#snufkin and the fairground
mayhasopinions · 7 months
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this is what happened right
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rosesofthetwilight · 1 year
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flowerbloom-arts · 2 years
Hi so I've had the idea of utilizing my Winter break to create a sketchy comic adaptation of a Moomin chapter, just to see if I could do it! Here are the description for each story I added to the poll, as to provide context of each story for you to make an informed decision in case you haven't read these:
Chapter 5 of Moominland Midwinter
Adapted as "Visitors in Winter" in the 90s series (though rather unsuccessfully in scope), it follows the story of Moomintroll trying to manage hosting some guests in the winter after the Lady of the Cold had disrupted their food supplies. In particular, a dog named Sorry-oo wants to join his supposed cousins - the wolves - after practicing his howling, a big Hemulen skiis in and annoys everyone, and a little Creep named Salome is the only one who wants to keep the Hemulen around. However, everyone including Moomintroll is too polite to ask the disruptive Hemulen to leave because of his jolly attitude, how will this fare?
The Hemulen Who Loved Silence (Tales From Moominvalley)
Adapted as "Snufkin and the Fairground" in the 2019 series (though shifts the focus to characters who weren't in the story), it follows a pushover of a Hemulen who worked as a ticket puncher for a noisy pleasure-ground, until a flood swept everything away and he decides to retreat to his grandmother's abandoned park, tired of his noisy life with his family. A group of children have recovered most of the pleasure-ground's attractions, however, and ask the Hemulen to rebuild it for them.
Secret of the Hattifatteners (Tales From Moominvalley)
Very partially adapted/referenced in the 2019 series, Moominpappa gets a case of the old wanderlust and stumbles upon a trio of Hattifatteners, he tries to make polite conversation with them but they don't respond. Undeterred, Moominpappa joins these Hattifatteners on their sailboat and finds out what these mysterious creatures get up to.
Cedric (Tales From Moominvalley)
Roundaboutly adapted as "Mrs. Fillyjonk's Last Hurrah" in the 2019 series, it follows Sniff as he is heartbroken and depressed over giving his prized stuffed animal, Cedric, to a brat due to a conviction of Moomintroll's. Sniff wanders outside and meets up with Snufkin, who tells him a story of his aunt who was on the brink of death and decided to fulfill her bucket list before she kicks the bucket.
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sywene-06 · 2 years
Do you have a favorite season and episode of Moominvalley? My favorite season is probably season 1 because it has absolute banger episodes like The Spring Tune, Last Dragon, Night Of The Groke, and Snufkin And The Park Keeper. But my favorite episode is either Snufkin And The Fairground, Midsummer Magic, or Night Of The Groke. There are so many amazing episodes in this show and it's REALLY hard for me to pick a favorite one.
I absolutely loved season 3, by far my fav mostly because of the work put into it. U can def see how the animation improved compared to season 2 where a lot of err preset animations where used (ex: Snufkin’s running animation which makes it seem that he’s running a lot faster that the distance he’s doing)
In general my opinion variates a lot liek I loooved every single season of moominvalley by far so I can’t quite say what my fav episodes are haha!
Very excited for season 4 either way :)
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skruttet · 2 years
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made these on my phone so maybe not the best quality 😶
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the-tea-moth · 2 years
just watched snufkin and the fairground and, yk maybe its the shipper mindset, but moomin and snufkin fighting and moomin talking abt how upset toffle was and how he was gonna see how they were, made me think of 2 parents worried for their kid
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geminiamethyst · 4 years
Dark Gemini’s Game. Part 1: The Invite
The following chapters will be inspired by the Oculus Rift game “Affected: The Horror Experience” and videos that I have seen of “Knott’s Scary Farm”. Sorry if this a problem, but I thought it would be a good idea for this year.
Another quick note is that future parts are to be published automatically. So if there are no links to the other parts, I will fix that when I get the chance.
Please enjoy this spooky special.
Prologue: click HERE
Part 2: click HERE
Date: 31st October 🎃 👻
Kyun, Shin, Mumrik, Ken and Snuf walk down street. All dressed in Halloween costumes. Kyun as Skeleton Jack, Shin as a rag doll (like Sally Ragdoll), Ken as a vampire, Mumrik as a werewolf and Snuf as a zombie.
Kyun: Are you sure we’re going the right way? I’m pretty sure that Gemini is having this party somewhere else?
Shin: *glancing down at a piece of paper* I’m pretty sure.
Kyun: How sure?
Shin: 90%
Ken: *whispering to Mumrik and Snuf* And here comes the chaos.
Kyun: What?! That’s not the answer I was hoping for.
Shin: Please keep your voice down. You’re starting to give me a headache.
Kyun huffs but stays silent. Snuf rolls eyes but suddenly sees something.
Snuf: *pointing at what he’s seeing* Is that the place?
The group look to see an old looking house at the end of a long driveway. It was large and intimidating. There were no lights in the windows. All around the property, dead trees and overgrown plants were scattered.
Kyun: Nope! I’m out!
Kyun tries to walk away but Shin grabs him by the scruff of his jacket.
Shin: Oh no, you don’t! There’s nothing to worry about. It’s just part of the show.
Kyun: Oh yeah. A creepy house in the middle of a peaceful street. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?!
Mumrik: Calm down Kyun. It’s more than likely similar to a movie set.
The group approaches the house, each getting an uneasy vibe from the house.
Snuf: (being sarcastic as he looks at the house) Well this doesn’t feel cliche at all.
Kyun: I’m telling you guys, this place doesn’t feel right.
Ken: *peeks in through the window* I don’t see anyone in there.
Kyun: See what I mean? There’s no one here! You got us lost, Shin!
Shin ignores Kyun as he reaches over to knock on the door. Before he could, it opens with a loud creak. Almost everyone tensed up as it opens widely.
Gemini: *suddenly pops up from behind the door* Hi guys! Glad you could make it.
Gemini is dressed in casual black clothing (jeans, top, jacket and boots), not quite looking right for a Halloween party. She steps aside, letting the Snufkins come inside. After sharing a brief glance between them, they step inside. The entrance hall is large with an old style cage elevator at the back of it and a fireplace on the far side. Old portraits hang on the walls with candles that dimly lit the room. All the doors leading out of it were closed. There were no decorations hanging up or music or games, not even food that would indicate a party was happening.
Kyun: Ssssoooooo.....what’s this party?
Gemini: *pulls out a set of five playing cards* We’re going to play a game of course! Can’t have a party without games, right?
Ken: Well yes. But this place doesn’t look like it’s ready for a party.
Gemini: Something to help you get in the Halloween spirit.
Shin suddenly notices something wrong.
Shin: Gemini, what happened to your glasses?
Gemini: *looks confused* Sorry.
Shin: You can’t see without your glasses. Why aren’t you wearing them?
Gemini: *voice suddenly sounds monotone, face completely blank* Nothing gets by you, does it?
The candles are suddenly blown out, plunging the room in darkness.
Shin: *feels Kyun suddenly wrapping his arms around him* KYUN! Warn me before you do that! You nearly gave me a heart attack!
Kyun: Sorry!
The candles come back on, lighting up the room again. The group faces Gemini, only she is completely different. She still wears the same black clothes. There is a pendent dangling from her neck and a scar is on her left cheek. She wears black make up. Her eyes are completely pitch black.
Snufkins: Dark Gemini?!
Dark Gemini: Surprise! So are you ready to play my game?
Kyun: Forget it, you psychopath! We’re not playing your game! Come on guys! Let’s get outta here!
The Snufkins get ready to leave the house as they walk towards the door.
Dark Gemini: I’m afraid I can’t allow that. You five have accepted my invite. Now you must play my game in order to escape.
Kyun: Yeah, right. *goes to grab the door handle but stops when he sees that it isn’t there* WHAT THE-?! What happened to the door?!
Ken: *looks at the door before turning to Dark Gemini* Okay! What did you do?!
Dark Gemini: I told you, if you want to escape, then you have to play my game. Now, shall we begin?
The Snufkin share an uneasy glance before facing Dark Gemini.
Shin: Fine. What’s this game?
Dark Gemini: Good. You are each going to take a card. There are three different locations that only one of you will go to each.
Snuf: Hang on. Three? But-
Dark Gemini: Let me explain. There are two black cards in this deck. This means that if any of you get one, I will send you to wherever I please. After the first three have had their turn of course. So, who’s feeling lucky?
The Snufkins hesitate but they each take a card. They don’t look at the cards they have chosen, waiting to hear Dark Gemini’s next instruction.
(Quick A/N I did use a random name generator to try to make this part fair)
Dark Gemini: Well, who got what? I wonder. Kyun, why don’t you start off by sharing?
Kyun: *glares at Dark Gemini for a few seconds before looking at his card* Carnivals are fun right?
Kyun shows his card. It has a circus tent and fairground rides in the background. The text under the picture says “The Carnival”.
Dark Gemini: Shame.
Kyun: Shame?
Dark Gemini: Well, I honestly hoped that you would get a black card. It would’ve been so much fun if you had. Oh well, so unfair life is, isn’t it? *looks over at Shin* And you, Shin?
Shin looks at his card without batting an eyelid.
Shin: *shows the card* The Asylum.
The card has the picture of a man in a padded cell in a straightjacket, screaming. “The Asylum” is written under the picture.
Dark Gemini: Looks like all that time you’ve spent with Kyun has finally made you insane, Shin. Ken?
Ken: *looked down at card and face falls a little* I am officially one of the unlucky ones. *shows the card* I have a black card.
The other Snufkins look a little surprised as Ken revealed the pitch black card.
Dark Gemini: *looks menacing as she smirks* Finally! Now there’s only a 50/50 chance with the two kids.
Snuf: *offended* We’re not kids!
Dark Gemini: QUIET! Mumrik, your card!
Mumrik: *looks at card and grows pale* Quick question: is swapping allowed?
Dark Gemini: NO SWAPPING! Start breaking the rules and I’ll break your soul.
Mumrik: *looks apologetically at Snuf* I’m sorry. *turns card around* The Manor.
The card that Mumrik held was of a corridor with a shadowy shape at the end of it. Now everyone understands why he wanted to swap cards as Snuf silently revealed that he had the second Black Card.
Dark Gemini: Congratulations Mumrik. It means you get to go first.
Mumrik: First for what?
Kyun: *steps forwards* Now hang on a sec!
Dark Gemini snaps her fingers suddenly. Before anyone could react, shadows rose up from the floor. They wrapped around Kyun, Shin, Ken and Snuf, stopping them from moving. Mumrik reached out to try to help but he is yanked away from them.
Dark Gemini: *wraps an arm around Mumrik’s shoulders and forces him to walk to a door as it opens on its own* First to play of course. All you have to do, is walk throughout the house, and find a friend of mine. *hands Mumrik a small flashlight* Here, it tends to get dark. Have fun!
Before Mumrik could ask any questions, Dark Gemini shoves him through the open door and closes it. There is a loud click as the door locks. The other Snufkins are released. Kyun runs to the door and starts trying to open it, slamming into it. The door wouldn’t budge open, only rattle. Shin pulled Kyun away and tried giving it a strong kick. The door rattled again but wouldn’t open.
Dark Gemini: *scoffs* Save your strength. There’s nothing you can do.
Snuf: There’s nothing that will hurt Mumrik, right?
Dark Gemini: Nah! I mean he’ll get scared, but he’ll be fine. *walks over to a large mirror and taps it* In the meantime, let’s enjoy the show.
The Snufkins watch as black mist swirls inside the mirror. After a few second, the mist fades, revealing Mumrik as he finds himself in a long corridor.
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rosesofthetwilight · 1 year
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rosesofthetwilight · 1 year
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rosesofthetwilight · 1 year
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rosesofthetwilight · 1 year
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skruttet · 2 years
why does he say this line so softly and sincerely and full of love 🥺
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skruttet · 2 years
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oooo hes angy!!!! ooo hes fuckin pissed!!!!! ooo hes gonna flip his shit!!!! oo watch out!!
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skruttet · 2 years
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just thought snufkin stepping back from his work and clasping his paws together was a very mamma thing for him to do
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skruttet · 2 years
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why does snufkin look extra adorable specifically in these scenes with the hemulen 😩
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