duckclan · 9 months
hey crowstar, who gave you your nine lives?
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"It was really a unique thing, and it made me feel special."
and with that, this is our last QnA of the break! Join me this Sunday for Moon 11! Hope to see you guys there :3!
If you have any questions about any of these guys, feel free to ask! I won't be answering them in-character [until the next QnA break] but I will answer things about them!
Below the cut, you can find a wonderful YCH I got from _Dan.sly_ on Instagram! It's Crowstar's 9 lives!
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pocket-vvardvark · 13 days
Playing in West Weald makes me think of Fenn's quest 😭. I had to write some jealous Alethia 👉👈
Alethia was never jealous. Not even as a child. She never fought over her sister's toys, didn't bother vying for the affection of her parents over her sisters, and always sought to be fair. Jealousy never clawed it's way around her heart until now. There's a bitter taste on her tongue, like something she just cannot shake off. Her heart beats anxiously in her chest at the newfound feeling. There's no amount of prayer to Mara that can purify these thoughts. Alethia scoffs, biting the inside of her cheeks. Of course Ursilia made it to the party on Beragon's balcony. How thrilling. Instead of grinding her teeth to nubs, she smiles politely. 
"Glad to see you could make it." She draws up to them standing side by side, and it makes her skin crawl. 
"Alethia." Fennorian smiles warmly, "I heard all about your adventures here from the arcanist. Another amazing feat, my friend. You always make the Ravenwatch proud." She sinks her fingers into her palms. 'Friends'. 
"Thank you, Fennorian." Her smile doesn't reach her eyes. "That's kind of you to say. I see Ursilia received my invitation." She says innocently, "It's nice to see you again." Not.
Ursilia let's out a sigh, "Yes, I heard you played the role of hero for the region today. You've been busy. Oh, it's nice to see you too...not caked in the blood of my ex-husband and glaring daggers at me." She smirks, and Alethia blushes. Ursilia had made the connection far earlier than she'd expected to. "Oh, don't blush." Fennorian attempts to find Alethia's gaze, but she skittishly looks away. Her jealously morphs into dread. "I know you're jealous of our previous engagement. Honestly, I'm surprised you're fawning after a vampire. I've heard your surname used to carry weight in the isles, but perhaps an aprax wouldn't know." Stubbornly, Alethia refuses to be embarrassed at her own celebration. Like a pouting child, she turns on her heel to leave. 
"Alethia, wait!" Fennorian calls out to stop her. He gives Ursilia an admonishing look before rushing after her. Merryvine estate is too far, so Alethia makes a bee-line for the fertile respite. He manages to catch hint of her delicately braided red hair before she slips past the doors of the inn. The air is heavy, like any inn, and filled with the belches of drunkards. Fennorian has to push past half-aware men and mer to see Alethia rush to her room. He clambers up the creaky wooden stairs. Just as she's about to close her door, his hand stops it ajar.  Alethia gasps, her shoulders tensing upwards like a spring.
"Alethia." His brows pinch together as he catches his breath. "I know her words were sharp, but Ursilia isn't used to life outside of Summerset. Don't take her words to heart." 
Alethia frowns, her eyes already brimming with unshed tears. "You honestly think that's what upset me?" 
His brows turn up, an expression of confusion contorting to concern. Fennorian sighs, letting his hand slide down the doorframe. The metal bolts groan as his grip eases. He smiles sheepishly, "Sorry." 
The accident earns a little chuckle from her, "It's okay. Come in." The faded green door clicks once she shuts it behind him. The room is dark, save for a few candles lit nearby the bed. She sniffles, "I don't care about being called an aprax, Fenn. I'm...embarrassed about what she implied regarding our relationship." Her hands wring together anxiously. 
Fennorian smiles thoughtfully, "There's no need to be embarrassed, Alethia. She was teasing. I know the boundaries of our friendship." Gods, she wants to tear her hair out! How could he be so dense?
She supresses a grimace, "Do you? Are you sure you know what I want, Fenn?" She utters. His eyes catch hers in an electric glance. The air is thick as it settles in the stuffy room.
Her heart thumps in her chest as his boots creak upon the floorboards. "Then let me ask you this, Alethia. What do you want?" Her breath catches when he pinches her chin between his forefingers, gently tilting her face upwards. For a moment, she can only stare into his eyes in awe. Something raw and surly rushes through her veins as she changes their positions. He falls against the plush sheets of her bed as her body hovers above his.
She watches him with a narrowed gaze. "You're unfair, Fennorian. I can't stand this stupid game anymore. You must have an inkling of what I feel." Her lips ghost his throat, hot breath fanning against his cold skin. "You know what I want. Why do you torture me?" She whines, dragging her lips up his throat to his cheek. 
With a shuddering breath, he responds. "I had hope you shared my feelings, but I couldn't be sure, Alethia." His eyes shimmer in the dim candlelight, reflecting amber. Gingerly, as if one would touch a frightened animal, he strokes his knuckles across her fair cheek. "I regret holding these feelings in every turn I was too afraid to tell you. I love you, Alethia." 
She smiles warmly, cupping her hand onto his. "I love you too, Fennorian." She bends down, her eyes fluttering shut as she meets his lips in a slow kiss. She gasps as he catches her forearm, flipping her over easily with his enhanced strength. She whimpers pitifully as his fingers crawl up her blouse. His fangs catch the soft skin of her throat, brashly sucking until her back is arching. A growl rumbles through his chest, pooling heat in her shaking core. Frantically, her fingers grip the shoulder of his leathers while his stinging kisses follow lower until they're just above her pelvis. She pants softly beneath him, eyes half-cracked in pleasure. His fingers curl over her trousers, tugging downwards. The hot coil in her belly tightens with a lurch in excitement. That is, until her sleeping wolf pounces on Fennorian eagerly. Snowbouncer covers Fennorian's face in warm licks. The sweet sight causes laughter to bubble past her lips. 
"Ah...Snowbouncer. I'm afraid I don't have any treats for you, boy." Fennorian chuckles, patting the wolf's fur. Snowbouncer whines, pushing his snout against Fennorian's stomach in search for the missing treats. Alethia grins, "It's about time I fed him." Her eyes tear away from her wolf to Fennorian. "Care to stay the night?" 
His eyes crinkle, "I'd love to." 
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becoming-not-became · 6 months
It snowed last night and the city lights bounce offand into my window creating a heavenly glow around you as ifyou are other worldly which ofcourse I already know you are
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hello these are my two new favorite friends, this game is great
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Snowbouncer is a good boi. 💖
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PineClan - Past Leaders, Deputies and Medicine Cats
Founder & First Leader: Barkstar (no warrior name, originally named Bark) - tom with a brown, rough pelt, much like bark and green eyes. Took no mate in life or death. The brother of MapleClan’s founder, Redstar. Due to Barkstar’s rule being many season-cycles ago, his appearance differs from story to story, but overall, this is the appearance agreed on amongst the Clan.
First Deputy & Second Leader: Maplestar (no warrior name, originally named Maple) - tortoiseshell she-cat with mainly red spots. Took no mate in life or death. Had no apprentice as the code wasn’t heavily enforced yet. Daughter of Apple and Alani, was given to PineClan in attempt to pacify their never-ending conflict with MapleClan.
Second Deputy & Third Leader: Molestar (warrior name was Molewind) - dark-striped gray tabby she-cat with aqua eyes. Was mates with Daisyblossom (blue she-cat with orange eyes), a MapleClan cat. Apprenticed Poppypaw (light amber tabby tom with golden eyes).
First Medicine Cat: Jumplog - blue spotted tabby tom with green eyes. Mates with Whistleface (dark red she-cat with orange eyes) and had one kit with her, Dustacorn (light cream she-cat with green eyes). He apprenticed Shredspirit.
Second Medicine Cat: Shredspirit - light amber tabby tom with aqua eyes. Took no mate in life or death. It was at the announcement of his warrior name that Asterstar taught Barkstar more about warrior names and told Redstar to stop just giving every cat suffixes like -flower, -petal and other such suffixes even though she did the same at times. Apprenticed Pinefur.
Third Deputy & Fourth Leader (Alive & Retired): Snowstar (warrior name was Snowbounce) - cream calico she-cat with orange eyes. Mates with Absentsight, a former rogue, and they had Moonthorn (cinnamon torbie she-cat with aqua eyes), Milkgorse (calico with gold eyes) and Tinymoon (cream-pawed white tom with copper eyes). Retired from her position due to wanting to spend more time with her kits, and was almost exiled, before the next leader spoke to SpiritClan and they approved.
Fourth Deputy & Fifth Leader (Current): tba
Fifth Deputy (Current): tba
Third Medicine Cat: Pinefur - dark blue she-cat with copper eyes. Took no mate in life or death. Apprenticed medicine cat name here.
Fourth Medicine Cat (Current): tba
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