#so its russian Ukrainian english and now Spanish
Excerpts from Ze's NY Times interview
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ohsalome · 2 years
And I am once again reminding you that for centuries, Ukraine wasn't given its own voice in the world discourse. Our history, politics, culture were written by the people who colonised us and benefited from convincing the world (and us!) of a distorted picture. A good majority of information in English language that exists about Ukraine, that you believe to be the default knowledge of the world, is such distorted information. Because that is how russian propaganda work. They take a snippet of truth and blow it out of proportion and add a bouquet of lies to it and repeat it many-many times until you think that it is just basic information about the world that everyone knows.
No, Ukraine is not run by nazi. Ukraine has a non-zero percent of nazi population that is marginalized out of politics because their rhetoric is not relatable to the majority of the electorate, which leans towards socialistic populism and anarchism.
No, ukraine is not "brotherly nation" with russia. Antropoligically we belong to the same slavic family of nations that includes many other eastern europeans like czechs, polish, moldovan etc. There is no reason to select russians, belorussians and ukrainians into a distinct category that isn't political. The idea of "three brotherly nations" was literally created by a theologist Theofan Prokopovych as a part of philosophical justification to russian imperialism in the 19th century meaning of the word.
No, DNR and LNR are not "people's republics". They were created by russian army, run by the russian army and following the orders from the kremlin. Russis spent decades trying to create a dissident movement in the eastern Ukraine but failed and stepped down to brute force. Everything you see in the southern Ukraine now has happened in the east in 2014. The only difference is that y'all swallowed russian lies back then.
No, Crimea didn't have a "referendum to join russia". Russian soldiers occupied the peninsula, forced the politicians under the gunpoint to announce the referendum, and made sure that the results would be the ones they like. The native population of the peninsula, crimean tatars, that had been twice genocided by the russians in the past, boycotted the referendum. Despite making up only ~12% of the population, crimean tatar rallies were much more numerous than those of the russians in Crimea. The people who "supported" the "return of Crimea" were russian nationals, who moved to the peninsula after the ethnic cleansing of the native population and proclaimed that "it has always been theirs".
No, Ukraine doesn't have a "government-run kill list". Myrotvorets is (1) run by the volunteers, not the government, (2) is a database of pro-russian propagandists, and (3) hardly anyone on that database has been killed so far. FFS, our current first lady used to be in this database.
No, Ukraine didn't ban russian language. Ukraine has implemented laws that would help ukrainian book, music, film industry survive the competition with russian industry that has for many years monopolised our market. Ukraine has implemented the law that our politicians need to know ukrainian language if they want to hold office (this will sound surreal, but many didn't. Can you imagine such scenario in any other country? A spanish minister that doesn't speak spanish?). Ukraine has implemented a law that websites, advertisements published in foreign languages need to have the information accessible in ukrainian as well Ukraine has implemented laws that state that ukrainian citizens have a right to governmental service in Ukrainian. And if you bothered to open the law you criticise at least ONCE, you would have seen that every article has a clarification "the communication can happen in any language as long as both parties consent, but if the consumer requests to be served in ukrainian, the provider is obligated to respond to them in ukrainian".
No, Ukraine doesn't use the war as an excuse to repress the political opposition. The only people that have been "repressed" are the ones who have been colluding with ruZzia and have helped in organising the invasion of Ukraine. FFS one of those "poor oppositioners" is literally putin's godfather, and another visits russian tv channels agitating russians to nuke Kyiv. The proof against them is overwhelming and well-documented, and ukrainian civil society has been pressuring our government to stop them for literal years. Even today, many russian agents remain in governmental structures.
No, Euromaidan was not a "coup". It was a response of civil society to the police brutality and usurpation of power. We do not need white saviours to tell us that being beat up at peaceful protests is bad. We have enough agency to understand this without external help.
It's almost a year of this war. It's high time for people to stop spreading russian propaganda, especially if they claim to support Ukraine. I am yet to see a "both sides are wrong" argument that wasn't based on russian propaganda.
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unhonestlymirror · 1 year
"If you take school and university textbooks, which list nations, it is written there that the French were born in the early Middle Ages, the English, the Poles, they all lead from there. And for some reason, we [Ukrainians] need to have origins from the 14th century. The question is, why? Was there any hiatus between the 12th and 15th centuries? No. The population has not changed...
They say, "Tatars used to go here"! The Tatars used to go here, but the Tatars did not sit down here because the Tatars and Mongols needed the steppe. They imposed taxes, and they themselves fled into the steppe.
It should be said that there is no hiatus, which Moscow archaeologists insisted on, and the absence of this hiatus was proven by Soviet archaeology in the 60s and 70s, that there was no depopulation here. Kyiv is an ancient Ukrainian city, just as Kyivan Rus is an ancient Ukrainian state. Why? Because general historical laws. The first stage of European ethnic groups existed - this is the tribal stage. From the 500s to the 900s, about 400 years, all these ethnic groups - the English, the French, the Poles, the Ukrainians, the Serbs - did not have a single ethnonym, they consisted of separate tribal unions. The tribal stage of existence is the entire early Middle Ages. The English consisted of Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. The Poles consisted of five tribes - the Kashubs, the Mazovshans, the Slenzyans, the Vislyans, and the Polyans. And from these tribes five dialects are now left in the Polish language. And the Ukrainians consisted of Polyans, Drevlians, Volhynians, Ulychis, Carpathian Croats... Europe is maturing somewhere in the year 900-1000, and all these peoples are creating their first aristocratic national states. The first English kingdom arises in the year 1000, around this time, the first Polish kingdom of the Piast dynasty arises. At the same time, the Prague principality of the Czechs emerged, at the same time, the Serbian state and Rus, with its centre in Kyiv, emerged. That is, this is a universal regularity. Since all these states that I have listed are considered Polish, English, Serbian or Spanish states in the medieval stage of development in the textbooks of these countries, we have no reason to doubt the Ukrainianness of Rus. Who wants to doubt - please break these universal laws.
You know that Meshko the First lived in the time of Volodymyr the Holy, and his son Boleslav the Brave - in the time of Yaroslav the Wise. So, Meshko the First and Boleslav the Brave are Polish kings, but try to tell someone that Volodymyr the Holy or Yaroslav the Wise are Ukrainians. You will be spit on! Moreover, by the Ukrainians themselves. And, by the way, all the walls of Sophia of Kyiv are covered with Ukrainian texts, Serhiy Vysotsky also spoke about this. Before his death, he called me and told me that there were Ukrainian texts there, but it was impossible to write about it. In the book he published, all this is translated into Russian.
What elements are there on the walls? Наприклад, клична форма української мови – «Петре», «коню», «князю», що питомо українське, в російській мові цього немає. Дієслова на «-ти» – іти, ходити. Дієслова на «-мо» – живемо, ходимо. Давальний відмінок однини чоловічого роду – князеві, Петрові, Іванові.
Vasiliy Klyuchevskii, a great russian patriot, when asked what language the prince of Kyiv spoke, he said: the language that grandmothers speak in the bazaars in Kyiv now. There are a huge number of these proofs in this regard.
Agatangel Krymsky also wrote about these linguistic features. He has an article about what language was spoken in princely Kyiv. He composed a phrase from the words of the 12th century and accompanied it with the following words: no Moscow professor will understand this phrase, and any grandmother from the Kyiv bazaar will. The phrase sounded like this: «Кицька сидить на призьбі, доки її окропом з глека не злякають або хорти лови не влаштують».
So, summing up, princely Kyiv was as much Ukrainian as London was English, Gniezno was Polish, and Paris was French. These were not Ukrainians, Frenchmen, or Poles as they are now. Because it is an organism, and the organism develops. And these were Ukrainians, Poles, and Englishmen at that medieval stage of development."
Leonid Zaliznyak
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dontforgetukraine · 2 months
To understand Ukraine better, think about Ireland
What analogy would help American Catholics understand the situation in Ukraine?
Perhaps we should think about Ireland.
Like Ukraine, Ireland was dominated for more than 200 years by a huge imperial neighbor. Britain in Ireland. Russia in Ukraine. Both nations disappeared from political maps for more than two centuries.
Ireland got its independence from Britain in 1921 after 230 years of domination. Ukraine was finally free of Russian (Soviet) domination in 1991, after more than nearly 300 years of domination. Ukraine had the added problem of more than one colonial ruler, with Poland and Lithuania and Austria in the west, the Ottoman Turks in the south, and the Russians in the east.
Ukraine is a huge country, with relatively level topography, in the middle of Europe. It has been overrun with invaders since the Mongols invaded in the 13th century from the east. Poland and Lithuania dominated Ukraine in the west. In 1686, the Treaty of Eternal Peace between the Polish/Lithuanian confederation and tsarist Russia divided Ukraine in two, with everything east of the Dnieper River and Kyiv going to the Russians. So, beginning in the 1690s Russia dominated eastern Ukraine. They did their best to eclipse Ukrainian culture and referred condescendingly to Ukrainians and "Little Russians." Even the name "Ukraine" is from the Russian perspective. It means "borderland" — and the border is from Moscow's perspective. 
Language is an important part of identity. The indigenous languages of Ireland and Ukraine were both suppressed and supplanted by their colonial rulers. Ireland's educated elite spoke English and were sent to England to study. Ukraine's educated elite spoke the languages of their cultural masters: Polish in the west, Russian in the east. Under the tsars and the Soviets, the elites from Ukraine were sent to Russia to study and were expected to become cultural Russians. Today the Ukrainian language is making a comeback, even in the east. In Ukraine, I've met several Russian-speaking Ukrainians who now refuse to speak the Russian language. And Ukrainian is not a dialect of Russian, any more than Spanish is a dialect of Italian. They are distinct.
Both Irish and Ukrainian cultures were preserved in the rural areas. In the countryside, people spoke their native languages at home, in church and among themselves. But in business and in cities they spoke the language of their colonizers, English and Russian. That seems to have been especially true in Ukraine.
While neither Ireland nor Ukraine governed themselves for more than 200 years, their sons were drafted to fight the wars of their colonizers. The people of both nations generally remained poor, while the agriculture of both nations fed their rulers.
Both nations were visited by unnecessary starvation, despite their rich land and agriculture. Ireland had the Great Hunger of the 19th century, brought on by the potato blight and land rents. It killed a million people and sent another million into exile.
In Ukraine, the breadbasket of Europe, at least 4 million Ukrainians starved to death in the 1930s under Joseph Stalin during the Holodomor ("death by hunger"). It was totally unnecessary, brought on by Stalin's policy of  "collectivization" of farming and persecution of Ukraine's Culak farmers, who were perceived as anti-Bolshevik. Russian police entered Ukrainian homes and literally took the food from families.
Eastern Ukraine was severely depopulated by starvation, war and political purges by the end of World War II. Russian speakers were brought in to repopulate eastern Ukraine. (That's similar to what the English did in Northern Ireland when they brought in Scots.) This "Russification" changed the ethnic makeup of eastern Ukraine. 
World War II was especially cruel in Ukraine. Between 7 and 8 million Ukrainians died in the war; at least 5 million were civilians. The population of the Ukrainian Soviet Republic was 41 million in 1940 and 36 million people in 1950. 
Millions of people have emigrated from both Ireland and Ukraine. After World War II, many Ukrainians came to the U.S. and Canada. The Ukrainian Catholic churches that dot our landscape today are testament to their presence here. A new exodus took place from Ukraine in 2022, when about 6 million people left the country as refugees in just a few months. They settled mostly in western Europe. The population of Ukraine had been 41 million before Russia's full-scale invasion began Feb. 25, 2022. Now it is estimated at about 36 million. (No one is sure because a census is impossible to do in wartime.)
Both Ireland and Ukraine have seen severe religious persecution. In Ireland, the British crown banned Roman Catholicism under Irish penal laws. In Ukraine, under the Soviets, all religion — except Orthodox Christianity under the Moscow patriarch — was banned. The state was officially atheist during the Soviet era, 1921 to 1991. Today, as a result of Russia's invasion, the number of followers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate is  declining and the independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine is growing. Whole parishes are leaving the Moscow patriarch. A July 2022 survey by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology found only 1 of 25 of Ukrainians (4%) identified with Moscow Patriarchate, a considerable drop from nearly 1 of 5 (18%) in June 2021.
Catholics, of both Eastern and Western rites, saw their churches, seminaries, monasteries, convents, schools and universities seized and closed during the Soviet period. Many church leaders had to go into exile. We visited one formerly Latin Rite church in Lviv, built by Polish Jesuits in the 1700s, which had been a book warehouse under the Soviet regime.
The war seems to have promoted the growth and independence of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. It was recognized as a self-governing (autocephalous) church only in 2018, by the Patriarch of Constantinople (Istanbul). That resulted in the patriarch of Moscow excommunicating the patriarch of Constantinople. 
Why is this important for American Catholics? Because I have heard a fair amount of Russian disinformation from American Catholics after our two visits to Ukraine in the last two years.
People ask: Isn't Ukraine really just part of Russia? Answer: No. Not willingly.
Isn't the Ukrainian language just a dialect of Russian? No. It is a distinct Slavic language.
Wasn't Crimea always Russian? No. Catherine the Great seized it from the Ottoman Turks in 1783. Stalin deported most of the local Tatars to concentration camps in the 1930s.
History matters. It helps us to understand the past and deal with the present.
In 1991 Ukrainians took their rightful place among the peoples of the world. It has been a centuries-long struggle to be free of domination by their imperial neighbors. From what I have seen, they are absolutely determined that they will not again disappear from the maps of the world. 
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lacinkaju · 1 year
My European Poem
by Julia Cimafiejeva
This poem should be written in English. This poem should be written in German. This poem should be written in French, In Swedish, in Spanish, in my adorable Norwegian, Maybe in Finnish, Danish and Dutch. Baltic languages should decide for themselves. No Belarusian version for the poem, No Russian version for the poem, No Ukrainian version for the poem. The rest are at your choice. This poem should be written in the languages Of human rights organizations, Of those multiple expressed concerns by European politicians.
So Shall I get used to the thought That I could be taken to prison By the men wearing black, By the men in plain clothes, By the men with four fat letters On their fat black backs? Otherwise, my country Won’t gain any freedom. And it could not work anyways, As usual.
Shall I take it calmly that I Could be beaten and ultimately Found guilty for that because (They would say) I cried anti-state slogans like “Freedom!” Or “Release all political prisoners!” Though I would not need to cry them out at all (Like my Facebook friends and thousands of Someone else’s friends) In order to be arrested or beaten.
I won’t have to cry anything, I won’t have to do anything, Just stand silently, just be. I know I have to get used to that thought Just in case, because it’s so likely to happen. (Oh, my! I haven’t saved those telephones yet Whom to contact in case of detention.)
I can’t say that in Belarusian, I can’t say that in Russian, I can’t say that in Ukrainian, Only in English: I am afraid, Only in German: Ich habe Angst, Only in Norwegian: Jeg er redd. That’s enough, for other variants, Please, use Google translate. The translations should be more Or less accurate. These are not Those strange East European languages With their funny Cyrillic letters.
I’m afraid Like you would be in my place, If you lived in a country that is not free Where they’ve had the same president For 27 years. Oh, my god! more than Two thirds of my life I’ve spent Under the power of a crazy person Whom I’ve never voted for! (I can’t say that in Belarusian.) But my parents did. All the time they voted for him, All six times, and I think They’ll do that for the seventh, I’m just afraid to ask. Once a young daring girl, I got a slap on the face from my mom for not being “patriotic” enough. And my dad used to be a local election commission member. I’m afraid to ask whether he was honest While counting the votes, I am not sure. Thank God, he is on pension Now, but the rules there Are still the same. I can’t say it in Belarusian, I can’t say it in Russian.
Sorry, it’s a long poem, Because it’s a long story, I spent more than two thirds of my life Under the power of the man I’ve never voted for, Who harassed and suppressed and killed (They say).
And when I come to the literary festivals abroad, And when I speak English I try to tell the complicated history of my country (When I am asked) As if I am another person, As if I am like all those European poets and writers, Who do not have to get used to the thought That they could be arrested and beaten For the sake of their country’s freedom. As if my ugly history is just a harsh story That I can easily put out from the Anthology of Modern European short stories because It’s too long, And too dull.
When I tell it in English, I want to pretend that I am you, That I don’t have that painful experience Of constant protesting and constant failing, That nasty feeling of frustration and dismay. I want to pretend that I have a hope, Because when I tell it in Belarusian I realize, we all realize, there is none We can look forward to.
So forgive me my nagging in a half-broken English, My Eastern European never-ending complaints, As having read the books you’ve read, I still want to have a hope, I still believe I have a right for a hope, That hope could build its nest On my roof and sing its songs In Belarusian (Not in Russian).
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aroacemisha · 1 year
[Updated OCs & world/setting info post]
The universe these characters are in consists of our regular world and a magical realm, with travel between the two being possible, increasingly so in recent times. Some people and descendants of people originally from the regular world live in the magical realm, enough to populate at least one city.
(Here's some info about various characters)
Yevgeny "Zhenya" Tsaritsyn (he/him, she/her, it/its): early 20s, Russian, ambiamorous pan aegosexual, demiboy. ADHD.
He comes from a religious conservative family, and as a teen, he was kicked out of home when his parents found out he was queer and an atheist. Through pure luck, Lev happened to come across him and brought him to the magical realm and helped him get a place to stay, where he still lives to this day. Meanwhile, Lev has become a mentor and a father figure to him.
At one point later in life, Zhenya lost his entire left arm, which is now replaced by an advanced prosthetic. He has been working out and doing combat training for a while now, and after losing his arm he has been training both with and without the prosthetic, so if he ever has to work without it, he doesn't become lost, not knowing what to do without both arms.
He also plays bayan (a type of accordion).
Joseph "Joey" Lebedenko (he/him): early 20s, Ukrainian American, omni demisexual, cis. Autistic.
He's studying culinary arts, and he's also good at drawing. He speaks Ukrainian fairly well and loves to visit his Ukrainian grandparents. He's also Jewish, and he plays ukulele. He's friends with Zhenya.
Lev Sapozhnik (he/him): 40s (technically much older), Russian, achillean arospec asexual, trans. Autistic.
He's a powerful magic user, who was born in the mid 1920s and used to be a Soviet supersoldier known as the Red Hope (ru: Красная Надежда; translit: Krasnaya Nadezhda), mainly serving during WWII. He defected in the mid 1950s and later went missing during a storm at sea. He was presumed dead for decades, until he was found in the late 2000s in a sort of "frozen" state and then unfrozen. The reason he wasn't found sooner is because he was only searched for in the regular world, while he actually ended up in the magical realm.
In present day, he's not affiliated with any nation state in the regular world, and he lives in the magical realm. He explicitly opposes the current Russian government, which they are unhappy about, since they want him back in their military, and they don't want him to potentially inspire currently depoliticized Russians to actively oppose the government.
He's fluent in Russian, German and English, can speak some Georgian, and is learning Spanish. He also plays guitar and is skilled at drawing and sewing. He's a regular at the cafe Cyrus works at and is friends with him.
Desmond Yang (he/him): 40s, Chinese, bi, cis. ADHD.
He's a mage. He's multilingual. He's a historian and a linguist, and he's the owner of a library in the magical realm, which contains books in several languages. He has translated multiple books into other languages, and he has some original writing projects of his own. He's also friends with Lev.
Marco Gromov (he/him): 31 y/o, Russian Argentinian, bi aceflux, cis. Autistic, ADHD.
His name is technically Marcos, but he has largely dropped the 'S' at the end. He wears glasses with purple lenses. Technology and clean/renewable energy are big special interests of his, and he's currently trying to create more efficient solar panels, being quite skilled with tech. He's also dating Luna.
Luna Rosado (they/them, she/her): 30 y/o, Dominican, pan, transfem non-binary. Autistic.
They're a mage, and they're also a pretty good artist. Their special interest is astronomy, and they know how to find out what position stars and planets were in at different points in time. Another interest of theirs is plants, particularly flowers. They have a few fidget necklaces. They're also dating Marco.
Reynaldo Rosado (he/him): early to mid 50s, Dominican, aroace, cis. Autistic.
He's the father of Luna. He realized he was aroace after he and Melania already had Luna, and while they chose to get divorced, they remained friends. Luna largely stayed with him, and he's a kind and supportive father to them. He's also good at cooking.
Melania Espinosa (she/her): early to mid 50s, Dominican, straight, cis.
She's the mother of Luna. She remained in Luna's life after the divorce. She eventually got married again, and her new spouse turned out to be a trans woman. They chose to stay married, since both still found their relationship fulfilling, and she still loved her wife despite not normally being attracted to women. They have two daughters together.
Lilah Swift (she/her): late 40s/early 50s, Australian, sapphic cupiosexual, trans. Autistic, ADHD.
She's the wife of Melania, who she has two daughters with. She chose not to do voice training and has a higher masculine voice. History has always been an interest of hers, and she has a PhD in it, but in recent years she has also become interested in specifically Russian history, in part due to meeting Lev.
Samantha "Sam" Espinosa (she/her, they/them): 14-15 y/o, Dominican Australian, omni, demigirl. ADHD.
Daughter of Melania and Lilah, half-sister of Luna and older twin sister of Viv. She works out, and she likes to play fight and compete with her cousin Howie.
Viviana-Rocio "Viv" Espinosa (she/her): 14-15 y/o, Dominican Australian, sapphic, cis. Autistic.
Daughter of Melania and Lilah, half-sister of Luna and younger twin sister of Sam. Wears braces. She loves frogs and is generally interested in learning about nature.
Cyrus Swift (he/him): mid to late 50s, Australian, gay demiromantic asexual, genderqueer/genderless, intersex. Autistic, ADHD.
He's the older brother of Lilah. He can shapeshift into a cougar. He retains his sharp fangs and ability to purr even in human form. He has scars on the right side of his face and his right arm, which he got during a fight in his cougar form. He's partners with Steven and they have two children together. He works as a bartender at a café, and he sometimes performs as a drag queen.
Steven E. Burns (he/him): mid 50s, Jamaican, pan acespec, trans. Autistic.
He's Cyrus's partner. He has been living in the magical realm with Cyrus and the kids for many years. He enjoys working out and is still in good physical shape. He works as a P.E. teacher at a local school. He also plays guitar.
Kimberly Swift-Burns (she/her): 18-19 y/o, Jamaican Australian, lesbian, genderqueer. Autistic.
She's the daughter of Cyrus and Steven. Her main interests are history and literature, with her picking up the former from her aunt Lilah.
Howard "Howie" Swift-Burns (he/him): 16 y/o, Jamaican Australian, achillean aroacespec, cis. Autistic.
He's the son of Cyrus and Steven. He has an interest in mechanical engineering and tech. He works out and is practicing hand-to-hand combat. He also plays guitar, having learned it from Steven.
Melissa "Missy" Ito (they/them): 28 y/o, Japanese American, bi, genderqueer, intersex.
They're a journalist working for a reputable small to mid size left-leaning outlet, and they are also a good photographer. They have interviewed both Lev and Marco before.
Harley Fisher (they/them, ze/zir): early to mid 20s, Canadian, aromantic bisexual, transmasc genderfluid.
They're a small to mid size streamer, mainly streaming video games. They're also Jewish.
Andreas Marinos (he/him): 31 y/o, Greek, ambiamorous gay, cis.
He can transform into a mermaid, and he has water powers (hydrokinesis), as well as magical singing. He has a passion for theater and is himself an actor/performer. He's also dating Lorenzo and Ozan.
Lorenzo D'Amore (he/him): 30 y/o, Italian American, polyamorous omni, cis.
He's fluent in both English and Italian. He's a singer and theater actor/performer, working alongside his boyfriends Andreas and Ozan. He also plays the saxophone, and he's into 70s fashion.
Ozan Yilmaz (he/him): 31 y/o, Turkish, polyamorous gay, cis.
He's mainly a DJ and generally works with sound equipment, though he is also a singer and theater actor/performer. He works alongside his boyfriends Andreas and Lorenzo. He's a lover of light up shoes and tacky colorful clothes.
Brenda O'Connor (she/her): 50s, British, aromantic, cis.
She has healing powers. She's also a highly skilled surgeon, specializing in several kinds of surgery. She was the one who performed Lev's top surgery.
[This post may be updated later]
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enri-ch · 1 year
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(last update 04/09/24)
u can call me Enrico/Enri/En/Enca/Enri'ch/Ench/Rico/N/Cocha/'cha-cha/etc., whatever you want!:33
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pls remember, most of my works have very bright shadows, so before you watch them, lower the brightness (I'm so sorry if I burned out your eyes:(...)
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Art Requests
4.09. 24
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01. 08. 24
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-not allowed: ships (i can explain in dm, if you want to know, but so far, I can't draw it in request arts for personal reasons)/nsfw/gore/other bad messages.
-you can request my art 2 times
-the request can include up to 2 persons maximum
-i can decline request if it is immoral
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dont be shy and ask questions as much as you want or say something
If you want to do art trade/collab with me, then write to me in DM :D
Please don't repost my artwork without credits if want to use or repost it
A some info about me:
My bday 29/01 (January).
I loves every rose/pink colours >:3
i have 23 phobias that throw me into hysterics sometimes💀- (The strongest of course is atelophobia and sociaphobia lol). Yes, I have a rather weak psyche... (or fears??? idk, it still makes me shake from many things🥲...)
I madly adore cappuccino:33
i dont know Spanish
Im aro/ace
What to say next?....
Things I post:
sometimes submissions for DTIYS
rarely redraws
Sometimes I can disappear for a while because of my studies-
(This year I'm going to be beaten up with exams, so... :_)
Have fun! I'm happy to share my joy with everyone through my artwork, draw or cheer up, if I can:)
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You can go to them if you want to see more of my ut fanarts/doodles and my other works.
other my blogs on tumblr:
@dumbestart (old doodles acc.)
@gsfan (idk why, but i can note it and I don't get a notification from it:_( its current doodle acc.)
if you want to chat with my ocs use c. ai and share my page: @/CochaCocha.
remember that bots can say non-canon things and they is headcanon/fanon/aus vers.
¡(please DNI if you are)!: proshipper, don't mock someone because of nationality (all those who insult Ukrainians, Russians or other nations, please leave this blog). russophobe, other phobe, pedos, groomer, fetishist, racist, NSFW fan, transphobe, sexist, immoral persons, lovers of controversial topics and etc. (all basic creterias*). i will block these blogs.
✨my sona's ref:✨
(it's an ordinary person in a mask and an oversized hoodie)
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To be honest, I'm very bad at English grammar, so I use a translator.
Im creator of ⛰️MountainsTale⛰️ (unfinished now)
I'm still working on my au, but I'll be honest, I'm not able to write anything except fanfic yet (I'll probably never be happy with the plot I wrote myself) and I have a lot of unsuccessful designs for most of the characters, including Rudy (aka Gaster in this au). My inner tedious-self will never let me write a non-logical plot without explaining any details, unfortunately:>
I have the plot and less characters written there, such as: Rudy (Gaster), Sans, Chara, Papyrus, Frisk and the concepts of the rest.
Rudy, by the way, has a human name for a reason. And I'll be honest, I was partially inspired by Glichtail, but there is not and will not be a soul/trait of fear.
I'm also working on a fanon of monster/humans/magic now (it's a very long T_T).
I btw.... when I gave my sona a name/nicname, I didn't know how her name was translated (I mean "Enrich" ). I actually didn't even know that the name Enri existed (I was 12 when I created she) and honestly just took and combined my real name with the name of my past gacha club sona. My English is still bad enough, but when I first started my blog here it was even worse :D (I didn't even know what mutuals, dnis and all that were, lol). I don't even understand how those with whom I communicated tolerated my stupidity:_)
i know that its male name, but auuuuuuuugh, i got used to this name, my sona has already been wearing it for 3 years (and not the first one)
I also sometimes don't control my anxiety when communicating with anyone, so I'm sorry for that (I just get eaten up by my a sociaphobia sometimes-).
im introvert irl.
yes, I know I'm chatty and I'm always talking, but hey, why do I need a reason to hang out with someone here? I'm happy to chat with anyone if you also want to talk to me and don't fall under one of the criteria of DNI (written above)
I do not know if you need it, but my fav Sans(-es) are Asher(EstelTale) [by Colorzartz], Ink (Inktale/____tale) [by Comyet] and Passive Nightmare (Dreamtale) [by Jokublog].👀
My fav character is Gaster too👉👈 (my headcanon/fanon ver. etc.)
I'm not against criticism, on the contrary, I'm even for it, I'll be glad to read it to understand my mistakes^^
Please don't hard hit me, I'm not an artist =). I just draw arts in my spare time to relax from the stress of the day. I've been drawing for about 3-4 years. I tried to go to an art class (I studied there for 6.5 years), but I was expelled because I can't draw anything except "cartoons" (idk how they determined this:/ So, I very hate this school because it deprived me of self-esteem, bullied me and pretty gave me a burnout). This is probably not surprising, considering that I took a 5-month break from art class due to terrible emotional burnout ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (I came to this school and couldn't even pick up a pencil). In any case, I really like to draw, and I sincerely love all my artwork (except maybe super old- ), no matter how bad and anatomically incorrect they may be. They were right when said :"You never become to an artist, its not correctly, etc.", but aaaaaaaa, I love draw, cuz It lets my imagination run wild and allows me to relieve the stress and pain that people in my school cause me, so even if I'm not an artist, no one will stop me from drawing all sorts of garbage, I love it!
(p. s. I don't know how to draw traditional arrrrrrtttssssss-)
To be honest, if I hadn't started a blog where I share my art to day, I probably would have given up drawing and wouldn't have improved it if I hadn't been inspired by the people I subscribe to here. I used to be very afraid to publish my work anywhere at a younger age (mostly because of the very aggressive ru community in which I was a member for some time). I really thought that I would face a barrage of criticism (non-constructive ofc) there, but here are very kind people here, really no kidding, most of you are such cool and pleasant guys💗!
oh- i reblog very rarely cuz I forget this very often :_)
eh. my memory is short
Have a great day to everyone who has visited my blog or read this post! :D ... And.. I want to hug u🫂, srry if I embarrassed u with this (*´▽`*)
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nikolaykelen007 · 6 months
Hallo! How are you guys going?
Well, I'm here now just to Introduce a bisl oyf myself. :)
I'm a Brazilian >20yo living in somewhere of São Paulo
I'm actually focusing in studies, I intend to become a professional electronic engineer and/or work in physics area.
I'm an artist, usually drawing in paper, and a linguistics lover trying to become a poliglot, so if you chat with me in Portuguese, russian, finnish, Ukrainian, Yiddish, Polish, German and Spanish there is a little probably of me answer in the same language or try to understand hehehe
I'm a native ptbr speaker, my second language are English, my third is russian and my fourth it's yiddish, that I'm still starting.
And some warnings:
1 - I usually don't like some kind of discuss, manly political, so, I'll probably block or just ignore, as some kind of questions.
2 - I'm Zionist: I'm in agree and in defense of the idea of the creation and existence of the Israeli state as a place in word for Jewish people.
3 - I'm trying to convert myself into Judaism, searching a synagogue at moment: in really, something like 2 years ago i was in some antisemite groups, but since I started to learn Yiddish I fell in love with the Jewish culture and religion, as its knowledge and books.
4 - I'm into furry community: actually I'm just who I am because of furry community in some way, even in artistic as in social or professional ambient, so that's a kind part of my identity ☠️
5 - I'm an diaperlover: yup, I like to use diapers. Why? Idk. Where? Manly when alone at home, nobody need to see or convive with my own schizophrenia :D. And when I say "nobody need to see" it's the same motive for me don't post or repost dl content and block access to my "likes", and probably diaper content I'll post in scraps of FurAffinity, so don't worry of seeing some extremely soggy thing here ☠️
If you want to interact with me, don't worry, I'll not talk about this things if you don't want to :)
I'll post basically sfw furry or non furry arts, Fotograph sometimes and post about Judaism
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3fluffies · 2 months
Hiii am reading your generation K series right now as my source of inspiration and am in the process of writing my own fanfic. But what are your characterization of the Kaidonovskys and can you share some your headcanons for them?thank you!
So sorry it took me a while to get back to you - been bogged down with work and moving across the USA from Florida to Washington! Let the rambling begin! Hope you enjoy and do let me know your thoughts or if you have specific topics you want to hear about. I love fleshing out my headcanons (as you'll see!)
I know extended canon has the Kaidanovskys as prison guards, and I only partially adopted it. (I'll call the wife Sasha and husband Alexis even though it's implied in canon and this series headcanons that they use the names interchangeably with each other.) Sasha has been a prison guard, but in reality, they're essentially diplomats/spies - but not the formal "James Bond" type. Rather, they get into more dirty work (literally, not figuratively - working class, grubby jobs to interact with people on the streets and lower classes) in various countries to gather information on public sentiments or stoke popular opinions.
Sasha is the more strategic, the one most likely to step into a formal setting when required and the "big picture" thinker, while Alexis is more small-scale and direct action focused. However, Alexis is no mental slouch and had learned more languages than her prior to becoming pilots. He speaks fluent Russian (of course), Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Albanian, Chechen, Romani, Greek, English, Mandarin and Cantonese, and can adapt quickly to the regional dialects of each. Sasha speaks Russian, Polish, Slovak, German, and English. Both could communicate somewhat in all the Romance languages (Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, and Romanian). As of the movie after 12 years of drifting, they can each speak the languages only the other spouse knew at first.
Sasha's maiden name is Rabinova. Her father is Russian Colonel Pavel Rabinov, who became commander of the Vladivostok Shatterdome. He worked in Sevastopol on the Crimean peninsula prior to the Kaiju war and sympathized more with Ukraine in the border conflicts than with his home country. The troops under his command weren't well-supported, so he tended to go to the black market and skip the chain of command to provide for them, which is actually how he and Sasha met Alexis. (Sasha only joined the Russian military after the Kaiju War started due to her father's disenchantment with the Russian leadership.) Whether Russia still pushed its expansionist agenda and ultimately invaded Ukraine during the Kaiju War is up for debate...I'm leaning towards probably, knowing Putin who would have a Shatterdome but would also exploit the rest of the world's focus at the extraterrestrial invasion to his advantage. (If you haven't read Tales From the Front Lines Chapter 4, the Kaidanovskys have some appearances, and, spoiler alert...
They were the ones who pranked Putin at the wedding.
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riotinapublicstation · 7 months
I put some of the greatest love songs into Google Translate and the results were... interesting.
To get one thing out of the way, not everyone likes Valentine's Day. Some people are broke, some people are alone and some people see it as a moneymaking marketing scheme to play on your emotions. Damn you, capitalism! Curse you for making me feel bad if I don't spend my hard-earned money on expensive flowers that will die five days after I purchase them!
There's one thing I like about Valentine's Day though. We get to dig out those cheesy, lovey-dovey hits. The rock ballads, the pining sonnets, oh the songs of affection and romance and... love. Ick.
I could've dived into what makes Dolly Parton's I Will Always Love You a good song, but does anyone actually care? We need cheering up. You shouldn't take love so seriously. So I didn't.
I put a handful of everyone's favourite love songs and threw them into the messy blender that is Google Translate. And while they were in there, they were massacred. Slaughtered. Murdered. I'm guilty of murder here, folks. The things I do for love? I digress.
‘God Only Knows’ by the Beach Boys
I put Brian Wilson's masterpiece through a translation of English to French, then to Spanish, to Japanese, to German, to Russian, to Malay, to Italian, to Japanese again and then back to English.
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Shushing and psychopathic laughter ensues!
'She Loves You' by the Beatles
I dragged 'She Loves You' through to traditional Chinese, to Korean, to Vietnamese, then to simplified Chinese, then grounded it in Welsh. This was the final English result.
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Still a sweet love song. Sounds a little antagonistic now though... YOU KNOW YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY, RIGHT?!
''Woman in Love' by Barbra Streisand
Barry Gibb of the Bee Gees famously penned this beautiful song for Barbra Streisand, and it became one of the most successful hits of her career. Let's see if it's still beautiful after suffering through Russian, to Polish, to Hungarian, to Ukrainian, to Mongolian, to Norwegian and finally, Dutch and English.
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We think... holistically. Okay, Barbra.
'My Girl' by The Temptations
'My Girl' has been covered and re-recorded by lots of different artists over the years, from Otis Redding to The Rolling Stones; it is a timeless take on devotion and admiration. Ah who cares, let's translate it to Azerbaijani, to Lithuanian, to Romanian, to Estonian, to Punjabi, to Urdu, to Bengali and see what happens.
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This was the best one. Some classic lines here. He ate the sun. Bye bye uncle! I'm not sure how the translation got so confused between family dynamics but I am very grateful.
'My Heart Will Go On' by Celine Dion
Titanic made millions at the box office, and this song is most associated with the perilous, doomed love story of Jack and Rose. And just like the ship, this song goes down very fast... translated from Bengali, to Urdu, to Arabic, to Sepedi, to Yoruba, to Samoan, to Kurdish, and finally to its native English...
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I'm not sure why, but it sounds very argumentative. I opened the door again... IT'S IN MY HEART!! NO!!
'Make You Feel My Love' by Adele (Bob Dylan)
Adele's hit rendition of 'Make You Feel My Love' became a stepping stone to her almost endless curriculum vitae of modern love songs. She can thank the breezy, loving lyricism of Bob Dylan - the dying honesty of his words is what makes the song so emotional to listen to. I was curious but also worried to see how lost this one could get in translation, since the language is very transcendent and grounded. Anyway, here it is translated roughly seven times through Basque, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Portuguese, Romanian, Urdu and Hindi. Also bit of Yiddish for good measure.
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I personally like the anticlimax at the end - I will, actually, do nothing.
'Your Song' by Elton John
Elton John's simple love song is in actuality one of his most popular, successful and recognisable pieces of music in his discography. So there must be some sort of redemption for these lyrics in Google Translate, right? RIGHT? Let's find out. I translated the song through around ten times, from Icelandic to Macedonian, Punjabi to Arabic, to both simplified and traditional Chinese, to Japanese, then to Arabic again, then to both forms of Chinese again.
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I do like how it becomes less about the girl and more about living in the countryside. Maybe he was put off by the idea that she was stealing things from the street.
There we are! God, what a cesspool. What have I created?
Anyway, I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day and got spoilt rotten. This was just for a bit of fun, though I spent an embarrassingly long amount of time trying to get Google to operate with non-sensical mish-mashes of the English language...
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linuxgamenews · 1 year
REMEDIUM test build is smooth and deeply enjoyable
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REMEDIUM fast-paced twin-stick shooter game is coming to Linux, Mac, and Windows PC, plus a Playtest. Sobaka Studio continues to shape the gaming landscape, offering players unique and deep experiences. You try it now on Steam. So, there's this action packed adventure that's in the works, REMEDIUM. This is the creation of Sobaka Studio and ESDigital. It's coming with a native build. Due to be released in Q3 2023. Now, they're going to let people try REMEDIUM for free until June 25, 2023. They're offering a Playtest since they want to gather as much feedback as possible to make the final version amazing. This early Playtest period is a bit longer than normal due to the developers wanting to give everyone a chance to try the game. As well as offer their thoughts. And in case you are curious, it is also playable on Linux via Proton 7.0-6.
We have success experience in building our game to Linux even with no experience in Linux at all. We are working with Unreal Engine.
Sobaka Studio shared some exciting news via email regarding their upcoming support plans for REMEDIUM. They're bravely venturing into new areas with a promise of a native build, even though it's their first endeavor. The REMEDIUM Playtest is already running very well via Proton, hints at the quality we can expect. Giving a promising start we're looking for in a full release. Which is already both seamlessly smooth and deeply immersive. The story of REMEDIUM is intense. Take place one hundred years in the future, but things are not as we hoped they would be. An illness, known as the Grey Plague, has taken over and changed most people into weird, mindless creatures. These creatures are obsessed with spreading the illness to anyone lucky enough to have escaped it so far.
REMEDIUM World Premiere - Trailer
In this fast-paced twin-stick shooter, you're playing as one of the last survivors. Who's also recently been infected by this disease. You've got two options: either find a cure or let the illness take over. Your character goes on a mission outside the safety of the fortress walls, looking for a cure. As the sickness gets worse, you're able to use its symptoms to your advantage in battles. You'll face off against loads of mutated beasts like chimeras, mutants, elemental's, gargoyles, and golems. You have these muskets with special ammo that can shock with lightning or freeze enemies solid. The REMEDIUM combat requires careful timing, and you'll also collect alchemical elements that can help you. This fast-paced twin-stick shooter is all about learning the secret rules of medieval science and hermetic's. With these, you can create powerful shots, mixtures, and potions to keep you strong against the onslaught of monstrous enemies. As a result, have to hold on until you discover the cure. Lastly, no matter where you're from, you'll be able to enjoy REMEDIUM. It's going to have support for many different languages including English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese. So, be sure to Wishlist the game on Steam.
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swldx · 1 year
Voice of America 0337 17 Apr 2023
6080Khz 0259 17 APR 2023 - VOICE OF AMERICA (UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) in ENGLISH from MOPENG HILL. SINPO = 55333. English, s/on with dead-carrier. @0259z Yankee Doodle int fb news anchored by Tommy McNeil @0300. Sudan’s army appeared to gain the upper hand on Sunday in a bloody power struggle with rival paramilitary forces, pounding their bases with air strikes, witnesses said, and at least 59 civilians were killed including three U.N. workers. At least 32 defence volunteers and 10 soldiers have died in suspected jihadist attacks in insurgency-hit northern Burkina Faso, officials said on Sunday. The army said the death toll was 40 -- eight soldiers and 32 defence volunteers, adding that "at least 50 terrorists" were "neutralised" in the counter-attack, including a number killed in air strikes. In the weeks since Chinese leader Xi Jinping won a third five-year term as president, setting him on course to remain in power for life, leaders and diplomats from around the world have beaten a path to his door. None more so than those from Europe. French President Emmanuel Macron made a high-profile state visit to Beijing last week accompanied by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, just days after Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. At the same time, the EU is deeply concerned about a military escalation in the Taiwan Strait. China launched war games just after Macron left. But unlike the U.S., with its military and strategic interest in Taiwan, the Europeans mostly see the island in economic and pro-democracy terms. One hundred and thirty Ukrainian prisoners of war have been released and returned home in a "great Easter exchange", a senior Ukrainian presidential official said on Sunday, the day of Orthodox Easter. Ukrainian and Russian forces have held regular prisoner exchanges during Moscow's invasion, now in its 14th month. Russia holds swathes of territory in Ukraine's east and south. House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Mike Turner, R-Ohio, pledged his committee would hold hearings to investigate the leaks, which included documents about Ukrainian battle plans and U.S. spying efforts in allied nations’ capitals, according to multiple reports. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., said that the Senate Intelligence Committee would do the same. Netanyahu says the Israeli government will not scrap plans for judicial overhaul despite the ongoing protests. Pope Francis on Sunday rejected as offensive and unfounded what he called insinuations by the brother of a Vatican schoolgirl who went missing 40 years ago about one of his predecessors as pontiff, Saint John Paul II. @0305z “Daybreak Africa” anchored by male announcer. MLA 30 amplified loop (powered w/8 AA rechargeable batteries ~10.8vdc), Etón e1XM. 100kW, BeamAz 350°, bearing 85°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 14087KM from transmitter at Mopeng Hill. Local time: 2159.
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lasclenterprises · 2 years
Ms office 2016 download
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Full (40): Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay (Latin), Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Serbian (Latin, Serbia), Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese.
In terms of Excel’s BI capabilities, Microsoft is making strides forward for power users.
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Overall, the changes in Office 2016 for Windows are minor and, other than the useful “Tell Me” feature, won’t be visible to the casual user. There are several changes Microsoft has made that aren't visible to the eye, but that will help protect data from getting into the wrong hands, as well as accessibility enhancements, and improvements for IT managers looking to deploy the suite. The one new addition is the connection with OneDrive, allowing you to attach a file directly from your cloud storage. There are also a variety of new graphs and charts to choose from, including TreeMap, Sunburst, Waterfall, Box & Whisker, and Histogram & Pareto. These add-ons include Power Query, which allows business users to surface relevant data more easily without input from IT (known as self-service BI) and Power View, which allows users to more easily build reports from the data they have surfaced. The company has integrated several of its BI add-ons that were only available separately in previous versions of Office. While you may not be able to see any surface changes, those who use Excel to work with a lot of data, will be pleased to know that Microsoft has enhanced its business intelligence (BI) functionality. Behind-the-scenes improvementsĮxcel has a slightly streamlined menu, but the interface is basically the same as the previous version.
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Other new Word features include a Store where you can download apps for Microsoft Word, as well as simplified Save As location options, and email addresses being added to cloud accounts such as OneDrive to avoid confusion with on-premises options. This feature was already available for Office Online. The second major addition is real-time document editing, meaning you can see exactly what other people who are working on the document are doing on the screen. This feature is also found in Excel and PowerPoint.
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For example, type “comment” and it will suggest the Insert Comment feature but, instead of telling you how to insert a comment, it will do it for you automatically. The biggest visible addition is the Tell Me box, which is more than just a searchable help menu. The icons are arranged slightly differently, but the main options remain the same. One major difference that you will see is that Lync is now Skype for Business.Īt first glance, Word’s look and feel is pretty similar to the 2013 version, albeit a touch more colorful with “Word Blue” topping the Ribbon interface. If you are fond of the previous version of the program it is worth noting that you won’t be able to run Office 2013 side-by-side with 2016, so on a work machine this could be worth taking into account. It’s important to note that these programs aren't available separately and must be downloaded as a package. Once you've gone through the process installation process you will have Microsoft’s latest versions of Access, Excel, OneDrive, OneNote, PowerPoint, Project, Publisher, Visio, and Word all installed.
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iblamethenubbins · 3 years
I've been trying to understand what is going on in Ukraine since last Thursday, like most of us, I believe . But the more I read about it the more I realize how complex the situation is.
I have been inclined to side with Ukraine as a country against Russia the invasor from the start, and of course I still do. However, there is a dark side to Ukranian nationalism that I hadn't known until now.
I can't claim to know a huge lot about it, only what I have gathered reading old newspaper articles and Wikipedia pages about the Euromaiden revolution in 2014 and the consequent war in the Donbass region. It's all information I should already have, but somehow it had completely bypassed me. So as I'm trying to wrap my thought around this, I'll try to summarise what I've gathered so far:
Ever since the end of the USSR, Ukraine has never truly been a united country. Its eastern part wished the Soviet Union never ended and kept on speaking Russian, while western Ukraine tried to get into the European Union from the start. When in 2014 a pro-Russian president was elected, Ukranian nationalists rebelled and ousted him, replacing him with the pro-EU candidate. Some people claimed this was a US-backed"coup" but I didn't find any credible sources to back this up. Anyway, this revolution took the name of Euromaiden, and it was quite violent. Ukranian nationalists didn't just fight against government forces, but also against pro-Russian people. Ukrainians fighting Ukrainians. The most horryfying event I've read about is what's reported on the Italian wikipedia as the Odessa massacre. The English page is quite different, so I don't know what I should believe, but it's undeniable that a lot of anti-Euromaiden were killed, either by Ukrainian nationalists and / or by neo nazi groups. I've read of people lynched when they tried to escape, and of women raped and tortured.
Moreover, during this time, a lot of the symbols of the Soviet era got removed (understandably), replaced by dubious national icons, including a statue of "national hero" Stepan Bandera, a ultranationalist, pro-nazi war criminal who swore allegiance to Hitler. In 2009 Ukraine even issued a stamp commemorating his birth.
Following the Euromaiden, a group of eastern pro-Russian territories known as Donbass declared their independence. I've also read some people claiming rebellion was fabricated by the Russian government but again, I haven't found any credible sources to back this claim either. Anyway, they held their unofficial referendum, which established that the vast majority was in favour of declaring independence, so I'm inclined to believe the rebellion was real.
This started a civil war in 2014 because the Ukrainian government didn't recognise their independence and tried to reinstate order in the region. This was has never ended, despite numerous efforts to do so. Both sides have committed terrible atrocities, as in all wars. Kiev has been bombing Donbass, causing immense suffering to civilians too, while anti-Kiev separatists have also been killing and kidnapping Ukrainian nationalist supporters, including journalists and international observers.
I've also read how there was a "foreign legion" of European (Italian, Spanish, French, British, Serbian, Polish...) supporters who joined either side to fight in the war: Neo nazis and other far right representatives in support of Kiev while people on the far-left showed up in support of the Donbass separatists.
Now, I find it hard to see a reason why Kiev shouldn't have recognised the independece of Donbass, whether it was backed by Russia or not. They don't want to be part of Ukraine so why should they be forced to?
All of this makes me come to the conclusion that:
1) Maybe, if Ukraine had recognised Donbass its independence, Putin wouldn't have had any excuse to invade now.
2) Kiev's army has been at war with Donbass for years now for reasons I find hard to justify and have been doing their fair amount of killing civilians, so knowing this I don't feel 100% comfortable supporting them right now.
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━━ take a seat and REPOST this detailed little bio with criteria to introduce the world to your muse.     no reblog karma or tagging ━  if you see this on your dash, feel free to partake in it!
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☆ ━ B A S I C S .
NAME::  Gilen Friedrich Beilschmidt NICKNAME(S)::   Gil AGE:: 23 (physically) GENDER::  Male NATIONALITY::    Prussian
☆ ━ A P P E A R A N C E .
EYE COLOR::    Pale blue HAIR COLOR::    Silver-gray HAIRSTYLE::    Usually, it’s just down. But he does sometimes tiw it up in a long ponytail or braid. Nothing much than those though. He’s pretty low-maintenance when it comes to his hair, despite how thick and long it is. But he does take good care of it. HEIGHT:: 5′9″ WEIGHT:: Around 130 lbs. BUILD::    Ectomorph with an overall slender/lean look with long arms and legs. Pale skin as well. TATTOO(S)::     Black eagle wings on his upper back which extend from shoulder to shoulder & a sword going down his upper right arm. SCAR(S)::    Oof... so many. He has a scar on his left cheek in the shape of a slanted line. This was the first scar he ever received. A jagged scar going down his left side representing the Battle of Zorndorf (August 25th 1758) against Russia. A deep scar starting below his collar bone and ends below his chest representing the Battle of Hochkirch during the Seven Years’ War (October 14th 1758). Two scars going down his right forearm representing the Battle of Jena-Auerstedt (October 14th 1806) — and its devastating defeat — against France. The scar representing Jena is a bit shorter than the one representing Auerstedt. Various faded bullet wound scars and scars from shrapnel all over his body. His biggest scar from shrapnel starts a bit on his left cheek, goes horizontally over the bridge of his nose, and end near the opposite side of his right cheek from his time as a medic during World War l and World War ll. A scar on the back of his neck representing Altona Bloody Sunday (July 17th 1932). A scar that starts on the right side of his front above his navel, stretching to the middle, representing the Evacuation of East Prussia (January 1945 - March 1945). A medium-sized x-shaped scar going over the middle of his chest represents his nation’s dissolution (February 25th 1947). PIERCING(S)::   He has two piercings (black dolphin bites below his mouth and a black nose ring in his left nostril). PREFERRED FASHION::  His fashion sense consists of dark colors. He wears solid-colored shirts, band shirts, or flannels. As well as leather jackets or hoodies and jeans with combat boots or converse shoes. His fashion originated from the East German punk movement of the 1970’s/1980's. As for headwear, he normally wears beanies. He’s almost always wearing a silver chain necklace with an Iron Cross pendant. He has the tendency to tie his hair into ponytails using ribbons (blue or black) as well. His nails are usually painted black. TYPICALLY SMELLS LIKE:: Floral body wash/shampoo OTHER::    
☆ ━ P E R S O N A L I T Y .
POSITIVE TRAITS::   allocentric ||  appreciative || calm || caring || challenging || charming || creative || compassionate || dramatic || efficient || focused || imaginative || liberal || loyal || neat || non-authoritarian || observant || witty || NEUTRAL TRAITS::    stubborn || perfectionist ||  sarcastic ||  confident || prideful || competitive ||  rash || unsentimental || artful || casual || complex || emotional || honest ||  outspoken || sensual || NEGATIVE TRAITS::    abrasive || argumentative || blunt ||  crass || cynical || egocentric || fatalistic || hesitant || indulgent || irritable || lazy || libidinous || meddlesome || moody || neurotic || passive || possessive || vague || LIKES::  70′s, 80′s and 90′s rock. Playing either of his guitars or his flute. Cats.  DISLIKES::  Loud, sudden noises. Pointless violence. Arguments.  PHOBIAS / FEARS:: Phonophobia (fear of loud noises). His legacy as Prussia being forgotten, losing his loved ones, voices being raised at him. HABITS::  Fidgeting with whatever he has in his hands.
☆ ━ R E L A T I O N S H I P S .
☆ ━ H E A L T H .
CHRONIC CONDITIONS::  SM (selective mutism), GAD (generalized anxiety disorder), depression, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), autism. Left arm & right leg amputee. His body's weaker than most nations from Prussia's dissolution, so he has limited energy and sicknesses tend to last longer along with getting sick easier. Injuries also take longer to heal. He gets seasonal allergies as well whenever the seasons change. limited mobility in right arm and can’t use it for as long as he used to or do too much with it otherwise it’ll ache for a while. The same goes for his right shoulder and he can’t rotate his arm all the way around now. He still has some aches and pains if he moves a certain way now or if he moves too fast. He can’t run as far or for too long, either. ADDICTIONS:: N/A ALLERGIES:: N/A
☆ ━ H O M E .
PLACE OF RESIDENCE::  A two-story house he shares with his brother.      METHOD OF TRANSPORTATION:: Bike or public transport. he does have a driver’s license, but considers driving too dangerous. PETS::  A fluffy white cat named Aiden & a raven named Schwartz.
☆ ━ W O R K  &&  E D U C A T I O N.
JOB::  East Germany/Prussia/Kaliningrad Oblast representation & a job at a local record store in Berlin.   SCHOOLING::  Self-taught in most school subjects, but no high school or college education. But he does have thoughts about getting a college education. SPOKEN LANGUAGES::  English, German (and Austrian German), French, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian, Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Danish, Swedish, Old Prussian, Low Prussian (and the Plautdietsch dialect), German Sign Language, and American Sign Language. SKILLS::  Sword-fighting, archery, hand-to-hand combat, guitar & flute-playing .
☆ ━ R A N D O M .
QUIRKS::  He’s ambidextrous RELIGION::  Atheist THEME SONG(S):: East - Sleeping at Last
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solbit-fox · 4 years
'FF’ ties with ‘Filly’ merchandise, part 1 - the music
1 ‘Magical World’ -
As you may or may not know, ‘Magical world’ is the opening theme of the cartoon tv series known as ‘Filly Funtasia’.
But it’s not only that.
The italian, ukrainian, and chinese dubs have this song for the first theme of the series, too.
It’s been confirmed that the german audio books’ stories for at least ‘Filly Butterfly’ and ‘Filly Stars’ have the full version (not tv-version which should be shorter) of this song, albeit in german language. I don’t know if that points to the possible german dub of the show or not, but the news articles of the past say that ‘Filly Funtasia’ could be brought to Germany with Dracco’s (that’s right) efforts (BRR Internacional - since it’s the spanish word, the english one for that meaning is ‘international’ - would be a distributor for every other place).
Why it’s so? Well, ‘Filly Funtasia’ was in development since at least 2013 and would be released in 2014 if things would go smoothly. ‘Butterfly’ saw a release in 2014 and ‘Stars’ was presented to us in 2015. Both ‘Butterfly’ and ‘Stars’ are present in the officially mentioned specials of the same name for the show, the only thing that’s unknown is the current state of the specials. It’s not known whether or not those will be created or released, sadly.
So, no wonder ‘Butterfly’ and ‘Stars’ audio stories received such a gift, the musical theme is -this- old after all.
Anybody can listen to the free samples of the stories and buy the discs or digital versions on Amazon and other sites.
(the possible german name of the song is ‘In dem magische welt’ which means ‘In the magical world’).
2. ‘Filly’ theme -
The instrumental piece known as ‘Filly’ theme is a music that’s used by official sites for ‘Filly’ (these are now offline), and by advertisements (videos). The theme has the words that are sung by singers (only for the adverts) and one version of this theme which now has words features the sounds you may hear in the forest which suggests the melody is very old and could be a theme for ‘Filly Forest’ toy line as well. The later versions feature music that is the main theme of ‘Filly’ too, but the details are changed and there are no ‘forest’ sounds in it anymore.
Each advertisement is dubbed in different languages, and there is the russian language version too, its lyrics is somewhat different as well.
3. ‘Filly’ plush toys and the songs -
There is no info on the matter of official ‘Filly’ plushies (the singing ones) having the music that’s related to ‘Filly Funtasia’, but the russian plush toys made by ‘Simbat’ and branded as ‘Multi-Pulti’ have several songs and poems, the pieces that are exclusive to ‘Filly’. The second song is the changed ‘Filly’ theme, but it bears some differences to the russian versions’ song of the  tv commercials. It calls the fillys ‘ponies’ and ‘horses’.
The plushies seen all the possible kinds of fillys, including the newest (back in the day), ‘Royale’ ones. The russian plushies are based on the characters of Melody, Pretty, Rainbow, Heart and Crystal (the queen) and the difference between them and other russian plushies (of the other toy lines) is in the eyes - they are plastic like now, but still in the shape of ‘Filly’ characters’ eyes which makes them unique.
4. The inspiration for the show’s music -
And ‘Filly’ music could be a source of inspiration for the makers of ‘Filly Funtasia’, I am thinking of that while remembering the gorgeous ‘Magical World’ and ‘From Now Until Forever’. However, I heard there’s only the instrumental version of the latter in the ukrainian dub, if it’s true then it’s a bit sad but it’s good for those who love the instrumental versions.
Have a good day. =>
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