#so if you only want to see my brocon content
demonichikikomori · 8 months
Sorry, Not Sorry
Rinne Amagi x Fem!Reader Word Count: 3.2k+ Tags: Cheating/Non-Con Voyeurism/DubCon/BroCon /j Unless?/Blackmail
Art by lllistn on Twitter!
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It's time... For 13 Lovely Hauntings! This was in my last tarot card vote but I wanted to write it still! Also, this might get another chapter (on Ao3 at some point) if enough people want it. If not? It's just a stand-alone fic. All of the pieces for this event are literally just my drafts I’m clearing out but didn’t know where to post. I didn’t really post the last two months so I’m stuffing you guys with content. Sorry. Not sorry. (Badum Tss.)
Your boyfriend Hiiro Amagi takes you back to his childhood home during a weekend away from college classes. He wants you to meet his father, and his older brother Rinne Amagi... I guess.
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You were walking hand and hand with Hiiro Amagi with a cheerful expression down a long dirt path. Your shoulders brushing as your hands remain intertwined tightly in the chill of the fall air, your freed hand clung to your duffle bag packed with clothes and your favorite soaps for the weekend. You stepped over a small bank of snow reducing itself to slush with a smile glued to your face. Today, you finally meet and spend the weekend with Hiiro’s family. You had been dating Hiiro Amagi for almost a full year, and he thought it would be nice to spend the weekend after exams in his village. It was an honor to know Hiiro adored you so much that he was ready for you to meet those closest to him. Even if it was just his father and older brother. 
“My father is excited to meet you. He kept begging and begging for me to bring you to our village when we had our next break from classes!” Hiiro chirped as the two of you entered the quiet village. The sun was starting to set along the treeline, casting a neon orange glow over the village. “I promise you’ll love him as much as he loves you. My older brother won’t be here until tomorrow though.” He gently nudged you with his elbow as your nerves began to spike with jitters. First impressions are everything, and you know how to behave in front of the head of the household. But what about Hiiro’s older brother? For some reason during the almost full year of dating, Hiiro has never once brought him up until recently. 
Hiiro walked you up to his childhood home and began fishing in his pocket for a key to the door. “What is your older brother like?” You asked curiously as he patted at his pockets with a soft ‘mmmm’. “He’s reckless, but not in a bad way! Sometimes he does things that I don’t like, but that’s just his personality.” Hiiro began to frown, keeping the description vague. He finally found the key to the house and looked it over. “But don’t worry about him until tomorrow. I know you’ll like him too.” His tone picked up its usual cheerfulness as you started to puff up your cheeks. Maybe his older brother is someone you would simply have to tolerate this weekend, for your boyfriend’s sake. After all, Hiiro never actually talked about him.
Before Hiiro could push the key into the door, it was suddenly yanked open and your eyes widened with shock. “Oh! Rinne! You made it here before us!” Hiiro was just as surprised to see the man leaning in the entrance's door frame, chewing idly on a toothpick. You stood silent and stunned as you soaked in the sight of who you could only assume was Hiiro’s older brother. The cunning air around him was an extreme contrast to Hiiro’s usual heroic nature, but the similarities in appearance proved that they were indeed related. 
Riine Amagi sported a head of long, wild, cardinal red hair. His skin was pale and paired well with his mischievous cyan blue eyes. The older sibling was taller than Hiiro with defined muscles he wasn’t afraid to show off which explained his current state of shirtlessness. He instead wore thick black sweatpants that hung low on his hips. A wispy trail of red could be seen peeking out from under the waistband of his expensive underwear. His eyes sparkled at the sight of you behind Hiiro with a smirk forming on his handsome face. “Who’s this fine piece of-” 
“This is my girlfriend! I was bringing her here this weekend to meet you and dad. But, I thought you were coming back tomorrow.” Hiiro cut Rinne’s possibly inappropriate comment short as he outstretched an arm in front of you. Almost like he was shielding you from the older man you couldn’t peel your eyes away from. This was Hiiro’s older brother. And if you and Hiiro ever got married, he would be your older brother too. 
“Hah? Tomorrow? Mmm, change of plans. Niki was busy I guess.” His response was half-hearted, still looking at you with that same sparkle in his eyes. A sparkle that began to draw you in until Hiiro obstructed his older brother's vision with an agitated wave of his hand. “Where’s father?” He asked as Rinne rolled his eyes and stepped away from the door. “He’s doing chief stuff. He’ll be back in an hour.” The older man scoffed as Hiiro quickly took your hand and led you inside.
The warm air and scent of cheesy pizza welcomed you as you and Hiiro removed your shoes with Rinne monitoring the scene. “So, how old are ya’ sis? You’re really pretty. You doin’ the college thing with Hiiro?” Rinne’s voice was deeper than Hiiro’s and smooth like gold colored honey. He didn’t look that much older than you and Hiiro, but the air he exuded felt much different. More intense than Hiiro. “I’m the same age as Hiiro! And I share one of my English classes with him, but we have different majors and minors.” You explained sheepishly as you placed your bag on the ground and placed your shoes beside Hiiro’s. When you looked up, you noticed that Hiiro looked annoyed that his brother was talking with you.
Rinne let out a soft ‘ahhh’ of understanding with his hands now settling on his hips, his fingernails were lined in a black polish that had been chipped away to specks and flakes. Hiiro never painted his nails. Even if you offered to do it for him, it was a hard no. “Well, sis, what made you like Hiiro so much? If you say his looks, just know he got them from me.” He asked playfully, far more interested in you than his own little brother as your face began to grow hot. 
Before you had the chance to respond, your boyfriend began to growl as he pulled you behind him. “Leave her alone, we just got here! Ask normal questions, you sexual harasser!” The younger brother snapped as Rinne shrugged his shoulders with a laugh. “Kyahahaha☆!~! Riling you up has always been easy. And now that you have a girlfriend it’s even easier!~!” He teased as the two began to go back and forth. Unbeknownst to Hiiro, you were peeking over his shoulder to capture a few more glances at Riine. 
You couldn’t take your eyes off of him during dinner, and you were starting to grow fearful that he may start to notice. Hiiro, thankfully, seemed oblivious to your ogling. Hiiro’s father did nothing but compliment you all night, grateful that his youngest son was capable of finding someone as charming as you. He then jokingly asked when you and Hiiro would be married and how soon you were ready to give him a soccer team’s worth of grandchildren. To which you had to bashfully decline giving him any response so soon. You and Hiiro were still young! Rinne’s laugh rattled through your brain at the sight of your shy expression. His tone was so sweet when he called you ‘cute’, apparently ‘falling in love’ with the way you puffed your cheeks when you pouted. Hiiro wasn’t too happy about the comments his older brother made and the two began to bicker until dinner ended. 
When it came time for bed, Hiiro’s father encouraged the two of you to share a bedroom. Who was he to stop anything from happening? And a girl shouldn’t be cast off to the confines of some old couch or hard floor! You couldn’t help but feel embarrassed that your boyfriend’s father would encourage something risque under his own roof and you began wondering if Hiiro got his sense of righteousness from his late mother... 
As Rinne wished you a playful goodnight and vanished behind a door not too far down the hall from Hiiro’s you started to feel a sense of guilt. There was no reason to pay mind to a man you had just met. Especially your boyfriend’s older brother. But the attention he was giving you was much, much different than what Hiiro gave you. Of course you loved and adored your boyfriend. But sometimes, it felt like you were just friends instead of lovers. You never found the chance to speak up about the topic of being more intimate with your boyfriend. It could be anxiety keeping you from trying, or the deepest hope that maybe it would happen naturally. The farthest you had gone with Hiiro was a messy makeout in his dorm. But the moment you reached for his belt, he sheepishly nudged you away and you were sent back to your own room. 
You feared that it could be something he saw in you that made him uncomfortable with the prompt of sex. Or maybe he was just too nervous to try? Either way, it was starting to leave you with an insecurity you couldn’t shrug off. 
You settled into Hiiro’s room, silently admiring the decor that had been left untouched since he had gone away for school. Your backs faced one another as the two of you changed into your pajamas, for you? An oversized shirt and a pair of shorts. The light was shut off and the two of you crawled into Hiiro’s bed with you on the outside, closest to the door despite Hiiro’s protest. “What if someone breaks in? I need to be ready to jump up and defend you!” Hiiro grumbled as he laid on his side to face you. You rolled your eyes tiredly as you huddled closer to him beneath the blankets. “Well, what if I need a bathroom break? I don’t want to climb over you.” You already knew that you had won the conversation as Hiiro settled down and the two of you drifted peacefully to sleep. 
Well, you were asleep. 
You weren’t sure why you woke up so suddenly, but you were dying of thirst. You slipped out of bed with a soft yawn. Your eyes opened wider and wider as you started to recover and wake up. You looked for your phone to check the time, seeing that it was 1:37am. You hadn’t been asleep that long, and the whole house was silent other than the soft creaks of the old home settling. But you really needed a cup of water. You glanced in the darkness to see Hiiro was sleeping peacefully, his back facing you as you stretched your arms above your head and made your way towards the door. 
You crept down the hall to avoid alerting anyone else in the house of your mission. But your steps halted as a sound filled the air. One that sounded nothing like the creaking of the old house. A soft pap pap pap that caused your stomach to grow tight and hot when you noticed it was coming from Rinne’s room. Maybe you were just imagining things? You keep your steps light as you pass the door while holding your breath. The sounds and soft moans beckoned you to backtrack. And backtrack you did. 
Returning to the door made your face burn as you listened to the sounds within the room. Your imagination provided ample imagery of what might be happening on the other side. How fast his fist would be pumping. If he was using a toy or not. If he was smirking or if his mouth hung open with ecstasy. You reached towards the doorknob. 
There was hesitation, fingers hovering over the cold brass as you stood stunned by the impulsive decision. But it wouldn’t hurt to take a peek right? You twisted the knob cautiously with a thick swallow. The pounding of your heartbeat playing in your ears as you began to crouch with the door slowly and silently being pulled open. 
You peered into the pitch black room, listening to the wet sounds and Rinne’s carnal moans from within the room becoming significantly louder. You wanted to see more. You wanted to see him. Your lips parted as you pressed your face into the door with wide eyes laced with curiosity. You could feel your inner thighs becoming hot as you took the risk of cracking the door open further. With the hopes of catching a glimpse of Rinne, you pulled and pulled greedily at the door as you fell hypnotized by the sounds of lust. 
And catch him you did. 
Looking back at you with a stunned expression within the darkness as the sounds fell deaf.
You choked back a scream and let go of the door in a panic. Scrambling to your feet, you tried to rush down the hall as Rinne yanked the door open with his eyes narrowed into slits. You were left with no time to react as Rinne caught you by the back of your shirt and pinned you against the opposite wall. His fist now gripped your collar as he looked down at you with a tight frown. His body was pressed against yours and you could smell the scent of lust and the salt of his sweat emanating off of his skin. The way his warm breath tickled the skin of your face with each short puff. His cheeks were flushed as you began to tremble with terror. No, no, no, no. 
Rinne remained silent, looking over your terrified face before turning his head down the hall where you were supposed to be sleeping beside Hiiro. There was a soft chuff as he returned his attention to you. “What’s going on sis?” He asked, his voice lined with venom and something else you couldn’t put a finger on. Your mouth filled with cotton as you looked around the dark hallway. You couldn’t look him in the eye. “… Getting water…” You mumbled as Rinne hummed, letting go of your collar to instead grab you by your forearm. He wasn’t rough, but he was firm with his grip. “Me too.” He began dragging you towards the kitchen, and you struggled to match the stride his long legs had. 
The kitchen was dark, illuminated by the yellowish light glowing above the sink. Your boyfriends’ older brother let you go with a little shove, easing you towards the counter as he opened a cabinet in search of two glasses. He was silent as he walked through the small kitchen. It was strange, even though he was clearly agitated, his eyes sparkled. Just like when his eyes first met yours. You felt your stomach twist and churn with anxiety as he filled the two cups with water and held one out to you. But when your fingers brushed against his, you nearly dropped the cup out of shock. You wanted to go back to Hiiro’s room. You wanted to close your eyes and pretend this didn’t happen. 
The cup was shaking in your hands as he stared at you, his gaze burning and filling you with guilt. “… I’m sorry.” You whispered, your reflection appearing in the crystal clear water. Rippling and distorted as Rinne crossed his arms in front of you. An older brother scolding his eventual sister-in-law. Well, unless Hiiro found out about this. “What are you sorry about, sis?” His voice was smooth and soft, making you straighten up with your thighs pressed tightly together. “… Spying on you…” You mumbled again as Rinne hummed with a sound of content. “Why were you spying on me, sis?” You tried lifting the cup to your lips. “I dunno…” You didn’t want to say why. “You know why.” He purred and placed his own glass on the counter, reaching towards you to poke at your stomach with his slender pointer finger. 
He herded you against the edge of the counter with his usual smirk returning. Like he was planning something horrible. You felt his large body press against yours, easing his body between your thighs . “Wanna tell your new big brother why you watched him jerk off? Why did you watch while Hiiro, your boyfriend, was sleeping? Why you sat in the hall on your knees with big eyes, and your mouth wide open?” His grip on your forearm was back as he began pulling you against him. Rinne towered over you like an imposing force and you couldn’t fight the way your heart quickened. Should you say morbid curiosity? The lack of attention you got from Hiiro pushing you to take the risk? A blatant lie that you tripped and fell against his door? “I dunno…” You couldn’t muster the strength now that you had been cornered like this.
“Then why don’t we wake up Hiiro and tell him?” Rinne suggested with his squeaky cackle. Your blood ran cold and you shook your head, your glass nearly toppled out of your hands as Rinne remained smiling. “Hmm? Noooooo?” He purred teasingly as beads of stray tears rolled down your cheeks. “Curiosity killed the cat sis, but y’know…” Your boyfriend’s older brother trailed off as he loosened his grip on your arms, rubbing his thumbs over your skin. “Satisfaction brought it back.” He whispered as he removed a hand, and took the cup from your trembling grip and placed it next to his own. A small whimper rolled off of your tongue as his hips bucked into yours suddenly. 
The sound was embarrassing as you looked away from Rinne, eyeing the flooring with your mouth clamped shut. “If you come back to my room, I might forget about this whole thing.” Rinne purred as he bucked his hips again, and again, and again. You could feel him starting to harden in his sweatpants as he gave your upper arms a firm squeeze. You couldn’t let Hiiro find out about this. “You… Can you promise you won’t tell?” You begged softly, refusing to look Hiiro’s older brother in the eye. 
Rinne kept his grip firm on your arm, not too rough, but it was tight enough to keep you from darting away. “Me? Promise? I don’t think I should. You were the one who came creeping on me.” He chuckled softly as you allowed your eyes to shamefully fall shut as the tears dried on your cheeks. Rinne was quiet before grumbling under his breath. “Alright, alright, ‘promise I won’t say anything.” The older sibling began to pull on your body until you were flush against him. “If you do what I say, I won’t say a word.” His tone was slick as you started to feel as though there was no other choice. You could be truthful with Hiiro, or avoid that painful reality entirely. 
And maybe spending the night with Rinne won’t be so bad… “Okay.” Your voice was weak as Rinne smothered his cackle with his hand. He was enthusiastically tugging you out of the kitchen and towards the bedroom. Your heart began to sink as you allowed yourself to be dragged behind him.
This was wrong. This was extremely wrong. If Hiiro found out, he would be devastated. But what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. Right? Rinne promised he wouldn’t say anything if you went with him. With one final glance towards Hiiro’s bedroom, you were nudged into the one belonging to his older brother. And the door shut with a soft click.
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Tagged Accounts: N/A
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neet-elite · 2 months
Oh my god that post!! Brocon content my beloved... Big brothers.... On my knees and already pulling out a hair tie. God I love big brothers, they're literally my type since forever </3
But also?? Can we please talk about little brothers?? I'm a whore for little brothers who are such obvious siscons it's embarrassing. Actually, I'm a whore for little brothers, period. There's just something about them, yk? That something is my incest kink.
Little brothers who whine and pout and throw tantrums to get your attention because you're their beloved big sis and you have to take care of them >:(( Who slip into your bed at night like they used to when you were kids, except now they have to be careful about how they position their hips so that you don't feel the boner they get from being so close to you. Little brothers who guilt-trip you and make you break up with your boyfriend and then force you to admit that their cock feels better than his ever did. Little brothers who are shameless perverts and don't even hide the fact that they steal your panties to sniff and jerk off to because they cum untouched every time you get angry and scold them for touching your stuff and being gross. Little brothers who pass off their possessiveness as clinginess and pretend to be innocent angels, only to then make you cum so hard you think you're gonna see God any minute now. Little brothers who are happy to spend hours between your thighs, eating you out like it's their last meal because they just love you so much and want to take care of their big sister, the same way you've always taken care of them <3
In conclusion: I love brothers. All of 'em.
— 🐾
BROCON CONTENT YESSS... im so happy whenever i meet other brocons ugh </3 its honest to god my most FAVOURITE kind of content <3 in all forms !!!! it's just such good content like... someone so protective over me in all the wrong (best) ways? delicious.
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the dynamic of little siblings dominating their older siblings is so hot uggggh... like it's unexpected, right? he's just your innocent little brother, of course he's not doing anything weird by hanging around in your room way too late at night, picking out the skimpiest set of pjs you own because you'll get warm with me hugging you all night!!! your friends might comment that its a bit weird that your little brother still wants to sleep with you every night, but you brush them off because he's just so CUTE with how excited he gets to snuggle into you, and he helps you sleep even better given how hot and sweaty he seems to get every night. when you're asleep and unaware, he likes to stroke his cock to big sisters pretty body, tugging at your clothes almost as much as he jerks his own cock; but he's slept with you often enough to know when to shut up.
little brothers who don't have the strength to hide their addiction to their big sisters, jumping on you as soon as you're alone in your room to hump their pervert cocks against. god hes just so desperate, and nothing but his big sister helps!!!! barely even manages to get his cock inside half the time, obsessed with humping and rubbing himself against big sister every chance he gets; sometimes even in public, hidden behind the kitchen island while your parents discuss matters across from it. just fucking his clothed cock against your clothed ass, because big sisters smell is assaulting his senses and fuck he's so obsessed-
little brothers that get a hold of your boyfriends contact info, and either intimidates them away through sheer manipulation, or secretly records you getting fucked by little brothers cock and scares him off that way. don't you know that you belong to your little brother? silly sister, you don't need to get a boyfriend! not when he's so close to you, cock always readily available for whenever you want.
little brothers who take part in free use with you. it's be nice if it was reciprocated, letting you ride his cock while he talks to friends online, comes into your room to rail you into your sheets while you're scrolling on your phone, shares a shower with you every morning just to get rid of that morning wood he thinks is your fault </3. but little brothers who take part in free use regardless of whether you consent or not. who tug your waist over to his lap to exploit your weaknesses just because he can. sure, he's technically younger than you, but your little brother isn't so little after all, is he? bending you over, lifting you up, pushing you against the wall whenever he sees you because you make his cock twitch just sooooo much </3
little brothers who worship the ground you walk on. who would do literally anything you ask them to do, because they're disgusting little perverts at the end of the day and need to repent for stroking their cock to big sisters body.
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mahoushoujotechsupport · 11 months
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episode 3 rewatch time
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oh suletta... if only you knew you would become the ultimate wifeguy in like a few months time
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well, she's not lying. here's also the first instance of prospera without her helmet on and as a japanese user on twitter brought to attention after the finale, she's sitting down.
the "my legs are failing" thing kinda felt like an asspull until i read that tweet and they posted a few examples, but this is definitely something i will be keeping track of during my rewatch
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nika coming up to suletta with praises must have been so refreshing after everything she just went through and then having to hear everyone shit talking you on your way to class
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tanuki please
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so we all assumed prospera gave everyone fake data so that aerial isn't found out as a gundam, but with the schwarzette existing, i think it's safe to say vim got actual gundam info here, right?
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god i wish they had had the time to get more into things like this! presumably godoy found this out for her, but like who even was godoy!? we didn't find out his last name until the final episode and he didnt have a proper character page on the official site until the end either
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suletta, you gentle little baby
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so our el4n arc starts here and in retrospect this is so well done. like at first we're led to believe miorine just doesn't want any of the big 3 taking advantage of suletta because she sees her as naive... until suddenly it's obvious girl is just jealous af
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miorine, you gremlin
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interesting thing to note is how shaddiq earns himself a reputation as a lady's man because he duels over other women, never once until ep 9 dueling over miorine because he thought it would make him seem like a better man to her and im just like... lol? but dueling over a ton of other girls was fine? i don't actually dislike shaddiq, but what the hell man, you're stupid lol
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this is a little bit of a neat parallel. inside the dueling committee lounge after secelia starts joking on guel, suletta stands up for him (sound familiar?)... then after exiting the elevator suletta starts telling him about her little motto and talking about her mom (again, sound familiar?). guel fell for suletta for pretty much the same reasons miorine did at the beginning but no hets allowed
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nah, of course she's not jealous
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i just like how content with herself miorine looks here lol
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also as a side note, this could have easily been written as a fight where suletta powers through on her own and saves the day, keeping miorine as a damsel in distress, but that's not what happens here. sulemio work as a team and as soon as something goes wrong, miorine throws herself in there to help and fight too
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i know the rainbow's because of the water still dripping down from the sprinkler system but still lol
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we did
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i get how suletta telling him he's strong really makes guel fall for her because he sees her as a worthy opponent so a compliment from her means a lot more than say lauda having his weird brocon moment or felsi and petra fangirling over him... but sir, did you really have to just like propose on the spot? (i say as if i wouldn't be having a totally different reaction were this miorine lmao)
ok that's a wrap i guess. not sure if i'll watch ep 4 tonight also because i kinda wanna get started on a new gunpla kit lolz
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rarepears · 2 years
make that 4 brocon loving anons
If I tear off your trench coat, will I find two more brocon-loving anons hidden under your trench coat?
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Sideblog (HxH analyses): @hunterexamcheatsheet​ . If you wish to only follow for general hxh analyses content, please follow the side-blog as this main blog features KuraNeo. ​
My other social media [link] (Instagram, Ko-fi, AO3)
HxH Theory Masterlist Compilation Post
“Is it possible for Kurapika and Neon to be canon in the official hxh universe?” Read this link to find out!
Other tumblr post links to read about KuraNeon theories:
KuraNeon Marriage Theory
York New Times: Kurapika and Neon Exclusive - Read it all here!
HxH 2004 Databook: Evidence that Kurapika did help the Nostrade family post-York New City arc 
Kurapika’s Rise to Power in the Mafia
Cognitive Dissonance Theory + Mafia Structure
KuraNeon on V-Day and White’s Day Mobage
Tanabata Mobage Cards: KuraNeon and Hisomachi as star-crossed lovers
KuraNeon in Games and Other Media Compilation
KuraNeon Mobage Cards (Public Archive on Google Drive)
Neon Nostrade is Not Dead: Debunking all common theories + Kurapika's dolphin ability
How Kurapika functions under the mafia
Neon Nostrade Character Analysis
Kurapika Character Analysis
Will Kurapika and Neon want to have kids? 
How KuraNeon Baby Would Look Like
KuraNeon Baby Names 
TGG-KuraNeon Parallels
KuraNeon Playlist
KuraNeon Dynamics Chart
Old 2002 KuraNeon Website
KuraNeon Instragram Page [not owned by me] 
KuraNeon ABC Headcanons
Kurapika NSFW ABC Headcanons (with mentions of KuraNeon)
Neon NSFW ABC Headcanons (with mentions of KuraNeon and KuroNeon)
Kuraneon 100 AO3 Works Breakdown 
List of Kuraneon and HxH in general artists
Short KuraNeon comic
See My Mood Boards
Kuraneon Mural
The Four Interpretations of the KuraNeon ship:  
SOkay so there’s A LOT of interpretations of Kurapika/Neon that we shippers have explored. I think I broke it down to a few of such interpretations. 
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Here we go: 
1. The Vanilla Interpretation
This is usually the most innocent form of Kurapika/Neon, where Kurapika is very gentle towards her and Neon is friendly towards him. Even if she’s a bit of a brat, Kurapika is patient towards her. 
“She’s a flesh collector” conflict: Low to Non-existent
Enmity: Low to Non-existent
R-ratedness: NIL 
Fanfics that involves “The Vanilla Interpretation”: 
Star-struck by Numbkid
Marriage: Mission Impossible! by Animercom (this is one of the pioneer founding long KuraNeon fics ya’all!)
Mistletoe by Diamondsnsins (Other works by @unuxunu : Secret Admirer , Buenos días, mi querida señorita Neon , Verona , Stalking , A Vampire Story , I belong to you) 
Stepping into the Light by Sunny_Window
After Hours by Cb_w (Not sure if this should be here or #2; @anotherworldash)
2. The Vanilla Interpretation with Hot Chocolate Sauce on Top 
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It gets REAL saucy from here onwards so read with caution:
Okay, this is kind of like them liking each other, but you know, with all the sex and lust explored. Kurapika is concerned about her being a flesh collector and he might even be a little annoyed with her, but he still is attracted to her anyway. Neon also adores him. She might even act bratty to him so that he can punish her later on. Calls him “Daddy” whenever possible. 
“She’s a flesh collector” conflict: Medium to Low
Enmity: Low to Non-existent
R-ratedness: Yes or Maybe
Fanfics that involves “The Vanilla but with Hot Chocolate Sauce on Top”: 
Un coleccionista de carne by Amanojaku6
Hot Vacation by Cb_w
Arm x Candy by brocon
No alpha can deny an omega's wish by diamondsnsins
Cocktails and Strange Encounters by Kaatyr
Pulsão de Vida by Myara (see also: Paz , Inconveniente ) [@itsmyara] 
Nurse Neon by diamondsnsins
Neon’s Bday Surprise to Kurapika 
3. “Yearning for the Pleasures of the Flesh of the Flesh Collector” Interpretation
Kurapika dislikes Neon’s attitude and her hobby. He hates the fact that she still has an effect on him. He lowkey is attracted to her, but denies it because of her hobby. He’s always wondering why she’s so emotionally detached. She might also dislike his stern-ness and think that he’s boring and controlling. They can’t resist their desires and eventually falls in love. 
“She’s a flesh collector” conflict: Medium 
Enmity: Low to Medium
R-ratedness: Yes
Fanfics that involves this interpretation: 
Marriage of Convenience by Sweetsysy
Strange Bedfellows by Numbkid 
Better Than Him by Cb_w and Numbkid 
Short Tumblr Brat Taming PWP by Numbkid
4. Pure Hate-Sex Interpretation. Enough said. 
They said “Fuck You” to each other. LITERALLY. 
The most extreme (and hottest) form of Kurapika/Neon Interpretation. It’s when both of them can’t stand each other but they fuck anyway. He objectifies her because he feels that she should be punished for objectifying his clan into mere objects. She lets him touch her because she wants to feel useful and alive again, since everything went wrong for after she lost the Lovely Ghostwriter. She’s obsessed with the way his eyes glow red because she finds them beautiful. He’s angry at her for making him feel desire towards her; she blames him for her father’s newfound favouritism in him. Lots of sinful attraction, possibly narcotics, alcohol and cigarettes in the mix. 
“She’s a flesh collector” conflict: High
Enmity: High
R-ratedness: MEGA YES. 
Fanfics that involve this interpretation: 
The Bodyguard and the Employer by Numbkid
No Salvatore by Cb_w, Numbkid  
This is the most fucked-up KuraNeon fic we’re ever going to make. 
AIGHT. I tried to get every single fics out there. I might miss out some or haven’t checked the content of the others. 
Isn’t this ship amazing?? Fuck yes. It’s so versatile in terms of interpretation. 
And you know what’s the best part? 
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They are a thing in the mobile games. 
Also: Kurapika is the head of the Nostrade Family in the current manga arc. What are the chances of him possibly marrying into her family... Hmm...
Other notable links: 
My Favourite Female Characters
Fanfic Writer Q&A
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