#so i can compare the bits they lifter from the book and be as faithful to the english translation as possible
the more i go over this drama, the more i am amazed at how theatrical it looks; as i said before, the camera work is very simple, may it be because it was 1969, may it be because it was made for tv, maybe it was even a conscious choice - but! the camera movements are so fluid in the way they follow the actors, focusing on the character's emotions and body language or distancing itself from the action to include thematics particulars from the set and give the scene more breath - im enamoured with how the kitchen scene with alyosha, ivan, smerdyakov and fyodor in the second episode is shot; first, the scene is set with a larger shot where grigory and smerdyakov are setting the table and fyodor and ivan are eating - might i add, giving ivan a cigar to smoke in this scene was chef kiss - then alyosha comes in and as the discussion progresses into more heavier themes the camera pans nervously from smerdyakov to ivan, the frame getting closer still, until it settles unto smerdyakov as he maniacally empasises his final points.
it seems like nothing, but i love this production's earnestness.
some more sparse notes:
absolutely mad props to the costume department; it's not exactly period accurate, but it's just so fitting - ivan's cunty coat he wears meeting with father zosima needs his own separate analysis post
i don't remember if this happens also in the original text - i will check - but even if in italian there's a semantic distinction between the kinds of "i love yous", "ti voglio bene" for familial/platonic love and "ti amo" for the romantic kind, for the adaptation is mantained the latter for every instance and it is making me insane and i need time to elaborate
speaking of semantic decisions, i don't know if it was more commonly used at the time, but they refer to grusha as "la grushenka" and the brothers call fyodor "babbo" instead than "papà" and it's so funny bcs putting the article before female names and referring to ones father as "babbo" are notorius quirks of the tuscanian dialect so-- the karamazovs have become tuscanians
also, "babbo" is used as a way of saying "dad" only in tuscany - and maybe other central/southern italian regions? idk i can only speak for tuscany - bcs in other dialects "babbo" is used as a synonim for "idiot/dumb". lmao
im not hundred percent sold on carla gravina as katerina, she has a bit more of a... manic? feel that i got from the katya from the book, more nervous, but we'll see, i wasn't completely sold on corrado pani as dmitrij as well initially and now im respectfully biting him, so -- though i loved her close up when she's calling dmitrij "villainous". v nice
that said, lea massari absolutely owned the hand kiss scene and i have no words to describe my emotions
another aside about corrado pani, his decision to play dmitrij just cuntily leaning on stuff and get into peoples' faces when he's talking to them was something i wasnt expecting to be so into but here i am
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literally no one's doing it like him. later in this scene he asks alyosha if he was falling asleep while he was recounting his military adventures
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sassenach4life · 8 years
My ECCC Experience
Warning – This turned into a book. I will put the bulk under a cut.
 Well, what a weekend that was. I see many people have shared their experiences & I wasn’t going to cause I didn’t want to be repetitive (plus I hate writing), but what the hell – here we go.
 It all started on Thursday night when my husband & I checked in at the Sheraton & then headed over to The Whisky Bar to meet up w/ about 25 other fans for whisky tasting & general mayhem. It was such a blast to meet other fans in the flesh & everyone was so lovely.
 Friday was very long & tiring, but also quite exhilarating. It started with waiting 3 ½ hours in line for the panel in VERY tight & warm conditions, but a good number of people had to wait in the cold rain, so I won’t complain. We ended up in the 8th row on the center aisle. We had a perfect view of the stage, but a bit far for any great pics from my camera phone, but I’ll share a couple here anyway.
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 Since everyone saw the panel already, I won’t get into that except to say it was absolutely marvelous. Sam & Cait were glorious live & the energy in the room was palpable. Everything they said is pretty much a blur & I still need to rewatch it to make it all real.
 We went straight to the autographs after the panel, but they were already capped off, so we hung out for a bit & then headed to our dual photo-op w/ Sam & Cait. The organization was a complete shit-show and they had no idea what they were doing. We were moved all over the place & then smooshed all together against the wall to wait again while they figure it out. After about an hour, they got it together & we were on our way to stand in line.
 When I first saw them up close right in front of me, I was just in awe. They were just so beautiful & beaming & so genuinely happy. Secondly, I wondered how the hell Cait’s legs can hold her up. They are soooo long & soooo skinny. She’s so thin. Much more so than she appears on camera. The cameraman was hurrying everyone through so fast & I was super nervous to talk to these beautiful creatures, so when it was our turn I just walked straight up to them & said “I want you to take a picture with my Funko dolls” & held them out to them. (What an idiot, so embarrassing.) They must have taken pity on me because they both gave me a big smile & took the dolls. As I stepped away, Cait said, “Oh wait, don’t you want to be in the picture?” Then I said something dumb about them being too beautiful & I’d be back tomorrow.🤦 They took the pic & when I went up to get the dolls back Cait said that my husband & I looked great. (I was wearing a tartan dress & my hubby was wearing a kilt.) Then Sam told my husband that he loved his kilt. They thanked us for coming & I thanked them, then I scurried away & couldn’t believe any of that actually happened. They were beyond gracious & just so genuine.
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Next we went to get their autographs where we waited in some more lines, but at least it was organized. When it was finally my turn, I walked up to Cait & she greeted me sweetly & I said something, but I have no idea what. Then I just stared at her the whole time she was signing. She is just so beautiful! I don’t know what else she said, but I do know that I said nothing that I had prepared to say.😫 Then she thanked me & I moved on to Sam. He was alone, so I just walked straight up to him. [Just so I’m clear both Sam & Cait’s autographs sold out both days. Cait came first in the line & was very chatty with everyone. I could tell she just wanted everyone to feel special & didn’t want to cut anyone off. So, Sam would often have to wait for her to finish. Also Sam’s handler was much more forceful at pushing people through.] I handed Sam my DVD case & told him not to mess up Cait’s signature & he proceeded to pretend to scribble all over it. My hubby & Sam talked about beer & my hubby told him he was going to try The Kilt Lifter tonight & Sam told him to be careful and talked about it giving him a hangover.
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 Then it was time for the VIP Meet & Greet. The room was set up with 10 tables w/ 10-11 people per table. There were hors d'oeuvres offered & a bar to get drinks. It was the highlight of my weekend & we were able to get to know many more amazing fans. When Sam & Cait arrived, it was surreal. I don’t know how else to describe it. They were so excited & full of smiles. They each went to separate tables & spent 10 mins at each table just chatting & drinking with everyone.
 Cait came to our table first & I just couldn’t get over how she was sitting right there at my table. She was so happy & animated & adorable. We talked, laughed & got teary eyed. She’s just so real. We first asked her how she’s doing after such a tiring day. She said it’s long, but so awesome & great. That she doesn’t get to do this often & it’s really nice. When asked about going to South Africa she said they were leaving tomorrow night, stopping in London to pick-up their luggage & then heading straight on to SA. Someone asked about the lack of sneak peeks & she said they are very protective for a show with books out there & she doesn’t always understand why. Then she went around the table & asked where everyone was from & commented on the different places. She said that compared to a long filming day this was really fun & she was loving it. I heard her say this a least 2 other times this weekend. She really was having a great time & seemed completely relaxed. Someone asked her what it was like to have to film out of order & she said it was an actor’s nightmare. She said within a block wasn’t bad, but when they had to do 8 before 4-7 without even seeing the scripts it was a headscratcher & really tough. Next some brought up the Faith episode & there was lots of praise thrown around. One woman shared her story of her miscarriage & what Faith meant to her. Everyone was very emotional & Cait comforted her & said how honored she was. She said filming it was very overwhelming & beautiful & she was lucky to have the experience. Next we talked about Claire’s 60s makeup & Cait joked around about having to wear the dark eyebrows & the teased hair & how she was used to having so minimal, but it was fun & she was glad to be out of a corset. She’s very excited for many of the 60s costumes. Someone asked her why she chose WCC & she explained that the fans inspired her to choose a charity so she did her research & chose WCC. Then our time was up, she thanked everyone & told us to have a great time. She is such a beautiful genuine person.
 While we waited for Sam the room just kept getting louder with all the laughing & talking & it really was like a big party atmosphere & everyone was having so much fun. We were admonished many times that there were to be no selfies or autographs & cameras had to be put away while Sam & Cait were at our tables. I did snap a few discreet photos while they were at other tables, but the quality sucks. 
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Sam arrived at our table with much excitement & asked how we were doing. Someone showed him her Pocket Jamie & he asked, “Why haven’t I signed it?” She said she could bring it tomorrow & he said he’d sign it now. He turned to his handler, spoke for an instant & he got a sharpie. We asked if he got scolded & he jokingly said he was in so much trouble. He then commented on how nice my hubby’s kilt was & asked about when he went to The Drover’s, since my hubby was wearing the shirt. He asked about our trip & where all we went. Then he went around the table & discussed where everyone was from. He thought it was so cool how far some of us had come. He asked if we would do another con & everyone said yes if it was Outlander.  He said, “Wow, really? That’s cool.” Someone brought up Walking Dead & he talked about how he had just had a nice lunch w/ Lauren Cohen. He said he had only seen 1 season of WD so far. We talked about WD having 8 season & how we wanted that many for OL. He said it would be nice, but he didn’t know how they could age that much, but he said maybe if it takes that long to film. He said at least we have season 4 for sure and that would take us to the end of 2018, then they could recast. We all yelled “NO!” Next he talked about the new project he might be doing over break. He said it was very different from OL, very interesting & based on books about a real person. Someone brought up how we want them to do SNL & he said that would be so good w/ Alec Baldwin. He talked about Starlight Ends & the problems w/ the financiers & how he hadn’t seen it. He said he would really love to do stage again & play Macbeth and Graham also wanted too. He thought it would be great if Graham and him alternated nights playing Macbeth & Macduff. Someone thanked him so much for My Peak Challenge & showed him her tattoo. Sam was really amazed & he said it was all thanks to the fans. He talked about how amazing the fans are & just genuinely great people. Someone asked, “We don’t scare you?” and he gave an emphatic “No”. It was time for him to move on & he booed & thanked everyone so much. He really is just a down-to-earth, caring, sweet guy & so easy to talk to.
 As we waited for the other tables to finish we noticed that many of them were asking Sam & Cait to take selfies with their table & of course they obliged. Many of the people at my table & some others were disappointed that we didn’t get a pic because we were told not to, so my hubby went up & asked their managers if it might be possible for the other tables to also get a selfie. Their managers talked to them & they agreed, so they went around & took a table selfie w/ each group. They were having so much fun with it & were so excited. 
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When they had to go they just kept thanking everyone for coming & then Sam grabbed Cait & tightly squeezed her to his side. He was just absolutely giddy. I fumbled with my phone & tried to capture the moment, since they were right in front of me, but I didn’t realize my phone was on max zoom & this was all I ended up with 😩😜 :
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 After the Meet & Greet we headed straight to The Pike Brewery to meet up with a lot more fans. There were over 100 OL fans there & we had so much fun just sharing our love for all things OL & we raised over $1400 for Sam & Cait’s charities. It was such a fun night. Then we went back to the hotel & crashed. What a magical day.
 On Saturday we slept in & then went straight to my solo pic w/ Cait. Saturday was much smoother and the lines weren’t as crazy since most of the OL fans came on Friday. I waited in line & chatted with many of the new friends I met yesterday. A few told me they hadn’t planned a solo pic w/ Cait, only Sam, but after talking with her at the meet & greet they had to get one. Again the photos were short & sweet w/ smiles & quick hellos & thank yous. Even after last night & sitting with Cait at my table, I was still in complete awe of her. The cutest thing was when I entered the photo room & was waiting my turn, Sam was just sitting there in a chair watching the photos. He smiled at me & I waved at him like a dork 🙋😳& then he winked at me. Then I was supposed to get my picture w/ Cait after that. Lol. I’m sorry I’m not going to show the pic because I literally felt like a blob standing next to a statue of a goddess. 👑
 We had a little snack, then went to get our pic with Sam & Cait together. When they saw us they said, “How are you guys doing?” They just seem to have so much fun doing the pics together. I walked over and declared, “I get to stand next to Cait” & Sam laughed & gave me a look.😏 So it was guys on one side & gals on the other. I cropped the best part of the picture below.😍
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 After that it was straight to the last event for Sam & Cait at the con, autographs. ECCC sent out a memo asking everyone who bought autographs to come to their morning session & if unable then to come right at 4pm for their last session, so Sam & Cait could leave asap for their plane. We didn’t see the note till after the morning session so went to the last one. We were the last people in line and the line was short compared to Friday since most people came in the morning. I had them sign the photo they took on Friday with the Funko dolls & Cait commented on how cute it came out. I explained to her how we took the dolls all around Scotland to over 50 Outlander filming sites & recreated their scenes.[X]  She said, “Oh, my gosh, just like the film Amélie , that’s so cool.”I told her to have fun in South Africa & asked her if Eddie was going. She said, sadly, no. That it was easy to get her there, but hard to get her back into the UK. Sam & my hubby bonded over kilts, Scotland, whiskey, beer & hangovers. They talked about the different whisky distilleries in Ireland & Scotland & their favorites. Sam was very relaxed, but I could tell that he was tired. We wished them well & they said their thank yous & we went on our way basking in all the glory that is Sam & Cait.
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 Well, this is a weekend I will definitely never forget. I sure couldn’t ask for two more lovely and amazing people to be obsessed over. Lol. Nor could I ask for more wonderful fans to share them with. I enjoyed every second with Sam, Cait & all the fans I met.
If you made it this far, I am truly sorry for how out of hand this got. I had no idea I had this much to say.
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meltcalories · 8 years
How To Track Progress and Avoid Newbie Mistakes!
Virtually every health and fitness authority with an eye for muscular advancement agrees that the secret to developing your body is to regularly be making progress.
This nearly seems like something Yogi Berra would certainly say: "you feel better at something mostly by boosting at it." Well, muscular advancement depends upon making certain types of improvements. I have actually seen way too many young lifters hamstring their outcomes because they think that "much more is always much better" whatever kind of "more" they're speaking about: weights lifted, collections or reps, exercises each workout, workouts weekly, et cetera.
It's true, these things do have to be boosted, but it can't occur at one time, neither should it be done haphazardly.
When we assume of the phrase, "going spheres to the wall," we have the tendency to consider a little craziness, a little insanity, "shedding it" simply a little bit to accomplish a particular job. Think of it this way: a stunt bicycle rider prepares for a ridiculously long dive off a ramp. He will go "rounds to the wall." Do you think it's his initial dive? Do you think he just decided to do this out of no place due to the fact that he desired to be "amazing" and also be appreciated by his friends?
No! He's doing it since he knows what he's doing. He's developed to this point, gradually raising the degree of challenge with time till he has the ability to do something amazing.
That's what tracking your personal development should resemble. Gradual, incremental, person, with a higher objective constantly in sight.
Just visiting the health club seven times a week just to exercise more, or harder, or much longer, or with more exercises, but with no technique for making concrete progression beyond "beginner gains" causes one of 2 things: stunted outcomes without clear concept regarding why, or injury.
The factors are easy as well as usual. I'm reallying going to call them "newbie blunders," not due to the fact that being a beginner misbehaves, however since virtually every lifter makes them early in his or her training job. I'm going to go over four main rookie mistakes.
The major newbie error that leads to inadequate results is expecting them as well fast. Other than those with ideal genetics and/or chemical enhancement, muscular tissue is built extremely gradually with time. It's very easy to neglect this when you've been "breaking your butt" for 3 WHOLE MONTHS at the fitness center and also your severe effort and also devotion doesn't appear to be repaying. As well as what is a typical human actions when a certain action does not seem to be paying off any longer? Cessation.
The body builders, health and fitness designs, and also stars that we planning to for our fitness goals really did not get by doing this in three months and even 3 years. Once again, unless you have unusual genes or take steroids, the time needed to look like Schwarzenegger, Ava Cowan, Tom Hardy, Terry Crews, or Gerard Butler is longer compared to you assume. Do NOT forget that.
Another beginner mistake is bad type. If your form is bad, not only are the muscular tissues that are meant to be obtaining boosted NOT getting boosted, however you're placing on your own on a roadway to injury.
This roadway starts with a little neck and back pain, or a little knee discomfort. You tell yourself, "well, I presume deadlifts create back pain," or "I presume squatting reasons knee pain." A couple of more weeks or months down the line, you're still overdoing the weight, your form is getting even worse and worse, then, BINGO. Slipped disc. Torn ACL. No health club, 6 months. That requires that?
Good kind takes time to attain. Furthermore, it makes the workout really feel more difficult at initially since you're doing it right. The results you apparently want are reliant on, A) knowing just how to in fact exercise the muscle mass you're attempting to establish, and also B) not putting yourself in the medical facility. Simple. So calling in your kind is absolutely 100% needed for long-lasting success in the gym.
Research great type and also placed just what you find out right into practice. Attempt to excellent 1 or 2 substance activities (squat, deadlift, bench press, above press, row, lunge, dip, plank) weekly, or each month. Keep the weights reduced as well as keep duplicating to on your own words of Dr Duke: "anything worth doing is worth doing right." Making good form a concern means making results a priority.
The following rookie blunder I'll talk about is being disorganized in tracking your progress. A lot of workout web sites and also publications and also books tell you, "obtain a note pad and also track your progress in it." Do you? Possibly you scribble down the last collection and representative system you made use of. Perhaps you make a note regarding "my preworkout provided me a stomachache."
But are you merely recording your activities, or actually tracking your progress? The distinction depends on whether you are adhering to a strategy as well as seeking a goal. Are you doing the same exact regular you did last time? Exactly what regarding it has boosted? Sets? Representatives? Weights? And so on. Are these boosts deliberate, or haphazard? Are you adding some Pec-Deck Flyes to your chest routine since today's the day to add them, or simply due to the fact that you seemed like it?
This leads me to the fourth beginner error I'll state: being generally inconsistent, doing various workouts weekly with no rhyme or factor. Doing this could get you your "newbie gains," however eventually you'll discover that the secret to advancing is doing the same thing for a while, only a little more so each time to make sure that you feel better at it. Arbitrarily altering what you do regularly makes it impossible to truly track progress.
I'll inform you a little personal story. I utilized to assume my mind was as well "innovative" to do the exact same exercises every week for two or more months at a time. I later on recognized I really did not count on myself as well as was looking for justifications. I wasn't concentrated on seeing outcomes, however rather on the entertaining interruption of a variety of workouts (which can be pleasurable however, like enjoying series on TV, doesn't truly aid you develop towards anything).
I appreciated workout to a factor, however lacked the self-control and faith in myself needed to turn it from a pastime that made me really feel sort of great concerning myself (but additionally like an underachiever) right into something I intended to truly work at and also derive true fulfillment from. It took time to recognize that as soon as you have actually worked at weightlifting for some time and began to see outcomes based on your objectives, that's where the satisfaction and also sensation of desiring much more comes from, not from the range. Not from fooling around and telling yourself you just weren't "suggested" to reach for the same elevations as various other, much more regimented people.
So, possibly you're questioning, how did I start tracking my progression appropriately and also turn my situation around? I got arranged. Originally, I recruited to create my exercises in a Google file and track my progression on my phone during the workout. But I discovered that had not been excellent. To me, it seemed much less considerable or purposeful to videotape my results as little bits and bytes in a computer system. And also, you spend even more time considering your phone, which has plenty of distractions.
Eventually, I got a notebook specifically to tape exercises in: small, sturdy, distinct. I recruited it, and also still do, at every exercise. Every one.
Each page has 3 columns: Date, Variant, as well as Weight/Reps/Sets, and each exercise in my workouts obtains its own page for tape-recording results.
Currently, these workouts include the Squat, Bench, Overhead Press, Row, Deadlift, Flye, Resting Leg Press, Lateral Raising, Grind Movement (suggesting any kind of crisis variant like a hanging leg raise), Slab Movement (once more, including any kind of variation like Mix the Pot or Side Plank), and Bicep Curl. These are the major workouts my exercises concentrate on, and I track my progress with each one.
I developed every one of my exercises to be based around one primary compound lift with accessory their job included, making use of set and also representative ranges that work for me. I do one Press Day concentrating on Slope Bench (since I want to bring up my upper chest), one Pull Day concentrating on independent back work (because I wish to bring up my delaying right erector and reduced lats), as well as one Leg Day per week focusing on back crouches (because squats). I do these three exercises every week without fail. In some cases I fit in a 2nd Press, concentrating on shoulders, and a 2nd Leg, concentrating on Resting Leg Press.
You could be wondering regarding my rep varieties. Well, my rep varieties are just what their job most ideal for me. For legs, sets of 5-8 associates function well for size as well as stamina gains. For chest, the 10-12 associate array works ideal. You might locate another thing functions a lot better for you. As well as here exists the aspect of trial-and-error inherent to long-lasting lifting.
This is one more thing that frequently frightens novice lifters, as well as type of suit the "expecting outcomes as well quickly" classification. They desire something that is ensured to work. They do not realize that, yes, there are general standards regarding what will more than likely work, and these guidelines could be valuable areas to start, however at the end of the day, individuals are different and also different things function for various individuals and also for different goals.
Don' t let this prevent you. Do study and try different things. Offer them a REAL try, not simply one week. Don't go with a particular exercise or rep scheme based on just how you feel regarding it, or whether it's fun or satisfying. Rather, base your decision to persevere on whether it WORKS (as well as make sure you're doing it right). The enjoyable, the enjoyment, the fulfillment, the outcomes, will come.
If you're much more apt to use your computer or phone than a notebook, all you need to do is create a file that enables you to track your weight, associates, and also sets, from week to week and from exercise to exercise ...
...Such as this spread sheet, which I developed for that purpose. You could download it, open it in Google Sheets or Excel (conserve it as a CSV documents then you could open that data in Excel), and also recruit it on your phone at the health club. Or you can print it out (select "Fit to Width" and "Portrait" at the Publish discussion) and have one for every workout you do.
And if you wish to modify it, choose 'Save a Copy' from the File me and also go to town. Secure just what you do not need as well as include what you do require. To puts it simply, discover your very own way.
Now that you recognize the significance of tracking development, you'll have the ability to avoid these novice mistakes and start recognizing your goals, whatever they are, that a lot earlier. Pleased lifting!
The following write-up was made use of as a resource concerning modern overload and I strongly recommend it.
http:// www.kingofthegym.com/progressive-overload/
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keepgod1stinc · 8 years
Originally Posted Jan  31, 2016
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Good Day good people,     Can you believe another year is upon us. Wow, does time fly! Is it really the end of January already? I must admit that I feel as if I've had a slower start this year compared to others. Like many, I too set goals and try to review them periodically. One of my continued themes from 2015 is health and wellness. So, to admit that I went to the gym last week for the first time this year, shows I am a little bit behind LOL. However, in my defense, I Have worked out at home almost everyday. There's just something about the gym; I suppose its the visible separation of those who want to work out toward a healthier lifestyle, and the "other ones''. You know the 'other ones'. The segment of people who's motivation is not to strengthen the body and will, but is catching as many glances as possible.
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    To give an example, yesterday in the free weight area, I watched as this gentleman (who appeared overweight), attempt to do his bicep curls. He sat solemnly comparing himself to the muscle bound man hogging the mirror in front of him. I observed him select his weight with sadness to the fact that his 15 pounds did not measure up to the other guy's 250 lbs. I could almost hear him analyzing how long it would take him to "catch up", and could feel his feelings of regret. The iron pumping lifter on the other hand, seemed to "power up" with every eye that landed in his direction. He was feeding off of the stares.
With that I realized, the true reason I didn't like going to the gym wasn't because of a lack of motivation, but misplaced motivation. It was because I too unconsciously "measure" myself against what I see. The woman at the gym that glided around in tights and sports bras, were the reason. My daily 100 sit ups weren't because I wanted a strong core, I wanted a thin waist and rock abs!! I wanted to be that woman in the song "brick house". Now don't judge!!! I know that I am beautiful, but I found myself wanting to be adorned. Admired even.
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    You may hear the word vanity and think of the selfish, self centered, far to reach guy or gal that you separate yourself from. Or what may come to mind is the supermodel experience. You are partially correct. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good, and feeling positive about oneself. I believe that this can actually bring glory and praise to God. (Matthew 5:16). BUT, when we taken out of context and left unbalanced, self confidence can easily become vanity. So what is vanity?
Dictionary.com defines it as: Excessive pride in one's appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements, etc. The Merriam-Webster version adds: something (such as a belief or a ways of behaving) which shows that you have too much pride in yourself, your social status etc.
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Within this definition are warnings that the bible has references as dangerous for Christians living in the world today. To be proud of an accomplishment that took faith, hard work, and discipline is normal. But to have "excessive pride" or "too much pride" (as the definition shows) is vanity and, without a doubt harmful. The book of Proverbs teaches us that.. "Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall" (Proverbs 16:18NKJ) We can come to the conclusion vanity is something that we must look out for. It is easy to adopt if we are not careful, but the finality of it is worth fighting off. God designed us to want the best life he has to offer us. To desire great health, nice careers, and beautiful surroundings. But with that, we must remember to watch our motivation. Until next time B. Loved "Let him not deceive himself and trust in vanity (emptiness, falseness, and futility), for these shall be his recompensed <for such living>" - Job 15:31 (AMP)
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