#so he strikes a deal to buy her a whole tub of ice cream to make up for the couple bites he stole
justaz · 2 years
i love the big three kids dynamic bc i could see them hanging out together but it immediately descends into thalia, percy, and nico chasing each other around and fighting and insulting one another in a loving sibling way and jason and hazel watching it go down then looking at each other and going “ice cream? :)” “sure! :D” and having a treat to watch the show with
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Chim: "Broken freezer at the grocery store equals 50 percent off of ice cream. An offer that would be criminal to refuse."
Maddie: "We're never going to eat all that."
Chim: "But think about how much I save. A year's worth of ice cream for the price of 6 months. And there's no such thing as too much ice cream. Here, try this."
Maddie finds notices from the IRS.
So to me, this is relevant dialogue. Death and taxes are always certain and as Bobby said, they can sometimes go together. Chim couldn't resist the ice cream (and sale) in front of him that was due to a broken freezer. He's trying to sell Maddie on how much he saved as well as one particular flavor that he's eating. Maddie isn't interested and instead focuses on the more serious problem at hand. (also good to note there is a beach picture behind Maddie)
Chim: "Okay, so open it."
Maddie: "Nothing good ever comes from the IRS." (so true, Maddie, so true)
Chim: "Not opening it doesn't change the fact that you got it."
Chim finishes putting away the ice cream except the one he's currently eating.
It turns out Maddie is being audited. And so is Chim.
And now Maddie and Chim are eating their own tubs of ice cream. That Jee then comes in to enjoy.
So, to me, this whole scene connects to Buddie in a big bad way for this episode. Chim is connected to Buck here (especially since this season they've been very linked, but this dialogue cinches it) and Maddie is connected to Eddie.
Maddie is worried but also telling Chim he's spiraling. Not to mention Jee runs to her and has some of her ice cream.
Chim was trying to convince Maddie to try his ice cream earlier, that he got a good deal, and that all would be okay until he finds out he was being audited himself. Then he starts spiraling.
Buck is going to be attempting to convince someone or someones that his flavor of ice cream (a late night snack or treat) is the best thing ever. That he's happy with the deal he's gotten. That nobody has anything to worry about when it comes to him. Until he's forced to look at whatever is under the microscope (perhaps when he died? the lightning strike?) or he's put under the microscope.
Eddie is not buying it and is trying to bring rationale to the table. But once he's forced to look at whatever is under the microscope (probably the Shannon/death theme this episode) or he's put under the microscope, he's going to be in the same boat as Buck.
I see you, 911.
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honestlyzenoouh · 4 years
The Friendship I never knew I needed
Okay, new headcanon time because I read a post about Aaron and Neil begrudging friendship, and now this thing won’t leave my brain. It sorta grew legs and kept on going, sorry. Featuring twinyard forced bonding, Neil being an asshole and Katelyn being sneaky.
Okay, so we know that Neil doesn’t really care for Katelyn. But like, sometime in Neil’s 3’rd year and the girls have left him he shows up to one of his maths classes and like, Katelyn is there??
Katelyn is super smart as well as athletic, the whole deal. And one time one of her TA’s were like, okay this class might actually challenge you, but won’t take up all of your time. Might be fun.
And Katelyn is like, alright imma try.
The first two weeks Katelyn doesn’t even notice she shares the class with Neil, it is that big.
When she does though, it’s because the professor is writing a thing on the board (it’s early, I don’t wanna do actual maths rn), slightly incorrect, and she really wants to point it out, but also doesn’t wanna be rude and affect her grade.
Neil doesn’t have such worries and just sorta not quite yell but loudly points it out... might’ve used a cuss word or two as well, whoops
Katelyn was like thank god someone said something, she was sat clinching all muscles not to say anything.
Then she clocks who said it and was like, huh, I might do something about this. He is someday gonna be my family so might as well start wearing him down now, instead of later.
Also, perfect excuse to actually start up a conversation, sharing a class.
So a couple of weeks after that, when Katelyn has had some time to think, and Neil thinks he’s safe, she strikes.
They are appointed some homework, and she has positioned herself so she can see Neils face in the lecture hall (without it being obvious) and Neil’s eyebrow pinch the tiniest bit together. Now is the time.
She gently approaches him a little sheepish, “could we maybe form a little study group for this class? I don’t really know anyone here, and I don’t really understand the concept for this bit”
Neil, a little suspicious but also completely lost on this subject “would you be able to meet in the library on Tuesdays at 4?”
She says yes of course and dances a bit internally.
The first like, 3 study sessions are completely awkward and stilted, but somehow they work really well together academically? Who knew?
It’s in the fourth meet-up that the ice breaks. Katelyn arrives a bit winded, with a half of cup of coffee and just starts to enthusiastically rant about this complete asshole who cut in line at the coffee place, and then the girl who tripped her on the way into the building but wouldn’t apologize and they got in an argument and then so on about every bad thing for the past week
And Neil is just hooked on her rant. He is reminded a bit of Dan and her ranting about sexist assholes in sports and he really misses her, but why should that stop him from making new friends?
So he stops fighting it and actually talks to the girl. Turns out, they have a lot in common. Including complaining about their significant Minyard. They love them, but oh my lord are they petty and annoying.
From there on out, Tuesdays becomes their hang out day. Even when the semesters over and they don’t have that class anymore. Just Katelyn and Neil becoming unlikely best friends (sorry Matt, it wasn’t on purpose), and telling each other everything. She is the first one outside of the foxes to see his scars.
She didn’t flinch. But she quietly seethes for days afterwards. Aaron tipped him off by complaining about Katelyns bad mood to Kevin (not that he cared) and he overheard it. They had a talk and only grew tighter.
Fast forward like, a year and a half, and Aaron really wanna meet this person. And Katelyn really wants her bf and bff to have a bond as well, but considering all of the bitching she hears about Josten this and Josten that, she had taking to keep referring to Neil as that person I meet in this class, or her nickname for Neil (it’s buggy, because he keeps on bugging her with more maths) to keep the peace.
Also, gender-neutral terms to keep the jealousy at bay. He’s not that bad, but better safe than sorry. Neil means a lot to her now.
But finally she snaps; “fine, you can meet buggy. But only if they agree to meet you too”
“Why wouldn’t they agree to meet your boyfriend?”
“You’re annoying, and I complain about you a lot.”
“You what?”
Neil of course agrees, but only if he can bring Andrew as well. “He’ll play nice, I promise! No knives or hairpulling”
Aaron is really excited to finally meet Buggy. They really mean a lot to Katelyn and makes her happy. And who makes her happy, make him happy too
Andrew is very curious about Neil’s supposed new best friend. Turns out, Neil also hasn’t disclosed exactly who it is, but Andrew hasn’t outright asked him about it so.. It’s his own fault, really
The meeting goes a little like this:
Neil and Katelyn is at their weekly hangout, this time at a coffee shop around campus, and both text their S.M(significant Minyard) where to meet up. Andrew arrives first and just stands in the doorway when he catches sight of the twin redheads sitting and laughing about something. Neither has noticed him yet
Debating just walking out again, he hears a soft but earnest “are you fucking kidding me”
Turns out Aaron was just as surprised and lowkey mindfucked. They catch each other’s eyes and have their first mental conversation
“Well shit, now we have get along with each other’s S.R’s (significant redhead). Also did you know? No? Thank god I wasn’t the only one”
Katelyn turns around as her Aaron senses has gone off, and spies the twins just looking at each other totally defeated. Then turning to Neil like,
“Did you not tell Andrew about me? Because he is doing the same face Aaron is currently doing, and I didn’t tell him exactly who he was meeting today other than my best friend”
“Whoops, might’ve forgotten. They look kinda emotionally constipated... For how long do you think Aaron is gonna complain about it’s me?”
“Two weeks at least, how about Andrew with me?”
“He’s just gonna passive aggressively stare at me with snide comments every now and then until I buy him a tub of ice cream in apology. I give it 6 months for Aaron to laugh at I joke I made without making that face afterwards”
“You’re on, it’s gonna take him 9 at least”
It took 5 and a half months, and 2 years for Katelyn to get Andrew to huff his version of a laugh at all.
Just, Neil and Katelyn being besties and forcing the twinyards to accept and maybe even like each others S.R’s whilst also getting a better relationship out of it. Also; Aaron is now cursed into saying buggy instead of Josten or Neil, and he hates it. Until he doesn’t of course.
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rueur · 8 years
Morning Pages #33 (13.02.2017)
Monday 13th February - 11:49 a.m.
I think they’re taking Manasha off life support today. I didn’t write my three pages yesterday because I was at the hospital, from about 9 in the morning until 3 or 4 p.m., I mean I probably got home at around half past four. I remember finally sitting down in my room and looking at the time and it being 5 p.m. or maybe a little past five. I realise that when I don’t have anything to talk about or I don’t want to talk about anything, I just end up talking about what time it was when I was doing the something that I don’t want to talk about. Speaking of not talking, I tried calling Malith yesterday and he said he didn’t want to talk. First he said that he didn’t want to talk about the audition he had on Saturday and then I said ‘we can talk about ANYTHING then’ and he said he didn’t want to talk. He’s mad at me, I think. It doesn’t really matter though, I mean I’ve had a very weird weekend. I think I’m really in shock, I don’t know. It still hasn’t hit me entirely that Manasha’s dying. Or dead, brain-dead. It feels so weird. I just could not connect the person I saw lying in that hospital bed to the girl that I spent Saturday afternoons trapped in classrooms with, poking fun at everyone around us and spending our dwindling lunch breaks running up and down corridors and splitting up our food. She was such a huge part of my childhood, my one true Lankan friend. It’s so weird. I haven’t spoken to her in two years or so now and I just always assumed I’d see her again soon, like we’d just catch up at some later date and everything would be like it had been. Now that’s never going to happen, and I just...I don’t know what I’m feeling, I really don’t. I didn’t eat too much yesterday at all, or sleep too well last night or the night before that. But today I’ve already had a little bowl of ravioli and a yoghurt icy pole, and two or so spoons full of that golden gaytime ice cream tub that they make that only malli loves so much so thathi keeps buying it and malli keeps having to eat it all by himself and now malli’s complaining about his gut but still keeps eating the ice cream.
I also found out Martin sent me an email, but to an email address that I rarely use so I only just got it despite the fact that he sent it to me on January 31st, so now I’ve been panicking about how I’m going to reply to it. Should I read his essay first and then send him a reply with my feedback or should I just send a reply letting him know that I’ll send him feedback from my current email address? I DON’T KNOW, so I’m just not doing anything at this point. I’ve been reading my horoscope like crazy just because I want a bit of outside direction, because I really can’t trust myself right now. I can’t talk to anybody, because I don’t know what to say. I really don’t know what to say, I knew none of Manasha’s friends and none of them know me and so I was basically sitting alone for most of yesterday, too nervous and too distraught to strike up conversation with anyone else because obviously they were all probably in just as much grief as I was at that point. It just seemed easier for them because at least they have each other. I was on my own.
Sometimes I feel like I have just grown accustomed to comforting myself, but even so I still seek out other people and confide in them maybe because I feel like that’s the right thing to do, even though I don’t need it. Other times, I feel like it might be a defence mechanism: that I actually do need other people and I need that outside support, but I know that I won’t always have it and so I’ve trained myself to feel no real difference whether I speak to other people or not. I don’t even know who can help me right now though, like this grief feels so singular and I’m just really worried about how it’s going to treat me, especially when the semester starts. Goodness, all of my concerns feel so pathetic next to what’s actually happening right now. You know today is also the day that Bugger died in 2011. Or 2012. Probably 2011. I really can’t be bothered verifying that right now. I miss Bugger quite a bit. He was the best pet I’ve ever had. Yeah it was 2011, I’m pretty sure. Because that was also the year we got Jasper so it has to be 2011, and I was in year nine and we were in the upstairs locker bay, on G Block. I broke up with Marcus outside the drama room, I think that was G1 or something. There’s a very wide window on the side of G Block, you can see the sunrise from there, I’m fairly certain. In the morning before school starts, in winter when it rises late enough for you to see it around 8-ish.
I’m watching this show on netflix right now, called ‘My Crazy Ex-girlfriend’. It’s a little endearing. They have a lot of original music that also happens to be pretty hilarious. First episode in now and they had a song called ‘The Sexy Getting-Ready Song’ and it’s about the trials that women must endure to look nice before they head out. I can’t be assed right now. It’s a nice show, I don’t know. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do today, what to do this week, this weekend. I don’t know when to go and get my schoolbooks, I don’t know. I went swimming yesterday, no not yesterday, on Saturday. I went swimming on Saturday with my sister and when we were at the pool, these two Asian guys just started talking to me whilst we were swimming laps. I would swim first and then wait for my sister to swim to me at the end of the lane. These two guys would then have a good thirty or so seconds to talk to me at the end of each of my laps. After one lap, the older guy straight up said that I was beautiful, which was weird. Before that they were asking me where I’m from and what I’m studying and all that intimate yet somehow simultaneously ‘small talk’ stuff. Then when my sister came back, they asked me if I was looking for work and then...they kind of offered me a job. They sell exercise equipment or something at Westfield near my house. So my sister took their contact information and then they asked me if I wanted to send them my resume, come in for an interview some time and see if I fit the vacant position: part time sales assistant. Anthony said that they’re probably just looking to establish a business here, put up enough of a front to establish an ABN and then reap all the tax benefits that comes with owning a business here. They really weren’t that great at speaking English, so they were complimenting that in me. It felt a lot like talking to employers at Thailander, really. The whole thing feels like it’ll come back to bite me in the ass, but for the time being it would be kind of nice to have some money.
I’m on the third page now, and it’s been about an hour. It’s 12:42 p.m., and I really don’t know what to do with myself. Evan texted me about an hour ago, saying that he hopes I’m having a good day. I told him I was even though I’m not, I don’t know how to speak to him about what’s going on right now. Really, I want to talk to him in person. I always want to talk to him in person. I feel really good around him. The last time I saw him, he had my hands in both of his hands and he just kissed them. It was so lovely and I just could not help myself, I just called him ‘cute’ immediately upon him doing that, but I just loved it. This is the first relationship (it’s kind of a relationship, I guess) that’s been openly affectionate from the beginning. ALSO I feel like a bunch of times he’s already referred to me as his girlfriend. On Friday night for instance, after that guy aggressively tried to dance with me whilst Evan was dancing with me, and right before we had both endured enough that we decided to leave the bar entirely, he took me aside and apologised for that guy’s behaviour and the fact that I have to deal with stuff like that, and then said he was on the brink of actually saying something; saying something like ‘what are you trying to pull on my girlfriend?’, or something like that. I’m just really looking forward to seeing him again. I just want to keep talking to him, I really like talking to him. I hope that when I’m back in Northcote this weekend he might stay over at Emily’s for a bit, like we can just sit and talk on the couch or something. I really just want to talk to him for a while. That night we spent in Johnson Park, I really just enjoyed his one-on-one company, connecting with him. I just want to do that again soon. I feel like we have so much more to know about each other, I mean of course we do!
Jasper’s sleeping right next to me on the couch, in akki’s red fluffy blanket. He looks like a little soot ball, as he does. It’s adorable and I love him very much. I was scratching his head a little while ago, like before I started typing this paragraph, and he was giving me his very sleepy attention, but his eyes are entirely shut right now.
Sometimes I feel like Evan and I are too similar, because I have a feeling that he’s very much like me, I mean perhaps in character but more in disposition. We both seem to be rather shy and somewhat self-conscious, maybe too respectful of the people around us, too respectful meaning that we place ourselves second. He has an eye for the natural world, and he makes a connection with the space that he occupies. I feel like maybe HE also feels like whenever he talks to me, he’s bothering me. Because I feel like that all the time, I feel like whenever I speak to him I’m bothering him. I don’t know, maybe I just want him to be sharing my pain here but honestly, I also don’t want him to. Because it’s horrible. Maybe it’s just me. I think it’s just me. I’m a deeply insecure person. I’m wearing a singlet right now and my lacy green bra, and the rose sweater crossover thing, and my black asos pants. I’m essentially wearing an outfit around the house that I’m far too self-conscious to ever wear out. And the thing is, is that I feel like I look good right now. I just don’t allow myself to feel that bold outside. I don’t know. I’m on my fourth page so I’m going to stop now. I wasn’t feeling this morning’s attempt from this morning. It’s 1:45 p.m.. Fuck.
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