#so many kisses when she comes homeeee
niinazenikk · 11 months
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Part 3 after like
A week or 3
Kuro: Let the rest of my day be quiet thank you
Literally anyone: hey Kuro
Kuro: see there is no god
Gear: did enjoy the 200 years?
Kuro: no I wish
Lily: and I said I'm young but I lied I'm 300+
Licht: everyone get out of my way I just want to sit here and feed Neko san
Tetsu: I don't know what my body is for other then just taking my head room to room
Misono: when will I get big and strong?
Kuro: I didn't drink water the entire time
Tsubaki: no in fact we're gonna frame you for murder and you're gonna go to jail for 30 years!
Kuro: well then let's just not see each other for 200 years and it doesn't matter at all
Sakuya to Mahiru: hey do you want me to kill that guy for you?
Kuro: they don't even need to look at you for long they'll just be like "hahaha hahaha hey look at that high waisted man he got feminine hips" and I'm like "no! that's the thing I'm sensitive about!"
Youtarou: you ever seen a ghost?
Hugh: thank you for asking well you know how I'm filled with rage?
Kuro: which was kind of nice cuz I don't keep in touch with people so that's my bit for the year
Tetsu: I zone out constantly have you ever zoned out for a few minutes? I've been zoned out since 2014
Kuro: you sit on the floor with your back perfectly straight which I hate more then vacuums and then you take deep breaths I DON'T LIKE SITTING UP STRAIGHT ALL RIGHT? IT'S NEVER GONNA HAPPEN
youtarou: sometimes my boyfriend- I have this boyfriend and he'll be like "are you watching the road?" and I'm always like "I am looking through the windshield and I'm not gonna hit anyone but no I'm thinking about dogs"
Inner Kuro: dearest eve could I enquire how your physical form was able to reach this place in such a short duration of time?
Kuro: I wanna go home I don't like this party I'm allergic to people
Mahiru: you're not allergic to people Kuro
Kuro: yes I am
Inner Kuro: do you like socializing?
Kuro: no I don't like socializing
Inner Kuro: do you like people?
Kuro: I don't like people
Inner Kuro: do you like the war?
Izuna: Please please please pleaseee PLEASEE-
Izuna: she's ok! ehah.. That was a close one! Hehahaha!
Izuna: I almost spiraled Ehah!
Hyde: yes babe the heelys are off this time I promise
Licht: -_-
Hyde: please come back to bed
Licht: *comes back to bed*
Licht: you fucking r-
Licht: you have five seconds before I kick you off this bed and murder you
Shuuhei: what are you up to?
Izuna: nothing big just practicing my time traveling so-
Shuuhei: I'm sorry did you say time traveling?
Izuna: IN FACT the love of your life is gonna walk through that door!
Izuna: in 3,2,1-
Ildio walks in: hey sorry have you seen my eve?
Shuuhui: the love of my life is a man? AND A VAMPIRE?
Izuna: oh have we not gotten to that part yet?
Cappuccino: wait what the fu- wait- what are you doing in my room? What do you want!?
Ildio: *silently staring at him at the edge of the of his bed*
Cappuccino: WHAT DO YOU WANT!?
Ildio: I want waffle fries
Hyde: Ruhroh!
Ildio: zoinks!
Lily: jinkies!
Freya: jeepers!
Kuro: FU-
~we'll be right back~
Touma: then you're a normal cat aren't you?
Kuro: that's true
Touma: a heterosexual cat
Kuro: a what😀?
Misono: if you press that button it'll take one year off your life
Lily: *starts pressing it*
Misono: but you'll get a hundred- thousand dollar- .....
Lily: *still pressing it*
Misono: ..... L-
Lily: *pressing it as fast as he can*
Lily: *pressing it even faster*
Misono: NO-
Mahiru: I'm gonna let God fix it
Mahiru: because if I fix it
Mahiru: I'm going to jail!
Shuuhei: I used to be a sprinkles guy when I was younger so this is nice
Mikuni: you look like a sprinkles guy
Shuuhei: the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Mitsuki: why is there so many romance animes on MY account?
Hyde: could it beeee...... You fell in love?!
Ildio: ...!
Hyde: oh my tails swinging maybe I'm in love~!
Ildio: .....
Hyde: Il-Il-Ildio I-Il- wait- HUH!? *running to Ildio*
Ildio: *walking off*
Ildio: let's get back with the others-
Hyde: wait who is ittt!?
Inner Kuro: well what do you have there Kuro?
Kuro: it's mental illness just insult me and let me go homeeee
Inner Kuro: well explain it
Misono: why are you calling your therapist at 3 am!? He told you not to do that!
Mahiru: Misono.......You do know I'm a literal teenager trying to stop a war right?
Kuro: this is the perfect moon for a werewolf to come out
Gear: ... I'm gay
Mahiru about Kuro: you never know what the homosexual is about
Mahiru: he may appear normal
Mahiru with Kuro in his arms: and it may be too late when you discovered he is mentally ill-
Hyde: fuck C3
Ildio: yeah fuck C3
Ildio: guess who I hooked up with last night
Hyde: who?
Ildio: Shuuhei Tsuyuki
Hyde: W H A T
Ildio: you said fuck C3- ....
Ildio: you didn't mean literally-....
Ildio: ・///~///・
Tsurugi: p.o.v you never thought you'd live this long and now you're just gonna keep on going out of spite
Tsurugi: "to spite who?" might ask
Shuuhei: did I get anything out of this experience? No it was completely and totally uneventful
Izuna: he kissed a guy!
Shuuhei: no I didn't!
Izuna: yes you did!
Shuuhei: DIDN'T
Izuna: didddd
Shuuhei: DID NOT
Izuna: did, did, did, did, did did did diddd
Freya: ahem I can break this tie
Freya: he totally did *looking at Ildio and Shuuhei*
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vitani-okoro · 3 years
vitara | tis the season to fuck with simba
pairing - vitani okoro & kiara taji ( @kiarataji )
time - during winter break
setting - kiara’s house
summary - vitani and kiara decide to pretend to be dating in order to get under simba’s skin. 
It wasn't anything new for Vitani to be going with Kiara to the Pridelands. Her mother was still on the isle and Vitani always had a good time with she hung out with Kiara. Though this year they decided to make something fun of it. The idea of seeing her dad have a conniption because of the two faking they were together would be one of the best Christmas gifts she could get. "So how are we doing this?" The girl asked before they went in to see everyone to make sure they had something short of a plan. "Just walk in holding hands and hold for the applause?" She asked facetiously, a small smirk on her face as her hands gripped the outsides of her jacket.
Kiara had been feeling particularly rebellious since she'd graduated from ASU. She knew the days when she would have to take over the Pridelands were coming, and fast, but it seemed like her father trusted her less than ever the closer that day got. Instead of fighting with him, Kiara had decided just to mess with him. Bringing Vitani home was nothing new, and Nala in particular even adored Zira's daughter. But bringing her home as her "girlfriend?" That was different, and she had been too busy picturing her dad's reaction to even think about the specifics. "The good news is, I've never brought home a boyfriend or girlfriend before," Kiara said, making airquotes around the words. "So anything we do that's more extra than usual works. The  handholding thing is a good place to start, though. And I'm sure Kion's horny ass has mistletoe hanging up around the house, hoping to kiss my friends. Maybe we can try to figure out where that is and 'end up' under it when my dad's around?"
Vitani was very used to being around the Taji family for holidays. And although they knew her, she decided to dress a bit to help in playing her part. It's what friends do for each other, right? Vitani's heard of the many scenarios of friends and emergency calls to get out of dates and stuff so this was the same thing, just with a little twist. Her outfit was styled specifically to provoke more of a reaction out of Simba. A white graphic tee over a black long sleeved shirt, and a black mini skirt (yes, even in this cold weather) underlined with fishnet stockings. Then if course she had to accessories with a choker, done bracelets, and multiple rings on her fingers. It wasn't much different from her usual style but she did play it up a bit. "Perfect, we got a clean slate to start from and can rev it up as much as we need to." She laughed and shook her head at the thought. "Your brother is something else. Okay—" She paused for a second to think, then looked down for Kiara's hand before she reached to grab it, immediately going to interlock their fingers. "That sounds like a plan. Shouldn't be hard to grab his attention, right?" It wasn't as much of a question as it was an acceptance of a challenge. "Lead the way, Ki."
Kiara looked down at their interlocked hands curiously. She'd had plenty of hookups and makeouts, but the way her hands tingled slightly from such simple contact made her realize casual affection like this was something she experienced with 'romantic interests' much less frequently. It was kind of nice; it would have been even if Vitani hadn't been looking even hotter than she usually did. "We got this," she agreed, tugging her gently into the house and towards her living room, where her parents were waiting. "Your favorite child's homeeee," she sing-songed, hoping Kion heard her obnoxious declaration. Giving her brother shit was almost as amusing as showing her dad that he couldn't control her. By the way she saw Simba's back straighten at the sight of her holding hands with Vitani, and one of his hands clench into a fist, she was clearly doing a great job of the second one right at this moment. Nala immediately stood to come over and hug both girls, greeting them warmly, but her father clearly hung back, taking a moment to gain his composure. When he did reluctantly approach them, he held out his hand to shake Vitani's, managing a somewhat stilted, "Good to see you again, Vitani. How have you been since we saw you last?" Kiara smirked; her dad was playing it off as if it was nothing but it was clear he was already wondering about the shift between his daughter and Zira's.
Vitani knew she wasn't nervous about going to meet Kiara's family. Aside from the fact she's met them countless times before and that this wasn't a real 'meet the parents as the girlfriend.' kind of deal. The intensions to make her parents uncomfortable. Yet for some reason whole she'd held Kiara's hand she knew she felt something jolt through her. But now is not the time to unpack that. She needed to be on her baddest behavior. Vitani gave a small smile at Kiara's proclamation as she entered the house. Her dad giving them exactly the reaction they were hoping for. Vitani's smile turned warm when she went to hug Nala, she'd always been so welcoming of Vitani. Way more than her own mother had ever been. Her thoughts quickly being wiped away so she could stay in the moment. Simba's hand was out for a shake, with one arm Vitani decided to make it a hug instead. She knew it'd ignite some kind of reaction. "It's good to see you too, Simba." she said before pulling away. "Everything has been great ever since this dope girl said she'd be my girlfriend." It was a little cheesy but she wanted to lay it on thick. Her eyes went to meet Kiara's while she bit her lip softly and for a second she really got lost in her gaze.
It'd really been a treat for the two, spending the rest of the day acting as though they were crazy about each other. Sneaking cheek kisses specifically when Kiara's parents were watching and whispering in each other's ears. It'd been a lot, quite honestly. Not to mention spending the nights in Kiara's room during the length of the break. Vitani had enjoyed her time frustrating Kiara's dad although she wasn't there for meltdown. One day she'd awaken to Kiara and Simba going back and forth about her dating Vitani. Their goal for the break had been a success and they "high-five'd" each other about their win on the way home.
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arobandhan · 3 years
enjoyyyy love youuu @balenciagastones
1. Period cramp prank 
Hannah set up the camera by the window, making sure it captured his bed and what she was about to do. Alex was already laying down facing the other way so he didn't see what she was up to. 
Hannah walked over to the bed and laid down curling up in a ball facing the camera and feigned and “ow” so her boyfriend could hear her. 
“Bug whats wrong?” Alex immediately turned around and scooted closer to Hannah when he heard her.
“I have cramps.” she pouted still holding her stomach to keep the prank going. 
“Aw angel did you get your period today?” he looked at her face pouting, Hannah nodded, he pouted more before kissing her forehead, “Aw bugg,” he whispered, “Do you want some water? Maybe I can get chocolate from downstairs?” she shook her head and let out another “ow!” 
“It hurts a lot.” she continued, alex kissed her before sticking his hand underneath the hoodie she was wearing of his, rubbing her tummy giving her kisses on the cheek. 
“I can run a hot bath for you, I can ask taylor to lend you her hot pad if you need it.” he said kissing her cheek again, but she shook her head, “But angel it’ll help you feel better, c'mon let's go take a warm shower together and then we can watch Ratatouille and I can ask mum to order some chinese for us.” he said rubbing her tummy. 
Giggling Hannah replied, “I love you bub.” 
“I love you too bug.” he said as she turned her head to kiss him on the lips, and then Hannah giggled more looking at the phone. 
“Why are you laughing missy?” he said, still cuddling her and rubbing her tummy. 
“Cuz i dont have cramps.” she waited for a response. 
“Hannahhhh what the hell.” he laughed making her giggle. 
“I’m still up for the shower with you, ratatouille and chinese tho.” 
“Same here.” The both of them bursting out laughing. 
2. ‘Because of You’ Dance 
The two of them were lying on his bed on their phones. They were doing a pamper night, the two of them wearing black charcoal face masks, Hannah taking funny selfies and videos with Alex to send to Taylor, Adri and Emilia. Alex was just trying not to laugh and was scrolling through tiktok. Eventually coming across a dance couples were doing. 
“Bug oh my god this dance is so easy we can definitely do this!” he exclaimed, making her giggle. 
“Which one bub?” she asked and looked over at his phone to see it. 
“Wanna learn it?” he asked and she nodded. He got up and jumped around excitedly waiting for her to get up, the two of them going into his bathroom and setting up the phone so they can look at it and learn the dance. 
The dance easy enough to pick up quickly, the two of them learning it with ease. 
“Okay Michael Jackson you ready to film it?” Hannah laughed asking her boyfriend. 
“Let’s do thissss” he said making a weird move and placing the phone to film them doing the dance. 
The timer ticked down and the music started, the both of them doing the moves they learned but not without having a laugh. 
Alex started singing the lyrics in a funny voice making Hannah giggle the entire way through. 
“MyYyY aDdIcTiOnNnN” he sang as the dance was coming to a close, the end of the video catching the two of them bursting out laughing together. 
“I am definitely posting this one.” he claimed as they both climbed back in bed so they can peel off the masks they had on so they can continue their pamper nights. 
3. Video game cuddles 
Hannah was currently laying on his bed bored out of her mind as he sat in his gaming chair playing fifa with the boys. 
She kept hoping he’d soon get bored of playing so many virtual matches that he’d come and give her attention. But alas the minutes ticked by and she could see he didn’t plan on stopping. So she retreated to going on her phone and scroll through tiktok, coming across a video of a girl trying to cuddle her boyfriend while he played video games and Hannah thought that it was a perfect thing to do in her predicament, getting up and setting up the phone somewhere he couldn’t see. 
It began to film and she walked over to Alex and you could hear him yell over his headset, “Mason that was 100% a foul, piss off with that.” making Hannah giggle. 
She began by wrapping her arms around his neck, he immediately looked up at her and kissed her arm. That's when she felt it was right to continue, lifting her leg to try and straddle him. 
“Buggg what're you doing i'm in a game?” he asked as she finally sat on top of him, making his arms move and go around her torso while his fingers still went clicking on the controller. 
“I wanna cuddle.” she said lowly and put her face in his neck. 
“Aww angel i’m sorry, let me finish this game and then we can cuddle the rest of the night how does that sound?” he asked and she nodded giggling and kissing his neck. She began to try to get out of his grasp but he stopped her. “What're you doing bug? Stay here with me please.” he said kissing her cheek and she smiled nodding cuddling him tighter. 
4. ‘No Air’ 
Hannah set up the timer and the filter to zoom on her face when she looked on the camera, Alex was coming out of the bathroom confused as to what his girlfriend was doing. 
“Uhhh bug what're you doing?” his voice startled her. 
“Oh good baby you’re back, come lay on me in like 5 seconds.” 
“What why?” 
“For a tiktok now hurry.” she said as the timer ticked down. He shrugged and crawled on the bed to lay on top of Hannah. 
The song began playing and Alex immediately knew what she was doing, he began laughing and then the part he knew was about to happen and she saw her turn her head and mouth the words, “How am i supposed to breathe with no air?” the video cutting and the two of them burst out laughing because they knew they had been watching so many of those same tiktoks that they had just made.
Hannah adding captions to it and posting it, both of them still laughing at how it came out. 
“I am not that heavy and you love when i lay on top of you.”’ Alex pouted once their laughter died down. 
“Awww baby i do love when you lay on me, i just thought it was funny.” she responded and he nodded, laying on her again. 
“Good.” he hummed resting his head on her boobs, “wait you didn’t agree when i said i'm not that heavy.” 
“Shhh let's rest.” she giggled making Alex begin to tickle her and that's how the night continued. 
5. Drop them titties. 
Hannah had been dying to do this trend where girls were flashing their boyfriends with their tits and each one made her cackle in laughter seeing the boys reactions. 
She knew Alex would get a kick out of it, but because of his training schedule she hadn't been able to do it with him yet. 
But eventually Friday afternoon came around and Alex came to pick her up to go get some food before they went to his so she could spend the night. 
Hannah was antsy the entire time, so giddy to finally do the trend. 
“What's got you so jittery huh?” he laughed as he was driving towards his house. 
“Nothingggg, i just wanna get homeeee.” she responded calmly, hoping he wouldn’t ask anymore questions. 
When they finally got to his place, they entered and hung out with his family and spoke for a good while before retreating to his room. 
She was setting her bag down as he sat in his game chair just flicking through his phone. 
“Hey bubba?” she called out to him as she walked over to him, he hummed in response looking up at her and reaching out his hands to grab her waist and bring her closer so she could sit on him in a straddle position, “Wanna make a tiktok with me?” she asked and he laughed nodding. 
“What do you wanna do bug?” 
“Just sit here okay?” she told him, setting her phone up so it was angled towards him and she found the song and began filming, lowering the volume so he couldn’t hear the song. She stood up from her position on top of him and he looked at her confused. 
She went out of view from the camera and waited for the part to come before grabbing the hem of her tank top and lifting it up with her bra and flashing Alex. 
She saw his eyes go wide and a smirk appear on his face as he lifted his hands and reached over to cup them. Trying to bring her forward to him while her shirt was still lifted.
“Alex!” she yelled as he laughed and looked over to see that the video stopped and nothing inappropriate was seen. She pulled her top down and went over to grab her phone. 
Alex moved from his chair to the bed looking at her, watching the outcome of the video and gigging. 
“Why don't you do it again and let me have more fun.” he smirked and she looked at him wide eyed this time, before nodding and throwing her phone to the side and crawling to her boyfriend to…. cuddle. 
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So I have no idea if you’ve ever watched kingsman, or if you’ve seen the second one but if you’ve had can you write a langst prompt with Merlin’s scene when he sings West Virginia, you know the scene.
Not going to lie, I cried when I saw this. 
AN: Please don’t read if you have not seen Kingsman: The Golden Circle and you actually want too. I simply rewrote this scene so this does contain spoilers. This is kinda like a parody, all ideas and the song to to there proper creator!
Also Character Death.  
“Pidge, don’t move a muscle,” everyone was still, nobody dared to even take a breath. She slowly turned her head down, sweat forming on her forehead. 
“I di-din’t mea-n to,” you could hear the fear in her voice, you could see her tremble as she looked frantically at her team, unsure on what to do. 
Shiro reached forward, hovering his hand over her shoulder, “Pidge just breath, we’re going to figure this out. Just stay calm.” 
“How can I stay calm when I’m on a land mind?!” Nobody knew where she got her voice but they all knew that she had a right to snap at them. 
Shiro shook his head a few times before standing up and moving away slightly, relaying to Allura and Coran their situation. 
Lance felt like he couldn’t move, he felt frozen in place as he stared at his friend, at the only person who he viewed as a little sister on team Voltron. His lungs felt like someone was squeezing them and his mind was running a mile a minute. No, no, no, she’s my little sister, this can’t be happening to her, not her of all people! He looked at his team, Hunk was frantically running his hands through his hair, his helmet disregarded long ago. Keith was pacing in front of Pidge, circling her like he was a predator and she was his pray. He was consuming every detail of the situation, Pidge stepped on a landmine, but could they get her out? 
Shiro was discussing what to do with Allura and Coran, covering plan after plan without any lead, they wouldn’t be able to save her. Pidge, well she was trying o wear a brave face but Lance could see her tremble, he could see the tears that began to streak her face. 
Lance turned and glanced through the trees, Galrans were patrolling the area, they didn’t have time to just stand around. Lance closed his eyes, letting his brain search for anything that might help them and he soon felt a pulling like sensation, like something or someone was trying to tell him something. Ice. That was the only thing coming to his mind, but how was that suppose to help him? He can’t control ice, or could he? 
Blue, love I need your help, can I or we freeze the mine? Lance knew that it was a long shot that she would answer but he still gave it a go. If I can find a way to freeze that mine then maybe we can get Pidge off the mine and get away from it before anyone gets hurt. 
Paladin, there is a way to freeze the mine, you simply need to focus on our bond and use your bayard to release and ice crystal. Blue’s voice was soft yet slightly mechanic and Lance smile at the new information. 
Thank you so much girl! I’ll make this up to you I promise, he turned to face his team to tell them the good news before the same voice interrupted his mind. 
Wait paladin, there is something that you need to know before you do this, my crystal will only freeze it for a tick, one of you must replace the other or else you all will die. Blue’s voice never had much emotion in it but now she sounded worried, worried for what he paladin might do. 
Lance w\felt like puking, of course nothing could just be simple, of course someone was going to have to be the hero. Lance quickly debated keeping this new information to himself but when he looked up again he new he couldn’t. “I can fix this.” He activated his bayard as he made his way towards Pidge, kneeling by the mine. 
“How? You want to shoot it out of the ground?” Keith sounded agitated and Lance couldn’t blame him, this team was his family, he didn’t want to lose anyone. 
Lance glared at the Red Paladin before returning his attention on the task at hand. “I’m going to freeze it, I just need to focus on my bond with Blue.” He closed his eyes again ignoring how Coran began to ramble how Lance was saying accurate information. He needed to focus on his bond, he needed to do this right, he only had once shot, literally. Come on Lance, focus. A wave of energy consumed him and he pulled his trigger, quickly standing and shoving Pidge out of the way, taking her spot on the mine. 
Everyone stood wide eyed, turning in the hopes of running before they realized that they were safe. Hunk’s eyes focused on where Lance was standing and his mouth fell open, “Lance, what did you do?” He kept his voice a whisper as he approached his friend. 
Lance dragged his eyes away from the mine and looked at his best friend, swallowing down tears, “I did what was needed.” 
Shiro moved towards his teammate, his voice rough with concern, “Lance what just happened?” 
Lance swallowed around the lump in his throat keeping his eyes away from his leader, “I froze the mine long enough to move Pidge out of the way.” 
“Well freeze it again!” Pidge finally pulled herself up, finally gaining control of the situation at hand. 
“Then who would take my spot? No matter how many times I freeze it somebody is going to have to sacrifice themself.” Lance kept his voice sharp as he looked at all of his team members. “Allura can pilot Blue,” he shoved his bayard into Hunk’s hand, “make sure that she gets this.” 
Hunk began to protest but Shiro cut him off, “Lance I will not allow for this to happen, I’m your leader which mean-”
“That you have a place in this team, I’m just a leg of Voltron, I’m just the 7th wheel and no matter what you say I’m not freezing this again. I’m sorry but this needs to be done.” 
Everyone began to protest until Allura’s voice fluttered over  the argument, “EVERYONE QUIET! Did you all forget that this was a silent mission?! Time can no longer be wasted on this.” Her voice cracked towards the end and everyone knew that she was fighting back tears. “Lance, I’m truly sorry that you have to make this sacrifice, I wish I could be there to make it for you.” 
“Ha don’t worry about it Princess, maybe in another reality you could have kissed me,” he tried to keep his voice light and flirty but he knew that it sounded broken. 
Lance knew that everyone wanted to say their goodbyes to him, he knew that they wanted to make him feel better but Lance didn’t want to hear it. He didn’t want to say goodbye so he didn’t let them. “Get into your positions everyone, we won’t get the mission done just standing here.” A few small protest filled the air but Lance gave them all a grave look, he couldn’t bare to let them talk him out of this. Eventually they all began to disperse, moving to where they needed to be, pats being placed on Lance before they left. 
Lance looked up towards the orange sky and smile, he wasn’t as afraid as he though he was going to be. His mind began to play memories as he thought about everything he had ever done to lead him to this moment, did he regret it? No, not one bit. He closed his eyes and thought about his family, thought about his siblings and his father. Thought about his poor heartbroken mother who would know when he was gone for good. He thought about all the times she sang to him when he was scared or couldn’t sleep, he thought about the familiar song that she sang every time. West Virginia. 
Lance looked back towards his teammates tears streak all of their faces as they looked back at Lance who simply smiled. They were all in position but they no longer had a clear entrance into the building. Too many Galran’s scattered the gate to the complex, too many of them armed. Lance knew that his team would not be able to get in without being detected so he did the next best thing. He gave his team one final nod before removing his helmet, and clearing his throat. 
“Almost heaven, West Virginia. Blue ridge mountains Shenandoah river.” 
Lance could hear the Galrans moving his way, their guns held high. He could see his teammates confused expressions as he sung louder. 
“Life is old there, older than the trees, younger than the mountains, blowing’ like a breeze.” Lance removed the knife off his belt and began to slash the branches away around him, giving him a clearer view of the Galrans. They all moved at him, but none of them fired on him, they all knew he was a paladin and paladins held important information, so they simply moved closer to him, some smiling in humor. 
Lance quickly looked back to his teammates, sending them a small smile before opening his mouth again. “Country roadddddds, take me hommmmmme, to the plaaaaaaaaace, I belooooooonnnnng! West Virginiaaaaaa, mountain mamaaaaaaaaa take me homeeee, country roads.” 
Lance waited till the first Galran was close enough to him before slamming his head into his, knocking him out cold. The other Galrans began to approach him once again, the leader telling them to seize the Paladin for information. 
Yet Lance kept singing, sending a final nod to his teammates, his heart raced and every fiber of his body was telling him to stop but he couldn’t, he needed to be the hero. “Country roaddddd, take me hoooome, to the plaaacccce, I belooonnggg, West Virginaaaaaa mountain mama take me home country rooooooooaaaaaaaaddddd.” Everything fell into place, the Galrans were close enough to him for the bomb to be deadly and his team would be safe once they were taken care of. Lance looked up at the sky one last time, letting the tears finally fall before whispering his last words, “I’m coming home mom.” Then he stepped off the mine. 
So obviously this wouldn’t happen in the show but thanks for making me cry :( 
I hope I did okay, I’m really tired and it’s late. 
I hope you like it!
Thank you! 
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miudadanerd · 7 years
92 truths
Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose 25 people to tag!
Tagged by me cause I’m bored and have no friends lol
THE LAST… 1.Drink: orange juice 2.Phone call: my mum lol 3.Text message: it was from the lesbean lovers gc Meda was asking us to describe her in 3 words 4.Song you listened to: Strangers ft. Lauren Jauregui by Halsey 5.Time you cried: before i fell asleep
HAVE YOU EVER… 6.Dated someone twice: no 7.Been cheated on: no 8.Kissed someone and regretted it: no 9.Lost someone special: yes but she didn’t ask me to stay so no point in staying 10.Been depressed: all the time 11.Gotten drunk and thrown up: no
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: - PURPLE!!! - red - black
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 15.Made new friends: yes and they helped me through so much 16.Fallen out of love: the moment i saw who she really is, yes 17.Laughed until you cried: have you met my friends? of course 18.Found out someone was talking about you: idk maybe 19.Met someone who changed you: yes  20.Found out who your true friends are: yep those are the ones who are always there no matter what because i’m always there for them. they don’t care when it’s convenient for them ya know 21.Kissed someone on your Facebook list: as in friends list? yes
GENERAL… 22.How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: most of them, i mean Madeira is not that big so 23.Do you have any pets: no :( 24.Do you want to change your name: eh gotten use to this one 25.What did you do for your last birthday: had a boring ass dinner with my family  26.What time did you wake up: like at 6am but fell sleep again and woke up at 8 something 27.What were you doing at midnight last night: crying lol 28.Name something you cannot wait for: GO BACK HOMEEEE 29.When was the last time you saw your mother: like 10min ago 30.What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: atm nothing, all the unfortunate things that happened, the way someone who was once too special for me hurt me, led me to an amazing girl and these great friends who i’d be completely lost without 31.What are you listening to right now: Bad At Love by Halsey 32.Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i don’t think so 33.Something that is getting on your nerves: the hot weather 34.Most visited website: youtube, tumblr and twitter 35.Elementary:  done 36. High School: and done as well 37.College/university: i need to clear my head first before i decide if i really should go uni 38.Hair color: dark brown and blonde highlights 39.Long or short hair: middle 40.Do you have a crush on someone: yes 🙈 41.What do you like about yourself: ok i have great soft hair 42.Piercings: just my earlobes 43.Blood type: no clue lol 44.Nickname: Jay sometimes jay jay or panda 45.Relationship status: i’m single but I like someone and they reciprocate it so I’m committed to her atm in a way where i’m not interested in someone else 46.Zodiac sign: Virgo 47.Pronouns: she/her 48.Favorite tv show: Friends all the way!!!!! 49.Tattoos: none but I’m planning on getting one soon hopefully just need that money 50.Right or left hand: right hand
FIRST… 51.Surgery: nope 52.Piercing: my ears 54.Sport: as in played?? football i mean come on I’m Portuguese so 55.Vacation: uhm...the island next to madeira?? Porto Santo 57.Eating: today? that nesquik chocolate thing 58.Drinking: orange juice 59.I’m about to: procrastinate studying for my spanish exam 60.Listening to: If by R5 61.Waiting for: me to go to Madeira 62.Want: to see her but she’s a bit far :( 63.Get married: in the future yes! my friend even changed my name on her phone saying that one day i’m gonna get a wife 64.Career: i’ve always loved writing so something with screenwriting cause we need more gay in tv shows and films
WHICH IS BETTER… 65.Hugs or kisses: i’m gonna go with hugs 66.Lips or eyes: eyes 67.Shorter or taller: me being small is enough i need someone taller 68.Older or younger: older 70.Nice arms or nice stomach: arms 71.Sensitive or loud: uhm don’t know? neither? 72.Hook up or relationship: i don’t do hook ups i need a relationship 73.Troublemaker or hesitant: idk
HAVE YOU EVER… 74.Kissed a stranger?: no 75.Drank hard liquor?: i’m portuguese of course i have 76.Lost glasses contact/lenses?: no 77.Turned someone down?: yes and i feel bad :/ but at least i was honest and didn’t lead her on but still feel bad tho 78.Sex on first date?: only been on a date once and it was a fiasco 79.Broken someone’s heart?: not that i know of 80.Had your heart broken?: had 3 and 2 were from the same person :/ 81.Been arrested?: no 82.Cried when someone died?: until now no one i felt close with has passed away so no 83.Fallen for a friend?: yep :/
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84.Yourself?: well someone has to  85.Miracles?: no 86.Love at first sight?: lol no 87.Santa Claus?: no 88.Kiss on the first date?: depends on who’s it with 89.Angels?: no
OTHER… 90.Current best friend’s name: I got 4 and I love them all cause they’re helping me everyday!! Paty, Meda, Kirsten and Becky 91.Eye color: poop colour 92.Favorite movie: Pitch Perfect it’s just so good!!
I’m tagging (don’t do it if you don’t want to guys): @becky1800 @thoughts-of-blue @tah-meme @mollyfletcher17 @attack-on-sarcasm @in-the-lonely-hour92 @eviee97 @carmillascreams @fucking-dimwits @gaypeaxh @retgekt @lernjaguar literally just put ppl i remembered or saw in my dash cause i gotta tag 25 if anyone else wants to do it just do it :)
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chelsorz07 · 7 years
the best part about these is I don’t look at my old answers beforehand
Who reads my surveys? Nobody? Thought so. Okay.
Have you ever had a panic attack? many, thanks. Probably several hundred, but I haven’t had one in a long time. Mostly because I never leave my house. Where is the person who has your heart at the moment? home, HQ, idk. I think he’s on nights this hitch, so work, till 6am. Do you think relationships are hard? they can be. I think everything is hard. But I mean you still gotta try. Otherwise you’re just alone and miserable forever and that’s no fun. Do you think you have made a difference in anyone's life? i try. I think there are people who will remember me, but I don’t necessarily believe that I’ve had a life-changing impact. Are you a type of person who cares what people say about you? nooope. Not really. Unless they have some sort of legitimate authority over me. Like my boss. But even then I don’t dwell on it. A minimum wage job isn’t worth fretting over. Has anyone lied to you today? probably. I don’t think so. Most of my conversations today haven’t been serious enough to warrant a lie. Have you recently lost someone that means everything to you? i definitely have not. Nope. If you get a chance to move somewhere, where would you move? actually i wouldn't even mind staying in bradford, as long as i could just get out of this house. I WANT TO GO HOMEEEE. When's the last time you wanted to punch someone in the face? last night playing mario party with amanda, gary, and aaron. Not sure. Oh yeah, this bitch in front of me at the ATL show that kept twerking her ass on me to push me back when I was trying to get to my sister.   Do you understand football? i loooove football. of course i understand it. The fooseball is my life. Well not quite that severe. But yeah I get it and I need it. What is your favorite cartoon character? used to be patrick. now i don't really have one. cartoons make me rage. Experiment 626. At the moment, do you terribly miss someone? well gary's here but i still miss her cuz i only got to spend like 12 hours with her yesterday and i don't know if i'll be able to see her again before she leaves. All my people in Bradford, and my friend Faith because I haven’t seen her since April even though she literally lives like 2 miles away. What time did you wake up this morning? i didn't even get home till quarter to 6...got up at quarter to 9. My alarm was set for 9:30...Think I woke up sometime between 8:30 and 9. Do you like to cuddle/snuggle? love it. I do but I don’t. Because like cuddling is nice but I also have trouble breathing. Who was the last person you held hands with? dave. Dave is the only person I hold hands with.  Are you texting anyone? yep. Talking to Dave and Mike on fb messenger. Are you a morning person or a night person? night. My body is neither. My brain is a night person. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? it should. Who the hell knows. Do you like taking walks in the middle of the night? yeahhh. I used to. Don’t care for taking walks at all these days. What is your biggest annoyance at the moment? i have to do a bunch of shit today before i can leave...but i'm not coming home the rest of the weekend so it's all good. I’m itchy. Psoriasis probs. Who did you last take a picture with? gary and amanda. Haaaang on I have to check my camera. Maranda, on my birthday. What are you going to do tomorrow? there's a very small chance i'll go to state park to eat with the family, and then hopefully we're camping. but we always say we're camping and we never do. so i'm not optimistic. Whole lotta nothin’, and probably a load of laundry. Have you ever thrown something at anyone? all the time. I mean not like with intent to injure them. But I do tend to throw shit occasionally. Not actual shit. I’m not a baboon. Have you ever been called a bitch? i am a bitch. so yeah. This will never change. Are you currently mad at someone? no. just annoyed with my parents. Not really. I’ve actually been feeling pretty good lately. If you could have anything right now, what would it be? money. Money and not heartburn. Do you want to have children? not anytime in the forseeable future. Yeah but I don’t get emotional about it anymore because I know I don’t have my shit together enough to be responsible for the life of another human being. Plus, yaknow, I haven’t had sex in six months. Can you recall the last time you liked someone a lot? now. Currently. Has anyone put their arms around you in the past 5 days? yesss ^_^ No because he’s been gone for 5 days. It’s actually been about a week and a half. What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? this morning. um...i cleared stuff off my bed. Peed, probably. Smoked a cigarette, definitely. Does cuddling freak you out? not even remotely. Just when I start suffocating. Last person you saw other than family? gary, aaron, and amanda. My old Elder-Beerman friends. I visited them after work today. Are you happy? toats!! I don’t know as I’d go that far but I do feel better than I have in months. Were you single on your last birthday? no.  I was not.
Do you talk a lot? way too much. I can, when it’s been too long since I’ve had human contact. I also talk to myself, and to my cats. But I like my quiet time too. Do you ignore people when you're mad/upset with them? usually. I ignore people pretty much always. Who was the last person to go to the movies with you? marty. yeah. i haven't been to the movies in almost 2 years. Dave. It was over a year ago though. We’re not theater people. I just REALLY wanted to see Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates. Who do you turn to when you're down? friends. My Marshie ♥ Do you swear a lot? all the damn time. Can’t not. I swear so much it’s not even swearing anymore. Are there any bruises on your body? yes! don't ask. lol Yeah idk what happened I think one of the tote bag hanger things at work attacked me. Have you ever had stitches? when i got my tonsils out. Yes. Tonsils and gallbladder.  Would you go out with someone right now if they asked? i'm already with someone. Sorry, I’s a taken woman. Do you think you can last in a relationship for six months? i can. If the last eight years are anything to go by, I’d say so. Have you ever slept on a couch with someone of the opposite sex? futon, couch, whatevs. Yup. Who was the last person you had a serious conversation with? dude the four of us spent like five hours just talking about shit last night. Probably Amanda. That’s who I have all my serious conversations with. When you meet the right person, do you fall fast? yes. i sure as hell did this time. I guess so. What did you do last night? tanning with amanda, dinner with her and gary, then we went to olean, hung out with the guys downtown for a while, and went back to gary's uncle's house and played the Wii until 5am lol Watched Shameless and cried about Mickey. Again. What's one thing you're tired of? being controlled. Being poor and being sad all the time. Also heartburn. Are you a jealous person? no. Ehh. Not really. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning? fuckin' sleeping. Very close to waking up. I had a weird dream but don’t remember what it was about. Do you say sexy a lot? i hate that word. Only about the cast of Supernatural. Are you a bad influence? haha probably. appaently i get people drunk and take advantage of them. i didn't hear him complaining though lol I mean I encourage smoking, drinking, and the destruction of men. But I don’t think I have enough clout to actually influence anyone. Do you have trust issues? not really. i just don't trust people until they've earned it. I don’t really trust anyone. I’ve just accepted that that’s not a thing anymore. Do you straighten your hair everyday? no. Maybe once a week or once every two weeks. My hair is pretty cooperative most of the time so it looks okay just drying it. Have you argued with anyone today? ehh. kinda random bickering. Not that I recall. Any current scabs or bruises? you asked this already. You asked this already. Are you klutzy? very. Obviously if I’ve always got bruises I don’t know the cause of. Ever tripped over your own feet? oh, daily. Quite often. Would you consider permanent make-up? no. a couple women my mom works with have their eyeliner or lipliner tattooed on...it's not attractive. I like doing my makeup differently every day too much to do that. Will your next kiss be a mistake? no way. Um, no. Are you nice to everyone? ha. nope. I’m nicer than I used to be. What is the last non-alcoholic drink you had? monster. Sweet tea. That’s why I have heartburn. What was the best thing that happened today? nothing really good has happened today. i want my shirts to come...and i'll be out later, so that's always good. My old supervisor hugging me when I haven’t seen her in months and thought she was mad at me for quitting. Are you open about your feelings or closed off? depends what i'm feeling and who i'm dealing with. If they’re good, meh, or sucky feelings I’ll talk about them. If they’re really bad I’ll either joke about them to avoid dealing or just not talk at all. What's the last thing you borrowed from someone? erica's sunglasses, and she told me i could have them lol Ummmmm...I don’t interact with people enough to borrow things, I guess. Do you think you're normal? i'm far from normal. Why in the hell would I want to be normal? Have you ever been used? quite often. Yeah but it’s whatevs. Do you listen to music a lot? of course. All the damn time. Do you celebrate Christmas? yeah, but i want to stop. it's too much hullaballoo. don't care if i spelled that right haha For my family’s benefit. And for the food. And I actually like getting gifts for other people. But the stress, drama, and Jesus bullshit ruins it for me every year. Do you believe you can be in love with someone without knowing them? to some extent, but you can't love them completely. in the same respect though, i don't think you can ever truly know someone one hundred percent. I think there are a lot of things I don’t know about Dave, and I still love him. He’s been around longer than I have so obviously he had an entire life before me. I don’t feel the need to know about that. Have you ever talked in your sleep? no. My mom said I screamed in my sleep once, but I don’t talk. Do you think people have any misconceptions about you? i know they do. I’m often underestimated. Which is fine.  Are you easily amused? very much so. If I’m in the right mood to be. What do you get complimented on the most? titties. Recently, my makeup. Will this weekend be a good one? hopefully. It just ended. And it was alright. Not as good as last weekend. But that’s because I’m here and not in Bradford.
Has anyone said they love you in the last week? yes. No. Do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed. My bedroom door is always closed because the cats aren’t allowed in there. But recently I’ve been sleeping in their room (because I’m a hypocrite) and I have to leave that door open because they come in and out at all hours. Who was the last person you rode in the car with that was under 21? amanda & gary. Allison. Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? yesss. A couple. Have you ever kissed someone under fireworks? no...we never ended up going to the fireworks. Somehow we still keep missing the fireworks lol Could you handle a long distance relationship? i tried and failed. but distance was the least of our issues. Dave and I are long distance 2/3 of the time because of his schedule.
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