#so idk if I count based on that criteria lol
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that is…. certainly interesting information lmao
I do wonder why you were prompted to send it to me though lol
but also are you really considered Tumblr famous at 1k followers?!??? I thought it had to be like at least 50k+??
but also I feel like “Tumblr famous” is more so of a feeling of notoriety than it is a follower count? but idk
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
I give you a choice. (Sorry for destroying the executive function outsourcing)
In order of my esteemed preference (lol)
1. Grimlands
2. Codlands
3. Crystal Cliffs
(I give choice, because idk what you have fleshed out hhhhhhhh)
(you certainly don't have to do all 3, not all at once, not for me. {Unless you want to})
Curses! Foiled again!
I'll do all three, but the Codlands and Crystal Cliffs will get different posts and will probably not be tonight.
Also a general note relevant to the succession criteria of the majority of the empires. Remember this whole thing, where Pix kind of accidentally changed the formal definition of war in the empires? That had a lot of implications for how royalty functioned in the Empires. While they still absolutely have internal duties and responsibilities and privileges, ultimately their most important job is that they stand ready to defend their empire and its people at all times. Part of this is that they also function as international ambassadors in a way, while most empires also have official ambassadors, the relationships and interactions between the emperors themselves are a very important (sometimes volatile) facet of international relations.
An country cannot be recognized internationally as an autonomous nation without an official Emperor/Head of State. The exception to this is the neutral territory of Mangrovia, which is small and rather isolated and basically exists due to several specific treaties granting it the ability to be independent and guaranteeing it immunity from conflict. So far this has not been put to the test.
So, the Grimlands!
The Grimlands is one of the empires that is primarily human. They do have a hybrid population, as well as some (human and hybrid) who have Other Ancestry mixed in there. (Gem has antlers, for example :) ) But they would be considered a Mortal Kingdom.
They do not have a singular royal family, rather they have a noble class from which the emperor is chosen, based off a combined consideration of the council (made up of a representative from each family, yes that gets as politically fraught as you would imagine, and the alchemical and engineering guilds), and a series of (hypothetically) more objective criteria, mostly combat based.
When the Count/Countess of the Grimland's either dies or abdicates, there is a grace period of three months for the council to choose their successor. In cases of abdication, the retiring ruler is allowed to present recommendations and to vote in the final decision. (Several have abdicated specifically so they could choose their successor. In these cases 3 times out of 4 their candidate is the one chosen)
Obviously over the centuries the quality of objectiveness has varied, based on the um, personal integrity of the individuals in power at the time. There have been some highs and lows.
Fwhip was selected at something of a young age, partly based on merit, and partly because relationships with Mythland were somewhat tense at the time of the previous Count's death. And Fwhip was the cousin of the young, newly crowned king of Mythland. (His father married into his mother's house from the royal family of Mythland.) Gem had also just won the title of (youngest ever) High Wizard of the Crystal Cliffs, and her close bond with Fwhip (and Sausage) had basically been Fwhip's family's "dirty little secret" when they were kids.
Technically they are second cousins, but they did actually grow up as friends and were very close, and it was decided that between his prowess with both alchemy and redstone and the close ties this would allow with Mythland (which though distant geographically controlled several resources vital to the Grimland's prosperity) and the Crystal Cliffs (their closest neighbor and a magical powerhouse) it was enough to override that he was not the strongest combatant of the candidates, though he was one of the best.
Fwhip, who had a tendency to get lost in his adventures and redstone experiments of questionable ethical standards, was honestly completely oblivious to being one of the finalists. Between his age and rankings in combat, he did not seriously consider the likelihood he would be chosen until he was pulled out of his lab to go stand before the council and be named Count of the Grimlands.
It was a bit of a stressful time for Fwhip.
He, Sausage, and Gem got even closer during that time, and that was when he and Gem got to know Pearl as well.
AU Masterpost
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bisluthq · 3 years
Again, Josh is good looking, smart, sporty, funny, into partying, and charming // I can't believe that in 2021 one person (apart from Karlie) defines Josh K as a charming man, a good looking man that many people want , amazing that only in this blog there are anons "thirsty" for him, isn't it enough all of you idolizing Joe A as if this white man were the king of sex and as a panty wrecker?? Stop pushing these basic men, especially Josh K who doesn't even seem to take a shower
I’m like genuinely perplexed by your ask because I deadass called him basic and boring several times. Idk what you want in a man lol but as someone who… um… doesn’t want one… I use rational thoughts about it and assess based on objective criteria, not indictments of people’s taste.
Josh isn’t a male model, but he’s never claimed to be. He’s a (successful and very rich) businessman. He’s better looking than a ton of rich men, Bezos and Zuck and tbh my fellow countryman Elon spring to mind. He’s widely regarded as smart. People who’ve met him say he’s charming and funny. Idk what more to say. He’s a regular fucking tech bro, and a very fucking successful one, and LOTS OF WOMEN JUST WANT A NICE TECH BRO and there is NOTHING wrong with that. You don’t get to be the arbitrator of taste and be like “lmao fuck tech bros” because there’s a queue of women willing to do just that for dudes who are LESS OF A CATCH (family is a whole other story).
I like Joe A’s personality and his movies, and EVERY PERSON WHO EVER MEETS HIM BUT ESPECIALLY WOMEN ATTRACTED TO MEN LOSE IT. That’s just… reality. You don’t have to like it, you’re allowed to be like, “eh smarmy litbois annoy me” but again, you’re not the arbitrator of taste. Lots of people already have and many others would love to fuck him.
Also Taylor Swift has a body count that puts mine to shame tbh and she found this an otherworldly experience so I’m taking her word for that.
YOU CAN LIKE WHOEVER. The Rock is an objectively great looking man, rocking body, great personality, many to most women attracted to men would DIE to get a chance to be in bed with him. Does that mean EVERY BLOG needs to be exalting the values of The Rock?
I would fuck Timmy C. Do I go off about it? Honestly no because his personality is trash, he doesn’t know about safe sex, and he’s kinda weird looking. I would STILL DO IT, and so would many other people. I’m not out here claiming otherwise. I’m also not going to Timmy blogs and trying to tell them “yes I would absolutely love to have this man eat me out and I do find him talented but ffs he’s an annoying twerp why are you running a blog about him?” Because that’d be a bizarre argument to pose to the blogger.
This all applies to women to. There are MANY people, many gay women too, who don’t see the appeal of Taylor Swift and certainly not as a sexual object of desire. Does that… impact empirical reality where weird men on Reddit have whole subs dedicated to her body parts and my anons and I talk about how much we fantasize about her and Lizzo writes self-insert fanfics while drunk about her? No it doesn’t. Is Taylor Swift empirically the sexiest woman alive? Honestly no, she’s pretty weird, but she does it for me.
Thirst is like that.
Stop judging so much, focus on whatever you enjoy wanking off to, and don’t come with a holier than thou attitude explaining to me that a basic boring man is boring. Of course he is, but so WHAT? He’s still probably more interesting than half the dudes you’re gonna suck off in your lifetime so 🤷🏻‍♀️💀
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possumcorpse · 6 years
15 questions???
tagged by @nuiph ! ♡♡
1.) are you named after anyone?
I was named after my mom and dad, but I chose Jackie because of a game ://///// but I keep the "J" in my name and there's an "E" in it too and that was my only criteria because I didn't want it to stray too far away from my old one.
also my middle name was supposed to be based off my grandpa but they changed it to something else and its joked that my middle name was inspired by Kobe Bryant and i guess thats ok
2.) when was the last time you cried?
every darn day Maybe...two, three days ago?
3.) do you have any kids?
I am a child
4.) do you use sarcasm a lot?
sometimes. I often say stuff like "i hate it!" or "you suck!" n shit like that in a hopefully noticable voice thats different from my normal voice. same applies to doing work like "i love school!".
(i do love school but it depends on the work im doing lol)
5.) whats the first thing you notice about people?
shoes! because i always look down. idk. just their general appearance?
6.) eye color?
7.) scary movie or happy ending?
i like scary movies because i know its fake! (hopefully). plus its a bit exciting to be scared
happy endings are great too but sometimes too cheesy imo. so i gotta choose scary movie!
8.) any special talents?
none! i guess im a jack of all trades, master of none? i can lockpick i guess but im not a god at it. im not really special at anything
9.) when were you born?
10.) hobbies?
skateboarding for sure! i also enjoy writing, drawig, and jamming to music. even better- hanging out with my friends! i havent sewn anything in a while but sewing is fun too and making patches! and i really like playing video games and board games and card games. and reading books!
11.) do you have any pets?
two adorable puppies (theyre like 6 years old and 4 years old). one an aggressive, ferocious yorkshire terrier and the other some dog we adopted but we were only told that he's "some sort of terrier". im too lazy to look it up rn but either way theyre both good buppies
12.) whats sports do you play/have played?
i never was one for team sports really but pretty much all types of sports.
sports i enjoyed/still enjoy, however, were archery, chess, and skateboarding! do e-sports count?
i did cross country in freshman year and i used to take swimming classes every summer but i never liked any of them
13.) how tall are you?
5'2". small. too small.
14.) favorite subject in school?
right now, likely engineering! ive stuck with engineering all 4 years of high school. however, APES (AP Environmental Sci) and PreCalc has been kinda fun. Science and math are much more fun than reading boring articles or history.
15.) dream job?
Total fantasy dream job, but something like a mercenary...? i dont know. just some sorta thing regarding helping people, like a knight or a paladin. BATTLE MEDIC
If set in reality, industrial design has caught my eye and it seems like something id like do as a career. or being an author or something? just a job where i create pretty much!
alright tag time. bleh
@xloy4lty @the-dank-hindu-kush @papertigerinkstripes @freeingalexandra @cosmicscreaming @space-prophet @readableporn @descendingtesticles
and anyone else whod like to do so! dont limit "oh im tsgging these people" to stop you from doing ehatev idk lol
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justalittlemango · 5 years
Entry #16 - 21/01/2020
Well, it’s safe to say returning back to Cheltenham and the whole dorm life has been fairly bittersweet! I guess I adapted very well when I was back home (and I mean, who wouldn’t when you are blessed enough to not worry about money for that period, and great parents who are willing to help you out as much as possible!) It was quite sad on the final day of coming back here with my dad dropping me off, but at the same time it feels quite nice. Nice to have my privacy back, my own bathroom schedule and be able to use my gaming PC again!
It’s currently 6am as I write this, sadly my sleep got interrupted by a phone notification, turns out a friend was spamming me on Steam so now I am awake. The power of the internet right there folks, being able to wake someone up from thousands of miles away. However, I am not too fussed. My semester starts again today, and my lecture is at 11:15 so it’s not all too bad.
Initially I was kind of freaking out, predominantly due to the fact that my first lecture this week involves group-based work... and I guess I’m not really satisfied with the input that I had put in before Xmas for the group, but oh well. I am hopefully willing to change that with this next lecture coming up.
I want to try and get some organisation into the group. Sort out roles for each group member so we know what we’re doing and contribute more ideas together. I think before Xmas I was just so drained, tired and stressed with all the other assignments that my mind just went completely blank. However, it’s a new year now, new semester and that means I gotta be back on my A game.
So I’m feeling relatively optimistic about that, albeit nervous.. but hey, I’m still here and I’ve managed to get through all this shit before in my life, there’s hardly anything stopping me, other than how negatively my mind perceives me. In all fairness, my mood has been quite good ever since Christmas and my last post. I’m hoping it stays that way! I’m satisfied with the long break I had, and now it’s time to work hard again. This project should be fun anyways.
I don’t imagine this project/assignment will be too time-consuming regardless.. we’ve got 4 months to do it and we’ve got a very very basic concept that runs... I guess we just need to keep adding stuff to it over the next 4 months and see how far we get into it. Least that gives me hopes about time-keeping for the other assignments I’m starting this semester which I’m sure will be just as stressy as the ones I’ve just done :^)
Talking of assignments, my creative skills assignment got graded, the one which heavily involves Photoshop, Illustrator and all that graphic design stuff. I got 68, which was 2 marks off the top criteria.. So I’m happy with that! Considering a pass grade is 40, an extra 28 marks on top of that I’m chuffed with. So that’s kept me very positive recently that my work isn’t utter crap!
I am sorta worried for my other two assignments that are yet to be graded. One assignment which is the creating a game in Unity that I had to request an extension for, I feel like I’m going to get a low grade or not pass at all... trying to write the code myself was so difficult so uh, some sort of it was uh, “referenced” from online, i guess. My 3D modelling assignment I’m also sorta worrying about as I rushed it towards Christmas as I requested an extension for that too. Oh well, I’m going to try not to let it play on my mind...
On a more positive note, I decided to get this student housing thing sorted once and for all. I can’t afford to go back into student halls, and I’ma be real with you, but the flatmates you get can be obnoxious as fuck. Not saying that my current flatmates are like that, but uh, we just live and let live and we don’t really speak to each other. But they like to hog the kitchen a lot, and that annoys me. So I don’t really want to put up with that again next year. 
I organised a Discord group thingy between my bf and a friend from the course, so we could get a 3 bed house that’s close to the campus. Thing is, this student house is ideal for me because the rent is so cheap compared to student halls. So if I can get this student house, I’d be able to keep and spend so much more than I get right now. Lets put it this way, in student halls at the moment, I only get £300 to spend across the 3 months. If I was in a student house, on average I’d have just over £1k to save/spend over the 3 months. Yum fucking yum!!! So I really hope to fuc that we can get a place sorted!
I ain’t really got no fear of anything going wrong tbh... we still got quite a bit of time, and there’s still some good choices going around in the area near the university- which is convenient as currently where we stay it is an hour walk to campus, and yeah.... not worth it. I might also mention it to a few friends on the course if they want to also come live with us, but it looks like everyone is sorted... so I think it’s best that we just find a place, inquire, see if we’re happy and then slap the deposit on it.
Conveniently, my dad just got his redundancy money from work and has offered to pay my deposit for me which is a MAJOR help, otherwise I simply would not be able to afford it and live at the same time. So I feel very blessed knowing this. Of course, once we get to the house I am not going to blast any of the money, in fact I might just spend it how I do now, very minimally. Reason being? Overdraft. I gotta get out my overdraft. My bank has started to change the limit of how much is fee-free, and at the moment I can take out up to £2000 and it’s fee-free, but at the end of this year it’s going down to £1500, then the year after it’s £1000, year after is £500 and then so on.
So realistically, it is absolutely in my best interests to go for a student house. I need that money. I have also been looking at costs about doing an internship in Canada, and yes, it is fairly expensive once you count the application fees, flight fees and the fact that the Canadian government want you to prove that you have 2400CAD in your bank to prove that you can sustain yourself in Canada.
I have been looking at the invitation pools for UK residents to take the working holiday visa scheme in Canada, and right now it seems 3k people have signed up, and there’s 6k slots... so... that’s filled some hope in me! I just really hope I get a place!! It is absolutely my dream to work in Canada for the year. I just gotta be on top of my game on December 2020... as I believe that’s when the pools next open. I just hope they don’t mind being there for only a year when the visa grants you two years! But uh, they don’t need to know that hehe... or maybe they do. lol idk.
But yes, a student house is needed in order for all this to be accomplished. I know for a fact I would be more comfortable staying with my bf and a coursemate rather than more random people that I have to awkwardly say hi to when I want to grab my noodles from the kitchen. But yes, I’m estimating that over the second year, I’ll have about £800 or so to spend. That’s amazing. And I want to invest £500 into my overdraft so I can go down to the fee-free amount (£1500), and then do the same for the next instalment so I can go down to £1000, and then save whatever is left from the final instalment to try and sustain myself for if & when I go to Canada. They ask for 2400CAD in your bank, and that’s £1400... I guess as long as I have that in my bank they’ll accept me, and then once I get in I can focus on paying that overdraft off.
I’ve heard internships in Canada pay minimum wage, so if I have extra money in the month that I don’t necessarily need, I’ll send it to my UK bank account and help me get out of that overdraft, as when/if i’m in Canada, the fee-free amount will reduce to £500 or so, therefore I need to get that paid off. I don’t think it should be too difficult, but I’m super relying on these things working out, and lets be real, there’s a very high chance of all this not working out. Though, I won’t allow myself to. I will find a student house. I will save the money I get when I’m at said student house. I will pay my overdraft bit by bit. I will try to save up 2400CAD so I can get accepted into Canada, but the most important part: I will try my best to entice Canadian game studios to accept me.. 
That last part, that’s going to be tricky I think... I hope I am good enough that they will accept me as their intern. I don’t know really. I still don’t know where I wanna go , but anywhere in Canada I’m happy with: particularly if it’s Toronto or Montreal. Hell, I have still been learning French for just in case I do get a place in Montreal. They speak French there? well heck, so will I with all this time I got to do it. Plus, I’ve been wanting to learn French for a while, but just needed a sort of kick up the butt to say “ok, here’s why you should ACTUALLY do it!” and yea :3
That being said , I would also be happy if I got accepted at a studio in Vancouver.. a bit far and very much behind time-wise from the UK, but hey it’s only for the year, I may as well live it up aye? Of course, I am still banking on myself to get accepted into the pools and be invited by the Canadian gov, then consult jobs/studios all over Canada with my work and stuff, then save up the money to get into Canada, all simultaneously while trying to find a roommate in whichever city I get to (however, this seems like a rather simple one as I’ve already seen many apps that can help find roommates and offers seem to come & go A LOT.)
A roommate would definitely be ideal for me, as it would help split the rent. If I’m going to stay in a city like Vancouver or Toronto, it isn’t really possible for me to sustain myself on minimum wage in these cities. So a roommate is ideal. Besides, I need friends when I get there anyway! lol
I wonder if I’ll look back at this post in a few years and think... “Wow Kurt, you thought it was that easy?” - part of me thinks this goal is far-fetched, another part of me sees it as perfectly accomplishable with the correct amount of time, planning and finances. So really... I don’t know. I would say at the moment, probability is low in the likeliness of me getting in, because my work is still a bit.. questionable, as I am still a fresher after all. So I gotta rely on producing really good work that catches the eyes of employers, host a website with my portfolio on it and send it to just as many Canadian studios as I can and then hope for the best. I just really want this goal, it’s an even more motivating goal than thinking of graduation, honestly! 
Welp. I posted a lot on this one, but everything I said here is 100% the things that run through my mind a lot of the nights. I am going to stay optimistic, I’m going to work to the best of my ability and make my creations look appealing, I am going to get that student house so I can be happy financially and secure myself & my goals. Til next time
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