#so is phrygian
humanmorph · 8 months
i do still (occasionally) (also when keith mentions it) think about how noone really interacted with phrygian much outside of their humanoid shape much (room, place, objects etc), and when they did it usually went with a general sense of that being so strange / weird / kind of offputting. and of course part of it is that it's jokes from the cast & saying things like 'i don't want to party inside of you' are just kind of funny, i guess*, and on the other hand (watsonian) i can buy it from the characters who were raised with/under anti-branched propaganda, HOWEVER
Get over it!! Get over it!!!!! Skill‼️ Issue‼️
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I love Uncle Rick. He's a great dude (I think lol). But I will NEVER forgive him for how he wrote Achilles in The Last Olympian. If you know, you know.
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bittersweet-mojo · 1 year
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I am a Scientist sent to research God and instead I am fighting in a War.
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eclecticopposition · 8 months
Happy Secret Samol to 152Createz! They asked for Phrygian getting to meet Eclectic and Leap, and have a great time together! We are happy to announce that we have therefore written a novel about three guys that have never talked on screen.
There's Branched lore. There's a deep dive into Phrygian's situation and metal state. There are man-cannons. There is legit a mystery. There are multiple metal heists. There's aioli. It gets fucked up and political and sad. It gets gender. It gets weird. Shoutouts to Branched Man.
Chapter one and two are up now, and more are on the way! Enjoy!
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wereshrew-admirer · 1 year
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Kalvin Brnine, fashion icon for 15daysoffatt day 9; sick as shit
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Drawing fanart for friends at the table Palisade is so stupid.
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dailydemonspotlight · 2 months
Cybele - Day 89
Race: Lady
Arcana: Lovers
Alignment: Light-Chaos
August 8th, 2024
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One of the most fascinating things one can observe throughout mythology, if not history as a whole, is the way ideas are passed around as years go by. Several religious concepts that are well known from one area could actually have originated from somewhere completely different, or could have traveled to different further sources that continued to expand on that idea. This can be observed most obviously in the case of the ancient Romans basically abducting several Greek deities into their own pantheon, but the Greeks themselves were far from innocent as well. After all, they did the same with a goddess years prior, one who was originally from Anatolia- and this goddess, of course, was none other than today's Demon of the Day, Cybele. This phenomenon could actually also be observed with even more deities, including fucking Dionysus, but I'll leave that to his own spotlight. That twink will get his time sometime soon.
Generally, though it is possible to link earlier, people believe that Cybele originated in modern day Turkey, being a figure of worship and the primary goddess of Phrygia, if not the only goddess in their worship. This is mostly attested through ancient sculpture depictions found in Phrygian ruins, including the famous Seated Woman of Çatalhöyük, which is commonly believed to represent her, and shows her in a motherly role, something which, among other evidence, seems to point to her being an archetypical mother goddess much like Gaia. The cult that placed her as their only god was incredibly prevalent throughout Phrygia, at least when it comes to where artifacts can be found from my understanding. This led to some strangeness, however, when ancient Greek colonizers came to Asia Minor.
The cults worshipping Cybele were slowly adopted and subsumed into Greece, causing Cybele to become a new goddess in the Greek pantheon... albeit with some changes. After all, there already was a mother goddess in the form of Gaia and the Earth itself, and this led to inevitable conflict and controversy. Her interpretation changed from place to place, being most commonly depicted as a mystery goddess in connection to none other than our 'favorite' castrated god, Attis, appearing as his consort whom he cuts off his balls to. Greek mythology never changes. Curiously, her appearance was also somewhat similar to that of a fellow Greek god, Pan- she was frequently accompanied in her appearances by wine, frantic music, and ecstasy, much like Pan would bring panic by playing his music. She moved from a motherly role to a far more enigmatic one, though this was only the second part of this strange game of telephone.
As time went on and the Romans did their Romaning thing, one of the many gods they adopted from Greek mythology was, of course, Cybele, though now in yet another, even stranger form. Cybele had went from one of the oldest gods in the world, to the goddess of birth, to a goddess of nature, and now, in Rome, she had become, as described in her new epithet, "Mater Deum Magna Idaea," or 'Great Idaean Mother of the Gods.' This sudden evolution wasn't unwarranted, given her role as a goddess of birth and connections to motherhood, but it still felt a bit like a stretch, no? Regardless, even in her newly important form, she was still a rather enigmatic entity, though her role as birthing not just humanity but also the gods themselves was of great importance. The cult that worshipped her were well known for their fervent rituals, adding on to the odd connections between Cybele and Pan as well. Overall, though, one can easily say that she was, in general, a goddess of motherhood, birth, and nature.
Now, as for SMT, this is... not really depicted? I'm not sure what I expected, but a seductive blue lady with a rope surrounding her is an odd design for her, to say the least. It's not that I dislike it too much, in fact I'm rather fond of the nod to Attis with her dual daggers, but it still feels a bit odd in contrast with her generally motherly depictions. I guess her being tits out is meant to play into that with... well, you know, but still. I can't even find much reason for her looking like this, frankly, but whatever- I'm no art critic. I'd highly recommend you look into Cybele even more, as I only scratched the surface of this proverbial iceberg, but time is short and I'm on vacation, so I can't promise my work is gonna be the best it could be. Regardless, though, hope you enjoyed!
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ofdreamsanddoodles · 1 year
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Phrygian and Figure for FaTT pin up week day one: beach
and yes, i'm counting this as a pin up of phyrgian, too
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seafleece · 6 months
i’ve been relistening to both the palisade and partizan soundtracks a lot lately, both because i’m catching up on palisade and lately it’s had plenty of implications for both seasons as a whole and because i’m slowly writing my own hack/setting/something about screaming mechs and i think the thing that strikes me listening the second time to partizan is how different it feels when you think of each synth as the voice of a mech or divine that is Screaming and Afraid and Alive. or just like. the sound of metal being Used. how scary would the sound of welding be to a robot. do the columnar or divines or any other synthetic people hear the constant alarms on ships like icebreaker or palisade and hear screaming. the way humans hear screaming in death whistles. posthumanism will not save you from body horror and from witnessing horrors made of flesh or seeing bodies corrupted destroyed and used. and in fact you are even more vulnerable. or something.
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fourteenfishteen · 1 year
Phrygian scientist math harvest is gonna make me go crazy i just. like f@tt is fundamentally... not a sciency show in some ways? in a way that i think is broadly good right. because one of the things f@tt is doing is like. challenging the myth of science/progress as a linear good thing. sometimes ""science"" is just a bunch of assholes coming into your home to suck up the natural resources.
obviously f@tt is not anti-intellectual by any means i mean. god have u listened to austin talk for any amount of time. but the point is you rarely see "science" that isn't being turned to make some kind of Horrible Gun right. A divine or a gun or an awful sword. Especially in the divine settings i think?
So the kinds of knowledge you see most sympathetically are like, the telluricists where it's a mix of survival skills and theory, or samot/samothes/primo/aubrey where it's like, craftwork.
so it's striking to see phrygian as like. traditional-as-far-as-branched-can-be researcher interested in math and the abstract and patience and analysis. "hey i need to do some tests to improve my spit" like as fully a process of self experimentation more than practice. (while also being a little weirdo room guy with awful fashion taste.) it feels novel & cool. "check out these branched math tricks" i was hollering!
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humanmorph · 7 months
looking in / reflection
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i've got a lot of phrygian+room concept sketches but this is probably my favourite i've made, so i wanted to color it. i like how it turned out!
(+ just the lines:
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1taliart · 1 year
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My brain is too full of Mycenaean/Minoan frescos, I just had to create something. And what better than a first attempt at the face that lunched a thousand ships.
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estbela · 2 months
Wanna make an OC for Phrygia (eventually), the personfication of the phrygian people I guess. In the greek myths, a phrygian king, Midas, had the golden touch (you all probably heard about this tale), so maybe I could do some reference to that. I think they would also love music. Perhaps I'll have them wear a phrygian cap(also known as the liberty cap) as part of their design?
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dykeredhood · 2 months
Do y’all seriously not recognize a Phrygian cap
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garden-ghoul · 5 months
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telomirage · 3 months
"[phrygian] is gonna do a puppet show for everyone at jade kill to make them feel better. no, this is a terrible idea" - dkddjdjdkd oh my god
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