi rekli da je to lucidan san, iako to baš nije tako. Mogu da izađem iz sna kad god hoću, svestan sam da sanjam sve vreme, pamtim svoje snove jako dobro, ali, nemam apsolutno nikakvu kontrolu nad njima. Naravno, moje odluke utiču na to kako će se san dalje odvijati, ali ne mogu da stvorim šta god želim ili uradim neke stvari koje su u stvarnom životu nerealne. Pre neki dan me je prijatelj pitao da li se jedan san može sanjati više puta. Moj odgovor je bio "da". Znam to vrlo dobro iz ličnog iskustva, jer sam neke snove zaista sanjao više puta. Takođe sam, davno, smislio jednu teoriju (koja možda već postoji, ali nisam istraživao) o tome koliko stvari iz realnog sveta utiču na predstojeći san. Moj odgovor sada bi bio da utiču mnogo, bar kod mene. Dakle, kada razmišljam u toku dana o različitim stvarima i dešavanjima ili čemu god, sve to o čemu sam razmišljao se nekako spoji, i dođe u moj san. Nekada nije u pitanju samo trenutni dan, nego i prethodni dani. No, da ne pričam više o ovome, pošto je tema anime pod nazivom "Wonder Egg Priority." Anime se radi o tome da Ai (glavni lik) izgubi svog prvog prijatelja iz škole, i zato prestaje da odlazi u istu. Život joj je pre toga bio vrlo depresivan, pošto nije imala sa kime da razgovara. Njena prijateljica ostaje zarobljena u svetu snova, okamenjena, dok Ai pokušava da je spasi boreći se protiv Seeno Zla. Ai vremenom saznaje da ona nije jedina, i u svom snu upoznaje ostale devojke koje takođe pokušavaju da spasu nekoga njima važnog. Ne znam da li se mogu nazvati gospodarima sveta snova, ali oni su otprilike tamo glavni, u pitanju su Aka i Ura-Aka. Ne znam koliko sam ovo precizno razumeo, pošto je i sam anime dosta konfuzan, ali, oni stavljaju duše devojaka koje su izvršile samoubistvo u stvarnom svetu u jaja. Ai i njene prijateljice moraju da razbiju ta jaja kako bi iz njih izašla duša, i moraju da štite tu dušu od već spomenutih Seeno Zla i traume koju je ta duša imala tokom života. Iz do sada napisanog može se shvatiti da su Ai i njene prijateljice u istom snu sve vreme, što me je takođe neko vreme zanimalo da li je moguće. Doduše, mislim da toliko već stvarno nije realno i da je to fikcija, ali bih želeo da jednom saznam istinu. Tokom animea dolazi i tema paralelnih univerzuma, koja zaista ima smisla, ja isto verujem da postoje paralelni univerzumi, ali ko zna koliko će vremena svetu biti potrebno da sazna šta je tačno. Anime ima predivnu atmosferu, muziku, a art i animacija su takođe unikatni, to su još neke od stvari zašto toliko volim ovaj anime. Omiljeni Lik: Oto, Ai
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lawkitty · 5 years
Snake Love - Snove?
Just wanted to say thanks to @wheremyscalesslither @the-long-dog and @william-snekspeare for posting such awesome photos of their sneks! I started following you folks because I wanted to overcome my fear of snakes.
I've had a life-long fear of snakes (even seeing them made my skin crawl and my arm hair stand on end) ever since someone at a theme park did a talk when i was a child where they pretended to take out a venomous snake and then threw a rubber snake at me instead.
Seeing your pictures has let me seen the cute side of snakes (particularly ball pythons) and a few months ago I actually asked to see and stroke a snake owned by a friend.
So yeah - thanks basically and big <3 to you and all your sneks because they are adorable!!!
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snove101 · 2 months
"9"(?) ppl(???) you want to know better
bf tagged me ok 😞 @jackieparty you already know me
three ships: erm,,, labru dunmeshi, reguri pkmn, and uhhhh jiroshi hypmic
first ship: i'm gonna be so real w you i don't remember but probably specialshipping pokespe
last song: gabi - rob deniel
last movie: deadpool wolverine sillies
currently reading: nothing atm but i just finished "she left" stacie grey
currently watching: nothing again😞 just finished dunmeshi
currently eating: string cheese
currently craving: sleep
tagging @lab-trash @mushed-kid if you want to 🫶 no pressure
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snove101 · 1 year
you know something is wrong when you start looking through the marcus davenport tag on tumblr 😞
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snove101 · 1 year
i can't believe it was the fucking labbed rats that got me active on tumblr
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snove101 · 2 months
editing my bio and pinned post so it has the right age now,,,,,,, the terrors ,,,,
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snove101 · 5 months
i think,,, perhaps,,,, i will start using tumblr as intended and actually reblog posts instead of trying to curate my reblogs to what fits with my preferences instead of what brings me joy,,,,,,, smth like that
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snove101 · 11 months
what if i wrote fanfic for dreamtheory/securitywaiter huh what would happen if i did that 😕 would you unfollow 😕 would you disown me 😕😕😕 i've just became the enemy of the state
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snove101 · 7 days
snove if tumblr was a street then youre like a dog i see sometimes but ive never spoken to your owners and i dont know where you live but i know that it has to be close by because you go on walks here
i'm so honored that that's how you envision me :3
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snove101 · 1 year
i refuse to write the refrigerator dance scene in detail
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snove101 · 1 year
being sucked into the marliver agenda through a 7eleven slurpee straw
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