#so I kept sculpting but when it came time to fix the gaps I couldn’t
cringe-time · 1 year
#cringetalks#vent#cinema 4D#cinema 4D help#literally every single fucking step farther I get#I realize something is wrong and it’s not letting me do something and I have to start over#I’m trying to teach myself how to sculpt but I CANT bc I’m spending literal hours trying to get the basic tools to do ANYTHING#and then I got them to work and started sculpting (badly) and realized I didn’t click the thing in the symmetry tool so moving points around#wouldn’t make gaps in the center#so I went back to my objects and clicked symmetry and when I went back to my sculpting layers#THEY WERE ALL GONE. and I couldn’t remake them cuz the subdivide buttons were greyed out#so I decided to just keep going cuz the TUTORIAL I WAS FOLLOWING made it seem like fixing the gaps after the fact was easy#so I kept sculpting but when it came time to fix the gaps I couldn’t#bc somehow I was sculpting it without moving the points.#like it looked fine except for the gaps but the original skeleton of points was unchanged#so the center ones were all still in the center and I couldn’t fix the gaps.#so I decided to move the center ones manually#except THEY WOULDNT FUCKING MOVE#and that’s where I cried in frustration and gave up#I think I might’ve been in the wrong mode while sculpting but the tutorial lady didn’t say I had to be in that mode#everyone in the comments is praising the tutorial so I think#*think I might be the only one who tried actively following it step by step#cuz it doesn’t fucking work
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infinitegalahad · 4 years
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Summary: It's Christmas in Bastogne and you make Eugene's world feel normal for a moment. 
Word-Count: 1.6k 
A/N: I wrote this, running on a cup of dunking as I listened to French Christmas songs. Literally the one thing that sucks about being the youngest sibling out of three older siblings (big age gaps) is that everybody can get drunk but you and it’s hella awk🥲 anyways this not very original but it’s something I’d love to share. Gender neutral reader. Happy holidays! 
The Holidays were always a pleasant memory in your mind. Leading up until Christmas day, the thrill of December made your cheeks warm. You closed your eyes, and as it flashed in the darkness, children laughing, the smell of pinewood and hot chocolate, a small gust of wind hitting against the window during a snowstorm, wrapped paper spread all over the ground. It was like that every year in your home with your overbearing parents, thousands of gifts that you didn’t need, and your siblings running around with their new toys. What you didn’t know is that you took that for granted.
Fluttering your eyes back open, you jumped back into your unfortunate reality. Instead of opening gifts and overeating, you were scrunched into a wet, dirt-filled foxhole. Not only were you cold, but your hand ached. There was an extended cut in your palm, but it had dried and frozen over. You ignored it to the best of your ability. Heavy flurries rained down onto the sky, finessing against your exposed skin as you shivered. You held your rifle close to your body, but nothing was keeping you warm. Snow used to be a pleasant memory, and it was now something you despised. You were beyond drained, emotionally, and physically. There had been so much blood and loss in the past few hours, and it was hard to follow along. Men you considered family died left and right as the guilt tug at your heart.
It seemed like a Christmas Miracle that the trees were exploding. It was eerily calm in Bastogne. You were far away from the company, nestled in a foxhole that was opposite to the Germans. The only noise that you heard was the wind and the muffled melodies coming from the Germans. You zoned out as your eyes stayed on the line, your gun by your side. A shell could hit you, and you’d be gone. It could be long and painful or short and quick. It was bittersweet, but if you were going to die, you wanted it to be over with—a flash of your life between your eyes and then darkness. Death wasn’t something you ever imagined yourself thinking about, especially at a young age. But here you were in Bastogne, freezing as you waited for an occurrence.
Instead of a shell, you heard distant footsteps walk towards your foxhole. Whoever was next to you plopped right next to you as their more prominent shoulder cuddled against your shaking one. You didn’t think much of it and just stared into the distance as everything became blurry and your eyes stung with tears. You would do anything to be back at home right now.
“Everything okay?” The voice said-a thick Cajun accent. You could hear it intrude into your thoughts, but you couldn’t move. Your eyes swelled as you sniffled your nose, shaking as you watched the tall trees and snow fade into mushy colors of black and white.
The Thick, Cajun voice came from Eugene. He softened his expression as he looked at you, shaking and trying to hold in your icy tears. Your lips quivered as your nails, bloodied and jagged, dug into the cold metal of your gun.
Eugene froze for a second as he grasped his thoughts, all eyes on you. He was usually distant from the group. Not because he didn’t want to be friendly, but the thought of losing another person with the gut-wrenching feeling wasn’t worth taking. It had been put into his mind since day one. You, however, were different. Kindness was something that war wasn’t associated with. You were a warming force in the cold night to Eugene; your smile or laughter with a snort would make him melt. But instead, you were holding back tears, and it was tearing Eugene up.
Licking his chaps lips, Eugene scooted over and bumped your shoulder. He sunk into the collar of his jacket as he looked into your [y/e/c]. “Y/n?”
Once again, you jumped back into reality as Eugene’s voice jumped out at you. It wasn’t even loud but a small call of your name. Fixing your position, you wipe your red nose and crystal eyes, nodding your head. “Yeah?” You managed to spit out as you held back tears.
You moved your hand away from your face, moving it downwards to your gun. Instead of feeling the cold metal brush against your skin, your hand was caught by a soft and warm hand. You turn your head over to Eugene, who is furrowing his eyebrows at your bloodied hand.
“Hey, hey…” He interjected as he exclaimed in your tiny hand with a long cut in the palm in his bigger one. His index finger stroked your tiny one as you looked at him with a blame expression. “How’d you do that?”
Freezing for a second, you thought about how you got the cut. It was all so blurry to you but involved a bunch of screaming, blood, and pain. You had caught your hand onto a barbed wire while with Eugene. You looked at your hand, which rested above Eugene’s, as you saw the large cut. You shrugged your shoulders and let out a sigh, “I forget. I think I was rushing.”
Eugene remembered it. Shells were going off left and right, and you grunted as hot blood spilled from your hand. He tried to run back to you, but he had to aid dying men. Biting his lip, he responded as he grabbed his bag, digging for supplies. “I’ll fix it up.”
Pulling out a cloth, Eugene held up a blue cloth. Out of the black trees and white snow, the Olympic blue headscarf shined. It reminded him of the kind nurse that he had formed a friendship with it. The last time he ever saw her, she smiled at him as he went back into combat. Renee was her name-an an angel from heaven. Like y/n, she was a kind soul. Caring. Her touch made men and women soften. Both of you had bloodied hands, talking about how you never wanted to see a dead man again. Renee was a nurse; you were a soldier. Both of you lead different lives, but you had one thing in common; you were angels.
Eugene sat there, holding the cloth up. You noticed him freeze and turned over, nudging his shoulder back. “Gene?”
“It’s for you, a gift...Joyeux Noël,” Eugene said, putting the cloth in your hand, “I was gonna get ya’ somethin’ for you in Paris, but we never got ‘dere. I know I’m doin’ this wrong, but-”
A smile grew on your face as you admired the scarf. You looked at Eugene and hid behind the scarf, concealing your blush. “It’s perfect...thank you” You thanked, “I had no idea you would do this, or that for the matter. But thank you, Eugene.”
Eugene watched your every move as you took off your helmet and tied the scarf on. He didn’t know how to word it, but you looked gorgeous. You were one of the most beautiful people Eugene had ever seen, and you didn’t even have to try. From your kindness to your natural beauty, Eugene knew he was in love with you. That warm feeling with his heart racing, cheeks growing and softened expressions. You softly smiled, turning to Eugene. Your smile was his weakness.
“You're perfect, y/n.” He muttered as he scaled your body, his cheeks redder than his nose. Your hand-sculpted perfectly into his bigger one as he squeezed it. You didn’t even need to respond as you smiled, holding out your bloodied hand. In Bastogne was the angel and medic in a foxhole on Christmas day, smiles exchanged as they held hands.
Eugene held your hand and nearly forgot that you had a large cut. The two of you shared a small moment of peace before jumping back into Bastogne. You threw your helmet back on as Eugene found a dirty bedcloth and tore it, still holding your hand.
You sat there quietly as Eugene worked on wrapping your hand. A smile was spread on your face. To be fair, Eugene had that same smile. Eugene and your shoulders collided as he slung an arm to pull you closer. For body warmth, obviously.
“Hey, doc?” You mentioned.
He turned over, raising an eyebrow, “Yeah?”
“You called me y/n again.” Eugene wasn’t one for nicknames. He always addressed you by y/r/n or y/l/n, never y/n. He did this to everyone, but this time was different. The two of you were different around each other. The way Eugene said in his accent made you weak in your knees. You wanted to hear him say your name thousands and thousands of times.
Eugene’s lips curled as he continued to wrap your tiny hand. “Yeah…” He looked down before looking back into your eyes. You’re big and gorgeous [y/e/c]. The headscarf matched well with your [y/h/l] [y/h/c] and soft [y/s/c}. Everything about you was perfect in Eugene’s angel. Y/n, the perfect angel.
“Y/” You playfully mimicked, deepening your voice. You chuckled when Eugene nudged your hip side.
“Y/r/n” Gene said in loving exasperation, a smile on his face as well.” “Watch the godamn line.”
You and Eugene sat in the foxhole together as he wrapped your hand while you watched the line. The Krauts sung Christmas carols as Eugene pulled you close to him. You leaned into his shoulder as sung you Les Anges dans nos campagnes.
And the world felt calm in that little moment you shared with Eugene of stolen bunny kisses, a headscarf, and Eugene’s soothing singing voice. You didn’t understand the words he whispered into your hair in French, but you did understand one word.
“Joyeux noël à toi mon ange,” He murmured as he left a small kiss on your cheek.
You still kept your eyes on the line as you once again buried yourself into his shoulder. “Merry Christmas to you too, Eugene.”
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justaghostingon · 4 years
Read on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25962064
Once there was a man, who could not find love among the women he knew, so he decided to make his own.
“Oli, come with me. I’ve got a new project for you.” Gyrus’ smile was stilted as he beckoned Oli down the corridor. Oli followed, a bounce in his step as anticipation welled up inside him. The projects Gyrus had him help with were always interesting, even if they didn’t always work.
They entered the lab, and Oli froze. A woman hung suspended from the wires and machines. Her ethereal blue hair glowed in the dim light of the machine. It fell perfectly around her asymmetrical face, one half covered in soft skin, the other open and gapping to reveal a skull made of metal. She was barely more than a torso and upper arms, metal and wiring sticking out like some half finished machine, waiting for a mechanic to bring it back to life.
“Oli, meet Maria,” Gyrus said as Oli approached the remains of the woman. “She’s a robot from the last realm that I thought we could fix up and try and use on missions.”
He babbled on, talking about the advantages that a nie indestructible robot could have, but Oli wasn’t listening. Carefully he brought his hands up to encompass the woman’s face. Her single eyelid fluttered open, as delicate as the real one her long ago designer had tried to copy, and looked Oli in the eye.
“Hello Maria,” Oli whispered, for only a whisper seemed appropriate in this fragile moment.
“Hello.” She smiled, and Oli felt the whirl of machinery beneath his fingers humming like a pulse. The left side of her face was soft and warm against his skin, the right cool and smooth as steel, but Oli knew as he cradled her in that moment that all of her was undeniably human.
Many days and many nights did he labor over her, sculpting the perfect woman out of stone. And when he finished, he named her Galatea, for the white of her marble skin.
Fixing Maria was the hardest thing Oli had ever done. Her body was more complex than any project he’d ever worked on, and Oli found a new respect for the physicians who tended to the human body, their task was truly daunting if it was anything like the one of metal he and Gyrus labored over.
Every twist of wires, every slight calibration, every metal frame, all required the most delicate touch, lest they damage her beyond repair. She was magnificent though, a true masterpiece. As they inched their way along her body, rebuilding her from the ground up, Oli couldn’t help but wonder if the gods knew him in such intimate detail or if they did not care for the long labor his mother had needed to bring him to life.
Through it all Maria kept up her spirits, laughing and joking about the fine mess she had been reduced to. Oli admired her bravery, because even though she tried to grit her teeth, he knew their every motion caused her pain. She couldn’t hide it from him, even if she wanted to. Oli could see inside her every corner, and he knew when she bit her lip like that the reconnected wire beneath his fingers had burned her.
Gyrus seemed to notice too, and it made him sad, shoulders hanging with the weight of the world. But Maria did not like to see him so morose, and so would laugh or joke to try and lift his spirits.
“How’s your boyfriend?” she asked after a particularly hard operation. Oli blinked, confused. As far as he knew, Gyrus had no interest in anyone, to the great disappointment of many. But to his shock, Gyrus didn’t laugh it off like he usually did. Instead a cherry red blush crept across his face, until even his ears burned a brilliant red.
Oli started, but Maria laughed, throwing her head back in an echoing howl. Gyrus’ ears turned, if it were possible, even redder. “He is not my boyfriend,” he hissed, shooting Oli an alarmed look. Maria laughed again.
“Right, right,” she said, amusement obvious in her voice. “You just hold hands, have sleepovers, spend every waking moment you can together, and talk constantly about him when you can’t. Completely platonic, my bad.”
Up until today Oli hadn’t been certain Gyrus could have those types of feelings, but when Maria put it like that it seemed obvious. There was only one person who Gyrus spent so much time with, one name he slipped into nearly every conversation.
“Are you, talking about Kodya?” he asked, feeling slightly light headed. Gyrus’ eyes widened in alarm.
“There is n-nothing between me and Kodya!” Gyrus shook his head, waving his hands in the air in denial. But Oli noticed the red did not fade.
“Uh, yeah,” Maria rolled her eyes, “because someone’s to cowardly to confess.”   Gyrus hid his face in his hands. Oli felt a bit bad for him.
“I’m sure Kodya wouldn’t say no,” he offered, because everyone knew Kodya was in love with Gyrus, and because Oli knew all too well the way insecurity could whisper and ruin someone’s will to ask.
“Really?” Gyrus peaked between his fingers at Oli who tried to smile encouragingly. Maria tried to help, but her clear amusement had the opposite effect. “Gahhh,” Gyrus buried his head back in his hands as he stood up. “I’m going to get more metal!” He squeaked, running from the door before Oli could remind him that he could create anything and they had plenty of ingredients.
“Looks like it's just you and me now,” Maria chuckled, and as Oli turned to her, he realized that they had never been alone before.
The man would talk to his Galatea as if she were a real person.
The silence stretched out far too long as Oli struggled to come up with a topic of conversation. Maria raised an eyebrow, and Oli felt his stomach drop. “Come on, I don’t bite,” she said, and Oli looked down.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered but Maria shook her head, loose hair flopping against skin and metal alike.
“No, no! Don’t apologize! Ask me something! Go ahead, I know you want to!” She smiled at him, and for the first time, Oli wondered if she paid as much attention to them as they did to her. The revelation was disconcerting, but there was something he had been dying to ask.
He cleared his throat nervously and went for it. “What’s it like being a robot?” he said and then flinched at his own daring.
“Yeah I figured that would be the first thing you’d ask.” Maria’s voice caused him to look up. “First thing everyone does,” she added, sounding rueful. Oli clenched the front of his robe, feeling horrible.
“If I had to put it into words, I’d say it's a lot like being human most of the time,” Maria tried to shrug, but the wires holding her steady didn’t let her. She gave a half wince, and Oli stepped forward, hand instinctively raised to stop her.
Maria smiled, a small, sad smile that didn’t fit her usual chipper personality. “There is one difference though. I can survive with a whole lot less than a human can.” Oli’s brow furrowed in puzzlement. Was she talking about food?
Maria saw his confusion and elaborated. “Like blood,” she said. “You need blood to survive. But I don’t. It keeps me warm, but if I were to lose it, I’d still function.”
“That’s horrible,” Oli murmured, trying to imagine living life devoid of warmth, and feeling nothing but cold and hollow.
“Yeah it kind of is,” Maria replied, and Oli snapped his hands over his mouth, realizing how insensitive his words had been. Maria’s gaze softened. “Thanks,” she said. Oli lowered his hands, confused. “Not a lot of people notice that. But hey,-” she shot him a wide smile, more in line with her usual personality, “if I were half as squishy as you, I wouldn’t be here now would I?”
That was true, Oli felt a bit of guilt leave his shoulders. But still. “Maria?” he asked, and the woman turned her blue eyes on him. “What’s your favorite food?”
Maria blinked at him, and Oli felt his lips twitch into a smile.
He would make meals and present a portion to her cold body.
Oli hurried to the lab, a small bag in one hand and a plastic cup in the other. Gyrus wouldn’t be there right now. Oli had asked Kodya to ensure that he stayed that way, citing his worry over Gyrus overworking to ensure Kodya would not let him within ten feet of it. Oli felt a little guilty about using Kodya against Gyrus like that but he shrugged it off. He was going to do this, and he didn’t want Gyrus to stop him.
“Maria!” he called as he pushed his way into the lab. “I brought the food!” He held the little bundle aloft.
“Oh yeah! Bring in the goods!” Maria yelled, face split into a wide grin as her eyes never left the bundle in Oli’s hands. She sucked in a deep breath through her half finished nose as Oli came closer and licked her lips. “Oh man I can smell it, my mouth is watering already.”
“Just a minute,” Oli cautioned as he opened the bundle to reveal the strange wrapped bread and meat sandwich and the slices of deep fried potatoes Maria had painstakingly instructed him how to make. Maria gave a little whimper, and Oli smiled.
Oli took the sandwich first, lifting it with one hand to her face, while the other held the cup up to the bottom of her torso, to the little tube that led directly to her throat. Maria bit into the sandwich eagerly, sharp teeth nearly missing Oli’s fingers. He yelped a bit, but Maria didn’t seem to notice, to wrapped up in chewing to pay attention to Oli.
“Oh man,” she swallowed, and Oli held the cup close to the tube as the mashed up food slipped out. “It has been so long since I ate a burger.”
“I’m glad you like it,” Oli smiled. “I hope it tasted like it's supposed to.”
“Like it's supposed to?” Maria echoed, shooting him an incredulous stare. “It tasted fantastic! Oli you’ve got to be the best chef in the world!” She beamed at him, bits of sauce still stuck to her cheeks, and Oli felt like he was on top of the world.
“Now a fry,” Maria demanded, and Oli obligingly brought one up for her to bite. She took from his fingers, holding it in her mouth by the end, before gulping it down. “Mmmmm,” she groaned as she swallowed, licking the edges of her mouth. “That’s good.”
Oli blushed from the compliment as the remains of the fry slipped into the cup. “If you like it so much, I could always bring you more.”
“It would have to be soon,” Maria frowned. “You and Gyrus are gonna hook up my esophagus soon, and then the only way out will be through my stomach and the intestines.”
“Then I’ll just have to get a bigger cup,” Oli shrugged. He was a mechanic, he could figure something out. But Maria had looked so happy, and he wasn’t going to deny her something that made her feel more human.
“Alright!” Maria cheered, “Now I’ll take another bite of that burger baby! I’m feeling hungry tonight!”
And he would dress her in the finest clothes he could buy.
From then on, Oli would visit Maria whenever he could get away, bringing her food or just keeping her company. He found she was a wonderful companion, whose brash personality and boundless optimism always managed to put life in perspective. Oli couldn’t wait until the project was completed, so he could introduce her to everyone else. He was certain a warm personality like hers would get along with everyone.
He wouldn’t have to wait for much longer though, as he and Gyrus were almost finished. There were just a few final touch ups, and they would be able to take her to meet everyone. Every day Oli was able to remove one of the wires tying her to the machine, and everyday she looked more and more human.
Oli was just unwiring one of the no longer necessary wires, Gyrus left after being radioed by Don for some sort of emergency meeting, when he noticed a shiver run across Maria’s skin.
“You’re cold!” he said, hand hovering over the spot, unsure what to do. Maria gave him a slight smile.
“Yeah well. After you guys added my blood I’ve been able to notice how breezy it can get in here.” She gave a half shrug. “But it's fine. I can handle it.”
“No, no.” Oli shook his head, looking around the room. His eyes landed on a sheet in the corner where it still covered some old inventions in an attempt protect them from dust. He grabbed it and brought it back to Maria. “If you’re cold, we can fix that.”
Maria stared at the sheet with slight apprehension. “I don’t know if that’s going to work, since my arms are all spread out thanks to these wires. the air will just get underneath, not to mention my legs.”
“Oh ye of little faith,” Oli smiled, and began to twist the fabric in his hands. Every child in all of Hellas knew how to make a tunic. He carefully wrapped it around her body, mindful of the parts still attached to the wires, and fastened them at her shoulders with rubber bands. For the final touch, he took off his own belt, and slipped it around her waist, tying it so that it would hang down in the fashion his mother had so enjoyed.
“There,” he said, stepping back to admire his handy work, “now you look like a proper Hellenes lady.”
“Wow!” Maria looked down at herself, twisting a leg to brush against the white fabric, causing it to ripple. “I’m not normally a girl that looks good in white, but this is something else Oli!”
“I’m glad you like it,” Oli smiled. “When your final repairs are done, we can get you proper clothes, a whole wardrobe if you want it!”
Maria bit her lip, her exuberant excitement dimming as she was reminded of her immediate future. “When the repairs are done, yeah.”
“Hey,” Oli placed a hand on her shoulder and looked her in the eyes. “Everyone’s going to love you ok? You don’t have anything to worry about.”
Maria smiled at him, warm and kind as the sun. “Yeah,” she said, but Oli got the feeling she didn’t quite agree. No matter. Come tomorrow, she would see it for herself. “Oli?” she added, and for the first time Oli heard a bit of hesitance in her voice.
“Yes?” he smiled.
“Thank you,” she said, blue eyes boring into his. “For everything.”
“Of course,” Oli said. Feeling like something important was being said, but not quite sure what. “What are friends for?”
But no matter what he did, she did not move, speak, or eat. She had no consciousness of what he had done for her. She could not love him, and so he despaired.
Oli knew something was wrong the moment he stepped into the lab. The room was darker because the dim light of the machine had been fully switched off. To the side Gyrus sat, shoulders slumped, when he should have been excited at the project’s near completion. Worst of all, Maria was missing from the center of the room, and in her place was a blackened husk of metal and junk.
Oli felt his heart stop. He took one shaking step towards the pile in the center of the room before collapsing on his knees in front of it. Gyrus started talking in that gentle way of his, about how there had been an accident, an electrical surge that had accidentally fried Maria, and how he was shutting down the project. But Oli wasn’t listening.
He brushed a trembling hand against the dark metal. A part of him expected to feel the electric hum beneath his fingertips. But there was nothing but cold, empty steel. A drop of water landed beside his hand, then another, and Oli gave into his tears as great, ugly sobs racked his body.
Gyrus came to sit beside him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. Oli allowed him to lead him to the bench and rub soothing circles in his back. “There was nothing you could have done Oli,” he said softly.
His words only served to heighten Oli’s despair. “Poor Maria,” he sobbed into his hands as his mind began to torture him with possibilities, “Maybe it was a flaw in my design!”
“Of course not,” Gyrus moved to grip his shoulder. “If you need to blame someone, blame me. But don’t blame yourself. You did everything you could for Maria.”
Oli wished with all his heart he could believe him.
One day the man brought his pleas to the gods, begging them to bring the woman he loved to life. Aphrodite heard him, and moved by his tale, she waved a hand and brought the statue to life.
Oli hurried down the corridor, head spinning. Nephthys was missing, Don was too, and his wheelchair was alone in the infirmary under a pile of rubble. The others were saying Gyrus was to blame, but Oli wasn’t so certain.
He remembered the last thing Nephthys had told him, about how the seven boss swords had been replaced, and how she needed to check on Kodya before getting to the bottom of it all. Now she was gone, and the last place she had been clearly contained signs of a struggle. Awfully convenient that the last person who had known something was amiss happened to die at the hands of madman, even when said madman was monitored so constantly there was no way he could access to the swords to make the switch.
No, something else was going on here, and he was the only one who knew. Which also meant he would be the attacker’s next target. He gulped, and prayed to every god he could think of that his friend would return.
The least he could do he supposed, was fix the infirmary wall. Maybe if he preserved the evidence he could look through for clues. Or at least have somewhere to hide. He stopped in front of it.
The act itself was easy enough, there were plenty of parts lying around in the rubble. In all honesty it took him maybe a minute. There. He turned to walk away, only to hear a vaguely familiar voice coming from behind him.
“... Who could have fixed it already?” the voice cried, sounding frustrated.
“I-I did!” Oli stuttered as he turned, afraid of the danger this strangely familiar voice could offer.
“Huh?” the voice said, and Oli flinched, but raised his eyes to meet the strangers. Her blue hair was swept up in a messy ponytail, her clothes were red and black in a foreign style Oli had never seen before, and she had a white stick of something in her mouth that reminded Oli vaguely of a fry. But there was no mistaking her face, the face Oli had labored painstakingly to fix.
“Maria?!” He exclaimed, hardly believing his own eyes.
“Oli!” she cried, expression brightening with a painfully familiar smile.
A sound came from behind her and her eyes widened, a note of fear in them as her companions glanced backwards. Oli wasted no time. He thrust a hand on the wall and forced the solid rock to give way, allowing her and her companions to flee inside. Then he stepped in himself, closing the wall behind him.
He knew he should turn the intruders over, but he didn’t care. Something was horribly wrong in the Room of Swords, enough so that he would take his chances.
Besides, he thought as he could hear the sounds of confusion coming from the other side. He had lost Maria once. He would not lose her again.
Gatalea threw her arms around the man and embraced him for the first time, and the man, Pgymalion, finally found joy.
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buttersbots · 7 years
deviantART | Archive of Our Own | FanFiction
Word count: 1,931
For all his complaining about the outdoors, Nos-4-a2 spent an awful lot of time lounging around the gardens while Two worked in them.
At first, she teased him by asking for his help, but he unfailingly responded that he’d leave the dirt and bugs to her. When she asked him why he lazed around the dirt and bugs at all, he replied that he was free to do absolutely nothing on any part of their property he desired. It became a comfortable normalcy over the years. Whenever Two headed out with her gardening smock on the weekends, Nos was sure to follow. They didn’t talk much, but not for a lack of conversation topics ‒ it was a sort of unspoken agreement. When Two gardened for gardening’s sake, it was time to unwind and reflect. They kept watch on each other, though. That was usually all they needed. Nos often read or worked during these outings, occasionally bringing nothing at all, spending hours at a time watching the clouds or the branches or the way Two worked. Two liked it best when he didn’t have anything to occupy him, as he was most likely to drift into sleep mode then. She made a game out of covering him with all manner of leaves, blades of grass, and weeds until he woke up. Once, she’d even managed to craft and adorn him with seven clover flower necklaces before he came online. Now, on this early spring morning, as Two got to work clearing the flower bed around the gazebo in preparation for her tulips, she noticed she wouldn’t have a chance to try making any clover chains that day ‒ Nos hovered down the path tossing what looked like a chunk of scrap metal between his hands. He smiled as he approached, his fangs glinting silver in the dappled light as he passed under the budding branches that hung over the path. He made a beeline for the gazebo, passing through a gap in the low flagstone wall, just pausing to pet Two’s head before he ducked into the shade of the structure. The tiny building was supported by thin, sturdy columns of the same white concrete as the house, and its roof shared the same black solar tiles. Inside, a wrought iron table sat surrounded by four matching chairs. A wisteria tree behind the gazebo dripped with spectacular purple blossoms, providing the perfect shade for Nos-4-a2 to sit wherever he wanted. He settled into the seat that faced Two. Before she went back to work, she took the chance to peer at the object in his hands, but as far as she could tell, it really was just a piece of scrap metal. She shot him a questioning look, but he only shrugged. Two shook her head. If he wanted to play with a piece of trash, she wasn’t going to stop him. Nos watched her over his hands as she bent down as low as she could, a somewhat comical position for her stiff, streamlined body, but a natural one nonetheless. Her white frame bobbed almost imperceptibly as her thrusters made minute corrections against gravity, her arms moving completely independent from her body, giving her a weightless look. He indulged in feeling the shift in her electrical signature, marveling as always at the way it changed as she focused. All interference from different activities in her processors melted away, leaving a steady wavelength that steeped his mind in comfort. Coupled with the breeze, still nippy coming out of winter, it was the perfect working environment. He made sure Two was completely invested in her work before he rolled the scrap of metal into his left palm, appraising the shapeless lump with his thumb. His optics dimmed. Somewhere in a distant area of the gardens, windchimes rang with low, sonorous tones. He squinted. I wonder if I still remember. It was only when he was certain that Two had lost all awareness of her surroundings that he began to heat the chunk of metal with a concentrated beam of energy from his tallon. He got it glowing red hot before starting to kneed it in his fingers, evenly rolling it until it took a smooth shape. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d tried sculpting, but it came as easily as if he had been practicing every day. The Energy Vampire found himself smirking, quite pleased with his abilities. But what to mold? It had only occurred to him in passing to grab an extra scrap of metal from his workbench, just a small something to keep himself occupied so Two didn’t have another chance to prank him. His optics flicked up to make sure she was still occupied as, unconsciously, he began to define the contours of the piece of metal. Two moved with such fluidity, it was like a dance, even as her hands and arms became coated in mulch. Suddenly, Nos realized that the metal in his hands started to take the shape of an elongated, upside-down egg. He raised his eyebrow, turning it over in his hand and looking back and forth between it and his wife. Well... it was worth a shot. Nos funneled all his attention into perfecting the shape of an EVE Probe. It was surprisingly difficult, as her form was so simple that the slightest imperfection stood out like a sore thumb, and it was a long time before he was happy enough with it to start working in details. He blew on it to make sure it was cool enough to keep its shape before slowly, carefully using the tip of his talon to carve lines around the base of her head, her arms, her visor, and the design on her chest. Wait... no, it needed to be symmetrical. How was he supposed to redo it? If he reheated it, he might end up warping the whole shape. Maybe he could make the line thicker and just sort of...? No, that was even worse. He held the piece only inches away from his optic, his tongue between his fangs while he tried to fix his mistake. He was so absorbed that he didn’t even notice Two, who had straightened up and was now leaning over the railing. “What are you doing?” Nos jumped in his seat, fumbling the sculpture before clasping it between his palms. “Nothing!” Two cocked her eyeform. “That’s definitely not nothing.” “No, really, it’s just garbage.” “Nos, come on!” she reached toward him, but he ducked away from her soil-flecked fingers, holding his clasped hands at a distance. Nos gave her a defiant, stubborn glare, trying to convey an air of finality. Two narrowed her eyeforms in response. In a moment, there was a flurry of motion as Two launched herself over the railing and into the gazebo toward Nos, who narrowly darted out of her reach and into the open. “Seriously, little one, it’s none of your concern.” “Oh, it became my concern the moment you flinched! What are you hiding from me?” Two sneered, a keen, probing interest in her voice. Nos drew his mouth into a withholding line, clutching the trinket in his left hand and holding it behind his back. “Alright, if that’s the way you want to be.” The Energy Vampire barely managed to dodge as Two shot forward again. His wings sprung out of his back and made a few frantic flaps away from her, but she stayed close, lunging for his arms. Nos took off in hopes of avoiding her, the gardens shrinking beneath them. “Eve, just drop it!” “No way!” she shrieked with glee, driving him even higher. He swerved, trying to outmaneuver her. “It doesn’t matter!” “Then why are you making me chase you?” she laughed. He hardly managed to switch hands as she swooped to his left side, narrowly avoiding his wing while she grasped at his wrist. He dropped like a stone to slip her hold. “Because you’re insufferably nosy!” “Come on, I’d show you!” “You don’t even know what it is!” “I would if you’d just let me see it!” Nos-4-a2 pushed his wings as hard as he could, swerving and pitching to throw her off, baffled by how agile she flew even while wearing an apron full of gardening tools. He couldn’t hope to out speed her, and if she managed to latch on, he wouldn’t be any match for her strength. His only chance would be to take her by surprise. Going with his first impulse, he halted on a dime and wound his arm back to throw the little charm as hard as he could into the grass fields beyond their garden wall. He regretted it as soon as he noticed the way her eyeforms locked onto his fist. Suddenly, they were both diving after the glimmering speck of metal, racing gravity, scrambling for possession of the tiny object. Nos was sure he had recovered, but as soon as he began to grab it, Two streaked past and his hand closed on thin air. The little probe gave a triumphant cry, thrusting her fist with the trinket above her head. Nos groaned and sunk back to ground level, finding himself quite far from the gazebo, now in a portion of the gardens filled with rose bushes and a small fountain. He scowled at her form high above him, now stationary, scrutinizing the charm in her hands. “Nos,” she called down after a moment, “did you make this?” “I told you, it’s trash.” “No,” Two hovered down to his height, not taking her eyeforms off the sculpture. “Is it supposed to be me?” “I hadn’t finished, I was going to toss it anyway ‒ ” “Oh, but Nos, you can’t!” she grasped it protectively, looking up at him. “Seriously... I had no idea you knew how to do stuff like this. It’s... it’s incredible!” “...You think so?” “Why are you saying that like it’s so unbelievable? Of course! This is amazing, it looks just like me! Why didn’t you want me to see? You’re a real artist,” Two beamed. Nos felt a surge of energy work through his circuits. “Anyone could do that if they had the time. I wanted to refine my skills a bit before I showed you anything.” “Well, I can’t imagine you need much improvement! It looks like it was 3D printed. Will you please finish this for me?” she offered the trinket back to him. “Really?” “I won’t make you if you don’t want to ‒ I’d just keep it the way it is now, but you said you weren’t done, and you looked really focused before I interrupted you.” Nos sneered and took it back. “Maybe you should have thought about that before you interrupted me, then I would have finished and shown you without any fuss.” “Where’s the fun in that?” she laughed. He motioned as if to roll his optic. “So you’ll finish it?” “I might as well if you’re really such a big fan of my work,” he sighed, beginning to stroll back in the direction of the gazebo. “Ooooh, I can’t wait to show it to everyone I know!” Nos halted. “Now, hold on a minute.” “One will be so surprised she might want one for herself! Do you think you could make Wall.E? Have you ever tried sculpting yourself? How cute would it be to have a matching pair? Oh, I’ll keep it in my work apron all the time, Jenny is going to love it!” “Now that you put it like that, I might change my mind.”
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Can i borrow your notes?
Jimin Fan Fic 
It was late in the evening when I got a text from my classmate Jimin. He was an odd one id have to say but maybe it was because we had just started talking to each other. I’m sure he’ll open up soon but I’ll admit he is gorgeous and I may have thought of him pressing me against the wall a few times during class and don’t even get me started with his music.
Jimin: Hey Y/N, sorry to disturb you but as you noticed was away today so I would like to know if you happen to have taken down notes in the Dance             Appreciation and History lecture this morning? You wouldn’t mind if I borrowed them would you?
I giggled to myself and responded;
YOU: Hi Jimin, you totally disrupted my Friday afternoon Disney move marathon! Ugh shame on you, though I did happen to take notes in todays’ lecture. Will cost you though J
Jimin: HAHA. Oh gosh I am soo sorry. Money?
You: I’ve got enough of that…Jks but no
Jimin: hmmmm…
Jimin: You free tonight?
You: depends ;)
Jimin: I’ll take that as a yes then. Meet me in front of campus at 6. See you soon :)
I didn’t notice myself drifting out of reality until my apartment door slammed shut. My roommate Anastasia came sulking through the lounge room and flopped down on the couch next to me, obvious that she had had a bad day.
“Yo” you chuckle pushing away your thoughts of Jimin and the night ahead.
“Hey…” She sighs. When I ask what’s wrong with her she explains that she and her boyfriend had been arguing about how V kept getting messages from other girls.
“Boys will be boys and I’m sure that those girls meant nothing to him. You are the best girlfriend he could ever have and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Ok?” I winked at her followed on to tell her about your plans tonight.
“Jimin?! As in THE Park Jimin from uni?” She stuttered with a big ‘O’ forming on her dark purple puckered up lips.
“Yes. The only Jimin is our class, idiot.” I chuckled.
“So you’re meaning to tell me that while my boyfriend is being a total dick you’re going out with the hot, smart already famous performer in our class. You lucky bitch!” We both cracked up laughing purely for different reasons.
“It is a sophisticated student meet up just to exchange notes NOT a date, ok?” I sighed but she was quick to respond.
“I’ve seen the way he looks at you in class. His eyes trailing up and down ALL the way down your body when you stand up to do speeches in class. Very ‘sophisticated’.”
Shocked I didn’t know how to respond maturely to that. “Bullshit. He does not. You’re just making shit up now”. Your voice was getting louder as you felt the heat rise up to your cheeks.
“He sure does, there’s no point in avoiding it. Oh and don’t even get me started with how he stares at you in night clubs. Focused on your hips as they sway with the beat and that slim fitted black dress you always wear. Something was definitely happening to him down there” She so normally exclaimed.
To avoid further embarrassment I ended the conversation really quickly. “Pshh. Nah. Well, I hear the shower calling my name! See ya!” I ran to my bedroom and locked my door as Anastasia was shouting things from the other side of it. Flushed and embarrassed, I sat on the other side of the door and I could feel pulses rushing through my lower body. None of that could be true. There was no way Jimin could like me over the cuter girls in the class anyway, but the thought of Jimin being even remotely turned on from me is making my head feel light and dizzy.
After my shower, I got dressed in my favourite black lace lingerie (just in case), my short black midriff and skinny jeans. I paired my outfit with some gold hoop earrings and my black platform boots. I did a black smokey eye with gold pigment on the lid to harmonise with my jewellery and draw attention to my eyes.  After looking at myself in the mirror once more I bid my farewells to Anastasia before driving happily to my University campus.
After driving through the city for 10 minutes or so I cruise through the student carpark and saw Jimin waiting for me with a light smile plastered on his face not so far away. While walking towards him I slowed down at the sight of him leaning against his car eyes closed daydreaming about things out of my knowledge. He was suited up in a pair of black ripped jeans and a white linen shirt. I’ve never really taken too much notice about his facial features. I continue walking closer and his face hardens at the sight of me, showing need and restraint. His jaw tenses revealing his slightly sculpted cheekbones. Large smokey eyes swallowed you whole and I could feel my knees giving in under just his hard looks. I stopped walking closer noticing the closing gap between us.
Stepping back with a slight pink blush to my cheeks I greeted him. “Good evening Mr Park”
“Well hello daydreamer. Wanna get any closer, you can see me better from this angle” He demonstrated with his face coming close to yours and head tilted slightly down to look directly at your eyes. He smirked at your reaction and ran a hand through his newly dyed, light pink hair. “Gosh aren’t I just irresistible?” He cracked up laughing like a fool.
I punched him in the arm and laughed at him as if saying ‘No you aren’t’ but I had gotten really close to him previously so, to be honest, he was right, I should’ve stopped myself. He then went on to explain that we were going to Japanese for dinner. He also asked if I should give him the notes now or after dinner.
With my cheeks flushing a brighter shade of red he said “So I’m guessing you came here and forgot the notes at home? Well someone was so excited to see me but forgot the real substance as to why they were actually asked to come” He smirked and at that moment I knew I was playing with the devil himself.
I jumped back and responded “Umm no way man! I was just- umm-“
He cut me off and chuckled “Sure Y/N, let’s get going” He ushered me towards his black sports car and shut the door for me like a polite gentleman. What just are you Jimin? The quiet boy in class, the cocky boy that plays with my feelings or the gentleman you are now?
In the passenger seat, I changed the radio station until they played one of Jimin’s hit singles ‘Lie’. I couldn’t help but squirm in my seat restraining myself from dancing and my head swung back when I sang along to the chorus with Jimin’s recording.
Jimin let out a deep groan in the driver seat next to me “If you keep singing like that how am I supposed to focus on the road?” He looked at me through his mirror and I bit my lip and looked down. That noise was enough to send electricity throughout my whole body, so sexy. “Sorry, I just love your song so much that I’m always dancing to it at home” I giggled and he sighed saying ‘thankyou’.
“I worked really hard on it. The song means a lot to me and so does your feedback, I’m glad you like it” The light smile on his face sent flutters to my chest. What was happening to me?
We laughed and told stories throughout the night at the high-class Japanese restaurant that I clearly wasn’t dressed appropriate for, standing out like a clown.
“You know in class, how you like, sit in front of me?” He said while taking sips from his cocktail. It had been our second round of drinks and it had taken its toll on my brain and I was feeling more relaxed than usual.
“Yes? What about it?” I answered following with a question back at him curiously.
Openly, he said, “Well idk if you do it on purpose but- wait what was I saying?” His hands came to his temple thinking intensively “Oh yeah. Well, one day you had this short top on like the one you’re wearing now but you complemented it with this long skirt that hung low on your waist and like- did you know you have like these 2 cute dimples on your lower back?”
I stared straight at me for a couple of seconds before cracking up laughing. Taking another sip from my glass Rosé I said “Of course I knew that I have dimples on my back, you idiot. And besides, why were you looking that far down anyway?” I pressed to see if Anastasia’s theory was true.
Honestly, he replied, “Umm, cuz’ you’re hot.” He leant further into his chair, one arm around the chair and the other holding his cocktail glass to his plump, inviting lips. I turned my head to the side to prevent myself from giggling like a teenager who has been kissed for the first time; besides he was clearly tipsy did he mean it? “Do you wanna head back now? You can drive behind me to my house and well go through my notes cus’ it’s like still only 8”
“Yeah. Good idea. Well, actually, bad idea since we're both over the drinking limit. Can’t drive so well catch the train instead” I agreed with him and he insisted on playing and we both walked to the station together leaving the cars in a safe car park.
The train trip wasn’t long so we got to my station in no time. As we were walking up the hill towards my house, my feet started to flop around sure to the excruciation pain my heels were giving me. Jimin noticed my trouble and snaked his arm around my waist and brought my arm around his muscly shoulders. I looked up at his caring smile and snuggled my face close to his neck whispering ‘thankyou’. The comfort of being in Jimin’s arms is like I have known him forever; I could be in this position all day.
At home, Jimin and I were watching a movie instead of studying since we were both tipsy and couldn’t concentrate. When we first got home we tried to look through the notes but Jimin kept complain of boredom so we just had to fix that didn’t we.
“Truth” I blurt out from the mattress on my bed.
“Are you into me at all?” His tone was stern but his face remained calm. We were playing truth or dare for the last few minutes because the movie had stopped and we were both bored.
“Hmmm. Do I have to answer that?” I sat my head on my hands propped up on my elbows staring at him with a smile.
“Yes” Stubborn shit.
“Well then yes.” My face fell down onto the mattress to cover my embarrassment.
He chuckled and stood up to come lie next to me. “Fine then, your turn. Truth”
“Hmm...” As you were thinking you shifted yourself on the mattress to face Jimin, you stared at each other with little space in between. “If I asked right now, would you kiss me?” I closed my eyes, backed up a little bit to give him space to think and my teeth tugged on my bottom lip. I was so turned on but there was no way I was going to show it. A little more teasing is my number 1 priority at the moment.
“You wouldn’t even need to ask. I could already tell you wanted me to from when you first saw me tonight. Dressed revealingly and constantly biting your bottom lip, oh gosh don’t get me started with your singing in the car. I’ve been holding myself back all night and that is a long time” He pulls me back with one arm so I can face him again looking straight at him.
“You figured it out huh. Smart kids these days huh?” You smirked and got up from the bed, Jimin’s hand trailing down your hips as you left. “I need to put my pj's on” I took this opportunity as an advantage by pulling my shirt over my head revealing my black lace bra. Keeping my pants on, I slipped my silk night dress on taking my jeans off only after I’m fully covered. I continue folding my clothes and sing ‘House of Cards’ by BTS before turning around to face Jimin. His face straight and eyes seeing right through your white silk dress.
“Fuck” he groaned
You walked closer towards him and asked if he wanted to stay over tonight.
“Yes, god damn” he moved across the bed to make room for you. You slipped in one leg slowly at a time and slid down flat. Your hand moved to turn the lamp off and you tumbled towards Jimin’s side sliding one of your legs over his and whispered.
“Goodnight Park Jimin” smiling, your eyes started to close and you rubbed your silk on his bare leg a bit before sleeping.
“Goodnight” Jimin spoke with a monotone voice obvious to be sexually frustrated. Oh well, he wasn’t going to get help with that yet. Not today.
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