#so i'm just going to pretend the glitchiness isn't there
oyeicher · 2 years
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Call me if anything happens.
Unintentional Love Story Ep 3
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restinslices · 9 days
This one's majorly because I want your funny take on it bc my mind can't decide LMAO. Could I request LKBS when their daughter or kid is being flirted with/asked out. I majorly think Bi-Han would tweak tf out but pretend he isn't buuut- I'm here for your take on it!
My bad for the wait anon. I've been sick for over a week and I was tryna wait for it to pass but it's still here sooo imma stop waiting and thug it out. My body hates me. I'm typing this on my phone and tumblr is so glitchy on here. Imma start biting my walls-
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Bi-Han is for sure tweaking on the inside
It's not even just the fact that his daughter is being flirted with. It's the fact that this is happening IN FRONT of him
That gif is what he wants to do
Now do I think Bi-Han is like "oh my little girl can NEVER date?
Do I think that he thinks dating shouldn't be their priority?
She should focus on other things he deems important before getting distracted and dating
Bi-Han would just be standing there like the Hash Slinging Slasher while this rando is flirting with his daughter
If she starts flirting back, which she probably would, I could legit see him walking over and making his presence known
The poor teenagers-
"Bàba this is Dylan" "Hi Mr-"
Bi-Han grabs his daughter by the top of the head and starts walking away
It doesn't hurt. He just has a very firm hold and is like "we're going this way"
The absolute audacity to flirt in front of him? What happened to respect? Decorum?
Back in his day, he would NEVER do such a thing in front of his father. And he let that bitch die.
"Hey! Why did you do that?" "That boy is no good for you" "You don't even know him!" "Look at his arms. They're skinny. He can't protect you. He'd be dead weight"
Wow. I always love our talks Bi-Han :D
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I don't think Kuai Liang would start tweaking, but I think he shares the same views as Bi-Han
There's just certain things he thinks is inappropriate to do in front of parents
And by "in front of parents" these two mean "in the same area". Doesn't matter if they're on the other side of the room
"Harumi, who is that boy?" "That's Dylan! Him and (name) are rather close" "Oh so she told you about Dylan but not me?
I don't think he necessarily wants to pull her away, but he would wanna make his presence known
Y'all know how some dads are with their daughters. She's his Princess and the thought of her growing up tugs at their heart
He wants to go over and stop the whole scene but Harumi tells him no
So instead he pretends he's not staring but definitely is
This mf has the most intense gaze as he's watching them. Harumi got a tight grip on him. She needs a damn leash
At some point his daughter and Dylan (idk why this name is sticking-) look over
He's just standing there... menacingly!
"Um, Dylan, I gotta go. I don't think my dad is happy"
Meanwhile "See what you did?" "I'm just standing here"
Exactly. You're just standing there and being a creeper
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If this mf dies in Khaos Reigns, y'all are never seeing me again
Moving on-
I'm not exactly sure how Tomas would react
On one hand, he's grown up with Kuai Liang and Bi-Han, so he probably shares some of the same ideas and mentality
On the other hand, I just don't see him having a strong reaction
He prefers if this wasn't happening in front of him, but he kinda knows that teens don't be thinking fr
One thing's for certain though, he better not see SHIT become physical over there
No shoulder touching, no hand touching, no kissing, no hugging for too long-
It's just a bit too much
Tries to act like he's doing other shit but his eyes keep darting
Like bitch you're never pretending to be counting leaves. Didn't think this through, did you?
I can imagine his daughter looking over and being like "Hey papa! What are you doing?
"Nothing. Me? Haha... just hanging around"
"Would you like to meet Dylan?" "Well if you insist"
Actually talks to Dylan
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1moreff-creator · 11 months
DRDT - Milgram AU: T1 "Voice Reveal" Lines
Hey there! Back at it with this AU. I figured if I'm going to commit to the bit, I might as well commit fully. At the start of every Trial, Milgram gives a sneak peak at some of the lines which will appear in the VDs, combined with "glitchy" lines which relate to their murder. So I'm doing that too! Keep in mind this is not professional in the slightest, so exact wording might change between now and when I actually post the VDs. Especially since it's been a while since I rewatched DRDT so the wording could feel a bit off. Anyways, here we go!
Implied DRDT spoilers and heavy themes. Again not affiliated with either of the series
Btw I'm using crossed out text for aesthetics but there will be a transcript at the bottom if you have trouble reading that.
01- "Levi Fontana, a pleasure"
"Yes, I am a murderer"
"I can't bring myself to pretend to be sorry for what I did"
"I suppose I should watch the other prisoners to learn how normal murderers should handle themselves"
I know you didn't want this, but it had to be done
02- "Arturo Giles"
"Ugh. Do I really have to be judged by someone this ugly?"
"I'll have you know, I've never murdered anyone"
[Whispering] "I mean, there is... no, no, that wasn't my fault"
How was I meant to know?! Even if she's dead because of what I did, it's not my fault!
03- "My name is David Chiem"
"It seems there's been a mistake. But don't worry! I won't hold it against you"
"Mistakes can be corrected. It's not difficult to change, as long as you're willing to!"
"I try to be as positive as I can, since I know there's a lot of people that don't get the privilege"
04- "Yo! Whit Young, nice to meet you!
"Are you really sure everyone here is a murderer?"
"That's wack"
"I don't remember doing anything suspicious! Yesterday was normal, the day before that was normal, the day before that... the day before that..."
My mom's really amazing! I love her a lot. I would do anything for her
05- "Tch. Ace Markey"
"You wanna fight?! Wait, fuck, you probably have weapons, don't you?! Shit, don't get any closer!"
"You think I'm a murderer?! Horseshit!"
"Get off your fucking high horse!"
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, shit shit shit, FUCK!
06- "Uhm... Nico... Hakobyan"
"I'm- I'm really sorry!"
"You're pretty weird"
"Ah! I'm sorry! Don't get mad at me!"
Why should I own up for the mistakes that someone else made?!
07- "J Moreno"
"What do you people really want? Ransom money? There's no way you're doing this just because you want to 'judge our sins' or whatever bullshit you're saying"
"Don't make me laugh. Find evidence I killed anyone, and then we can talk about murder"
"Do you really think you're going to understand everything I've been through, just with a silly little song? How arrogant are you?!"
What happened to her was nothing short of a tragedy. Sorry, but I will make no further comment
08- "Mmmm... Rose Lacroix"
"Ah, yeah. I killed someone"
"This really isn't that bad. At least I can paint here"
I wonder if I can be happy now
09- "H-Hu Jing"
"I know what I did was unforgivable..."
"I really am selfish... I'm scared of receiving the punishment I deserve"
"Please Forgive me!"
Wake up! Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
10- "My name is Veronika Grebenshchikova!"
"If you don't mind, can you choose not to Forgive me?"
"Death sounds boring. I'd rather stay alive if you don't mind!"
"To Forgive what I did... it would be denying everything I believe about my life..."
[Cackling laughter, which trails off with a wheeze] I really am a monster...
11- "Arei Naegishi!"
"Pfft! God, you're pathetic!"
"Why the hell are we even here? How could anyone be stupid enough to do anything but Forgive me?"
"Are you really that much of an idiot?!"
12- "Uhm... Eden Tobisa..."
"Even when things are looking down, we just have to try our best, and trust each other!"
"I... I never wanted anyone to die!"
"Es... why are you doing this?"
Wh- What have you done?!
13- "Min Jeung"
"This is ludicrous. How are we meant to expect a fair judgement when your 'justice' is determind by one person's whims and biases?"
"When an institution is non-functional, it is highly illogical to indiscriminately tear it down. Improving the basis already in place is by far the most constructive way to conduct progress"
"There is no country in the world where I would be judged a murderer. To say one single prison has the authority to decide that I am is a flagrant display of vanity"
The condition has been met. There is no need for further intervention
14- "Alexander Matthews. Just call me Xander"
"Don't you see how broken this entire system is?! What makes you think you hold a monopoly over morality, huh?! What gives you the right to Forgive or Not Forgive?!"
"When something is rotten, you throw it away. It's the same with this twisted place!"
Ah... haha... I did it... You all can finally rest
15- "Charles Cuevas"
"I was hoping the Warden would be competent, at least, but clearly I was a fool to think that could ever be the case"
"Are you stupid?!"
"Warden... Es... I have a request"
Hgk...- Ack! ... Kch[sharp inhale]
16- "Teruko Tawaki"
"Are you okay?"
"You don't need to know anything about my crimes. I'm unforgivable. That's all you need, right?"
"If you can find a way to do it... Just kill me"
... [sigh] Why did I ever get my hopes up?
And there we go! Hope they weren't too ooc! Keep in mind different backstories could lead to slightly different personalities; this AU is canon-adjacent, not really canon-compliant. Levi's first trial is coming soon! Hope you enjoyed!
Huh? Secret message? Whatever are you talking about?
Here's the transcript of the glitchy lines:
01 - Levi: I know you didn't want this, but it had to be done
02 - Arturo: How was I meant to know?! Even if she's dead because of what I did, it's not my fault!
04 - Whit: My mom's really amazing! I love her a lot. I would do anything for her
05 - Ace: Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, shit shit shit, FUCK!
06 - Nico: Why should I own up for the mistakes that someone else made?!
(Yes it's just the secret quote on their page sue me it's a cool line)
07 - J: What happened to her was nothing short of a tragedy. Sorry, but I will make no further comment
08 - Rose: I wonder if I can be happy now
09 - Hu: Wake up! Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
10 - Veronika: [Cackling laughter, which trails off with a wheeze] I really am a monster...
12 - Eden: Wh- What have you done?!
13 - Min: The condition has been met. There is no need for further intervention
14 - Xander: Ah... haha... I did it... You all can finally rest...
15 - Charles: Hgk... Ack! ... Kch[sharp inhale]
16 - Teruko: ... [sigh] Why did I ever get my hopes up?
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blossoming-sun · 1 year
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I have been very interested in glitch pokemon recently so have some doodles (also excited rambles below the cut)
The first guy is named Trainer. In the game, it appears as a magnemite that can only learn tackle and three glitch moves. It doesn't have the human version I drew in the games, but I got overexcited and drew one because:
Trainer is a hybrid glitch pokemon (it's part magnemite, obviously)
2. Doing the ditto glitch causes a junior trainer to appear
3. Its name is literally trainer
Anyway, so i came up with law for this one! An unnamed trainer got sick of people mocking and calling him and his partner, magnemite, weak, just because they stood at the edge of a route and lost battles to anyone who walked past. So when he heard about a mysterious "cursed" pokemon (Missingno) that lived off the shore of cinnabar island, he decided to gain everyones' respect by catching it.
But something went wrong. The pokemon fought back, and through some unnatural power, fused the trainer and his beloved magnemite together. Now he is forced to live alone in the forest, knowing that if anyone saw him something terrible would happen to him. His only escape is his ability to shift into a magnemite, letting him continue to challenge trainers... even if it isn't in the same way
Anyway, the next one is pkmnRpkmn (there's special characters that I can't include) It's a Pokemaniac type pokemon, and literally looks like a purple bug in the game. It has base stats of 601, making it better than mew (I think, idk exactly how stats work) there isn't much to say about this guy, except like most glitch pokemon, it is 23'0". I think that it should be much smaller, so let's pretend its 3'9"
I don't really have much lore for this one, unfortunately. The fact that it's a pokemaniac type is really cool though!
The final one is h POKé and it's a gengar hybrid pokemon. its cry changes every time you view its stats, and can sometimes cause the game to freeze (it's like the og perish song lol) Technically I should have drawn it as a glitchy purple square, but that's boring, so I drew it as "glitchgar" (i'm calling it this from now on) instead.
This little guy just wants friends. Sure, it may be a glitch pokemon, but that doesn't mean that its a mean pokemon. Everyone keeps running away when it tries to hug them or befriend them, but its willing to keep trying for as long as it takes.
Thank you for reading all of this I will now go draw some more and get overexcited about random stuff
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the-white-soul · 8 months
*He ignores Noelle's remaining lack of trust. It's obvious why, and honestly Flowey dislikes her too, so it's only fair. He directs his attention to layer, bombarding them with suggestions and questions as they get moving again, unconsciously giving Noelle and Kara that time to be alone for a moment.*
Flowey: I like the idea of fighting back, butare yo sure most monsters will be able to win against humans in a battle? Maybe with several monsters against one angry human, but even then there's circumstances where humans end up victorious.I'd be able to win, of course, but I don't know about others. That's a big risk. So everyone should travel in big groups when we recruit people.
AND we don't want go just ask nobody monsters to follow us. They won't do any help. Only strong monsters we should ask, like Undyne and Papyrus! Do to know if this Papyrus would be willing to fight the humans to death?
And if I kill a human, is it okay if I take their soul? Or take determination from it for Kara so we can override Clover! Is there a limit to how much determination a human can have? Is it bad to them in any way?
(Kara) "No offence to you but one soul is more than anyone should ever have for a prolonged period of time. Power does crazy things to people. But one soul isn't all we should get. That single injection of determination had as much determination as fifteen Frisk's!!! Remember even as a god Frisk was able to fight you off. No, we need something a bit more..."
Mo shows up, (Mo) "How about some pies."
(Kara) "Oh good one, they have bullets too."
Then Muffet and Burgerpants show up. (Muffet) "No we don't have bullets we have pies *winks*."
(Kara) "What? OHHH! I get it. The bullets are in the pies. And we can also put souls in the pies. If we pretend to surrender and go on a full out attack maybe we can defeat some of there guards."
(Noelle) "What about Clover?"
(Kara) "Well whenever this game was made it allows people to reset when they die. But what if they weren't dead, but frozen? =)"
(Noelle) "You and I both know when I do it, it could result in me passing out. I've been hiding it from you but just know the dangers. I'm doing this no matter what just wanted you to know."
(Layer) "What am I going to do?"
(Kara) "You still have one command, if you type it in you'll be put out of this world. Copy the soul value one hundred times."
(Layer) "Why not I just do more, I could easily."
(Kara) "No you couldn't, copying and pasting takes long as it is so we need to not change the values of anything to not create a glitchy mess."
(Papyrus) "I love this, I can see how I will look like with a human soul."
(Layer) "Alright Ctrl C Ctrl V. *They kept on doing it until they were booted.* See you soon."
(Kara) "Alright, who's ready for the day monsters are the strongest race."
Hundreds of monsters started cheering and then got a soul each. They all seemed to just look like themselves but seemed more powerful.
(Kara) "And now it's your turn. Now what color do you want Flowey?"
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tsunflowers · 1 year
thought more about some magical girl arena girlies and made some in a dollmaker
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lovely peach - typical magical girl - pink goofy tambourine weapon - ambiguous cute thing mascot
a normal girl who behaves normally. nothing much to say
obsessed with magical girls her whole life. so excited to be one. she follows the rules strictly bc this is her big chance. after the showrunners’ ruse is revealed she doesn’t even spend a second being afraid or surprised bc it’s like her life was leading up to this. convinced that all magical girl genre conventions are now real
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hellion - nonhuman girl in disguise - red necklace that lets her control fire (actually innate demon powers) - imp mascot
a lesser imp who fled the demon world of the showrunners and tried to live in disguise in the human world. when they made their move they found her out quickly and blackmailed her into joining the magical girl arena so they could keep an eye on her. very nervous all the time due to everything so like candy crusher there’s a gap between her stage image and real self. isn't strong enough to change her ears when disguising herself as a human. I meant for her to have both red eyes but this dollmaker is glitchy
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virtual idol ririmi - grown-up idol - blue headset that allows her to project images - ?? mascot
she’s not very strong and her power isn’t very combat oriented so she was talked into being the announcer. she gains confidence through her persona as ririmi. she’s chirpy and bubbly but it took her a lot of work to get there. probably super involved in magical girl arena fan communities. definitely has sent anon hate before. this dollmaker is not great for what I wanted to do, I want her to have a more overdone cyber aesthetic
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kaze no miko - spiritual power - green fans that summon winds and barriers - bird mascot
develops magical powers around the same time as the others but actually just has nature magic separate from anything going on with the demon realm of the showrunners. serene and resolute. the type of person who spends so long answering a question that you think she’s forgotten it and then her answer is only one word long
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candy crusher - cute witch - yellow magic wand that only summons things made of candy - puffball mascot
aggressive and sometimes downright mean. the showrunners sort of forced the witch motif on her and it doesn’t suit her personality or fighting style. physically fit and a martial artist. mostly here for the fame which is getting to her head. can you believe this dollmaker doesn't seem to have a witch hat
then I'm still thinking about a sun and moon duo who can't transform without each other present, a mecha musume girl, and a purple girl with depression. purple girl could get rolled into being the moon of the duo. for the mecha musume girl it would be interesting if she has mobility issues and her power armor lets her walk but I think if that was your reality you would have so many conflicting feelings about it that I can't begin to imagine them. so i probably would not add that
they all have a magical item that their powers are tied to, except hellion and kaze no miko whose powers are innate. hellion hides that on purpose, kaze no miko genuinely just doesn't know. the outfits are costumes that they designed together with the showrunners. they are magical in nature and can be put on instantly though. the costumes also change their hair and eye color in some cases. they never appear as their everyday selves in the arena and fans are desperate to know who they are in real life. ririmi is the youngest, she's 17 but pretending to be 18. unnamed purple girl is the oldest at 26. then I guess lovely peach is around 19, hellion is 220 (22 in human years), kaze no miko is 24, and candy crusher is 22
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nochiquinn · 2 years
exandria unlimited: kymal: part one: 🐩
crown keepers minus their one brain cell let's goooo
oh no she cute
"we're at the same table, nerds!" it's going to be CHAOS
"he's been THROUGH IT"
Dwarven Nincompoop
aw, no more comfy matt
chinhands at this opening
cyrus, your dumbshit brother
where errebody go
I had to step away but I come back to gilmore plans
"a little smarter" "ehnnn"
"I said a LITTLE"
aimee ur eyelashes
"chosen family" cries
I Love opal's new art
opal using her vestige to steal
"it's a lot of women yelling"
oh god she literally has a shoulder angel and shoulder devil except she already wasn't listening to the shoulder angel
I fucking love opal
I've had this headcanon of dariax trying to keep opal safe or at least not actively throwing herself into volcanos but I knew that was wishful thinking
"he's got the luck of the idiots"
drags dariax away from the table by the collar
"act natural" oh god
I love her
oh someone has worked hospitality
"pure brewer's yeast"
"I'm leaving! I'm already done!"
"I like bread." jester?
"I eat it." fcg?
"you got a problem?" "yeah!" "you wanna take this outside?" "no!"
"remember when I said keep a low fuCKING PROFILE"
oh no dorian is the braincell
I Love Her
coin? coin in play? EXPLAIN
oh dislike
erica use the barbie voice USE THE BARBIE VOICE
erica this is extremely specific
"I'm not supposed to be out of my room"
this whole casino is gonna light the FUCK up
"I'm Detecting It"
that's actually extremely cool??
taking out her frustration on pickpockets
cat the rabbit
"did you just nope me"
dariax. DARIAX.
cackles loudly
glitchy circlet
"I'm so glad I called you guys"
you are not immune to pretty fire lady
nice save aabria
"it's canon"
oh. oh no.
"a grandma? wearing grandma clothes?"
oh NO
well well well if it isn't the consequences of their own actions
friendly reminder that opal is nineteen, MAYBE twenty years old
ah yes, the Aladdin Gambit
ngl when they said bromance was I was expecting some hitachiin shit
I can't see matt's face but his forehead just went on a journey
oh now he's just dead
her WHAT
Morrighan please explain me your deal
okay which one of them heard "we need one million dollars" and suggested gamblnever mind it was opal
I accept this retcon
why did the subs just say MATT [JENGA]
Traditional Rogue Attire
Functional Feathers
"you'd never expect a poodle from a bunny"
"you're on thin ice" "why?!" "because it's funny"
it's because you're you, cyrus
no direct victims
......is dariax still being tracked
"hack down the door" this is hilarious bc I've been playing persona 5 strikers
....akechi, yusuke, and futaba playing dungeons and dragons
(akechi, yusuke, futaba, symmetra, and she-ra)
"I don't like that we have a problem" "I like it"
my dariax/dorian/orym headcanon is that dariax sees that dorian is upset at leaving orym behind and blames cyrus
(and he should)
Evil Check
matt: I'm canonically an idiot
where's the art, I need it
they got him a PRESENT
....they stole him a PRESENT
"is this a dead man's mandolin" "no! no - he's not - is he?" "eh."
I love them
...how did you roll 10 on 2d4
"he's good at what he's good at!!"
"DO YOU KNOW DENI$E?!" ".....we gotta go"
"no we don't! :D"
"I'm gonna pretend your dad is my dad and he told me that" "that would be very sad indeed for both of us"
matt missed it and I'm sad
I came back to dariax ghosting his ex
"I can do a kill"
sex pestedal
this is the little camera drone from watch_dogs
orym where are you, we need the braincell
this doofus
"my first instinct is to protect dariax" gay
"are you gonna kill us?!" "maybe I will! maybe I wanna go home early tonight!"
if dorian dies I riot
what in the magnus archives
we found the poodle!
"it all certainly looks like stone. then you notice....it LOOKS like stone"
this room is getting uncomfortably full
yeah yeah fuck yeah
I forgot how much I like aabria's spider queen voice
oh no ted 2
"are you DONE NOW"
I love him
matt still managing to give erica the hdywttd
he did a baton pass!!
giving mr. tumnus a concussion
what in the eluvian
"wait you found gin?"
fuck an airship, FLYING BAR
Death Dwarf
"he stole words from our faces!"
"I don't wanna wait a week, can we just come back tomorrow?"
I'm using this precedent for every awful matthew mercer cliffhanger from now on
like coming home from your cool aunt's house "but AABRIA let us come back the next day!"
Don't Do A Murder, Do A Poodle
I'm waiting for a stinger
aw, no stinger :(
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