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The Battle of the Clans
The full moon shone brightly in the sky, signifying the night of one of peace between the Clans and Tribe.
DayClan was the first to come, their leader Poppystar guiding them. MapleClan came not long after them, Redstar guiding them with her deputy Pine close behind. Coltfoot, DayClan’s medicine cat, came over to talk to Redstar, while Pine seemed to be waiting for his sister, Maple of PineClan.
The Tribe of Darkening Shadows came before PineClan did, Sunwatcher leading them with a few guards on her sides. The Tribe’s to-bes raced over to the Clans’ apprentices, immediately starting to converse with them about various things, while Sunwatcher went over to sit with her fellow leaders.
“Where’s PineClan?” she asked.
None knew, though Pine said he’d smelled them on his way.
The only sounds were the cats talking amongst themselves about various unimportant things. But then, before any cat knew what was happening, PineClan burst into the hollow, Barkstar in front!
“PineClan, attack!” he yowled, his cry louder than all else.
The warriors spread out, most staying in the dark while the Clan’s sunwalkers stayed in what light there was.
DayClan, MapleClan and the Tribe knew naught what to do. They exchanged glances with one another, anxiety in their glances.
“Su-Sunwatcher!” a voice amongst the PineClan cats stammered, keeping her voice loud.
“Icestream!” Sunwatcher exclaimed, knowing her mate’s voice. She charged into the crowd, a few guards exchanging looks before nodding and following.
The Tribe’s healer and Clan’s warrior touched noses once they reached one another, before remembering the more serious issue at paw, that being PineClan’s ambush.
She and the leaders of the Clans which remained passive managed to sneak away, Icestream, Coltfoot and Wolfflower following close behind.
“I don’t know the code all that well, but isn’t attacking on a full moon forbidden?” the healer inquired, fixing her messied fur up.
“That is a fact known by all wild cats,” Poppystar confirmed, “the full moon is sacred, a night given by whatever afterlives that watch them to exchange advice, have friendships, and hunt without fright.”
“Barkstar was never one to care for the truce,” MapleClan’s leader chimed in, “if any cat approached him and he didn’t know them or they didn’t seem peaceful, he’d strike, regardless of the moon’s shape and size. In all honesty, if he wasn’t my brother, I’d’ve challenged him of his leadership before Asterstar found us.”
“I was there for the whole planning of the attack,” Icestream spoke, “when someone brought that up, Barkstar said, “the code has flaws, as is heavily apparent; we must speak up against them at some point”, as if the full moon truce was only a Clan thing.”
“I don’t think we have a choice then,” Sunwatcher sighed, “if Barkstar doesn’t care for one rule of the code, he likely doesn’t care for the one specific rule I’m thinking of either. You know which one I mean, correct?”
The Clan cats nodded, and recited together:
“Each Clan has the right to be proud and independent, but in times of trouble they must forget their boundaries and fight side by side to protect the four. Each Clan must help the others so that no Clan will fall.”
“He’ll likely fight until DayClan, MapleClan and the Tribe are no more than a memory, an ideal,” Redstar sighed, before turning to her present mate, “Coltfoot, do you have any ideas?”
“I wish I could say I do, but I do not,” he sighed, “all I have to say is, thank goodness Icestream and Sunwatcher’s kits aren’t here.”
Icestream and Sunwatcher clearly agreed with that sentiment; if their kits were here, apprentices and to-bes, what would they do? Fight their kin? Be overloaded? Run away?
“Surely Barkstar will realize they’re outnumbered, three to one,” a voice spoke, as Maple and Pine emerged from the bushes, “he may be a bit of a mouse-brain and a fox-heart, but he cares under his irritable and emotionless shell.”
Pine agreed with his sister’s words, looking at the cats who were gathered. 
“We need to fight.”
Sunwatcher sighed before nodding, turning to Icestream. “I don’t want you to get hurt; Honeykit and Hailkit need you.”
“And what, Sun and Bee don’t need you?” her mate asked, before sighing. “I know you want me to stay safe, but I’m a warrior, Sunwatcher, not a helpless kit.”
“You’re a queen right now, Icestream; why Barkstar brought you here when you have kits who are barely weaned, I don’t know. Hailkit and Honeykit need you! Bee and Sun need me, too, but I’m not fighting myself; my guards and hunters are,” she mewed, “please stay safe. For me.”
Icestream sighed, nodding. “Okay. Stay safe, my dandelion.”
Sunwatcher nodded before pushing through the bushes and running to her guards and hunters, who were gathered confused, away from the fighting.
“Guards, I need a few of you to stay with Icestream and Wolfflower to make sure they stay safe,” she mewed; at the time, Wolfflower was expecting Poppystar’s kits, “the rest of you, I want you to do one of two things; either make sure the to-bes don’t do anything mouse-brained, or go into battle alongside MapleClan and DayClan.”
“We’re fighting?” one cat asked. “But the truce-”
“Barkstar doesn’t care about the truce,” came Redstar’s voice as she and Coltfoot walked over, “I’m sure that SpiritClan or the Tribe of Brightening Stars or mouse-dung, maybe even both, will send a sign when we should stop,” she looked up at the starry sky, where the moon still shone brightly, not covered or anything, “but no clouds cover it yet. So, fight we will.”
The cat sighed, nodding. “Mouse-Hide, Tulip-Breeze, we should go and protect the to-bes,” they mewed. While their name has been long forgotten, their mates’ names have not; they had kits who were newly made to-bes, and they did not want them to be reckless, “anyone else who wishes to come, follow.”
The guards went to where the to-bes sat, alongside some apprentices, who Redstar ushered over. “Wetpaw,” she spoke to a young, light apricot calico she-cat, “you are the eldest apprentice in MapleClan; lead all of the apprentices older than eight moons into the battle. Except Tinypaw; you, young sir, guide the apprentices younger than eight moons and yourself back to the to-bes and guards. I don’t want you getting hurt.”
Tinypaw’s ginger pelt bristled but he agreed, guiding the younger apprentices back to the to-bes’ huddle; Wetpaw’s eyes shined as she kinked her tail back and stalked her way over to a PineClan cat who was fighting her mentor, before jumping on their back and digging her claws in.
Redstar sighed. “Alright, now what?”
“Where’s Flickerleaf?” Coltfoot asked. The spotted tom was nowhere to be seen, nor were his mates. He paused. “Wait a second… does PineClan have a medicine cat? The cat they send to the Moonfalls every half-moon seemingly doesn’t know a thing about herbs.”
“Barkstar says having a medicine cat is “weak”,” MapleClan’s leader answered, “he said that anyone who wants to be a medicine cat might as well go be a kittypet in Twolegplace. I don’t understand him!”
“I don’t think that,” came Maple’s voice, yet again, “maybe I should be leader already.”
“I don’t know how many lives Barkstar has, and if they don’t have a medicine cat and you don’t know,” Maple shrugged at this, indeed confirming that she did not know, “then no one does! For all we know, he could have all of his lives left!”
“He’s lost at least one.”
“From a tree crushing him. We decided to make a medicine cat den and the pine logs we brought to make it look nice fell on him,” she mewed, her tone playful, making Redstar relieved - thank SpiritClan someone was optimistic still.
“He has eight lives at the most, then,” Coltfoot sighed, “unless we toss him in the River of Forever and hold him down or something of the sort, I don’t think we’re in much luck.”
“He has come back to camp with his fur ruffled a few times, though,” she mewed, “and seeming… out of it. Does that happen when leaders lose lives?”
“I have all of mine,” Redstar shrugged. Poppystar trudged over, “we can ask Poppystar.”
“Poppystar,” Maple mewed, “do leaders’ fur get ruffled and then they seem out of it when they lose a life?”
It took awhile for the DayClan leader to process this. “Well, maybe not the fur ruffle part; it depends on how the life was lost. I have felt out of it after losing the lives I’ve lost, tired too. Why?”
“I think Barkstar’s lost more than one life,” Maple grinned, “thank SpiritClan! He’s lost at least… five, I think.”
“Well then, I think we can do this,” Redstar grinned as well.
The leaders told their warriors of the plan, to which they agreed, going into the crowd; the leaders, Maple, Pine and Coltfoot stayed back, as did Sunwatcher, who’d been awfully quiet.
“Was Icestream still there when you left?” she asked at last.
“I believe so,” Poppystar nodded. This made Sunwatcher relieved.
How long the fighting went on for, none knew. But then, all of a sudden, the sky darkened and clouds covered the moon.
The leaders waited anxiously and then heard it.
“Barkstar’s lost a life!”
Right then, the leaders heard thunder.
SpiritClan had brought a storm.
They attempted to duck under the trees, Poppystar attempting to help Sunwatcher climb up, but when lightning struck one and burnt it to a crisp, they realized that was not efficient.
The cats still fought despite the conditions; what did they think, that it was brought to give them an advantage?
It was then that Sunwatcher saw Icestream run across the now battlefield, tail bristling as the guards chased after her.
She jumped on top of the rock and yowled.
The sound of thunder was heard and Sunwatcher watched in horror as her mate tumbled off the rock, hitting her head on the wet ground.
How much thunder was heard then, none knew. Was SpiritClan attempting to strike down Icestream, or did they think Barkstar had jumped onto the rock?
All they knew was that the bodies that lay motionless on the ground weren’t pretending to be dead, not fooling around.
They were truly dead.
A battle had taken place that day.
The bodies were buried, around the stone. Except for Icestream’s. Sunwatcher brought it to the border between her Tribe and PineClan, settling it in a grave that had been dug by both the groups’ elders.
This is how we decided that the spot was no longer temporary, but rather, permanent.
That is how it got its name of the Memorial Stone.
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The Tribe of Darkening Shadows - Past Healers
As the Tribe of Darkening Shadows is much older then the Clans, only important healers will be listed here.
Founder & First Healer: The first sunwatcher’s name is unknown. What is known, though, is the tale of the Tribe’s founding, told season-cycle upon season-cycle, moon upon moon, season upon season. Born a kittypet, he heard tales of the Tribe that had lived in the mountains by his home long ago, and set out to adhere to the message he heard in his dreams. He couldn’t do it, though, and settled in a pine forest. The Tribe’s first Stoneteller, Half Moon, as she was called, told him of the Tribe’s traditions, and he relayed it to his group; some didn’t agree, and fought against those who did. Once the fight was done, he felt as if he’d let Half Moon down; he left to a bright cave on top of the cliffside, where Half Moon gave him his name of the Teller of the Shining Sun, or Sunwatcher.
Second Healer: Pine That Towers Above the Rest (Pine; calico she-cat with cerulean eyes) was the second sunwatcher of the Tribe. She attempted to adhere to the legacy left by her predecessor, but was unable to fully; she did well, though, and many cats in the Tribe are descended from her and her offspring, Storm That Echoes Above (spotted gray tom with apricot eyes), Leaf That Grows In Spring (tortoiseshell with violet eyes) and Ripple That Forms on Lake (striped yellow cat (gender unknown) with copper eyes).
Missing information.
Tenth Healer: Strong Breeze Which Throws Off Scent (Breeze; spotted jet-colored tom with tan eyes) was the tenth sunwatcher of the Tribe. It was with the birth of his offspring that a new tradition came. Breeze’s mate, Streak, was born a rogue, and thus didn’t understand the Tribe’s naming traditions fully, naming her kits after the first thing she saw once they were born. The first-born was named Tree (striped light-brown she-cat with tan eyes), the second Dog (spotted copper tom with violet eyes) and the last Cave (calico cat (gender unknown) with silver eyes). Once they became to-bes, they were renamed Resting Tree, Barking Dog and Mouse Cave. They became full hunters and guards and got their full names of Tree That Rests on Earth, Dog That Barks in Morning and Cave Where Flying Mice Live, going by Dog-Bark, Tree-Rest and Cave-Mice. The Tribe was confused by this, but over time grew to understand.
Missing information.
Exact number unknown, likely beyond fifty: Dandelion That Waves in Wind (Dandelion-Wind; spotted honey-colored she-cat with silver eyes) was the first Tribe cat to come into contact with PineClan, running into an apprentice named Icepaw while hunting. Icepaw’s mentor took interest in Windy Dandelion (Dandelion-Wind’s apprentice name) and Frog-Croak (Dandelion-Wind’s mentor, full name Frog That Croaks At Night), and the two were escorted to the Tribe’s camp, with the apprentice’s mentor inviting them to the next Gathering; it went well, and the current sunwatcher, whose original name is unknown, made Windy Dandelion his to-be, teaching her to be the next stoneteller; Dandelion-Wind and Icepaw, now Icestream, became mates, and walk together due to the borders between the Tribe of Brightening Stars and SpiritClan being blurred.
Missing information.
The five most recent sunwatchers will now be listed; some more are known, but they aren’t all that notable.
Fifth most recent sunwatcher: Butterfly That Dances in the Sky (Butterfly-Dance; blue striped she-cat with gold eyes) was a kind-hearted healer. While many fell for her, she was never interested, in romance nor kits, putting her Tribe first. Her code is known to be one of the kindest and will certainly be what future sunwatchers base their own codes off of for generations to come.
Fourth most recent sunwatcher: Frog That Leaps on Lilypads (Frog-Leap; spotted auburn tom with carmine eyes) was sadly unable to follow after Butterfly-Dance’s example, not believing any of the virtues her code imbued. Her punishments were those a kittypet would invoke, he declared. A young Tribe cat by the name of Fox That Walks Through Meadow (Fox-Trot; cream-and-white tom with emerald eyes), who was in a relationship with a PineClan cat named Spottedbrook (orange tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes), escaped his wrath and retreated to PineClan, where the leader at the time, Snowstar, heard his news and, alongside rebels from the Tribe, fought off Frog-Leap, and made Fox-Trot himself healer.
Third most recent sunwatcher: Fox That Walks Through Meadow (Fox-Trot; see above)’s rule was doubted by some due to his role not being declared by the Tribe of Brightening Stars or chosen by Frog-Leap, and his young age. He and Spottedbrook had four kits, two being brought to PineClan and named Mudleg (light amber tabby she-cat with emerald eyes) and Molepatch (white she-cat with black chest, legs, belly, facial markings and green eyes), and two staying in the Tribe and being named Branch (later Branch Where Small Owl Sits, or Branch-Owl; blue tom with aqua eyes) and Squirrel (later Squirrel That Runs Up Tree, or Squirrel-Climb; cream tom with aqua eyes), and proved himself to be a valuable healer. When he died, the Tribe of Brightening Stars told him that he was always destined to become leader and overthrow Frog-Leap, and that they thanked him for that.
Second most recent sunwatcher: Hill Where Big Cats Live (Wildcat-Hill; white tom with black spots on his head and tail with blue eyes) had a relatively normal life, especially proceeding Fox-Trot’s. But unbeknownst to his Clanmates, he longed for a peaceful life, away from his Tribe, in Twolegplace. Many cats in the Tribe saw this as mouse-hearted, leaving so soon, but his to-be, Duck That Swims in Pond (Duck-Pond; light apricot she-cat with amber eyes) didn’t, though she didn’t want to lead either. She trained her own to-be, insert sunwatcher name here, and once he was old enough, she retired to the elders’ den.
Most recent sunwatcher (Current): tba
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BrushClan - Past Starspeakers and Deputies
Founder & First Starspeaker: Hydrangeastar (warrior name was Hydrangeasnap) - cat (genderfluid) with a fluffy vivid brown coat. Was mates with Brushstar and had two kits: Nectarhollow (light amber tom with golden eyes) and Nutpuddle (blue marbled tabby she-cat with amber eyes). Unlike the other leaders, Hydrangeastar’s appearance listed here is known to be exact due to BrushClan being the youngest of the Clans; Hydrangeastar’s leadership was approximately ten season-cycles ago, meaning that some of the Clan’s elders even remember her, with Nectarhollow and Nutpuddle still being alive in the Clan today.
First Deputy & Second Starspeaker: Brushstar (warrior name was Brushfire) - tom with a short ginger coat and yellow markings. Was mates with Hydrangeastar and had two kits: Nectarhollow (light amber tom with golden eyes) and Nutpuddle (blue marbled tabby she-cat with amber eyes).
Second Deputy: Spirecrystal - blue she-cat with copper eyes. Took no mate in life or death. Apprenticed Elderstar.
Third Deputy & Third Starspeaker: Elderstar (warrior name was Elderspots) - dark gray she-cat with aqua eyes. Was mates with Blizzardjaw (white and cream tuxedo tom with golden eyes) but for various unknown reasons, was infertile and barren. Apprenticed Tallperch (cream and white tuxedo tom with emerald eyes).
Fourth Deputy: Brokenspot - dark-striped brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes. Took no mate in life or death. Due to it being revealed she trained in the Dark Forest, she was exiled from the Clan, and the belief that the prefix Broken- was cursed was instated. Apprenticed Wavestar.
Fifth Deputy & Fourth Starspeaker: Wavestar (warrior name was Wavespark) - cinnamon calico she-cat with blue eyes. Was mates with Stagthroat (dark gray she-cat (MtF) with amber eyes) and they had a singular kit who was still-born but granted a warrior name in SpiritClan, that being Flashswirl (cream-pawed white tom with emerald eyes).
Sixth Deputy & Fifth Starspeaker (Current): tba
Seventh Deputy (Current): tba
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MapleClan - Past Leaders, Deputies and Medicine Cats
Founder & First Leader: Redstar (no warrior name, originally named Red) - fluffy and mainly red she-cat with other colors dotting her pelt, much like leaves in leaf-fall. Took no mate in life or death, and had no apprentices. Due to Redstar’s rule being many season-cycles ago, her appearance differs from story to story, but overall, this is the appearance agreed on amongst the Clan.
First Deputy & Second Leader: Pinestar (no warrior name, originally named Pine) - short-furred brown tom with hazel eyes. Took no mate in life or death. Had no apprentice as the code wasn’t heavily enforced yet. Son of Apple and Alani, was given to MapleClan in attempt to pacify their never-ending conflict with PineClan.
First Medicine Cat: Flickerleaf - apricot spotted tabby tom with golden eyes. Was mates with Sootfoot (cinnamon calico she-cat with copper eyes) and Nutspring (cream tortoiseshell tom with orange eyes) and had a single kit, named Wishbell (dark red she-cat with golden eyes). Apprenticed Leopardcreek.
Second Medicine Cat: Leopardcreek - dark blue she-cat with copper eyes. Had no mate but fostered Aspenperch (light gray tom with orange eyes). Apprenticed Flailflake.
Third Medicine Cat: Flailflake - light orange calico she-cat with blue eyes. Had no mate or kits. Apprenticed medicine cat name here.
Second Deputy: Brindlescar - apricot tortoiseshell she-cat with aqua eyes. Was mates with Hailpoppy (white she-cat with black chest, legs, belly, facial markings and copper eyes). Apprenticed Songwatcher (light apricot tabby she-cat with copper eyes) and Lynxshine (white and black tuxedo tom with copper eyes).
Third Deputy: Willowrunner - cinnamon tortoiseshell she-cat with orange eyes. Had no mate or kits. Apprenticed Tumblewillow (dark-striped apricot tabby she-cat with green eyes).
Fourth Deputy & Third Leader: Applestar (warrior name was Applenose) - light apricot she-cat with emerald eyes. Had no mate or kits. Apprenticed Russetstar.
Fifth Deputy & Fourth Leader: Rosestar (warrior name was Rosestride) - black-tailed white tom with aqua eyes. Was mates with Puddledust (gray she-cat with blue eyes).
Sixth Deputy & Fifth Leader: Kinkstar (warrior name was Kinkmoon) - dark-striped amber tabby tom with green eyes. Had no mate or kits. Apprenticed Stumpybush (cream tabby tortoiseshell she-cat with emerald eyes).
Fourth Deputy & Sixth Leader: Russetstar (warrior name was Russettalon) - dark ginger tabby tom with orange eyes. Apprenticed Gullmoth (red tortoiseshell she-cat with golden eyes).
Fifth Deputy & Fourth Leader (Current): tba
Sixth Deputy (Current): tba
Fourth Medicine Cat (Current): tba
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PineClan - Past Leaders, Deputies and Medicine Cats
Founder & First Leader: Barkstar (no warrior name, originally named Bark) - tom with a brown, rough pelt, much like bark and green eyes. Took no mate in life or death. The brother of MapleClan’s founder, Redstar. Due to Barkstar’s rule being many season-cycles ago, his appearance differs from story to story, but overall, this is the appearance agreed on amongst the Clan.
First Deputy & Second Leader: Maplestar (no warrior name, originally named Maple) - tortoiseshell she-cat with mainly red spots. Took no mate in life or death. Had no apprentice as the code wasn’t heavily enforced yet. Daughter of Apple and Alani, was given to PineClan in attempt to pacify their never-ending conflict with MapleClan.
Second Deputy & Third Leader: Molestar (warrior name was Molewind) - dark-striped gray tabby she-cat with aqua eyes. Was mates with Daisyblossom (blue she-cat with orange eyes), a MapleClan cat. Apprenticed Poppypaw (light amber tabby tom with golden eyes).
First Medicine Cat: Jumplog - blue spotted tabby tom with green eyes. Mates with Whistleface (dark red she-cat with orange eyes) and had one kit with her, Dustacorn (light cream she-cat with green eyes). He apprenticed Shredspirit.
Second Medicine Cat: Shredspirit - light amber tabby tom with aqua eyes. Took no mate in life or death. It was at the announcement of his warrior name that Asterstar taught Barkstar more about warrior names and told Redstar to stop just giving every cat suffixes like -flower, -petal and other such suffixes even though she did the same at times. Apprenticed Pinefur.
Third Deputy & Fourth Leader (Alive & Retired): Snowstar (warrior name was Snowbounce) - cream calico she-cat with orange eyes. Mates with Absentsight, a former rogue, and they had Moonthorn (cinnamon torbie she-cat with aqua eyes), Milkgorse (calico with gold eyes) and Tinymoon (cream-pawed white tom with copper eyes). Retired from her position due to wanting to spend more time with her kits, and was almost exiled, before the next leader spoke to SpiritClan and they approved.
Fourth Deputy & Fifth Leader (Current): tba
Fifth Deputy (Current): tba
Third Medicine Cat: Pinefur - dark blue she-cat with copper eyes. Took no mate in life or death. Apprenticed medicine cat name here.
Fourth Medicine Cat (Current): tba
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DayClan - Past Leaders, Deputies and Medicine Cats
Founder & First Leader: Asterstar (no warrior name, originally named Aster) - bright and pale yellow she-cat with yellow eyes. Took no mate in life but was mates with Coltfoot in death. Due to Astetstar’s rule being many season-cycles ago, her appearance differs from story to story, but overall, this is the appearance agreed on amongst the Clan.
First Deputy & Second Leader: Poppystar (warrior name was allegedly Poppypetal) - black tom with pale orangey-red eyes. Mate was Wolfflower (blue gray she-cat); kits were Howlcry (blue gray-and-white she-cat with amber eyes) and Flameflower (flame-colored tom). Apprenticed Coltfoot before he changed his path to medicine, and later apprenticed his first deputy, Crowflight.
First Medicine Cat: Coltfoot - gray tom with eyes the same color as coltsfoot. Took no mate in life but was mates with Asterstar in death. Was mentor to Skybrook.
Second Deputy: Crowflight - black she-cat with dark gray markings on her sides, that look like the tip of an American crow (known to the Clans as a gray-tipped crow)’s feathers. Took no mate before her death, and had no apprentices either, as the warrior code was not heavily enforced during her short life.
Second Medicine Cat: Skybrook - light ginger tabby she-cat with blue eyes.  Took no mate before her in life or death.  Apprenticed Fogbell at first, but died before she could finish her apprenticeship.
Third Deputy & Third Leader: Flashstar (warrior name was Flashwhisper) - light gray tom with green eyes. While he took no mate, he did like Crowflight. His sister was the Clan’s fourth medicine cat, Fogbell, and he apprenticed Lilypaw (white tom with small cream markings on body and tail with aqua eyes), who sadly didn’t make it through his apprenticeship, but he got through most all of it, and thus Flashstar was allowed to be deputy, both with SpiritClan’s consent and the leader’s.
Fourth Deputy & Fourth Leader: Hatchstar (warrior name was Hatchshade) - dark brown tom with golden eyes. Was mates with Poolsplash (light red tortoiseshell she-cat with emerald eyes), who sadly died before his kits were born; he met them in StarClan, though, and their names were Lizardkit (cream spotted tabby tom with blue eyes) and Cinderkit (cream ticked tabby she-cat with orange eyes). Apprenticed Curlpearl (white she-cat with cream chest, legs, belly, facial markings, and copper eyes).
Third Medicine Cat: Cloudsong - dark blue tom with amber eyes. Took no mate in life or death. Finished Fogbell’s apprenticeship.
Fourth Medicine Cat (Status Pending): Fogbell - light ginger tabby she-cat with blue eyes. Ha(d/s) no mate, kits, and apprenticed medicine cat name here.
Fifth Deputy & Fifth Leader (Current): Shinestar (warrior name was Shineflower) - pale yellow she-cat with yellow eyes and white calico-tabby spots. The Clan’s current leader. Mates with Birdcall (black tom with a red belly), apprenticed tba and has not successfully had kits yet.
Sixth Deputy (Current): tba
Fifth Medicine Cat (Current): tba
0 notes
You don’t know where you’re going as you find yourself on a dark and gloomy island. In the center sits a stone, charred on top; from what, you don’t know.
You smell approaching cats and quickly hide amongst what undergrowth is left, which isn’t much. Five groups of cats soon gather; you can hear them talking amongst themselves and with the other groups, but you can’t tell what. It’s then that a bright-furred she-cat jumps on the rock.
She shares news about her group; from what you can tell, it’s called DayClan, and they share borders with another group, BrushClan, which is also their ally, or so it seems.
It doesn’t take long for her to finish and for a dark-furred tom to take her place on the rock, sharing news about his group, PineClan, which shares borders with their rival, MapleClan.
After him, another bright-furred she-cat jumps on the rock, this one with many different colors, much like leaf-fall leaves. She shares news of MapleClan, much of which seems to entail PineClan, just like the latter Clan’s.
She finishes and another bright-furred cat takes her place, sharing BrushClan’s news, mainly of their flowers’ blooms. Seems silly, but it’s up to them, you think.
Lastly, a tom who looks tired and is dark-furred shares the news of the Tribe of Darkening Shadows, that lives in the same forest as PineClan. He finishes and the cats look ready to leave, until...
“Wait, I smell something strange,” someone meows, “a cat, it seems. A rogue, I’d assume.”
DayClan and BrushClan’s leaders ask for more information, and the cat nods in your direction. You freeze up as they approach.
“Don’t be afraid, young one,” BrushClan’s leader mews, “we won’t harm you. Would you like to join a Clan?”
You pause. But then, you nod.
“Well then, I’ll tell you of the Clans,” DayClan’s leader volunteers.
DayClan is generous yet timid. Founded by a stray named Aster many seasons ago, her friend Day told her of the Clans who lived far from here long, long ago while on his deathbed. In her memory, she founded a Clan, named after him, spawning DayClan: receiving her nine lives from SpiritClan, Day himself gave her her leader name of Asterstar. We are allies with BrushClan, who split off from us, and are overall peaceful towards all the Clans, though when necessary, we strike.
PineClan and MapleClan
PineClan is irritable and stoic, the opposite of their neighbor and rival, the spirited and persevering MapleClan. Founded by the siblings Bark and Red, who found themselves in conflict when a cat from each of their groups vanished without a trace in the night. They blamed each other, and a fight broke out. Until the two were found, with two kits, who took after their parents, named for the Clan said parent didn’t dwell in. They were brought to the opposite of their namesake and appointed deputy once Asterstar taught them about the Clans of long ago.
BrushClan is composed and brave. After a conflict with her friend, Brushfire, kittypet turned DayClan warrior Hydrangeablaze left, some coming with them. She received nine lives and named her Clan after her friend, hoping for forgiveness. Brushfire discovered the Clan right when the now Hydrangeastar was looking for a deputy, and the two were united, Brushfire becoming the Clan’s deputy. Their kits live on in BrushClan today.
The Tribe of Darkening Shadows
I’ll allow a Tribe cat to tell this part; Sunwatcher, if you may?
Certainly. Negative and cautious, we are. A kittypet once looked onwards towards the mountains. From the cats who lived in the same neighborhood as him, he heard tales. Of a group of cats who lived in the mountains. A Tribe, he believed they were called. A message repeated in his dreams on the day he listened to the tales. Where the sun rises, make a new home in the brightest light of all. He did as the message said. Or, attempted too, but the journey proved treacherous and he had to give up. He settled in a pine forest, made acquaintance with some of the cats who lived there as strays, and made a home, naming it in honor of the Tribe. The Tribe of Darkening Shadows, he called it. And then, one day, in his dreams, a cat walked with him. Half Moon, she said she was called at birth. The Teller of Pointed Stones, she said she was called for her life with the Tribe. She told him of the Tribe - their traditions in ancient times and modern times. Base your Tribe on ours, she said, someday you'll diverge. So he did. He told the few cats who lived in his group of the Tribe's traditions. Some had heard stories of it, some had not. But those who did were excited of the idea. Some, however... were not. Why only eat once a day, they said. Why not have three meals a day, they said. A battle waged. The "Tribe" won. However, he felt like he'd let Half Moon, the Teller of Pointed Stones, the Tribe that had lived long ago, down. While exploring, he discovered a cave, abandoned by its inhabitants. He did not know what to call it, until Half Moon, the Teller of Pointed Stones, talked to him, and said the following words: You have not let me down, young one. From this moment on, you will be known as the Watcher of the Shining Sun. Sunwatcher. Others will come after you, moon upon moon upon moon. Choose them well, train them well, and trust the future of your Tribe to them. And then she vanished.
“You didn’t need to tell them all of it,” the DayClan leader sighed. Sunwatcher shrugged, turning to you. 
“Well, young one, what do you choose?”
It’s up for you to decide...
Join here, if the stars line up so.
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