#so we all agree that the little fox monster thing is freaking adorable?
fatuismooches · 1 year
So i just read your post about the monster-fox'torre and i got an idea.
Dottore is extremely intelligent, but even geniuses like him sometimes fail - hypotheses turn out to be incorrect, experiements go wrong, etc. Now what if...
As expected, the first Segment creation ended up in failure. Instead of a clone-like copy of himself, he created a black monster-looking creature with a red eye in a middle. Figuring he can't just set the tiny monstrosity lose, he kept it in his lab depths to prevent it from being seen by anyone ever again. But Dottore underestimated the curiosity of bored Fragile!Reader.
One day, Fragile!Reader wakes up feeling much better than usual and takes a stroll around massive laboratory, exploring the endless maze of corridors. That's when they meet *that*. To their own surprise, the little monster doesn't appear hostile in the slightlest and eyes them with just as curious look as the reader. So what does the Fragile Reader does? Yep. They claim the little monster as their property.
Dottore freezes when he walks in on Fragile Reader casually playing with the little fluffy monster in their bed, cuddling it, giving it headpats, telling it how adorable it is. "(Name), where did you find that?". His lover has a beaming smile on their faces and explain themselves but the explanation soon leads to a begging marathon - they want to keep the little monstrosity! After awhile, Dottore gives in.
For Dottore's surprise, after the little monster was adopted by Fragile Reader, their health condition has taken a turn for the better. Much better. They seem a lot happier and the positive emotions keep their illness state stable. How can he not allow the little monstrosity stay, then?
His heart completely melts when he finds reader cuddling the little monster like a severely oversized teddy bear.
- 🐺 (is this emoji taken, btw? I sent an ask previously, but you can ignore it, it is fine 😅)
He knew that the clone making process wasn’t going to be an easy one, but he still didn’t expect to fail this bad. The thing didn’t have anything at all that resembled a human! It was a little abomination, he thought, one mistake of many to come. Though he could destroy it right now, it may have some use in the future. So he just chucked it with his other failed experiments and prototypes, not thinking much of it.
Unfortunately for Dottore, the little creature is more intelligent that he thought and you are also quite adventurous. You always knew Dottore was quite innovative and always working on something new in his lab - oftentimes he’d keep you updated on his progress and frustrations - but you didn’t hear anything about a little creature that didn’t even reach your knees! Admittedly, you were a bit nervous at first, but how could you resist that cute little thing peering at you so cutely! It doesn’t resist when you pat it tentatively, and instead leans into your hand like a touch-starved baby. And it’s so soft and fluffy yet light and you can just scoop it up into your arms! Surely Dottore wouldn’t mind if you just… took it for a bit? If it was important, it wouldn’t be out here roaming the deepest depths of the lab anyway.
He’s initially a bit concerned about you hanging out with this thing because he doesn’t know what it’s capable of, but after a quick examination he deems it relatively harmless. He doesn’t exactly share or understand your fondness (you certainly find strange things to be “cute”… first him, now this little monstrosity) but it seems to make you happy, so he sees no harm in letting you keep it. This wasn’t the first time you took interest in his experiments anyway. And how can he resist when you’re giving him such an adorable look?
He comes to realize that it genuinely makes you happy. The little thing keeps a smile on your face, and it helps you get out of bed sometimes. It’s like your pet, in a way. Even though it doesn’t need to eat. It just requires cuddles, according to you. And it also likes baths, and high-quality shampoo (it has to keep its fur fluffy, once again according to you. Dottore had no clue you were that attached to it.)
…The only problem is that sometimes the little creature decides to lay on the bed while the two of you are cuddling, and every time Dottore tries to kick it out but you don’t let him because you feel bad.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 5 years
Bad Guy
Summary: Marinette breaks down.
Warnings: Murder, mention of child neglect, bullying, attempted murder
Marinette had an okay childhood. Her parents treated her like an adult but they did love her. They taught her some things, and were there for her always until age ten where they just got to busy. It was fine though, honestly.
It was fine they scolded her when she just wanted some help. It was fine her mama was upset her baby couldn’t speak any sort of Chinese despite the woman never trying to teach her. It was fine.
 It was all fine.
 Marinette was sitting sideways in the chair she’d insisted on adding to the warehouse they’d claimed as their HQ. Part of her adored the freaked out faces by it. After all, having the bloodstained clothing of Gabriel Agreste and his assistant being made into a chair was hilarious.
 Marinette sighed, leaning her head back and glaring at the roof above her as another moron made empty threats. Just because she was in a suit and a domino mask didn’t mean she wasn’t as dangerous as she was when she was in her super suit. Really.
 Marinette was a good girl, a very good girl who did what she was told. Sure, she was bullied by Chloe but Chloe bullied everyone. The teachers used to step in until Bustier came around and said oh no, it’s Marinette’s fault for not providing a good example. 
 Her parents found out and they agreed so Marinette had to to, it made sense after all. 
 Marinette stood in front of the man forced to his knees, arms zip tied behind his back.
 “I thought I told you not to sell to minors,” she said in a clipped tone. The man sneered.
 “What, like a hero like you can do anything to stop me.” He jeered. Marinette frowned.
 “I would watch your tone.” The man scoffed and laughed at her. Until the head of one of his gang was brought in and handed to Marinette.
 He changed his tune then.
 Oh, Marinette had to work in the bakery sometimes. Oh, and of course her parents would volunteer her to watch their friends’ kids. It wasn’t like Marinette had homework or her commissions, or if she needed sleep or anything.
 And then she got a box with earrings.
 Marinette snorted as she read an article in the paper talking about how the new mayor was discussing removing the various statues of the Miraculous team. She rolled her eyes at the man’s words but smirked at the various comments from the reporter who’d written the article.
 “Apparently they want to focus on the fact we all snapped and went after various teachers, police officers and such,” she said out loud. “Rather than rip down statues and cost the city money that way.”
 “Who wrote that article?” Kagami asked as she ate her breakfast, wearing only a robe and looking pleased from her nightly activities. Marinette snorted.
 “Of course.”
 Being Ladybug was… fun. People liked her, they liked what she did, they liked how she saved them. They actually liked her and appreciated her.
 It was addicting. She had her partner, she had friends, she was able to stand up to people…
 And still she had to babysit. Still she had to put her commissions on hold. Still she was told she had to be an example.
 But she had friends.
 Marinette drank her coffee, staring at the bakery across the street. She was standing in front of an old school- not an old and abandoned one but one almost completely destroyed. The bakery across the street looked like it had seen better days. It was obviously struggling. Marinette watched with an impassive face as someone left, looking disgusted.
 “I’ll never eat anything from here again. Didn’t they used to be good?” Marinette finished her coffee and turned and left. 
They did. And then they pissed off a creature of luck.
Lila happened one day and… things changed. Her friends were turning their backs on her. More demands, more wishes, more screams. 
 She felt like she was drowning like she was being dragged down towards hell as she tried to breathe. Tried to think.
 She broke down and released her transformation one day, screaming.
 At least her kitty was on her side after that.
 “Bug,” Max stuck his head into her design room. She blinked, looking up from the bulletproof dress she was making Alya for her assignments.
 “Yes?” Marinette asked.
 “We need some help- Fox found out about a conspiracy. We need a bit of luck.” 
 Marinette smiled like a shark. “Of course.”
 She had her kitty, she had Adrien and slowly she had the rest of the team. They all started seeing, they all started frowning. They all started speaking up.
 Lila kept lying, she kept saying things, she kept breaking them. She kept saying things that weren’t true and people believed them. Marinette’s mom and dad did. They frowned at her, they looked at her sideways.
 Marinette could breathe though. She had her friends. She had her team.
 And then her kitty was run through.
Marinette petted Adrien’s head, watching with a bored face as various gangs all tried to jockey for position before her.
 “He’s nothing but a pet-” Her head snapped to the speaker and she stood, standing high above them and looking down her nose at the speaker. She strode towards him, a snarl on her face as black energy took her over.
 “What did you say?”
Her kitty was hurt and she was screaming and it was to much, to much for her to think for her to breathe. She wanted it to stop.
 She couldn’t heal him, Plagg had to step in and the energy affected them all. They were sharper, more dangerous. A little more animalistic. 
 It was okay though… it was okay. It had to be okay. Hawkmoth- Adrien’s father and oh she enjoyed ripping into him with magic and her hands- was in jail.
 They got their happy ending.
Only they didn’t.
 Marinette hummed as she carefully set up an adorable little house. It was perfectly Kwami sized with a small bed and a small phone for use as a TV.
 “Oh, Mullo,” she smiled as the Mouse Kwami floated in front of her. “Do you like it?”
 “I do!” Mullo smiled at her. “Oh, can I say also thanks?”
 “You don’t make us do things we don’t want.” The mouse explained. “Fu was worried you’d be awful with us but you aren’t.” Marinette laughed.
 “Well I try.”
 Lila wouldn’t shut the fuck up and no one would listen. Master Fu didn’t. He focused on her being like him, wanting all the Miraculous back, scolding her for letting Plagg save Adrien.
 Her parents stopped loving her. They stopped being proud.
 Where they ever anyway? 
No one cared, they sneered at Adrien, called him names and he couldn’t speak back. The magic Plagg did made him wonky, lopsided at first. Sometimes he was more animal than human.
 And they wouldn’t shut up.
 “Kitty?” Marinette asked, petting Adrien’s head. He hummed, eyes unfocused as he leaned into her. “Awww, poor thing. You’re so out of it baby.” Adrien purred and leaned into her more. Marinette hummed, picking up some papers. Adrien hissed suddenly. “Oh yes, Gabriel is campaigning for an early release.” Marinette smirked as Adrien growled.
 “Oh Kitty, don’t worry. Even if he gets out… we can handle him.” Marinette smiled even as Adrien continued growling. “We’ll handle him permanently.”
 It all came to a head when Lila shoved her off a third floor to the ground. And no one did a damn thing.
 It was her fault, she was fighting Lila after all. Never mind she had just been chatting with Adrien.
 Her parents called her a monster.
 So she became one. She embraced the darkness, Tikki along for the ride, laughing. Fu hated it, tried to rip the Miraculous away. 
 They dealt with him after that. 
 Marinette transformed, staring at the school in front of her. Behind her stood her team.
 Gone was the ladybug red and black. Now was a blood-red suit with armoured plating, her mask jagged and looking like blood trails were going down her face, the eyeholes now completely black. Dark energy- the same energy they all carried now- lashed from her. Under her arm was the Miraculous Box.
 “You want a bad guy?” she snarled. “I’ll give you one.”
Tagged: @ines-nz  @seraphichana, @glasswolff, @crazylittlemunchkin, @miraculous786, @viinaa08, @18-fandoms-unite-08
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kiruuuuu · 6 years
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Thank you both for the prompt, first anon and second anon ♥♥ If anyone missed it or has an atrocious short term memory, these came in as a reaction to this post and to @spacecreatorart‘s marvellous art here! Please enjoy :) (Rating G, fluff/humour, ~1.8k words)
“- effects are hardly anything groundbreaking, the CGI isn’t actually that well done but the film is fun enough”, Mute finishes yet another of his annoyingly informative rants. Whenever they watch anything together, he somehow manages to conjure up facts about it out of thin air – Rook has tested this ability on various occasions and even drunk, Mute is a fountain of fun facts about any series or film in existence. Normally Rook doesn’t mind listening to him spewing knowledge as he’s curious by nature, but today is… a little different.
“I have to pee”, Rook announces.
“Can you get some more popcorn on the way?”, Glaz replies before turning back to Mute. “I liked the premise but it wasn’t really that scary, I saw it as more of a comedy.”
Rook is glued to his spot on the armchair. The other three are lounging about, Twitch sipping her ginger ale while spread out on the beanbag chair and Mute and Glaz lazing on two different ends of the couch, all of them relaxed, visibly having enjoyed the film and looking forward to watching more. Rook still isn’t moving. It’s only eight, they started early because some of them are planning to go out for drinks later, Rook definitely not among them, and yet he’s frozen and his knees are weak and just thinking about the long way to the toilets makes him nervous.
“Oh, we can watch the original to the Ring or the Grudge next”, Twitch suggests with sparkling eyes, “I’ve seen both and they’re great.”
“Ask Ghost Boy over here whether that’s alright with him.” Mute points in Rook’s direction and the two other pairs of eyes follow the indication. He must be very pale because Twitch’s expression immediately grows concerned.
“Julien, is everything alright?”
“Splendid”, he lies through his teeth and forces a smile, “does, uh, does anyone else need to use the bathroom? Maybe?”
Mute is the first to start laughing. “Are you – are you fucking serious? You’re too scared to go alone?”
“Listen”, he begins but realises soon that there’s no coming back from this since Mute hit the nail on the head, the long hallways freak him out and the flickering lights and all the doors and he’s not going to go alone, he’d rather piss in a bottle than wander through the corridors when the base is this deserted already and fine, he’ll let his friends mock him if only it means he won’t have to venture out all on his lonesome.
“You’re adorable”, Glaz says with a grin. “We haven’t even started with the really scary ones.”
“Are you afraid of the ghosts haunting this place?” Mute raises a meaningful eyebrow. “Hm? Just imagine how many people must’ve gone through training here at Hereford only to end up dying in the field, being executed or just bludgeoned to death, dropped in a pit and forgotten. And what about the ones who died here? You’ve heard the stories from Mike.”
“This isn’t funny”, he murmurs but Mute quite obviously disagrees as he’s wearing a sickeningly gleeful expression now.
“Maybe they shuffle through the halls when we’re not here, looking for meaning in their undead life, rotting and festering corpses, the combat gear falling off of them in pieces – and they can still fight, you know, probably have more experience than we do, so if they see you and if they’re hungry, you’d better run – and they’re always hungry.”
“And maybe”, Glaz adds, “they’re clowns.”
Rook rolls his eyes and refuses to admit that the prospect of hearing dragging feet while stumbling about in the darkness is now not only going to strike fear into his heart but also make him run away screaming. “You guys suck. The only stupid clowns in this building are you.”
Even Twitch is joining in now, stabbing Rook in the back: “All I got from this was two zombies eating a clown, asking each other ‘does this taste funny to you?’.”
“Hey, I’m not making fun of your weird phobias either”, Rook pouts and earns a collective snort.
“You superglued a rubber spider to my hand while I wasn’t looking”, Twitch reminds him with a sour smile.
“You hung up a bunch of fake snakes in my room”, Glaz contributes.
“And you always make me order on the phone.”
“To be fair”, the Russian addresses Mute with a chuckle, “hearing you switch from your usual snarky self to a stuttering teenager as soon as someone answers is pretty entertaining.”
“I’ll go with you, Julien”, Twitch butts in before a fight can break out on the sofa. “I can get the popcorn and you don’t have to die of fright. Alright?” He just nods meekly and pulls her up on her feet before they step into the hallway. “At least you’ll have Elias keeping you company later, right? So you don’t even have to be alone.”
She’s right and it’s the only reason why Rook agreed to watching scary films on Halloween of all days – if it’s on his mind, he sees shadows flitting about everywhere, feels someone’s gaze in his back yet never catches anyone looking at him, has the odd sensation of being followed. It even goes so far as for his brain to make up noises, like the one he just heard at the end of the… wait a second. “What was that?!”
Twitch frowns and stops walking when she notices her companion is petrified, both unwilling and unable to take even one more step. The corridor is long, some of the doors ajar and the lights relatively low which is why Rook has no idea how she can look this calm. “I don’t know. Something. Come on.”
He’s shaking his head insistently, jumps when there’s a different noise now, coming from directly behind them. Slowly, he turns around, catches a glimpse of movement and then all of a sudden, someone – or rather something – steps out into the long corridor, moaning and moving decidedly inhumanly, and all that Rook sees is a mouth full of needle-like teeth, blood-spattered clothes and fucking clown make-up.
The very first thing he does is scream in panic and has no brain capacity left to realise just how high pitched it is; the second thing is starting to run. He turns tail and books it, ready to outrun this monster, escape this fucking building and run to the SAS living quarters because he’ll be safe there. Instead, he collides full force with Twitch, making her scream, and together they tumble to the floor in a heap of flailing limbs and panic. He tries not to let this deter him from getting away, begins crawling blindly and only then the laughter and the soft words register.
“Julien, Julien, please. It’s me. It’s okay. What are you doing?”
At first he can’t place the voice because there’s no logical scenario in which this person should be here, but when he peeks over his shoulder, the nightmarish, grinning mouth has disappeared and given way to a wide smile which can only be Blitz. Next to him, Twitch groans and slaps at him in dismay. “If you reacted this way on a mission, we’d probably all die. Get off me!”
Even a few seconds later, after the frightening apparition who really turns out to be none other than Blitz has helped them back up, Rook is still struggling to slow down his breathing and his pumping heart. Fortunately, Twitch doesn’t seem eager to gloat and instead takes pity on him, excuses herself for the sake of popcorn and leaves him alone with his lover. Who is grinning like a fox. “Shut up”, Rook snaps at him, “that was not okay.”
“I’m so sorry, I really didn’t mean to startle you”, Blitz replies softly, peels off one of his gloves and cards a soothing hand through the young man’s hair. “But I’ve been working hard on this outfit and wanted it to be a surprise for you – Dom told me you love the design of scary clowns, so I did my best. How do you like it?”
That fucking - “I hate it. I hate everything about it. I absolutely despise clowns, mon cœur, and had you asked literally anyone else, they would’ve told you. Don’t ever do this again, goddammit, my knees are still weak.”
“Oh. I didn’t know that.” Blitz actually looks sheepish and disappointed and yet Rook wants nothing more than to tear off every single part of his costume.
“Why do you have this anyway? Why did you think this was a good idea?”
“I love Halloween”, he replies timidly and okay, at this point Rook really can’t be upset at him anymore. With a sigh, he pushes his lover back into the room he came from – Blitz’ own room, so Rook really could’ve guessed who it was – and makes out with him for a while, both to cheer him up and to calm himself down. Regardless, the outfit doesn’t get any less terrifying, not even if he stares at it for a while.
“Alright, but I don’t”, he grumbles and snuggles up to his German who gladly uses the opportunity to lightly massage his back and pull him closer, clearly intent on making it up to him. “But it’s not your fault. I’m fine as long as you don’t leave me.”
“Well”, says Blitz and his tone of voice indicates nothing good, “I was planning on going out with the others dressed like this in about an hour. But you can join us and I’ll hold your hand the entire evening, if you like.”
Rook is about to give him the puppy dog eyes and whine about being scared when he’s alone (which wouldn’t even be a lie) but halts all thoughts upon hearing voices. Very familiar voices. He twists out of the hug, puts a finger to his lips and motions for Blitz to pull his balaclava back on. Blitz complies, grinning, obviously aware of Rook’s spontaneous plan, and they exchange a series of gestures, nudges and waggling eyebrows as they wait for the two people to come closer.
As soon as Blitz throws himself through the doorway with a truly frightful snarl, Rook peeks out after him so he doesn’t miss anything. He catches the momentary surprise on both Montagne’s and Bandit’s faces, the two previously deep in conversation, yet whereas Montagne’s expression remains slightly shocked, Bandit’s turns to genuine horror – he lets out a terrified shriek which somehow ends up even higher pitched than Rook’s but instead of running away, he jumps into Montagne’s arms without hesitation. The gentle giant catches him competently, holding him bridal style as Bandit keeps screaming and at this point, Rook barely manages to hold back his laughter.
So much for appreciating clown designs, he thinks. Maybe Halloween wasn’t so bad after all. And maybe he should go out for drinks after all because he bets everyone is dying to hear just how heroic Bandit acts in the face of danger.
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books--andt · 7 years
A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas Review and Spoiler Discussion!!!
Hey everyone!! Raise your hand if you read and devoured ACOWAR and loved every stinking minute of it! *raises hand 1231434241 times*
Ahh the long awaited ACOWAR, the third and final book in this trilogy. But have no fear! SJM has announced that she will be writing more books set in this world, just not from Feyre's perspective. I CANNOT WAIT YOU GUYS.
To give some thoughts for my non spoiler readers... Sarah J Maas is a queen. Her writing is liquid gold. The way she describes courts, weather, clothing--everything was just beautiful. The character development, for not only Feyre and Rhys, but for other characters as well was through the roof and truly, honestly, makes you wish these characters were real because they FEEl real. They feel like they are your own friends and family and I ended up caring deeply for every one of them. And don't even get me started on Velaris. I WISH I LIVED THERE!
Read this book. This series. Read EVERYTHING by the queen- SARAH J MAAS!
Hey spoiler peeps! SO! Where do I even begin?? Feyre begins her story trapped yet again in the Spring court. I have to say, I really, really despised Tamlin all throughout this book. The fact that he didn't understand that he wasn't making Feyre happy, that he was trapping her, and that she left on her own FREE WILL made me so angry. It wasn't until the end of the book when I actually was like, ok, he's learned, he sort of redeemed himself. We'll get more into this later.
Once Feyre and Rhys were back together my heart grew three sizes. They are just perfect together. They spoke a lot more with their minds, being Daemati, and I thought this showed just how close the two of them are.
I freaking love Nesta. I feel like if you were to tell someone this who has only read ACOTAR they'd be pretty confused, but her character development, and Elain's too was just stunning. I love how Nesta has this tough attitude about her. She's the kind of person who would say, "you can say mean things about me. But insult my family and friends? You're dead."
And don't even get me started on her and Cassian!!!!!!!!!!! I SHIP!!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! I was dying at the end of ACOMAF when she was being forced into that cauldron and Cassian was crawling for her, and calling her name. And then I was bawling YET AGAIN when the same thing was happening at the end of ACOWAR, when Nesta is about to kill the king of Hybern, having summoned the cauldrons powers, but is stopped short when the king breaks her fathers neck, killing him, and her powers are snuffed out. Meanwhile, Cassian is laying at her side, crawling towards her, his wings snapped and broken, telling her to leave him, to run, and she tells him that she CAN'T leave him. Oh my heart. When Nesta positioned herself in front of Cassian and he held her back, I was CERTAIN that Hybern was going to kill them and I was NOT ready. I was nearly bawling at this point. But thank the Mother!!! Elain!!!! She is exactly as SJM describes her as; a flower child, with flora in her mind and a hobby for gardening. But then she comes up behind Hybern and BOOM! Stabs him in the throat-- with the blade Azriel gave her nonetheless! This just proves how she isn't just a bystander, how she has faced trivialities, and hardships, and losses, and it has shaped her into who she is. I'm not trying to say that you need to kill someone to prove your strength, god no, but it was just SO SATISFYING when she stabbed the king and then hisses into his ear, "Don't you dare touch my sister." I DIED. And of course, Nesta gives the final twist of the blade that severs the kings head from his body. Just fulfilling that death promise that she made with her vulgar gesture before being fully submerged in the cauldron in ACMOAF. Loved it.
When Amren betrayed Feyre I was pissed, but only because I didn't understand what Amren intended to do. For a second I thought Amren was going to completely turn on her, and say she was fighting with Hybern, and had been this whole time. But then we realize that she just figured out the only way to stop him and his army is if she is transformed into her original body, the one that would make her forget who Feyre, Rhys, and the others are. It was a sad reality, but one they couldn't risk not having.
AND RHYS. OH. MY. GOD. When he died.... I think all of us readers died a little inside too. But it didn't actually hit me as hard as when I thought Cassian and Nesta were going to die. And that is simply because I didn't believe that SJM would kill Rhys off like that. She's a dreamer, and a lover, and I just couldn't accept that she would leave Feyre to live her immortal life without her mate! Where as for Cassian and Nesta... It just seemed like that could actually happen. Thank the Mother it did not!
The part that really killed me was when Feyre realizes Rhys is dead and is shouting, begging, for the other High Lords to do something to, "BRING HIM BACK." I was a blubbery mess. Until Tarquin, the youngest of the High Lords, steps forward and says to him, "For what he gave. Today and for many years before." And he is the first to give him an ounce of his power. This was so touching to me because Tarquin had sent them blood rubies, had thought them to be liars and thieves. But he then sees that it is not who they are, that they want peace just as he does. When all the other High Lords gave their powers I was really holding my hopes high, that Rhys would indeed survive. But then Tamlin... I was afraid he wouldn't give up his powers to Rhys, and poor Feyre Darling was begging him saying she would give him anything. And then my heart just broke further when he said to her, "Just be happy, Feyre." This is where he redeemed himself for me. That he FINALLY sees that Feyre is indeed happy with Rhys, as High Lady of the Night Court. And while he is still bitter about it probably, and is a real man-bitch to Lucien, I'm happy he at least accepts what Feyre desires now, and helped her to continue her happiness. I also thought it was neat to see the High lords give their powers to Rhys, gently pouring a bit of their magical light onto his bare throat. We didn't see this in ACMOAF since Feyre was dead so it was neat. But one thing that I'm questioning is just the whole process...If the seven High Lords can bring back the dead, why don't they do it all the time? I understand for a mortal they would be giving away their powers as they did to Feyre and they don't want that, but for a High Lord... Well, Rhys didn't steal any of their powers. So basically, if they can do this, the High Lords can never die and will always be able to come back to life, so long as they all agree upon it...Interesting. Unless there are some rules about this that we do not know of yet.
When Rhys awoke and Amren too was returned to them- that shocked me! I was-and still am- surprised that not a single one of the inner circle died or was sent back to where they came from. I'm not saying I wanted any of them too, but it all just seemed so... perfect to have them all end up back together. While Amren no longer has her abilities she had before, she is now High Fae and can maybe learn to train and fight as they would- if she even needs it. I also have to admit, that while I adore the little romances, I kind of prefer Amren on her own. She is just so independent and bad ass, so while I liked her with Varian, I'm not sure I want them to be mates.
AND MOR!!! Tell me that scene where she comes out to Feyre didn't kill you on the inside, splitting your heart into 1000 tiny pieces???? It all makes sense. Why she did what she did with Cassian to avoid being married to Eris, why she could never let herself be with Azriel because while it would mean close to nothing for her, as it had with previous men she'd been with, it would mean a lot to him. It just made my heart grow. And what made it grow even more was Feyre's reaction. She let Mor speak, and gave her the absolute most respect, understanding, and acceptance. I especially loved that she told Mor she wouldn't tell anyone, not even Rhys, which is SO important, because a gay or lesbian person should have the full right to declare the time and manner of when and to who they come out. I love that SJM incorporates this kind of diversity in her books. We also have Thesan, High Lord of the Dawn court who is gay and mated to his captain. Then there's Helion, High Lord of the Day court, who is bisexual. I adored these characters and loooooved learning about the courts more and meeting their High Lords. I really loved the descriptions of the Winter Court; the white foxes wearing little vests, the white bears, the long blue overcoats with white rabbit fur at the trims. And of course, Kallias and his wife Vivianne. I really adored them too.
And then we have those three beautiful monsters. The Bone Carver, the Weaver, and Bryaxis. I was SHOOK when Feyre realized that the Bone Carver was being seen to her as her and Rhys' possible future son. SHOOK I TELL YOU! And when Rhys quietly asked what he looked like and Feyre showed him with her mind... *heart breaks 1213344123 more times*
I was sad when he died, surprisingly. I was never attached to the Bone Carver but... Just when Feyre said that she wishes that he goes to wherever it is he imagined, since he was so fascinated by death, and she sent a prayer to him... That part got me.
When Stryga, the Weaver died... Well I was sad but only because she was fighting for the good side. I think that character is so fascinating and creepy and just... That scene in the Weavers cottage in ACOMAF is one I'll never forget for sure. And when Feyre goes back there in ACOWAR, luring Ianthe and that other guy with her, omg SHOOK AGAIN!! Feyre knew not to close the door, knowing well it would lock, and pinned Ianthe inside while telling the Weaver she brought her dinner. What a vicious, deserving death for Ianthe. Good riddance.
And that poor Suriel... I wonder what it's name was. Feyre is honestly like a disney princess, having all the woodland animals like her and get along with her. She was so respectful to ask for Helion's cape and lay it overtop the Suriel. I feel like it is a debt that no other Suriel will ever not know of or forget. And their father!!! When he came with those ships, three of which were named after his daughters my heart was aching. It just bound their bond a bit tighter, since well, there wasn't really a bond between the four of them at all before. It showed that he is sorry for not being the father he wished he could be, but that he loved them dearly, and was now trying to make things right. He was not away on merchant business as they had thought, but had heard of the betrayal of the mortal queens and sought to find Vassa and Drakon and Myriam who Lucien then brought to the battle. When he died... I mean, I wasn't super connected to him, nor were his three daughters I have to say, but it was indeed sad, just because he was there, fighting for them, loving them even as they were Fae.
And Jurian?? Thank goodness he was on the good side. I'd like to learn more about him as well as Drakon and Myriam. Their stories weren't the most interesting to me, but still I'd like to know more!
While this book surely closed some ties- more so with Rhys and Feyre. I am SO happy they live happily together, laying over Velaris. Although I'm sure they will be facing a little more turmoil in the books to come. What with the mortal queens never showing up to war and all.
Gawd I wonder what's in store for us next??? I'm hoping we see more from the inner circle. I want to see Mor happy with a girlfriend, to have her father either accept it or just be completely thrown out of the picture (good riddance again) and to have Azriel know so that he doesn't think anything is wrong with him. MAN I loved him in this book. He's so shy and mysterious and just... *heart eyes* I also hope he finds a lover-not that you need a lover to be happy but... you know. I kind of like him and Elain together... Anyone else?? I mean, he gave her his SWORD!!!! TRUTH TELLER!!! I know that Elain and Lucien are mates and all, but I said in my review of ACOMAF that it seemed to come out of now where, and it certainly didn't seem to click into place in this book. Elain did not accept the mating bond, nor did she make him food, and she hardly ever spoke to him. If anything, I think they could be friends. Perhaps this will be an example of how the mating bond is not always right, since it's somewhat connected to bearing the strongest offspring, but there's waaaaaay more to a relationship than that of course. Maybe Lucien will find some other lover/mate? I've heard others thoughts of him possibly being with Vassa?? I wonder if Feyre will free her of her firebird curse; Firebird by day, normal female by night.
I also want to see what happens with Nesta and Cassian. Because I SHIP IT SO HARD, MAN. I also want to see if Amren and Varian do end up together or not. It did indeed break my heart when Varian was pleading with Feyre and Amren saying no to her going into the cauldron. But still... Amren is so strong and sassy she can be a bad ass High Fae all on her own without any man.
AND UMMM Lucien is related to Helion!!!!!!!!!!! It all makes sense... He doesn't look like any of his brothers or his father, and this would explain why his fathers and brothers hate him so much. His mother had an affair with Helion, who doesn't even know that Lucien is his son!! How will this play out??? Will Lucien find out somehow? Will he be told? Will Helion discover it?? ORRRR!!!!! Will Helion die, and then boom the new High lord of the Day Court is Lucien and he didn't even know.... THAT would be a shock for him to say the very least.
Also can we talk about the glorious fan art???? It's basically exactly as I picture the Inner Circle to look. Charlie Bowater is seriously talented. Her recent work has Cassian in a man bun-- Like Guys COME ON!!! *heart eyes x 1000* I seriously need the colouring books now, both ACOTAR and ToG. I neeeeeed themmmmmm.
And speculation on an ACOTAR movie??? I mean HELL TO THE YES but the casting would need to be spot on AND it would have to be really, really true to the books. Not holding anything back just to make it suitable for all audiences. War is bloody. War is brutal. It can't be toned down. And for the sexy time scenes well... Maybe it would be sort of like an HBO show ;)
WELL. That was a long one. I love Sarah J MAAS' books. I always thought I loved Throne Of Glass so much more... but now they are pretty even. I can't wait for the next instalments, although it is going to be VERY difficult to wait all the way until 2018 for them. In the meantime... Guess I'll just be rereading them and reading up on some theories for the latter books! What are yours??? I've read some theories for connections between the ToG and ACOTAR universe and it's mind blowing guys, mind blowing.
1000/5 Stars on glorious Star Fall in Velaris. *sighs* Now on to bingeing all the ACOWAR reviews, and perhaps buying an ACOTAR universe themed candle, while I remain in what may just be my largest book hangover yet.... although EoS did give me a huge one too.
What are your thoughts on ACOWAR? I'd LOOOOOVEEE to know and talk all about it! Send me a message or reply to this chat!
As always, thanks for reading.
- T
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