#especially when they are from a nationality not commonly shown
sol-draws-sometimes · 7 months
You can tell not a single Venezuelan was involved in the making of Jane the Virgin, cause NOT ONCE DID THEY SING THE BIRTHDAY SONG!!!
It's a comedy show, like wouldn't it have been so funny to see a white man(or Rafael since he's not Venezuelan) celebrating a birthday at the Villanueva household and they're just expecting "Happy Birthday" but with the words in Spanish and they get fucking hit with; a song with a completely, different ass melody; with 4 verses, probably with Happy Birthday in Spanish afterwards; one more time in English cause, "We're immigrants so we gotta do it in English"; and the whole ordeal is about 5 times longer than the normal birthday song. Like, that shit is hilarious! Missed opportunity!!!
I caught it when Mateo turned one and they just sang Happy Birthday in Spanish, which latinos DO do, but that's just not Venezuelan. And like, yah Michael will probably have known about the existence of the song since he's been dating Jane for a while, but like it doesn't even have to be funny(I know that scene supposed to be serious), it's just a small thing that's Venezuelan you know.
Also, I'm not even super Venezuelan, I just have extended family cause I had a visabuelo(great uncle) that was Venezuelan, I'm sure an actual Venezuelan would've caught more things.
Anyway if you don't know what I'm talking about, go watch this skit it's super funny. Or here's the song in a form you'll normally hear it. There's also additional quips, you can see in this video. I don't know them cause my cousins don't really do it, but other people do, so it makes it even more chaotic.
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
No Jewish symbol is more misunderstood than the Magen David, "The Star of David." A thread on the actual connection between the Magen David & Jewish magic:
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Its magical origins are obscured by the English phrase, "The Star of David," which is a poor translation of Magen David. Magen = "shield." It is a symbol of a shield, not a star. Nowhere in Jewish literature do we find the phrase "kochav David." It is the "Shield of David."
Before the modern era, we most commonly find the Magen David in amulets. Since the role of an amulet is to provide protection, and a shield is a sign of protection, they are common in Jewish amulets.
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For instance, since a Mezuzah is a home amulet, medieval scribes would often add the "Shield of David" along with names of angels [in the boxes on the left column] to boost its protective powers. Like angels who bestow protection, so does the shield.
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In recent articles, Moshe Idel has shown that Nehemiah ben Shlomo ha-Navi, a medieval Jewish mystic, claimed that David's shield was inscribed with Divine names. It was the magic of these "shielding" names that protected him in battle, not his military power.
For Kabbalists, the following verse shows David's reliance on magical, Divine names in battle: "David replied to the Philistine, 'You come against me with sword and spear and javelin; but I come against you in the name of the Yah of Hosts.'" [1 Sam. 17:45] 
One magical name became especially associated with the Shield of David, the name AGLA. Abraham Saba (1440-1508), even claims that AGLA is called Magen David.
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This association is likely due to the kabbalistic claim that AGLA is an acronym for the liturgical line, "ata gibor l'olam Adonai," which appears right after a reference to Magen Abraham. Hence this magical name became linked to the Magen, the shield.
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By the early-modern period, the Magen David often appears in amulets with the name AGLA written in it (in various styles). The most common use of these amulets was to extinguish urban wild-fires. 
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This type of amulet became so popular in 17th-18th C. Germany (among Jews & Christians), that Lutheran theologians, who were extremely anti-magic, had to polemicize against the use of such amulets.
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At exactly the same time (early 17th C.), Jews begin to be forced to wear the Magen David as a Jewish ID. While Jews had to wear ID badges since the Lateran Council of 1215, those were commonly a yellow wheel, and never a Magen David. 
This is the earliest depiction of a Jew wearing one, from the early 17th century.
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While there is no explicit evidence of such, it is likely that, at least in Ashkenaz, the Magen David became associated with Jews at this time because of its prevalence in popular Jewish amulets. To be a Jew was to have access to protective magic. 
For instance, Wilhelm Schickard, a Lutheran theologian, in his work Tarich (1628, Tübingen), critiques the Jews for this: "The shield of David is the very thing which the most superstitious Jewish nation believes to be strong even against fires."
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The Nazis, ostensibly, reversed this association. The Shield of David became a symbol for those bodies that are unworthy of protection.
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When the founders of the State of Israel chose the Magen David as the national symbol, they were likely oblivious to this long history. But they could have done worse than choosing a Jewish symbol of protection that is other than military power.
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It is unfortunate that right at time of the Holocaust and the founding of the State of Israel, the phrase "Shield of David"—with all its magical history—became overshadowed by the erroneous phrase, "Star of David."
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The Magen David does not need to be a symbol of Israeli military power. For much longer it was associated with Jewish protective magic—a protection that comes not from swords & tanks, but from the Divine.
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zeebreezin · 14 days
A major cultural belief amongst Antheri people is that gifts of the Mountain shouldn’t be used frivolously, or otherwise taken for granted. This is partially a religious belief, and partially something that emerged due to the kingdom’s floating nature. As such, Anther uses very little metal in construction or technology, instead relying on heavily cultivated, Stone-soaked plants and the correspondence for their modern amenities. Door hinges can be created with specially grown vines, clocks can be made with the correspondence and blooming flowers, and so on.
While stone buildings are seen as culturally acceptable (typically temples, government buildings, or the homes of the ultra rich), metal & gemstone based jewelry is seen as incredibly gaudy even in small quantities, if not outright distasteful. The only person you’ll see wearing gems in Anther on the average day is the ruling monarch, the Blossoming Actinoregent - and even then, their diamonds are typically only worn during religious ceremonies or important public addresses.
Instead of metal jewelry, worn wealth is shown primarily with fabrics in Anther. Bioluminescent dyes, complex embroidery, correspondence trimmed skirts that leave trails of light when they swish - Anther’s fabrics are renowned for their beauty across the Elder Continent, and are one of the nation’s primary exports, along with their crops.
Fittingly, flowers are also a massive part of Antheri fashion. Gardening, Botany, and floral arrangements are seen as a major form of self expression in Anther, a way of both cultivating the self, and of showing appreciation to the life that the Mountain provides. There’s an incredibly in-depth floral language that goes along with wearing your arrangement, from where it’s worn (most commonly being braided through hair, tied around the waist as a belt, worn over the shoulder, or woven into a glove/up the arm), the selection of plants, the prominence of each plant, and the state of growth the cutting is in. These garlands can speak volumes about the person wearing them and the image that they wish to present to the world. A politician choosing a base of Tagada vines for their garland (the dark red vines that grow underneath the Drifting Kingdom, linking the many floating pieces of land together) speaks to their commitment to the city’s lower classes, as well as their dependability. A young womanizer may choose budding flowers that symbolize love to suggest that they’re looking for something tonight, as opposed to implying that they’ve already found it. It’s perfectly acceptable to wear only a few simple blooms, especially outside of the upper classes of society, but wearing no garland at all is akin to wearing a black hoodie and shifty eyes all day. It’s a little suspicious, in its anonymity.
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iiitsnotbase · 3 months
Iyengar and the Portrayal of Class and Power in her Games.
Since its origin in 1974, Dungeons and Dragons has been used to tell multiple types of stories, all depending on the players at the table and the dungeon master at the head of it. Most of these games (and other Tabletop roleplaying games, of course) tend to have a central theme in common, which is the theme of power. Whether that be a power over the world, for example, a king or nobility or dragon terrorising the nation, or the gods having power, or anything in between those, power always comes into play. Especially when it is commonly argued that one person at those tables, the dungeon master, or the game master, has the majority of the power over the table (excluding dice rolls, obviously. Dice rolls are left to the whims of fate.). 
There is one Game Master who portrays power in not only her games, but her characters, and she portrays it well. Though at times the way she portrays this power is often subtle and un-noticed, it is there; As intrinsic to her characters as the fact that they are alive, as threaded into the worlds she builds as the people (or even stoats!) that live in them. The way is not too heavy-handed, but it is not so subtle that you cannot see it, it is a delicate balance that she always manages to strike. I am of course talking about the Game Master of (most recently, at the very least) Candela Obscura; Tide and Bone, Aabria Iyengar. Though Candela Obscura is her most recent project (as of writing, 30/2/24), she is also known for her work on Dimension 20’s A Court of Fey and Flowers, Burrows End, The Ravening War, Pirates of Leviathan, and Misfits and Magic, as well as her appearances on Critical Role and being a main cast member of World Beyond Number. She is also widely regarded in all of these fandom spaces as (jokingly) ‘One of our own’, due to her frequent appearance on fanblogs. This is also sometimes colloquially referred to as ‘getting Quiddied’. Although Iyengar’s portrayal of power is always there, it is never more obvious than in Dimension 20’s A Court of Fey and Flowers.
Whatever you are imagining for A Court Of Fey and Flowers, times it by 10, add much more court drama, secrets, espionage, and one single, drugged-up, horny Grandfather who is all the worst parts of birds, and you might have something somewhat close. The table for this season of Dimension 20 includes frequently famous fliers (bird pun fully intended) such as Emily Axford (Lady Chirp Featherfowl), Brennan Lee Mulligan (Captain K.P. Hob), and Lou Willson (Lord Squak Airavis), as well as newcomers such as Surena Marie (Gwyndolin Thistle-Hop/BINX Choppley), Oscar Montoya (Delloso de la Rue), and Omar Najam (Prince Andhera), with Aabria Iyengar at the head of it, controlling all of their fae fuckery (both literal and metaphorical).
A Court of Fey and Flowers is Bridgerton on steroids, with magic and dice and eating feathers, and it is exactly as insanely wonderful as you think it would be. Interwoven with the romance inherent to the regency genre (BINX/Prince Andhera and Delloso de la Rue/K.P. Hob), there are themes of class and social standing, not only among the general population of the courts, but among their peers. This is there right from the beginning, in fact, as across the series illegitimate marriages, secret engagements, and whole secret children are revealed. Being the Game Master of this season, Iyengar portrays these struggles with a gentle touch and an ice-cold grip, never letting you forget that they are there, waiting to be shown, in the background. 
In the very first scene we have with Axford and Wilson’s characters, we learn both must marry for power, which tips many off to the way this society works. Their Grandfather (portrayed by Iyengar), demands they marry for power. This move, on Iyengar’s part, is a masterful portal of class, and hints at the social standing the characters have in the show. Unlike every other character mentioned, these two do not belong to a court. The implications of needing to marry well so they are not tarnished and banished from future social events do not go unnoticed by the players or the audience. Axford and Wilson would both later go on to reveal their already secured, entirely inappropriate matches, and cause many issues for their Grandfather. 
Another, darker moment of power is the power that the parents have over their children in this world. ‘Parents’ is a strong word for what some of these relationships are, ‘maternal’ being an even stronger word, so we will, for the purposes of this essay, say they are the people who watched over these characters as they grew and now hold power over them. Starting with the positive parental relationships, Marie’s character is shown to have a very unique relationship with their parents and family.
Unique in the fact that they are dead, and still holding power over her (in a somewhat positive way). Marie’s character’s grief spurs her to action on multiple occasions, at one point almost causing the end of her life through a power more powerful than grief. This is also down to Marie’s performance as BINX, her grief is interwoven with her character, holding court on her seat with her. Iyengar, several times, uses the care Marie’s character shows to her old family against her; Particularly in Episode 10, when she brandished a weapon for the first time against Najam’s Characters sister. The scene is incredibly impactful, as Iyengar cuts across to use the moment BINX (Marie) removes Andhera’s (Najam’s) shard to show Suntar (Andhera’s sister, Iyengar) losing the little power she had over Najam’s Character. 
Though Suntar is not the only person who held power over Najam’s character, his Mother, the Queen of Air and Darkness (again, Iyengar) is shown to terrify them. In fact, the power The Queen holds over her son is so deeply rooted into his character, it is a part of his design, a shard shoved into his neck that rains on him when he gets upset, or any strong emotion. This allows Iyengar to offer reminders to the cast, even when Najam is portraying the emotions, that there is always someone more powerful than the main six out there, waiting. This impact is made even heavier by the fact Najam plays one of the most powerful characters at the table himself, a Prince of a court that is widely well known and highly regarded. There is a case to be made about how he might play the most powerful character at the table, because while Marie’s Character is the leader of their court, that court is diminished, and Montoya’s character still answers to other people. 
Speaking of Montoya’s character answering to other people, The Chorus are some of the most prominent threats despite never being explicitly stated as villains (like characters such as Prince Apollo (Iyengar) are). They run one of the most powerful courts, The Court of Wonder, and help put together the entire event the story takes place in, The Bloom. The power they have over Montoya’s Character (Delloso de la Rue) is never unnoticed. It is integral to the character, given that they wore a glamour (a magical illusion to make them look like a green-skinned elf) every single day, to hide the fact they really are an owlbear, which are typically considered monsters. The Chorus only really exert their power once in a threatening way, but just because something is not said does not mean it is not felt. For example, Wuvvy (Iyengar) is a member of the Court of Wonder, and although she is Delloso de la Rue’s assistant, she is still a member of the Court of Wonder, which means she also answers directly to The Chorus if she is asked. Though all the examples mentioned so far are subtle in their power, one court likes people to know they have power, perhaps because the people in it are so very tiny. 
Mulligan portrays Captain K.P Hob of The Goblin Court, which holds the most explicit power in the season. Before we have even learnt the name of Mulligan’s character, we learn he is a Captain, which might mean something in another, kinder universe. This ties back into the Goblin Court holding all the power, K.P is a captain of their court, and this is so important to him we don’t learn his first or second name until much later. Iyengar and Mulligan work together to portray the court gaining and losing power rapidly, and using its members with significant ranks to find and hold that power. This is shown when the Viscountess Grabalba marries the Head of the Trickster Court after her previous engagement is called off. It is shown, in a much more solemn light, when K.P Hob is promoted to Major and ordered to marry for the court, which he does. 
There is also power in the way the cast chose to do their romances in this world, which Iyengar facilitates with several events throughout the ten-episode season, such as a Masquerade Ball and a Hedge Maze. There is power in the way Axford’s character has her own, secret family, in the way Wilson’s has a lover in every court, in the way Marie and Najam’s characters find each other, and in the way both Montoya and Mulligan’s leave their old lives behind for love (in Montoya’s case, in an almost direct parallel to Wuvvy). You could write an essay on the romances in A Court of Fey and Flowers, but this is an essay about power, and while love does have power, I would next like to discuss another Dimension 20 season headed by Iyengar and featuring Mulligan that heavily plays on power. 
Dimension 20: Burrows End is Chernobyl (the TV show) meets Chicken Run (but replace the chickens with stoats) meets Peter Rabbit (but they are stoats) meets 1984 (but with stoats). There are a lot of stoats in this season. Almost every character is a stoat, with exception of the two named humans (one of whom is secretly a stoat). Again, this cast includes some frequent flyers, such as Brennan Lee Mulligan (Tula), Isabella Rolland (Lila), Siobhan Thompson (Jayshon), and Erika Ishii (Ava), as well as the transition of Rashawn Nadine Scott (Viola) from Play It By Ear to Dimension 20, and 3 Black Halflings’ Jasper William Cartwright (Thorn Vale). All in all, this cast is best described as a powerhouse. 
Iyengar portrays class and power in this season in a subtler, more intimidating way. It is not so obvious at the beginning, as all the power seems to be in the hands of Cartwright’s Thorn Vale, the leader of an exclusive cult that worships The Blue. There is an argument to be made here that The Blue is the one with the power, despite not being a technical character in the season, it holds its place by being constant, whether that be through Cartwright and Scott’s character’s cult, or whether that is through forcing the beating of Mulligan’s character’s (Tula) heart. In this, the force which holds all the power is not a character at all; It is similar to what holds all the power in our world, which is simply nature. 
When the main six reach a location known as Last Bast, or The Last Bastion of The Light, or Warren Peace Nuclear Power Plant (we’ll continue to refer to it as Last Bast), some of the first characters there that they meet have the least power. They meet the working-class of stoats first, before anyone else, and thus begin to see Last Bast from their perspective. They meet these working class stoats when they are dying, when it is implied they are expendable because they have no power. In reality, they have all the power, being the ones to provide the food for the rest of Last Bast, and being the ones to provide the food, which keeps the area going. In reality, as much as the ruling class don’t think the working class have any power here, they have all the power. 
One of these working class stoats (as a reminder, these are all stoats) is an outspoken adolescent named Sybil, who loses her brother in the first meeting with the main six. Though initially she is portrayed as weak and powerless (literally being dead in her first appearance), we learn that she is resourceful, and if she is not strong in the literal sense, she is strong in the mental sense. She is also used to show the power that the leader, The First Stoats, have over their people, when they kill her in front of the Main Six to prove a point. Her death is explicitly described as being “The price of treason,” (Iyengar). Though Sybil is often argued as just simply being ‘a narrative device’, could the same not be said for all the characters in this story?
Sybil is also used to portray the idea of love conquering all, an overused trope but a trope for a reason. One of the most popular phrases in Last Bast, and a phrase used to guide other stoats towards it is “Follow your instincts towards the light.” Sybil takes this extremely literally, following her brother and breaking rules for her family, such as saying Curtis’s name even after he died (an act forbidden by The First Stoats).
Which brings me nicely onto the next point, the way The First Stoats attempt to hold power over death. The first way this is shown is through the disallowance of names for the dead, for the people who don’t technically exist anymore. This furthur shows their dictatorship and need for power and control; The way they cannot control death so they outlaw the names, taking away the family’s process of mourning and grief. The second way they do this is through Sybil’s aforementioned execution by them. They capture and kill her, showing again how they have the level of power and control that other stoats in Last Bast do not have. 
Candela Obscura; Tide & Bone is not only a masterclass in relationships and trust between players at the table, but a masterclass in power. The cast includes Sam Riegel (Oscar Grimm), Noshir Dalal (Professor Rajan Savrimuthu), Gina Darling (Madam Cordelia Glask), Ashly Burch (Dr Elsie Roberts), and Liam O’Brian (Professor Cosmo Grimm). This cast includes Critical Role old and new friends, all voice acting powerhouses in their own right, and is headed, as all these tables are, by Aabria Iyengar. 
Tide & Bone does not only choose to focus on the power of human emotions, but on the power of nature, and the freakish things we cannot control even when trying our best. To understand the portrayal of power in this game, we first need to understand the characters and their relationships to each other, since one of the long-standing themes across the circle is what power, and how much power, do our emotions have over us?
This theme is most obviously portrayed through Burch’s performance as Dr Elsie Roberts, a young Doctor with Cullet and a panic disorder that materialises as a terrible monster when she gets too stressed (take it literally), and Dalal’s performance as Professor Rajan Savrimuthu, a professor with a hive in his chest. I highlight these two not because they are the only people to portray the theme of emotions holding more power than they are worth, but because they are the most obvious. It is well stated that the professor and the doctor were together (romantically), “For a time.” (Burch). 
The scene that highlights this the most is the opening scene to Episode 3, Candles in The Dark, where it is revealed to the audience that, for an unknown reason, Professor Rajan Savrimuthu spent the whole night outside Dr Elsie Robert’s bedroom door, after him leaving in the previous episode. This scene, or the opening to it, shows how people are easily manipulated by their emotions, especially people such as Professor Savrimuthu and Dr Roberts. 
This theme is further explored later in the scene with the line “(Oscar) is interesting. He has certainly earned your trust.” Said by Dalal as Professor Savrimuthu. Oscar Grimm is one of Dr Robert’s best friends, and the only person to have ever seen her transform into the beast outside of herself (“I would have seen it before, right? So I know.” (Reigel as Oscar Grimm, narrating his internal monologue.)). This is further questioned by Dr Roberts, when she wonders why exactly ‘Raj’ is choosing to bring up this moment now, when they are about to go on the run, saying Elsie’s internal monologue is asking “Is this an inopportune moment of jealousy? What’s going on here?”.
However, romantic emotions are not the only emotions shown to have power over people. When Dr Roberts transforms into The Beast for the first time on-screen in Episode 1, it is not Professor Savrimuthu who comforts her through it, it is (one of) her best (and only) friends, Oscar Grimm. ‘Comforts her through it’ is a generous term to say ‘he is the one who takes the fall, not only for Elsie but for the rest of their circle, as she kills him’. Oscar Grimm cannot die, but he can still be killed, and he is. As he is being killed, though knowing she cannot hear him, he whispers, “It’s ok. I’ll be fine.” and then promptly dies and comes back.
This is another way that Iyengar portray’s power in this story; The power of death, and those who defy it, through Oscar Grimm, Empress Iomene, and Cosmo Grimm. While many other themes are ran rampant throughout their story, the main one is death and mourning, and finding power over those things.
For Oscar, the man who never dies, death is not something to fear. He cannot comprehend or remember what happens when he dies, and though he is often not alone, he dies far more than any one person should. Both him and his son, Cosmo Grimm, have power over death in separate ways. Whilst Oscar does not actively seek death, it seeks him, and he keeps coming back, whereas Cosmo actually seeks death and does not find it. The constant death for the elder member and the constant undeath for the younger one make this duo interesting and give them some of the most power in this circle. 
The last character to explore power in a unique way in this circle is Gina Darling’s Madam Cordelia Glask. She shows us the power of the gods, who took her entire family from her. Darling also, during her portrayal of Glask, holds a necklace like a rosary, showing how she still has faith in the gods that raised her and ripped her family from her. This point also further proves the power that our childhoods hold over us, even when we are in a different location, as Glask is. 
There are then the themes of communal power that are portrayed in the story, most obviously the power of names and titles. In Newfaire, there is a literal divide between the Eaves and the rest of the city, the literal divide being the staircase into the Eaves. This is evidenced in the circle by the fact that only one of them is not titled in any way shape or form; That person also being the eldest in the circle, Oscar Grimm. Whilst all the other characters are titled somehow, with either Professor or Doctor, offering academic achievements, or Madam, offering social achievements. This creates a divide in the circle, which is particularly emphasised when you realise that Oscar works for Madam Glask.
In conclusion, although power has multiple meanings, somehow Iyengar is able to portray all of them across the games she leads. This essay only covers the elements of her games, it mentions nothing of her characters, the ones who destroy themselves for power (Suvi and Laerryn) and the ones who let power destroy them (Karna). Power, as most things are, is a storytelling device that can often be overused. Iyengar does not do that. Iyengar’s take on power is refreshing, and in so many words (3410 to be exact), oddly comforting.
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dailydemonspotlight · 29 days
The God you cravenly revere is dead...
DAY 100
Race: Tyrant
Arcana: Devil
Alignment: Dark-CHAOS
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The prince of darkness needs no introduction. The Morning Star, the Devil, the Fallen Angel who brought about so much to our demon-focused blog. Sure, I may be jumping the gun a bit by covering him only on day 100, but given that his closest compatriot, Beelzebub, was covered on day 50, I feel it's warranted. Lucifer is iconic to the SMT series, a legendary figure who serves a major role in many games in the series, being the perfect representative of one of the three major alignments: Chaos. In most games throughout the series, Lucifer plays a part, even in ones disconnected from mainline- if there is chaos, there will be the dying light of the morning star. Even in Persona, a series mostly concerned with Jungian psychology, Lucifer commonly appears as a late-game persona, and even a form of him in Satanael is the final form of Joker's persona in Persona 5, being a representation of freedom and rebellion- after all, what else is more rebellious and free than rebelling against God himself?
I digress, however. Lucifer is as important to SMT as he is to Biblical history itself, after all, and this is a blog about the stories of demons, right? Lucifer himself is a major character in the Bible, appearing for certain first in the Book of Isaiah, though his overall relevance spreads beyond that. Even in the Book of Genesis, the very first story in the Bible, it's believed that the serpent that tricked Eve into eating the apple of knowledge was Lucifer, cast down from heaven. This interpretation is supported by Paradise Lost, a story I'll likely be referencing a lot here, but its importance to Lucifer and his interpretations throughout not just SMT, but history itself, cannot go understated.
The Devil's conniving ways are depicted throughout the bible in several verses, especially in the New Testament, wherein he's seen as a figure analogous to the Buddhist demon Mara, a being tempting humanity away from their rightful path of sin/good karma to partake in their desire. However, this isn't to spell a connection between the two, as Lucifer himself is given a far different story than Mara, as he is with many other tempters in religion, even including some other biblical figures such as Mastema. Instead, what we should be focusing on is Lucifer's existence as a fallen angel.
Lucifer's existence in the Bible is strange, as the name Lucifer is a translation from the original Latin Helel, meaning 'Light-bearer.' His first reference in one of the most prevalent translations of the Bible, the King James Bible, goes as follows:
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
This immediately points to Lucifer being an angel who fell for his own hype, so to speak- one who believed himself to be as strong, if not stronger than God, which led to him being cut down by the forces of Heaven. However, in Paradise Lost, it's shown that Lucifer was more than just vain- he held a rebellion, and when it fell, and he fell with it, he became Satan. I know, that's strange, but it's not really canon to the SMT interpretations of both characters- it just helps to shape Lucifer's characterization in the series as a rebellious figure who stood even against God himself. Strangely, adding on to this odd maze of interpretation, Lucifer was also commonly interpreted as the king of Babylon, the famously sinful city of evil described in the Bible. What I think all of this adds to is less a solid character of his and rather a general interpretation and idea that surrounds Lucifer- that of him being the embodiment of rebellion, chaos, and standing against the mold of society in order to partake in sin. There's a reason that his deadly sin, after all, is one of the most dangerous- that being Pride.
Lucifer's role in the Bible is strange, however, and many interpretations differ completely, whether they be him as Satan, him as the Devil, or even him as a tragic hero. However, as for SMT's purposes, it takes a very unique take, combining several aspects from several interpretations to make the Morning Star into a perfect prince of darkness. For one, it pulls a lot from Paradise Lost, giving Lucifer the role of a rebellious figure who rules over scores of demons, though it separates him from Satan in opposition to the poem. His sin of pride is intact, as he's shown to be a very individualistic figure throughout, valuing freedom and one's own strength above all else, tying very well into the purveying themes of individualism and might-makes-right that are constant in the Chaos ideology.
In terms of design, what is there really to say? Lucifer's design is utterly iconic- the six split wings, the gorgeous plays on the angelic aspects of his character, the great horns reaching sky-high, there's a reason so many were disappointed with his weird redesign in IV. Like, what were they doing? I get that he was meant to look offputting, but turning him into a skinhead was not the right way to go about it- well, whatever. Every design of Lucifer throughout the series has its merits, and I love how several games even have different human disguises for him- my personal favorite has to be Louis Cyphre, but I adore how each human disguise including Louis plays on the traditionally angelic traits of pale skin and blonde hair, though twists that on its head due to him commonly wearing all black.
Thank you all for tagging along with this series, and it is so ridiculously lucky that day 100 was placed perfectly on my birthday. There's gonna be more, for sure, coming soon, don't worry- but for now, I love you all, and goodnight. Or good morning. Whichever works.
You didn't even mention his role in Gnosticism!
Jack, I'm not touching on Gnosticism with a ten foot pole for the time being. I don't even know what's going with that half the time. Wait for the Demiurge analysis.
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witchthewriter · 8 months
Hi! May I request a character profile for Shuri Udaku from Black Panther? If that is alright with you.
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞: 𝑆ℎ𝑢𝑟𝑖 𝑈𝑑𝑎𝑘𝑢 ��
𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑷 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑧𝑒𝑟
Shuri is Wakanda's youthful tech genius. The one people look to for new technology, for updates, for ... protection. She's innovative, creative and headstrong. Also incredibly stubborn and passionate; Shuri really is a goddamn trailblazer.
𝑳𝒂𝒘𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝑵𝒆𝒖𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒍
Yes, I know a lot of you weren't exactly expecting that. Shuri often breaks the rules, she is chaotic, which my first thought was - Chaotic Good. But she loves Wakanda, she loves her family and she has done everything to keep those traditions alive.
While Shuri respects these traditions and values, she is also shown to be open to change and adaptation.
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒏
Upright: Manifestation, resourcefulness, power, inspired action Reversed: Manipulation, poor planning, untapped talents
The Magician card represents Shuri's resourcefulness, creativity, adaptability, and her ability to wield her knowledge and skills to bring about positive change.
The Magician card represents manifesting one's intentions, creativity, resourcefulness, and the ability to harness the powers of the universe to bring about change.
Shuri embodies these qualities through her exceptional intellect, technological prowess, and innovative mindset. She is a masterful inventor and scientist, constantly creating and utilizing advanced technology to serve her nation and protect her people. The Magician card also signifies adaptability and versatility, which are evident in Shuri's ability to quickly adapt to new situations and come up with creative solutions.
Aquarius is often associated with innovation, intellect, and a forward-thinking mindset. Shuri's technological expertise, inventiveness, and desire to push the boundaries align with some of the traits commonly associated with Aquarius.
Gemini is known for curiosity, adaptability, and versatility. Shuri's ability to quickly adapt to new situations, her multifaceted interests and talents, as well as her quick-witted and communicative nature, definitely remind me of Gemini - especially in her moon aspect.
Aries individuals are often characterized as confident, independent, and driven. Shuri has so much goddamn drive; it's ambition mixed with passion and that's Aries. Shuri's assertiveness, leadership qualities, and her willingness to take charge made this a pretty easy choice.
Shuri is like a lightning bolt; offering opinions, ideas and insights in the blink of an eye. With her agile mind, and ability to process information so quickly, all align with the qualities associated with this aspect. (Sidenote: Shuri would actually make a great Doctor Who!)
Okay so this was really difficult because it's totally upto interpretation. I couldn't choose between Gemini, Aquarius or Aries for her Venus aspect. But ultimately, I've gone with Gemini. I know you might be thinking, 'jesus she's chosen gemini for so much,' but Shuri is like ... the embodiment of Gemini.
With the ever so fleeting moments of romance she had with Namor - Shuri brightens up when they're on the same communication level. I think there would be something about engaging conversations and a partner who can keep up with her quick-wittedness and diverse range of interests. Shuri would be attracted to individuals who can engage her intellectually and stimulate her curiosity.
Sagittarius is associated with adventurousness, enthusiasm, and a desire for freedom. With a Sag Mars, it shows that Shuri possesses a thirst for knowledge and a drive to explore the world around her. Her actions are guided by a sense of purpose and a desire to seek truth and wisdom. Shuri is an energetic and optimistic individual, always seeking new experiences and pushing her boundaries.
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heartless-aro · 2 years
what's the story behind aardvarks and yellow roses?
Yellow Roses
Ok so yellow roses are a bit more straightforward to explain, so I’m gonna start there. Outside of the aromantic community, yellow roses traditionally symbolize friendship. Because of this symbolism, when the first aromantic flag (the four stripe flag with green, yellow, orange, and black, shown below) was published on the website for the National Coalition for Aromantic Visibility (NCAV), the flag included a yellow stripe which represented romantic friendship, friends with benefits, friendship dating, and queerplatonic relationships.
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The redesigns of the flag also included a yellow stripe (to represent lithromantics) though I’m not sure whether this was at all inspired by the yellow stripe in the original flag (if anyone knows please lmk). Still, it’s an interesting piece of aro history for sure. We still see yellow being used to represent platonic attraction sometimes (notably, on the queerplatonic flag), so there could be some link there as well (though that’s a bit of speculation).
Before the “ace discourse” era on here, I also used to see yellow roses by themselves being used as a symbol of aromanticism by aromantics due to platonic love being intrinsic to how many people experience their aromanticism. It wasn’t as common of a symbol as, say, aardvarks or spades, but it was common enough to be recognizable as a symbol. It was especially used as a symbol of platonic love and attraction within the aro community, as one might expect. Here’s a screenshot of one instance of this that I found digging through old posts by @aromanticaardvark on Wayback Machine. The post is from 2015.
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I’m not sure why, but I’ve always personally liked the yellow roses as an aro symbol even if I don’t entirely relate to the platonic love symbolism (in fact, I could be considered aplatonic, though I don’t often label myself as such).
I actually use the blue roses in my header as a nod to the old yellow rose symbol, in case anyone was curious about that. (I chose blue roses instead of yellow since, as I said, the platonic love symbolism isn’t particularly relatable to me. Plus blue roses are often used to symbolize unattainable or unrequited love, which I thought was fitting since I myself am unattainable, and any romantic feelings directed towards me will forever be unrequited).
So, I’m about 90% sure that the aardvark symbol was started by @aromanticaardvark, who used to be one of the big name blogs in the aro community (though their blog has been inactive since 2016). Back when advice animal memes were a thing, the person behind the Aromantic Aardvark blog used to post aromantic-themed advice animal memes which featured an aardvark. (An example of one such meme originally posted on the Aromantic Aardvark blog in 2011 is shown below).
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In 2015, Aromantic Aardvark received the anonymous ask “What does the aardvark have to do with it?” to which they replied “Nothing, really, it’s just alliterative. Aromantic Aardvark was founded when advice animals were a common meme here on tumblr, and my friend and I thought it’d be funny if there were an aromantic meme. That aspect of the blog eventually went away however, and it became more of a general resource/advice blog for aro spectrum people.” This would seem to imply that the use of aardvarks to symbolize aromantics originated on the Aromantic Aardvark tumblr blog.
This would make sense seeing as Aromantic Aardvark was one of the early aromantic blogs, and was even linked on the NCAV website back in 2014.
Aardvarks were used pretty commonly as an aromantic symbol for a while. Notably, the AroPlane forum, where a lot of early discussions about aromantic symbols and flag redesigns took place, used a drawing of an aardvark in its website banner (see below).
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I’m honestly not quite sure when aardvarks started to decline in use as an aromantic symbol though.
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rabbitcruiser · 9 months
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National Snuggle a Chicken Day
National Snuggle a Chicken Day is celebrated annually on January 8. Evident from the name, this holiday is a day to snuggle chickens and treat them with the same care shown to more popular pets. Interestingly, many homes do keep chickens as pets and when comfortable, chickens enjoy being petted and held by people. These feathery animals were domesticated as far back as 10,000 years ago and have been put to a variety of uses, from cockfighting to making up delicious meals. The day recognizes the abuse that chickens go through and their uniqueness.
History of National Snuggle a Chicken Day
National Snuggle A Chicken Day identifies as a nonprofit organization and the name says it all — a day to snuggle a chicken! Chickens have a long and colorful history in our world. Though they’re now commonly used for food, this wasn’t always the case. It is believed that chickens were domesticated as far back as 7,000 to 10,000 years ago. Initially, they were primarily bred for cockfighting or special ceremonies. Louisiana was the last state of the U.S. to ban cockfighting — as recently as 2008.
It wasn’t until around four B.C. — two B.C. that people began consuming chickens for food. Their eggs also became a primary source of food. Now, there are more chickens than any other bird in all parts of the world. Chickens are also pets, as they are social animals like dogs and cats. Some do enjoy being petted and picked up when they are in the company of people they feel comfortable with. Chickens have also symbolized different things in one civilization after another.
In ancient Egypt, eggs would be hung in temples to ensure a bountiful river flood. In Zoroastrianism, an ancient Persian faith, the rooster was portrayed as a spirit that crowed at dawn to signify the cosmic struggle between darkness and light. Even in Christianity, the story of Peter denying Jesus before the cock crowed led Pope Nicholas to decree that a rooster figure should be placed atop churches. This explains why many churches have cockerel-shaped weather vanes on top of them.
National Snuggle a Chicken Day timeline
7,000 — 10,000 Years Ago
The Domestication of Chickens
Chickens are domesticated in Southeast Asia and Oceania.
4 B.C. — 2 B.C.
Chickens are Bred for Consumption
People begin breeding chickens for food consumption.
9th Century
The Decree by Pope Nicholas
Pope Nicholas decrees that churches should put cockerel figures on their roofs.
National Snuggle a Chicken Day FAQs
What does it mean when a chicken follows you?
Chickens can follow you when they are hungry, especially if you are their caretaker.
What Are chickens afraid of?
Chickens are afraid of large predators like owls and hawks.
Where do chickens like to be petted?
On the head, back, neck, or chest.
National Snuggle a Chicken Day Activities
Snuggle a chicken: It’s National Snuggle a Chicken Day! Celebrate by snuggling a feathery chicken.
Buy a chicken: You can also buy and keep a chicken as a pet. They make for peaceful and fairly low-maintenance pets. Plus, they could also supply you with eggs.
Spread the word! A lot of people probably don’t know we’re celebrating this holiday. Spread the word by telling a friend or posting on social media.
5 Fascinating Facts About Chickens
They can spot differencesChickens can distinguish between more than 100 faces of their species.
They have social structuresChickens know who’s boss by forming complex social structures known as ‘pecking orders’ where every chicken knows his or her place on the social ladder.
They have complete sightChickens have a full-color vision.
They sleep like humansThey experience rapid eye movement in sleep, which means they dream just like any human.
There are more chickens than humansThere are currently over 20 billion chickens in the world.
Why We Love National Snuggle a Chicken Day
Chickens are social: Contrary to popular opinion, chickens are social animals. Some enjoy being petted and picked up, like other popular pets.
Chickens are a food source: Chickens are a healthy source of protein when used as food. Both their eggs and meat are healthy food sources.
This holiday opposes animal cruelty: People are often prone to mistreat the animals they own. This holiday is a reminder to treat animals, including chickens, with more care and kindness.
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exghul · 2 years
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OG POST. most damian writers will diagnose him with autism, my portrayal aligns closer with ANTI-SOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER (aspd).
i was originally going to write this about sociopathy but damian was born with an emotional disconnect, a symptom of those with aspd.   without his brain’s amygdala (fight or flight instinct), he is reckless, impulsive, and careless.   it makes him a great assassin but it also stunts him emotionally.   studies have shown that those with aspd, with no empathy and no proper emotional connections in their brain, will begin to mimic those around them in an attempt to fit in.   damian had been hard-wired to be talia’s perfect successor.   it was a way of life and also the way to nurture a sociopath.   by frowning on emotional outbursts but praising him for logical achievements, this taught damian to repress anything and everything.   with no coping mechanisms as a child, this further pushed him back.
according to the national library of medicine, aspd is a "deeply ingrained and dysfunctional thought process that focuses on social exploitive, delinquent, and criminal behavior most commonly known due to the affected individual's lack of remorse for these behaviors. [ ... ] disregard for and the violation of others' rights are common manifestations of this personality disorder, which displays symptoms that include failure to conform to the law, inability to sustain consistent employment, deception, manipulation for personal gain, and incapacity to form stable relationships." further, mark zimmerman states "[b]oth genetic and environmental factors (eg, abuse during childhood) contribute to the development of antisocial personality disorder. a possible mechanism is impulsive aggression, related to abnormal serotonin transporter functioning. disregard for the pain of others during early childhood has been linked to antisocial behavior during late adolescence."
another study from 2010 for aspd in incarcerated offenders brings up an interesting point: "[aspd] is associated with comorbid disorders, high suicide risk, and impaired quality of life. those with comorbid adhd were more impaired than those without adhd." theravive references the dsm-5 in saying "[ ... ] antisocial personality disorder is comorbid with substance abuse disorder, and other personality disorders (american psychiatric association, 2013)". this specifically aligns well to damian & his grappling with his skin condition. skin hunger is a condition created out of emotional distance in some children, especially if neglected touch from birth through childhood.   it’s especially difficult to deal with on top of aspd.   it can lead to health problems, skin conditions, and in the most severe cases: death.   humans require endorphins to function healthily so when given none from human touch, damian spent his childhood seeking the rush from other means such as assassination contracts.   in his case, he developed a skin condition from it, thanks to his heightened senses.   when touched by another human, his skin feels like it’s being lit on fire.   it’s similar to the feeling of cold water splashing on feverish flesh but amplified.    fortunately, the cure for it is simple:   human contact.    his childhood with it is rough but by the time he reaches maturity, he grows out of it thanks to spending the second half of his childhood roughhousing with his older brothers.
back to aspd. zimmerman had another point that i think is important to highlight: "[r]emorse for actions is lacking. patients with antisocial personality disorder may rationalize their actions by blaming those they hurt (eg, they deserved it) or the way life is (eg, unfair). they are determined not to be pushed around and to do what they think is best for themselves at any cost."
FOR A DIAGNOSIS OF ASPD, PATIENTS MUST HAVE: a persistent disregard for the rights of others AND meet three or more of the following criteria.
disregarding the law, indicated by repeatedly committing acts that are grounds for arrest
being deceitful, indicated by lying repeatedly, using aliases, or conning others for personal gain or pleasure
acting impulsively or not planning ahead
being easily provoked or aggressive, indicated by constantly getting into physical fights or assaulting others
recklessly disregarding their safety or the safety of others
consistently acting irresponsibly, indicated by quitting a job with no plans for another one or not paying bills
not feeling remorse, indicated by indifference to or rationalization of hurting or mistreating others
for a full diagnosis to be accurate, aspd is typically diagnosed at eighteen. the patient must have disorder present before the age of fifteen & the behavior patterns must continue into their young adulthood. there is no evidence of a "cure" for aspd. the current treatments for it are cognitive-behavioral therapy & drugs: both of these are considered short-term goals & are not permanent solutions. neither of which, damian will partake in.
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fierykitten2 · 19 days
Ranking the most commonly suggested starter trios for Z-A based on how likely I think they are to be the Z-A starter trio (from most likely to least likely):
Snivy, Torchic and Piplup Why it’s believable: Snivy and Piplup have very clear French themes and Torchic can be made more French (plus the rooster is the national bird of France I believe), the trio would annoy me but at least (assuming neither Serperior or Empoleon pulls a Hisuian Typhlosion by turning a meh fully-evolved starter into one of the best starters I’ve ever seen) my mind is easily made up Why it’s not believable: I mean I believe the Hisui starters were only shown off in the trailer that paired these guys up with them so Game Freak could be like “hey, these guys are now obtainable without breeding event Pokémon, relying on HOME or breeding Pokémon from HOME” while these three were chosen because Game Freak was like “look at these guys you can finally obtain”. Also *checks Bulbapedia* well would you look at that, this trio can be found in the same biomes in the Terarium as the Hisui starters they were shown off with. Also if they get regional variants I don’t know why the two most French starters would need to adapt to become more French (I know technically Samurott did that but I just don’t see why they would do that with Serperior and Empoleon)
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The Kalos starter trio revisited Why it’s believable: they never got Megas despite being the main starter trio in the Mega generation. Whoever’s chosen is almost certainly getting a Mega, Why it’s not believable: PLA had a mix-and-match starter trio, if the starter trio ends up getting regional variants again (please that would be so cool) it makes no sense that the Kalos starters would have Kalosian forms
The first option but the Fire-type is either Scorbunny or Litten Why it’s believable: it solves that trio’s “problems” of having a) two bird starters (I personally believe that saying a trio can’t have two bird starters is like saying the Alola trio can’t have a cat and a sea lion because they’re both mammals) and b) a Pokémon already capable of Mega Evolution (especially if they get regional variants I think it makes sense for them to have one starter that already has a Mega. It’s almost like Blaziken could teach Serperior and Empoleon how Mega Evolution works not that either of them would appreciate being the inexperienced one who isn’t in charge) Why it’s not believable: even though being shown off with the Hisui starters in that trailer counts as evidence against it being Snivy, Torchic and Piplup I also think it would be too much of a coincidence to have two starters out of those three be chosen but not the Fire-type, in the case of the Litten version two of the starter trios chose for PLA are reused and I can’t see them reusing more than one. Also see any reason against the first trio that doesn’t revolve around Torchic being an unlikely choice
Chikorita, Tepig and Popplio/Snivy, Litten and Totodile Why it’s believable: ??? Why it’s not believable: reusing the gen 2, 5 and 7 starters each time means we only get 3 Legends games including PLA and Z-A. Strange because I thought everyone loved Legends. Also in the case of Snivy, Litten and Totodile there was a theory that the Z-A starters would be saved until last in Tera Raid battles and I think that theory’s been debunked now (please do Infernape next so I don’t have to put up with everyone saying the starter trio is still being teased this way but the Fire starter is actually Chimchar)
Turtwig, Litten and Totodile Why it’s believable: ??? Why it’s not believable: haha very funny. They were in Temporal Forces and now they’ve been spotted on card packs for Temporal Forces that literally doesn’t mean anything (surprised no one said anything when Temporal Forces was released)
In the end I think what everyone (or at least everyone who believes it’s the Kalos starters or Snivy, Scorbunny and Piplup) forgets is that we don’t actually know who the starter trio is gonna be. I personally don’t think Game Freak have been hinting at it (at least not intentionally) so maybe for a few more months I can trick myself into believing Chikorita, Torchic and Sobble is still a likely combination. In the mean time, especially with so little Z-A news I’m gonna continue hyping myself up about Scarlet and Violet (I love those games so much). I have plans - I need to catch more Pokémon I’ve never caught before so I can meet Perrin so when I arrive at Blueberry Academy I have less work to do before I can get the rest of the Proto Beasts and Neo Swords (I’m so excited to have the entire trios!)
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kayvanh123 · 3 months
Too much time on the treadmill? This might help with your shin splints.
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Good news for treadmill runners dealing with stubborn and painful shin splints: New research suggests that outdoor gait training might help.
A randomized controlled trial found that four weeks of outdoor gait training, combined with commonly prescribed home exercises for shin splints, led to improved running biomechanics even on a treadmill. These improvements included reducing the time runners’ feet were in contact with the ground or treadmill, a factor recently identified as contributing to shin splints.
Based on these results, researchers, including UVA Health sports medicine expert David J. Hryvniak, DO, recommend that clinicians incorporate outdoor gait training into rehabilitation programs for patients with chronic shin splints.
“This finding is significant for clinicians, as it provides a new tool to help these runners,” said Hryvniak, a running medicine specialist at UVA Health’s Runner’s Clinic. “Adding these gait-training cues to rehab programs can help patients improve running mechanics that often underlie common running injuries.”
Soothing Shin Splints
Shin splints, affecting about 40% of all runners, typically start as tenderness in the lower leg that subsides after exercise. However, for regular runners, this pain can worsen and become persistent, sometimes even leading to stress fractures.
Previous research showed that short courses of outdoor gait training could significantly reduce shin-splint pain for outdoor runners. However, experts were uncertain if these benefits would transfer to treadmill running, prompting an interdisciplinary team of researchers from UVA, Virginia Commonwealth University, Plymouth State University, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to conduct a randomized trial.
The study involved 17 treadmill runners aged 18 to 45 who ran at least three times a week and had experienced lower leg pain during or after running for at least a month. Participants were randomly assigned to two groups: one group received four weeks of outdoor gait training along with home strengthening exercises, while the other group only did the home exercises.
During gait training, participants received “vibrotactile feedback” – a small vibration – from sensors in their shoes when their feet were in contact with the ground for too long. This feedback helped them improve their stride and gait, reducing a potential contributor to shin splints.
At the end of the study, both groups showed improved leg strength, but the gait training group also exhibited improved running techniques, or “favorable adjustments in running gait mechanics.” These improvements were observed in both outdoor and treadmill runs.
The researchers suggest that outdoor gait training could be an important tool for treadmill users to exercise pain-free.
“Shin splints are a very common running injury, especially among new runners,” Hryvniak said. “These gait cues have been shown to be an effective tool that patients can use literally ‘on the run.'”
The research was supported by grants from the Mid-Atlantic Athletic Trainers’ Association, the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, and the UVA School of Education and Human Development.
For more information about our clinic, medical professionals, and treatment options, please visit our main website.
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howmanyvpnonipvanish · 5 months
can the feds see secureline vpn
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can the feds see secureline vpn
Federal surveillance SecureLine VPN
Federal surveillance has become a common concern in today's digital age, with privacy being a top priority for many individuals. One tool that people are turning to in order to protect their online activities is SecureLine VPN.
SecureLine VPN is a virtual private network service that encrypts users' internet connections and routes their traffic through a secure server. This helps to protect users from prying eyes, including federal surveillance agencies that may be monitoring online activities.
By using SecureLine VPN, individuals can browse the internet anonymously and securely, without having to worry about their online activities being tracked or monitored by government agencies. This is especially important for those who value their online privacy and want to ensure that their personal information remains confidential.
While no technology can guarantee 100% anonymity or protection from surveillance, using a VPN like SecureLine can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access to personal data and online activities. It is important to choose a reputable VPN service provider to ensure that your data remains secure and protected.
In conclusion, SecureLine VPN is a valuable tool for those looking to enhance their online privacy and security in the face of federal surveillance. By encrypting internet connections and routing traffic through secure servers, SecureLine VPN provides users with peace of mind in knowing that their online activities are shielded from prying eyes.
Government monitoring VPN traffic
In recent years, the issue of government monitoring VPN traffic has been a hot topic of debate. VPNs, or Virtual Private Networks, are commonly used by individuals and businesses to protect their online privacy and securely browse the internet. However, with the increasing concerns over cybersecurity and national security, many governments around the world have shown interest in monitoring VPN traffic.
Governments argue that monitoring VPN traffic is necessary to prevent illegal activities such as terrorism, cyber attacks, and the distribution of illicit content. By monitoring VPN traffic, authorities believe they can keep a closer eye on suspicious online activities and identify potential threats to national security.
Opponents of government monitoring of VPN traffic raise concerns about privacy invasion and civil liberties. They argue that individuals have the right to online privacy and that monitoring VPN traffic undermines this fundamental right. Critics also worry that government surveillance of VPNs could lead to censorship and suppression of free speech.
In response to these concerns, some VPN providers have implemented stricter privacy policies and enhanced encryption protocols to protect their users' online activities from government surveillance. Users are advised to carefully choose VPN services based on their privacy and security features to ensure their online activities remain private and secure.
Ultimately, the debate over government monitoring of VPN traffic highlights the delicate balance between national security and individual privacy rights in the digital age. As technology continues to evolve, it is crucial for policymakers, internet users, and VPN providers to engage in open dialogue and collaboration to address these complex issues effectively.
SecureLine VPN encryption effectiveness
SecureLine VPN encryption is an essential aspect of ensuring the security and privacy of your online activities. VPN encryption works by creating a secure and encrypted connection between your device and the VPN server, ensuring that all data passing through this connection is protected from potential cyber threats and eavesdropping.
One of the key factors to consider when evaluating the effectiveness of SecureLine VPN encryption is the strength of the encryption protocols used. SecureLine VPN employs top-of-the-line encryption protocols such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with 256-bit keys, which is recognized as one of the most secure encryption standards available today. This level of encryption ensures that your data is effectively scrambled and protected from malicious actors trying to intercept or tamper with it.
Furthermore, SecureLine VPN utilizes secure tunneling protocols like OpenVPN and IPSec, which provide additional layers of security to safeguard your online activities. These protocols create a secure tunnel through which your data travels, preventing unauthorized access and ensuring that your sensitive information remains confidential.
In conclusion, SecureLine VPN encryption is highly effective in safeguarding your online privacy and security. By employing advanced encryption protocols and secure tunneling technologies, SecureLine VPN ensures that your data remains secure and protected from cyber threats. Whether you're browsing the web, accessing sensitive information, or streaming content, SecureLine VPN encryption offers peace of mind knowing that your online activities are kept private and secure.
Legal jurisdiction SecureLine VPN usage
Title: Understanding Legal Jurisdiction When Using SecureLine VPN
In an age where digital privacy is becoming increasingly vital, virtual private networks (VPNs) like SecureLine VPN offer users a secure and private online experience. However, while VPNs are designed to enhance privacy and security, users should also be aware of the legal implications and jurisdictional considerations that come with their usage.
SecureLine VPN operates under the jurisdiction of the country where its parent company, Avast, is headquartered. Avast, a well-established cybersecurity firm, is based in the Czech Republic. This means that SecureLine VPN is subject to Czech laws and regulations regarding data privacy and internet usage.
It's essential for users to understand how legal jurisdiction affects their VPN usage. While SecureLine VPN employs robust encryption protocols to protect user data, it's crucial to recognize that certain jurisdictions may have laws requiring VPN providers to cooperate with authorities or disclose user information under certain circumstances.
For users, this means that while their online activities may be encrypted and anonymized by SecureLine VPN, they should still exercise caution when engaging in activities that may be illegal or prohibited by the laws of their own country or the jurisdiction where the VPN provider operates.
Moreover, users should carefully review the privacy policy and terms of service of SecureLine VPN to understand how their data is handled and what measures are in place to protect their privacy. By being informed about legal jurisdiction and understanding the potential implications, users can make more informed decisions about their VPN usage and take steps to safeguard their online privacy and security effectively.
Privacy protection SecureLine VPN scrutiny
In an era where online privacy is increasingly at risk, the scrutiny of tools like SecureLine VPN becomes essential. SecureLine VPN, developed by renowned cybersecurity company Avast, offers users a secure and private browsing experience by encrypting their internet connection and routing it through a remote server. While VPNs are generally regarded as a means to enhance privacy and security online, it's crucial to subject them to scrutiny to ensure they deliver on their promises.
One aspect of scrutiny involves assessing the encryption protocols employed by SecureLine VPN. Strong encryption protocols, such as AES-256, ensure that data transmitted over the VPN network remains unreadable to anyone intercepting it. Additionally, the presence of features like a kill switch, which automatically halts internet traffic if the VPN connection drops, further enhances privacy by preventing data leaks.
Another aspect to consider is the logging policy of SecureLine VPN. A robust no-logs policy means that the VPN provider does not retain any information about users' online activities, ensuring their privacy is upheld. Transparent privacy policies and adherence to data protection regulations are indicators of a trustworthy VPN service.
Furthermore, the jurisdiction in which a VPN operates can impact its trustworthiness. SecureLine VPN operates under the jurisdiction of the Czech Republic, which has favorable privacy laws and is not part of any intelligence-sharing alliances.
It's also essential to evaluate the performance and reliability of SecureLine VPN. Factors such as connection speed, server availability, and customer support contribute to the overall user experience.
In conclusion, while SecureLine VPN offers promising features for privacy protection, it is imperative to subject it to scrutiny to ensure it meets the high standards expected in safeguarding users' online privacy. By evaluating encryption protocols, logging policies, jurisdiction, and performance, users can make informed decisions about their online security.
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ceekbee · 7 months
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The Scarlet Ibis (Eudocimus ruber) is native to South America, mostly along the Caribbean coast, but south along the Atlantic coast, with, the last I heard, an isolated critically endangered population in south-eastern Brazil’s Baixada Santista district, nesting in coastal mangroves. It is also found on various islands of the southern West Indies, and strays still further north. While it may sometimes been seen as far north as the continental U.S., and was, indeed, painted by Audubon, who found them in Louisiana in 1821. He said they were rare, leading many birders and ornithologists to conclude that he encountered “vagrant” or “accidental” birds. My own view, for what it’s worth, is a little different. I think that birds such as the Scarlet Ibis were more heavily persecuted, in their case for their brilliant feathers in an era when there was a huge demand for colourful feathers for the millinery and fashion industries, and that they may very well have nested, the Gulf States and other regions where they are now absent.
The odd one is still seen, for sure, but they are, because of their beautiful plumage, so often kept in zoos and other collections that it’s really impossible to determine if birds observed where they don’t normally occur are truly wild birds from other climes, or escapees.
In few places, now, is it especially numerous, with most occurring in mangroves and mudflats and the flooded plains and thinly inhabited llanos of Venezuela and Colombia. Tourists visit the famous colonies of the Caroni Swamp, in Trinidad, where the birds flock each evening. It is a spectacular sight as the lowering sun, filtered through tropical air makes their brilliant red feathers seem to glow. The Scarlet Ibis, and an entirely different bird, the Rufous-vented Chachalaca (Otalis ruficauda), share the honour of being the national bird(s) of Trinidad and Tobago.
The Scarlet Ibis is extremely similar to the White Ibis (Eudocimus albus), in size, shape, habits and pattern, but not colour. Where the adult Scarlet Ibis is brilliant red, the adult White Ibis is snowy white. Both have black wing tips, and in immature plumage they are similar in appearance. They are known to hybridize, rarely in the wild but more commonly in captivity, and some scientists would prefer to consider them distinct subspecies of the same species, which would create the absurdly confusing result that the Scarlet Ibis lose its appropriate name and being called the “White Ibis”, unless, of course, the people in charge of such things came up with an appropriate alternative name applicable to both forms.
This painting is approximately life-size, and was done in acrylics on compressed hardboard. If I were to give the painting a name it might be “Scarlet on Red” since I have shown a trio of birds characteristically perched on the branches of a Red Mangrove (Rhizophora mangle). This was a very difficult painting for a technical reason: It is hard to use red paint. The pigment tends to not be too stable during application and the paint is translucent, so requires a lot of underpainting, and then about three applications to approach that richly brilliant scarlet colour that seems so unusual for such a large bird, although several large wading bird species do have areas of red, pink and bright pink. The painting is 30 X 25 inches in size
By Barry Kent Mackay
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Clothes have always been one of the status quo implying a symbolic meaning in Indian politics. Politics, movies, and cricket are commonly known to be the three major faiths of India. Despite the fact that the current state of affairs suggests otherwise. As a result, it is not surprising that people in these three disciplines are seen as 'heroes' and larger than life by the general public, few by accident and few by design. A substantial portion of their public existence is continually videotaped, photographed, and published in order to live eternally on paper and the internet.
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exabooks · 2 years
Top 5 Benefits of Vitamin D You Didn't Know About
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Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that plays a critical role in the body’s overall health and wellbeing. Many of us are aware of the most commonly known benefits of Vitamin D, such as its role in maintaining strong bones, but there are other important benefits of Vitamin D that may not be as well known. In this blog post, we will discuss the top five benefits of Vitamin D that you may not know about.
1) Boosts Immunity
The importance of Vitamin D in maintaining a strong immune system cannot be overstated. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in immune health as it helps to regulate the body’s production of cytokines and other proteins involved in immunity. Studies have shown that Vitamin D has the ability to activate immune cells such as T-cells and macrophages, which are essential for fighting off disease-causing bacteria and viruses. In addition, Vitamin D can reduce inflammation and strengthen mucosal barriers in the intestines, both of which are important for keeping the body healthy and preventing infection. Furthermore, Vitamin D can help reduce the risk of certain autoimmune disorders, as well as some types of cancer. These findings highlight the importance of Vitamin D for a strong and healthy immune system.
2) Aids in Digestion
Digestion is one of the most important functions in our bodies. It is how we break down and absorb the nutrients we need to maintain our health. Vitamin D has been found to play an essential role in digestion, and it is important to ensure you are getting enough of it. So why is Vitamin D important for digestion? It helps to regulate the activity of digestive enzymes, which break down the food we eat into nutrients that can be absorbed by the body. Vitamin D also helps with the production of bile, which helps to break down fats. In addition, it assists in regulating the movement of the bowels, helping to keep the digestive system running smoothly. Without sufficient levels of Vitamin D, your body can have difficulty breaking down and absorbing the nutrients it needs from food, leading to poor digestion and malnutrition. Therefore, it is important to ensure you are consuming enough Vitamin D to maintain a healthy digestive system.
3) Reduces Inflammation
One of the most important benefits of Vitamin D is its ability to reduce inflammation. It works by binding to receptors found on the surface of cells in the body, activating their anti-inflammatory properties. This helps reduce pain and swelling associated with conditions like arthritis, asthma, and chronic inflammation. Studies have also shown that Vitamin D helps reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancers and autoimmune diseases. The importance of Vitamin D for reducing inflammation is widely accepted among medical professionals. Many believe it should be considered an essential part of any anti-inflammatory diet. The National Institutes of Health recommends adults get at least 600 IU of Vitamin D per day. The best way to get Vitamin D is through sunlight, but supplements are also available for those who cannot get enough from the sun. Additionally, foods like fatty fish, mushrooms, eggs, and fortified dairy products can provide small amounts of Vitamin D.
4) Supports Bone Health
Vitamin D plays an essential role in bone health. It helps the body absorb calcium, which is needed for strong bones and teeth. Why is Vitamin D important for bone health? Vitamin D assists the body in transporting calcium from the bloodstream into the bones. When there isn’t enough Vitamin D present, bones become weak and brittle. Studies have also found that a lack of Vitamin D can increase the risk of fractures, especially in older adults. To ensure that your bones remain strong and healthy, it’s important to get enough Vitamin D from either sunlight or food sources. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends getting at least 5-30 minutes of unprotected sun exposure each day, as long as it’s safe to do so. For those who don’t get enough sun, there are foods like eggs, fatty fish, and mushrooms that contain Vitamin D. Additionally, supplements can be taken to ensure that you’re getting an adequate amount of Vitamin D.
5) Improves Brain Function
Vitamin D is an important nutrient for many bodily functions, and it plays a significant role in brain health. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to cognitive decline and impaired functioning of the central nervous system. Studies have shown that adequate vitamin D levels can protect against depression and anxiety, and reduce the risk of dementia. Why is Vitamin D Important? Vitamin D is essential for the proper functioning of the brain, as it helps to regulate hormones such as serotonin and dopamine, which are involved in mood regulation. It also helps with memory formation, learning, and decision-making processes. Additionally, it can help to protect against inflammation in the brain, which can lead to conditions such as Alzheimer's disease. Importance of Vitamin D The importance of Vitamin D cannot be overstated. It is essential for normal development and growth, especially in children and adolescents. In adults, it is important for maintaining healthy bones and teeth, as well as improving overall health and wellbeing. Furthermore, adequate levels of vitamin D can help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. In conclusion, Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for overall health and wellbeing, and its importance for brain health cannot be understated. Adequate levels of Vitamin D can help protect against cognitive decline and neurological diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Read the full article
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abdulshaikh5253 · 2 years
The Future Of International Languages
There are many benefits to learning international languages, and these benefits will only become more apparent in the coming years. With the rise of globalization, international trade, and travel, being able to communicate in multiple languages will be increasingly important. Not only will learning an international language make you more marketable in the workforce, but it will also open up a whole new world of culture and understanding. If you're thinking about learning a new language, now is the time!
What is an international language?
An international language is a language that is used as a common means of communication between people from different countries. It is usually a language that is widely spoken and understood by people from diverse backgrounds.
There are many benefits to learning an international language. For one, it can help you communicate with people from other cultures. This can be helpful if you are traveling or working in a foreign country. Additionally, knowing an international language can make you more marketable in the job market. It can also give you a competitive edge when applying to colleges and universities.
Several international languages are commonly learned, such as English, Spanish, French, Mandarin Chinese, and Russian. However, there are many other less commonly learned languages that could also be beneficial, such as Arabic, Portuguese, Japanese, and Hindi.
No matter what international language you choose to learn, studying it will likely be a rewarding experience.
The benefits of learning an international language
It is estimated that by 2050, there will be more non-native English speakers in the world than native English speakers. This is due to the increasing number of people learning English as a second or third language.
There are many benefits to learning an international language. For one, it can help you communicate with people from all over the world. This is especially important in today's globalized economy. If you can speak a second language, you'll have an advantage over those who can't when it comes to job opportunities.
In addition, studies have shown that learning a second language can improve your cognitive skills. It can help you think more creatively and better solve problems. It can also delay the onset of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
So why not start learning an international language today? It could benefit you professionally and personally in ways you never thought possible.
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The most spoken international languages
Many international languages will be very beneficial shortly. The most spoken international languages are English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, and Chinese.
English is the most widely spoken language in the world with over 1 billion speakers. It is the official language of many countries including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. English is also one of the official languages of the European Union and the United Nations.
Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in the world with over 400 million speakers. It is the official language of Spain and Latin America. Spanish is also the official language of the United Nations and the European Union.
French is the third most widely spoken language in the world with over 220 million speakers. It is the official language of France and several other countries including Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, and Luxembourg. French is also one of the official languages of the European Union and the United Nations.
German is the fourth most widely spoken language in the world with over 120 million speakers. It is the official language of Germany and Austria as well as other countries including Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg. German is also one of the official languages of the European Union and the United Nations. 
Portuguese has about 215 million speakers worldwide making it 5th on our list of Most Spoken Languages Globally. The Portuguese Language has its roots in the Latin Language just like French, Italian, Romanian & Spanish Languages. Portuguese
The importance of learning an international language in the future
It is no secret that the world is becoming increasingly globalized. With this globalization comes an increased need for people to be able to communicate with one another across cultures and borders. One of the best ways to do this is through learning an international language.
There are many benefits to learning an international language. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that it allows you to communicate with people from other cultures. This can be extremely beneficial both professionally and personally. For example, if you are traveling to a foreign country, being able to speak the local language can make your trip much more enjoyable. It can also help you build relationships with people from other cultures, which can lead to new business opportunities or friendships.
Another benefit of learning an international language is that it can help you better understand other cultures. By learning about how people from other cultures communicate, you can gain a deeper understanding of their values and beliefs. This understanding can help break down barriers between people and cultures and make it easier to work together towards common goals.
So, why should you start learning an international language? There are no downsides – only benefits! Whether you want to improve your career prospects, travel more easily, or simply learn more about other cultures, learning an international language is a great idea.
Arabic Learning
In the past, learning a foreign language was considered a luxury. However, with the globalization of the economy and the rise of international business, more and more people are finding that learning a second or third language can be extremely beneficial.
One of the most popular languages to learn nowadays is Arabic. Arabic learning is imperative nowadays because the language is spoken in many countries around the world, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Arabic learning can open up many doors professionally and personally.
If you're thinking about learning Arabic, there are a few things you should know. First of all, Arabic is a complex language with many different dialects. It's important to choose a dialect that is appropriate for your level of proficiency and your goals for learning the language.
Secondly, because Arabic uses a completely different alphabet than English, it can be challenging to learn at first. However, there are many resources available to help you overcome this challenge. Finally, don't forget that learning any new language requires time and patience. If you're willing to put in the effort, though, learning Arabic Learning can be an incredibly rewarding experience.
There is no doubt that learning a foreign language has many benefits and can be extremely useful, especially in a globalized world. With the world becoming more connected than ever before, it's important to be able to communicate with people from all over the globe. While English is widely spoken, learning another language will give you an advantage in both your personal and professional life. If you're looking to learn a new language, there are plenty of resources available online and offline. Don't wait – start learning today!
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