#so basically if you need me i think i am going to eat haribos and play my game
fingertipsmp3 · 11 months
One thing about me is I will buy myself treats I literally do not deserve because I didn’t do anything whatsoever
#so you know that job interview i had today? yeah i cancelled it#i looked at reviews for the company and they had legit HORRIBLE reviews on both glassdoor and indeed#and so many of them and so recent that i was like. i can’t discount this#plus the fact that i don’t even really want to work in this field… like why would i do this to myself#scheduled to work 10 days in a row; back to back 12-15 hour shifts#for MINIMUM WAGE are you actually shitting me. i think the fuck not#you know what my last job was? making coffee. you know what i got paid? 50p an hour above minimum wage. you know what my shifts were?#4-8 hours. you know how many days i worked in a week? 4-5. you know how many breaks i got? lots#i rest my fucking case#(breaks were unpaid lol and i didn’t get much holiday or sick pay but you can’t have everything!)#i also saw like… management is rude; disorganised; disrespectful etc and i was like okay. that’s not going to go well#i mean there is something very wrong with me so i’d more than likely end up being about thrice as rude to management. but still#anyway. the treats! i ordered myself a new leather jacket because idk i don’t care about my credit score i guess#i also bought a lot of chocolate. like a lot a lot. they didn’t have my favourite ice cream so i compensated#by raiding the christmas display and also buying sweets and cookies and aero bars and THEN i noticed they had chocolate yoghurt on offer#so i obviously had to buy those. i did also buy the necessities#well i didn’t buy cheese but honestly i was too bamboozled by the display and the fact that they only had mild cheddar and light cheddar#and lightER cheddar which? 🧐 just buy milk at that point man#so basically if you need me i think i am going to eat haribos and play my game#there will be other job interviews. i literally have one next week. the one today was just not it#personal
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easyfoodnetwork · 4 years
A Lot of People Hate Sno-Caps. Those People Are Wrong.
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Photo by Whitney Hayward/Portland Portland Press Herald via Getty Images; logo by Goldsuit
These nonpareils hit the movie theater candy trifecta: they’re nostalgic, they’re delicious, and they taste great when you dump the box inside your bag of popcorn
If there’s one thing I’ve learned this year, it’s that you should never take anything for granted. I know that’s such a cliche, but 2020 has been one hell of an eye-opener in that I miss doing things in general (road tripping, going to restaurants, and browsing for new books at my local library). But what I miss most is sitting in a dark movie theater with a big bag of popcorn and a box of candy.
I streamed a number of this year’s new releases from the comfort of my own couch (cannot recommend First Cow enough), though I found that the experience unfulfilling. Part of the magic of being at the movies is sitting in a packed auditorium, juggling concessions while you wait for the lights to dim and the previews to begin. While I don’t see myself going to the movies anytime soon, I can certainly enjoy a piece of it at home. Enter: Sno-Caps.
I’ll admit it. I am obsessed with Sno-Caps — not just as movie theater candy but as regular-degular life candy. If I happen upon them in the wild (rare), I stock up on as many boxes as I can, because nothing brings me greater joy than a handful of mini mountains of sprinkle-coated chocolate. I understand there is a great divide between people who love Sno-Caps and people who absolutely hate them. The latter argue that the movie theater concession tastes like “mud coated in sand,” but I think that’s a serious over-exaggeration, as they only slightly taste like mud and sand. So I’m going all in on defending their honor: Sno-Caps are the absolute best movie theater candy.
Let’s talk about your typical concession counter selection, shall we? Starting with the star of our show here:
From the moment I had my first box of Sno-Caps, I’ve been a fan of nonpareils. And despite the loud internet hate, I’m clearly not the only one, because Nestlé’s semi-sweet chocolate nonpareils have been a concession-stand staple since the 1920s. Sno-Caps are the only option that meets the movie theater candy trifecta, getting points for nostalgia (aka a reliable association with the movie-theater experience, always stocked in that Icee-and-popcorn-grease-covered glass case), taste (throw a couple on your tongue and what follows is magic: melted chocolate with a satisfying crunch), and popcorn pairing (never buttered, because gross). Dumping the majority of the box in your popcorn creates a marriage of sweet and salty that always hits the spot. You can’t get a combination like this anywhere else, and soda from a fountain (I prefer Coke) washes it all down before you do it all again. I’m sorry, but no other movie theater candy holds a candle to the versatility of Sno-Caps.
M&M’s taste great and pair well with popcorn, but Sno-Caps are clearly superior because semi-sweet chocolate is easier to enjoy with popcorn and a soda than milk chocolate. Also, M&M’s are more widely available than Sno-Caps, so they lack that special movie theater connotation. You can grab a bag at the supermarket or on a Target run. Where’s the fun in that?
Buncha Crunch
Introduced in the early ’90s, Nestle’s Buncha Crunch doesn’t have the same nostalgic appeal as most movie theater candies, but bite-sized milk chocolate mixed with crisped rice is an excellent combination. However, when you dump a whole box into a bag of popcorn, it can be overwhelming. Too much crunch!
Reese’s Pieces
I’m committed to the cups — Reese’s mini peanut butter cups, to be exact (they’re better) — but I appreciate Reese’s Pieces from a design perspective. Hershey’s introduced this candy in the late ’70s, as its packaging continues to reflect. In terms of taste, you can’t go wrong with peanut butter and chocolate, but getting a box of Reese’s Pieces means denying myself popcorn — on their own, they’re already too rich.
From the gloriously greasy cheesesteak to righteous hooligan Gritty, Philadelphia is home to some truly great things. It’s also where Raisinets were born: The chocolate-covered raisins were introduced by the Blumenthal Brothers Chocolate Company in 1927. They’re great, and moviegoers have been known to mix them with popcorn, but I think it’s safe to say that our palates have evolved and we now know better than to mix raisins — again, RAISINS — with popcorn. The beauty of this candy is that it’s strong enough to stand on its own. I prefer something that can work well with others.
You’re better off getting a milkshake after the movie, because that’s where malt belongs. Also, have you washed down Whoppers with a Coke or Icee? It’s… not great.
Milk Duds
Milk Duds are infuriating and a dental nightmare. You need time and patience to consume these chocolate-covered caramel lumps because you have to gnaw and chew and gnaw and chew and despite your best efforts, they stick in your teeth. How can I be expected to chew and digest something that gets wedged in the corners of the box?!
Junior Mints
Candy that freshens your breath while you eat it should not count as candy, but I get the nostalgic appeal. Junior Mints have been around since 1949, and they played an integral role in an episode of Seinfeld. I just don’t think peppermint belongs in a movie theater.
Peanut butter > peanuts. Just get the Reese’s Pieces.
The superior fruit candy. Skittles taste terrible eaten alongside popcorn, but a pro tip for non-movie settings: throw a couple on your tongue and you’ve got yourself a fruit-flavored candy smoothie, or bite down on ’em, wash it all down with Sprite, and you’ll be in heaven.
Starburst comes in a close second to Skittles. In fact, they’re basically the same candy. The only downside to Starburst is that each piece is individually wrapped, and that’s more work — and noisy work, at that — than I care to commit to at the movies.
Welch’s Fruit Snacks
I like to think of Welch’s fruit snacks as Raisinets’ cousin. They taste great, like actual fruit, but mix a bag of gummies with popcorn and you have some seriously questionable texture going on there.
Haribo Gummy Bears/Sour Patch Kids/Swedish Fish
See above.
Mike and Ike
I imagine Sunkist Fruit Gems are made like chocolate chip cookies — with a cookie cutter — and these capsule-shaped bites are the extra bits. However, unlike the tender Fruit Gems, Mike and Ikes taste like they’ve been sitting in a hospital vending machine for who knows how long.
Good & Plenty
Multiply Mike and Ike by a factor of “licorice” and it’s suddenly worse.
Hard candy? At the movies? Absolutely fucking not.
Red Vines
Yes, hi. Would you care for some congealed cough syrup?
Only slightly better than Red Vines. Twizzlers are a great substitute for straws, especially with a Cherry Coke, but that’s about it.
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites
The worst of the movie theater concessions. The thought of chowing down on cookie dough in a movie theater is simply too much. I can’t believe this was ever a trend.
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3ks7ycD https://ift.tt/35CKOCu
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Photo by Whitney Hayward/Portland Portland Press Herald via Getty Images; logo by Goldsuit
These nonpareils hit the movie theater candy trifecta: they’re nostalgic, they’re delicious, and they taste great when you dump the box inside your bag of popcorn
If there’s one thing I’ve learned this year, it’s that you should never take anything for granted. I know that’s such a cliche, but 2020 has been one hell of an eye-opener in that I miss doing things in general (road tripping, going to restaurants, and browsing for new books at my local library). But what I miss most is sitting in a dark movie theater with a big bag of popcorn and a box of candy.
I streamed a number of this year’s new releases from the comfort of my own couch (cannot recommend First Cow enough), though I found that the experience unfulfilling. Part of the magic of being at the movies is sitting in a packed auditorium, juggling concessions while you wait for the lights to dim and the previews to begin. While I don’t see myself going to the movies anytime soon, I can certainly enjoy a piece of it at home. Enter: Sno-Caps.
I’ll admit it. I am obsessed with Sno-Caps — not just as movie theater candy but as regular-degular life candy. If I happen upon them in the wild (rare), I stock up on as many boxes as I can, because nothing brings me greater joy than a handful of mini mountains of sprinkle-coated chocolate. I understand there is a great divide between people who love Sno-Caps and people who absolutely hate them. The latter argue that the movie theater concession tastes like “mud coated in sand,” but I think that’s a serious over-exaggeration, as they only slightly taste like mud and sand. So I’m going all in on defending their honor: Sno-Caps are the absolute best movie theater candy.
Let’s talk about your typical concession counter selection, shall we? Starting with the star of our show here:
From the moment I had my first box of Sno-Caps, I’ve been a fan of nonpareils. And despite the loud internet hate, I’m clearly not the only one, because Nestlé’s semi-sweet chocolate nonpareils have been a concession-stand staple since the 1920s. Sno-Caps are the only option that meets the movie theater candy trifecta, getting points for nostalgia (aka a reliable association with the movie-theater experience, always stocked in that Icee-and-popcorn-grease-covered glass case), taste (throw a couple on your tongue and what follows is magic: melted chocolate with a satisfying crunch), and popcorn pairing (never buttered, because gross). Dumping the majority of the box in your popcorn creates a marriage of sweet and salty that always hits the spot. You can’t get a combination like this anywhere else, and soda from a fountain (I prefer Coke) washes it all down before you do it all again. I’m sorry, but no other movie theater candy holds a candle to the versatility of Sno-Caps.
M&M’s taste great and pair well with popcorn, but Sno-Caps are clearly superior because semi-sweet chocolate is easier to enjoy with popcorn and a soda than milk chocolate. Also, M&M’s are more widely available than Sno-Caps, so they lack that special movie theater connotation. You can grab a bag at the supermarket or on a Target run. Where’s the fun in that?
Buncha Crunch
Introduced in the early ’90s, Nestle’s Buncha Crunch doesn’t have the same nostalgic appeal as most movie theater candies, but bite-sized milk chocolate mixed with crisped rice is an excellent combination. However, when you dump a whole box into a bag of popcorn, it can be overwhelming. Too much crunch!
Reese’s Pieces
I’m committed to the cups — Reese’s mini peanut butter cups, to be exact (they’re better) — but I appreciate Reese’s Pieces from a design perspective. Hershey’s introduced this candy in the late ’70s, as its packaging continues to reflect. In terms of taste, you can’t go wrong with peanut butter and chocolate, but getting a box of Reese’s Pieces means denying myself popcorn — on their own, they’re already too rich.
From the gloriously greasy cheesesteak to righteous hooligan Gritty, Philadelphia is home to some truly great things. It’s also where Raisinets were born: The chocolate-covered raisins were introduced by the Blumenthal Brothers Chocolate Company in 1927. They’re great, and moviegoers have been known to mix them with popcorn, but I think it’s safe to say that our palates have evolved and we now know better than to mix raisins — again, RAISINS — with popcorn. The beauty of this candy is that it’s strong enough to stand on its own. I prefer something that can work well with others.
You’re better off getting a milkshake after the movie, because that’s where malt belongs. Also, have you washed down Whoppers with a Coke or Icee? It’s… not great.
Milk Duds
Milk Duds are infuriating and a dental nightmare. You need time and patience to consume these chocolate-covered caramel lumps because you have to gnaw and chew and gnaw and chew and despite your best efforts, they stick in your teeth. How can I be expected to chew and digest something that gets wedged in the corners of the box?!
Junior Mints
Candy that freshens your breath while you eat it should not count as candy, but I get the nostalgic appeal. Junior Mints have been around since 1949, and they played an integral role in an episode of Seinfeld. I just don’t think peppermint belongs in a movie theater.
Peanut butter > peanuts. Just get the Reese’s Pieces.
The superior fruit candy. Skittles taste terrible eaten alongside popcorn, but a pro tip for non-movie settings: throw a couple on your tongue and you’ve got yourself a fruit-flavored candy smoothie, or bite down on ’em, wash it all down with Sprite, and you’ll be in heaven.
Starburst comes in a close second to Skittles. In fact, they’re basically the same candy. The only downside to Starburst is that each piece is individually wrapped, and that’s more work — and noisy work, at that — than I care to commit to at the movies.
Welch’s Fruit Snacks
I like to think of Welch’s fruit snacks as Raisinets’ cousin. They taste great, like actual fruit, but mix a bag of gummies with popcorn and you have some seriously questionable texture going on there.
Haribo Gummy Bears/Sour Patch Kids/Swedish Fish
See above.
Mike and Ike
I imagine Sunkist Fruit Gems are made like chocolate chip cookies — with a cookie cutter — and these capsule-shaped bites are the extra bits. However, unlike the tender Fruit Gems, Mike and Ikes taste like they’ve been sitting in a hospital vending machine for who knows how long.
Good & Plenty
Multiply Mike and Ike by a factor of “licorice” and it’s suddenly worse.
Hard candy? At the movies? Absolutely fucking not.
Red Vines
Yes, hi. Would you care for some congealed cough syrup?
Only slightly better than Red Vines. Twizzlers are a great substitute for straws, especially with a Cherry Coke, but that’s about it.
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites
The worst of the movie theater concessions. The thought of chowing down on cookie dough in a movie theater is simply too much. I can’t believe this was ever a trend.
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3ks7ycD via Blogger https://ift.tt/2RyUndq
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ohsobetsy · 7 years
Pregnancy favourites
Here I am 1-2 weeks pregnant, without a clue on what I need or should be having. I spent hours upon hours googling pregnancy must haves and watching new mums or mums to be on their personal YouTube blogs (I will attach links on an additional post of all of my favourite blogger mommas out there!).
So yeah, first baby and as you can imagine I was thrown in at the deep end just like every other FTM. I googled all sorts and realised from googling that you pretty much can't have ANYTHING whilst pregnant.
I had this super strong head ache, I don't know if I mentioned in an earlier post but I had swollen glands ALL OVER and it was giving me such bad migraines but because I was pregnant I couldn't have anything decent to take the pain away. Paracetamol just didn't cut it.
All I read about was folic acid, pregnacare & the to do was to eat nothing but healthy foods. See this is where I became a bit sceptical, I didn't take my folic acid simply because I forgot more than I remembered. I googled if I was a bad mum because I didn't and I found out that SO MANY other mums to be didn't take folic acid, nor did they take pregnacare. I did however take a full packet of pregnacare but my god did it taste disgusting, I took pregnacare up until 8 weeks pregnant as I couldn't stomach it any longer.
Anyway, months on I'm still eating rubbish - you may have read that my cravings were burgers & haribo. I absolutely adore McDonald's breakfasts too, which is something I'd have now and then but feel terrible afterwards. I did however constantly snack on cucumber, fruit juices, strawberries and grapes - so although a high sugar content, there was some healthy things there! 🙄
I didn't really need much in the first trimester, just strong pain killers and a better memory.
So now my second and third trimester must haves...
My ultimate must have for second and third trimester is COMFORTABLE CLOTHES. I cannot stress enough how much it hurt to wear my usual Topshop Joni jean, my lord it felt like I was wearing a size 4 and trust me I am NOT a size 4, if I ate out I couldn't even fasten them. I live in leggings, they are so comfortable and I've found that yoga pants are wayyyy more comfortable than leggings.
My second must have would be a long, warm soak in the bath tub, loads of bubbles and some relaxing music. Since being pregnant I have literally bathed so much, sometimes three times a day just to put off back aches and pains. It is so nice to get into a really hot bath and just lay down. (May actually go run another)
HELP, help from others during pregnancy is such a must. If I didn't have such a supportive partner, family and best friend I would have really, really struggled. It's crazy the amount of things that change, how long it takes you to do things, like omg even walking upstairs is effort.
A pregnancy pillow, I say this lightly as I have recently taken mine to the tip because it was just SO bulky but what I've figured is a basic pillow does the exact same job and takes up less room. I mean, we do have a king size bed but there's Jake who sneaks into the middle, me who is the size of a whale plus a pregnancy pillow and throw Winston our selfish kitten in with all that and believe me there is no room at all. So I'd advise anyone getting a pregnancy pillow or even thinking about getting one, save your money (and bed space) and use a normal pillow.
Fake tan! I've always been a girl who loves the finer things in life and tanning is one of them. I feel so nice tanned and outfits just look SO much better whilst tanned and pregnant. Definite must. Please note that you CAN use fake tan whilst pregnant but spray tans are NOT advised during pregnancy.
There are some of my pregnancy must haves, they may have been what you were expecting but they may not have been. I am not Mother Earth, I am still Chloe, I am not prepared to eat avocados whilst in a yoga position, just because I am pregnant and google says to do so. I'm going to eat my burgers, wear my heeled boots and lather on the fake tan.
My lord I miss good strong pain killers, prosecco and being able to run up the stairs but becoming a mum is amazing, the whole process is overwhelming yet empowering and if I can do it, anyone can. I can't wait until our bundle of joy (possibly not joy if she's like me) but I can't wait until she's here, our little diva in the making.
My next blog post will be Betsy's nursery. What's going in there, what bargains we've come across and what products we are going to be using. Check back in a day or two for an update.
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Loves xxxx
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someminxmusings · 6 years
(1/5/19) Fun fact about me, I love little questionnaire type questions.  I never get tired of them.  They force me to really think about what I like and why.  This might overlap with some questions you have for me, but I’ll answer again in July!  You should know sometimes I don’t have favorites, but I have a ton of things I like, though, so I’ll answer with those.  If I say I don’t like something, it means it’s not a preference, not that I will not eat or drink it at all.  There are very few things I will not eat.
Food and Drink
Favorite fast food restaurant? Arbys is one.  Their curly fries are amazing, and I love their ham and cheddar sandwich.  I would say Pepperjax, but I’m not sure if that’s considered fast food.  I love their shrimp nachos, though. 
Favorite ice cream flavor? Mint chocolate chip.  Or chocolate chip.  Anything with a vanilla base.  I don’t like chocolate flavors--they always taste artificial to me.  I also like cookies and cream.  I’m really not picky with ice cream flavors, just no chocolate!
Favorite chocolate candy? This depends on my mood.  If I want something minty, I like either Mint M&M’s or Andes mints.  If I’m craving caramel, it’s a twix or rolos.  Reeses is a classic, but I can’t eat too many of them.  Of course good ‘ol hersheys is also a classic.  I don’t choose chocolate candy often, I think it’s because it’s too rich and leaves a film in my mouth.  And it makes me thirsty. 
Favorite fruity candy? I definitely prefer gummy/fruity candy--I actually have favorites!  Haribo Happy Cherries.  I’ll eat the whole bag and not even feel bad about it, ha!  I also enjoy twizzler’s pull-n-peel.  I like dots, mike and ikes.  I’m also one of those weird people who like the black licorice flavor.  I can’t eat much at one time, but I like it!
Favorite flavor Starburst? Red.  Cherry.  I’ll choose cherry every time.  It doesn’t matter what candy it is.  It’s my favorite flavor of all time.
Favorite dish at Olive Garden? Soup, Chicken and Gnocci.  I love the taste of creamy soups.  Entree, any alfredo dish.  Chicken or shrimp fettucini alfredo.  I like the flavor of alfredo sauce.  I prefer shrimp because I like it, but it’s usually too expensive so I get chicken. 
Favorite kind of sushi? No idea.  I’ve eaten sushi a few times, but it’s not my favorite.  It doesn’t have a ton of flavor for me, I don’t see what all the fuss is about.  If hubby or a friend wants to go eat sushi, I will, but I prefer other things to eat.  
Favorite Asian dish?  Happy family when I’m eating out.  It has so many different kinds of meats and vegetables.  I like the variety.  It has to have brown sauce, though.  I had it once with white sauce and it was disgusting.  Brown sauce on anything is amazing!  I enjoy the flavor of teriyaki, so a chicken teriyaki with sauteed vegetables and brown sauce is awesome!  I enjoy going to mongolian grills, and hubby and I went to a hot pot restaurant when we were in Houston that I liked.
Favorite Italian dish? Chicken or Shrimp fettuccini alfredo.  I just love pasta in general.  Again, love the flavor and how it all comes together.
Favorite food of all time? My mom’s steak on the grill, medium rare, with sauteed mushrooms in soysauce and dill.  My mom is an excellent griller.  We always get our meat from a local butcher shop so of course it’s delicious!  The mushroom soy sauce is awesome!  With my mom’s steak, you don’t need any sauce or anything, but that one pairs well. 
Favorite way to cook a steak? Oh, ha!  I didn’t look at these questions beforehand.  On the grill, medium rare. 
Favorite pasta dish? Any.  Spaghetti, fettuccini, lasagna, I’ll eat anything.  Seriously.
Favorite cookie? I’m going to go with the classic chocolate chip for this one.  You can never go wrong, and it always hits the spot.  I like basically all of them, though.  I think the only ones I don’t like are monster cookies.  Too many things going on it, too many flavors, just too much.
Favorite fast food French fries? Well, Arbys.  But I also like burger king’s french fries.  I just love french fries, who am I kidding?  All of them.  You give me an option for fries and I’ll eat it!
Favorite cereal? Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  The name brand, not an off brand.  Love the way it tastes, and the milk when I’m done, yum!
Favorite breakfast food? French toast, I think.  Just enough of a flavor, but not super fluffy and filling like pancakes or waffles.  I don’t like feeling like i need a nap after breakfast, ha!  So french toast is filling but not too much.
Favorite pizza toppings? Italian sausage.  It gives it a little something extra beef or hamburger doesn’t give.  I also like ham and bacon for the flavor.  I’m also one of those weird people who like pineapple, ha!  I basically like everything but pepperoni, I think because it’s too spicy. 
Favorite fruit? Cherries are number one. Strawberries, pineapple, peaches, pears are also good.  Funny thing with oranges is that when I eat them as a snack or with a meal, I don’t want to eat anything else.  It’s not that it’s filling, but it takes away the craving for more food.  It’s weird, ha!  I enjoy them and eat them particularly when I’m trying hard to eat healthy.
Favorite vegetable? I actually love broccoli.  How weird is that, ha!  I always have, no real reason why.  I also enjoy corn and carrots (but not together, ha!)  I like celery as a snack.
Favorite dessert?  Ugh!  I can’t even begin with a favorite.  All of them.  All of the desserts ever created.  I have a huge sweet tooth and will eat anything.  If I had to choose, I would say cheesecake.  Or a good slightly warm molten chocolate cake or brownie.  Ooh, brownies are delicious.  But without nuts, that’s weird.  I don’t understand why people decide to put nuts in brownies. 
Favorite comfort food?  Probably my mom’s steak and mushroom sauce.  It reminds me of home and her cooking.  I love a good homemade chicken noodle soup, but I’m terrible at making it so that it has flavor. 
Favorite pumpkin-flavored treat? Um, I don’t know?  A lot of pumpkin flavored things taste fake.  I’m going to go with pumpkin pie.  Is that cheating?  You can never go wrong with pumpkin pie.
Favorite dish at Thanksgiving? Green bean casserole.  I’m so weird.  I didn’t start liking green bean casserole until I was about 25, ha!  I don’t know what switched, but I suddenly liked it.  I’m not a huge fan of potatoes (outside of french fries).  For some reason, they’ve never done anything for me.  They don’t have much flavor, too much starch, just not my favorite.  My grandma used to make sliced fried potatoes and those were good.  Sometimes I’ll eat cut up potatoes with seasonings, but baked and mashed don’t do much. 
Favorite cake? Is cheesecake cheating? :)  If I had to choose, red velvet.  I always like red velvet.  I don’t have to be in the right mood for it.  I always choose it. 
Favorite ice cream sundae toppings? Oh!  So many!  Sprinkles are a must!  The multicolored, the chocolate ones taste fake and look like poop.  Gummy bears, but on the side.  They get hard when they get cold, so I eat them separately.  I like caramel sauce on it, and of course topped with a cherry :)  I always get like 5 cherries...because I love maraschino cherries.
Favorite thing to cook? Soups.  They are so easy and require a lot of simmering and down time.  And they’re hard to overcook. 
Favorite soda? Pepsi, and cherry coke, and vanilla coke.  Sometimes I’ll like sunkist if I’m in the mood for something different. 
Favorite alcoholic drink? sweet white wine, craft beer--porters and stouts typically.  Not IPA’s too hoppy.  Right now I’m digging a vanilla bean one from a brewery in Omaha. 
Favorite drink at Starbucks? No idea, I don’t get specialty coffee--too expensive.  I just like regular coffee with caramel macchiato creamer. 
Favorite flavor coffee?  I prefer to flavor my coffee with creamer.  If I have flavored coffee, it’s usually caramel or vanilla something.  I don’t like chocolate in my coffee, it tastes weird. 
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anneedmonds · 5 years
Christmas Gift Guide 2019: Women
Now that we’ve got cracking with the gift guides, I can fully take stock of just how bloody late I am with them again. The sensible person would compile them in early November and have them ready and waiting for the last weeks of the month. Not I. Here I sit, binge-eating Haribo Starmix at some kind of Godforsaken hour (9.45pm), buying as many things as I write about because of these damn sales!
Anyway: women’s gift guide. Basically stuff I’d be thrilled with, so I should really rename it Ruth’s Fantasy Wishlist, though I already have some of the things and have probably featured them in the past. Creature of habit.
Let’s start with the warm and cosy – I don’t know many who wouldn’t want some soft cashmere to see them through the winter. I just bought this dreamboat of a jumper from Boden here*:
It was £150 but Boden currently have 30% off almost everything (see here*) so I’m off to buy a spare one. That’s how lovely it is!
I’d also highly recommend their cashmere socks, here*, which come in gorgeous colourways and last infinitely longer than some of the socks from other brands. They are £45.
That’s the feet sorted then, and for the hands we have these bright and cheery Johnstons of Elgin Fingerless Gloves*. Currently £36 at Liberty* because Liberty (at time of writing) have a huge Christmas event running with up to 30% off lots of stock. Well worth a check seeing as though they always have such beautiful and interesting gifts!
You can shop at Liberty here* – no code necessary.
You can now buy selected items from the wonderful Coco & Wolf at Liberty – they have 20% off here* – including the gorgeous Liberty Print Scalloped bedspreads. For the full range (their silk pillowcases would make the most indulgent homeware gift!) go to the website here.
Want some Liberty Print but short of cash? I’m inexplicably drawn to this little mouse pin cushion. I don’t even sew. It’s £8.76 here*.
Right, people: we’re moving onto the quickfire round because otherwise I won’t fit in all of the present ideas I’ve got lined up! It’s so tempting to explain all of my ideas, in case you think I’m bonkers, but I’m just going to have to take the risk.
Liberty Tana Lawn Wash Bag, £20 here*
Marc de Champagne Truffles, large box because anything else is just wrong; £23 here*.
Chloe Embellished Sunglasses, £436 here* – pretty special. Try not to sit on them.
Aquazzura Heels, £660 here* – pretty special. Try not to break your neck in them.
I wanted to post those iconic Christian Louboutin bow-back sandals but they’ve sold out – they’d almost be worth breaking your neck for! Instead here’s a totally extra lipstick from the same hallowed shoemaker – £70 here*. You could have someone’s eye out with that!
Whilst we’re on envy-inducing lipsticks; Pat McGrath Matt Trance lipstick, £35 here*. Brilliant, brilliant. 
Fornasetti Gold Wall Plate – a piece of modern art and absolutely not for cutting up grapes on! £230 here*.
Seletti Love Edition Mouse Lamp, £68 here*. I have this in the original and it’s so cool – this one looks as though it’s had a Banksy makeover.
Made In India, £13 here* for the keen cook. Meera Sodha writes the most delectable cookbooks, Fresh is one of my most-used.
Palette: The Beauty Bible for Women of Colour, £17.49 here*. Packed full of amazing, insightful beauty knowledge. A book that needed to be written.
Shell Seat Pads, £107 here*. Turn any garden seat into a pre-Raphaelite resting place thanks to brilliant luxury brand Garden Glory.
Ultimate GBBO attire: a Nathalie Lete Helena apron. £30 here*.
Zoeva Rose Gold Brush Set, £70 here* – pretty much all of the brushes you’ll ever need. (Stay tuned for a best brush set post coming up soon!)
Farrow & Ball Colour Consultation, from £195 here. I did this a few weeks ago and it was just great. Very helpful and also a lot of fun. One for the indecisive or just those who love decorating!
If you can’t stretch to that then the F&B books are the next best thing – read my post here.
Chanel La Creme Main, £45 here*. This can’t fail to delight – the packaging alone is an absolute triumph. Although…
Bastide Figue d’Ete hand cream has some serious French Painter Oil Paint Tube vibes going on and the cream smells out of this world – £18 here*.
For the makeup junkie, how about Charlotte Tilbury’s Filmstar Bronze & Glow, Limited Edition with brush, £60 here*? This is the benchmark product when it comes to megawatt glow and contour…
Willowberry Mini Skincare Set, £39 here – I love this tiny, independent British brand. Here’s a chance to give it a try!
If it’s a total body treat you’re after then give the gift of ultimate relaxation – oils don’t really get any more effective than the ones from Aromatherapy Associates. The Deep Relax is a perennial favourite, just a capful into a warm bath is totally transforming. £49 here*.
Quirky but luxurious, something svelte and striking for the hair. The Silken Favours Silk Printed Headband is £70 here. Click onto the website and try not to fall in love with the incredible shirts…
Gucci Bloom fragrance, from £45 here*. A trusty crowd-pleaser, included here because the packaging is so spot on. A gift in itself.
Although if you really want to impress then things don’t get much more decadent than McQueen Pure Perfume, £285 here*. Deep, dark and sexy, it’s a riot of nighttime blooms that you won’t smell on many others. A Vampire’s Wife would wear this, surely?
Talking of Vampire’s Wife: it’s also the hot new(ish) brand that everyone wants to be wearing. So covetable. So darkly sexy. So incredibly expensive. One day, my friends, one day… You can find Vampire’s Wife here*. The dress pictured is $2.45m here*.
And on the subject of incredibly expensive things; if you’re after the ultimate cool leather jacket then Acne’s Velocite has been top pick of the bunch for a few years now. I’m hoping that it’s my birthday2019/Christmas2019/birthday2010/Christmas2020/birthday2012 combined present. Find it here* – it’s just £1.2 million plus postage. Goes with everything though, so that’s good.
Not so flush? See this coat at Hush*. Has all the feels but you won’t need to remortgage.
Yes I’ve featured these lovely Alex Monroe alphabet necklaces before, but I think that they make perfect gifts. They look luxurious but don’t cost quite the earth. £108 here* – also in silver.
And for a teeny bit of special beauty? MOR Soapette in a tin – £5.99 here*. Can’t get enough of these. Strictly speaking they should be in stocking fillers, but I might not get around to writing about those at this rate!
Ooph. Champagne Lurex heels, anyone? I’ve always been a fan of the Fern court shoes from LK Bennett but they’ve excelled themselves this year with these sparkly gems. Get 25% off here* with the code BLACK25.
And one last little naughty treat, in case someone is looking to spoil you completely. I had to include this Gucci Flora wallet, it’s just so lush. Don’t look at the price, just try and be very, very good from now until Christmas. It’s online here*.
The post Christmas Gift Guide 2019: Women appeared first on A Model Recommends.
Christmas Gift Guide 2019: Women was first posted on November 27, 2019 at 9:44 pm. ©2018 "A Model Recommends". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at [email protected] Christmas Gift Guide 2019: Women published first on https://medium.com/@SkinAlley
0 notes
easyfoodnetwork · 4 years
Photo by Whitney Hayward/Portland Portland Press Herald via Getty Images; logo by Goldsuit These nonpareils hit the movie theater candy trifecta: they’re nostalgic, they’re delicious, and they taste great when you dump the box inside your bag of popcorn If there’s one thing I’ve learned this year, it’s that you should never take anything for granted. I know that’s such a cliche, but 2020 has been one hell of an eye-opener in that I miss doing things in general (road tripping, going to restaurants, and browsing for new books at my local library). But what I miss most is sitting in a dark movie theater with a big bag of popcorn and a box of candy. I streamed a number of this year’s new releases from the comfort of my own couch (cannot recommend First Cow enough), though I found that the experience unfulfilling. Part of the magic of being at the movies is sitting in a packed auditorium, juggling concessions while you wait for the lights to dim and the previews to begin. While I don’t see myself going to the movies anytime soon, I can certainly enjoy a piece of it at home. Enter: Sno-Caps. I’ll admit it. I am obsessed with Sno-Caps — not just as movie theater candy but as regular-degular life candy. If I happen upon them in the wild (rare), I stock up on as many boxes as I can, because nothing brings me greater joy than a handful of mini mountains of sprinkle-coated chocolate. I understand there is a great divide between people who love Sno-Caps and people who absolutely hate them. The latter argue that the movie theater concession tastes like “mud coated in sand,” but I think that’s a serious over-exaggeration, as they only slightly taste like mud and sand. So I’m going all in on defending their honor: Sno-Caps are the absolute best movie theater candy. Let’s talk about your typical concession counter selection, shall we? Starting with the star of our show here: Sno-Caps From the moment I had my first box of Sno-Caps, I’ve been a fan of nonpareils. And despite the loud internet hate, I’m clearly not the only one, because Nestlé’s semi-sweet chocolate nonpareils have been a concession-stand staple since the 1920s. Sno-Caps are the only option that meets the movie theater candy trifecta, getting points for nostalgia (aka a reliable association with the movie-theater experience, always stocked in that Icee-and-popcorn-grease-covered glass case), taste (throw a couple on your tongue and what follows is magic: melted chocolate with a satisfying crunch), and popcorn pairing (never buttered, because gross). Dumping the majority of the box in your popcorn creates a marriage of sweet and salty that always hits the spot. You can’t get a combination like this anywhere else, and soda from a fountain (I prefer Coke) washes it all down before you do it all again. I’m sorry, but no other movie theater candy holds a candle to the versatility of Sno-Caps. M&M’s M&M’s taste great and pair well with popcorn, but Sno-Caps are clearly superior because semi-sweet chocolate is easier to enjoy with popcorn and a soda than milk chocolate. Also, M&M’s are more widely available than Sno-Caps, so they lack that special movie theater connotation. You can grab a bag at the supermarket or on a Target run. Where’s the fun in that? Buncha Crunch Introduced in the early ’90s, Nestle’s Buncha Crunch doesn’t have the same nostalgic appeal as most movie theater candies, but bite-sized milk chocolate mixed with crisped rice is an excellent combination. However, when you dump a whole box into a bag of popcorn, it can be overwhelming. Too much crunch! Reese’s Pieces I’m committed to the cups — Reese’s mini peanut butter cups, to be exact (they’re better) — but I appreciate Reese’s Pieces from a design perspective. Hershey’s introduced this candy in the late ’70s, as its packaging continues to reflect. In terms of taste, you can’t go wrong with peanut butter and chocolate, but getting a box of Reese’s Pieces means denying myself popcorn — on their own, they’re already too rich. Raisinets From the gloriously greasy cheesesteak to righteous hooligan Gritty, Philadelphia is home to some truly great things. It’s also where Raisinets were born: The chocolate-covered raisins were introduced by the Blumenthal Brothers Chocolate Company in 1927. They’re great, and moviegoers have been known to mix them with popcorn, but I think it’s safe to say that our palates have evolved and we now know better than to mix raisins — again, RAISINS — with popcorn. The beauty of this candy is that it’s strong enough to stand on its own. I prefer something that can work well with others. Whoppers You’re better off getting a milkshake after the movie, because that’s where malt belongs. Also, have you washed down Whoppers with a Coke or Icee? It’s… not great. Milk Duds Milk Duds are infuriating and a dental nightmare. You need time and patience to consume these chocolate-covered caramel lumps because you have to gnaw and chew and gnaw and chew and despite your best efforts, they stick in your teeth. How can I be expected to chew and digest something that gets wedged in the corners of the box?! Junior Mints Candy that freshens your breath while you eat it should not count as candy, but I get the nostalgic appeal. Junior Mints have been around since 1949, and they played an integral role in an episode of Seinfeld. I just don’t think peppermint belongs in a movie theater. Goobers Peanut butter > peanuts. Just get the Reese’s Pieces. Skittles The superior fruit candy. Skittles taste terrible eaten alongside popcorn, but a pro tip for non-movie settings: throw a couple on your tongue and you’ve got yourself a fruit-flavored candy smoothie, or bite down on ’em, wash it all down with Sprite, and you’ll be in heaven. Starburst Starburst comes in a close second to Skittles. In fact, they’re basically the same candy. The only downside to Starburst is that each piece is individually wrapped, and that’s more work — and noisy work, at that — than I care to commit to at the movies. Welch’s Fruit Snacks I like to think of Welch’s fruit snacks as Raisinets’ cousin. They taste great, like actual fruit, but mix a bag of gummies with popcorn and you have some seriously questionable texture going on there. Haribo Gummy Bears/Sour Patch Kids/Swedish Fish See above. Mike and Ike I imagine Sunkist Fruit Gems are made like chocolate chip cookies — with a cookie cutter — and these capsule-shaped bites are the extra bits. However, unlike the tender Fruit Gems, Mike and Ikes taste like they’ve been sitting in a hospital vending machine for who knows how long. Good & Plenty Multiply Mike and Ike by a factor of “licorice” and it’s suddenly worse. Lemonheads Hard candy? At the movies? Absolutely fucking not. Red Vines Yes, hi. Would you care for some congealed cough syrup? Twizzlers Only slightly better than Red Vines. Twizzlers are a great substitute for straws, especially with a Cherry Coke, but that’s about it. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites The worst of the movie theater concessions. The thought of chowing down on cookie dough in a movie theater is simply too much. I can’t believe this was ever a trend. from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3ks7ycD
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anneedmonds · 5 years
Christmas Gift Guide 2019: Women
Now that we’ve got cracking with the gift guides, I can fully take stock of just how bloody late I am with them again. The sensible person would compile them in early November and have them ready and waiting for the last weeks of the month. Not I. Here I sit, binge-eating Haribo Starmix at some kind of Godforsaken hour (9.45pm), buying as many things as I write about because of these damn sales!
Anyway: women’s gift guide. Basically stuff I’d be thrilled with, so I should really rename it Ruth’s Fantasy Wishlist, though I already have some of the things and have probably featured them in the past. Creature of habit.
Let’s start with the warm and cosy – I don’t know many who wouldn’t want some soft cashmere to see them through the winter. I just bought this dreamboat of a jumper from Boden here*:
It was £150 but Boden currently have 30% off almost everything (see here*) so I’m off to buy a spare one. That’s how lovely it is!
I’d also highly recommend their cashmere socks, here*, which come in gorgeous colourways and last infinitely longer than some of the socks from other brands. They are £45.
That’s the feet sorted then, and for the hands we have these bright and cheery Johnstons of Elgin Fingerless Gloves*. Currently £36 at Liberty* because Liberty (at time of writing) have a huge Christmas event running with up to 30% off lots of stock. Well worth a check seeing as though they always have such beautiful and interesting gifts!
You can shop at Liberty here* – no code necessary.
You can now buy selected items from the wonderful Coco & Wolf at Liberty – they have 20% off here* – including the gorgeous Liberty Print Scalloped bedspreads. For the full range (their silk pillowcases would make the most indulgent homeware gift!) go to the website here.
Want some Liberty Print but short of cash? I’m inexplicably drawn to this little mouse pin cushion. I don’t even sew. It’s £8.76 here*.
Right, people: we’re moving onto the quickfire round because otherwise I won’t fit in all of the present ideas I’ve got lined up! It’s so tempting to explain all of my ideas, in case you think I’m bonkers, but I’m just going to have to take the risk.
Liberty Tana Lawn Wash Bag, £20 here*
Marc de Champagne Truffles, large box because anything else is just wrong; £23 here*.
Chloe Embellished Sunglasses, £436 here* – pretty special. Try not to sit on them.
Aquazzura Heels, £660 here* – pretty special. Try not to break your neck in them.
I wanted to post those iconic Christian Louboutin bow-back sandals but they’ve sold out – they’d almost be worth breaking your neck for! Instead here’s a totally extra lipstick from the same hallowed shoemaker – £70 here*. You could have someone’s eye out with that!
Whilst we’re on envy-inducing lipsticks; Pat McGrath Matt Trance lipstick, £35 here*. Brilliant, brilliant. 
Fornasetti Gold Wall Plate – a piece of modern art and absolutely not for cutting up grapes on! £230 here*.
Seletti Love Edition Mouse Lamp, £68 here*. I have this in the original and it’s so cool – this one looks as though it’s had a Banksy makeover.
Made In India, £13 here* for the keen cook. Meera Sodha writes the most delectable cookbooks, Fresh is one of my most-used.
Palette: The Beauty Bible for Women of Colour, £17.49 here*. Packed full of amazing, insightful beauty knowledge. A book that needed to be written.
Shell Seat Pads, £107 here*. Turn any garden seat into a pre-Raphaelite resting place thanks to brilliant luxury brand Garden Glory.
Ultimate GBBO attire: a Nathalie Lete Helena apron. £30 here*.
Zoeva Rose Gold Brush Set, £70 here* – pretty much all of the brushes you’ll ever need. (Stay tuned for a best brush set post coming up soon!)
Farrow & Ball Colour Consultation, from £195 here. I did this a few weeks ago and it was just great. Very helpful and also a lot of fun. One for the indecisive or just those who love decorating!
If you can’t stretch to that then the F&B books are the next best thing – read my post here.
Chanel La Creme Main, £45 here*. This can’t fail to delight – the packaging alone is an absolute triumph. Although…
Bastide Figue d’Ete hand cream has some serious French Painter Oil Paint Tube vibes going on and the cream smells out of this world – £18 here*.
For the makeup junkie, how about Charlotte Tilbury’s Filmstar Bronze & Glow, Limited Edition with brush, £60 here*? This is the benchmark product when it comes to megawatt glow and contour…
Willowberry Mini Skincare Set, £39 here – I love this tiny, independent British brand. Here’s a chance to give it a try!
If it’s a total body treat you’re after then give the gift of ultimate relaxation – oils don’t really get any more effective than the ones from Aromatherapy Associates. The Deep Relax is a perennial favourite, just a capful into a warm bath is totally transforming. £49 here*.
Quirky but luxurious, something svelte and striking for the hair. The Silken Favours Silk Printed Headband is £70 here. Click onto the website and try not to fall in love with the incredible shirts…
Gucci Bloom fragrance, from £45 here*. A trusty crowd-pleaser, included here because the packaging is so spot on. A gift in itself.
Although if you really want to impress then things don’t get much more decadent than McQueen Pure Perfume, £285 here*. Deep, dark and sexy, it’s a riot of nighttime blooms that you won’t smell on many others. A Vampire’s Wife would wear this, surely?
Talking of Vampire’s Wife: it’s also the hot new(ish) brand that everyone wants to be wearing. So covetable. So darkly sexy. So incredibly expensive. One day, my friends, one day… You can find Vampire’s Wife here*. The dress pictured is $2.45m here*.
And on the subject of incredibly expensive things; if you’re after the ultimate cool leather jacket then Acne’s Velocite has been top pick of the bunch for a few years now. I’m hoping that it’s my birthday2019/Christmas2019/birthday2010/Christmas2020/birthday2012 combined present. Find it here* – it’s just £1.2 million plus postage. Goes with everything though, so that’s good.
Not so flush? See this coat at Hush*. Has all the feels but you won’t need to remortgage.
Yes I’ve featured these lovely Alex Monroe alphabet necklaces before, but I think that they make perfect gifts. They look luxurious but don’t cost quite the earth. £108 here* – also in silver.
And for a teeny bit of special beauty? MOR Soapette in a tin – £5.99 here*. Can’t get enough of these. Strictly speaking they should be in stocking fillers, but I might not get around to writing about those at this rate!
Ooph. Champagne Lurex heels, anyone? I’ve always been a fan of the Fern court shoes from LK Bennett but they’ve excelled themselves this year with these sparkly gems. Get 25% off here* with the code BLACK25.
And one last little naughty treat, in case someone is looking to spoil you completely. I had to include this Gucci Flora wallet, it’s just so lush. Don’t look at the price, just try and be very, very good from now until Christmas. It’s online here*.
The post Christmas Gift Guide 2019: Women appeared first on A Model Recommends.
Christmas Gift Guide 2019: Women was first posted on November 27, 2019 at 9:44 pm. ©2018 "A Model Recommends". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at [email protected] Christmas Gift Guide 2019: Women published first on https://medium.com/@SkinAlley
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