#so felicidade
sosoawayrpg · 8 months
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resultado do app count:
Príncipe Kit
Jonathan Loughran
não esqueçam de darem uma lida no checklist.
Os personagens North, Merida, Príncipe Kit e Jonathan Loughran encontra-se indisponível para aplicações, assim como seu rosto magico FC Santiago Cabrera, Luca Hollestelle, Nicholas Galitzine e Alex Saxon.
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sunnybergamota · 6 months
Continua me aparecendo dicas de como escrever redação do enem e vestibular e cara eu n consigo expressar em palavras a felicidade de n ter q nem pensar mais nisso
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some good news!! the spanish state's ministry of equality has finally passed one of the most progressive trans laws on the planet, shielded free and universal access to abortion and banned conversion therapy and genital surgery for intersex babies, among a lot of other feminist policies. the minister of equality irene montero gave a speech thanking spain's lgtb and trans associations for helping her draft these legislations. couldn't be more proud!!
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bellcza · 2 months
i remember watching one of your first games a few years ago and knew you’d be so special. feliz cumple amor 🩵
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sallymew4 · 6 months
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everyone's precious angel child
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without the ugly yellow behind him
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angelofthepage · 1 year
Okay, so lately I've been seeing a lot of mixed feelings (namely on Twitter) about the announcement of Bendy: Dreams Come to Life getting a graphic novel iteration. There is a LOT to talk about when it comes to this thing, and maybe I'll discuss it more another time, but today I wanna talk about the thing I've been hearing the most: strong feelings about having canonical designs for the human versions of some of our favorite characters.
In Dreams Come to Life, we have physical appearances from the following BATIM characters (that I can remember off the top of my head, I may be missing some):
Joey Drew
Sammy Lawrence
Norman Polk
Thomas Connor
Allison Pendle
Bertrum Piedmont
Wally Franks (this one I'm unsure on, it's been a hot minute)
This means that for the first time, we're gonna know what all of them look like as humans in the minds of the game developers, since, let's be real, if they're doing this thoughtfully, there is likely a lot of communication with the artist they got for this book. Making sure these characters fit their vision is a very probable priority.
In this fandom, we have had the freedom to design whatever the heck we want for the human versions of these characters. And that has been so much fun. You've had all sorts of takes, from characters mirroring their voice actors to completely original things that you never would have expected. Some things would pop up consistently in fan designs, and others would be an occasional pleasant surprise. We've seen a lot of things tweaked over the years, sometimes because we latch onto designs we like from artists we've met in the fandom and incorporate them into our own. Sometimes it's because we get new information in the canon, like Sammy confirmed to be blonde in The Illusion of Living (EDIT: I was extremely wrong on this, he is not confirmed blonde in this book, but he does have long and floppy hair that Joey thought should be slicked back more, and also Jack had some wild fashion), Allison is platinum blonde in DCTL, Wally having a hat as of his YouTube audiolog, Shawn and Tom wearing belts as of Boris and the Dark Survival, Tom being a wall of a man, Bertrum being a bear of a guy, etc. But even before Wally was confirmed to have a hat, a lot of us gave him a hat anyway, because the idea of him with a hat is fun! Bertrum being large, Tom being really tough! Heck, I saw a number of blonde Susies and Allisons before we got that bit on Allison, because it's fun to contrast their looks with that of Alice. That's the spirit of all of this, we make these designs because it's fun! You have characters all across the board in terms of race, sexuality, gender identity, age, body types, etc, because it's fun to imagine the possibilities for all of them with this cast that we love (and sometimes connect with them on a personal level), regardless of what's "canon" or not.
One of the things I'm hearing a lot is that some people don't want canon designs, and it sounds like it stems from a fear that they can't make their own designs anymore. And for those people, I'd like to ask, when has that ever stopped us? I mean that as a genuine question, I'm not here to mock anyone. Like, my first big fandom experience was over with Sonic as a teenager, and I never dreamed of deviating from the canon because I just, did not have any experience with that at the time. Bendy was really good for showing me that there's a LOT of ways the fandom experience can go, especially on this front. When Bendy and the Dark Revival came out, and we got two really major reveals for character designs: Memory Joey and Henry Stein. Henry, a character fans have been designing for YEARS, a character shrouded in mystery, finally got a confirmed design, and you know what happened? We started drawing this new design, but we didn't stop drawing our fan designs just because we got this new one. BATDR Henry has kind of been adopted into the fandom the same way we do designs for AUs, he's just another AU guy that happens to be canon to the sequel game. Heck, I love seeing art where fandom takes on Henry are interacting with BATDR Henry, it's really sweet honestly.
And that's exactly the attitude I have towards this graphic novel. It does not matter how these characters are designed, we are still valid and allowed to make whatever the heck we want. And if people really try to gatekeep it and scream that you're only allowed to draw the canon, I think that says more about them than it does anything else. Go draw what makes you happy (so long as it's not hurting anyone, obviously there is some nuance here but that is a whole other can of worms)! The only thing that this actually changes (or at least, what I'm guessing will change) is what's gonna fly when it comes to stuff like the fan art contests and challenges/what the devs might choose to retweet in terms of fan art. But that's only one part of the fan art scene. Otherwise, go fandom your way! No one is stopping you, draw what makes YOU happy. I am still going to draw a pointy blonde disaster of a music director however I please, even after we see Sammy in canon. Because darn it I like my Sammy, he is my strawberry blonde (depending on the world, sometimes it's more ashy) buffoon, and one new version of a book doesn't change my love for that.
That said, I am really curious how the teams behind this series imagine these characters. I feel the same way about it that I do my fellow fan artists. To me this really is just another AU, the DCTL AU. I think I'm less curious about the game characters and more about the characters native to this book, and that's got more to do with, well, I don't see a lot of people designing them! There's some, but they're not flooding my timeline like the game characters do. Like, I've designed the DCTL art department before for a Sims game, but I haven't gone much farther than that. I wanna know what Abby looks like, give me her fashion! I wanna see Buddy, Dot, and Jacob! I'm still keeping my Jacob design regardless, I love playing with him, but gosh do I wanna know what Jacob looks like in canon. Same with Dot. I have a lot of hopes for both of them, and I'm trying to lower my expectations so as not to be disappointed if it doesn't turn out that way. Like Dot has potential to be our first plus sized Bendy character given how she's described (also the first to wear glasses), of COURSE I want to see that! She's my writer girl that's super sus and incredibly interesting to me personally, I love her! And then I have more information to consider when I go to design my dolls (because believe you me, dolls based on the books have been on my list for a LONG time). I'm curious how much input Adrienne Kress will have here as the author, like I would love to know what's going on in her mind with these characters!
Whatever happens next, the most important thing to remember is that you're free to create whatever you like. Go make things that make you happy. That's all the devs are doing in the end, and if it's good enough for them, it's more than good enough for us. Bendy is made the way it is (hopefully) because that's what they wanted to make. Like why make an indie project that makes you miserable, you know? I don't know what to think of this new graphic novel, but whatever happens, I'm gonna take it with a grain of salt and keep doing what I always do: make my own fun out of what we're given. That's what fandom is, a place to enjoy a piece of media. And everyone enjoys this sort of thing differently. Find what works for you.
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brasiliangp · 11 months
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“me opening this app just now not understanding anything”
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aricastmblr · 6 months
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Spotify X 5abr.2024
Welcome the newest member of the #BillionsClub, Jimin’s Like Crazy ✨ http://spotify.link/billionsclub
Jimin en la portada de la lista de reproducción 'Billions Club' de Spotify con “Like Crazy”
“Like Crazy” ha sido añadido al 'BILLIONS CLUB' de Spotify
“Like Crazy” es la canción no. 613 en lista de reproducción 'BILLIONS CLUB' de Spotify
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annecybyodoin · 11 months
Enamorarme de ti, mi hermoso hombre! ♥️
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capsulas · 5 months
La felicidad se define en la simplicidad de un momento presente, en la capacidad de encontrar la grandeza en lo más pequeño y ordinario.
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sol-draws-sometimes · 7 months
You can tell not a single Venezuelan was involved in the making of Jane the Virgin, cause NOT ONCE DID THEY SING THE BIRTHDAY SONG!!!
It's a comedy show, like wouldn't it have been so funny to see a white man(or Rafael since he's not Venezuelan) celebrating a birthday at the Villanueva household and they're just expecting "Happy Birthday" but with the words in Spanish and they get fucking hit with; a song with a completely, different ass melody; with 4 verses, probably with Happy Birthday in Spanish afterwards; one more time in English cause, "We're immigrants so we gotta do it in English"; and the whole ordeal is about 5 times longer than the normal birthday song. Like, that shit is hilarious! Missed opportunity!!!
I caught it when Mateo turned one and they just sang Happy Birthday in Spanish, which latinos DO do, but that's just not Venezuelan. And like, yah Michael will probably have known about the existence of the song since he's been dating Jane for a while, but like it doesn't even have to be funny(I know that scene supposed to be serious), it's just a small thing that's Venezuelan you know.
Also, I'm not even super Venezuelan, I just have extended family cause I had a visabuelo(great uncle) that was Venezuelan, I'm sure an actual Venezuelan would've caught more things.
Anyway if you don't know what I'm talking about, go watch this skit it's super funny. Or here's the song in a form you'll normally hear it. There's also additional quips, you can see in this video. I don't know them cause my cousins don't really do it, but other people do, so it makes it even more chaotic.
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Soy solo yo o ¿ustedes también se enamoran de puro pecado?
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Che basta de levantar los paros de bondi a las 11.35 de la noche no se puede así uno ya se ilusiono que dormía
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malkaviian · 2 years
also, aunque intentaba camuflarlo lo mejor posible, golden absolutamente no se comportó normal el resto del embarazo de fox cuando se enteró de que el bebé era suyo lmao
#incluso cuando tuvo en teoría tiempo de prepararse para la noticia(? unos meses al menos#ya que hicieron los tests de paternidad cuando tenía 5 meses. él se enteró a principios del tercero. so; dos meses#quizás no es suficiente para dimensionar la situación but¿ igual siempre pensó que podía ser suyo; sólo que intentaba convencerse de que no#por sí mismo más que nada lmao porque las consecuencias podían ser horribles y no sólo por lo legal kasndjsan#incluso si guardaban silencio; su familia (y todo el que supiera) iba a reaccionar horrible. joy especialmente sentiría que la traicionó:c#y lo verían tan mal (especialmente su abuelo) que no podría volver a mostrar la cara de la vergüenza. pero bueno#siento que mandaron a freddy a darle la noticia de que ninguno de ellos dio positivo y lo que significaba porque es el más serio#e iba a saber cómo decirlo de la mejor manera. pero igual fue medio forro y le dijo cuando lo agarró solo 'felicidades padre' jsdfnksnf#así con un tono re feliz y sarcástico(? él como 'eh?' a lo que sólo contestó 'ni bonnie; fred o yo somos los padres. sacá tus conclusiones'#el ataque de ansiedad que tuvo fue tan grande que se podría haber muerto de un paro cardíaco 👌 y durante la siguiente semana no pudo comer#tenía el estómago cerrado; y si se forzaba todo le caía mal y lo vomitaba (lo cual le dio recuerdos no muy agradables de su infancia rip)#luego cuando se le 'pasó' la ansiedad fue cuando se comenzó a portar raro en su trabajo; especialmente con fox#tipo; él y bon sentían la obligación de cuidarlo porque estaba en un estado muy frágil#incluso cuando lo único que les pidieron (más que nada el personal de medicina) fue controlar que específicamente no se metiera en peleas#pero golden parecía un interruptor on/off con el hecho de 'cuidarlo'. a veces lo ignoraba totalmente y otras veces lo sobreprotegía#lo cual era curioso porque no se solía comportar así; siempre se mantuvo 'normal' sin involucrarse tanto pero tampoco ignorando#o bueno; esa era la imagen que daba; que a veces le costaba. pero ahora se iba para los dos extremos de un día para el otro#y nunca se inventó una excusa convincente porque tampoco sabía cómo justificarlo#así que se inventó que estaba teniendo problemas personales y que la situación le traía 'recuerdos de los que no quería hablar' y fin#además de decirle a bon que no sabía cómo lidiar con la situación porque 'era rara'; bon no indagó más y lo tomó como algo válido#diciéndole que él tampoco estaba muy seguro de cómo lidiar con ello y que también le parecía raro kdnfjkndsj#lo que le pasaba es que tenía mucho conflicto:c por una parte no quería ni verlo porque no quería encariñarse con el bebé#(que supuestamente no lo hacía y en esos momentos se convencía de eso; aunque fuera una mentira¿)#y por el otro lado cuando lo sobreprotegía era porque pensaba que iba a ser la única oportunidad en la que iba a estar tan cerca de su hijo#y después de eso quizás nunca más iba a saber nada de él. así que tenía que aprovechar aunque ni hubiera nacido#además de tener mucha culpa en general. al ver que fox no estaba para nada contento con el embarazo se sentía muy culpable#no debería haberse metido con prisioneros siendo que es un carcelero sólo porque le daban el tipo de atención que necesitaba pero lo hizo#y ahí estaban las consecuencias. pero ya no podía hacer nada#esto quedó larguísimo y espero que tumblr no me corte los tags así que lo termino acá#au talk
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senoritalocuras · 1 year
Estaba ahogándome en una cárcel sin salida, con un montón de problemas por delante, solo quería ser libre de nuevo volver a escapar como una vez lo hice para curarme y recuperar las ganas de vivir y está vez rezaba porque llegará ese momento, empezaría un camino nuevo sola, seria duro pero valía la pena intentarlo...
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pixeles · 1 year
Tagged by @raccoonium AAHHHHOSDIFW THANKS FOR THE TAG <3 <3 I got excited!!!
rules: tag 9 people you would like to get to know/catch up with  
last song: Nukumachi - Retrospect
last show: The boys
currently watching: Demon slayer and super crooks
currently reading: Jujutsu kaisen the manga
current obsession: ummm In fact, I managed to solve my obsession recently PASS THAT EXAM!🕺🏻
Tagging!: @nikasims @keiloo @kanonbreakerz You can ignore the tag if you feel uncomfortable :)). If YOU want to participate too, GO AHEAD, it's great to learn about others. I'm clumsy with tagged and it also makes me a little embarrassed heh 👉🏼👈🏼.
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