#so help me neil gaiman
Okay I need to talk about this scene in Good Omens bc I haven’t stopped thinking about it since it came out.
In the mini episode of episode 2 (the Job one) there are a lot of great parts to it which include things like Bildad the Shuite, Crowley protecting the kids (and honestly Ty in general) and Crowley admitting that he is, truly, lonely on Earth as a demon. But the part that doesn’t get talked about enough (or for all for that matter) is the sudden tonal shift that occurs at the end of the episode when Crowley and Aziraphale are sitting on the cliff.
Throughout the episode, each has smug moments with the other, almost teasing in their own special way, (when the goats turn back, when Crowley saves the kids with Azira’s “I knew it!”, etc) but I think the one that stands out the most is when Azira is eating the ox when the storm rages on and Crowley is drinking and asks which side Azira is on. When Aziraphale starts to question God’s choice regarding Job, Crowley smugly states “that’s just how it started for me. See you in Hell.” Obviously Crowley didn’t mean it, he only said it to ruffle Azira’s feathers (perhaps literally), but Aziraphale obviously took it to heart and didn’t pick up the smug sarcasm.
Now the part that I would like to talk about the most is after everything with Job is resolved and Aziraphale lied to Gabriel about the children, it obviously sits heavy on his conscious as only a moment later he resigns himself to the fact that Crowley is there to take him to Hell. BUT the sudden tonal shift that occurs I think shows a lot about how much the two know each other in just a short amount of time (for them at least, canonically this is only the third time they’ve met). Crowley should be happy and all smiles when they meet at the cliff, he got Azira to lie to the other angels, he successfully tempted him to eat human food, and he got to somewhat disobey Hell’s orders by doing (what he will never admit) good deeds, but he’s not happy.
He immediately senses Aziraphale’s obvious distress at being a “bad” angel and quickly reassures him that “I’m not taking you to Hell, angel.” Even though he had his little jab before about meeting again in Hell, I don’t think it registered in Crowley’s mind that Aziraphale didn’t, couldn’t, understand that you could joke about something like that with another holy, or unholy, entity without repercussions. But after seeing Azira so distressed and resigned to his fate of Hell I think he realized that he needed an abrupt change of tone in order to not scare his angel away. That’s why he spoke so gently in this scene and tried to comfort Aziraphale that, while it may be lonely what they have, at least they now have each other.
I think people need to talk about this scene more
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daily-crowley · 1 year
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Crowley Of The Day: me in public thinking about SymBrock
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okay, but neil saying that 'i'll be your mirror' is crowley's favourite song has me so fucked up, especially after realising the song came out 1967. you know, the john-lennon-hair-crowley and holy-water-in-a-tartan-flask year,,, like, i'm thinking of him right after 'you go too fast for me, crowley', hearing this new song (which is about loving someone, and seeing the best in them, and seeing parts of yourselves in each other, and completing each other, and them always being there for you) - and he just goes Yeah, I Like This One <3
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edwardallenpoe · 3 months
Hey. Just wanted to put my two cents in, like everyone else on Tumblr dot com is. (It got pretty long so putting it under a cut)
I don't really care about what you think should happen to the fandom. Like. If you are going to continue to engage in the fandom without giving Neil any sort of gain is fine. I'm personally still on the fence on what the fuck to do now. But let's not make that the whole focus, yeah? What Neil allegedly did was fucking terrible. Like. Objectively worse than what JKR did when things first came out about her. Let's forget good omens and sandman and coraline for a minute (don't care if you still engage with those things or burn your copies and remove your tattoos, let's just put it down for a minute.) and try really hard to think. Because we all hated JKR. We burned her reputation to the ground. For good reason. But we can't even decide if we hate Neil Gaiman yet? Guys. Please. We have to believe all women. Plus he's a rich fucking white dude who has admitted to using his power for gain.
And if it turns out (which this is a 8% chance) that this is all not what it seems to be, or even all of it is fabricated, and Neil is innocent, we still gotta stop worshipping this dude. This has got to be a wakeup call that he's not some Messiah. He's a human dude in power who does the same shitty things human dudes in power do.
And I get it. You want to continue to like your stories that he helped create (key-word 'helped' bc he was a part of a team with a lot of these stories, including Sir Terry Pratchett) but me personally? I would be a massive hypocrite if I metaphorically burned my Harry Potter stories to the ground and put HP fans in my DNI because of JKR but said "separate the art from the artist" with Neil Gaiman.
And this is coming from any other Good Omens fan that became way too attached to the story. Like a lot of people have said that story helped in very. Very fucking trying times. It was my rock, some days the only thing keeping me going. The fandom has been an amazing place of creativity and community and love.
But so was Harry Potter. If you think about it. If any Good Omens fans were previous Harry Potter fans you'll know just how wide spread and open and creative and deep the hp fandom was. And this may just be me misremembering because it was a couple years ago at this point (plus everything with Neil Gaiman is still such news) but because JKR was spouting rhetoric that directly harmed us (us being majority queer and poc people) we drop-kicked hp pretty fast and focused on the artist and her shittiness.
Can we have the same attitude towards Neil? Can we separate the art from the artist long enough to fucking focus on Neil? When I say separate the art from the artist I don't mean "remove artist, continue to enjoy art" I mean "remove the art and focus on the artist, and study that motherfucker". How many video essays are their out about JKR? How many books referencing her terribleness? Without giving so much as a hint to Harry Potter?
Separate the art from the artist and focus on the artist and bringing him to justice. And believe the victims.
And yeah I can see your arguments against the source of the information and who the victims went to tell their stories, I can understand those arguments, but let's look at the data, okay? Let's look at what Scarlett and K actually said with their actual words and their actual messages and separate the source from the material. What Scarlett and K talked about is scary. Terrifying. I couldn't even read more than a little bit before I got triggered. I wasn't caring about how the source podcast was talking about it. What Scarlett and K said with their own words should be enough. Make your own judgements. If you can't look at a story without being influenced by the storyteller's hidden agenda and not have critical thinking skills????? I'm sorry but that's going to be your downfall.
Or better yet, if you can't believe victims because they have political views that differ from your own (which, they probably don't. From what I can tell nobody really fucking knows what Scarlett and K's political views are but it doesn't really matter) you need to really study and look into what you mean when you call yourself a "leftist". Because it's not very progressive or helpful to not believe or help victims because of their political views. Sorry. Is that wild for me to say? Idk
Uh anyways. I don't really care what you do in your free time when it comes to enjoying the fandoms. I don't necessarily think it makes you a terribly shitty person for still engaging in it instead of burning all your Neil Gaiman stories, and also like a lot of people have said (and since I'm on the same boat) treating fans like the scum of the earth when a lot of fans have had good omens as a way to escape and has become super dependent on good omens and are justifiably horrified by everything and trying to ignore it is shitty. But I'm personally going to continue to follow this story because I care about the victims. Not because I want to be guilt-free reading a fanfic about an angel and a demon. Because I care about real life people.
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viviennemwahmwah · 9 months
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indieslip · 1 year
Guys what if the reason Aziraphale can’t sense Crowley’s love is the same reason why Anathema can’t see Adam’s aura…
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thegaygrimreaper · 3 months
A few months ago I watched this absolutely BEAUTIFUL and HEARTBREAKING edit of good omens, backed by doomsday by Lizzy McAlpine. It included the nothing last forever clip, showed ‘my murderer, you, and the priest who told you to go to hell’ with the Metatron. ‘i feel more free…’ with Crowley driving away. AND I CANT FIND IT ANYWHERE
it may have been deleted but if anyone has a recording, a link, if you made it please please please send it to me because its all I can think about and I’m going insane
i need the FBI girlies to help me out with this one
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every time someone makes a video about the worst dw episode in terms of badly handling social issues and mention multiple chibnall episodes but not spyfall i feel like im losing it
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ormymarius · 2 months
Not trying to start discourse, I genuinely want to know where people stand on this.
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finished watching good omens
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oppositetfmu · 1 year
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Together, for ever and ever and ever an ever an ever ❤️
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meeeeebgan · 1 year
she/her but like if david tennant was a girl
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ineffableaddiction · 2 months
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This has been my week so far.
Stuff happened. I almost lost someone close to me. I stayed near home, didn’t run off to the place I wanted to go. Now, I’m waiting for my human to find their way back.
Once again, GO has been my comfort. I’m sure a lot of you will understand.
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random-krab · 1 year
Have I watched Good Omens no Have I read Good Omens also no but i do adore Michael sheen and follow Neil Gaiman Aka I keep seeing stuff about good omens and am so confused please help
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i will never recover. you should have heard me sob when crowley walked out of the shop, and i have been crying for ten minutes now, and i feel so shell shocked. neil said this season would be quiet, gentle and romantic, and yes it was all those things, but did my heart have to be ripped out in the process. i thought, for one second, that aziraphale was going to turn around, that he was going to realise what a mistake he was making. but no. and i know that it's all going to be okay, because there is another season thank god, but i am going to be devastated forever until the new season comes out. anyway. off to lay on the floor sobbing and then rewatch immediately so i dont feel quite so broken.
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wildweinerbug · 1 year
gomens s2 spoilers !!!
okay so we all know the instantly famous:
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I think that from the scene we saw in s2 ep1 where crowley and aziraphale were angels during the creation scene, that was one of their first actual, Memorable meetings. they've met before, many times, but only really talked during the creation of the universe. And even then, it was mostly aziraphale talking to angel¡crowley and angel¡crowley kinda justtttt doing his own thing. They talked a bit at zira but didn't talk to him.
Neither of them had remembered previous meetings that well, so that's why aziraphale introduces himself.
But I like to believe aziraphale really liked angel¡crowley, that's when he started really crushing on him. You can see how enamoured he is by him and how he practically glows when he thinks angel¡crowley compliments him (and how he deflates when he realizes it was about the stars.)
so aziraphale liked him first, and they talked more after that scene. They talked before the war and they were friends. aziraphale fell in love (but he doesn't realize it) and angel¡crowley starts falling for him too.
then the war happens and (like how it's said humans remember everything from their lives in the moments before their death) crowley remembers all the meetings he's had with aziraphale (and others), he even remembers the ones before the creation. So he remembers the millions of years' worth of sparse conversation with the angel he was starting to fall in love with (he didn't really realize he was falling in love with azi either). Then, he's in hell.
Hell is set up and he mourns the loss of everything he loved. He goes through the (now fragmented) memories of aziraphale and feels so so much. he's left feeling unlovable and unloved. God has abandoned him and thrown him out. She's left him to Hell.
Aziraphale also feels so so much, in a few different ways. He had to fight his brothers and sisters and other angels. He had to lead an army and be ruthless with his casting down. He pushed off his emotion until the end of the battle and he let's his grief and love fill his being. crowley is gone and he's left with a smaller family. how could they have betrayed heaven and God's love?
he forgives them.
then crowley and aziraphale are assigned to the garden of eden.
Aziraphale sees how adam and eve are left defenseless, about to go into a world they know nothing about. it reminds him of the demons, of crowley. how he never expected to be cast down, with his love taken away and forced into a new space with beings much more despicable than himself. so he gives away his flaming sword, so they at least have something to protect themselves with (and to rid himself of the reminder of how he had to ignore his love and cast down his family and crowley).
while on the wall, he thinks about how he's betrayed God and how She'll cast him to hell as well. How he might see crowley when he becomes a demon.
crowley sees aziraphale on the wall and slithers up towards him. he calms himself before going up and during his climb. when aziraphale sees crowley transform into the old angel he knew, he gets filled with so much love, it doesn't really feel like love. he asks himself, too, if crowley is there to drag him down to hell himself. before he can think too much on it, crowley is talking to him again, and aziraphale is reminded of why he would be dragged to hell and is filled with anxiety once again.
they see each other throughout time, and they both fall very, very hard for each other. their love is ,,,, ineffable. it was there from the beginning, and it'll be there 'till the end.
crowley realizes it was love he felt for aziraphale, soon after eden. but aziraphale only realized in 1941 after crowley saved his books.
for s2 ep6, aziraphale wants to bring crowley to heaven with him so he can make heaven better. he knows crowley is smart and suave. I genuinely think that aziraphale believes that crowley is a better leader than him, so (other than his love) he wants to bring crowley to heaven so crowley can help direct aziraphale in what he needs to do to fix heaven. he wants heaven to become the thing he's always wanted to believe it was: pure good. he doesn't want to kill people just to test their faith and he wants to forgive, he wants to give people (crowley) unconditional love. like he was made to do !!! he loves crowley so much, he wants to make heaven better for him and to heal his own religious trauma (that he doesnt quite know exists).
crowley wanted to leave. plain and not so simple to do (not with aziraphale). he knows that heaven is screwed, and that hell is screwed so he wants out. they want to live a simple, almost human life with aziraphale. them two against the world and all that. he's loved aziraphale forever, he wants to spend eternity together and it takes all he has to confess that to aziraphale.
and he's rejected. (in his eyes he's rejected. just like how aziraphale thinks crowley rejected him)
all the vulnerability crowley shows by taking off his glasses is gone, he's betrayed, he's heartbroken. so in his last ditch effort to keep aziraphale with him, he kisses him.
aziraphale doesn't know what to do. he's feeling so so so much during the kiss, you can see it in his face during, you can see it in his hands sort of flailing about. he wants to kiss back, he was heartbroken by him so he wants to do so many things other than kiss back. but he really really wants to. he doesn't though.
and he forgives crowley. forgives him for kissing him. for breaking his heart. for being a demon. for everything and anything.
he's even more heartbroken after the kiss. both of them are.
then crowley leaves and
aziraphale leaves.
both left heartbroken and alone.
sorry if this didn't make any sense 😭
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