#so he doesn’t have to prepare so much slash defend his hate for America and stuff like that so much
Discussing history with my floor mate is interesting bc he’s half Iranian so he obviously has a personal interest in the Middle East but he also sorta seems to forget that I study history
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lawgrain · 5 years
Fandom: Phandom (Dan and Phil)
Pairings: ... Take a guess
Summary: Dan and Phil have never been Dan and Phil and if it were up to Phil, things would stay that way. Things might of even stayed that way if Phil hadn’t trashed Dan in a livestream.
Author’s note: This has been in my docs forever as well. I don’t in any way see this as a reflection of reality and is super ooc at first, Let me know how it’s liked. Also if this seems like odd timing or anything, I posted this a bit ago, and privated it along with deleting quite a few other posts of mine, and now I’m just unpivating the post again. It was quite the journey
Chapter 1
Phil's POV
“Karen521 asked what socks am I wearing. I won't actually show you because it'd be too hard to show you but one has some colorful geometric shape things on it and the other has polar bears so they’re pretty fun.” Phil kept reading questions in the blur of people chatting in the livestream.
He never really preferred live streams but knew his viewers loved it. Phil didn't enjoy the spontaneity and the lack of preparation involved with livestreams. Scripts and actions were not an option in real time and it was hard trying to keep people entertained for that long. It was almost impossible to think that anyone's everyday life could be that fascinating. But the people liked interacting with Phil and he was nothing if not a people-pleaser.
“LesterLover48 asks if I plan to make a Phil vs. Friends Games video soon. Not currently. I'd have to ask someone to come on my channel for that and I don't know if anyone's available. I usually just do those randomly. That’s probably why I don't have that many,” Phil said with a small chuckle at the end, still mindlessly reading aloud comments.
“Someone says ‘I can't wait till you make another video’. AmazingAmandy says ‘go outside and make some more friends Phil’. Ha! Thanks, I could use some more sun. ShipperQueen29 says to ask danisnotonfire.” Phil froze after the last comment.
Crap this is going to open up the floodgates, isn't it?
Yep. Now everyone was focused on danisnotonfire. Phil hates danisnotonfire.
Phil wasn't quick to hatred but the younger man had become a nuisance ever since he started YouTube. At first, when Phil took notice of the kid it had been flattering if not cute. Dan was obviously new to making videos and it looked like he was trying to imitate Phil like a little kid would with their older sibling. Now it wasn't so cute.
Phil couldn't exactly say Dan was imitating him completely. No, over time the teen had found his identity and took a much more of a pessimist and crude tone than anything Phil would do. That seemed to be where their differences ended. They both did story videos, both had the same haircuts, and both had the same bedspread even if the colors were different. Wheat the younger youtuber had done infuriated Phil. It felt like someone had taken every aspect of his life just to morph it and call it their own.
It bugged Phil a lot. He had to put up with similar crap from other YouTubers whenever he made a tag but somehow what danisnotonfire went farther. It wasn't just one idea or a couple of videos. It was a perversion of everything Phil ever did.
The other problem came with their fandoms. While Phil and Dan had never met, their similarities led their fans to believe that they were meant for each other. With the slightest mention of Dan, they became sharks attacking any sign of a ship. Progressively this ended up fueling Phil's resentment towards the other. It got to the point where the very mention of the other annoyed Phil.
And now the comment section was full of ship comments.
Phil seeing the comments tried to change the topic. He began rambling off about different things going on his life but no one seemed to get sidetracked from the danisnotonfire topic.
“So what else has been going on lately? I'm thinking about visiting my mum soon.” Phil finally takes a glance down at the comments.
“You should visit Dan ;)”
I am so done.
“Look, not to be rude, but honestly can we get off the Dan topic? I've never even met him and don't watch his channel.” Phil felt defeated.
“Why don't you watch your bf?” Phil read aloud. And then he snapped.
“Oh my god, because I don't like Dan! His content isn't that original and he basically has the same branding as me but more gloomy and depressing. I don't see the charm in it and I'm tired of everyone asking about a guy I don't even know.” Phil was a bit stunned that he responded like that. He hoped that he didn't say anything too offensive, especially considering that he meant everything he said.
He noticed some had dropped out of the stream but there were no comments about Dan as the stream continued on.
Phil would count that as a win.
Dan's POV
From Tyler:
“Did you see the video?”
To Tyler:
“Um… what video?”
From Tyler:
“Omg ok there's a Phil video right now about you”
“Give me the word and I'll come down and cut a bitch”
To Tyler:
“lol I don't think that'll be necessary. I'll watch the video weirdo”
From Tyler:
“I mean it! I'll cut a bitch!”
Dan chuckled to himself. He loved Tyler. Platonically, of course, but he was definitely one of Dan's best friends. Having that been said he was a bit dramatic and Dan was sure there was nothing to be worried about as he searched for a video involving AmazingPhil and himself.
It’s a good guess that's the video he's meant to be watching. Dan thought nothing of the title, assuming it was clickbait by overzealous fans.
And then he watched it. He physically flinched watching as Phil threw his insecurities out for the world.
To Tyler:
“Hey. I watched it...”
From Tyler:
“Who am I cutting? I'll cut them all”
To Tyler:
“No, no need for that”
From Tyler:
“Srsly say the word and I'll do it”
To Tyler:
“Down boy. It’s just you don't think he’s right do you?”
“That I'm just depressing and unoriginal?”
Please say no...
From Tyler:
“The only true words in that video are that he doesn't know you. You are wonderful!”
To Tyler:
“If you say so. Thanks for letting me know but please don't do or say anything. I know you live in America but I expect no cutting people with knives or anything else”
From Tyler:
“Fine but if you need anything I'm here ok?”
To Tyler:
“I know. Thanks Tyler”
From Tyler:
“Sure thing
Yeah Dan loved Tyler. Too bad he lived in America. So Dan was alone.
I'm pathetic. Why should I even care about this? And– shit!
Dan looked at the comments on the video and it was mayhem. It was like someone put two fandoms at war and the neutral side was scrambling. He saw his own fans start to slash into Phil's character and Phil's fans not only defend Phil but also start to point out more flaws of Dan's.
It didn't help that as he continued reading the comment section, Dan only felt worse about himself. He watched as more and more people spoke about how they thought of Dan and he simply couldn't find enough good comments to outweigh how the bad ones felt.
It was ugly and it was hurtful.
And it felt true.
That was something Dan hated about himself, but the more he read the comments, the more he felt like they were true. He knew that deep down what they said shouldn’t matter, that they were wrong but even things said in anger had some ring of truth to it. Whatever that truth was, Dan just wanted it all to stop.
Endnote: I hope that was enjoyable. Also I realize that things might seem a bit ooc. It just because it’s a story and eventual character development.
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Royal, part eight
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Summary: Freya and the rest catch up with Steve and his team.
Warnings: violence and swearing
Word count: 2122
Tony barked out orders as everyone prepared to leave the jet. We knew Steve and the others were there and everyone was hell bent on taking them in today. I on the other hand kept trying to figure out a plan to make them stop the fight. However, T'Challa was my biggest concern. Everyone wanted to capture them, but he was out for blood and that made him dangerous. I had to protect my own, no matter what.
We made a formation, standing one by one, creating a sort of boundary for Steve and the others. I took in a deep breath when Steve strode under the underpass, jogging onto a runway in his suit. I wasn't sure if he noticed me, but my heart was beating so fast for more reasons than one. I was scared..for the first time in a long time. I was afraid of him getting hurt, Bucky dying. I was no longer the fearless assassin, rather just a girl who still loved a man who was too torn between his past and present to completely give himself to her.
„Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?“ Tony sassed and I rolled my eyes at him.
„Definitely weird.“ Rhodes added, trying to seem cool. Ugh..I wasn't a big fan of the man to be honest. It felt like he was Tony's puppy and I never quite liked people with no backbone.
„Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this.“ Steve spoke up and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. What did he mean by that?
T'Challa joined us, leaping over a truck with small thud once he hit the ground. „Captain.“ He acknowledged him and I took a step forward much to everyone's dismay.
„Your highness.“ Steve spoke, a little sarcastically. He wasn't a fan of T'Challa and I couldn't blame him, after all, he was trying to kill his best friend.
„Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?“ Tony tried to defuse the situation, seeing how things could get very very ugly. I strategically moved closer to T'Challa, hoping I'd be able to block his attack if it came to it. I was still hurt, but I had to fight. I had to. Steve seemed to notice me, but he knew my plan right away. I could see it in his eyes, I always could read him like an open book. It's one of the things I loved most about him.
„You're after the wrong guy.“ Steve stated and Tony scoffed.
„Your judgment is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday.“ Tony pointed out, acting a little high and mighty and I had to suppress an urge to splash him with water as the gesture seemed to bring him back to Earth in the past.
„And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't.“ My eyes widened at this new piece of information and Steve noticed me freeze at this. They were still alive? All of them? My past experience with the rest of the winter soldiers wasn't as nice as it was with Bucky. If you could call that past nice, because I got my ass handed to me on a daily bases.
„Steve… you know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?“ Natasha questioned, subtly hinting I was still hurt and unable to properly defend myself. Steve's eyes were on me, watching my every move. He could tell I wasn't a hundred percent, but he knew better than anyone just how much Bucky meant to me. He knew I was the only person in this world who understood him and I was ready for a fight even if it killed me.
„All right, I've run out of patience. Underoos!“ Tony called for the new kid and he shot a web, stealing Steve's shield. If it were any other day, I would have laughed but this was no laughing matter. Not the time and not the place.
„Nice job, kid.“ Tony praised him and I shot a look to the teenager. Steve was confused, unaware of this new arrival, but he was prepared for anything. He always was.
„Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit… Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's-It's perfect. Thank you.“ Peter rambled on, his squeaky voice making my head hurt a little. Don't get me wrong, I liked the kid, but I wasn't up for his eager beaver nature today.
„Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation.“ Tony waved him off and Peter turned to Steve a little starstruck.
„Okay. Cap… Captain. Big fan, I'm Spider-Man.“ Steve nodded as the kid waved at everyone. He was too adorable for this line of business. Why did I let Tony bring a kid to a superhero all out war? 
„You've been busy.“ Steve noted and I sighed.
„And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint. 'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep… I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart.“ Yeah right, and I'm the queen of England.
„You did that when you signed.“ Steve spoke and I nodded at him, letting him now I was ready. I could see T'Challa looking at the exchange and it gave me a slight disadvantage.
„Alright, We're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us. NOW! Because it's us! Or a squad of J-SOC guys… with no compunction about being impolite. Come on.“ Steve looked at me once more, conveying a million apologies with that one look.
Steve held his hands up and Clint shot the web right off. Behind us, Parker started to fidget, calling for attention, but no one really cared at this point. Without a warning the shield was back in Steve's hand and someone appeared from thin air as it seemed.
„I believe this is yours, Captain America.“ The other new guy spoke and I cocked my head to the side, looking at his getup.
„Oh, great. Alright, there's two on the parking deck. One of them is Maximoff, I'm gonna grab her. Rhodey, you want to take Cap?“ Tony began, while Rhodes spotted Sam and Bucky. The voice beside me made me scowl. T'Challa was prepared for the fight,
„Barnes is mine!“ He took of running and I followed behind, shooting ice in front of him to slow him down because I was having a really hard time catching up.
„Slow down!“ I shouted and I swear I heard him chuckle. That ass.
„Move, Captain. I won't ask a second time.“ I caught up only to find T'Challa and Steve prepared to fight one another. Steve looked back at me while I doubled down, trying to catch my breath. I held one hand up, indicating I would need a minute.
The rest of Steve's team runs towards the Quinjet. A fizzing stream of energy slices across the runway and they stop as Vision hovers overhead.
„Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now.“ Vision speaks as the rest of Tony's team arrives.
„What do we do, Cap?“ Sam asks and I look into Steve's eyes and nod.
„We fight.“ Steve responds and I hear Nat throw in a sarcastic remark. Both sides stride towards each other with a grim determination etched on their faces. I was standing in the middle, looking back and forth, trying to decide where I stood here. Should I keep up the pretense or just drop the mask and join them. Everyone started running towards one another and I chose my side. I joined Steve and Bucky, helping him stop a blow from T'Challa. I could hear explosions and shots fired around us, but my focus was on the man who wanted to claw his way through the only family I had. Bucky landed a punch on T'Challa as I kicked him from the other side, earning a slight slash from his claws. He looked at me for a moment, like he wanted to apologize, but I went at him before he had a chance. We traded blow after blow, his attacks going from Bucky to me in an impressive speed. He had to be enhanced, that was the only explanation. Suddenly, Bucky and him had each other by the throat.
„I didn't kill your father.“ Bucky managed to mumble.
„Then why did you run?“ T'Challa pulls Bucky's hand off his neck, then spins him and fly-kicks him backwards. He sprouts claws and aims for Bucky's neck, but I intervened, freezing his hand completely, hoping his suit was more than just bulletproof. I waved my hands as I focused on the water in his body and willed it to fly back, sending T'Challa crashin into a passenger gangway.
Bucky and I ran to Steve, yelling out to go now.
„That guy's probably in Siberia by now.“ Bucky stated.
„We gotta draw out the flyers. I'll take Vision. You get to the jet.“ Steve realized and Sam interjected.
„No, you get to the jet! ALL of you! The rest of us aren't getting out of here.“ He said, accepting his faith.
„As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it.“ Clint pipped in, grunting as he took a hit.
„This isn't the real fight, Steve.“ Sam spoke and Steve nodded reluctantly.
„Alright, Sam, what's the play?“ He questioned.
„We need a diversion, something big.“ I spoke up and someone came through the line.
 „I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half… don't come back for me.“ What the what? I furrowed my eyebrows together, my forehead creasing and Bucky had the same expression, except his mouth was opened.
„He's gonna tear himself in half?“ He spoke in shock.
„Did you even hear how that sounds Scott“ I put a hand over my mouth to stifle the laughter bursting out. Steve shook his head lightly and smiled at my immature behavior. He always loved when I did things like this, letting myself be just human instead of wearing a mask to hide the person of flesh and bone beneath.
„You're sure about this, Scott?“ Steve asked, his serious face back on.
„I do it all the time. I mean once… in a lab. Then I passed out. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the BOSS!“ He repeated and soon we saw what he meant. He became big..like really big and grabbed Rhodey by his leg.
„I guess that's the signal.“ Steve grabbed a hold of me, helping me get to the jet. The bleeding wasn't so bad, but it hurt like a bitch and I could barely stand on the leg. Damn it, T'Challa! We managed to get through the Scott commotion and I saw T'Challa was close behind. Steve and Bucky had made it to the jet as I turned back, holding my ground. I raised both my hands up, curling my fingers slowly as the clouds released the pent up water at my command. Freezing some of it was easy, it hit Tony's suit and helped Clint out as well. I saw Natasha walk up to me, her weapons down and her face set in a scowl. She didn't attack and neither did I. With a curt nod, we walked into the partially wrecked hanger and noticed T'Challa preparing to attack the guys. I used rain from the outside, throwing it on him, making the suit wet. He didn't understand why and that's where Natasha came in. She tased him, making him fall down repeatedly as the jet rises. Steve held out a hand for me to take and I nod to Natasha as a thanks before going for it. As I took his hand, T'Challa leaped after me, pulling us both down until my hand slipped from Steve's grasp and I was left free falling to the ground. Steve screamed after me, his eyes wide like he was seeing a repeat of something in his past. He once told me that's how he lost Bucky and I understood the pain in his beautiful blue eyes that were the last thing I saw.
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