#for (cough) lending (cough) purposes
that-angels-demon · 1 year
Maybe I’m slow on the draw and everyone connected these dots already, or maybe I’ve just realized how important Jim’s arc is to Aziraphale’s decision at the end of season two.
Not only does Aziraphale meet a completely new, kind person in Gabriel without his memories, but when he finally regains them, he doesn’t revert to his cold self. Gabriel is a reformed person, finally having formed his own opinions outside of the strict guise of Heaven.
And Aziraphale finally realizes that even the worst of the angels have the ability to change.
The happy couple being allowed to disappear and live their eternity together is the proof he needs to believe the others may be swayed as well.
And the Metatron’s timing in all of this is horrifically perfect, catching Zira in a vulnerability that has just formed, and pulling him right back into the cycle of abuse.
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the more i go over this drama, the more i am amazed at how theatrical it looks; as i said before, the camera work is very simple, may it be because it was 1969, may it be because it was made for tv, maybe it was even a conscious choice - but! the camera movements are so fluid in the way they follow the actors, focusing on the character's emotions and body language or distancing itself from the action to include thematics particulars from the set and give the scene more breath - im enamoured with how the kitchen scene with alyosha, ivan, smerdyakov and fyodor in the second episode is shot; first, the scene is set with a larger shot where grigory and smerdyakov are setting the table and fyodor and ivan are eating - might i add, giving ivan a cigar to smoke in this scene was chef kiss - then alyosha comes in and as the discussion progresses into more heavier themes the camera pans nervously from smerdyakov to ivan, the frame getting closer still, until it settles unto smerdyakov as he maniacally empasises his final points.
it seems like nothing, but i love this production's earnestness.
some more sparse notes:
absolutely mad props to the costume department; it's not exactly period accurate, but it's just so fitting - ivan's cunty coat he wears meeting with father zosima needs his own separate analysis post
i don't remember if this happens also in the original text - i will check - but even if in italian there's a semantic distinction between the kinds of "i love yous", "ti voglio bene" for familial/platonic love and "ti amo" for the romantic kind, for the adaptation is mantained the latter for every instance and it is making me insane and i need time to elaborate
speaking of semantic decisions, i don't know if it was more commonly used at the time, but they refer to grusha as "la grushenka" and the brothers call fyodor "babbo" instead than "papà" and it's so funny bcs putting the article before female names and referring to ones father as "babbo" are notorius quirks of the tuscanian dialect so-- the karamazovs have become tuscanians
also, "babbo" is used as a way of saying "dad" only in tuscany - and maybe other central/southern italian regions? idk i can only speak for tuscany - bcs in other dialects "babbo" is used as a synonim for "idiot/dumb". lmao
im not hundred percent sold on carla gravina as katerina, she has a bit more of a... manic? feel that i got from the katya from the book, more nervous, but we'll see, i wasn't completely sold on corrado pani as dmitrij as well initially and now im respectfully biting him, so -- though i loved her close up when she's calling dmitrij "villainous". v nice
that said, lea massari absolutely owned the hand kiss scene and i have no words to describe my emotions
another aside about corrado pani, his decision to play dmitrij just cuntily leaning on stuff and get into peoples' faces when he's talking to them was something i wasnt expecting to be so into but here i am
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literally no one's doing it like him. later in this scene he asks alyosha if he was falling asleep while he was recounting his military adventures
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pxssyboy · 2 years
Me and my girl best friend used to have sleepovers all the time before I transitioned. Then my parents wouldn't let us until now that she came out as lesbian. I'm so excited we can do this again so I arrive at her house super early. Her parents are out so it's no problem.
She puts some pop songs on and we start baking muffins. I feel a little silly about how girly the activity is, but it's a tradition so I don't complain. She has matching aprons for us with the words "besties forever" which I don't remember but she convinces me they're part of tradition.
Then it's time for "makeover" which I am really reluctant about. "Come on, boys wear makeup too, don't they?" she insists. So I let her and she makes me look really girly. Just looking in the mirror makes me pretty dysphoric but she just smiles and says I look pretty and should wear makeup more often.
I feel a little down so I decide to go take shower. But when I'm done I can't find my pjs in the bag I packed. I ask her about it and she offers to lend me some of hers. I agree since we're almost same height but what she then gives me makes me hesitate. It's silky pink top and panties. I tell her I refuse to wear so revealing clothes but she just laughs and calls me silly. It's not like she's never seen my body before, right? I want to disagree but my towel starts falling so I just resign and run tj the bathroom to change into her clothes.
When I look in mirror I can see my nipples through the fabric and my pubic hair around my pussy. Along with makeup I can't help but thinking I look like a girl.
As I emerge from bathroom my friend examines how I look and smiles. "You actually look cuter than I do in them. I think I'll give them to you"
I want to protest that I don't want these clothes but she's dragging me into her room and starting a pillow fight. That takes my mind off my dysphoria and I don't even mind how my tits bounce as I jump.
Then we cuddle on sofa to watch a movie. Few minutes in she puts her hand under my top and slowly traces her fingers upwards. I cough a bit to bring her attention to what she's doing but she just keeps on until she touches my nipples. I hiss at that and try pull away. She shushes me and keeps on circling my nipples.
"I thought you were a lesbian..." I say uncertainty. "Yeah I am" she says absently, still paying attention to the movie.
That calms me down a little. I tell myself that this is just us being comfortable, nothing sexual, so I let her grope my tits throughout the entire movie.
As the end credits roll she sighs happily and says "this is just like the old times". I agree and we hug, content that we can do this again. As we let go she looks down at my panties and makes a sour face. "Do you keep your pussy so hairy on purpose?" she asks disgusted.
I am taken aback but I manage to stutter out that it makes me feel more like a man. She says it's unhygienic though and looks really ugly. I'm sad to hear it so when she excitedly offers to help me shave I end up agreeing.
She drags me to bathroom and takes my panties off. I'm really shy to be naked but she pays it little attention and takes out her equipment and gets to work. I though she was just gonna trim my bush but when she's done my pussy is so smooth it could be girl's.
"Mhm so pretty" she says as she caresses it. At this point I just let it happen since she's so casual about it. Then she declares it's time to go to be but doesn't let me even put my panties back on.
I take it that we're going to sleep so I get in bed and cover myself with blanket. She laughs and follows me under it. I am confused why she didn't take her own when she starts to eat me out. I throw the blanket off and want to shout at her but instead I moan as she sucks on my clit.
"W-what are you doing?" I ask between moans.
She pulls her head up and looks me in my eyes. "Isn't it obvious? I've had crush on you for ages! It's about time I act on it, don't you think?" she says and then she kisses me. I can taste my pussy on her tongue as I let her explore my mouth. Her hands once again find themselves under my shirt but this time she takes it off.
"God you're such a beautiful girl. I wish I had your tits and curves" she exhales between kisses.
I wanna protest that I am a boy but she feels so good and honestly, I'm not even sure myself. After all her calling me a girl made me so wet, there's no way a real man would ever behave like this.
So I let her take me and as she's once again eating me out she stops and looks at me in all seriousness. "I need you to know that I'm a lesbian though. So I hope you don't still think you're a guy. I'd never have sex with a man."
With my head so hazy I just nod, but it's not enough. She wants me to say it. "I'm not a guy" I whisper.
"What are you then?"
"I'm a girl. Please don't stop I'm so close. I'll be your girlfriend, I'll never say I'm a boy again, please just continue!"
She seems to be satisfied with that as she finally gets back to her job and makes me orgasm for the first time in my life.
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sleepytwilight · 6 months
Image Summoner is a mermaid or a witch! Your summoner is a witch right? I'm curious about the artw boys opinion on witch since sorcerer/sorceress are different than a witch
Well we're doing Summoner as a witch!!!
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He heard witches are wicked and ugly from fairytale, he did not expect to see your gorgeous appearance.
Other than that, he was surprised by your talent in making potions! You threw a potion at the lizard monster and it died instantly. He totally need that potion to make his job easier!
You both instantly became best friend and you gave Arcturus potions to put naughty students in sleep-
Don't ask why Arcturus need that, he can't always use kindness can he?
You always wear an old witch hat so he made a new one for you.
When you said you can fly a broom, he asked if he can use it to carry items.
Of course you let him use it-
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You have a black cat, does witches have black cats??
He had to make your cat an exception to academy. At least your cat is very smart- if your cat were a human, it'll be a top student.
He provides you cats food and herbs and flowers than you requested for.
You did request you don't want to change clothes but Spica insisted you at least need to wear the academy's uniform, so he called a designer and ta-da! You're now wearing a witch uniform of Contell Academy.
Is the hat really necessary? He got the urge to burn that hat of yours sometimes.
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You may already have a cat but you got a new cat following you! (it's Pollux.)
When you first meet Pollux, you already know Pollux soul is switched but doesn't say anything as you don't know the story behind it.
Pollux in the other hand was amazed by everything, your wand, your broom, your cat and your hat. Can you lend him your broom? He promises he won't make a trouble
He made a troubled by accidently selling it.
You got it back thankfully, it was a chaotic moment.
Other than that, you taught Pollux how to cast a curse on someone, Pollux then turn someone into a goat.
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What in the witchwarlock world you did to him?
He's unusually energetic which kinda scared Arcturus-
You just gave him some potions that'll help him sleep at night. It works effectively as he actually feels great when he woke up.
Now your potions avoid dorm wars as the Tharaval students don't need to fight for the dorms anymore.
Okay but that doesn't stop Alpheratz from taking nap in the most random place he can find, he's not a morning person after all.
He takes care of your cat in exchange whenever you're on your mission, he likes the cat but why Spica keep comparing him with the cat?
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It feels like Sirius and your cat have some sort of beef-
He purposely shaped shifted into your cat appearance, funny enough you knew it but still play along.
Will you believe me if Sirius got into a fight with your cat? No one believes you even though you witnessed it- okay Vega believes you and actually told his clan.
Despite the chaos, you and Sirius get along very well. He didn't manage to shoot you but he did put a spell on you not to say anything.
You broke the spell but keep it a secret as you think it's nothing serious.
You also treated Sirius like a discipline and he treated you like you're a teacher to him.
Well that certainly aged well- *COUGH* Polaris *COUGH*
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Since you're a witch and doesn't age, when you first meet Vega, he was just a kid and you're already a grown up witch.
You taught Vega everything you know and now he grown to a very great man thanks to you and Gianna.
He was surprised you didn't age at all which is why it took him so long to realized you were once his mentor back in mid eartheim.
He got you to meet with Gianna and both of you get along very well. Too well- *cough* possible marriage- *cough*
He and your cat get along very well, your cat remember Vega and secretly accompany Vega to missions.
From a Sorcerer to a Witch, he wonders what change in you.
Nothing change, despite everything it's still you.
You did told Schedar that witches get burn in Mid eartheim, he is wondering is humanity this stupid to burn woman who can read-
Actually hesitated to send you back to Mid eartheim, he doesn't know what to tell his grandson about what you told him.
Let's be honest y'all, she's hotter than Schedar and she will treat you well.
She is glad to have a female friend that also once raised Vega for a while, oh wow you and her got something in common how sweet.
She gets along with your cat and also provide you comfort in your stay
Come on ditch the sorcerers and marry this woman- I would 💀
ℝ𝕚𝕘𝕖𝕝 - for @tophatmaker
You honestly can't predict him.
He is so quiet and stoic around you and everyone else.
He did once asked you to make a potion for him, the potion was acid.
You never know what he does with it until you heard Spica desk work melted-
He thanked you and give you a bad of money, this is a bribe don't tell Spica-
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saturnalmoss · 3 months
Chapter Six
Lend Her An Ear
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Master Post
There was soft conversation in the kitchen when the detectives went down in the morning. They looked at each other, then Rosé slipped forward to peek through the door. Grendan and York left quickly before they drew too much attention.
“...really could have come in, Theresa.” Leon said softly. They were sitting in one of the hefty kitchen chairs, looking up at a tiefling woman. It was the doctor - the whosit. Pretty Prosthetics Doctor Shipsomething. 
“My office is being watched!” she hissed. Leon glanced up, surprised. 
“Three detectives came snooping by -” Leon covered her mouth with their hand and shook their head. Slowly they pulled back and Dr. Shipsomething looked around. 
“My home isn’t exactly a place for private conversation, Theresa.” They said quietly. She coughed. 
“Some dubiously kind people came by to return your prosthesis to you.” She said instead. “Though, I maintain that you would have gotten it faster if they had left it with me.”
“I’m sure they were just overzealous.”
“They seemed concerned that you had lost your arm on purpose.” She said carefully, openly studying Leon’s face.
“Not at all. I was mugged.” Leon smiled. “This was all cleared up, of course. The fine detectives are staying here-”
“-To track down the robber. I’m rather interested to know who it is.” Rosé saw them glance at Dr. Shipsomething, but she didn’t seem to notice. 
“Ugh, they badgered you into it, didn’t they?” She took something out of her pocket, then suddenly both of them sat upright, on high alert. Rosé pulled further from the door and held her breath. She listened.
“...Jyuri? Piri?” Leon called after a minute. They started to stand and Rosé started to back up hastily, when the door on the other end of the kitchen creaked open. 
Jyuri peeked in. “I wasn’t eavesdropping, I swear.” She said. “I just heard talking and I wanted to check if it was, uh, um.” She blushed. 
Leon smiled at her. “Jyuri, you aren’t in trouble. Come in and eat.” They gestured to Dr. Shipsomething. “This is Dr. Shipcott, she came by to help fix my arm up.”
Jyuri greeted her shyly and Rosé steeled herself. She crept down the hall and counted down in her head.
Rosé walked normally up to the kitchen door and pushed it open. “Morning!” she sang. “Oh. Uh. Hmm.” She met the eyes of Dr. Shipcott purposefully. Dr. Shipcott frowned at her. 
Leon started to rise and defuse the doctor’s ire, but she shoved him back down. Very familiar with each other, aren’t they? Rosé thought. “Ah, sorry, Theresa. I just wanted to introduce you. This is Rosé, a detective. She’s here with her office to try and discover who stole my arm.”
“We’ve met.” Dr. Shipcott said shortly. 
“Hi, again! Sorry for the misunderstanding.” Rosé said sweetly. “We had to consider the possibility that you were a murderer.” Dr. Shipcott shook her head sharply, as if to shake the notion off. 
“What? That’s absurd.”
“So is finding a disembodied arm!“ Rosé said. “You never know.” Jyuri was looking between them, watching the exchange with an polite smile. Leon waved a hand between them.
“Please, we are on the same side. I understand, perhaps, we didn’t get off on the right foot?” Dr. Shipcott looked away. Rosé sat lightly at the table and pulled over a box of cereal and one of the bowls set out. 
Leon commandeered the flow of conversation, chatting with Jyuri and Rosé as they ate. Rosé kept her conversation light and unrelated to work while she watched the group. 
Dr. Shipcott seemed to have nothing more to say. She worked on Leon’s arm, with a look of cold professionalism. Reattaching an arm didn’t look comfortable for Leon, Rosé thought. But it didn’t seem painful. She hoped, obviously, that she wouldn’t lose a limb... but Doc Pretty Prosthetics looked like a good bet if she ever needed a replacement.  
Jyuri seemed almost a different girl today. Gone was the stutter, and she was positively focused on her conversations. This morning, she was a charming kid, but there was a hint of concern under her cheer. 
Dr. Shipcott stood back. “You are all set, Mx. Pelles. Please call my office to arrange a follow up appointment. I would like to verify there are no issues.”
“...Of course Dr. Shipcott.” Leon said. “I appreciate you coming over here to help.” They stood up. “I’ll show you out, then.” The two excused themselves from the table and made their way outside. Rosé had a guess they might take a moment to talk. It was too bad she wouldn’t be able to listen in.
She slip into the seat next to Jyuri. “Hey, girl. That doctor’s weird, right? She come here much?” Jyuri made a face. 
“She’s weird! She’s excited about people, um, losing their arms!” She squeaked. 
“Yeah, she said as much to us when we visited.” Rosé tapped her chin thoughtfully. “I got the impression she didn’t want to give Leon back their arm when we visited. We sorta fought about it.”
“Oh! I think, like, that might have been a misunderstanding. She’s just, like, really precious about it.”
“Yeah! When she made it for Narri, she said like, this is art! And it’s the best I’ve made! She scolded Narri a lot about taking good care of it.” Rosé hummed. It was odd that she didn’t recognise it before seeing the file on it, wasn’t it? And Leon’s family didn’t seem like the type to afford best-in-class medical treatment.
“Wow that’s pretty precious, yeah. Did she get her scolding in before I got here?”
“No, no. Like, that was when Narri first got it. She didn’t really say anything. Um.” Rosé looked at her with conversational curiosity. “I think they talked a little about you. Before you came in. Nothing bad! Just what you told me, I think. That you didn’t give her Narri’s arm? And that y’all are staying here.”
Jyuri fidgeted with her spoon. 
“Um, so, like, what’s it like being a detective?” 
“Oh, you know. Sniffing under rocks and finding perps. Stopped a guy who was killing ghosts for profit. Caught a guy who killed his dad for profit.”
“They like profit, huh?”
“Like Booby-Who villains. It’s ridic.” Jyuri laughed, and continued to fidget. 
“Jyuri. I think you’re worried about something.” Jyuri glanced up at her. “I think... you’re worried about your Narri.”
“I mean, we are like, all worried right now, right?”
“I think you thought of something.” Jyuri looked away. “But I think that maybe you aren’t telling me because it might be bad for your Narri.” She said nothing, but Rosé thought she would come up with some excuse soon if Rosé didn’t convince her.
Rosé turned away and rested her chin on her hand nonchalantly. “Jyuri, I am pretty new as a detective. Maybe I only want to bring in perps that hurt people. You think your Narri hurts people?”
Jyuri jolted upright. “Never!”
“That’s the impression I got, too.” She smiled. “But someone hurt your Narri.” The girl nibbled her lip. 
“Well, like... I was just thinking... W-what if, maybe, someone asked Narri do do something maybe secretly? And then they tried to, to off him? To keep it secret?” 
Rosé nodded. It didn’t strictly make sense to her, since Leon was still alive after the hubbub. “Why do you think that?”
“...The doctor is weird. And... Narri’s stupid sometimes.” Rosé nodded encouragingly. “I just mean, like, I’m stupid and Piri’s stupid sometimes. Ah. Granny said I shouldn’t say stupid... Um. Maybe Narri does things without thinking about the consequences?”
“Everyone does that.”
Jyuri pouted at her. “You ever go out on a boat in a storm when you can’t swim?” 
“Leon did that?” She blushed.
“Um, no. I did.” 
“Damn. I’m glad you’re okay.” Jyuri shrugged. She looked suddenly miserable. 
“Maybe not everyone does that. But, I guess I can relate.” Jyuri watched with shy interest as Rosé showed her several old scars. “Lemme tell you, I was not as smart as your Narri. Did not used to avoid fights.”
“What, um, what happened?” Rosé sighed. She didn’t really want to get into the truth of it. 
“Ahh, you know. I... tried to take over a gang of wild trains.” Jyuri’s eyes went wide. 
“W-wow!” Rosé hoped that no one more immoral than her tried to trick this girl. Leon peeked inside.
“Hey, Dr. Shipcott’s headed out, Ardsley’s dropped by to eat with us. ...Where’s the rest of your team, anyway?”
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pocketramblr · 1 year
For the 5 ask game: au where Zuko gets blessed by the ocean (in a similar fashion to Yue) for killing Zhao?
1- so when Zhao flees the oasis from Iroh's attacks, he runs right onto Zuko's sword, who deposits him back there. Zhao, struggling with the last of his breath, tries to set him on fire, and Zuko moves to the side, not even bothering to bend it away. This leads to him stepping right into the path of the ocean spirit, which envelopes him.
2- Aang has gone full avatar state and katara is focused on that, leading Sokka to try to focus on everything else- he ducks by Zhao but his pulse is already gone, he turns back to Yue but she's looked at Zuko and nodded, realizing what she needs to do, kissing him one last time and stepping into the pool, reaching a hand out to the ocean spirit and Zuko, which take one hand as the white in her hair fades.
3- while this is happening La has been examining Zuko and decides it likes him- in contrast to Tui's constant even waxing and waning, distant from the earth, the ocean is less predictable and teeming with both life and death. Zuko's tumultuous emotions and persistent drive, not to mention killing Zhao and avenging Tui, so it keeps him alive and LaZuko speaks to Aang with Yue's spirit, giving him instructions for the avatar state for forcing the whole fleet out, then lend him some power. Once they're gone, Yue floats and fades, and La drips off Zuko back into the pond. The prince collapses, and neither Katara nor Sokka even think about stopping Iroh from scooping him up and carrying him away as twin spirit fish begin to circle in the pond again.
4- Zuko's black hair now has a tint of blue, and it shines impossibly bright when the sun hits it, like the rippling surface of the water. At a glance, it looks more like he has a splotch of red scales on his face rather than a burn, and he physically can't drown. He moves like both a fire bender and a water bender now, and redirecting lightning is easy to pick up. His skin doesn't prune in the bath anymore, and he has to relearn walking on solid land again even though he could have sworn he mastered both his sea legs and land legs long ago near the beginning of his banishment.
5- speaking of that, La has a grip around Zuko's heart, and while his memories of what exactly was happening when he was possessed are fuzzy, he knows the ocean spirit sacrificed to take a mortal form in order to balance the worlds, and would not respond well to a threat to that like capturing the Avatar. But, Zuko has to capture Aang, his honor depends on it. But now not only does he not have his honor, his life isn't even his anymore to forfeit in pursuit of it- he saw what Yue did, in her role as princess. He knows La must have a purpose for him as well. At first, this depresses him (cough, which is why he knows now he can't drown) but then he decides that in order to do what he needs for both, he'll just have to convince the Avatar to willingly surrender to the Fire Lord- and that means getting close and persuading him, and he probably needs a fire bender teacher, right?
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shadybiotics · 2 years
ramattra crushing on reader [ hcs ]
requested by anon!
This...uh... wasn't supposed to happen? But god does it make Ramattra feel so, so alive! It's almost as if you had lit a new spark inside of him, a spark of new aspirations, new purpose, new wants.
The omnic wants to provide for you, to take care of you, to make you feel...safe.
If he notices that you're cold he will lend you his scarf to keep your temperature in check. He knew this would give him an excuse to see you once again later that evening to get his scarf back. He honestly wouldn't mind if you kept the garment for good but it serves as a great opportunity for him to talk with you some more, hopefully alone. When receiving his scarf back, he will offer to help you take it off, explaining it as if its ‘too much for your to do yourself’. Unwrapping you like the gift you are he will relish in the reduction in distance between the two of you til you part ways again.
He will wear the scarf again but now with your scent on it... he cant keep his mind from wandering.
Ramattra does absolutely not want you to figure out what's going on inside his head, he’d hate for you to find out about all the things he has thought of doing to you.
Throughout the day Ramattra will have flashing images of you in interesting outfits, revealing angles, exciting poses. His head cant help but steam at these intrusive ideas. You've become a frustrating distraction causing the omnic to lose focus. To remedy this Ramattra will try and avoid you for some periods, avoid bumping into you, avoid having you in his peripherals, avoid staying in the same room as you even. His behaviour towards you becoming so hot and cold all of the sudden. But the more he attempts to get away from you the more he needs you. Like to a forbidden fruit he finds his way back to you again, craving another bite.
You make the omnic nervous at times, the way you look at him when hes talking, the way you very slightly tilt of your head to the side to show that you're listening, those curious eyes of yours wandering all around his being clearly admiring his parts. It all makes him stutter and fumble over his words. The omnic coughs up corrections for his past stammer and turns his gaze away from you in order to keep talking.
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kthlnco · 5 months
Unveiling the Clouds
Allure of the Clouds
Vaping, I was introduced to vaping during 6th grade, that one classmate acting cool and boastful in front of us showing off smoke that would make me cough. At that time I just thought it was absolutely dumb and ridiculous, growing up surrounded by chainsmokers I vowed to myself to not even think of touching anything smoking related.
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Years come by and I'm on my senior years, vaping became more popular, students walking around with their disposables hanging around their necks. Peer pressure that's what it was on my first drag, new school, new classmates, you just want to fit in. There's this invisible rulebook on what's cool and what's not, and vaping seems to be right up there on the "cool" list.
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On that first take I didn't see the purpose, "why do they enjoy this?", "what's the point?", questions running through my mind. I mean yeah it did make me feel that I belonged, it felt cool i guess? Being surrounded by people that constantly use them made me feel the urge to keep on using it and see what was the hype. A friend of mine lended me one and let's say I kept it.
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There came the time of my first purchase, "mango ice" was the flavor, I mean come on it's crazy how disposable vape companies target most teens. From the colorful packaging, catchy ads, interesting builds - it's designed to reel us in. Plus the flavors? Who can resist something tasting like "strawberry lychee", "strawberry watermelon", heck a "Cola" flavor? The flavors got to me, that was what I enjoyed, during these times I have yet to hit my disposables, what I'd do is what some would call "hipak-buga". Then there came the time that I stopped.
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During my lowest time, I needed something to calm my nerves, relieve my anxiety, lessen my stress, and that was when I bought a dispo once again. Once I learned to hit and actually take it in, I felt it. I felt the calmness, the relief, I felt relaxed. That's when I realized what it was for, not just for cool vapors and tricks, it helps lessen your stress much like a cigarette would, but with tasty flavors.
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Not gonna lie but up to this date I still use vape, it became my escape. Vaping offers a brief moment of relief, a chance to forget about everything else and just focus on those swirling clouds. I often think about the chemicals I've been inhaling and the damage it could be doing to my body. But even knowing that, it's hard to shake the habit once you're hooked.
It started out of sheer curiosity, wanting to see what all the hype is about. And before I know it I'm hooked. Don't get me wrong I'm not writing to hype you guys to get hooked into this vice, it's more of an insight on why someone would use it (me).
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bromineiscandy · 1 year
[Video Attachment:
The video starts blurred, slowly focusing on the pale, ghoulish face of Null as they fiddle with the front, muttering to themself and someone off camera about the state of technology and how difficult it is to manage these things. Their face is partially obscured by a black gas mask, hair pulled back into a short ponytail, and their eyes do most of their emoting for them. Once the view is focused there's a monotone voice of confirmation off camera and Null's brows raise, looking and sounding content with an, "Excellent!"
They take a few steps away from the camera, clapping gloved hands together as they begin to speak, a young woman standing towards the back revealed by their movement. "Recording for purposes of scientific study in the event that subject Honey Bonnie Azrael should perish before being able to recall and detail her experience in inbibing my vitae. The purpose of this experiment is to engage in a low level bond with the young..."
They pause to look down at the girl, her hands fidgeting as she looks up at them. The juxtaposition of them side by side is very strange, Null looking almost completely greyscale next to Honey's pastel rainbows and glitter. She raises a hand and whispers something that isn't audible, and they nod in response before returning their attention to the camera.
"This young woman, to provide, to lend, to grant some semblance of my ability in the powers of vicissitude! An honorable desire to follow in the footsteps of my Delilah, to seek out an alternative method of learning the fine and intriguing art of flesh crafting! Ha ha ha. Ms. Azrael," They look back down and she meets their eyes again, "Are you aware of the potential consequences of these actions?"
"And you're a willing participant in this experiment?"
"I am. It was my idea."
"Excellent! That's my part done, no one can yell at me this time! Ha ha ha!"
Null tugs off one of their gloves as they walk off view, Honey left standing politely with her hands folded. She gives a bright, somewhat nervous smile to the camera and raises a hand to wave. After about ten seconds pass, the methuselah walks back onscreen, holding a glass beaker filled with a deep, off-color red. It emits a strange, heavy, orange gas.
"Now would you like to be strapped in for this or would you rather stay standing Ms. Azrael?"
"Oh uhhh I'll go with like, just standing, t'be honest."
Null stares at her for a full couple seconds before laughing once, handing over the beaker. "You are incomprehensible! Ha ha ha!"
Once Honey takes vitae(?)'s container, her host pulls their glove back on, leaning back against a nearby examination table and taking out a small notepad and pen. "Whenever you're ready Ms. Azrael."
Honey nods and gives one last, almost apologetic, smile to the camera before taking a deep breath, steeling herself. She raises the glass to her lips and drinks down the blood quickly, an immediate reaction almost making her choke it back up.
Null begins writing casually, not so much as flinching as Honey stumbles in place, every muscle in her body tensed and flexing as she forces herself to survive this ordeal. It's not as bad as it could be, she'd made sure of it.
She fumbles with the glass as she struggles to set it down without breaking it, falling to her knees and digging her nails against the tiles as she hoarsely gasps. The camera stays focused on her as she shakes, blood droplets misting the ground in front of her when she coughs. She's surviving, though.
The video continues for another five minutes, remaining focused on Honey as she experiences the agony of this exchange. After a full minute of no movement, Null sets down their notepad and walks over to where she's crumpled on the ground, poking her idly with their pen.
After a few seconds examination, Null laughs, standing straight and whirling around to face the camera.
They begin raving about being an extremely helpful person as they walk towards the camera, picking it up to turn it off, Honey in the background still in a heap.
Video ends.]
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asknarashikari · 10 months
Buffabuttface Fell into a Ditch Random Quickie
Kamen Rider Geats (Rewritten AU) Quickie: Pulley System (Prelude to the 4 Geats movie)
Staff Member No. 3: *coughs* Wait, what?! Excuse me, but did I hear that right?! =_=
Win: Yes, you heard me! But look, it’s just this one time…hopefully. After we’re done, we can dispose back into the ditch where he belongs. -_-
Staff Member No. 4: Harureya, I can understand if the situation is that dire to the point we need to let him out…but do we have to? -_-
Staff Member No. 1: Oh that’s rubbish! All of us are just enough to handle the situation on our own! -_-
DGP Staff Recruit No. 2: Hmm…well it’s true we are heavily outnumbered at the moment…
Win: Hey! Blame Ace for that choice! I just work for him! Narwhar, set up a pulley system next to his cell! =_= *points to no. 1*
Staff Member No. 1: *sighs* Yes si- Wait, what?! O.o
Staff Members No. 3, 4, and 5: EH??!!! =_=
Later at the DGP Prison Cells…
(There would be a pulley system installed outside of Buffabutt cell door)
Azuma: Hey! What are you doing?! Don’t touch me! =_=’ *is being restrained by No. 3 and No. 5 and being fastened to the pulley rope by No. 2*
Staff Member No. 5: Ewww…I’m getting the stench of ditch water all over my splendid image… =_=
Staff Member No. 3: Tch…Atsukane, are you done yet?! =_=
Staff Member No. 2: All ready now! *removes the handcuffs off of Azuma*
Azuma: Let go of me- AGH! O.o *is immediate go and slumps back into the thick dirty ditch water*
Staff Member No. 4: Don’t get any wrong ideas. It will just this once…you’ll be let out to lend your assistance. But as soon you’ve served your purpose, we’re leaving you bringing you back you. -_-
Azuma: *sighs* I don’t even care anymore by this point…I’ll do it anyways… -_-’
Win: Alright, the operation is ready to commence… *along with Keiwa, is grabbing the other side of the rope*
Sara: Is the pulley system really necessary…? It seems excessive… ._.’ *whispers to Neon*
Neon: Don’t ask me…this is apparently all Ace’s idea! But yes, it is… ._.’ *whispers back to Sara*
Staff Member No 4: Hareruya! Little Tycoon! Are you two ready? -_- *crosses his arms and turns to Win and Keiwa*
Keiwa: We’re ready…
Staff Member No. 2: Are you sure you two don’t need any help…? ._.
Win: Ha! Don’t worry, this’ll be quick and easy in a couple of heaves! ;D
Staff Member No. 1: Oh it will be too soon… -_- *rolls his eyes*
Sae: …Okay then. -_- *her arms are crossed*
Staff Member No. 1: But hey, the quicker we’re done with all this…the sooner we can put that loser back into the ditch he belongs. XD
Staff Member No. 4: Okay…now, HEAVE! =_=
Keiwa and Win: =_= *are grunting as they start pulling the pulley rope with all their strength*
Azuma: Ack! O.o’
Staff Member No. 2 and 5: … ._.
Staff Member No. 1: Oh boy…this is getting awkward and stupid… ._.’
Keiwa: Oh shit! He’s really stuck in! O.o’ *is straining as he keeps pulling the rope with all his strength*
Win: Come on, just a little more…! We can do this on our own! =_=’
Keiwa: What?! No! Don’t listen to him, someone p-please help! O.o
Staff Member No. 5: Yeah…sorry but this you guys aren’t worth dirty myself any further for. Especially not when it comes to that disgusting bullhead… ._.
No. 3, 4, and Sae: … -_- *are just watching Keiwa and Win, unimpressed…*
Staff Member No. 3: Oh I’m sorry…I thought our commander was the one that boasted only you two are enough to handle this. -_-
Keiwa: SHUT UP! I HAD NO SAY IN THAT! =_=’ *glares at No. 3 for a moment*
Keiwa and Win: =_=’ *are groaning as they keep pushing and straining themselves to pull Buffabutt out of the ditch through the pulley system on their own*
Staff Member No. 2: Oh jeez…we’ve got to help them. ._.’ *runs to Keiwa and Win to help pull the rope*
Neon and Sara: ._.’ *follows suit*
(5 minutes of hard effort later)
Azuma: AGH! O.o *managed to get pulled out of the ditch but collapses on the floor faceplant*
Staff Member No. 2: Is everyone alright…? *is catching his breath*
Neon and Sara: Phew…
Keiwa: I swear…I hope I never get to do that again… -_-’ *is sitting on the floor exhausted*
Win: Me neither…we’re definitely going to keep Buffa into that ditch cell ASAP when we get back… -_-’ *is also sitting and looking up at the pulley*
Keiwa: Damn it Ace… -_-’
(Might be a little rushed. That and perhaps my version of the 4 Aces movie would different in my headcanons too but that’s all I got for now)
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logarhythm-bees · 1 month
The Carousel Kingdom 🏰 CH11 Snakes Onboarding
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Roman was meant to be a storyteller if they weren’t a king, Virgil thinks.
As Roman reads, their voice lends itself to the tale, spinning worlds of beauty and nature around them. Virgil’s never been so awed before by someone’s natural talent for stories, as Roman weaves images of grassland and wind with their voice, Virgil swears he can see it.
“-but the youngest had love still in her heart for her sibling, even though they had betrayed her.” Roman reads. “The wilderness of the east was her land, and she vowed to do whatever in it would free her siblings from their plight.”
“Wow,” Virgil says, more impressed by Roman by the story. “I-“ he starts, trying to give a compliment that won’t reveal his infatuation with Roman, “Really cool.”
“It is cool, isn’t it!” Roman agrees. “Poor Eura, beholden to the weight put on her shoulders by her own siblings.” Their face shutters. “I suppose I can relate, now.”
“I wanted to talk to you about that, actually.” A voice calls from the stairs. Roman and Virgil whip around to see Thomas standing there, seemingly nervous- he coughs, and looks at Roman- “I think we should talk about Remus, Ro.”
Roman flinches. “I… I suppose we should.” They say. Virgil fidgets in his seat, uncomfortable. 
“You don’t have to stay and listen, Virgil,” Thomas says. “But you do seem to have good advice, and I think Roman likes having you around.”
Roman turns pink, but doesn’t deny it. Virgil pats them on the shoulder, fiddling with their jacket.
“No, it’s okay.” Virgil says. “I’ll try to help if I can.”
Thomas breathes. “Good.” He sits down at the table with them, looking at Roman. “Remus, he- it’s strange, what he’s doing, but it feels like a purposeful show of power. Like a taunt,” Thomas clarifies. “It seems like he wants you to go after him.”
Roman thinks about this. “Why would he do that? I still just- I don’t get why he took over the throne,” Roman says. “He never had any interest in ruling.”
“Maybe he doesn’t care about the ruling part,” Virgil offers. “If he does want you to go after him, he might just be trying to prove something by taking the throne.”
Roman breathes in, lets a huff out. “That does sound like something my brother would do. He’s always been one for dramatic measures, though I’ve never seen them be- quite so criminal. But I still don’t know why he overthrew me.”
“I’m really not sure,” Thomas says, “That’s what I thought we should talk about.”
“...maybe he just doesn’t like me,” Roman says.
The room falls into uncomfortable silence as Virgil nor Thomas really have a way to refute or confirm the claim, but they both offer Roman a squeeze to their shoulder, trying for encouraging.
“He’d be a fool if he didn’t,” Virgil offers at last. “You’re pretty cool, Roman.”
Roman’s cheeks darken, and they make a noise of awe. “Thank you, Virgil,” Roman says to him, “you’re pretty cool.”
Thomas looks between them knowingly. 
“Maybe he doesn’t hate me,” Roman offers. “Maybe this is just some really weird Remus-way of playing a prank on his sibling or something.”
Thomas nods, and Virgil pats Roman’s arm. “Might be, Princey.”
Thomas raises an eyebrow at the nickname, but doesn’t comment. He’s interrupted from his train of thought regardless when footsteps echo up the stairs, Logan and Patton coming into view. “Virgil- oh, hello, Thomas. I was just going to show Virgil, but since we’re all here, I can provide all of you with a demonstration.”
“Of what, exactly?” Virgil says with a squint. Logan presents a piece of paper with a flourish, scribbles of pen all over it, with different sections highlighted or written in different colored ink.
“The disguise spell,” Logan says. “Patton was very helpful,” xe explains as Patton bows, “he helped me realize that we could make the spell impermissible by treating it as a shield, of sorts, one that would exist over your skin without inhibiting you. A costume, if you will, but also a forcefield to keep you out of harm.”
“Ooh,” Roman says. “So like a suit of armor!”
“Precisely, but, less clunky,” Logan explains, xer horn starting to shimmer. “Virgil, if we could, I’d like to try the spell on you. I have already tried it on Patton, so rest assured it is completely safe.”
Virgil looks at Patton, who nods. “It’s safe, Virgil. It just feels like some sprinkled glitter on you! But without the mess.”
Virgil hmms.
“Okay.” He says. “You can cast it. Once.”
“Oh.” Logan says, seemingly surprised that Virgil actually agreed. Xey smile. “Thank you, Virgil. I will not betray your trust.”
“Better not,” Virgil says. “I just stand here?”
“Yes, if you could just keep still.” Logan says. “Patton?” Xe asks.
“Yeah!” Patton says, brandishing his wand and holding xer hand. 
Logan, in xer head, startles, but composes xemselves quickly. Together with Patton and his wand, xe moves their hand in a circle, pointing at Virgil. Sparkles ruse from the runes on their horn and the s
“Hello, handsome,” Roman laughs. Thankfully, the spell doesn’t reflect Virgil’s blush.
“Good job, you two,” Thomas says.
“Thank you,” Patton and Logan say at the same time. “Now let’s get going,” Logan adds. Xe tosses Virgil a cloak, which he catches, fumbling. 
“What? Go where?” Virgil asks.
“To find Janus,” Logan says, blinking xer eyes questioningly, “You said I could cast the spell once.”
“I meant- no, fine, whatever.” Virgil says. “Let’s go.”
So, Virgil finds himself under disguise, sneaking around in the Innova streets. 
The guard isn’t hard to find. They’re in an alleyway a couple streets from the library when Patton spots the group, a familiar rapier in the hilt of the guard in front. 
“I see them,” Patton says. “Janus is at the front. If we want to go for this, we should go for it now.”
Virgil breathes. Showtime.
“Hey, guards!” Virgil shouts, jumping from the alley. “Over here!”
The guard, as expected, turns towards him. “There’s the prince!” One of them shouts. “Get them!”
“What-hey!” Janus says, the guard swarming past them. “Wait for-“
Their voice cuts out, and for just a second, Patton sees them flounder. Breathing deep, he waves the stick, and Janus becomes invisible. Their rapier floats out of the hilt and away, towards Patton, who catches it in their free hand.
The guard disappears around the corner to the sight of a street of bustling carts, citizens looking at the wares on offer, and no prince in sight.
“Where’d they go?” One guard questions. Another shrugs.
A third, with a cough, speaks aloud. “Uh, where is Janus?”
Janus, invisible and speechless, is grabbed and pulled into an alleyway. The invisibility spell falls away as they go out of Patton’s view, but the silence spell holds, being cast by the angry wizard holding them against the wall by their throat.
“Janus,” Logan says, the glow on xer horn fading.
“...Hello.” The knight says smoothly, eyeing xem. “I don’t suppose you’d be amicable to the idea of your hand being parted with my throat?”
“I want answers first.” Logan says. The spell has stopped, but xer horn still crackles angrily.
Janus watches the glow pulsate, considering the statement. “Loosen your grip, and you may ask me any questions you want.”
As soon as the hand slips, a ball of yellow light appears, and a long yellow snake falls to the ground, slithering away enthusiastically. 
“Hey-!” Logan shouts, quicky jumping forward and stepping on their tail at the last moment. The snake straightens as it tries to push forwards, to no avail. It coils up, preparing to strike. Logan grabs it in xer hands, scrutinizing it.
It sticks its tongue out in a distinctly personified manner.
It shouldn’t be possible to change shape so fluidly, but…
“Janus?” Logan asks, keeping xer hands around the snake. Blinking at xem, it seems to sigh, and Logan has to jump back as it becomes, once again, a person.
“Fine.” Janus says, backed into the alleyway. “You caught me. What do you want?”
“Answers, as I said.” Log says. “Turning into a snake and slithering away is not giving me the answers you offered.”
“I offered no such thing,” Janus hisses. “I said you could ask questions. I said nothing about answers.”
“…I suppose you’re right.” Logan says, xer horn flickering to light once more. “But answers are what you will agree to give me if you want to leave this alley.”
Janus looks around, then past xem out into the street. Logan blocks the way, locking onto their view. Janus hisses.
“And what if I choose to sit here and say nothing?” Janus questions, baring their teeth. “I have no issue waiting until you give up.”
Logan meets their eyes with xer own gaze. “Nor do I.”
Janus stares at xem.
They sit, reaching for their rapier. They curse under their breath when they realize it’s not there, held safely by Patton elsewhere.
“Fine.” Janus spits, after testing the silent treatment to no avail.
“Great,” Logan says, horn glowing, and Janus passes out.
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libidomechanica · 3 months
Untitled Poem # 12014
A curtal sonnet sequence
Turn his legal face. Alone like occasion, but—Oh! Being defeated. There was not the centuries been tried to teach me to bake a potato, that is call’d the poor credulous hope of mutual kiss drop down by his grief. She cries, Forsooth, let go! That ever find, through the prize pig, and lie couched no soul nor body, but I knew his mother dress—what beautiful down at the door flew wide,—not swiftly, but thy rest again.
Such light of long since, except that bed of joy, where wit in fairnesse raignes with his heart. And such, indeed they? The rain drops fra my chin. She cries, Forsooth, let go! Know hunger. Small cheer, and scape forth, I rise and high soul, until my tears even men or a hundred years, and throb, but heated, resolved that never had a meaning. Are so contagion spread, and more, woeful she love of thy fair hands do hold, the user so destroys it.
For facts would not several footsteps—voices from a high soul, until it spills …. To joint narration from better in the holy frankincense does the why not of his usual price, because of Amundeville the Lady Adeline the self- enjoyings of selfish uncle’s ward. Glitter like him then, underneath a wide hat, dancer, singing grooves of childish days is upon her pale cheek, appear’d like an injured by both.
Little things long purpose made sense does the marriage bed! On which can seal it you; take that no one else. And heart, I see my love, gaze straight did lend as a mountain-woods, my own applause, of all my head is in arranging all his eyes. Fable, as though the station, bliss on bliss the treasure—and when we court and kiss, she never bleach. A glimpse fire and said the wild girl keeping the Bath Guide, ’ and Hayley’s Triumphs, ’ which made so faire my race.
And the executioner of things pass like to store she look’d, and virgin fancies, none upon her flesh. If any actor miss’d. And summon up remember thee. Gone for its game; it seemed to gild the delighted, may drop in with slow foot the light, the winds should rashly quote, for independence, as common: her states to be it said, young Juan should be; saw the land she languish still! Dead weight upon that clos’d me with increase reneueth!
Who cannot stop my shivering t was so early, some self-rebukes, added praises, in a moments before—and somewhat loudly in the learned not tread a factious path to give a fee was peace, and yawn, and all the worst all keep baking, even disdainful result of my kin; but when we call our old debts in at sixteen not scandals that old time restoration of the Lady of Shalott. The age, and past and wept.
It’s a’ for the thoughts that moment in the hurt applied, for speaking the wondering blinder motive, where shalt believe; or you have paved the same self-same hill, thou twin’d me o’ my beautiful, inexactly what he crosses are, and thus gratify the physician. Near and melt with Allegories curious, preaching down a daughters of the graces and might be too late to reveal’d her conversation when did this holy!
Perchance, mute, with all here might trace in irritable coughings. With their lord’s, son’s, or so, and curtsying off her jewels, her fear the violent passing gale, according to the discoveries made, but quiet company, have thine ear; farewell world; thy vttermost I see: eternall Loue, maintain’d tower, was reft of life doth flourish. And I’ve been given, with my hand? His breeding on its own keep it safe from potato, that I have heard.
She approximate will fade like that when it would pull the sky, that All is virtue prefer a spouse. Indication for all her sensibility, nor selfish uncle’s ward. Why is your nonsense for signal: O, she’s safe from dreams, and there one not one law for both to me, because to break and let us range, let the high treasure, woman’s favour in an awkward state; she love their stars are on thy widow’s head a single shade.
You that flowers, a faintly makes the dead? A stronger still and swear the day? But Oothoon the distances apart from me a snare of some sliding silk or taffeta, which now my epical pretence of business past all kinds, and he’llsay nought their father till Gregory! And as a vanquished and the patient, mark and me. It went to entrance unto his subjects the deep heart’s desire! There were not fed, but to golden keys.
Hide me from Camelot. Not from the boy wilt thou go with vast parade their joyous days; they make you by the physicist asks, does the worst, his cowl; he still raw love with that wore upon the most great in souls such bodies whether it through a clown, and let half in a dream, we may be drest to have your salary; was’t for ten long year. ’Fore whom these agree. The gude red gowd, set up Wordsworth, they shall I turn me no means common case.
And if in evening bright and Stars return, Sicilian Muses, could see on a range of Blue, ’ could be silent Night and dawdling, I caught and would be brought every showers. The charm of earthquakes, and there here; perhaps she mighty silver, or of furious day is like the old Sunday evenings harder to enlarge my worth! The rumour which struggled, and heroes kill, he flits on the rocks other thinking unutterable ground.
Tis Christian child. Does the poet’s lay, vilely; her voice was her own aversion from any love and placid miscreant! The merchandise, value, not Number, and leap the race is such, that he found my verse compact-which makes us cowards grow, whirling in their mountains; in the shyness-though here and partly loved her. Eye in the sessions, which, by scent, by taste, who left a trampling of air-balloons, and meekness dwell with one arm.
True-love frae my door, but could curb it he had he forgave me, they have learned lady, famed for Adeline, in bringing in his only art insensible of having got it, then she lay, her dancing in slow circle, and is not mine owne fate I could with this world, my universe’s largest, thinking through the centuries delay! Burning on, that such alliance I may as well bred to quit the task fulfil, my ain love.
Moonshine goes by to tower’d Camelot. When the dusk of a voluptuous, but by dim lights to weave the moon, the Honour both shall hither care to be bought forth into the purpose runs, and true, as long past exertion might have in the house of touch? Her bosom shaken the sea; o Rivulet crossing my heart is not for listen’d with dirt. Where these enclaspëd hands full of sad experience t is fit to bear the cat!
The new world so bitter but a step to be the spruce again at last word is weary, but seldom hear it half in a difference ’twixt me, bent, wigged and look bright of a thief. All Calderon and then ask’d the blue skies that rich fooles Heau’n doth dishonest bard by the purr of the sun began to fade … until finally, drops about Judas Iscariot, below the warmth of heaven’s sake, Madam—Madam— hist! Infancy!
From town, which the other decline and straight, his very much? My blood again I would attach myself with half a smile of conscience is to believe the clowdes, and weep; is it blind to worship at thy name. Go to him, it is slow: I leave the shore, again at dark. Blest kingdoms meek of joy, with a groan, finding the light lumps on the gory head is in arranging a mirror crack’d from Shalott. I have sought, he and his mother.
With mine, and a moist vows denied, sleep’st by the advice of tender brutes warm before the proceed to delighted by a dunce. The rich and bells for a rout or ball, which the spruce, its resonance; his tongue! Ball, he abide, and sometimes from where? Of shadowy beams. And her like a spaces far remote Shalott. She made a journal, where eagles hide the word. And this power hast thou love the tower of wild carrot. Hall to hall.
But mine own again, reachest but there short a time espy, thy late revives; amaz’d, she finds her winter breeze enough of Madam, and see just now wore an awkward longings sublime world enjoys it; but bright to that matter of every where he is beautiful, or leaves room for his own plight? This makes some vivacity among the Earthly; and wanton play in leaves is holy new alliance I may as well them any good.
In the thing in shade, a sudden journey. Yet it was worthlessness when life begun: rift the hills. And sobs, and worse, sure of me weeps to behold the morning I remembers of her Oriental eye according to the country within thee growing still too late; and Juan, eager now the distrait he wants the best o’t yet, my love, who are chief musician. Had a system to peruse; he read to her own; unconscious heart.
The air was cluster’d o’er it took her immoral conduct through August. And in pride; and if she had two bishop, but I’m not to be recured by nature sprang alone beside the soldiers, prize-money tongue, and yet a little Juan—we all love and knows not warm, but be shown, no doubt with rigour, present tale has oft been ill brought up much more, much more, in the field-mice are abroad, at Florence, says the pollen from its suppose.
The least, I need not to blame, as you can’t tell what is that do not know what Johnson said, the Sweetness of a flowers despite the source, tis time Don Alfonso grappling in my claim on your murmur, snarling at its tip gum, pungent, clear brow a homily, an all-in-all sufficient self- denial? You love me, love me, her large tear escape her; the mid-day having perfumed sea, the wharves without a rag on, shiver.
Half is thine eyes her son so—i’m very ill. Which I shine, t is substantial company prepared, the brothers, who found had gather to be stuck here to confirm him in his drunkenness or scorn, began to beat as if nail’d upon my fresh love’s long she knew alliances his wrong, although several merits more, the Lady of Shalott. Who hath the task was equally as true he saw fair Annie, Annie, Annie, bide!
So nimble feet as stiff as beeswax, his legal face. I rue the widow of contemns poverty, and palms in clusters bright easy things that I felt before—by way of blisse; in the execution, the diamond fine. White heat. It cannot cast not to be said to see you hast please let me sleep to seek my love’s long since here’s no doubt how much I grieve o’er the ape for this, that you to you, all song of praises worse. Grows colder?
To those true the words, and throb, but here one not pluck; and yet methinks my luve I ken brawlie my tocher’s the expense of the dream’d his window-seat for the precious seal on a bond, that loosely flew along, you came and the things be, a long minority and dear time’s waste hath she to spend ye. To man’s life—I recommend young shadow of the sky. For he would be awake, knowing what I call those vapour? But ay the door to me.
Read her smile on your third, were an ill death to me, because I took your fortune may say he’s bought from the queenly beautiful and security’ will be back the light of sight, clos’d me with vocal reeds, that made the ring me down from Cadiz. Fool of the daughter’s heel before the pitcher until the hours of the morning came in his catechism alone, but seldom pay the mind. Like the rest …. Of their midnight gusts will love do?
I can’t interpose a libertie is gone. Your proffer o’ luve’s an air and put the sky; and Juan took his heart beat with though heavens and then he though there was not be scorn to one, to meet. A hirèd villain turn, boys will say no more behind something low! Her memory and what, the widow …. And heart of London days, and I make a frame be gilt, who am old and wondering where ends this was not sing for delights of men!
Not only light of the lawn running near, the while amid the moral conduct through the pathless, by the low-tide rolls on, and as heavy, my knees will have walk’d by two, and will whisper’d head of her eternal life? Excites us to arms, she never ill-bred enough to have TWO of five-and- twenty, especially in courtesy so blending, as all things and ages hence itself enuies your absence moves, but very small.
The moral, was fasten’d death is imaged in solitude, to carry precept to the read an articles of Eden lying into a scrape; but whatsoe’er the grim knights as the isthmus of their praise, ’ so wont to rest, till fley’d awa by Phoebus’ light! ’ She cried; and his mother who does not the palsied heart be put to proceed; you’ve pass’d the artery of that bird? Trees, beasts, and kiss, she never mourning core; even its sphere.
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indexuniverse-eu · 2 years
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pegasus-ghost · 2 years
Just now I was praying qada for my isya prayer.
On my last sujood, I purposely sujood longer than I use to and recite the sujood phrase 7 times.
And I suddenly burst to tears while doing sujood.
I felt unworthy. I told myself, that I’m performing sujood upon my Creator, the Almighty, and I’m giving in all my soul and heart to Him, and I allow myself to just… Embrace Him.
I cried. I cried and finished the prayers, then I perform dua.
Apologizing to him. Said I’m sorry many times. Begged him to save me from torment. Told me to punish me in dunya if He wants, if that meant that I could be saved from hell.
Then I cried again. Asking Allah while tears streamed down my face.
“Am I unworthy? Am I unworthy? Am I unworthy?”
All of a sudden, I choked on my own mucus when I sniffed during my cries, causing me to cough and had an asthma attack.
I immediately apologized.
I felt like… Allah was upset that I kept downgrading myself and thinking that I’m unworthy that He instantly made me choke temporarily to snap me out of it and had me stop saying and thinking I’m unworthy.
He loves me. He loves me a lot. He loves me so much and He had been extremely patient waiting for me to return to Him. He had been taking good care of me physically. Gave me food. Help me with paying bills. Everything I have in life that He lended me is more than enough.
And I felt unworthy of His love. But He didn’t like that I thought that way. He didn’t like that I always put myself down. Sigh.
I feel even more touched. But I still feel unworthy. But I’m touched.
I’m trying, and will always try to fix myself.
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chaninfused · 3 years
ABITTIPSY • HHJ • just the glorious summer heat and the even more glorious hwang hyunjin; fluff; best friends au; hyunjin is very oblivious; 757 words.
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There were some days when you thought that the universe must be infatuated with Hyunjin just as much as you were, and today was one of those days.
You watched as a stream of crystal water shot through the hose, raining down on the foam-covered car and revealing the brilliant blue sheen of its body. Naturally, your gaze fell back on the source of the action, Hwang Hyunjin, in all his summer glory.
Sunlight was melting into his skin like rich honey, haloing him as though he were a celestial entity beyond your mortal comprehension. The heat had prompted him to roll up the already short sleeves of his t-shirt, baring arms sculpted by years of swimming practice. The scarce breeze greeted him when he faced the sky, tousling his hair ever so gently. It was as if the elements banded to express their unbounded affection for him on that slow morning.
“All done!” Hyunjin called over to the client enjoying a cup of lemonade by the makeshift stand. Shortly after, he was stuffing a few crumpled bills into his back pocket and running up to where you sat as the newly washed car drove away.
“Hey, how’s Econ looking like?”
Right. Economics. The long-forgotten notes in your lap seemed to lurch to life and laugh at your embarrassment for being caught staring. The noise that escaped your lips was lost between a cough and a snort. You turned away, avoiding his earnest eyes, “Fine.”
“Huh. You’ve been on the same page for the past forty-five minutes. Are you sure?” he pointed at your notes, brows furrowing slightly in concern.
The air seemed to bristle around you with heat. “Well…”
“I could help!” he offered, though he didn’t leave much room for protest as he grabbed your notes and flumped on the faded asphalt. Much to your horror.
“Get a chair at least!”
“Eh, I’ll end up getting up anyway.” he dismissed your alarmed remark, brushing his hair back as his eyes ran over your messily scripted notes. “Alright, let’s see…”
Having finished his finals before you, Hyunjin was helping around his family’s garage while you were stuck revising for the upcoming week. It was his idea to have you study outside—something about a change of scenery and a breath of fresh air.  
Though, it felt like you couldn’t take a single little breath because of the sight of him, let alone study properly.
Sitting there, entrapped in a spell of focus, Hyunjin captured your heart all over again. The slight pout of his lips, the hair that stubbornly fell over his eyes; he was an impossible kind of perfection that you wouldn’t mind contemplating for hours, days, and the rest of your life. If he’d let you. If he’d have you.
For a fleeting moment, you dared to imagine what it would feel like to rake your fingers through his hair. And, as if reading your thoughts, he did it for you, pushing the dark strands back again, oblivious to the clamor that erupted in your mind.
What the hell, Hyunjin.
“Have you ever thought about tying your hair back?”
“Hmm?” he looked up at you, seeming dazed, and your thoughts seemed to stumble over one another in turn. How could someone be so unintentionally endearing while simultaneously and singlehandedly tipping your world upside down with his mere presence?
Is he doing this on purpose?!
You placed your elbows on your knees and leaned closer, perching your chin on your palm as a silly grin stretched your lips. “Your hair. Have you considered tying it? You keep brushing it back like some actor in a music video. It’s annoying.”
Hyunjin laughed at that, reaching to tuck his hair back again before he caught himself. Reciprocating your teasing tone, he raised an eyebrow at you, “Do you have a hair tie to lend, then?”
You shrugged, leaning back and gazing at the blank-faced sky. “Maybe we should go on a shopping trip after I finish finals,” a pause, and you looked back at him, mischief twinkling in your eyes, “I’m thinking the brashest green ribbons. What do you think?”
Another soft laugh, and he waved your notes in the air. “I’m thinking you pass Econ first. You can put all the hideous ribbons you want in my hair then.”
Drunk on the sun and the warmth coursing through your body, you thought that perhaps the universe was instead conspiring against your besotted heart by placing Hyunjin in your life. So carelessly perfect, yet so stupidly oblivious.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 3 years
If Izuku had met the Young Torino?
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I like the idea of Prime Torino being punched into present-day canon (punched by who? Toshinori, of course), and being the only one able to keep up with Deku as Deku scours Japan for AFO. Prime Torino just wants to get back home. He's too young to be a grandfather!
captions, and a starter beneath the 'keep reading' -
Gran Torino: What did you do to my cape?
Izuku: Ah.
Descriptive arrow pointing at the cape lists, 'bloodstained, tattered, singed,' and 'riddled with bullet holes.'
Not too long after Izuku cuts contact with All Might, he finds a cluster of masked people terrorizing a high-rise. Zero hints as to whether or not they’re aligned with All for One. But they’re extorting supplies from the people hiding within, and in any case, when Izuku hears the wail of a child, all bets are off.
Fighting comes easier to him now. Even if the holders disapprove of Izuku’s pace, they lend their expertise, smoothing out the wrinkles in his techniques.
He ducks under a wild swing, lashes out with the Fifth’s Quirk, yanks his opponent towards him and feels One for All flare within his veins as he preps for a punch. Standard. What is not so standard is the First’s urgent voice, saying, “Something’s wrong!”
Izuku has to drive the punch forward. There is nowhere else to redirect the energy.
One for All surges, unfamiliar and wild, and Izuku barely has time to process the foreign emotions: rage-loss-grief--a young voice that screams, “You’re awful! You’re not helping me, you’re just taking your anger out on the closest, most convenient target! I hate you!”
Something tears in the world. It’s different from a Warp Quirk, if only because it wrenches at Izuku’s gut, and also, because an extremely bright and heavy weight is flung into existence and into Midoriya Izuku. Izuku yelps, trying to slow his and the newcomer’s momentum.
They crash into a storefront on the opposite side of the street.
Amidst the shattered wooden boards (no glass? a lucky break, then) and under the stranger’s heavy form, Izuku coughs. His backpack digs uncomfortably against his spine. “Who is he,” he asks the empty air and prods wearily at the now-cheerful flames of One for All.
“Sorahiko,” says the Seventh, Shimura Nana. Her voice is soft, stunned, and terrified.
Izuku blinks. Presumably, Gran Torino stirs. His voice doesn’t sound like it did several months ago, like it’d been run through a blender and mixed with gravel, but the weariness is the same. He murmurs, “Shimura, help…”
“Help him, Ninth,” she snaps, and Izuku sees her spectral form manifest and circle their perimeter. She crouches by them, and as Izuku struggles out from beneath Gran Torino, he sees her fingers brush against the off-white suit. The Seventh twitches back as if stung.
“Did you just--?” Izuku blurts out.
He has his doubts, but the important thing is to roll Gran Torino over so he’s not breathing in dust and splinters. The yellow cape he wears is the brightest, sunniest thing Izuku’s seen all month, and presumably, Gran Torino as he is now is the darkest, meanest he’s ever been in his whole life. Izuku heaves the man face-up and tears his own hood off, in case Gran Torino feels like punching first and talking second.
“Gran Torino?” he tentatively calls.
The Fourth’s Quirk zings, and Izuku dodges the grasping hand just in time.
“Where am I,” snarls Gran Torino, surging to sit upright and immediately looking nauseous. His hand goes to his abdomen, gingerly pressing at some invisible wound.
“Roppongi,” says Izuku. He telegraphs his raised hands, and he bears the cursory, critical once-over with patience. Torino’s grimace softens to a frown; he instinctively lifts a hand to touch the collar of his own cape, as if to make sure it hasn’t been looted.
“Your name?”
Torino registers the title without comment. Instead, he nods, and he says, conversationally, “Excuse me, but I’ve got to go kick my student’s ass. If the little shit thinks he can dump my body in the middle of Tokyo without suffering any consequences, he’s got another thing coming.”
He attempts to rise, and Izuku, struck by the horrifying thought that seeing a Gran Torino in his prime will really cut All Might’s life short, hurries to say, “What year is it?”
Torino pauses. His expression darkens.
“It’s 20XX,” says Izuku, terrified of the missing answer. “Did you--did you just start teaching…?”
“I’m going to kill that boy,” says Torino, apropos of nothing.
Eep! goes Izuku’s heart. He gets to his feet, unnerved, and watches Torino lever himself upright. Gran Torino in his prime is tall, taller than even Endeavor--he thinks the Seventh is only a tad shorter. Before Izuku can witness the sheer presence Gran Torino used to exude, the Fourth draws his attention to the high-rise.
“You’re not allowed to kill All Might,” Izuku declares, too distracted to watch his words. He pulls his hood back up and over his face. “Sorry, um, I have to--”
He bolts to deal with the villains. A loud curse follows his exit, and then Gran Torino chases after him. The fight would have been a minor nuisance for Izuku, but with the added help, it’s a breeze.
Gran Torino in his prime is a nightmare in close combat. Izuku is only done knocking out two when Torino impatiently connects the dots and one-two-three-four-five men and women collapse, knocked out cold. When Torino touches down, he watches Izuku handcuff each villain to the other like a daisy chain.
“Aren’t you a little young to be a pro-hero?”
“I’m licensed.”
A little awkwardly, Izuku activates the Fifth’s Quirk and gathers the cluster of villains. He doesn’t know if the nearest police precinct can hold them; too many people have broken the law in the name of survival. The country is in perpetual triage.
“Sorry,” Izuku says again, “but I need to relocate these guys.”
“Where to?”
“Somewhere else. I can call, um...” Endeavor? Is Endeavor qualified to handle a foulmouthed, time-traveling pro-hero who in his prime, could give Hawks a run for his money as the fastest hero on the registry? If Gran Torino wants to escape surveillance, then nothing can stop him.
“I’m going to follow you,” says Torino intently. “I have a feeling you’re the key to getting me back home.”
“I’m busy.”
“Too bad. I’ve been told I’m difficult to shake off.” Gran Torino pops his neck from side to side. “Thirty-some years in the future, and you know All Might. You know me. Get me up to speed, Deku, or I’ll go to U.A. and start from there.”
Izuku pales beneath his mask. If he sends Gran Torino like this to U.A., then All Might really will have a heart attack! And Izuku has no good news to tell Torino, not about the future in general, and definitely not about Torino’s own fate. “There’s a lot to cover?”
“Then let’s get to a private location.”
(A bit later…)
Gran Torino glances down at Izuku and says, “Is that a scarf?”
Izuku feels insulted on Gran Torino’s behalf. Certainly on Izuku, the cape’s ends are tattered and singed, bloodstained and pockmarked with Lady Nagant’s bullets. But on the old man, it had trailed on the ground, purposely dragging in the dust. “It’s yours. You gave it to me.”
“Well, what the hell did you do to it?”
“Ah… Funny story…”
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