#so close but so far
simplyamazingsims · 10 months
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Carter legacy Generation 6 - Welcome The Coopers
Brayah and Jalen are officially newlyweds! They've had a daughter named Blessing and are awaiting the arrival of baby #2.
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rb9 · 4 months
currently thinking about how max verstappen has only ever taken the chequered flag in a non points scoring position in a red bull f1 car ONE singular time ‼️ do u understand how insane that is ⁉️
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blackbunnyblobchara · 3 months
Leonardo Hamato but I HC him with having Jake Daniel’s voice cause he sings good and I keep imagining Leo (of some of my AU’s) singing some of his songs (like two face and God)
Future Leo I don’t know maybe still him but more deeper and soothing-er ???
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thehaw-k · 4 months
The Cat & The Mouse: Chapter 1 - Debut
Benedict Bridgerton x OC reader
summary: sometimes paths just don’t cross.
a/n: guys idek what to call this trope, but part 1 is finished, Huzzah!
warning: you’re gonna be angry these first few chapters, regency era, feeling not good enough. anything i missed!
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A light knock snaps you quickly out of your racing thoughts.
“Are you ready, dearest?” Lady Danbury says from the other side of the door.
Waving for your maid to open it, you stand up to face yourself in the mirror.
Stepping into your room and exhaling deeply, Lady Danbury takes a second to admire how beautiful you look.
“Your mother would be so proud of the woman you are today.” She says causing your breath to hitch in your throat.
The both of you admire how detailed your dress came to be, looking at the specific flower stitchings on the overlaying lace of your skirt, and the slight gold tones under your chest and sleeves, you turn around to let Lady Danbury get a closer look.
Finally looking you in the eye, her face drops as she recognizes the sad expression taking over your being.
“Are you not excited for your debut?” She asks taking a step closer towards you.
“No, no, that’s not-” Lightly chuckling at her worried tone, you take the final steps closer to her and grab her hand.
“I could not possibly be more excited for my debut, Lady Danbury.” You reassure before continuing your thoughts.
“Although I’m afraid I still have many doubts.” You admit looking at the floor.
“May you explain?”
“I-I’m afraid I will not make a love match this season. Or ever really. I just know that once I debut and become an option on a list for suitors, I will not be able to marry out of love or harmony, but moreover out of money and convenience. You know, logically speaking, out of every male in the ton, the love of my life is most likely in-in Spain!” You say dropping her hands and turning around.
“Why do you say that?”
“Because why would the universe ever make things easy on me?” You rhetorically ask before crossing your arms over your chest and pausing for a second.
“I know that the universe finds me undeserving of such happiness, and with that conclusion, I’m afraid of the day I end up in an unhappy and unloving marriage like…” Trailing off at the end, you realized you started describing Lady Danbury’s marriage with the late Lord Danbury.
“Like I once did?”
“…Yes.” You admit reluctantly.
You feel so exposed as you share your biggest fears, but if not now, when?
“Josie, you know I’ve loved before, correct?”
“Yes! Yes I know all about it, and while I’m very happy that you were able to find it outside of your marriage, I’m afraid the only thing I truly wish for is to get it right the first time. Which is a selfish ask and I highly doubt it would be granted to me… I know I have my whole life ahead of me, but to know that I will not be apart of the very select marriages that are out of love, I feel apprehensive walking into my greatest fear.”
“It sounds like you’ve thought a lot about this.”
“I have. But now that I’ve gotten it off my chest, I fear it’s time for me to push away any and all doubts and go along with wherever fate takes me.” You say in haste as you take a short breath.
“You know, sometimes I wonder where you became so clever to have the ability of being so worried about something and then be able to reassure yourself directly after, but then I remember that you have your mother’s mind and your father’s heart,”
“And you cannot forget the addition of your influence,” You add almost mechanically, like she’s apart of you despite not sharing and genetic relation.
“And the addition of my influence, and I could not be more proud of you my dear. I assure you, the universe has plenty in store for you, I know as a writer you wish to know the ins and outs of every novel that may be fiction or not, but for this story, I’m afraid you might have to walk in the dark for a few miles before you truly know where you’re going.”
Processing her words you nod as you fully understand them.
“Shall we go then?” You finally ask.
“We shall.” She says then looping her arm through yours.
In the carriage ride over to the castle you make notes of how you will go about the social season.
“…And I will not entertain any Lord I know will not be a good suitor for me. I do not care for being polite when in the end it’s just wasting my time.” You state matter of factly earning a raised eyebrow from Lady Danbury.
“But you cannot forget your reputation precedes you, if every potential suitor knows that you judge them based on first glance, they very well could do the same, including a possible love match.” She says looking out the window.
“Hm. You are correct…” You admit as you ponder what she says for a few seconds.
“I officially wave my white flag. May we go home now?” You ask slouching in your seat earning a playful tap on the knee from Lady Danbury.
“I think it would be more wise if you try not to plan ahead for every little detail, and try to walk in the dark.” She says with narrowing eyes as she quotes herself from earlier.
Instead of pacing around the room like most of the other soon-to-be debutants you take standing in a corner with your head banging lightly against the wall behind you. Of course Lady Danbury was not around because, if she were, this would be absolutely unacceptable. But right now? You couldn’t care less.
“Josette, this is Lady Bridgerton and her daughter Eloise who is also debuting today,” Lady Danbury says almost furiously as she looks at you, causing you to hastily stand up straight and curtsy in front of the woman you’ve met few times before.
“Josette, always a pleasure to see you.” Lady Bridgerton says sincerely earning a nod from you.
“You as well,” you say quickly looking at a very nervous Eloise.
Having met Lady Bridgerton a few times in your childhood, you surprisingly haven’t met all of her children.
You’ve met Anthony since he would visit sometimes while him and Simon were in school, and you have also met Daphne briefly after her and Simon’s honeymoon when you were visiting home this past summer.
Since being away at school last season, you were unable to make it to your brother’s wedding which made you feel truly horrible. Mainly because he always swore he would never marry, but the second you turn your back he does.
“This is my daughter Eloise, Eloise this is Miss Josette Barham.” Lady Bridgerton says introducing the two of you.
After a beat of uncomfortable silence you finally speak up.
“They won’t start the ceremony for awhile, would you like to grab a refreshment?” You ask the other obviously nervous girl in front of you who nods dramatically.
Taking her arm in yours, the two of you walk away from the mamas and to the drink table.
“I apologize for my appearance when you and Lady Bridgerton came over with Lady Danbury.” You say grabbing a lemonade for yourself while also handing her one.
“Oh no worries, I would’ve looked the exact same if my mama wasn’t up my-.” She interrupts herself by taking the drink from you and taking a generous gulp causing you to giggle.
You were going to like this one.
“So, not a big fan of the ton and traditions I take it?” She finally asks earning a laugh from you.
“Surprisingly, no. I thoroughly enjoy all of this, especially the gossip…but I start to dislike it when I’m the topic of discussion, as do we all I assume, I wish I could just spectate like Lady Whistledown.” You admit looking at the drink in your hand.
“I can’t say I’m the same. I absolutely hate all of this. Dresses especially, who made it so woman can’t wear trousers? We have legs also!?” Eloise says causing you to stifle a cackle.
The true admiration you have growing for the second oldest Bridgerton girl comes almost as a breath of fresh air.
“I know exactly what you mean.” You say trailing off.
“Except the gossip of course, I do agree with you that it’s fun until your the topic of discussion, although, Lady Whistledown is unfortunately apart of the ton.” She says causing your eyes to grow wide.
“How do you know that?” You ask accusingly.
“I know what you’re thinking, and despite how much I wish I were, I am not Whistledown. But assuming I could let you in on my secret…hypothetically I’ve been trying to discover her identity since last season.” She says shrugging like it’s no big deal.
“Wow, and you’ve discovered that she’s apart of all this?” You ask motioning to the world around you in disbelief.
“Of course, no maid or servant would have the eyes or ears to be able to find out the whole ton’s gossip while also keeping up with their duties.” She says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“I suppose you are correct…later at the ball or whenever we may speak again, would you be able to fill me in on more of what you’ve gathered? I think you may actually be onto something.” You say causing her to go speechless.
“I- yes, yes of course,” She says excitedly making you smile.
“My mama speaks very highly of you, so when I was supposed to debut last season, I managed to use you as an excuse to delay.” She says looking admirably at you.
“However do you mean?” You ask now as the speechless one.
“Well, you managed to delay your coming out by two seasons, so you could continue your education, as a writer! What is there more to look up too?” She asks making you blush. You suppose she is correct, it’s not like you just wanted to delay because you simply wanted to, you had a purpose. A drive.
“I’m assuming Lady Bridgerton did not agree to let you delay another year like I did as well?” You ask knowingly.
“No, she said that you were finally debuting so I should also…Although, may I ask, how were you able to convince Lady Danbury of all mamas to delay your debut by not only one, but two years?” She asks genuinely shocked.
“A magician may never share her secrets,” You respond playfully, “But I must have you know, Lady Danbury is not my real mama..” You add on hoping she knew.
“Well, obviously, but our mama speaks so highly of you and Lady Danbury and how she’s raised you all your life, I only assumed you would consider her that, I apologize if I overstepped-” She says backtracking scared she disrespected her new friend.
“No, not at all. It’s actually quite refreshing to hear a point of view that’s actually correct. Usually I have to over-explain myself and it’s a whole thing, but, thank you…” You say sharing your exact thoughts out loud as you process what she’s said.
“Girls, It’s time.” Lady Bridgerton says as she approaches the two of you.
“Goodluck,” You sigh towards Eloise as she nods nervously in response.
Getting into line, everything felt just a little bit more real as the first name got called, which was two girls ahead of you.
“Miss Agnes Archer, presented by her mother, Lady Archer.”
“It is not too late, you could say I collapsed, that-that I got something unmentionable on my dress!” You overhear Eloise exclaim behind you.
Glancing over at Lady Danbury, she lightly shakes her head already reading your mind.
Responding with a pleading look, she continues to shake her head until she finally gives in. At her cue, you quickly turn around.
“Eloise, I promise everything will be okay. I walk before you. Just keep your mind on me, and the fact that once you finish presenting yourself to the queen, I’ll be in the room directly behind waiting for you. Can you do that?” You ask quickly as the girl’s name in front of you gets called.
“Uh” She says not confidently earning a look from you.
“Can you?” You ask a bit more harsh now since you’re about 10 seconds away from being called yourself.
“Um, yes, yes I can. You will be in the room directly behind, and I- I will meet you there.” She says nodding quickly earning a smile from you.
“Good.” You mutter quickly as you turn back around.
“Miss Josette Barham, presented by the honorable Lady Danbury.” The announcer calls while the doors open before you.
Benedict’s POV:
I don’t understand why my attendance at these sort of events is required.
Well, I mean, obviously I do. It’s so I can possibly find my future wife as my mother hopes, but as I’ve technically been able to marry for a few seasons now, I don’t see as to why she doesn’t just give up on me.
I mean, thankfully our last name starts with B so it’ll get over with quickly. But since I snuck out early last year after Daphne was called and named Diamond and all of that, Anthony made sure to threaten me and make sure I stay through the whole ceremony today. Of course.
Yawning as the first name was called, Anthony decided to glance at me at the same time, now jabbing me in the ribs.
“Ow!” I harshly whisper in response.
“Best. Behavior.” He whispers back with a glare to which I roll my eyes. I’d rather paint a portrait of the queen with my fingers than stand through this whole thing.
“Miss Josette Barham, presented by the honorable Lady Danbury.” I hear the announcer call, but before I was able to see whoever this debutante was, I dropped my pocket watch.
Crouching down to find it, I pat my pockets once more as I can’t seem to see it on the floor. Much to my expense it was still in my pocket. Of course.
Sighing as I stand back up, I hear endless roars of applause as I see the back of the debutante walking out of the room.
“What was that about?” I mutter to Daphne to which she scoffs.
“The Queen was starstruck by her! I truly think she may be the diamond of the season.” She whispers, excitedly clapping and I nod slowly in fake comprehension.
“Miss Eloise Bridgerton, presented by The Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton.”
Clapping as I heard my sister’s name called, I quickly stopped once I noticed no one else was clapping yet.
Rolling my eyes at what seems like Anthony’s never ending glare, I already knew this was going to be a long day.
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pure-jeff-ward · 11 months
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You can slice him & you can dice him, but Buggy will always put himself back together again. Meet Jeff Ward (#OnePiece , #AgentsofShield) when he sails over to #FANEXPOSanFrancisco this month. Tickets on sale NOW.
#BuggyTheClown #Marvel @jeffward1230
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milkloafy · 3 months
help my brain is off i was trying to doordash french fries but the app was looking diff ,, then i realized i was on yelp 😩
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dustyspines · 3 months
150k words in and I’ve just realised draco hasn’t said a word or hasn’t actually appeared on screen this whole time. sorry to my boo I can’t believe he’s being neglected 😞
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itsfootballbih · 1 year
Jude played 10 minutes away from my house today, and I couldn’t go see him💔
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boredfangirl16 · 2 years
Only 71 days until we finally get Chain of Thorns!!
I’m already starting summoning circles for a happy ending for Alastair. 
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mychemicalinsanity · 1 year
29 more days
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hollywoodsargeant · 1 year
i am going to finish this fic or die trying
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controlmyfeet · 10 months
that picture of matty at the vintage shop was in seattle…cut the cameras
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mintcrash · 1 year
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my babies
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freightertonowhere · 1 year
can’t wait to finally catch up with succession and find out what all the blacklisted/filtered posts on my dash are about 
i’m happy for you or sorry that happened etc etc etc
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ex0rin · 2 years
@febuwhump Day27: Survivor's Guilt Rumlow & Bucky - 430 words
dreams, blood, buried alive, fucked up soulmates
Sometimes when he closes his eyes he finds himself back at the Triskelion after the fall when all that’s left is smoke and fire and rubble - the sharp smell of copper permeates the air in these dreams, it’s cloying and sticks inside his nostrils, lines his tongue and throat until he can’t breathe without the taste of blood and death in his lungs. 
He’s always wet from the river, the rips in his leather having let the water in - there are goosebumps all over his skin and his thighs are chafed from walking; his gun is gone and everything feels like he’s still just below the surface, still trying to reach for someone he can’t remember while he climbs over broken desks to search for the one that’s still within reach.
There are never any authorities, no ambulances or police or people other than him shuffling through the weight of rocks and sharp, shattered pieces of glass - his flesh hand is always bloodied although he can’t feel the pain of it as he digs and digs and digs.
He always finds the body - tanned skin melted until it’s red from the blood underneath and those amber eyes always clear and open, watching him as he pulls more debris away.
Sometimes this is where he wakes, covered in sweat with his next breath trapped in his throat and the memory of a left-tilted smile behind his eyelids. 
Other times he clears the rock and wipes away the dust before flattening his body down along the one that’s been buried and unearthed again - the man underneath him is always warm on the verge of too hot, the chest always rises like there’s still oxygen in those lungs. 
He feels calm when strong, achingly familiar arms curl over him and drag him down until the rocks and rubble fold around them both and bury them together - on the rough nights, the ones where he stays awake until the dreams force him under like the water of the river, his skin melts to match the man underneath of him and they fuse together like two corpses that were never meant to be found. 
In the dark he hears the man breathe against him, warm and alive like it’s his own breath from his own lungs, that rough voice telling him that this was what was always meant to happen and he presses his face in along the curve of the other man’s neck, sticking his lips to skin and pressing his words where no one else can hear.  
One was never going to survive without the other.
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colormeberry · 2 years
The urge to have my founders in my personal save finally have their first baby is so strong but I must hold off until the infant update!!
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