#so getting myself to play games has been a slight endeavor despite enjoying the time i DO spend on them
illidan · 4 months
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it occurred to me not everyone might know the reference im making when i keep calling my remix character the "hot pink bitch named breakfast" so... here. perceive breakfast.
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MMO Games + Kokichi, Shuichi, Miu, Maki, Kaede and Tsumugi
mod shumai you're precious and i love your writing!! can i (please) get uh... Kokichi, Shuichi, Miu, Maki, Tsumugi and Kaede playing an online game together with their s/o? I'm an mmo nerd myself and this request was def. inspired by playing too much path of exile lately but whatever kind of game you're familiar with is fine!
First of all... thank you very much for the compliment!!! Y’all are gonna be the death of me hearing positivity makes me feel just... haaaawaaa...???? Y’know??? Yeah ya know but really thank you!!
Also, I don’t really play MMO games so I’ll stick by the usual rpg roles I know about. Like Fighter, Mage, Bomber/Grenadier, Bard, Rogue/Thief, and Ranger/Archer/Gunman.
(Honestly, I remember seeing one post from @ministarfruit with an mmo au, it was adorable if you wanna check that out!!!)
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-Mod Shuichi
Shuichi Saihara
Shuichi had been very excited to try out an MMO game with you, he promised that he would try his best considering this was his first time playing an MMO.
He just asked you try to keep up with him considering you had been playing for a while, an already considerably moderately leveled character, you promised you would stay at a pace he was comfortable with.
When making the character he... had picked the largest hat there possibly was, which belonged to the ‘Mage’ class, he made it quite similar to his own appearance. He hadn’t expected for there to be any need to be like anyone else, besides most of the outfits didn’t seem pleasing so he chose the solution he enjoyed the most.
... He made his eyelashes considerably longer too which had been the only difference between him and his character, when he was brought into the world you tried his best to steer him in the gameplay mechanic, he had been wobbly at first but when he got ahold of it he had made an amazing player besides some slip-ups.
Shuichi was great at strategizing, it was fun to plan ways to beat your opponents with him, it was fun to see his reactions when he was sneaked up upon too, usually just loud: “EUAAhHHSs” before you heard him click the attack button as fast as he possibly could. Only to let out a long sigh of anger out afterward, you always knew he had died when that was the case.
It was even more of a fun time playing with someone, than playing alone!
Kaede Akamatsu
Kaede had heard of MMO games, she even dabbled in one with her classmates a few years back in middle school, she remembers being awful at the games... aha, but you had wanted to try out this newly released one with her, how could she refuse?
You both swore you would never leave each other’s side, much more considering you were both new to the MMO scene but Kaede was certain you both learn quickly!
Kaede made her character as cute and over-the-top as she possibly could, she, of course, picked the ‘Bard’ class, she was more of a supporter than a fighter and she wouldn’t mind the thought of using magical music to assist you.
She wished there was a portable piano, an utter shame there wasn’t but it wasn’t the end of the world, it WAS just a video game after all.
Kaede... wasn’t the best player, she had accidentally run into the wall a couple of times, died a few times, she hadn’t expected it to be quite this... difficult, she was swift with her defensive reactions but she hadn’t quite stopped charging into the enemies despite being a supporter.
She made fun dialogue the entire way through, making plenty of playful remarks throughout the entire battle, sure you weren’t good at winning the battle, but you had plenty of fun just speaking to each other as you worked to pass these endeavors barely making it through with each other, it only affirmed your love when you made it out of a tight situation.
Tsumugi Shirogane
Tsumugi has begged you to try out this incredibly detailed MMO game with spot-on character creations as well as many classes as well as roles, she said she wished to get into the gameplay to learn more about the non-playable characters so she could cosplay them.
It is a shame to not have a fun time with you as she did so right? So she invited you in onto the fun, you heartily agreed.
Tsumugi has already delved into these games, many times within her past, she dared called herself a master of the genre of video games. She said she would: “be your shining knight and protect you!”
She chose the Fighter Class, she made her character the most bishounen she possibly could, the most heart-wrenchingly amazing she could have made him looked. She’s really committed into getting into the: “Knight” role isn’t she?
She had made many sly remarks about you being the one she was sworn to protect...! Just... cliche lines left and right, with some fangirling here and there.
She had destroyed any enemies that crossed your path, it was a terrible idea to underestimate Tsumugi Shirogane, she was a master of any skills that involved bringing her characters to life to the extreme. That was the case for the knight that she had created as well.
You didn’t need to help Tsumugi in her quest to vanquish any foe that had come across your way, but she still appreciated he help here and there, she said playing this with you had been way more fun to play than her being all by her lonesome, that was plain to say.
Miu Iruma
Miu had been confident within her abilities to do anything that had technology within it, even MMOs! Sure she never played before, but she had to be amazing at it! She WAS Miu Iruma, the genius! N’... she had you to help her, you promised to help her.
She obviously chose the class involving bombs, because what the fuck? Bombs are waaaaay stronger than prissy-ass swords, guns, or magic! IT’S FUCKIN’ BOMBS! BOOOOMBS!!! BOOM BOOM BABY!
She had made her character with as much resemblance to her beauty as possible, from the... chest size to her golden hair that glistened perfectly in the sun’s rays, from her impossible to describe good-looks, heh, hell any nerd playin’ should want a piece of her. Then she gets to tell em’ she was taken, that be a riiiiot!
Miu was flabbergasted at how hard the game had actually turned out to be, she let out a loud “eep!” whenever anyone had attacked her, usually running towards your side and asking for backup, which usually ended up in the both of you barely surviving.
She was prone to raging or sulking whenever she had died, but you were there to calm her down! It’s just a game after all, isn’t i- “Miu what are you doing.”
“I’m building an invention to play for me, so I can fuck whoever killed us up! Obviously?”
“Miu... we’re supposed to play together...?”
“... But... the taste of sweet fuckin’ revenge...?” ... Actually, she was right, the taste of revenge was quite satisfying, really filling too, but was it filling enough...
“Can we at least play together again when we get the sweet satisfying taste of revenge filled?”
“Oh of course then.”
Kokichi Ouma
It was frightening, your boyfriend had discovered you're hidden away MMO game, then teased you for being a “dork” at first before asking if he could be your “Player 2”.
Or if he could play with you, in “non-dork” language. Least you could do, since you had hidden suuuuch an important fact from him.
.... You had hesitantly agreed, then helped him with creating his character, you were surprised for him to pick the “Cleric” class, then made them a girl, a really cute one at that.
You had asked why the only response you got was: “catfishing” and you decided that was a problem you didn’t need to get into yourself that can of worms...
... He... was surprisingly good at healing you, almost like he had played the game before, but you just thought he was good at adapting quickly, only wish you didn’t have your boyfriend flirting with some other players.
... there was only one thing about all of it, whenever your health got low, the stakes had gotten harsh, your boyfriend... became monstrous, suddenly turning to you when you had started asking for healing so you can continue forward.
One line had escaped his lips, every time you were in the middle of a boss fight, every time you really needed that healing with those spells which he had the correct amount of MP for...
“Kokichi! Please! HELP ME! All of them are going to kill me if you don’t restore my HP right now!” You said as you were barely dodging any enemies that had attacked you, Kokichi was watching from the sidelines from a safe distance.
“... Oh, then perish.” That was all he responded with, your hands ached too much to move anymore, you succumbed to your fate and perished, Kokichi snickering to himself.
Then he revived you, just like that.
“Neeheeheehee... It’s always fun to see you fighting so hard like that~!”
“I don’t wanna play anymore...”
Maki Harukawa
How did the two of you end up like this, you holding your girlfriend by the waist with all the power your arms had in them, as your girlfriend, on the verge of throwing her computer out the window looked down at you with that harsh glare of hers, quietly telling you to: “let go”.
This is how it happened, Maki had recently seen you huddled towards your computer, one day she questioned what you were doing and you responded with telling her it was an MMO game you were recently getting into!
Maki... had asked if you could introduce her to it, she had found it... interesting how you had put so much attention into some video game, Maki Harukawa? Asking you for anything?
Of course, you introduce her to it, first was the customization of your character...! Maki... had chosen the ranger much to your surprise, she said she just didn’t want to get a confrontation with her enemies, let you do most of the work which you weren’t sure how to take that as...
Maki made her character look... edgy, she had chosen most of the customization options that gave a slight bit of... backbite to it, you told her you thought it looked: “cute”.
Maki fumbled with her hair trembling with a flushed face as you both continued forward, it looked peaceful then, little did you know what’s as to come...
Maki wasn’t used to technology, she didn’t grow up looking forward to fiddling with a computer every day, all of this was foreign to her from the attack button to moving so... Maki had accidentally... backtracked into the enemy, you told her mistakes are bound to happen, but then it came to her fifteenth time of dying.
She walked off a cliff, she was already boiling with rage by that point so when you had asked if you wanted to take a break she had picked up the computer, before taking slow steps towards the window, you tried stopping her!
So here you are now, pleading with your girlfriend so she doesn’t throw the computer out the window.
“... Hahn... Fiiine... just stop pulling at my waist, I’ll put it back...”
Oh thank god, you let go. 
You try to comfort her, she was obviously still sulking after dying so many times.
It’s decided you to teach Maki how to use computer’s better before even dating to thrust her into another MMO game, never again, never again.
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thathpheadcanongirl · 7 years
How Audrey Might Have Met Percy...
OF MAGIC AND COFFEE  by LittleLauren
"You can't just run away, Jude!" Audrey scolded her sister. She knew she was eating the teen's ear off, but this was the fifth time this has happened this month alone. "I'm far too busy for your antics. And I can't have you lounging about in my dorm room, when I have work."
"Slow down, will you!" Jude called out, holding onto Audrey's car dashboard.
She was driving rather recklessly, but Audrey had to get to work on time. She just had to.
"If you cost me my job, I swear…" Audrey muttered, swerving here and there through traffic.
"You could spare one of them," Jude complained. "You never come round anymore."
Audrey rolled her eyes and sighed as they pulled into her old street. She stopped the car right before she reached their parents' house. "When you're my age, you'll understand. Besides, you should be going to college. You have revision, yeah?"
Jude picked at her nails, and she mumbled a, "Yeah…"
Audrey reached over to inspect her sister's hair, to which she had dyed red blotchy streaks in her blond hair. "Do Mum and Dad know about this?"
Jude gave Audrey a guilty look, causing the older sister to tisk at the younger sister. "Judith Miranda Lee Tilly …"
"It's not a cry for help or anything!" her sister reasoned. "I saw Christina Aguilera have this exact thing in Teen Magazine!"
Audrey adjusted her rear view mirror, and sighed again. "You know Mum is going to blame me when she sees you, and I don't need that."
"'M sorry, Audrey," Jude mumbled.
As much as Jude running away was a huge inconvenience, Audrey really just wanted the best for her. She did not have enough money to move her out of their parents' crazy, "carnie act" household. She knew Jude didn't enjoy being part of The Topsy Tilly Magic Act just like Audrey. She could go her whole life without being a magician's assistant ever again, especially with her self-centered, delusional parents. When Audrey was younger, they'd spend so much money on the latest illusionist equipment and costumes that they'd forget to pay the utility bill. It got really bad when Jude was born and Audrey would run away to hustle her little magic tricks on the street for money to buy food. Although it sounded like a terrible childhood, she would not have learned to work for her aspirations. She was proud to say that she singlehandedly funded her way to University through scholarships and balancing 3 jobs. She believed it gave her character and independence. She chose to ignore the fact that her parents didn't seem to care about her academic endeavors.
"I'll make a deal with you," Audrey gave in. "If you keep up your grades this term, you can visit me after exams. Because I miss you too."
That brightened Jude's mood. She smiled, and hugged Audrey from the other side of the car. "Love you, Bug," she muffled.
Audrey rolled her eyes at her old nickname. "Love you, Beetle," she reciprocated. "Now, get out before the neighbors tell Mum and Dad that I was spotted!"
Despite not wanting to be seen, Audrey watched her sixteen-year-old sister run back home. She disappeared around their hedge. No doubt, a minute later, Jude would be in her pajamas, red dye taken out of her hair, black eye liner cleaned off her face, and in bed for their mother to "wake her up". That was Jude's specialty; she was the family's disappearing act. It's a wonder their parents didn't catch on.
She glanced at the time. "Shit!" She was definitely going to be late for her shift at the coffee shop this morning. She quickly debated whether or not she could make it without stopping for gas. Deciding against it, she fled down the highways. She prayed that her boss would cut her some slack…
"Shit…" she muttered again, noticing all of the good parking spots were already taken. The only spot she could find was a two-hour parking limit. She could afford to pay the fine, but she definitely couldn't afford to lose this job. "God, forgive me," she whispered as she parallel parked.
She ran into the coffee shop, quickly wrapping her apron around her and putting up her dark blonde hair. She breezed passed her co-workers to go behind the counter.
Just as she was about to take someone's order, "Tilly!" came a rough voice from behind her.
She winced. "One moment," she smiled at the customer. She turned around and already had a story ready. "I'm really sorry, Mr. Minchin. My sister ran away from home, and-"
"My office, now," he said, beckoning her to the back room in the kitchen.
She hung her head as she followed. This was the longest job she's had, but with her terrible schedule, she knew Mr. Minchin was just waiting to let her go.
"Sit," he commanded. He looked at her from the other side of his small desk.
"I'm really sorry, sir," she tried again. "It won't-"
"-Happen again?" he finished for her. He chuckled in spite of the situation. "How many times have I heard those exact words come out of your mouth?"
Audrey slumped.
Mr. Minchin considered her for a moment. "You're a good worker, Tilly. One of the best. But your tardiness overshadows that." He bent down and whispered, "And the terrible workers have to pick up your slack before they even have a chance to pick up their own."
She couldn't help but look guilty.
"I run a business here, and I can't afford to have you coming in whenever you're good and ready." Before Audrey could retort, he raised his hand. "I'm sorry, Audrey."
"Can't I at least finish out the day?" she pleaded quietly. "I'm here, aren't I?"
Mr. Minchin scratched his beard in thought. "Very well, but I need you to hand in your apron tonight," he said somberly.
Audrey worked the floor like she's never worked before. She took as many orders as she possibly could, well beyond the number of the slackers currently employed. She had a sliver of hope that Mr. Minchin would see how diligently she worked, with no break, and would take back her being fired. But, at the end of her shift, she just took her slender portion of tips, and handed in her apron.
"I wish the best of luck for you," Mr. Minchin told her as she went on her way.
She wouldn't be sad if she never stepped into that dying establishment again anyway. It was just slowing her down for a job that aided to her talents.
She counted her tips grimly as she trekked back to her car. "Bollocks!" she swore, when she noticed a parking ticket on her windshield. She knew her earnings for her last day at the coffee shop was all for naught, knowing that she literally worked to pay off a ticket.
She lowered her head, knowing what she had to do. "I'm going to hate myself…" she muttered, swiping the ticket off of her car. Her body and soul was screaming at her to just go home and see if she could knick some food from one of her roommates. But she was a proud and stubborn young woman. She got into this mess, she could get herself out.
Parking in a narrow alleyway, she hoisted a small table and a decent sized bag out of her trunk. She thought her days of hustling were over, but people seemed to like getting cheated out of their money for a cheap thrill.
"Step right up!" she called, intricately shuffling her deck of cards. "Do you have what it takes to win twenty quid? All you have to do is follow your card. It's as easy as one, two, three!"
"Mummy, Mummy!" cried a little boy. "Look at the lady with the cards!"
"How about you, handsome?" she said with a winning smile. "How would you like to have twenty pounds in your pocket?"
"I could get the new Sonic game!" His eyes glistened with wonder.
"You can buy much more than that," she lied. She placed three cards on the table.
"No, Kevin," the boy's mother tried to pull him away. "It's a scam."
"Come on, Mummy!" the boy whined, tugging onto her purse.
"Yeah, come on, Mummy!" Audrey joked. "Just one little game?"
Her charming smile won the tired woman over. "Alright, but just one game."
Audrey played them like a fiddle! Pretty soon, a crowd surrounded them, joining in the fun of the game. She'd bet the twenty, but she knew he wouldn't get it the first time. Then she'd make it easier, lessening the price. Once he thought he was on a roll, his mother would bet in that she could guess because it was a "simple game". This is when the public started to get involved. Once they raised the bet it fifty pounds, double or nothing, that's when she'd change out the cards. That way, the odds will be in her favor, no matter what.
Just as she was shuffling the cards on the table, readying the card up her sleeve, she heard a cheer from the other side of the street. Everyone turned around, except the boy, who was concentrating hard on Audrey's shuffling.
There, across the street, were two red headed young men, also hustling… in her territory.
"Mummy! My card is in her sleeve!" he yelled, pointing grandly. "It's in her sleeve!"
She expertly slid the card from out of her sleeve and into the deck before anyone else could accuse her of cheating. "I assure you all, there is absolutely nothing up my sleeve," she said swiftly, but panicking inside. She exposed her now bare sleeves and continued on with the game.
Slowly, her crowd dwindled and found its way across the street. Even the boy and his mother seemed bored with her game. To stop him from whining, she let them go with half of her tips from the coffee shop. She was intrigued too.
From the lack of business on her side of the street, she decided to scrutinize her competition. She had seen the one before, but with his twin. The two were so jovial and charming. Their illusions seemed so flawless, and yet, she could never figure out how they had such success in hiding their secrets. This time, there was only one of the twins. His eyes were sunken in, he wore the ghost of a smile, he hunched his shoulders, and, most grotesquely, he was missing an ear. He was accompanied by another man, although he could have also been another brother. This man had curly red hair, horn-rimmed glasses, and a slight clumsiness about him. He definitely did not have the charm the other brother had.
Soon, she found herself part of the crowd. For the life of her, she could not understand how their tricks were working. She even went up when the curly-haired one asked for a volunteer to get a better look (the earless one was behind him, hands in his pockets, seemingly uninvolved). She could tell that the curly-haired one was so nervous and fumbling all over the place. He had her take part in the ball-in-cup trick. He showed her which cup he put the ball under, shuffled up the up-turned cups, and asked her to pick the correct cup. She knew this simple trick up and back: whatever cup she picked, would be wrong.
"It's in your hand," she said, folding her arms and looking rather pompous.
He smiled, and said, "Thinking outside the box, eh? Well, as you can see, the ball is nowhere on my person." He showed his palms, sleeves, and pockets.
She indicated to the cups, but the ball was not underneath those either. "Where is it then?"
"Why don't you check your own pockets, then?"
She could not believe it! Her pockets and sleeves began to overflowing with little Ping-Pong balls. She was absolutely flabbergasted and enraged as the crowd laughed and cheered. She stomped back to her station and watched the rest of their act from afar.
Figuring that it was useless trying to scrounge for another hustle, she turned in. She arrived back in her dorm room.
"You're home early," said Dawn, one of her roommates. She sat by their small television as she studied.
Audrey plopped down next to her friend. "I had a bad day," she admitted simply, mindlessly changing the channel.
Dawn glanced up from her notes, and declared, "I'm thinking Chinese. How about you?"
Audrey sighed. "I didn't make enough tonight."
"It's on me, love," her friend smiled.
And as she ate her dinner, she racked her brain for every possible explanation as to how the brothers were doing those tricks. It simply did not make sense.
Audrey took pride in knowing that she would always succeed academically in school. She had the very sensible goal of becoming a secondary school Literature teacher. But top marks didn't excuse her lack of income, and another flexible job was difficult to come by. So, she had nothing else better to do than to hustle on her corner.
No matter what she tried, people ended up gravitating towards the red heads and their masterful tricks. She debated whether or not she should relocate, but she knew that this was the busiest street in London. She would be losing more money if she left. Plus, she wasn't one to give up. She was there first. She owned this turf.
She scrutinized the two over the next few days, and she could have sworn they were using some sort of slender remote in one hand, controlling most of their tricks.
She decided to confront the curly-haired one, since he seemed the most susceptible to interrogation. She waited until they were packing up for the day. But before she got a chance, she was interrupted by the earless one.
"I don't know, Percy," he called over his shoulder. "But I think we have a fan."
"I'm interested in your act is all," she said airily. "Maybe we could exchange some tricks. I mean, us illusionists have to stick together."
He made a face and laughed. "Yeah, okay. Did you know magic is real?"
"George! Who's your friend?!" Percy interjected, knocking down a few items off of their small table.
"Audrey," she said, holding out her hand. Percy shook it, smiling. "I run my own stand down the street."
"Is that so?"
"I remember you!" George said. "You used to come by a few years ago. Back when Fr- when we… I was here."
Percy glanced at George, who began to sulk again.
"We should get going," Percy said quickly. Audrey saw him packing up everything in a briefcase that definitely looked too small to hold all of their equipment, and yet, he closed it with no problem. He grabbed the suitcase and table, and with his glasses slightly askew, said with a sparkle in his eyes, "Until we meet again, Audrey." She watched the pair turn a corner and disappear from sight.
And she did meet George and Percy again. She strategically placed her station closer to the brothers' territory. Her and Percy would have silent competitions to see who would get more attention. It was always a pretty close call, but the brothers would win at the very last minute every time. Audrey was getting frustrated, while Percy looked more and more pompous. But Audrey was not one to give up. She soon figured out how to do some of their tricks (or how she thought they were doing their tricks), which made both of their acts unoriginal.
After a rather uneventful day, Percy walked up to Audrey's stand. She was ready to fight back his teasing, but to her surprise, he put out a hand for her to shake.
"I really admire your drive, Audrey," he said, smiling. "I don't think you realize how much you helped out George." They both glanced over at the brothers' stand, and George was laughing and entertaining what little audience he had. "We've been dealing with a lot over the passed few months. And your persistence gave him a reason to continue what he likes to do best."
Audrey didn't have the courage to ask what happened to his twin, but she could already deduce that it would not be a happy conversation. "I'm glad to help." She started to pack up.
"You're not going now, are you?"
"I'm afraid so," she sighed. "You ran me out of business."
Percy's eyes widened. "I never meant to do that! I'm so sorry."
Audrey shrugged. "It's alright. It was bound to happen anyway. I can't make a living on street performing, that was my mistake."
"This- this was your entire income?"
"For now, yeah," she said. "I don't have much, but I get by."
They both looked at each other for a moment, and Percy's ears turned slightly red. "Do you like coffee?"
Any other time, she would have sworn off coffee altogether. She knew that if she said yes, then they'd go to the coffee shop she was fired from a few blocks away. Then again, she didn't think she'd pay much attention to the exasperated look of old Mr. Minchin. Audrey gave a half-smile. "I love coffee."
Follow me and my headcanons! https://www.fanfiction.net/~littlelauren
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happyumbrellla · 7 years
Prompt : What if the omni tool had an app-link that lets you feel your lover’s heartbeat and Reyes is going about his day as usual and suddenly DOESNT feel Ryder’s.   From : https://reyesandryder.tumblr.com/
@reyesandryder   This text is based on this prompt. Enjoy ^^
OS : Heartbeats
Reyes was always worried about Scott. He knew he was the Pathfinder and had responsibilities, enemies to face and a galaxy to explore to establish outposts, but it was stronger than him. He was worried.
Scott was also worried, but not for him. For Reyes. He was living a dangerous life too. And as the two of them couldn’t always be together to watch over each other by themselves, they silently worried for each other, waiting for the next mail to say that everything was fine. And SAM knew that the mails were numerous between the two lovers. So the IA had decided to intervene to reduce the stress of Scott. He had hacked access to Mr Vidal’s Omnitool to be able to follow the beating of his heart. Then he connected them. Thus, Scott could follow Reyes heart rate from anywhere in the Andromeda galaxy and the smuggler could do the same. Reyes’ Omnitool permanently displayed his boyfriend’s heartbeat in the lower right corner of the display area. He could thus know that he was still alive by slipping a simple discreet look at the regular peaks that were drawn on the flat line. When he was alone, Reyes also enjoyed being able to hear Scott’s heartbeat.
That night, for example, the Charlatan was sitting where the Pathfinder had told him he was someone for him. There, where Reyes had fully realized that Scott was more than a friend to him. Much more. It was at this very place that he had wanted to reveal to Scott his true identity, but had not done so, terrified at the thought of losing the one who had entered his heart by his kindness, courage and sincerity, which were reflected in his large blue eyes. And when Scott had finally discovered the truth, the Pathfinder had certainly been hurt by Reyes’ lack of confidence, but had understood why he had done it and accept it. The smuggler was happy to say Scott Ryder was his boyfriend. That he loved him for what he was despite the secrets. Secrets, which were no longer as numerous as before, since Reyes endeavored to be as sincere as possible with the man of his life. That evening, with his eyes closed, the smuggler listened to Scott’s heartbeat. It did good to him. The beating was normal, relaxing. Scott was fine. Then the beats became faster a few seconds before returning to an almost normal rhythm, albeit slightly faster, and Reyes smiled, amused ; Scott must have been scared. Would it still have passed a little too close to the edge of a cliff with the Nomad ? The smuggler, however, opened his eyes wide as he heard a shrill whistle. He immediately looked at his Omnitool and his blood froze with fear as he noticed that Scott’s encephalogram was flat. Reyes’ one probably assumed the same aspect for a few seconds. No, it was not possible. Scott Ryder could not be dead. The smuggler stood up, in spite of the fact that his whole body was trembling, without taking his eyes off the line on his Omnitool :
-You don’t have the right to do that to me Scott, Reyes murmured.
His eyes became dangerously wet as he realized with great difficulty that the heart of his boyfriend had stopped beating… Just in front on his eyes… Without knowing how… And without anything to do against it. For the first time since his awakening in Andromeda, the Charlatan was distraught. He didn’t know what to do. He was frozen on the roof where he had begun his story with Scott and where, just now, finished it… A tear rolled down his cheek at this observation. He closed his eyes to try to contain his pain but reopen them as soon as the whistle ceased and the heartbeats came back. Scott’s encephalogram was no longer flat. Reyes waved his eyes. What had happened ? Did the Pathfinder just… Resuscitate ? Not that he complained but… He would like to understand. The smuggler wiped the salty trace on his cheek and continued to stare and listen to Scott’s heartbeat. And he recognized this rhythm perfectly. Scott was fighting. Against Kert ? Or something else ? The Charlatan sent an email to Ryder and ordered him to come to Kadara as soon as possible. He needed to see him, to know that he was alive.
 Scott’s expectation of his responses was long and painful. But when it arrived, it was as if a weight lifted from his shoulders. Scott would be with him in two days. And during those two days, Reyes was on edge, tense, irritable… In other words, it was better to leave him alone or not upset him more than necessary :
-Reyes ?
-What ?, he spat.
Keema had a slight retreat, she knew Reyes since he had arrived here and he had never yelled at her. He never screamed at anyone. The smuggler was always in control of himself, except when it was Scott. And since the last two days, it was better not to talk to Reyes about the pathfinder. She thought they had an e-mail dispute and that was what put him in a bad mood. So, the news she was going to announce to him wasn’t necessarily going to please him :
-Euh… The Tempest has just landed…
The Angara didn’t have time to pursue her sentence that the Chalatan let his datapad fall on the coffee table and rushed to the exit door of his apartment. He had never run so fast in his life. But to arrive not far from the platform, he remained hidden in the shadows just the time to observe the ship and its crew that descended slowly. None seemed to show any wounds… Then he saw Scott. His own heart leaped into his chest and he couldn’t help but smiling. He was alive. He was fine. Reyes emerged from the shadows and strode towards him :
The human Pathfinder smiled at him. But this smile faded a little when Scott noticed the tension of the features of his lovers :
He couldn’t finish his sentence. The smuggler put his hands on his face and kissed him with strength, despair, fear, relief, love but not with tenderness. Scott blinked several times before closing his eyes and letting his boyfriend take what he needed while wisely placing his hands on his flanks. The two men barely heard the false disgust sound of Cora’s. Reyes left Ryder’s red lips and placed his forehead against his before taking his wrist and pulling him to the Pathfinder room aboard the Tempest :
-What is it Reyes ?
 He didn’t reply until he was shut up in the Pathfinder's room :
-Take off your shirt.
Scott didn’t move a centimeter, contenting himself with blinking :
-Sorry ?
Reyes sighed before grabbing the edge of the Pathfinder's shirt and pulling it off himself. The Charlatan then dragged him to the bed and forced him to lie down. Reyes settled astride his pelvis before sticking his ear to the left breastplate of his boyfriend. He closed his eyes again and relaxed. Scott was there. Alive. His body's warmth under his. His heart beating against his ear :
 -Can I have an explanation ?,  Ryder asked, putting his fingers on his companion’s shoulders.
-Your encephalogram was flat a few days ago…
 -Ho… That’s normal.
Reyes straightened up at once. Had he heard well ? Normal ? How could it be normal ? :
-The Archonte has set a trap for me. Drack, Jaal and I found ourselves stuck in a hindrance. So, SAM stopped my heart so I could free myself from it.
The smuggler couldn’t get over it :
-SAM has stopped your heart ?
-I had received prior authorization, Mr Vidal.
Reyes opened his eyes wide :
-You authorized SAM stopped your heart ?
Scott swallowed :
 -… Yes. But he made it beat again.
The smuggler stopped moving. Scott had agreed to die a few seconds. Reyes felt anger rising in him :
The Charlatan pinned his lover’s wrists over his head on the bed :
-You don’t have the right to play this little game Scott ! You don’t have the right to do that to me ! When you agreed that SAM should stop your heart, did you think of the consequences if he had not managed to get you back ? Do you have any idea what I felt when I heard your heart stop ? Do you have any idea how bad I was ?
Reyes closed his eyes, breathing softly before saying :
-I can't live without you Scott… I can't anymore… How do you want me to continue being a good man if you are not there to help me ?
The grip on the Pathfinder’s wrists relaxed, allowing the young Ryder to slowly slip his hands into the hair of his boyfriend :
-I’m sorry Reyes.
The smuggler lifted his head slightly so that his eyes met those Scott’s while the latter continued to caress his hair gently and tenderly :
-I didn’t want to hurt you… I made that decision because it was the right thing to do, but I never did it to hurt you.
-I know… Promise me never to do that again.
Reyes rested his head on Scott’s chest and let himself be lulled by the beating of his boyfriend’s heart.
© 2017 - Happy Umbrellla - All Rights Reserved. No reposting and/or modifying of any form on any media is allowed. No translations allowed.
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dorothyd89 · 7 years
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally).
“There’s no way that’s the same person, right?”
Admittedly, that’s what I first thought when I saw Kenney’s before and after photos. There was just NO way that this Tony Stark looking dude on the right was the same person as the man in the other photo, right?
And then I saw his other photos. And then I heard his story.
And then I teared up.
Shut up I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Today, we’re going to be talking about Ironma—-Kenney Frazier, an IT systems administrator from Alabama, a gamer, and an opera singer who has had one of the most dramatic transformations I’ve ever seen. It’s no exaggeration to say that Kenney clearly saved his own life. Not just in terms of life expectancy, but also quality of his life.
Kenney is a proud member of the Nerd Fitness Academy who made some key changes in his life that helped him succeed. We’re going to dig deep into those major and minor changes Kenney made and how you can be like him!
After years of struggle, starting and stopping, a switch flipped and he has lost over 120 pounds in the past 15 months.
Here’s his origin story.
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I identify as a:
Meet Kenney
STEVE: Kenney! My man. When I first saw your post in the Academy Facebook group, and it had hundreds and hundreds of likes and comments, my jaw dropped. Let’s hear your background:
KENNEY: I’ve pretty much always been overweight. Even in Kindergarten I was pudgy! I attribute this to my love of Reese Cups (I’m a recovering addict; there should really be a Reese Cup Lovers Anonymous Group). I steadily put on the pounds, and by high school I easily tipped the scales at 250lbs+.
By the age of 25 I was over 300lbs and miserable.
I would go on a diet, have some success, then expand to new heights in short order. My addiction to Everquest and World of Warcraft definitely did not help. I lived an extremely sedentary life and I was depressed. I would use these virtual worlds as an escape from my self-imposed dungeon. I was finally able to break out of this addiction and decided to start living in the real world. I joined the workforce and did my best to become an adult.
STEVE: I hear ya brother – I too played Everquest (and Everquest 2) for over a decade and did it for the same reasons you did – to escape a crappy reality. What was a typical day like for you then?
KENNEY: I would wake up around 8:30am during the week and drag myself into work. On the way to work I’d stop by Chick-fil-a and grab 2 chicken biscuits and a large lemonade because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?
Ha. Of course being a southerner you can’t have breakfast without biscuits!
Lunch, would roll around and I’d run to Burger King and order 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry and Coke to wash it down with.
I’d probably grab a candy bar or chips from the snack machine mid afternoon.
On the way home I’d stop by and grab more food for dinner: a large chicken finger plate from Zaxby’s because who don’t love fried chicken? I had to have another large Coke to wash it down.
After I finished my food I’d plop down in front of the TV or my computer or go take a nap for a few hours. I’d normally heading to bed around midnight or 1am after playing a few games of Dota2 with some friends.
STEVE: So let’s talk about what happened that brought about actual changes:
KENNEY: I was 35, tired all the time and unhappy with my life. Obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, and high blood pressure are also all prevalent in my family history.
I finally had enough and made an appointment to get a physical. When I saw my lab results I knew I was in trouble. My blood pressure was high, my blood sugar was high and my A1C was in the diabetic range! My cholesterol was sky high and I weighed 334 lbs! Despite these sobering results it still wasn’t enough to wake me up.
As a card carrying super nerd – I’ve always enjoyed table top RPG – I was a member of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with some friends from High School. One of the players started talking about Nerd Fitness and it piqued my interest.
I decided to check it out and joined the NF Academy in January of 2016. I read the starter quests, but keep putting off actually starting.
STEVE: That’s interesting – so you joined the program, but couldn’t get yourself to commit or take action beyond just reading the missions. Sounds like a classic case of not having a big enough reason WHY yet! Your doctor said you had bad health signals, but deep down you weren’t ready to change yet.
So what happened next?
KENNEY: Music has always been my main passion. I was a vocal major in college before switching to something more “practical.” I decided to restart my vocal studies at a local music school in my early 30’s.
As if being a typical DnD/MMORPG nerd wasn’t enough, my musical endeavors are in the Classical/Opera genre. The school where I study has spring and winter productions each year. I was cast in my first show and I was hooked. I was continually cast in smaller roles but I had larger ambitions. In September of 2016, I had just finished a production and felt I had performed well but I wanted more. I reached out to the teacher in charge of casting.
I told her that I was committed to landing a leading role, and her response? My weight was a showstopper.
STEVE: And there it is…your ACTUAL “Big Why” – the reason that deep down made you want to change. It must have been brutal to hear that you were too big to be considered for more important musical roles. But it appears to also have been a big turning point for you.
KENNEY: October 2016 I started my fitness journey first by cutting out sodas and cutting my portion sizes. I started logging everything in a Fitness App.
I knew from reading the articles on Nerd Fitness that making small changes at first worked best. I tried doing some of the free home workouts but I knew my motivation would suffer and I would stop unless I had some “skin” in the game. So I called up my local gym and set up a free training session on Columbus Day.
The first workout was so horrible and I was so out of shape that I almost tossed my cookies – it just reinforced how far I had to go…but I was inspired. I signed up and started working with a trainer 3 times a week.
Strength training with some occasional cardio has the name of the game since then.
At that first session, I weighed in at 320 lbs and by Nov 16th I was down to 297lbs. I couldn’t remember the last time I was under 300lbs and my motivation never faltered. I started incorporating cardio 3 or 4 times a week into strength-training routines.
STEVE: Hmmm, so what you’re saying is…this whole diet and exercise thing might actually work! Hahaha – so talk to me what other changes you made along the way.
KENNEY: I started doing intermittent fasting along with a low carb, high protein diet. As my weight went down I started feeling better and was continually amazed at what I could do. By January 4th, 2017 I was down to 281lbs.
STEVE: And that’s when you discovered the power of a supportive community, right?
KENNEY: Later that month I saw that there was a Facebook group for Academy members, which I had somehow missed when I signed up the year before. When I joined the group I was amazed at the community. The posts were uplifting and informative.
The progress posts served as motivation for me! By February, I had lost 50lbs and decided to make my first post on the Facebook group (which you can see below):
This was a huge step for me due to self-esteem issues but the support and uplifting comments were great. I used the Academy community to help keep me motivated.
Whenever I’d feel like quitting I’d log in and read the new posts and fortify my resolve. By May I was down 75 lbs and I was doing things I never thought I’d be able to do. I went from being winded by walking up stairs to doing Burpees, Squats, and bear crawls. I even started taking tennis lessons!
By the end of summer I was down 100lbs.
And just a few weeks ago, I weighed in at 198 lbs, meaning I’ve lost 120lbs! I can’t even remember the last time I was under 200! I recently went to the doctor again and had a fresh set of labs. My results were night and day! My A1C was normal, my blood sugar was normal, and my cholesterol was greatly reduced.
STEVE: AMAZING. So let’s hear about the New Kenney. What’s a typical day like now?
KENNEY: I wake up around 6:30 and 6:45am and try to get to work before 8:00am. I do intermittent fasting so I actually skip breakfast. My “feasting” window runs from 11am til 8pm.
My typical lunch is a salad minus croutons with chicken (I have a slight addiction to Caesar salads) If I need a snack I’ll eat some tuna or even some beef jerky (can’t have enough protein). Normally, I’ll head home and get ready to go to the gym! I work out 3 times a week with the trainer so I’ll do 40 minutes of cardio after those sessions or on a non-lifting day I’ll do an hour of cardio.
Lately, I’ve been on an elliptical kick as I can zone out and watch Netflix while I’m doing it. I also play Racquetball once a week with friends and I joined a basketball league (I’m really bad!).
After I work out, I’ll grab dinner with chicken or beef, with some brown rice, and broccoli (I love broccoli!) or a mixture of other veggies.
I also have a bit of a sweet tooth so I’ll treat myself with some halo ice cream (within reason) or some fruit or Siggi’s Icelandic style skyr. I’m a simple guy so I can eat the same things a few times a week and it doesn’t bother me. I guess I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals before I used it to make me feel better.
STEVE: That mentality change is amazing, and I love hearing it. You changed physically. What else changed about you along the way?
KENNEY: Looking back over the journey so far I’ve learned so much more about myself. I’ve discovered that I can reach goals and that I am capable of doing anything if I put my mind to it. While I haven’t reached my goal weight, I am well on my way. I have the tools to complete my journey.
I was a soloist in a community Sing-a-long Messiah tonight and I got to rock a tux, so I thought it would make a good after!
When I went to try on my “rent-a-tux” I was fitted in a 46S jacket and when I got home I looked at my old suit jacket and it was a 56R! It’s just amazing to me! I really appreciate the community that you have built. I wouldn’t have come this far without it!
STEVE: Everybody assumes that they’ll be happy once they lose weight. And you clearly seem like a completely different, more content, and proud person. Is there anything you still struggle with?
KENNEY: Losing this weight has really forced me to face my self-esteem issues and the mental aspects are a struggle. I feel so much better physically but I still struggle mentally with being the “fat” guy.
STEVE: Thanks for sharing that honestly with us, man. We’re all works in progress, both inside and out! And these battles take time. 
It’s a good reminder to know that even if you build the body you want, you still have to level up on the inside too and that can take time! Luckily you have an amazing community of weirdos cheering you on, and others who have struggled with those same self-esteem issues and can help you get through it! 
How Kenney finally succeeded and lost 120 pounds
I wanted to highlight the key points to his transformation that allowed him to finally find success, and hopefully you can implement these types of changes into your life too.
KEY POINT #1: Kenney kept trying.
Kenney spent over a year reading Nerd Fitness articles before working up the courage to even get started. After that, he joined the NF Academy and read the content but couldn’t get himself to do much more past that.
And yet, something kept him around. He kept getting Nerd Fitness emails in his inbox, even if he wasn’t ready to take action yet. And EVENTUALLY, the right combinations of words on a page, life experiences, and things clicked for him to finally take action.
If you’re somebody that has started and stopped or lost 20 pounds only to put on 30, you’re not alone.
If you woke up this January and said “I said the same thing last year about getting healthy, but here I am still overweight,” you’re not alone.
If you beat yourself up when you fail and think you’re doomed to stay fat, you’re not alone.
Give yourself credit – you’re still here reading this, and that counts for something! Keep trying. Keep reading. Keep attempting different methods until you find one that works for you – though I’d consider these 10 changes before making another attempt).
The important thing is that you take action – more information is usually not the answer.
Here at Nerd Fitness we refer to the perpetual activity of collecting information as “collecting underpants!“
Don’t get stuck on Phase 1 – you’ll never get to “profit” (healthy) without taking action (that’s phase 2).
Now, there’s a powerful psychological element to Kenney’s journey that I wanted to highlight as well.
KEY POINT #2: Kenney finally found his “Big Why.”
Just saying “I want to get in shape” wasn’t enough for him. Being overweight wasn’t enough. Having his doctor tell him that he was at risk for a all kinds of preventable diseases wasn’t enough.
Sure, he “wanted to get in shape,” but it wasn’t enough to make him actually change. After all, Chick-Fil-A, Zaxby’s, Coca Cola, and Burger King is SOOOO damn good, it takes a really powerful reason to want to give up those things and delay gratification until the future.
And then he finally found his “Big Why.”
Kenney was told that his weight was holding him back from landing bigger roles while performing on stage (something he truly loved). And that’s when he decided to finally take this next attempt at getting fit seriously and actually took steps to change.
If you are somebody that thinks you “should get in shape,” you’re not digging deep enough for your reasons. However, if you are trying to get in shape because:
You’re tired of being unhappy with the person you see in the mirror.
If you want to build confidence to finally go on a date for the first time.
If you want your wife to look at you with love/admiration the way she used to.
Your dad died at a young age and you want to live to see your grandkids.
A reason like this, written somewhere that you can see daily, will help you stay on track when life gets busy.
Key Point #3: Kenney changed his relationship with food.
This quote from Kenney perfectly encapsulates why Kenney was successful in his transformation:
“I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals, whereas before I used it to make me feel better.”
This is a guy who ate fast food 3-4 times per day, every day. Who grew up in the South, home of “comfort food.” A self-described Reese’s Cup and Ice cream aficionado.
THAT guy now views food as fuel for his fitness goals!
How did it happen? Slowly with small changes over a long period of time. Kenney knew that going on a crash diet wasn’t going to work (he had tried that in the past), so as we discuss here on Nerd Fitness he focused on small actionable changes he could make that didn’t scare him.
He kept things simple like cutting back on soda and tracking his food intake.
Only after he started to see some progress did he start playing this “healthy eating” game on a harder difficulty setting:
He moved his diet over to a more low carb, Paleo-ish nutritional strategy
He cut out breakfast and followed an Intermittent fasting plan
He consistently ate healthy options and go-to “default” meals.
Thanks to this dramatic change in his mentality, Kenney no longer needed food as an escape, but rather saw it as fuel, with occasional indulgences – like his favorite ice cream or candy – but in moderation without fear or guilt.
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
I identify as a:
Key Point #4: Kenney STOPPED relying on himself.
Believe it or not, Kenney giving up on himself might be the most important mindset shift he could have made.
When most people decide to get in shape, they all do the same thing: “I am going to get in shape. I’m gonna get motivated and hit the gym consistently!” Two weeks later, they’ve already given up but now they ALSO have shame: “I am ashamed that I couldn’t stick with my goals, something must be wrong with me!”
Conversely, people that succeed know themselves better than that, so they plan for it. They stop expecting themselves to magically become a motivation powerhouse and instead start asking better questions. “Okay if Motivation ALWAYS leaves me, rather than beating myself up how can I stack the deck so that I no longer need motivation in the first place?”
Kenney stopped relying on himself in two key ways:
He invested in himself so that he had “skin in the game”
He had OTHER people keep him accountable other than just himself.
We’re going to dig into both of these specific issues in the next two points, but I want to return to the above:
If you rely on yourself to be motivated, and you think you need to be motivated to get in shape, you’ve already lost.
STOP relying on motivation. Instead, build systems, recruit allies, and structure your environment in ways that support your goals.
Try this: recruit a friend who will cheer you on. Give him $50 of your money and tell him you’ll check in with him every day. If you don’t check in to let him know that you went for a walk and ate a veggie, he will donate that money to a cause you HATE.
Speaking of recruiting allies…
Key Point #5: Kenney surrounded himself with the right people
I’m proud to say that Nerd FItness played a communal role in helping Kenney Reach his goals. Our Academy doesn’t a super secret proprietary workout plan – its fun compound strength training. Our nutritional strategy isn’t anything proprietary – its less junk and more vegetables. Sure, it digs deep on the mindset stuff, and it’s got a fun leveling system and nutritional strategy that gamifies getting in shape.
But that’s not what made it such a big help in Kenney’s journey: it was the community of people who are aligned with the same goal, struggling with the same problems, that were cheering him on.
Or in another Academy member’s words, when asked why he loves the community:
Human connection and supportive people can be the biggest help in transforming, and Kenney had both: a coach who pushed him, and a community that supported him.
Did you know that you are the average of the 5 people you associate most with?
Show me the weight, health, net worth, and happiness level of the 5 people you spend the most time with, and I bet I can guess a lot about you with startling accuracy – it’s because those people influence you every day without you realizing it with their words, decisions, and choices.
So then I ask you: Are your five people making you want to be better? Or are they people who make fun of you for skipping game night to exercise or goad you into skipping the salad and ordering a cheeseburger to “live a little.”
Kenney has been a major contributor to our community, sharing his struggles and his progress. Unsurprisingly, he’s also one of our BEST successes, and an inspiration to the men of the Academy group – and now the galaxy.
If you are serious about getting in shape, interact with people that make you want to be better:
Join a running club at work. Or start one!
Find an accountability buddy that you check in with daily.
Create a guild and introduce positive peer pressure!
Have somebody you can ask embarrassing questions to and share your struggles with.
I love that Kenney found the NF community to be super supportive while he also leveled up his life with in person connections too, and I want the same for you.
I don’t care where you find these people, I just want you to have these people in your life! Now, I might be slightly biased, but I believe our online crew is the best community on the planet!
Key Point #6: Kenney invested in himself
Kenney tried to follow along with free workouts at home. He read free articles on Nerd Fitness for over a year. And he couldn’t get himself to take his attempt at getting in shape seriously.
As he was still in search of his big WHY, he realized that he’d never stick with an attempt until he had some “skin in the game” (invested in himself). So he called up his local gym and set up a free training session.
And that lead to him realizing that hiring a trainer that knows him better than he knows himself was going to be a game changer:
“My trainer is perfect for me! He keeps me motivated and honest without being the cliched TV trainer who berates their clients! He’s never yelled or made me feel like a failure. Honestly, If had a trainer like that I would have quit after the first session. He’s a self described nerd so we often talk about the next big superhero movie or I crack jokes about his addiction to big Kit Kat bars!”
Whether it’s an online coach or a course, there’s so much psychology at stake beyond just the information you learn in these situations. We all know what we need to do (eat less, move more), but we can’t get ourselves to do those things.
Investing in a course or hiring a coach can be the biggest difference between success and failure for many people. When you spend money on a quality fitness product or service:
You spend time with other people who are investing in themselves.
You get to outsource your decision making and just focus on following directions.
You get the peace of mind that you are doing the right thing because its been prescribed by somebody farther along than you.
You get guaranteed accountability, because you’re paying somebody for something which means you’ll value it more!
Sure, there are MILLIONS of free resources out there about how to get healthy. There are millions of free fitness articles (you’re reading one of them!).
And yes, many people can get motivated and go build their own workout and go to the gym and figure things out and LOVE spending that time doing so.
For the rest of us though, we don’t have the time or ability to sort through the junk to find the best information, or we just want the peace of mind knowing we’re learning from somebody that gets us.
And lastly, maybe we know ourselves well enough that if we spend money on something, we’ll actually use it!
Personally, I pay money to go to a gym 2 blocks away instead of using the free gym in my apartment building, because I never go to the free one! I also pay hundreds every month to work with an online fitness coach, and it’s the best money I spend each month.
I’m not telling you to spend your money on fitness. Instead, I’m saying that what you spend your money (and your time) on says a lot about your priorities.
Kenney looked at his spending habits and despite what he was told himself he cared about, he was really prioritizing fast food, no sleep, and video games.
So he changed his priorities by eliminating unhealthy, expensive food and instead, spent that money on investing in himself (a coach, the NF Academy, healthy food).
Of COURSE you don’t need to spend money on your health and wellness – but it can be like powerleveling yourself in a video game! If you think you can’t afford a gym membership, or a trainer, or a course…track your spending and measure what you have been spending your money on instead (TV, Netflix, game subscriptions, etc).
If you reallllly want something, you can find a way to save elsewhere to invest on what’s important:
If you have chosen to prioritize your health and wellness, I’d suggest investing in:
A gym membership (or home gym) if you’re serious about changing your physique.
A comprehensive online course/community if you can’t learn in person. (like the Academy).
A personal trainer or an online coach (we have a 1-on-1 online coaching program too).
Notice I didn’t say anything about supplements or ab coasters or whatever – get your mentality in order, work with people who have succeeded in the way you want to succeed, and get started!
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
I identify as a:
be Less like Old Kenney. Be more like new Kenney.
I’m so thankful Kenney let me share this story with you today! Here are the most important things he did to transform into Tony Stark:
Even though he wasn’t ready to transform, he kept reading about health and fitness for years until something clicked.
He finally had a big enough reason why to overcome his love of fast food. He dug deep and really addressed his motivations.
He stopped relying on himself, and instead outsourced his motivation and accountability to a community and a coach.
He invested in himself, which made him take the opportunity more clearly
He fixed his relationship with food – instead of comfort, it became fuel for his goals.
Regardless of how involved you want to be with Nerd Fitness, I’m just glad that you’re here and reading this. I hope you can see Kenney’s transformation above and decide “Hey, I want to do that! maybe I should do what he did.” And put his words into your practice!
And then go see Kenney perform!
Look for the guy center stage….
PS: I’m glad that Kenney is a really active and encouraging part of our community in the Nerd Fitness Academy, and I hope you consider checking it out too!
It’s the most supportive group on the internet, and you’ll also get workout plans, a 10-level nutritional system, an entire mindset module, and character leveling system with real-life quests and boss battles. It comes with a 60-day guarantee to give you a chance to try it out and see if it can help you level up your life!
See you in there!
http://ift.tt/2qv0cOl http://ift.tt/2COIGJI
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joshuabradleyn · 7 years
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally).
“There’s no way that’s the same person, right?”
Admittedly, that’s what I first thought when I saw Kenney’s before and after photos. There was just NO way that this Tony Stark looking dude on the right was the same person as the man in the other photo, right?
And then I saw his other photos. And then I heard his story.
And then I teared up.
Shut up I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Today, we’re going to be talking about Ironma—-Kenney Frazier, an IT systems administrator from Alabama, a gamer, and an opera singer who has had one of the most dramatic transformations I’ve ever seen. It’s no exaggeration to say that Kenney clearly saved his own life. Not just in terms of life expectancy, but also quality of his life.
Kenney is a proud member of the Nerd Fitness Academy who made some key changes in his life that helped him succeed. We’re going to dig deep into those major and minor changes Kenney made and how you can be like him!
After years of struggle, starting and stopping, a switch flipped and he has lost over 120 pounds in the past 15 months.
Here’s his origin story.
Meet Kenney
STEVE: Kenney! My man. When I first saw your post in the Academy Facebook group, and it had hundreds and hundreds of likes and comments, my jaw dropped. Let’s hear your background:
KENNEY: I’ve pretty much always been overweight. Even in Kindergarten I was pudgy! I attribute this to my love of Reese Cups (I’m a recovering addict; there should really be a Reese Cup Lovers Anonymous Group). I steadily put on the pounds, and by high school I easily tipped the scales at 250lbs+.
By the age of 25 I was over 300lbs and miserable.
I would go on a diet, have some success, then expand to new heights in short order. My addiction to Everquest and World of Warcraft definitely did not help. I lived an extremely sedentary life and I was depressed. I would use these virtual worlds as an escape from my self-imposed dungeon. I was finally able to break out of this addiction and decided to start living in the real world. I joined the workforce and did my best to become an adult.
STEVE: I hear ya brother – I too played Everquest (and Everquest 2) for over a decade and did it for the same reasons you did – to escape a crappy reality. What was a typical day like for you then?
KENNEY: I would wake up around 8:30am during the week and drag myself into work. On the way to work I’d stop by Chick-fil-a and grab 2 chicken biscuits and a large lemonade because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?
Ha. Of course being a southerner you can’t have breakfast without biscuits!
Lunch, would roll around and I’d run to Burger King and order 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry and Coke to wash it down with.
I’d probably grab a candy bar or chips from the snack machine mid afternoon.
On the way home I’d stop by and grab more food for dinner: a large chicken finger plate from Zaxby’s because who don’t love fried chicken? I had to have another large Coke to wash it down.
After I finished my food I’d plop down in front of the TV or my computer or go take a nap for a few hours. I’d normally heading to bed around midnight or 1am after playing a few games of Dota2 with some friends.
STEVE: So let’s talk about what happened that brought about actual changes:
KENNEY: I was 35, tired all the time and unhappy with my life. Obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, and high blood pressure are also all prevalent in my family history.
I finally had enough and made an appointment to get a physical. When I saw my lab results I knew I was in trouble. My blood pressure was high, my blood sugar was high and my A1C was in the diabetic range! My cholesterol was sky high and I weighed 334 lbs! Despite these sobering results it still wasn’t enough to wake me up.
As a card carrying super nerd – I’ve always enjoyed table top RPG – I was a member of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with some friends from High School. One of the players started talking about Nerd Fitness and it piqued my interest.
I decided to check it out and joined the NF Academy in January of 2016. I read the starter quests, but keep putting off actually starting.
STEVE: That’s interesting – so you joined the program, but couldn’t get yourself to commit or take action beyond just reading the missions. Sounds like a classic case of not having a big enough reason WHY yet! Your doctor said you had bad health signals, but deep down you weren’t ready to change yet.
So what happened next?
KENNEY: Music has always been my main passion. I was a vocal major in college before switching to something more “practical.” I decided to restart my vocal studies at a local music school in my early 30’s.
As if being a typical DnD/MMORPG nerd wasn’t enough, my musical endeavors are in the Classical/Opera genre. The school where I study has spring and winter productions each year. I was cast in my first show and I was hooked. I was continually cast in smaller roles but I had larger ambitions. In September of 2016, I had just finished a production and felt I had performed well but I wanted more. I reached out to the teacher in charge of casting.
I told her that I was committed to landing a leading role, and her response? My weight was a showstopper.
STEVE: And there it is…your ACTUAL “Big Why” – the reason that deep down made you want to change. It must have been brutal to hear that you were too big to be considered for more important musical roles. But it appears to also have been a big turning point for you.
KENNEY: October 2016 I started my fitness journey first by cutting out sodas and cutting my portion sizes. I started logging everything in a Fitness App.
I knew from reading the articles on Nerd Fitness that making small changes at first worked best. I tried doing some of the free home workouts but I knew my motivation would suffer and I would stop unless I had some “skin” in the game. So I called up my local gym and set up a free training session on Columbus Day.
The first workout was so horrible and I was so out of shape that I almost tossed my cookies – it just reinforced how far I had to go…but I was inspired. I signed up and started working with a trainer 3 times a week.
Strength training with some occasional cardio has the name of the game since then.
At that first session, I weighed in at 320 lbs and by Nov 16th I was down to 297lbs. I couldn’t remember the last time I was under 300lbs and my motivation never faltered. I started incorporating cardio 3 or 4 times a week into fitness routines.
STEVE: Hmmm, so what you’re saying is…this whole diet and exercise thing might actually work! Hahaha – so talk to me what other changes you made along the way.
KENNEY: I started doing intermittent fasting along with a low carb, high protein diet. As my weight went down I started feeling better and was continually amazed at what I could do. By January 4th, 2017 I was down to 281lbs.
STEVE: And that’s when you discovered the power of a supportive community, right?
KENNEY: Later that month I saw that there was a Facebook group for Academy members, which I had somehow missed when I signed up the year before. When I joined the group I was amazed at the community. The posts were uplifting and informative!
The progress posts served as motivation for me! By February, I had lost 50lbs and decided to make my first post on the Facebook group (which you can see below):
This was a huge step for me due to self-esteem issues but the support and uplifting comments were great. I used the Academy community to help keep me motivated.
Whenever I’d feel like quitting I’d log in and read the new posts and fortify my resolve. By May I was down 75 lbs and I was doing things I never thought I’d be able to do. I went from being winded by walking up stairs to doing Burpees, Squats, and bear crawls. I even started taking tennis lessons!
By the end of summer I was down 100lbs.
And just a few weeks ago, I weighed in at 198 lbs, meaning I’ve lost 120lbs! I can’t even remember the last time I was under 200! I recently went to the doctor again and had a fresh set of labs. My results were night and day! My A1C was normal, my blood sugar was normal, and my cholesterol was greatly reduced.
STEVE: AMAZING. So let’s hear about the New Kenney. What’s a typical day like now?
KENNEY: I wake up around 6:30 and 6:45am and try to get to work before 8:00am. I do intermittent fasting so I actually skip breakfast. My “feasting” window runs from 11am til 8pm.
My typical lunch is a salad minus croutons with chicken (I have a slight addiction to Caesar salads) If I need a snack I’ll eat some tuna or even some beef jerky (can’t have enough protein). Normally, I’ll head home and get ready to go to the gym! I work out 3 times a week with the trainer so I’ll do 40 minutes of cardio after those sessions or on a non-lifting day I’ll do an hour of cardio.
Lately, I’ve been on an elliptical kick as I can zone out and watch Netflix while I’m doing it. I also play Racquetball once a week with friends and I joined a basketball league (I’m really bad!).
After I work out, I’ll grab dinner with chicken or beef, with some brown rice, and broccoli (I love broccoli!) or a mixture of other veggies.
I also have a bit of a sweet tooth so I’ll treat myself with some halo ice cream (within reason) or some fruit or Siggi’s Icelandic style skyr. I’m a simple guy so I can eat the same things a few times a week and it doesn’t bother me. I guess I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals before I used it to make me feel better.
STEVE: That mentality change is amazing, and I love hearing it. You changed physically. What else changed about you along the way?
KENNEY: Looking back over the journey so far I’ve learned so much more about myself. I’ve discovered that I can reach goals and that I am capable of doing anything if I put my mind to it. While I haven’t reached my goal weight, I am well on my way. I have the tools to complete my journey.
I was a soloist in a community Sing-a-long Messiah tonight and I got to rock a tux, so I thought it would make a good after!
When I went to try on my “rent-a-tux” I was fitted in a 46S jacket and when I got home I looked at my old suit jacket and it was a 56R! It’s just amazing to me! I really appreciate the community that you have built. I wouldn’t have come this far without it!
STEVE: Everybody assumes that they’ll be happy once they lose weight. And you clearly seem like a completely different, more content, and proud person. Is there anything you still struggle with?
KENNEY: Losing this weight has really forced me to face my self-esteem issues and the mental aspects are a struggle. I feel so much better physically but I still struggle mentally with being the “fat” guy.
STEVE: Thanks for sharing that honestly with us, man. We’re all works in progress, both inside and out! And these battles take time. 
It’s a good reminder to know that even if you build the body you want, you still have to level up on the inside too and that can take time! Luckily you have an amazing community of weirdos cheering you on, and others who have struggled with those same self-esteem issues and can help you get through it! 
How Kenney finally succeeded and lost 120 pounds
I wanted to highlight the key points to his transformation that allowed him to finally find success, and hopefully you can implement these types of changes into your life too.
KEY POINT #1: Kenney kept trying.
Kenney spent over a year reading Nerd Fitness articles before working up the courage to even get started. After that, he joined the NF Academy and read the content but couldn’t get himself to do much more past that.
And yet, something kept him around. He kept getting Nerd Fitness emails in his inbox, even if he wasn’t ready to take action yet. And EVENTUALLY, the right combinations of words on a page, life experiences, and things clicked for him to finally take action.
If you’re somebody that has started and stopped or lost 20 pounds only to put on 30, you’re not alone.
If you woke up this January and said “I said the same thing last year about getting healthy, but here I am still overweight,” you’re not alone.
If you beat yourself up when you fail and think you’re doomed to stay fat, you’re not alone.
Give yourself credit – you’re still here reading this, and that counts for something! Keep trying. Keep reading. Keep attempting different methods until you find one that works for you – though I’d consider these 10 changes before making another attempt).
The important thing is that you take action – more information is usually not the answer.
Here at Nerd Fitness we refer to the perpetual activity of collecting information as “collecting underpants!“
Don’t get stuck on Phase 1 – you’ll never get to “profit” (healthy) without taking action (that’s phase 2).
Now, there’s a powerful psychological element to Kenney’s journey that I wanted to highlight as well.
KEY POINT #2: Kenney finally found his “Big Why.”
Just saying “I want to get in shape” wasn’t enough for him. Being overweight wasn’t enough. Having his doctor tell him that he was at risk for a all kinds of preventable diseases wasn’t enough.
Sure, he “wanted to get in shape,” but it wasn’t enough to make him actually change. After all, Chick-Fil-A, Zaxby’s, Coca Cola, and Burger King is SOOOO damn good, it takes a really powerful reason to want to give up those things and delay gratification until the future.
And then he finally found his “Big Why.”
Kenney was told that his weight was holding him back from landing bigger roles while performing on stage (something he truly loved). And that’s when he decided to finally take this next attempt at getting fit seriously and actually took steps to change.
If you are somebody that thinks you “should get in shape,” you’re not digging deep enough for your reasons. However, if you are trying to get in shape because:
You’re tired of being unhappy with the person you see in the mirror.
If you want to build confidence to finally go on a date for the first time.
If you want your wife to look at you with love/admiration the way she used to.
Your dad died at a young age and you want to live to see your grandkids.
A reason like this, written somewhere that you can see daily, will help you stay on track when life gets busy.
Key Point #3: Kenney changed his relationship with food.
This quote from Kenney perfectly encapsulates why Kenney was successful in his transformation:
“I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals, whereas before I used it to make me feel better.”
This is a guy who ate fast food 3-4 times per day, every day. Who grew up in the South, home of “comfort food.” A self-described Reese’s Cup and Ice cream aficionado.
THAT guy now views food as fuel for his fitness goals!
How did it happen? Slowly with small changes over a long period of time. Kenney knew that going on a crash diet wasn’t going to work (he had tried that in the past), so as we discuss here on Nerd Fitness he focused on small actionable changes he could make that didn’t scare him.
He kept things simple like cutting back on soda and tracking his food intake.
Only after he started to see some progress did he start playing this “healthy eating” game on a harder difficulty setting:
He moved his diet over to a more low carb, Paleo-ish nutritional strategy
He cut out breakfast and followed an Intermittent fasting plan
He consistently ate healthy options and go-to “default” meals.
Thanks to this dramatic change in his mentality, Kenney no longer needed food as an escape, but rather saw it as fuel, with occasional indulgences – like his favorite ice cream or candy – but in moderation without fear or guilt.
Key Point #4: Kenney STOPPED relying on himself.
Believe it or not, Kenney giving up on himself might be the most important mindset shift he could have made.
When most people decide to get in shape, they all do the same thing: “I am going to get in shape. I’m gonna get motivated and hit the gym consistently!” Two weeks later, they’ve already given up but now they ALSO have shame: “I am ashamed that I couldn’t stick with my goals, something must be wrong with me!”
Conversely, people that succeed know themselves better than that, so they plan for it. They stop expecting themselves to magically become a motivation powerhouse and instead start asking better questions. “Okay if Motivation ALWAYS leaves me, rather than beating myself up how can I..
0 notes
johnclapperne · 7 years
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally).
“There’s no way that’s the same person, right?”
Admittedly, that’s what I first thought when I saw Kenney’s before and after photos. There was just NO way that this Tony Stark looking dude on the right was the same person as the man in the other photo, right?
And then I saw his other photos. And then I heard his story.
And then I teared up.
Shut up I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Today, we’re going to be talking about Ironma—-Kenney Frazier, an IT systems administrator from Alabama, a gamer, and an opera singer who has had one of the most dramatic transformations I’ve ever seen. It’s no exaggeration to say that Kenney clearly saved his own life. Not just in terms of life expectancy, but also quality of his life.
Kenney is a proud member of the Nerd Fitness Academy who made some key changes in his life that helped him succeed. We’re going to dig deep into those major and minor changes Kenney made and how you can be like him!
After years of struggle, starting and stopping, a switch flipped and he has lost over 120 pounds in the past 15 months.
Here’s his origin story.
Meet Kenney
STEVE: Kenney! My man. When I first saw your post in the Academy Facebook group, and it had hundreds and hundreds of likes and comments, my jaw dropped. Let’s hear your background:
KENNEY: I’ve pretty much always been overweight. Even in Kindergarten I was pudgy! I attribute this to my love of Reese Cups (I’m a recovering addict; there should really be a Reese Cup Lovers Anonymous Group). I steadily put on the pounds, and by high school I easily tipped the scales at 250lbs+.
By the age of 25 I was over 300lbs and miserable.
I would go on a diet, have some success, then expand to new heights in short order. My addiction to Everquest and World of Warcraft definitely did not help. I lived an extremely sedentary life and I was depressed. I would use these virtual worlds as an escape from my self-imposed dungeon. I was finally able to break out of this addiction and decided to start living in the real world. I joined the workforce and did my best to become an adult.
STEVE: I hear ya brother – I too played Everquest (and Everquest 2) for over a decade and did it for the same reasons you did – to escape a crappy reality. What was a typical day like for you then?
KENNEY: I would wake up around 8:30am during the week and drag myself into work. On the way to work I’d stop by Chick-fil-a and grab 2 chicken biscuits and a large lemonade because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?
Ha. Of course being a southerner you can’t have breakfast without biscuits!
Lunch, would roll around and I’d run to Burger King and order 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry and Coke to wash it down with.
I’d probably grab a candy bar or chips from the snack machine mid afternoon.
On the way home I’d stop by and grab more food for dinner: a large chicken finger plate from Zaxby’s because who don’t love fried chicken? I had to have another large Coke to wash it down.
After I finished my food I’d plop down in front of the TV or my computer or go take a nap for a few hours. I’d normally heading to bed around midnight or 1am after playing a few games of Dota2 with some friends.
STEVE: So let’s talk about what happened that brought about actual changes:
KENNEY: I was 35, tired all the time and unhappy with my life. Obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, and high blood pressure are also all prevalent in my family history.
I finally had enough and made an appointment to get a physical. When I saw my lab results I knew I was in trouble. My blood pressure was high, my blood sugar was high and my A1C was in the diabetic range! My cholesterol was sky high and I weighed 334 lbs! Despite these sobering results it still wasn’t enough to wake me up.
As a card carrying super nerd – I’ve always enjoyed table top RPG – I was a member of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with some friends from High School. One of the players started talking about Nerd Fitness and it piqued my interest.
I decided to check it out and joined the NF Academy in January of 2016. I read the starter quests, but keep putting off actually starting.
STEVE: That’s interesting – so you joined the program, but couldn’t get yourself to commit or take action beyond just reading the missions. Sounds like a classic case of not having a big enough reason WHY yet! Your doctor said you had bad health signals, but deep down you weren’t ready to change yet.
So what happened next?
KENNEY: Music has always been my main passion. I was a vocal major in college before switching to something more “practical.” I decided to restart my vocal studies at a local music school in my early 30’s.
As if being a typical DnD/MMORPG nerd wasn’t enough, my musical endeavors are in the Classical/Opera genre. The school where I study has spring and winter productions each year. I was cast in my first show and I was hooked. I was continually cast in smaller roles but I had larger ambitions. In September of 2016, I had just finished a production and felt I had performed well but I wanted more. I reached out to the teacher in charge of casting.
I told her that I was committed to landing a leading role, and her response? My weight was a showstopper.
STEVE: And there it is…your ACTUAL “Big Why” – the reason that deep down made you want to change. It must have been brutal to hear that you were too big to be considered for more important musical roles. But it appears to also have been a big turning point for you.
KENNEY: October 2016 I started my fitness journey first by cutting out sodas and cutting my portion sizes. I started logging everything in a Fitness App.
I knew from reading the articles on Nerd Fitness that making small changes at first worked best. I tried doing some of the free home workouts but I knew my motivation would suffer and I would stop unless I had some “skin” in the game. So I called up my local gym and set up a free training session on Columbus Day.
The first workout was so horrible and I was so out of shape that I almost tossed my cookies – it just reinforced how far I had to go…but I was inspired. I signed up and started working with a trainer 3 times a week.
Strength training with some occasional cardio has the name of the game since then.
At that first session, I weighed in at 320 lbs and by Nov 16th I was down to 297lbs. I couldn’t remember the last time I was under 300lbs and my motivation never faltered. I started incorporating cardio 3 or 4 times a week into fitness routines.
STEVE: Hmmm, so what you’re saying is…this whole diet and exercise thing might actually work! Hahaha – so talk to me what other changes you made along the way.
KENNEY: I started doing intermittent fasting along with a low carb, high protein diet. As my weight went down I started feeling better and was continually amazed at what I could do. By January 4th, 2017 I was down to 281lbs.
STEVE: And that’s when you discovered the power of a supportive community, right?
KENNEY: Later that month I saw that there was a Facebook group for Academy members, which I had somehow missed when I signed up the year before. When I joined the group I was amazed at the community. The posts were uplifting and informative!
The progress posts served as motivation for me! By February, I had lost 50lbs and decided to make my first post on the Facebook group (which you can see below):
This was a huge step for me due to self-esteem issues but the support and uplifting comments were great. I used the Academy community to help keep me motivated.
Whenever I’d feel like quitting I’d log in and read the new posts and fortify my resolve. By May I was down 75 lbs and I was doing things I never thought I’d be able to do. I went from being winded by walking up stairs to doing Burpees, Squats, and bear crawls. I even started taking tennis lessons!
By the end of summer I was down 100lbs.
And just a few weeks ago, I weighed in at 198 lbs, meaning I’ve lost 120lbs! I can’t even remember the last time I was under 200! I recently went to the doctor again and had a fresh set of labs. My results were night and day! My A1C was normal, my blood sugar was normal, and my cholesterol was greatly reduced.
STEVE: AMAZING. So let’s hear about the New Kenney. What’s a typical day like now?
KENNEY: I wake up around 6:30 and 6:45am and try to get to work before 8:00am. I do intermittent fasting so I actually skip breakfast. My “feasting” window runs from 11am til 8pm.
My typical lunch is a salad minus croutons with chicken (I have a slight addiction to Caesar salads) If I need a snack I’ll eat some tuna or even some beef jerky (can’t have enough protein). Normally, I’ll head home and get ready to go to the gym! I work out 3 times a week with the trainer so I’ll do 40 minutes of cardio after those sessions or on a non-lifting day I’ll do an hour of cardio.
Lately, I’ve been on an elliptical kick as I can zone out and watch Netflix while I’m doing it. I also play Racquetball once a week with friends and I joined a basketball league (I’m really bad!).
After I work out, I’ll grab dinner with chicken or beef, with some brown rice, and broccoli (I love broccoli!) or a mixture of other veggies.
I also have a bit of a sweet tooth so I’ll treat myself with some halo ice cream (within reason) or some fruit or Siggi’s Icelandic style skyr. I’m a simple guy so I can eat the same things a few times a week and it doesn’t bother me. I guess I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals before I used it to make me feel better.
STEVE: That mentality change is amazing, and I love hearing it. You changed physically. What else changed about you along the way?
KENNEY: Looking back over the journey so far I’ve learned so much more about myself. I’ve discovered that I can reach goals and that I am capable of doing anything if I put my mind to it. While I haven’t reached my goal weight, I am well on my way. I have the tools to complete my journey.
I was a soloist in a community Sing-a-long Messiah tonight and I got to rock a tux, so I thought it would make a good after!
When I went to try on my “rent-a-tux” I was fitted in a 46S jacket and when I got home I looked at my old suit jacket and it was a 56R! It’s just amazing to me! I really appreciate the community that you have built. I wouldn’t have come this far without it!
STEVE: Everybody assumes that they’ll be happy once they lose weight. And you clearly seem like a completely different, more content, and proud person. Is there anything you still struggle with?
KENNEY: Losing this weight has really forced me to face my self-esteem issues and the mental aspects are a struggle. I feel so much better physically but I still struggle mentally with being the “fat” guy.
STEVE: Thanks for sharing that honestly with us, man. We’re all works in progress, both inside and out! And these battles take time. 
It’s a good reminder to know that even if you build the body you want, you still have to level up on the inside too and that can take time! Luckily you have an amazing community of weirdos cheering you on, and others who have struggled with those same self-esteem issues and can help you get through it! 
How Kenney finally succeeded and lost 120 pounds
I wanted to highlight the key points to his transformation that allowed him to finally find success, and hopefully you can implement these types of changes into your life too.
KEY POINT #1: Kenney kept trying.
Kenney spent over a year reading Nerd Fitness articles before working up the courage to even get started. After that, he joined the NF Academy and read the content but couldn’t get himself to do much more past that.
And yet, something kept him around. He kept getting Nerd Fitness emails in his inbox, even if he wasn’t ready to take action yet. And EVENTUALLY, the right combinations of words on a page, life experiences, and things clicked for him to finally take action.
If you’re somebody that has started and stopped or lost 20 pounds only to put on 30, you’re not alone.
If you woke up this January and said “I said the same thing last year about getting healthy, but here I am still overweight,” you’re not alone.
If you beat yourself up when you fail and think you’re doomed to stay fat, you’re not alone.
Give yourself credit – you’re still here reading this, and that counts for something! Keep trying. Keep reading. Keep attempting different methods until you find one that works for you – though I’d consider these 10 changes before making another attempt).
The important thing is that you take action – more information is usually not the answer.
Here at Nerd Fitness we refer to the perpetual activity of collecting information as “collecting underpants!“
Don’t get stuck on Phase 1 – you’ll never get to “profit” (healthy) without taking action (that’s phase 2).
Now, there’s a powerful psychological element to Kenney’s journey that I wanted to highlight as well.
KEY POINT #2: Kenney finally found his “Big Why.”
Just saying “I want to get in shape” wasn’t enough for him. Being overweight wasn’t enough. Having his doctor tell him that he was at risk for a all kinds of preventable diseases wasn’t enough.
Sure, he “wanted to get in shape,” but it wasn’t enough to make him actually change. After all, Chick-Fil-A, Zaxby’s, Coca Cola, and Burger King is SOOOO damn good, it takes a really powerful reason to want to give up those things and delay gratification until the future.
And then he finally found his “Big Why.”
Kenney was told that his weight was holding him back from landing bigger roles while performing on stage (something he truly loved). And that’s when he decided to finally take this next attempt at getting fit seriously and actually took steps to change.
If you are somebody that thinks you “should get in shape,” you’re not digging deep enough for your reasons. However, if you are trying to get in shape because:
You’re tired of being unhappy with the person you see in the mirror.
If you want to build confidence to finally go on a date for the first time.
If you want your wife to look at you with love/admiration the way she used to.
Your dad died at a young age and you want to live to see your grandkids.
A reason like this, written somewhere that you can see daily, will help you stay on track when life gets busy.
Key Point #3: Kenney changed his relationship with food.
This quote from Kenney perfectly encapsulates why Kenney was successful in his transformation:
“I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals, whereas before I used it to make me feel better.”
This is a guy who ate fast food 3-4 times per day, every day. Who grew up in the South, home of “comfort food.” A self-described Reese’s Cup and Ice cream aficionado.
THAT guy now views food as fuel for his fitness goals!
How did it happen? Slowly with small changes over a long period of time. Kenney knew that going on a crash diet wasn’t going to work (he had tried that in the past), so as we discuss here on Nerd Fitness he focused on small actionable changes he could make that didn’t scare him.
He kept things simple like cutting back on soda and tracking his food intake.
Only after he started to see some progress did he start playing this “healthy eating” game on a harder difficulty setting:
He moved his diet over to a more low carb, Paleo-ish nutritional strategy
He cut out breakfast and followed an Intermittent fasting plan
He consistently ate healthy options and go-to “default” meals.
Thanks to this dramatic change in his mentality, Kenney no longer needed food as an escape, but rather saw it as fuel, with occasional indulgences – like his favorite ice cream or candy – but in moderation without fear or guilt.
Key Point #4: Kenney STOPPED relying on himself.
Believe it or not, Kenney giving up on himself might be the most important mindset shift he could have made.
When most people decide to get in shape, they all do the same thing: “I am going to get in shape. I’m gonna get motivated and hit the gym consistently!” Two weeks later, they’ve already given up but now they ALSO have shame: “I am ashamed that I couldn’t stick with my goals, something must be wrong with me!”
Conversely, people that succeed know themselves better than that, so they plan for it. They stop expecting themselves to magically become a motivation powerhouse and instead start asking better questions. “Okay if Motivation ALWAYS leaves me, rather than beating myself up how can I..
0 notes
almajonesnjna · 7 years
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally).
“There’s no way that’s the same person, right?”
Admittedly, that’s what I first thought when I saw Kenney’s before and after photos. There was just NO way that this Tony Stark looking dude on the right was the same person as the man in the other photo, right?
And then I saw his other photos. And then I heard his story.
And then I teared up.
Shut up I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Today, we’re going to be talking about Ironma—-Kenney Frazier, an IT systems administrator from Alabama, a gamer, and an opera singer who has had one of the most dramatic transformations I’ve ever seen. It’s no exaggeration to say that Kenney clearly saved his own life. Not just in terms of life expectancy, but also quality of his life.
Kenney is a proud member of the Nerd Fitness Academy who made some key changes in his life that helped him succeed. We’re going to dig deep into those major and minor changes Kenney made and how you can be like him!
After years of struggle, starting and stopping, a switch flipped and he has lost over 120 pounds in the past 15 months.
Here’s his origin story.
Meet Kenney
STEVE: Kenney! My man. When I first saw your post in the Academy Facebook group, and it had hundreds and hundreds of likes and comments, my jaw dropped. Let’s hear your background:
KENNEY: I’ve pretty much always been overweight. Even in Kindergarten I was pudgy! I attribute this to my love of Reese Cups (I’m a recovering addict; there should really be a Reese Cup Lovers Anonymous Group). I steadily put on the pounds, and by high school I easily tipped the scales at 250lbs+.
By the age of 25 I was over 300lbs and miserable.
I would go on a diet, have some success, then expand to new heights in short order. My addiction to Everquest and World of Warcraft definitely did not help. I lived an extremely sedentary life and I was depressed. I would use these virtual worlds as an escape from my self-imposed dungeon. I was finally able to break out of this addiction and decided to start living in the real world. I joined the workforce and did my best to become an adult.
STEVE: I hear ya brother – I too played Everquest (and Everquest 2) for over a decade and did it for the same reasons you did – to escape a crappy reality. What was a typical day like for you then?
KENNEY: I would wake up around 8:30am during the week and drag myself into work. On the way to work I’d stop by Chick-fil-a and grab 2 chicken biscuits and a large lemonade because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?
Ha. Of course being a southerner you can’t have breakfast without biscuits!
Lunch, would roll around and I’d run to Burger King and order 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry and Coke to wash it down with.
I’d probably grab a candy bar or chips from the snack machine mid afternoon.
On the way home I’d stop by and grab more food for dinner: a large chicken finger plate from Zaxby’s because who don’t love fried chicken? I had to have another large Coke to wash it down.
After I finished my food I’d plop down in front of the TV or my computer or go take a nap for a few hours. I’d normally heading to bed around midnight or 1am after playing a few games of Dota2 with some friends.
STEVE: So let’s talk about what happened that brought about actual changes:
KENNEY: I was 35, tired all the time and unhappy with my life. Obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, and high blood pressure are also all prevalent in my family history.
I finally had enough and made an appointment to get a physical. When I saw my lab results I knew I was in trouble. My blood pressure was high, my blood sugar was high and my A1C was in the diabetic range! My cholesterol was sky high and I weighed 334 lbs! Despite these sobering results it still wasn’t enough to wake me up.
As a card carrying super nerd – I’ve always enjoyed table top RPG – I was a member of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with some friends from High School. One of the players started talking about Nerd Fitness and it piqued my interest.
I decided to check it out and joined the NF Academy in January of 2016. I read the starter quests, but keep putting off actually starting.
STEVE: That’s interesting – so you joined the program, but couldn’t get yourself to commit or take action beyond just reading the missions. Sounds like a classic case of not having a big enough reason WHY yet! Your doctor said you had bad health signals, but deep down you weren’t ready to change yet.
So what happened next?
KENNEY: Music has always been my main passion. I was a vocal major in college before switching to something more “practical.” I decided to restart my vocal studies at a local music school in my early 30’s.
As if being a typical DnD/MMORPG nerd wasn’t enough, my musical endeavors are in the Classical/Opera genre. The school where I study has spring and winter productions each year. I was cast in my first show and I was hooked. I was continually cast in smaller roles but I had larger ambitions. In September of 2016, I had just finished a production and felt I had performed well but I wanted more. I reached out to the teacher in charge of casting.
I told her that I was committed to landing a leading role, and her response? My weight was a showstopper.
STEVE: And there it is…your ACTUAL “Big Why” – the reason that deep down made you want to change. It must have been brutal to hear that you were too big to be considered for more important musical roles. But it appears to also have been a big turning point for you.
KENNEY: October 2016 I started my fitness journey first by cutting out sodas and cutting my portion sizes. I started logging everything in a Fitness App.
I knew from reading the articles on Nerd Fitness that making small changes at first worked best. I tried doing some of the free home workouts but I knew my motivation would suffer and I would stop unless I had some “skin” in the game. So I called up my local gym and set up a free training session on Columbus Day.
The first workout was so horrible and I was so out of shape that I almost tossed my cookies – it just reinforced how far I had to go…but I was inspired. I signed up and started working with a trainer 3 times a week.
Strength training with some occasional cardio has the name of the game since then.
At that first session, I weighed in at 320 lbs and by Nov 16th I was down to 297lbs. I couldn’t remember the last time I was under 300lbs and my motivation never faltered. I started incorporating cardio 3 or 4 times a week into fitness routines.
STEVE: Hmmm, so what you’re saying is…this whole diet and exercise thing might actually work! Hahaha – so talk to me what other changes you made along the way.
KENNEY: I started doing intermittent fasting along with a low carb, high protein diet. As my weight went down I started feeling better and was continually amazed at what I could do. By January 4th, 2017 I was down to 281lbs.
STEVE: And that’s when you discovered the power of a supportive community, right?
KENNEY: Later that month I saw that there was a Facebook group for Academy members, which I had somehow missed when I signed up the year before. When I joined the group I was amazed at the community. The posts were uplifting and informative!
The progress posts served as motivation for me! By February, I had lost 50lbs and decided to make my first post on the Facebook group (which you can see below):
This was a huge step for me due to self-esteem issues but the support and uplifting comments were great. I used the Academy community to help keep me motivated.
Whenever I’d feel like quitting I’d log in and read the new posts and fortify my resolve. By May I was down 75 lbs and I was doing things I never thought I’d be able to do. I went from being winded by walking up stairs to doing Burpees, Squats, and bear crawls. I even started taking tennis lessons!
By the end of summer I was down 100lbs.
And just a few weeks ago, I weighed in at 198 lbs, meaning I’ve lost 120lbs! I can’t even remember the last time I was under 200! I recently went to the doctor again and had a fresh set of labs. My results were night and day! My A1C was normal, my blood sugar was normal, and my cholesterol was greatly reduced.
STEVE: AMAZING. So let’s hear about the New Kenney. What’s a typical day like now?
KENNEY: I wake up around 6:30 and 6:45am and try to get to work before 8:00am. I do intermittent fasting so I actually skip breakfast. My “feasting” window runs from 11am til 8pm.
My typical lunch is a salad minus croutons with chicken (I have a slight addiction to Caesar salads) If I need a snack I’ll eat some tuna or even some beef jerky (can’t have enough protein). Normally, I’ll head home and get ready to go to the gym! I work out 3 times a week with the trainer so I’ll do 40 minutes of cardio after those sessions or on a non-lifting day I’ll do an hour of cardio.
Lately, I’ve been on an elliptical kick as I can zone out and watch Netflix while I’m doing it. I also play Racquetball once a week with friends and I joined a basketball league (I’m really bad!).
After I work out, I’ll grab dinner with chicken or beef, with some brown rice, and broccoli (I love broccoli!) or a mixture of other veggies.
I also have a bit of a sweet tooth so I’ll treat myself with some halo ice cream (within reason) or some fruit or Siggi’s Icelandic style skyr. I’m a simple guy so I can eat the same things a few times a week and it doesn’t bother me. I guess I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals before I used it to make me feel better.
STEVE: That mentality change is amazing, and I love hearing it. You changed physically. What else changed about you along the way?
KENNEY: Looking back over the journey so far I’ve learned so much more about myself. I’ve discovered that I can reach goals and that I am capable of doing anything if I put my mind to it. While I haven’t reached my goal weight, I am well on my way. I have the tools to complete my journey.
I was a soloist in a community Sing-a-long Messiah tonight and I got to rock a tux, so I thought it would make a good after!
When I went to try on my “rent-a-tux” I was fitted in a 46S jacket and when I got home I looked at my old suit jacket and it was a 56R! It’s just amazing to me! I really appreciate the community that you have built. I wouldn’t have come this far without it!
STEVE: Everybody assumes that they’ll be happy once they lose weight. And you clearly seem like a completely different, more content, and proud person. Is there anything you still struggle with?
KENNEY: Losing this weight has really forced me to face my self-esteem issues and the mental aspects are a struggle. I feel so much better physically but I still struggle mentally with being the “fat” guy.
STEVE: Thanks for sharing that honestly with us, man. We’re all works in progress, both inside and out! And these battles take time. 
It’s a good reminder to know that even if you build the body you want, you still have to level up on the inside too and that can take time! Luckily you have an amazing community of weirdos cheering you on, and others who have struggled with those same self-esteem issues and can help you get through it! 
How Kenney finally succeeded and lost 120 pounds
I wanted to highlight the key points to his transformation that allowed him to finally find success, and hopefully you can implement these types of changes into your life too.
KEY POINT #1: Kenney kept trying.
Kenney spent over a year reading Nerd Fitness articles before working up the courage to even get started. After that, he joined the NF Academy and read the content but couldn’t get himself to do much more past that.
And yet, something kept him around. He kept getting Nerd Fitness emails in his inbox, even if he wasn’t ready to take action yet. And EVENTUALLY, the right combinations of words on a page, life experiences, and things clicked for him to finally take action.
If you’re somebody that has started and stopped or lost 20 pounds only to put on 30, you’re not alone.
If you woke up this January and said “I said the same thing last year about getting healthy, but here I am still overweight,” you’re not alone.
If you beat yourself up when you fail and think you’re doomed to stay fat, you’re not alone.
Give yourself credit – you’re still here reading this, and that counts for something! Keep trying. Keep reading. Keep attempting different methods until you find one that works for you – though I’d consider these 10 changes before making another attempt).
The important thing is that you take action – more information is usually not the answer.
Here at Nerd Fitness we refer to the perpetual activity of collecting information as “collecting underpants!“
Don’t get stuck on Phase 1 – you’ll never get to “profit” (healthy) without taking action (that’s phase 2).
Now, there’s a powerful psychological element to Kenney’s journey that I wanted to highlight as well.
KEY POINT #2: Kenney finally found his “Big Why.”
Just saying “I want to get in shape” wasn’t enough for him. Being overweight wasn’t enough. Having his doctor tell him that he was at risk for a all kinds of preventable diseases wasn’t enough.
Sure, he “wanted to get in shape,” but it wasn’t enough to make him actually change. After all, Chick-Fil-A, Zaxby’s, Coca Cola, and Burger King is SOOOO damn good, it takes a really powerful reason to want to give up those things and delay gratification until the future.
And then he finally found his “Big Why.”
Kenney was told that his weight was holding him back from landing bigger roles while performing on stage (something he truly loved). And that’s when he decided to finally take this next attempt at getting fit seriously and actually took steps to change.
If you are somebody that thinks you “should get in shape,” you’re not digging deep enough for your reasons. However, if you are trying to get in shape because:
You’re tired of being unhappy with the person you see in the mirror.
If you want to build confidence to finally go on a date for the first time.
If you want your wife to look at you with love/admiration the way she used to.
Your dad died at a young age and you want to live to see your grandkids.
A reason like this, written somewhere that you can see daily, will help you stay on track when life gets busy.
Key Point #3: Kenney changed his relationship with food.
This quote from Kenney perfectly encapsulates why Kenney was successful in his transformation:
“I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals, whereas before I used it to make me feel better.”
This is a guy who ate fast food 3-4 times per day, every day. Who grew up in the South, home of “comfort food.” A self-described Reese’s Cup and Ice cream aficionado.
THAT guy now views food as fuel for his fitness goals!
How did it happen? Slowly with small changes over a long period of time. Kenney knew that going on a crash diet wasn’t going to work (he had tried that in the past), so as we discuss here on Nerd Fitness he focused on small actionable changes he could make that didn’t scare him.
He kept things simple like cutting back on soda and tracking his food intake.
Only after he started to see some progress did he start playing this “healthy eating” game on a harder difficulty setting:
He moved his diet over to a more low carb, Paleo-ish nutritional strategy
He cut out breakfast and followed an Intermittent fasting plan
He consistently ate healthy options and go-to “default” meals.
Thanks to this dramatic change in his mentality, Kenney no longer needed food as an escape, but rather saw it as fuel, with occasional indulgences – like his favorite ice cream or candy – but in moderation without fear or guilt.
Key Point #4: Kenney STOPPED relying on himself.
Believe it or not, Kenney giving up on himself might be the most important mindset shift he could have made.
When most people decide to get in shape, they all do the same thing: “I am going to get in shape. I’m gonna get motivated and hit the gym consistently!” Two weeks later, they’ve already given up but now they ALSO have shame: “I am ashamed that I couldn’t stick with my goals, something must be wrong with me!”
Conversely, people that succeed know themselves better than that, so they plan for it. They stop expecting themselves to magically become a motivation powerhouse and instead start asking better questions. “Okay if Motivation ALWAYS leaves me, rather than beating myself up how can I..
0 notes
albertcaldwellne · 7 years
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally).
“There’s no way that’s the same person, right?”
Admittedly, that’s what I first thought when I saw Kenney’s before and after photos. There was just NO way that this Tony Stark looking dude on the right was the same person as the man in the other photo, right?
And then I saw his other photos. And then I heard his story.
And then I teared up.
Shut up I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Today, we’re going to be talking about Ironma—-Kenney Frazier, an IT systems administrator from Alabama, a gamer, and an opera singer who has had one of the most dramatic transformations I’ve ever seen. It’s no exaggeration to say that Kenney clearly saved his own life. Not just in terms of life expectancy, but also quality of his life.
Kenney is a proud member of the Nerd Fitness Academy who made some key changes in his life that helped him succeed. We’re going to dig deep into those major and minor changes Kenney made and how you can be like him!
After years of struggle, starting and stopping, a switch flipped and he has lost over 120 pounds in the past 15 months.
Here’s his origin story.
Meet Kenney
STEVE: Kenney! My man. When I first saw your post in the Academy Facebook group, and it had hundreds and hundreds of likes and comments, my jaw dropped. Let’s hear your background:
KENNEY: I’ve pretty much always been overweight. Even in Kindergarten I was pudgy! I attribute this to my love of Reese Cups (I’m a recovering addict; there should really be a Reese Cup Lovers Anonymous Group). I steadily put on the pounds, and by high school I easily tipped the scales at 250lbs+.
By the age of 25 I was over 300lbs and miserable.
I would go on a diet, have some success, then expand to new heights in short order. My addiction to Everquest and World of Warcraft definitely did not help. I lived an extremely sedentary life and I was depressed. I would use these virtual worlds as an escape from my self-imposed dungeon. I was finally able to break out of this addiction and decided to start living in the real world. I joined the workforce and did my best to become an adult.
STEVE: I hear ya brother – I too played Everquest (and Everquest 2) for over a decade and did it for the same reasons you did – to escape a crappy reality. What was a typical day like for you then?
KENNEY: I would wake up around 8:30am during the week and drag myself into work. On the way to work I’d stop by Chick-fil-a and grab 2 chicken biscuits and a large lemonade because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?
Ha. Of course being a southerner you can’t have breakfast without biscuits!
Lunch, would roll around and I’d run to Burger King and order 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry and Coke to wash it down with.
I’d probably grab a candy bar or chips from the snack machine mid afternoon.
On the way home I’d stop by and grab more food for dinner: a large chicken finger plate from Zaxby’s because who don’t love fried chicken? I had to have another large Coke to wash it down.
After I finished my food I’d plop down in front of the TV or my computer or go take a nap for a few hours. I’d normally heading to bed around midnight or 1am after playing a few games of Dota2 with some friends.
STEVE: So let’s talk about what happened that brought about actual changes:
KENNEY: I was 35, tired all the time and unhappy with my life. Obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, and high blood pressure are also all prevalent in my family history.
I finally had enough and made an appointment to get a physical. When I saw my lab results I knew I was in trouble. My blood pressure was high, my blood sugar was high and my A1C was in the diabetic range! My cholesterol was sky high and I weighed 334 lbs! Despite these sobering results it still wasn’t enough to wake me up.
As a card carrying super nerd – I’ve always enjoyed table top RPG – I was a member of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with some friends from High School. One of the players started talking about Nerd Fitness and it piqued my interest.
I decided to check it out and joined the NF Academy in January of 2016. I read the starter quests, but keep putting off actually starting.
STEVE: That’s interesting – so you joined the program, but couldn’t get yourself to commit or take action beyond just reading the missions. Sounds like a classic case of not having a big enough reason WHY yet! Your doctor said you had bad health signals, but deep down you weren’t ready to change yet.
So what happened next?
KENNEY: Music has always been my main passion. I was a vocal major in college before switching to something more “practical.” I decided to restart my vocal studies at a local music school in my early 30’s.
As if being a typical DnD/MMORPG nerd wasn’t enough, my musical endeavors are in the Classical/Opera genre. The school where I study has spring and winter productions each year. I was cast in my first show and I was hooked. I was continually cast in smaller roles but I had larger ambitions. In September of 2016, I had just finished a production and felt I had performed well but I wanted more. I reached out to the teacher in charge of casting.
I told her that I was committed to landing a leading role, and her response? My weight was a showstopper.
STEVE: And there it is…your ACTUAL “Big Why” – the reason that deep down made you want to change. It must have been brutal to hear that you were too big to be considered for more important musical roles. But it appears to also have been a big turning point for you.
KENNEY: October 2016 I started my fitness journey first by cutting out sodas and cutting my portion sizes. I started logging everything in a Fitness App.
I knew from reading the articles on Nerd Fitness that making small changes at first worked best. I tried doing some of the free home workouts but I knew my motivation would suffer and I would stop unless I had some “skin” in the game. So I called up my local gym and set up a free training session on Columbus Day.
The first workout was so horrible and I was so out of shape that I almost tossed my cookies – it just reinforced how far I had to go…but I was inspired. I signed up and started working with a trainer 3 times a week.
Strength training with some occasional cardio has the name of the game since then.
At that first session, I weighed in at 320 lbs and by Nov 16th I was down to 297lbs. I couldn’t remember the last time I was under 300lbs and my motivation never faltered. I started incorporating cardio 3 or 4 times a week into fitness routines.
STEVE: Hmmm, so what you’re saying is…this whole diet and exercise thing might actually work! Hahaha – so talk to me what other changes you made along the way.
KENNEY: I started doing intermittent fasting along with a low carb, high protein diet. As my weight went down I started feeling better and was continually amazed at what I could do. By January 4th, 2017 I was down to 281lbs.
STEVE: And that’s when you discovered the power of a supportive community, right?
KENNEY: Later that month I saw that there was a Facebook group for Academy members, which I had somehow missed when I signed up the year before. When I joined the group I was amazed at the community. The posts were uplifting and informative!
The progress posts served as motivation for me! By February, I had lost 50lbs and decided to make my first post on the Facebook group (which you can see below):
This was a huge step for me due to self-esteem issues but the support and uplifting comments were great. I used the Academy community to help keep me motivated.
Whenever I’d feel like quitting I’d log in and read the new posts and fortify my resolve. By May I was down 75 lbs and I was doing things I never thought I’d be able to do. I went from being winded by walking up stairs to doing Burpees, Squats, and bear crawls. I even started taking tennis lessons!
By the end of summer I was down 100lbs.
And just a few weeks ago, I weighed in at 198 lbs, meaning I’ve lost 120lbs! I can’t even remember the last time I was under 200! I recently went to the doctor again and had a fresh set of labs. My results were night and day! My A1C was normal, my blood sugar was normal, and my cholesterol was greatly reduced.
STEVE: AMAZING. So let’s hear about the New Kenney. What’s a typical day like now?
KENNEY: I wake up around 6:30 and 6:45am and try to get to work before 8:00am. I do intermittent fasting so I actually skip breakfast. My “feasting” window runs from 11am til 8pm.
My typical lunch is a salad minus croutons with chicken (I have a slight addiction to Caesar salads) If I need a snack I’ll eat some tuna or even some beef jerky (can’t have enough protein). Normally, I’ll head home and get ready to go to the gym! I work out 3 times a week with the trainer so I’ll do 40 minutes of cardio after those sessions or on a non-lifting day I’ll do an hour of cardio.
Lately, I’ve been on an elliptical kick as I can zone out and watch Netflix while I’m doing it. I also play Racquetball once a week with friends and I joined a basketball league (I’m really bad!).
After I work out, I’ll grab dinner with chicken or beef, with some brown rice, and broccoli (I love broccoli!) or a mixture of other veggies.
I also have a bit of a sweet tooth so I’ll treat myself with some halo ice cream (within reason) or some fruit or Siggi’s Icelandic style skyr. I’m a simple guy so I can eat the same things a few times a week and it doesn’t bother me. I guess I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals before I used it to make me feel better.
STEVE: That mentality change is amazing, and I love hearing it. You changed physically. What else changed about you along the way?
KENNEY: Looking back over the journey so far I’ve learned so much more about myself. I’ve discovered that I can reach goals and that I am capable of doing anything if I put my mind to it. While I haven’t reached my goal weight, I am well on my way. I have the tools to complete my journey.
I was a soloist in a community Sing-a-long Messiah tonight and I got to rock a tux, so I thought it would make a good after!
When I went to try on my “rent-a-tux” I was fitted in a 46S jacket and when I got home I looked at my old suit jacket and it was a 56R! It’s just amazing to me! I really appreciate the community that you have built. I wouldn’t have come this far without it!
STEVE: Everybody assumes that they’ll be happy once they lose weight. And you clearly seem like a completely different, more content, and proud person. Is there anything you still struggle with?
KENNEY: Losing this weight has really forced me to face my self-esteem issues and the mental aspects are a struggle. I feel so much better physically but I still struggle mentally with being the “fat” guy.
STEVE: Thanks for sharing that honestly with us, man. We’re all works in progress, both inside and out! And these battles take time. 
It’s a good reminder to know that even if you build the body you want, you still have to level up on the inside too and that can take time! Luckily you have an amazing community of weirdos cheering you on, and others who have struggled with those same self-esteem issues and can help you get through it! 
How Kenney finally succeeded and lost 120 pounds
I wanted to highlight the key points to his transformation that allowed him to finally find success, and hopefully you can implement these types of changes into your life too.
KEY POINT #1: Kenney kept trying.
Kenney spent over a year reading Nerd Fitness articles before working up the courage to even get started. After that, he joined the NF Academy and read the content but couldn’t get himself to do much more past that.
And yet, something kept him around. He kept getting Nerd Fitness emails in his inbox, even if he wasn’t ready to take action yet. And EVENTUALLY, the right combinations of words on a page, life experiences, and things clicked for him to finally take action.
If you’re somebody that has started and stopped or lost 20 pounds only to put on 30, you’re not alone.
If you woke up this January and said “I said the same thing last year about getting healthy, but here I am still overweight,” you’re not alone.
If you beat yourself up when you fail and think you’re doomed to stay fat, you’re not alone.
Give yourself credit – you’re still here reading this, and that counts for something! Keep trying. Keep reading. Keep attempting different methods until you find one that works for you – though I’d consider these 10 changes before making another attempt).
The important thing is that you take action – more information is usually not the answer.
Here at Nerd Fitness we refer to the perpetual activity of collecting information as “collecting underpants!“
Don’t get stuck on Phase 1 – you’ll never get to “profit” (healthy) without taking action (that’s phase 2).
Now, there’s a powerful psychological element to Kenney’s journey that I wanted to highlight as well.
KEY POINT #2: Kenney finally found his “Big Why.”
Just saying “I want to get in shape” wasn’t enough for him. Being overweight wasn’t enough. Having his doctor tell him that he was at risk for a all kinds of preventable diseases wasn’t enough.
Sure, he “wanted to get in shape,” but it wasn’t enough to make him actually change. After all, Chick-Fil-A, Zaxby’s, Coca Cola, and Burger King is SOOOO damn good, it takes a really powerful reason to want to give up those things and delay gratification until the future.
And then he finally found his “Big Why.”
Kenney was told that his weight was holding him back from landing bigger roles while performing on stage (something he truly loved). And that’s when he decided to finally take this next attempt at getting fit seriously and actually took steps to change.
If you are somebody that thinks you “should get in shape,” you’re not digging deep enough for your reasons. However, if you are trying to get in shape because:
You’re tired of being unhappy with the person you see in the mirror.
If you want to build confidence to finally go on a date for the first time.
If you want your wife to look at you with love/admiration the way she used to.
Your dad died at a young age and you want to live to see your grandkids.
A reason like this, written somewhere that you can see daily, will help you stay on track when life gets busy.
Key Point #3: Kenney changed his relationship with food.
This quote from Kenney perfectly encapsulates why Kenney was successful in his transformation:
“I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals, whereas before I used it to make me feel better.”
This is a guy who ate fast food 3-4 times per day, every day. Who grew up in the South, home of “comfort food.” A self-described Reese’s Cup and Ice cream aficionado.
THAT guy now views food as fuel for his fitness goals!
How did it happen? Slowly with small changes over a long period of time. Kenney knew that going on a crash diet wasn’t going to work (he had tried that in the past), so as we discuss here on Nerd Fitness he focused on small actionable changes he could make that didn’t scare him.
He kept things simple like cutting back on soda and tracking his food intake.
Only after he started to see some progress did he start playing this “healthy eating” game on a harder difficulty setting:
He moved his diet over to a more low carb, Paleo-ish nutritional strategy
He cut out breakfast and followed an Intermittent fasting plan
He consistently ate healthy options and go-to “default” meals.
Thanks to this dramatic change in his mentality, Kenney no longer needed food as an escape, but rather saw it as fuel, with occasional indulgences – like his favorite ice cream or candy – but in moderation without fear or guilt.
Key Point #4: Kenney STOPPED relying on himself.
Believe it or not, Kenney giving up on himself might be the most important mindset shift he could have made.
When most people decide to get in shape, they all do the same thing: “I am going to get in shape. I’m gonna get motivated and hit the gym consistently!” Two weeks later, they’ve already given up but now they ALSO have shame: “I am ashamed that I couldn’t stick with my goals, something must be wrong with me!”
Conversely, people that succeed know themselves better than that, so they plan for it. They stop expecting themselves to magically become a motivation powerhouse and instead start asking better questions. “Okay if Motivation ALWAYS leaves me, rather than beating myself up how can I..
0 notes
fitnetpro · 7 years
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally).
“There’s no way that’s the same person.”
Admittedly, that’s what I first thought when I saw Kenney’s before and after photos. There was just NO way that this Tony Stark looking dude on the right was the same person as the man in the other photo, right?
And then I saw his other photos. And then I heard his story.
And then I teared up.
Shut up I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Today, we’re going to be talking about Ironma—-Kenney Frazier, an IT systems administrator from Alabama, a gamer, and an opera singer who has had one of the most dramatic transformations I’ve ever seen. It’s no exaggeration to say that Kenney clearly saved his own life. Not just in terms of life expectancy, but also quality of his life.
Kenney is a proud member of the Nerd Fitness Academy who made some key changes in his life that helped him succeed. We’re going to dig deep into those major and minor changes Kenney made and how you can be like him!
After years of struggle, starting and stopping, a switch flipped and he has lost over 120 pounds in the past 15 months.
Here’s his origin story.
Meet Kenney
STEVE: Kenney! My man. When I first saw your post in the Academy Facebook group, and it had hundreds and hundreds of likes and comments, my jaw dropped. Let’s hear your background:
KENNEY: I’ve pretty much always been overweight. Even in Kindergarten I was pudgy! I attribute this to my love of Reese Cups (I’m a recovering addict; there should really be a Reese Cup Lovers Anonymous Group). I steadily put on the pounds, and by high school I easily tipped the scales at 250lbs+.
By the age of 25 I was over 300lbs and miserable.
I would go on a diet, have some success, then expand to new heights in short order. My addiction to Everquest and World of Warcraft definitely did not help. I lived an extremely sedentary life and I was depressed. I would use these virtual worlds as an escape from my self-imposed dungeon. I was finally able to break out of this addiction and decided to start living in the real world. I joined the workforce and did my best to become an adult.
STEVE: I hear ya brother – I too played Everquest (and Everquest 2) for over a decade and did it for the same reasons you did – to escape a crappy reality. What was a typical day like for you then?
KENNEY: I would wake up around 8:30am during the week and drag myself into work. On the way to work I’d stop by Chick-fil-a and grab 2 chicken biscuits and a large lemonade because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?
Ha. Of course being a southerner you can’t have breakfast without biscuits!
Lunch, would roll around and I’d run to Burger King and order 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry and Coke to wash it down with.
I’d probably grab a candy bar or chips from the snack machine mid afternoon.
On the way home I’d stop by and grab more food for dinner: a large chicken finger plate from Zaxby’s because who don’t love fried chicken? I had to have another large Coke to wash it down.
After I finished my food I’d plop down in front of the TV or my computer or go take a nap for a few hours. I’d normally heading to bed around midnight or 1am after playing a few games of Dota2 with some friends.
STEVE: So let’s talk about what happened that brought about actual changes:
KENNEY: I was 35, tired all the time and unhappy with my life. Obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, and high blood pressure are also all prevalent in my family history.
I finally had enough and made an appointment to get a physical. When I saw my lab results I knew I was in trouble. My blood pressure was high, my blood sugar was high and my A1C was in the diabetic range! My cholesterol was sky high and I weighed 334 lbs! Despite these sobering results it still wasn’t enough to wake me up.
As a card carrying super nerd – I’ve always enjoyed table top RPG – I was a member of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with some friends from High School. One of the players started talking about Nerd Fitness and it piqued my interest.
I decided to check it out and joined the NF Academy in January of 2016. I read the starter quests, but keep putting off actually starting.
STEVE: That’s interesting – so you joined the program, but couldn’t get yourself to commit or take action beyond just reading the missions. Sounds like a classic case of not having a big enough reason WHY yet! Your doctor said you had bad health signals, but deep down you weren’t ready to change yet.
So what happened next?
KENNEY: Music has always been my main passion. I was a vocal major in college before switching to something more “practical.” I decided to restart my vocal studies at a local music school in my early 30’s.
As if being a typical DnD/MMORPG nerd wasn’t enough, my musical endeavors are in the Classical/Opera genre. The school where I study has spring and winter productions each year. I was cast in my first show and I was hooked. I was continually cast in smaller roles but I had larger ambitions. In September of 2016, I had just finished a production and felt I had performed well but I wanted more. I reached out to the teacher in charge of casting.
I told her that I was committed to landing a leading role, and her response? My weight was a showstopper.
STEVE: And there it is…your ACTUAL “Big Why” – the reason that deep down made you want to change. It must have been brutal to hear that you were too big to be considered for more important musical roles. But it appears to also have been a big turning point for you.
KENNEY: October 2016 I started my fitness journey first by cutting out sodas and cutting my portion sizes. I started logging everything in a Fitness App.
I knew from reading the articles on Nerd Fitness that making small changes at first worked best. I tried doing some of the free home workouts but I knew my motivation would suffer and I would stop unless I had some “skin” in the game. So I called up my local gym and set up a free training session on Columbus Day.
The first workout was so horrible and I was so out of shape that I almost tossed my cookies – it just reinforced how far I had to go…but I was inspired. I signed up and started working with a trainer 3 times a week.
Strength training with some occasional cardio has the name of the game since then.
At that first session, I weighed in at 320 lbs and by Nov 16th I was down to 297lbs. I couldn’t remember the last time I was under 300lbs and my motivation never faltered. I started incorporating cardio 3 or 4 times a week into fitness routines.
STEVE: Hmmm, so what you’re saying is…this whole diet and exercise thing might actually work! Hahaha – so talk to me what other changes you made along the way.
KENNEY: I started doing intermittent fasting along with a low carb, high protein diet. As my weight went down I started feeling better and was continually amazed at what I could do. By January 4th, 2017 I was down to 281lbs.
STEVE: And that’s when you discovered the power of a supportive community, right?
KENNEY: Later that month I saw that there was a Facebook group for Academy members, which I had somehow missed when I signed up the year before. When I joined the group I was amazed at the community. The posts were uplifting and informative!
The progress posts served as motivation for me! By February, I had lost 50lbs and decided to make my first post on the Facebook group (which you can see below):
This was a huge step for me due to self-esteem issues but the support and uplifting comments were great. I used the Academy community to help keep me motivated.
Whenever I’d feel like quitting I’d log in and read the new posts and fortify my resolve. By May I was down 75 lbs and I was doing things I never thought I’d be able to do. I went from being winded by walking up stairs to doing Burpees, Squats, and bear crawls. I even started taking tennis lessons!
By the end of summer I was down 100lbs.
And just a few weeks ago, I weighed in at 198 lbs, meaning I’ve lost 120lbs! I can’t even remember the last time I was under 200! I recently went to the doctor again and had a fresh set of labs. My results were night and day! My A1C was normal, my blood sugar was normal, and my cholesterol was greatly reduced.
STEVE: AMAZING. So let’s hear about the New Kenney. What’s a typical day like now?
KENNEY: I wake up around 6:30 and 6:45am and try to get to work before 8:00am. I do intermittent fasting so I actually skip breakfast. My “feasting” window runs from 11am til 8pm.
My typical lunch is a salad minus croutons with chicken (I have a slight addiction to Caesar salads) If I need a snack I’ll eat some tuna or even some beef jerky (can’t have enough protein). Normally, I’ll head home and get ready to go to the gym! I work out 3 times a week with the trainer so I’ll do 40 minutes of cardio after those sessions or on a non-lifting day I’ll do an hour of cardio.
Lately, I’ve been on an elliptical kick as I can zone out and watch Netflix while I’m doing it. I also play Racquetball once a week with friends and I joined a basketball league (I’m really bad!).
After I work out, I’ll grab dinner with chicken or beef, with some brown rice, and broccoli (I love broccoli!) or a mixture of other veggies.
I also have a bit of a sweet tooth so I’ll treat myself with some halo ice cream (within reason) or some fruit or Siggi’s Icelandic style skyr. I’m a simple guy so I can eat the same things a few times a week and it doesn’t bother me. I guess I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals before I used it to make me feel better.
STEVE: That mentality change is amazing, and I love hearing it. You changed physically. What else changed about you along the way?
KENNEY: Looking back over the journey so far I’ve learned so much more about myself. I’ve discovered that I can reach goals and that I am capable of doing anything if I put my mind to it. While I haven’t reached my goal weight, I am well on my way. I have the tools to complete my journey.
I was a soloist in a community Sing-a-long Messiah tonight and I got to rock a tux, so I thought it would make a good after!
When I went to try on my “rent-a-tux” I was fitted in a 46S jacket and when I got home I looked at my old suit jacket and it was a 56R! It’s just amazing to me! I really appreciate the community that you have built. I wouldn’t have come this far without it!
STEVE: Everybody assumes that they’ll be happy once they lose weight. And you clearly seem like a completely different, more content, and proud person. Is there anything you still struggle with?
KENNEY: Losing this weight has really forced me to face my self-esteem issues and the mental aspects are a struggle. I feel so much better physically but I still struggle mentally with being the “fat” guy.
STEVE: Thanks for sharing that honestly with us, man. We’re all works in progress, both inside and out! And these battles take time. 
It’s a good reminder to know that even if you build the body you want, you still have to level up on the inside too and that can take time! Luckily you have an amazing community of weirdos cheering you on, and others who have struggled with those same self-esteem issues and can help you get through it! 
How Kenney finally succeeded and lost 120 pounds
I wanted to highlight the key points to his transformation that allowed him to finally find success, and hopefully you can implement these types of changes into your life too.
KEY POINT #1: Kenney kept trying.
Kenney spent over a year reading Nerd Fitness articles before working up the courage to even get started. After that, he joined the NF Academy and read the content but couldn’t get himself to do much more past that.
And yet, something kept him around. He kept getting Nerd Fitness emails in his inbox, even if he wasn’t ready to take action yet. And EVENTUALLY, the right combinations of words on a page, life experiences, and things clicked for him to finally take action.
If you’re somebody that has started and stopped or lost 20 pounds only to put on 30, you’re not alone.
If you woke up this January and said “I said the same thing last year about getting healthy, but here I am still overweight,” you’re not alone.
If you beat yourself up when you fail and think you’re doomed to stay fat, you’re not alone.
Give yourself credit – you’re still here reading this, and that counts for something! Keep trying. Keep reading. Keep attempting different methods until you find one that works for you – though I’d consider these 10 changes before making another attempt).
Now, there’s a powerful psychological element to Kenney’s journey that I wanted to highlight as well.
KEY POINT #2: Kenney finally found his “Big Why.”
Just saying “I want to get in shape” wasn’t enough for him. Being overweight wasn’t enough. Having his doctor tell him that he was at risk for a all kinds of preventable diseases wasn’t enough.
Sure, he “wanted to get in shape,” but it wasn’t enough to make him actually change. After all, Chick-Fil-A, Zaxby’s, Coca Cola, and Burger King is SOOOO damn good, it takes a really powerful reason to want to give up those things and delay gratification until the future.
And then he finally found his “Big Why.”
Kenney was told that his weight was holding him back from landing bigger roles while performing on stage (something he truly loved). And that’s when he decided to finally take this next attempt at getting fit seriously and actually took steps to change.
If you are somebody that thinks you “should get in shape,” you’re not digging deep enough for your reasons. However, if you are trying to get in shape because:
You’re tired of being unhappy with the person you see in the mirror.
If you want to build confidence to finally go on a date for the first time.
If you want your wife to look at you with love/admiration the way she used to.
Your dad died at a young age and you want to live to see your grandkids.
A reason like this, written somewhere that you can see daily, will help you stay on track when life gets busy.
Key Point #3: Kenney changed his relationship with food.
This quote from Kenney perfectly encapsulates why Kenney was successful in his transformation:
“I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals, whereas before I used it to make me feel better.”
This is a guy who ate fast food 3-4 times per day, every day. Who grew up in the South, home of “comfort food.” A self-described Reese’s Cup and Ice cream aficionado.
THAT guy now views food as fuel for his fitness goals!
How did it happen? Slowly with small changes over a long period of time. Kenney knew that going on a crash diet wasn’t going to work (he had tried that in the past), so as we discuss here on Nerd Fitness he focused on small actionable changes he could make that didn’t scare him.
He kept things simple like cutting back on soda and tracking his food intake.
Only after he started to see some progress did he start playing this “healthy eating” game on a harder difficulty setting:
He moved his diet over to a more low carb, Paleo-ish nutritional strategy
He cut out breakfast and followed an Intermittent fasting plan
He consistently ate healthy options and go-to “default” meals.
Thanks to this dramatic change in his mentality, Kenney no longer needed food as an escape, but rather saw it as fuel, with occasional indulgences – like his favorite ice cream or candy – but in moderation without fear or guilt.
Key Point #4: Kenney STOPPED relying on himself.
Believe it or not, Kenney giving up on himself might be the most important mindset shift he could have made.
When most people decide to get in shape, they all do the same thing: “I am going to get in shape. I’m gonna get motivated and hit the gym consistently!” Two weeks later, they’ve already given up but now they ALSO have shame: “I am ashamed that I couldn’t stick with my goals, something must be wrong with me!”
Conversely, people that succeed know themselves better than that, so they plan for it. They stop expecting themselves to magically become a motivation powerhouse and instead start asking better questions. “Okay if Motivation ALWAYS leaves me, rather than beating myself up how can I stack the deck so that I no longer need motivation in the first place?”
Kenney stopped relying on himself in two key ways:
He invested in himself so that he had “skin in the game”
He had OTHER people keep him accountable other than just himself.
We’re going to dig into both of these specific issues in the next two points, but I want to return to the above:
If you rely on yourself to be motivated, and you think you need to be motivated to get in shape, you’ve already lost.
STOP relying on motivation. Instead, build systems, recruit allies, and structure your environment in ways that support your goals.
Try this: recruit a friend who will cheer you on. Give him $50 of your money and tell him you’ll check in with him every day. If you don’t check in to let him know that you went for a walk and ate a veggie, he will donate that money to a cause you HATE.
Speaking of recruiting allies…
Key Point #5: Kenney surrounded himself with the right people
I’m proud to say that Nerd FItness played a communal role in helping Kenney Reach his goals. Our Academy doesn’t a super secret proprietary workout plan – its fun compound strength training. Our nutritional strategy isn’t anything proprietary – its less junk and more vegetables. Sure, it digs deep on the mindset stuff, and it’s got a fun leveling system and nutritional strategy that gamifies getting in shape.
But that’s not what made it such a big help in Kenney’s journey: it was the community of people who are aligned with the same goal, struggling with the same problems, that were cheering him on.
Or in another Academy member’s words, when asked why he loves the community:
Human connection and supportive people can be the biggest help in transforming, and Kenney had both: a coach who pushed him, and a community that supported him.
Did you know that you are the average of the 5 people you associate most with?
Show me the weight, health, net worth, and happiness level of the 5 people you spend the most time with, and I bet I can guess a lot about you with startling accuracy – it’s because those people influence you every day without you realizing it with their words, decisions, and choices.
So then I ask you: Are your five people making you want to be better? Or are they people who make fun of you for skipping game night to exercise or goad you into skipping the salad and ordering a cheeseburger to “live a little.”
Kenney has been a major contributor to our community, sharing his struggles and his progress. Unsurprisingly, he’s also one of our BEST successes, and an inspiration to the men of the Academy group – and now the galaxy.
If you are serious about getting in shape, interact with people that make you want to be better:
Join a running club at work. Or start one!
Find an accountability buddy that you check in with daily.
Create a guild and introduce positive peer pressure!
Have somebody you can ask embarrassing questions to and share your struggles with.
I love that Kenney found the NF community to be super supportive while he also leveled up his life with in person connections too, and I want the same for you.
I don’t care where you find these people, I just want you to have these people in your life! Now, I might be slightly biased, but I believe our online crew is the best community on the planet!
Key Point #6: Kenney invested in himself
Kenney tried to follow along with free workouts at home. He read free articles on Nerd Fitness for over a year. And he couldn’t get himself to take his attempt at getting in shape seriously.
As he was still in search of his big WHY, he realized that he’d never stick with an attempt until he had some “skin in the game” (invested in himself). So he called up his local gym and set up a free training session.
And that lead to him realizing that hiring a trainer that knows him better than he knows himself was going to be a game changer:
“My trainer is perfect for me! He keeps me motivated and honest without being the cliched TV trainer who berates their clients! He’s never yelled or made me feel like a failure. Honestly, If had a trainer like that I would have quit after the first session. He’s a self described nerd so we often talk about the next big superhero movie or I crack jokes about his addiction to big Kit Kat bars!”
Whether it’s an online coach or a course, there’s so much psychology at stake beyond just the information you learn in these situations. We all know what we need to do (eat less, move more), but we can’t get ourselves to do those things.
Investing in a course or hiring a coach can be the biggest difference between success and failure for many people. When you spend money on a quality fitness product or service:
You spend time with other people who are investing in themselves.
You get to outsource your decision making and just focus on following directions.
You get the peace of mind that you are doing the right thing because its been prescribed by somebody farther along than you.
You get guaranteed accountability, because you’re paying somebody for something which means you’ll value it more!
Sure, there are MILLIONS of free resources out there about how to get healthy. There are millions of free fitness articles (you’re reading one of them!).
And yes, many people can get motivated and go build their own workout and go to the gym and figure things out and LOVE spending that time doing so.
For the rest of us though, we don’t have the time or ability to sort through the junk to find the best information, or we just want the peace of mind knowing we’re learning from somebody that gets us.
And lastly, maybe we know ourselves well enough that if we spend money on something, we’ll actually use it!
Personally, I pay money to go to a gym 2 blocks away instead of using the free gym in my apartment building, because I never go to the free one! I also pay hundreds every month to work with an online fitness coach, and it’s the best money I spend each month.
I’m not telling you to spend your money on fitness. Instead, I’m saying that what you spend your money (and your time) on says a lot about your priorities.
Kenney looked at his spending habits and despite what he was told himself he cared about, he was really prioritizing fast food, no sleep, and video games.
So he changed his priorities by eliminating unhealthy, expensive food and instead, spent that money on investing in himself (a coach, the NF Academy, healthy food).
Of COURSE you don’t need to spend money on your health and wellness – but it can be like powerleveling yourself in a video game! If you think you can’t afford a gym membership, or a trainer, or a course…track your spending and measure what you have been spending your money on instead (TV, Netflix, game subscriptions, etc).
If you reallllly want something, you can find a way to save elsewhere to invest on what’s important:
If you have chosen to prioritize your health and wellness, I’d suggest investing in:
A gym membership (or home gym) if you’re serious about changing your physique.
A comprehensive online course/community if you can’t learn in person. (like the Academy).
A personal trainer or an online coach (we have a 1-on-1 online coaching program too).
Notice I didn’t say anything about supplements or ab coasters or whatever – get your mentality in order, work with people who have succeeded in the way you want to succeed, and get started!
be Less like Old Kenney. Be more like new Kenney.
I’m so thankful Kenney let me share this story with you today! Here are the most important things he did to transform into Tony Stark:
Even though he wasn’t ready to transform, he kept reading about health and fitness for years until something clicked.
He finally had a big enough reason why to overcome his love of fast food. He dug deep and really addressed his motivations.
He stopped relying on himself, and instead outsourced his motivation and accountability to a community and a coach.
He invested in himself, which made him take the opportunity more clearly
He fixed his relationship with food – instead of comfort, it became fuel for his goals.
Regardless of how involved you want to be with Nerd Fitness, I’m just glad that you’re here and reading this. I hope you can see Kenney’s transformation above and decide “Hey, I want to do that! maybe I should do what he did.” And put his words into your practice!
And then go see Kenney perform!
Look for the guy center stage….
PS: I’m glad that Kenney is a really active and encouraging part of our community in the Nerd Fitness Academy, and I hope you consider checking it out too!
It’s the most supportive group on the internet, and you’ll also get workout plans, a 10-level nutritional system, an entire mindset module, and character leveling system with real-life quests and boss battles. It comes with a 60-day guarantee to give you a chance to try it out and see if it can help you level up your life!
See you in there!
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally). published first on http://ift.tt/2kRppy7
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kiaradnoblesus · 7 years
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally).
“There’s no way that’s the same person, right?”
Admittedly, that’s what I first thought when I saw Kenney’s before and after photos. There was just NO way that this Tony Stark looking dude on the right was the same person as the man in the other photo, right?
And then I saw his other photos. And then I heard his story.
And then I teared up.
Shut up I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Today, we’re going to be talking about Ironma—-Kenney Frazier, an IT systems administrator from Alabama, a gamer, and an opera singer who has had one of the most dramatic transformations I’ve ever seen. It’s no exaggeration to say that Kenney clearly saved his own life. Not just in terms of life expectancy, but also quality of his life.
Kenney is a proud member of the Nerd Fitness Academy who made some key changes in his life that helped him succeed. We’re going to dig deep into those major and minor changes Kenney made and how you can be like him!
After years of struggle, starting and stopping, a switch flipped and he has lost over 120 pounds in the past 15 months.
Here’s his origin story.
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I identify as a:
Meet Kenney
STEVE: Kenney! My man. When I first saw your post in the Academy Facebook group, and it had hundreds and hundreds of likes and comments, my jaw dropped. Let’s hear your background:
KENNEY: I’ve pretty much always been overweight. Even in Kindergarten I was pudgy! I attribute this to my love of Reese Cups (I’m a recovering addict; there should really be a Reese Cup Lovers Anonymous Group). I steadily put on the pounds, and by high school I easily tipped the scales at 250lbs+.
By the age of 25 I was over 300lbs and miserable.
I would go on a diet, have some success, then expand to new heights in short order. My addiction to Everquest and World of Warcraft definitely did not help. I lived an extremely sedentary life and I was depressed. I would use these virtual worlds as an escape from my self-imposed dungeon. I was finally able to break out of this addiction and decided to start living in the real world. I joined the workforce and did my best to become an adult.
STEVE: I hear ya brother – I too played Everquest (and Everquest 2) for over a decade and did it for the same reasons you did – to escape a crappy reality. What was a typical day like for you then?
KENNEY: I would wake up around 8:30am during the week and drag myself into work. On the way to work I’d stop by Chick-fil-a and grab 2 chicken biscuits and a large lemonade because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?
Ha. Of course being a southerner you can’t have breakfast without biscuits!
Lunch, would roll around and I’d run to Burger King and order 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry and Coke to wash it down with.
I’d probably grab a candy bar or chips from the snack machine mid afternoon.
On the way home I’d stop by and grab more food for dinner: a large chicken finger plate from Zaxby’s because who don’t love fried chicken? I had to have another large Coke to wash it down.
After I finished my food I’d plop down in front of the TV or my computer or go take a nap for a few hours. I’d normally heading to bed around midnight or 1am after playing a few games of Dota2 with some friends.
STEVE: So let’s talk about what happened that brought about actual changes:
KENNEY: I was 35, tired all the time and unhappy with my life. Obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, and high blood pressure are also all prevalent in my family history.
I finally had enough and made an appointment to get a physical. When I saw my lab results I knew I was in trouble. My blood pressure was high, my blood sugar was high and my A1C was in the diabetic range! My cholesterol was sky high and I weighed 334 lbs! Despite these sobering results it still wasn’t enough to wake me up.
As a card carrying super nerd – I’ve always enjoyed table top RPG – I was a member of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with some friends from High School. One of the players started talking about Nerd Fitness and it piqued my interest.
I decided to check it out and joined the NF Academy in January of 2016. I read the starter quests, but keep putting off actually starting.
STEVE: That’s interesting – so you joined the program, but couldn’t get yourself to commit or take action beyond just reading the missions. Sounds like a classic case of not having a big enough reason WHY yet! Your doctor said you had bad health signals, but deep down you weren’t ready to change yet.
So what happened next?
KENNEY: Music has always been my main passion. I was a vocal major in college before switching to something more “practical.” I decided to restart my vocal studies at a local music school in my early 30’s.
As if being a typical DnD/MMORPG nerd wasn’t enough, my musical endeavors are in the Classical/Opera genre. The school where I study has spring and winter productions each year. I was cast in my first show and I was hooked. I was continually cast in smaller roles but I had larger ambitions. In September of 2016, I had just finished a production and felt I had performed well but I wanted more. I reached out to the teacher in charge of casting.
I told her that I was committed to landing a leading role, and her response? My weight was a showstopper.
STEVE: And there it is…your ACTUAL “Big Why” – the reason that deep down made you want to change. It must have been brutal to hear that you were too big to be considered for more important musical roles. But it appears to also have been a big turning point for you.
KENNEY: October 2016 I started my fitness journey first by cutting out sodas and cutting my portion sizes. I started logging everything in a Fitness App.
I knew from reading the articles on Nerd Fitness that making small changes at first worked best. I tried doing some of the free home workouts but I knew my motivation would suffer and I would stop unless I had some “skin” in the game. So I called up my local gym and set up a free training session on Columbus Day.
The first workout was so horrible and I was so out of shape that I almost tossed my cookies – it just reinforced how far I had to go…but I was inspired. I signed up and started working with a trainer 3 times a week.
Strength training with some occasional cardio has the name of the game since then.
At that first session, I weighed in at 320 lbs and by Nov 16th I was down to 297lbs. I couldn’t remember the last time I was under 300lbs and my motivation never faltered. I started incorporating cardio 3 or 4 times a week into strength-training routines.
STEVE: Hmmm, so what you’re saying is…this whole diet and exercise thing might actually work! Hahaha – so talk to me what other changes you made along the way.
KENNEY: I started doing intermittent fasting along with a low carb, high protein diet. As my weight went down I started feeling better and was continually amazed at what I could do. By January 4th, 2017 I was down to 281lbs.
STEVE: And that’s when you discovered the power of a supportive community, right?
KENNEY: Later that month I saw that there was a Facebook group for Academy members, which I had somehow missed when I signed up the year before. When I joined the group I was amazed at the community. The posts were uplifting and informative.
The progress posts served as motivation for me! By February, I had lost 50lbs and decided to make my first post on the Facebook group (which you can see below):
This was a huge step for me due to self-esteem issues but the support and uplifting comments were great. I used the Academy community to help keep me motivated.
Whenever I’d feel like quitting I’d log in and read the new posts and fortify my resolve. By May I was down 75 lbs and I was doing things I never thought I’d be able to do. I went from being winded by walking up stairs to doing Burpees, Squats, and bear crawls. I even started taking tennis lessons!
By the end of summer I was down 100lbs.
And just a few weeks ago, I weighed in at 198 lbs, meaning I’ve lost 120lbs! I can’t even remember the last time I was under 200! I recently went to the doctor again and had a fresh set of labs. My results were night and day! My A1C was normal, my blood sugar was normal, and my cholesterol was greatly reduced.
STEVE: AMAZING. So let’s hear about the New Kenney. What’s a typical day like now?
KENNEY: I wake up around 6:30 and 6:45am and try to get to work before 8:00am. I do intermittent fasting so I actually skip breakfast. My “feasting” window runs from 11am til 8pm.
My typical lunch is a salad minus croutons with chicken (I have a slight addiction to Caesar salads) If I need a snack I’ll eat some tuna or even some beef jerky (can’t have enough protein). Normally, I’ll head home and get ready to go to the gym! I work out 3 times a week with the trainer so I’ll do 40 minutes of cardio after those sessions or on a non-lifting day I’ll do an hour of cardio.
Lately, I’ve been on an elliptical kick as I can zone out and watch Netflix while I’m doing it. I also play Racquetball once a week with friends and I joined a basketball league (I’m really bad!).
After I work out, I’ll grab dinner with chicken or beef, with some brown rice, and broccoli (I love broccoli!) or a mixture of other veggies.
I also have a bit of a sweet tooth so I’ll treat myself with some halo ice cream (within reason) or some fruit or Siggi’s Icelandic style skyr. I’m a simple guy so I can eat the same things a few times a week and it doesn’t bother me. I guess I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals before I used it to make me feel better.
STEVE: That mentality change is amazing, and I love hearing it. You changed physically. What else changed about you along the way?
KENNEY: Looking back over the journey so far I’ve learned so much more about myself. I’ve discovered that I can reach goals and that I am capable of doing anything if I put my mind to it. While I haven’t reached my goal weight, I am well on my way. I have the tools to complete my journey.
I was a soloist in a community Sing-a-long Messiah tonight and I got to rock a tux, so I thought it would make a good after!
When I went to try on my “rent-a-tux” I was fitted in a 46S jacket and when I got home I looked at my old suit jacket and it was a 56R! It’s just amazing to me! I really appreciate the community that you have built. I wouldn’t have come this far without it!
STEVE: Everybody assumes that they’ll be happy once they lose weight. And you clearly seem like a completely different, more content, and proud person. Is there anything you still struggle with?
KENNEY: Losing this weight has really forced me to face my self-esteem issues and the mental aspects are a struggle. I feel so much better physically but I still struggle mentally with being the “fat” guy.
STEVE: Thanks for sharing that honestly with us, man. We’re all works in progress, both inside and out! And these battles take time. 
It’s a good reminder to know that even if you build the body you want, you still have to level up on the inside too and that can take time! Luckily you have an amazing community of weirdos cheering you on, and others who have struggled with those same self-esteem issues and can help you get through it! 
How Kenney finally succeeded and lost 120 pounds
I wanted to highlight the key points to his transformation that allowed him to finally find success, and hopefully you can implement these types of changes into your life too.
KEY POINT #1: Kenney kept trying.
Kenney spent over a year reading Nerd Fitness articles before working up the courage to even get started. After that, he joined the NF Academy and read the content but couldn’t get himself to do much more past that.
And yet, something kept him around. He kept getting Nerd Fitness emails in his inbox, even if he wasn’t ready to take action yet. And EVENTUALLY, the right combinations of words on a page, life experiences, and things clicked for him to finally take action.
If you’re somebody that has started and stopped or lost 20 pounds only to put on 30, you’re not alone.
If you woke up this January and said “I said the same thing last year about getting healthy, but here I am still overweight,” you’re not alone.
If you beat yourself up when you fail and think you’re doomed to stay fat, you’re not alone.
Give yourself credit – you’re still here reading this, and that counts for something! Keep trying. Keep reading. Keep attempting different methods until you find one that works for you – though I’d consider these 10 changes before making another attempt).
The important thing is that you take action – more information is usually not the answer.
Here at Nerd Fitness we refer to the perpetual activity of collecting information as “collecting underpants!“
Don’t get stuck on Phase 1 – you’ll never get to “profit” (healthy) without taking action (that’s phase 2).
Now, there’s a powerful psychological element to Kenney’s journey that I wanted to highlight as well.
KEY POINT #2: Kenney finally found his “Big Why.”
Just saying “I want to get in shape” wasn’t enough for him. Being overweight wasn’t enough. Having his doctor tell him that he was at risk for a all kinds of preventable diseases wasn’t enough.
Sure, he “wanted to get in shape,” but it wasn’t enough to make him actually change. After all, Chick-Fil-A, Zaxby’s, Coca Cola, and Burger King is SOOOO damn good, it takes a really powerful reason to want to give up those things and delay gratification until the future.
And then he finally found his “Big Why.”
Kenney was told that his weight was holding him back from landing bigger roles while performing on stage (something he truly loved). And that’s when he decided to finally take this next attempt at getting fit seriously and actually took steps to change.
If you are somebody that thinks you “should get in shape,” you’re not digging deep enough for your reasons. However, if you are trying to get in shape because:
You’re tired of being unhappy with the person you see in the mirror.
If you want to build confidence to finally go on a date for the first time.
If you want your wife to look at you with love/admiration the way she used to.
Your dad died at a young age and you want to live to see your grandkids.
A reason like this, written somewhere that you can see daily, will help you stay on track when life gets busy.
Key Point #3: Kenney changed his relationship with food.
This quote from Kenney perfectly encapsulates why Kenney was successful in his transformation:
“I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals, whereas before I used it to make me feel better.”
This is a guy who ate fast food 3-4 times per day, every day. Who grew up in the South, home of “comfort food.” A self-described Reese’s Cup and Ice cream aficionado.
THAT guy now views food as fuel for his fitness goals!
How did it happen? Slowly with small changes over a long period of time. Kenney knew that going on a crash diet wasn’t going to work (he had tried that in the past), so as we discuss here on Nerd Fitness he focused on small actionable changes he could make that didn’t scare him.
He kept things simple like cutting back on soda and tracking his food intake.
Only after he started to see some progress did he start playing this “healthy eating” game on a harder difficulty setting:
He moved his diet over to a more low carb, Paleo-ish nutritional strategy
He cut out breakfast and followed an Intermittent fasting plan
He consistently ate healthy options and go-to “default” meals.
Thanks to this dramatic change in his mentality, Kenney no longer needed food as an escape, but rather saw it as fuel, with occasional indulgences – like his favorite ice cream or candy – but in moderation without fear or guilt.
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
I identify as a:
Key Point #4: Kenney STOPPED relying on himself.
Believe it or not, Kenney giving up on himself might be the most important mindset shift he could have made.
When most people decide to get in shape, they all do the same thing: “I am going to get in shape. I’m gonna get motivated and hit the gym consistently!” Two weeks later, they’ve already given up but now they ALSO have shame: “I am ashamed that I couldn’t stick with my goals, something must be wrong with me!”
Conversely, people that succeed know themselves better than that, so they plan for it. They stop expecting themselves to magically become a motivation powerhouse and instead start asking better questions. “Okay if Motivation ALWAYS leaves me, rather than beating myself up how can I stack the deck so that I no longer need motivation in the first place?”
Kenney stopped relying on himself in two key ways:
He invested in himself so that he had “skin in the game”
He had OTHER people keep him accountable other than just himself.
We’re going to dig into both of these specific issues in the next two points, but I want to return to the above:
If you rely on yourself to be motivated, and you think you need to be motivated to get in shape, you’ve already lost.
STOP relying on motivation. Instead, build systems, recruit allies, and structure your environment in ways that support your goals.
Try this: recruit a friend who will cheer you on. Give him $50 of your money and tell him you’ll check in with him every day. If you don’t check in to let him know that you went for a walk and ate a veggie, he will donate that money to a cause you HATE.
Speaking of recruiting allies…
Key Point #5: Kenney surrounded himself with the right people
I’m proud to say that Nerd FItness played a communal role in helping Kenney Reach his goals. Our Academy doesn’t a super secret proprietary workout plan – its fun compound strength training. Our nutritional strategy isn’t anything proprietary – its less junk and more vegetables. Sure, it digs deep on the mindset stuff, and it’s got a fun leveling system and nutritional strategy that gamifies getting in shape.
But that’s not what made it such a big help in Kenney’s journey: it was the community of people who are aligned with the same goal, struggling with the same problems, that were cheering him on.
Or in another Academy member’s words, when asked why he loves the community:
Human connection and supportive people can be the biggest help in transforming, and Kenney had both: a coach who pushed him, and a community that supported him.
Did you know that you are the average of the 5 people you associate most with?
Show me the weight, health, net worth, and happiness level of the 5 people you spend the most time with, and I bet I can guess a lot about you with startling accuracy – it’s because those people influence you every day without you realizing it with their words, decisions, and choices.
So then I ask you: Are your five people making you want to be better? Or are they people who make fun of you for skipping game night to exercise or goad you into skipping the salad and ordering a cheeseburger to “live a little.”
Kenney has been a major contributor to our community, sharing his struggles and his progress. Unsurprisingly, he’s also one of our BEST successes, and an inspiration to the men of the Academy group – and now the galaxy.
If you are serious about getting in shape, interact with people that make you want to be better:
Join a running club at work. Or start one!
Find an accountability buddy that you check in with daily.
Create a guild and introduce positive peer pressure!
Have somebody you can ask embarrassing questions to and share your struggles with.
I love that Kenney found the NF community to be super supportive while he also leveled up his life with in person connections too, and I want the same for you.
I don’t care where you find these people, I just want you to have these people in your life! Now, I might be slightly biased, but I believe our online crew is the best community on the planet!
Key Point #6: Kenney invested in himself
Kenney tried to follow along with free workouts at home. He read free articles on Nerd Fitness for over a year. And he couldn’t get himself to take his attempt at getting in shape seriously.
As he was still in search of his big WHY, he realized that he’d never stick with an attempt until he had some “skin in the game” (invested in himself). So he called up his local gym and set up a free training session.
And that lead to him realizing that hiring a trainer that knows him better than he knows himself was going to be a game changer:
“My trainer is perfect for me! He keeps me motivated and honest without being the cliched TV trainer who berates their clients! He’s never yelled or made me feel like a failure. Honestly, If had a trainer like that I would have quit after the first session. He’s a self described nerd so we often talk about the next big superhero movie or I crack jokes about his addiction to big Kit Kat bars!”
Whether it’s an online coach or a course, there’s so much psychology at stake beyond just the information you learn in these situations. We all know what we need to do (eat less, move more), but we can’t get ourselves to do those things.
Investing in a course or hiring a coach can be the biggest difference between success and failure for many people. When you spend money on a quality fitness product or service:
You spend time with other people who are investing in themselves.
You get to outsource your decision making and just focus on following directions.
You get the peace of mind that you are doing the right thing because its been prescribed by somebody farther along than you.
You get guaranteed accountability, because you’re paying somebody for something which means you’ll value it more!
Sure, there are MILLIONS of free resources out there about how to get healthy. There are millions of free fitness articles (you’re reading one of them!).
And yes, many people can get motivated and go build their own workout and go to the gym and figure things out and LOVE spending that time doing so.
For the rest of us though, we don’t have the time or ability to sort through the junk to find the best information, or we just want the peace of mind knowing we’re learning from somebody that gets us.
And lastly, maybe we know ourselves well enough that if we spend money on something, we’ll actually use it!
Personally, I pay money to go to a gym 2 blocks away instead of using the free gym in my apartment building, because I never go to the free one! I also pay hundreds every month to work with an online fitness coach, and it’s the best money I spend each month.
I’m not telling you to spend your money on fitness. Instead, I’m saying that what you spend your money (and your time) on says a lot about your priorities.
Kenney looked at his spending habits and despite what he was told himself he cared about, he was really prioritizing fast food, no sleep, and video games.
So he changed his priorities by eliminating unhealthy, expensive food and instead, spent that money on investing in himself (a coach, the NF Academy, healthy food).
Of COURSE you don’t need to spend money on your health and wellness – but it can be like powerleveling yourself in a video game! If you think you can’t afford a gym membership, or a trainer, or a course…track your spending and measure what you have been spending your money on instead (TV, Netflix, game subscriptions, etc).
If you reallllly want something, you can find a way to save elsewhere to invest on what’s important:
If you have chosen to prioritize your health and wellness, I’d suggest investing in:
A gym membership (or home gym) if you’re serious about changing your physique.
A comprehensive online course/community if you can’t learn in person. (like the Academy).
A personal trainer or an online coach (we have a 1-on-1 online coaching program too).
Notice I didn’t say anything about supplements or ab coasters or whatever – get your mentality in order, work with people who have succeeded in the way you want to succeed, and get started!
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
I identify as a:
be Less like Old Kenney. Be more like new Kenney.
I’m so thankful Kenney let me share this story with you today! Here are the most important things he did to transform into Tony Stark:
Even though he wasn’t ready to transform, he kept reading about health and fitness for years until something clicked.
He finally had a big enough reason why to overcome his love of fast food. He dug deep and really addressed his motivations.
He stopped relying on himself, and instead outsourced his motivation and accountability to a community and a coach.
He invested in himself, which made him take the opportunity more clearly
He fixed his relationship with food – instead of comfort, it became fuel for his goals.
Regardless of how involved you want to be with Nerd Fitness, I’m just glad that you’re here and reading this. I hope you can see Kenney’s transformation above and decide “Hey, I want to do that! maybe I should do what he did.” And put his words into your practice!
And then go see Kenney perform!
Look for the guy center stage….
PS: I’m glad that Kenney is a really active and encouraging part of our community in the Nerd Fitness Academy, and I hope you consider checking it out too!
It’s the most supportive group on the internet, and you’ll also get workout plans, a 10-level nutritional system, an entire mindset module, and character leveling system with real-life quests and boss battles. It comes with a 60-day guarantee to give you a chance to try it out and see if it can help you level up your life!
See you in there!
from Fitness News By James https://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/how-kenney-the-tabletop-gamer-lost-120-pounds-and-found-his-voice-literally/
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denisalvney · 7 years
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally).
“There’s no way that’s the same person, right?”
Admittedly, that’s what I first thought when I saw Kenney’s before and after photos. There was just NO way that this Tony Stark looking dude on the right was the same person as the man in the other photo, right?
And then I saw his other photos. And then I heard his story.
And then I teared up.
Shut up I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Today, we’re going to be talking about Ironma—-Kenney Frazier, an IT systems administrator from Alabama, a gamer, and an opera singer who has had one of the most dramatic transformations I’ve ever seen. It’s no exaggeration to say that Kenney clearly saved his own life. Not just in terms of life expectancy, but also quality of his life.
Kenney is a proud member of the Nerd Fitness Academy who made some key changes in his life that helped him succeed. We’re going to dig deep into those major and minor changes Kenney made and how you can be like him!
After years of struggle, starting and stopping, a switch flipped and he has lost over 120 pounds in the past 15 months.
Here’s his origin story.
Meet Kenney
STEVE: Kenney! My man. When I first saw your post in the Academy Facebook group, and it had hundreds and hundreds of likes and comments, my jaw dropped. Let’s hear your background:
KENNEY: I’ve pretty much always been overweight. Even in Kindergarten I was pudgy! I attribute this to my love of Reese Cups (I’m a recovering addict; there should really be a Reese Cup Lovers Anonymous Group). I steadily put on the pounds, and by high school I easily tipped the scales at 250lbs+.
By the age of 25 I was over 300lbs and miserable.
I would go on a diet, have some success, then expand to new heights in short order. My addiction to Everquest and World of Warcraft definitely did not help. I lived an extremely sedentary life and I was depressed. I would use these virtual worlds as an escape from my self-imposed dungeon. I was finally able to break out of this addiction and decided to start living in the real world. I joined the workforce and did my best to become an adult.
STEVE: I hear ya brother – I too played Everquest (and Everquest 2) for over a decade and did it for the same reasons you did – to escape a crappy reality. What was a typical day like for you then?
KENNEY: I would wake up around 8:30am during the week and drag myself into work. On the way to work I’d stop by Chick-fil-a and grab 2 chicken biscuits and a large lemonade because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?
Ha. Of course being a southerner you can’t have breakfast without biscuits!
Lunch, would roll around and I’d run to Burger King and order 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry and Coke to wash it down with.
I’d probably grab a candy bar or chips from the snack machine mid afternoon.
On the way home I’d stop by and grab more food for dinner: a large chicken finger plate from Zaxby’s because who don’t love fried chicken? I had to have another large Coke to wash it down.
After I finished my food I’d plop down in front of the TV or my computer or go take a nap for a few hours. I’d normally heading to bed around midnight or 1am after playing a few games of Dota2 with some friends.
STEVE: So let’s talk about what happened that brought about actual changes:
KENNEY: I was 35, tired all the time and unhappy with my life. Obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, and high blood pressure are also all prevalent in my family history.
I finally had enough and made an appointment to get a physical. When I saw my lab results I knew I was in trouble. My blood pressure was high, my blood sugar was high and my A1C was in the diabetic range! My cholesterol was sky high and I weighed 334 lbs! Despite these sobering results it still wasn’t enough to wake me up.
As a card carrying super nerd – I’ve always enjoyed table top RPG – I was a member of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with some friends from High School. One of the players started talking about Nerd Fitness and it piqued my interest.
I decided to check it out and joined the NF Academy in January of 2016. I read the starter quests, but keep putting off actually starting.
STEVE: That’s interesting – so you joined the program, but couldn’t get yourself to commit or take action beyond just reading the missions. Sounds like a classic case of not having a big enough reason WHY yet! Your doctor said you had bad health signals, but deep down you weren’t ready to change yet.
So what happened next?
KENNEY: Music has always been my main passion. I was a vocal major in college before switching to something more “practical.” I decided to restart my vocal studies at a local music school in my early 30’s.
As if being a typical DnD/MMORPG nerd wasn’t enough, my musical endeavors are in the Classical/Opera genre. The school where I study has spring and winter productions each year. I was cast in my first show and I was hooked. I was continually cast in smaller roles but I had larger ambitions. In September of 2016, I had just finished a production and felt I had performed well but I wanted more. I reached out to the teacher in charge of casting.
I told her that I was committed to landing a leading role, and her response? My weight was a showstopper.
STEVE: And there it is…your ACTUAL “Big Why” – the reason that deep down made you want to change. It must have been brutal to hear that you were too big to be considered for more important musical roles. But it appears to also have been a big turning point for you.
KENNEY: October 2016 I started my fitness journey first by cutting out sodas and cutting my portion sizes. I started logging everything in a Fitness App.
I knew from reading the articles on Nerd Fitness that making small changes at first worked best. I tried doing some of the free home workouts but I knew my motivation would suffer and I would stop unless I had some “skin” in the game. So I called up my local gym and set up a free training session on Columbus Day.
The first workout was so horrible and I was so out of shape that I almost tossed my cookies – it just reinforced how far I had to go…but I was inspired. I signed up and started working with a trainer 3 times a week.
Strength training with some occasional cardio has the name of the game since then.
At that first session, I weighed in at 320 lbs and by Nov 16th I was down to 297lbs. I couldn’t remember the last time I was under 300lbs and my motivation never faltered. I started incorporating cardio 3 or 4 times a week into fitness routines.
STEVE: Hmmm, so what you’re saying is…this whole diet and exercise thing might actually work! Hahaha – so talk to me what other changes you made along the way.
KENNEY: I started doing intermittent fasting along with a low carb, high protein diet. As my weight went down I started feeling better and was continually amazed at what I could do. By January 4th, 2017 I was down to 281lbs.
STEVE: And that’s when you discovered the power of a supportive community, right?
KENNEY: Later that month I saw that there was a Facebook group for Academy members, which I had somehow missed when I signed up the year before. When I joined the group I was amazed at the community. The posts were uplifting and informative!
The progress posts served as motivation for me! By February, I had lost 50lbs and decided to make my first post on the Facebook group (which you can see below):
This was a huge step for me due to self-esteem issues but the support and uplifting comments were great. I used the Academy community to help keep me motivated.
Whenever I’d feel like quitting I’d log in and read the new posts and fortify my resolve. By May I was down 75 lbs and I was doing things I never thought I’d be able to do. I went from being winded by walking up stairs to doing Burpees, Squats, and bear crawls. I even started taking tennis lessons!
By the end of summer I was down 100lbs.
And just a few weeks ago, I weighed in at 198 lbs, meaning I’ve lost 120lbs! I can’t even remember the last time I was under 200! I recently went to the doctor again and had a fresh set of labs. My results were night and day! My A1C was normal, my blood sugar was normal, and my cholesterol was greatly reduced.
STEVE: AMAZING. So let’s hear about the New Kenney. What’s a typical day like now?
KENNEY: I wake up around 6:30 and 6:45am and try to get to work before 8:00am. I do intermittent fasting so I actually skip breakfast. My “feasting” window runs from 11am til 8pm.
My typical lunch is a salad minus croutons with chicken (I have a slight addiction to Caesar salads) If I need a snack I’ll eat some tuna or even some beef jerky (can’t have enough protein). Normally, I’ll head home and get ready to go to the gym! I work out 3 times a week with the trainer so I’ll do 40 minutes of cardio after those sessions or on a non-lifting day I’ll do an hour of cardio.
Lately, I’ve been on an elliptical kick as I can zone out and watch Netflix while I’m doing it. I also play Racquetball once a week with friends and I joined a basketball league (I’m really bad!).
After I work out, I’ll grab dinner with chicken or beef, with some brown rice, and broccoli (I love broccoli!) or a mixture of other veggies.
I also have a bit of a sweet tooth so I’ll treat myself with some halo ice cream (within reason) or some fruit or Siggi’s Icelandic style skyr. I’m a simple guy so I can eat the same things a few times a week and it doesn’t bother me. I guess I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals before I used it to make me feel better.
STEVE: That mentality change is amazing, and I love hearing it. You changed physically. What else changed about you along the way?
KENNEY: Looking back over the journey so far I’ve learned so much more about myself. I’ve discovered that I can reach goals and that I am capable of doing anything if I put my mind to it. While I haven’t reached my goal weight, I am well on my way. I have the tools to complete my journey.
I was a soloist in a community Sing-a-long Messiah tonight and I got to rock a tux, so I thought it would make a good after!
When I went to try on my “rent-a-tux” I was fitted in a 46S jacket and when I got home I looked at my old suit jacket and it was a 56R! It’s just amazing to me! I really appreciate the community that you have built. I wouldn’t have come this far without it!
STEVE: Everybody assumes that they’ll be happy once they lose weight. And you clearly seem like a completely different, more content, and proud person. Is there anything you still struggle with?
KENNEY: Losing this weight has really forced me to face my self-esteem issues and the mental aspects are a struggle. I feel so much better physically but I still struggle mentally with being the “fat” guy.
STEVE: Thanks for sharing that honestly with us, man. We’re all works in progress, both inside and out! And these battles take time. 
It’s a good reminder to know that even if you build the body you want, you still have to level up on the inside too and that can take time! Luckily you have an amazing community of weirdos cheering you on, and others who have struggled with those same self-esteem issues and can help you get through it! 
How Kenney finally succeeded and lost 120 pounds
I wanted to highlight the key points to his transformation that allowed him to finally find success, and hopefully you can implement these types of changes into your life too.
KEY POINT #1: Kenney kept trying.
Kenney spent over a year reading Nerd Fitness articles before working up the courage to even get started. After that, he joined the NF Academy and read the content but couldn’t get himself to do much more past that.
And yet, something kept him around. He kept getting Nerd Fitness emails in his inbox, even if he wasn’t ready to take action yet. And EVENTUALLY, the right combinations of words on a page, life experiences, and things clicked for him to finally take action.
If you’re somebody that has started and stopped or lost 20 pounds only to put on 30, you’re not alone.
If you woke up this January and said “I said the same thing last year about getting healthy, but here I am still overweight,” you’re not alone.
If you beat yourself up when you fail and think you’re doomed to stay fat, you’re not alone.
Give yourself credit – you’re still here reading this, and that counts for something! Keep trying. Keep reading. Keep attempting different methods until you find one that works for you – though I’d consider these 10 changes before making another attempt).
The important thing is that you take action – more information is usually not the answer.
Here at Nerd Fitness we refer to the perpetual activity of collecting information as “collecting underpants!“
Don’t get stuck on Phase 1 – you’ll never get to “profit” (healthy) without taking action (that’s phase 2).
Now, there’s a powerful psychological element to Kenney’s journey that I wanted to highlight as well.
KEY POINT #2: Kenney finally found his “Big Why.”
Just saying “I want to get in shape” wasn’t enough for him. Being overweight wasn’t enough. Having his doctor tell him that he was at risk for a all kinds of preventable diseases wasn’t enough.
Sure, he “wanted to get in shape,” but it wasn’t enough to make him actually change. After all, Chick-Fil-A, Zaxby’s, Coca Cola, and Burger King is SOOOO damn good, it takes a really powerful reason to want to give up those things and delay gratification until the future.
And then he finally found his “Big Why.”
Kenney was told that his weight was holding him back from landing bigger roles while performing on stage (something he truly loved). And that’s when he decided to finally take this next attempt at getting fit seriously and actually took steps to change.
If you are somebody that thinks you “should get in shape,” you’re not digging deep enough for your reasons. However, if you are trying to get in shape because:
You’re tired of being unhappy with the person you see in the mirror.
If you want to build confidence to finally go on a date for the first time.
If you want your wife to look at you with love/admiration the way she used to.
Your dad died at a young age and you want to live to see your grandkids.
A reason like this, written somewhere that you can see daily, will help you stay on track when life gets busy.
Key Point #3: Kenney changed his relationship with food.
This quote from Kenney perfectly encapsulates why Kenney was successful in his transformation:
“I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals, whereas before I used it to make me feel better.”
This is a guy who ate fast food 3-4 times per day, every day. Who grew up in the South, home of “comfort food.” A self-described Reese’s Cup and Ice cream aficionado.
THAT guy now views food as fuel for his fitness goals!
How did it happen? Slowly with small changes over a long period of time. Kenney knew that going on a crash diet wasn’t going to work (he had tried that in the past), so as we discuss here on Nerd Fitness he focused on small actionable changes he could make that didn’t scare him.
He kept things simple like cutting back on soda and tracking his food intake.
Only after he started to see some progress did he start playing this “healthy eating” game on a harder difficulty setting:
He moved his diet over to a more low carb, Paleo-ish nutritional strategy
He cut out breakfast and followed an Intermittent fasting plan
He consistently ate healthy options and go-to “default” meals.
Thanks to this dramatic change in his mentality, Kenney no longer needed food as an escape, but rather saw it as fuel, with occasional indulgences – like his favorite ice cream or candy – but in moderation without fear or guilt.
Key Point #4: Kenney STOPPED relying on himself.
Believe it or not, Kenney giving up on himself might be the most important mindset shift he could have made.
When most people decide to get in shape, they all do the same thing: “I am going to get in shape. I’m gonna get motivated and hit the gym consistently!” Two weeks later, they’ve already given up but now they ALSO have shame: “I am ashamed that I couldn’t stick with my goals, something must be wrong with me!”
Conversely, people that succeed know themselves better than that, so they plan for it. They stop expecting themselves to magically become a motivation powerhouse and instead start asking better questions. “Okay if Motivation ALWAYS leaves me, rather than beating myself up how can I stack the deck so that I no longer need motivation in the first place?”
Kenney stopped relying on himself in two key ways:
He invested in himself so that he had “skin in the game”
He had OTHER people keep him accountable other than just himself.
We’re going to dig into both of these specific issues in the next two points, but I want to return to the above:
If you rely on yourself to be motivated, and you think you need to be motivated to get in shape, you’ve already lost.
STOP relying on motivation. Instead, build systems, recruit allies, and structure your environment in ways that support your goals.
Try this: recruit a friend who will cheer you on. Give him $50 of your money and tell him you’ll check in with him every day. If you don’t check in to let him know that you went for a walk and ate a veggie, he will donate that money to a cause you HATE.
Speaking of recruiting allies…
Key Point #5: Kenney surrounded himself with the right people
I’m proud to say that Nerd FItness played a communal role in helping Kenney Reach his goals. Our Academy doesn’t a super secret proprietary workout plan – its fun compound strength training. Our nutritional strategy isn’t anything proprietary – its less junk and more vegetables. Sure, it digs deep on the mindset stuff, and it’s got a fun leveling system and nutritional strategy that gamifies getting in shape.
But that’s not what made it such a big help in Kenney’s journey: it was the community of people who are aligned with the same goal, struggling with the same problems, that were cheering him on.
Or in another Academy member’s words, when asked why he loves the community:
Human connection and supportive people can be the biggest help in transforming, and Kenney had both: a coach who pushed him, and a community that supported him.
Did you know that you are the average of the 5 people you associate most with?
Show me the weight, health, net worth, and happiness level of the 5 people you spend the most time with, and I bet I can guess a lot about you with startling accuracy – it’s because those people influence you every day without you realizing it with their words, decisions, and choices.
So then I ask you: Are your five people making you want to be better? Or are they people who make fun of you for skipping game night to exercise or goad you into skipping the salad and ordering a cheeseburger to “live a little.”
Kenney has been a major contributor to our community, sharing his struggles and his progress. Unsurprisingly, he’s also one of our BEST successes, and an inspiration to the men of the Academy group – and now the galaxy.
If you are serious about getting in shape, interact with people that make you want to be better:
Join a running club at work. Or start one!
Find an accountability buddy that you check in with daily.
Create a guild and introduce positive peer pressure!
Have somebody you can ask embarrassing questions to and share your struggles with.
I love that Kenney found the NF community to be super supportive while he also leveled up his life with in person connections too, and I want the same for you.
I don’t care where you find these people, I just want you to have these people in your life! Now, I might be slightly biased, but I believe our online crew is the best community on the planet!
Key Point #6: Kenney invested in himself
Kenney tried to follow along with free workouts at home. He read free articles on Nerd Fitness for over a year. And he couldn’t get himself to take his attempt at getting in shape seriously.
As he was still in search of his big WHY, he realized that he’d never stick with an attempt until he had some “skin in the game” (invested in himself). So he called up his local gym and set up a free training session.
And that lead to him realizing that hiring a trainer that knows him better than he knows himself was going to be a game changer:
“My trainer is perfect for me! He keeps me motivated and honest without being the cliched TV trainer who berates their clients! He’s never yelled or made me feel like a failure. Honestly, If had a trainer like that I would have quit after the first session. He’s a self described nerd so we often talk about the next big superhero movie or I crack jokes about his addiction to big Kit Kat bars!”
Whether it’s an online coach or a course, there’s so much psychology at stake beyond just the information you learn in these situations. We all know what we need to do (eat less, move more), but we can’t get ourselves to do those things.
Investing in a course or hiring a coach can be the biggest difference between success and failure for many people. When you spend money on a quality fitness product or service:
You spend time with other people who are investing in themselves.
You get to outsource your decision making and just focus on following directions.
You get the peace of mind that you are doing the right thing because its been prescribed by somebody farther along than you.
You get guaranteed accountability, because you’re paying somebody for something which means you’ll value it more!
Sure, there are MILLIONS of free resources out there about how to get healthy. There are millions of free fitness articles (you’re reading one of them!).
And yes, many people can get motivated and go build their own workout and go to the gym and figure things out and LOVE spending that time doing so.
For the rest of us though, we don’t have the time or ability to sort through the junk to find the best information, or we just want the peace of mind knowing we’re learning from somebody that gets us.
And lastly, maybe we know ourselves well enough that if we spend money on something, we’ll actually use it!
Personally, I pay money to go to a gym 2 blocks away instead of using the free gym in my apartment building, because I never go to the free one! I also pay hundreds every month to work with an online fitness coach, and it’s the best money I spend each month.
I’m not telling you to spend your money on fitness. Instead, I’m saying that what you spend your money (and your time) on says a lot about your priorities.
Kenney looked at his spending habits and despite what he was told himself he cared about, he was really prioritizing fast food, no sleep, and video games.
So he changed his priorities by eliminating unhealthy, expensive food and instead, spent that money on investing in himself (a coach, the NF Academy, healthy food).
Of COURSE you don’t need to spend money on your health and wellness – but it can be like powerleveling yourself in a video game! If you think you can’t afford a gym membership, or a trainer, or a course…track your spending and measure what you have been spending your money on instead (TV, Netflix, game subscriptions, etc).
If you reallllly want something, you can find a way to save elsewhere to invest on what’s important:
If you have chosen to prioritize your health and wellness, I’d suggest investing in:
A gym membership (or home gym) if you’re serious about changing your physique.
A comprehensive online course/community if you can’t learn in person. (like the Academy).
A personal trainer or an online coach (we have a 1-on-1 online coaching program too).
Notice I didn’t say anything about supplements or ab coasters or whatever – get your mentality in order, work with people who have succeeded in the way you want to succeed, and get started!
be Less like Old Kenney. Be more like new Kenney.
I’m so thankful Kenney let me share this story with you today! Here are the most important things he did to transform into Tony Stark:
Even though he wasn’t ready to transform, he kept reading about health and fitness for years until something clicked.
He finally had a big enough reason why to overcome his love of fast food. He dug deep and really addressed his motivations.
He stopped relying on himself, and instead outsourced his motivation and accountability to a community and a coach.
He invested in himself, which made him take the opportunity more clearly
He fixed his relationship with food – instead of comfort, it became fuel for his goals.
Regardless of how involved you want to be with Nerd Fitness, I’m just glad that you’re here and reading this. I hope you can see Kenney’s transformation above and decide “Hey, I want to do that! maybe I should do what he did.” And put his words into your practice!
And then go see Kenney perform!
Look for the guy center stage….
PS: I’m glad that Kenney is a really active and encouraging part of our community in the Nerd Fitness Academy, and I hope you consider checking it out too!
It’s the most supportive group on the internet, and you’ll also get workout plans, a 10-level nutritional system, an entire mindset module, and character leveling system with real-life quests and boss battles. It comes with a 60-day guarantee to give you a chance to try it out and see if it can help you level up your life!
See you in there!
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally). published first on https://www.nerdfitness.com
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dorothyd89 · 7 years
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally).
“There’s no way that’s the same person, right?”
Admittedly, that’s what I first thought when I saw Kenney’s before and after photos. There was just NO way that this Tony Stark looking dude on the right was the same person as the man in the other photo, right?
And then I saw his other photos. And then I heard his story.
And then I teared up.
Shut up I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Today, we’re going to be talking about Ironma—-Kenney Frazier, an IT systems administrator from Alabama, a gamer, and an opera singer who has had one of the most dramatic transformations I’ve ever seen. It’s no exaggeration to say that Kenney clearly saved his own life. Not just in terms of life expectancy, but also quality of his life.
Kenney is a proud member of the Nerd Fitness Academy who made some key changes in his life that helped him succeed. We’re going to dig deep into those major and minor changes Kenney made and how you can be like him!
After years of struggle, starting and stopping, a switch flipped and he has lost over 120 pounds in the past 15 months.
Here’s his origin story.
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I identify as a:
Meet Kenney
STEVE: Kenney! My man. When I first saw your post in the Academy Facebook group, and it had hundreds and hundreds of likes and comments, my jaw dropped. Let’s hear your background:
KENNEY: I’ve pretty much always been overweight. Even in Kindergarten I was pudgy! I attribute this to my love of Reese Cups (I’m a recovering addict; there should really be a Reese Cup Lovers Anonymous Group). I steadily put on the pounds, and by high school I easily tipped the scales at 250lbs+.
By the age of 25 I was over 300lbs and miserable.
I would go on a diet, have some success, then expand to new heights in short order. My addiction to Everquest and World of Warcraft definitely did not help. I lived an extremely sedentary life and I was depressed. I would use these virtual worlds as an escape from my self-imposed dungeon. I was finally able to break out of this addiction and decided to start living in the real world. I joined the workforce and did my best to become an adult.
STEVE: I hear ya brother – I too played Everquest (and Everquest 2) for over a decade and did it for the same reasons you did – to escape a crappy reality. What was a typical day like for you then?
KENNEY: I would wake up around 8:30am during the week and drag myself into work. On the way to work I’d stop by Chick-fil-a and grab 2 chicken biscuits and a large lemonade because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?
Ha. Of course being a southerner you can’t have breakfast without biscuits!
Lunch, would roll around and I’d run to Burger King and order 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry and Coke to wash it down with.
I’d probably grab a candy bar or chips from the snack machine mid afternoon.
On the way home I’d stop by and grab more food for dinner: a large chicken finger plate from Zaxby’s because who don’t love fried chicken? I had to have another large Coke to wash it down.
After I finished my food I’d plop down in front of the TV or my computer or go take a nap for a few hours. I’d normally heading to bed around midnight or 1am after playing a few games of Dota2 with some friends.
STEVE: So let’s talk about what happened that brought about actual changes:
KENNEY: I was 35, tired all the time and unhappy with my life. Obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, and high blood pressure are also all prevalent in my family history.
I finally had enough and made an appointment to get a physical. When I saw my lab results I knew I was in trouble. My blood pressure was high, my blood sugar was high and my A1C was in the diabetic range! My cholesterol was sky high and I weighed 334 lbs! Despite these sobering results it still wasn’t enough to wake me up.
As a card carrying super nerd – I’ve always enjoyed table top RPG – I was a member of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with some friends from High School. One of the players started talking about Nerd Fitness and it piqued my interest.
I decided to check it out and joined the NF Academy in January of 2016. I read the starter quests, but keep putting off actually starting.
STEVE: That’s interesting – so you joined the program, but couldn’t get yourself to commit or take action beyond just reading the missions. Sounds like a classic case of not having a big enough reason WHY yet! Your doctor said you had bad health signals, but deep down you weren’t ready to change yet.
So what happened next?
KENNEY: Music has always been my main passion. I was a vocal major in college before switching to something more “practical.” I decided to restart my vocal studies at a local music school in my early 30’s.
As if being a typical DnD/MMORPG nerd wasn’t enough, my musical endeavors are in the Classical/Opera genre. The school where I study has spring and winter productions each year. I was cast in my first show and I was hooked. I was continually cast in smaller roles but I had larger ambitions. In September of 2016, I had just finished a production and felt I had performed well but I wanted more. I reached out to the teacher in charge of casting.
I told her that I was committed to landing a leading role, and her response? My weight was a showstopper.
STEVE: And there it is…your ACTUAL “Big Why” – the reason that deep down made you want to change. It must have been brutal to hear that you were too big to be considered for more important musical roles. But it appears to also have been a big turning point for you.
KENNEY: October 2016 I started my fitness journey first by cutting out sodas and cutting my portion sizes. I started logging everything in a Fitness App.
I knew from reading the articles on Nerd Fitness that making small changes at first worked best. I tried doing some of the free home workouts but I knew my motivation would suffer and I would stop unless I had some “skin” in the game. So I called up my local gym and set up a free training session on Columbus Day.
The first workout was so horrible and I was so out of shape that I almost tossed my cookies – it just reinforced how far I had to go…but I was inspired. I signed up and started working with a trainer 3 times a week.
Strength training with some occasional cardio has the name of the game since then.
At that first session, I weighed in at 320 lbs and by Nov 16th I was down to 297lbs. I couldn’t remember the last time I was under 300lbs and my motivation never faltered. I started incorporating cardio 3 or 4 times a week into strength-training routines.
STEVE: Hmmm, so what you’re saying is…this whole diet and exercise thing might actually work! Hahaha – so talk to me what other changes you made along the way.
KENNEY: I started doing intermittent fasting along with a low carb, high protein diet. As my weight went down I started feeling better and was continually amazed at what I could do. By January 4th, 2017 I was down to 281lbs.
STEVE: And that’s when you discovered the power of a supportive community, right?
KENNEY: Later that month I saw that there was a Facebook group for Academy members, which I had somehow missed when I signed up the year before. When I joined the group I was amazed at the community. The posts were uplifting and informative.
The progress posts served as motivation for me! By February, I had lost 50lbs and decided to make my first post on the Facebook group (which you can see below):
This was a huge step for me due to self-esteem issues but the support and uplifting comments were great. I used the Academy community to help keep me motivated.
Whenever I’d feel like quitting I’d log in and read the new posts and fortify my resolve. By May I was down 75 lbs and I was doing things I never thought I’d be able to do. I went from being winded by walking up stairs to doing Burpees, Squats, and bear crawls. I even started taking tennis lessons!
By the end of summer I was down 100lbs.
And just a few weeks ago, I weighed in at 198 lbs, meaning I’ve lost 120lbs! I can’t even remember the last time I was under 200! I recently went to the doctor again and had a fresh set of labs. My results were night and day! My A1C was normal, my blood sugar was normal, and my cholesterol was greatly reduced.
STEVE: AMAZING. So let’s hear about the New Kenney. What’s a typical day like now?
KENNEY: I wake up around 6:30 and 6:45am and try to get to work before 8:00am. I do intermittent fasting so I actually skip breakfast. My “feasting” window runs from 11am til 8pm.
My typical lunch is a salad minus croutons with chicken (I have a slight addiction to Caesar salads) If I need a snack I’ll eat some tuna or even some beef jerky (can’t have enough protein). Normally, I’ll head home and get ready to go to the gym! I work out 3 times a week with the trainer so I’ll do 40 minutes of cardio after those sessions or on a non-lifting day I’ll do an hour of cardio.
Lately, I’ve been on an elliptical kick as I can zone out and watch Netflix while I’m doing it. I also play Racquetball once a week with friends and I joined a basketball league (I’m really bad!).
After I work out, I’ll grab dinner with chicken or beef, with some brown rice, and broccoli (I love broccoli!) or a mixture of other veggies.
I also have a bit of a sweet tooth so I’ll treat myself with some halo ice cream (within reason) or some fruit or Siggi’s Icelandic style skyr. I’m a simple guy so I can eat the same things a few times a week and it doesn’t bother me. I guess I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals before I used it to make me feel better.
STEVE: That mentality change is amazing, and I love hearing it. You changed physically. What else changed about you along the way?
KENNEY: Looking back over the journey so far I’ve learned so much more about myself. I’ve discovered that I can reach goals and that I am capable of doing anything if I put my mind to it. While I haven’t reached my goal weight, I am well on my way. I have the tools to complete my journey.
I was a soloist in a community Sing-a-long Messiah tonight and I got to rock a tux, so I thought it would make a good after!
When I went to try on my “rent-a-tux” I was fitted in a 46S jacket and when I got home I looked at my old suit jacket and it was a 56R! It’s just amazing to me! I really appreciate the community that you have built. I wouldn’t have come this far without it!
STEVE: Everybody assumes that they’ll be happy once they lose weight. And you clearly seem like a completely different, more content, and proud person. Is there anything you still struggle with?
KENNEY: Losing this weight has really forced me to face my self-esteem issues and the mental aspects are a struggle. I feel so much better physically but I still struggle mentally with being the “fat” guy.
STEVE: Thanks for sharing that honestly with us, man. We’re all works in progress, both inside and out! And these battles take time. 
It’s a good reminder to know that even if you build the body you want, you still have to level up on the inside too and that can take time! Luckily you have an amazing community of weirdos cheering you on, and others who have struggled with those same self-esteem issues and can help you get through it! 
How Kenney finally succeeded and lost 120 pounds
I wanted to highlight the key points to his transformation that allowed him to finally find success, and hopefully you can implement these types of changes into your life too.
KEY POINT #1: Kenney kept trying.
Kenney spent over a year reading Nerd Fitness articles before working up the courage to even get started. After that, he joined the NF Academy and read the content but couldn’t get himself to do much more past that.
And yet, something kept him around. He kept getting Nerd Fitness emails in his inbox, even if he wasn’t ready to take action yet. And EVENTUALLY, the right combinations of words on a page, life experiences, and things clicked for him to finally take action.
If you’re somebody that has started and stopped or lost 20 pounds only to put on 30, you’re not alone.
If you woke up this January and said “I said the same thing last year about getting healthy, but here I am still overweight,” you’re not alone.
If you beat yourself up when you fail and think you’re doomed to stay fat, you’re not alone.
Give yourself credit – you’re still here reading this, and that counts for something! Keep trying. Keep reading. Keep attempting different methods until you find one that works for you – though I’d consider these 10 changes before making another attempt).
The important thing is that you take action – more information is usually not the answer.
Here at Nerd Fitness we refer to the perpetual activity of collecting information as “collecting underpants!“
Don’t get stuck on Phase 1 – you’ll never get to “profit” (healthy) without taking action (that’s phase 2).
Now, there’s a powerful psychological element to Kenney’s journey that I wanted to highlight as well.
KEY POINT #2: Kenney finally found his “Big Why.”
Just saying “I want to get in shape” wasn’t enough for him. Being overweight wasn’t enough. Having his doctor tell him that he was at risk for a all kinds of preventable diseases wasn’t enough.
Sure, he “wanted to get in shape,” but it wasn’t enough to make him actually change. After all, Chick-Fil-A, Zaxby’s, Coca Cola, and Burger King is SOOOO damn good, it takes a really powerful reason to want to give up those things and delay gratification until the future.
And then he finally found his “Big Why.”
Kenney was told that his weight was holding him back from landing bigger roles while performing on stage (something he truly loved). And that’s when he decided to finally take this next attempt at getting fit seriously and actually took steps to change.
If you are somebody that thinks you “should get in shape,” you’re not digging deep enough for your reasons. However, if you are trying to get in shape because:
You’re tired of being unhappy with the person you see in the mirror.
If you want to build confidence to finally go on a date for the first time.
If you want your wife to look at you with love/admiration the way she used to.
Your dad died at a young age and you want to live to see your grandkids.
A reason like this, written somewhere that you can see daily, will help you stay on track when life gets busy.
Key Point #3: Kenney changed his relationship with food.
This quote from Kenney perfectly encapsulates why Kenney was successful in his transformation:
“I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals, whereas before I used it to make me feel better.”
This is a guy who ate fast food 3-4 times per day, every day. Who grew up in the South, home of “comfort food.” A self-described Reese’s Cup and Ice cream aficionado.
THAT guy now views food as fuel for his fitness goals!
How did it happen? Slowly with small changes over a long period of time. Kenney knew that going on a crash diet wasn’t going to work (he had tried that in the past), so as we discuss here on Nerd Fitness he focused on small actionable changes he could make that didn’t scare him.
He kept things simple like cutting back on soda and tracking his food intake.
Only after he started to see some progress did he start playing this “healthy eating” game on a harder difficulty setting:
He moved his diet over to a more low carb, Paleo-ish nutritional strategy
He cut out breakfast and followed an Intermittent fasting plan
He consistently ate healthy options and go-to “default” meals.
Thanks to this dramatic change in his mentality, Kenney no longer needed food as an escape, but rather saw it as fuel, with occasional indulgences – like his favorite ice cream or candy – but in moderation without fear or guilt.
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THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
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What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
I identify as a:
Key Point #4: Kenney STOPPED relying on himself.
Believe it or not, Kenney giving up on himself might be the most important mindset shift he could have made.
When most people decide to get in shape, they all do the same thing: “I am going to get in shape. I’m gonna get motivated and hit the gym consistently!” Two weeks later, they’ve already given up but now they ALSO have shame: “I am ashamed that I couldn’t stick with my goals, something must be wrong with me!”
Conversely, people that succeed know themselves better than that, so they plan for it. They stop expecting themselves to magically become a motivation powerhouse and instead start asking better questions. “Okay if Motivation ALWAYS leaves me, rather than beating myself up how can I stack the deck so that I no longer need motivation in the first place?”
Kenney stopped relying on himself in two key ways:
He invested in himself so that he had “skin in the game”
He had OTHER people keep him accountable other than just himself.
We’re going to dig into both of these specific issues in the next two points, but I want to return to the above:
If you rely on yourself to be motivated, and you think you need to be motivated to get in shape, you’ve already lost.
STOP relying on motivation. Instead, build systems, recruit allies, and structure your environment in ways that support your goals.
Try this: recruit a friend who will cheer you on. Give him $50 of your money and tell him you’ll check in with him every day. If you don’t check in to let him know that you went for a walk and ate a veggie, he will donate that money to a cause you HATE.
Speaking of recruiting allies…
Key Point #5: Kenney surrounded himself with the right people
I’m proud to say that Nerd FItness played a communal role in helping Kenney Reach his goals. Our Academy doesn’t a super secret proprietary workout plan – its fun compound strength training. Our nutritional strategy isn’t anything proprietary – its less junk and more vegetables. Sure, it digs deep on the mindset stuff, and it’s got a fun leveling system and nutritional strategy that gamifies getting in shape.
But that’s not what made it such a big help in Kenney’s journey: it was the community of people who are aligned with the same goal, struggling with the same problems, that were cheering him on.
Or in another Academy member’s words, when asked why he loves the community:
Human connection and supportive people can be the biggest help in transforming, and Kenney had both: a coach who pushed him, and a community that supported him.
Did you know that you are the average of the 5 people you associate most with?
Show me the weight, health, net worth, and happiness level of the 5 people you spend the most time with, and I bet I can guess a lot about you with startling accuracy – it’s because those people influence you every day without you realizing it with their words, decisions, and choices.
So then I ask you: Are your five people making you want to be better? Or are they people who make fun of you for skipping game night to exercise or goad you into skipping the salad and ordering a cheeseburger to “live a little.”
Kenney has been a major contributor to our community, sharing his struggles and his progress. Unsurprisingly, he’s also one of our BEST successes, and an inspiration to the men of the Academy group – and now the galaxy.
If you are serious about getting in shape, interact with people that make you want to be better:
Join a running club at work. Or start one!
Find an accountability buddy that you check in with daily.
Create a guild and introduce positive peer pressure!
Have somebody you can ask embarrassing questions to and share your struggles with.
I love that Kenney found the NF community to be super supportive while he also leveled up his life with in person connections too, and I want the same for you.
I don’t care where you find these people, I just want you to have these people in your life! Now, I might be slightly biased, but I believe our online crew is the best community on the planet!
Key Point #6: Kenney invested in himself
Kenney tried to follow along with free workouts at home. He read free articles on Nerd Fitness for over a year. And he couldn’t get himself to take his attempt at getting in shape seriously.
As he was still in search of his big WHY, he realized that he’d never stick with an attempt until he had some “skin in the game” (invested in himself). So he called up his local gym and set up a free training session.
And that lead to him realizing that hiring a trainer that knows him better than he knows himself was going to be a game changer:
“My trainer is perfect for me! He keeps me motivated and honest without being the cliched TV trainer who berates their clients! He’s never yelled or made me feel like a failure. Honestly, If had a trainer like that I would have quit after the first session. He’s a self described nerd so we often talk about the next big superhero movie or I crack jokes about his addiction to big Kit Kat bars!”
Whether it’s an online coach or a course, there’s so much psychology at stake beyond just the information you learn in these situations. We all know what we need to do (eat less, move more), but we can’t get ourselves to do those things.
Investing in a course or hiring a coach can be the biggest difference between success and failure for many people. When you spend money on a quality fitness product or service:
You spend time with other people who are investing in themselves.
You get to outsource your decision making and just focus on following directions.
You get the peace of mind that you are doing the right thing because its been prescribed by somebody farther along than you.
You get guaranteed accountability, because you’re paying somebody for something which means you’ll value it more!
Sure, there are MILLIONS of free resources out there about how to get healthy. There are millions of free fitness articles (you’re reading one of them!).
And yes, many people can get motivated and go build their own workout and go to the gym and figure things out and LOVE spending that time doing so.
For the rest of us though, we don’t have the time or ability to sort through the junk to find the best information, or we just want the peace of mind knowing we’re learning from somebody that gets us.
And lastly, maybe we know ourselves well enough that if we spend money on something, we’ll actually use it!
Personally, I pay money to go to a gym 2 blocks away instead of using the free gym in my apartment building, because I never go to the free one! I also pay hundreds every month to work with an online fitness coach, and it’s the best money I spend each month.
I’m not telling you to spend your money on fitness. Instead, I’m saying that what you spend your money (and your time) on says a lot about your priorities.
Kenney looked at his spending habits and despite what he was told himself he cared about, he was really prioritizing fast food, no sleep, and video games.
So he changed his priorities by eliminating unhealthy, expensive food and instead, spent that money on investing in himself (a coach, the NF Academy, healthy food).
Of COURSE you don’t need to spend money on your health and wellness – but it can be like powerleveling yourself in a video game! If you think you can’t afford a gym membership, or a trainer, or a course…track your spending and measure what you have been spending your money on instead (TV, Netflix, game subscriptions, etc).
If you reallllly want something, you can find a way to save elsewhere to invest on what’s important:
If you have chosen to prioritize your health and wellness, I’d suggest investing in:
A gym membership (or home gym) if you’re serious about changing your physique.
A comprehensive online course/community if you can’t learn in person. (like the Academy).
A personal trainer or an online coach (we have a 1-on-1 online coaching program too).
Notice I didn’t say anything about supplements or ab coasters or whatever – get your mentality in order, work with people who have succeeded in the way you want to succeed, and get started!
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
I identify as a:
be Less like Old Kenney. Be more like new Kenney.
I’m so thankful Kenney let me share this story with you today! Here are the most important things he did to transform into Tony Stark:
Even though he wasn’t ready to transform, he kept reading about health and fitness for years until something clicked.
He finally had a big enough reason why to overcome his love of fast food. He dug deep and really addressed his motivations.
He stopped relying on himself, and instead outsourced his motivation and accountability to a community and a coach.
He invested in himself, which made him take the opportunity more clearly
He fixed his relationship with food – instead of comfort, it became fuel for his goals.
Regardless of how involved you want to be with Nerd Fitness, I’m just glad that you’re here and reading this. I hope you can see Kenney’s transformation above and decide “Hey, I want to do that! maybe I should do what he did.” And put his words into your practice!
And then go see Kenney perform!
Look for the guy center stage….
PS: I’m glad that Kenney is a really active and encouraging part of our community in the Nerd Fitness Academy, and I hope you consider checking it out too!
It’s the most supportive group on the internet, and you’ll also get workout plans, a 10-level nutritional system, an entire mindset module, and character leveling system with real-life quests and boss battles. It comes with a 60-day guarantee to give you a chance to try it out and see if it can help you level up your life!
See you in there!
http://ift.tt/2qv0cOl http://ift.tt/2COIGJI
http://ift.tt/2CTvNy6 http://ift.tt/2CZapYk http://ift.tt/2CVfeyD
0 notes
dorothyd89 · 7 years
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally).
“There’s no way that’s the same person, right?”
Admittedly, that’s what I first thought when I saw Kenney’s before and after photos. There was just NO way that this Tony Stark looking dude on the right was the same person as the man in the other photo, right?
And then I saw his other photos. And then I heard his story.
And then I teared up.
Shut up I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Today, we’re going to be talking about Ironma—-Kenney Frazier, an IT systems administrator from Alabama, a gamer, and an opera singer who has had one of the most dramatic transformations I’ve ever seen. It’s no exaggeration to say that Kenney clearly saved his own life. Not just in terms of life expectancy, but also quality of his life.
Kenney is a proud member of the Nerd Fitness Academy who made some key changes in his life that helped him succeed. We’re going to dig deep into those major and minor changes Kenney made and how you can be like him!
After years of struggle, starting and stopping, a switch flipped and he has lost over 120 pounds in the past 15 months.
Here’s his origin story.
Get your Nerd Fitness Starter Kit
The 15 mistakes you don’t want to make.
Full guide to the most effective diet and why it works.
Complete and track your first workout today, no gym required.
I identify as a:
Meet Kenney
STEVE: Kenney! My man. When I first saw your post in the Academy Facebook group, and it had hundreds and hundreds of likes and comments, my jaw dropped. Let’s hear your background:
KENNEY: I’ve pretty much always been overweight. Even in Kindergarten I was pudgy! I attribute this to my love of Reese Cups (I’m a recovering addict; there should really be a Reese Cup Lovers Anonymous Group). I steadily put on the pounds, and by high school I easily tipped the scales at 250lbs+.
By the age of 25 I was over 300lbs and miserable.
I would go on a diet, have some success, then expand to new heights in short order. My addiction to Everquest and World of Warcraft definitely did not help. I lived an extremely sedentary life and I was depressed. I would use these virtual worlds as an escape from my self-imposed dungeon. I was finally able to break out of this addiction and decided to start living in the real world. I joined the workforce and did my best to become an adult.
STEVE: I hear ya brother – I too played Everquest (and Everquest 2) for over a decade and did it for the same reasons you did – to escape a crappy reality. What was a typical day like for you then?
KENNEY: I would wake up around 8:30am during the week and drag myself into work. On the way to work I’d stop by Chick-fil-a and grab 2 chicken biscuits and a large lemonade because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?
Ha. Of course being a southerner you can’t have breakfast without biscuits!
Lunch, would roll around and I’d run to Burger King and order 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry and Coke to wash it down with.
I’d probably grab a candy bar or chips from the snack machine mid afternoon.
On the way home I’d stop by and grab more food for dinner: a large chicken finger plate from Zaxby’s because who don’t love fried chicken? I had to have another large Coke to wash it down.
After I finished my food I’d plop down in front of the TV or my computer or go take a nap for a few hours. I’d normally heading to bed around midnight or 1am after playing a few games of Dota2 with some friends.
STEVE: So let’s talk about what happened that brought about actual changes:
KENNEY: I was 35, tired all the time and unhappy with my life. Obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, and high blood pressure are also all prevalent in my family history.
I finally had enough and made an appointment to get a physical. When I saw my lab results I knew I was in trouble. My blood pressure was high, my blood sugar was high and my A1C was in the diabetic range! My cholesterol was sky high and I weighed 334 lbs! Despite these sobering results it still wasn’t enough to wake me up.
As a card carrying super nerd – I’ve always enjoyed table top RPG – I was a member of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with some friends from High School. One of the players started talking about Nerd Fitness and it piqued my interest.
I decided to check it out and joined the NF Academy in January of 2016. I read the starter quests, but keep putting off actually starting.
STEVE: That’s interesting – so you joined the program, but couldn’t get yourself to commit or take action beyond just reading the missions. Sounds like a classic case of not having a big enough reason WHY yet! Your doctor said you had bad health signals, but deep down you weren’t ready to change yet.
So what happened next?
KENNEY: Music has always been my main passion. I was a vocal major in college before switching to something more “practical.” I decided to restart my vocal studies at a local music school in my early 30’s.
As if being a typical DnD/MMORPG nerd wasn’t enough, my musical endeavors are in the Classical/Opera genre. The school where I study has spring and winter productions each year. I was cast in my first show and I was hooked. I was continually cast in smaller roles but I had larger ambitions. In September of 2016, I had just finished a production and felt I had performed well but I wanted more. I reached out to the teacher in charge of casting.
I told her that I was committed to landing a leading role, and her response? My weight was a showstopper.
STEVE: And there it is…your ACTUAL “Big Why” – the reason that deep down made you want to change. It must have been brutal to hear that you were too big to be considered for more important musical roles. But it appears to also have been a big turning point for you.
KENNEY: October 2016 I started my fitness journey first by cutting out sodas and cutting my portion sizes. I started logging everything in a Fitness App.
I knew from reading the articles on Nerd Fitness that making small changes at first worked best. I tried doing some of the free home workouts but I knew my motivation would suffer and I would stop unless I had some “skin” in the game. So I called up my local gym and set up a free training session on Columbus Day.
The first workout was so horrible and I was so out of shape that I almost tossed my cookies – it just reinforced how far I had to go…but I was inspired. I signed up and started working with a trainer 3 times a week.
Strength training with some occasional cardio has the name of the game since then.
At that first session, I weighed in at 320 lbs and by Nov 16th I was down to 297lbs. I couldn’t remember the last time I was under 300lbs and my motivation never faltered. I started incorporating cardio 3 or 4 times a week into strength-training routines.
STEVE: Hmmm, so what you’re saying is…this whole diet and exercise thing might actually work! Hahaha – so talk to me what other changes you made along the way.
KENNEY: I started doing intermittent fasting along with a low carb, high protein diet. As my weight went down I started feeling better and was continually amazed at what I could do. By January 4th, 2017 I was down to 281lbs.
STEVE: And that’s when you discovered the power of a supportive community, right?
KENNEY: Later that month I saw that there was a Facebook group for Academy members, which I had somehow missed when I signed up the year before. When I joined the group I was amazed at the community. The posts were uplifting and informative.
The progress posts served as motivation for me! By February, I had lost 50lbs and decided to make my first post on the Facebook group (which you can see below):
This was a huge step for me due to self-esteem issues but the support and uplifting comments were great. I used the Academy community to help keep me motivated.
Whenever I’d feel like quitting I’d log in and read the new posts and fortify my resolve. By May I was down 75 lbs and I was doing things I never thought I’d be able to do. I went from being winded by walking up stairs to doing Burpees, Squats, and bear crawls. I even started taking tennis lessons!
By the end of summer I was down 100lbs.
And just a few weeks ago, I weighed in at 198 lbs, meaning I’ve lost 120lbs! I can’t even remember the last time I was under 200! I recently went to the doctor again and had a fresh set of labs. My results were night and day! My A1C was normal, my blood sugar was normal, and my cholesterol was greatly reduced.
STEVE: AMAZING. So let’s hear about the New Kenney. What’s a typical day like now?
KENNEY: I wake up around 6:30 and 6:45am and try to get to work before 8:00am. I do intermittent fasting so I actually skip breakfast. My “feasting” window runs from 11am til 8pm.
My typical lunch is a salad minus croutons with chicken (I have a slight addiction to Caesar salads) If I need a snack I’ll eat some tuna or even some beef jerky (can’t have enough protein). Normally, I’ll head home and get ready to go to the gym! I work out 3 times a week with the trainer so I’ll do 40 minutes of cardio after those sessions or on a non-lifting day I’ll do an hour of cardio.
Lately, I’ve been on an elliptical kick as I can zone out and watch Netflix while I’m doing it. I also play Racquetball once a week with friends and I joined a basketball league (I’m really bad!).
After I work out, I’ll grab dinner with chicken or beef, with some brown rice, and broccoli (I love broccoli!) or a mixture of other veggies.
I also have a bit of a sweet tooth so I’ll treat myself with some halo ice cream (within reason) or some fruit or Siggi’s Icelandic style skyr. I’m a simple guy so I can eat the same things a few times a week and it doesn’t bother me. I guess I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals before I used it to make me feel better.
STEVE: That mentality change is amazing, and I love hearing it. You changed physically. What else changed about you along the way?
KENNEY: Looking back over the journey so far I’ve learned so much more about myself. I’ve discovered that I can reach goals and that I am capable of doing anything if I put my mind to it. While I haven’t reached my goal weight, I am well on my way. I have the tools to complete my journey.
I was a soloist in a community Sing-a-long Messiah tonight and I got to rock a tux, so I thought it would make a good after!
When I went to try on my “rent-a-tux” I was fitted in a 46S jacket and when I got home I looked at my old suit jacket and it was a 56R! It’s just amazing to me! I really appreciate the community that you have built. I wouldn’t have come this far without it!
STEVE: Everybody assumes that they’ll be happy once they lose weight. And you clearly seem like a completely different, more content, and proud person. Is there anything you still struggle with?
KENNEY: Losing this weight has really forced me to face my self-esteem issues and the mental aspects are a struggle. I feel so much better physically but I still struggle mentally with being the “fat” guy.
STEVE: Thanks for sharing that honestly with us, man. We’re all works in progress, both inside and out! And these battles take time. 
It’s a good reminder to know that even if you build the body you want, you still have to level up on the inside too and that can take time! Luckily you have an amazing community of weirdos cheering you on, and others who have struggled with those same self-esteem issues and can help you get through it! 
How Kenney finally succeeded and lost 120 pounds
I wanted to highlight the key points to his transformation that allowed him to finally find success, and hopefully you can implement these types of changes into your life too.
KEY POINT #1: Kenney kept trying.
Kenney spent over a year reading Nerd Fitness articles before working up the courage to even get started. After that, he joined the NF Academy and read the content but couldn’t get himself to do much more past that.
And yet, something kept him around. He kept getting Nerd Fitness emails in his inbox, even if he wasn’t ready to take action yet. And EVENTUALLY, the right combinations of words on a page, life experiences, and things clicked for him to finally take action.
If you’re somebody that has started and stopped or lost 20 pounds only to put on 30, you’re not alone.
If you woke up this January and said “I said the same thing last year about getting healthy, but here I am still overweight,” you’re not alone.
If you beat yourself up when you fail and think you’re doomed to stay fat, you’re not alone.
Give yourself credit – you’re still here reading this, and that counts for something! Keep trying. Keep reading. Keep attempting different methods until you find one that works for you – though I’d consider these 10 changes before making another attempt).
The important thing is that you take action – more information is usually not the answer.
Here at Nerd Fitness we refer to the perpetual activity of collecting information as “collecting underpants!“
Don’t get stuck on Phase 1 – you’ll never get to “profit” (healthy) without taking action (that’s phase 2).
Now, there’s a powerful psychological element to Kenney’s journey that I wanted to highlight as well.
KEY POINT #2: Kenney finally found his “Big Why.”
Just saying “I want to get in shape” wasn’t enough for him. Being overweight wasn’t enough. Having his doctor tell him that he was at risk for a all kinds of preventable diseases wasn’t enough.
Sure, he “wanted to get in shape,” but it wasn’t enough to make him actually change. After all, Chick-Fil-A, Zaxby’s, Coca Cola, and Burger King is SOOOO damn good, it takes a really powerful reason to want to give up those things and delay gratification until the future.
And then he finally found his “Big Why.”
Kenney was told that his weight was holding him back from landing bigger roles while performing on stage (something he truly loved). And that’s when he decided to finally take this next attempt at getting fit seriously and actually took steps to change.
If you are somebody that thinks you “should get in shape,” you’re not digging deep enough for your reasons. However, if you are trying to get in shape because:
You’re tired of being unhappy with the person you see in the mirror.
If you want to build confidence to finally go on a date for the first time.
If you want your wife to look at you with love/admiration the way she used to.
Your dad died at a young age and you want to live to see your grandkids.
A reason like this, written somewhere that you can see daily, will help you stay on track when life gets busy.
Key Point #3: Kenney changed his relationship with food.
This quote from Kenney perfectly encapsulates why Kenney was successful in his transformation:
“I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals, whereas before I used it to make me feel better.”
This is a guy who ate fast food 3-4 times per day, every day. Who grew up in the South, home of “comfort food.” A self-described Reese’s Cup and Ice cream aficionado.
THAT guy now views food as fuel for his fitness goals!
How did it happen? Slowly with small changes over a long period of time. Kenney knew that going on a crash diet wasn’t going to work (he had tried that in the past), so as we discuss here on Nerd Fitness he focused on small actionable changes he could make that didn’t scare him.
He kept things simple like cutting back on soda and tracking his food intake.
Only after he started to see some progress did he start playing this “healthy eating” game on a harder difficulty setting:
He moved his diet over to a more low carb, Paleo-ish nutritional strategy
He cut out breakfast and followed an Intermittent fasting plan
He consistently ate healthy options and go-to “default” meals.
Thanks to this dramatic change in his mentality, Kenney no longer needed food as an escape, but rather saw it as fuel, with occasional indulgences – like his favorite ice cream or candy – but in moderation without fear or guilt.
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
I identify as a:
Key Point #4: Kenney STOPPED relying on himself.
Believe it or not, Kenney giving up on himself might be the most important mindset shift he could have made.
When most people decide to get in shape, they all do the same thing: “I am going to get in shape. I’m gonna get motivated and hit the gym consistently!” Two weeks later, they’ve already given up but now they ALSO have shame: “I am ashamed that I couldn’t stick with my goals, something must be wrong with me!”
Conversely, people that succeed know themselves better than that, so they plan for it. They stop expecting themselves to magically become a motivation powerhouse and instead start asking better questions. “Okay if Motivation ALWAYS leaves me, rather than beating myself up how can I stack the deck so that I no longer need motivation in the first place?”
Kenney stopped relying on himself in two key ways:
He invested in himself so that he had “skin in the game”
He had OTHER people keep him accountable other than just himself.
We’re going to dig into both of these specific issues in the next two points, but I want to return to the above:
If you rely on yourself to be motivated, and you think you need to be motivated to get in shape, you’ve already lost.
STOP relying on motivation. Instead, build systems, recruit allies, and structure your environment in ways that support your goals.
Try this: recruit a friend who will cheer you on. Give him $50 of your money and tell him you’ll check in with him every day. If you don’t check in to let him know that you went for a walk and ate a veggie, he will donate that money to a cause you HATE.
Speaking of recruiting allies…
Key Point #5: Kenney surrounded himself with the right people
I’m proud to say that Nerd FItness played a communal role in helping Kenney Reach his goals. Our Academy doesn’t a super secret proprietary workout plan – its fun compound strength training. Our nutritional strategy isn’t anything proprietary – its less junk and more vegetables. Sure, it digs deep on the mindset stuff, and it’s got a fun leveling system and nutritional strategy that gamifies getting in shape.
But that’s not what made it such a big help in Kenney’s journey: it was the community of people who are aligned with the same goal, struggling with the same problems, that were cheering him on.
Or in another Academy member’s words, when asked why he loves the community:
Human connection and supportive people can be the biggest help in transforming, and Kenney had both: a coach who pushed him, and a community that supported him.
Did you know that you are the average of the 5 people you associate most with?
Show me the weight, health, net worth, and happiness level of the 5 people you spend the most time with, and I bet I can guess a lot about you with startling accuracy – it’s because those people influence you every day without you realizing it with their words, decisions, and choices.
So then I ask you: Are your five people making you want to be better? Or are they people who make fun of you for skipping game night to exercise or goad you into skipping the salad and ordering a cheeseburger to “live a little.”
Kenney has been a major contributor to our community, sharing his struggles and his progress. Unsurprisingly, he’s also one of our BEST successes, and an inspiration to the men of the Academy group – and now the galaxy.
If you are serious about getting in shape, interact with people that make you want to be better:
Join a running club at work. Or start one!
Find an accountability buddy that you check in with daily.
Create a guild and introduce positive peer pressure!
Have somebody you can ask embarrassing questions to and share your struggles with.
I love that Kenney found the NF community to be super supportive while he also leveled up his life with in person connections too, and I want the same for you.
I don’t care where you find these people, I just want you to have these people in your life! Now, I might be slightly biased, but I believe our online crew is the best community on the planet!
Key Point #6: Kenney invested in himself
Kenney tried to follow along with free workouts at home. He read free articles on Nerd Fitness for over a year. And he couldn’t get himself to take his attempt at getting in shape seriously.
As he was still in search of his big WHY, he realized that he’d never stick with an attempt until he had some “skin in the game” (invested in himself). So he called up his local gym and set up a free training session.
And that lead to him realizing that hiring a trainer that knows him better than he knows himself was going to be a game changer:
“My trainer is perfect for me! He keeps me motivated and honest without being the cliched TV trainer who berates their clients! He’s never yelled or made me feel like a failure. Honestly, If had a trainer like that I would have quit after the first session. He’s a self described nerd so we often talk about the next big superhero movie or I crack jokes about his addiction to big Kit Kat bars!”
Whether it’s an online coach or a course, there’s so much psychology at stake beyond just the information you learn in these situations. We all know what we need to do (eat less, move more), but we can’t get ourselves to do those things.
Investing in a course or hiring a coach can be the biggest difference between success and failure for many people. When you spend money on a quality fitness product or service:
You spend time with other people who are investing in themselves.
You get to outsource your decision making and just focus on following directions.
You get the peace of mind that you are doing the right thing because its been prescribed by somebody farther along than you.
You get guaranteed accountability, because you’re paying somebody for something which means you’ll value it more!
Sure, there are MILLIONS of free resources out there about how to get healthy. There are millions of free fitness articles (you’re reading one of them!).
And yes, many people can get motivated and go build their own workout and go to the gym and figure things out and LOVE spending that time doing so.
For the rest of us though, we don’t have the time or ability to sort through the junk to find the best information, or we just want the peace of mind knowing we’re learning from somebody that gets us.
And lastly, maybe we know ourselves well enough that if we spend money on something, we’ll actually use it!
Personally, I pay money to go to a gym 2 blocks away instead of using the free gym in my apartment building, because I never go to the free one! I also pay hundreds every month to work with an online fitness coach, and it’s the best money I spend each month.
I’m not telling you to spend your money on fitness. Instead, I’m saying that what you spend your money (and your time) on says a lot about your priorities.
Kenney looked at his spending habits and despite what he was told himself he cared about, he was really prioritizing fast food, no sleep, and video games.
So he changed his priorities by eliminating unhealthy, expensive food and instead, spent that money on investing in himself (a coach, the NF Academy, healthy food).
Of COURSE you don’t need to spend money on your health and wellness – but it can be like powerleveling yourself in a video game! If you think you can’t afford a gym membership, or a trainer, or a course…track your spending and measure what you have been spending your money on instead (TV, Netflix, game subscriptions, etc).
If you reallllly want something, you can find a way to save elsewhere to invest on what’s important:
If you have chosen to prioritize your health and wellness, I’d suggest investing in:
A gym membership (or home gym) if you’re serious about changing your physique.
A comprehensive online course/community if you can’t learn in person. (like the Academy).
A personal trainer or an online coach (we have a 1-on-1 online coaching program too).
Notice I didn’t say anything about supplements or ab coasters or whatever – get your mentality in order, work with people who have succeeded in the way you want to succeed, and get started!
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
I identify as a:
be Less like Old Kenney. Be more like new Kenney.
I’m so thankful Kenney let me share this story with you today! Here are the most important things he did to transform into Tony Stark:
Even though he wasn’t ready to transform, he kept reading about health and fitness for years until something clicked.
He finally had a big enough reason why to overcome his love of fast food. He dug deep and really addressed his motivations.
He stopped relying on himself, and instead outsourced his motivation and accountability to a community and a coach.
He invested in himself, which made him take the opportunity more clearly
He fixed his relationship with food – instead of comfort, it became fuel for his goals.
Regardless of how involved you want to be with Nerd Fitness, I’m just glad that you’re here and reading this. I hope you can see Kenney’s transformation above and decide “Hey, I want to do that! maybe I should do what he did.” And put his words into your practice!
And then go see Kenney perform!
Look for the guy center stage….
PS: I’m glad that Kenney is a really active and encouraging part of our community in the Nerd Fitness Academy, and I hope you consider checking it out too!
It’s the most supportive group on the internet, and you’ll also get workout plans, a 10-level nutritional system, an entire mindset module, and character leveling system with real-life quests and boss battles. It comes with a 60-day guarantee to give you a chance to try it out and see if it can help you level up your life!
See you in there!
http://ift.tt/2qv0cOl http://ift.tt/2COIGJI
http://ift.tt/2AE5dnH http://ift.tt/2AJ9Dt6 http://ift.tt/2CYutdf
0 notes
dorothyd89 · 7 years
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally).
“There’s no way that’s the same person, right?”
Admittedly, that’s what I first thought when I saw Kenney’s before and after photos. There was just NO way that this Tony Stark looking dude on the right was the same person as the man in the other photo, right?
And then I saw his other photos. And then I heard his story.
And then I teared up.
Shut up I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Today, we’re going to be talking about Ironma—-Kenney Frazier, an IT systems administrator from Alabama, a gamer, and an opera singer who has had one of the most dramatic transformations I’ve ever seen. It’s no exaggeration to say that Kenney clearly saved his own life. Not just in terms of life expectancy, but also quality of his life.
Kenney is a proud member of the Nerd Fitness Academy who made some key changes in his life that helped him succeed. We’re going to dig deep into those major and minor changes Kenney made and how you can be like him!
After years of struggle, starting and stopping, a switch flipped and he has lost over 120 pounds in the past 15 months.
Here’s his origin story.
Get your Nerd Fitness Starter Kit
The 15 mistakes you don’t want to make.
Full guide to the most effective diet and why it works.
Complete and track your first workout today, no gym required.
I identify as a:
Meet Kenney
STEVE: Kenney! My man. When I first saw your post in the Academy Facebook group, and it had hundreds and hundreds of likes and comments, my jaw dropped. Let’s hear your background:
KENNEY: I’ve pretty much always been overweight. Even in Kindergarten I was pudgy! I attribute this to my love of Reese Cups (I’m a recovering addict; there should really be a Reese Cup Lovers Anonymous Group). I steadily put on the pounds, and by high school I easily tipped the scales at 250lbs+.
By the age of 25 I was over 300lbs and miserable.
I would go on a diet, have some success, then expand to new heights in short order. My addiction to Everquest and World of Warcraft definitely did not help. I lived an extremely sedentary life and I was depressed. I would use these virtual worlds as an escape from my self-imposed dungeon. I was finally able to break out of this addiction and decided to start living in the real world. I joined the workforce and did my best to become an adult.
STEVE: I hear ya brother – I too played Everquest (and Everquest 2) for over a decade and did it for the same reasons you did – to escape a crappy reality. What was a typical day like for you then?
KENNEY: I would wake up around 8:30am during the week and drag myself into work. On the way to work I’d stop by Chick-fil-a and grab 2 chicken biscuits and a large lemonade because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?
Ha. Of course being a southerner you can’t have breakfast without biscuits!
Lunch, would roll around and I’d run to Burger King and order 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry and Coke to wash it down with.
I’d probably grab a candy bar or chips from the snack machine mid afternoon.
On the way home I’d stop by and grab more food for dinner: a large chicken finger plate from Zaxby’s because who don’t love fried chicken? I had to have another large Coke to wash it down.
After I finished my food I’d plop down in front of the TV or my computer or go take a nap for a few hours. I’d normally heading to bed around midnight or 1am after playing a few games of Dota2 with some friends.
STEVE: So let’s talk about what happened that brought about actual changes:
KENNEY: I was 35, tired all the time and unhappy with my life. Obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, and high blood pressure are also all prevalent in my family history.
I finally had enough and made an appointment to get a physical. When I saw my lab results I knew I was in trouble. My blood pressure was high, my blood sugar was high and my A1C was in the diabetic range! My cholesterol was sky high and I weighed 334 lbs! Despite these sobering results it still wasn’t enough to wake me up.
As a card carrying super nerd – I’ve always enjoyed table top RPG – I was a member of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with some friends from High School. One of the players started talking about Nerd Fitness and it piqued my interest.
I decided to check it out and joined the NF Academy in January of 2016. I read the starter quests, but keep putting off actually starting.
STEVE: That’s interesting – so you joined the program, but couldn’t get yourself to commit or take action beyond just reading the missions. Sounds like a classic case of not having a big enough reason WHY yet! Your doctor said you had bad health signals, but deep down you weren’t ready to change yet.
So what happened next?
KENNEY: Music has always been my main passion. I was a vocal major in college before switching to something more “practical.” I decided to restart my vocal studies at a local music school in my early 30’s.
As if being a typical DnD/MMORPG nerd wasn’t enough, my musical endeavors are in the Classical/Opera genre. The school where I study has spring and winter productions each year. I was cast in my first show and I was hooked. I was continually cast in smaller roles but I had larger ambitions. In September of 2016, I had just finished a production and felt I had performed well but I wanted more. I reached out to the teacher in charge of casting.
I told her that I was committed to landing a leading role, and her response? My weight was a showstopper.
STEVE: And there it is…your ACTUAL “Big Why” – the reason that deep down made you want to change. It must have been brutal to hear that you were too big to be considered for more important musical roles. But it appears to also have been a big turning point for you.
KENNEY: October 2016 I started my fitness journey first by cutting out sodas and cutting my portion sizes. I started logging everything in a Fitness App.
I knew from reading the articles on Nerd Fitness that making small changes at first worked best. I tried doing some of the free home workouts but I knew my motivation would suffer and I would stop unless I had some “skin” in the game. So I called up my local gym and set up a free training session on Columbus Day.
The first workout was so horrible and I was so out of shape that I almost tossed my cookies – it just reinforced how far I had to go…but I was inspired. I signed up and started working with a trainer 3 times a week.
Strength training with some occasional cardio has the name of the game since then.
At that first session, I weighed in at 320 lbs and by Nov 16th I was down to 297lbs. I couldn’t remember the last time I was under 300lbs and my motivation never faltered. I started incorporating cardio 3 or 4 times a week into strength-training routines.
STEVE: Hmmm, so what you’re saying is…this whole diet and exercise thing might actually work! Hahaha – so talk to me what other changes you made along the way.
KENNEY: I started doing intermittent fasting along with a low carb, high protein diet. As my weight went down I started feeling better and was continually amazed at what I could do. By January 4th, 2017 I was down to 281lbs.
STEVE: And that’s when you discovered the power of a supportive community, right?
KENNEY: Later that month I saw that there was a Facebook group for Academy members, which I had somehow missed when I signed up the year before. When I joined the group I was amazed at the community. The posts were uplifting and informative.
The progress posts served as motivation for me! By February, I had lost 50lbs and decided to make my first post on the Facebook group (which you can see below):
This was a huge step for me due to self-esteem issues but the support and uplifting comments were great. I used the Academy community to help keep me motivated.
Whenever I’d feel like quitting I’d log in and read the new posts and fortify my resolve. By May I was down 75 lbs and I was doing things I never thought I’d be able to do. I went from being winded by walking up stairs to doing Burpees, Squats, and bear crawls. I even started taking tennis lessons!
By the end of summer I was down 100lbs.
And just a few weeks ago, I weighed in at 198 lbs, meaning I’ve lost 120lbs! I can’t even remember the last time I was under 200! I recently went to the doctor again and had a fresh set of labs. My results were night and day! My A1C was normal, my blood sugar was normal, and my cholesterol was greatly reduced.
STEVE: AMAZING. So let’s hear about the New Kenney. What’s a typical day like now?
KENNEY: I wake up around 6:30 and 6:45am and try to get to work before 8:00am. I do intermittent fasting so I actually skip breakfast. My “feasting” window runs from 11am til 8pm.
My typical lunch is a salad minus croutons with chicken (I have a slight addiction to Caesar salads) If I need a snack I’ll eat some tuna or even some beef jerky (can’t have enough protein). Normally, I’ll head home and get ready to go to the gym! I work out 3 times a week with the trainer so I’ll do 40 minutes of cardio after those sessions or on a non-lifting day I’ll do an hour of cardio.
Lately, I’ve been on an elliptical kick as I can zone out and watch Netflix while I’m doing it. I also play Racquetball once a week with friends and I joined a basketball league (I’m really bad!).
After I work out, I’ll grab dinner with chicken or beef, with some brown rice, and broccoli (I love broccoli!) or a mixture of other veggies.
I also have a bit of a sweet tooth so I’ll treat myself with some halo ice cream (within reason) or some fruit or Siggi’s Icelandic style skyr. I’m a simple guy so I can eat the same things a few times a week and it doesn’t bother me. I guess I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals before I used it to make me feel better.
STEVE: That mentality change is amazing, and I love hearing it. You changed physically. What else changed about you along the way?
KENNEY: Looking back over the journey so far I’ve learned so much more about myself. I’ve discovered that I can reach goals and that I am capable of doing anything if I put my mind to it. While I haven’t reached my goal weight, I am well on my way. I have the tools to complete my journey.
I was a soloist in a community Sing-a-long Messiah tonight and I got to rock a tux, so I thought it would make a good after!
When I went to try on my “rent-a-tux” I was fitted in a 46S jacket and when I got home I looked at my old suit jacket and it was a 56R! It’s just amazing to me! I really appreciate the community that you have built. I wouldn’t have come this far without it!
STEVE: Everybody assumes that they’ll be happy once they lose weight. And you clearly seem like a completely different, more content, and proud person. Is there anything you still struggle with?
KENNEY: Losing this weight has really forced me to face my self-esteem issues and the mental aspects are a struggle. I feel so much better physically but I still struggle mentally with being the “fat” guy.
STEVE: Thanks for sharing that honestly with us, man. We’re all works in progress, both inside and out! And these battles take time. 
It’s a good reminder to know that even if you build the body you want, you still have to level up on the inside too and that can take time! Luckily you have an amazing community of weirdos cheering you on, and others who have struggled with those same self-esteem issues and can help you get through it! 
How Kenney finally succeeded and lost 120 pounds
I wanted to highlight the key points to his transformation that allowed him to finally find success, and hopefully you can implement these types of changes into your life too.
KEY POINT #1: Kenney kept trying.
Kenney spent over a year reading Nerd Fitness articles before working up the courage to even get started. After that, he joined the NF Academy and read the content but couldn’t get himself to do much more past that.
And yet, something kept him around. He kept getting Nerd Fitness emails in his inbox, even if he wasn’t ready to take action yet. And EVENTUALLY, the right combinations of words on a page, life experiences, and things clicked for him to finally take action.
If you’re somebody that has started and stopped or lost 20 pounds only to put on 30, you’re not alone.
If you woke up this January and said “I said the same thing last year about getting healthy, but here I am still overweight,” you’re not alone.
If you beat yourself up when you fail and think you’re doomed to stay fat, you’re not alone.
Give yourself credit – you’re still here reading this, and that counts for something! Keep trying. Keep reading. Keep attempting different methods until you find one that works for you – though I’d consider these 10 changes before making another attempt).
The important thing is that you take action – more information is usually not the answer.
Here at Nerd Fitness we refer to the perpetual activity of collecting information as “collecting underpants!“
Don’t get stuck on Phase 1 – you’ll never get to “profit” (healthy) without taking action (that’s phase 2).
Now, there’s a powerful psychological element to Kenney’s journey that I wanted to highlight as well.
KEY POINT #2: Kenney finally found his “Big Why.”
Just saying “I want to get in shape” wasn’t enough for him. Being overweight wasn’t enough. Having his doctor tell him that he was at risk for a all kinds of preventable diseases wasn’t enough.
Sure, he “wanted to get in shape,” but it wasn’t enough to make him actually change. After all, Chick-Fil-A, Zaxby’s, Coca Cola, and Burger King is SOOOO damn good, it takes a really powerful reason to want to give up those things and delay gratification until the future.
And then he finally found his “Big Why.”
Kenney was told that his weight was holding him back from landing bigger roles while performing on stage (something he truly loved). And that’s when he decided to finally take this next attempt at getting fit seriously and actually took steps to change.
If you are somebody that thinks you “should get in shape,” you’re not digging deep enough for your reasons. However, if you are trying to get in shape because:
You’re tired of being unhappy with the person you see in the mirror.
If you want to build confidence to finally go on a date for the first time.
If you want your wife to look at you with love/admiration the way she used to.
Your dad died at a young age and you want to live to see your grandkids.
A reason like this, written somewhere that you can see daily, will help you stay on track when life gets busy.
Key Point #3: Kenney changed his relationship with food.
This quote from Kenney perfectly encapsulates why Kenney was successful in his transformation:
“I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals, whereas before I used it to make me feel better.”
This is a guy who ate fast food 3-4 times per day, every day. Who grew up in the South, home of “comfort food.” A self-described Reese’s Cup and Ice cream aficionado.
THAT guy now views food as fuel for his fitness goals!
How did it happen? Slowly with small changes over a long period of time. Kenney knew that going on a crash diet wasn’t going to work (he had tried that in the past), so as we discuss here on Nerd Fitness he focused on small actionable changes he could make that didn’t scare him.
He kept things simple like cutting back on soda and tracking his food intake.
Only after he started to see some progress did he start playing this “healthy eating” game on a harder difficulty setting:
He moved his diet over to a more low carb, Paleo-ish nutritional strategy
He cut out breakfast and followed an Intermittent fasting plan
He consistently ate healthy options and go-to “default” meals.
Thanks to this dramatic change in his mentality, Kenney no longer needed food as an escape, but rather saw it as fuel, with occasional indulgences – like his favorite ice cream or candy – but in moderation without fear or guilt.
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
I identify as a:
Key Point #4: Kenney STOPPED relying on himself.
Believe it or not, Kenney giving up on himself might be the most important mindset shift he could have made.
When most people decide to get in shape, they all do the same thing: “I am going to get in shape. I’m gonna get motivated and hit the gym consistently!” Two weeks later, they’ve already given up but now they ALSO have shame: “I am ashamed that I couldn’t stick with my goals, something must be wrong with me!”
Conversely, people that succeed know themselves better than that, so they plan for it. They stop expecting themselves to magically become a motivation powerhouse and instead start asking better questions. “Okay if Motivation ALWAYS leaves me, rather than beating myself up how can I stack the deck so that I no longer need motivation in the first place?”
Kenney stopped relying on himself in two key ways:
He invested in himself so that he had “skin in the game”
He had OTHER people keep him accountable other than just himself.
We’re going to dig into both of these specific issues in the next two points, but I want to return to the above:
If you rely on yourself to be motivated, and you think you need to be motivated to get in shape, you’ve already lost.
STOP relying on motivation. Instead, build systems, recruit allies, and structure your environment in ways that support your goals.
Try this: recruit a friend who will cheer you on. Give him $50 of your money and tell him you’ll check in with him every day. If you don’t check in to let him know that you went for a walk and ate a veggie, he will donate that money to a cause you HATE.
Speaking of recruiting allies…
Key Point #5: Kenney surrounded himself with the right people
I’m proud to say that Nerd FItness played a communal role in helping Kenney Reach his goals. Our Academy doesn’t a super secret proprietary workout plan – its fun compound strength training. Our nutritional strategy isn’t anything proprietary – its less junk and more vegetables. Sure, it digs deep on the mindset stuff, and it’s got a fun leveling system and nutritional strategy that gamifies getting in shape.
But that’s not what made it such a big help in Kenney’s journey: it was the community of people who are aligned with the same goal, struggling with the same problems, that were cheering him on.
Or in another Academy member’s words, when asked why he loves the community:
Human connection and supportive people can be the biggest help in transforming, and Kenney had both: a coach who pushed him, and a community that supported him.
Did you know that you are the average of the 5 people you associate most with?
Show me the weight, health, net worth, and happiness level of the 5 people you spend the most time with, and I bet I can guess a lot about you with startling accuracy – it’s because those people influence you every day without you realizing it with their words, decisions, and choices.
So then I ask you: Are your five people making you want to be better? Or are they people who make fun of you for skipping game night to exercise or goad you into skipping the salad and ordering a cheeseburger to “live a little.”
Kenney has been a major contributor to our community, sharing his struggles and his progress. Unsurprisingly, he’s also one of our BEST successes, and an inspiration to the men of the Academy group – and now the galaxy.
If you are serious about getting in shape, interact with people that make you want to be better:
Join a running club at work. Or start one!
Find an accountability buddy that you check in with daily.
Create a guild and introduce positive peer pressure!
Have somebody you can ask embarrassing questions to and share your struggles with.
I love that Kenney found the NF community to be super supportive while he also leveled up his life with in person connections too, and I want the same for you.
I don’t care where you find these people, I just want you to have these people in your life! Now, I might be slightly biased, but I believe our online crew is the best community on the planet!
Key Point #6: Kenney invested in himself
Kenney tried to follow along with free workouts at home. He read free articles on Nerd Fitness for over a year. And he couldn’t get himself to take his attempt at getting in shape seriously.
As he was still in search of his big WHY, he realized that he’d never stick with an attempt until he had some “skin in the game” (invested in himself). So he called up his local gym and set up a free training session.
And that lead to him realizing that hiring a trainer that knows him better than he knows himself was going to be a game changer:
“My trainer is perfect for me! He keeps me motivated and honest without being the cliched TV trainer who berates their clients! He’s never yelled or made me feel like a failure. Honestly, If had a trainer like that I would have quit after the first session. He’s a self described nerd so we often talk about the next big superhero movie or I crack jokes about his addiction to big Kit Kat bars!”
Whether it’s an online coach or a course, there’s so much psychology at stake beyond just the information you learn in these situations. We all know what we need to do (eat less, move more), but we can’t get ourselves to do those things.
Investing in a course or hiring a coach can be the biggest difference between success and failure for many people. When you spend money on a quality fitness product or service:
You spend time with other people who are investing in themselves.
You get to outsource your decision making and just focus on following directions.
You get the peace of mind that you are doing the right thing because its been prescribed by somebody farther along than you.
You get guaranteed accountability, because you’re paying somebody for something which means you’ll value it more!
Sure, there are MILLIONS of free resources out there about how to get healthy. There are millions of free fitness articles (you’re reading one of them!).
And yes, many people can get motivated and go build their own workout and go to the gym and figure things out and LOVE spending that time doing so.
For the rest of us though, we don’t have the time or ability to sort through the junk to find the best information, or we just want the peace of mind knowing we’re learning from somebody that gets us.
And lastly, maybe we know ourselves well enough that if we spend money on something, we’ll actually use it!
Personally, I pay money to go to a gym 2 blocks away instead of using the free gym in my apartment building, because I never go to the free one! I also pay hundreds every month to work with an online fitness coach, and it’s the best money I spend each month.
I’m not telling you to spend your money on fitness. Instead, I’m saying that what you spend your money (and your time) on says a lot about your priorities.
Kenney looked at his spending habits and despite what he was told himself he cared about, he was really prioritizing fast food, no sleep, and video games.
So he changed his priorities by eliminating unhealthy, expensive food and instead, spent that money on investing in himself (a coach, the NF Academy, healthy food).
Of COURSE you don’t need to spend money on your health and wellness – but it can be like powerleveling yourself in a video game! If you think you can’t afford a gym membership, or a trainer, or a course…track your spending and measure what you have been spending your money on instead (TV, Netflix, game subscriptions, etc).
If you reallllly want something, you can find a way to save elsewhere to invest on what’s important:
If you have chosen to prioritize your health and wellness, I’d suggest investing in:
A gym membership (or home gym) if you’re serious about changing your physique.
A comprehensive online course/community if you can’t learn in person. (like the Academy).
A personal trainer or an online coach (we have a 1-on-1 online coaching program too).
Notice I didn’t say anything about supplements or ab coasters or whatever – get your mentality in order, work with people who have succeeded in the way you want to succeed, and get started!
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
I identify as a:
be Less like Old Kenney. Be more like new Kenney.
I’m so thankful Kenney let me share this story with you today! Here are the most important things he did to transform into Tony Stark:
Even though he wasn’t ready to transform, he kept reading about health and fitness for years until something clicked.
He finally had a big enough reason why to overcome his love of fast food. He dug deep and really addressed his motivations.
He stopped relying on himself, and instead outsourced his motivation and accountability to a community and a coach.
He invested in himself, which made him take the opportunity more clearly
He fixed his relationship with food – instead of comfort, it became fuel for his goals.
Regardless of how involved you want to be with Nerd Fitness, I’m just glad that you’re here and reading this. I hope you can see Kenney’s transformation above and decide “Hey, I want to do that! maybe I should do what he did.” And put his words into your practice!
And then go see Kenney perform!
Look for the guy center stage….
PS: I’m glad that Kenney is a really active and encouraging part of our community in the Nerd Fitness Academy, and I hope you consider checking it out too!
It’s the most supportive group on the internet, and you’ll also get workout plans, a 10-level nutritional system, an entire mindset module, and character leveling system with real-life quests and boss battles. It comes with a 60-day guarantee to give you a chance to try it out and see if it can help you level up your life!
See you in there!
http://ift.tt/2qv0cOl http://ift.tt/2COIGJI
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dorothyd89 · 7 years
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally).
“There’s no way that’s the same person, right?”
Admittedly, that’s what I first thought when I saw Kenney’s before and after photos. There was just NO way that this Tony Stark looking dude on the right was the same person as the man in the other photo, right?
And then I saw his other photos. And then I heard his story.
And then I teared up.
Shut up I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Today, we’re going to be talking about Ironma—-Kenney Frazier, an IT systems administrator from Alabama, a gamer, and an opera singer who has had one of the most dramatic transformations I’ve ever seen. It’s no exaggeration to say that Kenney clearly saved his own life. Not just in terms of life expectancy, but also quality of his life.
Kenney is a proud member of the Nerd Fitness Academy who made some key changes in his life that helped him succeed. We’re going to dig deep into those major and minor changes Kenney made and how you can be like him!
After years of struggle, starting and stopping, a switch flipped and he has lost over 120 pounds in the past 15 months.
Here’s his origin story.
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I identify as a:
Meet Kenney
STEVE: Kenney! My man. When I first saw your post in the Academy Facebook group, and it had hundreds and hundreds of likes and comments, my jaw dropped. Let’s hear your background:
KENNEY: I’ve pretty much always been overweight. Even in Kindergarten I was pudgy! I attribute this to my love of Reese Cups (I’m a recovering addict; there should really be a Reese Cup Lovers Anonymous Group). I steadily put on the pounds, and by high school I easily tipped the scales at 250lbs+.
By the age of 25 I was over 300lbs and miserable.
I would go on a diet, have some success, then expand to new heights in short order. My addiction to Everquest and World of Warcraft definitely did not help. I lived an extremely sedentary life and I was depressed. I would use these virtual worlds as an escape from my self-imposed dungeon. I was finally able to break out of this addiction and decided to start living in the real world. I joined the workforce and did my best to become an adult.
STEVE: I hear ya brother – I too played Everquest (and Everquest 2) for over a decade and did it for the same reasons you did – to escape a crappy reality. What was a typical day like for you then?
KENNEY: I would wake up around 8:30am during the week and drag myself into work. On the way to work I’d stop by Chick-fil-a and grab 2 chicken biscuits and a large lemonade because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?
Ha. Of course being a southerner you can’t have breakfast without biscuits!
Lunch, would roll around and I’d run to Burger King and order 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry and Coke to wash it down with.
I’d probably grab a candy bar or chips from the snack machine mid afternoon.
On the way home I’d stop by and grab more food for dinner: a large chicken finger plate from Zaxby’s because who don’t love fried chicken? I had to have another large Coke to wash it down.
After I finished my food I’d plop down in front of the TV or my computer or go take a nap for a few hours. I’d normally heading to bed around midnight or 1am after playing a few games of Dota2 with some friends.
STEVE: So let’s talk about what happened that brought about actual changes:
KENNEY: I was 35, tired all the time and unhappy with my life. Obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, and high blood pressure are also all prevalent in my family history.
I finally had enough and made an appointment to get a physical. When I saw my lab results I knew I was in trouble. My blood pressure was high, my blood sugar was high and my A1C was in the diabetic range! My cholesterol was sky high and I weighed 334 lbs! Despite these sobering results it still wasn’t enough to wake me up.
As a card carrying super nerd – I’ve always enjoyed table top RPG – I was a member of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with some friends from High School. One of the players started talking about Nerd Fitness and it piqued my interest.
I decided to check it out and joined the NF Academy in January of 2016. I read the starter quests, but keep putting off actually starting.
STEVE: That’s interesting – so you joined the program, but couldn’t get yourself to commit or take action beyond just reading the missions. Sounds like a classic case of not having a big enough reason WHY yet! Your doctor said you had bad health signals, but deep down you weren’t ready to change yet.
So what happened next?
KENNEY: Music has always been my main passion. I was a vocal major in college before switching to something more “practical.” I decided to restart my vocal studies at a local music school in my early 30’s.
As if being a typical DnD/MMORPG nerd wasn’t enough, my musical endeavors are in the Classical/Opera genre. The school where I study has spring and winter productions each year. I was cast in my first show and I was hooked. I was continually cast in smaller roles but I had larger ambitions. In September of 2016, I had just finished a production and felt I had performed well but I wanted more. I reached out to the teacher in charge of casting.
I told her that I was committed to landing a leading role, and her response? My weight was a showstopper.
STEVE: And there it is…your ACTUAL “Big Why” – the reason that deep down made you want to change. It must have been brutal to hear that you were too big to be considered for more important musical roles. But it appears to also have been a big turning point for you.
KENNEY: October 2016 I started my fitness journey first by cutting out sodas and cutting my portion sizes. I started logging everything in a Fitness App.
I knew from reading the articles on Nerd Fitness that making small changes at first worked best. I tried doing some of the free home workouts but I knew my motivation would suffer and I would stop unless I had some “skin” in the game. So I called up my local gym and set up a free training session on Columbus Day.
The first workout was so horrible and I was so out of shape that I almost tossed my cookies – it just reinforced how far I had to go…but I was inspired. I signed up and started working with a trainer 3 times a week.
Strength training with some occasional cardio has the name of the game since then.
At that first session, I weighed in at 320 lbs and by Nov 16th I was down to 297lbs. I couldn’t remember the last time I was under 300lbs and my motivation never faltered. I started incorporating cardio 3 or 4 times a week into strength-training routines.
STEVE: Hmmm, so what you’re saying is…this whole diet and exercise thing might actually work! Hahaha – so talk to me what other changes you made along the way.
KENNEY: I started doing intermittent fasting along with a low carb, high protein diet. As my weight went down I started feeling better and was continually amazed at what I could do. By January 4th, 2017 I was down to 281lbs.
STEVE: And that’s when you discovered the power of a supportive community, right?
KENNEY: Later that month I saw that there was a Facebook group for Academy members, which I had somehow missed when I signed up the year before. When I joined the group I was amazed at the community. The posts were uplifting and informative.
The progress posts served as motivation for me! By February, I had lost 50lbs and decided to make my first post on the Facebook group (which you can see below):
This was a huge step for me due to self-esteem issues but the support and uplifting comments were great. I used the Academy community to help keep me motivated.
Whenever I’d feel like quitting I’d log in and read the new posts and fortify my resolve. By May I was down 75 lbs and I was doing things I never thought I’d be able to do. I went from being winded by walking up stairs to doing Burpees, Squats, and bear crawls. I even started taking tennis lessons!
By the end of summer I was down 100lbs.
And just a few weeks ago, I weighed in at 198 lbs, meaning I’ve lost 120lbs! I can’t even remember the last time I was under 200! I recently went to the doctor again and had a fresh set of labs. My results were night and day! My A1C was normal, my blood sugar was normal, and my cholesterol was greatly reduced.
STEVE: AMAZING. So let’s hear about the New Kenney. What’s a typical day like now?
KENNEY: I wake up around 6:30 and 6:45am and try to get to work before 8:00am. I do intermittent fasting so I actually skip breakfast. My “feasting” window runs from 11am til 8pm.
My typical lunch is a salad minus croutons with chicken (I have a slight addiction to Caesar salads) If I need a snack I’ll eat some tuna or even some beef jerky (can’t have enough protein). Normally, I’ll head home and get ready to go to the gym! I work out 3 times a week with the trainer so I’ll do 40 minutes of cardio after those sessions or on a non-lifting day I’ll do an hour of cardio.
Lately, I’ve been on an elliptical kick as I can zone out and watch Netflix while I’m doing it. I also play Racquetball once a week with friends and I joined a basketball league (I’m really bad!).
After I work out, I’ll grab dinner with chicken or beef, with some brown rice, and broccoli (I love broccoli!) or a mixture of other veggies.
I also have a bit of a sweet tooth so I’ll treat myself with some halo ice cream (within reason) or some fruit or Siggi’s Icelandic style skyr. I’m a simple guy so I can eat the same things a few times a week and it doesn’t bother me. I guess I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals before I used it to make me feel better.
STEVE: That mentality change is amazing, and I love hearing it. You changed physically. What else changed about you along the way?
KENNEY: Looking back over the journey so far I’ve learned so much more about myself. I’ve discovered that I can reach goals and that I am capable of doing anything if I put my mind to it. While I haven’t reached my goal weight, I am well on my way. I have the tools to complete my journey.
I was a soloist in a community Sing-a-long Messiah tonight and I got to rock a tux, so I thought it would make a good after!
When I went to try on my “rent-a-tux” I was fitted in a 46S jacket and when I got home I looked at my old suit jacket and it was a 56R! It’s just amazing to me! I really appreciate the community that you have built. I wouldn’t have come this far without it!
STEVE: Everybody assumes that they’ll be happy once they lose weight. And you clearly seem like a completely different, more content, and proud person. Is there anything you still struggle with?
KENNEY: Losing this weight has really forced me to face my self-esteem issues and the mental aspects are a struggle. I feel so much better physically but I still struggle mentally with being the “fat” guy.
STEVE: Thanks for sharing that honestly with us, man. We’re all works in progress, both inside and out! And these battles take time. 
It’s a good reminder to know that even if you build the body you want, you still have to level up on the inside too and that can take time! Luckily you have an amazing community of weirdos cheering you on, and others who have struggled with those same self-esteem issues and can help you get through it! 
How Kenney finally succeeded and lost 120 pounds
I wanted to highlight the key points to his transformation that allowed him to finally find success, and hopefully you can implement these types of changes into your life too.
KEY POINT #1: Kenney kept trying.
Kenney spent over a year reading Nerd Fitness articles before working up the courage to even get started. After that, he joined the NF Academy and read the content but couldn’t get himself to do much more past that.
And yet, something kept him around. He kept getting Nerd Fitness emails in his inbox, even if he wasn’t ready to take action yet. And EVENTUALLY, the right combinations of words on a page, life experiences, and things clicked for him to finally take action.
If you’re somebody that has started and stopped or lost 20 pounds only to put on 30, you’re not alone.
If you woke up this January and said “I said the same thing last year about getting healthy, but here I am still overweight,” you’re not alone.
If you beat yourself up when you fail and think you’re doomed to stay fat, you’re not alone.
Give yourself credit – you’re still here reading this, and that counts for something! Keep trying. Keep reading. Keep attempting different methods until you find one that works for you – though I’d consider these 10 changes before making another attempt).
The important thing is that you take action – more information is usually not the answer.
Here at Nerd Fitness we refer to the perpetual activity of collecting information as “collecting underpants!“
Don’t get stuck on Phase 1 – you’ll never get to “profit” (healthy) without taking action (that’s phase 2).
Now, there’s a powerful psychological element to Kenney’s journey that I wanted to highlight as well.
KEY POINT #2: Kenney finally found his “Big Why.”
Just saying “I want to get in shape” wasn’t enough for him. Being overweight wasn’t enough. Having his doctor tell him that he was at risk for a all kinds of preventable diseases wasn’t enough.
Sure, he “wanted to get in shape,” but it wasn’t enough to make him actually change. After all, Chick-Fil-A, Zaxby’s, Coca Cola, and Burger King is SOOOO damn good, it takes a really powerful reason to want to give up those things and delay gratification until the future.
And then he finally found his “Big Why.”
Kenney was told that his weight was holding him back from landing bigger roles while performing on stage (something he truly loved). And that’s when he decided to finally take this next attempt at getting fit seriously and actually took steps to change.
If you are somebody that thinks you “should get in shape,” you’re not digging deep enough for your reasons. However, if you are trying to get in shape because:
You’re tired of being unhappy with the person you see in the mirror.
If you want to build confidence to finally go on a date for the first time.
If you want your wife to look at you with love/admiration the way she used to.
Your dad died at a young age and you want to live to see your grandkids.
A reason like this, written somewhere that you can see daily, will help you stay on track when life gets busy.
Key Point #3: Kenney changed his relationship with food.
This quote from Kenney perfectly encapsulates why Kenney was successful in his transformation:
“I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals, whereas before I used it to make me feel better.”
This is a guy who ate fast food 3-4 times per day, every day. Who grew up in the South, home of “comfort food.” A self-described Reese’s Cup and Ice cream aficionado.
THAT guy now views food as fuel for his fitness goals!
How did it happen? Slowly with small changes over a long period of time. Kenney knew that going on a crash diet wasn’t going to work (he had tried that in the past), so as we discuss here on Nerd Fitness he focused on small actionable changes he could make that didn’t scare him.
He kept things simple like cutting back on soda and tracking his food intake.
Only after he started to see some progress did he start playing this “healthy eating” game on a harder difficulty setting:
He moved his diet over to a more low carb, Paleo-ish nutritional strategy
He cut out breakfast and followed an Intermittent fasting plan
He consistently ate healthy options and go-to “default” meals.
Thanks to this dramatic change in his mentality, Kenney no longer needed food as an escape, but rather saw it as fuel, with occasional indulgences – like his favorite ice cream or candy – but in moderation without fear or guilt.
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
I identify as a:
Key Point #4: Kenney STOPPED relying on himself.
Believe it or not, Kenney giving up on himself might be the most important mindset shift he could have made.
When most people decide to get in shape, they all do the same thing: “I am going to get in shape. I’m gonna get motivated and hit the gym consistently!” Two weeks later, they’ve already given up but now they ALSO have shame: “I am ashamed that I couldn’t stick with my goals, something must be wrong with me!”
Conversely, people that succeed know themselves better than that, so they plan for it. They stop expecting themselves to magically become a motivation powerhouse and instead start asking better questions. “Okay if Motivation ALWAYS leaves me, rather than beating myself up how can I stack the deck so that I no longer need motivation in the first place?”
Kenney stopped relying on himself in two key ways:
He invested in himself so that he had “skin in the game”
He had OTHER people keep him accountable other than just himself.
We’re going to dig into both of these specific issues in the next two points, but I want to return to the above:
If you rely on yourself to be motivated, and you think you need to be motivated to get in shape, you’ve already lost.
STOP relying on motivation. Instead, build systems, recruit allies, and structure your environment in ways that support your goals.
Try this: recruit a friend who will cheer you on. Give him $50 of your money and tell him you’ll check in with him every day. If you don’t check in to let him know that you went for a walk and ate a veggie, he will donate that money to a cause you HATE.
Speaking of recruiting allies…
Key Point #5: Kenney surrounded himself with the right people
I’m proud to say that Nerd FItness played a communal role in helping Kenney Reach his goals. Our Academy doesn’t a super secret proprietary workout plan – its fun compound strength training. Our nutritional strategy isn’t anything proprietary – its less junk and more vegetables. Sure, it digs deep on the mindset stuff, and it’s got a fun leveling system and nutritional strategy that gamifies getting in shape.
But that’s not what made it such a big help in Kenney’s journey: it was the community of people who are aligned with the same goal, struggling with the same problems, that were cheering him on.
Or in another Academy member’s words, when asked why he loves the community:
Human connection and supportive people can be the biggest help in transforming, and Kenney had both: a coach who pushed him, and a community that supported him.
Did you know that you are the average of the 5 people you associate most with?
Show me the weight, health, net worth, and happiness level of the 5 people you spend the most time with, and I bet I can guess a lot about you with startling accuracy – it’s because those people influence you every day without you realizing it with their words, decisions, and choices.
So then I ask you: Are your five people making you want to be better? Or are they people who make fun of you for skipping game night to exercise or goad you into skipping the salad and ordering a cheeseburger to “live a little.”
Kenney has been a major contributor to our community, sharing his struggles and his progress. Unsurprisingly, he’s also one of our BEST successes, and an inspiration to the men of the Academy group – and now the galaxy.
If you are serious about getting in shape, interact with people that make you want to be better:
Join a running club at work. Or start one!
Find an accountability buddy that you check in with daily.
Create a guild and introduce positive peer pressure!
Have somebody you can ask embarrassing questions to and share your struggles with.
I love that Kenney found the NF community to be super supportive while he also leveled up his life with in person connections too, and I want the same for you.
I don’t care where you find these people, I just want you to have these people in your life! Now, I might be slightly biased, but I believe our online crew is the best community on the planet!
Key Point #6: Kenney invested in himself
Kenney tried to follow along with free workouts at home. He read free articles on Nerd Fitness for over a year. And he couldn’t get himself to take his attempt at getting in shape seriously.
As he was still in search of his big WHY, he realized that he’d never stick with an attempt until he had some “skin in the game” (invested in himself). So he called up his local gym and set up a free training session.
And that lead to him realizing that hiring a trainer that knows him better than he knows himself was going to be a game changer:
“My trainer is perfect for me! He keeps me motivated and honest without being the cliched TV trainer who berates their clients! He’s never yelled or made me feel like a failure. Honestly, If had a trainer like that I would have quit after the first session. He’s a self described nerd so we often talk about the next big superhero movie or I crack jokes about his addiction to big Kit Kat bars!”
Whether it’s an online coach or a course, there’s so much psychology at stake beyond just the information you learn in these situations. We all know what we need to do (eat less, move more), but we can’t get ourselves to do those things.
Investing in a course or hiring a coach can be the biggest difference between success and failure for many people. When you spend money on a quality fitness product or service:
You spend time with other people who are investing in themselves.
You get to outsource your decision making and just focus on following directions.
You get the peace of mind that you are doing the right thing because its been prescribed by somebody farther along than you.
You get guaranteed accountability, because you’re paying somebody for something which means you’ll value it more!
Sure, there are MILLIONS of free resources out there about how to get healthy. There are millions of free fitness articles (you’re reading one of them!).
And yes, many people can get motivated and go build their own workout and go to the gym and figure things out and LOVE spending that time doing so.
For the rest of us though, we don’t have the time or ability to sort through the junk to find the best information, or we just want the peace of mind knowing we’re learning from somebody that gets us.
And lastly, maybe we know ourselves well enough that if we spend money on something, we’ll actually use it!
Personally, I pay money to go to a gym 2 blocks away instead of using the free gym in my apartment building, because I never go to the free one! I also pay hundreds every month to work with an online fitness coach, and it’s the best money I spend each month.
I’m not telling you to spend your money on fitness. Instead, I’m saying that what you spend your money (and your time) on says a lot about your priorities.
Kenney looked at his spending habits and despite what he was told himself he cared about, he was really prioritizing fast food, no sleep, and video games.
So he changed his priorities by eliminating unhealthy, expensive food and instead, spent that money on investing in himself (a coach, the NF Academy, healthy food).
Of COURSE you don’t need to spend money on your health and wellness – but it can be like powerleveling yourself in a video game! If you think you can’t afford a gym membership, or a trainer, or a course…track your spending and measure what you have been spending your money on instead (TV, Netflix, game subscriptions, etc).
If you reallllly want something, you can find a way to save elsewhere to invest on what’s important:
If you have chosen to prioritize your health and wellness, I’d suggest investing in:
A gym membership (or home gym) if you’re serious about changing your physique.
A comprehensive online course/community if you can’t learn in person. (like the Academy).
A personal trainer or an online coach (we have a 1-on-1 online coaching program too).
Notice I didn’t say anything about supplements or ab coasters or whatever – get your mentality in order, work with people who have succeeded in the way you want to succeed, and get started!
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
I identify as a:
be Less like Old Kenney. Be more like new Kenney.
I’m so thankful Kenney let me share this story with you today! Here are the most important things he did to transform into Tony Stark:
Even though he wasn’t ready to transform, he kept reading about health and fitness for years until something clicked.
He finally had a big enough reason why to overcome his love of fast food. He dug deep and really addressed his motivations.
He stopped relying on himself, and instead outsourced his motivation and accountability to a community and a coach.
He invested in himself, which made him take the opportunity more clearly
He fixed his relationship with food – instead of comfort, it became fuel for his goals.
Regardless of how involved you want to be with Nerd Fitness, I’m just glad that you’re here and reading this. I hope you can see Kenney’s transformation above and decide “Hey, I want to do that! maybe I should do what he did.” And put his words into your practice!
And then go see Kenney perform!
Look for the guy center stage….
PS: I’m glad that Kenney is a really active and encouraging part of our community in the Nerd Fitness Academy, and I hope you consider checking it out too!
It’s the most supportive group on the internet, and you’ll also get workout plans, a 10-level nutritional system, an entire mindset module, and character leveling system with real-life quests and boss battles. It comes with a 60-day guarantee to give you a chance to try it out and see if it can help you level up your life!
See you in there!
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