#so i dont feel like a naive little young girl who doesn't really know what she's doing
peterrparrkerr · 3 years
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Royal au - read on ao3
Tagging: @lokitonypeter @just-things-things @thegreenmetblue @someonepostedart @andacheesyoneliner @bluestarker @lilcoffeecup @useless-fanfictions-for-mcu @tnpt @sarcastich
Reign au!!
Peter was nervous. He hadn't seen prince Steve in years. Not since they were both children.
He hides the shaking of his hands at his back as he walks towards the castle he once spent his summers in.
It seems smaller and more daunting all at once. Before, he hadn't known about the arranged marriage.
Now he does.
And with an attempted assassination at his back, Peter's only slightly overwhelmed at the prospect of calling this place home.
There's a welcoming party for him. Servents and maids, stable hands and kitchen staff all standing on either side of the gravel pathway that leads to the castle doors.
Peter takes a deep, shaky breath as he sees the king and queen step out. The king looks much older. Deeper wrinkles along the sides of his mouth and eyes, the skin of his cheeks not as plump as before. They sag just enough to be noticeable. And his hair is graying at the temples, thinner than Peter remembered.
"Is that what I have to look forward to, when I am king?" Peter murmured quietly, nerves getting the best of him.
"Of course not," Mj spoke at his side. "King Joseph rules with an iron fist and decite. Not to mention he has lived past two quarters of his life."
"I should hope I live that long," Peter huffed, looking from the king, to the queen. "We should have postponed until after the wedding."
The queen -Sarah- was just as Peter remembered her to be. Short, fair skinned and blond, just like Steve.
"Nonsense," Ned said, giving Peter a small nudge. "The festivities will take your mind off of all that comes with being the future king."
Peter huffs again, but begins making his way towards the royal couple. Mj and Ned are both behind him, on either shoulder.
"Where is the prince?" Ned asked quietly.
"I'm not sure," Peter said, grasping his hands more tightly. It had been so long, he wondered if Steve would even recognize him.
"Is that him?" Mj asked. Peter glances from the king and queen to the left, behind the wall of servents.
Peter blinked, a quiet exhale forced from his parted lips.
"No," Peter shook his head, eyes never leaving the man that made his way towards the welcoming party, taking his spot in the crowd.
"No, that's Tony," Peter breathed. He couldn't believe how Tony had grown.
"The king's bastard?" Ned asked, aghast. "He lives in the castle?
He was no longer the gangly kid with dark hair. No, Tony had grown into his limbs. His dark hair was styled artfully, and he even had facial hair now.
Peter almost stumbled from staring.
Peter pulled his attention from Tony to where Mj was looking, and his eyes widened.
Steve was walking towards them. He had grown too, in ways other than his half brother.
His shoulders were broad, hair even more blond than Peter remembered, and he had grown so tall.
Peter couldn't help the giddy smile that pulled at his lips, and he nearly broke out into a run to reach Steve.
It took everything in him not to, and the two met in the middle.
"I can't believe it," Steve spoke first, looking Peter over. "You've grown."
Peter doesn't know why that makes his cheeks burn. He shakes it off though.
"So have you, your grace," he replies. "Obviously. You didn't look like this ten years ago."
He hears Mj snicker behind him and he inwardly curses. But Steve just smiles.
"You can just call me Steve," he hums.
"I'm Peter."
A smile pulls at Steve's lips. "I remember."
It takes Peter a couple days to really settle into the new routine and scenery. Mj and Ned usually keep him company in his chambers, though they've been put to work helping out around the castle when their services aren't needed.
Peter feels a little misplaced still. He's used to running through the hallways with Steve, laughing and playing and being with each other from the time they woke up to the time they went to bed.
But Steve is the future king, and he has responsibilities. They speak during meals, and sometimes Peter catches him during the day and they talk -reminiscing about their shared summers.
But for most of the day, Peter is alone. He can't help but feel a sad sort of melancholy for the months before. It just reminds Peter that he's no longer a child.
He's the future king as well, and there's been many attempts on his life since he was young and naive.
"What are you doing out here all alone, Prince?"
Peter jumps, dropping the rocks he had been picking up from around the lake.
He turns to see Tony, the reins of a black horse in his hand as he makes his way over.
Peter blushes, noting his current state of undress. His belt, shoes and stockings are all on the grass, leaving Peter in nothing but a tunic.
His feet are covered in mud, shins wet from walking into the water.
"I, uh," Peter started, brushing his hands off on his tunic, transferring the dirt onto the fabric.
"I was just exploring," he winces. Not something a future king should be doing.
Tony smirks, and Peter's heart skips a beat. He had grown into a fine man.
"I see some things don't change," he says. Peter steps away from the lake and into the grass.
"What does that mean?" Peter asked, bending down to collect his things.
Tony gives a small shrug.
"Only that I remember you used to bring in little rocks and frogs when you were younger," he said. "You always gave the prettiest stones to Steve, and the frogs to me."
"If I remember correctly, you liked frogs," Peter countered, unsure why he felt the need to get defensive.
"I did," Tony agreed. "It is good to know you haven't changed."
"You have," Peter can't help but respond. "You've grown into your legs."
That makes Tony huff a laugh. Peter blushes deep red, cursing at himself and his mouth.
"Will I see you at the wedding?" Peter asked when Tony turned to leave.
Tony smiles and gives a small nod. "It is my half sister's wedding," he said. "Of course I'll be there."
Peter can't help but smile at that, and Tony climbs onto his horse. "I would get back to the castle soon, it'll be getting dark soon."
The wedding is wonderful, and it does exactly what Ned said it would. Peter forgets all about his troubles as he dances.
At first, he dances with Mj and Ned, but Steve sweeps him off, practically pulling Peter off his feet.
Peter can't help but smile all night. He doesn't know the sister very well, seeing as she had a similar arrangement with her own betrothed. She was visiting her future husband's home in the summer months too.
As the night draws near its close, Mj grabs Peter's hand, a wide grin on her lips as she tugs Peter from the dance floor.
Ned is close behind, the three of them running down the dark halls.
Peter doesn't know where they're going, but he can't help but be relieved at the reprieve from the festivities.
The room Mj takes them to is small and cramped. Hidden behind a curtain. Peter has half the mind to ask Mj how she found it, but before he can, Mj pulls the small painting from the wall.
What lays behind it has Peter's eyes widening. Its the groom and bride, standing in a candle lit room with four other men.
There's a bed and a bath, and its easy for Peter to deduce whats happening.
"We're not allowed to see this," Peter whispered, turning to Mj. The girl rolled her eyes and nudged him.
"Dont you want to know what to expect on your own wedding night with Steve?" She asked.
Peter's already shaky resolve crumbles, and he turns his eyes back to the room, swallowing thickly.
"They have to watch?" Ned asks, on Peter's other side. Peter doesn't take his eyes off of the two newly married as they begin to pull at their clothes, soft and gentle.
Peter feels his cock fill at the sight of the man taking the princess -soon to be queen- to bed.
"They have to watch, to consumate their marriage," Mj whispered back, her eyes also transfixed.
Peter's aching in his tunic, and he can't help the flush to his cheeks, watching as the man pushes in gently, pushing out a breathy moan from the woman.
The three of them watch until the man cums, and Peter almost cums himself at the sight.
"Go, go, go," Mj whispered, quickly hanging the painting back up.
Peter does, rushing from their hiding place and taking to the stairs. He doesn't think he can make it back to his chambers. He may burst if he doesn't find a release.
He takes a right, then a left until he's so deep in the castle that the only people who might stumble upon him are the servents, and they're all busy with the festivities.
Peter gasps desperately as he leans into the wall, lifting his tunic up and pulling at the drawstring of his pants.
He closes his eyes and bites his lips as he finally gets his hand around his throbbing cock. It feels so good, Peter's knees nearly buckle.
He's so close to cumming in his pants, so focused on getting himself there, that he doesn't realize someone's walked in on him until a hand joins his own.
Peter's eyes snap open and he removes his hand, gasping as his eyes settle on Tony.
The man is close, his breath smelling like wine, dark eyes glinting and smirk tugging at his lips.
His hand squeezes around Peter's cock and he can't help but mewl, eyes rolling up into his head and hips pressing closer.
"Tony," Peter whimpered, rolling his hips. He can't help it. He's stupid on the need to orgasm, after watching the groom and bride, thinking about himself and Steve in that same position.
Its too much for Peter to handle.
"Shh," Tony murmurs, stroking Peter as he leans forward. "I'll take care of you, Prince."
Peter kisses Tony when the man's lips land on his. Hes worried he'll crumble to the ground if the wall weren't there for him to lean on.
Tony's facial hair scratches at Peter's mouth, sending shivers of pleasure down his spine.
Tony moves in closer, practically supporting Peter's weight as he snakes his free arm around Peter's waist.
Peter tries to warn him, but all he manages to get out is a desperate keening noise that Tony eats up.
Peter cums hard into his pants and Tony's hand, which slicks up his movements further, drawing more pleasure.
"There you go, Prince," Tony praised against his mouth before moving to his jaw, still stroking Peter through his orgasm. "Thats it."
Peter doesn't know what came over him. He leans back against the wall, trying to catch his breath. Trying to collect his thoughts.
Tony removes his hand, now covered in cum, and smirks down at Peter.
Peter can't help but whimper at him, unsure of what exactly he should be feeling.
Tony grabs Peter gently by the chin, tilting his head up ever so slightly to plant the softest of kisses to Peter's kiss bruised lips.
"Good night, Prince."
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a-hideout-of-frogs · 3 years
Okay so i have seen a couple of people defending the fucked up age gap of Snow White and the Prince by saying it was normal at the time. Flash news, it doesnt mean it's okay.
Most of the fairy tales that are well known today, especially the ones that include princesses are written to teach young daughters of rich families (rich because these were books and books were pretty expensive and only really rich people gave money to a book that had not so useful bedtime stories for kids) how to be an ideal wife. Qualities that a "good wife" had being silent, obedient, being unable to state a thought and god forbid producing an original thought. These stories embodied that and vilified the opposites. I see the biggest example as the story of Sun, Moon and Talia aka the oldest of Sleeping Beauty. In this tale, Talia, our lovely princess does not talk in the storyline (well my memory might be decieving me but i promise even if she has a thing or two to say, it is not much) She is quite young, stays silent no matter what bad things happen to her and in the end she gets "rewarded". However, there is a woman in the story who does talk. A lot actually. And as you might guess, she is the witch, the villian of the story. And as you also might have guessed it, she is old.
Snow White is slightly better in my opinion, at least in terms of what both the girls go through (if you have read both stories you know what im trying to say) but she is still VERY young and is pictured as quite,,,, naive (or actually dumb but i feel like im not being fair to her,, its the authors fault) And again, she is VERY VERY young although a specific age is not given, the approximate age is calculated as preteen. We dont know the prince's age in this story (unlike Talia, that has the king described as married to his wife for a while so I assume around 30s?) but considering his role amongst the kingdom, he has to be pretty older (you dont expect a literal teen to do that party shenanigan at the and no matter what the time is)
Also a friendly reminder: Sun, Moon and Talia is written in the 17th century while Snow White is written in the 19th. 2 centuries in between. If you think that absolutely nothing has changed between that period of time in terms of people's views towards marriage age,,,, idk what to say to you. I think it goes without saying that Grimms were not innocent
Now what I'm trying to say is, these stories were written to glorify an image off "woman" (hard to say woman because the descriptions are just little girls) who is petite, dumb, silent and obedient and practically a child. Saying that "Oh but the times were different" doesnt make sense at all because you are participating in the mindset that defended the idea of a woman like this is okay. Times could be different, it doesn't make this any better. They are still literal children.
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Something that annoys me is that despite the fact that Sansa fought more for House Stark than anyone else but on the DVD opening menu she's put with Ramsay on the Bolton section rather than with Bran and young Ned in stage Starks. Like, Sansa is not a Bolton, she doesn't consider herself one and hates being called so and stresses herself being a Stark but is placed with the Boltons. It really annoyed me
Anon preach it! That whole Sansa is a bolton thing annoyed me to no end. Especially considering how D&D  made the whole Sansa married to Ramsay out of their asses, since in the books Sansa is in no way going to marry Ramsay ( she could marry Harry the heir but not him).
 What i think the show wanted to make clear  is make a point that she is mistrusted in the north because of her (forced i want to add) marriages. In the books the whole Robb heir thing makes  way more sense but the show didnt want to go on that road (why? who knows really…maybe they felt the audience will hate robb for putting sansa out of his will…D&D do care a lot about what the audience feels more than they let on… while Grrm doenst care about it, he has his own story in mind and he will write it, whatever its liked or not…). 
Dont get me wrong I hate how westeros works when it comes to women but its something that should be considered. Catelyn was respected in the north because she was Eddard Stark wife, Daenerys is called a khaleesi because she married Drogo. Its how it works. And Sansa (because she IS SMART no matter what people say…) understands that perfectly in the books: 
“they have made me a Lannister, Sansa thought bitterly…” 
and she knows how she can be used as a pawn, as a key to the north. She isn’t the naive girl no longer. She understands how a marriage to her, is one of the ways to get the north. (Robb knows the same…). 
I don’t want any Lannister, she wanted to say. I want Willas, I want Highgarden and the puppies and the barge, and sons named Eddard and Bran and Rickon. But then she remembered what Dontos hard told her in the godswood. Tyrell or Lannister, it makes no matter, it’s not me they want, only my claim.
Sansa here learns (only 2 chapters later i might had,..) the lesson that Dontos tried to tell her. Of course she didnt understand at first because she never tought she could have a claim for her home… she was always told that she will marry and hold someones else castle (i mean Ned said this to Arya, its more than possibile he said the same thing to Sansa too..when she was little..). Its clear in this quote: 
But she had not forgotten his words, either. The heir to Winterfell, she would think as she lay abed at night. It’s your claim they mean to wed. Sansa had grown up with three brothers. She never thought to have a claim, but with Bran and Rickon dead… It doesn’t matter, there’s still Robb, he’s a man grown now, and soon he’ll wed and have a son.
 “When Robert dies. Our poor brave Sweetrobin is such a sickly boy, it is only a matter of time. When Robert dies, Harry the Heir becomes Lord Harrold, Defender of the Vale and Lord of the Eyrie. Jon Arryn’s bannermen will never love me, nor our silly, shaking Robert, but they will love their Young Falcon…and when they come together for his wedding, and you come out with your long auburn hair, clad in a maiden’s cloak of white and grey with a direwolf emblazoned on the back…why, every knight in the Vale will pledge his sword to win you back your birthright. So those are your gifts from me, my sweet Sansa…Harry, the Eyrie, and Winterfell. That’s worth another kiss now, don’t you think?”
In conclusion: In Westeros women are often used as pawns or tool (and it sucks…). But considering how fast Sansa learns and how she now is aware of her possible claim to winterfell, i have no doubt she will use this for her advantage ( my crack theory? Grrm troll that he is will make Sansa stay at home by making her marry her cousing Jon snow. Why? Well  He is loved in the north but he is not Ned stark son, she is not liked much in the north because she was associated with Lannisters, but she IS ned stark oldest doughter. He looks like a Stark, she doesnt. He was murdered but will survive thanks to his direwolf ghost, she had her direwolf killed but she is still alive…Jon needs Sansa help in the war aganist the dead (she has the supplies of the vale he mentions that in ASOS), Sansa needs Jon protection aganist unwanted and awful men. And i can go on and on with how this union makes political and narratively sense…).  (plus he wrote Sansa Florian as the  drunken fool Dontos, her Ryam Redwyne as the  furious dog Sandor. It makes sense to ruin her last fantasy about Aemon the dragon knight, by making her cousin (past half brother) take that role. (i can bet jon snow targaryan name is aemon….). ( just to make sansa understand how NOT romantic was the story of aemon and his sister naerys like he did with joquil and florian). 
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