#so I finished gtn yesterday
asleepinawell · 2 years
I finished Nona the Ninth yesterday, I think my favourite part was near the end, Gideon and Ianthe wearing friendship bracelets, "They slapped each others shoulders, in what appeared genuine mirth." ""Good to see you," said Ianthe, quite kindly". Harrow love interests truly did talk and unionise as was promised. I always loved the bit at the end of Harrow as well "I love a bit of Gall on Gall," "I've changed my mind, marry me," so its nice to have that continue. Great book loved it, its a testament to how much I love GTN and HTN that I'm tentatively putting it in third best for me (with Harrow in first and Gideon in second)
Yes!!!!! loved that so much. while I do appreciate gideon/harrow, the main draw of the books for me has always been the worst most terrible wretched and awful and entertaining queer people being horrible to each other. when my brother read harrow he was like I didn't like most of it because it was just shitty people being shitty to each other and I was like yes that's the point what don't you get here. (he said he just wanted gideon to come back and be funny and beat people up...which is understandable)
but man I love how terrible ianthe is and how she and gideon have similar senses of humor and have formed this weird bond. like these two both drop memes. they make everything into a dirty joke. ianthe is awful but she's hilarious. their friendship/whatever is going on there is deeply cursed and I love it
(also worth noting that the other reason I liked htn the most was that I found harrow's story in the river bubbles to be extremely well done and cathartic. I had to go stare at a wall for a while after the scene near the end where ortus apologizes to her for everything that happened to her as a kid. like damn TM really nailed that)
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ayyponine · 2 years
Cons of being home sick: im a miserable wet rag of a person w no one to tuck me in abt it, sooo many naps it's like i cant even properly make use of the time off work, the mortifying ordeal of having to go see my gp
Pros: so much inside reading time cozy in bed while outside it's raining. Actually finished the gtn reread yesterday evening so today diving str8 into nona at last
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littlenimart · 3 years
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i started GTN last week and am so excited to finish up act 5 after work tonight! i'm dying to draw all my designs for the characters soon but had just enough time to sketch these two yesterday..
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elftwink · 3 years
i know i said i would take a few weeks but i’m almost done htn lol yesterday one of my classes was delayed by like 20 mins after i already got there over half an hour early so i banged out a couple hundred pages then (side note i always forget how fun it is to read that much in a day, but also if i keep doing it i’m going to run out of books to read during my commute). i think i have a chapter or two left? maybe less if there’s stuff at the back after the story like in gtn. anyway some thots under the cut. spoilers obvs
i am a LITTLE annoyed at myself bc i was gonna post about a couple theories i had but i just kept reading and now you all just have to take me at my word that i was right about some stuff (what happened to gideon and harrow’s brain surgery that she did on herself fwiw) but anyway. gideon is back at least temporarily and omg i missed her so much. i’m like RIGHT in the middle of the final battle (confrontation? both?) so i have no idea if she makes it through... intact but i missed the quips
in general i would say that i enjoyed reading gtn a little more (i like gideon’s internal commentary quite a bit and the second person perspective, although BEAUTIFULLY used holy shit, took me awhile to adjust to), i think htn is... not better written per se but more artfully constructed [i guess??]. i think i’m almost more excited to do a reread than i am to actually finish because then i can go back over and see the big picture because htn is very good at showing you only a little bit but also making you feel like you can figure out what’s going on if you pay enough attention (you can’t, i don’t think, not all of it; harrow never has enough information at her disposal). every time things are revealed it feels like another puzzle piece snapping into place and it’s all so intentional that even when i think i don’t particularly care for an element it always ends up making total sense and being incredibly well suited to the story. 
anyway like i said i’m not done done yet and so the final resolution and explanation of everything escapes me still so this is more me rambling than anything else but iirc when the fourth kids died in gtn the writing on the wall that gideon saw was at least the same font as all the notes to harrow in this one so. i think maybe i’m just not keeping very good track of who is in what body at any given time but at that point it was just cytherea in disguise killing people. we knew she killed fifth the first time (magnus or abigail said so when harrow asked), and afaik the sleeper [cant remember her name because she had like. several? wake me up inside? though that might have been someone else. i’m always getting names mixed up. good grief. anyway] really only exists in harrow’s fake memories at the moment (well, i think she is tied to the two handed longsword. was? you can really tell i’m gonna need to do a reread to have any coherent thoughts about this all lmao) sooooo. i don’t know where i’m going with this i feel like i can’t draw conclusions without like taking notes on it all but ive connected the dots. ive connected them. what is the picture that i’m connecting the dots for? i don’t fucking know i’m just connecting them
it is imo just very fun to talk about these books and try to predict what’s going to happen next because i always guess enough that i feel self satisfied but am missing enough that every reveal still gets me. muir is an excellent author i will say that much. anyway i have class now and i’ll probably be done htn before the day is out so expect another long ass post about it lol
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zenosanalytic · 4 years
Harrow the Ninth: *Happy Viper Chair-Dance of Happiness*
So I buckled down and spent ALL OF YESTERDAY finishing Harrow the Ninth, finishing ~5pm cst started writing THIS ~7pm cst(tho I decided to rewrite it today), and you can deduce from above my feelings :| I’m very subtle so it COULD require some real ferreting out :| :| Take your time; I’m in no rush.
Good? Ok.
I’m going to be pretentious(ME?!) now and call it “Titanic” and “Olympian” and “A Masterclass in Literary Mechanics” and, if you think I’m being extravagant, I’ll just say I FEEL as if I am but humbly polishing the very merest Shoeflesh of Extravagant Praise with these deservéd words; kneeling over my meager shinebox -greasy rag clutched in my entirely metaphorical hands; newsboy cap at a Determined, yet Rakish tilt upon my head; Gigantic patent-leather shoes, absolutely WRECKED by late 1800s Urban Streets, shoved close to my ganderbulbs- buffing assiduously that stubbornly muddied Boot-toe as Mista EP reads The Times, readying itself for the full and vigorous day of honestly describing the greatness of this book which lays before it. Dear Dear Sweet, Precious, Sweet Dear Dear Readers: I implore you to read no hyperbole when I write, that parts of this book are like riding out a hurricane to Dorothyville in a glass case of Emotion :| :| :|
I cried, Dear Readers; I cried often, moved suddenly -to my core- by simple phrases plainly stating sincere emotions with all the surprise of a beam of light bursting through a thunderhead, or turning a corner to bunp your own birthday cake from the hands of a loved one you thought on the otherside of the world, to the floor. Of course as a snake my tearducts empty directly into my mouth so there was, conveniently, no public teariness to speak of; but I assure you there was much sniffling of nostril, much jittering of jaw, much trembling lip bitten and turned aside from the page as composure was summoned and mastered, much broken recitation and shaky curses of “Damn you Muir! Damn Your Cruel, Umbral Genius!!” Followed swiftly by sobguffaws at a cruelly cutting poetry joke. If I told you the gag-a-minute gore-ridden story of Juggalo!Catholic!Rose and Twincest!PastelGoth!Vriska receiving an awful and grimly abusive post-graduate education at the hands of a kismestic Donald Duck and Goofy, overseen by an Unholy mashup of Calvin’s Dad, Dr. Scratch, and Prince Charming -and, Hell, PROBABLY Sora; he’s PROBABLY SORA TOO I never played Kingdom Hearts but I BET there’s something there I couldn’t see- was one of the most powerful and sensitive examinations of Humanity, Grief, Loneliness, Mental Illness, Death, and Poetry ever written, would you believe me? You should u_u
I Laughed; I Cried; I Cheered; I Condemned; I Contemplated: I literally felt EFFERVESCENT having finished this, or perhaps like a loose, sparking wire, happily dancing its dangerous jig across the sweaty concrete floor of a poorly lit corridor. I had NO FUCKING CLUE what was going on at the end(I do now; I’ve thought about it) which I found Entirely Appropriate, in part because this book took, like 200 pages to end. The Climax ALONE has a four-act structure! It is Wonderful, and Powerful, and, as so many have said, the Pagekind Equivalent of a Marathon, and I am deeply happy it exists so that I could have read it, and I am Legit Serious about considering it a Classic Work. It kills me to think that, because of its genre and our Era, it probably will never get treated with the culture-wide seriousness it deserves. I love Gideon the Ninth and this is, like, Ten Times the book GtN is(though that’s a bit unfair since they’re VERY different). Which I didn’t think possible. Honestly, Taz is Too Powerful u_u u_u What Hath the Internet Wrought? What grease-painted beast, its hour come round at last, glomps towards Manhattan to be born?
Anyway: I initially had a huge readmore section on this post but I think I’ll leave this Fevered Declaration standing as my solitary Reaction, and write separate posts for my specific thoughts instead, to eventually be all linked together so it isn’t solitary at all.
I’m not even really sure if you need to read Gideon the Ninth first to get it, though I absolutely would recommend doing so since it’s a fun and meritorious read in its own right, and for its own reasons.
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