#so anyways scruggs probably idk lol
muirneach · 1 year
Your big decision now - clawhammer or scruggs style?!
more research required but leaning towards scruggs as it appears to be most similar to guitar fingerpicking
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beinfriends · 2 years
really ridiculously detailed character stats.
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FULL NAME: Robert "Bob" James Goode NICKNAME(S): Bob, Beau (bio family only), Robbie (bio family only) AGE: 41 MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE: did you know that the Meyers-Brigg test has roots in eugenics? anyways ENFP BIRTH DATE: June 18th ETHNICITY: White PLACE OF BIRTH: Yellowhammer, Eagleland GENDER IDENTITY: Cis male PREFERRED PRONOUN(S): he / him SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual (heavy preference for women) RELIGION: he's one of like four people who actually worships the Dark Dragon actively, so whatever you'd call that, sure. OCCUPATION: he's a fisherman!! but he also helps tend to the Prayer Sanctuary, idk what you'd call that. FACE CLAIM: Himself, Buster Scruggs maybe
PARENTS: Barbara Goode & Eddie Lee (bio parents), Jonel & Brenda Christian (adoptive parents) SIGNIFICANT OTHER(S): Donna Hart (on and off wife) CHILDREN: Robert "Robbie" Dale Goode LEVEL OF SEXUAL EXPERIENCE: We can confirm he has had sex at least once because he has a son 👍 Really, though, he's been married for about twenty years, so what do you think? STORY OF FIRST KISS: idfk and idfc but he was probably in high school. Not that popular of a kid because he was weird as fuck but he was on the football team and that scores points sometimes. A SOCIAL PERSON? YES!! super social!! he loves chatting with people at the Yado bar all the time lol. HOW DO THEY THINK OTHERS PERCEIVE THEM? I think he's aware enough that people find him a bit odd and a bit annoying. HOW DO OTHERS ACTUALLY PERCEIVE THEM? He's right, kind of. But people do like him, he just doesn't really have many friends at all.
EYE COLOR(S): Blue HAIR COLOR(S): Light brown SKIN TONE: Tanned HEIGHT: 6'5" WEIGHT: 210 lbs. BODY BUILD: Tall as fuck and pretty athletic, decently muscular. He's in shape. GLASSES? CONTACTS? neither STYLE OF DRESS/TYPICAL OUTFITS: Pretty stereotypical Western style-- he's got the cowboy hat, the boots, jeans, and a Western shirt. JEWELRY? TATTOOS? PIERCINGS? None. ATHLETIC? Yep. Played football and did wrestling in high school. Probably still enjoys athletic activities like running or hiking. HOW DO THEY WALK: He probably slouches a bit just because of his height. If you look at his walk sprite, he swings his legs quite a bit while walking, so possible he has an odd gait, but nothing too out of the ordinary. HOW DO THEY SMELL LIKE: I don't know. Probably not much but soap. WHAT’S THEIR POSTURE LIKE? Not the worst, but he does have to slouch due to the height sometimes, as I said. But if he can, he stands up straight.
PHOBIA(S): I don't know if he has any really, aside from maybe like spiders or some shit. MENTAL ILLNESS(ES): I wouldn't call it a mental illness but he has autism. PHYSICAL ILLNESS(ES): None. WHEN WAS THIS DIAGNOSED? Like, age 2 or something. He was really young when he was diagnosed with it.
LEVEL OF EDUCATION: Graduated high school, did a bit of community college but didn't finish. LEVEL OF SELF-ESTEEM: A perfectly healthy amount. He's not egotistical, but he doesn't think lowly of himself. He likes himself, and that's enough. GIFTS/TALENTS: Bob is nothing if not deeply dedicated to things he gets interested in. He's great at research and collecting information on things he likes. Decent artist, nothing special though since he just sketches things for research. SHORTCOMINGS: Deeply set in his ways and becomes upset if interrupted, completely fucking clueless with emotions, sometimes a bit insensitive. He's a really well meaning guy, just a bit socially inept. He's also a fucking doormat. STYLE OF SPEECH: He speaks slowly, has a pretty thick Southern drawl. Doesn't always use correct grammar or words, but he's pretty deliberate in how he speaks usually. “LEFT BRAIN” OR “RIGHT BRAIN” THINKER: Right brain. ARTISTIC? Kind of! Like I said, he'll do sketches when he's observing or researching things, but he doesn't necessarily do it for fun. He might if he wanted to make Donna something, though, since he knows she loves art. MATHEMATICAL? He's bad at math, really fucking bad. Donna makes up for it by being very good with it, though. MAKES DECISIONS BASED MOSTLY ON EMOTIONS, OR ON LOGIC? Generally emotional, but I don't think he's completely illogical. I suppose it'd depend on the situation. MOST SENSITIVE ABOUT/VULNERABLE TO: He is very sensitive to people insulting his intelligence, or insulting his family, whether his son, his wife, or his mother. He tends to take it more personally if it's something he's close with that's criticizing him, though. OPTIMIST OR PESSIMIST? Optimistic as all hell. EXTROVERT OR INTROVERT? Extroverted.
NIGHT OWL OR EARLY BIRD?: I imagine he's a bit of both. He spends a lot of late nights at the Yado, but I can imagine he's an early riser, too. LIGHT OR HEAVY SLEEPER?: Heavy sleeper. FAVORITE FOOD: DID YOU KNOW THAT BOB HAS A CANONICAL FAVORITE FOOD? It's peaches. If you didn't know. He has multiple lines about peaches in the different chapters and he outright says peaches are his favorite! LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: He probably doesn't like crunchy foods a whole lot (weird texture! Especially when combined with smooth or soft foods!) but I couldn't say a thing he particularly likes. Obviously peaches have a bit of a crunchiness but that is okay. I mean super crunchy stuff like crackers and whatnots. Also anything that particularly sticks to your teeth. COFFEE OR TEA?: Coffee. CRUNCHY OR SMOOTH PEANUT BUTTER?: What did I just say about him hating crunchy food combined with smooth foods?? He has to eat smooth, crunchy would kill him instantly RKFH LEFTY OR RIGHTY?: Righty. FAVORITE COLOR?: Light blue! CUSSER?: Sometimes. Not a whole lot if he can help it. SMOKER? DRINKER? DRUG USER?: Heavy drinker. Not necessarily an alcoholic, but he spends a lot of nights at the Yado. He tends to just nurse one or two whiskies most nights, though. PETS?: None, but I think he'd love to get a dog.
TAGGED BY: old meme
TAGGING: @trouticecream, @recklessinventor, and... YOU
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