#so ive got on one of my two eddie munson shirts!!!
mieczyhale · 2 years
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Merlin helping me show off the colored pencils Josh got me 😽🌈
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eddiiiieeee · 1 year
Holding her back
Eddie Munson x reader warnings: strong language, real angsty, mentions of sexual things, no happy ending. yes, I am an evil fuck.
summary: Eddie feels like he's holding y/n back, and that's where the demise of their relationship starts
authors note: all the young adults are in high school, and so are the party members, Joyce and hopper are together, Billy isn't a pimple on anyone's ass. The upside down never happened. and yes ur dad is Pedro pascal. have fuuun
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Eddie had walked into the woods before dnd started since he decided to ditch last period, noticing y/n finishing a sketch, she was sat at their spot, he couldn’t help but admire her for a bit "hey" Eddie said holding his hands as she looked at him, taking in his features before clearing her throat and looking back down at the drawing of Eddie. "you're still here, don't have a deal to tend to?" she mumbled slamming her sketchbook shut as Eddie watched her nodding "I-i wanted to talk to you. I figured I'd find you here" she hummed as she put her sketchbook in her bag and zip it up "ive gotta go, my dad could be here." she said needing to get away from him even though her lie didn’t work with the time "y/n, wait please, ive been holding this off long enough and its hurting the both of us" y/n looked at him as Eddie gazed back into her eyes "quickly" she mumbled turning a bit to face him "i think we should break up..” Eddie said as y/n gulped, her eyes filling with tears as she nodded “done then” she whispered as he voice cracked a bit, taking off the necklace he got her and placing it down on the table as she grabbed her stuff and hurried off to the front of the school, making sure she was far from Eddie so she could release the sobs she’s been holding in. Eddie put his hands in his face as he let his tears fall ‘this is what’s best for her’ he reminded himself. those two years of being together were over. all those memories and moments between the two, gone.
the universe seemed to hate y/n as on her walk home while sobbing her eyes out, it had begun to rain, soaking her completely as she hid her sketchbook to save it from the water. it wasn’t long that she got to her house, glad that nothing happened to her books and sketchbook as she opened the door walking in before Nick looked at her confused “kid? what happened?” he said rushing for to his daughter as she gulped, she kept her gaze on the floor, not reacting to her dads touch “we broke up” she whispered as she licked her lips “what?” Nick asked confused, Eddie was over just.a few nights ago and everything seemed fine
“he broke up with me” y/n sobbed as she held onto her stuff tightly, Nick was quick to wrap his arms around her, holding her tightly as he kissed the top of her head “i’m so sorry, i’ve got you baby girl.” he muttered as he tried to calm her down “he just left you to walk in the rain?” “no, he thought you were picking me up so” y/n wiped her eyes smudging the bit of makeup that had remained on her face “i’m gonna go take a shower” she said taking her shoes off as she put her slippers on, rushing to her bathroom as she dropped all her stuff at her desk and walked into the bathroom, undressing and getting into the shower, turning the hot water on as she stood underneath it. did Eddie fall for someone else? did he realise y/n wasn’t good enough for him? did he get bored?
y/n spent an hour of her shower just standing underneath the water and crying, letting the hot water pierce her skin, before she actually began washing her hair and body, saving as well before getting out and doing her skincare, before getting changed into one of Eddie’s shirts and a pair of shorts, moving downstairs as she dried her short hair with a towel “hey kid, you feeling better?” Nick asked as he watched her sit next to him on the couch, looking at the table and all the snacks he put out for them
“i’m not hungry” she whispered, pulling her knees up to sit underneath her chin as she sniffled “kid, you gotta eat, see i got you, pizza and sushi and noodles, and your favorite shrimps, see it’s a full buffet for the two of us” he smiled looking at her and he put some of her hair behind her ear “i’ll eat later, let’s just start the movie” She muttered grabbing the remote as she turned it on. Nick looked at her as worry sat on his face.
wayne had returned home to find the trailer quiet, when he took his shoes off and began walking to the bathroom, he’d noticed the dump Eddie’s room had become and when we went in to clean it up, he’d noticed that Eddie was sat on his mattress holding onto a shirt “ed’s, son what is all this mess?” Wayne asked before noticing how bloodshot Eddie’s eyes were “i broke up with her. i’m just holding her back, i hurt her, wayne. you should’ve seen how pained she was, i hurt her” Eddie said his lip pouting as he kept his gaze ahead
wayne sighed as he sat down next to his nephew, rubbing his shoulder as he hugged him tightly “come ‘ere, son” wayne whispered as Eddie hugged him tightly “she hates me now. i messed it all up” Eddie whispered as he held onto wayne tightly, he let the love of his life go. just like that.
authors note: no happy ending for u little shits🤭
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yxlenas · 2 years
Edancy Week Day 1: Hanukkah Celebration
Also Here
I am not Jewish nor do I have children but this was beta'd by a dear friend who IS Jewish and checked behind me, and I have a niece and a nephew so Esther's babyisms are based on those two.
Esther Amelia Munson is born on the seventh day of Hanukkah, a week and a half after her due date. 
Nancy sits, legs still half numb from the epidural, IV in her wrist, as Wayne washes her face. His hands are large, warm, and calloused against her skin, one arm looped around her back to keep her upright. There are clean pajamas waiting for her on the counter in the little bathroom, her skincare set up on the edge of the sink. She’s so tired, vaguely nauseous from the stress of birth, and her incision throbs dully between her hips. 
“You feeling okay sitting up?” her father in law asks nervously, opening her lotion and smoothing some against her cheeks. Nancy doesn’t blame him for being anxious. Her vitals had been so unstable she’d started blacking out trying to push, so dizzy she’d vomited several times, and they’d decided to perform a C-section just to finally give her some relief and keep Esther from going into distress. 
“M’okay,” she breathes, “just getting sleepy.” 
 Wayne doesn’t look convinced, reaching for her pajamas with one hand and feeling the pulse on the side of her neck with the other.
“Little fast, kiddo,” he comments, “arms out.”
Wayne helps her into one of Eddie’s soft button up flannels and a pair of his loose sweats, tugging her hair into a ponytail for her. Her belly is starting to hurt more the longer she sits upright, and when Wayne hands her her toothbrush she notices dully that her hands are shaking. 
“I don’t think I feel very good,” Nancy rasps as Wayne wraps both arms around her middle and lifts her to her feet. She lets her head fall against his chest as Wayne rubs her back through Eddie’s old shirt. Wayne keeps a careful hold of her as they shuffle back into her hospital room. Nancy is so focused on picking up her feet and not tripping in her exhaustion that she doesn’t look up until Wayne gently nudges her.
“Oh, Eddie,” she gasps. Her husband beams at her, shirtless and in a pair of joggers with little menorahs all over them. Nancy had matching ones, but she’d been wearing them when her water broke. Esther is tucked against his chest in a baby sling, one tiny, chubby fist curled up next to his nipple piercing. 
There’s an electric menorah in the window of the room, six candles lit up, and a cheesy paper banner that says “Happy Hanukkah” hanging over her hospital bed. On a plate next to her hospital bed are latkes and pierogi from that Jewish deli they all love. Eddie lifts Esther out of the baby sling and carefully adjusts her so Nancy can see her onesie, a little royal blue one with “my first Hanukkah” on it in gold, sparkly lettering. She bites back a sob, remembering how she’d cried over Esther never getting to wear it when they’d missed her due date. Her baby girl looks adorable in it, a tiny velcro bow in her dark curls that matches. Her sleepy eyes are open, blue irises, and she smacks her lips and lets out a little sound. 
“Say hi, Mama,” Eddie coos, waving their daughter’s little arm, “Chag Sameach!” 
Nancy is in tears now, Wayne smoothing the blankets over her legs and helping her lean back against her pillows before taking a seat in one of the chairs in her hospital room. Esther lets out a slightly sharper cry and Eddie walks over to the bed and slips onto the edge, passing their baby over to her. Esther nestles her little head against Nancy’s chest and starts nursing contentedly. It’s almost surreal, feeling her weight. 
“You look beautiful,” Eddie murmurs, taking the plate of latkes and cutting her off a bite, offering the fork. Nancy lets him feed her since her hands are occupied with a happily eating newborn, but makes a face at him for telling her she’s pretty.
“I can’t shower because I got cut open, I’m in a diaper because there’s like 9 months of periods coming out of me, I’m sweaty, and you watched me throw up like three times today,” she grumbles, taking another bite of latke, “and then watched them lift a gooey, bloody, screaming creature out of me.” 
“Esther, tell your mama she’s beautiful,” Eddie murmurs. Esther just smacks her lips and keeps eating, but she does clutch at one of Eddie’s pinkies with a chubby fist. Nancy adjusts herself so she can lean against Eddie’s bare chest, snuggling into his warmth as Esther finishes eating and blinks up at Nancy, milk drunk. 
“Come ‘ere,” Eddie says, then gets farther onto the bed and under the blankets with her, scooping Nancy into his lap and throwing a burp cloth over her shoulder. Esther snuggles down against her once her belly is full and she’s comfortable, long lashes fluttering closed against her pink cheeks. Nancy finishes eating cradled in Eddie’s lap, her infant sleeping happily on her chest. Esther’s hair is downy soft when she runs her fingers through it, her skin warm. Nancy feels her eyes start to get heavy.
“Why don’t we do the menorah,” Eddie murmurs into her sweaty ponytail, “and then I brought you your present.”
“Oh,” She slurs into Esther’s scalp, “I forgot yours.”
“Baby,” Eddie says, quirking an eyebrow at her, “You just gave birth to the best Hanukkah present I could ever want.” He punctuates his statement by dragging a tattooed finger down Esther’s tiny nose and over the bow of her rosebud mouth. Esther’s little face wrinkles, and she nuzzles against Nancy’s half naked chest. 
“She is pretty great,” Nancy mumbles. Her head falls back against Eddie’s collarbone and she presses her cheek against where her name is tattooed above his heart. 
“Don’t think I can get up to get the menorah,” Nancy murmurs after a few seconds, “It’s starting to hurt.” 
“You’re about due for more pain meds, motek,” Wayne says, “You want me to get a nurse?”
Nancy shakes her head tiredly, sinking further into Eddie’s warmth and under her covers. Eddie gently adjusts the baby so that he’s got one big hand splayed across her tiny back.
“I’ll do the bulb,” Wayne offers, standing from his chair and popping his spine, “And we can all do the prayer, huh?”
Nancy starts to pray and tries to keep up, but after about three words she just closes her eyes and lets the rhythm of Eddie and Wayne’s smooth Hebrew flow over her. Esther makes a cooing sound and wiggles a bit but Nancy is just so tired-
“Why don’t we go see Saba, E? Nance, can Wayne take the baby?”
Nancy nods, pries her eyes open enough to watch Wayne scoop Esther out of Eddie’s arms. Esther wriggles a little, clenching a tiny hand around the chain of Wayne’s Magen David.
“Soon you’ll have one too, bubbeleh,” Wayne tells her, eyes tearing up as he looks into her face. Nancy grins. 
“We can do your present tomorrow,” Eddie offers, adjusting so they’re mostly laying down in her bed. Nancy shakes her head. She can hear Wayne talking quietly to Esther in Hebrew, tilts her head so she can see the delicate way he cradles his granddaughter to his chest in his chair. Esther’s eyes are open, cloudy newborn blue locked on Wayne’s rugged face.
Her hands tremble as she tries to slip the paper off the tiny box Eddie hands her, cuddling ever closer to him in her fatigue. Eddie brushes a hand over her hair and helps her tear the tape off the box, wads up the paper and puts it on the bedside table. Eddie opens the box for her and Nancy just stares.
It’s a pendant shaped like a mother and child, delicate silver with a blue topaz set in the middle. She’s almost scared to touch it, fingers tracing the tiny baby’s head.
“I was going to give you this on the last night,” he says into her hair, throat thick with tears, “But then Esther decided to make her appearance and I thought-”
“It’s beautiful,” she sniffles, “Please put it on me.”
Eddie has to lift her head for her, cradling it in a more upright position against his throat so he can loop the necklace around her throat and do up the clasp. It’s cool against her skin, settling delicately on her sternum.
“I got it on Etsy,” he says, “I know you love that small business stuff.”
“Don’t knock Etsy,” Nancy says, “S’where I got your pants.” Eddie helps her lay down completely, curving himself around her body and propping his head on one tattooed hand. He’s warm, still bare chested, and he’s looking down at her with the most dopey expression on his face. She loves him so much. She loves the baby they made together so much. She’s so tired. Nancy lets her eyes fall shut. 
Wayne starts to sing across the room to the baby, something in Hebrew Nancy only recognizes from her and Eddie’s wedding. Eddie joins in, chest rumbling under her head. She listens to them finish up the song.
“That’s the Shehecheyanu, bubbeleh. We're singing it to welcome a little miracle into the world.”
“You can sleep,” her husband murmurs, once he and Wayne fall silent, “We’ve got E, and I can tell you’re exhausted, baby.” 
“Don’t wanna miss time with the baby,” she slurs. She’s not sure how much of what she says makes sense, but Eddie just kisses the bridge of her nose and starts rubbing her back. 
“S’cheating,” she mumbles, but she’s already falling asleep. Wayne is talking to the baby again, and Nancy just can’t stay awake anymore.
“I’m so proud of you,” she hears Eddie murmur as she drifts into sleep, “And I love you so much.” 
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jeysbvck · 2 years
comfort faves!!
tagged by the lovely @oeuryale, thank you!!🥰
comfort movie: i have a few tbh, but hercules, emperors new groove, the winter soldier, mamma mia & guardians of the galaxy are ones that stand out to me!
comfort food: chicken noodle soup, or a roast dinner! they both remind me of my childhood, and when my mum used to make them for us.
comfort clothes: any of my pyjamas, my big oversized fleece hoodies and any of my merch t-shirts (marvel, star wars, eddie munson)
comfort song: again i have SO many, the main one right now is you're on your own kid by taylor swift bc i really relate to it (although i relate to anything she writes). fool and change by djo are also big comfort songs, and really anything from abba and fleetwood mac.
comfort book: oh this is hard. probably definitely daisy jones & the six, and the seven husbands of evelyn hugo. they were two books i only read last year, and they were the only ones that i read without putting them down! although i cried my eyes out at seven husbands, it really was so comforting. from my childhood, the secret garden, i absolutely adored that book growing up and i have always wanted a little garden of my own bc of it. i also remember being comforted by the famous five & secret seven books by enid blython, as a little kid with basically no friends, reading those books made me feel like i was going on an adventure with friends and they got me into reading!
comfort game: animal crossing, disney dreamlight valley, the lego games (star wars, marvel), life is strange & jedi fallen order. i wasn't a very big gamer until a few years ago. the only games i played were the lego games, and the sims! but ive been branching out more and these are the games that have really stuck with me!
no pressure tags; @rishlurh @maplefire18 @lovearne @nptnewr 💖💖
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talaok · 2 years
Steve can’t know(Chapter V)
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Summary: Steve is your overly-protective older brother that is very opposed to you frequenting the wrong crowd, and especially to you dating Eddie Munson. Still, when you meet each other one day at lunch,it seems there is very little he can do to stop the inevitable.
Chapter summary: You and Eddie go on a date,but it doesn't exactly go as planned
Content warning: minor smut
Chapter I  Chapter II  Chapter III  Chapter IV  Chapter V   Chapter VI   Chapter VII    Chapter VIII
It was 2 pm and you had to leave in 1 hour. Eddie had told you to meet him at a picnic table in the woods, to which he had given you all the directions after you had informed him you had no idea where it was. He had offered to walk there with you, but you had refused, considering it too risky. You hated all of this secrecy, this running around, and you especially hated the fact that you had to keep lying to your brother, but you knew he wasn't going to approve and you weren't ready to give up what you had with Eddie just yet. Every time you were with him you felt alive and you forgot about everything else in your life. It was just you and him and nothing else mattered. It scared you a little, this feeling. You had never experienced it with anyone before. Sure, you had had a boyfriend or two, but nothing could have ever compared to this. Every time you had a thought, your brain would magically make it about him. You woke up in the morning wondering if he had heard his alarm or if he was gonna be late as always, and you went to sleep at night wishing he could have been there holding you. It scared you because you had no way of knowing whether he felt the same way, or if he would have laughed at you if he had found out about how you were feeling. And what scared you the most, was that you knew this wasn't supposed to be happening, and you knew that it could have never worked out, and you knew that it was wrong, and that he was a criminal, and that he was an outcast, and that Steve despised him, but what you knew the most was that you liked him, really liked him, and you weren't sure how you could ever stop feeling that way.
You got dressed, and since today was sunny you opted for a green skirt with a floral pattern to go with a simple white shirt. You wanted to look nice but not as if you had spent hours getting ready, it was just a date in the woods after all. You put a bit of mascara on and brushed your hair, that thankfully seemed to be collaborating, falling almost perfectly on your shoulders. After putting on your jacket and getting your bag, you got out of the room, closing the door behind you.
"Steve, I'm going out with Sarah" you lied, again. "Oh ok" he said not even looking away from the tv. You breathed a sigh of relief, starting towards the front door. "Wait, Y/N?" you heard him say, rushing to you from the couch, your heart started racing and you held your breath "Are you going to be home for dinner?" he asked. You let out a soft laugh "Yes, I think so" you said, going out the door.
"Are you smoking pot?" you asked, getting closer to him. You had finally found the table you were supposed to meet at. He was seated on the wooden bench with what looked and definitely smelled like a joint between his lips. He looked up to you and smiled, throwing the reefer on the ground and putting it out with his feet "Absolutely not, do I look like the type?" he joked, getting up to meet you. He smiled, looking at you in the eyes while he intertwined his arms behind your back, pulling you close to him "You look really beautiful" he murmured before kissing you. This was a different kiss from the one had given you before, this was sweet and gentle and you liked it, liked the way it made you feel light, like you could have let yourself fall, and still, he would have supported you. "Thanks," You said, breaking the kiss"You don't look too bad yourself "you said smiling. He laughed softly "Why, thank you, m'lady, I wore my most precious clothes, just for you" he joked, letting go of you to allow you to get a better look at what he was wearing, which were black jeans that looked like they had been worn way too many times, and a t-shirt with black sleeves and the writing "Hellfire club" plastered on its center just above the image of what looked like a devil. "Hellfire club?" you asked curious, raising an eyebrow "Yes, it's a club where we play D&D" he explained, going back to sitting in his previous spot."Who's we?" You asked, even more curious now "Just me and some people from school" he said gesturing for you to sit beside him. You did. "like who?" You asked, not wanting to give up on this, he turned to you as he bit down a smile "You are not gonna give this up, are you?" he asked, amused. "No way" you informed him "ok, well, like Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair, and... Oh yeah, Dustin. How did you think I knew him?" he asked, you shrugged "huh, I guess I never really asked myself that" you said, resting your back on the table "That's cool though. The D&D stuff I mean. I have never played". He looked at you in shock and you couldn't help but giggle "You have never played?!" he asked, almost shouting. You started to laugh." Why!?" he continued, looking more and more appalled. You kept laughing while you reached out your hands to cover his mouth, he looked at you with wide eyes  "Lower your voice" you whispered while pulling them off. "I'm sorry, sweetheart but that it's just unacceptable! I mean, how can you have never played the best thing to ever exist?!" he exclaimed waving his hands in the air. You smiled " Well, Eddie, if it's really that good, then I guess you are gonna have to make me try" you said, kissing his cheek "Well, now I have to" he said, calming down. You were both sitting with your back to the table, and you started admiring your surroundings. The trees were really tall and you couldn't even see through them, the sky looked painted because of how blue it was and, for a moment, you felt at peace, listening to the birds chirping and your heart beating while leaning your head on Eddie's shoulder. You felt his right hand come up to your head as he started to play with your hair, passing his hand through them while his other one came to rest on your thigh. You closed your eyes, savoring the moment completely. "Do you like this place?"You heard Eddie ask, bringing you back to reality. You opened your eyes back up "I do, it's really peaceful " you answered "Do you come here often?" you asked, "Well, sometimes. I usually come here to just clear my mind and by that, I definitely don't mean get high" he said sarcastically."Eddie!"You scolded him, playfully slapping his chest and leaving your hand there. He laughed "I like it when you say my name," he said in a low voice "Even though I like it more when you moan it" he whispered into your ear. You felt your cheeks redden as you bit your bottom lip. You raised your head to look up to him and were instantly met with a smug gaze. He was aware of the effect he had on you, that look was the ultimate proof. You rolled your eyes at him and, determined to get him a taste of his own medicine, climbed on his lap, positioning your legs on his sides. "Well" You said intertwining your arms behind his neck "Then I guess you are in luck. Because I too, happen to like moaning your name" you leaned closer to his face, his lips almost touching yours "a lot" you said slowly, earning a low groan from him. You smirked, proud of yourself and he immediately leaned forward, kissing you hungrily, almost aggressively, gripping the back of your head with his right hand and letting his other one roam free on your whole body, with particular attention to your backside. You moaned as he started to kiss you down your neck while the hand he had in your hair trailed down your body and up your shirt, making you shiver. You felt his hot breath on your neck as he smiled "What have i done to deserve this?" he said to himself before starting to suck your neck in the spot right under your ear. You bit your lip holding back a moan while you felt his hand find your breasts and start to caress them."Wait Eddie" you said scarcely "You can't give me another hickey, it was a nightmare having to hide the other one", you felt him stop and he looked at you with a malicious grin "Well then I guess I'm gonna have to give it to you where Steve can't see" He said, moving the hand that was on your back, up your shirt with the other one, while he went back to kissing you hungrily. He started raising the fabric when you heard a voice coming from your right "Eddie? Eddie is that you?" you widened your eyes, breaking the kiss and you felt Eddie stop what he was doing "I'm gonna kill that little shit"You heard him whisper, putting his forehead on your chest in exasperation while removing his hands from under your shirt. "Hey Eddie, what are you doing here?" you heard again the same voice. You turned your head and were met with the sight of Dustin smiling widely "I don't know if you have eyes, but I'm kind of busy right now" he said not even trying to hide his annoyance, gesturing to you, still in his lap, frozen from the fear."Oh, my bad" Dustin said, like he hadn't even noticed you there before "Wait, is that you Y/N?" he said confused," But... didn't Steve say that you couldn't touch her?" he asked turning to Eddie. You turned white and awkwardly climbed down him, snapping back into reality "Yeah, about that" Eddie took control of the situation, seeing as you were in shock "He can't know" he said, "You cannot tell him, alright?" he told him. Dustin looked at him and smiled "Ok, don't worry, I'm really good at keeping secrets" he said with a wink "great, thanks"Eddie said waiting for him to go, but he didn't, he stood there. Eddie let out an exasperated sigh "go!" he yelled, annoyed, pointing towards the path in the woods "Oh, right! Well, goodbye" he said waving his hand while walking away. "I'm so sorry about him"Eddie immediately said, turning to you "don't worry though, he won't tell anyone, that kid basically worships me" he tried reassuring you. You didn't answer. "Hey," he said, stoking your cheek "it's nothing, I promise sweetheart" You turned to him, biting your lip with a worried face." I promise" he whispered, leaning closer to you before kissing you softly. You smiled at him "Thanks" you said softly before kissing him again, this time more slowly, showing him all of your appreciation, running your hands through his hair while he pulled you closer by the waist. "I need to go now" you said breaking the kiss. He pouted at you." I'm sorry Eddie, but I told Steve I would be home for dinner" you explained "fine" he said, putting a lock of your hair behind your ear" I'll see you tomorrow at school then, princess" he said, kissing you one last time with a hand on each side of your face.
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streamafterlaughter · 2 years
New Kid
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Chapter V: Lazy Sunday
MASTERLIST || chapter IV || playlist
summary: Eddie slept over last night, and you two plan to spend the day together, one good day this weekend where things don’t go horribly wrong
tags: eddie munson x reader, afab!nb!gn!reader, MORE ANGST, fluff, teasing, flirty eddie, mutual pining, smut tease (minors DNI), possible secondhand embarrassment warning lol, shared trauma, weed (assume all chapters have weed involved)
a/n: IM SORRY FOR ALL THE TEASING i love that pre dating butterflies shit okay i’m sorry!! Disclaimer: I do not give permission to have my work reposted on other sites. Reblogs are more than welcome, but please inform me if you find my work elsewhere unless otherwise stated. now for the fun part ;)
Eddie’s POV
I definitely could have kissed them then, Eddie kicks himself for not making a move. Your lips were right there! Less than an inch away! But, they also could have kissed me…
You exit the bathroom, wearing a baggy Looney Tunes shirt, and once again no pants. It’s like you’re trying to kill him. He’d be happy to go though, if it meant the last thing he got to see was you. You crawl back into your spot on the bed, cocooning yourself in your many blankets. Eddie does the same, his feet brushing yours briefly. It isn’t late, and Eddie isn’t the least bit tired. He doesn’t want to sleep, fearing all the minutes he’d miss where he could be talking to you instead. “I had a lot of fun today.” He finally says, lying on his side to face you.
“Me too. It seems we’re cursed to have wonderful days end in fire, though.” It’s dramatic, but the only two days the two of you have been together have both ended less than amicably. He’d do it again and again if it meant he got to spend his days with you.
“Psh, serves us right, worshiping the devil and all.” He makes you laugh, and he wants to record it, play a tape of it on loop forever. Without thinking, Eddie reaches a hand up to your face, tucking a stray hair behind your ear before resting his palm on your cheek. He feels you warm under his touch, watching your eyes close as your mouth curls into a smile. He’s about to move his hand when you turn your face into his palm, kissing the heel of his hand. Eddie’s stomach flips as your kiss sends goosebumps up his arm. Eventually, you both fall asleep like that, breathing in unison.You don’t wake up screaming this time.
Your POV
Today, you wake up first. Sundays always make you sad, signifying the end of your weekend, a day for finishing homework and cramming for midterms before all your tests this week. You open your eyes slowly, squinting at the sunlight coming through your window. Your back is to Eddie, and you feel his arm wrapped around your waist, his breathing even. It’s the most comfortable you’ve let yourself be with someone, despite neither of you being capable of telling the other.
You don’t want to wake him, but you feel your stomach rumble, a lack of lasagna in your stomach.
You turn around slowly, sure to keep his arm in place around you. He’s sound asleep, his lips slightly parted, face peaceful. You could watch him sleep all day if it weren't for your stomach slowly eating itself from hunger.
Finally, Eddie shifts onto his back, his arm abandoning you in the process. He stretches it above his head, opening his eyes and immediately meeting your gaze. “Good morning.” He says, a tired rasp in his voice.
“Good morning. How’d you sleep?”
“Like a log. So did you, it seems?”
“Yeah, through the whole night and everything.” Thank god, you think, you’re not sure what you would’ve done if you’d woken Eddie up screaming again.
“You talk in your sleep.” Eddie says, shifting into a sitting position.
“You’re lying.” No he’s not, you know you do. It’s usually something completely irrelevant, but that doesn’t stop the fear of not knowing what you said with Eddie in your bed.
“I’m not! It was cute.”
“What did I say?”
“A lot, most of it nonsense. Something about lemurs at one point.” Relief floods through you, grateful you didn’t out yourself in your sleep. “You said I was extremely sexy.”
A lump forms in your throat, your mouth is suddenly dry, while the rest of your face breaks into a sweat. You blink rapidly, attempting to free the tears welling in your eyes. He looks at you closely, as if studying your reaction, before letting go a sudden cackle. “I’m kidding!”
You release the breath you didn’t know you were holding, and nervously laugh with him. “You’re awful!” You accuse, swinging your feet onto the floor. “I’m gonna take a shower, you feel like going to breakfast?”
“Sure you’re not sick of me yet?”
“There is nothing to get sick of.”
“Psh, whatever, go shower, I’ll be here, and totally not thinking about you in there.” You snap your head to look at him.
Eddie reaches over to your bedside table, picking up your beaten copy of The Bell Jar. He opens it to the first page before glancing up at you, frozen in place while you process what just came out of his mouth.
Eddie doesn’t explain himself, but lifts his hand and shoos you away. You don’t know what to say, what the fuck could you say?! You stumble into the bathroom, clicking the lock behind you.
Eddie’s POV
He pushes your comforter off of him, revealing the tent in his briefs. Shit, I guess I took my own joke too seriously. He should probably take care of it before you come out, because seeing you dripping from the shower definitely won't help. Being the genius that he is, he knows not to go to town on himself in your bed. It would make a mess, and with his luck you’d catch him jerking it and never look at him again.
Instead, Eddie slowly gets off your bed, lighter on his feet than any ballerina to ever exist. He tiptoes to the bedroom door, locks it, then gently sits on the floor in front of the bathroom. This way, he thinks in his horny boy brain, he’ll be able to hear you turn the water off.
Eddie breathes deeply, making sure he can hear the water behind the door. Sure enough, the spray of the water is clear as day. Underneath it, he can even hear you singing Hit Me With Your Best Shot at almost full volume. He decides it’ll be a silent session, knowing the thinness of the walls works both ways.
He works quickly, feeling the ache in his groin grow stronger with the sound of your voice so close. He pulls his underwear down just enough to free his dick from the confines. He spits in his hand, slightly disgusted with his desperate need for relief. He banishes the thought from his mind, grabbing at his cock with his now slick hand. He grips it securely, moving his fist rapidly to the sound of your voice.
He lets his mind wander, closing his eyes as the feeble attempt at release continues. He pictures you as you must be, completely naked, under hot, running water. You’re covered in a soapy lather, smoothing it into your skin. He pictures himself with you, undressing himself before entering the shower, hugging your naked body to his as the water bathes you both. He pictures kneeling before you, taking you in his mouth while your hands knot in his hair. He envisions detaching your shower head, bringing it to your clit to watch you squirm while he busies himself kissing your neck. Desperately, he imagines bending you over, fucking you while the water hits your back, while you fight to keep your footing as he makes you come against the tile.
His thoughts escape him, growing less and less appropriate as he brings himself to climax. He shoots his load into his hand while groaning quietly, and immediately wipes it on the inside of his shirt.
Your POV (occurring simultaneously with Eddie’s)
You try to steady yourself, looking at your reflection in the small bathroom mirror, taking deep breaths. Thinking about me? In here? Is he serious? He can’t be serious. You go around like this for a good two minutes, justifying his words to yourself. Finally, you decide to relieve yourself of some stress. You’ve earned it after spending the entire weekend with Eddie and not jumping his bones.
You shed your clothes, dropping them in the hamper beside the sink. You wait for the water to warm, singing Pat Benatar’s Hit Me With Your Best Shot, a go to showering tune. Once in the tub, you free your hands to roam your body, reaching your fingers between your legs to feel the wetness that had accumulated long before showering. You lean against the cold tile, bringing your middle finger to play with your clit, rubbing eager circles, letting your imagination run wild.
You imagine Eddie in your bed, reading your book. You picture exiting the bathroom, forfeiting the towel as soon as he looks from the book to you. You stroll over to him, still dripping wet from the shower, completely naked, and crawl on top of him. Because it’s your daydream, of course he welcomes you, taking you by the waist and sitting you on his lap. You can almost feel his hard cock under you, and you stifle a moan into your shoulder, hoping Eddie can’t hear you sinning from the bed. The daydream continues until you've grown desperate, yanking your shower head from the wall and bringing it between your legs. Finally, your knees shake as you orgasm, thinking of Eddie’s head between your thighs as you do. Once you compose yourself, you shut the water off, feeling somehow much dirtier than when you got in.
Eddie’s POV
Eddie scrambles from his spot on the floor when he hears the water turn off. He grabs his jeans and pulls them on, jumping as he struggles to get them over his sweaty legs. He turns around to find you, wrapped only in a towel, watching as he fumbles for his belt.
“I uh, forgot my clothes.” You say, not meeting his eyes. He cant help but feel flattered by your flustered reaction. There may be hope for him yet.
“Who needs ‘em.” He lets himself flirt with you, accepting that if you wanted him to stop, you’d tell him.
You hide your face from him, not willing to let him know his comment makes your stomach flip “Uh, we do, if we’re going to breakfast.” You pull a U2 shirt your dad got you when he saw them live, and a pair of acid wash distressed jeans. You throw a second shirt, a Blondie one you bought too big, at his chest. “For your modesty.” You laugh as he looks at Debbie Harry’s face, then back to yours.
“You’re the one with their tape in your car!” Before he can argue, you skip back to the bathroom to change, and probably splash some cold water on your face.
When you come back, he’s put the shirt on, and it hugs his chest and arms with just enough give that it accentuates his lean figure without looking too tight. “Looks good.” You mean it, and he thanks you with a stupid grin.
Your POV
“C’mon, I’ll drive!” You shout, scooping your keys from the hook at the front door. “Bye, parents!” You call, running out the door with Eddie right on your heels. In the car, you plug in your Judas Priest tape, something you only remembered you had seeing the poster on Eddie’s wall. Eddie busts out his best air guitar to Breaking the Law, and you chime in with the best metal rasp you can muster. There I was completely wasting, out of work and down All inside it’s so frustrating as I drift from town to town, Feel as though nobody cares if I live or die, So I might as well begin to put some action in my life, You know what it’s called… You reach the diner, a humble building on the outskirts of town. “We stopped here on our way in, I assume you’ve been here?”
“Believe it or not, I haven’t. I never really come this way.” The diner is close to the edge of town, something Eddie only ventures out of to visit War Zone when he makes enough for a new leather jacket, and that’s in the other direction.
“Well, their pancakes are to die for.”
The waitress at the host stand is a frazzled middle aged lady, wearing an apron covered in coffee stains. The diner bustles before you, women speed walking from table to table, serving mugs of coffee and plates of steaming eggs and bacon. The waitress greets you with a big, fake smile, and leads you to a booth in the far corner. “What can I get ya started with, lovebirds?” She asks, her pad and pen at the ready.
“Oh, we’re not-“ Eddie starts, but you interrupt, “We will have two coffees, one black, one with room for milk, and two short stacks of your chocolate chip pancakes. Oh! And two sides of bacon, please.” You hand the menus back to her, and she nods, walking off to the kitchen. “Trust me?” You reach your arms across the table, and Eddie takes your hands and nods.
Eddie’s POV
“So? You ask, stuffing the fluffy pancake in your mouth. Eddie makes a scene of cutting into his own slowly, bringing it to his lips, and chewing it carefully. He closes his eyes, as if cutting off one of his senses will amplify the others. Once he swallows, he opens his eyes wide, rolling them back into his head. “Fucking delicious.”
You beam at him, grateful to watch him enjoy himself, and pour maple syrup on your bacon. Eddie gives you a look of feigned disgust. You wave a sticky strip at him. “Try it!”
He obliges eagerly, taking a bite from the bacon still in your hand. You wait for his response, and after a minute of deciding, he says, “I’ll never doubt you again.”
For a while, you eat in silence, each in your own head as you watch the people bustle around the restaurant. When you’ve finished half your plate, Eddie speaks. “What are we doing today?”
You look up from your plate to meet his gaze. “We’re doing something right now aren’t we?”
“I mean, after this. You got any plans?”
“I’m at your disposal, if you’ll have me.”
Eddie can’t help the laugh that leaves his throat. If only you knew how badly it aches to think of going home. Not after the weekend you’ve both had. “There’s a decent record store downtown, if you’re interested?”
You nod your head vigorously.
When the check comes, you both reach for it. “Hey, you drove.” Eddie insists, pulling his wallet from his back pocket. You go to protest, but he holds a hand up to shush you, pulling two crisp 20s from the center fold, placing it under his empty mug. You cross your arms, twisting your face into a pout. “I am an empowered person, I can take care of myself.” You joke.
“I totally agree with you. But I also want you to save that money for the dime you’re about to drop on music.” He won’t hear your rebuttal, so you slide out of the booth, and he rises behind you.
Your POV
Eddie directs you through Hawkins, letting himself slip into tangents involving the places you pass. “And there is where I spent the night for public intoxication,” He points out your window to the Hawkins Police Department. “Chief Hopper stayed with me that night. I was only sixteen, walking home from a party, and he was out patrolling. He called my house, but no one came to pick me up. Dad was on a bender, mom was… god knows where.” You listen to every word as he glosses over his troubled adolescence. You feel deeply sad for him, and yearn to go back in time and tell your parents to move to Indiana four years earlier. “Here we are!” You pull up to a plaza, containing a pizza place that’s closed on Sundays, a nail salon, and the record store, aptly named Record Scratches. Eddie holds the door to the shop for you, the bell ringing lightly as you enter.
Inside, the walls are lined with shelves and shelves of records, both pristinely cling wrapped as well as old and dusty. Through the store speakers, you can just make out the words to Close To Me by The Cure: I’ve waited hours for this, I’ve made myself so sick, I wish I’d stayed asleep today, I never thought this day would come. The kid at the counter cant be older than sixteen, dressed in a denim jacket layered over a Tears for Fears shirt. “Hey, Liam!” Eddie greets him, and he returns the hello with an excited wave.
“Hi, Eddie! Welcome back.”
“This is Y/N, I’m sure they’ll become a frequent patron of yours.” You give the kid a wave that he returns. “Let me know if you need help with anything, though Eddie could probably help you better than I could.” He says, then returns to taking inventory of the box of vinyl on the counter.
Eddie migrates to the metal section, while you linger around the punk records towards the middle. You brush the covers of Bad Brains, Black Flag, The Clash, and Dead Kennedys. At the end of each aisle are cassette tapes of more music, perfect for playing in your car. You decide there that you’ll get Eddie something, preferably that you like and have confidence he’ll also enjoy. You look over to him, engrossed in the art of a Motörhead record. After plenty of consideration, you choose The Runaways self titled record, remembering how you would play You Drive Me Wild in the car on your way to your guitar lessons, giving yourself something to work towards: You know when you’re close, you really turn me on. That’s why I want you so bad when you’re gone, Yeah! Come on, come on and take me home, Please stay with me, and don’t you leave me alone… You decide to grab Kate Bush’s Hounds of Love on vinyl as well, currently only possessing it as a cassette tape.
Eddie’s POV (simultaneously with yours)
He settles toward the back of the store, where the metal records collect dust in a dark corner, isolated even in his favorite place. He wants to get you a record, something that proves he’s got good taste, but will still impress you. He looks up at you, across the store, digging in the punk records. He watches the way you smile when you find a record you’re looking for, inspecting used ones for scratches. Selfishly, he wants you like this all the time. A lazy Sunday spent with you at a diner, a record store, or even on the couch. He scours over the collection, barely bigger than his own. A few jump to mind: Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Judas Priest. He knows you like those bands, though, leaving very little to his imagination. He wants to wow you, for some reason. He finds you difficult to read, still not able to tell how you feel about him. He goes over every shelf, it seems, inspecting records for tracks that trigger something within him, that compel him to purchase it for someone like you.
He’s about to lose hope when he spots it, tucked away in the back of the wrong lettered section: Metal Health by Quiet Riot. He recalls the lyrics to Love’s A Bitch fondly, Love’s got me by the ass again, I’ve been in love since I don’t know when, I keep running and I don’t know why, Love’s given me a crock of lies, out of breath and I’m out of time. He tucks the record under his arm, and decides to also grab himself a copy of Autoamerican on his way by the alternative section, swearing not to tell you.
Your POV
“I got you something.” Eddie says as you exit the shop, and you look at him with disbelief.
“You’re not gonna believe this, but I got you something, too.”
Eddie gives you a smile, curing you of any nerves. “On three?”
“Three!” You both pull records out of your bags. “Autoamerican? I have that already.”
Eddie does a double take. “Shit.” He switches the record for Quiet Riot’s, handing it to you. You hand him the Runaways album, and take yours from his hand. The cover shows a man in a straight jacket and a mask that looks like a jail for your face. He inspects the Runaways record, flipping it to read the tracks on the back.
“Thank you,” you whisper it, almost not wanting him to hear you.
“You wanna go home and listen?” Eddie asks, an excited smile spread across his face.
“Yours or mine?”
“Whichever,” he shrugs, thinking home is wherever you are. You decide to go back to yours to switch into Eddie’s van before going to his.
Eddie’s POV
At the trailer, he opens the door to the van, then his front door for you. “Player’s in my room.” He points loosely to the back of the trailer, grabbing his supply of weed off the kitchen counter to bring with him.
He enters the room, eyeing as you slip Metal Health from its sleeve, placing it gently in the player. He can’t lie to himself, he’s ecstatic you chose to listen to that one first.
The first track, named for the album, starts at a low volume, but he watches you crank it as he lights a joint, banging your head to the beat.
Eddie doesn’t know what comes over him, but he takes you by the hand, dragging you to the middle of his bedroom. He twirls you like he would at a prom, grooving in time with you. When you’re facing him again, he brings the joint up to your lips and watches you inhale. Your face is flushed, hair still windblown from the drive over. The chorus kicks in, Bang your head, Metal health’ll drive you mad, and you jump on top of the bed, bouncing up and down as you continue obeying, whipping your head around like Eddie did the night of the Corroded Coffin show.
He watches you in awe, admiring your lack of inhibition, truly enjoying yourself. You’ve got the brightest smile on your face as you point at Eddie, telling him to join you on your makeshift stage.
When the guitar solo starts, Eddie whips out the trusty air guitar, hopping on the bed with you. As the song fades into the next track, the two of you flop down on the bed, laughing and out of breath.
“What are we doing?” Eddie yells over the music.
“Enjoying ourselves!” You shout back, flinging his arms around his neck, bringing him into a bear hug. He hugs you back, no hesitation about it, and holds you there for a minute, relishing in the smell of your hair as it tickles his nose.
When you loosen your grip, but you hover in front of his face, your own inches away, arms still clasped around him.
“That’s not what you meant, was it?”
“Not exactly, but you’re right. I have been enjoying myself.”
“But is that enough for you?” You reach over to turn the music down so you don’t have to shout. Your eyes are filled with concern, and his heart melts.
“More than enough. Is it enough for you?”
You shake your head briefly, “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking this weekend.”
“Do tell.” His heart aches with anticipation.
You’re silent for a second, considering your words carefully. “I didn’t come here planning to make friends. I wanted to focus on school, get the hell out, and then worry about my social life.”
Eddie nods, feeling his heart crack as he looks at you.
“But,” You pause, adjusting your grip around his neck, “that’s not what happened. I met you. And I’m so glad I did.”
Eddie breaks into another huge smile then, moving his arms to wrap around your waist as you both shift in the bed. He speaks finally, “I’m so fucking glad I met you.” He’s had it with the subtleties, he moves one arm from your waist to tuck a flyaway behind your ear, focusing on your ear instead of your eyes.
Your POV
The warmth of his hand heats your face, surely making it redder than it already is. You look at him, at his lips: pink and so unbelievably soft, his pupils large making dark brown eyes almost black. The dimple in his cheek grows as he meets your eyes.
“What are you thinking about?” He asks you, barely a whisper.
“How badly I want you to kiss me.” The words leave your mouth before you can stop them, and you look away. It’s the first time you admit it, and you feel a weight lift off your chest. Your heart beats faster, and it’s so loud in your ears that you’re convinced he can hear it too.
“Yeah?” Eddie cups a hand under your chin. He doesn’t seem fazed by your words. In fact, he seems elated to hear it, quirking an eyebrow at you, almost skeptical.
You take his hand from your face and move it over the left side of your chest. “Does it feel like I’m joking right now?”
He looks from your face to where his hand sits, right on top of your breast with your full consent. The look of shock is quickly replaced with one of mischief. As if you couldn’t get any warmer, the words leave his lips so close to yours that his breath is hot on your face. “Kiss me first.” You shake your head as if the entire scene is taking place in your brain rather than right in front of you. He leans further into you, taking your face back in his hand. He’s an inch, less than that, away from your lips, you can almost taste him. Your eyes close slowly, and you pucker your lips as subtly as you can manage… and nothing happens.
Instead of connecting your lips, he widens his smile, watching your reaction to his teasing. You open one eye to catch him gawking at your face. “What the hell?”
A cackle breaks the tension as Eddie throws his head back. It shatters you, watching him find amusement in your vulnerability. So much so, you decide then and there that your seven minutes in Heaven are over. He’s still laughing as you mumble “I gotta go.” shoving off of Eddie’s bed to go look for your shoes. You stifle your tears as your chest heaves, threatening to burst right in front of Eddie. “Wait, Y/N, I didn’t mean—“ You slam his bedroom door behind you and make a run for the outside.
“Wait, hold on!” Eddie calls for you, but it’s too late. You’ve slipped outside, abandoning the record in the player, storming out of his trailer with a slam of the door.
“Y/N!” Eddie calls from the porch as you stomp out of earshot. It’s pouring now, and you totally forgot you switched cars, so you’re stuck walking home, a direction you barely remember when you’re not crying.
You faintly hear Eddie calling for you, and he’s sure to at least follow to the edge of the park, but you don’t turn around. You’ll walk the block for an hour in the rain, maybe, clear your head. Was this all a fucking joke to him? Did he not feel anything for you? He did a great fucking job pretending.
There’s about an inch of water in your shoes as you exit onto the main road. Maybe a nice truck driver will pick you up, whisking you away from this Hellish town with its charming, beautiful, and deceitful boys. You don’t bother to hide your tears anymore, no one can see them in the rain.
“Y/N! I’m sorry!” Eddie’s voice is closer now, but you don’t dare turn around until you feel him tug on your shoulder, forcing you to face him.
“What the fuck was that?” You whip around to look up at him, the rain dripping from his hair into his face, soaking into his clothes the same way it must be yours. “That shit’s not funny.”
“I know. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it to hurt your feelings. I just—I was so surprised.”
“What? Surprised that I actually believed you’d kiss me?! How fucking dare I, honestly?” You spit your words with a harsh venom behind them. “With you looking at me the way you do, touching me the way you do. Forgive me, Eddie, for thinking I had a sliver of a chance with you.” It feels like you’re losing your mind, having deluded yourself into believing Eddie felt the same way you do. “You know what, you’re a fucking freak.” You both flinch at the word when it leaves your lips, and you instantly regret it. It’s a low blow, and one you’ve been on the receiving end of plenty of times. “Eddie, I—“
“No, it’s okay. I deserve that. I am. What type of person falls for someone over the course of one week? Who else laughs when they finally get the chance they’ve been wishing for since day one? I wanted to kiss you. I want to kiss you now. But, I can’t.”
“What the fuck does that even mean, Eddie? It sounds like you don’t want to kiss me.”
“It means once I kiss you, that’s it. No one’s left wondering what could have been. I have been wracking my brain trying to figure you out, the best way to do it, and I’ve come up with nothing. I’ve had so many chances and none of them felt good enough. I wanted to make it special, and when the opportunity finally revealed itself, I fucked it up!” He flails his arms above his head in exasperation, shouting over the sound of rain on the roofs of the trailers behind him. “I was so desperate to get this right that I made it so much worse.”
“And you don’t think spending this whole weekend together; comforting each other through being beaten up, my nightmares, my grandmother, staying up all night to talk, falling asleep in each other’s beds— you don’t see how special any of that is? I had so many opportunities to go home, Eddie. I could have bolted after the party Friday, could have sent you home when I saw my grandmother. You could have kicked me out after my episode, told me to go fuck myself and sleep on the couch. Not fucking once did I want to leave you until you laughed at me like that.” Your voice breaks, and you release a chest rattling sob into the air. “Why would you laugh at me like that?” The question barely escapes before you let yourself cry.
Your question hangs over his head like an anvil, guilt clouding his vision. Eddie covers his face with his hands, half to stifle a cry of his own, half to wipe the rain from his face. “I didn’t mean to laugh. I was so… shocked by what you said, I didn’t know what to do. I panicked. No one’s ever told me they want to kiss me and meant it, especially someone I want to kiss. I guess… I didn’t believe you.” The words break your heart into even smaller pieces. You dare take a step closer to Eddie, quietly so he can’t hear you do so over the rain. You drag your feet closer to where he stands, eventually your toes only an inch apart. He notices, looking up from his feet to squint at you through the storm. “I am so fucking sorry.”
“I guess it’s okay.” You swat the tears from your eyes. “You should probably grovel, though, just to make sure.”
Eddie doesn’t hesitate. He drops to his knees, soaking them through with mud as he clasps his hands together in prayer. “Please, Y/N, forgive me for all I’ve done. I live to serve you and you alone. What shall I do to make it up to you?”
You bend down to his eye level, cupping his chin in your hand. His skin is wet under your equally rain soaked touch, your thumb slipping quickly over his bottom lip. “Whatever you feel is appropriate.” You tease before standing again, walking past him back to his trailer.
Before you can get far, he grabs your wrist, using you to pull himself back up. In one swift motion, you’re spun to face him, and he closes the space between you, finally connecting his lips to yours. It’s as if the storm has stopped, as if the world freezes on its axis in the brightest sunspot, your whole body melting with his touch. You’re numb to the rain, only concentrating on how soft his lips are on yours, the way his fingers grip your hips, the way he tastes like weed, cigarettes, and mint. You wrap your arms around his neck, tangling your fingers in his wet hair, and he lifts you off your feet, making sure your lips stay securely connected.
“I should get you home, huh?” He says, ending the kiss much to your disapproval, that stupid smile back on his face as he puts you on the ground. You give him a pout in response, and he plants a second, too-quick kiss on your lips. “C’mon, we can throw your clothes in the dryer before you leave.” He holds out his hand for you to take, and you do, following Eddie back into his trailer.
chapter VI
tag list: @children-of-the-grave @beebeerockknot @five-bi-five || send a message to be added!🫶
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eddieshellfxre · 2 years
Ride to Hell
Eddie Munson x fem Harrington eader
word count: 2.3k
summary: you’re part of the Hellfire Club, you cant stop thinking about Eddie and turns out he cant either
warnings: 18+ fingering, oral sex, sex also this is my first time writting anything like this, i hope yall like it
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"Steve, please step on the damn pedal, Eddie is gonna kill me if im late!" you tell your older brother
"You really think i dont have somewhere else to be too? I have a hot date and i still have to drive you to this stupid meeting" he says while tapping his fingers on the wheel relentlessly "besides ive told you like a hundred times i dont like it when you hang out with him, im totally against you joining his little cult"
You cant but roll your eye so far it hurts your head" its not a cult, its a club dickface! Besides hes a senior and so i am.... I dont see an issue" you say waving your arms around in a dramatic manor
"hes been a senior for two years dude" he says as he pulls up to Hawkins High. you ignore his last remark and open the door to leave" ALSO GET YOUR OWN RIDE HOME" he says shouting through the window, he speeds off right after for his super hot date.
You start to run the halls of Hawkins High and stop your tracks only to look down to realise you forgot to change your clothes for the club shirt "fucking shit, i cant walk in that room in this dress... fuck it". You find the door to the club and sprung it open only to find everyone looking at you. "Hi, sorry im late i-i was at a family birthday party, i also forgot to change clothes im sorry" you say while you sit in your usual spot next to Eddie "I can see that" Eddie says with a slight smirk on his face. You cant help but feel a bit nervous as you see the look on his face as he's eyeing you up and down what the fuck is happening right now. "Very nice of you to join us like that princess" You sit down and adjust your dress and a little bit more of you cleavage is showing, Eddie cant keep his eyes off you, and swallows dry as he adjusts himself on his seat.
The game goes on for a couple of hours and you cant help but feel frustrated at how this is turning out "you have got to be kidding me!" you let out "Let me roll, i know we can do this. what do i need?" you say slamming your hand at the top of the table and standing up "15 or higher sweetheart, think you can do it?" Eddie says he has this ironic chuckle "bite me Munson" you say clenching your teeth "oh would be my pleasure" Everyone else is looking at one another, trying to make something of whats going around them get your shit together, this is not the time for you little mind games Munson. "Yes i can do it, we're here to fight arent we?" you lean over the table to grab the dice, as you do this your white dress rises at the back, exposing a little more skin than it should. You make nothing of this as you are determined to win this fight, but this doesnt go past Eddie who is leaning his body slightly to the right to get a better view of whats going on behind you, he stops his movements and looks around the room to see if anyone noticed, but everyone is too concentrated in what number youre gonna roll. The tension builds up as you shake the dice in your hand. Eddie watched you closely, you turn to look at him and see that he has this smirk "wanna kiss it for good luck Munson?" you chuckle, Eddie smiles and bites down his lip, you throw it the dice... it bounces one, two three times "17 SHE ROLLED A 17 WE WON" Dustin screams as he jumps in his seat. Everyone just hugs one another, as you stand proudly looking at Eddie, he give you a bow and says "well done princess" you create this proud look on your face and smile.
Everyone starts packing up everything and starts to leave, Jeff turns to you "you were our saviour tonight, god bless you Queen of Hellfire" you laugh and thank him, everyone leaves the room and its just you two now, you and Eddie, completely alone, you help him pack up everything and remember you need someone to take you home "hey Eddie?” he tilts his head up slightly as you catch his attention do you mind giving me a ride? My stupid brother has a hot date and wont come pick me up after" youre kinda shy asking him this, specially after what you've been thinking about him for the past weeks non-stop. How it would feel like to feel his lips on you, his smell hovering your body, sucking out every little bit of air you have in it "sure, no problem at all sweetheart" a knot builds up in your throat as you hear it "sweetheart" "princess" all these pet-names that he calls you and drive you crazy, you just try to play it off as cool, that it doesnt bother you, but it does, it so does.
"Can you please stop calling me that" you mumble under your breath. Eddie smiles and walks towards you, pulling you in by the waist "why? Does it make you nervous princess?" you look down at his shirt, the tattoo peaking through the collar, driving you insane. How can tattoos have this affect on you? More like tattoos on Eddie have this affect on you, you shake your head trying to make something of what was going on, you feel a rush of heat running through your whole body "look at me" he places his hand on your chin, pushing it up slightly, your eyes meet his eyes, his brown beautiful eyes and go weak again.
You start you feel yourself getting wet at his touch "i asked you something, didnt i?" he says as he pulls his face closer to yours, you can feel his breath on you and his rings starting you dig into your skin from how hard hes holding you. "Lock the door" he whispers as he lets you go and sits back on his chair, or as the boys call it the throne. He watched you as you lock the door and turn back to look at him. There he is slouching back on his throne, touching the right corner of his lips with his middle finger, that same finger that has this huge chunky ring on it, you cant help but to think how that ring would feel on you, the metal against you hot body. "Come here" he says making a motion with his index finger. You obey, you find youself standing in front of him, between his legs while hes eyeing you up and down. You feel his hand going up your thigh, meeting the bottom elastic of your underwear.
"So... about that ride you asked for" he says smiling while he undoes the top three buttons of your dress, revealing the lace bra you have on, moving his hand down your body "does it only have to be a car ride or-" you cut him off by sitting wide open on his lap, takes him by surprise, he likes it you can tell as he lets out a groan of satisfaction, it echoes through you. You take a handful of his long brown hair and pull back his head
"Munson, if you dont do something about the state im in right now i swear to god-" he pulls you in for a kiss, the kiss you've imagined so many times in your head, late at night. Eddie moves your hips everytime he kisses you, his tongue playing with yours. You can feel his bulge getting bigger through his jeans, creating friction on your underwear. You cant help but let out a slight moan as it touches your sensitive spot "god Eddie what the hell" you breath out.
At this point you need him, you need him bad, he moves his hand behind you, grabs your ass so tight under your dress you can tell is gonna leave an print of his fingers and his rings, you move your head to the side giving him access to your neck, he understands this and places his lips onto you, sucking hard.
You can feel a slight burn, but you dont mind it, you like it, it turns you on even more than you already are "jesus christ Munson" you let out
"you've been teasing the shit out of me ever since you joined the club sweetheart. Dont think i would notice? Dont think i would notice that pretty little short dress of yours?" he whispers close to your ear, sending you shivers all over, a rush of electricity runs all over your body as you feel his breath on you
“-i didnt do it on purpose i really forgot to change" "and thank god you did it because its way easier to this this" he slides his hand to your underwear, moving it to the side. Without warning he traces a finger through your slit "Eddie" a moan that makes him smile, you move your hips higher allowing him more access, you can feel the cold metal of his rings going near your opening as he inserts two fingers inside you, you fall forward letting out a loud moan, you bury your face in his neck trying to muffle the sound, grabbing yourself on the high tops of his throne for stability, he starts to curl his fingers inside you while pressing his thumb on your clit making small and controlled circles, his thumb is in such rhythm with the other two, it gives you a new feelin, something that takes your breath away "you feel amazing baby" eddie says as he feels your inside knowing exactly what buttons to push, you start to clench your inside as Eddie feels it, youre close "oh no sweetheart, dont think im gonna let you come this easy do you?" hes such a tease, you just wanna feel him inside you, hes driving you crazy.
How the fuck did we get here, we were playing just couple minutes ago, now the game is- Eddie breaks your train of thought as he pushes you away, releasing your tight pussy to unbuckle his belt and push down his worn out black jeans just enough for his throbbing cock to spring out of his jeans, your mouth automatically starts to water as you look at his huge dick, you get down on your knees and place your hands at the bottom of his shaft, placing your mouth at the tip of his dick tasting is pre cum thats already there dripping, Eddie throws his head back with his hand at the top of your head, guiding you slowly as you take all of him in your mouth.
He moves his hips just enough to have him touch the back of your throat, you cant help but gag but you dont mind, you like it and you can tell he does too, hes getting close you can feel it so you slow your pace, you wanna tease him as much as he teases you. You start to suck in your cheeks and releasing him from your mouth, you run your tongue along his shaft, kissing the top of his head, you look up at him while you do this, its driving him crazy. "fuck you feel good baby- stop teasing me" you let you a laugh while your mouth is still around him, it vibrates giving him a sensation he cant explain, he lets out a moan, a moan that turns out it was music to your ears. "c-comehere" he breaths out, tugging your hair to suggest that you stand up.
You strandle him and he lines his dick with your entrance, teasing you, driving you wild "Eddie just fuck me for the love of god" he laughs and lets you slide down him "oh-ohmygod"you let out dropping your head "you feel so good baby, i cant tell you how long ive waited for this" how long hes been waiting for this? Is he serious right now? you grab the top of his throne again for stability you grab on thigh onto it, trying to hold back your moans but you cant help but let out some "why you holding back, i wanna hear you baby" "someone could hear us Eddie" you say as you move up and down on him, he raises your skirt so he can see you go up and down, his left hand goes up to your breasts and starts to push the top of your dress down, revealing your tits, he takes his mouth to your hard nipple and you feel his tongue playing around your hard nipple "Eddie im close, im so close"
"hold on princess, just a little bit longer... can you do that for me? Be a good girl and do that for me" his words hit you like a wave, you could swear you were on cloud nine at this point. He thrusts his hips harder and harder you feel it in your throat, hitting just the right spot. You were ready to see jesus at some point but Eddie sure feels more like the devil. No angel could fuck you this good, there is no way, you start to clench your inside around him "fuck, youre so tight, youre so tight for me baby. You wanna come? C'mon come for me i wanna feel you" "mmmmm Eddie ohmygod" you throw your head back as you reach your orgasm "im close too baby, where do you want me to cum?" "m-mouth" you manage to breath out as you climb off him to get on your knees "open for me" Eddie says as he gives himself a couple more strokes and shoots his cum directly into your mouth, you swallow right away and leave him speechless.
He picks you up and hold you into a sloppy and wet kiss "maybe next time we can go for a ride in my van instead, it might be more comfortable than my throne" you laugh nervously, cheeks flush red "yeah, i dont really know how im gonna be able to concentrate in D&D now that i know what happened in that chair" Eddie grabs your ass so hard you let out a whine pulls his lips close to your ear "throne sweetheart".
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