#snuggling and blowing raspberries into the crook of their neck when they least expect it just to hear the squeal
softleesam · 1 year
I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so ready for cozy weather tkls
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mistiell · 3 years
How Your Arcane S/O would (Lovingly) Annoy you
Oh, how the turns have tabled with this one >:)
- Whenever he wants you’re attention at home and you’re busy, he’ll go into the kitchen under the guise of “going to make dinner” and purposely bang the dishes around as loud as physically possible without breaking them
- Does it as long as it takes to get you away from whatever you’re working on
- Blows raspberries into your neck
- You’ll be laying on the couch together, your head on his lap
- He’s running his fingers through your hair, caressing the side of your face, all that soft shit
- And then out of fuckin’ NO WHERE, he leans down and blows the fattest raspberry into the crook of your neck.
- He laughs at you when you shriek and squirm and swear you’ll get him back cause he’s 99% sure you will not.
- Jokes on him, cause you definitely will at some point-
- Purposely leaves things on high shelves just so you’ll have to ask him to get them for you
Viktor, smirking like the absolute menace he is: Oh? Can you not reach, darling?
You, looking at him incredulously: You’re kidding, right? 😀
- He tickles you
- All.
- The fucking.
- Time.
- Randomizes the time between tickle attacks to give you a false sense of security
- Strikes when you least expect it
- Steals all the blankets so that you’ll have to snuggle up as close to him as possible to get underneath them.
- Doesn’t do a whole lot to annoy you on purpose, tbh.
- H o w e v e r
- He does move his things to your desk frequently
- Always leaves something behind when he comes into your office
- It’s like everything on his desk is slowly migrating to yours.
- Pokes your face to get your attention
- Pinches your cheeks while she tells you how adorable you are in the most overly dramatic babying voice she’s capable of producing
- Also honks your nose whenever she’s bored
- You could be hyper focused on whatever you’re doing and all of a sudden your nose is being squooshed with a high pitched “hONK” from your girlfriend
- it never fails to make you laugh, though
- I wholeheartedly believe she was a theatre kid.
- Belts show tunes at the top of her lungs 24/7
- Does it at the most inconvenient times, too.
- You’re working on something important with a tight deadline? Time for a live concert featuring your wonderful girlfriend, Jinx!
- Doodles on the pages in every single notebook you own.
- Makes sure to avoid doodling on whatever you’ve written, though
- She’s kinda petty, ngl
- Whenever you leave your laundry on the floor, she’ll do the same and “forget” about it until you find it and put it in the hamper
- Makeup e v e r y w h e r e
- Seriously. You found an eyeshadow palette under the kitchen sink once.
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alwaysachorusgirl · 4 years
Not According To Plan
Pairing: Frederick Chilton x Reader
Word Count: 1,557
TW: none really, just a very brief mention of assault and crime scene photos?
A/N: A follow up to Almost Perfect, but can be read as a stand alone. Just a whole lot of fluff, (sorry, not sorry if it's so sweet it rots your teeth. I still like a sweet, romantic Frederick) This was originally supposed to cover the Cuddling square for #thatesqcrush Valentine's Day Bingo, but it kept getting pushed to the back-burner, and by the time I started working on it again, I knew it wasn't going to be done in time. But I wanted to finish it and get it posted before moving on to something else, so here it is. Better late than never?
Tags: @madamsnape921 (If anyone wants to be tagged in a future fic post, please let me know!)
It was safe to say that your first Valentine’s Day with Frederick Chilton wasn’t going the way you had hoped it would. It had started off well enough, with the both of you waking up early and making love before work, but once you had arrived at work, everything had gone downhill quickly. Yes, Frederick had a bouquet of red roses delivered to your office, but you barely had any time to enjoy them, as you had to rush to finish up a report for the board that wasn’t supposed to have been due until the following week. Then Jack Crawford and Will Graham had showed up needing a psychiatric consult for a new case. The crime scene photos were so gruesome you had rush to the ladies’ room to throw up. The final straw had been when one your patients had attacked you during a therapy session. Thankfully, you knew how to defend yourself and you’d had an orderly with you. You came away from it with a few bumps and bruises and a cut on your cheek. But you were shaken up enough that Frederick had insisted that you go home and relax, promising that he’d finish up his own work and join you as soon as possible.
And now it was going on 4pm and you were standing at the living room window of Frederick’s, no, your house, you lived here now, gazing out at the front yard and street, wishing for Frederick’s car to come into view. He had called you 30 minutes ago to let you know he was leaving the hospital but had a stop to make. The weather forecast was calling for a snowstorm to blow in that evening, and the snow was already starting to fall. You didn’t want Frederick to get caught driving in that. You shivered, feeling the chill through the glass.
You felt something small and furry brush against leg and looked down, smiling when you saw the black kitten looking up at you. She placed her front paws on your leg and meowed, signaling that she wanted “up”. You knelt down and picked her up, snuggling her against your chest. She nuzzled her nose against your chin and let out another soft meow.
“I know, Buttercup, I know, baby, I’m worried about Daddy, too.” You took one last look, then closed the heavy curtains to better insulate the room. You crossed the room to the thermostat and turned up the heat, and then went to the kitchen to pour a glass of wine to calm your nerves.
You and Frederick had been together for about 6 months now, and they’d been the happiest months of your life. Ever since that eventful first date the previous summer, you and Frederick had been practically inseparable. You had moved in with him after New Year’s, and while you had never moved so fast in your previous relationships, Frederick was different. You were completely in love with him. He was the one, there was no doubt about that in your mind. Whenever you imagined your future, you saw him in it, you saw marriage, kids, all of it.
You had expected him to at least put up an argument when you suggested adopting a cat, but your dear, sweet man couldn’t deny you anything. Instead, he started researching what kind of supplies you’d need and looking at the local animal shelter websites to see what your options were. And that was how you found Buttercup. From the moment you saw her picture, you just knew. And when you went to the shelter and held her for the very first time, she fell asleep and started purring. She went home with you that day. She’d only been with you for a few weeks now, but she was already settled in and followed you and Frederick everywhere. She always wanted to cuddle and that suited you and Frederick just fine.
You wanted nothing more than to be cuddled up with Frederick right now. The perfect Valentine’s Day that you had planned was falling apart. The elaborate meal you were going to prepare? You were too tired to cook. That new lingerie you bought? You were no longer in the mood to wear it, or for sex. You would stick with your hoodie and soft, knit lounge pants tonight. Your stomach growled, and your mind went to the desert that you had prepared the night before. The red velvet cake trifle with the raspberry/blackberry red wine reduction sauce was chilling in the fridge.
“Should I?” You asked, looking down at Buttercup, still nestled in your arms.
“Mew?” she replied, looking confused. Then her eyes went to the drawstring on your hoodie and she began batting at it with her paw. “Mew…” You couldn’t help but giggle.
“You’re absolutely right, sweetie, I think some playtime is definitely warranted.”
Buttercup wiggled her backside and pounced, her tiny paws swiping at the oversize peacock feather you were dangling in front of her. You laughed as she grabbed onto it and tried to bite down. When you tried to pull it away, she rolled over onto her back and started kicking it with her hind paws. It was one of the cutest sights in the world and you couldn’t get enough. Seeing her so happy made you happy. You both jumped when you heard the front door open and close, followed by the sound of footsteps and a cane clicking on the hardwood floor.
You breathed a sigh of relief at the sound of Frederick’s voice. Buttercup went bounding to meet to him and you got up and followed, smiling when you saw Frederick hanging up his coat in the entryway closet. Buttercup was welcoming him home by weaving around his legs, meowing her little head off.
“Hmm…fascinating…” Frederick nodded in reply to the kitten, “and then what did you do today?”
You heart swelled at the sight. You loved the way he interacted with her and spoke to her like she was a human. It made you wonder what he would be like with a little one of your own…He met your gaze and you rushed to him, wrapping your arms around him, burying your face in the crook of his neck. “Thank god, your home! I was so worried about you getting stuck in the snow!”
His arms encircled you, pulling you flush against him. “There is no snowstorm powerful enough to keep me away from you, my love. Forgive me for not getting here sooner. The roads are already a mess, and you said you didn’t feel like cooking, so I picked up some takeout.” He indicated two brown paper bags sitting on the small table by the front door.
You looked up at him and smiled. “Have I ever told you how much I love you? Because I love you.”
He chuckled and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. “I love you, too, Y/N, and I never get tired of hearing it. How are you feeling?”
“Much better now that you’re home.”
Frederick wasted no time in pressing his lips to yours. All the tension melted out of your body as you got lost in the warm sensation. All of his kisses were loving and passionate, and this was no different, his lips melding perfectly with yours. You gently started to run your tongue all his lower lip, intending to deepen the kiss, but were interrupted by a loud yowl and Buttercup headbutting you in the shin. You and Frederick looked down and saw her staring back, giving you the most forlorn look that she could muster
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, we haven’t forgotten about you,” you reassured her. “Do you want your dinner?”
“Mew! Mew!” She answered, insistently rubbing against your leg.
You looked back at Frederick. “I’m going to get her taken care of, then we’ll eat, okay?”
Frederick nodded and kissed you one more time. “I’ll get the food plated while you do that.”
“Thank you, I appreciate that.” You rested your forehead against his, hesitant to let him go.
“My love? Is everything alright?”
“Are you okay if we just cuddle on the couch tonight? I just…I just really need you to hold me.”
Frederick placed a gentle kiss on your forehead and gave you a warm smile. “As you wish, my love.”
“Did you just…”
“Yes, I did,” he replied with a chuckle. “Cuddling on the couch sounds perfect. Whatever make you happy is more than fine with me.”
“Thank you,” you said, pulling him in for another kiss. “I love you, Frederick.”
“I love you, too, my darling.”
“So, do you think it will snow enough that we won’t have to go into work tomorrow?”
“One can only hope, my love,” Frederick answered, kissing your temple.
The two of you were cuddled on the couch under a blanket watching your favorite movie. You were curled up on your side with Frederick spooning you from behind, his arms wrapped around your mid-section. Buttercup was snuggled up in front of you, purring away.
“This is perfect,” you remarked, turning your head to glance back at Frederick. “I mean, this isn’t how I thought our first Valentine’s Day would go, but I’m happy, nonetheless. I love you, Frederick.”
“I love you, too, Y/N, Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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rainbowshawn · 5 years
Nights With You
A/N: wanted to get something up before I got super busy this week, sorry it’s not the best!! (pls don’t roast my title I couldn’t come up with anything lmao)
Summary: Shawn hasn’t slept in weeks and you decide a massage is just what he needs to relax.
Warnings: some mentions of insomnia/anxiety, soft shawn and disgustingly sweet fluff
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The past few weeks have been miserable for not only Shawn but you too. He had been having a terrible time sleeping, resulting in a shift in his personality. Shawn was never one to be grumpy, uninspired, or lazy. Not until the past few weeks, at least. He had become cold and distant; as if he had nothing to say anymore.
You’d frequently wake up in the middle of the night to find him scrolling through his phone aimlessly. Some nights if he was lucky enough, he’d actually fall asleep. The downside was that on these nights, he’d just wake up in the middle of the night. Naps had proven pointless, being that he’s a light sleeper and can’t seem to find much peace and quiet during the day while you get things done around the house. He felt hopeless, aching for just one good night's sleep.
Your heart ached for him as you watched his lively eyes become dull with exhaustion. You aren’t sure where this has come from but you just want the old Shawn back. The loving, happy-go-lucky, sweetheart of a man you’d grown to love so dearly. Your worry only grows when his appetite becomes none existent. You watch as he picks at the food on his plate as he leans his head into the hand that was propped up on the table.
“Bubba,” you inquire, “why aren’t you eating?”
“M’not hungry,” he mumbles, absentmindedly.
You frown, reaching your hand across the table to grab onto his.
“Now why’s that? You haven’t eaten all day, honey.”
“Mhm,” he insists, “I had a granola bar this morning.”
“Shawn, it’s 8 at night,” you furrow your brows, unsure of how he doesn’t see the problem with that. He avoids your gaze and goes back to poking at his food with his fork. He shrugs his shoulders, making you sigh.
“Do you want me to make you something else?” you ask, hoping you could at least get something in his stomach.
He shakes his head, frowning a bit. You sigh, shifting to stand up and walk over to his side of the table. You slot your arms around his frame, nuzzling your face into his neck as you press gentle kisses against his skin. You press your lips against him, blowing harsh air blow raspberries into his skin. Usually, this trick worked like a charm and you expect to see a smile across his face and have his giggles rumble out of his chest. To your dismay, his demeanor doesn’t change in the slightest. You pull away and take in his blank stare. The only sign of life in his tired eyes comes from his slow blinks as he stares at his plate.
“How can I help you, duckie?” you whisper, pulling out your favorite nickname for him. You smile as you recall the morning you first called him that. It was after the first night you spent with him and you couldn’t contain your giggles as you looked at his fluffy morning hair. His curls stuck out in every possible direction and he blushed under your amused gaze as you compared him to a baby duck with fuzzy hair. The unique nickname stuck ever since.
He shrugs his shoulders, slightly shifting you in the process. You squeeze his tense figure and press more kisses into his rosy cheeks. You sigh at his response, unsure of how to help him yourself. You remain bent over and keep one arm wrapped around him as your other hand moves up to start running through his hair.
“Let me help you relax, my love,” you whisper. His demeanor softens a bit as your hand lightly trails through his hair. He leans back into your shoulder a bit and you shift to look at him. He finally meets your gaze and your heart aches at the sight of his exhausted face looking up at you so hopelessly.
You sigh and press a kiss to his forehead, “what am I gonna do with you?”
You decide to grab his plate, taking it to the counter and packing it up to put it in the fridge for later. You grab your plate as well, tossing it in the dishwasher before making your way back over to him. You extend your hand out, prompting him to follow you. He gladly accepts, slowly rising to his feet. He follows you as you lead him up to your shared room, making sure to switch the lights off as you walk through the house.
You make your way into the quiet room and lead him to the bed where you push him to sit, “Stay here.”
He doesn’t make any attempt to put up a fight as he sleepily watches you move around the room. You flick the rock salt lamp on the nightstand on, filling the room with a soft orange glow. You flick the overhead lights off, dimming the environment even more. After getting that situated, you grab your phone up and make sure it’s hooked up to the speaker before picking out a soothing, quiet playlist. Instrumental ambiance fills the room and Shawn watches you saunter into the bathroom.
You sift through the shelves in the closet, looking for the bottle of oil you two usually reserved for ‘special’ nights. You figure now is a good time as any to break it out. You grab the bottle up and make your way back into the room. Shawn’s eyes squint as you set the bottle down on the nightstand next to him. You move and snag a lighter, putting his favorite candle on. You make your way back to the bed and start taking off your jeans and instructing him to take his shirt off.
“I’m not really in the mood, dear, I’m so tired” he starts, placing his hands on your hips and staring at you with sympathetic eyes.
“No, no it’s not that, babe.” you insist, tugging at the hem of his shirt. He blinks and decides to just do what you ask, trusting you completely. Once his shirt hits the floor you have him take his pants off as well.
“Okay, now lay on your stomach for me,” you murmur and he follows easily. You watch his form as he shifts to get comfortable before you crawl up the bed, straddling his thighs. You rest yourself on top of him, “Comfy, babe?”
“Mhm,” he hums, still unsure of what you were doing.
“Gonna rub your back for a little bit,” you explain, starting to pour some oil into your hands. He hums in contentment underneath you and his hum only grows louder once he feels your slick hands press into his lower back. You lean gently into your hands and start to glide them up his back slowly.
“Take some deep breaths,” you whisper, maintaining a quiet environment for the sleepy boy beneath you. He does as instructed and you feel his back pop a few times when he exhales as you push along his spine. You frown as you realize just how tense he must be.
“Don’t like seeing you like this, bub,” you hum as you work his tired muscles. He only grunts in response, too exhausted to even speak.
Your hands glide easily over his skin and you smile as you feel him sigh slightly underneath you. Warmth spreads up his back as you press against his aching muscles and he feels nothing but gratitude and love for you in this moment. He knows he’s been an asshole and he’s surprised you’d even do such a sweet thing for him. He appreciates your efforts more than you know.
“Feel good?” you ask quietly, rubbing circles into his shoulder blades with your thumbs.
“Mhm.” he nods slowly with his face squishing into his pillow. His cheeks are even rosier than before, signaling how tired he’s getting. You slowly trail up and down his back, stopping to pay extra attention to the spots you know he gets tense in. Your hands loop around where his shoulders and neck meet and rub firmly. He moans softly as he feels the tension melt into your hands. He swears you’re magic.
You want to ask if something is bothering him but you decide to just leave it for now; he’s just so relaxed. This is the first time you’ve seen him like this in weeks. You lean over, moving your hands to his lower back, and press kisses between his collarbones. He sighs at the feeling and you feel him twitch slightly. The feeling of your hands gliding across his bare skin sends shivers down his spine and he fully embraces your affection.
Your hands move to his sides, rubbing his waist before sliding up to his ribs. He giggles lightly as you ghost over his ticklish spots so you shift to his arms instead. You press your fingers into his biceps and back up to his shoulders. You take notice of the shift in his breathing; now slower and deeper than once before. You can tell his slowly approaching the brink of the blissful sleep he so desperately needs.
You think he’s just about to be there before his raspy voice breaks through the quiet atmosphere, “Honey?”
Your eyes flicker to him, “Hm?”
“Can you hold me?” he murmurs quietly, almost sounding ashamed to ask, “Just for a little bit?”
Your eyes soften and you have to stop yourself from aww’ing at his bashful demeanor.
“Of course, sweetheart” you assure, shifting to move off his back, “Just let me wipe this oil off, okay?”
He nods again, not moving from his position on the bed. You hobble to the bathroom and snag a clean towel off the rack before making your way back to the bed. You crawl to his side before swiping the towel gently across his skin, clearing it of the oil as best as you can. His face is still pressed into his pillow but his soft eyes watch you in wonder.
“Do you want your shirt back on?” you ask, already knowing that he probably didn’t. He shakes his head confirming your suspicion. You tap his thigh, signaling for him to move over as you adjust the blankets. He reluctantly moves, knowing he’s about to snuggle up to his dream girl.
You clamber into the bed, plopping down onto your back and tugging the blankets over your bodies before you open your arms up to him. He gladly shifts over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. You feel his warm breath brush across your skin as he sighs in content.
“Thank you, lovey,” he mumbles, “I really needed that.”
“I know,” you respond, beginning to twirl his chocolate curls between your fingertips, “I hate seeing you like this.”
He frowns, feeling guilty for making you worry so much.
“M’just kind of stressed I think,” he starts, finally beginning to open up to you.
“Mhm. I can't sleep when I get anxious like this and I think not sleeping makes it even worse.”
Your heart sinks at his admittance, “Why didn’t you tell me, honey?”
He shrugs lazily, “I just don’t want to worry you.”
You squeeze his body a bit, feeling tears prick at your eyes. He sniffles a bit, making you aware that he’s crying a bit too.
“Honeeeey,” you whine, pressing kisses to his warm forehead, “I worry more when I don’t know what’s going on with you. I just want to make you feel better.”
He nods and you feel a wet droplet from his honeypot eyes slide down your neck. He sniffles again and your free hand makes its way to rub his back while the other plays with his hair. You know both of these things are incredibly soothing to Shawn and all you want is for him to feel comforted.
“Shhh, don’t cry baby,” you whisper, “I got you.”
“M’just so tired,” he whimpers into your neck, nuzzling impossibly closer to you.
“I know, baby. I’m gonna help you relax, okay?” you whisper soothingly as you trail your nails up and down his back softly. Shawn nods and pulls away from your neck, shifting to look at you.
His lazy eye is more prominent than usual as a result of his exhaustion and he looks even more like a puppy than ever before. Your fingers move to wipe the stray tears from his rosy cheeks and he lowers his face to kiss your lips.
“Thank you for loving me when I’m like this,” he murmurs, laying his head back down. “You always make it better.”
You sigh, “I'll always do what I can to make it better. I promise.”
He smiles into your skin, finally beginning to feel at ease in your arms. You are his home. His safe space and his escape. You are his shelter from the storm and his own personal heaven all at once. He was forever in disbelief that he was blessed with your company. With your love. He would never take it for granted.
"Thank you for the massage," he murmurs, "I promise I'll return the favor soon."
You giggle in response and fall into a comfortable silence as you play with his hair.
“I love you,” he whispers, “so much.”
You smile because you know. He always made sure you knew.
“Gonna give me goodnight kisses?” he asks you after a few moments of blissful silence.
“Hmm... let me think about it,” you tease, giggling as he scrunches his nose up.
You turn your head, looking at his face that was rested on his pillow before your lips meet in a passionate kiss. His tired lips mesh against yours, wordlessly expressing his love. His palm ghosts up and down your waist and your fingers thread into the curls at the nape of his neck. His tongue slips into your mouth and yours plays with his. You hum against his lips, enjoying the first real kiss you’ve shared in what feels like forever.
After a while, his lips begin to slow against yours. The kiss progressively becomes lazy until the soft boy in your arms falls asleep. Tiny snores leave his lips and you smile at the sight of him finally getting the sleep he deserves. You press one last kiss for the night against his forehead before whispering to him,
“Goodnight, duckie.”
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