#history of ranks
thenameisgul · 2 months
it’s actually no surprise that how many angels who actually care for Cas seem to hate Dean and Sam.
because from their pov sam and dean are the bad influence that got their indomitable leader of the garrison Castiel to stray from his path and become this sidekick to two humans
everything Cas gets out of this transaction, this family of his, love, friendship, companionship, feelings, hopes and dreams are things that are alien to the angels
samamdriel said it best, ‘too much heart was always Cas’ problem’ but he said it like it was a bad thing
but for Cas it’s the reason for his existence since he found his family and that’s why he’s the perfect blend of humanity and angelic existence. he’s the middle ground that never was before 🥺
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tanuki-kimono · 6 months
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Samurai's ranks and dress code in Late Edo period
AMAZING reference chart put together by Nadeshico Rin, showing the different attires worn by the men of the buke class in and about Edo Castle. OP stresses the chart is by no means exhaustive - but it helps picturing things SO MUCH!
For easier reading, I have adapted the chart with english translation. Rin has also created illustrations detailing each attire, I'll translate those in coming days under the tag "samurai kimono".
You'll find the transliteration below cut:
The court ranks - Mibun 身分 or Ikai (位階)
Find more about the exact titles here.
一位 Ichii (First court rank)
三位 Sanmi (Third court rank) and 四位 Shii (Fourth court rank)
Goi 五位 (Fifth court rank​)
Omemie ijô 御目見 以上, the "upper" vassals allowed to request audience with the shogun
Omemie ika 御目見 以下, the "lesser" vassals (not allowed to request audience with the shogun)
Rin does not mention the second court rank (二位 Nii) so I am not sure where this one is supposed to go ^^;
The clan/families - Kamei 家名
徳川将軍家 Tokugawa shôgunke (Tokugawa Shogun clan)
尾張徳川家 Owari Tokugawake (Owari Tokugawa clan), 紀伊徳川家 Kii Tokugawake (Kii Tokugawa clan), 水戸徳川家 Mito Tokugawake (Mito Tokugawa clan), 徳川御三卿 Tokugawa gosankyo (Secondary Tokugawa branch clans: Tayasu, Shimizu, and Hitotsubashi)
三奉行 Sanbugyô, & 下三奉行 Shimosan bugyô (magistrates, governors)
旗本 Hatamoto (general term for upper-rank vassals of the Tokugawa)
御家人 Gokenin (general term for lower-rank vassals of the Tokugawa)
Outfits TPO (Time, Place, Occasion)
第一礼服 (大礼 など) Daiichi raifuku (tairei nado) - Most formal outfit worn during State/important ceremonies, etc.
礼服 (正月など) Raifuku (Shogatsu nado) - Formal outfit, worn for events like New Year, etc.
通常礼服 (節句など) Tsûjô raifuku (sekku nado) - Regular formal outfit, worn during seasonal festivals, etc.
平服 Heifuku - Everyday outfit
Type of outfits
Rin has released separated charts detailing the different costumes. You'll find them translated here in coming days.
束帯 Sokutai - old ceremonial court dress, first worn by Heian nobility. Attire includes the 笏 shaku (flat ritual sceptre), and 冠 kanmuri hat.
衣冠 Ikan - old ceremonial court dress, much more simpler than sokutai
布衣 Hoi - "plain" 狩衣 kariginu (which were informal clothes worn by the nobility from the Heian period and onwards)
素襖 Suô - ceremonial dress of the lower-ranked samurai
直垂 Hitatare - ceremonial court robe​
狩衣 Kariginu - patterned kariginu (informal clothes worn by the nobility from the Heian period and onwards)
大紋 Daimon - 直垂 hitatare with large family crests
直衣 Nôshi - everyday robes which were first worn by males of the imperial family during Heian era, and then spread among nobility, etc.
長上下 Naga Kamishimo - outfit pairing a sleeveless ceremonial robe called 肩衣 kataginu, with trailing pants called 長袴 nagabakama
半上下 Han Kamishimo - outfit pairing a sleeveless ceremonial robe called 肩衣 kataginu, with ankle lenght pants called 半袴 hanbakama
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aye-aye-captain · 4 months
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Costume details | Hornblower
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palms-upturned · 6 months
For US unions like the UAW — which has thousands of members in weapons factories making the bombs, missiles, and aircraft used by Israel, as well in university departments doing research linked to the Israeli military — the Palestinian trade union call to action is particularly relevant. When the UAW’s national leadership came out in support of a cease-fire on December 1, they also voted to establish a “Divestment and Just Transition Working Group.” The stated purpose of the working group is to study the UAW’s own economic ties to Israel and explore ways to convert war-related industries to production for peaceful purposes while ensuring a just transition for weapons workers.
Members of UAW Labor for Palestine say they have started making visits to a Colt factory in Connecticut, which holds a contract to supply rifles to the Israeli military, to talk with their fellow union members about Palestine, a cease-fire, and a just transition. They want to see the union’s leadership support such organizing activity.
“If UAW leaders decided to, they could, tomorrow, form a national organizing campaign to educate and mobilize rank-and-file towards the UAW’s own ceasefire and just transition call,” UAW Labor for Palestine members said in a statement. “They could hold weapons shop town halls in every region; they could connect their small cadre of volunteer organizers — like us — to the people we are so keen to organize with; they could even send some of their staff to help with this work.”
On January 21, the membership of UAW Local 551, which represents 4,600 autoworkers at Ford’s Chicago Assembly Plant (who were part of last year’s historic stand-up strike) endorsed the Palestinian trade unions’ call to not cooperate in the production and transportation of arms for Israel. Ten days later, UAW Locals 2865 and 5810, representing around forty-seven thousand academic workers at the University of California, passed a measure urging the union’s national leaders to ensure that the envisioned Divestment and Just Transition Working Group “has the needed resources to execute its mission, and that Palestinian, Arab and Muslim workers whose communities are disproportionately affected by U.S.-backed wars are well-represented on the committee.”
Members of UAW Locals 2865 and 5810 at UC Santa Cruz’s Astronomy Department have pledged to withhold any labor that supports militarism and to refuse research collaboration with military institutions and arms companies. In December, unionized academic workers from multiple universities formed Researchers Against War (RAW) to expose and cut ties between their research and warfare, and to organize in their labs and departments for more transparency about where the funding for their work comes from and more control over what their labor is used for. RAW, which was formed after a series of discussions by union members first convened by US Labor Against Racism and War last fall, hosted a national teach-in and planning meeting on February 12.
Meanwhile, public sector workers in New York City have begun their own campaign to divest their pension money from Israel. On January 25, rank-and-file members of AFSCME District Council (DC) 37 launched a petition calling on the New York City Employees’ Retirement System to divest the $115 million it holds in Israeli securities. The investments include $30 million in bonds that directly fund the Israeli military and its activities. “As rank-and-file members of DC 37 who contribute to and benefit from the New York City Employees’ Retirement System and care about the lives of working people everywhere, we refuse to support the Israeli government and the corporations that extract profit from the killing of innocent civilians,” the petition states.
In an election year when President Joe Biden and other Democratic candidates will depend heavily on organized labor for donations and especially get-out-the-vote efforts, rank and filers are also trying to push their unions to exert leverage on the president by getting him to firmly stand against the ongoing massacre in Gaza. NEA members with Educators for Palestine are calling on their union’s leaders to withdraw their support for Biden’s reelection campaign until he stops “sending military funding, equipment, and intelligence to Israel,” marching from AFT headquarters to NEA headquarters in Washington, DC on February 10 to assert their demand. Similarly, after the UAW International Executive Board endorsed Biden last month — a decision that sparked intense division within the union — UAW Labor for Palestine is demanding the endorsement be revoked “until [Biden] calls for a permanent ceasefire and stops sending weapons to Israel.”
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dubylou-draws · 4 months
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Preview of a gigantic Japanese woodblock print- style KNY fanart I'm currently working on.
This is going to take an unholy amount of time to colour in, so... here's a WIP for now 😅
Expect to see the finished piece posted here at some point- and the backstory/ historical inspiration that goes with it, too!
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Dracula — Count, Prince, or Lord?
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Although Dracula is referred to as "Count," this is far from the highest aristocratic title. In European hierarchy, the title of Count is a mid-level rank. Above it are the titles of Marquess and Duke, and even higher are the Prince and, of course, the King.
Interestingly, the title of Prince (or "Knyaz") in Eastern European contexts is closer to the rank of a Duke. In Western Europe, Princes could rule over small independent principalities, placing them above Counts and Marquesses. Thus, Prince Dracula might rank higher than a typical Count, especially considering his symbolic role as a ruler of darkness.
But why does Dracula have so many titles? The answer lies in the myths and legends: his titles reflect his power rather than just aristocratic rank.
"Count Dracula" is his aristocratic title, corresponding to the historical figure on whom the character is partially based (Vlad the Impaler, ruler of Wallachia). The title "Count" signifies his noble heritage, but it’s not the highest rank in reality.
"Prince of the Night" is a more symbolic title. Here, "Prince" represents a ruler of darkness and the vampire world. This makes it an intermediate status between a real aristocratic title and his mystical role, emphasizing his authority over nocturnal beings and forces.
"Lord of Darkness" is an even higher, almost divine status, surpassing ordinary aristocratic hierarchy. This title connects Dracula with the forces of evil and mystical entities, positioning him as a figure on the boundary between the mortal realm and the supernatural.
In essence, these titles showcase not only his real-world status but also the increasing level of his mystical power and influence.
If you want to draw a similar, "shaking" gif, this is the place to go!
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oifaaa · 7 days
this gay chess saga has me clutching my pearls at every update like i shed a single cinematic tear when i saw that notification that u won
Honestly underdog story of the century since I've not played chess since primary school - our school was small and had a weird way of doing clubs basically if you attended the school you were instantly in every club as they all happened during break, lunch or sometimes during class for example at the start of the year everyone in the school was split into teams and then at lunch depending on the semester you'd be in a tournament playing either football or gaelic football - it was the same for chess everyone in the 2 oldest classes was put in a rank of how good you are at chess with the top 4 at the end of the year getting to go play in the like big tournament but the idea was if you ranked higher then someone else on the board you couldn't deny a challenge from someone lower and just bc it was the 2 oldest classes ranked anyone from any class could challenge you and get on the board
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mana-sama-cult · 25 days
My friend hosted a PowerPoint night and I did mine on “Why Malice Mizer is the Best Band” and used it as an opportunity to make 5 people I barely knew watch 4 pvs and look at pics od my Mana Sama shrine
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foursaints · 5 months
what did you think of ttpd!! we gotta know
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realpersonfacts · 5 months
in an alternate universe tashi and jelena ostapenko have sooooo much beef
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youremyonlyhope · 4 months
Bride and Prejudice is free with ads on YouTube!
Link if embed doesn't work.
As someone who has watched literally every single adaptation of Pride and Prejudice that I can get my hands on, this is my favorite version. Go watch it if you have not. It's a Bollywood version of Pride and Prejudice, what is there not to love?
(Directed by Gurinder Chadha who did Bend It Like Beckham, in case you needed an extra push)
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knight-princess · 8 months
i really do love the expectation subversion when it comes to kit. you start off the series thinking that kit's another one of those (generally female) characters that is naturally gifted at whatever, in kit's case specifically swordfighting, it's an archetype we've seen before, the "i'm not like other girls, i'm BETTER than other girls" type. but then that gets completely smashed to bits like less than one episode later when jade tells her that she let her win. it's so refreshing
Oh the reverse card they play on her with that one is such powerful storytelling I’m foaming at the mouth over it like - the way she knows but she doesn’t know, you know? Conceptually she knows she’s quite arrogant, right, she says so in episode one but she sorta fails to apply it. Like she openly acknowledges her own arrogance but seems to completely manage to miss that it might blind her. Although, also, interestingly, as much as she might tease her, she actually doesn’t dismiss Jade’s skill: it’s the very basis upon which her own arrogance and belief in her own skill and amazingness is based. She takes it so in stride that oh, Jade’s the best and most promising knight in the land, and I, Kit “well there’s skill and there’s talent and I just happen to have both” Tanthslos beat her regularly when we train so therefore, obviously, I must be the most sensational sword fighter in the whole of the wide world. Because I can beat Jade frickin Claymore. Her arrogance is based in her belief in her friend. There’s an honesty and innocent naivety in that confidence. Something about the depth of trust, and the betrayal Kit feels when Jade reveals that she’s been letting her win, because well, why would Jade deceive her? It never occurs to her that Jade might be letting her off easy, might be just letting her win, rather than genuinely putting her all into their fights. She assumes that Jade is being honest and upfront about her ability, so when she bests her, well, the natural conclusion to her is that Jade’s so good, and I win, so therefore I must be the most naturally gifted fencer ever. And they strip both from her in that scene. Like she looks like such a sad wet puppy by that stream. She’s a perfectly fine fighter and no mistake, but she’s not the legendary warrior she imagines herself as. Not yet, anyway
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viscerism · 1 year
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king of one thousand restarts
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ltwilliammowett · 7 months
The Quarter Gunner
In the Royal Navy in the mid-18th century, the term "quarter gunner" was used for a type of sailor who was specialised in the maintenance of guns. The post was part of the gun crew, and one quarter gunner was assigned for every four guns.
The quarter gunner was a type of non-commissioned officer in the ranks of the 19th century United States Navy. Similar to the Royal Navy, there was one quarter gunner for every four guns. Quarter gunners were under the command of gunner's mates and were responsible for the maintenance and operation of the guns.
The Gunner who stood over them was thus relieved of his numerous duties.
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marvelmaniac715 · 3 months
Rating a few of my (fictional) childhood crushes:
Dark Heart - Care Bears 2:
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3/10 - He seemed a lot cooler when I was a kid, I was deeply upset when I googled a picture of him for this list, I mean, an evil trickster immortal being (from what I remember) should actually look cool, he’s just… ginger 😭 (nothing against people with ginger hair but you can understand the disappointment).
Kovu - Lion King 2:
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0/10 I’m sorry, but… this is a LION 😭. What on earth was I on and why was I a card-carrying member of this emo lion’s fan club? 😭
Dick Turpin - Horrible Histories (I know he was a real person but this is just a portrayal of him):
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9.5/10 - Horrible Histories tried to make kid me believe that Dick Turpin wasn’t a romantic rebel, then put this man in guy-liner and called it a day… safe to say that this message didn’t quite sink in…
Discord - My Little Pony:
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0/10 - Look, I’m sorry… I don’t even know how to justify or explain this one. Vibes? Yeah, let’s say that kid me liked his vibes, because I have no other reasons for him to be on this list except for my childhood adoration of him 😭.
Liv Rooney - Liv and Maddie:
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8/10 - Looking back this was definitely just a crush on Dove Cameron and I’m not mad about it.
Brett - KC Undercover:
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7/10 - Brett’s meant to be a bad guy but I was drawn in by his charm and honestly? I loved him and was sad when he turned out to not be entirely heroic.
KC Cooper - KC Undercover:
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9/10 - Just like with Dove Cameron, this was absolutely just a crush on Zendaya but this show is where I first learnt to admire strong, confident women - she was a real role model for me as well as a childhood crush.
Donald Peterson - Nativity 2:
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♾️/10 - I didn’t know how, I didn’t know why, but little child me felt an inexplicable draw to this man and I just found him utterly captivating every Christmas when we watched Nativity 2, but not as much as…
Roderick Peterson - Nativity 2:
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♾️/10 - I choose to blame the turtleneck or the charisma, but do I really need to explain?
Ed Petrie - Various CBBC Shows (not really fictional but he was on loads of shows I watched so like… he sort of counts?):
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5/10 - Okay, this is a little embarrassing, because I actually met this man in 2017 as part of some event, and I literally couldn’t speak 😭. I have no clue what it was about this man that drew me in but like… he was super nice, and he always seemed so friendly and upbeat on tv, I guess I just formed a connection to him since he was on every second show that I watched as a child.
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nulfaga · 1 year
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johanson pilate...that's the post
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