#so Daniel truly didn’t want to race this year especially in this current AT car
rickybaby · 1 year
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Hard on de Vries, hard for Ricciardo
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starrynite7114 · 4 years
two sides of reality: one
A/N: My lovely readers, how are you all?! Some states are reopening, please stay safe and practice social distancing! I come to you now with a new story. Absolutely no worries, my other stories will not be abandoned. Also, the next drabble will be posted later tonight, just wanted to post this first. This is a bit different from my usual stories, I’m nervous, but I hope you all will enjoy it!
Thank you for continuing to like my writing, I truly do appreciate all the love you’ve given me and I hope you continue to like my stories!
Snapshots should also be updated by the end of the weekend!
If you would like to be added on the tag list for this story, any other stories or for all my works, please let me know!
Love you all!
tagged list: @justahopelessssromantic​ ; @iambabyharry​ ; @thegirlwhowritesfics​
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Rhian was making her way towards the office her brother occupied. He had summoned her for some reason and it was the last thing she wanted to do. Her whole morning consisted of changing oil, car after car, it was tedious work. Tying up her burgundy colored hair that she recently got colored once again, she tightened her ponytail, hating how the heat just stuck to her skin. Her hair wasn’t too long, a little past her shoulders. Tugging at her baggy shirt, she regretted wearing such a baggy T-shirt on a day such as this, but she forgot to do laundry and it was one of the clean shirts she had. She dressed with baggy clothing for pure comfort. The joggers she was currently wearing made it flexible for her to work under the hood of a car and not worry about showing her ass crack. 
She should wear a jumpsuit, but again, it was too fucking hot. 
At times she wondered why she stayed in Santo Padre with her brother, Daniel instead of moving to Los Angeles with her sister, Erica. She would have more opportunities in Los Angeles, but she couldn’t leave her older brother. Besides that, Erica was much more controlling than Daniel and she really appreciated the freedom she had. Though, there were other factors on why she decided to stay in Santo Padre, but the main reason was the side gig she had with Daniel. 
“Dan, honestly, you know I can do more than change oil right?” Rhian immediately commented when she arrived in his office. She raised an eyebrow when her eyes landed on her brother’s best friend, Sergio. “I thought you were still in LA?”
“Just got back squirt, come join us for lunch.” Her eyes landed on Daniel’s desk which had various boxes of Chinese food. “You have her just changing oil again? This is why I can’t leave her with you.”
Sergio was her pseudo older brother that at times she preferred more than her own brother. He trusted her and Daniel, well, he did, but you were also his younger sister. Overprotective tendencies was his niche. 
“Look, there was nothing that interesting and she needs to do scut work every once in a while.” Daniel made a plate for Rhian, handing it over to her. “Are you going up to LA this weekend?”
Rhian looked over at Sergio before shaking her head. “Not LA, I have something to do in Seattle, I’ll be gone for a few days.”
“Seattle? You got some secret boyfriend there?” Daniel wasn’t exactly sure why his younger sister traveled to Seattle often, but he figured whatever it was, she would let him know in due time, even though it’s been three years. His sister has always been secretive and he’s never forced her to disclose information unless she truly wanted to. It’s not that they weren’t close, they were, he just let his sister come out of her own shell.
It’s always been this way. 
Erica and Daniel were outgoing. They had plenty of friends, loved going out to enjoy the town and loved being the center of attention. Rhian was not the same way. She wasn’t a loner, she had her fair share of friends, but high school was a breeze for Rhian. She never made too much noise and kept to her group of friends, especially after sophomore year. 
Boys could be cruel, especially teenagers. 
“A secret boyfriend,” Rhian scoffed. “I wish, but you know, Clouie moved there a few years back, I just like visiting her.” That wasn’t a lie, one of her closest friends did live in Seattle. She visited Clouie every once in a while, but the reality of her situation was much more complicated than that. 
“No, I get it.” Daniel held his hands up. “I’m just saying it wouldn’t be so bad if you put yourself out there.”
“Right, with you two doing chastity patrol? No way.” She appreciated their protective ways, but it was hard to meet anyone in Santo Padre. Besides being a person non-grata due to her pesky older brothers, she also didn’t entertain guys. She didn’t exactly know when they were talking to talk or talking to hit on her. Regardless, she didn’t want to make any ties in Santo Padre. Once her deal was done, she was going to either Seattle or Los Angeles. She would get the fuck out of Santo Padre, a place that was never kind to her.
“Chastity patrol?” Sergio scoffed. “Cockblocks are so much better.”
Rhian just rolled her eyes and sat beside Sergio. “I can’t wait to get out of here.” She mumbled under her breath. 
“You know you’ll never leave,” Daniel never wanted to part with his sister. Their mother lives in Chino with their aunt and uncle, while Erica was in Los Angeles. She was the only one who decided to stay with him and he couldn’t let her go. Besides, she was better off in Santo Padre. They established their livelihood there, she wouldn’t want to leave. 
Sergio looked at Rhian and just gave her a knowing look. He wanted to get her out of Santo Padre. There was no future for Rhian in Santo Padre and the further away she was from here, the safer she was.
“What did you need to talk about?” Rhian asked once she was done with her food, throwing her plate in the trash can beside her brother’s desk. 
“I need a racer tonight, you up for it?”
And in some Fast and The Furious reality, Rhian, Sergio and Daniel were part of the racing world of the Inland Empire of California. Stephanie, Aaron and Sean were also part of their little crew who also worked at the garage. Daniel built a reputation, encompassing neighboring cities that had people coming to Santo Padre to just get their cars modified by him. It was thanks to his part in the racing community, which he now has retired from. It was mostly Rhian, Stephanie and Sean who partook in the racing, while the other three took care of the cars and set up their races. 
“Not tonight, I have an exam tomorrow morning.” Rhian was currently finishing up her Bachelor’s Degree, which took her some time, but a few personal issues kept her from finishing.
“Come on, you know you’re going to ace that exam, which you have been studying for since last week. Take a break,” Daniel was always such a terrible influence on her. While he encouraged her to study, if the opportunity presented itself, he also encouraged her to do other activities instead of studying. She knew it was due to his immense faith in her, but at times, she felt that it was that immense faith that kept her rooted in Santo Padre.
“Wow, you’re such a great influence.” Sergio shook his head, handing Rhian his plate so she could throw it. “Rhi, if you don’t want to go, it’s fine. I can have Sean race.” 
“No, it’s okay, I need the money.” And she did, she’s been saving up so that when she finally got out of here, she didn’t have to look back.
“What are you saving up for? You’ve won at least ten thousand dollars the last few months.” Daniel wished that she opened up to him more. The only plan he knew she had was that she wanted to become a doctor, but then again, that was her dream when she was younger. He wasn’t exactly sure what she wanted to do now. Every time he asked her, she just avoided the question. “You still trying to be a doctor?”
“No, not anymore. Too much work,” Rhian sat back, looking up at the ceiling. “I’m majoring in graphic design, how do you not know this?”
“Cause you don’t talk to me Rhi.”
She glanced over at her brother and smirked. “I do, you just don’t listen. Sergio, when do I graduate?”
“In a few months.” 
Daniel was somewhat envious of Sergio and Rhian’s relationship. She seemed to run to him for everything. He began to question if he ignored his sister and it was the reason she ran to his best friend instead. But he always gave Rhian her time to speak to him. He didn’t want to force her, but he might have to actively try and get his sister to talk. Contrary to what she may believe, he did care about her and he wanted to know about her. 
“I knew that too.”
“Did you?” Rhian chuckled. “Look, I’m not trying to give you a hard time. You have a lot of things going on, the last thing you need to worry about is me.” In a few months time, her deal with the cartel would be over and Santo Padre could be a distant memory after that. 
“You know I love you, right?”
“I do.”
Daniel nodded his head. “I need you to give this to Uncle Taza, before he comes here trying to come for my head.” Daniel handed her an envelope. The MC had issued him a loan for the shop, he was almost done with the payments, which he was thankful for. They didn’t charge him interest, which definitely helped out some. 
Rhian laughed, shaking her head. “Using me as protection again.”
“You’re his favorite, he doesn’t give you grief whenever you go over there.” 
“I’m not his favorite, you’re just an asshole who doesn’t like criticism.” Rhian pointed out. Taza was their father’s younger brother. Ever since their father passed, Taza helped out their mother to take care of them. Rhian was quite close to Taza and she agreed, she was his favorite. And being his favorite, Taza frowned upon Rhian being part of this crew her brother had, but he knew that when Rhian put her mind to something, there was little to nothing that could stop her. 
“Look at her, trying to play off she ain’t the favorite,” Sergio teased, trying to ease the tension in the room.
“Whatever,” Rhian stood up, rolling her eyes at the two. “I just want to let you both know, you’re the bane of my existence.”
“We love you too!’ The two men said in unison. 
Rhian waved at Riz, thanking him for opening the gate for her. Parking behind the motorcycles, she turned off her car and opened the door. The Santo Padre heat immediately hit her, causing her to groan.
Riz laughed, giving her a hug once she was out of the car. “You know, it still surprises me that you’re not used to the heat.” Riz swatted her ponytail. “Nice hair, did you get new glasses too?”
“Maybe because no normal human being could actually get used to this.” Rhian quickly made her way to the shade the clubhouse porch provided. “Thanks Riz, and yes I did, I stupidly stepped on my previous ones and I could have just taped it together, but my brother insisted we get new glasses.”
“Can’t have you working on cars if you can’t see.” He teased her.
“I’m not that blind, douche,” Rhian stuck her tongue out towards him. “Is my uncle here?” 
“Yep, templo, just wait inside, the AC is on.” 
“This is why you’re my favorite!” 
“Lies, but I’ll take it,” Riz called out after her as she opened the door.
Rhian found Angel and Coco sitting at the table, with Gilly sitting by the bar talking to EZ. The four men looked over at her. Coco and Gilly immediately stood up to greet her, while Angel stayed rooted at his seat. She wasn’t sure why Angel was so awkward around her, but she didn’t question it. She knew it had something to do with what occurred in high school, but she’s moved on, she’s spoken to him a handful of times. 
“Rhi, what are you doing here?” Coco questioned as he pulled away from her.
“Money drop off,” she waved the envelope in her hand. “Daniel is just too chicken shit to come here cause my uncle always gives him grief.” Looking at EZ, she waved at him and then at Angel. The Reyes brothers were always so awkward with her and she wasn’t exactly sure why.
“Your brother is such a little shit,” Gilly laughed. “Heard through the grapevine there’s a race tonight, you racing?”
“Why? You guys are going to come?”
“You want us to?” Coco didn’t have anything planned and they already handled their Rebels business earlier in the day. 
“Where’s Creeper?”
“Across the border,” Angel answered. “He got injured.” 
Rhian nodded. “To answer your question,” she turned to Coco, “sure, but don’t come in your motorcycles, it makes people antsy.” 
“Fuck them, we don’t give a fuck,” Coco scoffed. “You’ve been racing often lately, something going on?”
“No,” she gave him an odd look. They didn’t have to know she was saving for her escape from Santo Padre. It wouldn’t really bode well with Coco and Gilly. They’ve become quite close and she knew the Mayans men had a hard time letting go of people who become constants in their life. They would eventually be happy for her, they’ll understand. “My brother asked me the same thing.”
Coco and Gilly were the two she was closest with at the MC. It surprised her since Angel was their third musketeer, hell, he was their leader in this little group, yet, she still didn’t become close to Angel. It wasn’t on purpose, but they seem to always just avoid one another. Angel kept to his corner, was civil towards her, but he always kept her at two arms length. 
Angel turned towards them, intrigued by their conversation. Rhian Ayala was an anomaly for him. She spoke to him every once in a while, but unlike other women, she just never gravitated towards him. Her sister, Angel used to have something there, but Rhian just avoided him. Or that’s what he liked to believe. After high school, she avoided him like the plague, but her sister always assured him that it wasn’t him. That Rhian was just like that and in some ways he agreed, but she also didn’t give EZ the time of day, which if he was honest, was a fucking breath of fresh air.
“Is there?” Gilly asked.
“No,” she shook her head. “I just like having money since you two are a pain to feed.”
Coco and Gilly laughed, nodding their heads. “That’s true, but you love us.”
“Well, it’s either you two or my brother and Sergio, the lesser of the pair of evils.” 
“Damn, why aren’t we invited?” EZ spoke up. He was surprised he did since he hasn’t really spoken to Rhian since Sophomore year of high school. 
Rhian chuckled. “You’re more than welcome to come Ezekiel.”
EZ slightly cringed. She was one of the few who called him by his full name and he felt it was to keep the distance between them. He used to be close to Rhian, they were best friends till sophomore year. Things just changed and he couldn’t stop it even if he wanted to do so. 
“Is the invite extended towards me as well?” Angel joined in.
The silence was much longer than any of them would have liked, but Rhian wasn’t exactly sure what to say.
“Of course, the more the merrier.” 
Before anyone else could say anything, the temple door opened with Taza, Hank, and Bishop walking out.
“Tio Taza!” She enthusiastically greeted him. 
“Conejo, what are you doing here?” Taza fondly called her the nickname he had bestowed on her when she was younger. He gave her a hug, wrapping an arm around her shoulder once he pulled away.
Rhian waved the envelope. “Just my brother’s monthly contribution.”
“Your brother has no time to bring it in?” Bishop always found it amusing that it was Rhian that dropped off the money Daniel owed them. He knew it was only due to Daniel not wanting an earful from his uncle. 
“My brother doesn’t want to hear Tio’s nagging.”
The Mayans laughed at her comment. She handed the envelope to Bishop. 
“Have you eaten?” Taza questioned. 
“Yes, you do know who my brother is right?” Rhian playfully elbowed Taza. “He’s like a human garbage disposal, there’s always food in the garage.”
“School good?”
“Yes tio, it’s good.” Rhian’s phone began to ring. She slipped it out of her pocket, checked the name, and slipped it back inside. “I’m gonna go, nice seeing you all during our monthly drop off.”
The members laughed once again. Rhian left the clubhouse then, with everyone going about their business.
“She’s racing tonight,” Coco informed Taza.
“You know the drill,” Taza sighed. “Make sure she’s safe.” He never tried to control Rhian. She was a big girl, she could make her own mistakes, it was part of life. But that didn’t mean he didn’t protect her. 
“Always.” Coco picked up his pack of cigarettes, making his way out of the clubhouse.
“Hey Coco,” Angel called after Coco who had walked out of the clubhouse.
“What’s up?”
“Let Gilly stay behind and I’ll come with.”
“You?” Coco chuckled, taking out a cigarette and lighting it up. “Why? You’ve never been interested in Rhian’s activities.”
“You won’t let me be interested.”
“I’m not the one that avoids her like the plague.”
“The fuck you mean?” Angel’s eyebrows furrowed at Coco’s suggestion. He didn’t avoid her, he just didn’t have anything to say to her. More like he didn’t know what to say to her. After high school, there was just this unseen wall between them and as much as Angel wanted to break them down, he didn’t know how. 
“Come on Angel, you know you do. Ever since I’ve known Rhian, you never really gave her the time of day.” Coco always found it odd that Rhian never spoke to the Reyes brothers, but he never pushed her. Rhian was very cordial towards them, but he never questioned why EZ and Angel just seemed to become awkward around her. The two men he knew that could charm a wall could not even look her in the eye. He wondered what occurred, but he never tried to ask Rhian. So he asked Taza and it all made sense. He thought it was childish that Angel and EZ avoided her, but it must be shame that truly did it for them.
“I can’t give her the time of day even if I wanted to, she won’t even talk to me.” 
“Have you tried? Answering her questions every once in a while isn’t really trying Angel, did you do something to her?” Coco always found it amusing when he observed Angel while Rhian was around. He could tell his friend was having a difficult time talking to her. He could just tell how perplexed Angel became, thinking of how to approach her. 
It was amusing to say the least.
“This might be my opportunity to open the gates.” Angel knew he did her wrong, and he’s been trying. Well, he believed he was, but every time he would make a joke, she would just crack a smile and nod her head. Nothing else. He was a funny guy, there was no way his jokes were not working on her. She was suppressing it and he wished she wouldn’t. He refused to believe that she didn’t find his jokes amusing. 
“Are you interested in her? You know Sergio and Daniel would never let you near her.”
Angel smirked. “They can go fuck themselves, they’re the least of my concerns.” He wasn’t the biggest fan of Sergio. Daniel, he could handle, but Sergio, he just rubbed him the wrong way, always did, even while he was dating Erica.
“So you are interested in her?”
“No, I’m not. She’s just frustrating. Every time I try to speak to her, she just keeps it very short and professional.” Angel took a cigarette out as well, sitting on the porch stairs. “It’s been years since high school and it’s like she still hasn’t forgiven me for what happened.”
“What did you do?” He was wondering if Angel would admit to him why they stopped talking, but he doubted it.
“Just some childish shit.”
“Then it shouldn’t be a problem, Rhian wouldn’t hold it against you. She’s far too mature for that shit.” 
“What time is that race tonight?”
“Eleven, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go.”
Angel scoffed. “When has that ever stopped me?”
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Why me?
Part 32- They can’t leave us.
Riley is forced out of Cordonia unknowingly to her friends, and moves back to New York.
She is later faced with her past from Cordonia and is hiding a few new secrets. With the help from her New York friends and friends from Cordonia will she escape her current situation and find her happy ever after?
Tags- @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @butindeed @bbrandy2002 @bascmve01 @captain-kingliamsqueen @drakewalker04 @duchessemersynwalker @ibldw-main @ladyangel70 @kimmiedoo5 @pedudley @insideamirage @drakesensworld @nikkis1983 @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji
This part contains POV’s.... the next two chapters are worth the wait- I promise. Enjoy 😊
“You look happier my friend. I assume, Lady Riley has text you back?”
“I need to go Li. I’m not leaving my family alone any second longer.”
“I’ll make sure that Bastien arranges an SUV to take you, because you’ve had a drink.”
“Thanks Li. Thanks for everything you’ve done for me, for us. But it’s time to move on from Cordonia.”
“What?! What do you mean?”
“Me and Riley. I think we are going to move to the US. I don’t know where? Texas, New York or Florida. We need a new start.”
Liam’s POV
I couldn’t believe that my oldest friend had just dropped the bombshell, that he and Riley were considering leaving. I slowly swallowed the brown liquid- I was in shock. They didn’t need to leave- why did they think they had to leave? I would protect my friends- they aren’t in danger anymore. This is my country- their home. They have people who care for them here. My mind was racing with ideas to persuade them to stay- I’m not controlling but I want my friends to be happy here- with us all. I know Riley deep down didn’t want to be a duchess- personally I don’t blame her. Have I pushed them away with my feelings towards her? Why would Drake want to desert us for a woman who abandoned him and Savannah? Am I being selfish? Why would they consider New York? Riley has friends there, but also bad memories. Her gran, in Florida.... If she misses her gran, I would fly the royal jet there so she could visit whenever. Or fly her gran here- she could stay in the palace with us all. That is how much they both mean to me. I needed some support to help our friends stay in Cordonia.
“Max? Can you come to the palace please with Bertrand as soon as possible? Drake is on his way to your estate but I need to speak to you both...”
“Of course your majesty, what’s up?”
If anyone could talk some sense into them it would be the Beaumont’s and Savannah. I will miss them terribly if they were to flee the country. I can accept that friendships drift apart but I will miss my closest childhood friend, Drake Walker.
Maxwell’s POV
My sister means the world to me, it was heartbreaking overhearing her conversation with her gran. If I’d have known, we could have visited her together- I love rides! And fun! I’m sure I’d have loved Disneyworld too. I’m disappointed she didn’t invite me. We could have made her gran an honorary Beaumont too? That wonderful woman provided us with our Riley. We’d be lost without her. We all would be. It was fate that night that Drake suggested going to the dive bar- now they are engaged and are having twins, my nephews/nieces- I can’t wait to meet them. They will grow up with Bartie- we’d be one big happy family. I was knocked out of my trance when I saw Walker arrive- knowing full well that he had come for his girl. About time, I thought.
“Oh hi Drake, she’s in her room. We will see you later.”
Myself and Bertrand got in the car and drove up to the palace. Entering King Liam’s study- the strong aroma of whiskey and scotch entered our lungs.
“Great you’re both here! They... they are leaving... leaving Cordonia!”
Liam gasping for breath, explained to the Beaumont’s. He had been drinking scotch ever since Drake left, to try and cover the hurt of him losing the two special people in his life.
“What do you mean, your majesty?”
Bertrand looked at the King puzzled. He thought Liam was too drunk and had misunderstood the conversation he had just had with Drake.
“Drake... Riley... the twins... they are moving back to the USA. We can’t lose them...”
“Nah, she wouldn’t leave again Li! By the sounds of it, she speaks to her gran all the time. I overheard the last conversation. She does miss her, but her gran is thrilled for her and her future here.”
“Why would Drake mention moving to one of the three places that have a meaning to them? Texas- for Bianca. New York- Riley’s city where Daniel, Leo, Lola and Beth are.. Florida for her gran... “
“Your majesty, they may just be visiting? Whilst Lady Riley can fly? Before the twins are born?”
“No! He said they were moving there. Do you really want to miss out on seeing your nephews/nieces grow up? Miss your sister? Hana and Olivia missing their only friend they gained during my disastrous social season. Savannah losing her brother.. we will all be affected.”
The brothers shared the same expression as they stared at each other- the scrunched up eyebrows and pet lips. They knew they had to do something- anything to keep their family together.
“So what do you propose we do your Majesty?They are adults, they can chose what they want to do with their lives. We can’t prevent them from making their own decisions.”
“I know I’m classed as the dopey not ‘giving a shit’ noble. But, how about one of us wed them before they leave. But invite Bi and Mrs Smith? Riley is loaded by the way! Her gran asked if Drake had started building the cabin with her parents inheritance? If we can find land- we could persuade him to build it and they would have there to live?”
Maxwell Beaumont- you absolute legend if I do say myself. Maybe I do have a brain- maybe people underestimate me.
“Valtoria has land. Lots of it, even if they don’t want to own the duchy, I can give them the opportunity to purchase part of the land.”
The three men looked at each other grinning. They were going to keep their friends all together one way or another.
Bastien’s POV
It has been years since I have spoken to Bianca Jackson. I could hate her for what she did to her children. But she made me feel welcome when I was training under her husband- offering me to join them for dinner and for days out when myself and Jackson was off duty. I truly felt like part of the Walker family. I miss Jackson and Bianca. Those ‘family’ moments were some of the best memories I have in my life. Drake reminds me so much of Jackson- I know he will protect Lady Riley over and over again, like his father did with his family. I suppose that’s why I felt it was my responsibility to look out for Drake and Savannah. Now under my King’s orders, I have to communicate with this woman again- after all these years, this is going to be awkward conversation.
“Hello, Bianca.”
“BAST! Oh my god! Are you okay? Is everything okay? Are Drake and Savannah okay?”
“Yes. Everything is fine. It hasn’t been though. But it is now. I promise, don’t worry. Have you spoken to Drake recently?”
“No, why? Is he okay? Please tell me he’s alright Bast?”
“He’s better than he has been Bi. King Liam has requested that you to return to Cordonia to attend Drake’s upcoming nuptials.”
“Nuptials? He’s getting married? What the hell have I missed?”
Oh Bianca. If you only knew all the heartache your children have been through. I wish I could have helped her when Jackson had passed away- helping her support her children.
“Mrs Walker don’t take this the wrong way, but you have missed a lot of moments in those kids lives.”
“And that’s why he didn’t want to tell me.... Thank you for telling me Bast- I appreciate it. I’m sorry. I’ll be there as soon possible.”
I felt awful saying that, but she needed to know. I think deep down she regrets leaving her children- maybe now she is due to be a Nana to three beautiful grandchildren, she may stay?
“Bi, there’s some other news. You’re going to be a Nana again. Drake and his fiancée Riley are expecting twins.”
“I’m hanging up Bastien! I’m going to the airport now!”
I am pleased that Bianca Walker will be coming back. She was a dear friend to me, but I sure hoped she wouldn’t ditch her children so abruptly again- especially now her family was increasing in size. She would be proud of the man Drake has become, as I am. I went to inform King Liam that she was returning. I hope Drake and Savannah aren’t furious with us all for interfering.
Maxwell’s POV
Myself and my brother returned to our estate. We needed to find information regarding on how we would contact Riley’s gran. I was good with making distractions. It was my time to shine! Drake, Riley, Savannah and Bartie were sat in our lounge. Riley was sat on Drake’s lap with her arms around him- her face looked like she was on cloud nine, Drake’s arms were wrapped around her protectively. I couldn’t believe, that we tried to push her onto Liam during the social season. What I was witnessing was true love- even with all their petty arguments, they both were drawn back to each other immediately. I performed a dance with our nephew Bartie, the three of them laughing at my antics- Bartie wasn’t laughing though. He was looking at me gone out- I’m the fun uncle- he and the twins will understand that one day. I kept thinking how this atmosphere would feel without them all here- my family. I saw Bertrand wink towards me- that was the signal. I excused myself from my family- hiding upstairs to make that important phone call.
“Hi, is that Mrs Smith?”
“Yes dear, who are you?”
“I’m Maxwell, you won’t know who I am but Riley...”
“I know you, Maxwell! Even if it is only by name. How are you dear?”
“I’m very good thank you ma’am. I hope you are well too. So Riley’s mentioned me to you?”
“Yes dear, all of you. Thank you for looking after my baby girl.”
“She is like a sister to me Mrs Smith. We all love her as our own. We was wondering if you would like to visit our country- the King will come and collect you personally in his royal jet.”
Well that was easy! Oh gosh she sounds just like Riley. This gran is going to be a super fun gran.
“So that’s a yes then? I’ll inform his majesty and we will be in touch. Don’t tell Riley. We want your visit to be a surprise.”
“I won’t darling. I’m looking forward to meeting you all...”
“Mrs Smith.... You are welcome to stay at our house. I don’t mean for a visit. I mean for life. To be close to Riley. We have plenty of room. That is if you want to.”
Bertrand’s POV
I’ve never really liked Drake, I was utterly horrified when I realised a member of my house was in love him. He’s my soon to be brother- in- law, so I suppose I must make the effort with him at some point. I never thought I’d see the day that Drake Walker would be this content. He truly did love our sister.
“Drake, Riley. King Liam has informed us that you are thinking about leaving Cordonia. Is this true?”
I saw them both look into each other’s eyes, before gazing-with sorrow staring right back at me. I knew then, that they was considering moving. I felt hurt. I felt like reality had hit- we are all losing them. Liam was unfortunately correct.
“Bertrand, we are thinking about it. Drake suggested going in five days after the king father’s funeral. We haven’t really spoken about it further than that.”
“You are both welcome to stay here. This is your home. We are all family.”
“Bertrand thank you, but I think me and Brooks need to stand on our own two feet and start a fresh.”
I’m not good with persuading people, I know I’m going to be losing this battle. I gazed over to Savannah, I could tell her heart was breaking as much as everybody else’s. Maxwell had returned downstairs, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.
“Hey, you could get your own place. And stay? Why don’t you build a cabin somewhere?”
Yes. That’s my brother. Can’t do anything discreetly- we wasn’t supposed to know about that. Oh Maxwell!
“Max, I assume you overheard my conversation with my gran and that’s why you’ve brought that up? Yes I now have my inheritance- and I offered it to my fiancé. But right now, that isn’t the issue. Liam offered me a duchy right before telling me he loved me still. We never said we was definitely going forever.”
“Riley please, we love you both and those babies. Please reconsider.” Savannah wept.
Now my darling Savannah had tried to talk sense into them- It was three people against two. And that was before they heard what Liam and the others would think. We all love them, but I will be happy for them whatever they decide.
“Well if you are going for sure... can we do a little ceremony for you both? Like a pre- wedding? Where all your friends will be able to celebrate with you. And it can be a goodbye to the best friends ever!”
“If it will shut you all up, Max. Then yes.”
At that moment, I saw Drake thinking. I hoped he wasn’t going to be stubborn and reject the idea, now we had all gone to the effort to invite Bianca Jackson and Riley’s gran.
“Why does it have to be a pre- wedding? If this is our last time in Cordonia, why not make it our real wedding Ri? Leo can officiate it?”
“You want that? Are we really going to do this?”
“Yes, Brooks! Let’s leave Cordonia on a high, as Mr and Mrs Walker.”
“Then.. why not?”
I have to admit it, my brother has no filter. But he has the ‘balls’ to get the point of what we needed to say and do. This little ceremony and it’s surprise guests could change the future of Riley Brooks and Drake Walker.
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autumn-in-phandom · 7 years
A review of "How WHITE is Dan?!- DNA TEST RESULTS"
I was riding in the car on the way to the store when I heard a familiar alert coming from my phone. I wondered aloud “Ooo is that Dan?” He was due to have a video out today or tomorrow, but it could be one of the few other channels I’m subscribed to. I’ve been psyched out before. I opened my phone and yes it was Dan and what was more, the word DNA was there. “They were right!” Those psychic IDB members with their “strong feelings” were right. 
I for one didn’t think Dan would make this video. Mainly because he said so himself during a liveshow in the spring, shortly after Phil had posted his. He had admitted to taking the test as well, but the results were so vague and he was disappointed. I could relate, having bought DNA kits for my parents and getting very broad results, particularly for my mother’s side, which we wanted to know more about. 
However, one shouldn’t take Daniel Howell at his word. He could be lying, or in this case he might just change his mind with the seasons. He wasn’t feeling it back then, but there was a hint in his last solo liveshow that he was thinking about ancestry again. The chat asked about “the grandma tweet” and he pulled up the photo of someone’s distant relative who had a strikingly similar face to his. Someone said it could be his great-grandmother, after all his own grandma was adopted. So reasonably, someone on IDB predicted that Dan would work this photo into his DNA video. After all Dan often sits on ideas for videos and then decides to make them when he feels the “the time is right” (or the topic is relevant). 
Dan did indeed choose to make this video now for a specific reason, and while the photo may have inspired him, it didn’t make an appearance or get a mention. Apparently the driving force behind this video was current events. Current events that some fans were disappointed that Dan and Phil had not mentioned. The heated protests in Charlottesville, Virginia were mentioned in the first eight seconds: 
“Hello Internet, in these times when apparently (camera zooms in on his lips) *some people* find it difficult to tell the difference between protesting racism and *racism*, I thought it would be relevant and mildly interesting to make a video about the shared genetic history of all humans by finding out *the origins of my ancestors*.“ (Cue the soft grey filter with fake lens flares, zen music and calm hand movements from Daniel). 
I was immediately intrigued, but a bit skeptical. How was a video entitled "How WHITE is Dan?!” going to positively address racism? Especially knowing that his results were boring, so probably not that diverse. Well, he did it by following through on his topic sentence and actually showing the shared genetic history of all humans through maps of human migration. He also did some historic research into his small percentage of West African DNA. Of course the little sign in the background reading ‘AYY FUCK NAZIS’ and his black shirt with red Cyrillic letters that translate to “equality” were nice aesthetic touches. 
Mind you, the actual factual human migration information comes later in the video. First we have sarcastic philosophical Dan waffling on about lizard people on Pangea slowly drifting apart “metaphorically and physically, until the inevitable nuclear apocalypse blows our planet into tiny chunks floating infinitely into the abyss of space” with a starry falling through space effect. Woah there nihilistic Dan, stay with us. 
It’s okay, there is a quick jump cut that changes the tone immediately. It’s a mention of Phil and his DNA video, complete with a clip of “Science!Phil”. What’s more, Dan says that Phil ordered the DNA test kit for him. Perhaps, it’s just to set up his own reluctance, as he goes on to do just that. For some of us, the idea of Phil ordering DNA testing for both of them (even if it is to use in a video) paints a pretty domestic picture. Though in Phil’s video he says he was given his for free by a friend of the family who is a doctor, thinking it would make a cool video. Perhaps this is why neither of their videos seem to be sponsored by the DNA testing company, 23andMe. Or are they?
Cue relatable slightly paranoid Dan with some sharp humor about “laboratories” and being cloned and replaced “by a compliant artificial intelligence” by Mark Zuckerberg (thanks for knowing the correct spelling of that iPad) or “Zuck”, with a Stephen Hawking like voice saying “I’m coming for you Danny”. Dan of course gave a fake name for his DNA profile (as did Phil), but kept his date of birth. However he admits there isn’t really any point in trying to protect his identity on the internet. Okay, John Johnson. 
“Are you ready! Am I ready? I have no idea what to expect to be honest.” Here’s the part where I have to suspend my disbelief and just accept that Dan pretending to react to these results as if he didn’t view them several months ago does make for a better video. Just like Dan pretending to play Bubble Bobble for the first time on the gaming channel in 2016, when in reality he tweeted about reaching level 100 with Phil back in 2009, did result in a very sweet gaming video. 
 Add a being related to a giraffe joke to the lizard one. I’m not sure if this is really helping the “one human race” thing, but it’s a pretty harmless joke. “Wow. Looking pretty white. That is one blue circle there, isn’t it JJ?” (the blue being European ancestry). Dan is 98.2% European and he jokes that this is the end of the video only a minute and half in. 
Dan drags his ancestors for “literally” sticking to four countries (Britain, Ireland, France and Germany) when in reality those results are lumping Britain and Ireland together because they share so much common DNA, the same for French and German. He is also ignoring that 33.8% of his Northwest European genetics is broadly undefined and he hasn’t gotten to the Southern European, Scandinavian or West African parts yet. But I still found “really got out there and saw the world” quite funny. “Okay someone saw the sun at least” was a good one, though I wish he would have addressed his ability to tan darkly in this video, perhaps in the fair skin section. More on that below. 
More relatable humor about not wanting to hike or get on a boat gets worked in to Dan finding out that he is not the least bit Asian or American. I vaguely recall a rumor about him being part Asian, let’s lay one that to rest. And I remember him hoping years ago that he might be part Native American because his grandma was adopted, but I found that extremely unlikely. Probably just a bit of wishful thinking perhaps brought on by being Team Jacob. 
Now here is the part that interests me the most. On the Ancestry DNA test I gave to my parents, 1.8% was considered a “trace amount”, but in this 23andMe service they give a specific timeline for when each genetic group cropped up and the West African and Scandinavian both span from the late 1700s to mid 1800s, not that long ago. Dan concludes that “a ‘Scandi’ and a West African got it together” (insert graphic of the two countries coming together with a smooching sound effect). I’m not sure if that timeline is definitively saying they were a couple, but Dan’s Wikipedia research supports it and it is an interesting bit of history. 
Segue into a brief farming family reunion story. 400 cousins, I’m sure. Shift to black and white and cue the unexplained mysteries music for Dan’s adopted grandmother mention. Dan “feels like there’s some epic adventure story there for another time”. Sign me the frick up! In fact please just bring your grandma onto one of your YouTube videos. She has always been the one Dan has been most comfortable talking about and even sharing pictures of. (Oh 'helo ther’ unflattering selfie from the Tinder spon on Dan’s computer). 
I appreciate Dan showing the Haplogroup migrations of his paternal line, but in true Dan fashion it included commentary about “presumably wrestling mammoths and getting frozen or something” in Asia and “then buggered off to Europe to get bitten by a rat or something”. “And consistently had sex for thousands of years. Well done ancestors (Dan applauds) truly incredible story. Lord of the Rings. Ten out of ten. Would read again.” Lovely sarcastic Dan. 
 And as he hypes up “the fun stuff”, “weird things about your personality, health and biology”, and “intimate specific information” that he probably shouldn’t share with the Internet”, but he will because he’s “just a piece of meat”, I get hit with a mid video ad of Gwen Stefani applying mascara, because the cheeky bastard made this exactly ten minutes and one second long. (To be fair Phil did the same thing recently). 
Dan has 300 Neanderthal variants, more than 82% of their customers. This is the same percentage as Phil, who talked about his head and brow shape and nasal chambers, but Dan uses this to relate to his “dank cave” dwelling habits (never opening the curtains of his bedroom). Based on his genetics, Dan is not likely to be a deep sleeper. “As I always say, why bother sleeping when you can stay awake thinking about stuff that makes you anxious. Right! Woo!” Dan addressing his mental health with humor, is always appreciated. I can actually see the power athlete possibility. He could be a big strong guy, but “wasted potential” and all that. (Personally my lazy self recoils at the idea of people dedicating so much of their time to training up their bodies to be these perfect machines, but hopeful D&P are spending some time at the gym for their general health.) “Looking at memes and talking about myself” is a great self-aware one liner. 
 Alright “cheek dimples”! Flop. What does this test know anyway? Stop referring to them as a deformity Dan, everyone loves your dimples! Okay I just did a bunch of reading on dimples and I guess they are considered a genetic deformity now a days. However on a social-biological level they may have all sorts of benefits, from being able to read emotions more clearly, to people wanting to procreate with you and not abandoning their cute babies. Dan has also been saying lately that he’s double deformed, but it is actually quite rare to have one side of your cheeks dimpled. (I used to have dimples as a child and all of a sudden they are back, but they are closer to my mouth than my smile lines and may just be from fat. Who knows.) 
 Alright good thing this isn’t a spon, calling the results “garbage”, “pseudoscience” and a “farce” even in jest, might not fly. Dan’s distrust of blonds Tweet is (at least partially) explained. I still think it might also relate to Dream Daddy and it is a mighty coinkidink that it was posted on the one year anniversary of Frank Ocean’s album. Promos all around? We just need to accept that Dan is a multilayered creature we will never fully understand. My husband will appreciate being compared to a unicorn though. 
Dan’s pain kink and weird enjoyment of the dentist makes a resurgence! Please make a full video out of this Dan. We promise not to shame… much. “Scrape me Dad-”. Interestingly enough Phil has an average sensitivity pain but thought it would be higher, hates having his gums scraped and implied his dentist might be a sadist. 
Dramatic build up and disclaimer for genetic health and increased risk of disease section. Feeling very relieved for the low risk of Altzheimers after reading that tear jerking dementia phanfic the other day (though it was Phil with the disease and I don’t think he mentioned it in his video). Dan was clearly worked up as well. He rests his face in his palm and is visibly pink and blotchy. 
He balances the seriousness with an over the top dramatic reaction to being a carrier for red hair, complete with a black and white fake sobbing scene. I’ll admit I found his pause at “So you’re telling me that there’s a chance that I could have children— born with red hair” a bit distracting, though I’m sure it wasn’t mean that way. “There was no disclaimer for this one.” Ha. I case you didn’t know he’s just joking “you beautiful sunset heads, rub those freckles all over me.” Dan has made his love of ginger people quite clear in the past and this tends to start a discourse about Phil’s natural hair color. 
I’ll weigh in on this. Phil was clearly ginger as a young child, just as Dan was blond when he was little. Both of their hair darkened quite a bit as they grew up, each becoming increasingly more brown. It’s harder to tell with Phil because he has denied his natural hair color for so long and seemingly makes up things about old photographs. Did he actually dye his hair before his first day of secondary school? Perhaps it was a bit of bleach that brighten it up and brought out the yellow/orange tones. In Phil’s Tinder spon he did admit to his hair getting a bit ginger during the summer. However by the time of his graduation, early university years and his appearance on 'The Weakest Link’ he had light-medium brown hair that I have a hard time considering a shade of auburn. You might call it nutmeg, but not cinnamon. I have medium auburn hair that has dulled with age, but does get more copper in the sun. But I don’t think Phil can be considered ginger anymore, especially as he chooses not to embrace it, so Dan’s love of ginger people seems completely separate from his fondness for Phil (except perhaps the freckles). 
Moving on to skin pigmentation and the title of his video, “How white is Dan Howell?” He laughs at his genetically light skin. 39% Very fair, 32% Moderately fair and “at most 25% Light beige” and acknowledges his privilege. It would have been a great chance to maturely talk about his ability to tan when he was younger, relating to his Southern European and West African ancestry without making problematic 2010/2011 era jokes. However it seems paleness is part of Dan’s branding now (since Phil has clearly turned him into a vampire). Or it’s just the “never go outside”, “cave dwelling” schtick. We’ve all seen your freckles Dan. 
In conclusion he hopes that people took something away from this be it “the possibility that [he] will have a ginger child in the future, that no one believes is [his], or that humanity has so much in common and we shouldn’t be divided by fascism, or that in the near future 'Zuck’ will be able to target ads to us based on our genetic code.” I sure hope it’s the middle one. “Ayy fuck Nazis”. Still, Dan gives us 20 years before society implodes. Finally he turns a joke about exercise into a confession about crying while reading the news. Seriously, well done Mr. Howell. (Nice promo for the casual and intimate liveshows too.) 
This was a great contrast to Phil’s light hearted DNA results video with Science!Phil, CushionStack.com, buff kangaroo attraction, naked mole rats, Buffy Summers alias, “top of the morning to ya”, Phil’s French ear, German elbow, Swedish eyebrow and Sardinian freckle, alien jokes, celebrity haplogroups, testing out his photic sneeze reflex and short-term memory and talking about asparagus urine detection. Bless Phill. I love him, truly. 
Both Dan and Phil’s videos do inspire me to send off the raw data of my parents DNA to a better company that can give me more detailed results. Maybe 23andMe. I’ve heard good things about the Human Genome Project as well. Ancestry DNA was pretty rubbish. 'Zuck’ and his wife should give these boys some money (if they haven’t already).
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