#so if it's not your bag skip it like the 90's toy
kdramaxoxo · 2 years
Hey I love your blog soooooo much!! 💖 I’m going through a tough time rn and I was wondering if you had any funny kdrama recommendations?! Or kdramas that made you feel really happy when you watched it?!
Thank you for all your posts and recommendations btw! I’ve loved so many of your recommendations and I’m so grateful for your blog!!💕💕💕
Oh anon i'm so sorry you're going through it :( Thank you so much for the blog love and hopefully one of these will fit your mood!
K-dramas to brighten your day:
Shopping King Louie (romcom): Ridiculously fun and lighthearted romp following a spoiled and useless chaebol with amnesia who is being taken care of by a country bumpkin in the city. Very low stakes, super adorable couple, and as many tropes as you can fit in your bag, this one is one of my favorites to recommend.
Extraordinary You/ A Day Found By Chance (fantasy/romance): This magical k-drama has my heart. It plays with all of the predictable tropes and then just goes crazy! While not perfect towards the end, I give this show bonus points for being super creative AND inspiring me to read a LOT of fan fic. I think about this drama more than any other.
Soundtrack #1: (romance) A short drama about two friends. One of them is helping the other write a love song (while also being in love with her). It’s cute!
Hit The Spot: rom/com-ish: Just a heads up this is legit rated-r and has graphic sex scenes. I don't usually go for that (and actually the scenes are pretty funny to me personally - the first episode starts that way but I swear you can just skip those scenes) but the actual drama was soooo good (and maybe sponsored by a sex toy company?) Hani delivers (i love her so much) and the sex positive messaging and just two ladies getting what they need?? So funny and so fun!! But take care if this isn't for you.
Run On: (rom com) This show follows four people in their daily lives: An athletic, a translator, a CEO and an artist. Soft soft couples!! Y'all know I love this slice of life rom com for so many reasons, but you might not know that Kang Tae Oh’s character (the painter) is like one of my dream boys. BLORBO FROM MY SHOWS.
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Have a Nice Dessert (another cute web drama): If you’re looking for low angst and a super soft boy, this is your drama!! It’s a web drama (youtube) about a girl who loves photographing desserts and the boy who likes her.  Like all web dramas, it’s short, and there’s really no time for angst and breakups :)
The Best Hit / Hit The Top (romcom): A famous 90′s boyband dude travels into the future and meets up with his family and friends in this really cute drama featuring Yoon Shi Yoon. I LOVE Yoon Shi Yoon in pretty much everything but this role was made for him - he is hilarious. It’s a slice of life but features the k-pop music industry so the setting is unique.
Into The Ring (workplace/romcom): The perfect slice-of-life rom com! Goo Se Ra has trouble holding down a job due to her passionate personality so after she loses her latest job working for the ML, she decides to run for a small government office position because it pays a salary. Literally she does it for the money which is just *chef’s kiss.* The show is about her dealing with local politics and it’s SO FUNNY and smart and the OTP is the best! 
Eulachacha Waikiki / Laughter In Waikiki: (ridiculous comedy) I hope you’re ready for a crazy amount of unlikely situations and nutty hijinks because this show is probably one the most silly ones I’ve ever watched. It follows a group of friends who own a hostel so it’s a slice of life drama. At certain points I was like “this is TOO silly” but I’m glad I stuck with it cause it was so hilarious. Plus, the baby is a star!
Light On Me (web drama bl): I absolutely adored this simple and sweet drama! One of my favorite korean BLs EVER! Because it’s longer than the average Korean BL, it actually has: *cues triumphant music* Character development!
Fight for My Way (romcom) I love this drama! The couple is one of my OTPs and it’s really funny and a mostly lighthearted story of a group of friends. It’s down to earth and adorable - I’ve never had anyone complain about this one!
Wok of Love: (romcom) Despite the fact that the show was shortened by two episodes because of sports, this drama is a funny and quirky show worth watching. Many people dropped it because it was SO crazy for the first couple of episodes (it has a talking horse people!), but it does settle into a really sweet and fun story about a chef, a gangster and a rich girl and her family. If you love food, this show is for YOU!
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Splash Splash Love: (short drama) Featuring a girl struggling with her studies and magically ends up in an ancient land working for a king! It’s awesome!
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo: Super cute and fluffy drama featuring a female weightlifter lacking confidence, and a popular and good looking swimmer. Romance & great friendships!
Top Management: Adorable mini drama about a girl who can see the future and becomes the rookie manager for a kpop band. Fun and easy (plus they seem to be setting it up for another season…)
***J-drama rec*** Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!: (romance, fluff, represenation!)  If you’re used to k-dramas were everything could go wrong at any time, you’re in for a real treat! Cherry Magic is my absolute favorite drama of last year and this year combined (even with a silly name like it has!) - It’s the ONLY show I’ve ever given a 10/10 rating to. An introverted guy finds out a seemingly popular and confident co-worker has a crush on him. This drama is so so soft, so so sweet and it has not one but TWO ace characters and a lot of gay panic! I’ve rewatched it recently and smiled the ENTIRE time. Plus there’s a valentines day special that’s really fun.
Bonus short shows for instant relief:
Gaduri Sushi Restaurant
Semantic Error
Out of Breath (gl!)
The Best Mistake
Kiss Goblin
Enjoy and I hope you feel better soon!!
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veenixdreamjournal · 2 years
Fell asleep while drawing. Seems I get tired very easily this winter. At least I've got the good stuff now!
At first, it was just a blend of ridiculous scenarios that don't make much sense. My grandpa having a twin who showed up at my house for some reason, me doing something on my swing (not sure what?) and the geometry of my house and yard not making any damn sense. I had an extra window above my bathtub that apparently was the regular bathroom window in the dream world but shifted and bigger. I could see a bit of the swing through it? Which makes no sense because it's at the front of the house while the bathroom is to the side with the window looking out to the left. Just a mess of my brain processing shit.
However, the next portion was interesting. It was a fantasy world. I was preparing for adventure, I think I had to find a T-rex which is kinda funny. I had to get my stuff including supplies, combat gear and money. The money portion was... interesting. Every time I picked up a coin I examined it and I could see every single detail including the writing on them. All of them were strangely vivid and there were multiple currencies, including a currency from Wakfu, kamas. It was different of course. Singular coins were normal but the 3's were the shape of a ticket, but rounder. Giant (for a coin) too.
While I was gathering everything, I found a bunch of money someone else owned and just... took it. I was sure they wouldn't mind and wanted people to take these for some reason. That's also where I got a proper money sack. I was with someone else there and we were trying to sort all the currencies and discussing how much, if any, we should take. Yes, more currencies. They got strange. One was just the weird kamas from before, the main currency of this world. Another was a currency with a strange name that I think was used by a fantasy race like goblins, I unfortunately forgot the name and could even barely read it out in the dream. Then there were polish zloty but with a different name which I again, forgot. I mainly saw the 5 groszy coins, our version of pennies. The currency that made the least sense was a bunch of vibrant blue coins with the fallout guy printed on them. They looked like toys. I think dream me called them half life coins and my brain got mad because no, they're fallout coins. I tend to have some narrative abilities in many dreams lmao.
Next, we opened a box owned by the same person. There wasn't much inside except a sort of false bottom on a hinge that opened up to reveal 4 photos of different people, each color coded with little squares under them. I didn't know what the colors meant. There were some buttons similar to children's piano keys too but we never touched those. We kinda started having doubts after this and I left most of the money and took as much as I realistically needed. While resorting (because rn I could put different currencies in different bags due to there being less money), the dream randomly skipped to me coming back already. Either that or my memory of the adventure got wiped. I had a pet companion now. I'm not sure what they were, a cat maybe? Not an ordinary one though. When I came back, a confused person in one of the village building greeted me because I was back kinda soon but I had a reason. The steepest fucking mountain behind the gate in the back of the village. I call it a mountain because it's easier to visualize but in reality, it was just the dirt road suddenly turning 90 degrees upwards. And I wanted to climb that. With my cat. Ok.
Suddenly the dream seems to have turned into a twitch stream of a VR game. I was a young boy. The interesting thing was, the sides of the village were barriers irl. The barriers would grab your legs and out you suspended on some rubber ropes that still kinda felt like walking so you wouldn't hit a wall. Me and chat got bored eventually and what I decided to do was set up an irl camera in the perfect spot and angle that matched the game came and when I jumped behind the rope barrier I would show up irl, landing on my gaming chair from above. I did it and who else was I but LEOPOLD THE FUCKING RAGING GERMAN KID IN A FILTHY ASS HOUSE I WOULD DO A CLEANING STREAM OF
Well that's... over... I also had a small segment of me sorta invading a cult's church or something similar but it's very spotty and didn't expand much. This post was a doozy. I also had ordinary scrambled stuff like my hairdryer breaking and discovering my fav musician was djing at the same party as I was.
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0 notes
soyforramen · 3 years
Another update to the urban-fantasy AU I will eventually finish:
“Running away again, Jonsey?”
Penny’s voice echoed in the alley around him, her voice surrounding him, trapping him. Jughead gritted his teeth and ran for the street. His side throbbed and screamed with every step, but Betty’s grimoire had held up beautifully. At least until his leather jacket had finally given up under the heat of demon fire and grafted onto his skin.
Sanctuary was close by, so long as the Father was in. Glancing up and down the sidewalk, Jughead realized he was the only one out on the streets this late. That meant that there was no one he’d have to try and save from Penny’s wrath, but it also meant she had nothing to distract her from her pursuit.
Hearing Penny’s footsteps, he stumbled into the street and scrambled towards the sacred steps.
His shoulder screamed when he raised his arm to lift the clunky, rusted gargoyle door knocker. It slammed into the wood, creating a hollow, ominous sound. Panting, Jughead glanced behind him only to have Penny’s smirking face burned into his retinas. Another fire bomb flew his way, and he jumped back onto the thick cement railing. A shock of hellfire lit up his neck and Jughead realized his hat had caught on fire. He threw it towards her and turned back towards the door, only to find it standing strong without a single scorch on it.
“Aw, you think Father is going to save you Jonesy? Just like he saved dear old daddy? Are you gonna scream? Beg for mercy, just like F.P. did back in the old country?” Penny taunted.
The chains around her hips clanked softly in the night air as she sauntered towards him. At least one of them was enjoying this, though Jughead would rather see their roles reversed. Just as she reached the curb, the door behind him creaked open and he lunged inside.
“Forsythe? What on earth brings you –“
A burst of hellfire threw Jughead the rest of the way through the door. He landed hard on the old, polished marble and skidded across the floor only to slam into a pew. Every inch of his body was heavy; it was impossible to raise his head. Jughead blinked, but all he could see was the spark of flame coming at him, the afterburn of Penny’s latest attack.
“You have no power here, demon,” Father Mason said, his voicing booming in the high cupola above them.
Penny growled something low and unintelligible. Father Mason responded in kind. A bright, chiming song cut through their noise and it took Jughead almost two passes to answer his phone.
“Where are you? I lost Penny,” Betty’s ragged, gasping breath came from the speaker.
Jughead let out a long breath, thankful that she’d managed to get free. “8th and Elm. St. Hermione’s.”
“You’re in a church?”
It was quiet a moment. Another blast of fire managed to make it over the threshold and wound it’s way directly at him. Jughead dropped the phone and rolled away from it, letting the rest of his jacket take the direct hit.
The door slammed shut, and the air calmed.
Cool hands cradled him, lifting him into a sitting position. Jughead blinked back the nausea, and Moose’s face swam into view. Wisps of grey threaded through his hair, and there were a few more lines around his eyes, but this was the same, kind face that had proselytized to his small village when Jughead was just a boy. Jughead reached up a hand, only to gasp and shudder at the pain.
“Are you hurt?” Moose asked, his voice brooking no lie.
“No more than the last time you saw me.”
Moose frowned, and a wave of shame hit Jughead.
“Sorry, I know it’s been a few …”
Days? Months? Years? Centuries?
Somewhere in the back of the apse a door slammed shut. Jughead started, adrenaline coursing through his body, but Moose gently guided him back to the floor.
“That demon will never cross my threshold,” Moose promised.
Moose stood, his center of gravity low and his hands clenched in fists, ready for a fight. He’d always been ready to protect, and die for, a member of his flock, no matter how lost they may be.
Jughead tugged on Moose’s frock and managed to croak out, “A friend.”
He turned to see Betty rushing around the alter, her blonde hair outshining the painted angels above her. Jughead refused to note the comparison as another wave of pain hit. Ignoring the priest, Betty rushed towards Jughead and pulled him into her arms.
“Are you okay?” Betty asked as her hands hovered above his shoulders, assessing the damage that had been done.
“Never better.”
Her hands landed on his side and he yelped. Blackness swam across his vision and he felt Betty grasp him even tighter, cursing under her breath.
“He needs blood,” she muttered.
She unbuttoned her cuff to roll up her sleeve, but Moose stopped her.
“I’ll be right back.”
Jughead turned his neck, squinting to watch Moose walk towards a cabinet behind the alter. They’d done this many times before, though often it was more an act of contrition than one of necessity. In truth, Jughead had little interest in faith or religion. He’d gone to church not out of a sense of duty, but because of the stories that Father Mason wove, day after day, about men claiming to be sent from God. And as he grew, he and the Father had formed a strange sort of friendship between a devout holy man and a scoffing, peasant teenager.
Even when Jughead’s life had been taken by a woman who smelled of lavender and leather, her touch tender against his throat and his soul, it was Father Mason who brought him sanctuary. Touched by an unholy fever and an unnatural hunger, it was Father Mason who knew the rites to perform.
Now, knowing what was to come, Jughead’s teeth ached and his mouth filled with saliva. The pain shifted from his shoulder to his stomach as it clenched in anticipation. Watching Father Mason pour the sacramental wine, Jughead could smell it’s acrid stench, the rotting grapes taking on a light, delicious temptation.
As he neared, Betty curled Jughead closer to her.
“Are you trying to kill him?”
Father Mason held up a hand and prayed. The low mumble of Latin lulled Jughead into an almost catatonic state, an addict waiting for his next shot of morphine.
“It’s fine, Betts, we’ve done this before,” Jughead said. His eyes locked on the chalice where the wine was slowly thickening.
When Father Mason was done, he held the chalice up to Jughead’s lips. It was pure ambrosia – the sweet, tangy flavor had increased in the now consecrated blood – and the tang of it sent ecstasy running through every inch of Jughead’s body.
“For this is my blood of the covenant,” Betty murmured. She shook her head in wonder. “That’s impossible.”
Moose smiled sadly and sat back on his heels. “Everything is impossible for those who doubt.”
She frowned. “No, there’s no way you could do that without …”
Another blast hit the door, and though it held, the chandeliers swayed above.
“You’re a witch,” Betty concluded. “You have to be.”
Father Mason jerked back, staring at her. His lips were set in a thin frown and his grip on the chalice had tightened.
“I’m no such thing.”
“You have to be, otherwise –“
Jughead wrapped a hand around Betty’s arm and shook his head.
“Faith alone,” Father Mason said firmly, “is what gives me power.”
He set the chalice on a nearby pew and stood, an imposing figure even in the black cassock. From this angle, Jughead realized for the first time he’d known Moose for almost three centuries. It was a strange thing that he’d never realized this before. Father Mason should have been dead, or at the very least a very old man, but Moose didn’t look a day over forty-five. Forty, in the right light.
“But –“
Jughead sat up slowly and shook his head. “Let it go. Please.”
Betty chewed her lip and they watched as Moose walked towards the door. Without effort, he opened the massive door - carved figures from biblical times, sinners and saints alike, lit up with fading hell fire.
“Father,” Penny spat out.
“You have no reason to be here. Leave,” Father Mason ordered.
She laughed, the sound distorted and warped within the church. “I have every reason to be here. Jones is in there, and I’m not. You know the rules.”
Father Mason shook his head and stepped out of the church. “This is a place of sanctuary, or have you forgotten the ancient rules?”
“Have you? I’m surprised you haven’t burned to ashes in there. Heretic.”
Carefully, Betty pulled Jughead to his feet. He leaned against the pews for a minute, too in awe of the changing lights around him to move. The consecration always hit him differently, the faith put into the wine stronger and stronger each time. Now, though, it appeared that Betty’s doubt had only increased the potency of Moose’s faith.
“My sins have been forgiven,” Moose’s voice bellowed, “as will yours. Repent and you too shall be brought back into the fold.”
Demonic cackling had Betty and Jughead clinging to each other.
“Forgiven? Us? Is that the lie they told you? We don’t get forgiven, Marmaduke. We’ve fallen, remember? We’re the rejects, the ones cast out by God and his holy entourage.”
The air in the church dropped a few degrees and the light dimmed. Jughead tugged Betty away from the door, and together they drew closer to the altar. Even from this distance they could see the sag in his shoulders, hear the desperation in his voice. Jughead felt a sting of sympathy run through him; he knew, painfully, what it was like to loose something that so defined one’s personality. It wasn’t a pain he would wish on anyone.
Without an ounce of fear, Father Mason opened the heavy doors and stepped out. Their carvings - images and figures from the Bible, depicting saints and sinners alike – glowed amber from the hellfire barrage they’d undergone. To Jughead’s eyes, they danced and shimmied, mocking the demon who dared attack them.
“Shouldn’t we –“ Betty leaned towards the doors, watching the priest take each step deliberately.
Jughead clamped down on her arm and pulled her closer to him. He knew, without a doubt, that she would run to Moose’s aid if given the chance. “This has always been his fight,” he told her softly. “I’ve only been a way to get to him.”
His words, an attempt to quell her fears, only seemed to wind her up like a toy, ready to leap forward at the first hint of trouble.
“Besides,” he added, “his name’s Moose. I think he’ll be fine.”
Another flare of heat rushed through the church and they drew back further from the door.
A howl of rage and pain mingled with Latin chants, the sound even more chilling that the last. There was a clacking noise, and Jughead glanced down to find Betty running through a string of charms, her lips chanting their own sort of prayers of protection.
In less than a second, the world went silent. The air was suffocating in its stillness, and the temperature suddenly dropped ten degrees. Jughead waited, his eyes never leaving the door; while his faith in Father Mason was absolute, even he had to admit there were enough things on heaven and earth, live or not, who could destroy even him.
One minute passed, then two. Betty jumped up and dashed towards the door quicker than Jughead could stop her. He followed cautiously, still waiting for another flash of hellfire to come his way. But when he reached the stone steps all he found was a calm, exhausted Father Mason and Betty, hovering over him, trying to find some way to help him.
“She’s gone,” Father Mason said from his seat. He wheezed out a cough, and Jughead noted a grey streak running from his temples that hadn’t been there before. “For now at least.”
He waived Betty away, thanking her for thinking of him, and nodded to Jughead.
“I wondered when I might see you next,” he said to Jughead, offering a hand. Jughead took it, and Father Mason clasped it in both hands. “But maybe next time call first.”
Father Mason dropped Jughead’s hands and reached for the railing. He leaned on it heavily, groaning as he took each step. They watched warily, both aware of the tremendous toll the fight had taken on him. Betty kept opening and closing her mouth, full of a million unanswered questions, but to Jughead’s relief she didn’t ask a single one.
It wasn’t until the old wooden doors were shut that she turned to Jughead. He held up a hand.
“It’s a long story,” he offered. Betty pursed her lips at his answer and he continued quickly. “Let’s go get someplace safe, and I’ll fill you in.”
“Fine.” Her voice was petulant and not for the first time Jughead wondered whether it hurt her to keep so many questions inside. “But you’re going to have to start with how on earth you didn’t catch on fire.”
He raised an eyebrow and matched her stride as they walked down the road. “Pretty sure –“
“I mean in the church,” she said, cutting him off with a roll of the eyes. “And how you were able to drink consecrated wine? Last I checked, vampires tended to avoid that sort of thing. And what in Gaia’s name was that thing with the Latin? No one’s ever heard of –“
Jughead let Betty’s stopped up curiosity spill out of her while his mind wandered back to Father Mason, wondering not for the first time what type of creature he really was.
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forageables · 5 years
a list of quirks to make your characters more interesting part three
(i had this requested a few times so i figured i’d do it)
- talks too loudly no matter the situation
- likes to collect small, oddly shaped things like certain rocks or seashells
- can’t start their day without a five mile run
- is excellent at something silly and useless, like fitting their whole hand into their mouth or being able to speak backwards with ease
- has a knack for learning new languages
- never learned to tie their shoes
- only does things or wears things that are considered cool; way too obsessed with being perceived as hip
- has a very unique scent, like the smell of a scholastic book fair or a trip from hawaii in 2009
- only watches 90s anime, nothing else
- has perfect pitch but no interest in music whatsoever
- does a little dance at any possible moment
- says “literally” way too much
- really hates being hugged or alternatively, likes hugs a little too much
- can’t stay committed to any one activity
- likes to bake pastries as a coping mechanism despite hating the taste
- wears headphones out in public all the time even when they’re not listening to music
- always references early 2000’s cartoons or sitcoms
- can recite word for word a certain novel/television show episode/movie
- always has snacks in their bag in case somebody says they’re hungry
- is very sweet and innocent but has some sort of connection to a sketchy group of people like the mafia
- has a secret language that they write important things in
- really likes foreign films to the point where it irritates their friends
- always making little things like friendship bracelets, jewelry, or little figurines
- eats way too much of one food, like chicken nuggets or saltines or boiled eggs
- never makes plans for anything and instead goes with their gut feeling all the time
- loathes a certain holiday because of a childhood memory
- always wears a lucky charm of some sort
- has broken a world record
- changes their hairstyle every two weeks
- prefers to skip places instead of walk
- sleeps with lots of stuffed animals on their bed
- has a song stuck in their head at all times
- gives everybody they know a cute nickname, even if they’re not close
- owns hundreds of plants
- brilliant, but can’t spell to save their life
- an abysmal chef, but really good at cooking one certain plate
- drinks black coffee to look cool even though they hate the taste
- has four shelves of books that they never intend to read and only own for the aesthetic
- likes to climb anything and everything like trees, walls, mountains, ropes etc
- has no knowledge of anything pop culture related
- very hyperbolic
- reads a lot but can never pronounce foreign words correctly
- can never throw away old childhood books or drawings or report cards
- incredibly flexible
- only ever shops online for everything
- daydreams all the time and never pys attention
- really messy at eating but very clean and precise with everything else
- still carries around a childhood blanket or toy
- can remember the name and location of every single person they’ve met
- hates sunny days
- healthy, but can’t walk up a flight of stairs without feeling winded
- likes to go on late nighttime walks alone
- is extremely tough but also extremely ticklish
- only ever wears oversized t shirts and jeans
- only ever wears really cute and aesthetically pleasing clothing
- has a really embarassing childhood secret that they constantly are reminded of
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foxrelocations · 4 years
Moving Tips To Help Keep You Sane
That way, once you’re moved in, you can simply transfer the plastic bins to your closet or basement without having to unpack their contents. You don’t need as much packaging material as you think! All sorts of soft items around your home can be used to safely and efficiently pack other items.
Environmentally friendly, too! Black and white labels are hard to distinguish when you want to start unpacking at a non-glacial pace. Use colorful labels instead — you can handwrite them, or simply print some out — and devise a color-coding system for your boxes to easily keep track of what is where.
100+ Moving & Packing Tips Ideas In 2020 - Moving Packing ...
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move: Pro tips for moving house easily ...thrifty.com.au
Wrap a rubber band around one doorknob and stretch it around your door to wrap the other end on the opposite knob. This will keep your door from accidentally getting shut and locking you out in case someone forgets to keep it unlocked!Cleaning supplies, dish-washing supplies, whatever it is, if it’s liquid put it in a separate plastic bin.
Ew. Look up visual guides for packing your moving vehicle, like this one. Advice may differ if you have a van or a truck. Now go pack like a pro!Featured photo credit: Moving truck/Matthew W. Jackson via flickr. com .
W. Dick & Co Furniture Removals & Storage Moving Tips ...
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Moving Tipssecure-self-storage.com
Congrats on your new home! Now you just have to figure out how you’re going to pack and move everything without breaking the bank, your fragile lamp, or your back. Good thing we put together this list of that will make your move dead simple. How do we know these tips will make your move dead simple? We asked expert movers, packers, and professional organizers to share their best tips.
So sit back, grab a snack, and dive in! Okay, maybe not everything, but the more unused and unnecessary items you eliminate from your home, the less stuff you’ll have to pack up, haul across town, unload, and organize. Certified professional organizer Ellen Delap recommends clearing any clutter from your home as soon as you know you’ll be moving.
Hack Your Move: Pro Tips For Moving House Easily - Thrifty Blog
That coat you think is cute but haven’t worn in four months? Donate it. The very first coffee maker you ever bought that flavors your morning brew with little pieces of rust? Trash it. Doing a massive preliminary purge will have the single biggest impact on the efficiency and ease of your entire packing process.
Instead of spending a day cleaning out your entire bedroom, spend an afternoon sorting through every article of clothing you own. Scour every coat closet, dirty clothes hamper, and laundry room until you’ve got all your clothes in one place. Then sort. Do the same thing for books, shoes, important papers, and the like.
House Moving Tips - Austate Removals
If you’d like to donate your items, check out our guide on where to donate your old clothes, books, furniture, toys, and more. You probably have a few items you no longer want, but would love to get a little money for. If that’s the case, set these items aside and determine where you can sell them.
If it’s brand name clothing, you could try Poshmark or a local consignment store. For specialty items like a gently used Coach purse or your collection of 90’s Beanie Babies, get on eBay. Once you have everything sorted, set a date on your calendar to visit the nearest Buffalo Exchange or craft descriptions of the items you plan to sell online.
Seven Packing And Moving Tips From The Experts - Forbes ...
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6 Zero Waste Tips for Moving House ...treadingmyownpath.com
We’ll pick up all your stuff (yep, even your heavy furniture, bike, AC unit, and luggage), store it in our secure and temperature-controlled storage facility, and create an online photo catalog so you can see everything without having to visit a self-storage unit. The best part: Whenever you need an item back, all you have to do is select its photo and we’ll deliver it to you.
Yelp and Google will overwhelm you with the sheer volume of choices for household moving companies to hire, but don’t give in to the pressure and pick the first four-star rating you see. A moving company can often make or break your entire moving experience, so it’s important to get it right.
6 Handy Packing Tips For Your Interstate Move - Chess Moving
Lift NYC recommends double-checking that the moving company you want to hire is licensed with the state you’re in. “There are tens of thousands of people claiming to be a ‘moving company’ when in actuality it’s just some guy with a van trying to make some extra money,” says Mike Sulkowska of Lift NYC.
For example, some companies don’t lift items that aren’t in boxes (so your stuffed-to-the-brim duffel bags won’t make the cut), while others ask for full payment several weeks early. Find out the specifics so there are no unwelcome surprises come moving day. Use Unpakt to find trustworthy moving companies, compare prices, and book your move online in minutes.
Moving House & Packing Tips - Complete Removals
If you have a flexible schedule, play around with potential moving dates and try to find the cheapest time of month to make an appointment. Moving companies are busiest on weekends, so if you can skip the Saturday chaos and schedule your move for a Tuesday, you might get a significant discount.
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Top 10 Tips For Interstate Moving ...auspods.com.au
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Life Saving Moving Tips - Girl Loves Glamgirllovesglam.com
Figure out the easiest, most efficient way to get where you’re going. Look up potential highway construction schedules ahead of time. And take traffic, detours, and necessary stops into account when you’re making your plan. When you move homes, you inevitably end up having 600 different things to do and remember.
How To Pack A Truck For Moving – Tips For Optimising Space ...
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Top Tips for Moving House with Children ...beafunmum.com
Write them down somewhere. Put them in the Notes app on your phone, in the to-do list app Wunderlist that professional organizer Anna Bauer recommends, or go old-school with a giant yellow legal pad. No detail is too insignificant. You just remembered the name of the little bookstore in town that will accept your used novels? Write it down.
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bengalmovers-blog · 5 years
41 Easy Moving And Packing Tips That Will Make Your Move Dead Simple
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Congrats on your new home! Now you only need to find out how you’re getting to pack and move everything without breaking the bank, your fragile lamp, or your back. Good thing we put together this list of 41 easy moving and packing tips which will make your move dead simple.
How can we know the following pointers will make your move dead simple?
We asked expert movers, packers, and professional organizers to share their best tips. If you’re in need of storage, get in-tuned with MakeSpace who will handle all the work for you.
So sit back, grab a snack, and dive in!
1. Get rid of everything.
Okay, maybe not everything, but the more unused and unnecessary items you eliminate from your home, the less stuff you’ll need to close up , haul across town, unload, and organize. Certified professional organizerEllen Delap recommends clearing any clutter from your home as soon as you recognize you’ll be moving. Be ruthless with your stuff. That coat you think that is cute but haven’t worn in four months? Donate it. The very first kitchen appliance you ever bought that flavors your morning brew with little pieces of rust? Trash it. Doing a huge preliminary purge will have the only biggest impact on the efficiency and simple your entire packing process.
2. Sort things by category.
Take a cue from Marie Kondo and organize your belongings by category, not by room (note that the category part only applies to the organization process, not the unpacking — that’s a whole separate ordeal). Instead of spending each day cleaning out your entire bedroom, spend a day sorting through every article of clothing you own. Scour every wardrobe , dirty laundry basket , and laundry room until you’ve got all of your clothes in one place. Then sort. Do an equivalent thing for books, shoes, important papers, and therefore the like. Free Bonus: Download our step-by-step KonMari Cheat Sheet so you'll easily organize everything in your home a bit like Marie Kondo.
3. Donate
If you’d like to donate your items, check out our guide on where to donate your old clothes, books, furniture, toys, and more.
4. Set aside stuff to sell.
You probably have a couple of items you not want, but would like to get a touch money for. If that’s the case, set these things aside and determine where you'll sell them. If it’s furniture, Craigslist or AptDeco could be your best bet. If it’s name clothing, you'll tryPoshmark or an area consignment store. For specialty items sort of a gently used Coach purse or your collection of 90’s Beanie Babies, get on eBay. Once you've got everything sorted, set a date on your calendar to go to the closest Buffalo Exchange or craft descriptions of the things you propose to sell online.
5. MakeSpace.
For everything you don’t want to require with you but can’t say goodbye to yet, schedule a MakeSpace pickup. We’ll pick up all your stuff (yep, even your heavy furniture, bike, AC unit, and luggage), store it in our secure and temperature-controlled storage facility, and create an online photo catalog so you'll see everything without having to go to a self-storage unit. The best part: Whenever you would like an item back, all you've got to try to to is select its photo and we’ll deliver it to you.
6. Research professional moving companies.
Research is never fun. Yelp and Google will overwhelm you with the sheer volume of choices for household moving companies to rent , but don’t concede to the pressure and pick the primary four-star rating you see. A mover can often make or break your entire moving experience, so it’s important to urge it right. The more effort you set into finding a reputable company with excellent customer service before time, the less hassle you’ll wear moving day. Lift NYC recommends double-checking that the mover you would like to rent is licensed with the state you’re in. “There are tens of thousands of individuals claiming to be a ‘moving company’ when really it’s just a few guy with a van trying to form some extra cash ,” says Mike Sulkowska of Lift NYC. Make sure to read the company’s list of services, fine print, and refund or damage policies, too. For example, some companies don’t lift items that aren’t in boxes (so your stuffed-to-the-brim duffel bags won’t make the cut), while others invite full payment several weeks early. Find out the specifics so there are not any unwelcome surprises come moving day. Pro Tip: Use Unpakt to seek out trustworthy moving companies, compare prices, and book your move online in minutes.
7. Pick the right moving day.
Hire your movers a minimum of a month out so you'll plan accordingly. If you've got a versatile schedule, fiddle with potential moving dates and check out to seek out the most cost effective time of month to form a meeting .
Moving companies are busiest on weekends, so if you'll skip the Saturday chaos and schedule your move for a Tuesday, you would possibly get a big discount.
8. Map out the best way to get to your new home.
Whether you’re moving to NYC, across the country, across state lines, or simply to a neighboring town, you’re getting to need an efficient travel route so you don’t waste your move-in day sitting in gridlock traffic or pulling over three different times to type an address into your GPS. Figure out the simplest , most effective thanks to get where you’re going. Look up potential highway construction schedules before time. And take traffic, detours, and necessary stops under consideration when you’re making your plan.
9. Create a master moving to-do list
When you move homes, you inevitably find yourself having 600 various things to try to to and remember. Don’t let of these tasks and important reminders, regardless of how seemingly obvious, slip your mind. Write them down somewhere. Put them within the Notes app on your phone, within the to-do list app Wunderlist that professional organizer Anna Bauer recommends, or go old-school with a huge yellow legal pad. No detail is too insignificant. You just remembered the name of the small bookstore in town which will accept your used novels? Write it down. Not sure which novels to donate? Here’s the way to decide what books to stay or get obviate . You stuck that extra screw from the broken drawer next to the sink? Take note. You have to return your cable box to your provider a minimum of at some point before you leave? Jot it down.
0 notes
My Favorite Films From My Childhood (1980-1992)
There’s no doubt in my mind that the 80’s and 90’s were some of the best years in film history. There are so many memorable films that it’s easy to see why kids of my generation were so heavily influenced by them.
I hope some of these films will bring back a few memories of long forgotten films, as well as bringing a few other films to your attention that you may have missed.
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1 - Back to the Future - 1985 It’s the perfect film. It has everything you could possibly want in a movie - action, romance, comedy. You name it, Back to the Future has it. It’s also perfectly 80’s. I could probably talk about Back to the Future all day. It’s one of those films that I can watch at any time from start to finish. Back to the Future also set the rules of time travel for every film that has come after it. Just a fantastic adventure.
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2 - Back to the Future Part II - 1989 I know a lot of people don’t like Back to the Future Part II, but I’ve always loved it. Honestly, growing up the two films were always played back-to-back on TV, so I kind of look at them as one film. I love how the film goes from the past, to the distant future of 2015. It’s kind of crazy to think that the future we saw in 1989 is here. It’s one of the many aspects of Part II that makes it so endearing.
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3 - The Goonies - 1985 The Goonies is my childhood. When I think back to when I was a kid, I can’t help but think of this film. It’s unfortunate that Hollywood doesn’t make movies like this for kids anymore. Most films aimed at children are animated, but The Goonies was an adventure film featuring kids made for kids. The great thing about the 80’s is that there were quite a few films where kids or teens went on some sort of adventure, many of which you will see on this list.
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4 - Rambo: First Blood Part II - 1985 I’ve told this story a million times, but Rambo: First Blood Part II is one of my earliest movie memories. I remember watching the film on a big screen TV in the video store my parents owned. Sylvester Stallone was just this larger-than-life character and I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. That’s another thing the 80’s had in spades, larger-than-life action stars. First Blood Part II started my love affair with action movies that continues to this day. I couldn’t get enough of it back then and I still can’t. Unfortunately, those larger-than-life action stars are now extinct.
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5 - Commando - 1985 I will never forget the opening scene in Commando for as long as I live. In case you haven’t seen it, Arnold is walking through the woods with the biggest chainsaw on the planet in one hand and perched on his other shoulder is a tree. You read that right. The man is carrying a freakin tree on his shoulder. You’d be hard-pressed to find a more badass introduction to a character. Commando also starred Alyssa Milano, who became my first crush after watching Commando. The 80’s and 90’s featured tons of one-man-army films and nobody is more of a one-man-army than Arnie in Commando. That includes Rambo. Here’s a link to that opening in case you think I’m exaggerating: www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGrSEDPn0-g
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6 - Ferris Bueller’s Day Off - 1986 Ferris Bueller is the coolest movie character of all-time. What kid or teen didn’t want to be Ferris Bueller in the 80’s? The girls loved him, guys wanted to be him and the teachers envied him. Any kid that has ever tried to stay home from school has Ferris to thank. I’m not quite sure what this new generation identifies with (if anything), but I find it hard to believe that Ferris Bueller’s Day Off wouldn’t be just as enjoyable to young people today.
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7 - Red Dawn - 1984 As you read this list, you will notice a few trends. One is the fact that there are quite a few films where teens fight against some sort of evil power. It seemed like a popular film to make in the 80’s and 90’s, I’m not quite sure why, but boy I’m glad it was. For a tween boy, it couldn’t have been cooler to see characters not much older than me fighting terrorists and all sorts of other bad guys. As for Red Dawn, it’s one of those movies I watched when I was so young that I had images in my head from certain scenes that I had no idea they were from Red Dawn until I saw the film years later. Also, make sure you skip the remake. It tries to ruin my childhood.
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8 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - 1984 I know it’s hated. I’m fully aware of this, but if you were a kid in the 80’s, you loved Temple of Doom. I love all the Indiana Jones films, and although Raiders of the Lost Ark came out first, I’m pretty sure I saw Temple of Doom before it. I must have watched Temple of Doom two dozen times as a kid. It seems like my friend and I, Tom Laffin, would watch it every Friday night. For me, it still holds up all these years later. I don’t care what the haters say.
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9 - Die Hard - 1988 Die Hard is the greatest action film of all-time. I remember watching this film as a kid and just being blown away. I’ve seen the film countless times since I was a kid, but even as a young film watcher, there’s so much that stuck with me into my adulthood. It’s just the perfect action film. Maybe my favorite part of Die Hard is that John McClane is just a regular guy. He has a receding hairline, he doesn’t quite have the chiseled physique of a Stallone or an Arnie and he takes a beating. If you were to go back in time and take a look at 10-year-old Mike, you’d probably see me running around in a white t-shirt, barefoot with a duffel bag full of toy guns and fake detonators slung across my back.
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10 - The Rescue - 1988 For years, I couldn’t remember the name of The Rescue. I only had a few vague scenes in my head and a brief plot synopsis. Thankfully, with the power of Google, I was able to track the film down. Much to my dismay, the film has never been released on DVD. However, I was lucky enough to find the VHS tape at a Goodwill. I look forward to watching the film again because it’s been probably almost 30 years since I’ve seen it. The fact that the story and a few scenes stuck with me for all those years proves how much it impacted my childhood. The story is very similar to Iron Eagle in the sense that a bunch of kids have to rescue their Navy S.E.A.L parents who have been captured by some made up foreign country that evokes a striking resemblance to every Middle Eastern country.
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11 - Big - 1988 Big is the rare film where your perspective will change depending on when you watch it. For me, I was able to watch the film at two different times in my life and get a unique experience both times. When Big was released, I just so happened to be around the same age as the young boy in the film. It’s great to see the film through the eyes of a kid. Then, years later, I watched the film again in my 30’s, which is the age Tom Hanks transforms into. As an adult, I was able to see the film from a whole different perspective. I’m not sure I can think of another film that offers such a unique experience.
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12 - Home Alone - 1990 I was the same age as Kevin McCallister was in the film and I remember thinking how cool it was to see a kid protect his home from two thieves. To this day, Home Alone is a must watch every Christmas for me. It brings me right back to being a kid again. I’m pretty sure I can recite the entire film.
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13 - Toy Soldiers - 1991 I just love Toy Soldiers. I thought it was so cool that the film took place at an all-boys boarding school. Watching these teens come together to fight terrorists was just awesome. Years later, the movie would mean even more to me after I attended an all-boys high school. Unfortunately, I never had to fight terrorists with my friends. I’d be lying if I told you I didn’t plan out what I would have done if it did happen though.
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14 - Iron Eagle - 1986 Yes, Louis Gossett Jr. is in Toy Soldiers and Iron Eagle. What can I say, the guy likes helping teens fight bad guys. Anyway, Top Gun is the more popular 80’s fighter jet movie, but it’s Iron Eagle that was my favorite growing up. Again, I just think I identified with the main character more because of my age. Only in the 80’s can you have a movie where a teen learns how to fly an F-16 in order to save his father. It was the 80’s and it just worked. The film spawned 3 not so great sequels.
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15 - A Few Good Men - 1992 There’s a lot of great films on my list, but most of them are action films, comedies and films aimed at a younger audience. A Few Good Men is probably the only adult drama on my list and it’s no coincidence. I was 12 when A Few Good Men came out and it marked a new chapter as a moviegoer. Sure, I still watched tons of comedies and action films, but I started watching more and more dramas and films geared towards a more adult audience. My sister and I can still quote whole scenes from A Few Good Men. It’s one of the greatest films of all-time and I’m not sure why it doesn’t get more attention for being just that.
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16 - What About Bob? - 1991 Every film has its fair share of people that just don’t care for it. However, I’ve yet to run into a single person in my 37 years on the planet that doesn’t like What About Bob? Bill Murray was never better as the annoying, yet lovable Bob. The film features so many hilarious scenes and I love watching Richard Dreyfuss slowly lose his mind. A pure classic.
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17 - Clue: The Movie - 1985 Tim Curry, the multiple endings, Madeline Kahn (“flames, on the side of my face”), that maid’s cleavage, Mr. Green slapping Mrs. Peacock (“I had to stop her screaming”). There’s so much I love about Clue. Like many of the movies on this list, I can watch Clue everytime it’s on TV. It must have been cool watching the film in theaters because different parts of the country got different endings. It wasn’t until the VHS was released that we got the multiple endings together.
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18 - G.I. Joe: The Movie - 1987 When I think of my childhood, I think of my G.I. Joe action figures. I had over 100 of them. In fact, I still have them. As you would expect, I also loved the cartoon. I remember when the film was released, I thought it was the coolest thing. It introduced a whole bunch of new Joes, as well as new bad guys. All these years later, the film has aged fairly well.
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19 - Spaceballs - 1987 I happen to be the rare 80’s kid that didn’t grow up with Star Wars, but that didn’t stop me from watching Spaceballs a ridiculous amount of times. The fact that I really had no idea what they were spoofing and was still able to enjoy the film, proves how great of a film it is. Spaceballs was my first introduction to Mel Brooks and he remains one of my favorite filmmakers of all-time. In the years that followed, my dad showed me all of his classics, but Spaceballs still remains my favorite for the simple fact that I loved it as a kid.
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20 - The Princess Bride - 1987 If you need more evidence how different twins can be, ask my sister about The Princess Bride. She hates it. I think it has a lot to do with the Rodents of Unusually Large Size. Personally, I find the thought that somebody couldn’t love The Princess Bride INCONCEIVABLE!
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21 - Ghostbusters - 1984 If you grew up in the 80’s and you didn’t love Ghostbusters, you were probably a pretty lonely kid. Ghostbusters is easily one of the most iconic films of the 80’s. I just watched it with my 9-year-old cousin last summer and it’s amazing how many parts of the film really isn’t for kids. No big deal for 80’s kids, but now it would be a different story. Like with most of his films, Bill Murray steals every scene.
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22 - Airplane! - 1980 I remember watching Airplane! with my dad when I was a kid. As I got older, I slowly started to understand more and more of the jokes. No other film helped mold my sense of humor more than Airplane. The film is just as funny to me as an adult as it was when I was kid, maybe even moreso.
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23 - WarGames - 1983 Another movie revolving around teens. There were so many films in the 80’s that revolved around teens and kids. I’m not sure when that all stopped, but they’re pretty rare now. WarGames is actually ahead of its time. A kid almost starts WW3 by playing a video game online. Pretty advanced stuff for 1983.
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24 - Gremlins - 1984 I hear there are people who don’t like Gremlins, but I choose not to associate with them. Gremlins is a very unique film in many ways. It’s the rare horror/comedy, but it’s also a great Christmas movie. I’m not sure why, but every Christmas Gremlins gets forgotten when the networks usher out their usual lineup (A Christmas Story, Elf, Home Alone, Christmas Vacation). Also, I dare you not to fall in love with Gizmo. He’s easily one of the most adorable film characters of all-time. Sorry, E.T.
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25 - The Karate Kid - 1984 Another 80’s teen movie. Gotta’ love it. Every kid in the 80’s was karate chopping his sister (or anything that moved) after watching The Karate Kid. I’m not sure there’s a more 80’s feeling film on this list. In fact, The Karate Kid might have started the movie cliché of the group of villainous jerks that every similar film since The Karate Kid has implemented.
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26 - Planes, Trains and Automobiles - 1987 The good die young. John Candy is easily one of the greatest comedic actors in film history. He’s fantastic here as Del, a lovable loser that unintentionally terrorizes Steve Martin while trying to get back to their families for the holidays. The chemistry between Martin and Candy is just amazing. The film ends up being really sweet too. If you don’t want to give Del a big old hung by the end of the film, you’re not human.
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27 - Navy Seals - 1990 If you can’t tell by now (assuming you’re actually still reading) I was kind of obsessed with all things military when I was a kid. Navy Seals is pure 90’s cheese (see beach volleyball scene), but it’s just a pretty awesome war movie. What I’ve always remembered about Navy Seals is one of the Seals was nicknamed God. He had a sniper rifle with a thermal scope and he was able to shoot people through walls. As a kid, it doesn’t get much cooler than that.
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28 - Adventures in Babysitting - 1987 More teens on an adventure! A lot of people have forgotten about Adventures in Babysitting, but it’s such a fun movie. I remember me and my sister watching this one all the time in the summer. Also, Elisabeth Shue was one of my first crushes.
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29 - Uncle Buck - 1989 John Candy again, as well as a pre-Home Alone Macaulay Culkin. Every kid wanted an uncle like Uncle Buck. He just seemed so cool and laid back. Plus, did you see that freakin’ pancake?!
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30 - Field of Dreams - 1989 I love baseball, but in all honesty, football has gained a lot of ground in recent years. That said, I was all about baseball in the 80’s. To me, Field of Dreams is the greatest baseball movie of all-time. Nothing gets me more in the mood for baseball season than listening to James Earl Jones’s monologue. Also, the film really nails the bond between father and son and how that bond is often fostered through baseball. Something I can totally understand.
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31 - White Men Can’t Jump - 1992 I watch White Men Can’t Jump once a year around the spring. No other film gets me in the mood to play basketball more than White Men Can’t Jump. I love the chemistry between Snipes and Harrelson. The other great part of the film is that both actors are legit athletes. There’s one thing you can’t fake in film and that’s sports. Any sports fan can spot a fraud from a mile away. These two guys can ball.
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32 - Stand by Me - 1986 Before I became the huge Stephen King fan that I am today, I remember watching Stand by Me, which is of course based on the Stephen King short story The Body. I’m not sure another film got 4 better performances out of child actors. The real standout was River Phoenix, which makes his young death all the more tragic.
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33 - National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation - 1989 Watching Christmas Vacation is as much a part of Christmas as putting up the Christmas tree. It just captures what’s so great about the holiday season, and what’s not so great. Of all the Vacation films, Christmas Vacation is my favorite. I love watching Chevy Chase slowly unravel.
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34 - Home Alone 2: Lost In New York - 1992 Yes, it’s pretty much a carbon copy of the first film, but I remember being really entertained while watching this in the theater. Lost In New York gets a boost by Tim Curry and how can we forget the HUGE performance from the President of the United States, Donald Trump.
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35 - Rocky IV - 1985 I know what you’re thinking, “Where is Rocky 1? Hell, where’s 2 and 3 for that matter?” Well, I remember watching Rocky 4 way more than those films. I know a lot of people hate it, and it is indeed super cheesy, but how can you not love those montages? Also, Rocky ends the Cold War by himself. Give the man credit where credit is due.
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36 - The Monster Squad - 1987 You haven’t heard of The Monster Squad, have you? For some, they might vaguely remember the film. That’s a shame because it’s a lot of fun. It’s kind of like if the Goonies fought monsters. Come to think of it, the Netflix show Stranger Things shares a ton of DNA with The Monster Squad. Do yourself a favor and track down a copy and watch it on Halloween.
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37 - Honey, I Shrunk the Kids - 1989 There’s something so cool about watching miniature people interact with the world. The film just featured so many unique perspectives and ideas. Also, the scene where the ant sacrifices himself still gets me today. You know what, I can’t. What’s next?
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38 - Silverado - 1985 I grew up watching tons of Westerns with my dad. Most of them were black and white and starred John Wayne. Then Silverado comes along and is in color and features a wiseass character like Kevin Costner and I was hooked. Silverado doesn’t get enough love when discussing great Westerns.
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39 - My Cousin Vinny - 1992 Joe Pesci is known for his roles in gangster films like Goodfellas and Casino, but his performance in My Cousin Vinny is easily my favorite. The film never gets old and 25 years later, my family and I are still quoting lines from this film. “I shot the clerk? I shot the clerk!?” “Two yutes.” If you, for some insane reason, haven’t seen My Cousin Vinny, maybe you were in a coma or possibly you just returned to Earth from being in a cryogenic state aboard a spaceship, then you need to see this film.
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40 - A Christmas Story - 1983 When I was a kid, I thought A Christmas Story was an old movie. Meaning, I thought it was made in the 50’s or something. That’s how well they nailed that time period. Like many people, I tune into the marathon on Christmas Eve, but it’s been decades since I actually sat down and watched the film from start to finish.
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41 - Radio Flyer - 1992 I haven’t run into a lot of people who have even heard of Radio Flyer, let alone seen it. It stars a young Elijah Wood and Joseph Mazzello, who was one of the hardest working child actors in the 90’s (Jurassic Park). The film deals with the heavy subject matter of child abuse. Not to give too much away for those interested in seeing it, but the boys are building their own plane so they can escape their ruthless step-father. The amazing thing is that as I got older, I heard of a pretty disturbing theory about the ending. Watching the film as a child and as an adult really hammers home the childlike innocence that we all possessed at some point. Fun fact, Tom Hanks narrates the film.
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42 - The Delta Force - 1986 I’ve always loved films that take place on airplanes and it doesn’t get much better than Chuck Norris in The Delta Force. It’s about time for me to rewatch this one. It’s been years since I’ve seen it. That said, the one scene that stands out in my mind all these years later is Chuck Norris blowing stuff up by shooting missiles from his motorcycle.
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43 - Romancing the Stone - 1984 Romancing the Stone was the answer to the Indiana Jones films. While not quite as memorable as Indiana Jones, it’s a lot of fun. The chemistry between Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner is great and Danny DeVito is an awesome villain. Romancing the Stone is kind of an underrated Robert Zemeckis (Back to the Future) film. Like most films of the 80’s, there was a sequel called The Jewel of the Nile that is decent too.
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44 - Raising Arizona - 1987 Raising Arizona is one of those films that I must have seen when I was really young and an image stuck in my mind, but I had no idea what it was from until I saw the film again years later. The image was the crazy biker guy riding around on his motorcycle with a baby in a baby seat strapped to the front of it. Crazy stuff in an already pretty insane film. Who knew I was into the Coen Brothers at such a young age?
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45 - Three Amigos - 1986 Three Amigos features 3 of the greatest comedic actors of all-time: Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Chevy Chase. It really doesn’t get much better than that. There’s probably no Tropic Thunder if it wasn’t for Three Amigos. I just love the premise. Seeing these pampered actors thrown into a crazy situation is just fantastic. It also features one of the funniest scenes in film history. The Three Amigos are on their horses. The camera starts on Steve Martin, he uncaps his canteen and begins to take a drink but it’s empty. The camera pans to Chevy Chase, whose canteen is also empty. Finally, the camera settles on Steve Martin, who proceeds to essentially take a bath in the contents of his canteen. I mean, he’s gargling it, spitting it out. It’s comedic gold.
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46 - Lethal Weapon 2 - 1989 I don’t remember seeing Lethal Weapon until I was older, but I remember watching the second film and thinking Mel Gibson as Riggs was the coolest thing I’d ever seen. He wasn’t your normal cop. He really didn’t give a crap about rules or what anybody thought. He was just plain insane. That’s just perfect for my younger self who was used to seeing people play by the book. Riggs was having none of that. Of the 4 Lethal Weapon films, 2 is my favorite.
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47 - The Last Boy Scout - 1991 I’ve always had a thing for buddy action comedies and The Last Boy Scout is a really underrated one. Bruce Willis was about as bankable as it got when it came to action films in the 80’s and 90’s (except for Hudson Hawk of course). I’m not sure why Damon Wayans didn’t have a better movie career. I’ve always found him really likable and talented.
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48 - Tremors - 1990 Tremors is a B-Horror/Monster movie. It’s completely cheesy, but when you’re a kid, it couldn’t be more entertaining. If it’s on, I always watch it. The original spawned a slew of sequels (and a TV series), but I’ve actually only seen the original film.
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49 - Weekend at Bernie’s - 1989 Weekend at Bernie’s should suck. It really should, but it doesn’t. The entire film is just plain bizarre, but it works. It’s one of those films that continues to get referenced years later. Many people have probably referenced Weekend at Bernie’s unknowingly without ever seeing the film.
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50 - Project X - 1987 Here’s one that I’m willing to bet you’ve completely forgotten about. Project X stars Matthew Broderick and a young Helen Hunt trying to rescue chimps who are being used for experiments. It’s probably been 30 years since I’ve seen this one, but what really sticks with me are the cute little chimps. I remember being really worried that something was going to happen to them. It’s a pretty heart-warming film.
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51 - Three Fugitives - 1989 Three Fugitives is one of those films that had been completely wiped from my mind until I was looking up Nick Nolte’s filmography and saw it on there. I immediately remembered how much I loved this film as a kid. I don’t remember much from it, but I remember Martin Short really getting on Nolte’s nerves and how funny they were together.
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52 - Kindergarten Cop - 1990 Honestly, Kindergarten Cop is the kind of film that could only exist in the 80’s and 90’s. After becoming an action icon, Arnold Schwarzenegger wanted to branch out a little bit. Kindergarten Cop was the first of a string of Schwarzenegger films that were on the lighter side (Junior, Jingle All the Way and Twins). Say what you want about Arnold, but he’s great in Kindergarten Cop. He has great comedic timing and seeing this massive human inhabit the same space as these little kids is just hilarious. Don’t forget, “It’s NOT a tooma!”
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