#so happy to live at the same time as rosekillers existence
popcornhee · 5 months
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Evan "terrified-of-needles" Rosier
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returning the favour!!
delete any three marauders era characters from existence JUST so you get to create them in ur own image go
least favourite colour and is it because it reminds you of a very you specific children memory?
describe these five characters as teachers: james potter. bellatrix black. frank longbottom. gideon prewett. lucius malfoy.
your favourite colours
r u chef xeno au or model xeno au person (yes i’m either writing or drawing the chef au) and you HAVE to chose
opinions on american girl dolls
ok sorry this took me forever to answer i got a little too into it, so here we go
delete any three characters
oooo this is a spicy one. i’m assuming this means delete them from canon and replace them with my own image? because i already do whatever i want here.
first is absolutely regulus because he would fuck the entire story up. and i love that for him. my reggie, who would find a way to band together with all of his friends and fight their own side of the war away from moldy and dumbly, who would burn the world down for each and every one of them and his brother and james, who got along with the gryffindors and hexed anybody who dared challenge him about it. regulus who’s trans and gay and depressed and dealing with it like a champ. who can get the entirety of hogwarts under his thumb with one outfit because he’s just that beautiful and that powerful. regulus who whittles baby animals for james in secret, who is a god at quidditch and always catches the snitch because he’s just that good, who joined frog choir initially because his mother made him but turned it into something for himself and never left even once he ran away. regulus who is just me in a different font because i said so. i may have gotten a little carried away with the headcanons here. but regulus is my best friend, the love of my life, my baby, my child, i love him okay?
second. hmmmm. i think i’m gonna have to go with barty. now there isn’t really any canon on him before he became a death eater anyway, so it wouldn’t so much be removing him and replacing him as much as adding in nonexistent content. i would mainly just be adding in the widely accepted fanon content: slytherin skittles, rosekiller, barty being a little menace who would kill for his friends no hesitation, etc. i’d make his gay awakening xeno idc. and then from there there’s two directions to go. there’s: let him live out his happy little life with his friends that’s not so happy because they’re fighting in a way but at least they’re together. and there’s: reg and evan die and barty goes crazy and turns into canon barty. i like both versions, even both at the same time tbh, but in the first one i think pandora and dorcas would help keep him together whereas in the second one he just goes off the rails. there’s just so much more to be explored with his character and all we really get is he hates his dad but not his mom, and he killed and tortured a bunch of people this literally makes no sense at all but moving on anyways.
third. let’s see, let’s see, let’s see. peter! omg peter. we all know i love peter pettigrew and canon peter is… well… the fucking worst. give me peter pettigrew that made a bit of a mistake, sure, but it didn’t cost his friends their lives and they forgave him. give me (this will be an icotfs moment) deaf peter pettigrew who taught his friends sign language in their first year and was so happy just to have friends because he had it rough in the past but now he has a family at school. give me peter pettigrew who was a hat stall because he’s wise and loyal and cunning and brave. give me peter pettigrew who worked so so hard for his marks in school and excelled because he worked for it. give me peter pettigrew who makes fun of his friends as relentlessly as they make fun of him and his just, happy! give me peter pettigrew who was genuinely friends with everybody, not a kid they had to look after, not an outcast, not anything else. a friend.
honorable mentions: snape, no redemption arc, no pity; lily, just, her in my mind; pandora, make her a character
now, if you meant pick any three characters to erase from fanon and replace, my answer is different and i don’t know what it is.
least favorite color / tied to childhood memory
hmmmm. probably either like a neon green or brown-orange. when i was a kid, for a period of time, my favorite color was orange but i always had to specify not brown orange colors. specifically bright oranges. also like… idk how to describe it but off white in the way medicine is. i had to take this liquid medicine for a long period of time when i was little and it was this weird white color and absolutely nasty. especially the orange flavor. completely vile. i can still taste it right now and that was like 13 years ago.
characters as teachers
oh this is a fun one. here we go.
james potter: he is struggling just a bit. he’s for sure a humanities teacher, and he hasn’t quite found the balance between being a good teacher and a nice teacher. he’s like right on the edge there, where he’s almost perfect, but he does get fooled by a dead grandma from time to time, or a student taking advantage of his niceness. but he is, so nice. and really helpful. he does absolutely everything he can to help his students, even if that means staying at work until 10pm trying to come up with a way to help this kid pass his class, he’ll do it. even if he has to tutor a kid on the entire history of the world. this man is committed to his work. he said “i wanna be a teacher” and he really meant it. sirius, remus, peter, regulus, and lily have all had to forcibly pull him away from his work on more than one occasion. regulus once just stayed the night in james’ classroom because he refused to leave.
bellatrix black: this one. this is a wild one. because that’s what bella is, isn’t she? a wild card. controversial opinion? i initially saw her as an art teacher and then it switched in my brain and now i can’t let go of her being an economics/government/finance teacher. i mean, picture her just sitting at the front of her classroom, sitting cross-legged on top of her desk and teaching kids how to topple a government instead of reading from the textbook? nobody knows how she hasn’t gotten fired yet because she basically taught one class how to money launder and another how to stage a coup. all her students both love her and are terrified of her. she’s the kind of person that can catch a bug in her hands without even looking- she makes sure to do that trick on the first day of every class, she will not fuck around, got it? but she has her favorite students who she’s so sweet to. like if they cough once during class they are going to the nurse’s office and she will march them right down there if she has to.
frank longbottom: now he is the perfect balance. the teacher i’ve always been in awe of. the one who manages to perfectly balance everything and act like it’s nothing. i could honestly see him teaching any subject and you know what? maybe he teaches all of them, who can say? he is nice, but not a pushover. a good teacher, but a kind one. he balances his personal life and work perfectly and doesn’t let them bleed too much into each other. every once in a while, he’ll get a little too caught up on one thing or the other - he’s only human, right? - but he’s usually able to get back into it pretty easily, especially with the help from his friends. his students all like him, they say goodbye sadly but don’t miss him too terribly when he’s gone, but he’s touched all of their lives somehow. he’s that one teacher whose class every student wants to be in, and everybody else is jealous when they don’t end up there.
gideon prewett: he’s a kindergarten teacher. he has one of those little town rugs in the middle of his floor, he reads all the books at story time with different voices and acts it out. he hosts little events as much as possible for the kids to participate in. plays, puppet shows, bake sales, etc. he also goes all out with birthdays, like decorates the whole classroom and everything. and he’s an amazing teacher. like those kids are leaving his classroom at the end of the year with a second grade education. some of them go to college early. he gets invited to their weddings. he randomly brings in things to make his students happy like cookies (different kinds for allergies and dietary restrictions) or plants. he always brings something in himself for show and tell. he’s the teacher everybody loved when they were in kindergarten and never got another teacher who could live up to him. except for the students that ended up with his brother as an AP calc teacher. he’s completely different but exactly the same simultaneously, but the only one who ever came close to matching him.
lucius malfoy: oof. you do not want to be in his class. this man is like an APUSH or AP physics teacher. he is strict and not forgiving. he picks his favorites on the first day of class and everybody else knows the year is about to be shit for them. he keeps a whole ass family portrait on the wall behind his desk, and he looks hella intimidating in it. he gives hours of homework each night, half of it busy work because he can’t be bothered to grade it all, and insanely difficult tests. the only reason he’s still allowed to teach is because he sucks up to the head of the school board and he’s about to be on tenure, then no one can touch him. there’s also a ton of rumors flying around about him at all times though, because the kids hate him so much. and some of them come back to bite him in the ass, so, good for you, kids.
favorite colors
ooooo how to choose. okay first definitely has to be a neutral pastel/sage green, like the one in my tumblr theme. it’s so calming and soothing and it reminds me of being in a little fairytale forest. like, i look at it and i see low hanging branches with floating lights and a calm stream running by a woodland cottage. it’s lovely.
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then probably something like the blue you posted. it reminds me of the word midnight. it’s mysterious, it’s never-ending, it’s kind of scary, but in a good way. i accidentally typed “in a god way” the first time and tbh, yeah.
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and then like a lavender color like this one. i can’t really explain why it just makes my brain happy.
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similarly to the purple, dust rose.
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chef xeno vs model xeno
nooooo i have to choose? i love model xeno, i really do. i love absolutely everything about him. but my heart goes to chef au :pensive:. especially with the brilliant alteration that it’s secretly a ratatouille au where barty and evan think xeno is this brilliant chef but they have no idea there’s just a tiny peter on his head doing all the cooking for him. i also think it’s funny picturing xeno being all cocky thinking two guys are trying to compete for him when really, they’re both trying to get with him at the same time. he would be so oblivious but so happy at the revelation and i love him for that.
american girl dolls
ok somebody fr just asked me this? but when i was a kid i wanted one so badly, not even sure why. i think it was a “everyone else has one so i need one” type thing? i also just liked dolls. i got two oof-brand american girl dolls over time, one has a brown bob with bangs and i named her emily and the other has long blonde hair and ngl i forgot her name… but i have like a whole ass closet for these girlies. i loved them with my whole heart for a while. opinions overall? i definitely don’t get the hype anymore. and the american girl puberty books and shit are weird… but dolls in general >>> (except the creepy ones).
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