#likely not going to follow a particular style and just see what works best with my previous guitar knowledge lol
muirneach · 1 year
Your big decision now - clawhammer or scruggs style?!
more research required but leaning towards scruggs as it appears to be most similar to guitar fingerpicking
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pallastrology · 8 months
observations on aquarius
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artwork by jules pierre van biesbroek
aquarius moons, like other air moons, can treat their emotions kind of like a puzzle; they turn them over in their hands and really break down and analyse their thoughts and feelings. aquarius moons in particular tend to be very focused on the wider impact of their actions and emotions, which, while a testament to their kind and caring nature, can get in the way of them experiencing their full emotional range and the insight that comes with that.
a lot of people with aquarius dominance can go through life feeling dreadfully lonely. though (depending on individual placements) they often pride themselves on being different, or not needing to follow the crowd, deep down they can feel they don't belong, or aren't 'normal'. really, their uniqueness is what makes them beautiful, and while their journey isn't always predictable, they generally find their tribe along the way, and become people with a strong sense of self and steady values that guide them and their relationships.
aquarius on the ascendant tends to have a reputation for looking 'alien-like' or asymmetric, and while the second one especially can be true, my opinion is that a lot of aquarius risings have a doll-like beauty, with very fine and neat features, not unlike virgo risings actually. what sets them apart is that they are more expressive with their style, more congruent and more open to showing their true selves through their clothing. they are prouder and stronger that way, almost more dramatic.
mars in aquarius is a placement that has a strange relationship with anger and assertiveness. they tend to be very cool people, in that they're stoic, relaxed, grounded and pragmatic; they aren't as controlling or fearful as a fixed mars tends to be. but they can be quite detached from their anger and agency, and so if they aren't self-reflective, they don't see how it can affect those around them when they are angry. they are prone to anger at the state of the world and are sensitive to justice - or injustice, rather - but can be erratic in how they display this, at times seeming uncaring.
jupiter in aquarius is a placement that brings a lot of kindness, a lot of generosity, but a strict will and a clear vision. they are dreamers at heart, like a lot of aquarian placements, but if it's channeled properly, jupiter in aquarius gives the native the power and confidence to succeed. the other interesting thing about this placement is that the native tends to love to work; as long as the work means something to them, as long as it does good. they absolutely cannot work just to make money, it's bad for their souls.
aquarius in the sixth house can bring health issues that appear suddenly, are hard to diagnose or treat, or come and go. they may have unusual symptoms or reactions to things, and the phrase 'when you hear hoofbeats, think horses' doesn't tend to apply so well to them. somewhat nervous individuals, aquarius in the sixth house natives can be sensitive to lifestyle factors that help or hinder their health, and so they need a solid (if maybe a little unconventional) routine to really flourish.
aquarius suns are some of the funniest people i've ever met. they have a real deadpan, dry sense of humour and their serious delivery just makes the joke land better. although they may have unconventional taste in material, they don't tend towards the inappropriate and in fact are very even and fair in their roasts. maybe for this reason, they aren't the best roasters, but at least you know you won't be traumatised if an aquarius roasts you...
venus in aquarius gets a reputation for being distant, 'away with the fairies', even unromantic, but i don't think that's true at all. while they are a more grounded and cerebral placement for venus to be in, these natives are incredibly sweet. when they love someone, they will tell them so in a thousand tiny ways. they're the type to take their time getting to know every part of you, down to your microexpressions and innermost worries and favourites.
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ohdeerfully · 8 months
Hii! I really like your work :3
Can you do demon alastor and his goth human girlfriend comfort scenarios? :D
hii! i hope i did some justice, i dont know much about alternative subcultures (,: i tried something new, with some bulleted headcanons and a oneshot afterwards! thank you so much for the request! <3
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How to Summon an Overlord
Alastor x Goth!Reader (fluff) TW: mentions of animal death/taxidermy
join my discord!
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Alastor definitely appreciated the goth aesthetic
He lived in Hell, yeah, but a lot of the style there was more punk or grunge. Not that he even knew what these words meant but he could visually tell the difference
Similarly, you adored his red color scheme. You thought it complimented your black extremely well
He wasn’t particular about the music, it wasn’t quite his taste, but he didn’t mind listening as long as it was with you. He could manage to enjoy what you enjoyed
You typically conjured him into your world two or three times a week. You weren’t a busy person, but he was a busy demon
You typically spent a while before seeing him getting into a full goth getup, perfecting your white foundation and sharp eyeliner for what felt like hours 
He would assure you that it wasn’t necessary, but wasn’t overbearing about it. He knew some people just liked to get dressy
He did kind of like knowing that you were so excited to see him and show yourself off to him though
The dates you shared with him were… untraditional, to say the least
He enjoyed taking you out deep into the forest to explore and find bones and such to add to your collection at home. You were brave alone, but before meeting him never dared going as far in as you two did. There was so much you had been missing out on
He would never tell you, but when you weren’t looking he would use some of his powers–which were much weaker in the human realm than in Hell–to quickly catch and kill a small rodent if you were having no luck. He knew you’d probably get upset with him about the morality of it
Even though you’re literally dating a demon
So like. What morality
“I was a hunter in my life,” He had said when you caught him standing over the corpse of a deer. “I know how to… track them. When they’re dying.”
You loved that sinister grin of his. You never knew what was really going on behind it, but you found that and his glowing red eyes so… attractive. Oddly enough
At-home concerts were a must. As stated earlier, he wasn’t a huge fan of your taste in music, but he would never admit it. He did his best to follow in your steps and you swung your arms and sang out to your song of choice
He forced you to dance along with him to some jazz, too, of course. He left you no option for that
Baking was probably the most normal thing you two did together
He didn’t like sweets at all, but he liked shaping the dough into little themed cookies
He also loved helping you dye your hair; so much so that the second your roots started showing signs of your natural hair color he was the first to point it out
He loved being able to sit behind you and run his fingers and work the dye into every strand of hair. He didn’t care if it stained his fingers
Gifts weren’t very common from him, but you could tell that when he did get you something, a lot of thought went into it
Recently he had given you a dainty black chain with the most beautiful, glimmering blood-red ruby dangling off of it
You always asked him about what Hell was like. You asked and asked and asked, so many questions. And he was happy to talk your ear off in return
Part of him wanted to convince you to choose a sinner’s path, to join in him Hell. Honestly, he had a feeling you would if he simply asked. You seemed genuinely devoted to him
But, at the same time, the other part of him did care about you in a way that didn’t want to see you stuck in that place. Even with him
That was something he’d think about later
You were always so upset when it was time to exorcise him back to Hell. Harsh words, but it was just technicality
You clung onto his fingers for longer than you needed to. You knew he’d be back in a few days, but you had begun to feel increasingly lonely in the time between his visits
He would give you an affirming squeeze on the shoulder, and rest his chin against the top of your head for a moment before you performed the ritual
He kept in contact with you through the haunted radio you met him through, of course, a daily meeting that had become routine
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You loved antique shopping. 
Especially when you end up with your own little haunted radio.
Especially when that radio had the smoothest voice, with the most peculiar and out of date accent. It was charming. And, it knew your name.
You sighed as you stroked your fingers down your cat’s back, smiling softly as it arched into your touch. Your legs were crossed in front of you, sporting a comfortable and fuzzy skull-patterned pair of pajamas. Your eyes kept flicking expectantly to that old radio, and you were growing impatient. You hadn’t heard from the demon haunting it all day, and you were growing lonely.
It felt incredibly surreal and peculiar, feeling ghosted by a literal ghost. Or demon. Or monster. Or whatever it was.
You weren’t really a lonely person, preferring to stay inside–enjoying the comfort of your cat and a good song or show as you practiced tattoo flashes on the kit you bought yourself as a birthday present. But you had grown fond of that voice, as strange as it may seem. And you believed he had grown fond of you as well, what with the pet names he had begun referring to you as.
A crackle of that radio made you jump to your feet, which startled your cat. You quickly ducked down to apologize and rub behind his ears before scampering over to the coffee table and crossing your legs as you sat in front of it. You couldn’t help the smile that beamed across your face.
“Little bat,” The voice practically sang. You rested your head on your hands, careful to avoid a fresh piercing you had given yourself earlier in the day. “Sorry, I’ve been quite busy with my duties down here.”
You sighed, a childish grin playing across your face. “I was beginning to think you forgot about me. After all that work I did repairing you.”
“Darling, I would sooner redeem myself in heaven than forget about you.” Your brow quirked at his statement.
“Isn’t heaven like… all sun and happiness and grandeur.”
“You’d be surprised.”
You let the conversation end there. You couldn’t get over that voice of his. Maybe it was the combination of the accent and the filter of the radio over it, but you just knew this demon had to be a handsome one. Though, you had considered the idea of him being some sort of terrifying, eldritch horror. You could probably get behind it, honestly.
You purse your lips in thought, fantasizing about seeing the owner of the voice.
“Why haven’t you told me your name yet?” You asked him. A few seconds passed by.
“How incredibly rude of me!” He announced, and he sounded genuinely upset with himself. “I forgot my manners, I truly never expected this radio to be touched again. I’m Alastor, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Pleasure’s all mine,” You laughed a bit, playing along with the formality. You reached forward and brushed a settlement of dust near the base of the mesh cover. 
“Hey,” You said slowly. You continued after he responded with a hum of curiosity. “I have a bunch’a books on like… summoning demons. And stuff. Do you know if…” You trailed, hoping that he was catching the idea.
He did catch on, and you heard an amused chuckle. 
“I’ve never thought about it,” Alastor admitted. “I’ve been too busy down here to really care about visiting the human world.” Even through the filter of static, you could tell his curiosity was piqued. And you were suddenly very, very excited.
“Stay here,” You jumped up without a second thought and scampered into your room. You had a cabinet full of small antiques and trinkets, from cute bunny figures to reptile skulls. You gingerly opened a lower drawer, careful not to knock anything over, and rummaged through an old storage of books you didn’t often touch.
While you were in your room, you quickly swiped on basic makeup. There was no way you had time to do a full face, you felt that you were risking it already even putting a little bit on. You teased your hair and threw on a simple outfit, layering some jewelry over it. If you were going to summon a whole-ass demon in your house, you wanted to at least look hot. Obviously.
You hurried out back into your living room. You felt a little nervous as you neared the radio, which had gone quiet. Usually, when Alastor was connected, there was a garble of frequency that announced his presence.
You skimmed your fingers across the mesh and, nearly instantly, he was back. You wondered if he felt any physical connection to the thing. You decided to ask him about it later. You gently picked up the radio and traveled into your basement.
It was the perfect ambience for this type of thing. A bit dreary, empty, cold… You really only used the basement for storage, so the air was thick with dust and stagnant oxygen.
“Okay. I got a couple books on different ways I could go about this. I should have all the candles and salt and stuff…” You flipped through the pages, muttering as you set out different books on methods of evocation that seemed interesting around you, your legs crossed comfortably.
He hadn’t said much since you mentioned summoning him to your realm. You began to wonder if this was a good idea. Were you jumping the gun? Was he actually as interested in you as you were in him? Did he want to see you?
You suppose he noticed the long pause in your mumbling, because he finally spoke. 
“Find anything, (Y/N)?” You smiled at his question. You took that as a good enough sign that he was interested.
“I found some… I just hope one of them works.” Alastor simply hummed in response.
You carefully drew a symbol on the concrete floor, hand dripping with white paint. Your arm was pressed against your chest to keep your stack of necklaces from dragging along the ground you kneeled down on. Your eyes flicked back and forth between your work and the book, trying to make it as perfect as possible.
Alastor hummed a little tune as you laid out the necessary candles. A few white ones dotted the formed circle, for “purification and spiritual protection” the book said. You figured it wouldn’t hurt, just in case Alastor did end up being some hideous monster. You crossed your fingers.
“Okay…” You said slowly, standing up to examine your work. You bent over to pick up the book you followed. You also carefully placed Alastor’s radio in the center of the symbol you drew. “Get ready.”
You read over the words a few times before trying out the chant. 
You must’ve done it just right, because as soon as the words began tumbling from your mouth, a wind manifested and twirled around the circle you had created. Amazingly, the candles remained lit.
The lace on your clothes billowed in the wind, and your hair blew into your eyes. You furrowed your brows in an attempt to stay focused and kept your eyes on the paragraph. You could see that radio slightly glowing out of your peripheral.
A flash of light concluded the chant, and your eyes squeezed shut at the unexpected shine. You had thrown your arm over your head, and carefully began to peek under your elbow as the wind settled.
The candles, save for the white ones, had all gone out and the room smelled heavily of the smoke that curled from the extinguished wicks. And, in the center of the circle, the radio was gone.
And a demon sat in its place.
He was sitting, arms catching himself on the ground and a puzzled look on his face. The transition between realms obviously wasn’t the smoothest ride, but he quickly gained composure and stood up, brushing off his clothes.
The first thing you noticed was how tall he was. How he loomed over you, even from a couple feet away. The next was those piercing, dangerous red eyes of his as he made eye contact with you. And then his lips curled up in a wide, yellow grin.
“A pleasure to finally meet you in person, little bat, quite a pleasure,” He said with a dramatic bow. You were too stunned to speak, simply looking up at him with your mouth agape.
You realized that radio filter over his voice wasn’t exclusive to the radio itself, because his voice cracked with it as he spoke to you. You swallowed your intimidation and stepped towards him. He wasn’t a disgusting tentacle monster, which was awesome. He was actually… incredibly handsome. Lucky you.
“It’s… so good to finally meet you, too,” you said. You reached a hand out towards him. His eyes followed your movement carefully, smile twitching and eyebrows narrowing as he considered your hand.
Your hand was stopped at the edge of the circle he had been summoned in. Some invisible barrier prevented you from getting any closer. You both looked down at your hand, and then back up at each other.
You laughed, breathlessly and nervously. After all that work, you couldn’t even get any closer to him.
“Those candles, (Y/N),” Alastor explained with a teasing grin. You looked down at the white candles that still had their flame. You cursed yourself briefly.
“I was, uh, a little nervous. That’d you’d be, like, you know…”
“A hideous, slimy monster?”
Alastor laughed down at you. “My dear…” His voice was suddenly incredibly menacing,  the scratching of his radio-like ambience becoming more aggressive. You felt a cold sweat run down your spine. As fast as the tone changed, though, it was normal again. His voice was light with humor once again. “You have absolutely nothing to worry about!”
You stooped down towards a candle to snuff it, but a quick rap from the demon’s cane halted you. You slowly craned your head up to look at him.
“You wouldn’t want to upset the delicate balance of a seance, my bat,” He said smoothly. “You can fix it next time. I should be going, I wasn’t expecting this… I have some things to do back in Hell.”
Next time, you thought, a tight feeling in your chest. You were incredibly excited at that idea, and it helped you not feel so bad about the short visit from Alastor. You nodded at him before turning around and fishing through the book for a banishment spell.
“I’ll… see you later then,” You said after finding the page. You pressed your hand against the invisible barrier again, to which he followed and pressed his own on the opposite side. You examined those long fingers of his. He smiled down at you. His expression was strange and unreadable.
“Until next time.”
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novantinuum · 5 months
Pink Onyx AU- An Analysis and Theory Post, Part 1
[Part 1- You are here!] | [Part 2] | [Part 3] | [Part 4] | [Part 5]
Howdy! Those of you who have followed me for a while have probably been seeing my reblogs of the @pink-onyx-au comic made by @ceephorsshitshow. Well, today I wanna share with you something a little different than my usual SU meta… because today I’m gonna analyze this really cool fan work with the same level of seriousness as I do canon. (Like. Seriously. This first post alone is really, really long. I put most of it under a cut.)
This particular comic is a very special one for me to watch unfold, because it’s evident that a lot of deep care and attention to detail has been poured into its creation. There’s fascinating bits of expanded character development to chew into here, as well as plenty of mysteries and lingering questions for us readers to muse and theorize over. If you follow me for Steven Universe and haven’t read this AU yet I highly recommend you check it out. The most basic pitch is that it explores what a fusion between Steven and Jasper might look like, and does a LOT of deep-diving into the similarities and differences of both of those characters’ psyches.
Here’s the episode masterpost on tumblr.
And you can find it on Tapas, too! 
(Note: For the purposes of these posts, I was given permission by the comic artist to post screenshots of various pages where relevant in this discussion. For each frame used I will list the episode and page number for easy reference. Additionally, this post and all future ones on the topic will contain full spoilers for the comic thus far.)
Now with all that introductory stuff out of the way, here we go!
So, on the final page of the most recent update, we get one hell of a visual plot bomb for Steven as ol’ Onyx unfuses:
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(Episode 9: Page 22)
He’s now visually expressing remnants of his corruption, where before he was not.
And it’s this mysterious plot point in particular that got me wanting to analyze this comic more deeply in the first place. This is completely new for him in this story. Thus far, he’s never expressed any of these remnants when he’s just himself- not in the way Jasper does. So it made me wonder… how might this shift in his appearance play into the ultimate trajectory of the plot? How does Steven suddenly showcasing corruption scars integrate into the larger story that is being spun here about him and Jasper and how they relate to each other?
Well, there’s a lot of comic details and story lore we need to unpack first before I can take my best theorizer’s stab at this. Let’s dig right in.
Prelude: The analyst’s treasure is in the speech bubbles
Anyone who’s been a fan of this comic for a while has probably noticed these fun visual details already, but I’m going to take a moment to break down what I believe each speech bubble style signifies for folks who may not have context. It’ll make some of my analysis later a bit easier, too, ahah.
So. Speech bubbles. What kinds do we have here? 
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(Episode 1: Page 6)
Style number one: Solid with black text
This style is standard for non-fused characters, and is also utilized when a fused character is speaking whilst in a state of internal harmony.
Steven is pink and Jasper is orange, of course. Onyx’s speech bubbles are a distinct darker pink, and the main three Crystal Gems get their own colors as well. More minor characters get white bubbles.
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(Episode 1: Page 10)
Style number two: Scribbly pink lettering overlaying black text
Whenever you see this type of speech bubble, it’s a sign that there is some level of internal discord going on within Steven or Onyx that is related to their diamond side. It usually shows up when one of the two is in pink mode, but from what I can tell this is not a solid rule.
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(Episode 2: Page 12)
Style number three: Pink/orange mixed bubbles
This is how we see Onyx talking for a good portion of the early comic. Their speech bubbles are a clean mix of Steven’s pink and Jasper’s orange. And most vitally, the color on the top and the tail signifies which of them is “fronting” at that moment.
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(Episode 3: Page 11)
Style number four: White bubble with solid pink text
So far, this style has only been used to represent dialogue that is being spoken by Steven’s gem half exclusively. Which makes things very interesting, as in Steven’s own remembrances of shattering Jasper on the very first page of the comic, the line “I have been holding back!” is shown in this specific style, instead of the scribbly pink lettering that signifies internal discord.
There is one additional sub-style here- and this is the one moment where we get Onyx’s mixed bubble but WITH the solid pink text. 
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(Episode 3: Page 11)
I believe these two styles pretty much mean the same thing… only, the white/pink text is either viewed within memory or a metaphoric fusion mindscape where we the viewer are actually “seeing” Steven’s instability, and thus can “see” his gem half as a separate entity there. While, in reality, this is an argument Onyx is having with the disparate pieces of themself.
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(Episode 4: Page 9)
Style number five: Pink/orange tye-dye mixed bubbles
When you see that darker shade of pink start dappling into the standard mixed bubbles, this indicates that there are small whispers of Onyx’s true personality beginning to surface, instead of them constantly being wrested back and forth between Steven and Jasper’s conscious control.
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(Episode 4: Page 16)
Style number six: Pink/orange mixed bubbles, but with a darker pink tail
From this page onwards, Onyx’s speech bubbles always have their darker pink shading the tail no matter who is fronting. Sometimes there are little lines of another color etched out of it, and sometimes the tail is solid dark pink. I like to believe that when it’s solid, it means that Onyx is just a little closer to reaching a fully harmonious state than when it’s not.
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(Episode 9: Page 6)
Style number seven: Onyx speech/thought bubbles with a hint of pink/orange underlying
This style seems to signify moments where it’s still Onyx fully in control of themself and their actions/words/thoughts, but they’re taking subtle influence from their components or accessing their memory a bit.
These are all of the distinct styles I have caught so far, but quite honestly, it would not surprise me if I am missing something. All of this to say… pay close attention to the speech bubbles. They can tell you a lot about Onyx’s state of mind throughout the story.
Now with all this established, I’d like to finish off this first post with my first big discussion point.
Question One: What does Jasper actually know about Steven’s “meltdown,” if anything?
The AU author recently solidified this comic’s placement in the SUF timeline in an ask response, saying that the first episode takes place just a week after Steven’s corruption event.
I’m glad this point was clarified, because it was super vital information which deeply influenced the way I analyzed Steven’s actions and responses in my recent re-read… it means this experience is still super raw for him. This is VERY important and we’ll get back to this in more depth later in future posts. But first, let’s explore what Jasper knows of this event.
The full extent of her knowledge is unclear-
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(Episode 1: Page 6)
In Episode 1, Steven briefly alludes to his corruption as seen above… referring to it as “[his] meltdown.” Notably, Jasper does not seem to ask any questions about this stray comment. This COULD suggest that she knows what happened to him a week prior via hearsay, but given the context of the rest of the scene and the fact that she’s as isolated as she is out here I genuinely wonder if she thinks Steven’s so-described “meltdown” is his shattering of her.
This idea would make a good deal of sense, as she doesn’t start to make any commentary on the topic of corruption at all until they’re actually fused- with Steven bringing it up first.
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(Episode 2: Page 14)
On this page, Steven takes note of Onyx’s very visible spikes (which are Overtly in the same placement as his own when he was corrupted), and initiates the musing upon his own corruption himself.
With the way Jasper phrases her response, the vibe I get is that she somehow gleans a bit of ambient shared knowledge about what happened to him through their fusion.
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(Episode 2: Page 15) 
“That human form you wear must have been hiding your markings.” This quote is SUPER vital. We’ll come back to this later on in this post series, too.
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(Episode 2: Page 15)
It’s clear that Jasper doesn’t REALLY understand what he went through or what caused it, since she then outright mistakes the casual woes and body pains of organic life as corruption. (As seen above.) 
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(Episode 8: Page 4)
But later on, she outright relates to him over their shared experience of past corruption, so she must at least know enough from mere ambient thought-sharing by this point to recognize it happened.  
It’s obvious that she’s barely scratched the surface on fully understanding her fusion partner, though. Neither of them have. It’s gonna take a lot of fusion, comedic mishaps, and genuine conversation to get there. All in good time, I’m sure.
Please do join me tomorrow at 7am PST for the next post in this series! This has been a blast to write up and muse upon.
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yandereheathen · 11 months
The Boss's Plaything [18+ Ateez Yandere Hoongjoong x Fem Reader]
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Paring: Yandere Hoongjoong x Fem Reader
Yandere songhwa x Reader if you squint at the end. Warnings: Yandere dark themes!! NSFW Non-con, Mentions of hurting other people, jealousy, voyeurism. Choking, knee grinding, no protection (BAD) Disclaimer: This in no way reflects any of the real Ateez members. This is my own fan content :> I also do not endorse these kind of relationships. Enjoy with your own mental heath in mind <3 Word count: 2.5k "You know what they say about Office romance."
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Working for Kim Hongjoong was an experience. Long days, short deadlines, and odd requests were quite normal. However, the pay was terrific, along with the benefits. Also, you had the fortunate situation of studying and being best friends with him before his creation and rise of the Cromer Corp. You, him, and Songhwa were good friends. You and he naturally followed Hongjoong after schooling to help him with his dreams. He was ruthless but hard-working, and you knew this company was his whole life, and you wanted nothing more than to see him grow and achieve that.
So, you started your day seemingly like any other. 5:30am Two americanos, one black with extra ice for him, the further your own with cream and sugar. You liked things sweet. 
Little did you know, so did he.
You called up the elevator to his high-end apartment, going through your phone and seeing the schedule for today. Meetings, some project updates, and, of course, The Halazia Party. You and Hwa had been running ragged along with the other branch heads. Well, mostly, you had to keep Woo and San more to task than the others. 
You have gotten along very well with the other branch members. All brilliant in their rights, you always felt a little out of place. You know the lower associate whispered that you didn't quit having the background or shine they did and that you had only gotten this position due to your friendship. First, do your best to ignore those and work as hard as possible. You never wanted to bother Hongjoong with that stuff. 
You opened the door with your hip, put the coffee down at his desk, and opened the blinds, looking around his office. It was just like him. It was clean but had a carefully cultured style. Everything in the room had meaning. Small, expensive gifts were the case from investors, and his awards and degrees were also put in specific positions on the counters around the room. Only one thing was slightly out of place. You pick it up from the right side of his desk. A picture Hwa had taken of both of you in school. You were laughing at something happening on screen, and Hongjoong had a rare small smile on his face, looking up at you. Not that he didn't smile. He had the charming smile he saved for clients or investors and his "demon face" when he put someone in their place. This was a smile you didn't see often, but you caught glimpses. 
Only when looking at you.
"Y/N. I see your habit of coming in unannounced still going strong."
You smile to yourself, turning. Hongjoong was already dressed impeccably. His hair spilled black and bleached and slightly slicked back. A sly played on his lips, looking you up and down. To check if you are dressed appropriately, of course. He was so particular about fashion.
Boy, did that skirt he had bought you hug your curves.
"Yeah, well, I want to ensure you had sun and coffee for when you got in. It is a big day."
You beam at him, but he sits, taking a sip of his coffee and looking at his computer but still giving you glances.
"We do. Have you and Songhwa finalized the food, venue, and security?"
You nod and start listing off confirmations and any other information that he would need to know. Emails he needs to answer or reminders.
You worked so hard for him. Even since school, what you lacked in pure born talent you made up with hard work, determination, and empathy. He loved to see how hard you tried for him. To impress your best friend turned boss. It more than stroked his delusional ego. You were his best project, along with Cromer Corp, of course. A sweet, nervous girl, pure and so tentative. It was easy to fall for you and keep you in his clutches. Hongjoong has liked to collect things ever since he was young, whether it be things, money, or people. 
His carefully created branch members and brand. You and Songhwa are the jewels. Park Seonghwa, someone who he found was the only person to match him, a perfect right-hand man for all aspects of his business. Even the more unsavory parts that you didn't know about. Then there was you, Y/N. The sugar in this recipe. His one guilty pleasure. Something to be carefully shaped and modeled into his perfect little plaything.
Tonight, he was going to take that next step.
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"I don't want to wear this. It will look silly. It looks like a collar."
You frown at Songhwa as he helps you zip up your dress. He bites his lip, eyeing the leather in your hand. He knew, of course, that Songhwa knew everything about his boss. 
Things he had helped Hongjoong with. The threats of the people who wanted to talk to you in school, then the carried-out threats on the people that threatened his friend's careful little relationship. There was one part of him. The empathetic human part that made him squirm thinking about it was the blood and screams. However, he knew he was no different. He liked the neat little world Hongjoong and Y/N had with the other members. He also would do anything to keep that peace. Even if it meant dooming you to your part in his plan.
"It is fashionable Y/N. You know he will throw a fit."
He takes it, slipping it over your neck, fixing the latch so it is tight but uncomfortable. He glances at the ceiling, a slight shine of a camera only seen by the tall man. He gives it a quick look:
"Are you watching? This is what you wanted, isn't it, Sir."
You smile, greeting the guests, trying to hide your slight annoyance. For the event, Hongjoong liked to dress you and all of the members. Typically, he had you in a simple but still conservative outfit. This was not the case. A tight red dress is lined with lace dancing around your hips and chest. The leather band with a latch in the back and a tiny hourglass charm in the front only made you feel more self-conscious. 
You took a sip of your wine in your glass, waved over by Jongho and Mingi, sitting at a far table. Both dress smartly, of course, but with their own personalities shined in. Jongho had a more straightforward, classic fitting for the head of HR, while Mingi had more colors and tight pants showing his old legs, perfect for the marketing head. You flop in the chair next to them, fanning yourself. 
"Thanks for calling me over. I need a break just for a moment before I do my rounds on the other side."
"Joong, has you rubbing around in a dress like that? he must be crazy. Minji winks at you.
You roll your eyes.
"Yea, yea, I know I look ridiculous in this. I don't know what Hongjoong is thinking."
you pick at the dress, painfully aware of any "flaws" it shows.
"I don't think that is what he meant, Y/N."
The younger man sips his drink, looking into your eyes with a ... knowing look? What was that about? 
You playfully hit him, standing up and stretching. You feel a hand sneaking around your waist, pulling you to his side; you let out a small yelp.
"There she is. I have been looking all over for you. I need help with something."
You look at the handsome face of Hongjoong. He is dressed to the nines like always in a front tye suit, the inner shirt matching your own dress, a pocket square of the same lace in his front pocket. His mouth pulled into an odd smirk, his eyes lingering below your chin. You don't haul away used to his closeness by now. Hongjoong always said he liked to be more hands-on with things.
He really did enjoy handling his "things."
"I was just taking a short break. Did the Reps from Stay Offices come yet. I know Chan and Bin said they would-"
Hongjoong ran his finger on your chin and traveled lightly with his nimble gloved fingers to the collar, tugging it ever so slightly.
"This looks good on you, Y/N. It really suits you."
Your ears got warm as you met his eye, not pulling away in embarrassment. 
"Is this some joke calling me your pet, huh? I get enough slack from the associates."
You laugh light-heartedly, but he doesn't match you playing with the small charm eyes cold.
"I told you to tell me if anyone was giving you trouble, Y/N I would handle them."
Mingei and Jogho cough, getting up and waving at you. 
"That is our cue to head out and schmooze. You both have fun~"
Mingi winks again, and Jongho looks at you slightly. Was that worry? You just brushed it off, turning back to your boss.
"It is fine. Harmless teasing, I promise I am a big girl. You don't need to take care of me so much. I am supposed to do that for you!"
You smile, holding his face and rubbing his cheek lightly. His whole body seemed to soften at your touch, but he pulled away quickly, looking around, making sure none of his business partners had seen this moment. You weren't ready yet, after all.
"Y/N. Can you come with me quickly? I need to speak to you about something."
You tilt your head, letting go and crossing your arms in front of your chest.
"Are you sure? People are still-"
"This can not wait."
You already have made him wait too long.
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You walk into his office, slightly nervous. You run through your head everything that needs to be done. The food tasted and perfect, you triple-checked every guest. What could-
"You look beautiful, Y/N."
He steps forward, cornering you to his desk, putting his hand on it, boxing you in, and smiling at you.
This was a new smile, almost.
Predatory. his black eye held something more than the softness or anger. 
"Well, the dress you picked out was perfect, as always. Was this all you needed to"
He cuts you off again, pulling you by the leather collar onto his pouty lips, his other hand pulling you against him. He lets a soft moan into your mouth, a release almost as you feel his hand grope your backside and something poke your leg.
Your brain goes a mile a minute. Shock, confusion, anger, and something else mixed inside you. You try to pull away, but he grabs you harder, forcing his tongue into your mouth and mixing his saliva with yours. You continue to struggle, but it seems to only strengthen his grip. After another minute of young wreaking in your mouth, he pulls his mouth away just so slightly to gently kiss the top of your ear.
"That's a good plaything. Y/N, you were waiting for this, weren't you."
You quickly shake your head, face and ears hot.
"Hongjoong, a-are you drunk or something that's going on?"
He only laughs, his knee sliding up between your legs, rubbing the soft fabric of your clothes sex.
"Halazia can mean Hearts awakened Y/N. I chose tonight to awaken your heart and mind to your rightful place. Next to me. Forever."
He nuzzles into your neck, kissing it lightly, knee rubbing faster; you let out a whimper, hands on his chest, and you try to push away from him.
"Hongjoong, please, I don't; you are my boss. We are best friends. Let's go back to the party. You must have been drinking too much."
Hongjoong rows into your shoulder, pushing you onto his desk, the objects painfully cutting into your back. He stands between your legs, rutting into between your legs, his eyes lidded and breathing heavily.
"I don't think so, Y/N. I have let you simmer long enough. It is time for my meal. You. Are. Mine."
He rips up your dress roughly, pulling down the thin fabric of your panties. You scream, but it is cut short by another kiss. Even rougher this time mixed with whispers of.
"That's a good girl."
"Look nice and wet for your Sir already, are you."
Your brain screams for him to stop, but your body heats up, enjoying the feeling of his fingers rubbing your clit gently as her ravages your mouth. He pulls away, leaving you rambling and light-headed, before undoing his pants and rubbing the top of his cock on your slit.
"How long I have waited for this day, Y/N. You have no idea. You were teasing. The frustrated night, the people I had to hurt to keep you my perfect plaything. All min now."
Before you can question him, he trusts you. Thanks to his fingers, your body was prepared, not your mind. This was Hongjoong, who you loved like a best friend whom you followed, loved, and supported your whole adult life. You had no idea he had these feelings and weren't sure you liked them. 
You fought his thrusts in vain. He was too strong, and the adrenaline of finally fucking the love of his life only boosted that his lips found your chest young, hungrily licking around your sensitive bud. You wiggle under him, trying your best not to call out in pleasure that was coming in waves from your core. He stood up, egged on by your little noises.
"That's it. You are taking me so well, Y/N. Look at how perfectly your little pussy fits around me. Take it, take me inside of you, let me fill you with all my cum. Let me fill your womb that is begging for my seed. My precious little plaything."
He closes his hand around your throat, resiting your air as he mercilessly pounds into you, the object cutting your skin. With repeated motions, he lets out a hiss as he pours inside you.
"F-fuck, that's it, take it. Take it like the good object you are."
You bite into your lip, drawing out blood. The metallic taste mixes with his taste in your mouth. as your body betrays you. His love filling your already sore and abused pussy is too much. Everything was already too much. His confession, anger, and mark on my heart, body, and soul. You could only mutter out jibberish as you lay on his desk, the picture of both of you beside your arm.
He grinds into you, taking out his phone to take another picture. He could also frame this one but keep it on his desk, and then he would have to send it to Songhwa to give him a better angle after all. He waves at the small red light his other assistant thought he didn't know about hiding on the shelf. 
"You will enjoy your new position with me, Y/N. I will make sure of it."
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Author note: *Cries* this was a heck in a half I am not great with real people, but the great Kpop Yandere writers have been such an inspiration for me I wanted to try <3 Thank you for your support :> reminder my asks and requests are open!
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swanimagines · 7 months
Summary: Imagine being Jefferson's wife and working in a little tea shop in Storybrooke during the curse that Jefferson visits every day because he wants to see you.
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There you were again. Smiling at customers, making small talk and looking as beautiful as ever. Jefferson swallowed, before forcing a small smile on his face and walked to the counter. You turned around to see him and your smile just grew wider.
"Hi Mr. Jefferson! Your usual?"
Jefferson nodded. "Yes please."
You turned around again to brew his tea, and just like yesterday, and the day before that, and that, and that, he felt a sting in his heart. You had been in love back in the Enchanted Forest, you were his wife, but now you didn't even remember him. The pain was unbearable. He wanted to say something, anything which could make you remember, but nothing came out of his mouth. Anything he would say would just push you away because you'd think he's gone bonkers. Mad as a hatter. So all he could do was stare into your beautiful eyes and think about how much he loved you, how trapped he was with all the memories of you, him and Grace, living happily in the Enchanted Forest. How you'd always come by his bed to serve him his morning tea and you'd always kiss him before he'd take the cup. Your smile made his day before he even got out of the bed, you had been so happy.
"Here's your tea," you snapped him out of his thoughts as you pushed a cup in front of him. "That makes-"
Jefferson nodded before you even finished, forcing a smile on his face again and handed you fifty dollars. "You don't have to say the price, I will always tip my favorite tea shop keeper who makes the best tea."
"You're always so kind, Mr. Jefferson," you said with another small smile and put the money into the counter. "I don't know what did I do to deserve such kindness."
He smiled at you a little wider. "You have done nothing in particular, really. Just being yourself."
You smiled at that, looking downwards, clearly flustered by his words. Then the bell rang as the door opened, and Jefferson glanced over his shoulder, seeing Regina and his smile immediately faltered. She came inside and stood beside him, smiling at you with feigned sweetness.
"I'd like some tea on the go," she said and you nodded.
"Of course, Madam Mayor. What kind of tea would you like?" you asked, gesturing towards the menu above you.
"A large chai latte," Regina told you without even looking at the menu. "And make sure it's extra hot."
"Of course," you said and made her drink, pushing it towards her. "That makes two fifty."
Regina dug her purse for a moment before giving you a few coins. Then she turned towards Jefferson. "You, with me."
Jefferson clenched his jaw, but complied, following Regina out. They walked for a little bit, before he scoffed.
"I didn't know you like chai latte, Mrs. Mayor. Pitch black tea fits more of your style."
"And I didn't know I gave you a permission to seduce her," Regina sighed. "She has a new life now, Jefferson. You have to stay out of it, or something bad might happen."
Jefferson didn't reply to that, knowing that arguing about it wouldn't change anything. He just kept quiet and followed Regina until he could turn towards his mansion. But despite Regina's warning, he knew that he'd be in your shop again tomorrow. He just had to see you, he had to see you smile, to know you're alright. He wanted to keep making you smile with his words - maybe you'd even fall in love with him again. 
He knew it all was wishful thinking, but he couldn't help but feel hopeful about it every time he saw you. Maybe it was stupid, but it kept him sane around this madness…
Requests are always open! FANDOM LIST | PROMPT LIST(S) | RULES (READ!!!)
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kquil · 1 year
REQUEST. : I'd love to see the reader finally deciding to get something tattooed,  something sentimental.  All 6(soon to be 7) I have all have special meaning. 💖💖 —@twilightlover2007
G. : fluff ; modern au ; muggle au ; tattoo artist james ; tattoo artist sirius ; piercer remus ; comfort ; james comforts you ; the boys are soft for you ; you get your first tattoo ; you overcome your fear of needles
LENGTH : 1.6k
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“Can you do it?” you ask as your nerves persuade you into fiddling with the hem of your long sleeved shirt.
“Of course we can, sweetheart,” Sirius reassures, pulling you into his side by the shoulders and giving you a comforting squeeze, “but are you sure you want it there?” he asks after pulling away to face you towards him and trace his thumb over your desired placement - just under your breasts and against your ribcage. 
From beside Remus, James nods in agreement and holds onto your small sketch of the tattoo you want, “the ribcage is one of the most painful places to get a tattoo,” the statement makes you gulp nervously but James’s soft smile stops your nerves from going too crazy, “numbing cream will have to be your best friend, then,”
Smiling, you nod happily. You wanted to keep your tattoo hidden and just for yourself because it’s so meaningful; you didn’t want it in areas that could easily be seen so you were happy that you didn’t need to change the location. 
“Just make sure that you apply the numbing cream on the area, at least, 45 minutes before your tattoo appointment,” Remus adds thoughtfully, “you want to make sure that it penetrates deep enough so that it does its job properly,” compliant, you nod and persuade them that you would make sure to do so, “good girl,” Remus smiles and a heat flourishes across your cheeks. Getting praised by Remus always felt extra special; your nerves were very sensitive to his compliments. 
Sirius then steps beside James, places his arm around his friend’s shoulders and leans down to examine your sketch. It was a meaningful tattoo that you wanted and drew a sketch for so you felt quite bashful to have it examined so closely by someone like Sirius, who was quite eccentric and very particular about aesthetics. 
“Quite the artist, aren’t you, doll?” Sirius commends as the two other men nod along, already having examined your sketch. 
“It’s very cute,” James coos fondly. 
“But we can tell it’s very important to you so you need to pick the right artist who you think will execute the work best,” Remus smirks as a visible spark of competitiveness appears in James and Sirius’s eyes. 
It took a few days of thinking and chats but you concluded that James would be the best one to give you your first tattoo. Both Sirius and James were incredibly talented artists but James’s art style was one that you felt best suited your sketch. 
Following your decision, James expressed his clear elation as Sirius pouted like a sulking child. Thankfully, Remus was there to cheer him up with some comforting pats to his shoulder. Seeing Sirius’s usually vivacious demeanour fizzle out into something more reserved made you feel some guilt but he didn’t let you dwell on the feeling for long. 
“It’s alright, darling,” he whispers into your hair, his embrace warm and comforting and one that you happily reciprocate with an apologetic tightness, “I just wanted it so much to be me,” 
“I’m sorry, Siri,” 
“No worries,” he kisses your temple as he’s grown accustomed to doing, in order to comfort you, “I’m just being childish anyway, what matters most is that you’re happy with your first tattoo,” he pulls away to admire your sweet face and give you a reassuring smile, “it’s going to be on your skin forever, after all,”
It took a few sessions with James, where you helped him polish up the design of your tattoo, before you could set an official appointment to get your tattoo done. You didn’t know if the nerves you were feeling were of fear or excitement - sometimes the two different emotions felt the same. The confusion only made you freeze up in the doorway for longer. Remus had led you to where James was preparing the private room for your tattoo. 
“Did you remember to put on the numbing cream we gave you?” Remus asks, his voice as soft and warm as the hand he had comfortingly placed on the curve of your hip. 
“Y-yeah…” you breathe, leaning into the body of the tall brunette as you both stare at James sanitising the tattoo bed, he then proceeds to effortlessly set up some lighting apparatus before organising his tools and inks. 
“James is going to take good care of you, dove, don’t worry,” Remus reassures, unprompted, “James, Sirius and I would never do anything to hurt you, you know that, right?” He looks down when you don’t respond and gently lifts your chin up with his fingers to meet his eyes, “it’s going to be okay,”
All you can muster for Remus is a timid smile before James calls you over to the tattoo bed. The tall brunette beside you, gives you one last smile before softly urging you forward with a hand on your lower back. 
“There’s our angel,” James grins and pulls you into his arms, “are you ready for your first tattoo?” Your following silence is deafening but prompts James to begin petting the back of your head soothingly. There’s a noticeable shift in the way he holds you, where his touch becomes gentler and more careful. Rather than addressing your obvious rising anxiety of the situation, James directs your attention to his equipment. He slowly pulls you over to sit on his thigh as he sits in his tech chair, “Do you want to take a closer look at my equipment?” you don’t say anything but you offer your hands for him to place his tattoo needle on. 
“It’s kinda heavy,” you mumble under your breath after subconsciously leaning into James’s figure. On his lap, you tuck your head under his chin and continue staring down and examining the tattoo equipment he entrusted to you. 
“Yeah, it has to hold the ink and a small motor as well, that's why,” he explains, “it’s pretty cool right?” he asks softly and smiles when he feels you timidly nod against his neck, “it gives you one hell of an ache in your wrist though,” he jokes and feels the mood lighten when you giggle softly with him. He could squeeze you from how adorable you are in his arms but resists to patiently wait for you to calm down. 
“...I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be,” he kisses the crown of your head and keeps his face pressed into your hair, taking in the smell of your delicious shampoo, “take all the time you need, angel,”
For several minutes, James carefully talks you through the equipment and the process he goes through when he does tattoos until you’re finally comfortable enough to lay down on the table and lift up your loose shirt. 
“I think I’m ready now…” you whisper and give a brave smile as James leans down to press a kiss to your temple. 
“I’m proud of you,” he whispers against your skin before he pulls away and pulls on a pair of latex gloves. He then proceeds to sanitise your skin before applying the printed stencil he created of the final design you guys worked on together. But then the door opens. 
“You haven’t started yet?” Sirius asks, suddenly walking into the room as he takes off his black gloves and quickly disposes of them in a nearby bin, “how are you doing, sweetheart?” He pulls up a spare tech chair to sit by your head as James continues to go through the necessary prep before equipping his needle. 
“I’m doing well,” you answer and Sirius smiles warmly at you, lovingly petting your hair, “James helped me calm down first so everything is a little delayed,” 
“Did James take good care of you?” Your following nod and affirming hum is enough to persuade Sirius, who looks over at James, “He better continue doing a good job then,” his statement makes you smile and so does James’s following chuckle. 
“No need to get overprotective pads, you know she’s in good hands,” James peels off the stencil and softly warns you that he’s about to begin. It isn’t until you nod before James starts tracing the stencil across your skin with his tattoo needle. A few moments go by where the small, running motor is the only sound that fills the room and you’re astounded by how well the numbing cream is working. 
“Are you okay, sweets?” Sirius asks gently, his voice and concern is very comforting.
“Yeah, I don’t feel anything,” you giggle, the sound of which makes the two men smile. 
“Good thing that your tattoo is simple and small, it’ll be over before you know it,” James comments and makes you breathe a sigh of relief. 
Time quickly passes and, just like James said, it was soon over, leaving you to wonder why you had been so nervous in the first place. Like clockwork, James and Sirius cleaned and tidied up the equipment together before the latter of the two had to excuse himself to meet with a client about their design. It’s not soon after Sirius left with a kiss to your knuckles that Remus stepped into the room with a small complimentary tub of moisturiser for you to take home. 
“It’s pretty,” Remus compliments when you finally lift up your shirt to show him the tattoo, “good job James, as usual,” James winks back at you two before Remus turns his full attention to you again, “and well done for overcoming your fear. That was very brave of you, dove,” his comment has you beaming and hugging the soft brunette around the waist.    
“Thank you,”
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A/N : this was such a sweet request, i hope i did it justice. sorry i took so long, i was overthinking it but just bit the bullet and just went for it. i also left the description of the tattoo vague so that anything you lovelies want to have as your first tattoo in this series, is completely up to you. enjoy the read my loves!
TAGLIST : @susyelectra @fangirlninja67 @pagesfalling @thepunisherfrankcastle @axeofwars @imarimon @justkiyomi @in-love-with-4-marauders @chicken-taco-burrito @valencia-rou @feast0nmeee @lestat-whore @hvmxjjk @twilightlover2007 @diaryofabiwoman @woohoney @celestialfantasiess @willbedecided @lovelyygirl8 @iiirhiane-g @ghostgardn @melinajenkins @astonishment @until-i-found-you @corp0real @sageskisses444 @celestcies @lovelydoveval @inlovewithremusjohnlupin @calums-betch @futurecorps3 @hihihi1112 @simpingforthe80s @neeezza101 @yrluvjane
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Congratulations for getting 750 followers, I absolutely adore your works! ❤️❤️❤️
For the event I'd love you to consider those:
1. Jason is the most caring friend. I think that because of his previous experiences of having to care for his mum when she was sick and also because of events that followed his death, especially the emotional hurt he faced, he became very caring and perceptive for those he cares about. He knows all too well how it is to feel abandoned and vulnerable and his goal is to do everything he can to prevent those he loves from getting the same experiences. He's the most affectionate in a quiet way, like, he's the type of person that waits when you tie your shoelaces, he asks for a messege to know you got home safely, he's a great listener, and likes to hear his friends talk about their interest even when he isn't too keen on particular topics, because what matters the most to him is that he has people that love him and that want him in their loves and share their thoughts with him.
He is also extra caring when you get sick, part of him is scared that you'll only get worse no matter what he does, like when his mum was growing weaker in his childhood, but he tries to put that fear aside and focus on doing everything he can to make you feel better.
He takes pride in being able to protect those he cares about and doesn't see it as a duty but as a privilege.
2. I also believe he likes handmade gifts the most. He knows how long it takes to do something by yourself, and he almost cannot belive that for someone he was worth the effort. Expensive things are nothing to him compared to one-of-a-kind decoration, piece of clothing or something cooked or baked specially for his tastes.
Thank you for reading and I hope it isn't too long and that my english is okay😅
And again, thank you for sharing your works, they are the best ❤️ I love your style of writing and the personality of your characters, thinking about your pirate au got me through many commutes lately ❤️ Good luck in the future!!! To many more followers! ❤️
Hi, Tina! Thank you so much!! I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying that au! 🥰💛💛
Ah, I feel I don't even need to add anything to this, but let me try!
1. Yes, I think a big love language for Jason Todd is acts of service. (Touch as well, but I think this would be more if you're dating) As friends, Jason's going to look out for you. It's in his nature to care for the people around him, even if it's detrimental to himself. He's going to do the little things, the big things, the things you won't even notice, all without expecting anything in return because he loves. He loves so much, friendship, romantic, familial, or whatever you'd like to call it.
I also think quality time is going to be important, as you hit on, listening and talking to each other is something he's going to enjoy, no matter what. Even just sitting near each other in the same room and existing together makes him happy!
2. I'm mostly with you in this. Jason's going to love anything you give him, but handmade gifts are going to make his heart skip a beat. Even just wrapping the gift yourself feels special because you took the time to do something for him, while thinking about him. Life gets busy, and the fact that you're willing to carve a piece of time out of your day for him means the world.
The only thing I wouldn't go as far as to say is that expensive things aren't as good as something handmade. I think if you're spending your hard earned money on him instead of on yourself and taking the time to pick out something you think he'd like, it's still a clear effort to do something for him. (I hope that makes sense)
Either way, acts of service are going to be part of the relationship, whether that includes gift giving or not!
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New look [S. R.]
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
word count: 800
Summary: directly based on "The internet is forever" (5x22), when Reid's wonderful but short-lived boyband cut appears for the first time
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Most of you were sitting in the conference room when JJ got ready to present the case. That particular night you had slept very little and to perform at work you thought it necessary to prepare yourself a coffee Spencer-style, who, by the way, had not yet deigned to appear at the bureau's offices.
“This is Dorris Archer, she's the third woman to go missing in Boise, Idaho, this year, along with Paula Renmar and Samantha Rush” the blonde began to say, under the attention of the entire team “They went missing roughly 2 months apart …” suddenly she cut off her words and her gaze traveled behind you. Out of inertia you turned your head and your breath caught a bit when you looked at who it was.
Of course you were glad to see your friend finally show up, but you honestly hadn't expected to see him like this. 
"Well, hello," JJ sneered, grinning in astonishment and approval at the man's new look.
Spencer took a seat in the chair next to you and all eyes fell on him, especially yours and Hotch's, albeit for very different reasons. You had gotten used to seeing his hair falling over his shoulders, even a couple of times you had come to help the man hold it with one of your scrunchies, but to be honest, the cut at that moment suited him much better than it should. It made him look cute and at the same time so… sexy? Yeah, maybe that was the word.
Although you wanted to say something, the words didn’t leave your lips and your boss was the first to speak:
"What, did you join a boy band?" he, miraculously, joked. 
"No," Reid replied, genuinely confused, and that was reason enough for all of you, without exception, to start laughing. When he heard your laughter, he looked in your direction and smiled kindly in greeting, to which you responded with a friendly squeeze on his arm.
Emily mumbled something to follow up on the case, but even against your will your mind was occupied with a completely different matter; being more specific on a certain person right next to you. You kept blatantly staring at him for a long time and when he felt that attention you saw him turn his head towards you, an obvious sparkle of concern in his eyes. Out of respect for the unit, he didn't say anything to you, but as soon as JJ finished presenting the case and you both got up from the table, he walked over to you.
"What's going on?"
"What's going on about what?”
“You were staring at me a long time ago,” he pointed out, but it wasn't like you were hiding it “Do I look that terrible?”
When you realized the confusion that had been generated, you couldn't contain a laugh and that only increased your friend's nervousness. You two were the only ones left in the conference room, so no one would be able to hear what you had to say.
“Just the opposite, Spence. I was looking at you because I think you look very handsome” you confessed, smiling kindly at him from where you were, and one moment you saw him turn red up to his ears, because he probably didn't expect that kind of response.
"Are you serious?" he asked you timidly.
"Very seriously" you approached him to extend your hands up to his head so you could run your fingers through the strands of his hair. When he understood your intentions, he crouched slightly and simply enjoyed the contact "Although I've already gotten used to your long hair, I admit that I like this one too. It looks messier, like you're more rebellious"
"I was a little undecided about the shape," he told you, making his usual hand movements "but when I started to cut it, I thought it would be the best option and at the end I was afraid I was making a mistake, because I had never had it like that before"
“Did you cut it yourself?” you half squealed, looking at him in complete disbelief, and he nodded with a small smile “Handsome, smart, kind and now you're a barber. You're quite a jack of all trades, huh, Reid?"
"Enough, don't say those things" he laughed, turning all shy and silly at your flattery.
"Looks like I'll have to keep you away from the girls" you concluded playfully, while you winked at him and took your bag to get out of there "See you there, don't be late"
Spencer just chuckled to himself and watched you go, still internally debating whether he should take your shameless flirtations as a joke or if you really meant it. Whatever the case, he was grateful to have made that impulsive decision solely for the pleasure of hearing his little (not that much, really) crush call him handsome.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove
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ambassadorarlert · 1 year
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a compilation of some of my personal armin head canons. lmk if i should do another. this is kinda long, sorry not sorry. <33 NSFW 18+ ONLY MDNI
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scorpio sun, virgo moon, capricorn rising.
- sun in scorpio: emotional and compassionate / intense and mysterious
- moon in virgo: service minded and shy / analytical and judgmental
- rising in capricorn: loyal and ambitious / unfulfillment and drudgerous
armin is the sweetest person to exist ever
- treats you the way he wants to be treated and more than you ever thought you could ever deserve.
- would rather die first than to hurt your feelings
- and when he does it’s never on purpose and it’s always sorry for it and will try to make up anyway he can
- always goes out of his way to make things easier for you
- his love languages are acts of service, physical touch, and quality time
- if your space is kinda messy he’ll do his best to reorganize and clean up for you
- needs to live in your skin. hugs often. holds your hand any chance he can. plays with your hair. lays in your lap. touchy touchy touchy
- date nights ever weekend, or every other weekend. tries to go somewhere nice and do something grand once in a while.
- he’s too embarrassed for full fledged PDA, but chaste kissing and holding hands is okay.
- might be on the spectrum. you kinda gotta squint.
- has some kind of sleep disorder like insomnia or parasomnia.
- prone to nightmares
- also has depression, ptsd, anxiety
- does not take medication, like an antidepressant, even though he should
- he tries not to lay around too much when he’s around you or staying at your place, but when he’s alone in his own home he can stay in bed for literal days.
- his grandfather is getting older and his parents died when he was young so he has looming anxiety of death and losing people he loves.
- also has separation anxiety. he’s like one of those howling cats when their owner leaves for work.
- is kind of a picky eater. goes out and orders either alfredo pasta or chicken tenders.
- will stay up rlly rlly late until he can’t stand it
- drools in his sleep so if he’s laying on you, there’s a little wet spot lmao gross
anxious attachment style
- you remind him every single day that you love him, that he’s the only one for you, and that you’re happy in your relationship
- but he just can’t help not feeling adequate and good enough so sometimes his insecurities bleed out into other things.
- it gives him peace of mind that your location is on and he can see where you are.
- he goes through your following almost every day to see if anything has changed.
- will sometimes ask “do you know this guy?” when he sees you’ve gotten a new follower or if someone leaves a comment on one of your pics.
- super cyber stalker. if somebody leaves a nasty comment he can find their full name, place of employment, where they went to school, and their grandma’s facebook.
- he definitely screenshots the ugly stuff and sends it to their family. and says “this is how your offspring talks to people online” and that he “doesn’t appreciate you being treated this way.”
- other ppl would think he’s doing too much and sometimes it is but you know and understand him better than most people ever would.
- goes through your stuff when you’re not there
- he’s not looking for anything in particular, he just likes looking through things and seeing what you have
- smells everything. lotions and body washes. perfumes and hair products. reads the ingredients in your skin care. doesn’t know what any of it does.
- wears your house robe when you’re not there either. walks through the halls like a student at hogwarts.
cares for your animals when you’re gone or need help
- befriends whatever pet you have.
- your aloof and distant cat adores him and crawls in his lap.
- your dog follows him in every room and waits for him outside the bathroom. he cannot escape.
- if the litter box needs to be cleaned, he’ll do it.
- he’ll walk your dog and pick up your yard. might try to teach your dog a few new things.
- he’ll feed whatever you got in your cages or tank and refills all bowls and water
- gives them extra treats and snacks just because
passionate and sensual
- sex isn’t just sex for him. it’s like another way to connect emotionally with one another and be completely vulnerable and experiment with things.
- always has his mind in the gutter and is always down to jump your bones. or have you jump his bones.
- is a switch, equally enjoys being dominant and submissive.
- when he’s being dominant he wants to consume every piece of you. he kisses you everywhere, touches you everywhere, reminds you that you’re his and no one else’s.
- whispers to you about how good you feel around him. how tight you are. he loves the way you sound. he wants to stuff you full of his cock. likes to bend you over and watch how wet you get and watches his cum dripping out of you.
- wants to breed you so bad but alas. birth control.
- tries to convince you to get off of it. that you don’t need it and whatever happens, happens, and that he can support you.
- when he’s submissive, he whines and mews. he’s begging for more, harder, faster, uses his manners and says please and thank you like a good boy <33
- he turns you down most of the time when you wanna suck his dick, but he can never get enough of eating you out.
- his favorite positions are prone bone, doggy, missionary ofc, and when you ride him
- once he’s in sub-space there’s no coming out of it until he cums.
- his bookmarks on twitter is literally all porn, and he likes some weird stuff.
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2023. do not copy or repost any work by arlertwitch on any other platform. violators will be prosecuted.
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sanctus-ingenium · 1 year
I notice sometimes that you put cool stamps on your art. Would you mind explaining how you do that/give a tutorial?
hi there, i'm not sure what you mean by stamps so here's my best guess
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this red ink stamp effect is very simple just a multiply layer with a solid red brush
if you mean texture stamp brushes, i use the true grit texture supply brushes for procreate which include the stamp style brushes (a brush you slap down to add an effect or texture, you don't drag & draw with it). that's where I got my fold brushes from and the fast grit set in particular seems to be incredibly popular and widespread on tumblr among procreate artists, can't go wrong there (i'm an expert at spotting it in the wild lol)
tutorial for how to make stamp brushes work - mostly i recommend playing with layer styles to see what effects you like, i don't have set defined steps to follow when drawing i tend to just freestyle it always.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 months
I am so late to this but I had only just realised Neopets added new gray nostalgic styles with brand-new artwork for combos that don't exist pre-conversion! Do you have a favourite out of them?
(I already did the main grey review here before the new pet styles were released.)
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Even as someone who enjoys customization, I think the execution of it was pretty poor. It definitely should've been that you could freely switch between the UC design and the converted design at any point, and the option would exist for pets that were painted after conversion instead of it being a thing you had to grandfather into. Likewise, I'd argue that TNT should've done new UC designs for colours that used to get special poses even after customization, so you wouldn't be losing the beautiful art.
It took the NC Mall and 17 years, but new TNT finally wised up and switched all UCs over to purchasable NC pet styles. Originally it seemed like they were only going to include pre-existing UCs; then, it seemed like they'd do pre-existing UCs plus some other pets with old art but no UCs; and then, finally, we learned that TNT would be giving pets that didn't even have old art styles. This is a great idea, as it gives the pets that didn't get a chance at unique art (Lutaris and Vandagyres being good examples) to have some. Plus the converted versions still exist, so it's just more designs for everyone.
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(Pictured: Two UC/styled grey pets with pre-existing old art.)
The most interesting part about these new styles is watching new TNT trying to mimic the classic Neopets' art styles. There's no hard rule as to how old Neopet art worked (because different artists worked on different pets), but the following are what I'd consider the most consistent and important points:
Shading: Hard-lined cel-shading with only one or two layers. Generally high-contrast, especially for grey pets. Sometimes there'll be a small amount of highlights, but not always.
Lineart: Not too thick or too thin with natural weight variation.
Design: Not always present, but often times will include fun little plays on the original design like the Yurble's uncurled ears.
Pose: Easy to read with a good sense of motion. Matches the proportions of the original basic colour pet.
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Of course, just because a new pet style isn't quite on point doesn't make it inherently bad (though I personally like the on point ones more, and have highlighted the best in that regard below). The new grey Xweetok style is pretty off compared to an actual UC; like, here's the old sad blue Xweetok pose, which is somewhat similar to it:
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You can easily see that there's way too much detail in the shading and highlights (highlights too thin/plentiful, shading too hairline and layered too closely together), and the proportions and design details are also way off model (eyes missing the black "liner" at the back; head way too big; paws too big; ears slightly too big). But dang, it's absolutely adorable, and much much better than the converted version, which looks vaguely ill. It's a good example of how much personality a style can add.
Favorite (New) Species:
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Blumaroo: BROKEN HEART FEET. BROKEN. HEART. FEET!! That's such a wonderful detail, and 100% feels like something a UC version would've had. The pose is also really good, and the shading and lineart are pretty accurate (the lines are just a smidge too thick, but obviously not actually a problem).
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Bruce: Another pretty good pose with excellent lineart and shading (might be the same artist for this and the Blumaroo)? It's adorably mopey and little things like the extra chubby cheeks and bigger bow add a lot.
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Hissi: The shading's not quite as accurate as the above two (one too many layers on the wings, which are also a little too fluffy relative to the non-converted Hissi's wings), but the pose on this one is perfect and really feels like something that existed back in the day. I really like the eye shape in particular and how it affects the entire upper brow, so to speak.
Least Favorite (New) Species:
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Bori: Sorry, Bori, but you're not quite right. There's just a lot of things slightly off with this one, like the shading (WAY too much fur detailing that doesn't flow with the actual lineart fur; too low contrast; highlights too minimal in areas like the tail fur). Like I said above, accuracy doesn't matter if the design and pose are good, but that also feels off here. The pose is just kind of strange, like it's about to be smacked or something, and the head is like... off, like it's too far down and too far in in a way that makes it look like it has no neck. It's still got a lot more personality than the converted though, so that's good.
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
Always Daddy’s Girl
Request: hi I was wondering if you could write a Maverick x daughter reader please??
like she is at some party and she doesn’t feel safe so she calls Mav and wants him to come and pick her up but she is worried about looking like a whimp in front of her friends. Then Mav like tells her to come out the back and he will be down the block but then when she gets in the car she breaks down because she feels bad and Mav explains to her that she never has to apologize for not feeling safe and that he will always come and get her. Then he asks her what happened at the party(you can choose what happens) and he spends the rest of the night comforting her and just being the worlds best dad.
Pairings: Maverick x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing, underage drinking (not the reader), attempted sexual assault
A/N: Goose is going to be alive in this fic.
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It was Friday the last bell just rang singling at the end of the school day. Everyone was leaving some were going to their busses, some to their cars, and some too were starting to walk home. You opted to walk home, as you did every day after school since you didn't live that far away from the school. You and your dad lived close to the base but didn't live on it, his choice. Your walking buddies were Chloe Shaw and Bradley Bradshaw, but Bradley had been sick for a few days with the flu going around. You guys usually talked about nothing in particular but one topic came up, a party that none other than senior Tyler Avery.
Tyler Avery was the most popular senior at Miramar High School. Always throwing parties, anybody was invited, and the star baseball player. Every girl has a crush on him. But can be a jerk, a manwhore, and a womanizer. He had ocean-blue eyes and perfectly styled dirty blonde hair, every high school girls dream guy at Miramar High.
Chloe Shaw is your best friend and has been since elementary school. Her parents moved to Miramar due to her dad getting orders that ordered them to pack up and move. You both play softball together.
"Tyler is throwing a party tomorrow night are you coming? Chloe asked "We don’t have practice or games. Also, Tyler said that his parents are gonna be there." Chloe continued you trusted her and she wouldn't lie to you, right?
"I'll definitely be there!" You exclaimed not wanting to disappoint your friend. You were excited to have a weekend off with nothing to do. You both continued to walk and talk until we arrived at her house "I'll see you tomorrow night." You told her and hugged her.
"We're going to have so much fun!" She exclaimed, "I'll text you the details later!" She said and walked into her house.
You finally arrived home 5 minutes later and saw your dad's bike and Jeep in the driveway. Which was unusual for him since he usually got off at 5 PM, but it was only 4:10 PM. You walked into the house and saw him sitting at the kitchen table working on some paperwork. You kicked my shoes off and set your bag down.
"Hey, Dad." I said to him and he turned around and smiled he got up, walked over to me and hugged me.
"Hey, Sweetheart." He said and kissed the hairline of your head "How was your day?" He asked as he was letting go of you and going into the kitchen where you followed him. He leaned up against the counter while you went to the fridge to get something to drink. After getting it you turned around leaning on the fridge.
"It was good. Pretty long and boring. My Math teacher was a jerk and gave us a lot of homework due Monday and then a quiz due next Friday." you said exhausted. "What are you doing home early?" You asked him truly curious.
"Goose and my jet had some malfunctions so it's at the mechanics. They let us go home early." he told you and you just nodded. You were nervous to ask to go the party, you even hated to ask and him being your dad could tell something was up. "What's going on in that head of yours?" he asked you. You must've spaced out.
"I-There-" you didn't finish too afraid to ask. Even though it doesn't hurt to ask the worst he can do is say no.
"Talk to me. You can tell me anything." he told you getting a little concerned. You sigh now or never.
"There is a party tomorrow night at Tyler Avery's place, he's a senior. Before you say anything his parents are going to be there, so it's going to be supervised." You rushed the last part seeing his face and knowing what he was going to say. It was silent for a minute or so.
"If his parents are going to be there then you can go. I trust you." He told you and you let a breath you didn't know was being held. You went and hugged him thanking him profusely and he just laughed. "You're welcome, Sweetheart." He kissed the top of your head. You let go of him and stepped back.
"How's Bradley doing?" You asked your dad worried about your best friend.
"Goose says he's doing better than when he first got sick but should be better and back at school Monday." He said and you nodded satisfied that your best friend was going to be ok.
"Good! I miss him! I got some homework to do so I'll be in my room." You told him.
"Ok, Sweetheart. I'll call you when dinner is ready." He said as you got your back and headed upstairs. Once up there you went to your desk sat down and started pulling out what you needed. A few minutes into doing your work your phone dings signaling a text from Chloe telling you the details of the party and where it's going to be and that you'll meet up with her at her house.
An hour later your dad calls you down for supper. You get up and head down that way and once there you get your plate and start getting your supper, during supper your dad and you don't talk about anything important. Dinner is finished and is cleaned up and you both watch a little bit of TV and cuddle on the couch having some father, daughter bonding time until it's time for bed.
Saturday rolls around and you're up pretty early, usually sleeping in until about 11 AM but for some reason, you're up at 10 AM. You're just waking up when the smell of bacon and pancakes hits your nose and you slowly get out and walk downstairs to find your dad at the stove making breakfast.
"Smells delicious." You say to him and it startled him but he laughs it off.
"Wasn't expecting you to be up this early." He told you with a chuckle.
"Couldn't sleep very well." You replied honestly. You didn't know if it was because of the party or what but something wasn't right. Your dad just nods his head and grabs a plate for you and him and you both start making them. Breakfast is eaten in comfortable silence.
Nothing productive was done during the day. It was mostly spent lounging around the house and working on some stuff with your dad. Bradley was still sick so you couldn't hang out with him. You were still nervous about this party that you were going to for some reason. Were Tyler's parents going to be there or was Chloe lying to you because she wanted you to go?
Saturday night rolled around you said goodbye to your dad and promised that you would be safe. You had agreed to meet her at her house at 9 PM so you guys could walk over to the party that wasn't too far from the house or base. After arriving at her house and greeting her parents you both were off to the party.
Once you arrived at the party it was already in full swing. So far no adult was in sight and there looked to be alcohol everywhere. You pulled Chloe to the side.
"I thought you said that his parents were going to be here!" You exclaimed to her over the loud music and she just laughed.
"If I told you that they weren't going to be here would have come?" She asked over the music.
"No, and you know that!" You replied to her. It was true you didn't like to be at parties without an adult or Bradley and neither were here at the moment. You decided to just try and have fun and call your dad if things got out of hand.
It was an hour into the party and people were starting to get a little bit wilder, yup there was definitely alcohol here and in the punch. You stuck with the water bottle that you got out of the fridge and you were staying in the back out of the way just because the party was getting out of hand. Then Tyler Avery comes up to you and starts talking to you.
"How are you liking the party?" He asked you being all sweet and kind of getting close.
"It's good and fun." You told him starting to get uncomfortable. He was getting closer to you.
"Why don't we take this upstairs." He said as he was practically caging you in and you can smell the alcohol on his breath.
"I don't think that's a good idea." You told him trying to push him off. The water bottle was forgotten, it had fallen to the ground at some point.
He ignored you and started to try and kiss you but you turned your head away and he took that as a win and started kissing your face. You were stiff as a board and not giving in. You started to cry begging him to stop.
Then you start to feel his hand start to wonder first, it was on your neck and then it slowly went down to your chest then slowly went down further, and that's when you drew the line. You brought your knee up to his groin and he doubled over in pain and that's when you took your exit. You found Chloe by the punch bowl and with other people around and told her you wanted to go home.
"Chloe!" You yelled at her and got her attention she turned to you and you could see that she had been drinking and could smell it. The others left. You tried to tell her what happened.
"Well that's great! He likes you!" She yelled while slurring her words. "I wish he would make out with me!" She yelled
"I'm thinking of going home." You told her and she scoffed.
"If you go home now you're just a wimp." She said and stumbled away to a group. You didn't want to look like a wimp so you dropped it but you knew you couldn't stay there so you went outside in the backyard and called the only family member you trusted, your dad. You pulled out your phone and dialed his number he picked up on the first ring.
"Hey, Sweetheart." He started. You just started to bawl. "Sweetheart are you ok?" He asked getting worried.
"No, I want to go home but don't want to look like a wimp by having my dad pick me up." You said crying and he sighed.
"Ok, Sweetheart. I'll meet you a block away. Want me to stay on the phone with you?" He asked.
"Yes." You shortly replied. You started walking that way. You stayed on the phone with him until you saw his Jeep and got in.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked you.
"Yes, but I want to be home first." You told him and he nodded his head. The ride to your house was silent and finally what seemed like forever you arrived home. He parked and you both got out and headed into the house to the couch.
"Ok, we're home. What happened?" He asked you. You started to tell him trying not to cry even more so you could get through it.
"Chloe told me about the party when we were walking home Friday and she told me that Tyler's parents were going to be there." You started "She knows I won't go to parties unless it's supervised." Tears started to slowly fall. Your dad pulled you into his arms and you leaned into him. "We got there and everything was going smoothly until an hour into it and everyone started to get louder and then I saw the half-empty alcohol bottles and I could smell alcohol coming from the punch bowl." You sniffled and felt your dad rub your back. "I was drinking water and staying in the back then Tyler came up to me," I said and started to chock up. "I could smell he had been drinking and he pushed me into the wall while I was trying to get away and begging him to stop. He started to try and kiss me and I turned my head away and he started kissing my face." I said almost full-on sobbing and heavy breathing not wanting to relive the next part "His hand started to wonder it started at my neck and then went lower to my chest and then even lower but before he got there, I kneed him in the crotch and he doubled over and I got away. I told Chloe what happened and she basically said I should be lucky and that it meant he was into me and that she wished he would've made out with her." I was crying and your dad pulled you closer to him and was making an enraged face that you couldn't see. "I told her that I was thinking of going home and she said that I would be a wimp if I went home now. That's when I went out into the backyard and called you. I didn't want to be there a second longer." You finished. Your tears had soaked a wet spot into his sweatshirt but he didn't care.
"Oh, Sweetheart. You did the right thing in both situations and you're never a wimp for calling your father." He told you and you knew he was telling the truth. "You can always come to me, call me, or talk to me when you feel uncomfortable. You know why?" He asked.
"No, why?" You asked sitting up and looking at him as he wiped your eyes.
"Because you will always be daddy's girl." He told you with a smile and you just dove into him with a hug.
"I love you, Dad." You said
"I love you too, Sweetheart." He replied and kissed your head.
The rest of the night you spent with your dad watching TV until you both fell asleep together on the couch.
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doingdathockey · 1 year
Dubas' participation in this event said a lot about his leadership style. As he is also handling general manager duties on an interim basis through July, Dubas could have left this portion to the amateur scouting crew. Instead, he made time to travel from Toronto to Buffalo to be involved in a couple long days of draft prep in the midst of a chaotic time for not only Dubas, but also his family - wife Shannon, son Leo, and daughter Lennon.
"I think number one, it was important for me to be here with the staff, because I haven't worked with them the whole year," Dubas said. "So be here in support of them, get to meet people who I don't have as long a track record with.
"But, more importantly, just to get to see the process that the team goes through and learn the way that they go about it, so that I can try to be helpful and help the process as we go through the next few weeks before the draft in Nashville."
And it wasn't just that Dubas was there - it was that he was completely engaged. On Dubas' first day in Buffalo earlier this week, he got to Pittsburgh's suite bright and early before the rest of the crew arrived. Once they did, Dubas greeted everyone warmly, and made it clear right away that he was deferring to them in this process, and that it shouldn't be the other way around.
Dubas was focused and observant during every session, with each player getting his full attention, as he really only looked away to make notes. He was true to his word about not wanting to interrupt the flow, only asking follow-ups here and there. For example, when a forward mentioned that he had driven his line last season, Dubas said, "what exactly does driving a line mean to you?" And when another said he liked listening to podcasts, Dubas wanted to know which ones.
Dubas did have one specific question he asked at the end, which was some variation of: "if I was going to watch one game of you at your absolute best from this year, what game would you tell me to watch?" Some kids answered without much hesitation, but there was one prospect in particular who thought long and hard. And instead of pressuring him for a response, Dubas offered him the chance to think about it more, saying he could text him with his reply by the end of the day, with the two exchanging numbers.
It was clear that Dubas relishes this particular area of the draft process, saying, "I really enjoy this part of it. Enjoy getting to know the players and who they are, in case you draft the players, so you know the type of people that are coming into the organization. And also, I know it's only been a few days, but start to identify the types of people that we want to bring in that are going to become great Pittsburgh Penguins."
And speaking of great Pittsburgh Penguins, Sidney Crosby was drafted by the organization all the way back in 2005, the year most of these kids were born. Having grown up watching him, they all possess so much admiration and respect for the captain, which definitely came across.
"I know there's no perfect people, but he's as close to perfect as it gets," one prospect said before wanting to know more about what sets Crosby apart from everyone else, as the Penguins gave the kids a chance to ask questions of their own at the end.
Dubas truly lived up to his stellar reputation as a leader who fosters collaborative relationships with everyone around him during his stop in Buffalo, leaving a great impression on the Penguins scouting staff, who appreciated having him around and getting the chance to have some good conversations.
"I think I speak for everybody that's here with the Penguins that we've enjoyed one, getting to know him, and two, learning from him," Pryor said. "Obviously extremely intelligent, and we can learn a lot from him. He's been really open asking us questions. We've been able to ask him questions as well and kind of pick his brain. So, anytime you get a chance to spend with him and get to know him and understand him and his path - he's been extremely successful and he's really intelligent, so it's always good to be able to pick his brain."
people gushing about dubas and sid… excellent
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saltofmercury · 2 years
Hello hello 👋🏻 new follower here but I love your work (the clumsy reader drabble was so cute I love our bbygirl in these “mundane” type of situations and you’ve written him into that setting so wonderfully 💕❤️) so I thought I’d shoot in a request, you can turn it into a drabble or something else of your choosing, that is of course if it appeals to you! But I thought it was a cute and funny moment which could fit well with your writing style! So I work in an office filled w a lot of men who are taller than me which means I have to crane up my neck 99% of the time to keep a conversation w them, but there’s this one coworker who has to courtesy to lean down/sit beside me and sometimes gets on his knees next to my desk on the floor whenever he comes around to talk, and the other day another coworker passed us by and he said “ [hisname], on your knees again, I see?” and he immediately clapped back w “I’ll always get down on my knees for a woman, you should try it out sometimes!” (now that I read this back it comes across as juvenile and borderline a HR nightmare but I promise it was harmless fun😭😭)
anyhoo since I have a very dirty mind in general and am currently battling a bad case of brainrot bc of a certain Austrian sniper who triggers all the kinks (size in particular🥴) I was thinking what if Konig would have a freudian slip like this around his crush and where it would lead the two of them 👀
Hope this fits the request!
Small little hand touches, small flirty comments, stealing eye glances toward one another. You two had been dancing around one another. There was an obvious attraction toward one another, but afraid of overstepping your friendship boundary, you had left it kissing in the hallway, not wanting to get hurt.
König seemed like he liked to keep it as a friendship too. He would talk to you throughout the day, FaceTime at night, even sometimes making you lunch when you didn’t answer him. He knew you were busy so he tried to make your day a little easier.
He actually hated the kissing part because it left him wanting more.
“Come on one more kiss?”
He had been breathless, meeting you in the stairwell for your usual “afternoon delight.” A term he mixed up.
He pulled you in, craned his neck towards you, trapping you under his arms and lips.
“I’ve got — he kissed you
— reports to submit!”
“Last one until tomorrow,” he exhaled, rubbing your face with his thumbs, then embracing you, sticking his tongue in your mouth, you sucking it and making him moan.
You felt it. He was clearly hard against you, so you pulled away, not trying to make it worse for him.
“Hey, wait just for a minute more…” he attempted to pull you back but you dismissed him, telling him you need to get back to your report for Price.
Later that night, after you guys had FaceTimed each other, you two had been laughing at something he said.
“Ok ok, I need to go to sleep, I have to go to the gym tomorrow.” He said
“Alright, fine.” You whined. “Goodnight…”
“Okay goodnight —I love you!” He had heard what he said, wide eyed, his face turned red, and he fumbled his phone to end the call.
The next day, you hadn’t brought up the I love you, meeting with everyone to go over plans for the mission you were sending them on. You had briefed each and every member of KorTac, making sure they knew what they would be supplied with and how much time they had.
Once it was over, Horangi leaned over to König.
“God she’s strict but I like her! She’s all business. She even gave us timelines of when this should be completed.”
König stared at you standing in the hallway, fixing your jacket over your blouse.
He was never a boobs kind of guy, but he thinks you made him one. He wondered how they would feel in his mouth.
“Yeah she’s the breast… I mean best!” He stared at Horangi, who started laughing hysterically.
“Got your mind in the gutter König?”
At that moment you had turned towards them, wondering what Horangi was laughing about. You smiled, waving at them.
Two days later, you had a free afternoon, König had been talking to you about heading to the gym. You had told him you desperately wanted a shower and would skip the gym today. Not that you even went, you weren’t into fitness at all.
König had heard what you said, but insisted on having you there with him, to at least have company and sneak off to make out. But what had come out was —
“Hey wanna go shower with me?” He was stunned, you started laughing so hard you couldn’t stop. He was clearly flustered, he wasn’t sure if you had laughed it off as a joke or just merely embarrassed.
"I've got to go, i'm gonna be late." He practically gathered himself running away.
When he tried calling you that night, but you had been too preoccupied with something else. Wondering if his feelings secretly slipped a message out. Did he want more than just friends?
You touched yourself, imagining what it would feel to have his pouty lips in between your legs. What it would be like to have him moaning echoing throughout the four corners of your room. How it would be to sit on him, his thick sex entering you, stretching you out as you held onto him…
He didn't reach you, and left you a voicemail.
“Okay I know today was weird with the shower comment… if you get this call, give me a chance." It had slipped out again.
Once you heard that message it was clear. You knew he wanted it too.
You texted him to come over.
He had rushed over, sensing some priority in your message. The three knocks on your door had created an urgency inside you. You ran to the door, and grabbed him by the shirt. Pulled him into a kiss.
“I want you so bad König you don’t understand. I don’t want to be friends.”
He chuckled lightly, “I do understand…”
He picked you up and pressed you against the wall. Sucking on your neck and collarbone, leaving small bites, and hickeys in their place.
“You have no idea what you do to me, how badly I’ve wanted this.”
You grab a hold of his face in your hands, sloppily kissing him and arching your back from the wall, your breasts closer to his chest.
“Say you’ve wanted me too? Please baby.”
You pulled yourself from him, unlatching your legs around his waist, and pulling yourself down.
You proceed to undress yourself walking slowly to the bedroom.
He followed you into the room where you’ve already peeled off most of your clothes except your panties.
“I’ve wanted you so badly.”
You lay on the bed, and as his hands roam your breasts, squeezing, and fondling your nipples, he gently rubs down to your panties, his fingertips on the edge of them.
“No, König, take them off with your teeth.”
He looks at you for a second, the rush of blood going straight to his erection. He kisses you through your underwear, grabs a hold of your legs from underneath. Teeth nip lightly at your skin, grab a hold of the lace in-between and with one full motion, he’s taken them down to your knees. He rips them off your leg and puts them in his back pocket.
He looks at you, exposed, your legs wide open. Your cunt somewhat wet for him, and he’s got to taste just to be sure.
He places his tongue on you, gently flicks inside you, swirling and licking you at every inch.
He moans, nuzzling himself closer.
“ugh baby, you’ve got such a cute cunt.”
The heat rises from your stomach to your cheeks. He’s so gentle, sucking on your lips, teasing your clit.
“I’ve wanted to taste you since we’ve shared our first kiss.”
He speaks softly, placing small pecks on you. It bubbles small waves in you.
He wraps his hands around yours,
“Tell me baby, have you wondered what it’s like? What does my tongue feel like on your pretty little cunt?”
You’re overwhelmed, he’s so vocal but gentle, it makes you crazy. You let out a small moan.
“Breathe in through your nose baby, relax, I’m here.”
As soon as you take those deep breaths, it’s game over, like your body has its full attention on his tongue on your clit, sending waves of pleasure throughout your body.
He’s egging you on,
“You like it when I go fast?” He flicks your clit faster with his tongue,
then asks,
“Or slow like this?”
And proceeds to suck on your clit so gently, soft moans coming from his mouth.
“You taste so good, baby.”
Your brain can’t comprehend anything. The sounds you’re emitting, his tongue on you, how he expresses himself… you can feel how close you are.
“You’re gonna cum soon? I can feel it, you’re so wet. Cum for me.”
And it’s with those three words that send you over the edge. You arch your back, flares ripple through your body, and you moan his name.
He’s still sucking, making you jump slightly, pushing away from him.
He comes up towards your body, placing soft kisses on your legs, tummy, and breasts. He stops at the left one, sucking on it.
“I’ll get these next time.” He tells you, grabbing you for a deep kiss.
You stare up at him, wondering why it was ever such a bad thing to break your friendship. There was no doubt in your head you two were made for one another.
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bcdrawsandwrites · 5 months
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[ID: A Team Fortress 2 fic banner showing Pyro standing in front of a fireplace with its back to it, tossing a book backward into the fire. Pyro is in shades of gray, the book is in yellow-white, and only the fire is colored orange, mimicking the style of the Cooking the Books achievement icon. The title is on the left, in yellow-white text on a darker background reading, "CHAPTER THREE: COOKING THE BOOKS" /end ID]
Fandom: Team Fortress 2 Rating: K+ Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Friendship Characters: Spy, Pyro, Scout (plus the rest of the mercs, but the others have minor roles in this chapter) Warnings: General references to trauma, TF2-typical violence Fic Description: After the events of the comics, the mercs try to go back to how things were, but it’s never that easy.
Spy can see his teammates going through their own struggles… but something seems to be very, very wrong with Pyro in particular.
And since no one else seems to be doing anything about this, Spy makes it his mission to get to the bottom of what is troubling Pyro. For no particular reason. Beta Readers: @mechmolar, @gonturan0, @junuve
Chapter 3: Cooking the Books Summary: In which Pyro takes notice of Spy.
The bustling atmosphere of the pre-match preparation was tinged with tension, at least for Spy. Sniper kept to himself; Soldier went on a rallying, confusing speech that no one other than Demo listened to; Heavy checked over his guns; Medic prepared his ubercharge; Scout... Engineer talked quietly to Pyro about setting up his buildings.
And Pyro stared directly at Spy.
Spy pretended to check through his disguises, but watched Pyro out of the corner of his eye. The Pyro never looked away, though it did give a tiny nod when the Engineer asked if it heard everything.
"Good to hear," Engineer said, and patted Pyro on the back with his good hand.
That made Pyro finally tear its gaze away from Spy to whirl on the Engineer. But the Administrator’s voice had already called for the match to start, and Engineer was hauling his toolbox out into the fray. When Pyro looked back, however, it gave a start; Spy had taken the opportunity to cloak so he could escape that creature's gaze.
Spy barely suppressed a shudder as he put as much distance between himself and the Pyro as possible. Once he was sure he was far enough away, he de-cloaked and let himself breathe.
Well. This was, indeed, going to make things difficult. If the Engineer hadn't startled Pyro, he wasn't sure what it might have done. But even though he'd gotten away, he couldn't imagine this would be the end of it.
Still, for the time being, he focused on the match. Pyro would likely be spending most of its time in their intelligence room, so he wouldn't get the chance to see it. Probably for the best, this time.
The match went on as it typically did, and Spy managed to sneak in to nab the BLU team's intelligence. As he was bringing the briefcase back, the Administrator's voice cried out that their intelligence had been taken as well.
Interesting—the Pyro had slipped up, it seemed.
Sure enough, Spy entered the intelligence room just in time to see the Engineer's precious gadgets be destroyed by enemy sappers. Sighing, he dropped off the stolen intelligence before charging back out to chase down the thief.
Spy followed the path the enemy had likely taken—through the sewers. Not something he enjoyed doing, but work was work, and the respawn would clean his outfit, provided he actually died. As he was mulling this over, he nearly ran smack into the RED merc standing at the edge of the water. "What are you doing?!" he cried. "They are going to—"
He faltered upon realizing whom he was talking to. Pyro did not acknowledge him, still staring at the water. The last time he recalled Pyro avoiding water was when it was “protecting” something it had set aflame, but it wasn’t holding anything other than its axe at the moment.
Before he could think any further on this, an explosion rang out just outside the sewers, followed by an announcement that the enemy had dropped the intelligence.
"Oh, got some of 'em on me shirt that time!" the Demo shouted with a laugh.
Spy snorted, whipping out his butterfly knife and preparing to leave to defend the intelligence when he spotted something out of the corner of his eye—Pyro had turned around to stare at him. Spy stared back, just for a moment, before cloaking and retreating.
He did not see the Pyro for the rest of the match, much to his relief. It must have gone back to defend the intelligence room again, and Spy avoided the room thereafter, instead opting to aid his own teammates in obtaining the enemy intelligence by taking out the enemy sentries and sniper. The remainder of the match went smoothly, with the RED team scoring yet another pointless victory. Spy rolled his shoulders as he headed back to spawn, only to freeze in his tracks.
Scout sat against the wall, breathing heavily.
Spy's mind plunged into a blank, staticy whirl, his heart threatening to break free of his ribcage. He could smell the smoke from the destroyed robots, the metallic tang of blood, and Scout was so hideously pale. There weren't any respawn machines here, and the Medic—
"What're you lookin' at, chucklenuts?" Scout snapped, tipping back the brim of his baseball cap as he fixed Spy with a look. His face was flushed red and glistening with sweat; he wiped his brow.
Rolling his eyes, Spy forcibly shoved the imagery from his mind. "Only wondering why you are wasting time when we need to return to spawn."
"What, I can't take a breather? I ran straight from the BLU intelligence room to here without stopping, or getting hit." Wincing, he held a hand against the side of his chest. "Mostly, anyway."
So he hadn't been imagining the smell of blood. Though it wasn't as strong as it had been back when... "You can rest after you've seen the Medic. Move."
Scout muttered a few unsavory words before pushing himself up to his feet, trudging back toward spawn, and Spy followed, closely inspecting the walls around them so he could look everywhere but at Scout.
When they arrived, Spy busied himself with tidying up his locker. He could hear Scout chatting with Medic, but tuned it out with the rustle of paper and fabric. His hand found a lint brush, and he used it to gently clean off his jacket and pants. Yes, they had another round in a short while, but it never hurt to look one's best.
As he bent down to clean off the bottoms of his pant legs, the hair stood on the back of his neck. Bristling, he whipped around to see Pyro once again staring at him from the other side of the room. This time, he stared right back, maintaining eye contact (or whatever approximated it with that creature's mask) before slamming his locker door shut and striding off to the bathroom to finish tidying himself up.
When he opened the door to step back out, he almost immediately leaped backwards to find the Pyro staring at him from just outside. He half-expected to see an axe or flamethrower being held at the ready, but Pyro's hands were empty.
...Oh. Perhaps it just needed to use the washroom itself. With a grunt, Spy weaved around it and back into the spawn room. But to his consternation, Pyro followed him.
Finally Spy whirled around to face him. "What?" he snapped.
Pyro said nothing, and turned its head slightly to the side.
Frustration mounting, Spy opened his mouth—
"Mission begins in ten seconds!"
Sniper hurried to the Pyro's side. "Mate, can we have a word? An enemy spy caught me last round, and if you could..."
Spy turned away from the conversation, instead checking over his equipment in preparation for the round.
He wasn't sure what he would've gotten out of talking to that thing, anyway.
The match had gone on as normal, other than Spy doing all he could to avoid Pyro. They'd won another swift victory and returned to their base to cool off.
After hanging behind the others to make sure he wasn't tailed by anyone again, Spy quickly found himself in his smoking room, sitting on his chair and facing the fireplace. He had a fire going—entirely unnecessarily for all but atmosphere—and a book open on his lap, a glass of wine at his side. A few drags from his cigarette and a few sips of wine were quickly taking the edge off of the events of the day's match.
A victory, yes. But with more than a few things that bothered him.
Pyro had, of course, realized that Spy had been... well, spying on it. But what it planned to do with that information, Spy had no clue. It had yet to attack him, and he didn't much enjoy being watched by that creature every second it was around him.
It didn't help that he had no way to actually ask the Pyro anything. It couldn't talk intelligibly to begin with, and now it was refusing to vocalize at all. What was he supposed to do? Give it a pen and paper? He didn't even know if it could read or write, let alone hold a pen in its creepy claws.
Sighing, he tried to turn his focus to the book he'd pulled off his shelf. He could figure this out another time—for now, he only wished to unwind.
Of course, no one else in this stupid base seemed to agree.
Spy's lips pulled back in a grimace. "Who is it? What do you want?" he called out, letting the annoyance edge into his voice. Hopefully whoever it was would pick up on it and decide to leave him alone for once.
He gave a bitter laugh at the thought, and sure enough, the bothersome person was once again knocking.
"You have got to be kidding me," Spy muttered, setting his book aside and rising from his chair. He strode over to the door. "Who is it?" he demanded.
No response.
Frowning, he opened the door a crack and peered through. Upon seeing nothing, he opened the door wider, and to his consternation, found absolutely no one outside.
Ah. Probably another one of Scout's stupid pranks. Rolling his eyes, he turned around.
The Pyro stood beside the fireplace, staring directly at him.
Spy gave a start, his heart jumping into his throat before his fear turned to anger. "You—?!" he sputtered, then stormed closer. "How did you get in here?!"
Pyro lifted its left hand, pointing at the door.
Spy glanced back at the door. "Yes, hilarious. But how—" He stopped himself, realizing that Pyro had probably sneaked into here before he'd arrived. But then why go through the trouble of distracting...
Tap, tap.
Turning back to Pyro, he realized abruptly that it was holding something, which it had tapped against the side of the fireplace. It took him a moment to realize it was the book he'd just been reading. "...Wait."
Pyro's head jerked toward the fireplace, and it held the book out.
Spy gave a start. "Don't you dare."
And Pyro tossed the book into the fire, setting it ablaze, and pointed at the burning book.
"Sacré bleu!" he cried, bolting over to the fireplace. "What have you done?!"
The Pyro's head snapped back in his direction, and it pointed at the fire with more emphasis.
Spy stumbled to a halt beside the Pyro and returned its gaze, staring at the reflection of flames in the creature's dark goggles. For a moment he could see himself in Pyro's room the night prior, the creature staring at him through—or with—those same dark lenses. The memory of it sharply brought him back to reality, and he followed where the Pyro was pointing, staring at the pages of the book as they curled and blackened in the flames. After watching this for a second, he looked back.
Pyro gave a brief nod, and reached for him.
"Mon dieu!" Spy stumbled back. "What are you—?!"
Pyro exhaled a sharp breath through its filter, and took a step toward him. Its suit and mask gleamed in the light of the fire, and it made a grab for him.
With a yelp, Spy stumbled back again, looking from the fire to Pyro and quickly realizing what the thing intended to do. Without another word, he bolted for the door.
Yet Pyro had somehow anticipated his move, and swerved to block him. It held one hand out, palm forward, and its breathing was heavy through its filter.
Spy's heart pounded, but he glared. "Out of my way, you mush-mouthed freak!"
To his fury, the Pyro shook its head, and reached for him again.
Later, Spy would tell himself that it was purely on instinct. Maybe it was. Maybe it was something else. Whatever it was, the next thing he knew he had flipped open his butterfly knife and was swinging his arm in a stab. At the last moment he realized what was happening, and adjusted the stab into an awkward slash, tearing across the Pyro's arm.
Maybe because he was expecting it, he thought he heard a strained noise after the slash. But he was more concerned with rushing to the other side of the room, hoping to find another way to get around that deadly creature. But to his surprise, it was already hurrying out of the room, one hand grasping its injured arm. He watched it leave, and, once he was sure it was gone, hurriedly shut and latched the door behind it.
The room now secured, he stumbled back to his chair, numbly retrieving a cloth from his pocket and cleaning the blade of his knife. As he picked up his wine glass to down it, he happened to glance at the cloth, staring at the mix of blood and soot that was smeared across it.
Why had he ever gotten involved?
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