#so i could be wearing a hat and nice shoes and a suede jacket with fringe in an undeniably masc way
tiredeyes1975 · 2 years
in my mind im an american pop culture version of a cowboy
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tedtonksfm · 4 years
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—  ϟ  ›  ( rahul kohli, cis man, he/his )  ⋆  you know , the gossip in london is insidious , and gossip about a MUGGLEBORN like EDWARD TONKS seems to constantly be afloat. what i know for a fact , though , is that they’re a TWENTY-NINE year old COLUMNIST FOR THE DAILY PROPHET who graduated as a HUFFLEPUFF from HOGWARTS. someone they went to school with told me that a sunny day in the peak of winter, coming home after work with your every bone feeling exhausted, fingerprints smudged on a pair of glasses sitting by the table, homemade pasta, a single bird chirping in the early morning & THE TEN OF CUPS always reminded them of HIM. maybe that’s why the WIZARD has privately declared their allegiance to the ORDER ?
 someone in love with Ted Tonks would smell in Amortentia: the old, tattered suede of the jacket he's been wearing for the past decade, strong black tea with heaping spoonfuls of sugar in it, and bark.
THE TEN OF CUPS, upright — family, stability, reunion, caring, soulmates, destiny, creativity, fulfilment, harmony;
( read the full app for more info here ) 
1. MEMORY: born in 1952, Ted was one of the unfortunate souls to be taken from his family when he was already nine years old. He was old enough to remember, but young enough that he hadn't even known the magical world before he was taken. He clings to the memory, to this day; he makes sure he doesn't forget anything -- his loving parents, their little house with a garden, their dog. So many things were taken from him, ripped away with no explanation, and he was thrown into a world he knew nothing of. He wrote his parents' names in notes that he hid around his room, he made silly drawings of his dog and his family and hid them under his bed. He wouldn't let himself forget. He couldn't. To this day, he can still tell you a plethora of things about his original family, he can still draw a map of his old house by heart, he still feels the aching tugs of once fully belonging somewhere.
2. NEW HOME: at nine, he was placed with the Bones. They treated him fairly, all things considered. He's heard worse and best stories than his own, when it comes to being fostered. Ted had a bed of his own, food when he was hungry, and other kids in the house to talk to. They never treated him like a son, never one of his own, but it was fair. He didn't make a grand effort to become a part of their family tree; he wanted love, of course, what kid didn't want to be tucked into bed every night, or coddled when they got sick? But he grew up too fast. His parents were not the Bones. His mother wasn't there to tuck him in, his father was too far away to bring him soup when he felt ill. They were gone, living their lives somewhere without a single memory of him anymore, and he refused to let anyone replace them.
3. NAME: the Bones family refused to call him Ted. That was the first impression he got from these magical families -- how stuck-up and too fancy-sounding they were to his ears. He loved his nickname, his mother had given it to him when he was still growing in her belly, and it had stuck for nine years. He barely even remembered his full name, always introducing himself as Ted, Teddy, even Ed felt better than the full thing. The first day he stepped into the Bones house, he was greeted before he could introduce himself, bony hands that beckoned him in and a forced smile: Edward, it's a pleasure to have you. It felt like hearing nails scratch a chalkboard, at the time. He only got to reclaim the nickname when he got to Hogwarts, where he finally introduced himself again, as Ted, to everyone he met. Nowadays, he's gotten used to hearing the full thing.
his boggart is ever changing, as if often is. sometimes, he sees his beloved wife, his heart, his home, holding the hand of their daughter -- but their faces are covered by silver masks. if he's not fast enough to spell it away, dromeda will raise her wand and a green burst of light will spew out of it, towards him. he feels embarrassed of this one, because he doesn't mistrust andromeda, he doesn't think she will ever turn against him. and yet. it's the fear of abandonment, fear of betrayal, of losing the one feeling of belonging he ever found in the world ever since he was a kid. he knows she'll never turn to the other side because he knows her heart, but on his weakest days, when he questions everything, that is what he would see.
other days, and more often now, he see andromeda and dora, dead. not dying, per se, but already dead, their bodies frozen, cold, their skin turned pale blue. his biggest fear is that he'll lose them without ever being able to do anything about it, before he even knows it, before he can be with them.
ted was born into a loving home. he never had to miss anything, everything was at the reach of his fingertips. sure, he didn't have the newest pair of shoes, his clothes were all hand-me-downs and his toys were barely functioning, but he had so much love. his parents were simple people, but kind. at nine, he lost them. at nine, he lost everything.
it wasn't easy to put himself back together in a completely new world he didn't understand. the bones were nice to him, and tried to accommodate, but it was nearly impossible. he didn't want to be accommodated. for the first few months he was devastated, so deeply upset that it was hard to find the strength to do anything else but cry; as a child, an emotion so cuttingly strong wasn't easy to process. he was whiny, angry, he threw tantrums and he locked himself in his room for days on end. he was labeled as difficult. 
but kids are resilient. he never forgot his parents, he made sure he remembered them, but he knew he had to move on before the bones had enough of him and threw him out on the street. even if he never created a true familiar bond with his foster parents, he was grateful for what they could do to help him.
hogwarts was… confusing. he didn't belong in there, either. he was a muggleborn, and people knew immediately, because gossip traveled fast and the bones were well-known in this world. with a title that he did nothing to earn, he felt thrown into a lion's den on his very first day, encountering people who would twist their nose at him for no reason. the sorting hat sorted him into hufflepuff after only a second or two of thought.
things were better as he grew older. he still didn't feel as if he belonged in the castle, still always feeling this pull towards his real parents, a sense of home that he never found anywhere else. but he loved a lot of his housemates, he learned to keep his bad feelings in the back burner and move along.
somewhere along his late teens, he met andromeda. that's when things really changed. if you asked him now, he'd tell you with sparkling eyes and a silly grin that his life can be easily divided into two chunks: pre-dromeda, post-dromeda.
when he fell in love with her, he didn't know things were gonna be so hard for them. they were young, and innocent, and love bloomed inside of him like it never had before. before they even married, before they even shared a first kiss, he'd say -- she was his home. he was smitten, painfully so. his friends would tease him for it, but he couldn't stop the way the smallest mention of her name would bring a grin to his lips.
it was difficult, watching her separate from her family to be with him. not that he liked them, by any means -- he mostly hates them, nowadays, for making her suffer like this --, but they were her family. he knew it wasn't so easy for her to leave everything behind. he knew it had meant so much strength of her, and so much love, too, that she had for him. he didn't even think himself worthy of it, at the time.
for a while, before they really married, he was scared she would regret this, or resent him, or just wake up one day and realize he wasn't what she really wanted. he loved her, he loved her unconditionally and endlessly, and he just wanted to see her happy. he still finds himself immensely lucky that her happiness is with him.
he always had a way with words, so the job at the daily prophet seemed like a safe way to go. a different perspective, they said about him when he first joined. he can't know for sure what they meant, but he'll take a guess and say it's because of his muggleborn lineage. he writes a small column about random news that no one else seems to care about, but it brings him great joy. a new sign at flourish & blotts, the new ice cream flavor at florean's, the weeds that are growing rapidly around the tiles of diagon alley. silly things that he gets to wax poetical about -- somehow they've left him keep the spot on the paper for a good few years now.
when nymphadora was born, ted found out his heart could still grow. he found out he still had more love in him to give, more room in his heart, no matter how full it already felt. love, love, love, his whole life was so full of love. after never feeling like he belongs anywhere, after pushing through everything the world had managed to throw at him, he finds himself at peace. he has his two girls -- nothing else should matter.
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greaserink · 5 years
How does one becomes greaser :o? I really like your style and enjoy 60s rock but I don't know what MAKES a good greaser?
How to be a Greaser
Greasers, rockabillys, teddy boys, etc. have been around since the 50's, and they were the first beginnings of the American rebels, the first hooligans and the first anti establisment generation.
With being a greaser comes a certain mindset too!
1. The Attitude
Greasers have always been and will be rebels, one's to stick it to the man because you won't let others put you down. Be yourself and don't be ashamed of it.
The culture started up because kids wanted to just be themselves, be kids and have some fun.
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Be confident
Stand up for yourself
Walk with purpose
Don't take shit
Be a rebel and have fun with it
Keep composed/stay chill
Not much to it since attitude and presenting yourself how you want differs person to person, but this is a basis for how a greaser tends to act. Not always.
2. The Look
Now we all know the staple slicked back hair and leather jacket look that is the stereotype for greasers. Nah, there's more to it than that.
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There's TONS of ways to do your hair up right, especially now with the influence of the modern greaser look.
A pompadour is what you're used to seeing for a greaser, it's just slicked back hair with quite a bite more volyme and the sides long too; volume back then was a new concept since hats were slowly going out of style do guys didn't need to use brilliantine no more. So they were trying new things with their hair.
Slicking your hair or putting it up is very essential for that greaser look and took me a lot of trial and error to find out what works for me. That moves me onto....
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You can use gels and clays if you wanna, but pomade help get that actual original classy look. I am a basic bitch and use Suavecito; it gets me what I want and it isn't too heavy to not let me get the volume I strive for. You also want a good comb, I have thick hair so I get a pretty  sturdy black comb.
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Not a lot of color, huh? Greasers I know usually don't wear tons. It is usually very muted then.
T-shirts are a go-to for me. Tucking them in really seals the deal too. However, you can wear plaid shirts, flannels, or checkered shirts. I myseld was raised by a hot rod man so I was in the hot rod scene since a kid, so Rat Fink prints are very very popular in the car loving scene.
Pants, denim works perfectly. Haggar or just any sort of pants you can/wanna cuff can do nicely. Cuffing your jeans is that old school greaser thing for your straight cut ones. But skinny jeans is a more modern thing, do it if you want that; you won't come off old school with skinny jeans on.
Shoes. Now those are more flexible. Oxfords are amazing with thick soles. But you can use slip-on sneakers or vans as well. Black always is good, works with everything. Then of course you could wear some blue suedes.
Jackets. Those solidify the look, don't it? Biker jackets, bomber jackets, field jackets, varsity jackets, letterman, etc. I myself am still on my first jacket, which is a bomber jacket that I always keep open for easy access to my breadt pocket sonce my switchblade is usually there. Any of those, especially with real leather can do you good and do you good for a long time to keep any wind out. And I mean it.
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Accessorizing can really sell that look with a nice pair of aviators. I've got my own, the look like a trucker's pair. Switchblades. Now switchblades or any knife carrying differs where you come from and if you can conceal carry one too. I carry a stiletto on me usually in my jacket's pocket. Sometimes people like wallet chains though for self defense since they are legal anywhere and there for ya if you don't have a weapon on ya.
3. Music
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Rock 'n roll, doo-wops, rockabilly, psychobilly, etc. There are many genres that are notorious for greasers to love, but a rockabilly doesn't have to tie themself down to just one type of course. I have friends who are down to listening to punk rock or even metal.
4. Don't be a Poser
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A poser is a person pretending to be who they aren't. Meaning, a person who doesn't know half about the culture and says they are right no matter what and aren't up for learning anything new.
You don't know everything, you always have something else to learn.
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zenruption · 4 years
Winter Wardrobe: Best Colors to Wear
by Janie Wilson
We tend to wear black colors during winter. And this can get really boring. Black outfits with the splash of gray are easily becoming our go-to.
I’m not suggesting a head-to-toe all-bright color this winter. But there are some top colors that you can incorporate into your wardrobe for color and fashion. You can have colorful tights to brighten up your look. They can also be easily combined with dresses and skirts that you already have.
Want to have a change in your winter wardrobe? You may be looking for other color combinations other than black and gray for this winter. Reading this would be perfect!
Colors to Brighten Up Your Winter Wardrobe
Here are the 4 hit colors that will help give life to your winter wardrobe:
This is less festive than the typical red. Burgundy is an easy color to find to have it in your winter wardrobe. It combines well with other dark hues as well as various prints. Add this color of tights so you can instantly brighten up your looks!
You can also complete your looks with burgundy leg warmers for a pop of color!
Mustard Yellow
This shade of yellow is the winter’s answer to this summer hue. I love mustard yellow! You can add this to your wardrobe with mustard yellow boot cuffs or tights. They pair well with denim pieces, leggings and dark dresses.
Navy Blue
Navy blue reminds us of the black color, they are almost the same. But the subtle difference can brighten up your wardrobe! You can wear navy tights with bold prints and complimentary colors like gray and beige. It’s a simple yet different look! 
You can also pair navy with black.
This is another beautiful yet subtle color to add to your winter looks. Plum tights and thigh-high socks blend well with other colors. Also, in neutrals like black and gray. For a chic and trendy look, you can wear plum thigh-high socks over a pair of printed tights.
Perfect Color Combinations for Winter Wardrobe
It takes talent and a little knowledge to look stylish while staying warm during the winter. We have listed the very best examples of winter color combinations! This will help you choose the right colors and end up with a stylish and modern look.
Moss and Yellow
Brown and Carmine 
Gray and Purple
Blue and Emerald
Brown and Carmine
Shades of Violet
Candy Tones
Blue and Gray
Red and Beige
Monochromatic Colors
Pieces to Wear Color on in Winter
When you invest in tailoring, it’s better to avoid anything that’s currently the shade of the season. Choose a classic tone that will look smart even for the years to come. Experiment with checks, stripes and textured finishes. You can also consider colorful jackets and gray trousers, or vice versa.
To help you easily brighten up... winter accessories like hats, scarves and gloves is a great choice when it comes to color. Start with one piece at a time. It can be a bag or some jewelry to build up your sense of adventure.
Camel coats are smart and neutral-ish. But a welcome change from the usual sea of gray, black and navy.
When it comes to footwear, the rules of color matching go well. Sneakers can and should be worn in every color of the rainbow. But even in smarter situations... a pair of oxblood brogues or blue suede derbies can help lift a boring outfit.
When it comes to knitwear, more is more! You can play around with colors, textured finishes, intarsia knits. And subtle flecked designs. 
For a modern look, try something with a graphic logo or geometric design. 
Three Ways to Wear Color in Winter
Colder months are not short of occasions to dress up for. There are Christmas parties, winter weddings and New Year’s Eve.
Lift your surroundings with a suit in bottle green or burgundy. Stick to a white shirt or dark tie. A bold pair of socks are nice ways to throw even more color into the mix! Just avoid anything that could be described as even remotely festive.
Smart-Casual is more of your mood, not a required dress code. Most of the time, a sweatshirt, trousers and a pair of sneakers will do. If they are worn with the right attitude. You can choose a respectable color for your top – royal blue or burnt orange, without any prints. Pair it with a classic shade for your bottom like navy or gray.
When you’re already an adult, snow days stop becoming a thing. The best thing about winter is that you have the freedom to go full-on cozy boy. You can wear heavy knitwear, sweats and fleece.
You can try wearing color-blocked zip-through in earthly shades. With washed-out denim or a pair of thick chinos cuffed over colorful hiking sneakers.
To help you put colors together for your winter OOTD, watch this video:
A tweak to your usual color wheel is the easiest way to light up dull outfits. Especially in winter. We are tempted to stay in the warm and dark colors of navy, black and gray. As you follow the suggestions above, you’re up for an awesome look even in the winter season.
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looksbylauren · 7 years
Falling out of Summer Love
No one ever wants summer to end. Long and lazy days spent chilling by the pool (Actually I’ve only gotten to wear one swimsuit this entire summer!), going on walks, and binging your newest favorite TV show are all too good to leave behind.  But as the end of August comes closer and the autumn weather starts to roll in, it’s time to put away your sandals, shorts, and crop tops, right? Here in the South, we’re known for having summer weather (and humidity) until about early October so it is not abnormal to see people still wearing summer clothes out and about. However there is a line between summer clothes and warm weather clothes. But I digress.
There are plenty of ways to incorporate your favorite fall pieces into the new season. Instead of a simple look book of outfits that incorporate summer pieces into fall outfits, I thought I would give you all some tips and guidelines to help you make the most of your seasonal pieces.
1. Color
Color plays a huge part in how we perceive seasons and emotions. Many people associate bright colors with spring and summer and dark colors with fall and winter. But dark fall colors don’t have to be gloomy and boring. Instead of color, think of tone. Tone is the shade of each color (i.e. light blue to dark blue). Instead of shying away from your favorite shirt just because it’s yellow, look at the tone of the color. If it’s in the mid-range or darker, it’s probably safe to wear for fall. Another tip is to look for colors that feel deep and warm. Does the color make you feel cozy? A silly question, I know, but when I think of fall, I think of warm and cozy nights with a blanket and some warm tea. Think about how fall makes you feel and see if the colors make you feel the same way. Stay away from lights, pastels, or neon tones though - those definitely scream summer. If you do choose a brighter color, try incorporating some of the other tips below.
Also, if you’re having some trouble thinking about color, here is Pantone’s Fall 2017 picks. Pantone pulls color inspiration from Fashion Week trends. Notice not all of these colors are dark. There’s a more subdued green and a light pink as well as a deeper coral color and a light gray.
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Image: Pantone
2. Layers
To me, fall means layers. Scarves and cardigans and socks peeking out from my boots. Why are layers so popular in the fall? It allows you to remove or add clothing for unexpected weather. Sometimes in the fall it can go from chilly to warm in one day. Plus, layers add an array of textures and colors to your outfit that provides visual interest and variety. Simply adding a medium weight knit cardigan or a light weight scarf to your summer staples can help make them feel more fall-like. For a more polished look, add a light colored trench coat or blazer. Even a light colored leather jacket could work for those days where you want to feel a little more BA than you already are.
3. Shoes
I’ve always said shoes can make or break an outfit. Nothing is worse than someone looking at you from head to ankle and then saying “what are thoseeee!” once they get to your shoes. But that may be a post for another time! Shoes are a big part of fall. Instead of sandals and wedges we switch to my favorite: boots! Boots can instantly make your outfits feel less summery. For the fall, I like to wear booties or boots that are leather (rather than suede) and brown or gray. I have a pair of black ankle moto boots that I usually wear almost every day because they’re so easy to slip on. They match all of my outfits and don’t feel too wintery. Try finding some cute socks to peek out of the tops of your boots to add a fun, layered look.
If you’re not feeling boots, flats are making a major comeback. They’re closed toe but provide a level of comfort. Similar to your summer sandals, they can be casual or dressy. And now there are so many varieties! I personally like ones with laces or studs. A pointed toe gives a more put together look. Or a nice loafer shoe is great for an extra level of professionalism.
4. Accessories
Hats and scarves are some of my favorite accessories. But now there is such a range! There are summer scarves and floppy hats and those can still work for fall! Again look at colors - bright scarves can pair great with darker colors and jackets. Save your chunky knit scarves for the winter months. As for hats, I would switch out your straw hat for one made of wool or felt for a more luxe look. Baseball caps are also a very cute and casual option. But those aren’t the only accessories. Sheer or lace tights are a great option for incorporating your shorts, skirts, or dresses into your fall wardrobe. I usually reserve leggings for winter since they are thicker. The sheer ones allow you to show some skin while still being covered. Put away your bright colored sunglasses and opt for browns and blacks with gold detailing. Gold jewelry pairs nicely with those deeper jewel toned outfits. And look for purses with deeper colors like a nice camel or black faux leather bag.
5. Jeans
By far the simplest way to convert your summer tops to fall staples is to just add jeans. A lot of the tops I wear can work for any season but by simply adding jeans instead of shorts, you can instantly transform your look.
Now moving onto some specific summer items that you may want to convert to the autumn weather:
“I can’t crop my crop tops from my life”
Me too, girl. Luckily crop tops come in so many styles and variations that it’s easier than you think to add them to your fall look. Opt for a long sleeve version of your favorite crop top. It will instantly make you seem more ready for the fall weather. If your crop tops are on the darker/deeper tone side, pair it with some dark wash high waisted jeans and a loose fitting cardigan. Most crop tops and skinny jeans are tight, so a loose cardigan will help balance everything out.
“I’m sad to see my florals go”
Florals still work for the fall! Flowers grow all around us at all times of the year. Stay away from summer prints like pineapples or palm leaves as well a bright tropical flowers. Look for smaller florals on dark backgrounds and you should be all set to use the tips above to transform your flowery pieces for fall.
“But I just bought all these off-the-shoulder tops at the summer sale”
Those tops have been so popular, I see them in every store I go to! If your tops don’t feel too summery, add a light scarf to it or a sleeveless cardigan. That way you can still see your shoulders and the sleeve detailing but you’ll have an extra layer to add a little warmth and bulk.
“Labor Day is coming. RIP white clothes”
I never really understood this rule. Maybe because it provides the perfect backdrop to make those summer colors and prints pop. White is so versatile it can work for any time of year in my opinion! Look for off-whites or creams instead of stark white. My trick is to always add a cream or gray cardigan on top and add a burgundy or navy scarf. It’s lighter than those darker fall colors but again, adds some visual weight and texture to the look. As for things like white eyelets, those do have summer written on them to me. Maybe save those for spring, it will be here faster than you think!
“Rompers, I’ll miss you.”
There are few things I love more than a good romper. And I have a black one that fits me so well! But rompers, like everything else I mentioned, can transition too. If the neckline is right, add a silk blouse underneath your romper. If your romper is on the simple side, a blouse with interesting sleeves, collars, or even ones with a bow tie in the front can make for a really cute outfit. If not, a light colored faux leather jacket or blazer can work too. Pair your romper with some tights and booties and you’re all set! Just be sure to take it easy on the drinks that day - using the bathroom with all those layers would be a pain!
In summary: Look for deeper and richer colors in your closet, add some layers for extra warmth and texture, and simply altering your shoes or accessories or pants can make a big difference.
Hopefully this very lengthy post helped you with turning YOUR summer outfits into a fall wardrobe. Don’t limit your clothes to just one season or event. Get the most out of your wardrobe and think of creative ways to make your clothes work for practically any occasion. And we all know I like getting more bang for your buck when it comes to clothes! Happy fall!
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elicatherogue · 7 years
10 Tips From a Cosplayer
Okay, so I’ve been doin this nonsense for about 8 years now and here are my 10 biggest tips for anyone else doing this sadistic hobby (This is a bit geared towards people who make costumes just FYI. I will post another more geared for beginners or those who buy later)
1) Remember Why You Do This.
Maybe you showed up to con and were 1 of 74 Jinx’s. Or maybe your costume wasn’t as accurate as someone else’s. Or maybe it feels like everyone else made theirs and you bought yours. So what? Did you have fun? Did you meet friends, and/or bond with the people you came with? Unless you’re in the contests, remember that it ISN’T a contest. And even the contests are meant to be fun. Alternatively, don’t let any elitist fans ruin your fun.
2) Don’t Take Yourself So Seriously.
Remember that being a cosplayer doesn’t make you ‘more’ of a fan than someone who doesn’t. Remember that you do this for your own enjoyment and that is all that matters. Spend as long or as little as you want on a costume, end a con with 20 silly selfies and some new friends, compliment that other cosplayer in the same outfit because you clearly both have something in common, don’t think of them as competition.
3) Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help.
Parents, siblings, teachers, friends, neighbors, craft store employees, theater teachers, art teachers, people online. There are tons of people who could offer help with even little things like what glue to use on foam that needs heatshaping(non-flammable x-treme elmers glue is nice) , what paint to use on leggings (apparently fabric paint stretches with it just fine), ask your grandma what stitch is best for rounded edges on cotton (idk), ask a JoAnn’s associate what thread to use. In my experience store associates are extremely helpful, even with things like a second opinion on matching colors.
4) Use Coupons.
Seriously. If you can, set up an email just for coupons. Going to Michaels for a 2 dollar little thing of paint? Use that coupon they emailed you and now it’s 75 cents and you have more money for other things like fancy fabric or idk food. Check if any stores have student or teacher or senior discounts if that’s applicable, then you’ll have a discount even without coupons. Especially good for big purchases. If you’re buying everything at once there is almost definitely some sort of 5 off of 30 type of coupon out there. If you are able, this is a good way to set up a savings for con or your next costume maybe, just look at the receipt, see how much you saved and set that much (or a part) aside for food/hotel/gas/merch.
5) Look at your Source.
No matter how well you know your character or your design do not go very long without looking at the source. Working on a wig? Have a picture in front of you the whole time. Maybe sketch out the different angles beforehand. Going fabric shopping? Stare at the original. If you print out a reference pic know that it may be slightly off. If you’re doing a costume where the color seems different in every shot (like Rey from Star Wars) then pick the one you like. If you can, consider coloring or painting a swatch of the color on an index card and bringing it with you to compare. Seriously. Keep checking the source when working. It’s equivalent to “measure twice cut once”.
6) Measure Twice Cut Once.
Even in crunch. I know, it’s stressful and scary and frustrating but you know what is more frustrating and scary and stressful? It being 8pm the night before the con and you just cut that last bit of fabric too small. Or your wig too short. Seriously. Just double check yourself.
7) Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself.
Outdated meme but useful tip. If you’re getting anxious to a difficult level, or exhausted physically or mentally  address it. Take a break. Take a nap. Eat a meal. Go for a walk. Watch an episode of that show you’re trying to cosplay. Play that game. Watch cosplay videos if you’re scared of losing motivation. Just don’t push yourself too hard or you risk messing up parts of your costume and more importantly, you risk hurting yourself. Don’t work until you accidentally stab yourself with a hot iron and have a panic attack. Would you rather spend 15 minutes playing with your cat or crying and bandaging yourself?
8) Use It.
Found some fabric you love for that SnK skirt thing, but it’s infused with glitter?Who cares, use it. Every cosplay you have seen of Red Hood has a lot of leather and cargo pants but you want skinny jeans and suede? Use it. The costume is for you. Make it how you want. To quote the great Hilary Duff “Why Not?” Also, go listen to that song if you need encouragement. 
9) Enjoy The Whole Process.
Maybe it is redundant at this point but seriously. Have fun. Not just at the con, party, photoshoot, meetup etc. Have a wig styling party. You finished that jacket? Nice, wear it out shopping and be proud. Make a playlist for each character you work on or general motivational music. 8-tracks.com is great for this too. Test those seams/that hairgel/ those shoes/ flexibility by putting on your jam and dancing around. Send snapchats to your friends when you test your make up. Skype your aunt to show off that circle skirt. Put your hat on your dog. 
10) Procrastination isn’t Great.
Probably don’t put off making your costume by making a list of tips for other people.
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peentuba9-blog · 5 years
The Friday Five | August 2018
This cute outfit is linked in THIS post!
Hi there, friends!
I don’t know about y’all but this month has flown by! Fully embracing the opportunity to unplug, whether it be with my family in the mountains of North Carolina, college girlfriends in Jacksonville Beach, or one of my best friends in Spain, this month has been nothing short of a blessing … and all because of a conscious choice to let my people trump productivity and ‘doing it all’. While I love what I do, it can be easy to let the fusion that exists between my personal and professional life cause me to get too caught up in capturing the moments with people I love rather than fully being present in them. I have come to realize that I have been robbing myself of ‘rest’ when I try and capture everything. So, although I love sharing, and I am certainly a natural sharer, I’ve found a lot of joy in keeping some moments to myself …
What was it about this month that gave YOU life? Be sure to share in the comments below. One random commenter will receive a surprise gift from me. The winner will be announced on Instagram stories on Monday!
Okay, let’s get this edition of the Friday Five started! At the end of the post, I linked ALL of my outfit details from my recent trip to Spain. If you had questions about ANY outfit from my trip, it is linked in this post!
5 Items I’m Buying From The Sephora Rouge Sale
Beauty products can get really expensive … am I right? One of the reasons why I love shopping at Sephora is because the more I invest in making my beauty product purchases there, the more I am able to save when the Sephora Rouge and VIB sales come around a couple of times a year! Their Rouge sale begins today for Rouge members and VIB members get to enjoy the savings next week!
What are you purchasing?? I feel like it’s important for us to share our lists with each other because there are just SO many goods on Sephora’s website. It’s hard to be in the know on EVERYTHING, hah! So, share in the comments what you’re buying and what I might want to consider!
A lot of what I’m considering are skincare products because those are so much more of an investment than any other beauty product. In my opinion, they’re far more important than any other beauty product. So, take advantage of the savings by investing in some of the skincare products you’ve been needing refill’s of or you’ve been tempting to try! Here’s my list:
Drunk Elephant
In my pursuit of being a consumer of clean and cruelty-free beauty products, it’s been hard to miss the buzz surrounding Drunk Elephant. I am so happy with the skincare products I have already invested in and use daily, as they also fit the bill as being either clean or cruelty-free. For that reason, I have been a little hesitant to check out Drunk Elephant but, I figured there couldn’t be a better time than now to give them a try to see if I’d like to incorporate any of their products into my routine as an addition or replacement. I decided to start with this eight mini product set called The Littles. It has a value of $123 but is sold at Sephora for $90, however, with the sale is $72 so that’s an over $50 savings in value! I’d say that’s a pretty good deal for EIGHT products!
Ole Henriksen
Vitamin C is necessary for collagen production and maintenance. If you’re new to skincare, collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and is what gives structure to your hair, skin and nails. It’s important for your skincare products to promote the production of collagen as it will help improve your skin’s youthful elasticity. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that can neutralize free radicals in the skin and, ultimately, helps to soften fine lines and wrinkles and prevent new ones. My old Vitamin C cream was by a brand that was not cruelty-free so I had to part ways with it and have been keeping me eyes open for a new one. I have been looking at this one by OleHenriksen, which is a natural skincare brand based in Los Angeles, California. It’s sold at Sephora and if you peruse the list of products available to try, it’s easy to see how many of them have almost a full five stars. Today, I am picking up this C-Rush Brightening Gel Creme [if you prefer serums, they have this Vitamin C serum] and their cleansing cloth wipes. I know makeup removing wipes aren’t great but I do like getting the initial layer of makeup off with them before starting my full skincare routine. I’m also looking at trying their daily moisturizer and their cold pore mask!
I have been using this liquid eyeliner by Model Co. + Karl Lagerfeld and I absolutely love it! However, it is a little pricey and I have been looking for one that stands up to it in terms of quality but is a little easier on the bank account. I am going to try out this Stila Liquid Eyeliner. The sale price of the Stila eyeliner is $12 less than the Model Co. one, which is considerably less! So, I will report back and let you know if it’s a comparable product to the one I’ve been raving about!
Kate Somerville
I absolutely love Kate Somerville products, especially her exfoliator treatment, and have been looking to see how I can incorporate more of her products into my daily skincare regimen. I don’t have many things that I need, to be honest, but an acne spot treatment is something that I don’t currently have due to having to discard some of my products with the transition to cruelty-free. So, I’m excited to give this product a try. Have you tried it? Or have you tried this one by her? Let me know if you prefer one over the other!
All of her products are cruelty-free and they are all highly rated on Sephora’s website!
Violet Voss
If you’re a longtime follower, you know my love for eyeshadow palettes and that, when I wear makeup, I typically have my eyes done up! Truth is, putting on eye makeup in the morning is a really fun way for me to just zone out before the day begins. I have this palette and this palette by Violet Voss and they are two of my most used. Their eyeshadow palettes offer a variety of shades that are highly pigmented and blendable. I need another eyeshadow palette like I need a hole in my head, but I am tempted by this palette made up of very basic, traditional shades that I think are perfect for everyday eyeshadow combinations, especially with the Fall season creeping up, where we’re more inclined to wear deep berry, lavendar, burnt oranges, and browns. What do you think? Work with what I’ve got or indulge??
5 Safety Tips for Traveling Solo Like A Pro
Look up the route to your destination ahead of time and familiarize yourself with it before leaving your current location.
There’s nothing wrong with having an app help you get to where you’re going but doing this will help you not look so much like a tourist, constantly looking down at the route and trying to figure out what street to turn on. 
Walk confidently.
You can easily stand out as a tourist in some destinations but I find that if you act like you know where you’re going you can really fool people into thinking you’ve been here awhile. When I’m in London, walking confidently comes very natural to me because I am so familiar and comfortable in the city. People stop me to ask me how to get places all the time. I definitely think that when you look confident and competent in the place you’re in, people will see you as that, as well, and therefore, might not mark you as a target.
Keep in touch with one person at home consistently while you’re on your trip.
Touch base with this person every morning and every evening, always keeping them up to date on your plans for the day and when you arrive safely back at your place of accommodation. This will be helpful in identifying whether there were any issues throughout your day that someone might otherwise not know about. If you don’t have a great international plan, you can always use Facebook. I personally use What’sApp but there is Viber available to use, as well.
Leave the flashy stuff at home.
You never want to draw too much attention to yourself when you’re traveling solo so as to not give anyone who might be looking for an easy target to guess maybe you’re not from the area and you’re traveling by yourself. So, leave any nice jewelry or designer items at home. When I’m walking around London by myself, with no photoshoots planned, I wear basics like skinny jeans and a tee, maybe a jean jacket, and very simple makeup … foundation, concealer, powder and mascara. 
Don’t stay out too late and don’t drink too much.
When you’re traveling alone, it’s important to keep an eye on your surroundings at all times and that can be hard to do at night, in an unfamiliar place when you’ve maybe had one too many cocktails. Drinking could also potentially cause you to become Chatty Kathy at the bar and disclose to the wrong person that you are traveling by yourself. I think it’s fun to meet new people when you’re traveling but I do think you need to pick the times and places that you disclose that information very carefully when you’re by yourself!
Five Pre-Fall Items To Buy Now
I’m such a sucker for a pointed-toe bootie, or just shoe in general. There are a lot of new booties coming out with Western influences, whether it’s a stitched design within the leather or metal adages, like this one has. I’m thinking about giving these [seen left] a try when I get home as they are a little different than the other bootie styles I already own and I have been gravitating toward suede shoes for the Fall the last few seasons. These are a little pricey, but here are some other suede bootie options that are a little more affordable:
A wool hat is the one Fall accessory that I feel completes your outfit. The great thing about this accessory is that they are typically very affordable! Here are three that I think are super cute and versatile! Two are under $100 and another is a little higher quality, which I find to have better shape:
Simply tap the hat you want to shop to be taken to the product page!
A suede moto jacket is to Fall what a fitted blazer is to Spring. It’s a great way to elevate any basic Fall outfit. I got this jacket in a deep purple color last year and couldn’t justify the price when I knew I wouldn’t wear it that often. After returning it, I missed out on my chance at a neutral color in my size so decided to wait to purchase it this year. I should be getting this one in the next couple of days and I’ll be sure to review it for you guys on Instastories!
I got an XS because I do remember that it runs true to size, which is a rarity in outerwear, in my opinion! So, opt for your usual size! Also, the quality of this jacket is top notch for under $200!
Blanket scarves are essentially just large scarves that make you feel like you’ve wrapped yourself in the warmest blanket you own. They are a fun accessory to throw on to add a little personality to your outfit! Now is a good time to pick up a really affordable one before they’re all picked over! If none of these fit your fancy, be sure to check out a retailer like ASOS a few times a week to see their new arrivals. They always have really great, affordable blanket scarf options!
This one by White + Warren is my all time favorite, though! It may be pricey but it keeps me so warm!
Basics are going to be the most worn items in your closet this season. Basics range from striped tees that go with cardigans and jackets to skinny jeans that go perfectly underneath your favorite over-the-knee boots! These are items that you will see bloggers style continuously and later in the season, you’ll wish you had bought them earlier because they’re sold out of your size! Buy these items now! I promise. You will thank me later!
To help you out, I have rounded up a few of my favorite basics below:
Five Things I Want To Accomplish Before the End of the Year
I didn’t share my New Years Resolutions with you all but one of them was to read one book a month and, well, I’ve failed miserably at this. I started reading again while I was in Spain and am now a few chapters deep in two different books: The Londoners by Craig Taylor and Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis. I read so many books when I lived in London because I always had my Kindle with me and would always read on the tube because I never had service down there. I pumped the breaks a bit when I got back and wish I hadn’t. It’s hard to start again but after getting started on those two, I really am energized to keep going. Here’s my list of books that I want to read and am challenging myself to finish six of them by the end of the year:
Travel diaries are some of the most time intensive blog posts that I put together for AlysonHaley.com and, while they are also one of my favorite posts to put together, I simply am not able to get them all done in as timely of a manner as I would like. This is often because, when I return from my trips, I am juggling so many other projects and investing time in other posts that also take quite a bit of time, like Friday Five’s or Beauty reviews, for example. So, before the end of the year, I’d really like to finish the travel diaries for Curaçao, Paris, Boston, Amsterdam, Positano, Lisbon, Porto and Spain. I also want to do a post on Procida, Italy and the four little fairytale towns I went to in France last year. Will it happen? Honestly, probably not. Those are going to take awhile and the busiest season of the year [for bloggers] is on its way! So, I will absolutely work hard to get the ones that I can to you but, just so I know, which of these three do you want to see? Fill in your choices HERE.
Last year, I worked out with my friend and trainer, Troy, and shared it with y’all in a couple of posts. After my travels started really picking up toward the end of the year, I was really bad about scheduling myself to get back into the gym. It was a crazy time of year for me and I just told myself that I didn’t have the time to do it. I also moved so that didn’t help. The truth is, you have time for what you make time for and I should be investing more in my health and wellness. After having knee surgery in April and going through a few rehab appointments, it was really clear to me how much weaker my right knee and thigh muscles are compared to my left. I’ve definitely been working it out with all the walking I’ve been doing in Italy, Portugal and Spain but I really need to work on strengthening. So, I’ve been thinking about calling up Troy and seeing if he’ll take me back 🙂
I absolutely love all of the cool tones and romantic feel of my living room but I am thinking about making some changes this Fall. I am talking with my friend, Vonna Kelly, who is a local interior designer, about some ideas and I’m really excited to see what we come up with! I’ll have to introduce her to y’all. She’s super sweet and so good at what she does!
So, I shared in a Travel Q&A that I did on my IG stories with Whitney that I have been talking with an immigration lawyer based in London to explore the possibility of moving there. It’s a huge decision and it would likely change / impact my business greatly. My Dad always told me that you can have all the ideas that you want but, before going after any of them, doing your research could potentially benefit the implementation of those ideas greatly. So, I’m in a research phase right now. I have the blessing and support of my family if I do want to do it. They know how much I love it there and, although they don’t want me to be that far, they would help any way they can to help me see it happen. However, I still have a few people I need / would like to speak with before making any final decisions. This is something that likely wouldn’t happen until 2020, if I’m honest, so let’s not all get ahead of ourselves, hah! There are some other things I want to do before making a move like that but I’ll be keeping those to myself for now but essentially they are things that would put me in a better position while I’m over there.
Five Spain Outfits With Earrings On Sale
Baublebar is hosting a huge 20-30% off sale right now and I styled so many of my favorites while I was in Spain. I rounded up ALL of my Spain outfits below, for your convenience, but five of them include earrings that are included in the sale!
I love these turquoise earrings so much! They are so fun paired with this top! Snag them now for up to 30% off! And, don’t miss this top, either! It comes in three other color / pattern color combinations!
These adorable statement earrings are currently on sale for up to 30% off!
I got so many sweet compliments on my jumpsuit! It is super sassy and perfect for a date night or fun night out with your girlfriends! Whit and I’s espadrille wedges were both handmade in Spain so cannot be linked.
My floral cami is actually a body suit and currently on MAJOR sale. It also comes in three other color / print options!
These adorable statement earrings are currently on sale for up to 30% off!
Everything I’m wearing, except my sunnies, is under $75!
My dress is under $55. My slides are under $70. My earrings are currently on sale!
How adorable is this dress? It flows so freely! I love it! My earrings match perfectly and are currently on sale!
Thanks for stopping by, lovelies! I hope y’all have a great weekend and thank you for showing my friends who took over the blog while I was away all the love! You guys flocked to all of their posts and I know they appreciate it, as do I! 🙂 xo.
Source: https://alysonhaley.com/2018/08/the-friday-five-august-2018.html/
0 notes
elim19600 · 7 years
A girl named Aphra
Aphra’s First Mission
             It’s my seventeenth birthday today as I walked through the streets of Misty Hollow. The outskirts of Saxon. Here you have a couple of suburbs but it’s right on the edge. You still have a couple skyscrapers but it’s mostly slums, alleyways, and government housing. It’s dirty, overrun with vagabonds and homeless. Every street is littered with garbage, the police are nonexistent, and it reeks of hate. I’m looking for trouble, I’m looking for those people that don’t deserve what they have. I need change, this place deserves better. There are good people here, (not many,) but there are.
Wouldn’t you know it, as I turn the corner onto Oceanfront, I see him walking out and getting in his chauffeured black sedan. Adam McCoy is a banker on paper, but he’s really a filthy, no good thief. A loan shark that takes hard earned money from single mothers, forces small businesses to go bankrupt, and evades taxes, just to name a few. Not only is he ugly on the inside but he may be worse on the outside. He’s a short, fat man that you can smell from a block away. His nose is a sandwich that’s been cut diagonally. One of his eyelids won’t open all the way and his face is covered in warts.  I’ve been investigating him for a while now, and I thought tonight was the night I was going to take him down. Until I learned something valuable. I decided to tail him as he left and zapped myself to the top of the building. I watched as his big luxury car rumbled into traffic and headed straight on Oceanfront south. It was late in the afternoon so there was plenty of traffic. I couldn’t see him through the tinted windows but he was undoubtedly sipping his flask and filling the car with smoke from a giant cigar. The car eventually made it four blocks and turned right, away from the ocean and into one of the worse parts of Misty Hollow where there are high-rise apartments and low-life scum. His driver dropped him off at his building, five more blocks west down Twenty-eighth street. That was an easy tail job for me. I could practically see the whole journey from the top of the first building. But getting inside may be a challenge, residents and employees only.
I walked casually up to the building. The bellhop was outside smoking. Cute blonde headed kid, thin, bony face, and deep blue eyes. He was wearing the typical uniform. Red, cylindrical hat, black pants and shoes, and the red vest. He looked like he didn’t know too much of anything. I walked up and asked if I could get inside, well of course that didn’t work out too well. I didn’t have time to mess around. I made him walk around the corner to inspect some garbage. (I’m telepathic remember?) I took his card key before he left and walked inside. Not a fancy building to say the most, dirty tan carpet with stains, the wood used for the customer counter was cheap and damaged. The furniture in the lobby was all faux suede, also dirty and stained. The whole place smelled musty and wet, some corners most likely had mold. The walls were cheap flower printed wallpaper that had begun peeling at the corners. This is where it got tricky. The first thing I noticed was a large man in a dark suit with no earthly reason for being there.  This certainly drew a red flag for me, it was late. There was only one purpose for him being there. He worked for Adam, and was certainly carrying a gun, as well as a radio or some other form of instant communication. Surely this man wouldn’t see me as out of the ordinary, would he? I’m just another resident that works late and is just getting home. There’s no way that I’ve built a reputation in the crime community. I deter myself from questioning him and proceed through the lobby. The man comments and says he hasn’t seen me around the building before. “just moved in a week ago.” I say as I try to keep moving. “hold it, missy” says the strange man. For a short second, I contemplated having some fun, but I was in deep. I needed to be careful. I decided again to just lead his mind into something else. I had to stop doing that, someone was sure to catch on that something suspicious is going on.
Speaking of which, the bellhop was coming back in; I made a dash for the elevator and went up. The elevator had to come down from the third floor, so that’s where I went.
When I stepped out onto the third floor, I noticed another man, dressed very similarly, tall and broad, with a bum leg, Walking away from me. I assumed he was patrolling. So I walked casually down his way, hoping I could figure out which room Adam McCoy lived in. The hallway wasn’t much different from the rest of the building or the lobby for that matter. A dark, almost burnt red carpet was chosen for the hallway floors and a similar wallpaper without the flowers for the walls, small metal arms held the lamps with little white lampshades every ten feet or so. Just as I assumed, the man in the dark suit reached the end of the hallway, paused, and simply turned around and began walking back my way. He was whistling and tapping the wall as he walked. I decided to begin as a lost girl. “Excuse me sir, do you know which room is Adam’s? I met him the other day and I wanted to thank him for helping me.” I said in a soft, coy voice. The man wasn’t that amused, but I saw a twinkle in his eye. “Lady, you best be gettin’ on now, I ain’t never heard o’ no Adam. You on the wrong floor.” He replied in a southern drawl. He may have been a bad person, he most certainly carried a gun, but I could tell he was trying to be nice to me. But I knew if I were to ask him again, he wouldn’t be so kind. I had to think quick; “listen, I gotta figure this out, you and I both know they are ways of doing this…” I retorted sternly, and paused for a moment to see if he would react. It took him to long so before he opened his mouth I teleported behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He twirled around, and when he saw me he reached in his suit jacket for his gun. I threw it out of his hand with a quick telekinetic toss. I quickly used the same power to close his windpipe, and I asked him again. This time he choked out “three-sixteen.” I let go and he dropped like a sack of potatoes. Just for added security I knocked him out with his gun and kept it. Of course, I wouldn’t use the gun but I would certainly dispose of it for him. It was just a cheap nine-millimeter made by some brand I had never heard of; he wouldn’t miss it much.
Now I began searching for room three-sixteen, I walked back down toward the elevator and found it halfway down on the right. I gave the door a light, quick rap and tried to look pretty in the peephole. I heard a table shake and a chair creak after a moment. Then I heard him walking toward the door. I heard him stop for a second, (probably looking through the peephole.) he undid the chain before he opened the door, a mistake he was about to regret. Although it did mean I must have looked pretty or he was interested one way or another. As he opened the door I stood there, confirming his identity. I considered tackling him and beating him within an inch of his life for being such a terrible person, but I kept my cool. “Excuse me sir, but I’m a tad lost and I need to call my mom… Or maybe you could help me, she lives on this floor, but I can’t remember her room number.” I said in a mellow voice, trying to come off like a young teenager trying to be cool. “sure, come in, you can use my phone.” He replied, sticking his head out to look both ways down the hallway before giving me a disgusting smirk. I walked in casually, it was a small apartment room. It had a small kitchen big enough for two people with one bar stool and no formal dining table. It was a mess, with dishes and other random things lying all over the counter, (mostly empty bottles of rum.) and dried food stuck to everything. The living room was also small, with two grey armchairs facing each other with a flower pot stand in the middle acting as a table, covered in half smoked cigars and ashes to the point you could barely tell there was even an ashtray in the middle. There was a hall closet on the left and a bedroom on the right, that was it. Ugly flower wallpaper and grey carpet, much like the hallway outside. “Thank you, I’ll just be a moment.” I replied, as I walked over to the phone that was laying on the floor behind one of the chairs. I picked up the old dingy, sticky phone that was at one point supposed to be white. I punched seven random numbers in slowly to act as if she were actually making a phone call while she thought of how to draw him over. “I think the number seven button is sticking, would you see if this phone number works for you?” I asked, holding the phone out toward him but not too far away, as he walked over, I reached into my pocket and grabbed the small gauge wire I had in my jacket pocket for this job. Adam snatched the phone away from her. “What’s the damn number?” He growled impatiently. At that moment, I grabbed his extended hand and pulled him close with his back facing me. With the cord, already in my right hand I wrapped it around his throat and used telekinesis to help pull and suffocate him. After his heart stopped, I used the bottom of my shirt to wipe off the phone. Also doing the same to the doorknob as I walked out, having not touched anything else. Why did I go through all that trouble when I can manipulate energy? I can’t kill everyone with my mind, it wouldn’t be any fun. I can’t kill everyone I meet either, these things have to look like they were done by everyday scumbags. Like I said before, I don’t have any kind of reputation with anyone. I don’t need to start one either. Those heroic stories of vigilantes you hear are glamorous, but when you’re actually killing people, all attention is bad attention. I’m new to crime fighting and I would rather not get killed before I’m old enough to drink. I’ll let the police find Adam and his hallway patrol, when they do, it won’t get back to me. The police will blame some other good for nothing Hench-man or maybe even a right hand man that may even help me track down more bad guys.  
0 notes
kobikoachman · 8 years
They are ever so comfortable and have a stylish casual look about them. If you’ve decided to wear shorts to an event or an occasion that calls for it, here is how to wear it right.
  December 17th 2016 – it was the weekend after my birthday, I had spent a few weeks before then planning a pool party to celebrate it with a few friends. I assumed that everyone I had invited knew what to wear to a pool party.
On the D-day, as guests started arriving, I was pleased to see many of them dressed in the right outfit – loose chambray shirts, polo t-shirts, espadrilles or boat shoes and just-above-the-knee shorts – just as is right for the party.
A short while later, this gentleman walks in with my friend Kevin, wearing a nice brown boat shoe, white t-shirt and a Capris Pants.
What? … A Capris Pants?!
I can’t remember if it was a rhetorical question I was asking or an exclamation – but I pretty much remembered having a mixed feeling of disappointment and surprise.
Oh my apologies … for those of you who have never heard of Capris pants before I’m sure you must have heard of three-quarter length trousers. Correct! It’s the same thing.
Capris shorts
Now there are appropriate ways to wear Men’s Shorts, but one sure way not to get it wrong is to opt for just-above-knee length shorts. If you’re covering your knees, you’re not bold enough to be a man in shorts.
If your intention is to wear cropped trousers, there is a much better way to do it than wearing trousers that stop at the calf and pretend it is shorts – put on some real shorts. Here is how to get it right.
No1: Do not wear shorts when the weather is cold. You should only wear them in warm or hot weather.
No2: Do not wear shorts for formal or business engagements. Except the nature of your job permits you to wear them (e.g. gents in fashion industry), shorts are generally considered more appropriate for casual affairs.
No 3: Do not wear them on a first date, especially if you are above 30.
No 1: There are plenty of places where shorts are acceptable
No 2: If you’re on the beach, at a pool party or if it’s a summer weekend, then shorts are appropriate.
No 3: At the tennis court, golf course or outdoor sporting events as a spectator.
No 4: If you are out with friends at a restaurant, bar, café, pub, BBQ etc. then shorts are appropriate.
No 5: If you are attending an event in which you are expending physical energy shorts are also appropriate.
Your short should be just-above-knee length. Let’s explain exactly what this means. It means the length should be between 2-3 inches above the knee. It shouldn’t be more than that, unless for athletic shorts meant for running or other sporting activities.
To keep it safe: your thigh should NOT show when you are standing. And again avoid below the knee “shorts” – anything below the knee are not shorts any more.
Your shorts should not be too tight neither should it be baggy. It should just be a bit loose with a slim leg-opening. No jorts please (these are not for responsible adults). Also avoid pleats on shorts unless you are on the large size.
Make sure they fit around the waist, no one wants to see your boxer shorts.
The common styles available are Chinos Shorts, Board Shorts and Cargo Shorts. They can come in linen or cotton materials.
There are other varieties of styles but Chinos Shorts are more stylish than others and can comfortably be worn for outdoor casual occasions.
It comes in different variety of colors so you can mix and match effortlessly depending on other items of clothing and accessories you are pairing it with.
It also comes in plain (solid), patterns and print styles.
Some common solid plain colors for the plain types include khaki, off white, beige, brown, white, grey, tan, maroon etc.
Basically any type of slip-on shoe is appropriate.
Espadrilles, boat shoes, moccasins and casual penny loafers look great with shorts. But you can also wear it with canvas sneakers and sandals. If you are fashion forward, you can go for a brown or other non-black colored brogues or suede double monk strap shoes – they are appropriate for casual occasions.
Do not wear socks with these foot wears. If you must (maybe due to sweaty feet), ensure you wear no-show socks.
Shorts can be paired with long-sleeved shirts, polo t-shirts, Henley shirts, loose chambray shirts, short-sleeved shirts, basic t-shirts etc.
Avoid formal dress shirts (either barrel or French cuff shirts) with men’s shorts. If you must wear them, ensure you fold the hands.
Also avoid suit jacket, blazers or sports coat when wearing shorts except you are Nick Wooster or one of the few fashion forward people who like to break style rules for fashion’s sake.
Nick Wooster
Men in Tailored shorts
Yeah…that’s the only exception – if your job permits you to dress fashion forward or perhaps you work in fashion industries or some corporate organizations in some countries like South Africa and Bermuda, then you can wear it this way.
No 1: Bracelets: You can adorn your wrists with different kinds of bracelets – nautical trend, metal, leather and woven bracelets.
No 2: Belt: Go for either a summer fabric belt or narrow belts. These are most appropriate for men’s shorts.
No 3: Sunglasses: Wayfarers, Aviators, Club Masters, Rectangle frames etc. They are all perfect types you could go for. But endeavor to choose the best sunglasses for your face shape.
Others: Hats, Caps etc. These depend on your style preference as well as the occasion.
ALSO READ: 10 Accessories Every Gentleman Must Have in His Wardrobe
There you have it, shorts are modern piece of menswear that should be included in every gentleman’s wardrobe.
First you’ve learnt that rocking a three quarter pants is never a good idea when the occasion calls for men’s shorts. Then you’ve learnt how to wear, when to wear and when NOT to wear men’s shorts.
I believe that for some of you, this article has revealed a bunch of things you didn’t know before. In case, it contradicts with what you think is appropriate, please feel free to share. I’ll love to hear from you in the comment section below.
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Until next time…Continue to Do Well, Live Well and Dress Really Well. Stay Classy!
Yours in Style,
Kobi O. Mbagwu (Mr. Kobi) Founder, MrKoachman.com Connect with me
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    Men’s Shorts Style Guide | How To Wear Shorts The Right Way They are ever so comfortable and have a stylish casual look about them. If you’ve decided to wear shorts to an event or an occasion that calls for it, here is how to wear it right.
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elim19600 · 7 years
Aphra’s First Mission
 It’s my seventeenth birthday today as I walked through the streets of Misty Hollow. The outskirts of Saxon. Here you have a couple of suburbs but it’s right on the edge. You still have a couple skyscrapers but it’s mostly slums, alleyways, and government housing. It’s dirty, overrun with vagabonds and homeless. Every street is littered with garbage, the police are nonexistent, and it reeks of hate. I’m looking for trouble, I’m looking for those people that don’t deserve what they have. I need change, this place deserves better. There are good people here, (not many,) but there are.
Wouldn’t you know it, as I turn the corner onto Oceanfront, I see him walking out and getting in his chauffeured black sedan. Adam McCoy is a banker on paper, but he’s really a filthy, no good thief. A loan shark that takes hard earned money from single mothers, forces small businesses to go bankrupt and evades taxes, just to name a few. Not only is he ugly on the inside but he may be worse on the outside. He’s a short, fat man that you can smell from a block away. His nose is a sandwich that’s been cut diagonally. One of his eyelids won’t open all the way and his face is covered in warts.  I’ve been investigating him for a while now, and I thought tonight was the night I was going to take him down. Until I learned something valuable. I decided to tail him as he left and zapped myself to the top of the building. I watched as his big luxury car rumbled into traffic and headed straight on Oceanfront South. It was late in the afternoon so there was plenty of traffic. I couldn’t see him through the tinted windows but he was undoubtedly sipping his flask and filling the car with smoke from a giant cigar. The car eventually made it four blocks and turned right, away from the ocean and into one of the worse parts of Misty Hollow where there are high-rise apartments and low-life scum. His driver dropped him off at his building, five more blocks west down the Twenty-eighth street. That was an easy tail job for me. I could practically see the whole journey from the top of the first building. But getting inside may be a challenge, residents, and employees only.
I walked casually up to the building. The bellhop was outside smoking. Cute blonde headed kid, thin, bony face, and deep blue eyes. He was wearing the typical uniform. Red, cylindrical hat, black pants and shoes, and the red vest. He looked like he didn’t know too much of anything. I walked up and asked if I could get inside, well, of course, that didn’t work out too well. I didn’t have time to mess around. I made him walk around the corner to inspect some garbage. (I’m telepathic remember?) I took his card key before he left and walked inside. Not a fancy building to say the most, dirty tan carpet with stains, the wood used for the customer counter was cheap and damaged. The furniture in the lobby was all faux suede, also dirty and stained. The whole place smelled musty and wet, some corners most likely had mold. The walls were cheap flower printed wallpaper that had begun peeling at the corners. This is where it got tricky. The first thing I noticed was a large man in a dark suit with no earthly reason for being there.  This certainly drew a red flag for me, it was late. There was only one purpose for him being there. He worked for Adam and was certainly carrying a gun, as well as a radio or some other form of instant communication. Surely this man wouldn’t see me as out of the ordinary, would he? I’m just another resident that works late and is just getting home. There’s no way that I’ve built a reputation in the crime community. I deter myself from questioning him and proceed through the lobby. The man comments and says he hasn’t seen me around the building before. “just moved in a week ago.” I say as I try to keep moving. “hold it, missy” says the strange man. For a short second, I contemplated having some fun, but I was in deep. I needed to be careful. I decided again to just lead his mind into something else. I had to stop doing that, someone was sure to catch on that something suspicious is going on.
Speaking of which, the bellhop was coming back in; I made a dash for the elevator and went up. The elevator had to come down from the third floor, so that’s where I went.
When I stepped out onto the third floor, I noticed another man, dressed very similarly, tall and broad, with a bum leg, Walking away from me. I assumed he was patrolling. So I walked casually down his way, hoping I could figure out which room Adam McCoy lived in. The hallway wasn’t much different from the rest of the building or the lobby for that matter. A dark, almost burnt red carpet was chosen for the hallway floors and a similar wallpaper without the flowers for the walls, small metal arms held the lamps with little white lampshades every ten feet or so. Just as I assumed, the man in the dark suit reached the end of the hallway, paused, and simply turned around and began walking back my way. He was whistling and tapping the wall as he walked. I decided to begin as a lost girl. “Excuse me, sir, do you know which room is Adam’s? I met him the other day and I wanted to thank him for helping me.” I said in a soft, coy voice. The man wasn’t that amused, but I saw a twinkle in his eye. “Lady, you best be gettin’ on now, I ain’t never heard o’ no Adam. You on the wrong floor.” He replied in a southern drawl. He may have been a bad person, he most certainly carried a gun, but I could tell he was trying to be nice to me. But I knew if I were to ask him again, he wouldn’t be so kind. I had to think quick; “listen, I gotta figure this out, you and I both know they are ways of doing this…” I retorted sternly and paused for a moment to see if he would react. It took him to long so before he opened his mouth I teleported behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He twirled around, and when he saw me he reached in his suit jacket for his gun. I threw it out of his hand with a quick telekinetic toss. I quickly used the same power to close his windpipe, and I asked him again. This time he choked out “three-sixteen.” I let go and he dropped like a sack of potatoes. Just for added security I knocked him out with his gun and kept it. Of course, I wouldn’t use the gun but I would certainly dispose of it for him. It was just a cheap nine-millimeter made by some brand I had never heard of; he wouldn’t miss it much.
Now I began searching for room three-sixteen, I walked back down toward the elevator and found it halfway down on the right. I gave the door a light, quick rap and tried to look pretty in the peephole. I heard a table shake and a chair creak after a moment. Then I heard him walking toward the door. I heard him stop for a second, (probably looking through the peephole.) he undid the chain before he opened the door, a mistake he was about to regret. Although it did mean I must have looked pretty or he was interested one way or another. As he opened the door I stood there, confirming his identity. I considered tackling him and beating him within an inch of his life for being such a terrible person, but I kept my cool. “Excuse me sir, but I’m a tad lost and I need to call my mom… Or maybe you could help me, she lives on this floor, but I can’t remember her room number.” I said in a mellow voice, trying to come off like a young teenager trying to be cool. “sure, come in, you can use my phone.” He replied, sticking his head out to look both ways down the hallway before giving me a disgusting smirk. I walked in casually, it was a small apartment room. It had a small kitchen big enough for two people with one bar stool and no formal dining table. It was a mess, with dishes and other random things lying all over the counter, (mostly empty bottles of rum.) and dried food stuck to everything. The living room was also small, with two gray armchairs facing each other with a flower pot stand in the middle acting as a table, covered in half smoked cigars and ashes to the point you could barely tell there was even an ashtray in the middle. There was a hall closet on the left and a bedroom on the right, that was it. Ugly flower wallpaper and gray carpet, much like the hallway outside. “Thank you, I’ll just be a moment,” I replied, as I walked over to the phone that was laying on the floor behind one of the chairs. I picked up the old dingy, sticky phone that was at one point supposed to be white. I punched seven random numbers in slowly to act as if she were actually making a phone call while she thought of how to draw him over. “I think the number seven button is sticking, would you see if this phone number works for you?” I asked, holding the phone out toward him but not too far away, as he walked over, I reached into my pocket and grabbed the small gauge wire I had in my jacket pocket for this job. Adam snatched the phone away from her. “What’s the damn number?” He growled impatiently. At that moment, I grabbed his extended hand and pulled him close with his back facing me. With the cord, already in my right hand I wrapped it around his throat and used telekinesis to help pull and suffocate him. After his heart stopped, I used the bottom of my shirt to wipe off the phone. Also doing the same to the doorknob as I walked out, having not touched anything else. Why did I go through all that trouble when I can manipulate energy? I can’t kill everyone with my mind, it wouldn’t be any fun. I can’t kill everyone I meet either, these things have to look like they were done by everyday scumbags. Like I said before, I don’t have any kind of reputation with anyone. I don’t need to start one either. Those heroic stories of vigilantes you hear are glamorous, but when you’re actually killing people, all attention is bad attention. I’m new to crime fighting and I would rather not get killed before I’m old enough to drink. I’ll let the police find Adam and his hallway patrol, when they do, it won’t get back to me. The police will blame some other good for nothing Henchman or maybe even a right-hand man that may even help me track down more bad guys.  
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