#langst prompt
bluemantics · 10 months
Lance breathed in a ragged breath.
In, out.
The soot fogged up his helmet, choking him up, but he still pushed onward. Step after step after step. In, out. His breathing was labored. His armor was dirtied. His limbs ached.
“Keith?” Pidge’s voice rang out over the comms.
Keith had come after Lance when the Galra had made the threat, when Lance dove down into that waste of a planet. At first, he’d been held back by Shiro. Keith was somewhere on this planet now, but Lance couldn’t focus on him. He had other priorities. Keith would be fine.
In, out.
Lance focused on his breathing instead, tuned out the outside sounds of the paladins calling for Keith and him. With each struggling step, his bayard illuminating the way, he dragged himself over to the cave home.
It’s curtains were drawn, and no light came from within. The only sign of life were the heat signatures his helmet picked up.
Fuck, the air was rough.
“Lance, your helmet is broken,“ Allura started.
Lance shut off the comms. Anything distracting him was preventing him from reaching /them./ He pushed his way through the curtain entrance.
There she was.
Huddling under a table in the corner was a small girl, a blue-scaled dragonling humanoid with bright red eyes. She was trembling. Lance got down on his hands and knees, crawling over to her.
In, out. His throat hurt.
“Hey,” he said softly, a rasp tickling his words. “I’m a Paladin of Voltron. I’m here to save you from the fires.”
The alien girl croaked out a whimper. She clearly didn’t recognize him, but her planet was a member of the coalition… fuck. Lance knew what he had to do.
He removed his helmet.
“See?” Her eyes lit up with recognition.
“Loverboy!” she exclaimed. Lance winced at his stage name, laughing outwardly to reassure her.
“That’s right, and I’m here to save you,” he agreed, reaching his arms out to her. Without the meager protection of his helmet, he was really starting to feel woozy. Still, that didn’t matter.
With shaking hands, he picked her up and began to walk outside the cave home and back to Blue.
This time, though, the trek was worse. He couldn’t see as well without his helmet, couldn’t recognize heat signatures or the fastest path back. Instead, he relied on lighting up his footsteps and retracing his steps.
That didn’t last long.
After 20 steps, Lance began to feel dizzy. He lurched, which caused the girl to make a series of clicks.
In, out. He patted her back and continued on.
After 50 steps, Lance started to lose the edges of his vision to blackness. He could feel the mucus in his throat fighting his inhalations. He fought back harder. He would have to reach a level of survival that went beyond what he could handle. To save her.
In, out.
120 steps.
Lance fell to his knees.
The girl screamed.
Lance was only a football field from Blue. He had failed.
The girl scrabbled her claws at his armor, wailing, her cries embellished by the distant sound of crackling fire. Lance closed his eyes, listening to her pain, letting it soak in. He’d failed her, and this was his punishment, to lie prone and to hear her suffer. He had failed.
In, out.
He felt a tug to some hidden darkness inside of him.
Oh, that wasn’t supposed to happen.
Lance felt more than heard the pounding footsteps of Keith Kogane as he ran to his side, kneeling by Lance’s head and cradling it in his hands.
“Stay awake, Lance, I have an O2 mask and we can get the girl to safety—“
“Loverboy!” The girl insisted.
Keith’s head snapped up. Lance chuckled weakly, coughing at the end.
“What?” Keith asked.
“She knows… shows,” he muttered in response. Keith huffed a breath, fogging up his helmet.
Lance coughed again, and Keith panicked, pulling a mask from his belt. “Stay awake.”
“Loverboy,” the girl insisted again, tugging on Keith’s shoulder.
Lance blinked slowly. The world was slow. Why was the ash now falling on his face in slow motion? Why was Keith putting the mask on so slowly?
In, out.
Lance blinked. The darkness came back. He closed his eyes.
“No, Lance, no.”
Lance wasn’t listening. It was more peaceful, here, to focus inwardly rather than on the voices out there. It was quiet and dark and cool. The fires couldn’t touch him here.
“Loverboy? Stay with me, please. Please.” The rawness in his voice made Lance’s eyes snap open.
“Keith? I’m really trying…”
Words were too difficult, though.
So Lance let his heavy eyelids fall, let the blackness rush in. He felt the mask press into his chin and nose.
“I know, Lance.”
Silence again.
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How do you imagine a scenario plays out in which Keith (most beautiful red boy ❤️❤️❤️) is being flirted with by some aliens, what would Keith do? More importantly what would Lance do 🔫😠💙?
pleASE I lost it over 🔫😠💙
Keith was getting tired of all of these parties he was forced to attend. He knew having allies was important in defeating the Galran empire but no matter how many times he told Allura he wasn't cut out for social situations she told him to just "smile and nod."
So that's what he did. Party after party, event after event he just smiled and nodded. He frankly didn't care what people said to him, the jokes they said to him, he just didn't care.
He took a sip of his drink, he wasn't even sure how to describe the taste of it; kind of fruity but bland. He quickly scanned the room, Shiro was chatting with the council members with Allura and Coran.
Pidge was talking excitedly to the couple of engineers that surrounded them. He had no doubt that were brainstorming how to upgrade their weapon systems or something similar.
Hunk was kept company by a couple of people wearing matching uniforms. Keith had noticed them going in and out of the kitchen, he figured they were chiefs of some sort.
His eyes found the Blue paladin; naturally, he was in his element. The aliens that surrounded him laughed loudly at whatever he was saying. One of them even touched his arm briefly; to which he quickly moved his arm in a polite way. 
Lance met his eyes from across the room, sending him a quick smile that Keith found himself reciprocating.
He wasn't sure what he and Lance were at this point. Keith had kissed him after a particularly rough mission. He didn't really mean to, he didn't even realize he liked Lance like that until Lance didn't come back to the castle.
Blue was knocked offline and Lance couldn't get her back to the castle. Keith found him first and as soon as he saw Lance he just kissed him. Before he could really understand what he just did Lance was kissing him back.
They quickly pulled away as Hunk entered the atmosphere with the yellow lion.
Lance came to Keith's room that night, asking if they could talk about the kiss. They both came to the conclusion that maybe this rivalry was a bit of a cover-up for more intense feelings. Neither of them knew they liked each other past a friendship until they kissed.
So they weren't officially dating but they obviously had feelings for each other. They hadn't told the team yet either, they were still trying to figure out what to do with these feelings.
“Now that is a nice smile if I do say so myself.” A taller alien stepped closer to him. His skin was pastel pink, decorated with gold designs. His eyes were pitch black, and his baby blue color hair was tied up in a braided bun. 
Keith looked at him, “thanks,” and he took another sip of his drink. 
“So red paladin, you don’t seem to be enjoying yourself tonight.”
“Parties aren’t my thing.” 
The alien released a small chuckle, “I can tell.” 
Keith didn’t respond, he just wanted to be left alone. 
“So does the red paladin have a name?” The man asked in a sultry voice. 
Keith cleared his throat, trying to shake the discomfort he was feeling. “Keith.” 
“Keith,” the man repeated it a couple of times, trying to get his tongue used to the name. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Dreknill.” 
Keith fought the urge to roll his eyes, I didn’t ask. “Pleasure.” 
Dreknill kept talking, it was small talk and Keith found himself replying. Not so much out of any interest more because it was passing the time. He wanted to know about Keith's life, what it was like being a paladin, how many planets he had saved, things like that. 
Keith kept his answers short, very aware of how the taller man found every opportunity to step closer to him, touch his shoulder, things of that nature. Keith knew he was flirting with him, he wasn’t that socially obvious. He just didn’t know how to escape the situation he found himself in. 
“Keith, the night is slowly coming to an end.” 
Keith gave a small nod, finally. 
“Would you care to share a dance?” 
Before Keith could turn down his offer, Dreknill's hands were on his lower back, pushing him towards the center of the room. “I-I can’t dance,” Keith tried to turn away but the other man grabbed his arm, pulling him closer to his chest. 
“I guess I’ll have to teach you.” 
Keith frantically looked around the room as Dreknill twirled him around the room. He stumbled a bit under his feet and Dreknill lifted him up slightly, supporting most of his weight. 
Keith held his breath, trying to think of his best route back to his room, or just out of the ballroom. He could tell the song was coming to an end and he silently begged for it to end faster. 
Dreknill stopped twirling him, finally setting him back fully on the ground. “That wasn’t so bad was it?” He gave him a smile. 
“Oh yeah, thanks but I think I’m going to turn in for the night.” 
“Oh but Keith the night is so young! One more dance?” He leaned closer, his lips an inch or so apart from Keith’s. 
Keith‘s mind was in an all-blown panic and he felt himself freeze. Move body! Come on! He could fight the Galra but freeze in this situation? 
“Keith! What are you still doing up, you need your beauty sleep.” A familiar voice rang in his ears, his savior. An arm was wrapped around his waist, pulling him onto his teammate's side. 
Dreknill straightened his back up, “Oh the Blue Paladin.” 
“Please, call me Lance. I don’t mean to interrupt but Keith does have a strict bedtime routine.” 
Dreknill squinted his eyes a bit at Lance, seeming to size him up, his eyes lingering on Lance’s hand on Keith's waist. “I see.” 
Lance flashed him a wide smile, “it was a pleasure to meet you.” 
“I can escort the red paladin back to his room,” Dreknill reached for Keith and Lance tightened his hold on him. 
“Don’t worry. I can take care of him.” Lance looked down at Keith, “ready to leave love?” 
Keith felt himself blushing, nodding a bit at Lance’s words. 
“We both hope you get home okay,” and with that Lance turned around, dragging Keith with him, and quickly left the room. He didn’t stop walking until they were in the space between their bedroom doors. 
Lance dropped the hold he had on Keith. “Sorry, you looked uncomfortable.” 
“It...wasn’t pleasant. Thanks for getting me out of there.” 
Lance gave him a tense nod. 
Keith scanned his face, trying to decipher any emotion he could. “Lance?” 
Lance grabbed his face gently and brought their lips together. 
Lance wasn’t really a jealous person. He had his moments, who didn’t? But he had a very small list of things that would actually make him feel jealous. When his mama would call his siblings by his nickname. When his eldest brother got a dog and he didn’t. And apparently seeing Keith be flirted with was another one. 
He had kept his eyes on his fellow teammate the entire night. He wanted to be by him, keeping their shoulders touching, maybe holding his hand, just be close to him. But he knew he needed to mingle, needed to help this alliance go smoothly. Plus he didn’t want to get integrated by the team because they were both suddenly joined at the hip. 
So he chatted with the aliens that surrounded him, quickly dodging their flirting attempts or invitations back to their respective rooms. None of his guests seemed to take offense to his friendly decline which he was grateful for. 
But then that...that guy strolled over to Keith, and Lance told himself to keep breathing, that Keith was just mingling like they all were. But then he put his hand on Keith's arms and Lance almost stormed over to him right then and there. He was stopped by a councilman stepping in front of him, quickly pulling him into a conversation. 
Lance couldn’t keep his eyes off him, he kept nodding his head, giving half-ass responses to whatever the councilman was saying. A tight feeling bloomed in his chest the longer he watched Keith. He knew that they weren’t dating or anything but Lance wished they were. 
He forced himself to remain where he was, forcing his breathing to remain even. Keith did look uncomfortable, he clearly wasn’t enjoying the conversation he was having and Lance did whatever he could to try to end the conversation. 
He managed to slip away as Keith was being twirled on the dance floor, looking too uneasy on his feet. Lance stared at the two, stared specifically at Keith who was nearly being lifted off the ground by the other man. 
Lance couldn’t control himself anymore, he couldn’t stop his advancement toward the two men even if he wanted to. He reached Keith in a couple of strides, immediately pulling him to his side with one arm. “Keith! What are you still doing up, you need your beauty sleep.”
Lance eyes the other man, trying to silently tell him to back off. The man, Lance didn’t care to learn his name, seem to take it as a challenge, which Lance was not going to lose. 
“I can escort the red paladin back to his room,” the man reached for Keith, and Lance tightened his hold on his teammate, silently apologizing for how tightly he was grabbing him. He didn’t want that man to pull Keith out of his grasp. 
“We both hope you get home okay, “ Lance didn’t think he could walk any faster. Each step put him further away from that man. He kept walking till they both reached in-between their rooms. 
Kissing Keith was not something he expected to do tonight, be he felt like he was going to explode if he didn’t. Keith kissed back with a sense of hunger and Lance quickly pushed him back against the wall. 
“Sorry I couldn’t get you out of there sooner. You looked in pain most of the night.” Lance mumbled against the other boy's lips. 
Keith nodded and Lance pulled away, looking into his galaxy eyes. “I guess I don't like when others flirt with you.” 
Keith blushed at the statement, “I only want you flirting with me honestly.” 
Lance grinned, “I’ll make sure to be the only one,” he connected their lips again.
I don’t really know why I went in this direction but why do I do anything?? I guess I just needed some jealous Lance in my life 
I hope you liked it 
Thank you <333333
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ditzydisaster13 · 2 months
Went on Google and found some angst boards!
I’ll be using these prompts myself in a special 1shots book. Not that I need more…..
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I just like all the prompts. I’ll probably write them all down in like a piece of paper and make some 1shots that are much smaller than my usual writing.
As my entire Ao3 account is for “Voltron/Langst!” Only (unless crossovers) I will be posting Voltron and Lance McClain related 1shots on Archive Of Our Own.
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Pidge is a naturally observant person. She’s also naturally curious (her mother would say ‘nosy’, but her mom’s not here, so. Potato potahto). This means that while Keith and Lance may have everyone else believing they’re just close friends, Pidge isn’t fooled. She’s the smartest person on the castle for a reason. Nothing escapes her sharp eyes and sharper intuition.
Yeah, okay, she walked in on them making out in the kitchen a couple weeks ago. Whatever. She can cite her observation skills in her own brain if she so desires. Fuck off.
Point is that Pidge knows they’re knockin’ booties. Doing the devil’s tango. The beast with two backs, et cetera et cetera. Are they dating? In a relationship? Possibly. She’s not sure. They’re down bad for each other, that much she knows, but she’s not positive they’ve made the step towards mutual exclusivity and monogamy. But either way, there’s one thing Pidge knows: Lance’s brothers and sisters and parents may not be here to give Keith an old-fashioned shovel talk, but she is. And she’s happy to do it.
Pidge decides to be nice and knock on Keith’s door instead of overriding the lockpad. Just to give him some time to prepare. Not that he knows what he’s preparing for, but whatever. She’s gracious and benevolent, is the point.
“Oh, hey, Pidge,” Keith greets, opening the door and stepping to the side. She follows him inside, glaring at the wall. Of course the jackass is kind and welcoming, despite the hour of the night and the glower on her face. The audacity of this fool, to be his regular, good-hearted self. Why can’t he be a dick so Pidge can threaten him guilt-free?
“So…” he says awkwardly, and without looking Pidge knows he’s rocking back on his heels and picking at his nails, like he does when he has to do something social and doesn’t know the protocol. “Not to be a dick, but, uh. What do you need?”
Pidge turns around and squints at him. He looks back with wide eyes. She considers letting him stew in the silence for a bit, to really make him sweat, but honestly she wants to get to the threatening part.
“Pidge?” he asks worriedly.
“If you hurt my brother I’ll kill you dead.”
Keith blinks in shock before tilting his head in confusion. “Pidge, Matt could kick my ass any day of the week. With relative ease, honestly. What the hell are you talking about?”
She narrows her eyes at him. Is he being intentionally obtuse? “I’m not talking about Matt.”
They stare at each other for several minutes, Keith in bewilderment and Pidge in protective stubbornness. Then, understanding dawns on Keith.
“Oh. Oh! You mean Lance. Okay, I get it now.”
Pidge nods tersely. “I’m serious. You break his heart, I break your face, and then I tell Hunk so he can break your face, and he’s scarier than I am.”
“Pidge,” Keith says, softening. Pidge scowls. Dammit. Why isn’t he quaking in terror? She’s scary! She knows she’s scary!
“Don’t ‘Pidge’ me,” she snaps. “I’m serious!”
“I know you’re serious,” he assures gently. “I am trying to tell you that I’m also serious about Lance.”
“…Oh,” she says. “So you’re not just fooling around? Because that’ll break his heart. He loves you.”
Keith smiles, mushy and smitten. “I know. I love him, too. So much, Pidge. I love him desperately and wholly. Promise.”
Pidge stares at the ground, tears pricking at her eyes. On some level, she knew that. She knows Keith. She loves Keith, he’s one of her best friends.
But Lance is her brother. And she’s watched him get beaten down over and over again, get his heart stomped on, and still look at people with a watery smile and an assurance he’ll take care of it. She hates it. She hates that Lance has been hurt enough that he thinks that it’s expected or normal, that he’s responsible for other people’s shitty and jealous behaviour (looking at you, Iverson. You fuckin’ dick).
“I just want him to be safe,” she chokes out, and the tears start to fall.
“Oh, Pidge,” Keith breathes, and pulls her into a firm hug.
Pidge cries into his chest, hands clenched in his shirt, until she loses track of time. She cries for every time Lance put his heart on his sleeve and someone took advantage. She cries for every time he took his hurt with a smile and a flippant hand, only to feel that pain later.
She cries a little for Matt, too. For the hurt he had to handle all on his own. She cries for her brothers, her goofy boys with hearts of gold. The boys who think of other’s first and foremost, who sacrifice everything, and make everyone else smile as they do it. Her brothers.
Keith holds her through it, steadfast and strong. She cries for him, too, and how many times the universe has hurt him.
Eventually her tears subside, and she pulls away.
“Sorry for saying I was gonna break your face,” she sniffles.
Keith laughs. “No, you’re not.”
She smiles wryly, wiping her eyes. “You’re right.” He smiles again, punching her gently on the shoulder.
“I meant it, Pidge. I love him. I have always loved him, even when I hated him. I’ll love him forever, Pidge. I mean. It’s kind of hard not to.”
“I know,” she whispers. She sniffles one more time, turning to the door.
“Um, that’s really all I came for,” she says awkwardly. Keith grins.
“Just the threat.”
She smiles sheepishly. “Yeah. Sorry.”
“Don’t be,” he laughs, and she grins at him again before heading out the door.
“And, Pidge?” he calls, just as she steps out.
“If by some freak of nature I do break Lance’s heart, he’s gonna beat my ass himself. It certainly won’t be his first time.”
She snorts, remembering the tongue-lashing Keith got last time he ignored Lance on a mission.
Yeah. Her brother will be fine.
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art-lokiitama · 9 months
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A bit late but!
Day 3 of @langstron's Autumn of Langst with "Bad Weather"
He didn’t want to stay put, anyway. Not if the ship was there too. He wanted away from the ship.
With a great effort, Lance looked up the meadow he had crashed in and spotted a mountain. It was really tiny from where he was, but he could hopefully find somewhere warm and away if he went there… At least he hoped.
Casual Prison of the Mind drawing in my langst month? It's more likely than you think!
Prompt list under the read more!
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shsy7573 · 11 months
Two-Hundred Days
A Voltron Fanfiction by shsy7573
Description: When Keith goes radio silent after weeks of daily video calls with his boyfriend, Lance begins to worry. To cope with the stress, he begins filming daily audio recordings on Keith’s old helmet. As Lance’s mental health begins to deteriorate, each message becomes more depressing than the last. What happens when Keith finally returns, and listens to how broken his boyfriend has become?
Relationships: Klance
WARNING: thoughts and discussions of suicide. Cursing
Notes/Info: Langst. Hurt/comfort. Screw canon, Lance is Blue Paladin, Keith is Red. Depressed Lance. Suicidal Lance. I didn’t include every single recorded message (obviously), but i figured I’d just include instances that highlighted Lance’s descent into deep depression. Tbh I don’t know how I feel about this one. The writing feels awkward/out of character, but let me know what you think. I kinda just had this idea pop into my head so I wrote it down :/
Lance sat down and rested his back resting against the wall. He scanned the room. It was a place he’d been to many times before, and it wasn’t all that different from the other quarters in the castle. It was quaint, small. A bed ran along the side of the wall, its blue sheets tucked neatly under the mattress. There was a long compartment for belongings located next to the door, and a coat hanger right above it with a red and white jacket. Keith’s jacket. He’d left it behind when he’d joined the Blade.
It had been days since Lance had heard from the former Paladin. Nobody else was worried. Why would they be? They didn’t get daily calls from the half-Galran. Then again, it would be weird if they did. They weren’t his boyfriend.
Lance missed Keith. A lot. It was lonely on the ship without having his favourite Red Paladin to snuggle into. He missed the long conversations in Red or Blue’s cockpits, or the late-at-night encounters in the kitchen when neither Paladin could sleep. The team just felt… empty without him. Or maybe Lance just felt empty.
Usually, though, he’d have their morning calls to look forward to. It was the only time of day Keith was always one-hundred percent free. Apparently the Blade of Marmora were late risers. Mornings had become Lance’s favourite part of the day, whereas before it had been a struggle to get out of bed.
That’s part of the reason he was so worried. He knew Keith enjoyed their time together too, his boyfriend wouldn’t miss out unless he was doing something really important. Right?
Lance sighed. He didn’t even know why he’d come to Keith’s room. Obviously he wasn’t just going to show up here. That's not how things worked. Still, he’d hoped it would at least make him feel closer to the boy in some way. That it would do something to cure the aching in his gut that had started to emerge since he went radio silent. It didn’t, though. In fact Lance almost felt more separated from him.
The Blue Paladin stood up again, about to leave when something caught his eye. A small glint coming from inside the chest - which apparently wasn’t fully closed. Curiously, Lance walked over, and opened the trunk to discover Keith’s abandoned Paladin armour.
Oh. I was wondering what he did with that. Lance thought, reaching down and picking up the helmet. Ever since Keith left, Allura had been piloting the Red Lion. She hadn’t used Keith’s armour, though, instead opting to make a set with pink trimming. The Paladin smiled, wiping dust off the visor as he sat down again beside the chest. Man, this thing’s been through it.
He wasn’t exactly sure what prompted him to do it. Maybe because it was something of Keith’s, and he missed talking to him, maybe he just needed to vent without worrying anyone with his problems. Either way, he reached inside the helmet and activated the recording function.
There was a shuffling noise, followed by a light jostling as the helmet was set down. It was quiet at first. The only sounds being picked up were the breathing of another person, and a quiet, awkward shuffling.
Then, a small, uncertain voice began to speak. “Uh… hey man. It’s… been a couple days since we’ve talked. I keep wondering if maybe something’s happened to you. I hope not. I’m sure I’m just being paranoid. You're probably just busy, but… I can’t help worrying about you. I love you, you know? And I miss you.”
The speaker took a breath, and the muffled sound of his voice as it went on suggested he’d put his head in his hands. “Dios, this was stupid. What am I even doing?” He inhaled, and his voice became clearer once more. “Whatever, I’m doing it now. So, fuck it I guess.”
More shuffling as the speaker repositioned himself. “It’s pretty early right now. About the time we’d usually call. You got me into the habit of waking up early, you know? Mama would overjoyed to hear that.”
“Nobody else is awake yet. Uhh… the whole Allience thing with Lotor is still pretty new. It’s been pretty hard to trust him, but… if he’s telling the truth it could be nice to finally have another ally. Especially one whose Zarkons son.”
“Hunk is experimenting with the food replicators again. He’s trying to flavour the goo to taste like spaghetti, so far it hasn’t worked. I’m not sure I really want spaghetti in goo form, but it’s good he’s trying new things. Allura’s still doing really well as the Red Paladin. I was worried for a while she’d be pissed about switching from Black, but I don’t think she minds. As long as she gets to fight she seems happy. Now that we know King Alfor binding the lions with her quintessence makes her able to fly any of them, I don’t think she’ll be leaving the cockpit anytime soon. Shiro is… well, he’s Shiro. He’s… definitely getting more and more done with all my shit. So, that’s something I guess. Pidge… we’ll, she won’t admit it but I think she still misses her dad. And, with mat working with the resistance it’s like she’s all alone again. I think she’s better, though.”
“Umm, let’s see, uh… yeah, we all miss you. Me especially, even though I already said that. I know the Blade would reach out if something had happened to you— at least, I hope they would. I’ll just… try to be patient. I think that’s about it. See you, man. Hopefully, I’ll talk to you soon.”
The sound of shifting metal could be heard, followed by a soft click.
A bit of static washed over the mic, before the telltale sign of something being placed down.
“Hey, Keith, I’m… yeah I’m still doing these. Still… haven’t heard anything from you yet. I’m really starting to worry. Are you alright? Surely you’re fine. You can’t be dead. Somebody would know… right? But… What if you’re lost? What if you’re hurt?! Damn it, I’m freaking out. I think the others are starting to notice something’s wrong. I just— I can’t stop thinking about you. Please just… I really need you to call. I hate not knowing what’s going on.”
Lance took a deep breath, and he was silent for a few moments before continuing. “Nothing new has happened. Still the same old Castle. I tried telling Shiro that I was worried, but he just said I needed to focus. That… I couldn’t worry about you, because you could take care of yourselves and Voltron needed my attention. And he’s right. Of course he is, he’s Shiro. I just… I don't know if I can.”
“That’s about it, I guess. I miss you, please call. I love you.”
“Hey, me again. It’s the next morning, and… I don’t know, I really just needed to talk. Shit’s been happening lately, Allura and Lotor think they’ve made a…discovery? Coran - and the rest of us for that matter - isn’t too sure, we’re all a little sceptical. Still, Allura seems on board with it, so we’re giving it a go.”
“Everyone’s been a little… crabbier than usual. I keep trying to lighten the mood, but that just pisses them off more. I’m sure they just need to blow off some steam. If they need to yell at me to take the edge off, then I— I suppose I’m okay with it. They don’t… actually mean the things they’re saying. So it’s fine… I guess”
“I’m still really, really fucking worried about you. I don’t—“ his voice strained for a moment, and when he spoke again it sounded teary, “I don’t know what to think. I just— Keith, if you die I don’t— I don’t know what I’d do. The team can’t afford for me to be grieving right now but, I just can’t— I’m such a fucking mess. Please… please come back. Just send a message or— or at least give me some sort of sign that you’re alive! I need you to be alive, Keith!”
He sniffled, and the microphone was shifted slightly.
“Please… please call me soon. I love you.”
“So… listen. I know I said that I was okay if everyone started yelling at me, b-but… I— I—“ his voice broke. There were a couple moments where the sounds of crying could be heard, before the speaker composed himself and started talking again. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be complaining about this. We have so many better things to worry about. It’s— god some of the things they say, they fucking hurt, man. Like, I know I’m fucking stupid but that doens’t mean I want to hear it all the time. I— I’m just trying to do my best. I just want to help.”
Lance sniffled, taking deep breaths to try and compose himself before continuing. “God, Keith they— I think they hate me. Or, at least they’re starting to. That’s the only explanation for why they— they just—“ he sighed.
“I wish you were here,” he cried, not even trying to conceal his misery anymore. “I— I miss you… so much, Keith. I don’t know where you are, and I’m terrified. Keith. Please just… come home. Come back to me. Let me know you’re alright.”
The Blue Paladin was quiet, his cries having died off in the last sentence. It was so quiet there was barely an indication for when the microphone was switched off yet again.
“—eith!” Lance all but yelled into the microphone. Having started talking before the recording and even started. “Oh my god, Kieth, I don’t— I don’t know what to do!” He whispered. His breathing was sparratic. And there was a constant jostling that suggested the camera was shaking. “I— I— I died Keith. We-w we were just trying to h-help fix this Galra base. It was— Allura was gonna— there was gonna be an explosion so I- I jumped in! I just— I don’t even— I knew we couldn’t lose her! I would rather it be me and so I just… and then I— died and— and nobody even—“ his breathing was out of control now.
“I c— I— h—“ the Paladin tries to force the words out, but it was no use. For several minutes, he sobbed as panic swept over him. Being picked up by the helmet as ragged and quick inhalations of breath. Lance forced himself to take deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth. After a while, he settled down enough to talk again. Though, his voice was shaky and weak.
“Bl-blue saved me. She— she shared some of her quintessence with me, an-and our bond is stronger than-than ever. I can hear he-her talk now. Which… is cool I g- I guess.” He continued to breathe slowly as he spoke.
“I— I don’t even think anybody cared.” He whispered, squeezing it past the lump in his throat. “They didn’t— they didn’t even say anything, I— m-maybe they don’t know? But y-you’d think they w-would have felt something?”
Lance sniffled, and his voice became muffled as he placed his head in his lap. “I don’t know anymore. I… I just know that I miss you. I really miss you Keith,” he mumbled, voice sad and thick as he sobbed. “And I just— I— I need you, and I miss you, and I love you and I just— I- I feel so alone. I am so alone.”
“I’m sorry. Whatever I did, whatever stupid thing I’ve done to make the universe take you away from me, I’m sorry! Please! I need you! I c— I don’t want to be alone anymore!” He sniffled, wiping his nose on his sleeve, before sighing. “I just want you to come back. Please, come back. I— I love you.”
There were a couple more minutes of crying, before the recording finally ended.
There was a sigh as the recording started. The room was silent for a couple moments, before Lance started talking. “Hey, Keith. I… was going to make this in the morning, but… I just… haven’t had the energy to do this. So, I’m doing it now, right before I go to bed.” His voice was monotone. Tired. “I don’t know what to think anymore. The Blade haven’t been in contact, so… I’m assuming you’re not dead. I’m hoping you're not dead.”
“A lot of stuff has been happening. I… if I’m being honest, I don’t really want to talk about it. Nobody on the team is very happy with me. I keep annoying them. I’m not trying to, I just— I don’t know how else to lighten the mood. The good thing is, with everyone being so pissed at me they’re not really arguing with each other. So, that’s good good, I guess. At least I’m doing something useful.”
“You’ve been radio silent for, um… gosh how long has it been? I— I think a little over three months? I don’t know, I’ve lost track. Everytime I ask the team if they’ve heard anything they tell me to stop being paranoid, and focus on the mission. They’re right. I’m already enough of a hindrance without nagging twenty-four seven.”
He sighed again, shifting as he swallowed thickly. “That’s… all I have to report. Miss you. Love you.”
Keith stretched as he and the other Paladins sat around the fireplace. He was pretty content. Shiro was back, actually back, and they’d gathered enough resources to get on the road again. Of course not everything was great. They’d lost the castle, obviously, and it would be a long time before they reached earth… but they’d manage.
Keith had retaken up the mantle as Red Paladin, not at all sorry to admit that he’d missed his Lion. Shiro had gratefully backed out of the Paladin position. He was still pretty shaken up after being extracted from Black and shoved into Kuran’s cloned body.
Yeah, it had been a weird couple of days.
Now that they were on the road, though, Keith figured he’d better make a note of it somewhere. Something told him he’d be wanting to keep track of events. He stood up, stretching as he spoke, “I’ll be back, guys. Just gotta do something.” The others murmured acknowledgements as he walked away. Keith completely missed the look of longing on his boyfriend's face as he made his way over to Red.
The leaned leaned down her head, opening her jaw to let him in. He entered casually, sending a mental greeting to the beast. She replied with a purr, warmth blazed through his mind at her greetings as he sat down in the pilot’s chair. Keith sat there for a moment, relaxing before reaching down to start a recording on his helmet.
To his dismay, the second it started, the recording ended, sending out a little automated message.
“Memory data, full.”
That was odd, Keith had never made a recording of this thing in his life. He opened the history, and was shocked to see that a stream of videos were practically flooding its memory banks. One for every single day for the last month.
Who the fuck has been using my helmet? He questioned, opening the latest message in curiosity.
Suffice it to say he was shocked to hear Lance’s broken, devastated voice on the other end.
The mic switched on, immediately being overcome by sobbing. They were loud, depressing and defeated. It sounded like they were being torn from their speaker’s throat. “I— I fucked up, Keith.”
“They all hate me for sure now! I— I know they do! I do! I was just trying to help.”
What’s going on? Why is he so upset? Keith wondered, heart rate picking up as he listened to the recording.
“Allura and Lotor were— were working on the- the ship, and I offered to help but— but I don’t know how to build. I’m not an engineer, I didn’t- why the fuck did I even think that was a good idea! I just wanted to be helpful like- like Pidge, or Hunk. They said they were fine, but I insisted! And… and I made them all upset. I just kept getting I— in the way. They got so mad, Keith, they were so mad!”
What? Keith wondered, his heart breaking as he listened.
He sobbed harder, breathing quickly as he pressed on. “Pidge was— Pidge was right! And Shiro was right— a—and Iverson and-and fucking everyone! I— can’t- I can't do it! I’m just a fuck up, I’m a fucking idiot! I’m so stupid! I can’t— I can’t do anything right! I’ll never- b—be able to- t-to do anything right! I’m just a screw up! I’m— s-so useless”
“No!” Kieth protested to no one as the voice echoed through his Lion’s cockpit. What happened to you while I was gone?
He shouldn’t be listening to this. This was obviously a private recording. Then again… he sounds so sad. And.. it is being addressed to me…
He couldn’t force himself to stop listening. He was so glad he didn’t.
“I know why you disappeared now. You probably got fed up with me too. You stopped calling because y— you couldn’t take me anymore.”
No! How could you even think that?!
“You didn’t want me around! You got sick of m—me and how ann-noying I am. You d-didn’t want to b—to— be around someone this worthless!”
Keith could feel tears starting to form in his eyes. That’s not true! None of it! You’re not worthless!
“It’s okay I— I understand! I don’t either! I know th—that everyone wou-would be better off-f-f without me. I know— I know they o-only keep me ar-aro-ound is because there’s nobody else compatible wi-w-ith Blue!”
Lance, no!
“If— if you were here I— I know I’d be s—sent away. You would Pi-i-lot Red, and Allura could pilot Blue and th-a-then I’d just be nothing! Nobody! No use in keeping me around! You c-could all finally get rid of me! I want to get rid of me!”
The Red Paladin’s eyes widened. He couldn’t mean…
The crying, somehow, just became more desperate. More heart-wrenching, “I— I- d-d-on’t- wa-at to do this anymore, Keith!”
Then again, Keith didn’t think anyone could fake this level of heartache.
“I ca— I can’t! If there wasn’t- if there was an—anyone else I wouldn’t even— I would— I’d just stop! I don’t want to live anymore! I h-hate not be—eing able to do anything!”
Don’t you even dare, Lance!
“If you came back, and I wasn’t- couldn’t be useful anymore. I— I- don’t— I would just—“ he gasped, hard as he tried to force the words out, “I don’t—“ another big inhale, “I don’t think I could do-o it anymore! I co-couldn’t bear to-to have you lo-look at me! I could-dn’t stand you hating me. I w- I would just fucking end it so you all w-wouldn’t have to-o-o d-e-deal with me anymore!”
Every inch of Keith froze as he heard those words. His thoughts screeched to a halt, heart skipping a beat as his blood ran cold.
“It would b-b-e f-for the best! V-Voltron would be better off! Th-the u-inverse would be b—better off!”
Lance just kept crying. The sheer agony he felt in his soul coming out as loud, wrenching, ugly cries. Like he was trying to expel all the parts of him that he felt weren’t good enough.
“Nobody wants me.” He whispered after a while, when the crying had died down just enough to regain his breath. “I don’t deserve to go back home.”
He swallowed, and there was a shuffling, and a sudden closeness of the voice that suggested he was hugging the helmet. “I’m sorry I pushed you away. I’m sorry I wasn’t good enough. E—even though you hate me… I still love you.”
The Blue Paladin sniffled, the sound of skin rubbing skin could be heard as he wiped his tears. “I h-hope one day you come back. For the others. I promise I- I won’t bother you. I pro-promise you would have to deal with me.”
“I’m sorry… mi amor. I’m so- so sorry.”
There was a beat. A single moment taken to process everything he’d just heard. Then, Keith was out of his seat, and racing out of his lion. He tossed helmet to the ground, not even caring as his heart thundered in his chance. He had to find him, he had to find Lance.
I’ve barely even talked to him since I got back! I- everything just happened so fast! I’ve just been so preoccupied… What if he thinks— I haven’t even— oh god, FUCK!
He ran over to the others, not bothering to conceal his panic as he realised that the Blue Paladin was not sitting with the others anymore.
Oh god, oh fuck, oh no!
“Where’s Lance?!”
“Keith, what—“ Shiro started, but the Red Paladin as having none of it.
Pidge shrugged, “uh… he,” she turned to where the Paladin had been sitting and shrugged, “he kinda just disappeared. I don’t exactly—“
“What the fuck is wrong with you! You didn’t even bother to—“ Keith cut himself off, shaking his head. He didn’t have time for this. He grabbed onto Cosmo’s fur.
His dog, seemingly to get the message, immediately teleported them away. They popped up in the forest somewhere, and Keith looked around desperately. His heart sang in relief as he saw the blue and white armour of his boyfriend slinking between the trees.
“LANCE!” Keith shouted, barreling towards him. The boy turned around just in time to be tackled to the ground in a whirlwind of arms and legs. Keith didn’t care. He didn’t care about anything right now. He squeezed Lance tight to his chest as the boy flustered in confusion.
“Kieth, what—“
“Oh my god, you’re okay! You’re okay! Lance y— how could you— do you know how fucking scary that was?! I don’t care that I’ve been inside the stomach of an animal, or that Shiro has almost died like five times, or that we’ve faced an army of like ten thousand Galra ships! I have never been more terrified in my fucking life than when I heard you say you’d kill yourself if I ever came back!”
If possible, he held Lance tighter. “Then— then when I came outside and you weren’t with the others I though— I— I thought that you…”
Lance was silent for a few moments, before a realisation dawned on his face. His shoulders went slack, any attempt of trying to pretend that he was fine dying on his lips.
“The recordings…”
Keith pulled back so he could see Lance’s face. He raised his hands up to grab the boy’s head firm, caressing his cheeks as he stared into those ocean blue eyes. He kept a tight hold with his other hand, as if the second he let Lance go, he would lose him. “I can’t believe— you— do you know how devastated I would be if you— if you tried to…” Keith shook his head, slamming his body into Lance again, sending them both completely to the ground.
Tears filled the Blue Paladin’s eyes. “I… I’m sorry! I’m so-s-sorry! I fucked everything up I— I didn’t mean— I just— I’m so—“
“Don’t you apologise for anything, McClain. I love you so much, Lance. I don’t ever want to lose you. I— I can’t— I don’t even want to imagine a world where you’re not in it! I would never abandon you! Do you hear me?! Never! I would never! Ever! Leave you!”
Lance wrapped his own arm around Keith. Holding the boy just as firmly, with just as much desperation. All he could do was cry. Everything that had been building up pouring out of him as he grasped onto Keith like a lifeline.
“Everything’s just—j- been so much! Ev-verybody ha-h-h-hate me! I’m such a fuck up! I’m- I’m stupid- and I’m weak and- and- I an-nnoy everyone! And it doe-s-doesn’t matter how hard I try! I j- I d- I can’t keep up!” He sobbed, his breaths deep and agonising as he forced more words out through his panic. “I can’t do it anymore! I’m so sick of getting yelled— and scolded a-a-and of p-pe-peo-ple condes-sending me! And— and I know they’re right— I -I know-I its because I’m not good enough! I d-deserve it! But I can’t— I’m sick of being so worthless and I can’t—“
“You are not worthless, Lance! Not one bit! And I… I’m so sorry! When I came back, I was just- I was so preoccupied with everything else I just— I wasn’t even thinking! God, I can’t believe— I can’t imagine how awful you must have felt when I didn’t even— ! I never meant to— I love you, Lance! I love you! You are so beautiful and smart and talented and funny and you… and you are good enough Lance! You are everything! And I hate that you didn’t have anyone around to tell you that, because it’s true! It is so fucking true, Lance! You matter so much! I love you so much! Don’t you ever try to leave me! You matter so much to me!”
Lance shook his head. Sitting up again as he pushed Keith away. “Why, though?! I’m so fucking dumb! I’m incompetent! I can’t do anything right!”
“That’s not true!”
“Yes it is! It’s how everyone has been treating me for the past month! It has to be true! I know it’s true! I just— I can’t even fathom why anyone would ever fucking want me around! I don’t understand why anyone would ever fucking care about me when I’m not even—“
Keith raised a finger to Lance’s lips, stopping the tumbling of words in its tracks. It was too painful. He couldn’t listen to the person that he loved so much talk so little about himself. It wasn’t right. It wasn’t right, and Keith wasn’t going to let it happen.
He opened his hand, trailing it from the boy’s mouth to gently caress his cheek. For a moment, he just let himself stare into Lance’s teary eyes, the liquid causing them to shine in the light of the planet. Even though he looked broken and his face was covered in tears and snot, he was still the most beautiful person in the world to Keith. He always would be. The Red Paladin applied a soft, hinting pressure to his partner’s jaw, pulling it towards him ever so slightly.
Lance allowed himself to be guided forward. Both lost in each other’s eyes as they grew closer. Finally, when their lips were close enough that their noses touched, Keith tilted his head.
“Then let me show you,” he whispered, in a voice softer than Lance had ever heard him use. His warm breath brushed across Lance’s skin, sending a cascade of shivers all the way down his body.
The Red Paladin shut his eyes, and leaned forward. As the distance between them was finally closed, their lips met. Lance, still in shock, kept his eyes open for a moment before melting into the kiss. It was light, and gentle, but full of emotion. Keith’s devotion and determination came off in waves as he tried to pass on every ounce of his love to the Blue Paladin.
It was something that, over the past few months Lance had wanted so badly. A kind of affection he’d craved for so long now, but had convinced himself he’d never feel again. Convinced himself he didn’t deserve.
At that moment, the rest of the world melted away. There was no more team. No more Voltron. It was just Lance and Keith, tangled in each other’s embrace as they’re lips met in an expression of love, longing, and relief.
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langstron · 1 year
Langst Month
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Back in May, we made a few polls to create the best possible event the Langst Fandom may want!
The grand winner was Langst Month!
The Langst Month will be held at the dawn of autumn, in September, so as not to clash with other month-long events like Julance or Inktober!
We cannot wait to share the prompts with all of you. It'll take us a little more patience, as they will be released around August to leave a preparatory period for those who wish to participate!
-Mod Lokii
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 11 months
Don’t Hold a Glass Over the Flame  (ch. 1 of 2)
A peaceful hike on an uninhabited moon takes a terrible turn and Shiro is forced to use his prosthetic to hurt Pidge to keep her from bleeding out.
I simply love putting Shiro in situations where he is sooo stressed.
Prompt fill for the @badthingshappenbingo​​  prompt "This is for your own good"
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro, Lance & Shiro (Voltron)
Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: badthingshappenbingo, Platonic Relationships, Hurt Pidge | Katie Holt, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst, landmines, Cauterization, Blood, promise it isn't very graphic, Shiro (Voltron) is a Good Friend, Protective Shiro (Voltron), Langst, Bad Things Happen Bingo, This Is for Your Own Good, Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro Friendship, Field Surgery
bingo card under cut 
[request fills]
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banditywrites · 1 year
Hi Bandity! Congrats on 1,000 followers! If you’re still taking prompts for follower appreciation, I really enjoy reading your VLD fics that feature ghosts or other supernatural elements & Langst/whump? If you’ve already received prompts too similar to that or just aren’t feeling it, then pls ignore lol. Hope school is going well for you this semester, & please take care (:
Thank you so much for the ask and I am sorry it took so long!! The semester is almost over now and I am so excited for the summer. This is the last follower appreciation prompt I will be answering. I got through most of them, but I really do feel I need to move on to other things. Thank you so much to everyone who participated!
I was very pleased to use this opportunity to start a title prompt fic: The Forgotten House. This is just the beginning, so it's not too spooky yet, but I do hope to write this one over the summer. Thank you again for your ask!
Words: ~1050
The Forgotten House
"I have seen that rock before! We’re going in circles!" Lance threw his arms up. "Just admit we're lost, mullet,” Lance called through the mist. 
Keith's shoulders stiffened and Hunk saw the way he was clenching his fists.
"We might not be lost, just off track a little," Hunk tried to placate. 
The bog stunk and the fog that swirled around them did not allow them to see too far ahead. They had been supposed to be meeting at the rendezvous point vargas ago, but they had been wandering, stomping through sludge and grime for so long, Hunk didn't even know how long it had been. 
Long enough that they were thirsty, hungry, sweating and starting to argue with each other. 
Hunk tried to wipe grime from his gauntlets. He just wanted to get back to the castle and a long, hot shower. This was supposed to just be a recon mission. There had been rumors that the Galra were building a base on this planet. The swamp planet had an atmosphere that messed with their comms, so this specific expedition had been on foot with strict instructions to return after a brief survey. They had not found a Galra presence. All their search team had found were rocks jutting out of the swamp and twisted trees rotting in the waste. 
"Off track is just another way of saying lost," Lance grumbled. Keith finally spun around and stalked forward. It would have been more intimidating if not for the squelched noise his boots made in the floating moss.
 "This is the right way, but fine, you lead then!"
Keith gestured forward and Lance puffed out his chest before stepping into the mist and realizing he couldn't see much more than four feet in front of him.
Lance bit his lip and stared into nothing. A bead of sweat trickled down his neck that he couldn't reach and do anything about. He was irritated and complaining without thinking. When he really stopped to think about this situation, lost on an alien planet with no way to contact their team and supplies low. 
Well, this might be pretty bad. 
They had been just wandering and wandering and there was nothing out here. Lance leaned on the moss covered boulder that he knew they had already walked past multiple times. 
"Maybe, maybe we will take a break actually?" Hunk suggested loudly as he sat on a patch of solid ground. All of the anger drained from them then.
"Yeah," Lance muttered as slipped down, his back against the rock. Keith settled near Hunk, folding his legs to keep them out of the surrounding water. They sat, resting and keeping their heads down as the fog swirled listlessly around them. They knew the others were probably looking for them by now and, at this point, it might be more helpful for them to stay in one place. 
“I hate it here,” Lance mumbled as he slouched down further. 
“Me too,” Keith agreed. Hunk looked between them, taking in their despondent appearances. The situation didn’t look good, but he should probably say or do something helpful. Hunk turned his gaze to the swirling mist. If he could just see where they were going, or if there was higher ground that would lift them above the fog…
No sooner had Hunk thought it that he spotted a dark shadow looming in the darkness. He stared, furrowing his brow and squinting. The mist thinned. It was a tall shape, he thought it was just some boulders at first, but the edges were too straight. It didn’t look like a base either. At least, not like any base he had seen in space. 
“Is that a house?” Hunk stumbled to his feet in disbelief. 
“A what?” Lance turned his head to see. Hunk stepped forward and could make out the shape of windows in the second story. A few more steps and there was a large porch with steps leading to a dark wooden door. 
Lance and Keith fell into step behind him. 
“You’re seeing this too, right?” Hunk whispered. 
“Yes,” Keith responded in a hushed voice of his own. 
The brume parted just enough that they could see the door swinging open in a gentle breeze. At the steps, they paused and waited, listening for signs of life. 
“Well, it’s not a Galra base.” Lance nudged the first step with his foot. 
“Do you think it’s safe?” Hunk glanced between his two teammates. They all looked at the empty home with its open door, beckoning them inside. 
“It looks dry at least and it’s starting to get darker.” Keith looked back the way they had come. He couldn’t see the rock anymore that had served as their landmark. “Maybe it would be a good place to wait for the others.”
As one, they moved up the steps one at a time. With such gloomy surroundings, they were all expecting the stairs to creak under their weight, but the stairs were quiet and sturdy. Together, they moved through the open door. 
The house was ordinary. There was not much furniture and most of the rooms were indistinguishable in purpose. The upstairs rooms had beds and a few empty cabinets, but nothing else. Even though it was dark outside, the light seemed to filter through the windows just fine and they were able to find their way to a sitting room that was full of couches and comfortable chairs. While things didn’t look like they had been used for a long time, nothing was dusty or uncomfortable. 
They decided to stay in the sitting room together and watch the fog swirl outside the large bay window. 
“I wonder why they left,” Hunk whispered as he felt his eyes begin to droop. Keith or maybe Lance hummed at the question, but nobody said anything else. Being there, away from the stench of the bog and the clutch of the mist, it made them all realize how tired they were. And here, among comfortable chairs and pillows, Hunk felt safe. He could hear his teammates’ breathing slow as they fell asleep.
Hunk took one last deep breath before closing his eyes and drifting off. 
In his dreams he thought he heard the distinct sound of a door shutting and locking.
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langstwhynot · 10 months
I wanna write langst anyone has any ideas or prompts
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"The first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have a problem"
"No, I'm not fixing my problem. I'm just self aware"
Could be Langst or Klance or both
I give you klangst 
Lance politely excused himself from the conversation he found himself in, borderline storming out of the ballroom. He mumbled curses under his breath as he headed to the observatory deck. 
He always came here when he was upset or missing home more than usual, usually the former than the latter. 
He plopped down on the steps, hugging his waist. Stupid mullet, stupid mister perfect. He could oversleep every single day and yell at everyone and still be the #1 best teammate. He looked up at the stars, begging for some peacefulness. I hate him. 
Okay, hate is a strong word, Lance felt the opposite regarding his fellow team member. He had a ridiculously unrequited crush on him. He knew it wasn’t Keith’s fault he was prone to jealousy and didn’t know how to manage it. It wasn’t Keith's fault that he compared nearly every aspect of himself to him. It wasn’t Keith's fault he was just Lance. 
Lance was always an insecure guy, being the youngest meant he had to fight for attention. His parents loved him and he knew he was loved but he never felt good enough; it was a weird feeling.
He just wanted to feel worthy for once. He wanted to be applauded for something he did, for a plan he created, for saving a species, for something.
Tonight just tipped him over the edge a bit. He and Keith had infiltrated a ship together, stopping a new Galran weapon from destroying an entire planet.
It was Lance's idea to go on the ship, it was Lance's idea to have the team distract the fighters from the sky as Keith and Lance made their way through. Keith had tagged along due to his Galra biology and he opened the doors for him. It was all Lance's idea.
So why did Keith get all the praise at the celebration?
The team clapped with everyone else and Lance gave a couple of weak claps before leaving. Lance didn't feel part of the team, he didn't feel valued as a team member, and he just wanted to leave.
He wanted to take Blue and just fly anywhere that wasn't the castle or the Galran empire. He knew he was being selfish. The team wasn't even aware of his issue so he couldn't really blame them.
He really hated his mind most of the time. He rationally knew he was valued and wanted but most of the time he couldn't convince himself that he was.
"Thought you'd be in here." Keith's voice rang in the darkness of the room and Lance rolled his eyes.
"What? Already tired of people chanting your name? Go, Keith! Our savior." He wrapped his arms around his knees, pressing his forehead against them.
He heard Keith sigh and take a couple of steps into the room. "If you didn't run away so fast you would have heard Allura correct them. Tell everyone you came up with the plan."
Lance scoffed, "sure whatever."
"I'm serious." He heard Keith sit down next to him, keeping distance between them.
"Wow one point for Lance, like twenty for Keith."
He heard Keith groan in frustration. "I'm sorry you hate me. But if I can make you hate me any less could you please tell me?" Keith said in a slight huff.
"I don't hate you."
"You don't like me."
"It's not," Lance lifted his head up slightly, not being able to face the other boy. "I'm just, angry with myself."
"Why do you take it out on me?" Keith's voice was laced with slight anger.
"I don't know."
"Bullshit. Ever since we save Shiro on Earth you've been trying to start something with me."
"Maybe I don't like your mullet." Lance turned to face him, Keith staring back at him with fire in his eyes.
"It's not a mullet!"
"Yes, it is!" Lance stood up, staring down at the other boy. "If you took like a minute to look at yourself in a mirror you would see that it's a mullet."
Keith stood up, "why are you obsessed with my hair?"
"It's not just your hair."
Keith crossed his arms, "what else do you hate about me then?"
"Just-Just you're perfect at everything! You're Keith Kogane! Shiro borderline adopted brother. You've never been scolded or belittled or told to do better. I'm just a fucking boy from Cuba stuck in space with mister can-do-no-wrong constantly reminded that I'll never be up to your standards. Or anyone's standards. The only thing I have on you is I didn't flunk out from the Garrison. Even when you were still top of the class." Lance looked at the ground, "I only go fighter because you left."
"And maybe I'm just upset because I want to have that." He looked back up at the other boy, who was staring back at him with a somber expression. "I want for once to be the center of praise or approval. Not begging for someone to just acknowledge what I'm capable of."
Lance shifted his gaze up, looking out into the stars. "I'm the youngest, and they say the youngest gets spoiled but by the time I was born all my siblings were in high school. They were going into college, getting scholarships, and I was just...left behind." He wrapped his arms around his waist, "my family loves me. I know they do, but I always felt left out."
"I always wanted to find my place somewhere, somewhere I felt important or needed. Then you," he brought his gaze back down towards the other boy, "had to come into space with us and once again," his voice became barely a whisper. "I'm in someone's shadow."
Neither spoke for what felt like forever, the silence looming over them like a fog.
"I didn't know you felt like that."
Lance rolled his eyes, plopping back down on the step with a huff.
Keith looked down at him, "I'm serious."
Keith returned to his spot next to Lance, the air tenser between them. "You're not just a boy from Cuba, I hope you know that."
"I'm not much here. Just the 7th wheel if you ask me."
Keith shook his head, "I'm sorry you feel like that but Lance, you're more than that. You're vital to the team."
Lance scoffed, "sure."
Keith released a small sigh, "I'm serious. Without you, we wouldn't be Voltron."
"Allura can fly blue."
"So what?!"
Lance turned his head at the boy's outburst, his shoulders rising and falling as he tried to compose himself. "So I'm not needed."
"So that's it?! Someone else could fly your lion so you have no worth all of a sudden? You have worth, you are a part of this team you're-"
"I'm leaving the team." Lance surprised himself. He had always entertained the thought but he never spoke the words out loud.
Keith sucked in a quick breath, clearly not expecting those words to be said. "What?"
Lance took a shaky breath, keeping his eyes trained forward on nothing in particular. "I'm leaving the team. No matter what I do I'm not needed here."
"Jesus Lance, listen to what you're saying. If you didn't come up with your plan on that ship we would have been captured or killed. You did that, if you weren't here no one would have thought of that."
"You don't know that Keith."
"Well, you seem to act like you know what our lives would be like if you left." Keith's voice sounded a bit sharp in the quiet of the room and Lance couldn't blame him. If the roles were reversed he would be just as upset as Keith.
"I just want to belong."
Keith's face fell slightly and his body relaxed ever so slightly. "I'm sorry you feel like you don't. I wasn't aware you felt like that. I don't think any of us were."
Lance opened his mouth to respond but no words tumbled out. He suddenly realized how exposed he felt, how he basically spilled every insecurity he ever felt in his life to his crush. "I need to go."
He stood up, making a beeline towards the door, a gloved hand grabbing his arm and twisting him around. He was face to face with Keith, a bit closer than they usually stood. "You have a problem."
"Excuse me?"
Keith shook his head, "that came out wrong. I just...look I'm not good with words but you need help? Support I don't know."
Lance looked down at Keith's finger wrapped around his arm.
"The team will want to help you, I want to help you. Please just, don't leave before we get the chance." Keith looked down at his own hand, then back up at Lance's face. "Shiro used to say that the first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have a problem."
Lance met his eyes, quickly shifting his gaze to the scenery beside his head. "No, I'm not fixing my problem. I'm just self-aware. Me leaving will at least be a step towards something." He tried to turn again but he couldn't shake his arm from Keith's grasp. "Let me go."
"I can't. Not until you listen to me."
Lance stopped fighting against his teammate, this might be the last time he was able to touch Keith in any capacity so he might as well savor it. "I'm listening then."
Keith gave him a slow nod. "You're part of this team. Without you, we wouldn't have been able to access the Blue lion. She was waiting for you, Lance. You fought Sendek, you've come up with plans on the fly, you make the team laugh, you just...without you we wouldn't be the team we are today."
Lance didn't say anything, just simply staring at the spot beside Keith.
"You're our sharpshooter, you've saved all of our asses more times than we can count. We can explain how you feel to the team. We can all advocate for you, get you the credit you deserve." Keith tightened his hold on his arm ever so slightly, "please I don't want to lose you."
Lance was leaning forward before he could stop himself, softly pressing his lips against Keith's. He tried to pull back, but Keith held him close, holding on to him like he was a life raft.
When they eventually separated Lance slid his arm out of Keith's grasp. "I'm sorry," and he quickly left the room, trying to decide if he should go lay down or go get an escape pod.
Ambiguous ending? I just,,,love writing angst sorry not sorry.
I hope I did this idea justice <3
Thank you <333
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ditzydisaster13 · 2 months
Musical Langst idea continued
To use the prompt, everything in blue must be written at the top of the page. Website allowed to use this prompt are Ao3, Wattpad, Quotev, and Fanfiction.Net. Permissions do not include Wattpad users taking my original works or anyone else’s writing content and use it as their own. You also must Include the tag «Radio.Lance/LB2073»
Prompt: In space, it’s easy to get lost. And  even easier to be homesick; so very easy to miss what cannot be touched or seen anymore. However, one of the most universal (it seems) ways of communicating and feeling at home is through music. It shares cultures, desires, and stories. Lance finds a way to make music in space. Listen to it, give it his all, and make connections. Ones that somehow spread wider and faster than Voltron. He should have guessed he would have met someone through music at some point. But he never expected the soon in “sooner or later” to come so fast. 
Preface: This work cannot have more than 3 parts. And anything further taken the authors original prompt will either be mentioned or the original author has the ability to call me out for taking their work. 
Permissions: This work was written with the consent from Ao3 author LightningBlade2074. I have taken the prompt and made it my own. Any inspirations will be mentioned at the end. 
Anyone who fails to meet these expectations will in fact be called out for discrediting and plagiarism. I have accounts on all of the websites I mentioned and I will be looking for the proper tags, prompt, preface and permissions citations in your work.
-> -> -> My account is a different Name on Ao3 because it’s only for 1 fandom while my other accounts have multiple fandoms.
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Every single day of this stupid, godforsaken roadtrip, Lance had to hold back a death joke. It was genuinely harder than being in the closet. Like, sure. When he was in the closet he had to bite his tongue every time he parked a car. He had to avert his eyes every time he saw the fucking light refract (rainbow jokes are some of his best material). Not outing yourself with a gay joke is beyond difficult, it’s true. 
But pretending he never went into the light? A whole lot harder. 
They accidentally fly through an asteroid storm the size of a sun, and Hunk panics about being about to die? The words ‘been there, done that’ were literally on their way out of his stupid, big mouth before he choked them back. Camping on a planet, and Pidge jokingly telling him to stay alive when he goes to get firewood? He’s never wanted quip back so badly in his life (well, ‘life’. Life 2.0. The second time around. The sequel. Numero dos. Holy shit, Lance needs an audience sworn to secrecy so he can get these jokes out of his system once and for all before he ruins himself).
But, Lance, you might be asking, why do you have to hold these jokes back? Aren’t they kind of funny, if not lightly concerning?
Great question! Lance is holding the jokes back because he’s a coward who’s terrified of emotional vulnerability. He’s actually less scared of death, and that’s not even an exaggeration anymore! It’s just… he’s sure his team loves him. Kinda. Mostly. But Lance has been sorta distant from his team, lately. They don’t really talk much. At first it was because of the whole Lotor, seventh-wheel situation, but now he just doesn’t feel like he has much in common with them anymore. There’s also the fact that no one really seems to want him around. 
Like, he used to consider Hunk and Pidge his closest friends. They hung out all the time, he felt like he could trust them with anything. But it’s been kind of rough, for the past few months. They don’t seem to enjoy his company, and he was sure it was just his insecurities talking for a while, but then they made plans right in front of him without including him, so. He knows when he’s not really wanted. Allura kind of goes without saying. He’s a little raw around her right now, so it’s understandable that he wants to put some distance between them. He doesn’t even know Krolia or Romelle, so he’s obviously not gonna talk about anything with them. Keith made it abundantly clear who and what was important, and Lance did not make that list. 
Shiro’s a whole other can of worms. He knows, objectively, that nothing was Shiro’s fault. Shiro hasn’t even technically been around for months. But every time he looks at him, all he can see is Shiro’s snarling face and hard eyes: 
“Stay quiet, Lance, I didn’t ask you!”
“Lance, if we wanted your opinion you’d hear about it.”
“Actually, we don’t need you for this mission, Lance. Just stay in the castle.”
There’s also the debilitating guilt he feels whenever he hears Shiro’s voice. God, Lance heard him in the astral plane, and what did he do? Nothing. Nada. Zilch. He officially has the reward for the most useless paladin in the universe. 
And usually closeness wouldn’t really stop him from jokes – he likes to be the funny one, regardless of how well he knows a group of people – but Lance knows himself well enough to realise he isn’t holding back the death jokes because he’s too uncomfortable around the team. 
He’s holding back the jokes because he’s terrified, down to the very core of him, that the team will find out about his death and they won’t care. 
Right now it’s kind of Schrodinger’s Shitty Situation. The team simultaneously knows about Lance’s death and they don’t, and Lance making a death joke is the metaphorical opening of the box. And he is way, way too scared to open that box. So it stays sealed in the back corner of his mind. So long as it’s sealed Lance can hold on to the hope that the team cares about him, at least a little. At least until he gets back to Earth and to people he knows love him, so he doesn’t feel so lonely.
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art-lokiitama · 10 months
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Day 2 of @langstron's Autumn of Langst with "Seventh Wheel"
In the end, was Lance truly useful to the team if he couldn't even protect them? If he only made it out with scratches and a whole lot of luck, while they didn't?
I'm really enjoying the more sketchy vibes, it feels a lot more relaxing to draw (and sparks joy!)
Sharing the prompt list below the read more!
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dampkiiwi · 3 years
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🍂art belongs to me🍂
🌿i love the idea of lance actually becomes a total badass but also facing a lot of hardship and trauma on his own so here you guys go 🤲, the general idea was that he became the leader of either his own team or rebellion when split from Voltron, he went through a lot to the point he noticed he felt he couldn’t cry anymore and was broken. Finally able to come back to his team he sheds a tear for the first time in years.🌿
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langstron · 10 months
Langst Month Prompts!
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✨Calendar reveal ✨
Welcome to Autumn of Langst, which will last from the 1st of September to the 30th of September!
This is our calendar of angsty prompts, with a few comfort ones to wrap it up all nice and cosy! All brought to you in advance if you wish to prepare for the month ahead.
You can write, draw, create any kind of crafts, playlists, edits? All is game!
Once you're done with your creation don't forget to post it with the #langstmonth2023 tag so we can see it and reblog it! (You can even tag the blog to make sure we really see it)
Ideally, posting would start on the 1st of September, so to match that, we won't be starting the reblogs until then either.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to drop an ask, and if you wish, you can join the Langstron Discord Server as well!
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