#so im actually quite happy how its turning out ahaha
tired-twili · 1 year
We doing modeling bois
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Now watch as I compeltly ignore my reference
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flutteringfable · 1 year
finally found the time to watch generation loss and oh??? my gosh!????? i love ranboo’s stuff and i already had high expectations from hearing all the buzz about it but this totally blew me out of the park in a way i didn’t expect at all.
go watch it, even if you aren’t into ranboo it’s a great thing on its own. it starts a little slow but that’s on purpose!! just trust the process, as they say <3 (i’m using that in the wrong context i know but shhhhh)
anyway time to scream about it in an essay long post because i’m so incredibly normal about this series and not being a horror/arg nerd about it at all nope no way why would you think that ahaha.
[spoilers ahead! there’s only three episodes, all up on their vod channel and about an hour each! it’s so worth a watch!!]
okay, so, episode one was nothing like what i was expecting right off the bat.
i’ve seen the stuff on the actual genloss channel, and i figured it would all be sort of that vibe. imagine my surprise upon seeing ranboo sneeg and charlie being a little bit silly in a cabin in the woods (and also christian hell? for some reason?). i stuck through it, though, no matter how taken aback i was. it was so worth it in the end, but i’ll get to that later teehee <3
the cyoa aspect was cool! i wish i had been there to see it live, because i’m the biggest sucker for choice based stories and arg-style games.
not much more to say abt ep1, to be honest. just know that it’s definitely a completely different vibe than what you’ll probably expect (ranboo said this was on purpose!!). oh also i love squiggles he is everything to me. a little guy. a blorbo even. even if he uh, did turn out to be evil like i originally suspected.
ep 2! this one was almost equally silly in nature, but you can see the “cracks” begin to show a lot more in this one. (“why is cracks in quotes?” you may ask. well, iykyk, and if you don’t, watch episode three.)
the puzzler was great, i think it was hilarious that the mask was basically just how he looked anyway. the beginning was a good hook, i genuinely thought we were getting into the juicy stuff when ranboo was locked in the chair.
when he found charlie, i’m ashamed to admit that i didn’t expect charlie’s guts to be slime. that’s his thing. he’s a goopy gushy guy. i should’ve known. anyway. the part where the “illusion” starts to break and the slime turns to blood for a moment?? DELICIOUS. SO GOOD. MWAH.
NIKKI’S SUDDEN SWITCH IN HER INTRO ON THE CAROUSEL????? so good. everyone’s acting was incredible tbh especially in ep 3, i’m so happy. the silly death dialogue from ethan was great (until it wasn’t. iykyk, i’ll get to it), too. THE HAT BIT??? WHERE THEY REPROGRAMMED SNEEG??? AAA?????? so in love with this episode, it was the perfect transition to the hell that is ep 3.
okay so. ep 3. where do i start omg. i guess at the beginning, that makes sense.
i was really excited to finally have a name for hatch! honestly, even though my villain-senses were sounding off all sorts of alarms in my head, i was fooled for a short while as he was guiding ranboo. learning about the drones was interesting, too. lots of good lore built around the company and those guys! very cool ^^
WHEN RANBOO WENT AGAINST THE AUDIENCE AND CHOSE THE YELLOW CODE. IM RUNNING OUT OF WAYS TO EXPRESS MY EXCITEMENT AND AWE,,,,, UHHHH YIPPEEE???? I GUESS????? that was the thing that really set me off about hatch being maybe not so great. good stuff!!!!
ranboo finding the streamers pretty much locked in those mall restaurants!! AND CHARLIE DOING AN ACTUAL STREAM DURING IT!!!!!! gah, this series is so cool!!!!!! them constantly on the run from the drones and security (TERRIFYING monster, btw, i love when evil dystopian corporations have monsters as security <3) was so wild to watch. i don’t think i’ve been that anxious for the main characters of a series for quite some time.
them seeing the cabin set. ohhhhh my gosh. and then charlie dying (? presumably) at the hands of security before ranboo hits the button to stop everything. graaagh i ate that UP. again i’m running out of ways to express my love for this series lmaoo.
the “ending.” oh my goodness the fakeout “ending.” i was so thrilled, so happy for ranboo i let my guard down and was like “yes!!!! evil bad guys stopped woohoo!!! get this guy some rest and therapy!!!”
and then they bowed.
when i tell you i GASPED. like it was my fault for not checking the time on the video and having my guard down but i GASPED.
hatch letting the audience choose if ranboo lived or died. hearing ranboo scream and beg to be set free, and then beg to die…. i genuinely teared up. despite the rather grim choice to have them die, i think it was for the best. though i do wonder what would have happened if the votes stayed 50/50….. if anyone knows if ranboo has talked about that anywhere, do let me know! if not, i’ll shoot them an ask about it, because i’m sure it would’ve been interesting.
anyway, this series was so much cooler than i ever could’ve imagined. i was already invested in the stuff on the genloss channel, like i mentioned, but seeing the project for myself and getting to watch this incredible series was breathtaking. i’m a huge nerd for dystopias and horror, and ranboo somehow nailed combining them both with great comedy and a great story.
and i’ve heard it’s been nominated for an emmy? or something???? that’s literally so cool!!!! i wish ranboo the best of luck in future projects, genloss was a fantastic watch and i can’t recommend it enough <3
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rrxnjun · 2 years
i'm happy to hear that u found ways to enjoy writing more!! it's definitely important to figure out how to enjoy creating even more so i'm glad u were able to do that!🥳🥳💕 and well i have tried to write stories (?) before however i'm awful at it and i also just didn't enjoy writing as much as reading i guess, but tbh i even struggle with writing essays and such for school so writing is definitely not my strongest point sadly 🥲🥲
i'm glad everything turned out well at the end, congrats on passing!!!!🥳🥳🥳 i hope u will enjoy ur next semester as well!!!💕💕 GERMAN IS JUST TOO HARD ISTG like i would be so happy if my german knowledge was at an A2 level🥲🥲i've had a similar experience with english like u did!! so i thought i would try and watch things in german as well but not even that helped with getting better at it🥲 i will definitely make sure to flex with my little language knowledge and say that i'm multilingual!!!🤣 although i'm still somewhat hoping that one day i will actually be able to talk in german and not just tell a white lie about it🥲🫡🤣 (liebestraum anon💕)
thank you!!! 🥰 im really grateful because it also makes my writing process quicker AHAHA i think i found more efficient ways 💕 awh its ok tho! i get that u wont put energy towards something you dont enjoy,, reading is a hobby for some and writing is a hobby to others!! i am good at essays i think,, but i have a problem with fitting into the word count. i always write too much and then i have to delete like half the stuff i had 😭😭 (well, if its not philosophy. i fucking hated writing my essay for philosophy)
thank you!!! i hope i dont have too much work to do ahaha but im actually looking forward to school lmao i sound like such a nerd. how long do u have to take german for?? 😭 i remember it being my biggest horror in hs. I TRIED IT WITH GERMAN TOO i actually downloaded an ebook in german and tried to learn a little that way,,, i had to google a lot of words but it was quite enjoyable tbh, i think i learned a lil too but then i got busy w uni and didnt finish reading it. lets hope our german gets better in the future fr i think its such a pretty language too😔
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Hi! I was wondering if you can do Kakeru Manabe dating Momiji’s twin sister. She was also born with the zodiac curse, and like they tell everyone and are ready to tell Akito and he doesn’t improve, how would everyone react? Including Manabe. Would they defend her and try to make him agree to them dating? Thank you if you read this have a good day or night sjsnsnsj 😅 ALSO IM SORRY IF ITS TOO MUCH DJDKWNDK
Heya! While I do write for Fruits Basket (thank heavens for another fandom in my inbox for once lol) I write reader!inserts not the story of your OC that you don’t feel like writing out yourself. So what I will do is write a Kakeru Manabe x reader story with a character that has the zodiac curse, but otherwise there will be no Momiji’s twin, because I sure hope that the OC has more of an identity than just being a copy of Momiji.
A/N: Of course I write a Fruits Basket piece on the eve of Lunar New Year. 😅😅😅 HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR TO THOSE WHO CELEBRATE. 🐮🐮🐮
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Character: Kakeru Manabe
Prompt: Sohmacursed!reader
He slept in the flowerbeds without a care. Earning complaints from many. The school council president dared to roughen him up in public, earning a surprised look as the image of prince charming broke. He did everything differently and earned no ire, only more fans for the actions he took. Kakeru Manabe was a strange individual that went against the grain and that had your attention. Someone who was capable of pulling out a different side out of everyone.
Affable was a word that would suit him. Along with attentive, for he always thought and minded the rest first, even while he slept in flower beds, or did something silly that earned Yuki’s fist once more. Kakeru Manabe was, by all accounts a charming young male that had deserved his spot in popularity despite his ditzy outer appearance, if only because of something dark hidden beneath. It was attractive, for a Sohma at least. For they often lived under a façade as well, for they often craved the genuine attention of those surrounding them.
And here was the danger for you, for a Sohma was not supposed to interact with those from the outside. For they were not allowed to be with those uninitiated and you were very much not an exception. In fact, you were a reason even.
“We can’t be together,” you had stated, and Yuki had solemnly nodded, understanding the why but not willing to accept it just like that. However, as a fellow Sohma what was he to suggest else? The outsiders wouldn’t understand and as much as Kakeru was someone of great understanding and acceptance he was just another outsider. After all, it wasn’t unheard of from their own mothers to abandon their children once they found the curse, what obligation had he not to do the same?
“Ahaha, please don’t be like that,” Kakeru had responded, first thinking that you were jesting. Your humour had always been rather outlandish, it was why the two of you got along so well. Just last week you had been the one confessing to him, albeit covertly, but now it was him who returned the words to you, openly. Surely feelings couldn’t have changed that quickly?
“Oooh, is it because you’re actually the heir of a throne in a foreign country? It is fine, I will be your Prince Charming!” the male had exclaimed, thinking that you truly were playing a game with him, but at your stern expression Kakeru’s bright shimmering light dimmed a little as he eyed you and then Yuki and then you again.
“Is it because of my family?” he questions, a pensive look on his face as he recalls the complications his own family came with. The difficulties Machi had to suffer from. The things he fought so hard to break away from. Was it all fruitless in the end?
You shook your head once more, a soft smile on your lips as you took a step away from the male, creating distance between the two of you. It was regrettable that Yuki was here, when it was supposed to be a private moment, but also fortunate, for you were sure that he was needed to pick up the pieces of his friend that you were to leave behind.
“It is mine,” you answered honestly, remembering the way Akito had reacted to Rin and Hatsuharu, recalling the story of why Hatori’s fiance had suddenly left him, the heartbreak, the pain, the inevitable tragedy that was to come, but above all the lack of what you wanted to give him the most; the curse holding you back. And that was all you had been willing to say as you turned away, leaving him with only your rejection.
But Kakeru was amongst the many traits of affableness and charm also determined, unwilling to let go once he had understood that this went against yourself as much as it went against him to let you go.
Kakeru knew himself not to be as kind and as empathetic as he would like to be, often needing others to explain to him what the perspective of the other was. But he understood family and especially complicated families as a member of one himself. Or so he had believed when he tried to dive into yours and tried to figure out what it was that had made you say what you had.
“Have you tried to embrace a Sohma? Have you ever pressed their body against yours and felt its true form?”
The mysterious head of the Sohma family had left Kakeru with even more questions as he wondered what it was that Akito had meant. Kakeru had, without a fear, approached the head to put the hierarchy of the Sohma into question. An inquiry that had earned him a cold and callous ire in which he was challenged to do the one thing you had always avoided. Was it in there that your secret laid?
He had considered it, Kakeru had, but the thought disturbed him as he realised the implications that Akito had so carefully suggested. Was he able to disturb your boundaries as such, to force out your secrets to him so casually all for the sake of starting a relationship?
“You will destroy it before you have it,” were Yuki’s words when he tried to seek counsel from his friend. Yuki’s grey eyes had been so sad, back to that gloomy cold prince he had been before they became friends. It was a loneliness that Kakeru had come to recognise in all members of the Sohma, which he sometimes saw in you as well.
“Whatever it is,” the male decided to tell you instead, “I hope one day you will come to see me as someone that you trust enough to share your secret with,” he had told you after relaying the story of his meeting with Akito. He regretted his own noisiness, lamented his curiosity, but had satisfied himself with patience. Patience that he was willing to use to wait for you to be ready, or for his feelings to die out, though Kakeru had a feeling that was going to be another long while. He was after all, quite stubborn.
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tscmu · 4 years
Some headcanons for the Hq boys and how they propose to their s/o?
HI YES THIS IS THE KIND OF STUFF I LOVE WRITING ABOUT PLS okay so u didnt really specify which boys so im gonna go for ones that i can picture proposing that sounded weird ok-
characters; koushi sugawara, satori tendou, kenma kozume, osamu miya + tooru oikawa oK LETS GO
koushi sugawara
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- pls he’d make it so heartfelt and meaningful HHH I LOVE HIM~ - he’d want to make you feel how much he loved you, like actually feel it in your heart - i feel like he’d tell a FEW people, probably only get daichi to help AHAHAH - bruh asahi would probably have a mental breakdown and tanaka would snitch💔💔 - but he’d have an idea of what you both wanted i think, you wouldve spoken it over before defos - he’d want it to not be that public, just the two of you - so it’d be at like a hiking trail you both go on or something, a place that means loads to both of you but isn’t there for the world to see - and then...…came the day - he knew how much you picked up on little details so he had to be sneak sneak ten thousand™ - “hey, wanna go out on that one walk up *insert name of place idk*? ok ok ok i’ll get ur coat sugar” - EEEEEEEEEEE - he was trying his absolute best to keep it together - he knew you’d most likely say yes, so he wasn’t TOO scared, but it was still SCARY LIKE- - and then u got to the place he wanted to propose - it was this place where you always stopped, where there was a little bench (with your initials STILL carved into it from all those years ago) and it looked out over a nice view - “ooh, can we stop here again!” “u-huh i was actually gonna ask-” - bro he almost forgot the speech daichi read over to him about 20 times - but HE DID IT WOOOO - he didn’t want to make a MASSIVE deal out of it, the wedding would be more important to him but he still wanted to make you know how much he adored you - speech included lots of memories dating even back to before hed even SPOKEN to you i stg this man - AND U SAID YES!!! u have no choice. u did.
satori tendou
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- i feel like he’d be kINDA similar to suga?? - a little less caring - he’d never actually pictured himself getting married tbf- - he never thought he’d actually find the right person so he just....gave up idk - BUT THEN YOU CAME INTO HIS LIFE- - even with you he hadn’t really thought about marriage, he was just focused on having fun with you, but then ushijima was like ‘...so, tendou. when is the wedding commencing between you and y/n.” and he just- - it was actually when they were sitting there he started to plan it - ushijima would SEEM like the worst person to go to, but he was actually quite good at this stuff - so in about 2 hours sat at the back door of tendou’s work, they had sketched out a sort of plan on the back of a spare napkin - there was one main thing he knew he wanted to talk about - how you always stuck by him, no matter what he did - he thought he’d seriously fucked up, and you would be back at his door the next day, smiling and chattering about this new café you heard opened down the road - god, he was terrified to even mention paris to you, but you were so up for the idea, it took him by shock - he didn’t take you for granted - so for once, he wanted to make you feel loved - they couldn’t think of a place to take you for ages, but then it hit them - you and tendou always went to wakatoshi’s games, ever since high school you both always made the commute if you had the time - and ushijima had a game coming up in two weeks...…. - when he mentioned it OFC U WERE DOWN PLS, you loved going back to japan - like ofc france was incredible but......... it was just lovely to see everyone again ;-; - since youd been there so much, you basically just got to stand right at the side of the court AHAHAH - so they won the game. obviously. its ushi and kags we’re talking abt here. are you kidding. then tendou started acting weird, which made u hella sus - it was the first time in what felt like years you’d seen him so...nervy - he kept fumbling over his words, you had to yell at him to speak up - but eventually he did it - he spoke abt how much you meant to him, how you made him more comfortable in his own body, how you stuck by him through everything - AND U SAID YES. AGAIN, U HAVE NO CHOICE. - and yes ushi and kags started cheering and the news outlets put u on the news i dont make the rules ok
kenma kozume
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- ok mans is TERRIFIED - he’d quite genuinely never thought about marriage, throughout his years with you by his side it just...never crossed his mind - but it was when you were lying in bed one night, his arm dangled over you as you both drifted in and out of sleep - and it just hit him - why the fuck were you both still like this? - marriage was something you always expressed a love for, when kuroo got married you were basically in a trance the whole time - how was he so unaware? - people described kuroo’s proposal as pretty much perfect, he’d always been good at reading his partner, so he just used that knowledge to make something he knew they’d like - so, to kenma’s extreme distaste, he went to kuroo - oh my god kuroo fucking c r i e d - kenma was finally ‘growing up’ - so after about an hour of kuroo sobbing, they finally got down to business - after lots of.. lets say elaborate ideas from kuroo, and lots of no's from kenma, they finally came to a sort of compromise - since you and kuroo worked in the same department, he would text you on saturday simply asking if you wanted to catch coffee and talk about that one assignment - obviously, you said yes - not thinking anything of it, you just pulled on a jumper and jeans AHAH- - then you notice,,,why tf is he taking u to a beach at 7pm in march???? - #serialkillerkurooheadcanons - but u see kenma and ur like... wtf have u gotten yourself into- - have they been possessed?? who knowz - and then u get BLINDFOLDED LIKE WHAT - but then u snap back down to earth like why would they kidnap u- - as kuroo takes it off, kenma’s quite literally shaking - poor babie - he never really knew how to explain his thoughts properly, so the speech wasn’t anything extremely dramatic and/or romantic - but he did in a way tell you how much you meant to him - he spoke abt how you boost his confidence, have always been there whenever he needed you, and how you seem to always understand him when he’s being at his most blunt - therefore he thinks you’re his soulmate - PLSPLSPL IM CRYING
osamu miya
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- i think he always knew he wanted to marry you - atsumu always embarassed him about it- - it got to the point you didn’t actually think he’d propose, you would just wake up one day and a wedding dress would be on the door - but it got to the point where tsumu was mentioning it significantly more when you went over for dinner - mama miya was always telling you how happy she was that samu picked you - even your own parents were being oddly warmer towards samu, whenever they phoned they asked how he was, etc etc - so you knew something was up - samu was always really polite to your parents, asked their permission before he even took you out on a date - ironic because you lived together but still- - so turned out, he actually mentioned proposing to you to them - they adored him for gods sake so of course they said yes - then tsumu thought he was acting weird, so he told his side - jesus christ they freaked out - his parents were always nervous about atsumu, who slept with random people on the weekends, and hadn’t been in a proper relationship since middle school - you were basically their god send AHAHA - so it was a massive deal when he wanted to marry you - it would appear that he didn’t really care, but in honesty it meant the wholeass world to him - like suga, he’d go for a location that meant a lot to both of you - christmas was a huge deal for both your families, they both came together and you had an incredible time - and last year some of the jackals came over, which was just hilarious - so what better time than christmas with your loved ones around you??? - it started off like a normal christmas, you had an incredible dinner ( cooked by none other than osamu ((with atsumu and bokuto attempting to sabotage it but just burning their hands on the pot)) ) then all played some games - but it was when you were all watching the basic christmas tv programmes when the atmosphere... changed - everyone was looking at you and samu, even sakusa looked excited - it was when his father muted the tv, and samu took your hand, your heart was basically beating out your chest. - he spoke about how he felt like, for the entirety you’d been together for, every day he seemed to fall more in love with you. you were like his rock, when things were even a bit off he could just come to you and you’d automatically make him happier even just by looking at you - bruh bokuto and hinata were sobbing in the corner
tooru oikawa
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- surprising, but he never thought about marriage - he just kind of assumed he’d be one of those people that would be in a relationship for like a week then just.. move on to another person idk - that was until he ran into you - everyone, even his own parents, said he was a different person when he started dating you - it was ironic, you were quite similar to him - yet you made him rethink his fucking morals  - it was sappy asf - ANYWAY BACK TO THE TOPIC AT HAND - he took this proposal really seriously, he wanted it to be the best moment of your whole life - until the wedding ofc ofc - since you’d basically changed him as a person, he wanted this to just show his appreciation for everything you’d ever done for him - he wanted you to feel his love - and so he set about preparing a good proposal - he’d be like osamu, and definitely ask your parents first - your parents loved him anyway, they thought he was the best thing that’d happened to you for a long while - he basically knew what he wanted to do - nothing too public, but nothing too quiet - whats the point of proposing if some people dont see am i right??? - sometimes when you both either a) needed a break or b) you both had a period of time where you were free, you both just booked an impromptu holiday AHAHHA - #richkidtingz - so obvs he had to do it on one of them... it was ur thing after all?? - it was when you walked in the door, face red, and flopped down on the sofa next to him, he grasped the opportunity - “..got any spare holidays from work?” - you quickly went on a travel agent website and booked a three day holiday to brazil, leaving the next morning - it was one of your favourite places to just escape to, so it made sense for him to propose there tbf - it was as you both woke up the first morning there, still sleepy from the night before, you grinned at eachother. - “hey.. get ready quick, i wanna do something.” “wHAT-” - he didn’t actually know where to do it, he just called a taxi and asked for your favourite high street HAHAH - after about an hour of browsing around shops, your hand never out of his, you finally asked ‘what did you want to do?’ - his breathing almost stopped i stg, he didn’t realise how scared he was - but then... HE DID IT POGGERS - he stuck to what he knew he wanted to speak about, making you sob in the process ofc - and even all the locals congratulated you!!!
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gracefulweather · 3 years
hello ! it's been quite a long time since i last sent an ask 😅 sorry fam !
once i pull an eric pc it'll b over for me :") but i got my friend a maverick album and she pulled the sunric pc lmao ! i also got a nice collection of sunwoo photos from a friend and i ordered a sunric photo strip 😳😳😳
hyunjae 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 stay away !!! jk i love him
UR SUNWOO FIC !!! IS SO GOOD !!!! IM OBSESSED WITH IT FR 😭😭😭 the way u write is so beautiful and how everything connects, it's so effortless and detailed ! i love it sm, seriously 🥺 the plot and the characterization is so amazing !! u did so well, truly one of the best fics i've ever read
hahahaha lovesick ..... . its a journey tbh, it always takes me a while to decide...so we'll see ! i've changed the plot so many times too lol but hopefully it'll stay interesting and i'll actually find the inspo to write it haha !
YES YES YES i was hoping for atz to release the kingdom ver. of the songs i'm so glad they did ! i wish all the groups would make official releases and hopefully tbz will give us that spicy monster cover 👀 AND THE ROCK VER. OF THE STEALER WE NEED IT !
i started watching 'our beloved summer' ! rn its like enemies to lovers to enemies and i like it !! PLS i thought we were promised goedam in like august :"( wait hyunjae's drama was cancelled??? i watched the first episode i thought it was fun :")
oohh i see ! i find that i am v uncreative in letting my mind wander :( and i rewrite and recycle the same plotlines a lot lol but it def helps for me to go out and like.. do stuff to get inspo ahaha 👀 omg the hj etl !!! i am excited
yesss i feel like hoon's hair color has changed a lot recently ! but its so cute !! HYUNJAE >:( why does he looks so good all the time
what if !! we get hypnotized at the GDAs ?
WORLD. TOUR [!(#*#)! O H MAN .... i cannot do that, hopefully they come to somewhere near me 😭
hyunjae is literally unhinged lmao his sense of humor is amazing i love it
also we finally got the milsun live 🤩🤩🤩 the fucking part when sunwoo said he likes hotdogs at the movie theater and hyunjae was like those r for kids and sunwoo made those fucking faces PLEEEASE a comedic duo 😭😭😭 and also sunwoo going tf off abt loud chewers in movie theaters hahHa
today i saw sunwoo promising to do some sort of ab reveal and then i closed twitter i can feel my eye twitching as i type this rip my sanity
my exams ended and i surprisingly didn't fuck em up too much ☺☺☺ all i've been doing is working so far and dealing w my uh 😅 kinda rude boss lol anyway !
i hope u are thriving and doing well and resting !! what else have u been up to???
HII BESTIE HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 🎉🍾🎆✨ did you do anything fun? any resolutions? anything you're looking forward to this year?
oooh rooting for an eric pc for ur next pull hehe but that sounds like a nice collection of sunwoo!!! do you have like a shelf in ur room that's just for ur kpop stuff? HAHA i did the pc in clear phone case thing for a bit but then got a new phone case so put sangyeon back on my shelf :')
adklfjk ty for ur comments really 🥺🥺🥺 i spent most of the writing process hating it so i was pleasantly surprised to have it turn out well in the end!! wrote way too many versions of it too LMAO but ahHHH thank u for ur support 🥺💖
ohhh how much of ur smaus do you plan before you start posting? i've tried writing series a few times in the past but i always need to like.... get the whole thing done before posting otherwise it'd never get done 🤡 i hope u find ur inspo soooon ahh i'm excited for whatever u decide to do with lovesick!!
omg yes the tbz monster cover and now ROCK VERSION OF MAVERICK TOO!!! are they rlly never gonna release them tho 😭 but omg did you hear about how the person who arranged their upcoming ost is the one who arranged the reveal/checkmate mama 2020 stage and stealer rock ver??? is this who we go talk to... (ง'̀-'́)ง
ohhh is that the drama where exes have to film a documentary or something? i've seen it around and it looks like fic inspo 👀 is it good? but omg enemies to lovers to enemies LOL. ikr what happened to goedam :(( and i guess hyunjae's webdrama didn't do well enough to be continued? although.... it's supposedly.... the most popular thing on that youtube channel LMAOOO
i am also very uncreative omg sometimes i read other people's fics esp if it's a fantasy or magical realism kind of world or has a cool concept and i'm like.... how do you come up with this??? nothing wrong with cliches tho!! but yeahh going out and doing stuff deffs helps with inspo haha
oooh do you like hoon's long hair? kinda miss his black hair now LOL. hyunjae..... we don't speak of him 😶 WAIT GDA that's this weekend..... they're performing?? i've lost track of all the award shows already but hypnotized would be amazing (drink it... would be too... BIG SIGH 😔). i'm gonna rely on jacob and kevin to pull some strings and get them to canada for the world tour hehe
SUNWOO'S FACE AT THAT PART WAS SO FUNNY AKDFJKFL i laughed every time i saw it on my tl!! and yeah i also read about that ab reveal thing 😶 sangyeon once made that promise but never kept it... so maybeeeee you'll be safe 👀
oooh that's so good go get that 4.0!! i believe in u!! but ur rude boss :(( props to u for handling school and work and everything tho!! and ikr the year went by so fast... i saw a post that said '2021 is proof that time flies whether you had fun or not' HAHA think it's accurate 🤡 the holidays felt way too short tbh, i was stressing over this fic exchange and gifts the entire time so not much rest but that's ok!! LOL
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BDRP 2021 Resolutions
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Write your RPer Resolutions for 2018! (What are some goals for yourself as a writer? Improve descriptions? Plot with more members? Etc.)
A silly goal but I would like another female character lol
More one-shots! I always have these ideas for them but because I let them grow too large in my brain or I feel like I need to turn them into a proper ‘short story’ I intimidate myself out of doing them and then let the opportunity to slide. So this year I hope to fix that and once again be more chillax with myself. (Though here is a shoutout to me bc I published some one-shots last year I was happy about, like Nemo’s “Breath,” Berlioz’s parentage reveal, and my John Darling stuff!) 
Do One Task Every Month. Another small but very doable goal 
Learn how to say no: ahaha this seems a weird thing to put here but its actually about events and i feel this is a safe space to admit that i love love events but they like, truly take a toll on my arthritic hands which means i really can only do two characters probably. But i feel bad only rping with just two ppl etc esp if other people hit me up, or if there are other people i WANT to rp with, so i end up not doing it at all because i get overwhelmed and feel like no one will believe me about my shitty hands (which is of course silly but man chronic illness anxiety am i right). Sooooo i need to find a better way to enjoy events and manage my own health! 
Finish some of the fairy lore stuff i got in the works lol 
Write at least one resolution, or “goal,” that you have as an RPer for your character(s)
These vaguely feel like spoilers but oh well i love spoilers 
Berlioz: Find His Daddy. Also groove room stuff. 
Hades: Pokevolve his emotional intelligence! Also would like to do more Board things with him actually, esp bc he will have to run for office so: focus on his political aspirations
Merida: Integrate into society! She is doing it more but I really hope her friendships with the knights will let her fully embrace herself again. ALSO ALSO alpha Merida! 
Charlie: Greater control over his magic and more confidence in himself. We gettin there bb
Ashleigh: Entangle her further with the knights/Henry and eventually reveal she’s a mara bc i would like that for Henry it will be horrifying for him
Nemo: embrace dance as a career option and therefore overcome the systematic factors that have convinced u that u cant! YOU CAN 
Jun: Date. (Horrifying for him. Not his goal.) Also just more hijinks, I love love hijinks, would love business-related hijinks. 
Olaf: Get more involved on campus!! More uni plots for him would be great esp when it comes to figuring out if he’ll stay on campus after this year (and also like how this affects his friendship with Sindri) 
Atta: QUEEN STUFF. This is first on my list so we’re gonna make you happen. Blow up Atta’s life, really make her deal with that imposter syndrome. Love it. 
Pip: Put the mortifying fear of being known into Pip. aka open up about his mum a bit with like, someone. Or just admit that the people he says are his enemies are actually his friends.
Write at least one resolution IN CHARACTER for your characters. What do THEY want to accomplish or change in the New Year?
Note that I love seeing which characters echo my goals and which ones don’t at all. It’s just fun and neat. Probably says something about each one’s emotional self-awareness. (Mostly pointing out how Hades is extremely self-aware i love that for him) 
TW: weight 
Berlioz: Literally nothing. Sorry he just thinks resolutions are stupid and life is pointless (he is in a state). 
Hades: Prepare for his election next year, raise his children well, help Belle in her recovery 
Merida: Assist King Arthur. Become a good alpha to Alice specifically (not u lou i mean like she is but she’s like that bitch doesnt need me) 
Charlie: Reup his certs! Figure out a specialty! 
Ashleigh: Revenge against Romeo, revenge against John Darling + company for destroying her tree 
Nemo: Get an apprenticeship this year. Work on Hangul. Lose seven stone. Work on wing sprints. Be better son. Be more responsible and help Appa. Get job again? ...Quit dance? 
Jun: something nerdy about increasing the overall revenue or something of the market i dont know im not a business person. Also something nerdy about Animal Crossing, maybe he wants to add a new room to his house. Jun’s goals have nothing to do with himself personally. 
Olaf: Get involved in uni! Learn more about his talent and practice it intentionally, including how to control it better so he is not overwhelmed in situations like the nightmare fog. 
Atta: Help Dot with her apprenticeship!! Learn more stuff about clumsy culture. Pass her petition about water fountains. 
Pip: Grow SSIC followers by 100+; grow Spill engagement by 20%; arrange guest speakers for SSIC and maybe help SSIC write a petition together?; get a solo for the spring concert; get a lead role in the summer musical; read 50 books in a year; drink less coffee (he will fail this last one) 
List one or more characters you have never interacted with that you would like to do so
Ferb. Technically I did interact with him but it was just ONE gif chat when he first got here and I would like to do more!! I think he’s great, i love all of Sid’s characters! 
Bianca: HOW HAVE I NOT RPED WITH BIANCA! I don’t know but I want to. Maybe Merida and Bianca would be interesting bc of RAS things! (Also I have interacted with Kristoff but I want to do stuff with Kristoff and trolls please message me bee if u want to do troll things...i love. them.) 
Rita: In a similar vein, I think Rita/Ber or Rita/Pip might be interesting. Pip totally looks up to Rita and sees her as a role model so i dunno that could be cool. 
Rose: Whitman: Kit, we need to have Rose and Merida interact. Fighty ladies. I am sure with the knights this can happen! 
Pacifica: Hello Lins, Pacifica and Ashleigh should be Best Friends Of Course. I could also maybe see Pacifica and Jun if Pacifica wants to do some kind of business philanthropy for her image etc. Or Olaf and Pacifica! Sounds like a wild time, that. 
Tod: Olaf/Tod would probably be very fun, I love Pixie friendships! Also maybe Ber bc i think Ber knows Tod from way back when maybe? 
Edward: Z PLEASE. PLEASE. Pip and Edward bc they are from the same movie and no other reason!! But I will also throw literally anyone at him. 
Plotting Exercise! Pick one of the resolutions/goals in #2 and plan a rough guideline to how you could accomplish it. Here’s an example.
Attendy: Atta goes ice skating with Wendy and has to stop bc of a headache and faints on the ice!!! 
@: Directly after attendy, Dot panics about Atta’s health and wants her to come clean. They fight! 
Full Moon Event: Atta faints again in front of everyone. MARLIN helps heal her and Dot/Sled confesses to Queen Clarion what’s going on. 
Clarion/Atta: Oh Honey You Got A Big Storm Coming
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🌊 anon humpday HC
It's Wednesday! Humpday hc: *out of breath* L:"Wooh, wow ok. Topping u was definitely great. Wow ok, ya gimme a minute.. how was it for u babe?" *also out of breath* K:"It, it felt really good actually. I thought it would hurt, but.. ahaha wow was I wrong." L:"Im glad I finally convinced u to let me top then" K:".. ya, im glad I tried it too. But L?" L gave him a questioning hum, K:" I don't think I'll wanna do it again. It was good.. I-I Just don't think I like how it makes me (1/?)🌊feel mentally? Like, I feel small, and idk, weird? I like the control when Im giving, but w/ this..." L:" It sounds like u went into bit of a subspace babe. Its ok, I understand that completely. Plus, I love the way u make me feel when I'm on the recieving end, so no worries ok?" And with that he gave his bf a loving kiss on the cheek. // So after that experience, they went back to their normal routine. K on top and L having the time of his L under him. He couldn't help but think (2/?)🌊back to that conversation they had had after the whole bottom K experience tho. K liked the way he felt physically.. just not mentally. And the mental part of sex is like the BIGGEST part there is!! So that's when he turns to the internet for questions. And ohhhh boyy did he find his damn answer..//Things started getting heated as usual, and after removing his last piece of clothing, L decided this was the time, L:"Babe u trust me right?" K:" Always, what is it? L:"I want u to try and (3/?)🌊bottom again-" K:"L, u know that I said I d-" L:" I know, I know! Just, hear me out ok?" K calms a bit and looks his bf in the eye w/ a small nod, L:"I.. did some research. And from what I gathered during that experience, u liked how it felt, right?" A nod, L:"Just mentally, u felt wrong?" A smaller nod, L:"Ok, ill get to it then, have u heard of power bottoming?" K:"Uhh, No?" L:"Ok, ok so its basically where, uh, u would be the top? But still on bottom?." K looked more confused, ya that (4/?)🌊made no sense L:“ Ok, so like, id be inside of u, but u’d be riding me, controling the speed, the situation, me.. everything” K:“holy… holy shit..” L:“ heh, so u wanna try?” K practically tackled him into a kiss, “ Uhm, YES? I definitely wanna try that!? Fuck babe..” and w/ that, they tried it. K obviously excited about the whole thing, and L smiling and laughing at how eager his bf was. K was dominant as hell, but still somehow melting while he rode L’s fingers during prep. When it (5/?)🌊got to K actually riding him... of god. L thinks he might have died. K held his arms above his head as he moved his hips like fucking magic. Slowly rolling them over L, then speeding it up to a quick erratic pace that had L mewling under K. If the breathless moans K made were anything to go by, he was having the time of his fuckinh life. It was hot as hell to see him like this.. and he's never seen K quite like this. It was like when he recieved the first time.. but not. Because now he (6/?)🌊was blissed out, completely and utterly shining w/ happiness and pure lust. They both probably lasted like 5 minutes, but the heck if that mattered. *out of breath* L:“ So, aha, how was that for u, cause I think I might have blacked out a little there..” *also out of breath* K:“ ohh my god. L.. fuck- I- I dont think I’ve ever felt like that in my life. It, it was like I was at my climax the entire time. Thankyou, thankyou, thank you-" (7/8)🌊his rambling was cut off by a kiss from L, :” Always~“ And that’s how Keith found out he was a power bottom (8/8)🌊 (And I would have done this not under anon, but ya know, I don't wanna be toooo horny on main lmao, cause this HC is fucking long) ***and if a part didn't send, then let me know, cause u probably either know who this is or I accidentally didn't click anon when I sent in one of the asks lmfao***
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vague-idea · 5 years
This is purely fueled by petty rage and caffeine so buckle the fuckle up.
There has been a lot of talk lately about if Celine was a good person, how bad Actor Mark was, blah blah blah. This is been a topic from pretty much day one of WKM but recently it’s popped up in relevancy. I’ve never really vocalized my thoughts on the matter, despite having many. I’m the kind of person who tears stories apart for fun, so I know a bit what I’m talking about. Get ready for these spicy hot takes, cause guess what: 
They’re all bad. All of them. Including everyone's favorite boy. That’s right, the uwu-too-pure-for-this-world-boy, Damien.  
Now put down your pitchforks for a second and hear me out. You can send me hate later. What I’m here to do is take a look at Mark’s characters, look at their actions (both implied and shown), and then show that none of them are innocent. If this is a mess, uhhh sucks to suck I guess. (the person sucking is me. hah gottem)
First, before I get into the characters however, we need to discuss Mark’s storytelling. Personally I like it quite a bit. It’s interesting and it’s engaging, but it does have its quirks and flaws. You can see the improvement, but it does effect how his characters have come across. Mark himself has admitted to writing Celine poorly in WKM, and I would tend to say that much of WKM should have been adjusted. It’s not “Who Killed Markiplier” but “Why Killed Markiplier” as Mark has said, and the why was never really shown in the series. It’s explained in a live-stream, and if you can’t get your intentions across in the series then something in the script is wrong. Having said that, Mark has improved his writing immensely and I applaud him for that. 
Mark prefers to tell a singular story, leaving much of what he intends up to speculation. He doesn’t tell you the story of how Wilford became the insane goofy murderer he is today; he shows you a moment of weakness and connection between Abe and Wilford. He doesn’t show you how Damien and Celine became Dark, he tells you the story of two siblings protecting each other and being backed into a corner in which playing the part of a villain is their only escape. The intention is plainly there, but you have to understand the characters to truly get the story. “You’re too focused on the minutia” is true. The fans pay too much attention to the details of the story. You have to focus on the characters and their motivations to understand the tale Mark is weaving. Don’t focus on Wilford being in two places at once, or Damien’s hand turning gray in one shot. Focus on the characters and who they are because in the end that’s what they are: characters. With the release of DAMIEN, Mark has made it clear that the characters are the important things, made to be placed into whatever story he pleases. (uh Mark if you’re reading this that is a dope idea and holy fuck im hype)
Now to actually talk about the characters. 
Let’s start with Celine, since she is the main focus of this debate. First and foremost, Celine is manipulative. She knows what she wants, and she will get it at any cost. This is shown from the moment she steps into the manor. She turns everyone against the DA. Isolating us, and making us feel vulnerable. Then, with a gracious olive branch, she let’s us help. We are now special, but we can only trust Celine. An interesting parallel to “Don’t Trust the Seer.” After the DA has the fall, Celine is there yet again. Forcing Damien asleep, she uses us to gain a body, and then kicks the DA out into the mirror, making us now a viewer of this world. In DAMIEN, she manipulates Damien into sleeping. Keeping him tucked away and safe. Celine’s primary characteristic is manipulation. Getting what she wants, no matter the cost. She is protective, she is abrasive, she is determined, and she is cold. 
Now let’s look at Mark. His personality isn’t so plainly laid out as the others (seeing as he fuckinn dies in the first five minutes), so we’re going to have to rely on what the others have said about him to get the picture. The first thing we hear about Mark is from the Colonel. Obviously, a man with prejudice, but still has an insightful look into who Mark is. “My name is Markiplier now! Forget that my friends are the ones who helped me along the way. Just look at me and my money. I need to pay people to be my friends. Ahaha. Oh you like me, too bad.” Then, even Mark himself has said: “I used to be somebody. Maybe not somebody good, but I was somebody.” (Granted this is from the meta ending, but I’m still going to use it because ADWM still applies and I’m an asshole and you can’t stop me) Both these sentences are inferring to a man who was changed by fame and fortune. This infers to a man who took and took, so up his own ass that he started ignoring his friends in favor of becoming richer and increasingly powerful. I think that is that crux of Mark’s character: power and control. 
In DAMIEN, Mark has some insightful comments that back this up. “You stole everything from me.” ... “Well you wouldn’t even have anything in the first place if it wasn’t for me.” ... “You were never good enough for Celine.” ... “I gave up everything for her!” This exchange back and forth between Damien and Mark leads me to believe that Mark, through his power and fame, gave the twins everything they had. He gave Damien his mayor position. He gave Celine money, influence, power, and his love. Mark might have thought he was doing these things for them, but if you look at who Mark is, he was doing these gracious actions to have control over the twins. Damien now owes Mark for giving him his job and his power. Celine owes Mark for her comfortable home and a loving husband. This is further proved by Mark’s interaction with the Colonel. Using the money that William owes to Mark, the guilt of cheating with his wife, Mark controls the Colonel and makes him work for him. Controls him, up til the moment that William looses his mind. Mark values control, and he values power. 
I don’t think I need to explain how Wilford is a bad person, but ya know let’s just say it: cheater and murderer. His character is insanely fun, and I love the depth and nuances to it, but he’s not the one we’re focusing on today. Here’s just here for me to say that I love him, and he was just a pawn in the backstory of WKM. 
Now, for the controversial opinion. Damien. Everyone’s sweet, innocent, could never hurt a fly, mayor. Well, sorry my guys but that is just not correct. Damien’s role in this story is integral, and let me say the misjudgment of his character annoys me a lot but that’s just cause I’m salty all the time so let’s just jump into it. Damien is not innocent. As Mark says, “Always the righteous crusader. Pure as the driven snow. Acting like you’re the only one without blood on your hands.” There is blood on his hands. Good intentions aside, Damien has a fatal flaw and that is that he is a coward. He may want what is best for everyone, but he cannot find his own spine. Throughout WKM, despite being the mayor - a fuckinn leadership position - he takes a backseat of running after the Colonel, running after the DA, and running after Celine. He is easily used, and easily discarded. He lets others walk over him, and in doing so lets everything around him fall apart. It isn’t until DAMIEN when he has lost literally everything that he finally sheds the title of pawn and becomes a player. Damien isn’t pure. He is soaked with the blood of every dead body he could not lead and he could not protect because he was too much of a coward to do what was right. 
Looking at all of these characters, I hesitate to label them as bad or good. I know I just said that they’re all bad, but welcome to clickbait. Celine is manipulative, but she cares about her brother and she fights for herself. Mark is power hungry, yet he loved and he lost. Damien is a coward, yet he cares for others. Looking at them as they are, I cannot say that they fit perfectly into role of villain or hero. This story isn’t that simple. It’s created to flip the script. 
But, everyone is arguing about Celine and Mark’s past so let’s jump into that mess of a conversation. 
Celine is a manipulator. Mark wants control and power. Damien wants everyone to be happy. William/Colonel has a one track mind and currently it’s set on fuck. This is who they are, and from this we can try and determine their backstory. Granted, this is my view and my speculation but I think I’m pretty on track. I can honestly say that at one point, Celine and Mark loved each other. They are both too obsessed with having what they want to settle for marrying someone they hate, or even marrying someone they were indifferent too. They loved each other, and they had to have each other. Things can change, however. What started as something fueled by love can turn into something fueled by vengeance. 
Mark is obsessed with control, and so he tried to keep a tight hold on what he loved. Celine detests being the pawn when she is the player, and so when she wanted William, she had to have him. Throughout the series it is shown that Mark viewed Celine as his. William/Colonel stole her from him. She was his, and she was taken. On the opposing side, Celine is no prize to be kept. Her love shifts from Mark to William/Colonel and she takes what she wants. At the end of the day, she would carve their hearts out for attempting to keep her in a cage as their pretty songbird. Also, I believe that Damien knew that Celine was cheating, but he couldn’t bare being the one to break apart his childhood friends, so he said nothing. He let his cowardice destroy what he only wanted to preserve. 
Celine and Mark could have never worked together, because they both want to control and they couldn’t control each other. Damien could not lead, and was used and walked over until he and those he loved were dead. William/Colonel barely had a say; each step he took was a line in Celine and Mark’s strategy. It wasn’t until he broke that he was able to break the script. 
So what does this mean, Eli? Who is the good guy and who is the bad guy? Why doesn’t this story play into exactly what I want? Why don’t these characters fit these little tropes I want to place upon them? 
It means none of that, reader. You can call them bad, and you can call them good. You can make Damien into a hero, and you can make Celine into an abuser. You can say Mark was taken advantage of, you can blame the manor, or you can call him evil. You can do whatever you want with them, but that is only possible by ignoring that they are so much more than that. This story is not meant to fit into a square. This story at its basis is to show that these are stereotypical characters, meant to play a role, who have broken it. 
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paladin-andric · 6 years
An Even Game
Hey, everyone! After finishing Blackheart I had a few ideas for some shorts, so I think I’ll be posting some! This one’s about a bunch of mercenaries taking some time off to play some rather elaborate games...
Sofia’s entrance into the company hall was far from silent, but with the boisterous shouts coming from the table, it might as well have been.
None of the group of five could hear her coming as they laughed and complained, the sound of rolling dice and shuffling paper being heard.
“It’s nonsense is what it is!”
“You’re just mad you’re losing!”
“Hey, I’m only losing ‘cause you stacked the game, you rat!”
The woman was a member of the Drakebloods, a mercenary company that had been successful enough to found their own hall. While small, as the company was, it was a pretty massive achievement for them.
It appeared several of the members were using their downtime to play games at the hall, all of them crowded around the round, wooden table and sat in cheap wooden chairs.
Sofia, a soldier within the company, chucked her things onto an empty table as she made her way to the end of game room. Ahead of her they sat, a massive map, a mess of cards and papers, and dice and miniature figurines taking up the entirety of the table.
“Hey boys,” she said casually, most of them turning to look at her.
“Oh, hey Sofia!” David answered, a notable chipperness in his voice.
David was one of three humans at the table, the others being Michael and Emanuel. The fourth member of the group was a koutu, one Sofia knew very well as Con. Though his true name was Conchobhar, enough of the company called him by the simpler nickname that he was now known by both.
The final man at the table was a saalik, one of the lizards from the desert kingdom across the seas. He was Bahim, one of the largest and most intimidating warriors in the whole company. His great size, plainly apparent strength, and frightening reptilian visage did little to show his true nature.
Emanuel smiled at her. “Hey, wanna join? We’re short a player!”
“Pona Federation’s still not taken,” Michael added, sounding a touch irritated.
“Uhh, actually I’d just like to watch, thanks,” Sofia answered, hands on her hips.
“Come on!” David said, trying to egg her on.
“We’d love if you joined us!” Conchobhar said cheerfully, clutching onto a slip of paper.
“Really, thanks but I don’t want to. I don’t even know what you’re playing.”
“We could teach you,” David said softly, a playful grin on his face.
“That’d take ages.” Michael’s voice was low and carried frustration in it. “This game’s already an hour in and we’ve barely done anything. Can we get a move on?”
“Hey...if she doesn’t want to play, we shouldn’t make her,” Bahim’s voice was quiet and meek, as it usually was. Quite a mismatch for the brutish-looking warrior.
“Tsk, whatever,” David said with a roll of his eyes, “If you say so…”
Sofia pulled a chair from another table and joined them, leaning over the massive map and piles of papers. “What in the world is this game, anyway? What needs THIS much work to play?”
“Deacan Kings!” Conchobhar said excitedly.
“Deacan Kings…?”
“You mean to tell me you’ve never played it?” Emmanuel asked, his tanned face staring at her in confusion.
She shook her head. “Never heard of it.”
“Wow…I thought everyone in the whole damn company played this at least once,” David mused.
“Not me. What IS it, anyway?”
“Deacan Kings is like playing history!” Conchobhar cried. “Err...well, like playing how history could have been, anyway. You pick a nation and try to manage your kingdom, and build up the administration, deal with court intrigue, and conduct politics with other plays, forge alliances, scheme, and try to conquer all of Deaco! It’s wonderful!”
Sofia crossed her arms and frowned. “Manage politics and administration? Sounds complicated.”
“Oh, it is!” Bahim said, a sort of shy happiness dancing on his face. “B-but it’s really fun! Once you learn everything, there’s just so much you can do! There’s so many different paths for you to take your nation! There’s dozens of laws you can change your stance on, and nation get their own bonuses, and your ruler gets personality traits that change things and limit what you can do, and how the game goes…” The large lizard stared off into the distance, lost in his joyful recollection of the rules like a child telling his parents about his favorite play.
“Hey, speaking of ruler traits…” David tapped the map. “Turn 20. Time for everyone to get one.”
The group all grabbed for a stack of notes in the corner, each taking one off the top one by one. As they looked at what trait their ruler now had, varying reactions came from all over the table.
“Oooh, I got workhorse!” Conchobhar said excitedly, “Yes!”
“Ah, whatever,” Michael said angrily, tossing his card to the table.
“What, what'd ya get?” David asked.
“Hey, that’s not bad at all!” Conchobhar said, “That’s amazing for the endgame!”
“Yeah...for when you have a massive empire,” the irritated human said, “I’ve got two regions, man. TWO. All cause David’s mad that I’m better than him.”
“Aww, what are you talking about? I thought you were GOOD at this game!” David laughed mockingly.
“Literally no one plays the kobold tribes, you ass. They get annexed by turn three, tops.”
“Michael’s the best Deacan Kings player, basically ever,” Conchobhar explained to Sofia in a low whisper, “Whoops everyone here every time we play. David complained so now he’s handicapped.”
The woman nodded, now understanding why Michael seemed so annoyed. He was too good to play with, so they had given him a nation so outgunned it would be hopeless to win in most other players’ hands.
“Oh, and soft-hearted boosts happiness and lowers unrest in every region,” the birdman added, “Pretty amazing when you’ve got dozens of places to keep under control.”
The woman nodded, becoming more interested in the game. “I see…God, this is complicated. Interesting, though...”
“And yet here you are at turn 20. I don’t see what you’re complaining about…” David was grinning like mad.
“Cause you’re BAD,” Michael said, flashing a grin of his own, “Five thousand tribal warriors, and you just can’t stamp me out.”
“Tsk. You got lucky!”
“Nope. Learn about terrain and maybe your massive army could beat a couple of kobolds with sticks,” he shot back.
“I’m gonna kick your ass!” David shouted, “Just wait til ya-”
The man’s eyes went wide as he stared down at his card, his mouth freezing in place.
“Oooh, I think he got something good,” Emmanuel said, looking over at the other man.
“What? What did you get?” Conchobhar asked, trying to peek over his card.
“...GENIUS!” David announced triumphantly, “King Bohem is now a genius!”
“Horseshit,” Michael grumbled. The others all chattered in excitement as he tapped the table, deep in thought.
“That’s a good trait, I’m guessing.” Sofia said, the others turning to look at her.
“Are you kidding?! It’s the best trait in the whole game!” David answered, still ecstatic.
“It lowers civil unrest, boosts tax and trade revenue, increases your military command, gives a nationwide boost to prosperity, and makes you able to change laws three times as fast!” Conchobar explained giddily.
“I haven’t seen anyone get genius in a long time,” Emmanuel said quietly, “Speaking of which...I’ve got agriculturalist now.”
“Aww, come on!” Michael complained, “Did EVERYONE but me get a good trait?!”
“Soft-hearted’s a good trait, just-”
“Just not for the current situation, yeah yeah yeah,” the increasingly frustrated man cut Conchobhar off, “I know.”
“A true ruler serves the people,” the koutu said with a sly grin.
“Chieftain Stonebark giving his slaves hugs doesn’t really matter when they’re all about to die, does it?” Michael said with a roll of his eyes.
“...ah.” Bahim’s eyes rose from his card, a sullen expression on his muzzle. “Err...cheer up, Michael. Stonebark’s got it better than the Sultan.”
“Oh dear. Get one of the negative traits?” the man replied.
“Ahaha...you know how David got the best trait in the game?” the large lizard smiled sheepishly. “Err...Sultan Venhim is now...insane.”
There was a brief pause, the entire room bathed in oppressive silence for a moment...before everyone erupted into laughter.
Sofia watched them all lose it, confused by their reactions.
“O-oh, God!” David slapped his thigh. “Oh, WOW!”
“Rest in peace, Abinsil,” Emmanuel said, trying not to laugh.
“Oh dear...that just leaves the kobold tribes as allies to the Koutu Kingdom,” Conchobhar said with a notable amount of worry.
“Tsk...sounds like I might need to sail down there and take a few regions, Bahim,” Emmanuel said.
“W-what?! Aww, come on!”
“Hey, my back’s been against the wall this whole game! I’ve gotta do what I’ve gotta do,” the human answered back.
Michael’s anger seemed to have evaporated. “Huh. I guess things really could be worse…”
“Uhh...why are you all talking like he’s just out of the game?” Sofia asked, “Is it really that bad?”
“Yes, and he basically is,” Conchobhar answered.
“Insane makes you roll the dice at the start of every one of your turns,” Michael explained, “If you roll lower than 20, every one of your actions, changing laws, moving troops, diplomacy and troop movements...is decided randomly by rolling to see what happens.”
“Insane rulers basically flail about doing nothing until their entire nation is wiped out, since they can’t even move their troops to defend or attack anything,” Emmanuel added.
“That sounds...really, really dumb and unfair,” Sofia said, rubbing her chin.
“Yeah, but it makes civil unrest skyrocket too.” Conchobhar flashed a scrap of paper with lists of names and traits. “If they survive long enough there should be a civil war, and since the player usually can’t respond in any way they’re beaten and overthrown quickly...not that anyone should TRY to keep an insane king in power! Once they roll for their new monarch they can start playing again.”
“Ugh...PLEASE don’t invade me,” Bahim whined, “I don’t wanna get kicked out now!”
“I don’t know…” David gave the lizard a predatory grin. “You’ve been developing your regions SO well. They’re so rich…”
“Aww, come on! Don’t! Pleeeaaase?”
“Hmm...I’ll send you a marriage proposal!” Conchobhar announced, “Then we can form an alliance and I’ll take the heat off of you!”
“R-really?! Wow, thanks!”
“Don’t thank him yet, your loony king still has to roll to accept,” Michael noted.
“I’ll just keep trying til we succeed!” the koutu said happily, “Then I can deploy in your regions!”
“Hey, now everyone’s in a coalition against me!” David cried, “No fair!”
“Hey, you’re the one who picked the overpowered nation,” Michael said with a grin, “It’s only natural.”
“Bah! I’ll just deploy dragons against you all!”
“Once my capital gets to the next prosperity level I can summon dragons too,” Michael said, “You’d better watch out…”
“Argh! I won’t let you live that long! I’m attacking you!”
Michael shifted miniatures as David did the same, the two of them moving their “soldiers” into lines across their borders.
“Better hope that this doesn’t end up like the last assault…” the kobold player said with a grin.
“Whatever!” is all David, the Geralthin player managed in response, grabbing a sheet of paper. “Pah...forty to one, you see that?! You’re hopelessly outnumbered.”
“Than it’s an even game.”
Sofia leaned back as she watched them all go, everyone shouting encouragements and playful insults as the two players prepared for battle.
Perhaps I should learn how to play, too…
Tag list: @thereisnothingwrongwithbeingmad, @lady-redshield-writes, @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword, @sheralynnramsey, @tawnywrites, @writer-on-time, @oceanwriter, @zwergis-spilledink, @fluffpiggy, @elliewritesfantasy, @homesteadhorner,  @laurenwastestimewriting, @elaynab-writing, @the-ichor-of-ruination, @disheveledcorvid-deactivated201, @reya-writes, @bexminx
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quelsentiment · 4 years
hi pal! wow tumblr truly is the worst haha sorry you got so many duplicates last time. i'll probably sen you a bit of a longer one this time too to make up for being so MIA lately. we just finished finals week at my uni and i was so exhausted all this week. thank you so so much for understanding though im so soft :( i hope youve been doing well!! tell me all about what's new with you! angst and fluff is my fav. i honestly dont even know what my ideal design would be. i used to think maybe i(1/?)
would get my name in my mom's native language (thai) or maybe something floral? i never put much thought into it tho bc ive never had any intention of actually getting one haha. what about you? oh, writing with a friend is the best! def makes it so much more fun and keeps you on track. i love that! getting matched with your artist sounds SO exciting. and how fun will it be to see art for your fic baby soon! omg! yeah writing has really kept me here even when i would be busy/uninterested my all time fav fic ever is Just Me, You, and this Box of Matches. it's such a fun, fast-paced read. what are some of your faves? yeah teaching has been great but i was def nervous to start! im in my 2nd year of my phd rn. oh linguistics is awesome! i took a class in ling in undergrad and it was fascinating. do you know yet what your plans are for once you finish? i went straight into my phd without a gap.. i suspected (i think correctly) that if i took a gap or worked i wouldnt go back LOL for the holidays i'll just be going to visit my parents! usually we'd get the whole family together but covid, so it'll just be us. im still excited tho. plus it'll be a great break to just chill, write, and sleep ahaha! my lab is really great but i only joined it about 2 months before covid really hit so i think it would feel way more home-y if we were in person. hopefully someday soon we will be! saame haha im so introverted it has hardly changed much for me - just no more eating out lol louis' concert!!! aah its been so long since i last messaged you im so sorry! he was AMAZING though. his VOICE! esp having been around for so long, my heart was so full it was bursting. i missed seeing him more than i realized! i hope you had a really great week and now that im done with finals and grading i should be wayyy more active and chat with you so much more. thank you though for being so understanding and lovely! i'm so excited to get to know you more too. ily!! xx 
hi pal!!
glad to see you back, and i’m happy you’re done with finals! i hope everything went well 💕
i’m doing good, my parents actually joined me where i live a few days ago, so we’ve been catching up! and my sister should come here tomorrow as well, so i think it’s gonna be my turn to be a bit unavailable in the next few days, sorry in advance 😌 otherwise i’m almost done with TA-ing for this term, but i’m also preparing a talk that i’m gonna do in mid-january at an online conference, so that should keep me busy throughout the holidays!
oh i love those design ideas!! but same, i haven’t thought about it that much, i guess ideally i’d like something small and cute, like a simple animal drawing or something...
i never heard of that fic, but i just checked the tags and it sounds so fun!! i’ll add it to my tbr, even though i’m hardly reading anything these days... i think one of my favourite fics is actually a zouis fic (i’m a sucker for this pairing 😌). it’s called About The Sea and is beautifully written, quite angsty as well!
yes, linguistics is pretty cool, it’s a very diverse field, and the perfect mix of science and humanities for me! but i’m not sure i want to stay in this field forever, tbh i’m kinda lost as to what to do afterwards, because i’m not sure academic research is really the way to go for me... what about you? are you planning on making a career in academia once you’re done with your phd? and do you have candidacy exams or something along the way? my ex-roommate was doing a phd in poli sci, and telling me about all she had to do, it sounded like A LOT :/
ah yes i feel you, working in person is much more fun and motivating, so i do hope your lab reopens soon!
YES seeing him was so calming and refreshing, and he sounded so good!! still can’t believe it happened, actually 🥺 what were your favourite songs from the set?
it’s always so nice to read your messages, but don’t worry if you’re busy, i totally understand!! weirdly the holidays tend to be the busiest time of the year haha
0 notes
sakuurae · 7 years
any writing tips u can share?? i adore your work so much, just the way everythings described flows so nicely~
Mmmm, im not the best with this, but ill try ^~^ thank you by the way! Ehehe, it means a lot.This advice will go on like stepping stones, haha.
1. This is probably the most broad thing i can say, but just keep on writing. When i used to tutor creative writing (or english as a whole, lol) i met a lot of students who were so focused on sculpting their writing to perfection, and the purpose of it was lost along the way. This happens a lot, from what ive seen, in creative writing. I feel as if when writers are more focused on creation their pieces to perfection in hopes of it being acknowledged and seen, theyre not writing for themselves anymore; thus, this leads into the second piece of advice. Practice makes perfect. Everything that you will write you are improving in every single piece—even if you dont realize it. The things ive written two weeks ago make me cringe, but thats a sign of improvement.
Work with your strengths, and improve your weaknesses.
Go back and read your old work so you can see what you like and dont like—what you should improve on or keep doing.
2. Write for yourself. The value of your work is so much more when you write for yourself because it makes you happy.
Moving onto the composition work…
1. Vocabulary bank. It takes a while to build up a wide vocabulary bank, but its worth it. In my opinion, its more engrossing to read a piece with a lot of high vocabulary over the simple words. It bumps up everything, and if theres a good sentence flow then its a plus.
I studied word lists everyday, and i always do every other day because i want to keep on building up my vocab. They are always out there, and its a total helper!!
For me, id rather read an entire piece that was written like an SRI test over pieces that dont have that much high lexicon.
This also becomes the case for the word said. There are many words out there to use aside said, like drones, equivocates, gasps, jeers, etc.
Ex: “He wanted to tell her the truth.” ➝ “He had an urge to apprise her of the concerning verities.”
2. Sentence structure. Some sentences are far too shot, and some are really extensive (and do not have commas, semi-colons—oh my goodness). Now, sentences dont always have to be extremely long; there should be a variety. Itll make the paragraph flow more, and you can get the emphasis where you want on certain places.
Ex: “His eyes shined under the darkness of the night. The smile that graced his face warmed you from the heart. And it was not an everyday occurrence for that to take place.” ➝ “The smile that graced his face made his eyes crinkle into crescent moons, the glint evident in his two orbs. It warmed you from the inside—his beaming grin—and it was not often you felt this from another individual.”
Speaking on this, try to not use the same prominent word twice in one sentence.
Ex: “He turned the paper face down, turning his head to face his friend.” ➝ “He turned the paper over, tilting his head to address his friend.”
3. Being metaphorical. Im not really sure how to elaborate on this; i guess it provides more depth/character to the paragraph?? Aah, heres an example instead.
Ex: “The sky was a calming blue, the cluster of brilliant stars surreal to your eyes.” ➝ “The curtain of aegean draped over the muted sky, golden pins splaying upon the surface.”
4. Adjectives. It bumps up your sentences—trust me. With more details, it becomes easier to picture in your mind. Have you read a smut without adjectives, and another smut with? The difference is quite prominent because with one you can imagine the scene with more detail, and the other not as well.
Ex: “His member was twitching, the pleasure of being inside you unbearable.” ➝ “His stiff member was twitching uncontrollably, the overwhelming pleasure of being inside you borderline unbearable.”
“Sweat dripped from his forehead.” ➝ “Beads of sweat slowly dripped from his forehead.”
But try to not be heavy on the adjectives… i still struggle with this, haha, but i think many readers can tell if you have a thesaurus in hand or not.
5. Paragraph breaks. This might not seem like a biggie, and it is completely up to you when you decide to break paragraphs, but there are times that one must paragraph break… like with dialogues or setting changes, or when a new character is introduced. Please… avoid the block… oh my goodness…
6. This might be a me thing… but go into detail with the actions. To say this under a brighter light, imagine this: actions during a kiss scene. When you kiss someone, you and the other’s mouths arent the only thing that are moving, and the touch of the lips arent the only thing youre feeling. 
Ex: “He pressed his lips against yours, his mouth prancing to the melody of your heartbeat.” (and thats it) ➝ “He pressed his lips against your own, his mouth prancing to the melody of your heartbeat as his hands trace the outline of your body. You palm snakes up his back, only to place it on the nape of his neck to tug him closer. At such a closed proximity, you noticed something else: his scent. There was a swirl of cinnamon and vanilla that intoxicated your senses… etc.”
What im trying to say is that going into some detail, brief or not, about actions will add more sparkle into the paragraph—especially dialogue.
Ex: “’You’re kidding me,’ he groaned, flailing his arms in the air animatedly. He was in a disbelief at the sudden news, lodged at a crossroads on how to respond. ‘You’re fucking kidding me!’
You took a step back, placing a fist over your heart cautiously. ‘I-I’m sorry,’ you uttered weakly, tears pooling at your eyes. ‘I didn’t mean to.’”
Obviously the apostrophes wont be there in the final product, lol, it would perturb me if i didnt write that grammatically correct, ahaha.
Think of these composition levels as a pyramid. From letters, to words, to sentences, to paragraphs, the purpose of the piece, etc. The letters would be the bottom. So if you mess up at the bottom of the pyramid, the rest is disrupted. I read over a paper before where the first and second base were horrendous, and i was correcting it so much. The student came up to me and asked me what i thought about the message of the piece, but i actually paused and thought. I was so focused on correcting the mistakes—paying attention to the mistakes—to the point i missed the entire purpose of the piece. So, honestly, proofreading will be your best friend here.
All of this falls under the tab of your style. Remember, dont try to force out word after word to sculpt your piece into perfection. Work with your strengths, find your weaknesses and improve.
On the finding inspiration and keeping motivation side…
1. Work at your own pace. Do what makes you feel like your best work will be exhibited, and dont let other deadlines push you at your limit. Personal deadlines would most likely take the fun out of your writing process, and you might miss some particulars youd wish to convey—so dont rush! Trust me on this, lol. I made this mistake again when writing overrated, and im so hesitant to even hit that upload button because of how much i rushed it to meet my personal deadline. I keep re-reading and editing it, but i know that if i spent my time on it and pushed aside the personal deadline then it would be better.
2. Inspiration comes at the most random of times. I got ideas from waiting in the line in the bathroom and in the middle of my english class; they come when you least expect them too. If you force it out then it wont be that good (for me, that is). Of course, you can go out and find inspiration by walking outside or listening to music, but dont try to force out ideas—let them come to you.
You can write about real life occurrences that have taken place, or base stories off those. ‘Two Cups of Sugar’ is based off my friends experience of trying to get a guys number at an ice cream bar, but always failing so she went back around seven times—and only got his name in the end.
An upcoming fic i have is based off my boyfriend and i, and how we came to be. To be honest, all my fics are based off some real life experiences i had, or some outrageous stories my friends have told me. ‘Study Sessions’ was some real events, and a few scenes in ‘After Hours.’ What im trying to say is that those simple stories can take you a long way. The scene that started ‘After Hours’ was my friend talking about a bar. It was supposed to be a 4k bar scene, but after thinking about her experience and incorporating it into my own piece, it built its own way to 21k, and an ongoing series.
3. Keeping up motivation. Depending on what youre writing, you should focus on those elements. For example, im writing two fics—one of them being a basketball au and the other a soccer au. My motivation for that has seriously been dying, so ive been watching basketball videos and soccer games to keep my motivation running. Also, it helps when writing out action scenes, ahaha. I also talk to my friends that play those sports and ask them about how they feel about it and the rules of the game. Just kindle your flame with more information.
I know im not the best at giving advice… and there is way more in this whole writing sphere that im not addressing, but i hope this helps!! This is just what i think, what i go through, and my opinion—i really hope this helps you out. I wasnt sure what department you wanted concrete information on, whether it be the writing process or inspiration side or etc, so i briefly did all three :)
I know its a lot, so thank you for spending the time to read all of this ^~^
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junhuisflower · 7 years
11 Questions
more like 22 questions for me 
So, I was tagged by @rapmonphile and @chim-jiminie-cricket to do this ask tag! (a long long long time ago but I really wanted to do this so i hope you don’t mind me suddenly popping in your activity with this) but yeah, thank you so much cuties!! 
A. always post the rules. Answer the questions then write 11 new ones.
B. Tag 11 people and link them to the post. Tell the person who tagged you that you’ve answered their question.
I tag: @peachymyg  @yourhopeyourangeeel and @rainjimin hope you guys don’t mind! Just though this was fun! 
My questions: (im putting my questions at the beginning cause this is gonna be a long post and this way, if you don’t want to read it, you don’t have to scroll all the way down to get to them ^^)
1. Who’s your bias group? (if you have one, if not then next questions are for you!)
2. Top 3 fav girl groups? And your bias from each group?
3. Top 3 fav boy groups? And your bias from each group?
4. Who’s your ultimate bias?
5. If you could say anything you want to your bias, what would you say? (I hope it’s okay to copy your question Chim! I just think this is such a cute question and I really want to see what others have to say!)
6. Favorite kpop music video?
7. If you could only listen to one BTS song for the rest of your life what song would you choose?
8. Favorite BTS album? and why?
9. Favorite lyrics from BTS?
10. First member that caught your attention in BTS? Why?
11. Who from BTS would you rather have as your brother?
CHIM’s QUESTIONS (ah idk your name so I wrote Chim! Hope you don’t mind)
1. How did you discover BTS?
Well, I first heard of them through an account here on tumblr (i don’t remember her url, but it’s from the artist Laia López, @itslopez on ig) and she started to reblog bts (specially jungkook) and her drawings of bts were so cute and i decided to give it a go at the time but I didn’t pay enough attention to them I guess (STUPID ME) and then this year I don’t quite remember how I actually started to actively listen to bts but here I am! (I think it was because some other accounts I followed turned into kpop ones too and I think that Laia also was posting more about Tae and I got curious again and yeah!) 
2. When did you become apart of ARMY?
February this year. I’m a baby fan, I still have so much to learn and see/watch omg so many bangtan bombs I haven’t watched yet for example askfdghsgfhg
3. What was your first k-pop song from memory?
I think my first kpop song was either Fire or Dope, and it was like early last year, but I only got into kpop this year. I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT TOOK ME SO LONG OMG WHY DID I NOT PAY ATTENTION TO IT AT THE TIME?!?!
4. Do you watch anime? If so, what’s your favourite anime?
Not really, no. But I’ve been meaning to start watching! I really wanna watch Attack on Titan, I heard it’s really good.
5. How many biases do you have, who are they (kpop in general)? 
omg, okay SO:
for BTS Jimin is my bias, but Jin is wanting to share the throne tbh
then Wonho and Hyungwon (I really can’t decide and I honestly bias everyone in Monsta X most of the times)
in got7 is Mark and Youngjae (but Yugyeom and Jaebum are testing me……. and also i love Jackson’s humor and Jinyoung’s sass and BamBam is the cutest…… i basically love everyone okay)
Jae from Day6 and Chen from EXO (but i still don’t know much about them and their groups)
6. What would you say to your BTS bias if you ever met him?
there’s so much I would want to say to Jimin… but mainly that I love him a lot, that he genuinely makes me so so happy and I’d thank him for everything. I would want to tell him that he is so talented and hardworking and that everyone values him and he is worth so much. I’m so proud of him and I feel so happy for him and for everything he accomplished so far with his brothers. I would tell him to take care of himself, cause he’s health is important and I just want him to be happy and healthy.  But in reality i would just say something really short and shy like “I love you so much! Thank you for everything!” and just die of embarrassment ahahah 
7. Would you rather date or become best friends your bias? 
honestly don’t know ahah I first would like to think that he would like me enough to be my friend. Aaaaah i really don’t know but tbh it’s easier for me to imagine me dating Jin than me dating Jimin, idk why??? I mean thinking about dating Jimin is awesome but I something tells me we would work better has best friends
8. What is your favourite song at the moment? (I have 4)
All In - Monsta X
Never Ever - GOT7
Cactus - A.C.E
9. Do you know any K-pop choreography? If so, which choreography?
Oh god 😂😂😂 I have tried to dance to some, but nope I can’t dance. The only kpop dance that a kinda know (and really badly) is Baepsae
10. Do a lot of people you know in real life also listen/enjoy k-pop?
No, no one actually… Which is kinda sad tbh cause sometimes I wish I could talk about it with my friends and like share the excitement but they think kpop is weird. And even if they don’t like it, I wish I could talk about it, make references about it or even have bts/monsta x/any of my biases as my lockscreen/homescreen without hearing some dumb comment about it…. because apparently having the people/person that inspires you and makes you happy and that you love as your phone backgroud is something childish and weird -.- Even the other day, I had a monsta x home screen and a friend saw it and was like “uhm why do you have 1d has your background???” and I said it wasn’t and their response was  “oh they’re the 1d from korea” and another friend just said “that’s even worse” like why??? Why is it so bad? Even when they just ask “who is that?” like its not the question but the tone they use….  im sorry about the rant, but this actually makes me sad :( 
11. What k-dramas would you recommend to everyone? 
I don’t watch kdramas… 😥 I really want to tho… But I still haven’t had the time and I actually don’t know where to watch them or what to watch, so like if anyone wants to help I’d be really happy and love you forever!
1.What is your favorite BTS music video? 
hmmmmmmmm tough question……… I adore Blood, Sweat & Tears Korean ver. (cause it was the mv that got me into bts and I was mesmerized by it), but I NEED U and RUN are pretty awesome, specially I NEED U omg it always gets to me
2.Who was your first bias in BTS, and why did he catch your attention?? 
Rap Monster! Cause he was the only face I could recognize in all the mvs at the time and his lips and voice and just the way he rapped “peaches and cream, sweeter than sweet, chocolate cheeks, chocolate wings” just made me melt right then and there, I would literally go back on the mv just to listen to that part countless times
3.Who is your BTS bias now? Any bias wreckers? 
Now my bias is Jimin. My bias wrecker is Jin.
4.Who are your OTPs? Namjin, Vmin, Yoonseok, Yoonmin
5.Who in BTS do you think has the best style?
hmmm that’s a hard question…. But if I really had to choose, personally, either Jin or Hobi. But we all know that Tae is the fashionista
6.Name 5 of your fave BTS songs:
You Never Walk Alone
House of Cards
Hold Me Tight
7.If you could be in a relationship with any k-pop idol, who would you pick, and why? 
This question is hard, like really really hard and I’ve been thinking about it for a while now and there were several idols on the list ahahah but I think I would pick Jin, I just think he would be a really caring and supportive boyfriend, always there for you and always looking out for you. Pretty romantic and cheesy sometimes and I like that (even though I sometimes say that i don’t). His hugs would be the best, really affectionate too! Dad jokes, I love dad jokes tbh so yeah lots of those if we were in a relationship ahah. Also, I feel like he would be the type to buy you flowers and well I love love flowers! And not to forget that he cooks, so bonus points for that! (also i have this ideal date with him on my head that would consist on cooking with him and just being all lovey dovey and lots of laughs and !!!! aaskgfdjh) . 
Idk there’s a lot more about him that makes me think he would be a really great boyfriend but I would be here for ever if I wrote it all ahahah also some people say is vanilla in bed but i disagree okay!! I think he would be somewhat dom! an he would be into pet names okay?? okay!!
8. Fav BTS era? either fire or run era 
9.Who in BTS do you think would be your best friend? 
idkkkkk, ah i feel like neither of them would like me enough to be best friends with tbh….. Hobi maybe? or Tae? I think that we have some things in common. But then thinking more about it, Yoongi reminds me a lot of one of my friends and we get along really well, so maybe Yoongi would  
10.What’s your fave hair color for each member of BTS?  
Jin - BLONDE 100% or that pinkie shade from bst
Jimin - black is the nº1 fav but i fell in love with Jimin when he had pink hair soooooo that one is also my fav ahaha (shoutout to the silver hair and orange hair too tho)
Jungkook - I love that black with purple tones or something that he had in Dope era, a lot!!
Tae - I really like to see Tae with light brown hair tbh he looks really cute like that
Yoongi - black hair on him it’s my fav look but i also really loved the blonde hair during Agust D
Hobi - i really like to see him with black hair but he looked really good with orange hair too
Namjoo - i love joon with silver hair and light brown (dark blonde??)
11.Pick 3 members of BTS to go on a vacation/road trip with: 
hmmm probably Jin, Hobi and Namjoon 
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nodaudaboutitt · 7 years
for the get to know the blogger thing: even numbers in the 130 range
OH Boy, this is gunna be a long one
2. What is your favorite piece of clothing you own / owned?
I have a shirt of a lady wearing a panda mask, it looks really nice and im actually wearing it right now ahaha, also really like my star wars X-Wing hoodie :D4. What does your perfect room look like?
Im not really sure tbh, although it would be nice if there was a little more space and better lighting than my room has. Would love to get some small plants and stuff and some owl related cushions or something6. What fictional place would you like to visit?
Would be interesting to visit Dunwall from Dishonored or one of the many planets in Star Wars, would love to go see a Podrace or something!8. When was the last time you climbed a tree?
2014, its the same time i fell out of a tree and broke my collarbone ahaha10. What is the most annoying habit that you or other people have?
I check my phone way too much which is kinda annoying to me, although my dad gets really annoyed that i bounce my legs ahaha12. What skill would you like to master?
It would be rad to master a language (Although im on my way to that) or maybe my skating or art14. If you had unlimited funds to build a house to live on for the rest of your life, what would the finished house look like?
Honestly i would probably just buy a cozy apartment and get a cat or something, ive never really thought about such before16. What state or country do you never want to go back to?Havent actually got anywhere i would never want to go back to yet 18. What game or movie universe would you like to live in?
As cool as the Metro games are, not that one ahaha. maybe the world of Star Trek or something :D20. Are you usually early or late?
Im usually quite early tbh 22. When people come to you for help, what do they usually need help with?
Not really sure tbh, i cant remember, although people occasionally ask me about assignments or such so there that24. What do you wish you knew more about?
Well cos im finding programming a tad tricky at uni, i would say that, but tbh i would love to know more about astrophysics or anything related to rocketry and piloting !26. What are some small things that make your day better?
A cup of tea in my favourite mug, someone complimenting how i look, my dog saying hi when i get home 28. What’s the best way to start the day?
By slamming my face into the pillow and going back to sleep ahaha, nah i think a relaxed morning with some tea and a nice breakfast or something
30. What TV channel doesn’t exist but really should?
Would be cool to have a channel for all the space exploration stuff, lunno if it would be widely popular or not but i would love to see such 32. What age do you wish you could stay at permanently?
Im not really sure tbh 34. What’s your ideal way to spend a weekend?
My ideal weekend is to laze about at home and play videogames, bake some stuff or work on some art. I just feel really comfy at home so being able to relax at home all weekend sounds ideal to me36. What is your claim to fame?
Im not really sure if i have one?38. What’s your favorite book or movie genre?
I really dig science fiction, although with movies i also like the action genre :D40. What have you only recently formed an opinion about?42. What subject interests you that not many people have heard of?
I couldnt think of anything people havent really heard of but i really enjoy reading about early nasa, so stuff like the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs44. What’s the best book series or TV series you’ve ever read or watched?
I think at the moment, the best Tv series for me is Band of Brothers46. What’s the most heartwarming thing you’ve ever seen?
Those videos of people meeting family or friends in the airport that live really far away, everyone is so happy in those and its really nice :D48. What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with no preparation?
I could probably give a presentation on ww2 or the moon missions, not 100% accurate or super detailed but yeah, well that or the Lore of various games and movies i like50. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?
Travel, just seeing somewhere new, the journey and exploration involved, its really cool :D52. What’s your dream car?absolutely no clue54. What is something a ton of people are obsessed with, but you just don’t get?
Game of Thrones, that new show on netflix56. Where is the most interesting place you’ve been?When i lived in England i went to the transport museum and also the various imperial war museums, those were absolutely fantastic. Over here in straya though? probably the top of sydney harbour bridge, that was pretty gnarly58. What is the best thing that happened to you last week?
Well i just got my grade back for my programming assignment and i got 70% :D60. If all jobs had the same pay rate and hours, what job would you want to have?
Im not sure, although at the moment im studying game design at uni so i would probably go for that anyway ahaAlthough if there was an opportunity it would be cool to become an astronaut or ww2 historian62. How different was your life 1 year ago?
Well i couldnt ice skate, i wasnt doing a degree, i think i was in  somewhat crappier state than i am now. But things have been improving over the last few years :)64. What would you rate 10/10?
Ahh im not good at rating or ranking anything, i guess the new star wars? (Rogue one)66. What is the most interesting piece of art you’ve seen?
Im not really sure, i dont think ive been to see art in ages, although i really like the art my friend @echey does! its super awesome stuff!68. What do you hope never changes?
My ability to find good in a bad situation70. What movie title best describes your life?I cant even think of one tbh72. What’s the best way a person can spend their time?Just do what you enjoy i guess74. Where is the most relaxing place you’ve ever been?
Botanical gardens in adelaide are really nice, dont go there too often but theyre relaxing as heck76. Where would you rather be from?
As much as i talk shit about england, i dont think id want to be from anywhere else78. What do you look forward to in the next 6 months?New alien movie, end of first semester, turn 20 next month, Dunkirk movie, lots of cool stuff :D80. What one thing do you really want but can’t afford?Either a trip overseas or all those games that i have on my wishlist rn82. Where would you spend all your time if you could?Im not sure tbh, i guess anywhere i feel comfortable?84. What age do you want to live to?ahh thats a tough one, i guess in my 20′s? 86. What are you absolutely determined to do?
Get through my degree and get a job in my chosen field88. What do you wish you knew more about?theres so much i wish i knew more about ;-;90. What question can you ask to find out the most about a person??? iunno dude92. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?iunno? any compliment is nice to me :D94. Who inspires you to be better?nothing comes to mind but im sure theres someone :/96. What haven’t you grown out of?my favourite tshirt ahaha 98. What’s the dumbest thing you’ve done that actually turned out pretty well?no bloody clue but im sure it was absolutely stupid aha100. What’s something you will never do again?climb a tree and break my collarbone102. What keeps you up at night?my messed up sleep schedule mainly, although those weird night time depressed moods get ya too 104. What is the most illegal thing you’ve ever done?probably underage drinking106. What are you afraid people see when they look at you?a worthless shithead108. What do you look down on people for?being absolute wankers, although in my degree the thing i really look down on is those people that are like “How did you not get that? its easy!” or generally act like a know it all and give you shit over coding, like chill out lads and help each other110. What lie do you tell most often?im fine, im not tired, im used to it, ill be fine,  couldnt think of one so heres the top ones i can think off112. What is the best & worst thing about getting older?Can buy what you want, but worst thing is that the older you get, the more youre looked down on for being unemployed114. If you had a personal flag, what would be on it?probably a kickass dragon!!116. What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned?
Don’t procrastinate/ set your deadline a day or two early and start early so if you do procrastinate, it would fuck you up as bad118. What are you famous for among your friends & family?I think with friends im mostly famous for random history (Mainly ww2) facts and at home im mostly known for my shitty humour i think ahaha120. What one responsibility do you wish you didn’t have?122. What do you want to tell your 10-year-old self?Don’t give a shit about what others might think, just do what makes you happy and be how you feel you should124. What’s the best thing about you?My terrible humour, my optimism 126. Have you ever saved someone’s life?Who knows?128. What would a mirror opposite of you look like?Like a reverse image of me? nah ahaha probably a massive asshole, but at the same time theyre probably putting them self first and their happiness so iunno130. Which of your scars has the best story behind it?Got a massive scar over my right collarbone, had to get surgery on it when i broke it and so now ive got a metal plate in my body aha
thank you for the ask!!
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aibrechts · 7 years
(1 of a lot probably) aaAAAAAND I'm back! This time only at 2am tho haha, and as for why, you see, I met this wonderful, talented young man a few weeks ago and I wouldn't miss talking to him for the world. In any case, on the confidentiality thing, please don't worry meu amigo bonito. I trust your judgement, and either way, I /am/ still masked behind anon y'know hahaha. It's all good
I KNOW ITS BEEN LIKE A DAY AND IM SO SORRY everything is happening all at once All The Time sighs honestly i wish i could just lay back and bask in ur sunny conversation, even if just for one day;;;
that’s true, that’s true, i think i have an idea of who you are (or rather, which blog you run) but it almost seems a shame to figure out... that being said, if you are who i think you are then your writing is absolutely breathtaking, and as golden as your heart
(onto #2!) Chester seems plenty lovable btw haha. And I gotta agree that it'd be nigh impossible to find a better home for him. What he has with you? That's the genuine article, and you take /extremely/ good care of him and the others to boot. I'm sure even a famous boy like him gets awestruck sometimes by how lucky and loved he is. Poor Wisdom though! Like /damn/ hahaha. Tough break, kiddo. Tough break hahaha. That's what he gets for trashing the joint tho. {~J}
chester is the perfect man, it’s true, and wisdom is an absolute brat but he has his moments lol. he’s growing on me, similar to that fungal infection thats growing all over his poor handsome face :( i gave him a special bath for it yesterday, and he LOVED it, he loves being pampered. fifteen minutes of me scrubbing at all his itchy spots and spraying water in his mouth to keep him happy when i have to hose his face, and he looks so lovely clean now!!!!!
i know, i know, its sounds gross lol but it’s really not so bad. we caught it very early and he gets those baths twice a week, so it’s cleared up really well!!! 
it’s simply the time of year, i think. hot and humid, ponies sweating under their rugs, too many of them with stupid injuries - fudge had surgery on two of his legs a few months ago, and he’s about to start rehab; lulu got a.... skin cancer??? cut out of her stomach, and that’s been delightfully gross to maintain; rudi’s vice is flies - he’s very sensitive on his legs, and kicks so hard that he cuts his own ankles, poor boy; nikki went lame somehow and no one knows how or why but she seems fine now???????; and we were SO WORRIED that chester had an abscess in his hoof bc a big chunk went missing out of it, but the farrier came for him today and everything was fine, the hole trimmed out clean and simple. 
BIG SIGH THEY’RE....... SO DIFFICULT. so much to maintain, and rumple is as sick as ever but he’s old so that hardly counts. the only ones who are really maintaining themselves are wyn and louie, and i honestly don’t know how louie does it with how he runs around like a maniac all day. BUT ANYWAY!!!!
3 never did end up coming through lol so i’ll move right on
(and then there were 4) What can I say? Your silvered light dazzles even the sun, and inspires the moon and stars with its iridescent brilliance. It'd be a crime to put someone so amazing on hold hahaha.
i dont know much lol but i know im a saggittarius. i seem to be surrounded by scorpios at this point in my life, and i can hardly find a thing to complain about. you’re all absolutely wonderful, and i always seem to be quite taken with your crew’s company ahahaha. 
rather, im surrounded by water signs in general LOL. my siblings are each pisces, cancer and scorpio, i met a bartender last night who was a scorpio, and kimmy is one too lmao yall are everywhere and im Loving it
(#5 comin in hOt) You were also right on the water-affinity thing though haha. I actually knew how to swim before I knew how to walk, believe it or not. Anyway, that picture is absolute /gold/. It really is. And the prophesy was fulfilled so completely that even Voldysmoldy was blown away. You look dashing, by the way! 120/10 best wrapping paper boob stuffer. On the subject of talking though, /holy hell/ don't tempt me I would /gladly/ talk with you all day without hesitation hahaha
LAUGHS thank you i certainly try my best. my brother’s a good sport, and i somehow feel like a strong mix between him and the sister im now living with (the cancer, if you’re curious ahaha). every day we’ll find ourselves saying the same thing at the same time, and every now and then she’ll give me a strange look and say i sound just like leo, or even that i look like him for a moment ahahaha. 
it’s interesting, it’s strange. i’ve always looked up to them so much (being the youngest and all), so it feels oddly like a compliment, whenever these things happen. 
(#6)(just think, two more of those and you get one of me hahaha). Onto the sleeve tho! The circle maze sounds /fantastic/, and I bet it looks really cool right now, though I'm sure the finished product will be absolutely astronomical. The design you have in mind sounds /epic/! (for real though tatts are so expensive I feel your pain there hahaha)(may the Force be with you I believe in you)(you got this)(you SO got this)(you're gonna kick this resolution's ass). {~J}
lmaoo thank you thank you, i intend to bust so much money on it this year. i still have my lower forearm to design, but i’ve thoroughly plotted out the rest of my arm; the maze is given to inception, the next installment will be vaguely reminiscent of kingdom hearts, and pokemon will take up the space from halfway up my forearm before turning into cc beyond my elbow. so it’s just that part on the back of my forearm that is a bit of a blank canvas rn ahahaha
(holy hell I might need more than 7) I regretfully inform you though that I can't and I shan't cease to flatter you, because you deserve to know the truth of how talented and wonderful you are. And I definitely agree on the balance thing. The devil is in the details and complexity is key, so all the more reason to be proud of how amazing your works are! And /20k/? /Damn/ that's impressive! (and even tho I prefer halloween, I for one will gladly plunge back into the tinsel for you hahaha) {~J}
it’s officially 22k but i haven’t had time to work on it the past couple of dayssssss BUT I FIGURED OUT THE LAST SCENE so it’s only a matter of spare time lololol
(#8 because what's second christmas without snowmen? lol) I'm glad to hear you've got a pretty solid sleep schedule by the way! (and it definitely /was/ worth the discomfort)(still slept like a rock the followin night tho hahaha). I'm really happy that Alma appears to be defying the odds by the way! True to their namesake, and all thanks to their wonderful father. Sheesh. I knew you were dynamically skilled, but this just proves you're magical haha. In your care? I know they'll flourish. {~J}
LOL i am LOVING these message starters btw. yesss tho my family has always been keen on growing things lol. mum had a magnificent herb garden, and i’ve never seen oregano as big as what’s growing in my garden rn. we just planted dahlias where the sunflowers used to be and i wasn’t sure they’d be alright, but they really seem to be flourishing!! im so glad!!!!
(9/9 for the new record hahaha) I'm so proud of both you and them! Not to be punny, but I'm a sap anyway when it comes to plants. or, well, all of nature really haha, and Alma looks really great from the pic I saw! Anyway, speaking of hocus-pocusing, I hope today has been absolutely magical for you, as you deserve no less than the wondrous and the fantastic. Talk to you soon, meu amigo bonito! {~J}
lmfaooo i love that. and yes, their leaves are so cute!!!! so small!!!!! thank u so much tho, the past couple of days have been pretty great. I’m wondering if i can worm a morning off out of my sister, considering she’ll have a day off on sunday and i’ll be working at the cafe from 7 lol;;;; i desperately want to finish starboy, but time really is my enemy right now ahahahaa
thank you so much for all this, i adore you and i hope you managed to get to bed at a reasonable time tonight!!!! sleep well, i’ll see you soon
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thisisittheme · 8 years
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New Life in the Hay
So... It’s been a long time since I have posted anything on here because I suck and have lost track of time just being a floaty weirdo. But basically, since Christmas, a lot has happened. My art has really reached a high burning point and I’m working to quite a high standard. Everything from my books to just random photography and even small doodles turns into stuff I impress myself with. It’s bee really cool, watching Donnie Darko in the cinema reignited a part of my youth from 2012 which I had lost contact with and it really fueled my writing and gave me an emotional boost. I also reconnected with other parts of that year like leaving school, going through counselling, prom and really truly enjoying my life- it’s amazing how music can really take a snap shot of a time era and take you back. Anyways having a renewed interest and perspective on these memories and the stuff I was thinking about and going through at the time has been really amazing for my work.
Unfortunately other areas of my life have felt less great- I’ve been feeling pretty lonely lately- really lonely actually. I think about my ex and catch his eye in a picture and kinda’ get bummed out for myself. I don’t think I necessarily miss him as much as I miss having someone around. I think about how immature I was in that relationship and feel kind of bad but the guy made it very clear he wanted nothing to do with me ever ago so thats kinda fine by me.
Work has also been pretty bollocks. Long story short my colleagues weren’t treating me with respect (bitching about me, trying to get me in trouble and being flat out rude) SO I’m leaving now. Getting some paid time off which is great though. I luckily have made one friend there and she’s so much more worth talking about then the nasty bitches I was originally going to rant about here. Her name is Lou and shes honestly one of the best people I’ve ever met. She’s a good 30 years older than me but we get on pretty well. She gave me lifts in most of the time and we’ d chat. Shes both very mature and very pleasantly immature at the same time. As much as she takes people, issues and work very seriously shes so ready to sit back and have a laugh and a dance. Many a time have we had a good laugh and I’d like to think she’ll stay with me in life. She recently gave me permission to keep in contact ahaha it was after I rang her asking for advice on what to do as me leaving has been so abrupt. The reason I asked her is because shes had an amazing past. She packed up when she was 18 and was a stewoway (sp?) and went travelling all around the world and did all kinds of jobs and didnt come back home for 5 years. I’m so envious of that and she doesnt even brag about it. She left back in October and I’ve really missed, but it was great to hear her voice again.
Since I’ve left my job my lifes been a strange old hurricane that I cant differentiate between destructive and beautiful. It’s not destructive but I get the adrenaline as if it is. Everyday I feel excited to be alive, everything is a treat and everything I do feels so special. Staying up with music and working on my book is great. I still have some work to do towards my apprenticeship and I’m really happy for it, it’s nice to go into college and work on the computers. Its like im back at school- except I have a healthy state of mind and a large sum of money. It’s great to see my friends and not fel the pressure of being confined to a weekend or short useage of holiday or something. It’s good to be able to explore and actually feel like I’m going somewhere with my life. I did so many amazing things, went to so many exotic and crazy places and had one of the best years ever in 2016- like damn I was such a free bird I saw my favourite band ( Bring me the Horizon [dont judge]) live I went to france, austria, london 4 times, stratford upon avon, southampton, bristol and so many just day trips to a bunch of other places and it was so great. Journeys and memories made which I’ll never forget- especially since I’ve started taking photography more seriously. But yeah now I’m even more free I want to work abroad like Lou- I keep getting excited lying in bed at night at the thought of being a grape picker in Spain and just working on some art at night looking out the window, still in my shorts because the weather is so good. Listening to Mac Demarco - My Old Man / Lana Del Rey - Cruel World and Blonde Tongues - Hey Good Lookin’ and feeling so happy. It’s like I’m already there and I want to achieve it. Since getting the first ever print of my book it feels like anything is possible. Anything can be a reality.
This is my “New Life In the Hay”
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