#so i just end up not drawing and just rotating blorbos in my head
spearxwind · 1 year
The urge to draw eels kissing vs the urge to draw eels being ominous as fuck in the water
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zondearts · 30 days
I funnily enough already made an introductory infodump here on my prsk account (I suggest reading that one first if you haven't :Vc)
But since More info was asked of, I'll take the opportunity to just do that >:3c
Going with the one thing my first dump avoided: Story
The wof au admittedly has a less developed story than my Wolf au, since the first is mainly an art project and the second a writing project. Still there's enough to share
The general gist is that a worldwar has started, because of the Sandwing Succession (like in the first arc) That thing has been going on for a bit less than in the books, i.e the first Nightwing tunnel has just been made, the arena is still new and flawed (hence the Great Escape) and the Mudwings had freshly broken their alliance to the Seawings (I barely see any talk on this, but Queen coral mentioned it in her very reputable scroll "How the Seawings ended the Great War and saved the world!" and who wouldn't trust her writing?)
There is no prophecy (Tsunami would be so happy lmao), but there's an antiwar movement like the Talons of Peace, called Sekai (I want to turn it into an acronym of sorts, but I haven't figured it out (sob))
Leoneeds is a mixed group of dragonets who grew up in the desert together. When the war started there was an issue with the Tenma Clan (who ownes the oasis) not showing allyship to one of the warring princesses. Especially while having a Mudwing and even an Icewing princess as close friends. Naturally hostility grew and Bole left the group out of fear, followed by Snowhare, who returned to Icekingdom.
A bit before the breakup, so around the start of the war, Fennec has fallen majorly ill. But she recovered a solid while after Snowhares departure and immediately took chase (with Star of course) Although Icekingdom is closer to the Tenma Oasis they decided that going to Mud Kingdom first would be safer. There they stumble across ln Miku (Glimmeringfate? idk yet, the loid name list is still spotty), who for the lack of a better word adopted them. She brought them to a Sekai hideout, there me brain stops :(
(the Leoneed art also stops here, although the drawing of Ichisaki meeting Migu was scrapped :/ Might redraw it when I reach the third rotation, but that could either happen in winter or next year (when my brain's still shackled to this project lmao))
The Leonieloids are all Sekai members
More More Jump!
There's not that much of a story here. I am so sorry mmj fandom (I say to the mirror)
Still there are some things I can mention :<
The general gist was: Veterans uniting to bring hope to the war ridden land.
I had some thoughts around their involvement with Sekai, but I can't find them :'3 The unsure voice in my head says it was that they made some reformation efforts, so probably something like that, mixed with encounters from the past like with Arisa (oh that would actually be so cool, wait woah Woah (<- the curse grows stronger))
Mmjloids are all Sekai members aswell. Most have history with the blorbos, so Otter and Meiko, Penguin and Miku, Finch and Rin/Len and Thaw with Aurora (Luka)
The kiddos are in the arena (I hopefully established lmao). Together they scheme another escape. An escape that'll surpass the great escape by RaDder i.e ending arena battles ones for all. They were quite successful in finding more and more allies, but due to circumstances they had to escape on their own, leaving the arena as it was. They went up finding RaDder in a Sekai hangout. And with them they plan a way to not only stop the Arena battles, but also overthrow Chimera (although those are inherently connected. Like the arena battles would have remained if Scarlett stayed ruler yk?)
All Vbsloids are Sekai members/affiliated, most joined the organization with RaDder. Dromedar (Vbs Luka) is more of an honorary member, since she mainly works as a merchant.
Well my previous dump already mentioned that the clown troop is simply put: Sun trying to find Fennec, with the rest hanging around +sidemissions...so many sidemissions. I always thought of their part in the au story as "Villain of the week" style, focusing more on their relationships and all the conflicts those may have. They also are the only group not really affiliated with Sekai. Most of the Loids are Rainwings for that reason (not to mention that the snorting crack Sekailoids are naturally part of the snorting crack tribe. You can't look at catgirl Migu and tell me she's not a Rainwing)
There is something noteworthy around Directors animus abilities. I can't imagine Rui Kamishiro not falling into a Stonemover like "My magic causes harm. I'm a horrible monster deserving of solitude" mentality. (not to mention he's essentially the Stonemover of the au)
Niigo I had some thoughts. We have the common Mafumom debacle, although that's more of a... gradually overtaking the kingdom through your animus daughter thing, than the canon "My child will be a doctor" conflict.
I think niigo would have somewhat decent hangouts, till Oyster (niigo Miku who's the Seawing princess) finds Siren to check up on Jellyfish. During that meeting Siren sees a vision of Oyster being killed by Jellyfish. Something that naturally unsettles the local "I bring death and doom" believer. Especially since Jellyfish has kept her goodest girliest behavior for the entire time.
Therefore investigations starts! Now we have the all too common question of "What is the cause of this seawing animus massacre?"
Is it
1. The loss of a soul!
2. The highly abusive environment
Well Charming and Kite at first believe 1. for self-loathing and prejudiced reasons. But gradually Kelps (Mafumoms name... that's why Jellyfish was depicted swimming in a Kelp forest) influences come clear and through some events which I... actually will keep hidden in case I do something with em...they lead from the mafumom conundrum to my beloved Mizuena dilemma.
The gang leaves the island, but before that Charming has to use an enchantment. That naturally hints at them being an animus.
And how most Mizukis'll do in the case of an upcoming outing, Charming runs. Or more flies, although they're a Rainwing, so we could say they disappeared.
In the niigo Story Sekai is involved, Lionfish (Niigo Rin) who is Oysters bodyguard is affiliated with Sekai for the sake of her brother Seahorse (niigoLen). Also Barakuda (niigoKaito) who's the Seawing queens brother and niigo Luka, although she is more of an honorary... not really honorary... member. Mangrove (niigo Meiko) is a Rain/Mudwing spy :Vc
I could talk more, but...I think I worked on this dump for over 5h (with glee I must say)
There's still a lot to yap about (we haven't yet reached the succulent hyperniche spot) but it's a bit more of the general gist (and I think we now caught up with what the folks on insta know)
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neroushalvaus · 5 months
character: Evita
madre de todos los niños, de los tiranizados, de los descamisados, de los trabajadores, de la argentina... she, my current rotisserie chicken... thank you <3
My first impression: I didn't like her. I was prejudiced because it was an alw musical about a woman (#based of me tbh) and I thought she was basically a man's idea of what a powerful or a complicated woman looks like. And I don't think I was incorrect in every way.
My impression now: So idk for a long time I thought she was fine but then I went to see the Jyväskylä production, which, in my opinion, wasn't as good as the Pori production I had already seen, but still, something clicked. I think it was partly because I was in the first row and for the first time I wasn't watching Evita from afar or in a smudgy bootleg. And you know, when thinking of Evita before I had thought "it would be so cool if this was a musical about a woman trying to survive in the world created for men, altering between the two classic, dehumanizing roles men assign for women, being constantly frustrated in her hunger for power"... And then I watched Evita in Jyväskylä and I was like, hey, this could be a musical about that? Evita could be that character I have been wishing for. And then I proceeded to rotate her in my head like a kebab for the next six months.
Favorite thing about that character: Gahh!!! So many things. I think at the moment I would answer I like how in the ending Eva first feels so incredibly angry and frustrated with her body for giving in earlier than she was ready for, and then she can kind of sound like dying young was her own idea and it was all a part of her plan anyway. You know, not admitting defeat even in the end.
Least favorite thing: Bleh. General misogyny nonsense in how she's written. The way the role forces actresses to rip their vocal chords. The sort of "I can excuse authoritanism and populism but I draw the line at being a woman" attitude that's present in some lines.
Favorite line/scene: The first line to pop into my mind right away was "What I'd give for a hundred years / but the physical interferes every day more / Oh, my creator / What is the good of the strongest heart / in a body that's falling apart?". Idk head in my hands.
Favorite interaction that character has with another: The scene with Perón's mistress before Another Suitcase in Another Hall. I love how during Goodnight and Thank You it's easy to be on Evita's side as she uses sexuality to use the men however she wants to advance her career. It can be a delightful subversion of the woman who "sleeps her way up to the top", showing that Evita is perfectly aware of what she's doing and the men are the ones feeling used and fooled in the end. But when she interacts with the mistress, you see how the dynamic usually plays out: Mistress is the one discarded when Perón no longer needs her and Evita seemingly feels no solidarity with her, no "class solidarity", no "sisterhood". And isn't it kind of sexist of me to assume she should feel either of those just because she is a woman? Do I have any reason to demand she'd live to a moral standard I'm not expecting or Perón or any other man in this musical? It is very interesting.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: Evita interacting with working class women in general is very important to me.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: This is embarrassing.. I have indicated before that I see similarities between Evita and my blorbo supreme Thomas Barrow. Something about them both being disenfranchised in society in different ways (Evita by being a working class woman, Thomas by being a gay man and a servant) and both trying to advance their rank by being cunning, scheming and charming. Evita is much more succesful in her endeavours, though.
A headcanon about that character: My personal interpretation of Che is that he is and should be a part of Evita, be it her conscience or her mirror or what she would have been if she had chosen a different path. He is not Guevara. And in this essay I will tell you why I would cast a woman to play this role and give the character similar clothes as Evita has in Buenos Aires...
A song that reminds of that character: I haven't thought about this outside of Evita songs... Maybe When the Chips are Down from Hadestown? It fits.
An unpopular opinion about that character: Everyone says they support women's wrongs, but when I, Eva Perón –
Favorite picture: I don't have a favourite! I'll pick this one by Jukka Kontkanen to mourn the fact I didn't see the Seinäjoki Evita. It's stunning.
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send me a character and i'll answer some questions!
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(looks inside your skull)
Ah I see the blorbo is in here.
Who are they? What is causing them to be here recently? In what settings do they appear in?
So. The blorbos are Sunny Days and Ra Hino - Sunny is the original oc, and Ra is the oc that's derived from him
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They're both on the brain since they share relatively the same themes, happenings, and history. These include:
- Isolation/Disconnection from others
- Parasitism, metaphorical and/or literal
- Physical and mental trauma (the major physical losses in chronological order are his left forearm, his right leg just below the knee, and his right eye. if I'm feeling a bit evil I'll have some iteration of Ra lose some parts during a story's events)
- Coding/AI/Digital things related to him (if in a non-tech au, then just something related to death/not being created or born naturally)
- Overall monochromatic scheme with blue accents, pigtails/long hair, and something red near the head, if possible
So what's making them rotate in my brain?
Simply the fact that both have so much versatility to themselves, but in different ways. Ra is derived from Sunny, but I use Ra more often when it comes to AUs and other situations where I usually place a character. Why is that?
Sunny is aware of himself being a character. He has no story, no world, no end goal. He can be in any media he wants, but he can't stay for long, lest he corrupts it beyond healing. All versions of him are the same person, as there is no way for him to be "separated" for different stories. He is painfully aware of the fourth wall - but is it really a fourth wall if he was never put into a room to begin with?
Ra, on the other hand, is a character unaware of any fourth wall. Due to the themes he shares with Sunny, he can easily be changed and bent to fit the world he's placed in. However, this means that all the different versions of him are unaware of other Ras out there. Ra does not know Watcher, Watcher does not know Breaker, Breaker does not know Pharaoh, Pharaoh does not know Poragon, and so forth. They all share the same base person, but are changed enough to fit into their story. He sacrifices awareness for canon compliance.
What settings do they appear in?
Well, Sunny can be everywhere...... but he's also nowhere. He's essentially the ultimate oc insert with a side of fun original issues. If he's not lurking around other media and yanking people into alleys to eat their code, he's in the void of cyberspace - in between the lines of code that make up the entirety of the world wide web. There's no one else in there. It's just him, alone.
Ra is usually put into me and my friends' stories and AUs (Stars Below Alt Tale, Wheel of Stars, Chasing Smoke, etc), so while he's more limited with where he can go, he develops a LOT more when it comes to backstories - because he actually is able to have a damn backstory in the first place. There's at least three large and developed backstories for him that are all completely different from each other.
Along with all that, Sunny knows of Ra. Ra will never be able to truly know Sunny.
He can't help but feel a bit jealous.
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semperbucky · 2 years
HEWWO you gotta tell me this, and it's more important than the ACTUAL questions: but does the following make a good fruit salad?
favorite character(s)- 🍋
favorite quote(s) from a fandom- 🍐
favorite costume/outfit: 🍇
favorite finale episode: 🍓
aaa tysm!!!!
first & foremost (the most important question): i think these would make a p good fruit salad! maybe have the lemon be included as lemon juice instead of slices & that fruit salad would be tasty af
(full disclosure i have so many blorbos rotating around in my head at any given moment these are less 'favorites' & more 'the ones that are in my head the most' but i guess that's kind of what favorites are? but i digress) (also apologies for any formatting weirdness - i'm on mobile & never get asks so i have no idea what i'm doing lol)
🍋 favorite character(s): bucky barnes has my whole entire heart (hence the blog name) but i also adore geralt & jaskier from the witcher, entrapta & scorpia from she-ra, basically every character from m*a*s*h (except frank) especially radar, jack (& bitty) from omgcp, & cullen, alistair, dorian, fenris, & josephine from dragon age. i've also been watching a stupid amount of cr recently (trying to catch up on campaign 1 so the references in campaign 3 make more sense - got up to ep72 so far) so i could go through my favorite character from each campaign? it'd probably have to be keyleth (is she endearingly awkward? yes. could she kill me with one look? also yes), caleb (liam o'brien tears my heart out once again), & imogen (we stan a horse girl w terrifying moon powers & a fun scary girlfriend). there's approximately a million more & i've definitely left some out but those are the ones that are popping into my head rn.
🍐 favorite quote(s) from a fandom: the funny thing is that for someone who prides themselves on their brain consisting mostly of quotes/references, i'm drawing an absolute blank. maybe it's a contextual thing? like you have to say the right words in the right order before the quote part of my brain kicks in or something. "'til the end of the line" comes to mind bc of what it represents & everything they've been through together (we gleefully ignore the last bit of endgame). or "it's love that makes people." (alternatively: "life needs things to live.") if you want something even cheesier, i met hayley atwell in london a few years ago & asked her to write "have courage & be kind" on a piece of paper & i plan on getting it tattooed on me somewhere when i finally get the courage to spend money on non-essential things lol
🍇 favorite costume/outfit: it's so basic but i very distinctly remember being entranced by arthur's everyday look from bbc merlin?? like just the simple red shirt & leather pants w the boots & a jacket sometimes. looked so comfy. maybe it was just thinly veiled gender envy disguised as appreciation for the outfit lol. & any time they put morgana in green or her witchy outfit i just 😍
🍓 favorite finale episode: idk if this refers to a season finale or a series finale, so we're gonna pick series finale. i don't usually like finale episodes of any variety bc they mean something is ending, but there are a few that end with just the right amount of closure to make it satisfying. the one that comes to mind rn is the finale of exandria unlimited: calamity (yeah it's not a tv show but it's still a "series" so it counts). brennan lee mulligan is a godsdamned fantastic dm & the whole cast knocked it out of the fuckin park. it hurt like a motherfucker but it was so beautifully done & it was the best tragic but hopeful ending to a series i've seen in a while, possibly ever.
thank you again! hope u are having a lovely day 😊
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its3oe · 2 years
Extremely lengthy post ahead. Proceed with caution. It’s just another one of me talking about why I’ve grown tired with social media and am still working very hard to sever its cord wrapped around my neck. And why you could too. If you wanted. This is going to be the last one though I promise
Obviously I like, don't have a problem with people who do create and consume and all of those other potential modes of interaction with Art and Creation in this way I am about to describe so as to word why I personally find myself unable to subscribe to caring about it. But I figure it's wise enough to give my "I completely understand and respect this and think that's great as long as you're having fun" disclaimer as people on-line are prone to touchiness and upset when faced with this discussion, for whatever number of reasons, that I do not want to draw to myself unnecessarily. But I also find it very relieving and like I can find a little bit of a break from my neuroticisms and extremely slow journey from trying to un-train myself from an obsession with being social media optimized and well-liked and whatever other shit, when, people express similarly their thoughts on creation and consumption and the shrink-wrapping of that process around a very specific mold on the Internet. These sentences are way too fucking long here but I cannot find it in me to rephrase more concisely. Sorry. But. ANYWAYS:
It's quite disheartening to me, often, seeing the internet continuously trend towards like. Being a 10,000 follower fandom/OC artist being the ultimate end-goal. And people within these shrink-molded circles and communities Only consuming this kind of art and that being what Art is immediately to them. Like. I don't know there's something a little sad about it to me. I have found myself over the years (Extremely fucked up in the head guy talking here. Not that anybody's entitled to know how I am but like, there are also plenty of other people with similar -oses and -isms so I'm not worried about vaguely mentioning this to blame Myself a bit more for my situation and not Everyone on the internet because that'd be a stupid thing to say) feeling extremely pressured to conform to the standard of like, cutesy clean art or the Voltron & She-Ra Remake style or (and once more no offense intended to those who enjoy these things) Blorbo Garfield Worm on a String Rotating Fanartist or some combination or mutation thereof those and more. And for quite some time I did try my hardest to squeeze in there somehow before completely breaking down and realizing it was like. Melting my brain and that it's not actually what I wanted to do, it was just what I felt like everybody else expected of me and wanted to see of me. So that's what I did for that huge chunk of my life where I was really just initially learning how to draw and it got a bunch of insane habits jammed directly into my grey matter.
And so, after this realization happened 3 or so years ago I have since been trying to shed these ideas and, more recently, within the past year or so, I've started to see more people crop up with ideas of "Wow! This really sucks dick! I don't want to do this anymore either! I do not want to be a Content Creator or Consumed through this venue of Posts that mean little to nothing in the grand scheme of things, and especially to me personally!" and it's given me a little bit more of a drive to work harder at trying to make the weirder shit I actually want to instead of letting my insane insecurities and other worries get to me. That I am now moving towards circles where I actually see people who think similarly to me. I still have an extremely long way to go but. Obviously some people are content with doing that sort of thing forever and the more power to them, but, other people feeding into that as The Standard has, evidently, sort of fucked me and a number of other people up. My point here is not that everybody has to want to make big personal projects to be Le Real artists because that's divisive for no good reason, but that I truly do want to make comics or films or games (Sorry) or otherwise stories in weird ways that may be hard to understand or consume and take more...Effort. To look at and really absorb. Because that is really always what I have wanted to do with myself and is what sits with me at my core about Creation.
And it's funny, because, like, another huge portion of what's held me back from that is that portions of the internet also insist that you have to have a gorillion followers and 40+ engagement crystals and Patreon money enough to pay rent twice over to have made anything worthwhile. And that's gotten ingrained into me. Like. Fuck when I was a wee 13 years old I was one of those reblogs>likes people before I realized that is also only conducive to people ignoring you even more for devaluing clicking one Acknowledgement button and not the other and also that it doesn't matter anyways. I would still be happier with myself if I were actually able to see one of my tangled up mushy projects spat up into existence and had only 50 followers and one of them decided to check it out and really make an attempt to engage with it over 5000 that only want stuff that looks cute on their blog. I'd be more broke, sure, (Thank you also for 1700 followers and all of my commissioners. I love U.) but. And this really is like, the broke tortured artist corny ultimate thing to say, I would feel more fulfilled as a person. That I did something I wanted to and that That effort was viewed with intent by another.
This is getting really long now So I will leave off with: I have weird shit to make that has things to say and requires a deeper level of engagement than Social Media provides and I am still, really, working incredibly hard to get to a point where I will be able to actually carry it all out. Some of this, at present, is immutable due to circumstances in my life out of my control. But the parts that I actually can change I am choosing to grab with gusto and wring all of the blood out so I can put, um, more blood in. But blood with a sense of purpose and within "blood sweat and tears" as opposed to meaningless hemorrhaging of blood to mean the reasons I create in the first place that have just left me hollow and unsatisfied. And well. If you want to make weird things too and are also sick of social media biting and snapping at anything it can get its teeth in and shaking the life out of it. I less than three you thiiiiiis much. Thumbs up. I'll try to avoid making more posts like this in the future because it really is quite repetitive and I'm aware but I think I'd at least like to have this one up as a summary of why I am so inactive for the past while and what I'm up to. It's the personal demons. And the internet demons. Like from DOOM. My favorite is the Cacodemon.
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