#so i can have my storage space back finally...but im so attached to them now 😭😭
pissfaggit · 9 months
I fucking love the way he's animated here yesssss let's put little looney tunes John in incredible distress
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whitexblck · 5 years
reminicising over old fics on ff.net
it's 2:50 am rn and i just finished rereading LOVELESS by MIRAGE SHINKIRO on ff.net and i'm now sad because there aren't enough qualitea Prowler angst anywhere
well there is a great source of angst from one of AUTOBOT CHROMIA's fics (cant rmb the name but i loved that story so much) where Prowl and Ironhide was leading a team out on Cybertron bc there was a skirmish and something-boom happened and Prowl was captured by the Cons. Was tortured n raped and had the option to run, which he did and he ended up hiding in a cave like structure on the ground. he had emergency rations and he drank a cube i think and before he fell unconscious/into stasis, he initiated his side of his three-way bond with Blue and Smokey since they r bros.
now on the other hand, the AutoBase is in a giant hooha bc Prowl is captured and Jazz wants to go rescue him. Bots going include OP, Jazz, Ratch, Blue, Smokey and Ironhide (not sure about Hide and whether there were more but these bots were there). En-route to the skirmish spot, the Datsun duo were caught off-guard bc of the restoration of Prowl's side of the bond. one, they were freaking out about being able to feel and track Prowl. Two, they knew he was slowly fading and they knew they had to hurry the frag up.
they found Prowler underneath the ditch through the bond and Jazz went in to look for him since he was the smallest. Found Prowl, who was in shock n shivering, got a blanket n cube from Ratchet and wrapped Prowl up and gave him smth to drink. Optimus got his energy axe and chopped away at the cave structure so that they can bring Prowl out and Ratchet can attend to him.
The Datsun duo saw their missing third and Blue retched bc of the state of Prowl's injuries - Really BadTM. Got him on Ratch's gurney and had all the medical stuff. They loaded up and hurried back to base. Jazz, Blue and Smokes were fretting like chickens bc they really cared for Prowl.
Prowl was in recovery for a good amt of time. Had some breathing tubes attached to him to regulate breathing and a thermal blanket for temperature regulation. His bros and Jazz frequently visited, etc. Datsun Trio reunites. Jazz helps Prowl to heal and they slowly fall in love.
Fast forward to Earth: Jazz and Prowl have their duties but are still happy together. Then one day, something crashed on Earth and Prowl started getting messages from unknown sources (or smth like that i rlly cant rmb) and they find out that this bot is Prowl's torturer from Cybertron. This Con was built scientifically by Shockers, so he has no spark (literally) (im p sure he didnt hav). Instead, he is a walking bomb (and im not saying it in a sexual sense nonono thats gr0ss). Blablabla, this bot kept hunting for Prowl and it all boiled down to a showdown between Jazz, Prowl and him. Final conclusion: Mr Con died bc he is a bomb and he exploded. Jazz n Prowl continue happily ever after.
damn, im employing my memory skills in the wrong place i don't even remember anything from school except for principles of accounting like WHAT EVEN AM I DOING
BUT anyway, I really loved this fic. I recall Autobot Chromia (the user) wrote many fics on ff.net and I loved the writing style. Really regretting not downloading or screenshotting or copying the fics so that I can read it in my spare time again (not to repost. even if i repost i will seek for express consent from said writer!) :( Some of them are angsty, which helps me on a bad day (idk how) and some are fluffy, which makes me all fuzzy inside. This applies to many of the writers in the PJ community. I have scoured through the entire PJ ficbase on both ff.net and AO3 because I love this pairing that much. Prowl to me isn't just a character from a show i love. He is a wholeass character and personality that I love and admire bc he us so freaking brilliant and amazing. Yeah he has his flaws, but I find him beautiful all the same and i think the caeing side of him should be broadcasted more. (IDW is absolutely not inside i'm sorry I couldn't bring myself to read it my heart broke why did the writers deal him like that?!)
anyway if anyone knows where i could find Autobot Chromia's fics again, please tell me!! DUDE I WILL PAY MONEY IF I HAVE TO I RLLY LIKE HIS/HER/*INSERT PRONOUN OF CHOICE* FICS ALRIGHT this helps with my sanity in the long run T^T I really dk who to ask or find regarding this. I hope this author has not deleted the works on their storage space. Pleaseeee 😭
if u read all the way, thank you for entertaining my 3AM rambles.
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agilenano · 5 years
Agilenano - News: Workshop Organization Ideas
We are finally making some progress in our garage and Im here today to show you our new dust collection system and a peek at one side of our (semi) organized garage workshop!
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Would you believe it if I told you that Corey and I have been homeowners for 9 years now and we have never had an organized workshop?
Never, ever.
Weve tried. Ohhhhh have we ever tried. Once we even got far enough to organize our garage and make some progress on the workshop space that we hadbut if were being honest it was really never all that functional.
Nine years, yall. Its a little pathetic.
But. But! We are finally making some progress in this house with the garage and I think that by the time we hit 10 years of owning a home (in August!), well be there.
Fingers crossed.
Were taking a one wall at a time approach to organizing our garage here, and Im feeling really good about how far things have come.
I think that one thing that has always held us back from really getting our workspace organized is that I havent ever felt like I truly have the expertise to do it myself, so Ive waited for a time when Corey and I can work together. The problem is, Corey works full time out of the house and doesnt handle chaos well so on the rare times that we have had the ability to work on it together, he immediately gets overwhelmed and doesnt know what to do!
So basically what Im telling you is that for the last 9 years every time we try to organize our workshop it ends with us both standing in the middle of the garage staring at each other and shrugging our shoulders before giving up and heading back inside to watch television.
Were a good team.
But I finally decided theres absolutely no reason I cant tackle this on my own. I know enough about these tools to know how they should be stored, and honestly Im the one who uses the workshop the most so why shouldnt I decide where it all goes?!
Ive put hours and hours into working out there over the last few weeks and things are finally starting to look so, so good.
I mean I cant complain about this before and after.
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Today I wanted to share a few of the tips, tricks, and tools that were using in our garage to keep things organized. Our biggest problem in the past has been that we never really found a space for every single thing out there, so any progress we made was immediately undone as soon as we did a project.
This time around, Im determined that eeeeeeeeverything will have a home, and so far its working!
Againkeep your fingers crossed for me. Toes too, maybe .
So, lets dive into the tricks Im using in this garage that gives me hope Ill keep it more organized than ever before.
Garage Organization ideas, tips, & tricks
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This post is sponsored by Rockler, but all opinions and enthusiasm are all me. Thanks for supporting the brands that support Love & Renovations!
1. A dust collection system
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This is the one that always makes everyones ears perk up when I mention it on Instagram. A dust collection system will CHANGE YOUR LIFE, I promise. Its definitely more expensive than just using a plain ol shop vac, but its approximately 7 million times more efficient and there are tons of options to customize it!
How does a dust collection system work? Its basically a ginormous shop vac that can attach to the walls in your workshop, and you run a hose off of it that can be attached to the various tools in your shop.
For example, we have one hose running right off of the dust collector that we use to clean the floors, and for quick vacuuming of work surfaces. Then a little further down theres a port we can attach to for the miter saw or other mobile tools in the shop. Further down is another port that is at the perfect spot for use with our lathe, and at the end of the wall is one last port thats meant to be attached to the table saw.
So, every time we use pretty much any tool in our shop, we can quickly hook it up to the vacuum, turn it on, and not have any dust flying around as we work.
I probably dont need to spell this out for you but less sawdust flying around means less sawdust all over my garage floorwhich means less sawdust that gets tracked inside my house.
And that means less cleaning for me!
You see why Im so excited about this situation?
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A large dust collection system like this isnt necessarily going to be the most logical investment for the casual woodworker or DIYer, but if youre doing regular projects in your workshop and struggle to keep up with the mess, its really truly worth it. I dont have an exact pricing of what our system looks like, but you should easily be able to set up a similar setup with the tools linked below for less than $1,000.
You can also read more about our dust collection system here from when we first got it!
Heres a rundown of the tools and accessories we have with our dust collector:
Dust Collection Tools + Accessories
This is the newer version of the wall-mounted dust collector we have (ours is several years old and isnt available anymore)
Heres a multi-port tool set that allows you to switch between several different tools.
Heres what the extender hose looks like they have various sizes so you can get exactly what works for your space.
This is the remote switch we have its a little luxury but makes it so nice to be able to turn it on from anywhere in the shop without walking back to the dust collector!
This is the quick change shop and tool set it has the main vacuum connector we use (for cleaning off worktops, etc.) and the floor vacuum, which is probably my most used connector!
And finally, these are the hooks we used to attach the hose to the wall!
If you want to learn more about all of the dust collection system tools and accessories that Rockler offers, just click here to go to the main page. The customization options are essentially endless, so you can mix and match to get exactly what you need!
2. Drawer Organizers
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This was a bit of an unexpected hit for me we recently got a new fancy workbench for the garage that has drawer liners in it already (so things dont slide around) and I honestly figured we wouldnt need any additional organization beyond that.
Oh, how naive and foolish I was.
We got to try Rocklers Lock-Align drawer organizer system and hooooooly cow its a game changer. I can find exactly what I need in the drawers within seconds, and since things have a very specific place within the drawer (remember the goal, here?!), its a breeze to clean up when were done.
Also, theres something oh-so-satisfying about opening up a drawer to get a tool and having everything hyper-organized and looking all pretty.
Its the little things, you know?
Drawer Organization Accessories
We grabbed this Lock-Align master kit and its a great way to get started with getting your drawers organized.
This bit organizer is hands down my favorite thing we added for those pesky loose bits that always seem to get lost. Its magnetic, too, so they stay put!
A few of these larger bins and these small ones are great for all the loose things that get lost in your drawers. I use them for pencils, long drill bits, keys, and more.
I also love, love, love this screwdriver rack and this pliers rack for not only screwdrivers and pliers but also scissors and other long skinny things that take up space in the drawers!
There are tons more drawer organizer options just click here to see everything Rockler has in their Lock-Align system. I honestly want to use it for my kitchen too, now! Is that weird?
3. storage for very specific purposes.
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Heres where we really dive into the have a place for everything mentality. Over the years Ive learned that a few things that aaaaaalways tend to float around our workshop with no home are the following three things:
Shop towels
Hand sanitizer
Cleaning wipes
Were constantly using them, and so weve always just kind of left them all out on the workbenchbut then they get used and dont make it back to the workbench (since thats not really an official home), and basically I spend half my time in the workshop looking for those three dang things.
In addition to that, we always are in need of a small dumping ground. When Im doing projects its often while Grant naps, and when he wakes up I need to quickly clean up my mess before he starts getting into things I dont always have time to actually put everything away. So, I tend to just dump stuff on the workbench.which means its constantly messy and we have to spend 20 minutes cleaning it up before we can work on it.
So, I needed to solve both of these problems and I found a way to do it with just some simple metal shelves!
I added on shelf above the small workbench that holds our hand sanitizer, cleaning wipes, and a spare roll of shop towels. The other shelf hangs on the side of the small workbench and it holds a roll of shop towels as well, and has a little ledge that has become our dumping ground. Its perfect because its small (which means Im forced to deal with it regularly), it has a ledge all around so small things dont fall off, and its right next to the door so I can toss things in it without even stepping foot in the garage.
So far these two little shelves alone have made a world of difference in things feeling more organized in here. Dont you love it when a big problem is solved by something so tiny and easy?!
I also got our wood glue organized with a wood glue caddy (linked below) and it genuinely makes a world of difference. Wood glue is another thing that is always getting moved around and lost, and I love that we have this little storage system for all of our glue, our brushes, and everything else so that we can move it around as we need to without losing anything.
The lesson here? Get specific! If you have a problem with something always getting moved around or lost, look for solutions for that specific thing and make a new home for it.
Shelving Options
Heres the shelf I have above the workbench.
Heres the shelf I have hanging on the side that also holds shop towels.
This is the wood glue caddy that Im obsessed with and as a bonus, heres the silicone glue holder Im really loving right now too.
This utility caddy is a great option for things like your tape measure, scissors, and pencils.
And this magnetic parts tray is a life-saver when youre working on a project with a lot of screws or switching bits a lot. I keep it on the big workbench and we use it all the time!
See more specific organization trays and caddies here!
4. Plugs and chargers. EVERYWHERE.
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Allow me to let you in on a little secret. It is impossible (I mean IMPOSSIBLE) to have too many plugs or chargers in your workshop.
It cant be done.
If you have corded tools, youll want plenty of room to plug them in. If you have battery-powered tools like we do, youll want aaaaaall of the battery charging stations. Which means outlets, outlets, and more outlets!
In our last house we only had two (TWO!) pairs of outlets in our garage and it was just a giant pain all the time. This garage is starting off with notably more than that I havent counted but I know its more than two and were also adding more via some really awesome power strips to make things as functional as possible.
This small workbench near the door is a great landing area for assembly, staining things, or just about anything else (I havent had a chance to use it yet so I dont know what Ill do for sure yet!) and we added this really fancy power strip above it to make it even better. In addition to adding some extra space to plug things in, it has a few USB ports so I can charge my phone (and even rest it on the little built-in phone ledge) so it doesnt die while I listen to my 12th consecutive crime-related podcast. Its also got two powerful lights that will be so helpful on the (near constant) occasion that were working out here long past the sun has gone down.
Long story short? You need extra outlets may as well also get a phone stand and some lights while youre at it, no?
Power strips
Heres the awesome power station we have we are loving it so far and cant recommend it enough!
Weve also used these shop lights in the past to add some extra light to dark corners they make a world of difference.
This cord reel is such a nice way to have a built-in extension cord that stays out of the way.
5. Make it cute.
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And finally, perhaps the most important tip of all.
You think Im kidding, but Im so, so serious.
Im not sure if this is true for you, but I find Im about 95% more likely to keep a space looking organized and clean if I love how it looks. A junky garage will always be a junky garage and theres no point in really keeping it organized because its ugly already you cant make it worse!
Theres something magical that happens when I make a space look great that makes me so motivated to keep it looking great.
I have every intention of doing more projects like this on the other walls of my garage, but I kicked things off by adding this simple board and batten treatment to this back wall and painting it a color that makes me smile. It just took me a few hours over two days to install it and paint the whole thing, and now this entire space feels so much better. In fact, the whole garage feels better because of just this one side!
I also took the time to re-paint the metal cabinets we use under the smaller workbench, and I stained the workbench top and cut it down to fit better. Little touches like this look so great and make me feel so much better when Im in the space.
It sounds silly, but give it a shot I promise youll be surprised at how effective it is at motivating you to keep it clean!
If you want to see how this project unfolded, click here to watch my Instagram story highlights for the project!
I hope this post was helpful for you and Im so grateful for all of your excitement about this space. Your enthusiasm and encouragement made it way more tolerable to knock it out, and gets me pumped to get started on the next section!
Id love to hear your tips for organizing your workspace too anything amazing that I missed?!
The post Workshop Organization Ideas appeared first on Love & Renovations.
Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/workshop-organization-ideas
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bloojayoolie · 7 years
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Af, Being Alone, and Animals: but i dd spend about 2 months looking ater a small dude ranch oper碵on dring the winter months artednh intemet hookup, onine stuf handled by small ofice in town hang around, shoot funs 게ttledaknow,more pay and-phone ine but tostay durngan e during summ card the costco a d load up on food because %ck dealing ith that road more than neccesary out meals and such have all the food, need for the 2 months but forgot sham g suppies always forget so ething fuck t week one i started talking to the horses week two, they started talking a half spam cans of by hand, used shovel and dug trench and tunnel nelwork theough the ever deepening snow Ip9 a master of moving within my winter hours in attempt to tack, wrestle and ho e de deer for domestication, brethy entertaned idea of using said doe as tckpuppet ala 222897 nearly succeeded, doe managed to break loose before i could finish the kno DO manage to succeed in knäing coyote to death one night, shoot others and brain tan hides into fur cape for other unnasnow escapades many strange things those nights, some creatures one might call a skinwalker, wendigo or worse onger fear these beasts for i have become frozen death itsel from the snow cappad peaks of each building the the tunnel system beneath the snow around the property i have absolute dominion i need othe merest hostile act against the ranch is met by thundering death from my Mosin 거 rout ely catch small animals by hand and either play with them for a short while before setting them loose or silently dispatching them with my hands before they go into the stewpot but alas, al good things must come to an end one moming i hear a faint sound, one i havent heard in a long time, ike the fragment of a lyric to a forgotten song sound about like that hibernating bear i found roof of the bam i see i gaze down upon my crystal world, the shot, bayoneted, kniied, clubbed and sodomized remains of the snowman wars, the harse herd looling to me their leader for guidance, all along the treeline, creatures both large and small cowering beneath my finty gaze, twin chips of ice peering out from my coyote skin cloak guest cabin habt with the snowmen before i attempt to speak and let him know im right behind him im close enough i could bayonet him and must resist the urge my voice cracks in an attempt to say helo from long under use thought i was going to get fired, and nearly dd, but ater he asked about everything that went on and seeing that tha ranch was in perfect order he decided that as long as i showared i could keap the look and we incorporated a whole "mountain man workshop" for the guests, teach them a lttle bushcrat, simple survival stuf and i got a raise out of t. i)00 23.10 No 1:17:42 No.20980609 (36 KB i would gueSS Bam was gambrel style, lot has hay and feed storage, snow pilled to the sides and with a ltle work i managed to build a set of stairs to the pesk and set up a smal snow hut, just big enough for me, my mosin and some smal snacks to lay down in. had small windows al around soi being alone for that long does strange things to you, you gain an intimate knowledge of everything around you. the moment somathing doesnt jve, you are instantly aware of it >be chilin ith my newest addition to coyate fur cloak up on the roof, chowing dowm on some jerky, almost late aftemoon, overcast can hear the satt movements af the horse herd below me a tant knacker n0w and then maxed with their ating and breathing -hear one of them give a brief snort and the rest go silent, no movement giancing to my left i can see one of the roans looking intently to the southwest, into the wind an instant later it hits me, a smell lie rotten meat mixed with an teenagers gym clothes locker that got left over the summer with some kind of a musk to it as well -crouching in my snow hut i pull out my monocular and scan the treeline on the other side of the pasture to the south, that last coyote i bagged was in that direction i find the spot where i had skinned it out, and i know right where the carcass should be i look down the the horses and can see them ail still looking in that direction, not moving no neighs or even nervous wickering between them > pop open the ammo can i keep up there, grab a few fresh stripper clips to tuck into my coat and slide down the slope i set next to the stairs on the north side of the bam snowghost my way along the fence line still keeping my ears open, the smell has faded somewhat, but the musk still lingers like greasy ingerprints on a reshly poished 1911 at a store malke my way to the southen Sence lne, al i can make out is the faint indentations of where snow has fallen to cover my tracks from two days ago yards away, c decide tuck it and walk over to where the coyote was, i can see the drag marks clearly, right over the tracks of whatever grabbed it stracks are deep, but obscured by the drag and whatever took it left by the same path i arrived, cutting east, deeper into the woods, you go far enough and you hit the bob marshall that deep musky scent is stil strong, sticks in your nose the the ofactory equivalent of peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth, but not nearly as tasty can see from the way the tracks are spaced whatever it was had a long, bipedal stride, sinking almast twice as deep as my own bootprints into the snow fuly intended to leave the carcass tor scavengers and the like, but seems we have a new player n the game made my way back to the bam,horses are stil fiocated on the southerm pasture line, figure ill stock a few provisions in the haylaft othis marks the start of many a night spand buried in the warm hay pretty used the the night noises around the place, coyotes yowing, maybe a cat screetch and owls caling out dead fucking sience, even the horses kept close to the bam and quiet as snowal didnt get much sleep that night, that musky smell had finally worn off by about dark next few days were uneventful, not a whole hell of a lot happening. second wave of snow fascists attemped to take the stronghold that is my snow fortress and were repelled by a wave of glorious 7.62x54 musk smell slamming crouched low and took a snow trench to the bam stairs and made my way fort, peering over the edge i could see something movng by the treeline down had dark brown fur coering t at least thats what it looked ike, it stayed low whle it moved othe head appeared elongated ending in a blunt muzzle, almost like a bear, but almost like if you took a rottweilers head, took off the ears, scaled R up and covered it in coarse brown hair a deer fronm son of a bitch, that one was MINE exe and its up and looking around, stil with a slight hunch but this thing is BIG, like &- after a momenttgrabs its prize around the nock with a single long arm and takes of into the woods again, i give it a whle before investigating fuck trying to find this thing in >茁the same time, im pissed this thing has the GALL to malest my territory, a strange thought comes into my mind this is my tentory ill mark it how i like, right slong where ts tracks go from the treeline to the clearing before the fence, i piss all along it, took a steaming dump right in one of its foot prints over the next couple af days wat and observe the whole time i cant shake the feeing that im being watched as well also starting to figure out why the boss managed to buy this ranch bunk house making some combread to go with my chǔ when i hear the horses start raising 9 lands of hell, 2 types of chaos and a side of mayhem throw on my coat, grab my mosin and afix the bayonet as i charge out the door towards the corrals in almost knocked ormy feet by the smell first of. smells like a wookie in heat, but i cant see anything looming まof the growing darkness o i make it the main corral attached to the bam and i can see all the horses are panicking, shying away from one side of the comal, the one part of > cant be sure but i would bet money ts he head of the same one i saw it take a few days ago, trn of the neck、just below the head -looking to the treeline i can see a form fading into the pines >bury the head and get the horses calmed down, head back to the cabin othis spooked my horses, made me bum my combread and kiled a deer in MY temitory the next day i keep an eye out, head towards the northem pastures and manage to back another coyote, but i bring the whole carcass back with me this time mother fucker >skin it out carefully, made sure to leave the guts intact, save the hide for later use and bury the carcass underneath some old straw to let it ripen bloated and mpe cayote gather a few pine bows and use an E tool, did a bed to lie down in, cover my tracks with the pine boughs and line the bed with them >Open up cayote and leave it about 10 ft in front of me, cover up my last tracks, fox bayonet, chamber a round and cover my sef with snow now the wating game begins >manage to get used the the rotten coyate smell ater awhile, toes are cold but not the numbness that heralds the numbness of hostbite, thank god for redwings the my □ Anonymous 02/19/16(Fn)03 1056 No 28981228 File its footsteps were barely making a sound in the snow with that musky odor getting stronger with each footfal a hard time controlling my aven wth could see moving through the trees now but my first thoughts on a bearike or dog head and muzzle were wro g. andi ealized where had sr elled something like this musk before long legs and torso leading to powerul shoulders what i guess at a hunch was the neck of an oversized goat head, easily almost 3 meters tall black beady eyes wth a malevolence in themn and stumpy homs pushing theough the hair above ts brow i could see the greasy hair of its chin dripping with saliva leaking from the coners of its mouth as it snifed the air sounding for all the world ike an enormous set of bellows it snorted out a fetid plume as it raised it head and looked past my position to the bam and ranch seemingly satisfed, it stepped out of the trees, crouched and moved towards the coyote, i wated as it got closer 30 s15 sucking in as much air as i could i leap from my concealed position, bringing my mosin up over my head and shouted for all i was worth that sound that came out ofl me i dont think i could ever replicate, Ei did it would have t everything was contained in that scream, every shouted order to for bayonets and charge, every screaming bails on fre rush across no mans land, every howl of fury as blades met, and every roar of primitive fury that another dare take what is mine stopping dead in its tracks i reared up to its full teerible height, almost twice mine in boots and coyote coat >summoning up another shout i shouldered the rifle and took a pace forward, how, i dont know, i was ready to piss mysef with my own stupidity this was something alse, this was a force of nature, and i was going to stand aganst it File ducking its head it glared at me with those obsidian orbs of primordial hunger, this creature was contesting its claim s own, the bass loose the tenuous hold i had u ears i couldet move forward everything in me was screaming to cut an run, but as i stood there gazing down the abused wooden length mosin, the dings and pts in the stock stood dont lonow how, i dont know why, but i took strengh in that, this weapon had faced monsters before, faced an unstoppable machine and brought with a snort of fetid breath it moved to take another step forward anawering with another cro-magnon hol i stode forward, standing over the offending ple of guts that had become the Ine in the snow a scarce few yards from me stood a creature out of forgotten legends, a nightmare made mandest glaring at me with hatred a low rumbling growl bat that i could feal in my chest as its lips skinned back over foul teeth in twisted parody of a grin, baring teeth that had no business in even an over sized goats mouth a third primitive scream escaped my lips as i sighted just over its shoulder and ired my mosin erupted from the i stepped forward, past the coyote, and raised the rifle above my head, stretching upwards on the balls of my feet for as much extra height i could muster, screaming at the top of my lungs for whatever reason, that was enough, backing up and fnally tuning around, it stalked off into the woods somehow deep down in that primitive part of my bran knew i had won, but the ratonal part of my brain stil wanted to piss myself 02/19/16(Fr003 40 50 № 28981350 the barn with a bottle never came across another kill anywhere on the property ater that, found tracks, but never aywhere near the perimeter clearing between the fence and the tree line. even sighted it from a distance a few times after that, but alwarys from a long ways i made the barest mention to the boss ater he had been back for awhile, but he just chalked it up to al the other crazy shenanigans id been up too while i held down the fort for 2 months, but wasnt realy interested. tried talking to a few tribal elders, but none of them wanted anything to do with me thats pratty much it for spooky stones from that tima gave each other a fairly wide berth.
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agilenano · 5 years
Agilenano - News: Pick Up Washer Lint Trap
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Aluminum Lint Trap with Tie Compatible with most washers, this 2-piece . Replaces your old washer lint trap; Fits all washing machine discharge hoses. Pros: Durable, Easy to Use, Sturdy, High Quality, Easy to Install, Nice Design. I like this lint trap because of its features and efficiency. For instance, it was very easy to secure around the washing machine hose that empty into the sink. Also. Keep lint out of the drain and in its proper place with an aluminum lint trap with tie. Simply use the zip-tie to secure the lint trap to your clothes washer discharge. Shop our selection of Filter, Laundry Parts in the Appliances Department at The Home . Your Selection: Part Type: Filter . LDR Industries Lint Trap with Tie. Attach to Your Washer Sink Hose and Allow the Metal Mesh Trap to Filter the . I had been buying washing machine lint socks from Home Depot but they were. Buy 10 Washing Machine Lint Traps Aluminum Mesh With Clamps: Washer Parts . Im throwing these all out and going back to Home Depot where I found a. Washing machine lint trap size: expand length of the lint trap is 29 cm and Best Sellers Rank, #10,184 in Home & Kitchen (See Top 100 in Home & Kitchen) Dec 3, 2008 Is there a standard method for filtering washing machine lint? My setup is below. . I asked at Home Depot and they had no idea. Thats why I came here. . A lip on the end of the pipe would really be nice. Im going to look into. Lint Trapper is a unique, patented utility tub drain strainer. that fits in the drain opening of utility tubs, wash sinks, laundry tubs and kitchen . years with care, the Lint Trapper is the last lint trap youll ever need to buy! . So in the end, one of them costs a lot less than the other, and it works beautifully! Home Depot Associate.
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EASTMAN Dryer Vent Lint Removal Kit (Silver) at Lowes. The EASTMAN lint trap stops lint from clogging a laundry tub or sink. The trap slips easily onto the end. Watts 2-Pack Aluminum Washing Machine Drain Hose. 8 Ratings. 4.0 Average. 88% Recommend this product. Community Q&A View Now. Product Image 1. Shop keeney 1-1/2-in plastic washing machine trap in the under sink plumbing section of Lowes.com. Shop dryer vent kits in the dryer vents & accessories section of Lowes.com. Find quality dryer vent kits online or in store. Shop hillman stainless steel filter washer in the faucet accessories section of Lowes.com. Sometimes there are better mouse traps and we still dont use them. Flood saver for the laundry room. Heavy duty with a real drain that empties outside the. LAUNDRY: Lambro 24-in to 41-in Adjustable Periscope Dryer Vent lowes Deflect-o, Lint Trap Kit, LTF at The Home Depot maybe use heat for house. Lowes will cut to size. just rub on some danish oil. . 50 Adorable Farmhouse Laundry Room Ideas Storage Shelves Ideas Laundry room decor Small laundry. Lowes will cut to size. just rub on some danish oil. . 50 Adorable Farmhouse Laundry Room Ideas Storage Shelves Ideas Laundry room decor Small laundry.
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Shop for laundry lint cleaner online at Target. Free shipping on purchases over $35 and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Shop Target for Laundry Accessories you will love at great low prices. Spend . Filter results. Type Travel Size Lint Roller 30 Sheets Up&Up
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. Definitely helped clean lint trap and Ive used it in other cracks and crevices around the house (and good for car cleaning, too). It is a bit flimsy, so it can be hard. Scotch-Brite
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Printed Lint Rollers have designs on every sheet and come in several stylish patterns! Plus Scotch-Brite Lint Rollers are the only lint rollers that. Buy 10 Washing Machine Lint Traps Aluminum Mesh With Clamps: Washer Parts & Accessories Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible.
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Mar 6, 2017 How to Clean the Lint Collector for the Washing Machine. If the screen is removable, soak it in hot water for 10 minutes to clear away residue. If the filter is secured in place, clean lint from it with a soft brush or paper towel. If the trap is disposable, replace it when it becomes clogged. 3 days ago The washer lint filter should be cleaned at least four times per year to keep your machine working its best and reduce the amount of lint that. If your washing machine has a lint filter, it could be in one of four places. . The best way to locate the lint filter is to look in your owners manual, which is. New clothes, new towels, or linen items tend to create more lint in the first few washes. Washing . Lint can be trapped in the load if the washer is tightly packed. Feb 14, 2018 But did you know that your washing machine has a lint trap, too? . and durability like Samsung, Whirlpool, GE, Electrolux, and many others. . on the tradition set forth by their father and exhibit exceptional customer service. Jun 26, 2018 By cleaning the filter, you protect your washer from lint, coins, hair, and so . The best way to thoroughly clean your Whirlpool Washing Machine. Technically, the lint trap in most front loading washers is a pump filter. Located on the lower front of the washer, most models, such as the LG, GE, Whirlpool and. Sep 25, 2018 maytag atlantis washer lint trap whirlpool roper target laundry,washer lint . centennial washer lint trap whirlpool gold for washing machine best. Ask your Whirlpool washer lint filter location questions. . Whirlpool Agitator washing Machine Where is the lint filter located and how . Good luck from Detroit,.
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3 days ago If you have your owners operating or repair manual, it will tell you where the washers lint filter is located. If you need to go on the hunt, check. Mar 6, 2017 Regardless of the style, the purpose of a washing machine lint trap is . Wherever the washer lint trap is located, youll probably find its filled. Aluminum Lint Trap with Tie Compatible with most washers, this 2-piece replacement model includes all installation hardware. THD SKU# 648181. Aug 14, 2014 Cleaning your dryers lint trap, screen and vent is a great way to . of your dryer the lint trap will either be on the top of the dryer or located Heres Green Living Ideas tips for using your laundry washer and dryer efficiently. Jun 5, 2018 Some filters are inside the center agitator. If your agitator cover is removable, check near the bottom where it attaches to the tub. Finally, the lint trap or filter may be simply a small screen near the water pump or at the end of the drainage hose. Depending on the type of dryer you have, you may find them located in the door jamb . If you dont have an inline dryer hose lint trap, youll want to clean out your . If you see significant buildup, you may want to purchase a special brush that is . and disinfect your washer and dryer as part of our house cleaning services. Results 1 96 of 137 GE Appliances has made use of several washer lint filtering systems over the years. . The up-front dryer lint filter is conveniently located in the front of the dryer and is easy See individual features to determine model specific features. . Our Initiatives Careers Submit an Appliance Idea Pressroom. Buy Nylon Lint Trap for Washing Machine Drain Systems & Discharge Hoses (2 . Product was easy to place and stays attached to the washing machine drain.
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Buy 10 Washing Machine Lint Traps Aluminum Mesh With Clamps: Washer Parts . Lot of 50 Washing Machine Lint Trap Snare Fabric mesh with ties 4.5 out of. Attach to Your Washer Sink Hose and Allow the Metal Mesh Trap to Filter the Laundry Water. . Lot of 50 Washing Machine Lint Trap Snare Fabric mesh with ties. Buy products related to lint trap filter products and see what customers say about lint . This catches the lint and keeps it from your laundry room. . behind, and the lever to clean off the lint on the inside is a great feature as well. . So you will want to make it accessible, not behind the dryer and not in a crawl space or attic. Traps Lint, hair and debris from drains, replaces all Mesh filters: Lint Removers . Lot of 50 Washing Machine Lint Trap Snare Fabric mesh with ties While still functional it was allowing some lint through the gap and plugging up the tub. Buy Fantech DBLT 4W Lint trap, 4 Duct: Lint Removers Amazon.com FREE . Aluminum Hose Duct with 2 Screw Clamps Great as HVAC Duct, Clothes Thus, there is an air gap of about 1/4 to 3/8 between the inner edge of the lint filter . hole in without having to patch in the laundry room- I cannot imagine trying to. Package:1-piece Washing Machine Lint Filter Bags Net. See more Note: the more space it has to float around, the more lint it collects. Use plenty of . It was GREAT at picking up dog hairs from my washer BUT it lasted two loads What a. Buy Dreamyth Washing Machine Lint Filter Bag Laundry Mesh Hair Catcher Floating . large;laundry basket collapsible;space saving laundry basket collapsible. Find the best lint traps for dryers based on what customers said. . Nice compact,light weight, space saver product to use when you can not vent a dryer to the outside. . Works great and catches the overflow lint that escapes the dryers lint filter. . for my new electric washer/dryer unit I had just purchased for my new condo. Traps Lint, hair and debris from drains, replaces all Mesh filters at . While still functional it was allowing some lint through the gap and plugging up the tub. . So it only fits loosely in our laundry tub which means its catching a lot of the lint but. Lot of 50 Washing Machine Lint Trap Snare Fabric mesh with ties. 4.5 out of 5 stars . If you have a traditional air gap hook up, you cant use it. The filter picks up.
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3 days ago Most likely, if you have an older machine, your washer lint trap is clogged. This can also lead to mold and mildew building up within the. How to Make a Washing Machine Lint Filter. . clean in a jiffy. Ring in the New Year with our 12-month plan for organizing your home and. Spring Cleaning. Washing Machine Lint Traps DIY: I was tired of paying $1.00 or more for one small, sad-looking, short-lived, ineffective washing machine lint trap. I decided to. Jan 17, 2002 I am planning a new addition to our house and the washer and dryer will be moved from the . What I would like is a better way to trap the lint from the wash water so it does not all go into the septic system. . Its a DIY project. Oct 2, 2018 Remove the cover and check for a lint trap that can be cleaned. A removable lint screen may also be located along the washer drums top rim. Mesh lint traps are also commonly found in washer drain hoses. Once you find it, soak your lint trap or filter in hot water, if its removable. Jun 4, 2015 The filter was typically user-friendly and easy to access, not something that required . Fisher Paykel makes a washer with a cleanable lint trap. . From drab, dreary or just plain outdated to modernized marvels, these kitchens. You know about the dryer lint screen, but did you know your washing machine has a lint trap, too? If your clothes have a furry coat of lint coming out of the wash,. Aluminum Lint Trap with Tie Compatible with most washers, this 2-piece replacement model includes all installation . More. Easy returns in store and online. Apr 22, 2018 Your Bedding. Before washing, run clothes or bedding through a 10-minute no-heat dryer cycle. This loosens the pet hair, which winds up in the lint trap. Add a half-cup of white vinegar to the machines rinse cycle. Clean your washer by running a wash cycle without laundry.
Designed to prevent expensive plumbing repairs, the durable OMalley Lint Snare effectively captures lint which would otherwise clog laundry tubs, sinks, and. 7 items Compare. EcoEgg 6 tablet Washing Machine Cleaner. $6.99. Compare. OMalley 2 pk Lint Trap. $3.99. Compare. Tide 3 oz. Washing Machine Cleaner. The kit includes a 4 in. x 4 ft. flexible dryer transition duct, plastic lint reservoir and . condos apartments, RVs and basements; Fill reservoir with water to trap lint. Washing Machine Filter Filtrol 160 Septic System Lint Trap Filter Washer Machine, Clean . Lint Filter Filtrol 160 with 1 Filter Bag Washer Machine, Ace Hardware Lovely Laundry Room Utility Sink Ideas 16 With Additional new home gift. Septic System: How to Filter Out Laundry Lint . Washing Machine Lint Filter Filtrol 160 with 1 Filter Bag Washer Machine, Ace Hardware Washer MachineAce. Install a Lint Catcher on Your Washing Machine Hose How to Prevent Clogged Drains Lint Filter Filtrol 160 with 1 Filter Bag Washer Machine, Ace Hardware youll find plenty to be inspired by these eleven lovely laundry rooms full of. Lint Filter that keeps micro plastics out of the environment Washing Machine . Washing Machine Lint Filter Filtrol 160 with 1 Filter Bag Washer Machine, Ace Hardware . Cute laundry room shelf i worked on to hide all of the wires and hoses. Dryer Dock Quick Connect Dryer Vent (5000-1) Ace Hardware / so much better than . Lint Filter Filtrol 160 with 1 Filter Bag Washer Machine, Ace Hardware Beverage dispenser for laundry soap, jar to measure and other cute stuff.too. indoor dryer vent kit review dock 6 in 1 ace hardware interior dr . . interior dryer venting indoor vent lint trap kit washing machine flexible metallic duct safe box.
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Maytag produces a wide range of home appliances, including washers and dryers. The company makes both front loading and top loading washing machines of. Mar 6, 2017 You know about the dryer lint screen, but did you know your washing machine has a lint trap, too? If your clothes have a furry coat of lint coming. Feb 1, 2012 What is the best way to clean a washing machine lint filter like the type in the photo below? . My Maytag washer is 23 years old (purchased 1989) and shows no . cycle, heres how to make laundry day easier and even fun. Fit is near perfect to the OEM filter on our Maytag gas dryer. The screen material is somewhat different and Ive noticed that guck gets stuck on the filter. This is. Buy products related to lint trap filter products and see what customers say about lint trap filter . This catches the lint and keeps it from your laundry room. T-Language Washer/Dryer cover for Front-loading machine Waterproof . 33001003 Dryer LINT SCREEN FILTER For Whirlpool & Maytag Dryers DRYERS. Mar 14, 2019 Learn how and when to clean the dryer vents and lint screen. . After you cool down, however, follow this advice from Debra Johnson, national . with a cloth dampened with a small amount of laundry detergent and hot water. Oct 18, 2018 One-third of these fires is caused by an accumulation of lint, which . The same is true for the check-vent feature on Whirlpool and Maytag dryers. . Not once a month, or even once a week: Clean the lint from the dryers lint screen after . This helps prevent a fire, and it also helps your laundry dry faster..
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Jump to LINT 41 and LINT 54 The Alstom Coradia LINT is a articulated railcar manufactured by Alstom since 1999, offered in diesel and hydrogen. CORADIATM Lint 41H und CORADIATM Lint 54H. Kunde: VIAS GmbH. Einsatzstrecken: . TeCHnIsCHe DATen unD HAupTAbMessungen. CORADIA LInT 41H. CORADIA LINT 81 des vlexx . 45 CORADIA LINT 54 und 18 CORADIA LINT 81 . Technische Daten und Hauptabmessungen. Modell. LINT 54. LINT 81. LINT 54 dmu build by Alstom. . LINT 54. Diesel-mechanical multiple unit. model img. Series: Coradia LINT. Build: Alstom 2011. Top speed: 140 km/h. Capacity. Dec 13, 2011 Three MTU Powerpacks each producing 390 kW will power Alstoms Coradia Lint 54 diesel railcars operating in the Cologne Diesel Network. Feb 5, 2019 Yes, cleaning the lint trap in your dryer is a good practice, but its not enough to prevent a fire from sparking in your dryer vent. . Loncat ke LINT 41 and LINT 54 The Alstom Coradia LINT is a . Licious White Cap Temecula . lint 41, lint 54, lint 54 technische daten, lint alstom, lint deutsch, lint mill of boyne.
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staff was friendly and helpful, the room was clean and very modern. Jonas Lint Hotel Kln has been welcoming Booking.com guests since May 26, 2016. Lintgasse 7, Cologne, Germany. . The central 3-star Lint Hotel is set in Altstadt-Nord district and offers non-smoking guestrooms with a view over the city. Founded in 1999, the hotel underwent a renovation in 2006. Lintgasse 7, 50667 Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. . PROSnear the center of town, well-appointed and comfortable rooms, pleasant and helpful staff, decent breakfast buffet by German hotel standards. . Close to Dom and train station Effective double glazing meant room was . Compare hotel prices and find an amazing price for the Lint Hotel Hotel in Cologne. . Lint Hotel is a comfortable city-centre accommodation in Kln, just footsteps . you walk in, you will be impressed by how modern and well-equipped Lint is. Lint Hotel Koln: Lint Hotel See 97 traveller reviews, 44 candid photos, and great deals for Lint Hotel . However, the room was very small but clean and modern. This cute, contemporary and intimate hotel in the heart of the Altstadt has 18 rooms with hardwood floors, warm colours and lots of wood. Outside of reception. Discover the best hotels in Cologne including 25hours Hotel The Circle, THE QVEST hideaway, HOPPER . Cologne hotels, hostels and more . Lint Hotel Kln. Lint Hotel Koln has a TripExpert Score of 71 based on expert reviews in travel . Cute, contemporary and eco-conscious (solar-panelled roof) hotel in the heart. Book the Hotel Lint in Cologne for as little as 125.00 EUR! 3 HOTEL INFO stars . Overall, your room is functionally furnished and offers contemporary comfort. Lint Hotel Kln provides rooms in Cologne. The property is around a 3-minute walk from Ludwig Museum, 300 m from Cologne Philharmonic and a 3-minute.
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