#so i try to blacklist everything period to be safe
poisonedspider · 5 months
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poisonedspider: INDIE roleplay blog for ANGEL DUST (ANTHONY) from HAZBIN HOTEL. Incredibly NSFW muse. DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT. Spoilers present. Canon divergent. Semi-selective. Medium activity. Multipara/Novella literate writer for 20+ years. Multiverse and multi-ship. Mostly head canon based representation of (one) famous porn star. Mature and triggering content present, must be 21+ to interact. Blog will explore extreme trauma, abandonment, s*xual assault, physical violence, death, etc. Mutuals only, please! Authored by Strode, he/him, 30+. Re-established April 2024 (originally wrote in July 2019). Please read rules under the cut on this post.
Stand-alone blog, not strictly affiliated with the Hazbin/Helluvaverse and community (and certainly not in support of Vivzie). Open to any and all characters and interactions. Let it be known I am NOT AN ASK BLOG. Personals are allowed to follow, but will not be followed back and will be BLOCKED if they keep interacting with my stuff. Do not reblog this post.
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Angie's main bitches: @featheredbarkeep, @sirserpentine, @veelentino, @hazbinned, @mothvalentino, @widdlestwucifer, @doublejango, @grimowled, @voxxisms and @hzbinsouled.
Don’t be an asshole. Literally my number one rule, and basically my only rule. This is a hobby. We are nerds writing as fictional characters. I’m too old to feel in high school again. If you don’t like what I write, the block button is a function. Block me, and move along. Forget I exist. I do not participate in call out culture, and will not be forced to choose sides.
Memes are definitely the best way to interact with me. I personally will turn all memes into threads, as I feel that’s the point of them. You don’t have to necessarily continue them, but I’d appreciate if you did because I put a lot of thought and energy into my replies.
Never feel the need to match my length (I write a lot), but also know that I reserve the right to delete a thread if I don’t feel like what you wrote gives me enough information to write a well thought out reply. Also always feel free to delete threads I send to you that you no longer have muse for. This is for fun, it isn’t a homework assignment. You don’t need to explain yourself on your own blog!
I don’t work full-time, but that doesn’t mean I’m not constantly busy. I’m traveling almost every other weekend, and I’m trying to put my energy into being off Tumblr if I can help it. I may not always have the spoons to talk or do replies, even if you see me online. Just please be patient with me!
There will be a LOT of R-rated material on this blog. Almost everything will be NSFW - look at the show content, and especially this character. I do my best to tag all triggers, but please let me know if something specifically triggers you and I’ll edit it to be tagged right away so you can blacklist it. I’m still going to keep writing it, though. This is my blog. It is not my duty to make sure that you have a safe space, and if you don’t feel safe, I will not be remotely offended if you unfollow to keep your dash what you want it to be. It’s kind of impossible to write Angel and Angel’s story without some triggers coming up (Episode 4? Yeaaaah.)
Personals, do NOT reblog things. It already happened from the hour I made this blog, and it will become an automatic block. This is a roleplay blog. Period. I am also not an Ask Roleplay Blog, so while I may respond to some of those things in jest, it isn’t the purpose of this blog. Hazbin fan blogs and whatnot, leave my stuff out of it. If you continue to do this, I will report your blog. 
Angel Dust is gay. He will not be having romantic relationships with any females in the show. The only way he would ever be with a female, is if for whatever reason Valentino decided that he needed to sleep with a woman for his porn. Which I can’t see happening but….yeah. 
Speaking of Valentino, the way I play Angel is him still definitely within the confines of the contract. He might do things he is ashamed/embarassed of and doesn’t want to actually do because of the contract. Dubcon will probably be explored on here to some degree because he struggles saying no to Val. That doesn’t stop him from fighting back, but he’s going to do some gross things because his soul is owned. Also, my Angel does have love for Val. That doesn't mean I ship them AT ALL. It means that I have no shame as a therapist in exploring the cycle of abuse and toxic relationships, and that this is incredibly important to my Angel's story.
This being said, dubcon would be the only thing I'd put under a Read More because I know other people hate it. I don't really intend to write it out, but people could argue that Valentino using his 'poison' is considered dubious consent, and yeah, I'm going to write that and flesh it out a bit. As for other read mores, I'm lazy and it ain't gonna happen. You followed a character who is a sex worker. There's going to be smut. Murder. Cussing. That's the content of the show. I have no shame putting it out in the open. As mentioned, you can check the trigger warnings on my posts before reading something.
I’m a multipara/novella roleplayer. I’ll do some one liners and crack stuff, but it won’t be as common. I want to have elaborate threads. I want to flesh out this character. I’m going to come up with things about him that Vivzie doesn’t and make him a little bit my own. And that comes from writing, writing, writing. If I don't reply to you, it's probably because I can't work with one liners and I am stumped.
All the graphics and whatnot on this blog were either created or commissioned specifically by/for me. (I know I’m not a fabulous photoshop graphic maker but hey I tried). Do not steal from me. If I find out that you have, I will report your blog for theft. Majority of the graphic work on here is done by both @cerberuscommissions and @17webs.
DO NOT GODMODE. I will literally scream, cry, and throw up (okay, not literally). This is my blog, and I want to control Angel in my way. Please and thank.
I don't necessarily need people to reblog from the source, but if my activity is blowing up with the same person reblogging and reblogging, I'll kindly ask you to stop. If you continue, that will lead to a block because I already have hundreds of drafts and don't have time to swim through activity.
Sorry fam, I don't do Discord. I've had a few people ask, and while yes I do have it, I have it with a burning fiery passion. All roleplaying will be done here and here alone, because I like to have a Tumblr blog as a sort of 'archive.'
As for the mains (listed above), to not be discouraged just because I have mains. I was avoiding choosing them for a bit because I hate how it can feel like favoritism, but the fact of the matter is that there are unfortunately people on here that Angel has much more muse for, and that I talk to ooc almost every day. Those people get first priority. Let it be known that does NOT mean they are exclusives. As mentioned, I will be writing with every single character, no limitations. Nor are there any rules specifically associated with my mains. Mostly just means they get priority on things.
I don't have any triggers. Period. I appreciate people asking me if such and such is okay in a thread before we do it, but really, just do whatever your character feels they would do. I'm a therapist. And sure, therapists have their triggers too. But I've been exposed to so much shit that nothing really phases me anymore.
I do not own the character Angel Dust or any content from Hazbin Hotel. I am not associated with Vivziepop and am in fact an Anti-Viv blog (please don't associate me with her). Shocker, I know. But gotta put that on here. 
Tldr; Be chill, have fun, don’t follow if don’t like hypersexuality, severe trauma, or sassy gay men.  
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ohhthesapphicstry · 1 year
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hiii and welcome to my 18+ (nsft) lesbian blog 🥰🥰
rules for following:
MEN DNI !! i will block u
SAFE SPACE FOR TRANS WOMEN & non-binary lesbians (transphobes will be blocked!)
no age in bio is a block (MINORS DNI)
general should-knows:
i'm with the dyke of my dreams (monogamous) so pls don't try anything or send me nsft asks/inboxes/requests to roleplay, anything. i will block u
she/they pronouns
i'm a soft dom while bottoming and topping BUT not into ageplay at all whatsoever. this is most of the content i'll be posting abt
not into scat, piss, age, furry, hardcore bdsm, master/mistress, incest, pet play, so u won't find that content here
maybe sometimes blood, will be tagged #blood so blacklist as needed (this will almost entirely be about period sex, not injury)
everything posted on this page is for lesbians. nothing here is about men. all of it is strictly about lesbian sex. NOT ABOUT MEN
ok that's all i can think of for now!! will update this post if anything else comes to mind!!
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ofherdowlingohara · 1 year
Rules & Requirements|| By Rhiannon. - #ofherdowlingohara
Little about me:
My name is Rhiannon, Mutuals May call me Rhia for short.
Pronunciation for my name’s : Ryeh-Ann-on& Ryeh-uh
I am twenty years old.
0. My education comes first before everything else! I will try and respond during class changes, and breaks. I also work full time, and occasionally on weekends.
1. No hate, No drama, No Godmodding. Absolutely zero tolerance for bullying or harassment. Please note that my anon asks are off, they are off for a reason and I will not turn them back on. Want to ask me something privately, message me.
2. No one under the Age of 20+ years old is allowed to Interact with my muses. 18+ are welcome to follow, ask questions, and have OOC interactions. Just not In character interactions.
3. If you have a problem with what I post, be that most of my characters are apart of the LGBTQ+ community. Don’t follow, just block.
4. I am a multi fandom rp blog. I do accept Cannon and Original Characters, to Rp with. I do have Two OC’s myself, and three cannon characters in two different verses. Two cannon characters I have made my own. Jackie I can play as the OG storyline if need be.
5. Please let me know if you have triggers beforehand. This will save if either of us get upset or triggered with something either of us use in rp or in a post.
6. With that being said in rule number five, I can tolerate mentions of Miscarriages, Rape. But not full detailed. I would prefer those too not at all fully role played out or at all. Mentions are fine. I am very sensitive to those topics as of current.
7. Please Rp in third person, and literacy. I will except Semiliterate and Literate as well as advanced literate Rp responses. If you’re not literate I most likely will not respond, but I will make an acceptance for people with dyslexia or if English isn’t your first language. I have been there before, English is my third language. German, Polish and English are the ones I speak and understand.
8. I am a Full time College Student, I am a Theatre Arts Major so I will be busy most of the time. Please don’t spam me, you are allowed Five post tags a day. No more, no less.
10. I do not condone to rp Student x Teacher rps. That’s creepy and disgusting.
11. If you fail to follow these rules and guidelines, I will either soft block you for a few weeks. Or I will block you and put your account(s) on a blacklist for DNI between mutuals to keep them safe from your toxicity.
12. Please for the love of god’s, do not go to other people if we have a problem with something. Nor have them come ‘confront’ me about an issue I am not aware of, come directly to me like the adults we are supposed to be so we can talk an issue out. Nor come to me bashing about some other blog, bc they did this etc., I generally do not care what they have done to you (unless you are my mutuals that I interact with on the daily, I will defend my mutuals if they haven’t done me wrong.) it’s unnecessary drama especially if there’s no solid evidence. It’s not that I don’t Care for my mutuals deeply, I just don’t want to be dragged into unnecessary stress drama. Do not come to me with your OOC drama with other blogs. You can always come to me with your personal issues and that is it. Unless we’re in the same GC then I’ll deal with said OOC drama before defending myself and leaving. Any violation of this specific rule, will result in an immediate Blacklisting. I will make a physical List to share with blogs I’m mutual with.
13. I do have medical issues such as seizures and fainting spells. That can and will get in the way of replying. Please don’t take offense if I don’t respond for a few days and disappear. I will not ghost anyone intentionally, but will give heads up if I lose interest in rp. Or if I’ll be on hiatus for brief periods of time.
With this being said, I hope I covered all my rules throughly. I will add things as I see fit. I will add an interest tracker soon. I will encourage you all to please take time in reading my rules. This account is my safe space as well as my writing blog. I do have a side Blog that is a backup, please follow said side blog in case of something were to happen to this account. @/florencedowlingohara is my backup.
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headspace-hotel · 3 years
i know that personally, as a trans person, i don’t like when people i follow argue with terfs because then i have to be exposed to their rhetoric on my dash and it upsets me a lot, but for me personally, what bothers me is seeing a bunch of long threads in a row, whether they’re the same thread or different ones. however, there’s a difference between a trans person being upset by this and a TERF being upset by this that you can clearly tell—trans people will usually just ask the person to tag any arguments with terfs/transphobes or any mention of them, so that we can blacklist them and scroll past the transphobia easily without actually seeing it. sometimes trans people will be upset about the person arguing with transphobes even if they tag it, but we can literally always unfollow, it’s not that hard. TERFs will ask you to stop arguing with them, period, and the thing is, they’re not asking because they don’t want to see the arguments, they’re asking because they don’t want you to cause other TERFs, the ones who maybe believe a little less firmly in TERF rhetoric, to start questioning things after you poke holes in their logic. so unfollowing or blacklisting isn’t going to resolve the problem they have with it.
so, IMO as a trans person who doesn’t like seeing TERF/transphobic rhetoric on my dash, if you blacklist the content as terf/transphobia tw or something similar, and someone still decides you need to stop arguing with transphobes, and claims they’re trans, they’re most likely lying about it and are probably transphobic and mad that there’s a possibility their cult could start losing members over it. :/
^100% this.
But from reading their posts, it's definitely also that they really, really, really like having access to plenty of people who have little firsthand experience of radfem rhetoric.
TERFs constantly talk about how statements like "dont reblog from terfs, don't give terfs a platform!" hide what they're actually saying. And they constantly say it's because if you actually knew what TERF arguments were, and had spent time talking to them, you would ~realize~ they were reasonable and TERFs were reasonable, not-hateful people.
Literally, this is HOW they "recruit" people. "What do the ~Trans Cultists~ not want you to know, and why don't they want you knowing it?" When people are in the stage of figuring out things—and everybody is at some point—they are extremely vulnerable to the people that are willing to answer questions and reward inquisitiveness.
A lot of things about cults are applicable here. There's a friendly, more innocuous-seeming "front," and then there's the rabbit hole that just gets more and more fucked up.
I've noticed a ton of parallels with antivaxxers. This is what I have observed. It starts out with people having questions about things, or painful experiences they don't know how to process, and then they meet a friendly, super welcoming, very insular community of people that will answer all their questions and sympathize with all their fears and say "Yes, me too" about all their experiences!
And then it turns into an explanation for their experiences, a complete Reason for everything, and then it turns into a deep downward spiral about how the entire world is out to get you, but don't worry, you're safe with us. We know the truth.
And people who get into it that deep often end up being hateful as fuck, and just not caring about others, and all the bigotry and prejudice they have oozes out in ways that are ugly indeed, and you see them and think how does a person get that way?
It's scary shit. And I feel that you have to be like "Look. This is where the rabbit hole goes. This is where you end up. This is the anatomy of the thing, how it works, what it does. This is how you recognize it. This is not just THAT it's wrong and twisted, but WHY."
By the way, I try to tag stuff like this, but if I ever forget, feel free to remind me.
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Beloved, I hope you're doing splendid! Your visual art journey has been giving me such life, reinvigoration and renewed appreciation towards the craft as an artist myself ~
Sadly, it is with a heavy heart that I come to vent a little tonight, but I'm nonetheless glad I can whisper my bitter nothings into the safe nooks of your your blog's walls.
I was coerced into a field of study my parents found acceptible. I know they acted from a place of trauma and fear×of job insecurity; in their eyes they were trying to protect and guide me, but they wound up hurting me more than I ever anticipated.
When it comes to school my parents are very strict, relentless. I'd tried to fight them and exercise my autonomy on many occasions, only to end up with their grip on me tightened. That, along with developing mental health issues, left me mors isolated and dependant on them for survival.
At the beginning of last year I started the first year of the masters course on my reserves which left me totally unequipped to face a woman who was course coordinator, lecturer and my personal research supervisor. She saw something in me that she disliked and began a nesrly year long campaign of abuse, gaslighting, bullying and lies against me. She held so much power in the department that I had no reliable avenues through with to address the issue lest I incurred more of her wrath, retraumatised myself and possibly got blacklisted in the professional field (which she reminded me regularly she had the power to do). There was a time at which I was preparing to defend myself but the institution went to great lengths to protect her.
The who affair made me feel as though as I was going insane and the one thing stopping me from mercilessly blaming and gaslighting myself about what happened was that my classmates eventually started to take notice and validated all my concerns. They kindly tried to speak up for me but were also strategically silenced.
I got to a point where I was getting sick, having intense chest pains, my hair was falling out and the like. I told my parents I needed to stop. They sent me to a therapist thinking it would make the problem go away but after the therapist advised my parents that I take a break and be institutionalised for my health, they cut things off and held an intervention for me where they called the whole family in to pray over me and try to exorcize the negative influences and spirits that were "disrupting my education". At that point so many different circumstances had built up that I just wanted to die. I felt so cornered that I admitted it to them but it only angered them and I was dismissed as being difficult and selfish.
When there were 3 months left of the 1st year, the abuse reached a fever pitch and I secretly quit. I felt so relieved when I did and even though the woman tried to hound me for a short while after, my health started to improve. My plan was to find a job and get financially independent, so I could be free before telling my parents the truth, in order to lessen the blow and consequences of the expected massive fallout.
I didn't expect the trauma to start taking its full toll on me after a brief period of improvement. A couple of months passed and it felt like everything suddenly gave way. I spiraled into the worst depression I've ever lost myself in. I sought therapy and went consistently trying to put myself together as quickly as I could but I only seemed to fall apart worse than before each time. I could not function. I also had worsening of symptoms of a couple of mental illnesses that I didn't know I had until then.
I understand that healing isn't supposed to be linear or quick but now it's September and I've only just started getting some strength to live somewhat like a person again. I'm not sure what I can do or even have that capacity to do as the situation also affected my physical health irreparably to a degree. There's no direct solution and I'm very very tired of the only consolations being that everything will turn out okay somehow or that I'm strong and I'll get through it.
Last year I saw things not turn out okay. I was strong and durable until I wasn't anymore. None of the people that know I dropped out believed I would when I first started considering it. They all told me they understood it was hard but that I would be able to push through it like always.
At the moment I'm feeling quite unsupported, scared and exhausted. Confused too as I'm still trying to make sense of the past 2 years with a few other life altering events that I haven't processed enough to get into here. I also feel random surges of intense anger that leave me weeping and feeling powerless. I don't quite know what to do with those feelings and though therapy has helped a lot, progress feels slow and difficult. I'm really trying but I fear it's not enough and I find it hard not to blame myself. If only I'd known this or that, or had been more resilient or maybe I did do something to deserve this. I keep picking yself apart like a scab. Second guessing and wondering if this all is even something worth getting this grandly affected by. I'm frustrated by how seemingly irrational feelings like misplaced guilt, lowered self confidence and quiet hopelessness can have such sway and impact, despite how I've come to understand them for what they are in therapy.
Hopefully this isn't too much of a novel but I have been sitting with these feelings and I just wanted to express them somewhere where I wouldn't be told I just need to think more positively or told that I've been so strong before so that will get me to a peaceful resolution somehow. I don't want to pry at and rationalize these feelings as in therapy. I just want to communicate them as I feel them and leave it at that. Thank you for holding space for that.
I'm concluding now with a sigh of catharsis. Keep doing the lovely work that you do ~
I'm so sorry you were forced into this unfortunate situation. Your parents shouldn't have tried to choose your education for you. Your teacher shouldn't have bullied and abused you. And it's no wonder that both of those experiences messed severely with your mental health. That's not you failing - that's a healthy response to a very unhealthy situation.
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captainseamech · 2 years
Verses List
I know that I have a lot of verses and I know it’s a mess to keep track of which is which sometimes, but I decided to scatter all my verses together and divide them accordingly in a way that you can easily blacklist them if so desired with a very small info about it for those interested! This list will be updated as the verses are added/removed. You can also take this as a small guide through my verses!
Note: listing the crossover verses accordingly doesn’t mean that I will stop using the correct tagging for those who doesn’t want to see content from said fandom over my blog. Tumblr has the constant problem of not tagging blacklisted tags accordingly, so it would be a good idea to blacklist the verses tags too as a safety method and precaution.
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Main Timeline
— Main (not tagged): High Tide resides on Earth around the oceans afloat in his ship, occasionally docking on land to meet the others. He spends some extra time over Griffin Rock since it’s his main earthling residence canonically, but he’s mostly found in the ocean either in his submarine form or inside his ship
— Bittersweet and Strange / Past-war verse: A verse residing before war striked Cybertron, considered to be the so called Golden Era; High Tide can be found using his blue lenses for the sake of his trauma and insecurity as he now resided in Iacon
— Way back Home / Post-war verse: The war is over, Autobots finally won the war and Cybertron gets to raise again. High Tide tends to visit his home planet once in a while for the good memories and seeing how the restoration is going on to see if he can help somehow, but his main goal is to explore lo and behold through other planets as the spacefairing mech he once wanted to be as the opportunity to do so was never achieved until this very moment
— Being a Marine Biologist / Human verse: Resides on High Tide hiding himself in his holoform and trying to learn more from humans, disguising himself as a captain and having marine biologist as a bonus ‘profession’
— The Killing Machine / Gladiator arc verse: A verse specifically made for the time High Tide spent in the arenas acting like a gladiator for a certain period of time before war in many different cities, his biggest achievements (and unfortunately trauma) happening in Kaon’s main arena
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Canon divergence
— Teacher? Again? / RBA verse: During some events of R.escue B.ots A.cademy, High Tide was called to teach the younglings about proper water rescues just like he did before with the main team
— I don't recognize this place... / IDW verse: Focused even so slightly on IDW comics franchise, a bit more specifically on MTMTE/LL which I have yet to read it all
— Temporary Second Commander / TFP verse: Since Ultra Magnus had the misfortune of his hand destroyed by Predaking and other damages aside, the team agreed to call High Tide over to be a commander until Ultra Magnus gets a full recovery
— I hate how tall the Cons are / Animated verse: This is a completely different verse that has no big connections towards the alignment series. Despite High Tide being one of the tallest bots from the Autobots (only losing for Bulkhead), the Decepticons still intimidates him a little
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AUs (Alternative Universes)
— Divinity of Waters / GodFormer AU: Instead of being a normal Cybertronian, he’s now presented as a Deity that resides in large portions of water like oceans, presenting a merfolk kind of body and being able to mass shift in order to change his size at any presented time. The name High Tide was brought to him by outsiders, not by him since he considered himself to not have a name since the beginning of his existence
— Masked Warrior / Knight AU: High Tide is now presented as a knight in shining armor, his face never to be revealed to anyone he doesn’t have a certain level of trust involved. He’s extremely loyal to his superiors, doing everything possible to complete his mission and to keep the other’s safe. This verse can also happen in any fairytale-like/royalty-like setting for convenicence sake
— I'm deeply sorry for your new body. It was all my fault / ChiefBot AU: a small AU between me and @memoriiae where High Tide blames himself deeply for failing on protecting Chief Charlie and now he has to spend the rest of his life knowing that ChiefBot was now there to stay
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— Into a Mystery / MSA verse: High Tide ended up traveling to another dimension after his dog, but both of them ended up stuck in that dimension and now they have to stay with a weird group in a very unusual place
— In a Fairy Tale / Fantasy verse: A verse that goes around famous fairytale tropes, circulating around royalty, magical creatures, talking animals and more! In this specific verse, High Tide is stuck on his 6'2ft size for the sake of interacting more with this magical world
— Feeling Determined / Undertale verse: This verse is still a work in progress!
— This better not be a wormhole! / ISWM verse: High Tide assumed himself to be the captain of a spaceship crew, of course trying as hard as he can to not yell at Mark whenever a wormhole hit their spaceship
— Across the Galaxy / Star Wars verse: Coming from a different galaxy and planet, High Tide was mistakenly classified as an android and now has to spend his time with the Skywalkers until a better classification is presented
— Ahoy and Avast in the Greatest Space! / Treasure Planet verse: Having the title of Captain Armstrong through the galaxies he decided to resign from his captain position and try to be in a crew as only Tide the crewmate to hide his identity
— I'm not a Robot / FNAF verse: Taking place before the last released game, High Tide changed his designation to Circus Tide in for being able to disguise as a 6'5ft f.untime animatronic and using a bowtie to module down his voice
— Am I a Superstar? / Security Breach verse: After being transferred to Mega Pi.zzaplex, Circus Tide got an upgrade to be 6'9ft tall animatronic that roams around the place without a main attraction or anything else really in mind, but one of his abilities consists in fixing other animatronics better than humans could do so
— Everybody Scream / Horror verse: The Entity took a hold of our sea mech unexpectedly, shoving him out to a whole new dimension and shrinking him down to 6'2ft through unknown means
— Feels like Home / BH6 verse: High Tide now resides in San Fransokyo, the technology around and how sentient the robots semmed to be making the mech not feel weirded out and strange across that new dimension. His size is still up to debate, maybe around 6'2ft is acceptable or even a few inches taller with Minimi-Watch usage
— Of Hooves and Magic / MLP verse: High Tide decided to visit equestria, assuming the form of unicorn/sea pony. This verse is still a work in progress
— Heart of Crystal; Soul of Gold / Steven Universe verse: This verse is still a work in progress!
— Faster than Light / Sonic verse: This verse is still a work in progress!
— Bizarre on a Standing level / JJBA verse: This verse is still a work in progress!
— Trapped in Ink / BATIM verse: This verse is still a work in progress!
— Digital Body with a Human Mind / TADC verse: After putting a strange headset on, High Tide (named like that after getting in this place) was sent into a whole new digital world with no memories of his previous name, age or how he was like. Maybe he was not even human before getting in here...
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ask-arthur-morgan · 2 years
I’ve decided to put this up for new followers!
-Anything Arthur says will be in quotation marks.
-Anything mun says will not be in quotation marks and will end with {Mun}
-I will answer asks as Arthur during gang period (before they all passed) unless AU asks are being asked then I will answer them like Arthur survived TB.
-This blog is multi-ship and OC friendy! All I ask for OCS is :Background, Picture of them (only if able!) and at least 18 years of age. We could do something younger if we discuss it first. 
-My blog is a safe place for all ages. Minors include! I will sometimes blog something maybe a little spicy for minors, so please blacklist the tag not-for-minors!
-I am not a fast role player. I am usually slow and it takes me a few days to reply, but only sometimes. Other days I am fast or decent. I don’t expect you to be fast either, take your time! I won’t rush you at all. If I don’t reblog in a few days feel free to tag me! I am on mobile and don’t see everything. 
-I’m multi-fandom! I love Marvel, Murdoch Mysteries, GTA, Mafia series, RDR 1 and 2 (of course) The Evil Within, The Evil Within 2, The Last Of Us 1 and part ll, Outlast series, Uncharted 1,2,3 and 4, Vampyr, Resident Evil video games, 0 to village (not the movies) and Crash bandicoot! There are more as well! If you ever wanna talk about one of those for fun I am all ears! I love talking to you guys!
-I try my best to portray Arthur as he is. I do a High Honor Arthur as my base. 
-I don’t care how many lines of RP you do. Just please make sure it is something I can reply back to. I will admit, I have trouble replying to smaller RP treads but I can! If you can’t do long ones, then please make sure they have some detail!
-Be kind and no drama! This blog has been drama free since I first started it! Three years ago!
-NO Pedophiles, Terfs, Racists and Homophobic persons are NOT ALLOW here. Don’t not interact with this blog.
-If you only want rdr things related, (meaning no mun posts or other fandoms) please blacklist the words not rdr, mun and random!Doing this you will only see rdr stuff! 🤠
-I’m always up for random asks! If you wanna talk, we can talk! I’m 💯 up for that!
-Please don’t reblog RP posts if you aren’t my partner! Doing this can jumble up things and make it confusing for my partner and I! You can like the post instead however! That way you can still read it!
-Please be kind and respectful! It don’t take much to be kind!
That is all for now! I will maybe add more later! Thanks for reading!!
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dcfcrged · 3 years
            going to try and keep this pretty simple & straightforward.
I.  You must be 18+ to interact with me.
            There will be not safe for work content on this blog of the sexual and potentially of the graphic violence nature.  I do tag everything that might be triggering and am happy to tag whatever you ask me to so long as I remember!
                            I ask that you tag any visuals containing spiders with spider tw* spiders tw* arachnophobia tw* etc etc and yes, I know it’s a weird one but anything about the taste of soap or eating soap is a trigger so just tag it with soap tw* or penny don’t look* as I have that blacklisted too.  I don’t have any triggering fcs or what not.
II. This blog is multi-ship, multi-verse, crossover & au friendly.  
          Every ship is in its’ own verse unless previously discussed with all parties.  Every thread or set of threads takes place in its own universe unless previously discussed with all parties.
III.  I write anything from one-liners to novellas, it really just depends on life, my headspace, how much sleep I’ve been getting, how much else I have going on in real life, etc.
IV. My activity is NOT consistent.  I am infamous for blog hopping.  I have literally replied to some starters / replies two years+ after they were originally written.  I am not fast.  If I am fast, it’s by some small miracle and perfect storm of brain, muse and free time.  It will not last.
V. I’m 39.  I have kids, cats, dogs, guinea pigs; I am in college, I have a household to take care of and I have many physical and mental handicaps that can affect my ability to function and write, including but not limited to rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, ganglion cysts, torn meniscus, migraines, hypothyroidism, PMDD, nerve damage, herniated disc, ADHD, depression, anxiety, C-PTSD and severe insomnia.  
                          Roleplay is something I do for fun.  
                                  If it isn’t fun, I don’t do it.  
                                         If it’s stressing me out, I’ll avoid it.  
VI. I do graphic commissions.  
          I run @tuppencetrinkets where I post the millions of screencaps and 200x100 icons that I make.  The resources are free but donations are always appreciated as I pay about $40 in hosting / program fees a month.   My commissions are always pay what you can.  I hate setting prices because I want everyone to have pretties if they want them and I don’t know what anyone can afford at any given time.  I do everything from base icons to edited icons, backgrounds, headers, dividers, promos, videos, you name it.  I try to be quick with turnaround but again – sometimes I just can’t be.
VII.  I am fine with plotting things out in advance or winging it.  I really don’t care, whatever you are more comfortable with is fine with me.
               I like all kinds of plots.  I like fluffy things, slice of life, broships, frenemies, enemies, familial, found family, long arcing, one shot throwaway, dark and twisted, you name it plots.  I will not write n*ncon or anything nsfw themed /even hinted at with minor characters and I won’t write any explicit child death etc. but most everything else is fair game.
VIII.  You can throw a million memes at me any time you want to.
IX.  You can throw any and all starters at me any time you want to.
                I’m not necessarily mutual exclusive but I don’t guarantee I’ll respond to memes or starters from non-mutual blogs.
X. I use icons, headers, promos etc. that I make myself 99% of the time.  Please do not use any of my edited graphics.  All base icons I use are free and available on my resource blog.  
XI. I use small text and my icons are 200x100 with empty space to make them 540x130 so that they don’t stretch out on mobile.  I prefer not heavily edited replies in terms of font variance and colors but really don’t care that much.
XII.  I’ve probably forgotten relevant things but, who knows.
XIII.  No drama.  Period.  I’m not interested.  
XIV.  I’m here for fun.  I’m really pretty easy going.  If you have any questions feel free to toss them into my inbox!
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soufflefcrged · 3 years
Tumblr media
             going to try and keep this pretty simple & straightforward.
I.  You must be 18+ to interact with me.
             There will be not safe for work content on this blog of the sexual and potentially of the graphic violence nature.  I do tag everything that might be triggering and am happy to tag whatever you ask me to so long as I remember!
                             I ask that you tag any visuals containing spiders with spider tw* spiders tw* arachnophobia tw* etc etc and yes, I know it’s a weird one but anything about the taste of soap or eating soap is a trigger so just tag it with soap tw* or penny don’t look* as I have that blacklisted too.  I don’t have any triggering fcs or what not.
II. This blog is multi-ship, multi-verse, crossover & au friendly.  
           Every ship is in its’ own verse unless previously discussed with all parties.  Every thread or set of threads takes place in its own universe unless previously discussed with all parties.   I do ship Clara/Doctor, Clara/Danny and pretty much anything ever honestly but don’t ever force ships so just lmk if you do or don’t! Clara is bi/pan.
III.  I write anything from one-liners to novellas, it really just depends on life, my headspace, how much sleep I’ve been getting, how much else I have going on in real life, etc. 
IV. My activity is NOT consistent.  I am infamous for blog hopping.  I have literally replied to some starters / replies two years+ after they were originally written.  I am not fast.  If I am fast, it’s by some small miracle and perfect storm of brain, muse and free time.  It will not last.
V. I’m 39.  I have kids, cats, dogs, guinea pigs; I am in college, I have a household to take care of and I have many physical and mental handicaps that can affect my ability to function and write, including but not limited to rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, ganglion cysts, torn meniscus, migraines, hypothyroidism, PMDD, nerve damage, herniated disc, ADHD, depression, anxiety, C-PTSD and severe insomnia.  
                           Roleplay is something I do for fun.  
                                   If it isn’t fun, I don’t do it.  
                                          If it’s stressing me out, I’ll avoid it.  
VI. I do graphic commissions.  
           I run @tuppencetrinkets where I post the millions of screencaps and 200x100 icons that I make.  The resources are free but donations are always appreciated as I pay about $40 in hosting / program fees a month.   My commissions are always pay what you can.  I hate setting prices because I want everyone to have pretties if they want them and I don’t know what anyone can afford at any given time.  I do everything from base icons to edited icons, backgrounds, headers, dividers, promos, videos, you name it.  I try to be quick with turnaround but again -- sometimes I just can’t be.
VII.  I am fine with plotting things out in advance or winging it.  I really don’t care, whatever you are more comfortable with is fine with me.
                I like all kinds of plots.  I like fluffy things, slice of life, broships, frenemies, enemies, familial, found family, long arcing, one shot throwaway, dark and twisted, you name it plots.  I will not write n*ncon or anything nsfw themed /even hinted at with minor characters and I won’t write any explicit child death etc. but most everything else is fair game.
VIII.  You can throw a million memes at me any time you want to.
IX.  You can throw any and all starters at me any time you want to.
                 I’m not necessarily mutual exclusive but I don’t guarantee I’ll respond to memes or starters from non-mutual blogs.
X. I use icons, headers, promos etc. that I make myself 99% of the time.  Please do not use any of my edited graphics.  All base icons I use are free and available on my resource blog.  
XI. I use small text and my icons are 200x100 with empty space to make them 540x130 so that they don’t stretch out on mobile.  I prefer not heavily edited replies in terms of font variance and colors but really don’t care that much.
XII.  I’ve probably forgotten relevant things but, who knows.
XIII.  No drama.  Period.  I’m not interested.  
XIV.  I’m here for fun.  I’m really pretty easy going.  If you have any questions feel free to toss them into my inbox!
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the-twinventors · 4 years
Stella had anticipated Talia making her way up to the recovery room eventually. She knew that there was only so long Max could keep her at bay, after all. It sucked that she was mostly distracted from bonding with Galaxy by her mental preparation for the older canine’s inevitable appearance, but she remained calm. Once the riot act had been read and Max had removed her, she could relax and spend the rest of her time in the hospital properly bonding with her daughter.
It happened sooner than she expected, though. It had only been a few minutes since Stella finally calmed down from her happy-crying (after almost an hour), and both the twins were just happily chatting and planning while Galaxy looked between them like she was following the conversation, occasionally butting in with a babble of her own. Nurses were filtering in and out periodically, checking on both Stella and Galaxy.
So when the door opened for the… sixth? Seventh time? Regardless, they were both expecting another nurse, or Dr North coming to give Stella the talk about her after-effects of birth. Instead, their fur immediately bristled as the woman they despised with every cell of their being swanned into the room like she owned the place.
“There you both are! I knew you were somewhere around here.” Her eyes lit up as she saw the bundle in Stella’s arms, and she gasped eagerly, immediately making a beeline for the bed with her arms out.
Jayce’s lip curled back, and he moved to intercept, but was immediately thrown off by Stella thrusting Galaxy into his arms, climbing out of the bed and moving to corral Talia back towards the door. “Get out.”
“Wh--?” Talia reeled back, startled, before defaulting to her wheedling tone. “Sweetie, you need to rest! You just get back into bed and let me meet my grandbaby--”
“Get out.” Unsteady on her feet as she was, Stella didn’t back down, arms out to prevent her from dodging around her and continuing to force her back towards the door. Her short answers left no room for argument, and yet she knew this vile woman was still going to make as many as she could.
“S-Stella, don’t be so difficult! Don’t you know every baby needs their grandma?” Sure enough… “Come on, just let me meet her! She needs me! Let me--”
“I. Said. Get. Out.” Reaching around her, Stella pushed the door open and promptly forced her out of the room back into the hall. Immediately she shut the door and leaned back against it, blocking her from getting back in.
Just as she expected, Talia was looking at her with that look - that hurt, wounded, poor-me look. “Are you seriously going to prevent me from meeting my grandbaby? You can’t hold these silly grudges forever, sweetie, you have to--”
“Don’t you fucking ‘sweetie’ me!” It came out so viciously that Talia actually took a step back. “You could have killed me! You could have killed my daughter! Do you seriously think I’m going to let you anywhere near her after what you did?!”
She had the audacity to laugh. “Oh, come on, Stella, that was an accident! And it was just a little nick!”
“Does this look like a ‘little nick’ to you?!” Stella tilted her head up, pointing at the stitching along her throat. “If you hit my vital vessels, both of us would probably be dead! I could have you put away for aggravated assault, if not attempted murder!”
“And who’s going to believe you?” Yep - there it was. Talia was stood straight now, sneering down her nose at Stella to try and make her feel inferior and unimportant. “You’re just a silly little girl, after all - no one’s going to listen to you. And I could have your brat brother put away for assault - he attacked me, after all.”
“He defended me.” And the cameras would prove that. That Talia had attacked Stella, a pregnant woman, and Jayce had attacked Talia to defend Stella and Galaxy. They had all the evidence they needed to put her away if they wanted to. The less she knew about that, though, the better. “But I’m willing to let this slide if you get the fuck out of our lives and never bother us again.”
“Don’t be ridiculous! Listen now, Stella, tomorrow I’m going to contact the necessary people and make arrangements, and you’re going to sign your parental rights over to me.” Ugh, she had that ‘you silly ignorant little child’ pitying look on her face that the twins hated so much. “You know that my grandbaby’s only going to suffer if she stays with you. Besides, you’ve never even raised a baby before - you have no idea what you’re doing. I’ve raised four of you, so I have much more experience.”
“OK, clearly you need your hearing checked. I told you not even a minute ago that you’re not allowed around her.” Stella’s fur was bristling furiously, tail completely rigid behind her. “She’s not ‘your’ anything, so stop with the ‘my grandbaby’ crap. You’re only her grandmother by blood - you gave up your right to actually be a grandmother by being a shitty mother. Look at how all your kids turned out - Cody’s a violent sociopath, Max is almost completely socially inept, and Jayce and I still have nightmares about everything you’ve done to us. Yeah, well done, you raised a bunch of fuckups. Real bang-up job you did there.”
Talia had that stern disappointed mother look on her face now, crossing her arms in a self-entitled manner. Normally that expression had both twins wilting and stammering out apologies, but Stella stood firm. Well, as firm as she could with how wrecked she was from the birth - she was still a little unsteady on her feet - but she had to stand tall. She had her own child to protect now.
“You’re such a disrespectful child.” Talia was still sneering down her nose. “Your father will be hearing about this.”
“Not my problem.” Lane wasn’t going to care as long as they were safe and healthy.
The older canine snorted. “My friends won’t be happy.”
“Irrelevant.” Because they were. It wasn’t their business.
“Well, the community at home w--”
“I don’t care if you have the cops, the entirety of G.U.N, and the motherfucking President of the United Federation on your side--” Stella’s voice was rising a little in her anger. “--you are not coming anywhere near my daughter!!”
It was at this point a nurse finally took notice of the confrontation, and she approached, looking concerned. “Miss Hope, what are you doing out of bed? Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, this bitch is on my visitor blacklist.” Stella didn’t break eye contact with Talia as she spoke. “Get her out of here.”
“What?! Of course I’m not!” Talia laughed at the absurdity. “I’m her mother, there’s no way she’d--”
“Except she has. I’ve seen it myself.” Ah, there was Max, coming up behind Talia and forcefully taking her arm. “C’mon, the doctor’s given you the all-clear. We need to go.”
“No! I’m not leaving until I’ve met my gr--”
“Too bad. You need to go home. They don’t want you here, and for good reason.” Without giving Talia room to argue, Max began directing her towards the ward’s exit. “C’mon, you don’t wanna make a scene, do you?”
Talia began protesting indignantly, prompting the nurse to follow behind to ensure nothing happened, while simultaneously radioing for security. Stella didn’t move from the door until Talia was out of the ward and out of earshot. Once she was certain it was safe, she turned around and opened the door again, slipping back into her room. Jayce was sitting in the visitor chair, Galaxy resting on his knees as he played with her. He looked up as Stella reappeared, brow creased in worry. “Everything alright?”
“Yep. It’s been sorted.” Stella climbed back into bed, flopping against her pillows. “Can you text Max and remind him to get that key off her? I don’t wanna have to change our locks...”
“Yeah, no problem.” Jayce lifted Galaxy and stood up, returning her to her mother’s arms. “Here. She was really good while you were out there.”
“Oh, yeah?” Stella grinned, tickling Galaxy’s tummy. “Were you a good girl for Uncle Jayce?”
Galaxy burst into a giggle fit at the contact, wiggling and kicking playfully. Once more, Stella felt her heart swell with love. Fuck what Talia said, she knew she was doing something right if she could make her daughter laugh and smile. And it didn’t matter how much she preached about Stella’s experience in rearing children - she didn’t need ‘experience’ in order to properly love and cherish her child. Something that Talia had never done for them.
Fuck her. Stella and Galaxy didn’t need her. They’d be just fine without her. Everything was going to be OK.
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katarascape · 4 years
whats ur advice on staying informed about the news but not becoming so overwhelmed bc everything seems to b going wrong? (heavy ask, srry)
it’s cool anon, i know a lot of people have been struggling with it and i do too sometimes.
i’m going to break down what i do, and hopefully it can help you.
pick out what you do care about. this will help get your priorities straight, you can be as specific or as vague as you like. i care about politics, the environment, cute cats, international bike races. this lets me ‘skim’ the news. if there is any news on these interests, you can focus on that, and if there isn’t any news, you can skip out.
pick out what you dont care about. or pick out what will send you spiraling. if you want to keep up with politics but you don’t want to listen to trump, this can work like an early warning system and let you change the channel or hit the back button.
try and limit how much news you consume. if you get overwhelmed by lots of info, especially in short periods, it’s really good to set a time limit. i’ll watch the news for half an hour, at most twice a day. this should be enough to keep you up to date with major headlines.
if you’re on social media a lot try and limit how much overwhelming stuff you see. if you’re on tumblr a lot i think you can blacklist certain tags? so that you can keep a safe, happy space most of the time.
make safe spaces. keep the news out of your bedroom/sleeping space and/or workspace. our brains are funny things, and getting overwhelmed reading/watching the news where you’re supposed to sleep or work can make your brain think that those spaces are no longer okay to be happy/safe in.
try to have something calming you can focus on to keep your thoughts from drifting. if i’m watching the news of an evening, i do it fairly early, like 7ish and watch for like 1/2 an hour. and then i turn on the cooking channel and watch something wholesome and nice and gentle like maggie beer or the great british bake off, and watch that for more like 2 hours.
watching the news at the moment is like sprinting. except we’re out here trying to sprint a marathon. you need rest in between all that effort, it’s exhausting. but you’re never going to finish that marathon if you stop and catch your breath. what you need to do is keep moving and catch your breath. hands on your head, shuffle forward with something wholesome so that you’ve caught your breath back for that next news break.
and never ever feel guilty for distancing yourself from something that’s making your life hard.
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lihikainanea · 5 years
The period smut
My babies, thanks for your patience with this. I hope it was worth the wait. I missed writing these two in a longer piece.
A few things, before you proceed:
1) Tiger has a safe word. She says no, in this. She pushes him away. But in their dynamic, she has a safe word and until she uses it--it’s a green light. She can say no as much as she wants, it’s part of it. She knows--and so does Bill--that if she wants it to stop, she just has to say her safe word.
2) I get that this kink isn’t for everybody. It’s why I’m tagging it as appropriate, so you can blacklist it if you want to. But that being said--friends, ain’t no kink shaming in my house. Life is too short.
It hit at the worst time.
There was never a good time for your uterus to attempt to kill you, but smack in the middle of a beach vacation was less than ideal. It usually never hit you too hard, but a lack of exercise and an overabundance of alcohol, of blissful sex most nights and an avalanche of Bill’s subliminal pheromones being exuded in your general direction meant you were in for a rough, hormonal ride.
You felt it the second you woke up, a deep clenching of your lower abdomen that had you curling in more on yourself as you roused from sleep. Bill took your shrinking form as a sign you were needing more affection, so he wrapped even tighter around you as you tried to make your way out of his arms and to the bathroom. It took a few seconds, petulant whining on his part as you undid every new limb he wrapped around you until you took to just smacking him away. 
“Quit it you dick,” he mumbled sleepily, and you rolled your eyes.
“Bill I have to pee. I can do that in the bathroom, or on you,” you snapped. He smirked, his eyes still closed, but you clamped a hand over his mouth before he could speak.
“No,” you said, “Just no. Don’t even.”
He huffed, grumbling at you, as you promised him you’d be back in a second. He didn’t notice your discomfort on your way back to bed, walking gingerly with a hand pressing tightly into your lower stomach, and he was all over you again the minute you laid back down. You let him curl around you, his body heat helping soothe the deep cramps gripping your lower belly.
You thought—you hoped—it would get better the more you moved around, got some food into you, some soothing ginger tea. Advil would have been a smarter choice, but as the cramps got worse over the course of the day and started to nag at your lower back, you turned to your favourite pain relief: alcohol.
Sitting up gingerly from your towel in the sand, you stood slowly and looked for Bill out on the water. You didn’t have to look far, catching the glint off his mirrored RayBans as his long legs hung out the sides of the inflatable swan anchored in the ocean. You waved your arm up high and saw his head tilt, waving a hand back. You motioned to the hotel lobby where the best outdoor bar was—the one that had the heaviest hand when it came to the rum cocktails—and started to make your way over. You moved slowly, your back aching, your entire front doubled over in pain.
“Can I get a Pina colada, please?” You asked the bartender, folding your arms on the counter top and resting your weight on them. You hunched over as another cramp hit, the dull ache radiating to your lower back, and suppressed a groan.
You jumped slightly when a big hand rested on your back, your startled movement jarring you and you grabbed your abdomen as the tense muscles spurred another vicious cramp.
“Easy kid,” Bill soothed, crowding your space, “Are you okay? You don’t look so good.”
“I’m dying,” you groaned, “This is death for sure.”
“What’s wrong?” He tried to keep his voice even, calm, but you saw the creases of worry on his features.
“Death by cramps, this is the end for me.”
His brow pinched in concern.
“It’s your stomach?” He asked, reached his hand for it but you flinched and curled away. You winced as the dull ache from your back eased it’s way down your sciatic nerve.
“It’s not my stomach, bud,” you quirked a brow at him, arching your back to ease some of the pain.
“Oh,” you watched as realization clouded his features, “Oh.”
The bartender plunked your drink down then, and you greedily reached for it and managed a few hefty gulps before you felt the brain freeze start to take over.
“And is…rum…a good idea for that?” He asked skeptically. You tilted your head in contemplation.
“You know what? You’re right,” you tapped the bartender on the shoulder, “Can I have 25 shots of tequila please?”
“Tiger, no,” Bill said, his eyes wide.
“Tiger yes,” you insisted, clutching your pina colada and trying to gulp the rest down.
“Alright kid, that’s enough of this,” he pried it from your grasp as you clutched on, your mouth chasing the straw, “Go on upstairs, I’ll be there in a minute.”
But you kept reaching for your drink and he held it high above his head, laying a quick kiss on your lips when you lunged for it.
“Go,” he admonished again, giving your backside a light pat as you grumbled.
You slowly made your way back to your room, stopping every now and then to clutch the wall when a cramp hit particularly hard. When you finally made it in you stripped down to your underwear immediately, pulling on the shirt Bill had worn last night and tucking yourself under the covers. You heard his key slide in the lock a few minutes later, and he rounded the corner with two mugs in his hand.
“This might help a little more than rum,” he said, handing one to you as you sat up. You sniffed it, cupping your hands around the mug as you brought it to your lips.
“Thank you,” you said, the warm liquid soothing a bit of the ache as it settled in your stomach.
“What hurts?” He asked, wrapping his hands around his mug. You placed yours on the nightstand and flopped back onto the pillows.
“Everything,” you whined, “My entire lower abdomen is just…throbbing. My back is killing me. My boobs are killing me. Everything is killing me.”
“Do you want to take something for it?” He asked, but you just shook your head.
“I didn’t bring anything,” you said, throwing a forearm over your eyes and groaning as another cramp hit.
“I couldn’t find a hot water bottle,” he mumbled, pulling the covers down. He gently rucked up your shirt as you protested, and he tutted you softly. “But maybe this will help?”
Putting the mug on the floor, he lightly placed his hands on your lower abdomen, applying just a bit of pressure. His hands were hot from the mug, fanning out across nearly your entire stomach as he pressed down lightly. You groaned in relief, your eyes closing as you went limp.
“Oh my god,” you moaned, the pressure and the heat easing the tension.
“Good?” He asked, switching the position of his hands and rubbing lightly.
“Press down a bit harder please,” you begged, your eyes closed. You sighed heavily when he did, adding just a bit more pressure as he stilled his hands.
“Does it help?” He asked, hopeful. You managed a small smile as you tickled your fingers up his forearm.
“Big time, bud. Thank you.”
“You know,” he started, moving his hands to another position, “I heard an orgasm is also incredibly effective at relieving cramps.”
You opened your eyes, glaring at him.
“I swear to god,” you threatened, “My uterus is literally shredding itself into pieces. Shredding, Bill. And you are seriously proposing that I fuck your brains out for relief?”
He stared back, unblinking.
“No, I’m seriously proposing that you lie back and let me fuck your brains out, for your own relief,” he picked up the mug again, warming his hands for a few seconds before placing them back on your lower abdomen. 
“It’s gross,” you snapped. He shrugged.
“It’s science.”
You just shook your head, flopping it back on the pillow. A second later you heard the bedsheets rustle, felt the weight on the bed shift as his hands slid off your stomach.
He ran his nose along your jaw, steadying his weight above you with a knee planted on the mattress, before placing his lips on that sensitive spot below your ear. He sucked on it softly as you inhaled a sharp breath, willing yourself not to whimper. He released it with a lick, swiping his tongue over his lips before planting them again an inch down, sucking on your pulse point.
“Bill, no,” you sighed, but his hands came up to tangle with yours and you held on.
“Okay,” he mumbled into your neck, moving his lips down to kiss and suck at another spot. His mouth was warm and soft, leaving a wet trail in its wake as you tingled.
“Stop,” you whimpered, but he just nipped gently at your sensitive skin as you craned your chin up to expose more of your neck.
“Alright,” he conceded, moving his mouth to the hollow of your neck and down your collarbone, peppering suckling kisses along it. He made his way back up your neck and when he got to your sweet spot—a small spot halfway up your neck and a little to the back—he sucked on it a little harder as he softly rolled his hips down into yours. You gasped and moaned; you were already so sensitive, but now you were dialled to a hundred.  He rested his hips lightly against yours, keeping a lot of the pressure off your stomach but pressing down just enough to relieve some of your pain.
“Bill it’s…it’s gross,” you tried, but it sounded pitiful even to you. He rolled his hips slowly into yours again and you dug your nails into his biceps, moaning softly.
“S’not gross,” he murmured into your neck, “And it’ll help you.”
“It’s messy,” you bit your lip, but you could feel your resolve crumbling the more he pushed his hips into yours.
“We’ll put a towel down,” he moved his face from your neck, kissing down your nose before capturing your lips in a searing kiss. You whined into it, already worked up and hormonal, even more so knowing that the release you were now so desperately craving would have to wait a few days. You broke the kiss, frustrated, and tried to sit up.
“This is mean,” you started to push away at him, his lips softly pressing all over your face, “You’re getting me all horny and you know there’s nothing we can do about it for a few more days.”
“We can do something about it,” he insisted, kissing you again as you struggled, “I’ve done it before.”
That gave you pause as you looked up at him, and he held your gaze.
“You have?” You asked meekly. He nodded, and gave you a half smile.
“Yeah, in fact I had a girlfriend who was super into it. She swore it was the only thing that ever helped,” he wove his hands with yours again, kissing the corners of your mouth, “I was happy to do it.”
He bumped his nose with yours, kissing the tip of it as you contemplated.
“Which girlfriend?”
“Tiger,” he rolled his eyes, “Look, if you really don’t want to, then we won’t. But don’t hold out on relief because you think it’s gross. It doesn’t bother me, kid.”
 You stared at him long and hard, waiting to see a crack in his facade. But irritatingly, all you saw was kindness and sincerity. And as another cramp clenched your lower stomach, you caved.
“Fine,” you agreed, “But there’s no way I’m doing this without a shower first.”
Smiling, he moved off of you and pulled you up slowly. When you made your way into the bathroom, he followed but you put a hand on his chest to stop him.
“Nuh uh, buddy,” you pushed him back, “You wait out here.”
He whined petulantly but you shoved him back and slammed the door.
You took your time under the stream of hot water, both to gain courage and to soap up a few times. When you weren’t getting any cleaner, you shut the water off with a sigh. Running a towel through your hair, you wrapped it around you after and took a deep breath as you opened the door.
Bill was sitting cross legged on the bed, moving to his knees when he saw you. He had spread out towels—the dark blue ones, typically reserved for the beach—all over the bed.
“I thought the white ones might freak you out,” he reached his hand out and you walked towards him, taking it, “I asked the hotel to bring me these ones.”
“Good call,” you muttered, “Now get me off my feet before gravity takes over.”
Your attempt at grossing him out didn’t work, when all he did was pull you towards him, wrapping his arms around your waist as he captured your lips in a lingering kiss. He shifted, pulling you onto the bed and settling you under him, resting some of his weight on you. He moved his lips from yours to kiss your chin, nipping your jaw.
“I’m serious, bud,” you tried again, “It’s going to like…gush.”
“Okay,” he mumbled unaffected, sucking your earlobe into his mouth. You whimpered, craning your neck up to give him better access.
“It’s going to look like a crime scene,” you couldn’t keep the edge of a pleasured sigh from sneaking out as he nibbled on your ear.
“Alright,” he mumbled again, moving his lips down to suck the water droplets from your neck. He moaned, his lips vibrating against your sensitive skin, and pulled at the knot in your towel. He trailed his mouth over your collarbone as his hand came up to cup your breast, running his thumb over your nipple. He kneaded it softly, rolling your nipple between his thumb and forefinger before pinching it lightly and you groaned. You were so sensitive already, the hormones putting all of your nerve endings on fire as he licked the hollow of your neck, dragging his tongue down the middle of your chest. He rolled his hips into yours as he sucked your nipple into his mouth, and you gasped.
“You know,” you started, pausing to moan as he flicked it with his tongue, “You really don’t have to uh, warm me up.”
“Mmm,” was his non-committal reply.
“There’s going to be enough…wetness,” you tried again, “But it’ll be blo—”
He cut you off with a rough kiss.
“You get an A for effort in trying to gross me out, kid,” he murmured, “But you still lose.”
He kissed you again, rolling his hips into yours again and you clung to him, digging your nails into his back. He sucked on your bottom lip, running his tongue over it as he laid his palm flat on your chest, dragging is down slowly to rest low on your belly. It knocked you back into the present.
“Whoa hey, hang on,” you broke the kiss and grabbed his wrist firmly, “Hands stay up top.”
He sighed and moved his hand, shifting to balance his weight on his forearms he looked down at you. 
“Why?” He asked.
“Because, that’s some next level shit I’m not ready for yet,” you said. He kissed you lightly, running his thumb across your cheek.
“Tiger, if you don’t want to do this, then we won’t do it,” he said as he stroked your cheek. You shook your head.
“No, I want to,” you insisted, “I’m just…I’m not ready for your hands to be all up in that mess.”
“Okay,” he acquiesced, “Are you sure? About wanting this?”
You nodded.
“And if you change your mind about it all? And you want to stop?”
“I’ll tell you,” you promised, and he smiled. Weaving his hands with yours, he placed them by your head.
“Good. So I’ll just keep my hands up here,” he murmured, “And maybe I just keep doing this, instead.”
And he thrusted his hips into you again, making you moan as he brought his mouth back down to your chest. Licking between your breasts, he nipped at your soft mounds before capturing your nipple back in his mouth. He rolled his tongue over it as he flexed his hips into yours, sucking hard on it as you whimpered. Releasing it with a pop, he dragged his mouth back to yours for a deep kiss while he let go of your hands.
“Take my pants off kid,” he commanded, “I’ll keep my hands up here.”
He moved them into your hair, scratching lightly as you fumbled for his pants and pushed them down over his hips. You used your feet to drag them down his legs, until they were low enough for him to kick off. Settling his hips onto yours, he sucked your bottom lip into his mouth.
“Line me up,” he murmured against your mouth, and you reached down to position his head at your entrance. He moaned at the contact, fisting your hair a little tighter.
“You good, tiger?” He asked, and it came out as more of a sigh. You nodded.
“Yeah bud,” you couldn’t help but grind up against him just a bit, making you both moan, “Yeah, I’m good.”
Removing his hands from your hair to weave back with yours, he kissed you as he slowly pushed into you. He groaned from deep in his chest and you felt him twitch, pressing in until his hips sat flush with yours and he dragged in a ragged breath.
“Bullseye,” he sighed.
You were clenching around him already, so worked up and hypersensitive, and now stretched so deliciously with him inside of you. His head rested heavily on that sensitive part of your walls, already pulsating against him and he squeezed your hands tighter.
“God, kid,” he moaned, “You feel fucking incredible.”
You took a deep breath in, tried to calm the tight coil you could already feel building low in your gut but it was no use. You felt yourself fluttering around him, your muscles clenching rhythmically as he pulled his hips back and slowly rolled them into yours again.
“You ok?” He checked in, and you raked your nails down his back as you craned your head up for a kiss. He moaned into your mouth, grinding his hips down and rubbing against your clit with his lower abs.
“So good,” you whimpered, tilting your hips up into his for more friction, “So good.”
He thrusted into you slow and deep, and you were already losing control. Burying his face in your neck, he sucked your earlobe into his mouth.
“You’re so sensitive,” he murmured against you, “You’re ready to come already.”
You let out a frustrated cry and he felt you bear down on him, gritting your teeth to try and stave it off. He nipped his way back to your mouth, capturing your lips in a heated kiss.
“Oh no, kid. No way,” he groaned, rolling down into you with a bit more force, “Don’t hold back.”
Gently, he eased his thumb into your mouth as he ground his hips down onto your clit.
“This is for you, sweet girl,” he bumped his nose with yours and closed his eyes, cursing lowly when he felt you squeeze around him, “You let go whenever you need to. I’ll catch up.”
He thrusted deep into you again, staying in and rubbing his pelvis against your nub as you groaned. Your walls fluttered around him and you whined as you bit around his thumb.
“Give it to me, kid,” he coaxed. He gripped the bedsheets tightly in his fist, cursing and biting into the pillow to stave off his own release when he felt you start to clench rhythmically around him. Your back bowed off the bed as you stilled, everything tense and wound tight before it snapped. With a soft cry you clutched at him, biting down hard on his thumb as his hips continued to move slowly against you as you spasmed. He rested you gently against the pillows as you rode it out, not stopping his movements as you writhed and whimpered.
“Good girl,” he praised, a guttural groan clawing its way out of his chest, “God the things you do to me, tiger.”
Easing his thumb out of your mouth, he bit down hard on your bottom lip before dragging it into his mouth, parting your lips to glide his tongue inside.
The way he kept his movements slow and steady, not stopping as you came down from your high meant that you were soon climbing again. You made a strangled noise, feeble and needy, as you felt it start to build with his gentle thrusts, the rhythmic roll of his hips into yours, the slow drag of when he pulled back and the sweet satisfaction of when he filled you back up again.
“Wrap your legs around me kid,” he commanded breathlessly, “Nice and tight.”
You did as you were told, rewarded with a deep moan as he repositioned his weight on his hands, thrusting in deeper.
“Touch your clit for me, sweet girl,” he sighed, grinding into you, “Nice and gentle.”
You whined but he shushed you softly, licked the pads of your first two fingers before coaxing your hand down. You pressed down gingerly on your oversensitive nub, causing you to clench around him and he moaned, kissing you hard.
“That’s it, tiger,” he praised, “Just like how I would do it.”
But you whimpered, grabbing at his hand and placing it low on your belly.
“You do it better,” you whined, “Please Bill.”
“You sure, kid?” He asked, “I thought you didn’t want my hands—”
“Please,” you cut him off with your begging, feeling the pressure building in your stomach as your body thrummed, “Please just touch me.”
You didn’t need to ask again; he dragged his lips to the sweet spot on your neck, sucking on it as he gently pinched your clit between his thumb and forefinger. You were so sensitive, already so close again that you let out a loud cry and surged forward. He groaned, thrusting in deep and doing it again.
“Bill,” the whimpers tumbled from your lips as you started to tighten around him, raking your nails down his back. He twitched and thrusted in hard, slamming into you with a loud groan.
“Fuck,” it was loud, almost a yell, as he pinched your clit and slammed into you again. It was enough to send you over the edge, tumbling into bliss a second time as you dug your nails into his back and tightened your legs around him. The feeling of your spasms around him triggered his own release and his hand shot out, gripping the headboard as he let out a loud cry. His back tensed, his hips thrusting in deep and staying there as he crushed you to him, groaning as he twitched through it. He couldn’t hold his weight as the aftershocks took over, his muscles jolting as he collapsed on top of you. He sighed, his chest heaving with deep breaths that he struggled to take. He stayed like that for a few minutes, his full weight crushing you to the mattress as he tried to catch his breath.
He got his wits about him after awhile, and raised up as much as he could, his arms shaky and his jaw still lax with pleasure.
“Are you okay?” He mumbled. Dazed, you managed a dopey grin.
“I think we’ll be doing that more often,” you said. He smiled, his own lopsided and nearly drunk.
“Are your cramps gone?” He asked, and you nodded.
“You feel good?” He questioned, and once again you nodded enthusiastically. He laughed, pecking your lips briefly.
“Good,” he said, keeping a close hold of you as he rolled off and onto his side. With a deep breath he sat up, struggling to get his legs over the side of the bed. He stood up, wobbling slightly, and you shot up in panic.
“Bill, wait,” you said and he turned to you, but your face dropped in horror and embarrassment when you looked down. You had made a mess of him, blood staining his lower abdomen and his upper thighs, and your cheeks burned with humiliation.
“Don’t look down,” you begged, mortified. You scrambled to throw the sheets around yourself, grabbing at the towels to try and clean up, “Please don’t look down. I’ll clean you up.”
Two hands on your shoulders gently pushed you back down as you tried to stand, leaning over you to spread the towel back out on the bed and kissing your lips lightly.
“Tiger, relax,” he soothed, “It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay,” you whined, “It’s gross. I made a mess on you.”
“Kid, you have literally thrown up all over me. Multiple times. A little blood is not going to gross me out,” he kissed you softly again, “It’s natural.”
“It’s gross. Can I at least clean you up?” You mumbled feebly, but he tapped your nose.
“No. Lie down, I’ll be back in a second,” and with no more room to argue, he shoved you gently back onto the pillow and made his way to the bathroom. He re-emerged a few minutes later, his front cleaned off and with a small container of baby wipes in his hand. Sitting beside you, he gently swiped between your legs with a wipe, cleaning you up as you groaned and threw your forearm across your eyes in embarrassment. But you let him work, dabbing you with another wipe before a crinkle of paper caught your attention, a gentle hand moving your legs further apart.
“Whoa, no fucking way,” you shot upright, grabbing his wrist and snatching the tampon from his hand as he looked at you with a bored expression, “Are you fucking insane?”
“You know, you can be a real prude sometimes tiger,” he quirked a brow at you, an amused grin tugging at his lips. You glared at him, incredulous.
“This is gross,” you accused, “How the fuck are you so okay with all of this shit? Who the fuck tries to put a tampon—” 
He cut you off with a kiss, holding your face to him as you struggled.
“You know what? You’re right, kid” he nipped playfully at your nose and you swatted him, “No sense in wasting one when we’re just gonna go at it again in a few hours.”
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frostclawdragoon · 5 years
Early Access and Launch week survival guide: What to expect and prepare for
Just a little list of what players can and should expect and prepare for when Shadowbringers goes into early access next week, followed by official launch shortly after, from someone who has survived many, many launch days for expansion packs.
In no particular order, here is a bundle of some helpful tips and reminders:
-Clean your inventory and retainers out: Do this and do this soon. New quests means new rewards and randomly obtained items dropped from monsters. If you do not have the bagspace now, you will definitely not have the bagspace when ShB drops! Don’t be caught with full bags!
-Turn off shout, yell and titles: Sometimes people want to avoid all things spoiler related, no matter how mild or vague the spoiler might be. So just to be safe, make sure you turn off Shout and Yell, and turn off Titles! Last time a spoiler title got through for the MSQ, it’s been changed since then, but just in case! This is a reminder to do that before servers go down for maintenance!
-Blacklist ShB stuff on social media: People are gonna wanna scream about spoilers on their social media, and it’s their right to do so! It’s their little corner of the internet! But to protect yourself, be sure to blacklist appropriately and, if you have to, temporarily avoid those who do not tag! You can always refollow after you’ve caught up! :D
-Get some IRL stuff done before launch: During the day servers are down for maintenance, get your house chores done! Do your laundry, clean those dishes, take all the trash out, buy some good quick snacks and tidy up your space. Make sure everything is clean, ready and set for extended periods of gameplay so you can play mostly uninterrupted. Bonus points if you prep throughout the week leading up!
-Take plenty of AFK breaks: Ensure to drink plenty of water, get plenty of sleep, shower and just take time away from the computer to walk (Please take care of family and pets too!). Don’t play the game without breaks. I know those queue times are gonna be rough, but playing without pause is really bad for your health, trust me. Look up Final Fantasy XI “Pandemonium Warden” and read about that 18 hour boss without breaks. Nasty stuff.
-Expect big queues upon logging in, especially during zero hour: No matter the data center you play on, expansion packs will bring a lot of new players and returning players. And people will likely server jump to avoid queues and fill up servers that are currently empty. Just have patience, make sure you have something to do while waiting(download a phone game or work on some art, ect), the queues will pass and things will settle. They always do. :]
-If we have the AFK campers like Stormblood: Calmly bring the issue up to the dev team on the forum so they can engage the daily server reset again. Though I’m sure they’ll be expecting it again, but just incase, don’t panic! We’ve survived this before. :D
-Expect the inevitable DDOS: Someone out there is going to see the FFXIV community excited for a good time and will want to ruin it, I’ve seen it happen with MMOs and any new online games (Even Overwatch got hit on launch day). If the servers start crashing a lot out of no where, assume it’s the DDOSers at their nonsense again and be patient, the dev team will be working around the clock to get servers up and stablized.
-Have a lil bit of patience and make alternate plans for in-game: Early Access and Launch week for any game is rough, so try to be patient. Queues will be long, servers will be shaky, DDOSing will be happening, loads of players will be fighting the same quest mobs, worlds will be clogged. Just be as patient as you can, things will smooth out gradually and all will be well. If you plan to do MSQ and its a chaos zone, make sure you have a fallback plan to do something else in-game while you wait for things to calm down!
-There will be bugs: Unfortunately that’s just how these things are. You’re probably going to hit a quest or a dungeon that will be bugged to heckity that the dev-team didn’t find in their testing, or it didn’t happen until the servers went live. Bugs are sneaky lil shits that will show up in the least expected of places, so be sure to report them and know that the dev team will be on it as fast as they can. Most importantly, be kind: The rush to end-game always gets pretty intense, especially with all the multitude of problems that come when the game launches. So be sure to be kind to one another, especially to our new players, who will be very confused and fumbling around trying to make sense of our crazy, content-packed game. ;w;
If anyone else can think of anything more to add, please do!
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sternenteile · 4 years
Tumblr media
yike.  okay, i’m gonna just set something straight here.
for one, i don’t mind people having bnha verses, as the concept of the anime is a’ight and i understand its appeal. that being said, i refuse to interact with bnha muses and the immediate fan base. it’s all rooted in some... not-so-great stuff, and by not-so-great, i mean downright vile stuff. on top of that, it reminds me of a past abuser in my life, and it is legitimately difficult for me to stomach the anime and all related media to it, as well as fan-works of it. please understand that this is content i do not want to see, and it will be blacklisted accordingly.
secondly, another important thing to address: i do not support drawing of cp or defending drawing of cp. ever. i must make note of this because some people will know that i roleplayed in the un.der.tale community many moons ago. as a result, i was pretty tight-knit with a lot of the community, including one person that has recently been outed for drawing art involving teenage characters in sexual situations. i do not approve of this. i have strong loyalty, but i also have a strong sense of morality and lines that cannot be crossed. therefore, situations like these aren’t ones that i will defend. seeing someone i once knew doing this doesn’t make me want to knee-jerk and make excuses. rather, it hurts to see it happen because this is stuff that is indefensible and it warps my view of people i once respected.
i understand biases and wanting to defend a friend that you’ve known for a long time. i get looking at people sporting red flags while wearing red-tinted glasses. it makes the flags simply look like flags. that said... please try to take the glasses off. i have respect for some of the people who are defending them, and i feel they really need to take a step back and look at this objectively. this does not look good. even if it was material on another site, it is still publicly accessible material that should have been kept under lock and key so it cannot be used by more and more abusers in a harmful manner. of course, there is also the morality of the situation, to which i say that i still don’t approve of cp whether it’s under wraps or not. i am not saying that it is okay as long as it is private, period. the reason why i bring this up is to nip an argument in the bud, one that claims this was material on a locked twitter for only certain, mature, adult eyes to see, ones that can discern fiction from reality. this was not the case. the twitter was not a locked account, and as such, the images were publicly visible. their follow-base may have been curated and particular, but everything was still out in the open. you can see in the offending screencaps that there is no lock on the offending account. everything was open. i will say that it’s clearly marked as nsfw and minor-exclusionist, but it was not under lock and key. point blank.
on the other hand, i also feel the call-out should have been done with a little more taste. reposting uncensored material of minors in sexual situations is still considered ownership and distribution of that material, and that is still wrong. that is still indefensible. this was rectified, which is a good thing, but it apparently wasn’t rectified before damage had already been done. that shit is triggering. making a point about this can be done without showing uncensored imagery of immoral material that can fuck people up mentally and emotionally. just censor the image. think before you post, and make sure that you don’t hurt the people you’re trying to protect in the crossfire. these things should be held with care; in this instance, it was not handled with care. if this is something that means as much to you as it does to me, then listen: don’t post uncensored images of triggering subject material. CENSOR IT. PERIOD.
with that out of the way, the bottom line is that people who draw and defend cp are not and will not be allowed here. i don’t care about past biases or prior interactions. if anything, it makes situations like these more devastating to learn about. at the same time, please be careful about distributing this material without taking proper action, as the consequences can be equally as brutal and triggering for survivors. a final word to leave off on is to not harass or harm any individuals involved. awareness is a good thing, but repeated harassment is not. handle the situation with the care it deserves, be informed, use your block button, and please stay safe.
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Rules for mobile (Pinned Post)
The Code
Success. I’ve sufficiently pestered the wench to make me a blog, much to the cost of a certain behorned mischief god whose presence I must share. Follow the rules below, and there’ll be smooth sailin’, savvy?
This be an exceptionally selective blog. I was me mun’s first ever muse yonks back and I’ve pestered her into writing me again, BUT, she’s horribly pressed for time. Partners will likely be very few, else ones doubling up with Loki’s. Anyone is welcome to approach and enquire, but she and I will be leaning toward those either from me own universe or crossovers with which she’s highly familiar and characters in whom she’s especially interested. Ye have been warned.
Replies are like to be slow, up to a few weeks at most.
Partners must be 18+. Various themes of an adult nature may be found here. Sexual things will be tagged ‘#filthy pirate’ with whatever level/variety of sin I deem them. More details below.
Behave. There shall be no rudeness, no passive aggression, no hate, no censorship or generally being a twit. Do I make meself clear?
The Code - Extended (below the cut)
Hi, guys. I’m Pirate (oddly known as this long before I made Jack a tumblr). Here are my more detailed rules and guidelines for writing with me on this blog, though the absolute basics are at the top as, honestly, it’s never easy to remember everyone’s requirements.
Jack is a sideblog. If you’re being followed by a benevolentgodloki that means I’m following you back. I don’t need us to be mutuals (both following each other) for us to write together, but there is a greater chance of us having a partnership if we’re letting each other know we’re interested.
How I Roll
I note myself as ‘highly selective’. This isn’t to be an elitist bugger, it’s because we all only have a limited amount of time we can put in. I want to write what I enjoy with people I enjoy. I am married with two attention-seeking cats, two jobs, a slow-brewing intended writing career and a video game addiction.
Asks/Memes - I will usually answer these no matter who they are from but I may or may not turn them into a thread I intend to keep. Some memes are very much designed to be something that continues so context can be key. If you would like to know in advance whether I intend to answer and/or keep something, please do pop me a message and I will be kind and honest.
My Threads - While Jack’s blog is still exciting and new, I’m being a bit all over the place with who and what I reply to depending on which way Jack’s.. compass.. is pointing. I do have a rolling turn order that I adhere to (to the point that I can genuinely tell you who is next at any given moment) but it’s all piled in with Loki’s threads, meaning I can take a few weeks to get round everything. Every partner gets one of their threads answered within that ‘round’ and then I go round again. However, when I’m really into something/finding something easy to pop back, I treat myself to spamming certain threads or partners at my whim. I use rpthreadtracker.com to maintain what I have. 
I will remind partners of threads that have not been replied to for more than three months. If I do not do this, I have either forgotten/lost it myself, I’m not too fussed about keeping it at that stage, or you were absent for a long period of time. 
My Style - I will write in both past or present tense depending on partner preference. My default is past but I like either. Please kick me if I screw up and write the wrong one. I prefer using regular size font but I will make mine small on replies to people who use the smaller so that it looks neat. I will often match partners’ lengths and some formatting details e.g. bolding dialogue, but I struggle with doing novella-length posts for reasons below.
I have a bugbear to admit about role-play. What we call splicing. A good half of my partners write this way so I’m not about to tell everyone to stop but if you’re someone who does this, you will occasionally run into some frustrations when writing with me. ‘Splicing’ is when you retrospectively write dialogue or actions as having previously happened during your partner’s last post. These things are fine when they’re passive i.e. your character muttered them, thought them or you were writing what your character was doing at the time because that’s pretty much essential. The trouble comes usually when my characters talk a lot/ask rhetorical questions and partners choose to answer every single one despite the fact my character carried on talking. I know it’s an ass that I have talkative muses and you really want to respond to every point/get a word in, but putting words and actions into the past effectively godmods my muse into accepting they happened. If you feel your muse would have full-on interjected midway through their ramble, please ask me to edit my post/stop it at that point. Otherwise if you do prefer to splice, my muse will only respond to whatever it is your character did or said last in their post. This is one of the reasons I can’t write novella, because often there is only so much you can write before you’re stepping into the territory of changing what went before and not allowing your partner to do anything about it.
TL;DR don’t ever worry about your post being too short for me. If it’s one sentence long but it’s because something fast-paced is happening, I won’t be miffed.
Shipping! - no not that kind of ship, Jack. I love shipping. Ships all around. Let’s face it, romance can be one of the most exciting reasons we bother writing. I am open to a lot of ships for Jack, practically all of them. Yes, even that one. I will do downright nasty, toxic, horrible stuff, savvy? It’s fiction and Jack is a great indulgence for bad things happening to him as much as good. That said, of course don’t force something on him without prior agreement between us. Well, I mean, your muse can try and accost him and see what he does, just don’t expect him to definitely reciprocate. Jack and I are bi/pansexual. We’re open to everything. I will admit a heavy lean toward m/m but, that said, Jack is extremely fond of the ladies, more so than Loki. I am very into Sparrington especially.
Not Safe For Ye Olde Work
Sliding down from the above topic, I enjoy the occasional smutting. It is not a requirement from my partners. In fact, I’m warming very much to fading to black depending on the context/mood/if things feel a bit repetitive. I do feel a touch more comfortable with partners who don’t need that boundary but as I’ve recently figured ‘if it needs a cut, then it’s smut’ I know when to skip on.
Saucy material will go under cuts/Read More’s and be tagged as mentioned above with ‘filthy pirate’. Additional tags will be based on the citrus scale: ‘lime’ for general grabbing, ‘lemon’ for full on sexual content and ‘grapefruit’ if things get extra kinky. I will tag things such as ‘rape tw’ or ‘noncon tw’ or ‘dubcon tw’ where necessary. Please blacklist any or all of these at your leisure, or search them if you fancy :U I do NOT tag these as ‘ns.fw’ because tumblr just completely hides them from being searchable which is useless for my partners.
OC’s - Due to my time constraints I am extremely picky when it comes to OC’s. This is a good fandom for well-thought-out muses and I know firsthand how hard it is to make headway as an OC in the RP world. However, I also understand that for people like me, I want to dip in on this site to mostly play with the characters and worlds I’m really absorbed in and ship my weaselly black guts out. Some people have more time than others to really give your OCs the time and love they deserve. Unless I’ve played with you a long time and I really like the cut of your and your muse’s jib, it’s very unlikely I’ll bite. Apologies! The same goes for crossover muses from fandoms I’m unfamiliar with, but I will let you know if that’s the case.
Threads - I don’t have a strict limit on how many to have per person but please bear in mind that the more of these you have with me the longer it will take me to get to a particular one (unless I’m spamming it back and forth). This is more a mun/muse context how many I accept.
Exclusives/mains - I don’t do these although I may consider having a maximum of 3 or 4 of one muse depending on activity levels and to ensure plots don’t get mixed up or attention feel unfairly balanced.
Triggers/squicks - I don’t like body horror e.g. graphic detail of squishy bits having bad things happen to them. I’m writing a pirate so there’s absolutely allowed to be elements of torture/violence, just don’t stab him in the eye or chop bits off him. One torture-related thing sends me into a complete freakout which I’ll discuss with partners if we’re doing a thread of that ilk as needed. Kink-wise I’m not into mpreg, A/B/O or infantilism or toilet things. Just ask me/Jack if you’re after something XD
Who I Am/What I Need From You
Being yourself is the most important thing and I promise I am not a scary person (usually). We’re only human and it’s natural that we’ll get along better with some rather than others. This is more to give you a gist of the sort of person I am and who I gel with best.
So I’m a shy hermit at the best of times. I’m trying to be better at engaging and enthusing with partners over our threads because I realise more than ever this does keep things alive and make for a more enjoyable experience. I’m not always great at it. I work best with people who are patient and don’t worry too much on what I think of them and their writing, with people who are happy to keep threads going for the longhaul rather than keep dropping everything before I’ve had the time to get to the next post, and most especially people who accept that fiction =/= reality. I do need a certain level of quality, which doesn’t always mean perfect grammar, but it must be coherent, fun and creative. I like a relaxed approach, sharing mutual enjoyment in silly fantasy world sandboxes as escapism from (and exploration of) this complicated world we live in.
If you managed to read all of this, have a drink (even if it’s water). You’re a diamond. 
Pirate xxx
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the-expatriate · 5 years
[Mobile Specified Verses Page! - Updated]
[Specific Verses]
Pari can be placed within almost any setting, usually what works best with the person she’ll be interacting with. However, there are a few instances where in which this be specified. Again, please specify if you’d like a particular verse if one of these takes your fancy, or I’ll just go with the default one which leaves it open to interpretation.
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap:  An Alternative Placement. This particular period of time takes place a few years later. Pari has established herself as a bonafide Information Broker, who often takes on freelance assignments for a price. She often works alongside DL (https://pink-haired-chronicles.tumblr.com/), and she is known to travel far and wide for her clients. In some cases, she is hired permanently by some..
Note: Any interactions pertaining to Pari in the Borderlands Universe are held in this above AU.
Of Measures and Pints: Pari’s standard placement. Where she broke free of her old life and disappeared. Starting again in a quiet little place, in a rowdy as hell bar. That isn’t to say that she doesn’t rely on her old skills from time to time..
Most interactions take place during this period, but the exact placement of where she lives and works can be adjusted to meet the other muse’s verses and such.
Then I Punched a Dragon in the Face!: Pari’s Elder Scrolls Verse, mainly being held in Skyrim.
A journeying Imperial Sellsword who doesn’t particularly belong to any group and who attempted to try and cross the border back into Cyrodiil. Pari has no standing on the conflict between the Empire and the Stormcloaks, instead just trying her best to not get killed and by making a decent amount of coin.
Originally hailing from the coastal city of Anvil in Cyrodiil, Pari in her teens was enlisted in the Imperial Army during the Great war. However after returning home to Anvil only to find it in ruin, she decided to roam the lands of Tamriel doing what she did best. Essentially being a mercenary for hire..
Until she learned that she was actually very skilled in the art of thievery. And after a rather eventful induction into the Riften Thieves Guild, Pari eventually worked her way up through conspiracy solving and is now part of the secret inner circle known as the Nightingales.
That doesn’t mean she hasn’t stopped wandering however..
Wizardry, Witchcraft and Hiding in Plain Sight: Pari’s JK Rowling’s Wizarding World Verse. In this particular verse, Pari is Muggle-Born, hailed from a non-magic parentage. She was however raised by her grandparents who ran an independent potions store. Of course, one can only keep their secret of being from a certain lineage a secret for so long. And on having that discovered by a former partner who loathed the idea of someone being less then a ‘Pure-Blood’ in their presence, Pari vanished into obscurity only to end up working at the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade, not too far from where she spent some of her happiest years honing her skills. A former Hufflepuff, and still very proud where she came from, she’s often having a bit of banter with the patrons at the pub. She is also rather adept at potion brewing too..
Putting the ‘Sin’ in Casino: Essentially what happens when an information broker with no direction takes on a random job which brings her all the way out to a place where things aren’t always what they seem. Las Vegas! A place where fortunes can be made and lost in the blink of an eye, and where lives can change in ways that no one can anticipate.. and in the neon lights, even the darkness can take hold.
[Please note, this particular verse may contain some themes of a demonic nature so if that’s not your thing, you’re welcome to blacklist this tag: putting the sin in casino: vegas verse ]
Gaian Misadventures: Pari’s FFVII Verse. Currently working as a barkeep in Costa del Sol, Pari spends a lot of her time in the tourist trap. However, given the course of events brewing, it’s only a matter of time before life in Costa del Sol will change in turn. Even causing Pari to start going further afield..
End of the World: Pari’s Fallout Verse, which can be specified to start off in the timeline of Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas or Fallout 4.
Three: After having to leave Vault 101 in search of a missing relative many years previously and the misadventures that had followed, Pari is still roaming the Capital Wasteland. Somehow managing to survive and still desperately trying to prove that being born and raised in a vault has no standing on how a person adapts.
New Vegas: Being a Courier was never easy. Even moreso when one is ambushed and left for dead while having said package removed from them. After a spell of recovery in Goodsprings, our plucky Courier sets off to find the people who had left a bullet in her head and to settle the score.. as well as retrieve the package that was taken from her.  
Four: Pari thought that being admitted into Vault 111 would be the key to survival for herself and her family. However, that was not the case as she and her family were cryogenically frozen! Years later, she is awoken and after having to witness her spouse being ruthlessly murdered and her child being taken from her, she’s put back into cryostasis. What’s a lady to do on waking up years later? Simple. Get even. However being something of a woman out of time is a little more testing than she hoped..
Anomaly Solving Anomaly: Pari’s Dragonball Xenoverse Verse, predominantly based in the setting of the second game. An Earthling Time Patroller based in Conton City, Pari is continuously trying to protect the timelines from any perceivable threats.. it’s something of an exciting challenge.
Dead and Out of this World: Pari’s Vampiric Verse. After being made into a vampire almost two hundred years previously and still looking like a fresh faced lady in her early thirties, Pari is.. somewhat trying her best to adapt to the more modern age. The hair may have been cut and changed, the fashion more up to speed but some old habits die ridiculously hard. And modernity is something that our vampiric lady is trying her best to adapt to.
Stand and Deliver: Pari’s JJBA Verse. This verse begins a good few years after Pari’s break with her ex, Robert and he in turn is linked in a chain of events which have led to this point.
One could agree that they are in fact bizarre.
While in the company of Robert Kinsley, it wasn’t entirely uncommon for him to collect ancient and unusual artefacts. One of the more noted ones being a rather unusual bow and arrow. Neither Pari nor Robert knew of its purpose.
.. Until the moment came where in which Robert fired the arrow at Pari as she tried to get away from him after their final and extremely tempestuous fight.
Everything in her world went dark, and she found herself succumbing to the arrow fired into her. However, she kept trying to rouse herself. On eventually opening her eyes, she realised something.
Not only had Pari survived the shot but was faced with a very unusual apparition. The room she was in had been filled with a kind of fog, thick enough to not only obscure her movements so that she could try and make a break for it, but also confusing Robert because of its effects.
The apparition seemed to vaguely resemble a human in the thick smog, and it seemed to be driven along with her need to live. To survive.
Thankfully Pari had managed to get away from Robert with the help of her newly acquired apparition, and from then on has been trying to learn more about what it is and why in times of mental focus, it keeps appearing. And why she is currently at the point of being able to run into reflective spaces nearby only to reappear in adjacent surfaces due to what she only knows as a very confusing and yet somewhat helpful ‘ghost’, who she knows very little about aside from the fact that they are inexplicably bound.
A truly bizarre chain of events indeed.
{Please note that I have yet to figure out where on the JJBA timeline I plan on putting this verse, but as it’s dealing with the nature of Stands, it’s safe to say that it’s definitely set somewhere along Stardust Crusaders and Diamond is Unbreakable. I have only just started watching Diamond is Unbreakable however, so this verse may be subject to being edited much later on.}
About Pari’s Stand:
Stand Name:『 Smoke + Mirrors』
Stand User: 『Pari Vass』
Namesake: Album/Song Name name by Imagine Dragons
Appearance: A grey/silver gaseous humanoid figure when summoned, naturally very obscured regardless of surrounding environment. On closer inspection, the figure somewhat resembles a broken mirror. Fragmented, but not tangible.
Stand Ability: Can grant the user the ability to evade any potential hazardous situation, but only if there is some form of reflective surface close at hand. The user can, with this stand, basically run into the reflective surface and be shifted somewhere else. At present, it only will work for the nearest reflective area where in which the user will re-emerge. If such a surface isn’t available, Smoke + Mirrors essentially acts akin to a smoke grenade. As time passes, the stand’s abilities may evolve..
Stand Stats at present:
Power - E
Speed - C
Range - D
Durability - C
Precision - B
Potential - B
City of the Dead: Resident Evil Verse
This particular verse is set between Resident Evil 2 and 3, and as such, Pari is making some sort of attempt to escape from Raccoon City. Will she somehow manage it? Will she succumb to the T-Virus and join the infected populous? Let’s find out.
The Wandering Hunter: Legacy of Kain Verse
Pari’s place in this particular verse depends on which part of the timeline is in writing. However, the premise is the same. Pari is one of Nosgoth’s Vampire Hunters, but occasionally tends to go it alone and leave the human settlements to pursue a target. Perhaps not as crossbow trigger happy as some of her counterparts, this attitude of hers may lead to her undoing..
Lady Strange: BPRD Verse
Pari in this verse is a new recruit to the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defence, after a rather messy incident involving her psychokinetic abilities and having to make some effort to try to use her abilities for a better purpose by order of the British Government. Of course, she doesn’t quite know what she’s letting herself in for yet, as our telekinetic will find out..
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