#so many things were going to wrong in the end šŸ˜­ā€¦ also teddy is such a bitter bitch bro
tariah23 Ā· 30 days
Outside of all ofā€¦ that happening to Gojo, and finishing Snowfall the other day, eekā€¦ā€¦..
#I can live with what gege did to Gojo even though it hurts so much bro#but I canā€™t deal with what happened to Franklin bro thatā€™s one of the worst character endings ever omg my chestā€¦.#i meant it in a ā€˜thatā€™s so fucked upā€™ way not ā€˜this is badly writtenā€™ because it really does fit his characterā€¦.. even though witnessing#such a strong and ambitious character turn intoā€¦ā€¦. THAT in the endā€¦ broā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. not Franklin šŸ˜­ā€¦#his pride left him in ruinā€¦ the fact that he actually still had ppl who were willing to stand by his side in the end and help him but he#couldnā€™t accept it because in his own words ā€˜I built this shit! and if I wanted to tear it down with my own hands than I will-ā€˜ like he was#so used to being in charge.. the bossā€¦ never taking orders from the people who worked for himā€¦ and whenever any other character would make#suggestions or decide that they wanted to branch off heā€™d completely lose his shit because in his mind theyā€™re all stronger together and he#felt like he was losing control of the circumstances that arose and that ā€˜if only they wouldā€™ve listened to ME then everything wouldā€™ve#been just fine-ā€˜ and the crazy thing isā€¦ Franklin was usually right šŸ˜­ like 90% of the time but itā€™s just he couldnā€™t communicate with his#friends and peers without blowing up like a demon just because they made their own decisions lmfao#especially without him/his consent lmfaooo he was a control freak for sure#so many awful things wouldnā€™t have even happened if everyone stuck together and listened but at the same time other characters grew tired#of being underneath him and it was within their right to go do their own thing like I get it#so many things were going to wrong in the end šŸ˜­ā€¦ also teddy is such a bitter bitch bro#the fact that Franklin willingly decided to becomeā€¦. I canā€™t even say itā€¦#in the end over receiving what heā€™d consider a handout is insaneā€¦ā€¦.. living like that? in filth because heā€™s too prideful to ever work#under anyone ever again even if itā€™s with a trusted friendā€¦ the money really blinded him but I get it#if I had 73 mil stolen from me out of nowhere by a bitter white man just because I told him I didnā€™t want to do business with him anymore#in the 80ā€™s then Iā€™d lose it too but ong Franklin was too ambitious to end up like thisā€¦#he kind of character youā€™d just watch and instantly think to yourself ā€˜this guy could go anywhere he wants. heā€™s no caged birdā€¦ā€™#so it makes his ending even more devastatingā€¦ā€¦..#rambling#if you ever watch snowfall donā€™t watch the last episode šŸ„ŗ please promise me you wonā€™t?
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fatuismooches Ā· 11 months
So i just read your post about the monster-fox'torre and i got an idea.
Dottore is extremely intelligent, but even geniuses like him sometimes fail - hypotheses turn out to be incorrect, experiements go wrong, etc. Now what if...
As expected, the first Segment creation ended up in failure. Instead of a clone-like copy of himself, he created a black monster-looking creature with a red eye in a middle. Figuring he can't just set the tiny monstrosity lose, he kept it in his lab depths to prevent it from being seen by anyone ever again. But Dottore underestimated the curiosity of bored Fragile!Reader.
One day, Fragile!Reader wakes up feeling much better than usual and takes a stroll around massive laboratory, exploring the endless maze of corridors. That's when they meet *that*. To their own surprise, the little monster doesn't appear hostile in the slightlest and eyes them with just as curious look as the reader. So what does the Fragile Reader does? Yep. They claim the little monster as their property.
Dottore freezes when he walks in on Fragile Reader casually playing with the little fluffy monster in their bed, cuddling it, giving it headpats, telling it how adorable it is. "(Name), where did you find that?". His lover has a beaming smile on their faces and explain themselves but the explanation soon leads to a begging marathon - they want to keep the little monstrosity! After awhile, Dottore gives in.
For Dottore's surprise, after the little monster was adopted by Fragile Reader, their health condition has taken a turn for the better. Much better. They seem a lot happier and the positive emotions keep their illness state stable. How can he not allow the little monstrosity stay, then?
His heart completely melts when he finds reader cuddling the little monster like a severely oversized teddy bear.
- šŸŗ (is this emoji taken, btw? I sent an ask previously, but you can ignore it, it is fine šŸ˜…)
He knew that the clone making process wasnā€™t going to be an easy one, but he still didnā€™t expect to fail this bad. The thing didnā€™t have anything at all that resembled a human! It was a little abomination, he thought, one mistake of many to come. Though he could destroy it right now, it may have some use in the future. So he just chucked it with his other failed experiments and prototypes, not thinking much of it.
Unfortunately for Dottore, the little creature is more intelligent that he thought and you are also quite adventurous. You always knew Dottore was quite innovative and always working on something new in his lab - oftentimes heā€™d keep you updated on his progress and frustrations - but you didnā€™t hear anything about a little creature that didnā€™t even reach your knees! Admittedly, you were a bit nervous at first, but how could you resist that cute little thing peering at you so cutely! It doesnā€™t resist when you pat it tentatively, and instead leans into your hand like a touch-starved baby. And itā€™s so soft and fluffy yet light and you can just scoop it up into your arms! Surely Dottore wouldnā€™t mind if you justā€¦ took it for a bit? If it was important, it wouldnā€™t be out here roaming the deepest depths of the lab anyway.
Heā€™s initially a bit concerned about you hanging out with this thing because he doesnā€™t know what itā€™s capable of, but after a quick examination he deems it relatively harmless. He doesnā€™t exactly share or understand your fondness (you certainly find strange things to be ā€œcuteā€ā€¦ first him, now this little monstrosity) but it seems to make you happy, so he sees no harm in letting you keep it. This wasnā€™t the first time you took interest in his experiments anyway. And how can he resist when youā€™re giving him such an adorable look?
He comes to realize that it genuinely makes you happy. The little thing keeps a smile on your face, and it helps you get out of bed sometimes. Itā€™s like your pet, in a way. Even though it doesnā€™t need to eat. It just requires cuddles, according to you. And it also likes baths, and high-quality shampoo (it has to keep its fur fluffy, once again according to you. Dottore had no clue you were that attached to it.)
ā€¦The only problem is that sometimes the little creature decides to lay on the bed while the two of you are cuddling, and every time Dottore tries to kick it out but you donā€™t let him because you feel bad.
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mw1761 Ā· 1 year
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Heyyy!! >3 welcome to my very first post on this account. Were I basically tell things like fake meet cutes, real life story's or funny things I thought of. I will also be asking if I'm in the wrong about anything and reading as many to all of the notes left under a postā¤ļø
DisclaimeršŸ§ø all names true names in this story will not be real but the actual story will be true and the name of the school will also be fake ā¤ļø
(Theere will be a lot of teddy bears)
Here's some gossip about sunnygreen high. So this one girl who we'll call Kayla was super just not emotional and didn't catch feelings easily at all. Kayla had also never had a boyfriend/girlfriend before and wasn't really open to the idea.
Until one day this boy who we'll call Oliver was dared to kiss Kayla for 5 bucks (he never got the money) and after that day he would always hug her in the halls and talk to her.
About a month later Oliver asked for Kayla's number witch she was reluctant to give but with the push of her friends she finally did.
Everything was going great they had this awkward first "love" friendship going on. Her and her freinds all wanted her to ask him out or him ask her.
Kayla was gonna ask him out on a date or ask him why he hadn't already since they had been talking for a while.
But around this time another boy who is on the verge of being Oliver's ex-best freind (who's been close friends with Kayla for years at this point) calls her over during gym and tells Kayla that the only reason Oliver even asked for her number and was going to ask her out was because his freinds had told him it would be a good idea to see how far they could get with this "relationship".
Kayla was super upset and for the rest of the class was about to cry. Which obviously made her freinds hate him to and convinced her to block Oliver.
The next day Oliver asked if she had blocked him and she had chickened out and said 'I was just looking through my contacts and clearing them out and you "accidentally" got blocked' then she walked away. All her freinds were pissed off at her but she didn't say anything she just kept him unblocked and in her life like it was normal šŸ˜­šŸ˜‘
That is the end (for now) of this story and I will keep you updated for anything else that happens in this "relationship" šŸ§øā¤ļøšŸ«¶
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