#so i was watching this spider whilst also trying to grab three lamps and turn one on and also in the phone to my mum like what do i do
luminous-faerie · 6 months
dealing with a power cut on your own is the worst actually
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sporkst · 5 years
Something more
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Pairing : Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count : 3.3k
Warnings : Fluff
Summary : You and Peter planned to go to the craft store to get supplies but you didn’t plan to leave with a tense feeling between you two.
(GIF not mine, credits to owner for their work)
“See, that is why we should go to my classic lakehouse. Everyone here would clearly enjo-”
“How many times do I have to tell you Steven. We are going to my beach house.”
Everyone in the room just froze still as their eyes flickered back and forward between Tony and Steve in their “heated” argument about where the team should go for their first out of three summer vacations. They also had the same thought in their heads “Who cares?”
In the midst of their quarreling, Peter raised his hand with caution, as if he would be targeted next.
“So what if you have fish in your lake? The ocean has plenty of fish… Yes, Peter?” “Uhm, when is this happening?”
The two men in front of everyone had just come to a realization : they just spent the last twenty minutes arguing only in regards to the venue. Nothing else. “Oh. We should focus on that since that seems like something we could actually make progress with.” “Agreed.” The two said.
“Well, I guess next week Wednesday should be good.” Peter was about to raise his hand again when you patted him on his shoulder to call his attention. He lowered his hand and also lowered his ear to you. “It’s okay, we can just go to the mall ahead of time to buy our stuff.” Peter looked at you before nodding in response. You and Peter had planned that day to get materials for your good friend, Ned’s ,birthday gift. Seeing as their vacation was a mild threat to your plans, you two decided to just work with it rather than starting from square one.
With that said, more people started to talk and give their inputs about the event, some laughs and stares occasionally going around. At last, the meeting has concluded. Everyone had a firm  grasp of what was happening, except for the venue. Tony and Steve were still going to debate about that through rough sex or something.
You and Peter walked out together with his hands in his pockets and your hands on your phone. “So, the mall opens earlier than usual next Wednesday due to its fourth year anniversary.” You said while scrolling through Google. “Why do malls celebrate anniversaries?” “No idea, but with that said, it opens at 8am and the craft store opens at 9. Therefore we shall wake up around 7:30 to get ready before heading off.”
“Sounds like a plan.” By the time you finished talking, you had arrived at the kitchen. You put your phone in your pocket as you opened the freezer to look for a popsicle. Except when you opened the door, Peter shoved his way in between you and the icy goodness and took the last (your favorite popsicle flavor) flavored one. You just stood there, obviously offended by his lack of decency and the fact he just stole your favorite flavor, in shock before slamming the door closed and running after your partner-in-crime. Him, not wanting to die, ran away as quickly as he can. Dodging you using the furniture spreaded around the floor.
Clint and Nat, witnessing the entire scenario unfold while leaning against the counter, chuckled furiously. “Man, they are so cute together.” “They’re dating right?” “No, actually.” Nat said with evident disappointment. “How?” “None of my business. Yet.”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., what time is it?”
“It is currently twenty-three minutes past 7 in the morning, Miss Y/N.”
“Alright, thanks.” You thank the AI before squirming some more in your bed and getting up. You fall back onto your bed but you catch yourself with your elbows and launch yourself back up. After a short trip around your bed, you bend over to your nightstand so you could unplug your phone from your charger and call Peter.
“Mmph. Whad’ya want?” sleepy Peter greeted.
“Get up dum dum. We have to go to the mall.”
“But I wanna sleep.”
“Now.” you said demandingly. He finally gave in and ended the call before getting into the shower. You did the same and quickly got ready. Deciding today is not a day to necessarily dress up, you just threw on a pair of light jeans, matching socks, and a sweater you “stole” from Peter. He really didn’t mind you wearing his clothes, and you didn’t mind it either. You just found them really comfy. They also smelled good, as in really good. Plus, they looked nice on you so win, win?
You went to your phone to check the time : 8:02. You chuckled at yourself for getting ready faster than normal. You wrapped up your routine and headed to Peter’s room to check on him. Eventually, you’re at his room. Knock knock. No response. Knock knock knock. Still no response. “Peter? I’m coming in.” With that said, you opened the door to his room. Thank God he gave you access to his room in case you ever wanted to pop by. Looking at the room, it seems like he had just gotten up and is still in the shower.
With the free time you had, you walked around his room, admiring the little quirks of him that he displayed through his things. That’s when you arrived at his nightstand. His phone, wallet, and earphones there with the lamp. You bend over to open his phone when you hear a door open and a voice ring out to you.
“Y/N, w-what are you doing here?” Peter said, baffled on why on Earth would you be doing there yet at the same time, trying to seem dominant. You, clearly startled, spinned around to see your best friend shirtless with a towel wrapped around his waist, leaning against his bathroom door. To say he wasn’t even remotely attractive would be a lie, especially when he’s shirtless. You would never deny that but then, you wouldn’t even try to start a relationship with him even if he was this handsome as you were scared that all the effort you two had spent to become best friends might go down the drain because he wouldn't feel the same way. “W-what are you still doing here?” You blurted out. “I’m still getting ready because it’s really early and we don’t leave until around 8:45.” He had a point. “Alright alright, whatever.” “You still didn’t answer my question Y/N.” “Well, am I not allowed to check up on you?” “Y-you could’ve called me.” “Do you not like my company Parker?” At this point, you’re lying down on his bed, questioning him with the energy he tried to press onto you.
You chuckled when he is left speechless, trying to make up a response but to no avail. “Haha. Alright. I’ll go ahead and make us breakfast.” You said before standing and walking to his door. Before fully disappearing, you look back through his doorway to see him still in the same position. You gave him a quick smile, to which he returned before you closed the door. You kept smiling when you walk to the kitchen thinking about what a friendship you have with Peter and how it’d be a shame and a burden to you if you messed it up.
“Y’know, I still wanted to go the your lakehouse. I’m not big fan of sand.”
“Well, I guess I just gave in and let him take this month’s trip.” “I still don’t get it. If you two were so furious fighting over the destination before, why did you just—? Woah, Y/N. Looks like someone’s having a good morning.”
You walk in the kitchen, still smiling at your encounter, to see Nat and Steve talking. They see you smiling so they obviously question you about it. “What do you mean? What’s out of the ordinary?” “We can see you smiling like a preschooler. Tell us, what happened this morning.” Steve presses the topic onto you whilst adjusting his posture against the counter. “Fine. I guess I have time to talk with my uncle and aunt.” You gave in, whilst you plopped bread into the toaster. “Don’t call us that, sweetie.” “Right, sorry.”
You started to explain what happened a few minutes back at Peter’s room whilst you prepare scrambled eggs for you and Peter. “And, he wasn’t answering so I just entered his room and snooped around a bit when he just came out of the shower. And not to say he isn’t attractive when he really is would be a lie.” You pretty much laid down your thoughts as Steve helped you to beat the eggs whilst Nat just watched you explain. “Sounds like you’re pretty into him, Y/N.” Steve blatantly said. “I mean, I am but I don’t want to ruin whatever we already have right now when I admit my feelings for him and get rejected or when our relationship doesn’t work out.”
“Personally, I’m not very good at love but I think you should just go for it.” Nat said as she approached you and put her hands behind your neck, giving you reassurance. “Mmhm. Plus, you never know until you try.” With their advice you felt a bit confident about admitting your feelings for him soon. Soon. “Thanks you guys. Also, please don’t tell anyone else about this. I don’t want this being a huge thing.” “Oh, don’t worry. Our lips are sealed.” Nat said as she zipped her lips shut. “Alright, these eggs are beaten and seasoned. Come on, before Spider-boy comes around”
Walking inside the craft store was a fever dream, smelling the fake eucalyptus and fabric. “Alright we’re looking for a globe, some chalk paint, silver spray paint, and chalk. Everything else seems like things that’d be at a beach house.” “Y/N, are you sure we’ll be able to pull off this death star?” “I mean, if you don’t screw up anything then yes.” Peter grabs a basket for you two before following you as you grab the things you need off their shelves and place them into your basket.
Everything was smooth sailing until you had to get your globe. Apparently, they placed them on a shelf that’s a bit higher for you or Peter to reach. “Well, maybe we could get someone else to reach it for us?’ You suggest before Peter quickly replies with “Or I could just” before he hands you the basket and webs a random globe and pulls it into his hand. “Yeah, we could do that instead.” You turn to face him and he puts the globe into the basket. You stare up at him with eagerness to go checkout and drive to the beach house. “So, let’s go?” He looks down at you and stares you down as well. “Y-Yeah, let’s do it.” He smiles as he examines your face up close. He admired you a lot. He thought you were funny. He thought you were pretty and it’s these moments when you were so close to him that he could truly admire your features. You seem to do the same as well. You also smile with such naiveness in your face. After a couple of seconds, Peter feels his head slowly going down to yours more. Yours follow his movements and move up to meet his in a slow yet naive kiss. He puts one of his hands behind your back and you move the basket to the side as you two take your time as your lips move in sync to each other. Bzzz.. Bzzz.. Your phone rings in your pocket before you press your freehand against his chest and gently push him away.
Peter looks down at you with embarrassment and shock on his face before turning away and placing his hands in his pockets. “Yes, hello?” You answer, also looking away. “Hey, Y/N. I’m just calling since I forgot to return your charger from last night. Do you want me to bring it to you later?” “Mhm, yes please. Thanks for remembering” “No problem sweetie. Alright, you two have fun, I’ll go ahead. See you.” “See you soon, auntie.”
After receiving a groan from the other end, your call ends and you put your phone back into your pocket and walk over to Peter, who moved to the end of the aisle. “Let’s actually go now?” You cooed. He nodded and you two checked out, exchanging no words. Even in the car, as Peter focused on the road, you focused on your phone. Normally, you would talk about anything but thanks to your stunt awhile ago, that wasn’t happening. Eventually, after what seemed an eternity, Peter pulled up at the parking space of Mr. Stark’s beach house. It was stunning, you must admit but you couldn’t bear to really admire it while still thinking of your iffy.
Peter handed you your luggage and the things you bought before walking in, still without saying anything except for you who muttered a thanks when he handed you your things. What trip so far.
Dinner was overall fun, minus the tension between you and Peter that Nat didn’t let go unnoticed. After helping clean up, she approached you and draped her arms over your shoulders from behind. “Hey Nat. What do you want?” “What do you mean what do I want?” You two chatted while walking to the living room. “Well, you wouldn’t be bugging me like this without a reason.” “What reason?” You leaned your head to your side to look at her, with a smile on her face. “Fine, outside.” She remarks before letting you go and turning to walk to the outdoor area. You slowly follow behind. You enter the area and close the sliding doors behind you. “Alright, what is it?” You turn and say, knowing well that she’s going to ask about you and Peter. “What do you mean ‘what is it?’. I could tell that something’s off with you and your man candy awhile ago.” Yep. You sigh, leaning against the glass door. “Well, something happened. Between.” You state, creating gestures to try to make your explanation more valid. “Wouldn’t that be a good thing? Unless it was really awkward.” She mentioned which made you look down in contemplation. “And it was the latter?” She added, to which you nodded. Feeling bad, she walked to you and pulled you in for an hug. “Do you wanna talk about it?” “No..” You muttered. “Can I give you advice?” “Sure..”
“Go. Talk. To. Him. You two need to sort this out. You may be scared but you need to get it over with. Alright?” You nodded in response. “Okay. Let’s go back inside. I heard Tony will play movies later so let’s get ready for that.”
The next morning, you woke up pretty early. Early enough that you had a gut feeling that you were the first person up. Wrong or right, you got up from where you slept on the sofa after the team’s movie marathon and went to the kitchen to grab a snack. Speaking of snacks, Peter happened to be sitting on a barstool next to the island with his head down. Seems like he was eating a cookie. Something in you just sparked at that moment. You knew this could be the opportunity to sort things out. “Morning, Parker.” You greeted after talking to yourself on how you would confront him. He tilted his head up to look at you but returned back to his previous state. You walked to the fridge to grab a cereal bar and then approached Peter. You got up onto a stool next to him and looked down. With a sigh you broke the silence. “Hey Pete… Wanna. Go for a walk maybe?” He peeked once again. God, how much he loved your smile. Your voice. Your attitude. Everything. “When?” He finally spoke, this time his voice is more raspy than you’re used to hearing. Sure, you’ve heard it this way before but this was beyond what you’ve ever heard from him. “How about now? How does that sound?” You said in a friendly comforting manner. It was clear in your voice that you wanted to spend time with him. “But, we’re wearing pajamas.” “So? I don’t see anything wrong with that. Do you?” God, he hated how he could never say no to you. After not much internal conflict, he gave in and got off the stool. You smiled and got off too, bringing your bar with you. You handed him his cookie which he seemed to have forgot. He took it took a bite of it and continued to walk towards the shore.
In not much time, you two ended up walking on the shore in your pj’s. The morning breeze being cold but not too cold. The sun beautifully peeking over the horizon. Everything was beautiful. You had imagined you and Peter spending time together in this setting but right now, that was out of the picture. Occasionally, you would look to your side to see Peter still in the same state he has been. What could have he been thinking? Was he hoping you’d do something? Was he thinking of what to do? So many thoughts could’ve been in his mind and normally you’d know what he’d be thinking but now, you ended up empty handed.
In the midst of your silence, you knew that if you wouldn’t do something, you would’ve been better off preparing breakfast for the team than doing this. You had to do something. “Peter.. Uhm.” You tried to make words but it was a struggle. “We should talk about what happened.. You know. Yesterday.” You felt like you were choking while trying to make words but you managed. “Y-Yes. We should.” “So, how do you wanna start this? Do you wanna, I don’t know.” You tried to get the ball rolling but failed miserably. After a good couple of seconds, Peter inhaled and paused. You kept walking for a bit before noticing he has come to a stop. You slowly turn around and he speaks “Y/N, I really really like you. So much. I just don’t know how to express it because we’re best friends. I don’t want to lose my best friend because you’re amazing, you’re beautiful, and literally everything to me and if I lose you, I wouldn't know what I’d do—” You put your hands on his cheeks and caressed them. “Peter, me too. I really like you too. I feel the same way. One hundred percent.” He smiled a smile that only came through during special occasions. The joy pumping through both of your veins is just immeasurable. Soon, he pulled you into a hug. You nested your head beside his neck as he caressed the back of your head. In no time, you two started to kiss. It wasn’t sudden. It wasn’t uncomfortable or awkward. It was full of passion and gratefulness. You were so glad you had him in your life and he was the same way. He pulled you closer from the waist while you kept your arms wrapped around his neck. You wished it would never end but you two were still human. You needed air. Eventually, you pulled back and both of you took deep breaths before hugging again. He planted a kiss on your temple. “Alright, let’s head back. They might wonder where we are and we might have some major explaining to do.” Peter spoke to you as he pulled you away and turned both of you around so that you’d be heading back to the beach house. He placed his arm behind your neck and pulled you close. “I love you Y/N.” “I love you too Peter.”
“See, it’d eventually be my business.” Nat said to Clint before pulling the binoculars off her eyes. “Whatever.”
A/N : I’m planning to write smut soon so if you guys wanna see how Tony convinced Steve to let the team go to the beach house then please let me know! Hope you guys enjoyed whatever this was :))
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