#so i just revert to my grimy self
aloyssobek · 2 years
oh boy i think i've given myself an existential crisis
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halitophobia · 5 years
Blind Eye - Two
Parings ⟶  OC x Hank’s Daughter! Reader (TEMPORARILY) , RK800! Connor x Hank’s Daughter! Reader (EVENTUALLY)
A/N ⟶ Thank you so, so much for the notes from the first chapter ! Btw, I’m really sorry this is a little late. I’m hoping for late weekly chapters? Every 10ish days or so...(I’ve gotten super busy, but I’m trying my best!)
Disclaimer ⟶ still don't own any characters from DBH
Warnings ⟶ swearing, violence, mentions of death, stubborn reader, stubborn Hank, spoilers...?, slow burn, sLoW bUrN, SLOW BURN, alcohol abuse (Hankster), angst, toxic relationship, eventual....fluff, happiness, cute stuff, flustered Connor, flustered Reader, all the gushy-ness, and ?????smut?????
Word Count ⟶ 3023
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 
NOV 6th, 2038
AM 12:41:04
"Why'd you kill him?"
"What happened before you took that knife?"
     Pursing your lips and narrowing your eyes, you watch the HK400 through the one-way glass. Your arms are crossed, face still as marble except for the bouncing of your right leg.
"Anderson. Are you cold or having a muscle spasm."
     You blink, glancing down at the one and only Gavin Reed's hands leant on the desk, but as quickly as you do, your eyes are glued back to the window.
"Let's make a bet. Like the good ol' days, yeah?" that same sandpaper voice sounds again, making you frown.
"I say," he pauses, "they had a bromance. Carlos and Andy over here." he gestures to the android. "Carlos brings home this smokin' hot 'robette' babe wanting a steamy, squeaky threesome. Attic boy gets mad and," his right arm comes up, and he stabs the air while pulsing to a beat of 'nn-s, nn-s, nn-s...', "...kills'em." So many things I didn't miss about working here...
     That fowl scent of sweat, old leather, and cheese also known as Gavin wafts your way, and you do your best not to gag. I mean, does this hobo shower? Wash his hands after shitting? A loud bang draws your attention to Hank, who's clearly gotten frustrated.
"Fuck it. I'm outta here." he grumbles, entering the observation room seconds later.
     You slowly clap watching him scowl at you.
"I'm impressed, Pops. You really stated your ground in there." you nod, earning a chuckle from Gavin. "My turn." you smile, and scurry out of the room. You hear Hank's voice yelling at you to come back, but you're already halfway through the door to the interrogation room.
     The droid doesn't move an inch as you shut the door behind you. You grin, feeling a wave of déjà vu wash over you. You've done this plenty of times before. How hard can a life-sized moving Barbie doll be?
"Alright, you piece o' shit." you can physically sense your father slapping his face behind the glass.
"I'm gonna jump right into it, okay? Okay." you drop yourself into the chair across from it, leaning back and crossing your arms and legs. "I don't know how it works in your...command center up there, but you gotta tell us what happened."
     You watch it avoid your gaze. A painful silence dances around you, only to make your skin crawl with frustration. You swing your leg back over and let it drop below you. Your arms come onto the table and you lean down, to get into its view.
"Pssst. I'm not leaving until you spill." you whisper, staring into its eyes even though it doesn't return the contact. You push back abruptly and revert to a normal volume, "So we can just skip all this," you motion between the both of you, "and you can obey, like a good little bot."
     Immediately, you see the change of energy from the suspect. Your brows lift, amused at the reaction. "Oh? Not into the whole submissive thing? I can see you got mad there. If that's even possible."
     It shifts again, seeming to get more worked up. This is perfect, you just need to push it around. No better way to let off some steam.
"You wrote 'I AM ALIVE' on the wall, like a jewelled crown atop Ortiz's lifeless head. That's what he said to make you upset, right? You were quoting him? Because, well...I mean, how on earth could you think of that? You aren't capable of...thinking for yourself." you wait, and decide to amp it up. "For all we know, that man was innocent. Just enjoying his life, wanting...a friend? And you come along? To do what? To stab him."
     There's a warning knock from the other side of the glass. You brush it off and examine the android. Chest heaving, hands clenched and jaw rippling. The lips on its face quiver, words just waiting to break the dam. And without looking back, you chimmy-changa your way across the line.
"Twenty. Eight. Times."
     You hear the tapping once again, more urgent, but still, you ignore it. Can you shut up? You're a millisecond away from confession and they choose to cut you know? Your old man probably wants to slip in and take credit.
     You're brought back to your senses as you watch the scene in front of you. The battered automaton is now writhing under the chords which bolt is slowly lifting off the table. "Hey, hey, hey. No need to cause a scene. Suck it up, and tell me wh-" your vision goes black. Well fuck me...
     The second your sight leaves, it's back but doubled. Your forehead throbs, as if a pump were behind your eyes. That motherfucking thing head-butted you. You can't help the weight sloshing around your brain, making your head pound harder. You move to stand, but stumble into the wall behind you. Get. Up.
     You feel arms hook under yours, and start to get dragged towards the door. "Get off of me!" you snap.
     Your view seeps back into HD and you ignore the sting in your head. "I'm fine! Let me finish this!" your voice is a harsh growl, and you lash around in the person's grasp.
Who is this anyway?
     Then you smell it. Oh. Reed tightens his grip, practically lifting you from your waist, and before you know it, your dropped into a computer chair facing the interrogation room. Just as you start to collect yourself, another smack is planted on your skull.
Okay what the fuck.
     An ice pack falls off your shoulder and into your lap. Wow, do I get a massage too?
"Nice going, Y/N." Hank spits.
     You roll your eyes, pressing them into the ice pack. With your voice muffled, you reply with 'thank you'.
"No, I really mean it. You just jeopardized this whole cross-examination. You brought that thing near to self-destruction!"
     Your brain is hoola-hooping within your skull and this ancient dick lecturing you is just hollering encouragement.
"Y/N, take this seriously. You really fucked up." Gavin chimes in.
Oh give me a break.
     You groan loudly, hoping it'll make them stop. You really don't need this. You just need five quiet minutes, and you can go back in and get that confession. Easy-peasy.
"Earth to Y/N. You may have been bumped in there, but I know damn-well you can hear me." Hank aggressively taps your shoulder and the water in the pot just boils away.
"Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up!"
     You're fully turned around, eyes ablaze with fire. You're cooking both men alive from your eyes and the pain from your head disappears for a moment. A silent breath escapes your parted lips, and you almost whisper.
"Will you, shut up."
     The air is thick as fog. Your sight clogged with angry-exhaustion, their's with vigilance, for they now tread on very thin ice.
"My name is Conner, what about you. What's your name?"
You're. KIDDING.
     Spinning your chair right around, you're faced with an image of pure disaster. Sir Smiley-Bot is seated across from the HK400.
"You let the fucking android interrogate the fucking android!"
     It hasn't even been twenty minutes and for the second time, you're blood is racing around your body like a jet. Running circuits in and out of your shrinking heart. Does no one have common sense in this fucking facility?
"What do we have to lose, Y/N. You've already ruined a proper examination, what's so different in sending in the thing?"
     Hank's voice destroys every sense of calm in your veins. You're going fucking bonkers now. It's like they worship this brown-haired robot. Prancing around its steel feet, praying to the android gods above. You've come to a conclusion; you are officially the only sane human in this police division. Everyone's brains are being melted by the second and they'll all just become slaves for the androids. Yup, I’ve solved the case.
"Shh, shh, shut up. Listen." Gavin lays his hand on your right shoulder, which you quickly brush off.
"I was fucking breathing."
     He replies with a grimy finger to his lips, staring forward. You sulk in the chair, intertwining your fingers atop the desk. The ice pack is balanced on your head and you stare forward. King-Droid seems to be calming the defendant down. Seriously?
"I could have easily calmed the thing down, this isn't all that fantastic." you scoff, adjusting the cooling pack.
     Hank flicks your head in response. It sure shuts you up. I am getting favoured over a bottle cap. I leave for one year and all of Detroit's been fucked in the ass by Alexa, Google Home, and Cortana at the same time. This is absolute bullshit. Choosing these things? Over trusted humans? This is surely humanity's last stra-
...come again?
"No, please don't do that!"
     All three of you are now leant toward the glass, your nose virtually pressed on it. All that stupid popcan had to do was threaten to probe its memory ooooh spooky!
     A beautifully awkward sound of leather, wood, and the chair squeal in harmony as your trio incline forward again. If it weren't for the one-way glass, there would be three sources of breath in their own designated spots.
"What are they going to do to me?"
Baby bye, bye, bye, BYE BYE.
"They're going to destroy me, aren't they?" its voice is in a panicked hiss.
Ding ding ding! We have a winner!
"They're going to disassemble you to look for problems in your biocomponents. They have no choice if they want to understand what happened."
     This goes on for a little while, the honoured golem teetering between comfort and warning. You just watch soundlessly, intrigued for the outcome. Cold droplets trickle down your neckline, for the pack on your head had started to melt. You can't resist the urge to shiver, swiftly wiping away the excess water.
     Your attention is slowly dispersing and you're starting to lose interest. You notice your stomach grumble - right, you'd forgotten to eat before all of this. Come to think of it, you're starving. Your gut agrees and wails to you again.
"Shh!" Gavin jeers.
Oh please.
     You start to lift onto your feet, wanting to grab a snack, but are interrupted by a voice that has been heard to the very minimal. Seriously though, vending machine cashews would kill right about now...
"He tortured me everyday..."
     Your ass is stapled back into the chair, holding your tongue as its mouth finally starts to move. You listen intently, watching the emotions.
     You're amazed at how...real these androids look. This...suspect. Its..his eyes were saying something. His face held...pain. The way he says he was scared makes your breath falter. For a moment, you could really believe they're humans...with their own lives...own problems.
     But your eyes move to the annoying one and the funky lighted circle gives it away.
     Connor no, that hurt to say... asks more questions. And that's when you feel shivers crawl up your spine, vertebrae by vertebrae. The dark-skinned bot falls into a trance, speaking of ra9. Claiming it will save them all...that they'll no longer be slaves. You swallow hard, feeling regretful...and alarmed. You blink. You never know what these two could be doing in there.
"What if they're secretly communicating to each other? Through their...biocompo-nents...? you ask under your breath.
"As if. They can't mind...speak." the brunette scoffs behind you.
"Yeah? And how would you know." you bark back.
You're interrupted by Hank, smacking both of you.
The RK800 turns its head toward the mirror; harsh and precise. "I'm done."
     You jolt up. Goosebumps on your skin, hairs on your arms standing tall and attentive. That interrogation gave me the creeps...
     All three of you flood out the main door, heading to the one just a foot away. Officer Chris Miller tags along who you literally hadn’t noticed until he cleared his throat, preparing to move the aberrant. No...that's just weird to say. Suddenly, the room feels a lot smaller. Six of you is six too many.
"Chris, lock it up." Gavin commands gruffly. You notice how he eyes the RK800, the model obviously ignoring his warning.
     Officer Miller detatches it from the table, but it jerks from his grasp. Your eyes narrow and you lean against the door, feeling drowned from the new energy in the space. Like defusing a ticking bomb.
     Gavin interjects aggressively, hassling Chris to move it. You watch awkwardly as they struggle, both of them pulling completely opposite ways. You push off from the wall, starting to get impatient.
"You're making this harder than it has to be." you state, trying to get its attention.
     Gavin yells once again, only to get the same in return. Your childish ass chimes in, telling Reed to back down, and now it's just a trio of toddlers crying for their candy. You're telling the cheese-smelling douche to hold his temper, while he's bitching about being tired. Chris yells at both of you two shut up when you notice the thing across you grab the officer's gun.
      In less than a second, blue...blood has coloured the ceiling. The HK400 is crumpled on the floor, gun laying loosely amoung its fingertips. Nothing stirs in all six of you. Your lungs have paused, muscles and eyes too. Your gaze is cemented on the one now pressed to the ground. The eyes still and wide like any other human lying dead. It stares off into another realm, mouth frozen in time, halfway through an inhale.
     This is what you forgot about. This part of the job. This raw, ferocious beast that gnaws at your gut. Chewing, ripping, tearing your meat agonizingly slow. Always hungry, always eating away at you.
"Holy shit."
     You whip your head at your father, revolted that the same words escaped his mouth...at the same time.
AM 1:34:48
     Gulping down two pills of ibuprofen, you stare at Hank talking with his plastic buddy. You're leant against his desk, fiddling around with his pens and sticky notes. You sigh as you feel someone slide up next to you.
"How've you been, fucker. You looked like shit walking into the building cuffed. 'Thought you were the one being arrested."
     The grey-eyed dickwad chuckles at his comment, anticipating your snarky retort.
"Reed, I'm not in the mood." you grumble, wiping your eyes with the underside of your fingers.
     You can sense his frown and disappointment. There's a small pause, but sure enough, he doesn't leave you alone.
"Another fight with Ben?"
Your stomach inverts and you feel the need to throw up. "Excuse me?"
     He raises his hands defensively. "Woah, woah. Just asking. You just always seem to be having problems with that guy."
"Where did you get this from, huh?" you threaten.
"Last time I saw you, you were whinging about him on the phone. You weren't being discrete."
     Sure...you weren't, but that doesn't mean he had the right to listen. He's a nosy, intrusive, grumpy old prick and you have never felt so disgusted in his presence.
"Stay out of my life, Reed. You have no right to ask me that. You have no right to assume things about me, and you have no right to be a...fucking asshole!"
"That last one isn't even-"
You slapped him.
     There's a sliver of regret, but your choler has clouded your mind. Do I have anger issues?
     Next thing you know, Hank is lecturing you about having manners, controlling your actions, thinking before you do, blah blah blah. You've heard this all before, it's like you're thirteen again, getting pestered at for feeding the dog your lasagna. Or cutting off that stupid girl's ponytail. She was a wicked shrew...
     Behind Hank, you catch Gavin start to snicker. Absolutely not. You push past the bearded man and start to pummel the brunette's chest. And I mean pummel. Beat. Punch. Slam. Not one giggle leaves his toxic mouth. Poppa tries to pry you off, but he gets an elbow to the nose. Respect your elders, am I right? All this anger...is barely even from Gavin's stupid words. This is the rage from the past two hours. Tonight has been hell. Trudging through disaster after disaster. It's all too much. Your gums start to ache due to the tightness of your jaw. Your hands begin to shake, each blow somehow impacting you. It's like you're just beating up yourself.
     A pair of arms wrap around your sore body, ripping you from your poor...punching bag. Gavin's face is already swelling. Black and blue covering his skin. Blood as the cherry on top. He's dead quiet now, breathing heavily as he lays on the ground. But then...you notice Hank on the ground too, blood spilling from his nose. If Hank's on the ground...then that means...
     You look down and see grey sleeves, detailed with black and silver. No, no, no, no...
"I'm sorry, Detective Anderson, but you need to calm down before I can let you go."
I hate his voice, I hate his voice, I hate his voice...
"I'm calm." your voice like honey flowing over chocolate mousse.
     You drop every emotion in your face. All of your tensed muscles fall and you seep into its chest. Its arms fall from your torso. You wait a beat, then completely turn around.
You punch it square in the face.
     You watch in delight as its face snaps back. It stumbles, just once, which truly is enough for you. There's a burst of relieve and triumph, followed by a sting and numbness between your knuckles
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, fuck. Fucking fuck. Okay, so worth it, though...
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vmheadquarters · 6 years
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Happy Birthday @spookykinney!
For your birthday, surfer-Logan and FBI-Veronica are teaming up in this delightful remake of Point Break as told by our very own @cheshirecatstrut! We hope you have a great birthday and that you enjoy this first chapter of Taking the Drop.
It’s not like Veronica thought, while fighting tooth-and-nail to win a job at the FBI, that a law enforcement career would be glamorous. She assumed ‘high-risk’ and ‘life-consuming’ went without saying… but jumped in with both feet because everyone assumed she’d fail. Throughout those years she waged battles with a stacked system, though, to earn her gun and badge—she never once imagined the work would be BORING.
She’s currently reading email nine-thousand-three of more than forty-six thousand, however, so she can catalog contents to make a searchable database; and the sheer tedium has her reconsidering her position. Because sure, she MIGHT find the smoking gun in this stash, and put an international fraudster behind bars. But since right now she’s transcribing vet bills for a Pomeranian’s impacted anal glands, she has her doubts.
Voices filter back to her small and grimy cubicle, her reward for graduating Cum Laude from Columbia Law; she perks up as she hears the words, “…see if an agent’s available.” Since she’s fresh out of the Academy, and most junior on staff, Agent in Charge of Random Bullshit is usually her.
Approaching footsteps bolster this theory, so Veronica pitches her gum, straightens her somewhat-wilted blazer. Turns expectantly towards the entrance, alert-and-professional expression in place, just as Logan Echolls lounges against the frame.
He looks GOOD, she thinks illogically, even as she wilts like her sport coat. Tanned and buff and fifty times healthier than he should, considering those six years of tabloid-chronicled hedonism since she dumped him. He’s in old jeans and flip-flops, his ‘Live Fast, Die Young’ t-shirt both worn and snug; faint sun-wrinkles at the corners of his eyes deepen when he notes her disappointment. Darla from reception waves and OH-MY-GOD’s behind him as he says, “Why am I not surprised you turned a felony kidnapping investigation into a job?”
“Why am I not surprised you’re still wasting your potential at the beach?” She gestures up-and-down at his ensemble. “And what on Earth are you doing in the San Diego field office, Logan? Are you planning to make another romantic drunken speech? Maybe you saw a joke flyer advertising kegs, and the metal detectors failed to deter you?”
“You wound me, Veronica,” he says, clearly not wounded, as she shoos away Darla. “You know full well I’m always the host. Like I’d deign to turn up at some random loser’s party.”
She snorts, and his grin faintly manifests. “Tragically, though, there’s a distinct lack of revelry and booze at this locale, so how about I cut to the chase? Can I interest you in a theory regarding bank robberies?”
Her eyes widen and she sits back, gesturing towards the uncomfortable guest chair. He unfolds from his lean and slouches into it, stretching out his long legs and making the cube feel minuscule.
“Now what would a boy like you know about felony theft?” She taps her lower lip while he crosses his arms, entertained. “I’m guessing very little, unless you learned on a film set—but I’ll admit you’ve disappointed me before.”
“I’m talking, specifically, about high-yield local jobs—the ones you guys have bungled like Keystone Cops for three years?” He bobs his brows, tone ever-so-slightly-patronizing. “The robbers wear Ninja Turtle masks, and collect massive hauls with a crew of four?”
“I may have heard a mention,” V says, with irony, because this case is the local Holy Grail. “As has every cable-news watcher in America.”
“Any lovers of partisan coverage realized yet the jobs only take place in the summer?”
She rolls her eyes. “Give us a little credit. We’re the FBI over here, not credulous guest stars on Scooby Doo.”
“And has it further occurred to you,” he leans forward intently, elbows on knees, “that these are the prime surfing months in So-Cal? For the rest of the year, surfers travel to the best waves…which costs more than people other than me can afford.”
He’s close enough now for her to smell his cologne, the sun-baked scent of his skin. Her voice, when she speaks, is husky. “Logan, what have you heard?”
Shrugging, he reclines against the wall, satisfied he’s piqued her curiosity. “Rumors,” he says, with a hand wave. “Nothing substantial. You know how it goes, when we reprobates toast marshmallows and gossip. High-denomination bills are turning up among locals, lately…and I’m the only guy who hasn’t spent his trust fund.”
“Rumors,” she repeats flatly, disappointment washing over her. Decides he looks and smells too lickable for pointless conversation to continue. “Well if that’s all you’ve got, no need to prolong the awkwardness. Thanks for stopping by--we’ll look into your allegations and touch base if necessary. Appreciate the good citizenship, blah-blah, God bless America.”
She finger-waves, and he stares for a moment, disbelief fading into cynicism. “Fine,” he says at last, pushing up out of the chair. “Your loss. I’ve had fun exchanging insults again, Veronica—it’s been a while since my last creative tongue-lashing. Good luck with the glamorous new career. Oh, and…excellent choice, reverting to shorter hair. There’ll be less to tear out when ignoring my clue gets you nowhere.”
He winks and strides away. She runs a palm self-consciously along one side of her sleek bob, and watches his back muscles shift as he goes.
Veronica submits a form detailing the interaction, per procedure, then tries to re-focus on the mind-numbing emails. The memory of Logan’s disappointed expression nags…but what did he expect, showing up out of the blue with no evidence? She WANTED to believe him; just like she wanted, once upon a time, to have faith he’d give up reckless self-endangerment. But leaping without looking is Logan’s thing--and the best way to protect him is to NOT inquire into crimes of his nearest and dearest.
She’s a professional, though, and the bigwigs want their database yesterday. So she dutifully enters emails till it’s eleven and she’s wiped. V then drags herself home to run on the treadmill, eat a frozen dinner, and feel both sad and glad she’s got no hungry dog waiting.
When her alarm goes off (too early) the next morning, she staggers into the kitchen to grab a bottled coffee; slumps half-awake at the breakfast table to chug. Mac’s gone for the day, probably practicing Tai Chi in the park, but the San Diego Union-Tribune’s on the table, neatly folded to show the front page. Veronica’s bleary gaze passes over it…then swings back, focuses. She grabs it in both hands, cursing.
The headline reads, ‘Wild in the Banks? Surf Wax Found at Multiple Robbery Sites, Source Claims’. The article beneath, written by some pompous windbag named Julian Grac, details the theory Logan laid out yesterday…along with several bits of evidence she’s sure were kept from the press.
“That asshole talked to the PAPER,” she mutters, crumpling newsprint in her fists. “When I kicked him to the curb, I should have kicked HARDER!”
Her rage sustains her all the way through her shower and commute. But when she gets inside the forbidding white-stone-blue-glass building, and finds a summons from Agent Morris waiting? Anger gives way to foreboding.
Morris still holds a teeny-tiny grudge about the whole getting-outsmarted-IN-RE-Duncan thing. And continues to view Veronica with unreasonable suspicion--which is troublesome because right now she’s V’s boss.
Her fearless leader’s planted on the desktop when Veronica enters, legs crossed casually, arms folded. The ‘lazy housecat, circling’ routine Morris uses to intimidate is getting old; so V goes full can-do chipper in response. “You asked to see me, ma’am?”
“Mars, am I right in assuming we work for the same department?” Morris arches one eyebrow, and Veronica has to bite her tongue to contain sarcasm. “It’s not something I hallucinated, due to lack of sleep from investigating bank heists?”
“Last time I checked, ma’am,” V replies breezily. “Unless there was a re-org this morning while I was stuck in traffic.”
“And when a potential witness for said case appears in said department…” Morris pauses, for dramatic effect, Veronica assumes. “Shouldn’t the interviewing agent, who’s incidentally my subordinate, notify me ASAP?”
“I passed the information up the chain as per FBI rules,” Veronica says. “And you must have received it, or I wouldn’t be standing here.”
“Yes, but if you had walked Mr...” Morris consults a sheet of paper on the desk by her hip, “Echolls upstairs personally, instead of sending him on his way and writing a bare-bones report, I would’ve received the information YESTERDAY. BEFORE he ran to the paper, and spilled critical intel to perps. I might’ve even convinced him silence is golden, since you didn’t find it worthwhile to try. Here’s a hint—fake sympathy and charm work wonders.”
Veronica finds this claim dubious, but all she says is, “Ma’am, he was passing along rumors. He didn’t give names or offer proof. And I doubt he’s a witness to anything but his own moral decline.”
“Be that as it may,” Morris says. “He HAS made the acquaintance of this pain-in-my-ass Julian Grac. Who somehow knows about the beeswax residue at six of nine robbery sites--the chemical composition of which matches a well-known surf product. Mr. Zog’s Sex Wax, to be precise. Bubblegum scent.”
Veronica contains an eye-roll. “A detail which was kept out of the press.”
“Right.” Morris levers herself up to standing. “My question is, HOW does Grac know? Did he learn this tidbit from Echolls? And if so, where’d Echolls hear?”
“Logan parties a lot.” Veronica shrugs, hoping she comes off unaffected. “And snoops. Probably he stumbled into the wrong crowd and overheard a conversation. It wouldn’t be the first time.”
“Yes, I was interested to learn you and Echolls share a history.” Morris consults the paper again; Veronica wonders whether it’s a car-wash receipt or actual research. “He was your boyfriend after Duncan Kane fled the country, correct? It’s great you didn’t disappear him, too, because we can use that relationship to get close to his sources.”
“Logan Echolls isn’t big on being used,” Veronica says, lightly. “You might not find him accommodating.”
Morris sighs. “Look, Mars, we’ve been praying for a break on this case for years. And, as I’m sure you’ll be shocked to learn, none of our agents surf. He does, though—Echolls—I understand he’s pretty good. He also trusts you enough to hand you dirt on guys he knows. It might be…” she trails a finger along the edge of her desk, slants V a sly look, “…advantageous to your career to demonstrate team loyalty, Mars. Convince the guy to be our confidential informant. Get an introduction to some surfers, find out who’s flashing mystery cash. His social circle’s no doubt heard about your turbulent former romance. He could help us infiltrate the locals-only crowd, none of whom like talking to Feds.”
“But if I go undercover,” Veronica tries to conceal her mounting excitement, “who will log the last thirty-thousand Sanderson emails?”
“Let me put it this way, Mars.” Morris smirks. “If you DON’T go undercover? I got a server in today from Atlanta containing another hundred-k.”
“You know I’m a professional, ma’am.” Veronica folds her hands behind her back to conceal the involuntary fist. “Whatever my task may be, I’ll work hard to exceed expectations.”
“So you say.” Morris lays the paper, gently, down. “I’d rather you prove ‘my task’ means ‘anything the FBI asks’. Not ‘whatever I feel is right, even if it’s against the law’.”
Veronica nods, giving away nothing. Morris contemplates her in silence. “We’re working on an alternate post-Hearst background for you,” her boss continues, after a tense thirty seconds. “You’ll have it by the end of the day. I’ve also called in a favor from the owner of Neptune’s Net, a local surf hangout—congratulations, you’re waiting tables. You’ve got a month to produce actionable evidence, plus I want weekly reports, in person. And Mars…from now on, don’t leave ANYTHING out.”
“I would NEVER.” Veronica presses a palm to her heart. Morris narrows her eyes, then waves a dismissive hand.
Once back at her desk, V pulls up tools that make Prying Eyez look like a toy and researches Logan. Within two minutes she’s got a list of his petty crimes, including one drunk-and-disorderly sophomore year and two expunged charges…destruction of a police vehicle, and assault of Mercer Hayes. But since junior year at Hearst, Logan’s flown under the radar. He earned a political science degree, with honors, followed by a Masters in English from YALE; and then…he bought a house in San Diego by the water, and a dog from the SPCA. She copies down the innocuous address, cracks her knuckles and considers.
High-tech’s getting her nowhere, so Veronica decides to Google; finds a ‘What happened to Logan Echolls?’ article which reveals precisely nothing. Next she turns her attention to Julian Grac, which at least has the benefit of novelty. It yields links to crime stories in the Union-Tribune, and an article about ‘ten great authors you’ve never read’.
Frowning, she clicks through, only to realize it’s name confusion. But the phrase ‘a writer who prefers obscurity’ catches her attention, so she speed-reads the autobiography of one Julien Gracq; a turn-of-the-century novelist who rejected awards, refused to do book tours, and lived as a hermit. His masterpiece, ‘Chateau D’Argol’, was about a rich man whose best friend brings a poor girl into their social circle. After which the girl seduces, then ruins, them both.
At this point Veronica throws her pencil holder across the room. Because this is EXACTLY the kind of pseudonym Logan Echolls would adopt, and smirk about regularly, knowing few had the insight to penetrate his ruse.
She doesn’t need to use the search tools on Grac, at this point; but doing so reveals his paychecks languish in a shell account. Suspicions confirmed, she picks up the phone. Adopts the sugariest Southern accent she can muster, just because, and spins a tale to the Trib’s receptionist about the tip of a lifetime for ‘Monsieur Grac’. The voicemail box she’s transferred to boasts an inspirational quote (‘All news, as it is called, is gossip, and they who edit it are old women over tea’), recited in a drawl she recognizes. She hangs up, high on triumph, and decides a long-distance chewing-out won’t serve.
Veronica leans against a lamp post across the street to wait; within half an hour, Logan bounces out of the brown skyscraper housing the Union-Tribune. He loosens his tie as he walks, laughingly calling goodbyes to co-workers. He’s in designer flat-front slacks and a white oxford, hair mussed like he’s been running his hands through it--his impersonation of clean-cut and trustworthy is so cute she has to grit her teeth not to smile.
The street is packed with cabs, so it takes him a minute to notice her. When he does, he pulls a theatrical double-take before jaywalking, hands in pockets, smiling wryly.
“So,” she says, as soon as he clears the road, “Can I interest YOU in a theory about people who lie to FBI agents?”
“I didn’t lie, per se,” he counters, rocking back on his heels as his grin grows Grinch-like. “I just wore my weekend clothes and kept my mouth shut. The Veronica Mars Express Train to Paranoia-ville did the rest.”
“This is a serious federal investigation, Logan,” she chides, folding her arms. “Bringing evidence to the authorities isn’t a game for personal amusement.”
“What, exactly, are you mad about?” He lifts his brows. “That I gave you a hint instead of handing over story notes? That I failed to shout my job history from the rooftops? Or maybe you’re just pissed I’m not an alcoholic loser, since it makes you ditching me seem…selfish?”
“I could’ve had you subpoena’d and interrogated under oath,” she says, faux-thoughtfully. “But browbeating you in person seemed much more fun.”
He laughs. “THERE’s the Veronica who ran afoul of the Russian mob. So what convinced you my theory was worth pursuing, sugarplum? Not my charm, surely. Some fact in the article your colleagues missed, perhaps?”
“Like I’d discuss cases with a reporter,” she scoffs. “Why’d you go with ‘robberies only happen in summer’ when you had physical evidence in reserve?”
“Like I’d reveal my sources.” He grins. “Gosh, Veronica, seems like we’re at an impasse.”
“My supervisor wants to use your connections.” She goes sardonic in response to his glee. “I’d ask if you have experience undercover…”
“…But you know first-hand my skills are professional-grade?”
She narrows her eyes. He cocks his head, amusement warring with calculation. “If I help you, what do I get?” he asks.
“First crack at the story immediately following arrests,” she says. “With our full cooperation. And any information you gather solo you can use…unless, of course, it’s classified.”
He removes car keys from his pocket; stares, considering, into the distance as he flips them around one finger. Returns his gaze to hers and locks on, Logan-style. “I assume my role is to introduce you to suspicious surfers? Since I further assume you won’t let me handle this and report back?”
“You know what they say about assumptions,” she says, by way of answer. “Of course, you’re an ass already, so maybe you don’t care.”
“I should warn you, a lot of our high-school classmates have stuck around.” He holds his tie down with one palm as a breeze shifts it sideways. “This may suck for you, but you’ll have to pretend we’ve reconciled.”
She nods, and he extends the non-key-containing hand. “Give me your phone.”
V shouldn’t violate protocol; but Logan’s trustworthy, within limits, so she types in the code and does. He enters his number in the contacts and gives it back. “There’s a party tonight at Black’s Beach—should be locals-only, very exclusive. Text me an address, I’ll pick you up at eight. Oh, and dress like a surf bunny, even if doing so offends your sensibilities. Not all these people are stupid, you’ll need to blend.”
“Gee, I was hoping you’d refuse to cooperate,” she says wistfully, pocketing her cell. “Then do something worse than jaywalking, then flee, so I could knock you down and cuff you.”
“Maybe later, if you’re REALLY nice,” he says, leaning confidentially towards her ear. Then walks off, whistling, while she tries to purge the image from her brain.
Veronica’s sitting on the porch of her rented condo when Logan pulls up at 7:55—in a dusty black vintage Range Rover, not the shiny orange Porsche she envisioned. She considers, as she stands, whether she also makes too many assumptions. But his appreciative whistle while he opens her door is distracting.
“Guess it slipped my mind how much you love playing dress-up,” he murmurs. She doesn’t miss the quick once-over he gives her as he releases the brake. “You look great, Veronica, love the sarong. And friendship bracelets are a nice touch.”
“This is actually a tablecloth.” She strokes the fringed white linen, embroidered with red roses, she tied over one hip so she’d feel less naked in her green bikini. “I favor a no-nonsense black wardrobe these days, because Cup ‘o Soup stains don’t show.”
“Wise,” he says, and clears his throat. He’s in linen too, a short-sleeved, half-buttoned summer shirt over cargo shorts; she notes with amusement the shark’s tooth necklace has reappeared. “I figured we’d start at the top of the food chain and work our way down, since most surf crews around here are big on punching but short on brains. Brains being a prerequisite for smoothly-planned bank jobs.”
“Sounds fair,” she agrees, watching his arm muscles shift as he changes gears. “This party is where we’ll find apex predators?”
“Black’s has the most challenging waves in the area—ten, twelve footers courtesy of an offshore trench. It takes stamina to swim out and ride, so this spot attracts real athletes…the ranked surfers that compete on TV. And Zen masters, who just want to be one with the ocean.”
She makes a face, and he says, serious, “It’s not a joking matter to these people, Veronica. They don’t welcome posers in their midst. I vividly recall you disapproving of fistfights and vandalism, so be warned; the elite surfing community makes me, way back when, look like a piker. Crews are similar to those biker gangs you inexplicably love, although these are black sheep from MIDDLE-class homes--plus more ethnically diverse. This particular group is Mother Nature mystical in a way you’ll loathe and mock; so expect pot and hallucinogens, free love interspersed with showdowns. Stick close to me or you’ll be propositioned…and whipping out a taser would break your cover.”
“Understood.” She studies his face, surprised to see concern there. Gentles her tone in response. “I’ve gone undercover before, Logan. And agents are extensively trained in hand-to-hand combat. I can handle myself in a fight now.”
“Like you couldn’t before?” A smile plays across his lips; a street lamp illuminates his face as they pass beneath, then he’s cast again in shadow. He turns into a parking lot at the edge of a cliff and kills the engine. “I’m not worried about your moxie, Veronica. I just don’t want you to mouth off and find yourself surrounded. Out here, surfers make the rules.”
“I have full faith in your ability to fight dirty defending me,” she says softly. He laughs, gaze tracing her face, and she’s reminded of previous evenings with him in a parked car.
“Nice to see some things don’t change,” he murmurs, then climbs out to help her down. His hands linger on her waist as he lifts her from the seat, skin-to-skin.
They pass, in the moonlight, a brown sign that reads ‘stairway unstable due to rains’. He walks behind her down a narrow path with a rotting rail, hand on her shoulder like he’ll catch her if she falls. It’s nice, this unwavering focus, his concern for her well-being despite angry words. She used to take it for granted, the way she drew male eyes. But she’s grown up, post-Hearst; and she realizes now most men don’t pay attention as completely as Logan did.
At the base of the cliff, past a saucer-shaped observation tower, a bonfire sends smoke spiraling into the sky; loud music blasts, Dick Dale with the bass maxed. Seventy-ish people cluster near the crackling flames--on either side, a ribbon of sand stretches off into the dark. The water looks black, boasting military-formation-regular waves, and the rock wall at her back is smooth, forbidding.
The crowd’s uninhibited as advertised, drinking and making out, smoking and laughing. A few guys dance in a circle with much hilarity, like they’re having some Lord of the Flies moment or praying for rain. A knot of humanity encircles loose boulders at what’s clearly the party’s center.
It’s obvious Logan’s no stranger, despite his current respectability. He greets people with grins and backslaps, jerks of his chin, less unaffected than he seemed addressing work colleagues. Almost, he slides back into his high-school persona—the 09’er general who dictated popularity, who slashed tires and started shit when his judgments were questioned. But there’s a watchful tension to the set of his shoulders, and he glances left frequently to make sure she’s beside him. That, more than words, convinces her there’s danger.
They take an indirect path to the cluster by the boulders; Logan accepts a shot en route, which he tosses back, unhesitating. Cracking his neck, he meditatively surveys the throng, then coughs to get her attention as a gap opens.
“Guy holding court at the center,” he murmurs, indicating a ropily-buff Asian man with longish hair and ratty swim trunks. “That’s Bodie Chang, he was a year ahead of us at Neptune High. You remember?”
Veronica nods, watching Bodie gesture lazily from his semi-reclined position. Watching the crowd guffaw when he speaks, soak up his every word. “He’s come a long way since I interviewed him for the school paper. I remember Chang being shy.”
“He’s one of the top twenty-five surfers in the world, now.” Logan shoulders aside a drunk dude-bro to attain the inner sanctum. “In this place, he’s King.”
She opens her mouth to reply; but Dick Casablancas erupts from a log like the Ghost of Shitty Memories past, and drapes a wasted arm around her partner-in-crime. “Lo-GAN!” he shouts, like Logan’s not next to him. “Mr. Echolls in the house, now the party can START!”
“Enticing ladies again with the scents of puke and Jagermeister, I see.” Logan shoves Dick off, not without affection. “I thought you weren’t coming tonight, dude. Something about college cheerleaders and a hot tub?”
“They had emergency PRACTICE.” Dick accompanies a raspberry with a thumbs-down. “Seriously, how much do you need to rehearse waving pom-poms? It’s not like anybody looks at the props. Hey, who’s the wahine?” He squints, attempting focus. “Nice boobs, looks sort of familiar. Maybe I’ve seen her in a por…oh, holy SHIT! Dude, why the FUCK did you bring V…”
“Hey ECHOLLS!” a voice calls, mercifully drowning out Dick’s fit. Logan spreads a palm across V’s back to steer her--towards Bodie Chang, his summoner, and the makeshift royal throne. The King of Black’sBeach looks them both over impassively. “Thought you were too busy for our modest shindigs these days, man.”
Logan shrugs, nonchalant, but shakes the proffered hand. “You know how it goes,” he says, easily. ”All that money to spend, all those waves to ride. Plus too much temptation here to drink to excess. My body’s a fine-tuned machine.”
“I can respect that,” Bodie says, with a faint smile that reminds Veronica forcefully of Agent Morris. “Looks like maybe you’ve had other distractions lately, too. Who’s your date?”
“This,” Logan says, pairing a smile with a warning glance, “Is Veronica Mars.”
Then he snakes an arm unexpectedly around her waist. His hand finds the gap in her makeshift sarong, cups her hip; he pulls her flush against his side and adds, “My girlfriend.”
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luftballons99 · 6 years
how alone you are
fandom: Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
relationships: Platonic Sebastian Michaelis & Ciel Phantomhive (s*baciel shippers don’t touch!)
“I have no one,” Ciel whispers, shaking. “I have no one.”
“You have me, my lord, until I bring you victory,” Sebastian assures him softly.
Ciel lets out a short, frost-bitten laugh. “Until you claim my soul,” he corrects.
A Faustian pact is a poor cure for nightmares.
tags: Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Angst, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Torture, platonic fluff, Platonic Relationships, seriously if you ship seba/ciel dont touch this fic please, Trauma, References to Book of Murder and Book of Circus, venting, Nightmares, Panic Attacks, Banter
chapters: 1/1
read it on ao3 here or under the cut
(i dont know why but somehow i found myself catching up all the way on the black butler manga after years of not reading it and was hit with the urge to write a fic that 1) explores sebastian and ciel's dynamic as unlikely friends(???) and 2) allows ciel to reach something of an emotional catharsis with the help of the only person (entity?) who, for better or for worse (probably for worse), actually understands him (kinda). they're both incredibly tough characters to write so i hope i at least somewhat got their personalities right? the idea of ciel venting is in and of itself pretty ooc but i suppose if any fanfiction was perfectly in character, it would all be canon, so. yknow.
anyway i cannot stress this enough i do not want any s*baciel shippers in my notifs ok? don't comment. don't even look at this fic. though i guess if youre reading this you already did, in which case, fuck you for not checking/straight up ignoring the tags. point is i dont wanna hear any shippy shit alright keep it classy. ciel's 13, give him a break. he needs a guardian, not a love interest, especially not one thats thousands of years older than him. yikes.)
There are some things - however few - that Sebastian cannot protect him from.
He is content to leave it that way, at first. It’s not his job to be a shoulder to cry on or to chase away nightmares. That was never part of their deal and he wagers that Ciel would prefer to keep it that way. Whether it is because of self-delusion or pride, he will not confide in Sebastian; not when it comes to the scars that lie beneath his skin, invisible but lethal. And truthfully, it is just as well; Sebastian is unsure what he would even do with the information. Handling someone’s emotions without exploiting them is not really his area.
All he needs to do is keep Ciel alive and healthy. All he needs to do is watch the corpses pile up at the foot of Ciel’s throne. All he needs to do is kill some time before his next meal.
And yet all Ciel needs to do to keep Sebastian at his heel is call his name.
And that, as much as it pains Sebastian sometimes, was very much part of the deal.
It has been a while since Ciel has had a nightmare; at the very least, it’s been a while since he’s had one terrifying enough to rip a grating shriek of his butler’s name from his lungs and through the quiet air of the Phantomhive manor. Sebastian has noticed, however, that Ciel has not been sleeping well, regardless. Just this morning, the young lord nearly fell asleep on his feet as Sebastian slipped his silk eyepatch on for him, and then later did fall asleep in his study, drooling into the pages of a book. Something is weighing on his mind, and while usually Sebastian would argue that it’s none of his business what goes on in his little lord’s head, it seems to be becoming his business right now as he rises from his desk and ascends the stairs to answer his master’s call.
He is at Ciel’s door in a matter of seconds and, because no one is around to see it, conjures a tray of warm milk and honey with an elegant flourish of his wrist. He sighs inwardly. He knows that Ciel is still plagued with trauma; has ruined too many gloves wiping vomit off the corner of Ciel’s mouth and reminded him to breathe too many times to forget. Still, he was hoping that his young master would have grown out of his nocturnal panic attacks by now.
After all, a violent flashback while witnessing a child’s murder makes sense to him. A nightmare after a quiet, peaceful evening at home does not.
Regardless, Sebastian dutifully knocks on Ciel’s door three times, signalling his presence. He waits before entering, watching the warm milk he prepared ripple in the flickering candlelight illuminating the hallway. He hopes the young master has enough sense to swallow his pride and invite him in before it gets cold.
“Sebastian?” he hears Ciel call after a moment, his voice raspy and muffled on the other side of his door.
Slowly, Sebastian pushes it open and steps inside. Warm light from the hall spills into the room, a slant of yellow cutting across the young master’s trembling form, tucked deep under the covers. It disappears as Sebastian shuts the door behind him.
“That’s right, my lord,” he replies softly. He balances the tray in one hand as he walks toward the sconce attached to the wall by Ciel’s bed. Knowing that Ciel will want to be able to see him clearly, he pinches the wick of the candle between his forefinger and thumb, and when he lowers his hand, a small flame has already begun to burn at the tip.
Sheets rustle as the young master stirs, emerging from his linen cocoon with a white-knuckled grip on his thick blanket and a terrified stare aimed at Sebastian. Sebastian smiles down at him pleasantly, unfazed by his master’s horror. He sets the tray down on Ciel’s nightstand and wordlessly spoons honey into his cup of milk.
“Nightmare, master?” he asks idly, stirring. Ciel doesn’t answer, still busy panting from lingering panic. “It has certainly been a while since I’ve had to come feed you milk in the middle of the night like a starving pup- “
“You shut your mouth this instant ,” Ciel barks, voice raw and loud and sudden enough to make Sebastian’s hand still and his eyes go wide, his smile slipping cleanly off his lips and leaving his expression blank. He glances up from the tray he brought, meeting Ciel’s multicolored glare. “You forget your place, butler .”
Sebastian releases the spoon he was holding, letting it clink lightly against the rim of the cup. He places a hand over his heart and bows deeply.
“My apologies, my lord,” he says evenly and, because he is sure Ciel won’t be able to see it from this angle, arches an eyebrow at the floor in incredulity. His young master certainly has a shorter fuse than usual this evening. It is true what they say about children becoming agitated when deprived of their nap-time. “Please forgive me.”
He remains still, awaiting the boy’s response. It comes a moment later in a frightened, colorless whisper.
“Come here,” Ciel says, lacking his usual authoritative tone. It’s like he’s reverted back to how he was on that first night, skinny and quivering and sick with fear. The only difference now is that he’s a few inches taller and that instead of smacking Sebastian away and commanding him to keep his distance, he seems to need human proximity - or the closest thing to it he can get his hands on. Sebastian glances up, taking a step forward and kneeling obediently at his master’s bedside.
Ciel regards him fearfully, as if Sebastian might disappear into thin air like smoke from a snuffed out candle. He reaches out a small hand from underneath the covers and curls his nimble fingers into the collar of Sebastian’s shirt. He squeezes and releases the crisp fabric repeatedly, like he needs to make sure both it and Sebastian are really there.
Sebastian remembers something Doctor Arthur said on his first and final visit to the manor; about how, in sleep, the young master looks a little less like an Earl and a little more like a Ciel. He may posture as much as he wishes, but he will always remain that battered little boy sticking his blood-brown hands out from in between the grimy bars of his cage; the boy who was forced to grow up so fast that he didn’t truly grow up at all. The boy who spit upon God and shook hands with the devil. The boy who chose hell over happiness.
“What is it, my lord?” Sebastian asks, curious and amused as Ciel continues to pat down the front of his jacket with frantic hands. They still suddenly, cupped around Sebastian’s shoulders as the young Earl thinks, his face indecipherable. Sebastian looks up at him, waiting patiently.
Ciel’s face crumples like parchment over an open flame. The ominously glowing magenta mark of the covenant in his right eye flickers as he blinks back his tears.
“I’ve had enough,” he whispers, voice trembling - from rage or sorrow, Sebastian is not sure. Rage at his own sorrow, perhaps. His fingers dig into Sebastian’s shoulders, tight like twin mouse traps. If Sebastian were human, he might flinch. “I’ve had enough of this.”
Sebastian places his hand over one of Ciel’s in what he thinks is a reassuring gesture. “Enough of what, my lord?” he wonders.
“I asked you,” Ciel starts, gritting his teeth, “for power. That was our deal, demon.”
Sebastian cocks his head to the side. “Has my service been unsatisfactory?”
Ciel smacks his palm over Sebastian’s mouth. Sebastian blinks. He does not try to pry his master’s hand away, even though it would be easy. He could snap Ciel’s arm like a twig, if he wanted to, and has mused about doing so before. But they have a deal, and it demands that Sebastian never let any harm come to a single hair on Ciel’s head. And besides, it has been a while since Ciel, difficult as he is, has inspired any violent inclinations in him, and that includes now.
“I asked you for power,” the boy continues, “and yet my mind remains weak.” His voice tapers off into barely a whisper, as if he’s still afraid of admitting it out loud - even to someone who already knew. The true horror for Ciel, Sebastian knows, is not so much the torture he endured three years ago, but the fruitlessness of his efforts to take vengeance.
“The dreams do not cease,” he hisses in disgust with himself, “and I will never leave my cage.”
Sebastian is quiet for a long moment. He could say, This is the lightless path you chose. He could say, There is a difference between power and strength. He could say, You are only human. And he could spend the rest of the night with a red, stinging cheek as a result.
Ciel’s hand slips from Sebastian’s face and grips the silky lapel of his jacket. He seems to want an answer, after all.
“My lord, you are overtired,” Sebastian says gently, deciding to hedge his bets. “Please help yourself to the milk I brought; it may soothe your nerves.”
Ciel scoffs, releasing Sebastian’s jacket and hugging his knees. Sebastian stands and attends to the tray he left on Ciel’s night table, letting his hand hover over the cup of milk and feeling satisfied when it warms his palm. It hasn’t gone cold quite yet.
“I’m not a child,” Ciel spits suddenly. If it weren’t for his small stature, anyone else might believe him. He carries the title of Earl and the weight of the underworld with it on his tiny shoulders and not once has anyone but Sebastian seen him buckle under the weight - and even that is a rare thing. He’s proud, he’s greedy. He’s the worst that humanity has to offer, and he’s the best at being so.
He’s thirteen.
“Of course not, my lord,” Sebastian says graciously, though the amusement in his tone is not lost on his master, who snaps his head up and seems to bristle like a cornered cat. “Shall I take it away, then?”
Ciel’s response is an immediate, “No.” Sebastian grins down at him knowingly. “Stop that.”
“Stop what?”
“That smile. It makes me sick.”
Sebastian picks up the cup with one hand and tucks his smile behind the other. “Please accept my sincerest apologies once again, young master,” he says, voice wavering as he tries not to laugh.
“Your ‘sincerest apologies’ don’t do me any good, Sebastian,” Ciel points out hotly, accepting his cup when it is offered to him. “Just do as you’re told.” When he looks up at Sebastian, his eyes are still glassy with poorly-masked fear. His emotional refractory period is not as short as he would like his butler to believe.
Sebastian watches Ciel peer down into his cup with a shaky sigh before taking a tentative sip of from it. After ascertaining that it isn’t too hot, he closes his eyes and tilts his head back as he continues to drink. Eventually, he lowers the cup so it rests in his lap, held in place by his small hands. His eyes remain closed as he takes a steadying breath.
“Are you sure you’re alright, young master?” Sebastian pries gently.
“My emotional state is none of your affair,” Ciel shoots back, eyes still stubbornly shut.
Sebastian’s eyebrow twitches in irritation. Obstinate brat.
“I see,” he says, tone cold. “That must be why you summoned me to your chambers in the middle of the night. Of course. How foolish of me.” He gives Ciel an icy look, patience wearing thin.
(Yes, he is immortal, and yes, he will have an eternity left at his disposal long after Ciel has died, but hours of managing the boy’s schedule while attending to the daily calamities the other Phantomhive servants cause has made him reluctant to waste time. Every minute he spends in Ciel’s chambers is a minute not spent planning their itineraries for the coming day or preemptively preparing himself mentally for his coworkers’ blunders.)
On that very first night, Ciel ordered him to never lie. Sebastian had figured out quickly that the little lord would not afford him the same luxury.
Ciel gapes up at him, appalled. “ Excuse me,” he starts indignantly, “Since when do I owe you an explanation for my orders?”
“I would never dream of expecting such a thing,” Sebastian assures him, but they both know it’s insincere. “I simply wished to express my concern for…”
He lets the statement taper off into silence when he realizes what he’s trying to say, his jaw going slack before his mouth snaps shut.
Ciel’s eyes shoot wide open before narrowing into skeptical slits, luminous amethyst and candle-lit sapphire shimmering through his lashes. “Your concern for what?” he asks, insistent but wary.
Sebastian considers his master for a moment, thinking. So much for hedging his bets.
“...Your well-being,” he answers finally, and it isn’t until the words slip off his tongue that he tastes their truth. He blinks.
Ciel’s brows pinch together, the eyes underneath searching Sebastian’s face like a bandit looting a vagrant’s corpse. He flounders. Finally, in a test of Sebastian’s meaning, he says, “Your concern is unwarranted. As you can see, I am not injured.”
And it is true - Ciel is healthy as can be; he hasn’t suffered so much as a papercut in over a month. And it has been, by all accounts, a quiet, peaceful evening.
And yet Sebastian has not felt at ease ever since he heard his master scream.
“Indeed,” he says thoughtfully, brows knitted, “but it is not an injury that had you calling my name.”
Ciel’s eyes widen as he looks up at Sebastian, stunned. “I’m fine now,” he insists after a moment, suddenly impatient.
“‘Fine’ has variable definitions,” Sebastian points out and Ciel rolls his eyes, “None of which I would use to describe your current - “
“So what?” the young master demands, incensed, the very foundations of the manor Sebastian built him quaking at the sound of his voice. Sebastian closes his mouth. “I’m alive. That is all that has ever mattered to me.” Ciel’s thin fingers press tighter around his cup of milk as if he’s trying to crush the delicate, flowery design painted on its exterior into oblivion.
What outstanding hypocrisy. Sebastian has had enough.
“You,” he begins in a rough sigh before dropping into a crouch in front of his master, unimpressed, “are quite the nuisance.”
Ciel gapes, immediately raising one hand high. Sebastian’s arm snaps forward before the young lord’s palm can make contact with the side of his face and squeezes his brittle wrist tight.
Ciel flinches, fear striking his features like lightning, and Sebastian is surprised when he doesn’t feel satisfaction at the sight. When did that change? He loosens his grip, but does not let go.
“How dare you ,” Ciel spits, outraged. Tears blur and distort the smoldering mark of their covenant. Still, he swallows a hiccup and growls, “You are trying my patience, Sebastian.”
“What a coincidence,” Sebastian remarks, feigning enthusiasm. “You are trying mine.”
The dam breaks. “You insolent - ” Ciel begins in an angry sob, face twisted in agony, but cannot seem to struggle to the end. His gem-like eyes overflow, his princely nose leaks, his heart-shaped face is blotchy and red. In this moment, he is no Earl.
Why, then, should Sebastian masquerade as his butler?
“It is your stubborn refusal to confront your emotions that results in these puerile night terrors of yours and my subsequent subjection to your misdirected, hysterical outbursts,” Sebastian informs him strictly, red eyes cold. Ciel, through slime and salt water, manages a powerful glare and a snarl. Sebastian is undeterred. “Therefore, if there is so much as a ghost of a chance that you airing your grievances now will result in even a single night more uninterrupted by this nonsense, I believe it is in our best interest to take it, wouldn’t you agree?”
Ciel begins to wrench his wrist out of Sebastian’s grasp and Sebastian allows it, even though he anticipates the sharp slap to his cheek that follows. He sighs loudly in annoyance and looks at the floor, listening to the boy in front of him sniffle and hiccup pathetically. He takes a moment to compose himself; to let the flicker of anger in his chest to go out, eyes falling shut.
He does not anticipate Ciel’s arms hooking around his neck in a distraught embrace.
Sebastian tries to remember the last time he was held.
It was probably by Mey-Rin; she trips over her skirt or her shoelaces or other people’s shoelaces or the floor at least twice a day, and it is often Sebastian who catches her before she falls and breaks her nose - or worse, the dishes she carries. And though the encounter did not leave much of an impression on him, he did sleep with Beast to find information about her benefactor.
This, however, is obviously, markedly different. This is his young master. This is a child desperate for emotional reprieve. This is a little boy in need who would rather die than admitting so.
Carefully, Sebastian places his hand on Ciel’s head, cautious and curious as to how it feels to comfort someone he’s actually invested in. He smooths over Ciel’s tousled dark hair; feels tears seep into the collar of his shirt; thinks vaguely about all the laundry that’s piled up this week. Ciel shivers against him pathetically, muffled whimpers spilling from his lips into Sebastian’s shoulder, and Sebastian keeps stroking his head the same way he’d stroke a cat’s - sans the enamored cooing.
“I hate this,” Ciel grits out spitefully, yet holds Sebastian tighter. Sebastian chuckles softly, amused by the contradiction. Ciel always has been a walking, crawling, squirming juxtaposition.
“If I may be so bold, my lord,” Sebastian offers quietly, “You need this.”
Ciel responds with a pitiful hiccup. Sebastian lifts the hand not occupied with Ciel’s hair and runs it down his back in slow motions that he can only guess are soothing.
“I have no one,” Ciel whispers, shaking. “I have no one.”
Sebastian almost asks, I thought you had no need for emotional attachments? , but manages to restrain himself. Now is not the time for banter, and he’s already been slapped once tonight.
“You have me, my lord, until I bring you victory,” Sebastian assures him softly.
Ciel lets out a short, frost-bitten laugh. “Until you claim my soul,” he corrects.
Sebastian was not expecting that. They do not discuss that part of their deal often, despite both knowing its inevitability. Strangely, the pang of hunger he feels in his core at the reminder is accompanied by something else - different, but equally as painful. While hunger leaves him hollow, this seems to fill him past capacity. He is being torn apart.
“Victory first,” he vows after a quiet moment, suffocating his feelings like he would a kitchen fire. “You have my word, sir.”
Ciel’s fingers dig into Sebastian’s back as he buries his leaking nose deeper into the crook of his neck.
“How cruel,” he whispers bitterly, “that the same hand protecting me is the one by which I will die.”
Sebastian’s hand stills mid-stroke of Ciel’s ducked head. He had never thought about it like that. Ironic, yes. Poetic, yes. But never ‘cruel.’ When he thinks about it, he finds the word fits just as well.
“You chose this, my lord,” he reminds the boy and himself, but still does not feel absolved.
“Indeed,” Ciel agrees and holds Sebastian tighter. He is never this clingy unless his life is in danger. Sebastian supposes that, in a sense, it is.
“Now, now, sir,” he chuckles, slowly leaning out of Ciel’s embrace. It is late, they have a busy day ahead of them, and one of them has to be the first to stop playing house. “I have kept you awake for far too long already.”
Ciel’s arms loosen around Sebastian’s neck as he pulls away, though his hands remain clasped at its base. His eyes are swollen red, his cheeks flushed and glittering with moisture to match. Sebastian tuts lightly and shakes his head as Ciel sniffles, reaching into his pocket and producing a handkerchief. He rubs the boy’s cheeks and nose clean, suddenly rocked by the memory of the last time he had to do this - just under three years ago. Ciel was ten and still readjusting to life outside of cages and cult rituals. It took a while before he started bothering to wipe his mouth after a glass of milk or his nose after a sneeze, and it was Sebastian who would remind him by example.
Once again he is filled with that emotion he cannot place. Confusion wrinkles his brow and parts his lips. Ciel seems to notice and gives him a curious look, but before he gets the chance to investigate, Sebastian is pulling his handkerchief away, slipping it into his pocket, and rising to his full height. Ciel’s mouth, which had fallen open when he meant to begin his interrogation, shuts silently. Sebastian cannot decide if it is a relief or not; that Ciel isn’t prying.
(He wonders - long after tonight - what Ciel does not say.)
When Ciel finally does speak, it is to interrupt Sebastian’s movement to extinguish the candle bathing the room in soft orange light with a firm, “Wait.”
Sebastian tilts his head questioningly, retracting his hand. “Master?”
“The light,” Ciel says quietly, tired eyes drooping as he looks up at his butler; his confidant; his murderer. “I like it. Don’t put it out until after I’ve fallen asleep.”
Sebastian smiles, deciding it is safe to tease once again. “The esteemed Earl Phantomhive, unable to sleep without a nightlight. How sweet,” he cooes, a hand over his heart. Ciel narrows his eyes at him. “Shall I tell you a bedtime story while I’m at it, my lord?”
“I dare you,” Ciel challenges him irritably. Sebastian knows better than to accept. He grins and watches Ciel’s eyes fall shut.
“Then I take it I am not yet permitted to retire for the evening?” he asks with a put-upon sigh.
“Do you even sleep?” Ciel wonders flippantly in a yawn that he does not bother to cover with his hand. He rolls onto his back and pulls the covers up to his chin.
Sebastian is surprised, but not put-off, by his master’s interest. “No, sir,” he says, “however, like you, I do require rest.” He pauses, chuckling. “Though obviously not as much as humans do.”
Ciel snorts. “Obviously.”
“Well then, master,” Sebastian begins pleasantly, standing with his back to the wall adjacent to Ciel’s bed, “I will remain by your side until you fall asleep.” And until the day where you do not wake up again.
Ciel hums in acknowledgement, rolling onto his side away from Sebastian and curling into a crescent shape against the mattress. Sebastian, although - or perhaps because - his master can’t see him, allows himself a genuine smile. There will be no more nightmares tonight and, hopefully, for the foreseeable future.
“Sebastian,” he hears the young lord say suddenly and glances up to the back of his head, dark against the soft white of his downy pillows.
“My lord?” Sebastian prompts softly, standing at attention.
There is a long pause before Ciel speaks again - so long that Sebastian wonders if the boy has finally succumbed to sleep - but just when it seems like the conversation is over, Ciel breaks the silence once again with a firm, albeit sleepy, “You did well today.”
Sebastian blinks. He has lived a long time; has seen many things and met many people. He is not easily stunned.
Hearing those words from his master, however, will shake him every time.
I invoked your ire to the point where you slapped me, part of him - the same part that got him slapped, incidentally - wants to remind the boy, but he keeps his quip to himself. They have gone back and forth enough for one night. Surely there is no harm in accepting the gift of his master’s acclaim.
“My lord, I am most honored by your praise,” he tells him, smiling in gratitude and pride. “If I may offer my own - “
“Oh, spare me. All I did was ruin your shirt with my stress-induced optic and nasal secretions.”
Sebastian grimaces at Ciel’s wording. “Now, my lord, surely there is a more graceful way to - “
“Just accept the compliment without patronizing me, Sebastian,” Ciel huffs, frustrated, and rolls over to meet his butler’s eyes. He points at him decisively. “That’s an order.”
Sebastian, still smiling, sighs and raises his hands in surrender. “As you wish, young master,” he concedes.
With a final nod and fluff of his pillow, Ciel settles under his covers. When his eyes shut this time, Sebastian knows they will not open again until morning. He shakes his head, leaning back against the wall with crossed arms as he watches the young lord’s thick covers rise and fall with each of his steady breaths. When Sebastian is sure Ciel is asleep, he extinguishes the light. The room plunges into the comforting darkness of night, softened by milky rays of moonlight filtering in through the window.
Sebastian collects the tray and dishes he brought, being sure not to make a sound when he lifts them up from Ciel’s nightstand. He glances down at the boy over his shoulder before making his way out of the room, remembering his words - You did well today, Sebastian.
A bittersweet smile forms on his lips as he pushes Ciel’s door open. With one last look back at his master’s sleeping form, Sebastian whispers, “As did you, my lord,” and slips out of the room.
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sowk-fic-archive · 7 years
SOWK ch.29/35
Life goes on for Dominic until The Big Day arrives...
Chapter 29 : commencement
Aching and sore, Dominic heaved himself up from the bed, careful to avoid Matthew’s sleeping form. The Voix evidently hadn’t slept well last night, too plagued by worries that he’d damaged Dominic beyond repair. Brushing his hand through Matthew’s sweat-soaked hair (which was definitely looking darker at the roots), the glouglou started to collect his clothes, leaving his ripped shirt and simply putting the cloak on over his jeans and bare torso instead. Casting one last look around the room, Dominic quietly left. He wasn’t sure if he would return, but he was sure Matthew would understand. This time, he wasn’t confronted by any other glouglous as he left the temple, determined to make his way straight home. He couldn’t risk shedding the cloak, especially as it was an unwritten rule that any form of nudity in public was punishable, so he distracted himself by thinking of excuses for Annie, his eyes glued to the floor. Hence why he didn’t see the six feet of Voix crashing into him. “Oi, watch it lad!” a very distinct voice called, and Dominic had to look up, his hood covering his hair but letting Lysander see his injuries. “What do you think y-- Dom’nic?” Dominic cast his eyes down to the floor, shuffling where he stood slightly. His limbs still burned from last night and he could do with one or six of his mother’s homemade remedies. “I didn’t know ya worked up them temples, thought that was for cassés with good behaviour an’ all that malarkey,” Lysander sneered, stooping slightly to look at Dominic’s injuries. “I’m not surprised someone beat ya up, to be honest. You’re a lil’ merde and serves ya right for tossin’ me onto the cobbles and beating me dry. Did ‘e get ya in the back of ya loaf like you did me, because--” Lysander yanked down Dominic’s hood, and the glouglou was exposed entirely to the mid-morning sun. Though his left eye was almost swollen shut, Dominic wasn’t mistaking the look of absolute shock on Lysander’s face. “What have you done,” Lysander gasped, jerking Dominic out of the main road and down a side alley, drawing him into the shade. “I don’t-- what?” “Your hair’s the bloody colour of the Prince of Persia’s gold, boy! This only happens one way and it don’t end pretty for ya, I tell ya.” “Sir, if I may, I have no idea--” “You’ve boinked Adora, ain’t ya?” Lysander said, still keeping a good foot or so from Dominic. The glouglou became incredibly self-conscious, drawing his hood up over his head again. His eyes bugged out of his head, and Lysander mistook his shock for confusion. “Ya know, hiding the sausage, a quick leg-over, a lil’ bit of the old in an’ out?” Lysander elaborated with a quick grin, that he soon wiped off his face. “You know, Adora will get punished but you, mate, will--” “It wasn’t Adora,” Dominic said, locking eyes with Lysander and feeling time freeze around them. Lysander’s expression was dark, and adrenaline surged through the glouglou’s veins, ready for fight or flight. “Fuck,” Lysander uttered, falling back against the opposite grimy wall of the alley. “It wouldn’t be ‘alf as bad if you was in love with Adora, but with our Matthew? Christ alive,” Lysander muttered, looking out to the main street. “How do you know about the consummating love thing?” Dominic asked, his voice indifferent. “Please, I was a Unique myself once, y’know.” Dominic quirked an eyebrow, biting his tongue to keep from voicing his complete disbelief in the man that was essentially a fallen angel from the Voix society that was Heaven. He settled on asking another question himself. “No, but... you knew, just by looking at me. How?” Lysander nodded, pausing for a few moments to formulate his answer. When he spoke, his voice was deep and, for the first time that day, incredibly sincere. “Your hair is a lot lighter than it was, boy. A lot lighter, as in... a few more shades and it’s borderin’ on the darkest of Voix. Honest,” he added after a beat. “That kind of thing doesn’t happen after simply doin’ the dirty with a Voix, otherwise half of the girls down here in Sectors 1, 2 an’ 3 would be running around with bright yellow ‘air.” Dominic winced, but nodded in understanding. Lysander continued. “So, it’s obvious you an’ Matthew are head over heels for one another, righto, I get that. You’re lookin’ paler too, but that might be that beatin’. But, your ‘air, it shouldn’t be that light already...” Lysander paused, looking towards the clear blue sky for some sort of inspiration. “This has been happnin’ a while, ain’t it? Is Matthew’s hair darker?” Dominic nodded, not trusting his voice. He was still trying to process all this new information. “Bloody hell,” Lysander cursed, kicking at a stone. “You’re going to cause a storm at the unveiling, I tell ya.” “But Matthew’s in love with Adora,” Dominic said, sounding far too innocent for his age. “They’ve had sex, so her hair will be turning dark too, right?” Lysander fixed him with a pointed stare, his lips pressed together in a tight line. “If you say so. Now, you better hurry home and pray your darlin’ mother don’t ask what you’ve been up to.” The Voix turned to exit the alleyway, Dominic shouting him down. “Wait!” he said, Lysander turning around with an unknown emotion in his eyes. “How do you know so much about all this?” “I wish I didn’t,” he replied simply, disappearing out into the main street and parting the crowds with his mere presence.
Dominic spent the next couple of weeks treading on eggshells. He lost count of the days, spending them tucked away around the house. Things passed him by, even important things that he normally would’ve invested himself in. A friend had given their mother a cookbook, which she had been delighted with. Nancy had reunited with Ben, both admitting that they loved each other and his twin proceeding to practically bounce around the house constantly. Dominic found himself writing songs more advanced and more lyrically deep than he ever had ever attempted before, connecting with music now on an almost ethereal level. He didn’t have a piano or a voice to use, and he almost went mad trying to use the voice in his mind to create melodies. Staves were created from the edges of Le Monde, from blank pages in Nancy’s romance novels, from scraps of kitchen towel his mother let him use. He broke down crying when his favourite pen ran out. Annie always brought him tea but they had almost stopped communicating beyond that; Dominic was lost in his own world, fearing for his life. Did the outside world know about him and Matthew? Not yet, judging from the newspaper, but then he wondered if their relationship had been subjected to an elaborate cover up. Had Agostino sneaked into Matthew’s temple night, killing his own son as Dominic himself had sworn to do all those months ago? The glouglou had no idea, so he locked himself away from society until the day when it would be absolutely necessary to emerge. That day came. Dévoilement. Dominic had to wear a shirt and tie, one that wrapped around his neck like a noose. His hair had dulled slightly, not enough to revert to its original dirty blond but enough for him not to be called out on it. His mother and sister dressed themselves in their finest skirts and blouses, Annie standing at the door trying to stick down a tuft of hair on Dominic’s head. “I feel sick,” he muttered, and Annie simply nodded. She couldn’t begin to comprehend what her son was going through, even though she was wearing the exact dress she wore when her own husband was killed. Dominic’s legs felt like lumps of concrete as they walked towards the temples, glouglous in their thousands flocking to the site. Some of the children were running around singing, this being their first Dévoilement and the whole idea of Cachant being terribly thrilling. Other glouglous were exchanging grumbles and gossip about the Uniques. Somehow, their supposed secrets didn’t impress Dominic in the slightest. After what felt like an eternity, the crowd was pushed through the golden gates into the larger compound. Most of the glouglou population couldn’t fit through the gates, but Dominic and his family were let through by others, recognised as Matthew’s songwriter. He pretended it was out of respect for his father, who had made this trip many times in his life. Fleck, though, had probably never felt as nervous as Dominic did in that moment. Dominic cast an eye over all the Voix with all their blond hair and pale skin, fenced off from the glouglous and dressed in rich finery; pastel blues, pinks and yellows. All too soon, Paix and Joie took to the stage, explaining that it was with pride and honour the Uniques would step up to their role, the first actual couple in decades. And, for a fleeting moment, Dominic wished for them to be a couple. He wanted Matthew and Adora to pull down their hoods with dark hair, to smile and embrace and bow to the crowds. To have children and marry, to perform across the globe. To eventually be the Anciens, ruling over the world that Dominic, his future wife and future children would inhabit, still in poverty but happy. That fleeting moment was gone. Dominic knew he wouldn’t be happy without Matthew, and when he appeared on stage, his figure shrouded in a flowing white robe, Dominic tried his hardest not to smile. The sickness in his stomach subsided, replaced by a fluttering of butterflies. Matthew and Adora smiled at each other as they met in the middle of the stage, Paix and Joie applauding from their seats above the crowd to Dominic’s right. Distinct cheering came from all around him, but Annie, Nancy and Ben remained silent. “And now,” Joie said, an invisible microphone projecting her voice across the compound, “it is my great pleasure to announce St Pierre’s new Uniques, Adora Constantine and Matthew Bellamy!” Matthew and Adora nodded to each other slightly, shifting closer together. A knife of jealousy sliced through Dominic’s stomach, the crowd cooing as they looked like they would kiss. Instead, they reached towards each other and lowered one another’s hoods. Dominic had never heard absolute silence before, nor had most of St Pierre. For a community that prided itself on song and music, a silence as profound as this was different. Unbelieveable. Unique. It was broken by three distinct sounds, each chasing each other as they echoed around the compound. One was the thud of someone falling to the floor, and out of the corner of their eyes the crowd observed their matriarch Joie fainting. The second and third noises came from the stage, and they were simultaneous. Adora had let out a peel of delighted giggles, and Matthew had simply whispered one word. “No.” Some bright spark had had the incredible idea to put a microphone on stage. As Matthew started repeating his denial to himself, Adora turned towards the audience, frantically searching the shocked faces of the Voix assembled below for an answer. “What...” she whispered, a half formed question falling from her lips. A glouglou rushed out onto the stage with a pair of handheld mirrors, but Adora was faster. She ripped out the pins that were holding her hair away from her face, letting it tumble down around her shoulders. Picking up curl between two fingers, she let the first sob ring out. It was blonde. Adora looked up at Matthew, both of them with tears running down their cheeks. “You...” she whispered, her voice echoing in the silence. There was absolutely no need for microphones, now. “You don’t love me anymore?” “I do,” Matthew said weakly, sobbing once. Dominic’s eyes were blurry and unfocused. He could feel his mother’s eyes upon him, hear his own heart hammering in his ears as Adora stepped towards Matthew. “Then what is this?” she shrieked, running her hands through Matthew’s hair as Dominic had done so many times before. It was black. “What is this?” she cried, grabbing fistfuls of her long hair and shoving it towards Matthew. “I love you with all my heart, so why is my hair not black? Why am I not a Unique?” “I--” Matthew stuttered, backing away slightly. Off the side of the stage, Paix had stopped attempting to rouse Joie and was simply telling everyone to go home. Something about an emergency meeting was mentioned but Matthew could hear nothing over the ringing in his ears. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, turning around to run off the stage, into the connecting corridor of the temples. He reached the cool darkness of the lobby, which was thankfully empty. He leant heavily against a stone wall, hunching over on himself and dry heaving. “I don’t deserve this,” Matthew said to himself, choking down another sob. “Your father is looking for you,” a voice said suddenly, and Matthew straightened up to find his mother, staring at him with folded arms. She offered no further explanation, and suddenly the penny dropped. It wasn’t just Matthew’s dreams that had been shattered in front of millions of people. “Maman,” he said, his voice cracking. It was the first time he had ever uttered that word in his life. “Maman, please. Please Maman, I can’t face him, please,” he said hysterically, looking down at himself. He realised he was still wearing his robe, and he ripped it from his body, leaving him in a white shirt and trousers. The colour of purity and innocence. “Matthew...” she started reasoning, but before she could say anymore her son had clasped his hands around her waist, burying his face into her neck and crying louder than he ever had before. When she gently pushed him away as to see his face, he was shaking like a leaf. “You don’t have to see your father-,” she began, swallowing the lump at the back of her throat as she hesitantly added, “-yet. First, you have to see...” Matthew knew what was coming. His breath came quick and fast, and the ringing in his ears was louder than ever. All he could see in his vision were coloured spots. Before he hit the floor (or before Calliope’s arms caught him; he never found out), he heard the name of the woman he had so bitterly betrayed; the woman who made Agostino’s humiliation look entirely irrelevant. “Adora.”
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jubilantwriter · 8 years
“the au in which snas is allerigc to catchup”
@paper-mario-wiki here’s a shitty shitpost fanfic based off that one-off shitpost au idea you had that one time
So here was the plan.
The human was supposed to take the ketchup, the lid situated very loosely on top of the bottle, in of which all of its contents would spill out onto their burger.
What he didn’t anticipate was the fact that the kid would decline the condiment, preferring their burger to be as bland and greasy as possible.
Which of course, left Sans with a bottle of unscrewed ketchup in his gloved hand.  The rational part of his cranium suggested that he put the bottle down and move on from that failed prank.  The comedian part of his empty skull said no, no he cannot let a prank go to waste like that, and that he could not let such an opportunity to leave an everlasting impression on this young youth escape his gloved-but-bony grasp.
Of course, he couldn’t pour the ketchup all over his burger.  That’ll just make him look stupid, falling for his own prank.  So his literally empty headspace quickly suggests to go for absolute surprise.  And what’s the most spur of the moment thing he can possibly think of?
“Welp, more for me.”  He flicks off the lid and chugs down every drop of the condiment.  The kid’s mouth drops open.  Grillby drops a plate in surprise, looking almost worried had it not been for the fact that his face is literally just a huge, singular flame.  The slight movement of his glasses gives it away.  The ketchup is sweet and tomato-y, and he wipes the remnants of it off his mouth, staining his already dirty white gloves with red.  Something in his magical body system begins to lurch and jerk around, and his supposed stomach does a little flip in surprise.  Yup, he’s just surprising everyone today.
Because, before his rational side could kick in, he conveniently forgot that there was a little detail to his dietary needs.
He was allergic to fucking ketchup.  
Like, of all things.  
Not even tomatoes, just specifically, ketchup.  Luckily, Grillby and Papyrus knew that he absolutely must NOT ingest ketchup less he wreak havoc in the Underground with explosive, smelly magic.  Right now, his entire being is rejecting the presence of this condiment, and he can feel the magic bubbling up to dangerously, legendary proportions, so he quickly stops time briefly, gives the rap to the human, and casually tells Grillby to put the food on his tab.
Once he’s out the door, he teleports straight to his house.  Papyrus is in the kitchen, working on his latest spaghetti experiment when he hears Sans pop into existence.  He smiles and turns to his brother, apron proudly proclaiming, “THE CHEF”.  The word “awesome” is scribbled in above “CHEF” in red marker.
“sorry, nope, can’t, i gotta- i gotta go bro.”
“...GO WHERE?”
“my room.”  Papyrus squints at him suspiciously.
“nah.  i just totally pulled the greatest prank outta my ass and now my ass is gonna pay for it.”
“yah, i can see where that line of thought is going, and lemme tell ya, i’m gonna do ya a favor and stop it right there.”
“only one person can have the title of legendary fart master bro.  and it’s gotta be me.”
“aw, thanks bro.”
“THAT WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A COMPLIMENT!”  Sans waves him off, door to his room opening with a wave of his gloved hand.  Evidence of the red condiment continues to stain its pure white grimy visage, a testament to Sans’ ongoing list of dietary regrets, and Papyrus’ nonexistent eyes bulge from his sockets.
“don’t worry, i’ll probably only make one minor explosion this time.”
“SANS-!”  The door shuts behind Sans, and the room remains eerily quiet.  Softly, a rumble shakes the house gently as a display of colors shines from the door’s crack.  Papyrus groans, rubbing a gloved hand down his face.
Damn, the stench was going to remain forever.  Hopefully, the lights will be gone by the time the human comes around for their date with him.
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