#so it mustve fell out of my pocket on my way to class
getting-messi · 2 years
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thenightowl4l · 3 years
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You guys run for a good minute through the schoolyard durining lunch. It was a beautiful day the sun was shinning, the clouds were fluffy, the sky was a gorgeous light blue, The grass was bright green swaying gently with the cool fresh breeze.''Kuroo come back here i have to tell you something'' you say giggling a little while running towards him out of of breath."No way your just trying to hit me for eating your hot cheeto puffs, im not that dumb" kuroo said yelling while running away from you with a big smiled plastered on his face. He eventually came to a stop when the fences to the school blocked him. he looked right then left in urgency to get away from you before you could catch up to him. His eyes widened at the idea of climbing the fence, he quickly ran up on the metal fence and put his hands and feet into the holes whilst slowly climbing up. out of breath you say "Dont...even ...think... bout it" with your hand resting on his back as your bending down with your other hand on your chest trying to catch your breath."Dang...you caught me,... i guess ill get that beaten then" he said as he jumped off and towered over you with a bright chamring smile on his face. you rose up and looked up to him dead in the face."You got dat right, and you will pay" you smirked and side eyed him while walking behind him slowly his eyes was on you the whole the time as you were doing so. Then suddenly you grabbed the pack of strawberry flavored twistlers that was in the back of his pocket and ran off with it toward the school building laughing angelically."Heyy~ Y/N come back here" he said running after you."Not a chance, You shouldve had never ate my cheetos you know i dont play bout my food, boi." you said while gasping air between each word, you turned around quickly and saw he was on your heels. Your eyes widened you starting squeeling a little as he tackled you "Gently" to the ground with his hands around yours waist. The the schoolyard was full of you and his laughter. you had your eyes closed while laughing whislt he was on top of you giggling a little but also looking at each of your features and thinking how beautiful you are. he loved to hear you laugh it sounded angelic to him, that's why he called you his.."Angel.." Kuroo said looking at your E/C eyes that shimmered slightly due to the reflection of the sun while your curls fell on the ground enhancing your beauty."Hehe...Wassup"
“I-i lov-“
"Y/N girl if you dont wake up, im been trying to wake you up for the past 10mins. You mustve had a good dream, cuz you was knocked OUT man i aint never seen you sleep long. you usually be the one waking me up " Victoria said interuppting your flashback.
"Yea it was a good a dream till you interuppted it before i was getting to the good part" you said slightly annoyed while taking the covers off, rubbing the crust of your eyes and walked towards the bathroom to get ready quickly before the Professor yells at you.
"Aight I see it like dat now, next time your butt in fairy dream land im not waking you up no more, So~ ungrateful...Oh and i put the money i owe you back on your nighstand, ugly" victoria said yelling from the kitchen making some cream of wheat for the both you.
You laughed a little at what she said and responded Saying" Thank you girl, your very much aprreciated'' you say walking out the bathroom and into your side of of the bedroom pulling out clothes from your closet to pick out your outfit the day.
You got dressed, did your hair and walked out the bedroom into the small kitchen.
"So how i look love" you say smiling a little.
"GURLLL~!!!! YOU LOOK GOOD, turn around for me'' you turned slowly then faced her again.
" Yes sis your killing it, loving the fit" Victoria said hyping you up with her hand over her mouth in a circle shape to make her voice sound louder and deeper.
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"Thank ya, Thank Ya, hun you look good too sis." you said dancing a little smiling.
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"Thank you~ and No problem gurl, you know im your hype girl, so if noone else can do it you know Good and well, im finna do it" she said placing your cream of wheat on the small table in the kitchen.
"im glad i got you as a friend, fattie" you laughed and said
" you don't appreciate me" she said fake crying
"Girl whatever and Thank you for the food" then you prayed before you ate your breakfast.
You and Victoria walked in the hallway headed towards your first class. You opened the door and sat down in the very back and victoria sat in front of you.
You placed your bag underneath the table and got out a pen and paper. And started to take the notes the proffesor had on the board.
After an 1hr you went to your next class, but without Victoria because she only had the first class with you. Once you were done with that class you walked to the vending machine, put in the money and pressed some words and numbers and the Hot cheeto puffs fell at the bottom. you bent down and grabbed the chips out of the slot. You stood straight and opened the bag of chips putting one cheeto into your mouth which was hanging half way out. Suddenly you heard some foot steps and giggling, out of curosity you turned around and what you saw shocked you. It was a tall man with messy bed like hair, with hazel eyes. And next to him was a woman with black medium length hair and glasses right beside him with his hand around her waist. You were taken aback it was like you seen him before, but you couldnt really remember. you stand still in the middle of the hall way looking dumb. Staring right at the couple trying to contemplate were you seen this man before. It was like it was in slow motion, him and the girl walked passed you with the cheeto still in your mouth hanging. When suddenly he smiled and laughed at the comment the girl beside him made. His smile is what made you remember who this man was...It was
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catfish-and-the · 6 years
aight ive been getting super emo over my favourite sunny eyed dreamboat boy mr sir van mccann so im just going to record my catb concert from three years ago here so it doesnt “wisp away with the sands of time” as i wrote in seventh grade (not after the catb concert) disclaimer i kno that some catb fans say that catb arent the same as they were way back when and im not here to counter that but this is what happened to me when catb were still small and it was 2015 and i know that things mustve changed but im here to document my own experience my hands are shaking btw
June 9 2015 - Varsity Theatre, Minneapolis MN
We got to the venue super early cos we wanted front row or something super fuckin close to front row and yeah man there were maybe like 5 people ahead of us super cool i had my clear backpack, my classic clear concert backpack, and im not really sure how we passed the time but eventually i was “sent on a mission” to see what lies in the alley between the venue and the adjacent building and so i walk over as casually as possible and i pass by the alley and turn my head and lo and behold tall boy Van is standing there in his green reflective sunglasses and dark outfit and i fuckign STOP cos van just he radiates this wonderful energy of that classic leo magnificence but hes smiling, hes friendly and he waves to me and i, being socially inexperienced, am too afraid to approach him so i wave back and WALK BACK THE WAY I CAME. so van watches me pass by the alley, wave at his wave, and then go back. super weird. i regret it but i think its funny. all i know is van smiled at me and he waved at me and i did something clumsy
concert: fuckin grand man i love the balcony, i love the red lights, i loved being second row dead center in front of dreamboat boy i love hourglass i still have my all time fav catb song rango on video fuckin class tops every concert ive been to so far bc i was second row (but am was so good too)
post concert: we were waiting s o l o n g for catb to come out. they didnt come out. I again was sent another mission back to the alley and there i saw a Very Tall Figure and was like fuck. somehow we approached and somehow I got pushed to the front so alas im standing in this narrow fucking alley at like midnight w a very tall man (whos beaming at me, sunglasses OFF) and since im in the front vans like approaching and i was yellin at myself like dont fuckign stand there bihinch so i muster the courage to meet him halfway and he greets me and holds out his hand for me to shake (I shake it) and here things start getting a little blurry in terms of order so here it is, most likely out of order but who will ever know for sure:
Somehow we hug. I forgot if i asked or if it just happendd but we hug. Hes very soft and very warm and he smiled.
i told him how great the concert was and how much i loved his music and how his concert “made my night.” He said something (while smiling) and then he said “youve just made my night” and of course i insist that hes made MY night cos like... no ones ever told me i meant something before so i told him again “you made my night” and HE SAYS “YOUVE MADE MINE” AGAIN LIKE BOY...... TAKE MY COMPLIMENT (he won the argument i left it at “no, you made my night”)
i remember that i got him a gift and a letter so at some point i pull it out and hand it to him. He smiles and says thank you, “i’ll be sure to read it” and tucks the letter into his chest pocket meanwhile i also hand him a little stuffed turtle and i, being a Weakling in social situations, quickly explain that i hope he likes it and that “im not sure if you like turtles, but-” and he cuts me off and reassures me that h eDOES like turtles and he takes the Little Turtle in his hand and bends down next to me (cos im small and van is Tall) and tells me about the time a fan gave him a little turtle bracelet ehich he wore almost all the time and pointed to his wrist of the arm he wore it with (i forget, oh dear. i believe it was his right?) (”but it broke”) and he looked at me and smiled while we were in that position his presence is very warm and then he straightens back up and holds the little turtle in his hand up against the golden streetlight where he “promises to take good care of it” and i swear the pure joy on his face the entire time made me fall in love (though it fell dormant until 2018)
At soe point i take a very bad, very poor quality selfy with van but to this day it remains on the back of my clear phonecase becasue we looked so happy despite the terrible lighting and it reminds me of him. van had to bend down next to me to take the picture, and his arm was around my shoulders. He was hesitant to stand back upright cos he thought i wanted ot take more. i didnt (another regret but boy do i treasure the one selfy)
I hand my phone to catbs old manager for group pics. He (the manager) and van take selfies on my phone, which i dont discover until later
we take group pictures. we r all happy. i havent looked at those.
i know its time to leave because i want the other fans to meet the band. I dont want to leave obviously. I ask van for another hug. I hold on to him very tight, and he does the same. i can only reach his collarbone, despite him bending down to reach me.
Van has an endearing way of hugging, ive noted, where we hug at the side (my right, his left) together while the other sides are kinda separate, not touching, but u have ur arms wrapped around eachother, my right arm underneath his left and onto his back while he can quite literally put his entire arm around me, the opposite arms are kind of around each other. I try to go onto my toes to hold on to him closer because he feels like a safe haven and he makes me feel like i belong somewhere and he makes me feel tranquil and warm and everything positive but not in the jittery excitement kind of way, just peaceful. I hold on to him very tight. its the last time.
We wave goodbye. its very cold without him despite being warm enough to wear a skirt and short sleeve
I go home and remember that i have another little turtle, but this one is blue and a bit worn (thus i gave van the green one). I name it Van and keep it on my bookshelf.
#sometimes when im upset i repeat these details to myself in order to ingrain it into my memory forever becasue#im so afraid of losing it and of losing the memory of him.#and this is why its so hard for me to believe that hes changed (for the Not Better) because when i met him#you couldnt mistake the pure happiness on his fasce and no one really has ever looked that way because of me before#and so ever since then i like to call van my best friend because tast how he made me feel like we were best frineds#but i know we arent and i think it would be sad to call him that when these days i do have friends so i call him my 'Best Fendi' cos hes a#'designer boy' and fendi is pretty close to friend in terms of spelling and ive realized the yellow lights are the yellow of fendi hahah#oh man im oging to cry i havent iver tried writing stories that are based off of this but ive never written anything so specific#like plotlines tossed this is what happened this is what i remember no characters to hide behind nothing this is it#its been htree years and i still havent gone back to listen to tyrants or watch my videos i know ill cry if i do#it was the first time i felt like i belonged somewhere because up until then the only friends i had were toxic friends#so i like to think of van as my first friend#ok im fuckign rambling now im going to stop here hahahhahhah#ignore me#june 9 2015#if if if#this is why im so in denial of what youve been saying about van changing i just after that i couldnt believe#i cant believe that what they say and the boy i met are the same#even though rationally i know they are right but Emo Me loves to disregard it thus this blog is still functioning#with love letters and sappy tags and heart eyes#maybe i wont ever come to accept it#and so van became one of my fav boys not just catb as my top 4 bands but van himself#i dont knwo i dont have enough control over the english language to descrive everything i dont i wish i did#💚💚💚
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mint chocolate chip
i got bored and i liked this idea so i ran with it. longer than i intended.. could probably turn into something longer. eh (simons pov) 
simon has a very bad week, and baz makes the mistake of grabbing the last tub of simon’s favorite ice cream
words: 2.4 k
this was the last straw. the last, very short straw of a number of shitty straws i had received this week.
agatha broke things off. for the last time, i think. "si, this just isn't working anymore. we've both known that for a long time. and, well... i think i'm asexual, i dont know. i have some stuff to figure out simon, and i think i have to do this alone."
i could still see her, standing in front of me in the living room. i had romantic candles lit all around the room. and i (penny) made a fancy dinner, that was laid out on the only tablecloth that penny and i owned that i had yet to stain.
she didnt cry, but i certainly did. it was humiliating. i thought we had finally been making it work this time, and i was even going to ask her to move in with me and penny. hence the fancy dinner.
so she left me there on the couch and i spent the rest of the night crying in the tub (with a bottle of red wine).
then, because i stayed up all night crying (and very drunk), I missed the bus to class tuesday morning. which meant i had to walk 2 hours to school in the rain while hungover (in a torrential downpour) and i missed my class anyways.
i didnt even get to turn in my paper, because even my professor had left by then. it would have been the best paper i wrote all semester too; instead, i watched the grade be entered as a zero. i tried to email my professor, but i already knew it was hopeless because she was a bitch. and i always fell asleep in class, so i wasnt exactly her favorite student.
by the time penny came around to give me a lift home, i was soaked to bone. i knew something was wrong the moment i got in the car, but i didnt press her. normally penny greeted me with tea, a scone, and a perky hello, but she was as somber as the rain outside.
she didnt say anything for a long time. we were almost back to the flat when she turned the volume down on the radio and turned to me. "hey, simon, do you remember micah?" penny asked.
"what a bloody idiotic question penny, of course i remember your boyfriend. im hungover, not stupid." i snorted, grabbing my sopping wet bag from the back seat.
she killed the engine; she was watching me with that expression of pity, the one she wore every time agatha said she wanted to take a break. "he's moving to london." she mumbled.
"pen, that's great! now i won't have to listen to your skype dates and-"
"we signed the lease for an apartment today." she gulped.
my world was spinning. i stopped walking, "when, um... is he in town? you never mentioned... was this a split second decision? i..." i always knew that penny move move out someday. i thought it would be farther down the road. i'd need to find a new roommate, because there was no way i could continue to afford the apartment penny and i had by myself...
"when are you leaving?" i blurted out.
"i spent today packing. im almost ready to go. micah and i are going to finish packing and moving everything from my apartment to the new one tomorrow. do you want to help?"
"you mean... i only have one day to find a new roommate?" i couldn't help the anger boiling in my stomach. she gave me no warning whatsoever and the rent was due next friday. im not proud of what i did next, but theres no going back.
i stormed into my room and locked it behind me. i couldn't look at any of penny's packed boxes. i didn't even stop when micah called out a greeting. i was too upset, and i didnt really know the guy well enough to let him see me cry. the took turns trying to coax me out of my room throughout the night, penny even went out and bought me sour cherry scones from my favorite bakery across town. i didnt have any appetite.
i got out of the house before they woke up. i had work, anyways. thankfully, it had stopped raining sometime last night. unfortunately, the puddles remained. a taxi flew around the curb with no warning and soaked my jeans and shoes (my good jeans).
"bloody fucking merlin and morgana-" i shouted, before the mother behind me hurriedly covered the ears of her toddler.
I made it to the starbucks where i worked, and took in the comforting smell of coffee and sugar and the faint smell of cleaner that was used to wipe down the counters each night. it was apparently the only dependable thing in my life right now.
"sorry im late, trixie, i had a bad morning-" I sighed, grabbing my apron off the back rack.
trixie (my boss) just waved me into her office, "simon?" she was sorting through piles of paperwork and notices, and it took her a moment before she realized i was already in her office.
"so, simon-"
"yeah?" i responded, more focused on trying to tie the apron behind my back. i had terrible hand-eye coordination as is, it didnt help when you took one factor out of the equation. I could smell coffee wafting in from the front, and i prayed trixie would be quick so i could go out and grab a cup for myself.
"we had to make some budget cuts this month, so we have to let some people go... im so sorry, simon. here's your last paycheck."
trixie held out a sad, slumped little slip of paper. i stared at her, barely registering her words. after an awkward minute of silence, i took the check and left the apron draped over the chair opposite her desk. i didnt make eye contact with my coworkers as i left and i prayed they hadnt been able to hear the entire conversation between me and trixie, if it could be called a conversation.
i knew they mustve heard, even if they didnt it wasnt hard to put two and two together.
i shoved the check into my (wet) jeans pocket and made my way towards the flat. halfway home, i turned into the bank and cashed the check, knowing there was no way i would remember to do it tomorrow.
this was turning out to be the worst week of my life.
when i got back to the flat, half the boxes, micah, and penny were nowhere to be found. i holed myself up in my room again, this time having the foresight to take some food back into my room with me. i blasted my music, and kept the door locked again. the lock wouldnt actually keep penny out (there was a key for every room in the house) but if it was locked she wouldnt bother trying to intrude on my sob fest.
when i woke up, the house was empty. i made my way into the bathroom to freshen up and tried to ignore how quiet the flat was now. penny had even taken a lot of the photos and such with her, but she left most of the furniture (out of pity, i think). her and micah would get to buy all new furniture, together.
on the kitchen counter was a note, a key, and an address. her new apartment was within walking distance still (ten minutes or so). i imagined they were still settling in, and i still had nothing to say to her (i wasn't mad, i was just... not ready). anyways, i needed to start searching for a new roommate.
i went and grabbed my laptop, and settled in on the couch. i ignored the notifications reminding me to study or finish this project or that, and delved into my search. i didnt have class until later tonight, and i didnt have a job to get to either, so i had most of the day free.
i needed to search for a new job, too. there was no way i could afford rent if i didnt have a job, let alone a roommate to split the bill.
i had no idea where to start. i didn't really want to live with a stranger, but i absolutely didnt want to lose this apartment either. it was so close to campus, and i liked being near all the other students. it was ina great part of town, and almost everything i needed was within walking distance. maybe i could ask a classmate if they wanted to move in? it seems a bit short notice, and i imagine that by the end of the first semester everyone already has a place to live anyways.
i was screwed.
i grabbed some take out on my way back home, alone, and spent the rest of the night procrastinating homework and responsibilities. this is why i needed penny.
it was obvious friday was following the same downward spiral when i woke up to a text from agatha, asking if she could come by to talk. she wanted to stay friends and she thought she left a jumper at my place.
i almost fell off the couch at four o'clock, when agatha let herself in to find me in my boxers on the couch.
"oh, hi, simon. didnt you hear me knocking?" she asked, hanging up her jacket and unraveling a scarf from her neck. i could smell her from here. that perfume would haunt me forever. i never really liked that scent. i'd have to light a candle after she leaves.
"no..." i mumbled, trying to be discreet as as tried to get my pants back on as fast as possible. agatha headed straight for my room to look for her jumper. she had no qualms, did she?
"simon, where did everything go? why is the flat so empty?" agatha asked, drawing back the curtains to let some sunlight into my cave. didn't she think this was awkward? why was she acting so normal?
i cleared my throat, "uh, penny moved out. she got an apartment with micah a few blocks down. she sprung it on me this tuesday." i covered the emotion in my voice.
"oh, well, thats great for penny and micah." she hummed and finally found her jumper, which had wound up in my laundry.
she started for the door. i refrained from going after her. i wasnt going to chase her and beg her to come back, not this time. even agatha seemed surprised. she stopped at the door, almost as if to tell my this was my last chance to chase her down and beg for her forgiveness.
i didnt move.
"it was good to see you, simon." she smiled and twisted the door knob, "coffee sometime, okay?"
"no, thank you, though." i said. i didnt miss the flash of surprise in her eyes as she shut the door behind her. i cranked the volume back up, and cried in tune with adele.
come dinner time, i made my way into the kitchen to try and find something to eat.
the fridge and cabinets were empty. all that was left was a jar of curry, a bag of peanuts, and expired milk. i let out a moan. penny always did the shopping.
i peeked at the clock. it was already nine. but i was starving, and i wanted ice cream. i deserved ice cream, after this shitty week. and maybe some alcohol. any type of alcohol.
i tugged on my old Watford sweatshirt and a pair of grey sweats, and dug through piles of crap until i found my wallet.
the store was half empty, and there was only one cashier open still, slowly checking out one old lady who couldnt seem to remember what she was doing. i made my way towards the milk and ice cream first.
i grabbed a smaller milk, because there was no way i would finish a whole one without penny, and it didnt look like id be getting a new roommate yet.
i stopped. there was another boy by the ice cream, grabbing the last tub of mint chocolate chip.
i lost it.
"no, no, no! merlin, no, you dont get to have the last of the mint chocolate chip!" i exclaimed and the guy jumped, spinning on his heel to face me. why was he in jeans, it was nine thirty already? who wears such nice jeans out to the grocery store.
"excuse me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"if you dont mind, id like that tub of ice cream. i deserve it. i had the fucking worst week of my life. and all i want is to go home, eat some goddamn mint chocolate chip ice cream, get drunk, and pretend im not doing it alone." i shouted. he stared for a minute, before he broke out in laughter.
my face went red, but i didnt back down. i wasnt letting him take that ice cream away from me, i didnt care how gorgeous he was.
"i dont want to be alone, either." he smirked. "but you cant finish this whole tub by yourself."
"then come help me." i teased. i couldnt help it. that smirk was infectious. and he had pretty eyes.
"fine. but youre buying the alcohol." he said, pointing towards the next aisle. he followed me into the next aisle over, and we picked out various bottles of various alcohols.
he didnt make me pay. in fact, he paid for my milk too. and then i let him follow me back to my flat.
"im baz." he said, holding out a slender hand.
i dont remember how we got there, but i didnt mind when i woke up on top of baz, stretched out on my couch, with him in a pair of my sweats (those bloody jeans may have been hot but i knew they werent comfortable). i didnt even mind the hangover i could feel coming, or the messy, empty tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream on my coffee table.
not when baz was kissing me, mumbling “good morning, darling,” in my ear.
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